• Mastering Event Presentation

Product Launch Presentation Strategies

Synthesizing Strategies for Effective Product Launch Presentations

Aayush Jain

Aayush Jain

Comprehensive planning for product launch success.

Comprehensive Planning for Product Launch Success

The Blueprint for a Triumph: Navigating the Maze of Product Launch Planning

In the intricate dance of launching a new product, comprehensive planning stands as the foundational step that determines the rhythm of success. The art of orchestrating a product launch event presentation begins with a meticulously crafted plan that aligns every aspect of the product launch timeline, from the initial product idea to the final market release. This plan serves not just as a roadmap but as a dynamic script for the entire launch process. It encompasses a holistic view of objectives, strategies, timelines, and resources, ensuring that every team member is on the same page and marching towards the same goal. Effective planning is about foresight, anticipation of challenges, and the flexibility to adapt, making it a critical determinant of a product launch's success.

Unpacking the Essentials: The Core Elements of Launch Planning

Diving deeper into the anatomy of comprehensive planning, several key elements emerge as the backbone of a successful product launch presentation. These include market research, understanding the target audience, setting clear and measurable objectives, and developing a full marketing plan and strategy that resonates. Historical data, competitor analysis, and market trends play pivotal roles in shaping the strategies employed. The launch plan also outlines the product's key message, focusing on its unique value proposition and how it addresses the pain points of potential customers. Additionally, it involves planning for various stakeholders' engagement, including the marketing team, product manager, and key partners, ensuring alignment and commitment to the product's vision.

Bringing Theory to Practice: Real-World Success Stories

The theory of comprehensive planning is brought to life through real-world examples that illustrate its impact on product launch success. For instance, consider a tech company that leveraged detailed market analysis and customer insights to launch a groundbreaking app. By identifying a gap in the market and tailoring their product launch presentation to highlight how their app uniquely filled this void, they were able to captivate their audience and secure a successful launch. Another example includes a health food company that utilized customer feedback and market research to refine their product and marketing strategy, resulting in a new food product launch ppt presentation that effectively communicated the product's health benefits and sustainability ethos, significantly boosting its market acceptance.

Validating Strategies with Data: The Power of Research and Insights

The importance of backing planning strategies with data cannot be overstated. Studies show that products launched with comprehensive market research have a significantly higher chance of success. For example, a report by the Nielsen Company highlights that products backed by thorough market understanding and customer insights achieve up to 85% more in sales in their first year. Further, Harvard Business Review notes that strategic planning, which includes a detailed analysis of the target market and competitive landscape, can increase a product's success rate by over 75%. These statistics underscore the critical role of data-driven planning in enhancing the effectiveness of product launch presentations.

Aligning Your Presentation with Brand Values

Aligning Your Presentation with Brand Values

Harmonizing Vision and Value: The Art of Brand Alignment in Launch Presentations

When the curtain rises on a new product launch presentation, it's not just the product that's on display but the brand itself. The alignment between the presentation and the brand's core values acts as a powerful magnet, attracting both loyalty and interest. This congruence ensures that every aspect of the presentation resonates with the brand's identity, ethos, and mission, creating a coherent narrative that captivates the audience. Aligning your perfect product launch presentation with brand values is about weaving the brand's story into the fabric of the product launch, ensuring that the message conveyed not only introduces a new product but also reinforces the brand's market position and promise to its customers.

The Foundations of Brand Alignment: Core Principles and Strategies

At the heart of brand alignment lies the understanding of the brand's core values, vision, and the message it wishes to convey through its new product launch ppt. This understanding forms the basis for developing presentation strategies that echo these values. For instance, a brand that prides itself on innovation and cutting-edge technology would focus its product launch presentation on showcasing the novel features and advanced capabilities of the new product. Similarly, a brand committed to sustainability might highlight the eco-friendly aspects of its product, its production process, and how it contributes to a greener future. The key is to ensure that every element of the winning product launch presentation, from the visual design to the narrative style, reflects the brand's identity.

Real-World Examples of Brand Value Alignment in Action

Successful brand alignment is vividly demonstrated in cases where companies have managed to seamlessly integrate their brand values into their product launch presentations. Consider the example of a globally recognized outdoor apparel company that launched a new line of eco-conscious clothing. The product launch event keynote emphasized the company's commitment to sustainability, detailing the use of recycled materials and eco-friendly manufacturing processes. This approach not only introduced the new product line but also reinforced the brand's identity as a leader in sustainable apparel. Another example is a tech giant known for its innovation, which used its product launch presentation to highlight the cutting-edge technology and unique features of its latest device, thereby reinforcing its position as an industry innovator.

Evidence and Insights: The Impact of Brand Alignment on Launch Success

The effectiveness of aligning product launch presentations with brand values is supported by extensive research. A study published in the Journal of Marketing Research indicates that brand-consistent presentations can enhance customer perception of the brand, increase brand loyalty, and significantly impact the product's market success. Furthermore, according to a report by the Branding Strategy Insider, companies that maintain a strong alignment between their launches and brand values see a 20% higher customer retention rate. These findings underscore the importance of embedding brand values into the product launch strategy, as it not only elevates the product's introduction but also strengthens the brand's overall market presence.

Storytelling as a Tool for Product Introduction

Storytelling as a Tool for Product Introduction

Engaging Hearts and Minds: The Power of Storytelling in Product Launches

In the world of product launch presentations, storytelling emerges as a pivotal strategy to captivate and engage the audience. This ancient art goes beyond mere facts and figures, weaving a narrative that connects the audience emotionally with the product. Storytelling in product introductions is not about creating a fairy tale; it's about crafting a compelling narrative that illustrates the journey of the product—from conception to realization—and how it fits into the lives of its users. A well-told story can breathe life into the product, making its features and benefits not just understood but felt. This emotional connection can significantly enhance the audience's reception of the product, turning passive listeners into active participants in the product's story.

The Narrative Framework: Crafting Your Product's Story

The essence of effective storytelling in product launch presentations lies in constructing a narrative that is both relatable and inspirational. This narrative should highlight the problem or need that led to the product's development, the challenges overcome in its creation, and the positive impact it aims to have on the users' lives. The story should be structured in a way that builds anticipation, develops interest, and culminates in a satisfying reveal of the product. By focusing on the human elements—the dreams, efforts, and experiences behind the product—storytelling makes the presentation not just informative but memorable. Key elements include the product's unique selling proposition, testimonials from early users, and scenarios that showcase the product in action.

Illustrative Examples: Storytelling in Successful Product Launches

The impact of storytelling is best illustrated through examples of successful product launches that harnessed its power. One notable instance is a technology company that introduced a revolutionary product by telling the story of its development, highlighting the team's dedication to solving a common yet complex problem. This narrative, filled with trials, innovations, and breakthroughs, allowed the audience to appreciate the product's value on a deeper level. Another example involves a lifestyle brand that launched a new line of products by sharing stories of how these products were inspired by real-life experiences and designed to enhance everyday life. These stories, enriched with emotional and relatable elements, significantly amplified audience interest and engagement.

Substantiating Stories with Data: The Synergy of Emotion and Evidence

While storytelling primarily appeals to emotions, integrating data and research into the narrative can reinforce the product's value proposition and market need. Real-world examples, user testimonials, and statistical evidence can lend credibility to the story, making it more persuasive. For instance, incorporating data on market demand, potential impact, and previous successes can validate the need for the product and the feasibility of its promises. This blend of narrative and data ensures that the presentation appeals to both the hearts and minds of the audience, making the case for the product compelling and comprehensive.

The Role of Data and Research in Presentation Design

The Role of Data and Research in Presentation Design

Data-Driven Decisions: Elevating Your Product Launch Through Insight

In the realm of product launch presentations, the incorporation of data and research is not merely beneficial—it's essential. This approach transforms a standard, presentation template into a compelling, evidence-based narrative that not only informs but also persuades. Utilizing data and research in presentation design involves more than just showcasing numbers; it's about interpreting those numbers to tell a story about the market need, the product's potential impact, and its competitive advantage. By grounding your presentation in research, you can address potential concerns proactively, demonstrate a deep understanding of your target market, and provide tangible proof of your product's value proposition.

Building a Foundation: The Crucial Role of Market Research

At the core of any effective product launch presentation is thorough market research. This research provides invaluable insights into the target audience's behaviors, preferences, and pain points, allowing for a more targeted and relevant presentation. Additionally, competitive analysis offers a clear view of the market landscape, identifying opportunities for differentiation. This background information serves as the foundation for a data-driven presentation, guiding the development of key messages and helping to tailor the presentation to the audience's needs and interests. By highlighting how the new product addresses specific market gaps or customer pain points, the presentation can effectively showcase the product's unique benefits and potential impact.

Real-World Impact: Examples of Data-Enhanced Presentations

The effectiveness of incorporating data and research into product launch presentations is evident in numerous success stories across various industries. For instance, a startup in the sustainable energy sector used market data to highlight the growing demand for green solutions, positioning their new product as a timely and necessary innovation. Another example can be seen in the healthcare industry, where a company launching a new medical device used clinical trial data to demonstrate its efficacy and safety, thereby building trust and credibility with its target audience. These examples underscore the power of data to enhance the persuasive appeal of a presentation, making the case for the new product more compelling and grounded in reality.

Validating Your Approach: The Importance of Credible Sources

To maximize the impact of data and research in your product launch presentation, it's crucial to rely on credible sources and present the information in a clear, digestible format. Utilizing reputable industry reports, academic studies, and verified market analysis lends authority to your presentation, enhancing its credibility. Moreover, visual aids such as charts, graphs, and infographics can help convey complex data in an accessible and engaging way, facilitating a deeper understanding among the audience. Referencing specific studies or statistics from recognized institutions can further validate the information presented, ensuring that your product launch is not only well-received but also respected for its thorough and insightful preparation.

Engaging Different Media Channels for Maximum Exposure

Engaging Different Media Channels for Maximum Exposure

Maximizing Reach: A Multi-Channel Approach to Product Launches

In the era of digital connectivity, engaging different media channels for the presentation of a new product is crucial for achieving maximum exposure. This strategy goes beyond traditional advertising, embracing a holistic approach that includes social media, content marketing, email campaigns, and even experiential events. By leveraging the unique strengths and audience of each channel, brands can create a comprehensive and cohesive narrative that surrounds the product launch, ensuring that the message not only reaches a wide audience but resonates across diverse platforms. A multi-channel approach amplifies the product's visibility, making the launch more impactful and far-reaching.

Crafting a Cohesive Strategy Across Platforms

The key to a successful multi-channel launch is consistency in messaging, presentation ideas, coupled with the customization of content to suit each platform's specific audience and format. For instance, while Instagram might be ideal for visually compelling stories and product teasers, LinkedIn can serve as a platform for more detailed discussions and thought leadership related to the product. Email marketing campaigns can offer exclusive insights and behind-the-scenes looks, building anticipation and personalizing the launch experience. By tailoring the presentation content to fit the medium while maintaining a unified brand voice and message, companies can engage their audience in a more meaningful and effective way.

Success Stories: Effective Multi-Channel Product Launches

Illustrative of the power of a multi-channel approach are numerous product launch event examples that successfully utilized a mix of media to build hype and drive engagement. A notable example includes a tech company that announced its latest gadget through a synchronized launch across social media, online forums, and a live-streamed event, creating a buzz that reached millions worldwide. Another success story comes from the fashion industry, where a brand used influencer partnerships, interactive online ads, and pop-up events in key cities to introduce a new collection, effectively engaging different segments of its target market and driving significant online and in-store traffic.

Leveraging Data for Tailored Media Engagement

To ensure that each media channel is used to its fullest potential, data analytics play a pivotal role in understanding audience preferences, behaviors, and engagement patterns. Insights gleaned from data can inform which channels are most effective for reaching your target audience, what type of content generates the most interaction, and how to optimize timing for posts and announcements. For a launch date for instance, analyzing social media engagement rates can help identify the best platforms for teaser campaigns, while email open rates can provide guidance on how to structure communication for maximum impact. This data-driven approach ensures that marketing efforts are not just widespread but strategically targeted, maximizing the effectiveness of the product launch.

Crafting Messages for Diverse Audiences

Crafting Messages for Diverse Audiences

Tailoring Your Tale: The Art of Audience-Specific Messaging

In the vibrant tapestry of today’s marketplace, the ability to craft messages for diverse audiences stands as a cornerstone of any successful product launch presentation. Understanding that a one-size-fits-all approach falls short in resonating across the varied segments of a potential market, this strategy emphasizes the customization of messaging to align with the distinct values, needs, and preferences of different audience groups. From potential new customers to key stakeholders, each group requires a nuanced approach that speaks directly to their interests and concerns. By tailoring the narrative around the product to suit these varied audiences, companies can foster a deeper connection and relevance, enhancing the overall impact of their launch.

Segmentation and Strategy: Building a Broad Appeal

The process of crafting messages for diverse audiences begins with meticulous audience segmentation. This involves breaking down the larger target market into sub-groups based on demographics, psychographics, buying behavior, and other relevant criteria. For each segment, the messaging strategy then adapts to address the specific interests and needs of that group. For instance, while technical details and innovation might appeal to a tech-savvy audience, practical benefits and ease of use could be more relevant to everyday consumers. Similarly, a B2B presentation might focus on ROI and efficiency gains, whereas a B2C product launch template could highlight lifestyle enhancements and emotional appeals. This targeted approach ensures that the product launch presentation resonates more personally with each segment, increasing engagement and interest.

Success in Diversity: Examples of Audience-Engaging Launches

The efficacy of tailored messaging is underscored by product launch event examples where diverse audience engagement played a key role in success. A prime example is a consumer electronics company that segmented its launch presentation for a new gadget into different narratives: one focusing on the product’s cutting-edge technology for tech enthusiasts and another on its lifestyle integration for everyday users. Another case is a health and wellness brand that varied its messaging for healthcare professionals by emphasizing scientific research and efficacy, while for consumers, it highlighted wellness benefits and user testimonials. These tailored approaches ensured that the product's key messages were delivered in the most compelling and relevant way to each audience segment.

Incorporating Feedback for Refined Messaging

An integral part of crafting effective messages for diverse audiences is the inclusion of feedback mechanisms to refine and adjust the messaging strategy. Pre-launch research, focus groups, and pilot launches can provide valuable insights into audience reactions, allowing for the optimization of messages before a full-scale launch. Post-launch, continuous feedback collection through surveys, social media monitoring, and customer interactions can further inform adjustments and future communications. This feedback loop ensures that the messaging remains dynamic and responsive to audience needs and preferences, maximizing the relevance and impact of the product presentation.

