The 6 (+1) Traits of Writing
Jan 29, 2014
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The 6 (+1) Traits of Writing. *Ideas *Organization *Word Choice *Sentence Fluency *Voice *Conventions * + Presentation. Altered and Adapted for Viking Middle School Seventh Graders by: Sarah Pollock Created by: Jennifer Heidl-Knobloch & Jody Drake. Ideas & Content.
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Presentation Transcript
The 6 (+1) Traits of Writing *Ideas *Organization *Word Choice *Sentence Fluency *Voice *Conventions * + Presentation Altered and Adapted for Viking Middle School Seventh Graders by: Sarah Pollock Created by: Jennifer Heidl-Knobloch & Jody Drake
Ideas & Content “The ideas are the heart of the message, the content of the piece…all the details that enrich and develop the theme.” --Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
If you don’t care about what you write about, your reader will be bored!
Ideas & Content A writer should: ~ Narrow the topic to something specific ~ Use a fresh, original perspective ~ When possible, write from experience ~ Use important, interesting details (not just common knowledge)
Organization “Organization is the internal structure of a piece of writing, the thread of central meaning, the pattern.” --Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
Organization A writer should: ~ use an inviting lead that hooks the reader ~ use logical and effective order, structure, & sequence ~ use smooth transitions to emphasize the main idea(s) ~ place supporting details where they are most appropriate ~ use a conclusion that gives the reader a sense of resolution
Word Choice “Strong word choice clarifies and expands ideas…moves and enlightens the reader.” --Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass. --Anton Chekhov
Word Choice A writer should: ~ Use words that create a mental picture for the reader ~ Use powerful, vividaction verbs ~ Use specificnouns and adjectives ~ Use language that is natural and not overdone ~ Be concise (tighten sentences) ~ Use words correctly ~ Avoid repetition, slang, and clichés
Sentence Fluency “Sentence fluency is the rhythm and flow of the language.” --Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory “To me the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it’s about, but the music the words make.” --Truman Capote
Sentence Fluency A writer should: ~Vary sentence beginnings ~ Vary sentence structure ~ Vary sentence length ~ Use complete sentences ~ Use transitions to promote cadence
Voice “It is the heart and soul of the writing, the magic, the wit, the feeling, the life and breath.” --Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
Voice A writer should: ~ Write honestly and from the heart ~ Interact with the reader *without using the pronoun YOU* ~ Use language that brings the topic to life ~ Care about your topic ~ Use expression to voice personality
Conventions Some of you may not enjoy the editing process, but without this step, the other 5 traits could be overshadowed by errors that distract the reader. This trait is essential to a polished composition.
Conventions A writer should: ~ Turn in a clean, edited, and polished final draft ~ Reinforce the organization with good paragraphing ~ Use correct punctuation (. ? ! , ; “ ”) ~ Use correct spelling (Spellcheck? Homophones?) ~ Use correct grammar(Tense? Subject-Verb Agreement?)
Presentation A writer should: ~ Turn in work neatly (not wrinkled) ~ Have an intriguing, enticing title ~ Present to the class confidently ~ Present to the class with an appropriate volume ~ Articulate words (no mumbling!)
Quotations to Inspire What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure. Samuel Johnson We write to taste life twice. Anais Nin
Works Cited “Assessment.” Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. 11 Jan. 2005. 6 July 2005. <>. “Grammar Cartoons.” Google Images. 6 July 2005. <>. Roberts, Bethany. "Writing for Children Workshop: Writing Quotes."16 June 2005. <>. Spandel, Vicki. Creating Writers Through 6-Trait Writing Assessment and Instruction. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001. Steele, Kimberly. “Ideas for Teaching Writing.” 23 June 2004. 6 July 2005. <>
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6+1 Traits Model for Writing
Published by Cynthia Wilkinson Modified over 5 years ago
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6+1 Traits of Writing: PowerPoint
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