The Impact of Packaging and Presentation Design

The Impact of Packaging and Presentation Design

Beyond the Product: The Role of Design in Launch Success

The unveiling of a new product is a pivotal moment that encapsulates months, or even years, of hard work and innovation. However, beyond the product itself, the packaging and presentation design play critical roles in determining the overall impact and success of the launch. In a market crowded with alternatives, the design elements of a product launch can significantly differentiate and elevate the product, creating a memorable first impression that resonates with the audience. From the physical packaging to the visual and thematic elements of the launch presentation, every detail contributes to storytelling, brand perception ideal customer name, and customer engagement.

Design Principles for Memorable Launches

Effective packaging and presentation design hinge on several key principles: simplicity, clarity, and emotional connection. The design should be straightforward yet impactful, avoiding unnecessary complexity that could detract from the product's key message. Clarity in design ensures that the product's various features and benefits are easily understood, facilitating a quick connection with the audience. Moreover, incorporating elements that evoke emotions—be it excitement, curiosity, or satisfaction—can significantly enhance the audience's engagement and recall of the product. The design should also reflect the brand's values and identity, ensuring consistency and reinforcing brand recognition.

Showcasing Design Impact: Real-World Success Stories

The transformative power of effective design is evident in numerous successful product launches. For example, a consumer electronics company gained widespread acclaim for its minimalist packaging and presentation design, which not only highlighted the product's sleek, innovative features but also echoed the brand's ethos of simplicity and efficiency. Another case involved a beauty brand that utilized vibrant, eye-catching packaging and an engaging, story-driven presentation to introduce a new skincare line, capturing the audience's attention and successfully differentiating the product in a highly competitive market. These examples underscore the importance of thoughtful design in creating an impactful product launch.

Leveraging Design for Enhanced Engagement

To maximize the impact of packaging and presentation design, it's essential to integrate customer insights and feedback throughout the design process. This approach ensures that the design elements are not only aesthetically pleasing but also resonate with the target audience's preferences and expectations. Employing techniques such as A/B testing, focus groups, and social media polls can provide valuable feedback on design concepts, allowing for refinements that better align with customer desires. Furthermore, leveraging the latest design trends and technologies can add an element of innovation to the presentation, capturing the audience's imagination and setting the stage for a successful product launch.

Measuring Success and ROI of Launch Presentations

Measuring Success and ROI of Launch Presentations

Quantifying Impact: The Metrics That Matter in Launch Analysis

The aftermath of a product launch presentation offers a crucial window for reflection and analysis. Measuring the success and calculating the return on investment (ROI) of these presentations are vital steps in understanding their impact, guiding future strategies, and justifying the resources allocated. The criteria for success extend beyond immediate sales figures to include a range of qualitative and quantitative metrics. These can encompass audience engagement, media coverage, social media buzz, lead generation, and market penetration rates. By setting clear, measurable objectives prior to the product launch event presentations and employing a comprehensive analytics approach post-launch, companies can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their presentation strategies.

Establishing Benchmarks and Analytical Tools

The foundation of any effective measurement strategy is the establishment of clear benchmarks and the utilization of analytical tools tailored to the specific goals of the product launch. Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be identified early in the planning phase, allowing for the collection of baseline data against which the launch's impact can be assessed. Tools ranging from web analytics platforms to social media monitoring software can provide a wealth of data on audience engagement, reach, and interaction. Additionally, sales data and customer feedback channels offer direct insights into the market response to the new product, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation of the launch's success.

Learning from Launch Analytics: Case Studies and Insights

Real-world examples highlight the importance and utility of measuring the success and ROI of product launch presentations. A notable instance involved a tech company that closely monitored the online engagement levels during and after their product launch event. By analyzing website traffic, social media interactions, and live-stream views, they were able to identify key factors driving audience interest, as well as areas where engagement lagged. This analysis informed adjustments in their post-launch marketing strategy, leading to increased sales and broader market acceptance. Another example comes from a consumer goods company that used customer feedback and sales data post-launch to refine its product messaging, packaging, and distribution strategies, significantly improving product performance and customer satisfaction.

Strategies for Maximizing ROI and Future Success

To enhance the ROI of product launch presentations, it's crucial to not only measure outcomes but also to apply the insights gained post launch evaluation towards optimizing future launches. This involves a cycle of continuous improvement, where data from each launch informs the next. Strategies might include refining target audience segments, adjusting messaging based on feedback, exploring new media channels for broader reach, or innovating in presentation formats and content. Moreover, the integration of lessons learned from post-launch evaluations can aid in more accurately forecasting future launch performance, setting more realistic goals, and allocating resources more effectively, thereby improving the overall efficiency and impact of product launch strategies.

Learning from Past Launches: What Worked and What Didn’t

Learning from Past Launches: What Worked and What Didn’t

Reflective Insights: The Pathway to Continuous Improvement

The journey of product launching is paved with both triumphs and tribulations, each carrying invaluable lessons for future endeavors. Learning from past launches involves a meticulous dissection of what elements contributed to a launch's success or, conversely, what factors may have hindered its performance. This reflective process is crucial for identifying best practices, understanding market dynamics, and fine-tuning strategies to better align with audience expectations and market trends. By embracing a culture of learning and adaptation, organizations can evolve their launch strategies to become more effective and impactful over time.

Analyzing Launch Outcomes: A Dual Lens Approach

The analysis of past launches should adopt a dual lens, focusing on both the successes and the shortcomings. Successes serve as benchmarks and highlight strategies that resonate well with the target market, potentially becoming templates for future launches. On the other hand, dissecting the aspects that didn’t perform as expected reveals gaps in planning, execution, or market understanding. This comprehensive analysis involves reviewing feedback from customers, sales data, engagement metrics, and team reflections. Whether it’s the efficacy of the marketing channels used, the clarity of the product’s value proposition, or the alignment with customer needs, each aspect offers insights for improvement.

Success Stories and Lessons Learned

Real-life examples underscore the value of learning from past launches. A consumer tech company, for instance, found great success by leveraging influencer marketing in one of its product launches, leading to a significant increase in market awareness and sales. This strategy has since become a staple in their launch plans. Conversely, a health and wellness brand learned from a less successful launch where the product messaging failed to clearly articulate the product’s unique benefits, leading to lukewarm market reception. The brand recalibrated its messaging strategy for subsequent launches, focusing more on clear, benefit-driven communication, resulting in improved customer engagement and sales.

Incorporating Learnings into Future Launch Strategies

The lessons gleaned from analyzing past launches can be transformative when applied to future strategies. This might involve adopting new technologies or presentation formats, diversifying marketing channels, or refining target audience profiling. For instance, understanding the impact of social media trends might inspire more creative and engaging content for the next launch. Alternatively, feedback on the product’s features or usability could inform product development and innovation. Crucially, this learning process should be institutionalized within the organization, ensuring that insights are shared, discussed, and integrated into the planning and execution of every new product launch.

Future Trends in Product Launch Strategies

Future Trends in Product Launch Strategies

Embracing Innovation: Navigating the Future of Product Launches

The landscape of product launches is perpetually evolving, shaped by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and global market dynamics. Staying abreast of future trends in product launch strategies is not just advantageous; it's imperative for brands aiming to remain competitive and resonate with their audiences. Emerging trends point towards a more integrated, personalized, and technology-driven approach to product launches. By anticipating and adopting these trends, companies can not only enhance the impact of their launch presentations but also forge deeper connections with their target audience engaged their markets.

Personalization and Customer Engagement: The New Frontier

One significant trend shaping the future of product launches is the shift towards hyper-personalization and enhanced customer engagement. This approach leverages data analytics and customer insights to tailor launch messages and experiences to individual preferences and behaviors, thereby increasing relevance and resonance. The rise of AI and machine learning technologies offers unprecedented capabilities for segmenting audiences and delivering personalized content at scale. Additionally, interactive and immersive experiences, through AR/VR technologies, are setting new standards for engagement, allowing customers to experience products in innovative and compelling ways before making a purchase decision.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Core Launch Themes

As global awareness and concern for environmental and social issues grow, sustainability and social responsibility are becoming central themes in product launch strategies. Consumers are increasingly seeking brands that not only offer innovative products but also demonstrate a commitment to positive social and environmental impact. Future product launches will likely emphasize eco-friendly packaging, ethical sourcing, and community engagement initiatives, aligning product offerings with broader societal values. This alignment not only enhances brand perception but also drives consumer loyalty and advocacy.

Digital and Virtual Launch Platforms: Expanding Reach

The shift towards digital and virtual launch platforms, accelerated by recent global events, is another trend poised to define the future of product introductions. Virtual launch events, livestreams, and digital showcases offer the flexibility to reach a global audience, breaking down geographical and logistical barriers. These platforms also provide opportunities for leveraging data and analytics in real-time, enabling brands to gauge audience reactions, collect feedback, and adjust their strategies on the fly. As technology advances, we can expect these digital platforms to become even more immersive and interactive, offering richer and more engaging experiences.

Collaborative and Cross-Platform Marketing: A Synergistic Approach

Lastly, the future of product launches will likely see an increase in collaborative and cross-platform marketing efforts. Partnerships between brands and influencers, cross-industry collaborations, and integrated marketing campaigns that span multiple media channels are becoming essential for amplifying reach and impact. These collaborations can introduce products to new audiences, leverage the credibility and reach of partner brands, and create a more dynamic and multifaceted launch experience. As brands look to stand out in a crowded market, creative and strategic collaborations will become a key component of successful launch strategies.

How do I create a product launch event presentation that stands out?

Begin by understanding your target audience deeply and tailoring your message to resonate with them. Use storytelling to create an emotional connection, and don't forget to incorporate data and research to back up your claims. Lastly, ensure your presentation aligns with your brand values for a cohesive brand image.

What happens at a product launch event?

A product launch event typically includes a presentation of the new product, highlighting its features, benefits, and potential impact. It may also feature live demonstrations, Q&A sessions, and opportunities for attendees to interact with the product.

How do you create a compelling product launch presentation?

Focus on storytelling, use high-quality visuals, and include compelling data points to support your narrative. Make sure your presentation addresses the audience's pain points and clearly articulates the value of your product.

How do you organize a successful launching event?

Comprehensive planning is key. Define your objectives, identify your target audience, choose the right venue and format, and develop a marketing strategy to promote the event. Engage your audience with interactive elements and follow up post-event for feedback.

How do you present a new product idea effectively?

Clearly define the problem your product solves and present your solution in a simple, compelling way. Use visuals and prototypes to demonstrate your product's benefits and differentiate it from competitors.

How do I start a new product launch?

Begin with market research to validate your product idea and identify your target audience. Develop a detailed launch plan, aligning your marketing strategy, sales goals, and product development timelines. Ensure your team is fully briefed and prepared.

How do you present a product presentation that engages?

Engage your audience with a mix of storytelling, interactive elements, and live demonstrations. Personalize your presentation to address specific audience segments and use dynamic visuals to highlight key points.

How do you write content for a new product launch?

Focus on the benefits and value proposition of your product. Use clear, persuasive language and ensure your content is optimized for your target audience and platforms, whether it's for a website, email campaign, or social media.

How to prepare a PPT for a new product launch?

Start with a clear outline that includes an introduction, product overview, benefits, market analysis, and call to action. Use consistent branding, high-quality visuals, and concise text to convey your message effectively.

How do you introduce a new product in a presentation?

Begin with a compelling story or statistic that highlights the need for your product. Follow with a clear description of the product, its benefits, and how it addresses the needs or challenges of your target audience.

What is an example of a product launch presentation?

An example could be Apple’s iPhone launch presentation, which effectively combines storytelling, product demonstrations, and clear explanations of features and benefits to engage and excite the audience.

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The Future of Event Presentations

Looking Ahead: The Future of Event Presentations

Embracing a New Era of Engagement The landscape of event presentations is undergoing a remarkable transformation, propelled by technological innovation and shifting audience expectations. As we look to the future, it's clear that the traditional paradigms of presenting are evolving towards more dynamic, interactive, and immersive experiences. This

Accelerating Interest in Bike Launches with Dynamic Presentations

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How to Create a Winning Product Launch Presentation

man showing Iphone on the background presentation

During Steve Job's flawless demonstration at MacWorld 2007, he made a fantastic presentation for the iPhone which will "change the world." 

The demo had a massive effect on the smartphone world. 

In actuality, it introduced people to the universe of multi-touch, in-built cameras, call merging, cross-device media syncing, and, most notably, something magnificent that fits perfectly in your hands.

Each year, a breakthrough technology emerges that influences the vision for the future. Innovation will continue to provide us with more portable and reliable solutions that we can acclimate into our everyday needs. 

And, by bringing such products to the global market through a presentation, business owners and tech titans have transformed the industry demographic and also customer psychology.

What genuinely distinguishes such product launch introductions is that these coerce us to think. They convince us about the existence of a certain kind of authority. 

They force us to think further than our human limitations. Whether we stream them for entertainment or to be amazed, we gain knowledge about something new and can apply what we've learned in our everyday lives.

Well, after building on these inspirational presentations, in this article, we will list down our eight best tips on how to design a winning product launch PPT.

8 genius tips on how to design a killer product launch presentation

Here is our run-down of the best strategies to come up with a result-oriented and powerful product launch presentation.

  • Start with a product demand analysis

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A product demand analysis attempts to provide a precise estimation of your item's future revenue. 

It's a method of determining how competitive pressure, seasonal changes, and other significant events influence the selling of a specific product.

Product demand data from this demand analysis example , for instance, can be analyzed at any time – even for goods which aren't yet on the market. 

Requirements can be estimated based on social changes, technical advances, and ecological factors, in addition to previous sales.

Sure, there are several factors involved, and no one can tell the future down to your last food product sold. However, forecasting product demand is critical to developing a future-proof product. 

Once you are sure of your offering and that you will introduce it to the market, you can start with your product launch efforts.

  • Highlight your product’s key message

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Your presentation design is important and special emphasis should be given on the introductory slides. But what to include here?

Well, now that you have decided on your product, you should pinpoint its primary value offering. After all, every product serves a function and addresses a business problem. 

It's critical for each item to provide ways in which individuals will be using or purchasing it, whether it be to render a certain method simpler or to help focus on saving time on anything.

Even so, it is absolutely vital to be effective in communicating that intent - its message - to your customers so as to notify them regarding the product's presence and encourage people to buy it.

This can be accomplished via coordinated marketing initiatives and a premium, effective product launch presentation .

You can include the following items in it:

  • What exactly is your objective?
  • How are you going to do it?
  • Why are you going to do it?

Preferably, you ought to be able to easily respond to these questions and clarify the answers to others.

Overall, devoting either one or two of your initial slides in your demonstration to convey your product's central message is critical, which is the reason why a product launch presentation serves as such an essential element of the success of your launch.

  • Share your product’s primary features and benefits

Once your audience is informed about your core message, it becomes equally crucial to talk about the aspects and benefits of your product.

Include questions such as:

  • How will the product function?
  • What sets it apart from the competition?

Answers to these questions would therefore guarantee that your launch is as effective as possible as well as generates a hype around it.

If an item is completely distinct from its direct rivals, it is referred to as having a USP aka unique selling point.

You shouldn't have to go into great detail about your product's advantages and functions - a presentation ought to be clear and concise - but enumerating the most important ones is critical.

To summarize, providing a product outline and explaining what it's really about is indeed an essential component of any flawless product launch presentation and must not be overlooked.

  • Communicate with your clients

Hardly anything beats a close relationship between a firm and its customers.

A strong product launch presentation may not be the only method of achieving this, however it is a fine place to begin.

You develop a connection with prospective consumers by communicating with them and demonstrating why your commodity is essential or how it will make their job easier.

This is also referred to as the relationship marketing strategy; a form of marketing which concentrates specifically on fostering customers ’ loyalty.

This strategy should preferably be incorporated in your product launch business plan, as it will play a critical role in your company's market success, given that satisfied consumers generate 51% more profits than disconnected clients.

Overall, a great product launch presentation must illustrate your customers' requirements and describe how your item will address them, allowing you to establish an instant connection with the audience.

  • Help combat potential issues

It's normal for prospective customers to raise issues or doubts when you introduce a fresh item into the marketplace that they aren't familiar with until now.

While promotional strategies like social media marketing can notify them about the perks and abilities of the commodity, a display can pretty much describe how it functions and whether they should buy it.

Furthermore, the launch blueprint, pricing, and overall product launch strategy could all be clarified in a presentation, creating clarity prior to the launch.

This will eliminate apprehensions and uncertainty during the takeoff and post-launch stages, as everyone will be knowledgeable about everything. So, you will be able to stay focused on implementing your plan.

  • Define your target audience in your slides

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Once you've explained what your product's key message is, what are its benefits and features, and how it will address potential concerns, it's time to tell people who it's intended for.

  • To put it another way, who is your intended audience?
  • Who will benefit the most from the product?

Such inquiries are critical for both your teammates and prospective customers.

This phase can actually be separated into two sections: your target demographic in figures and your perfect customer personalities.

During the first scenario, how large do you predict the market size to be? This will ascertain if there is sufficient support for whatever you have to offer.

As in your second instance, you can go into great detail about your intended audience and who the target customers are.

For instance, to which genders would your item appeal? What about age groups, geographic regions, and behaviors?

All of those above points should be considered. Devote a pair of Google or PowerPoint slides or design a pitch deck template to showcase the same.

  • Describe your launch schedule

Your product launch timeframe is an important component of the launch procedure, and we highly recommend embedding this in the presentation as well.

This will assist all interested parties in understanding when the release will occur, and what measures will be implemented before, during, and afterwards.

To put it in perspective, when you decide on a launch window, you can generate a roadmap outlining the activities that will be completed to guarantee a seamless and successful launch.

Establishing a strategy, creating email lists, producing referral programmes, defining objectives, revealing the launch date, and assessing performance are all important steps to take.

  • Promote your launch via social media, email, or press

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How you plan to advertise your new product is indeed an essential part of its launch.

It can be important in deciding the success element of your release, as the more customers who know about that now, the better.

What we suggest is providing an overall view of your complete product launch business plan as well as the methods you'll use to bring in new customers.

Consider the following factors:

  • Content from social media platforms such as Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram, among others.
  • Email marketing campaigns for blog content – (Here’s how to find the best email templates to launch your new product )
  • Publications in the press
  • Paid adverts, as well as other activities, can be used to advertise your product release.

As a final word, remember to keep your presentation interesting. Use different styles to present your creative ideas to your board of directors, prospective customers, and coworkers. 

The days of displaying various features solely with circles and line segments are long gone. Make use of imaginative contours and organize them in an order you desire. Place relevant icons alongside the text to make your slides more interesting.

Overall, there are numerous presentation ideas available, but the eight steps we just discussed are critical to any successful product launch presentation.

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Product Launch Presentation

Table of contents, what is a product launch presentation, what’s the purpose of a product launch presentation, how to create the best product launch presentation in 4 simple steps, download our free product launch presentation template (in google slides format), product launch presentation: steps to create & free template.

Launching a new product is a multi-dimensional process that consists of many aspects.

One of those is the product presentation , which you’ll have to create and present both in-house as well as to the public.

If you’re unsure how to get started with one, no need to worry!

In the following guide, we’re going to talk about:

  • What a product launch presentation is
  • What the purpose of a presentation is when it comes to launching a product
  • What the most important steps are when creating a product launch presentation

Plus, we’ll share with you our free product launch presentation template towards the end, so stay tuned.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

A product launch presentation is the summary of all key elements that your new product launch consists of that gets presented to various stakeholders and the public. 

Think of it as an overview of your entire launch plan that'll help people understand what it’s all about in a few simple slides.

To be precise, a product launch presentation should include the following:

  • Your new product
  • The roadmap - pre-launch /launch/post-launch
  • The marketing strategy
  • Important objectives

And anything else you consider to be a vital part of your launch process.

Product launch presentation items example

You can obviously dive deeper into each part and also feature metrics, charts, pain points, and infographics.

It’s important to remember, however, that this is like a pitch deck so it has to be concise and to the point, since it has a certain purpose.

Let’s see exactly what that is.

In this part of our guide, we’re going to discuss the purpose of a product launch presentation by having a closer look at the reasons why it’s such an important part of any product launch strategy .

This presentation can offer a great variety of benefits and we’ll try to cover the most prominent ones to help you understand why you need one and the reasons why we strongly suggest creating one for your upcoming launch.

Let’s have a look at those reasons.

Reason #1: It delivers your product’s key message

all products have a purpose and solve a problem.

Whether it’s to make a certain process easier for users or help save time on something, it’s vital for every product to have a reason why people will use or buy it.

However, it’s equally important to be able to communicate that purpose - its message - to your target audience effectively, in order to inform them about the product’s existence and incentivize them to purchase it.

This can be done both through coordinated marketing efforts and with the help of a high-quality product launch presentation .

Things you can include in it are:

  • What 's your mission?
  • How will you achieve it?
  • Why will you do it?

Ideally, you should be able to answer those questions with ease and make them clear to people.

Just to give you an example, the following slide is a reproduction of Airbnb’s original product presentation.

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Image Source: Slideshare

As you can see, its message is clearly outlined and easy for someone to understand.

Overall, dedicating one or two slides in your presentation to deliver your product’s key message is essential and one of the reasons why a product launch presentation is so important for a successful launch.

Let’s head over to the next reason.

Reason #2: It discusses your product’s advantages and characteristics

Now that your audience is aware of your key message, it’s equally important to communicate your product’s elements and advantages .

Include questions like:

  • How does the product work?
  • How is it different from your competition?

Answering these should make your launch as successful as possible and create a buzz around it.

Author’s Note: If a product is one of a kind and different from its closest competitors, its main advantage is also known as its USP, or unique selling point.

You don’t have to dive deep into your product’s characteristics and benefits - a presentation should be concise and to the point - but listing the most prominent ones is of vital importance.

For instance, here’s a slide from Uber’s first presentation.

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As you can see, the benefits a user gets compared to the competition - cabs and other car services - are simple and clear for users to understand.

To sum up, giving a product overview and covering what it’s all about is an integral part of any perfect product launch presentation and shouldn’t be avoided.

Let’s continue.

Reason #3: It allows you to connect with your customers

Nothing beats a strong connection between a business and its customers.

A successful product launch presentation is certainly not the only way to achieve this, but it sure is a great place to start.

By interacting with potential customers and showcasing why your product is important and how it’ll make their lives easier, you establish a relationship right from the very beginning.

This is also known as relationship marketing ; a type of marketing that focuses specifically on building customer loyalty .

This tactic should ideally be integrated into your product launch marketing plan , since it’ll play a key part in your product’s success in the market, considering that engaged customers bring in 51% higher revenue than disengaged ones.

All in all, a good product launch presentation should highlight your customer’s needs and explain how your product will resolve them , thus creating an immediate connection with your audience.

Moving on to the next reason.

Reason #4: It combats potential concerns

When introducing a new product to the market that your potential customers aren’t yet familiar with, it’s only natural for them to have questions and concerns.

While marketing efforts such as social media campaigns can inform them about the product’s benefits and capabilities, with a presentation you can explain exactly how it works and why they should purchase it.

What’s more, things like the launch roadmap, pricing, and the general product launch plan can all be explained in a presentation, thus making everything clear even before the launch takes place.

This will avoid potential concerns and confusion during the launch and post-launch phases, since people will be aware of everything and you can focus on executing your plan.

Makes sense, right?

Look at the following slide from Mint’s pre-launch presentation, when the personal financial management company was still a startup idea.

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What is shown above is the value a user will get from using the product, compared to other alternatives; this immediately answers any potential concerns about the benefits of Mint.

This makes it clear that one of the purposes of a product launch presentation is answering questions and addressing concerns.

Now, if you’re wondering how you’ll make an awesome presentation yourself for an upcoming launch, we’ve got you covered.

In this part of our guide, we’re going to show you the steps for creating a high-quality product launch presentation.

No matter whether you prefer Google Slides or PowerPoint presentations, the following steps will help you through the process.

Let’s get started.

Step #1: Describe your product

Since we’re talking about a presentation for your upcoming product launch, it only makes sense that we begin with an overview of your product .

After all - as we said earlier - this is about something that's new to the market, so you need to describe things like:

  • How it works
  • Why it exists

So that your audience can understand what it’s all about and whether it’s a good fit for them.

Going back to the first example we used from Airbnb’s pre-launch presentation, we can see that one of the slides is dedicated to briefly explaining how the product works in three steps.

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Try not to get into minute detail that'll make your slides tiring; instead, cover the most important elements that are worth pointing out.

You can think of it as your product's introduction to the market.

Author’s Tip: Try to keep consistency between all slides by using the same colors, fonts, and slide designs.

Let’s move on to the next step.

Step #2: Specify your target market

Now that you’ve covered what your product is all about, it’s time to explain who it’s for.

In other words, what is your target audience?

Who will get the most use out of the product?

Such questions are important both for your team members and your potential customers.

You can actually break this step into two main parts; one is your target market in numbers and the other is your ideal customer using personas .

In the first case, how big is your estimated market? 

This will determine whether there’s enough demand for what you offer.

We’ll once again use Airbnb’s presentation as an example.

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You can see the market size has been presented in the number of trips booked, the serviceable available market, and the estimated market share.

Something similar can be done in your own presentation, but for your own market.

In the second case, you can describe your target audience in detail and who your ideal customers are.

For example, which genders will your product appeal to? How about the age range, geographical locations, and behaviors?

These are all things you should think about and dedicate a couple of Google or PPT slides to.

Let’s move forward.

Step #3: Explain your launch timeline

The product launch timeline is an integral part of your launch process and we strongly advise including it in your presentation, too.

This will help all stakeholders understand when the launch will take place, as well as what actions will be taken prior, during, and after it.

Just to give you an idea, when you set a launch date you can create a roadmap with the tasks that’ll be done in order to ensure a smooth and effective launch.

Setting up a strategy, building email lists, creating referral programs , setting objectives, announcing the launch, and measuring results are some of the essential actions that need to be taken care of.

To sum up, a timeline also helps you to organize everything in time and your audience will know when to expect your new product to be released.

Author’s Tip: As a product manager or anyone else involved in the launch, it’s natural to know everything about the process, but it’s vital that you make things clear to everyone else, too.

Let’s continue to the fourth step we have for you.

Step #4: How you’ll promote the launch

An important part of any product launch is how you’re going to promote it .

This can play a key role in determining the success of your launch, since the more people learn about it, the better.

What we recommend doing is giving an overview of your entire product launch marketing plan and the ways by which you’ll acquire new customers.

Take into account things like:

  • Social media content, e.g. Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, etc.
  • Blog content
  • Email campaigns
  • Press releases
  • Paid advertising

Along with other actions you can take to promote your product launch.

All in all, there are many presentation ideas you can come up with, but adding the four steps we just covered are vital to any good product launch presentation.

It’s now time to save you some time by showing you how to download our presentation and adjust it to your needs for your upcoming launch. 

As promised, in this last section of our guide we’re going to share with you our free product launch presentation template .

Although it’s in Google Slides format, you can always turn it into a Microsoft PowerPoint template or whatever suits you best.

Our template begins with a cover slide where you have to add your product’s name and a title.

launch presentation.html

It’s purpose is solely to inform your audience what the presentation is all about, so remember to keep it brief and simple.

Author’s Note: What we’re sharing is a template. You can always add images and backgrounds of your choice to make the slides more visually appealing.

Let’s continue to the next slide.

After that, you can use the table of contents to explain what’s about to follow.

launch presentation.html

This will keep your audience informed and engaged.

Moving on to the next part, we strongly suggest giving some context as to who you and your team are , plus what each of you do.

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You can even add photos of every team member to make the presentation more personalized.

It’s now time to give an overview of your product , meaning that you briefly have to explain what it is and how it works.

You can always go back to the first step of our guide for more information on this part.

launch presentation.html

You should also talk about your product’s purpose along with a photo of it so people know exactly what it looks like.

Alternatively, you can add a graphic showing its characteristics.

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It’s now time to describe your target market , by specifying who your target audience is.

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Also include the overall state of your market :

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This means you need to cover things like:

  • The estimated market value
  • How many competitors there are
  • The estimated market size

You can add graphs and pie charts that'll make things clearer and easy to understand.

Moving on to the next part, it’s time for your product launch timeline .

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You can start by announcing the official product launch date and what actions will be taken up to then, as well as during and after the launch in the next two slides.

Now, it’s important to outline the marketing strategy that'll promote your product launch.

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This means briefly listing your marketing efforts that’ll make the launch reaches as many people as possible.

Before you end the presentation, it’s a good idea to also cover your objectives .

What are you planning to achieve in terms of total signups, purchases, or whatever else your target KPI is? 

launch presentation.html

If you’re planning on setting different objectives based on certain dates, you can add a chart to make things more visually appealing, as always.

You can then wrap things up with a few words and your new product presentation is done!

Keep in mind that what we’re sharing is solely a template, so it’s up to you to customize and personalize it based on your own needs and preferences.

Let’s wrap up and close with some final words.

Before You Go

There you have it.

That was our full guide on the importance of product launch presentations , as well as how to create your own.

We hope that you gained some new knowledge and that we helped you out with an important step of any product launch, by offering our free product launch presentation template.

Lastly, if you feel like you need some extra help in keeping track of everything that needs to be done, don’t hesitate to use our product launch checklist.

Thanks for reading!

launch presentation.html

Written by:

Nikitas Filosofof

Nikitas is responsible for growth at Viral Loops and also helps customers on 1-on-1 basis to reach success with their referral campaigns. Let's connect on LinkedIn

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Your users refer other businesses, and both sides get rewarded when the referred business upgrades to a paid plan. (With conversion tracking)

Create a referral waiting list before you launch to get early adopters and market validation.

The more successful referrals your users make, the better rewards they unlock. (With conversion tracking)

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People join the waiting list, refer their friends to climb the queue and get early access to the tickets or the event.

A referral giveaway with a social element—people see a leaderboard of who's winning the giveaway.

Create an in-email referral program to reward your newsletter readers for inviting more subscribers.

Your existing audience refers their friends to increase their chances of winning a prize.

Find early community members with a referral waitlist where people refer friends to climb the queue and get exclusive access.

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Your users referer their friends, and both sides get rewarded when the friend makes a purchase.

Set milestones with a tiered referral system, offering better prizes as they reach each milestone.

Create an ongoing referral program using our Shopify App to reward your customers for referring friends.

New and existing customers refer friends to increase their chances of winning a prize.

Create a referral waiting list for your upcoming store to collect email addresses.

Product launch presentation: A comprehensive guide

Learn how to define your goals, target audience, marketing strategy, and timeline.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

team preparing product launch presentation

Welcome to the exciting world of product launches!

In today's digital age, a successful product launch presentation is your ticket to making a memorable entrance into the market. Whether you're unveiling a groundbreaking tech gadget or a mouthwatering food product, the way you present it can make or break your success.

So, let's dive into this comprehensive guide to ensure your product launch presentation is nothing short of stellar.

What is a product launch?

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of creating an impactful product launch presentation, let's clarify what a product launch actually entails. A product launch is the grand unveiling of a new offering, whether it's a new product hitting the market or an updated version of an existing one. It's a carefully orchestrated event designed to generate buzz, capture the attention of your target audience , and ultimately drive sales.

Purpose of a product launch presentation

Now that we understand what a product launch is, let's delve into the importance of a product launch presentation. This is the moment where you get to showcase your innovation, highlight your unique selling points (USP) , and give your ideal customers a reason to get excited. A well-crafted presentation serves several crucial purposes:

  • Building anticipation : Your presentation sets the stage for the big reveal, creating hype around your product.
  • Educating stakeholders : It informs key stakeholders about the product's features, benefits, and how it addresses pain points.
  • Creating engagement : A visually appealing presentation captures attention and keeps your audience engaged.
  • Establishing authority : It positions your brand as an expert in the field, instilling trust in your product.
  • Driving sales : Ultimately, a successful presentation should drive demand and result in sales.

Product launch presentation examples

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of crafting your presentation, it's always helpful to draw inspiration from real-world examples. Let's take a look at a few memorable product launch presentations that made waves:

  • Apple's iPhone launch : Apple's iconic product launches are a masterclass in creating anticipation. Their sleek, minimalist presentation style is instantly recognizable.
  • Tesla's cybertruck unveiling : Elon Musk's electrifying presentation of the cybertruck showcased not just the product but also the vision behind it.
  • Coca-Cola's new flavors : When Coca-Cola launched new flavors, they used nostalgia and emotion to connect with their audience in a relatable way.

These examples demonstrate that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to product launch presentations. Each was tailored to the brand and product, but they all shared common elements that made them effective.

How to structure an effective product launch presentation

Now that we've explored the why and what, let's get into the how. Structuring your presentation is crucial to ensure it flows smoothly and effectively conveys your message. Here's a suggested structure:

1. Introduction

  • Hook your audience : Start with a compelling story or statistic that grabs your audience's attention.
  • Introduce your brand : Briefly introduce your company and its mission.

2. The problem

  • Identify the pain points : Address the issues your product aims to solve.
  • Market research : Share insights from your market research to validate the problem's existence.

3. The solution

  • Introduce your product : Present your product as the ultimate solution.
  • Key features : Highlight the standout features that set your product apart.

4. The journey

  • Showcase development : Provide a sneak peek into the development process.
  • Behind-the-scenes : Share the challenges your team overcame.

5. The benefits

  • Highlight benefits : Explain how your product will make your audience's life better.
  • Use cases : Give examples of how it can be used in real-life scenarios.

6. Target audience

  • Persona creation : Describe your ideal customer in detail.
  • Why it matters to them : Explain why your product resonates with this audience.

7. Marketing strategy

  • Coordinated efforts : Discuss your marketing strategy, including email marketing and distribution channels.
  • KPIs : Set clear key performance indicators to measure success.

8. The hype

  • Build anticipation : Share how you plan to create excitement leading up to the launch.
  • Remember to keep it authentic : Avoid overhyping; honesty is key.

9. The launch date

  • Reveal the date : Announce the official launch date, creating a sense of urgency.
  • Countdown begins : Start a countdown on your website and social media.

10. Conclusion

  • Recap key points : Summarize the main takeaways from your presentation.
  • Call to action : Encourage your audience to take action, whether it's signing up for updates or pre-ordering.

Do’s and don'ts on a product launch presentation

As we move forward, let's keep in mind some essential do's and don'ts to ensure your presentation hits all the right notes.

  • Do your research : Understand your market, competition, and target audience.
  • Do tell a story : Craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience.
  • Do focus on benefits : Highlight how your product solves problems and improves lives.
  • Do use visuals : Incorporate high-quality images, infographics, and videos.
  • Do rehearse : Practice your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery.
  • Do interact : Engage with your audience during and after the presentation.
  • Do collect feedback : Gather feedback to improve future presentations.


  • Don't overwhelm : Avoid information overload; keep it concise.
  • Don't neglect design : Aesthetics matter; invest in professional design.
  • Don't overpromise : Be honest about your product's capabilities.
  • Don't rush : Speak clearly and at a moderate pace.
  • Don't forget the call to action : Always guide your audience on what to do next.
  • Don't ignore analytics : Monitor the performance of your presentation.
  • Don't lose patience : Success may not come overnight; stay persistent.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • Product launch presentation : It educates, engages, and excites your audience about a new product.
  • Learn from the best : Take inspiration from successful launches like Apple and Tesla.
  • Structured approach : Organize your presentation with a clear intro, problem-solution, benefits, and a strong call to action.
  • Do's and don'ts : Do research, tell a compelling story, and rehearse. Highlight benefits, use visuals, and be authentic. Don't overwhelm, overpromise, or skip professional design. Always have a clear call to action.

1. How can I create a winning product launch presentation?

To create a winning product launch presentation, you'll need a template that's specifically designed for this purpose. Use this template as a starting point, ensuring it's customizable to suit your product and brand. Pay attention to the presentation slides you need and make sure the template includes placeholders for all of them. Don't forget to strategize your presentation by outlining your product launch strategy and launch plan. Highlight the key message you want to convey to your target market, and consider using icons to place relevant icons alongside your content for visual appeal. Lastly, be sure to cover every minute detail of your launch process, from pre-launch activities to the post-launch phase, to ensure the success of your launch.

2. What are the essential elements of a product launch presentation?

A product launch presentation should encompass various features to be effective. Start by introducing your new product to the market and give an overview of its unique selling points and benefits. Use the product overview to explain how your product development process has led to this point. Your presentation ppt should also include a product launch timeline, roadmap, illustrating the stages involved in the launch. Don't forget to discuss your product launch plan, including your product launch marketing plan and how you'll use coordinated marketing and relationship marketing to engage with your target market and new customers. Lastly, ensure your presentation is editable, allowing you to make changes as needed.

Here is a comprehensive guide on product development plan presentation .

3. How can I make my product launch presentation stand out?

To make your product launch presentation stand out, consider using a powerpoint template or Google Slides template that offers a visually appealing design. Incorporate presentation ideas that capture the essence of your product and engage your audience. Make your slides visually appealing by adding relevant icons to emphasize key points. Ensure your pitch deck is clear and concise, focusing on the key message you want to convey. Additionally, address any potential concerns your audience may have and demonstrate how your product addresses them. This will help you create an excellent product launch that captures attention.

4. What role does a product manager play in the product launch presentation?

A product manager plays a crucial role in the launch process and the success of your launch. They are responsible for planning to launch the product, which involves developing the launch plan and product launch strategy. The product manager works closely with the marketing team to create a product launch marketing plan and ensures that all marketing efforts are aligned with the product's goals. They also oversee the product's life cycle, from concept to post-launch evaluation. In the presentation, the product manager should highlight their involvement in the launch and their dedication to delivering the best product launch possible.

5. How can I create an effective product launch presentation on a tight schedule?

When you need to launch a new product quickly, having an editable and customizable presentation template at your disposal can be a lifesaver. Start by using the new product launch powerpoint templates or Google Slides templates that are readily available. These templates are designed to help you create an effective presentation without starting from scratch. Focus on the most critical elements of your launch plan and product launch strategy to streamline the process. Ensure that your presentation covers all the slides you need to convey your message succinctly. Additionally, make use of your email lists and various features of your template to reach your target market effectively, even when time is limited. Remember, having a well-structured presentation can help you win the product launch even on a tight schedule.

Create your product launch presentation with Prezent

Prezent revolutionizes the creation of product launch presentations by incorporating audience preferences, powerful storytelling, and brand-approved designs into its platform. With over 35,000 slides and numerous storylines, it provides a wealth of resources for crafting engaging content. Prezent streamlines collaboration with real-time sharing, ensuring that your team can work seamlessly together.

Furthermore, it guarantees 100% compliance, a crucial aspect for regulated industries, and efficient document management. You can also personalize presentations for various stakeholders and take advantage of their overnight presentation service for tight deadlines. Ultimately, Prezent empowers your team to deliver persuasive, on-brand presentations efficiently and cost-effectively.

Ready to make your product launch presentations truly memorable?

Try our free trial or book a demo today with Prezent!

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The image is a logo with the word "SLIDEGENIUS" written in capital letters. To the left of the word is a stylized speech bubble containing an abstract design, representing innovative slide design. The entire logo is white.

How to Build a Winning Product Launch Presentation

February 7, 2023 / Blog

A woman stands smiling, giving a presentation to a group of six seated individuals in a conference room. Behind her, a slide titled "Core Principles" displays key points from the pitch deck. The audience is engaged, with some taking notes and others listening attentively.

Creating a compelling product launch presentation can contribute to the success of a new product. A well-crafted presentation can generate excitement and interest, leading to strong sales and positive word-of-mouth.

A product launch presentation’s goal is to educate and excite your target audience about the product, demonstrating its value and differentiators. Therefore, your presentation should communicate the product’s benefits, answer potential questions and objections, and persuade the audience to become customers.

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Essential preparation steps.

Before delivering a product launch presentation, it is necessary to plan and prepare.

Ensure the effectiveness of your product launch presentation through the following steps:

Know your audience

Knowing your audience will help you better understand their perspectives and expectations, allowing you to present your product in a way that resonates with them.

You need to understand the audience you will be presenting to. Consider critical factors such as their background, interests, and pain points.

Take the time to understand your audience to be able to tailor your presentation to meet their needs and address their concerns.

Research your competition

Understanding your competition is essential to positioning your product in the market and increasing your chances of a successful product launch.

Study what your competitors offer and their strengths and weaknesses. Then, find opportunities to differentiate and highlight your product from competitors .

Additionally, researching your competitors can help you identify any potential gaps in the market and find ways to fill them.

Define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Your USP makes your product unique and sets it apart from the competition. It should be the central focus of your presentation.

Your USP should be clear, concise, and easy to understand, and it should accurately reflect what your product offers. Base it on product features, benefits, quality, value, or customer experience.

Highlight your USP to differentiate your product and show the audience why it is worth considering over similar products in the market.

Outline your key message and points

Determine the most important message you want to convey.

Your key message should be clear, concise, easy to understand, and accurately reflect your product’s value. In addition, to support your key message, create an outline that highlights your key points. 

The outline should be well-structured, logical, easy to follow, and cover all the essential information about your product. Moreover, as you outline your key points, consider using visual content to help communicate your message for a more engaging, memorable, and understandable presentation.

Rehearse your presentation

Practice makes perfect, and by rehearsing several times, you can refine your delivery, become more confident, and become more comfortable with the material.

When rehearsing, pay attention to timing, pacing, tone, body language, and audience engagement. Also, consider using a timer to ensure that your presentation fits within the allotted time and that you have enough time to cover all your key points.

By rehearsing your presentation , you can increase your confidence and reduce the risk of encountering unexpected problems during the actual product launch.

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Creating a strong visual presentation

A strong visual presentation can enhance your product launch presentation and help you better engage your audience.

Here are some tips to help you create an effective visual presentation :

Use high-quality visual content

Incorporating high-quality visual content, such as images, graphics, and videos, into your product launch presentation is essential for making a lasting impression on your audience.

Make sure your visual content is relevant to your product and message. Moreover, they should also be of high quality, clear, visually appealing, and appropriately sized for your presentation.

Using high-quality visual content can help reinforce your brand identity and create a consistent look and feel throughout your presentation.

Keep your presentation simple

Keeping your product launch presentation simple is crucial for maintaining your audience’s attention and making your message clear. 

Overloading your slides with too many graphics or images can be distracting and confusing, detracting from your key message. Instead, focus on keeping your slides simple, clean, and uncluttered. Use minimal text and maximize the use of visual aids to help reinforce your key points. 

Additionally, consider using a consistent design theme throughout your presentation, which will help create a cohesive look and feel.

Make sure your slides are readable

If your audience struggles to read the text on your slides, they may lose interest or become confused.

Ensure that the text on your slides is clear, concise, and large enough to be easily readable. Consider using bullet points or short phrases instead of long paragraphs, which can be difficult to read and comprehend.

Additionally, make sure that the background and font colors are easy on the eyes and provide enough contrast for the text to be easily seen.

Hiring a presentation design agency

Creating a winning product launch presentation can be a complex and time-consuming task. Many businesses opt to hire a presentation design agency to help them achieve their goals.

Here are some of the benefits of hiring a presentation design agency:

Hiring a presentation design agency gives you access to a team of experts who specialize in creating visually appealing and impactful presentations.

With years of experience in the field, these professionals have a deep understanding of what works and what doesn’t. They can help you create a product launch presentation that effectively communicates your message and makes a lasting impression on your audience.

Professional quality

Design agencies have the latest design tools and techniques at their disposal. They can create visually appealing presentations that showcase the professional image of your brand.

Their expertise in creating impactful presentations that effectively communicate a message ensures that your product launch presentation leaves a lasting impression on your target audience.


By working with a presentation design agency, you can save time and focus on other important aspects of your product launch.

The agency will handle the creation of the presentation, freeing up your time and resources so you can focus on other areas of the launch. This can be especially beneficial if you have limited in-house design capabilities or are working on a tight timeline.


The agency’s team of experts will work with you to understand your brand, product, and target audience, and then create a presentation that is tailored specifically to your needs.

​​They will take into account your design preferences, marketing goals, and other key factors to create a presentation that is not only visually appealing but also effective in communicating your message and differentiating your product from the competition.

launch presentation.html

A winning product launch presentation requires careful planning and execution. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you increase your chances of making a lasting impression on your target audience and ensuring the success of your product.

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Product Launch Presentation Templates That Make an Impact

Free product intorduction presentation template to for a perfect go-to-market. Impress readers with interactive product launch side design beyond PPT or PDF.

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What Makes Storydoc Better than PowerPoint or PDF?

With your same-old product introduction PowerPoint design, you’ll never stand out, let alone engage. Decision-makers and investors have seen beautiful new product launch PPTs and PDFs a thousand times before. Though pretty, they’re still static, dull, and hard to understand.

Storydoc’s interactive product launch slide design brings your content to life with animation, annotation, and narration that tell a story, not just present information.

What is the Goal of a Product Launch Presentation Template?

The goal of a product launch presentation template is to provide a structured and visually engaging framework that effectively introduces a new product to the market.

It aims to capture the audience's attention, convey key product features and benefits, and generate excitement and anticipation for the product's release.

What Makes a Good Product Launch Presentation Design?

  • Clarity and Simplicity: Use clear, easy-to-understand visuals and text.
  • Consistent Branding: Incorporate brand colors, logos, and styles.
  • Engaging Visuals: Utilize high-quality images and graphics relevant to the product.
  • Storytelling: Craft a narrative that connects the audience emotionally to the product.
  • Interactivity: Include interactive elements like polls or Q&A sessions to engage the audience.
  • Data Visualization: Present data and statistics through charts and infographics for easy comprehension.
  • Contrast and Readability: Ensure text stands out against backgrounds for easy reading.
  • Call to Action: End with a compelling call to action that prompts audience response.

Why Use a Storydoc Template Instead of Paying an Agency?

  • Stroydocs are 2x more engaging than a typical agency-made product launch presentation
  • Our templates cost a fraction of the price you pay an agency.
  • With Storydoc you can produce content about 5x faster than using the legacy design approach.

What Should a Product Launch Presentation Template Include?

  • Cover Slide: Introduce the product with a compelling image and title.
  • Agenda: Outline the presentation's structure.
  • Company Overview: Briefly introduce your company and its mission.
  • Market Analysis: Present data on market trends and target audience.
  • Product Overview: Detail the product’s features, benefits, and unique selling points.
  • Competitive Analysis: Compare the product with competitors.
  • Pricing and Availability: Provide pricing details and availability information.
  • Customer Testimonials: Include real or hypothetical customer feedback.
  • Marketing Strategy: Outline the marketing plan for the product.
  • Closing Slide: Summarize key points and include a call to action.

What Are the Main Types of Product Launch Presentations?

  • In-Person Presentations: Traditional, face-to-face product introductions.
  • Webinars: Online presentations, often live, allowing for wider reach.
  • Video Presentations: Pre-recorded presentations, ideal for sharing on multiple platforms.
  • Interactive Demos: Presentations that include live demonstrations or interactive elements.

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  • Presentation

How to Create a Winning Product Launch Presentation?

Picture of onliner content creation team

  • June 12, 2022

product launch presentation

A good way to make your product launch presentation stand out is by including some eye-catching graphics and animations in the design. This can be done through videos, images, or even live streams of prototypes being used! A successful product launch can make all the difference in today’s competitive business landscape. A well-crafted product launch plays a pivotal role in achieving these objectives. Presentation templates can be a great way to ensure consistency in your Presentation design services . They also allow you more freedom when it comes time to customize the content, which means less guesswork and better results! We’ll walk through how this works so that by following our tips on creating compelling product demonstrations or other types of talks given at events both large-scale conferences and even small meetings where someone just wants some advice about their business idea – whatever situation calls out requires us will have everything they need right there waiting patiently before him/herself because all we’re doing is providing guidance after all; this blog post isn’t going anywhere.

Table of Contents

What is a Product Presentation and Why is It Important?

You might think that product launch presentation is all about flashy marketing graphics and fancy voice-over, but this isn’t true. The goal of a good product launch is to highlight how your company’s products will solve customer problems by addressing their pain points with tangible benefits – which means you need content people can actually use!

Product Presentations often focus on delivering relevant information in an understandable way while staying away from complicated jargon or technical terms so everyone involved knows what they’re getting into without feeling overwhelmed (even if there could be heavier topics discussed later).

The Significance of a Product Launch Presentation

That’s not simply a technicality; that is an essential opportunity where you can leave the best mark on investors, customers, and everyone involved in the project. When revealing a new iPhone, a breakthrough software service or even a fresh consumer product this will make or break the launch. Here’s why it matters:

  • Creating Anticipation: A well-executed product launch presentation generates excitement and anticipation among your audience. It builds curiosity and leaves your audience eager to explore your new offering.
  • Communicating Value: Your presentation should effectively convey the value and benefits of your product. It’s your opportunity to address the “What’s in it for me?” question that’s on your audience’s mind.
  • Building Trust: A professionally delivered presentation enhances your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness.
  • Generating Buzz: A captivating presentation is more likely to be shared on social media and by word-of-mouth, thus amplifying your reach and generating organic buzz.

Best Product Launch Presentation Practices

The best product launch presentation is a meticulously planned and flawlessly executed event that introduces a new product to the market and leaves a lasting impact on the audience. It begins with a well-orchestrated buildup, creating anticipation and excitement through teasers, sneak peeks, and pre-launch marketing strategies.

The presentation features a grand unveiling, often with dramatic visuals and compelling storytelling. During the presentation, the product’s innovation and unique selling points are clearly communicated, emphasizing how it outshines competitors. The audience is engaged through immersive experiences, demonstrations, and interactive elements.

A successful product launch presentation also includes opportunities for early access or special incentives, driving immediate interest and sales. Overall, the best product launch presentation is a strategic blend of marketing, innovation, and audience engagement, leaving a strong impression on potential customers and the industry.

Why do you need to Create Product Launch Presentations?

It’s easy to get lost in the crowd when you’re competing with other brands. You need something that will make your product stand out and be memorable so people take notice of what is unique about YOU instead!

The benefits of creating powerful presentations for your product are vast and wide-ranging. It’ll help you win over investors, users, or even just prospective customers – which means more money in the bank! And if we’re talking business insurance rates here then know this: A great pitch can make them go down quite easily, but most importantly it’ll boost sales as no other thing could do on its own (well except maybe sex).

Establish a clear goal for your presentation

To make your product presentation stand out from the rest, it’s important to establish a clear goal. What do you want their takeaway after hearing about this? Are they looking for ways to increase sales on one specific item or are they hoping that an informative speech will help educate themselves in technology/services outside their field of expertise (which could lead to many different opportunities)?

Do your research – know your product inside and out

You need to do your research and know the product inside out in order for a persuasive presentation. This means being familiar with all its features, and benefits as well as any potential objections from an audience before you can show them that they’re safe working together! Be prepared by having answers ready because people won’t always ask questions on stage but those little moments where we chat privately often lead to big things down future clients/customers appointments etc.

Structure your presentation in a logical way

To grab the attention of your audience, you’ll want to start with an introduction that makes them interested in what’s going on. Follow up by discussing features and benefits while addressing any potential objections they might have before ended it all off at the last call for action- this will encourage people to take steps forward!

Use visuals to help explain your points

Including visuals in your presentation is a great way to engage and make points more understandable. If you’re discussing new technology, for example, it can be helpful if there are some diagrams or flow charts that illustrate how this tech works. You could also use photos as highlights of key features from products/services offered by companies like yours!

Be prepared for questions from the audience

If you are delivering a presentation, it’s likely that your audience will have some questions. Be prepared for this by being able to answer the most common among them beforehand; having an answer ready shows confidence in yourself and proves how well-versed product knowledge really thinks!

The best way to sell products is with an excellent presentation! With these tips, you can create powerful and persuasive presentations that will help boost sales for your business. You’ll need clear goals as well as researched content and engaging visuals so viewers take notice of what they’re seeing on screen – after all this information has been delivered tons more people may be willing to buy from us instead of someone else who has cheaper prices or worse service.

The New Product Launch Presentation

Launching a new product requires a unique approach in your presentation. Here’s how you can tailor your new product launch presentation to introduce something new to the market effectively:

  • Teasers and Pre-launch Hype: Build anticipation before the presentation. Tease your audience with sneak peeks, teasers, and countdowns to the launch event.
  • Unveil with Impact: Begin your presentation with a grand unveiling. Use dramatic visuals, lighting, or other creative elements to make the moment memorable.
  • Explain the Innovation: Clearly articulate what makes your new product innovative. Highlight any groundbreaking features, technologies, or design elements.
  • Competitive Advantage: Emphasize how your new product surpasses existing solutions in the market. Show why it’s a game-changer and worth adopting.
  • Early Access: Offer exclusive early access or special incentives to those who engage with your product during the launch. Create a sense of urgency.

How to create a product presentation?

Creating a compelling product presentation involves several key steps. In the process of how to create a product presentation first, thoroughly understand your product’s features, benefits, and target audience. Next, outline a clear structure for your presentation, including an attention-grabbing introduction, a detailed product overview, and a compelling conclusion.

Incorporate visuals such as images, videos, and infographics to illustrate key points and make the presentation engaging. Craft a compelling narrative that tells the story of your product and its journey, highlighting its uniqueness and value. Practice and rehearse your presentation to ensure a smooth and confident delivery. Lastly, gather feedback from peers or colleagues to fine-tune your presentation for maximum impact.

best product launch presentation

Tips to create the best product launch presentation

new product launch presentation

1-Start with a product analysis

For a successful presentation, it’s important to first do an analysis of your product and highlight any areas that need improvement. This will help you understand the ins-and-outs better so when people are looking at what information they want from this slide show or tutorial; we can be sure there won’t still be questions left unanswered!

Some things you should look at include:

  • The features of your product
  • The benefits of your product
  • The target market for your product
  • The competition

how to create a product presentation

2-Highlight your product’s key message

You’ve done your research and now it’s time to design a presentation. One of the first things you need in order for people not only to remember what they see but also to take action on those findings is to identify a clear key message that will be memorable, which means this one thing can’t just get lost among all other information about how great our product or service actually works!

When you’re speaking in front of an audience, it is essential that your message be concise and powerful. It should also convey the tone appropriately for each individual situation so as not to confuse or alienate anyone with mixed feelings about what they may think from hearing everything said on stage at once Mentioning this beforehand can help ease some anxiety because we know how hard these presentations are sometimes!

launch presentation

3-Share your product’s primary features and benefits

You should start by sharing what your product does and how it can help them. You might also want to talk about any key benefits, so they know why you’re the best choice for this kind of service or item!

The key to a successful product launch is clear, concise communication of exactly what your offer. You need strong visuals and examples so customers can see how it works for themselves!

presentation launch

4-Communicate with your clients

It’s important to think of your presentation as more than just a chance for you and potential clients/customers alike, it is also an opportunity to communicate with them about what makes the company unique. We all know how memorable presentations can be after hearing someone talk at length on some interesting topic or another their words will linger in our minds long afterward; even if we don’t fully comprehend everything that was said during Peer echo times (a term coined by disruption expert Donald Ewings), there are certain elements like visuals which stick around much longer when compared against other types stories do.

create a product presentation

5-Help combat potential issues

When you anticipate potential issues, it shows that your company is serious about its products. It also helps build trust and show customers how they can rely on what’s being offered by anticipation of these problems before hand-in most cases where this happens!

create product presentation

6-Define your target audience in your slides

The key to designing a successful presentation is understanding your target audience. Take some time and think about who you’re trying to appeal to the most, then make sure that all of your content and messages are tailored toward meeting their needs!

product presentation

7-Describe your launch schedule and plan

When you’re about to launch a new product, it’s important that everything goes according to plan. To stay organized and on track for this big event there should be an assigned time frame in which all tasks will take place so they can get completed efficiently without any delays or distractions from other work needs alike!

You’ll need to include all the important details in your presentation, such as when and where you’re launching. Make sure that everyone knows what branding will be used for this launch event so they can get prepared! Be detailed with information like which marketing strategies are being employed or if there’s something special planned besides just giving away freebies – I’m looking at YOU Secret Santa gifts…

product presentation launch

8-Promote your launch via social media, email, or press releases

Get ready for launch! Promote your new product through social media, email, or even press releases to generate as much excitement and interest in the brand. The more people who know about it beforehand (and want one), means the smoother process when they finally get their hands on them later down the road.

Easily craft a winning product launch presentation with these tips. You’ll be well on your way to success and know that you have all the tools necessary in order for it!

A product launch presentation is your chance to shine in the competitive business arena. Create a Compelling Narrative Your story or pitch should capture the audience’s attention, drive interest, generate buzz, and set expectations for something special and unique. Don’t think of it as just showing a product — it’s really the ability to tell a story that’s exciting, engaging and inspiring.

How do you explain product launch?

A product launch is a coordinated effort to bring a new solution to the market to build excitement and awareness of your product. Product launches involve several teams, including sales, customer support, product teams, product marketing, event management, and even managers.

What is a launch presentation?

A product launch presentation is a crucial moment for any product marketer. It’s your chance to showcase the value and benefits of your new or improved product to your target audience, generate interest and excitement, and persuade them to take action.

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Creative Product Launch PowerPoint Template

creative product launch welcome slide

Number of slides: 10

Product launches require a ton of preparation as there are many variables that need to be taken into consideration for a fully-optimized release. Ensuring the product is ready, creating a good marketing campaign and determining the launch date based on the current business circumstances are all important factors that need to be counted. Use the Product Launch Checklist, the Launch Timeline and the Market Analysis slides to ensure a successful presentation.

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Free Creative Product Launch PowerPoint Template

Product launch checklist.

When you have many juggle multiple work streams, having a complete and reliable checklist is going to help you make sure you have all the requirements ready for your product launch. This slide offers you multiple columns for checklists, one for each business area such as marketing, technology, and logistics, that allow you to easily track the progress for each business unit.

Launch Timeline

Arguably, the most important aspect when launching a product in ensuring a solid timeline is being respected. By aligning all stakeholders to a single comprehensive timeline, you eliminate any misunderstandings and simplify the product release process.

Market Analysis slides

In order to make sure your product is developed, marketed and dated correctly, you need to have a good understanding of the current business environment that you are going to penetrate. This slide allows you to present multiple data streams that can help you make the best decisions.

The Launch is the most important step

Make a good first impression by ensuring that you launch your product successfully.

Run the appropriate marketing campaigns

Publish press releases and notifying the relevant media channels and outlets

Keep your product to the top

After releasing your product, make sure you keep supporting your customers


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VP of Marketing at Avella

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Gretchen Ponts

Strata Research

"The key to the success with working with 24Slides has been the designers’ ability to revamp basic information on a slide into a dynamic yet clean and clear visual presentation coupled with the speed in which they do so. We do not work in an environment where time is on our side and the visual presentation is everything. In those regards, 24Slides has been invaluable."

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The HTML Presentation Framework

Created by Hakim El Hattab and contributors

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Hello There

reveal.js enables you to create beautiful interactive slide decks using HTML. This presentation will show you examples of what it can do.

Vertical Slides

Slides can be nested inside of each other.

Use the Space key to navigate through all slides.

Down arrow

Basement Level 1

Nested slides are useful for adding additional detail underneath a high level horizontal slide.

Basement Level 2

That's it, time to go back up.

Up arrow

Not a coder? Not a problem. There's a fully-featured visual editor for authoring these, try it out at https://slides.com .

Pretty Code

Code syntax highlighting courtesy of highlight.js .

Even Prettier Animations

Point of view.

Press ESC to enter the slide overview.

Hold down the alt key ( ctrl in Linux) and click on any element to zoom towards it using zoom.js . Click again to zoom back out.

(NOTE: Use ctrl + click in Linux.)


Automatically animate matching elements across slides with Auto-Animate .

Touch Optimized

Presentations look great on touch devices, like mobile phones and tablets. Simply swipe through your slides.

Add the r-fit-text class to auto-size text

Hit the next arrow...

... to step through ...

... a fragmented slide.

Fragment Styles

There's different types of fragments, like:

fade-right, up, down, left



Highlight red blue green

Transition Styles

You can select from different transitions, like: None - Fade - Slide - Convex - Concave - Zoom

Slide Backgrounds

Set data-background="#dddddd" on a slide to change the background color. All CSS color formats are supported.

Image Backgrounds

Tiled backgrounds, video backgrounds, ... and gifs, background transitions.

Different background transitions are available via the backgroundTransition option. This one's called "zoom".

You can override background transitions per-slide.

Iframe Backgrounds

Since reveal.js runs on the web, you can easily embed other web content. Try interacting with the page in the background.

Marvelous List

  • No order here

Fantastic Ordered List

  • One is smaller than...
  • Two is smaller than...

Tabular Tables


Clever Quotes

These guys come in two forms, inline: The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from and block:

“For years there has been a theory that millions of monkeys typing at random on millions of typewriters would reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. The Internet has proven this theory to be untrue.”

Intergalactic Interconnections

You can link between slides internally, like this .

Speaker View

There's a speaker view . It includes a timer, preview of the upcoming slide as well as your speaker notes.

Press the S key to try it out.

Export to PDF

Presentations can be exported to PDF , here's an example:

Global State

Set data-state="something" on a slide and "something" will be added as a class to the document element when the slide is open. This lets you apply broader style changes, like switching the page background.

State Events

Additionally custom events can be triggered on a per slide basis by binding to the data-state name.

Take a Moment

Press B or . on your keyboard to pause the presentation. This is helpful when you're on stage and want to take distracting slides off the screen.

  • Right-to-left support
  • Extensive JavaScript API
  • Auto-progression
  • Parallax backgrounds
  • Custom keyboard bindings

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Create Stunning Presentations on the Web

reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It's a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful presentations for free.

Presentations made with reveal.js are built on open web technologies. That means anything you can do on the web, you can do in your presentation. Change styles with CSS, include an external web page using an <iframe> or add your own custom behavior using our JavaScript API .

The framework comes with a broad range of features including nested slides , Markdown support , Auto-Animate , PDF export , speaker notes , LaTeX support and syntax highlighted code .

Ready to Get Started?

It only takes a minute to get set up. Learn how to create your first presentation in the installation instructions !

Online Editor

If you want the benefits of reveal.js without having to write HTML or Markdown try https://slides.com . It's a fully-featured visual editor and platform for reveal.js, by the same creator.

Supporting reveal.js

This project was started and is maintained by @hakimel with the help of many contributions from the community . The best way to support the project is to become a paying member of Slides.com —the reveal.js presentation platform that Hakim is building.

launch presentation.html

Slides.com — the reveal.js presentation editor.

Become a reveal.js pro in the official video course.

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This site was designed for modern browsers and tested with Internet Explorer version 10 and later.

It may not look or work correctly on your browser.

How to Make a Great (Coming Soon) Website Product Launch Page

Brenda Barron

Launching a new product is an exciting business venture, one that could mean a world of difference for your business. However, as you’re prepping for the launch, it’s important to think about how you’re going to promote your product as well as make it possible for people to buy it. Here are two options:

  • Create a coming soon page on your existing website for your new product.
  •  Create a dedicated website coming soon landing page (or pre-launch landing page) just for the product. 

A benefit of an HTML product launch landing page is that it’s easier to set up than a Content Management System or an e-commerce platform . A dedicated coming soon landing page also gives you the advantage of your landing page being focused on one singular goal and that's to promote the product and encourage people to buy.

In today’s tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps of setting up a product launch landing page based on a template and share tips on writing landing page copy as well as product promotion. You can find some great landing page templates that'll work well as product launch landing pages (or just about any kind of landing page, really) at Envato Elements or ThemeForest .

How to Set Up Your Product Launch Landing Page Template

Once you've downloaded your template, you're ready to begin setting up your website coming soon or product launch landing page.

The process of setting up your website coming soon landing page template has a few steps. First, you need to get familiar with the way HTML templates work. Then, you need to modify the HTML and the CSS file so you can replace the content with your own and style the template to match your brand. The last step is to upload the files to your hosting server so your coming soon landing page can be accessed online. Let’s go through the steps, one by one:

Step 1. Get Familiar With the HTML Template Structure

When you purchase an HTML template, you’ll download it as a zip file. You’ll need to unzip it and then you’ll be able to see every file that makes up your future landing page.

In most cases, you'll find one or more HTML files which represent individual pages of your site or different variations of the page. Each HTML file will be named similarly to the page it represents, except for the index.html file which signifies the homepage. These files control what elements are used on the landing page. This includes various blocks such as headings, paragraphs, images, and more.

Your template will also have a few folders that'll contain CSS files, JavaScript files, and placeholder images. In some cases, you might find folders with font files or PSD files that were used to design how the template looks. Lastly, there will also be a documentation folder or a file that provides information about the template and instructions for modifying it.

The CSS files control how the template looks and the JavaScript files usually control animations and transitions.

For this tutorial, I’ll be using the Proland template from Envato Elements. This is a responsive and multipurpose landing page template that integrates with MailChimp, PayPal, and email. It also includes features such as several landing page variants, video backgrounds, a press kit, and more. Here's a look:

Proland template

As you can see from the screenshot below, the template includes all of the files mentioned above as well as extra folders such as PHP which contains PHP files used for contact, order, and newsletter forms:

template structure

Step 2. Modify the HTML Code

The next step is to modify the HTML files. While you won’t be changing any of the actual HTML code, you'll be replacing the dummy text and information with your own.

Editing HTML files is easy, once you understand what’s going on. The easiest way to get a grasp on the HTML code is to see it in action. Start by right-clicking on index.html and then selecting Open With Google Chrome or your preferred browser.

Once the template has loaded in your browser, right-click on any part of the page and select Inspect. In this example, I am inspecting the large header at the top of the page.

Inspecting the header

As you inspect the element, you’ll notice a panel at the bottom of your browser window. That panel shows you the underlying HTML code that makes up your template. As you can see, the large header text is in between <h2> tags. This means we need to find those tags in the index.html file and replace that text.

You’ll want to go back to your template’s folder, right-click the index.html file again, and select Open With , but this time choose a text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit.

editing the HTML template

When the file opens up in your text editor, look for <h2> tags and the text that you’ve just inspected. In my case, those tags are located on line 106 of the HTML file. Now all you've got to do is click between those <h2> tags, delete the dummy text, and replace it with your desired headline.

Going back to your HTML template in your browser, let’s inspect the text that’s right below the headline. This text is a paragraph wrapped in <p> tags, which means we need to back and locate those tags in the text editor.

In your text editor, you’ll notice that the paragraph is immediately below the header so just as before, click in between the <p> tags, delete the existing text, and enter your description.

Editing the rest of the template is easy. Simply follow the same steps until have changed all of the contents: right-click the element, inspect it, locate the tags in the text editor, and replace the dummy information.

After you've replaced all of the contents, click on File > Save . Refresh your browser window and you'll be able to see your changes.

Step 3. Edit the CSS Files

Once you've replaced all of the content with your own, you need to style the template to your liking. This is done by editing the CSS file. Begin by locating the CSS subfolder in your template’s folder and looking for the file named style.css. This usually signifies the main CSS file you need to edit. In some cases, you might have more than one CSS file so double-check your template’s documentation for information on which one you need to edit.

Similarly to modifying HTML, you’ll have an easier time editing and styling the template if you know which styles are used for which element. The easiest way to find that out is to right-click on an element and inspecting it. The familiar Inspector panel will show up again and you'll be able to see the CSS styles on the right side of the panel. The CSS side of the Inspector panel will even tell you which line of code contains this particular style. If your template has multiple CSS files, it'll also tell you which CSS file you need to edit.

Inspecting a button in CSS

As you can see in the screenshot, I want to change the color of the blue button. According to the Inspector , I need to change line 45 of the CSS code in the blue-orange.css file.

If you’re following along, open up that file with your text editor and find line 45. Now, enter your own hex code for the background color. In my case, the code looks like this:

background: #8a6d3b;

Save the changes and then refresh your browser window. You can continue editing the CSS files in this manner until you’re happy with how your template looks. You can use the CSS styles to change the fonts, adjust the spacing, and more. Simply remember to inspect the element you want to style, locate the right line of code and the right CSS file, and then adjust the styles.

Step 4. Upload Your Product Launch Landing Page Template to Your Hosting Server

The last step is to upload all of your template files to your hosting server. Keep in mind that if you’re going to be using only the website coming soon landing page, there's no need to upload other HTML files. You will, however, need to upload the CSS, JavaScript, and other folders that are located in the HTML folder.

To begin the upload process, you’ll need to use the FTP information that was provided by your host. You'll also need an FTP program that'll allow you to connect to your server. FileZilla is a free FTP client that can be used on Windows, Mac, and Linux computers and it’s what I’ll be using.

Download FileZilla and launch it. Use the QuickConnect bar at the top to enter your hosting information. Then, click the Connect button.

Once the connection has been established, locate the template’s HTML folder on the left-hand side of FileZilla window. Select the HTML file and all the folders and then drag them over to the right-hand side. Place the files into the public_html folder. Then, wait for the upload process to finish. You can then visit your product launch landing page URL and make sure everything works as intended.  

Five Copywriting Tips for Your Product Landing Page

Now that we’ve covered how to set up your product landing page template, you need to make sure that the copy on your page seals the deal and convinces visitors to make the purchase. Here are five tips that'll help you write stellar copy for your product landing page:

1. Avoid Jargon

The first tip is to avoid jargon and technical language that visitors won’t understand. While you do need to describe what the product is and how it helps them, you’ll be better off using everyday language. Imagine you’re describing your product to a friend. You’ll be surprised how much more natural you sound.

2. Focus on Benefits

Your copy should make the visitors want and need your product. It needs to leave them with the “I have to have it!” reaction. A surefire way to get there is to focus on the product’s benefits. More precisely, you need to give them a clear picture of how your product is going to make their life better.

3. Work on Your Headline First

The headline will be the first thing your visitors see and it needs to hook them right from the start. Your headline will help you shape the rest of your story so it’s a good idea to craft your headline first and spend extra time on making sure you get it right.

4. Use Bullet Points

Landing pages are usually long so use bullet points to break up the copy and make it easier to digest. Bullet points are great for describing the benefits as well as outlining the features of your product.

5. Focus on Your Ideal Customer

Lastly, focus on your ideal customer. Think about their preferences, their problems, and how your product solves their problems. By doing so, you’ll have no problems coming up with a convincing copy for your product launch landing page.

How to Promote Your Coming Soon Landing Page

Once you've got your copy and your product launch landing page is good to go, it’s time to promote it and drive traffic to it. Here are a few ways to market your coming soon landing page:

  • Use it as the default link in your social media bio and be sure to create a post that announces your product with a link back to your landing page
  • Send out an email to your existing subscribers and let them know your product is now available
  • Create a contest on social media where your followers have to do something (for example, caption a photo, come up with a photo that’s related to your product or tag a friend who would benefit from it) for a chance to win the product itself.

Learn More About Landing Pages

If you'd like to learn more about landing pages, review these tutorials:

launch presentation.html

For a great selection of more landing page templates, take a look at: 

launch presentation.html

Make More Sales With a Product Launch Page Template

A great product launch page template can help you make more sales of your product and result in a profitable launch. Find your perfect product coming soon landing page template on Envato Elements or ThemeForest and then use this tutorial to help you set it up.

Brenda Barron

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3 secrets to effective product launch presentation

There are three common mistakes firms make when pitching a new product or service, writes rob enderle. here’s how to get it right..

entertaining presentations ts

After recently watching two major product presentations from firms that have been doing them for decades, it struck me that folks seem to have forgotten the three basic rules on how to do these things well. Many books have been written on this subject, one of the best being “The Presentations Secrets of Steve Jobs.” In addition, there are folks who specialize in training people on how to do this.  

So this week I’d like to cover three product launch presentation secrets that firms often forget.

1. The goal is to sell the product.

Your goal isn’t give an executive facetime in front of an audience, it’s not to train an employee on public speaking and it’s not to see how many words can be put on a single slide.

Much like if you were picking a cast for a play you want to do well, you don’t pick based on who they know or what their title is. You pick based on how well they can play the role. Every firm has folks who are naturals in front of audiences and, with a little training and practice, these same folks can be magical on stage telling stories, conveying excitement and motivating people to want to buy the product.   Often a product can live or die based on the quality of the presentation. Assuring your best person is presenting, much like ensuring your best actor is the lead in a play, goes a long way to achieving that goal.

2. Maintain customer context.

Often I see presentations that are all speeds and feeds. “Our feeblefaxor is three times faster than our old feeblefaxor and twice as fast as the competition!” means absolutely nothing unless you explain why anyone should want a fast feeblefaxor.

The cadence should be to first identify a customer-sourced problem, then explain why it is a problem and its importance. And finally, apply the metric or technology to the problem, and close with a customer testimonial on why they are thrilled with the result. For instance, there is a breakout of zombie gerbils and feeblefaxors have proven the most effective at eradicating the menace. Meanwhile, zombie gerbils are multiplying 2x what your competitor’s feeblefaxor can kill, thus one that operates at 2x performance is more attractive to those needing to eradicate zombie gerbils which, I hope, can never be a thing. If you don’t give the feature or metric context you won’t hit the customer where they live.

3. You have to entertain.

Today’s audiences have a ton of distractions: laptops, tablets, smartphones, apps, email, instant messages and so on. More than ever before you have to entertain them. This isn’t about filling time or just getting to the end of the event. If you can’t hold the audience it doesn’t matter what your content is because they will likely never remember seeing it. I’ve seen vendors pay thousands to bring customers to some exotic remote location to pitch a product or service only to have the only thing those customers remember is the location and extracurricular activities. They simply zoned out during the meeting, much like you or I would zone out in a presentation on time shares we were taking in order to get a free trip.

This is the thing that made a Steve Jobs presentation stand out, it was staged like you’d stage a show with the product as the star. I recall one time leaving one of his events praising the hell out of it, only to suddenly realize he hadn’t really presented anything new. And I never checked email or took my eyes off the stage because I didn’t want to miss a minute of it. If you don’t entertain you won’t hold the audience, and if you don’t hold the audience you could have saved a lot of money by just suggesting they take that nap at home.  

3 mistakes companies make when pitching products

There are three common mistakes firms make when pitching a product or service. They pick presenters on anything but what they should pick them for, presentation and sales skills.   They forget to provide customer-sourced context for their features and metrics and, without context, they are largely meaningless. And, finally, they fail to entertain which means to folks in the audience likely get a ton of work done they could have done more effectively, and from your perspective, far cheaper back in their homes or offices.  

Oh, and I have one more thing. Measure the result, not on customer satisfaction, but on how well you accomplished the goals that gave you the budget for the event. The goal isn’t to get the customer to rank the presentation, the goal is to change an impression or sell a product. I get you want a goal you can easily achieve but that doesn’t pay the bills and, if you don’t pay the bills, you’ll likely find retirement comes far earlier than you expect.  

Now, excuse me, suddenly I have a deep need to buy a few feeblefaxors.

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21+ Free HTML App Landing Page Templates

Crafting an impactful App landing page is essential for a successful app launch . Think of it as the face of your application – the first impression users get before exploring the features. Free HTML App Landing Page Templates play a pivotal role in achieving this.

Originally designed for mobile app developers, an app landing page serves as a dedicated space to showcase the functions of the application. It is an accessible page that users reach through a hyperlink, typically referring to the home page of the mobile app. The landing page provides a clear and straightforward interface, introducing customers to the essence of the app .

Right Balance for User Engagement

Effective app landing page templates strike the right balance of information to engage and attract users. It should offer enough details for users to comprehend the essential dynamics of the mobile app without overwhelming them with excessive information. The key elements , such as the app name, a clear call to action, app features, app promo video placeholder, and app screenshots , are crucial for drawing in users and encouraging downloads.

Having and designing a solid landing page are essential parts of the business. An ideal app landing page has all of the information a new potential customer needs for the company. Depending on your business, you can find lots of the latest app landing pages. Do you want to expand your reach with a compelling app landing page and achieve goals in half the time ? Are you confused about which one to choose ?

Curated Collection To simplify your decision-making process, we present some of the best free app landing page templates . These templates are curated to help you create a compelling landing page for your upcoming app launch, expanding your reach and achieving your goals efficiently.

Free App Landing Page Templates

Explore a handpicked collection of 21+ free HTML app landing page templates that cater to diverse app categories. Download these templates and effortlessly create a captivating landing page to promote your app effectively.

Spark - Free App Landing Page Templates

Spark is a beautifully crafted Bootstrap 5 App Landing Page Template that is your gateway to creating stunning software, apps, and SaaS websites. Embark on a journey of seamless conversions with this exceptional template.

This versatile template, available in both free and premium versions , ensures your website or web app stands out in the digital landscape.

Spark is crafted with Bootstrap 5 and HMTL5 to offer a clean and captivating design. It includes dozens of essential pages and sections needed for impactful app landing pages.

Whether you’re launching a new app or showcasing software innovations, Spark is the ideal choice . Elevate your online presence and engage your audience with elegance.

AppVilla - Free App Landing Page Templates

AppVilla is a striking App Landing Page Template for Software, Mobile Apps, and SaaS websites that seamlessly blends creativity with functionality. 

Developed with the cutting-edge Bootstrap 5 framework, this template offers a vibrant design across  7+ essential pages , including contact, blog, and pricing plans. 

Its simplicity, color scheme, and high-quality design captivate viewers effortlessly. With full responsiveness and easy customization , AppVilla adapts to various screens and devices, providing a mobile-friendly experience.

Choose AppVilla for a creative app landing page that combines excellent design with all the necessary elements

AppGrids  - Bootstrap 5 App Landing Page Template

AppGrids is a free Bootstrap 5 App landing page template meticulously designed for app and software promotions. Packed with essential sections, captivating animations, and user-friendly features , It is the ideal choice for your next app website.

Specifically crafted for app, software, and product landings, this template unleashes the developer’s creativity with a range of features. Built on Bootstrap 5 and HTML5 , AppGrids ensures versatility and ease of customization .

Showcase your app effortlessly and engage your audience with this fully responsive and dynamic App landing page template.

Advanced - Free HTML App Landing Page Template

Advanced is a free app landing page template built on Bootstrap and HTML5. It features a modern , creative, and refreshing design with all the essential elements for a landing page.

Showcasing diverse ways to present a mobile app, Advanced is fast, well-optimized , and available in both Free and Premium versions, tailored for App Landing. Explore the possibilities with this template for a dynamic and engaging app showcase.

Play Bootstrap - App Landing Page

Discover Play is an open-source HTML app landing page template built on Bootstrap 5 by UIdeck. Whether you’re launching a startup, promoting apps, or showcasing SaaS solutions, Play provides a versatile and visually appealing solution.

With essential sections, separate pages for blogs and login, and a modern design using TailGrids UI components , Play empowers users to effortlessly create impactful websites. Elevate your online presence with this free template, designed for flexibility and seamless user experiences .

Appi - Free App Landing Page Template

Appi is built with Bootstrap 5 and a vanilla JavaScript landing page for apps and software. This app landing page comes with a Fully Responsive, high-quality Design, Smooth Animation, and all Essential Sections and elements for the website.

It offers easy customization, so you can create a custom landing page without any hassle. For a stunning app landing page, Appi is a perfect choice.

AppLand - App Landing Page Template

AppLand is a dedicated Bootstrap 4 and HTML5 app landing page meticulously crafted for apps, software, and SaaS. With a clean and refreshing design , this landing page contains all the essential features tailored for a seamless app launch.

Its fully responsive layout ensures compatibility across various devices, providing the perfect platform for showcasing your app with style and functionality .

SaaSGrids - Free App Landing Page

SaaSGrids is a versatile Bootstrap 5 App landing page template meticulously designed for your upcoming App Launch. Its flexibility extends to App, WebApp, and Software landing page projects, making it the ultimate solution for your creative endeavors. 

With a clean, high-quality , and trendy design, SaaSGrids offers a user-friendly experience and high customizability. Featuring 7 different pages , including blog sections, contact forms, and pricing plans, SaaSGrids provides a comprehensive solution for your SaaS website. 

Elevate your SaaS website with SaaSGrids, offering an incredible design, essential sections , and everything you need to make a lasting impression.

Delivery - Food delivery App Landing Page

Delivery is a free Bootstrap App landing page template designed for food, grocery, and home delivery websites. Built on Bootstrap 5 and HTML5, this template provides a comprehensive solution for your next website launch.

With essential sections, captivating animations, and user-friendly customization , Delivery is perfect for creating an engaging app landing page. Specifically designed for food, grocery, and home delivery services, it offers a clean, unique, and refreshing design.

This template features an extraordinary hero area, software screenshots, process details, features, team information, and counters, ensuring a seamless experience on any device or browser. Make your home delivery app stand out with Delivery – Easy to Customize and Fully Responsive.

Basic- SaaS Landing Page

Basic, built on Bootstrap and HTML5, is a meticulously crafted app landing page template tailored for app, software, and SaaS products. Packed with essential features, diverse sections, and captivating animations, Basic provides everything you need to perfect your app landing page.

Its fully responsive design, block-based coding structure , and SASS files ensure easy customization and a seamless user experience.

Smart - Free Landing Page template

Smart, built on Bootstrap 4 and HTML5 and enhanced with the Ayro UI , is an all-encompassing template ideal for business or SaaS websites.

The landing page features CSS3 animations and a multi-purpose design and contains all the essential elements for a flawless app website. With three homepage variations designed for diverse purposes, Smart ensures a sleek and modern app landing page experience.

If you are looking for single-page templates, check out our dedicated post for one-page site templates

Sprout - Sleek and Minimalistic

Sprout stands out as a sleek and minimalistic mobile app or software landing page, meticulously crafted with essential elements for a compelling app launch.

With a fully responsive layout, user-friendly documentation , seamless customization, a functional Ajax contact form, and a build on Bootstrap 4 and HTML5, Sprout emerges as an excellent choice for your upcoming project.

Its modern design and features make it ideal for creating a stunning app landing page that resonates with modern trends.

Slick - Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Template

Slick is a versatile HTML app landing page template built on Bootstrap 4 and HTML5. It seamlessly blends free and premium features to offer a modern, multi-purpose design.

With customized jQuery Plugins, CSS libraries, and an extensive collection of 450+ Line Icons , Slick ensures a comprehensive set of tools for your website. Designed for Business, App, Sass, and related sites, this template offers two distinct homepage variations.

Its high-quality design and stunning UI/UX deliver a pleasant user experience, making Slick an optimal choice for a wide range of applications.

Fusion - App Landing Page Template

Fusion is a cutting-edge HTML App landing page template designed for modern apps, businesses, and products. It is crafted on Bootstrap 4 and HTML5 . With its fresh and modern design, Fusion includes all the essential elements required for an effective app landing page.

The template ensures a responsive layout designed for showcasing products, businesses, or apps, providing easy customization options and an enhanced user experience. Elevate your online presence with Fusion’s sleek design and adjustable features.

Essence - Bootstrap One-Page Landing Template

Essence is a one-page App landing page template meticulously crafted on Bootstrap 4 for landing pages, apps, and business websites.

With 4 distinct homepage variations, this high-quality template offers essential add-ons , including essential scripts, 300+ icons, and libraries.

Essence has an optimized code , detailed documentation, and a block structure, ensuring a seamless customization experience for your website with minimal effort. Elevate your online presence with Essence’s versatile design and feature-rich capabilities .

Proton - Free SaaS One Page Template

Proton is a meticulously crafted App landing page template based on Bootstrap 4 and HTML5. It is tailored for web apps, startups, agencies, SaaS, and app landing pages.

With four diverse homepage variations , CSS3 Animations, and comprehensive documentation, Proton is your ideal solution for a perfect project. This template features a well-designed website with all essential elements and a block-based coding structure that facilitates seamless customization.

Elevate your online presence with Proton’s dynamic design and feature-rich capabilities .

Vanilla - Free Bootstrap HTML5 Landing Page Template

Vanilla is a free App landing page template built with Bootstrap 4 and HTML5. It is a versatile template designed for SaaS, business, and app websites .

With an expansive collection of 300+ icons, rich typography, and a refreshing design, Vanilla is ideal for various website applications. This responsive template utilizes block-based code structures , providing seamless customization for your unique needs.

Elevate your online presence with Vanilla’s modern aesthetics and user-friendly features. It is a perfect choice for creating impactful and engaging web experiences.

Beam - Free App Landing Page Templates

Beam is a stunning app landing page designed to showcase apps and software. Crafted with HTML5 and Bootstrap, the Beam App Landing Page HTML template offers a stunning and extraordinary presentation for your app.

This Open-source landing page template provides a visually appealing and well-structured platform to highlight the unique features and functionalities of your application, ensuring a remarkable online presence.

Elevate your app’s visibility with Beam’s contemporary design and user-friendly layout . This makes it an excellent choice for creating impactful and engaging landing pages.

Appbox - Free Bootstrap App Landing Page

AppBox is a highly customizable, clean template with a well-organized structure, making it the perfect choice for your app or product landing page.

It is a fully responsive app landing page template incorporating FontAwesome 4.x , awesome animations, and a clean, minimal design . It is based on Bootstrap 3.2.x, offering a multi-page layout and well-documented codes.

AppBox provides a comprehensive solution for creating an attractive and functional landing page for your app or product, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Applayer - Health App

AppLayers, a free one-page template from pFind, is designed to perfection for application sites. Utilizing the popular Bootstrap framework, this layout encompasses everything essential for an ideal app site.

Moreover, the responsive design ensures compatibility with all devices and screens, providing a seamless experience for users across various platforms. AppLayers is a reliable choice for creating an engaging and functional one-page website to showcase your applications.

Emmo - Bootstrap Template

Emmo Bootstrap Apps Landing Page is an exceptionally sleek Bootstrap template suitable for promoting any app designed for Mac, Android, or web platforms.

This template is versatile and free for you to use. It’s crafted with HTML 5 and CSS 3, built on Bootstrap 3.3.5, and includes a range of features such as a price table, contact form, carousel, email subscription form, and call-to-action buttons.

Emmo is well-documented , making it easy for you to navigate and customize according to your needs.

In conclusion, these 21+ Free HTML App Landing Page Templates for 2024 offer a diverse collection of options for anyone looking to showcase their applications effectively.

With modern designs, responsive layouts, and a range of features, these templates provide a solid foundation for presenting your apps in a compelling and user-friendly manner.

Whether you’re launching a new app or giving an existing one a fresh look, these templates offer the flexibility and creativity needed to make a lasting impression.

Take advantage of these free resources to enhance your online presence and captivate your audience with a seamless and visually appealing App landing page.

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Brand Launch Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Explain the quality of your marketing plans and its execution that benefits the productivity of your client’s business with the aid of our Brand Launch Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides. You can showcase your customized plans including product development, market research, branding, online and offline advertising, public relations, and content marketing. With the help of product launch proposal PPT layout, you can introduce your consultant team to your client and display their working pattern. You can effectively showcase the various operational tasks executed by your team. You can introduce your consultants that have proficiency in business communications, marketing factors, advertisements to grow your brand awareness in different geographies. Take the assistance of a brand positioning proposal PowerPoint template to illustrate your various marketing strategies that leave a positive impact on your clients. Explain the multiple brand strategies and plans implemented by your marketing experts. Put down all the important information about product launching and gain the confidence of your viewers. Define the products, and services your company offers in a more presentable manner. Employ this professionally designed marketing proposal PowerPoint graphic to determine the different analytical tools and techniques your company used to assess the outcome of a particular brand. Talk about your project goals, measurable results, client testimonials, and key deliverables to leave a lasting impression on your clients. Describe your marketing project timeframe in an efficient manner that captures the attention of your consumer and assists them in completing their work before the deadline. You can also portray the weekly task descriptions including mobile advertising, email marketing, social media marketing, online publications, video advertising, and online conferences. Explain how your products or services provide benefit to your target audience. Pitch your marketing skills and elaborate your digital media proficiency by using this target segmentation proposal PowerPoint presentation layout. Emphasize on the current and future marketing action metrics that guide the client about their financial projections. Download our ready-to-use product launch proposal PPT theme and display your overall client base to impress your audience.

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Embed a Powerpoint in a Web Page

Is there any way to embed a PowerPoint slide show in an HTML page using just the standard tags etc? I tried using a iframe, but that just results in the PowerPoint being downloaded.

I am looking for a way to show the slide show using only standard stuff. I realize I could use google docs or flash or something, but I'd rather have a simple implementation.

Does the web just not know how to process a PowerPoint presentation?

Snowy Coder Girl's user avatar

  • possible duplicate of Embed Powerpoint into HTML –  Marko Commented Aug 18, 2011 at 0:29
  • 2 I said I do not want to use google docs. –  Snowy Coder Girl Commented Aug 18, 2011 at 0:30
  • 1 It lists other possible solutions, look at the answers below the accepted one. –  Marko Commented Aug 18, 2011 at 0:31
  • I saw ones about Flash and other applications, but I'll look deeper some more. –  Snowy Coder Girl Commented Aug 18, 2011 at 0:37
  • Google docs is the simple implementation. –  djlumley Commented Aug 18, 2011 at 2:11

11 Answers 11

Plain and simple...this is the best method to embed any Microsoft or Adobe file into a HTML website.

Shane's user avatar

  • 2 I wonder why the hell your answer doesn't get more upvotes. It's the closest one to the original intention of the asker. –  EugZol Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 16:34
  • 6 This answer won't work for presentations on an internal website. –  NetMage Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 19:53
  • 3 <iframe width="100%" height="630" src=" docs.google.com/viewer?url=your_file&embedded=true " ></iframe> –  Alexis Cabrera Mondeja Commented Apr 6, 2020 at 1:53
  • 1 JS var url = encodeURIComponent(originalURl); HTML: <iframe src=' view.officeapps.live.com/op/embed.aspx?src=$ {url}' width='100%' height='600px' frameborder='0'> –  Anil Commented May 7, 2020 at 15:12
  • 3 As of 2022, I can't get the above answer to work. I've updated the url to a real deck in the github sharepoint that I uploaded. I assume the view.officeapps.live.com/op/embed... isn't there any more. –  Lance Kind Commented Feb 24, 2022 at 16:50

Just to update this question - as there is a new way to embed Powerpoints in a web page. If you have an account on OneDrive , do the following using Powerpoint Online (accessing Powerpoint via the browser) to embed a Powerpoint:

Share Powerpoint

  • 2 this was unexpectedly easy! –  Gregg Bursey Commented May 11, 2017 at 21:37
  • Hey, please give me solution for without putting ppt on the drive and take from the server then how do they do it? –  user7918630 Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 10:22
  • 1 requires viewers to have a microsoft account. not a good solution for a public website. –  sspence65 Commented Dec 22, 2020 at 10:44

Web browsers don't understand power point, but there are solutions besides Flash.

You could export it to HTML or a PDF. Or you could also upload to site like slideshare and make use of their players which are built for this problem.

numbers1311407's user avatar

  • 1 +1, thanks for the help. I have decided to use YouTube (see answer). Thanks again. ^_^ –  Snowy Coder Girl Commented Aug 18, 2011 at 2:07
  • Hey, please give me solution for without putting ppt on the drive and take from the server then how do they do it? –  user7918630 Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 10:23

I have decided to take a hack route and upload the powerpoint onto YouTube and then just include the youtube video in the iframe.

I know, it's cheap, but it's also easy.

I eventually checked my page as XHTML Strict, which does not support the <iframe> tag. So I used the object tag instead.

I tried answer posted by Shane, which looks exactly right and how MS used to have PPT viewing online earlier but it didn't worked for me. After doing some research I found out that the link has changed a bit.

So use: https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/ view.aspx instead of https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/ embed.aspx

Note: Link to PPT need to be publicly accessible.

SumitK's user avatar

  • 2 I like more google docs viewer works with docs, pptx, pdf, etc. <iframe width="100%" height="630" src=" docs.google.com/viewer?url=your_file&embedded=true " ></iframe> –  Alexis Cabrera Mondeja Commented Apr 6, 2020 at 2:05
  • Animations and effects present in a PPT won't work with google docs viewers. –  SumitK Commented Apr 7, 2020 at 6:29
  • But you can use "Open With" and use Google presentations App. –  Alexis Cabrera Mondeja Commented Apr 8, 2020 at 14:07
  • I'm not sure if that can be done directly via a link like we can with MS. Also I believe to use Google Slides user need to be signed in with an Google account. –  SumitK Commented Apr 9, 2020 at 15:21

Use Microsoft skydrive, upload your power point to this site and use this code

http://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=20f065afc1acdb2e&page=view&resid=20F065AFC1ACDB2E!723&parid=20F065AFC1ACDB2E!719 is the URL of the powerpoint file.

You have to replace SD20F065AFC1ACDB2E!723 for your own string of the corresponding URL

Carlos  Soto Johnson's user avatar

  • <iframe src=" r.office.microsoft.com/r/… " width="402" height="327" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> –  Carlos Soto Johnson Commented Jul 8, 2012 at 4:13
  • Look the code of this site, crc.tc/powerpointDemo.html and replace SD20F065AFC1ACDB2E!723 with your own power point skidrive URL identifier –  Carlos Soto Johnson Commented Jul 8, 2012 at 4:21

Upload a PowerPoint document on your Google Drive and then 'Share' it with everyone (make it public): Sharing your pptx doc

Then, go to File > Publish to the web > hit the publish button.

Go to Embed and copy the embed code and paste it to your web page

Copy embed code

nurealam siddiq's user avatar

Works Best for me.

Goto MS View Office Documents Online Page

Enter link to PPT file Note: This link should be publicly Accessible

Click on Create URL.

Link to view office documents online will be generated.

Paste this link to any webpage or as iframe src attribute.

You are all set!! :)

Sumit Kathayat's user avatar

I was able to do this by saving the PPT as an mp4 (Save As > MPEG-4 Video (*.mp4)) and then using the video tag.

Aba's user avatar

If you are using Google slides you could easily publish it on the web and also embed the slide in an iframe.

Go to google slides -> file-> sharing -> embed and copy the code

enter image description here

and then in your HTML file use the below code to show slides in fullscreen mode.

Mahesh Jamdade's user avatar

why not use prezi, I just use it in my work, very easy and useful.

enter image description here

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launch presentation

launch presentation

May 19, 2013

280 likes | 525 Views

launch presentation. January 14 - 16, 2004 West Dealers Sharon Shuya Director of Marketing. TELUS Authorized Dealer 2004 Rewards Program. ‘license to win’, Exclusively YOURS® Reward Program Most innovative rewards program in Canada Partnered with Maritz and American Express

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Presentation Transcript

launch presentation January 14 - 16, 2004 West Dealers Sharon ShuyaDirector of Marketing

TELUS Authorized Dealer 2004Rewards Program ‘license to win’, Exclusively YOURS® Reward Program • Most innovative rewards program in Canada • Partnered with Maritz and American Express • Earn valuable incentive points from the sales of a wide range of TELUS products and services • Earning points is easy …the more you sell the faster your points accumulate!

Exclusively YOURS® Card: The Ultimate Award Vehicle • Easy to use; 1 Exclusively YOURS® point = $1 in purchasing power • Instant Rewards • Endless Prizes • Outstanding Value & Quality • Maritz manages the rewards program!

‘license to win’, Exclusively YOURS® Reward Program

Exclusively YOURS® Rewards Program www.eycanada.com

Banana Republic The Bay Birks Bombay® Chapters/World’s Biggest Bookstore* Chapters.Indigo.ca* Coles/Smithbooks* Cyberflowers.com+ Eddie Bauer® + Franklin Covey ® Forzani’s Forzani’s Locker Room Fossil Future Shop Ltd.®+ Gap/Gap Kids Golf Town Canada HMV Canada + Home Outfitters Indigo* justwhiteshirts.com+ Lands’ End® Laura Secord® Lens Crafters® Linens’ n Things Old Navy Pier 1 Imports®* Pottery Barn Pottery Barn Kids Rand McNally Roots Canada Ltd. Sport Chek+ Sunglass Hut Winners Apparel Ltd.* Williams Sonoma Exclusively YOURS® Rewards: Canadian Retail Options *Available through gift certificate +Web based redemption available

1-800-FLOWERS.COMSM Banana Republic Bath & Body Works Bombay® Borders Books & Music Bostonian®/Clarks England Brooks Brothers Burdines Cabela’s® Crate and Barrel Cyberflowers.ca Eddie Bauer® Eddie Bauer Home™ Fossil Franklin Covey Gap/GapKids/babyGap Hammacher Schlemmer Harry & David HomeGoods® J. Crew Johnston & Murphy® Jos. A. Bank Clothiers Lands’ End® Lens Crafters® Macy’s Marshalls® Old Navy PB Teen Pottery Barn Pottery Barn Kids Rand McNally Sam Goody Samsonite® The Sharper Image® Suncoast Motion Picture Company Sunglass Hut T.J. Maxx® Tourneau Watches Waldenbooks® Watch Station/Watch World White Barn Candle co. Williams Sonoma Exclusively YOURS® Rewards: U.S. Retail Options

Al Frisco's Alice Fazooli's! The Armadillo Texas Grill Auberge du Pommier Bailey's BierMarkt Biff's Canadian Personal Chef Association** Canoe Canyon Creek Chop House Casey's Chamberlyn's Restaurant D'arcy McGee's Earls Restaurants East Side Marios Empire Theatres Esplanade Bier Market Famous Players Far Niente Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub Exclusively YOURS® Rewards: Dining & Entertainment Options* *Available using Gift Cert. **Available using EY Card Only

Hard Rock Café Jack Astor's Bar & Grill® Jump Cafe & Bar Just For Laughs** The Keg® Steakhouse & Bar La Ronde Leoni's Italian Kitchen Loose Moose MacAskill's Restaurant Mexicali Rosa’s Oliver & Bonacini Café Grill Olive Garden® Paddy Flaherty's Irish Pub Pat & Mario's RD's BBQ & Blues Red Lobster® Reds Bistro & Bar Restaurant Bonaparte Seasons In The Park Slainte Irish Pub Steakfrites Soul of the Vine Tir Nan Og Irish Pub Exclusively YOURS® Rewards: Dining & Entertainment Options* *Available using Gift Cert. **Available using EY Card Only

1-800-FLOWERS.COMSM Cabela’s® Eddie Bauer Franklin Covey® Hammacher Schlemmer Harry and David® Herrington The Sharper Image® DISNEYLAND® Resorts Golf Canada’s West GORP Travel ROADTRIPS® Sanctuary on Camelback Mountain Sandals® Spa Finder SuperClubs® Resorts Voyageur Quest WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort Exclusively YOURS® Rewards: Catalogue/ Vacation Packages

Art Lover's Dream Personal Portrait BMW Driver Training Personal Putting Green Child Portrait Pet Portrait Cooking School Etiquette For Children Interactive Dinner Party Professional Organizer Language Instruction French Language Training Men's Image Consultation Women's Image Consultation Garden Watercolour Personal Fitness Trainer Exclusively YOURS® Rewards: Lifestyle **Available using the EY Card only All available using Vouchers

International Chains Include: Delta Hotels Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Fiesta Americana/Fiesta Inn® Marriott® Hotels-Resorts & Suites The Ritz-Carlton® Hotels Individual Properties include: Doral Golf Resort & Spa, Miami, FL Equinox Resort & Spa, Manchester Village, VT Peabody Orlando, Orlando, FL PGA National Resort & Spa, Palm Beach, FL Rimrock Resort Hotel, Banff, AL Whistler Chalets & Accommodations Ltd. Wyndham Palace Resort & Spa, FL Exclusively YOURS® Rewards: Accommodations **Available using the EY Card only All available using Vouchers

Cruise lines: Carnival® Cruise Lines Celebrity Cruises® DISNEY CRUISE LINE® Royal Caribbean International Windstar® Cruises Transportation: Avis Personalized Travel: Offered through itravel2000, Canada's leading online travel agency! Exclusive travel packages Packaged holidays Discounted resort stays, unique getaways, mini-escapes Airline tickets and more. Exclusively YOURS® Rewards: Travel

How do you earn Exclusively YOURS® Reward points?

license to win – program details • All Dealer Sales Reps, and dealer principles (if you are active in selling) and Channel Managers are eligible. • Incentive points will be earned for sales of Totally Net New TELUS products & services and integrated solutions. • Incentive program points will be based on the Total Contract value of a sale times the applicable multiplier. • The more products & services sold to one customer at the time of sale earns your program points faster! • Program points are converted to incentive dollars at a rate of 200 ‘license to win’ program points = $1.00 of incentive Program runs from January 2004 - December 31, 2004

license to win – program details • All participants must be registered onwww.telusdealerprograms.com website to be eligible • Incentive dollars accumulate on a TAD program branded “Exclusively YOURS® American Express” card, monthly • All sales will be audited to ensure the program requirements have been met before Exclusively YOURS® incentive points are awarded. • Once you have earned $50.00 in incentive dollars, an Exclusively YOURS® reward card will be issued along with a complete program information package from Maritz.

license to win- program details What is a Totally Net New (TNN) Sale? • Defined as brand new revenue to TELUS associated with a sales of a product or service • A new product or services that a client does not have today from TELUS. • TNN Revenue does not include re-contracted services or contract renewals. Migrating clients from a month-to-month contract to a term contract for the same service is also not considered net new revenue, unless there is at least a 50% increase in Revenue. • For example, if a client is adding additional lines to existing services and the network revenue amount has increased by at least 50%, than this type of sale would be considered at TNN. • Some services are considered to be strategic and therefore considered TNN. • For example: If a client is moving from local line or a multi-line to PRI, BRI or DSL this sale is considered strategic and the total contract value will be considered as TNN.

license to win- program details Eligible Products • Voice Products • Long Distance Winback or TNN Long Distance sale • CICS/MICS/ BCM + TNN TELUS Network Solution Attached • Data Products • High Speed Internet for Business • Managed Applications • Shared Hosting • Desktop Backup • IP Networks Program has a stronger emphasis on data products and integrated solutions.

license to win - program details

license to win - program details • How the multipliers work • Your incentive program points are based on the type of product sold (voice or data) and whether the sale involved more than one product. • The table below identifies the multipliers used in calculating your ‘license to win’ program points:

license to win- program details *CPE & TNN network is considered a two product sale

license to win- program website • How to register • Go to www.telusdealerprograms.com website • Select REGISTRATION and follow the instructions • To create a profile you need - Dealer Name, Sales Rep Name, business number, SIN, home address, e-mail address, password and unique identifier (license to win number) • If you are currently registered in the Drive the Distance program, you will automatically be registered in the ‘license to win’ program. However you will need to update your Profile. • How to record your sales • Go to www.telusdealerprograms.com website • Click on CURRENT PROGRAM DETAILS • Click on Add Sales Submission • You will be prompted to Log in using your email address and password • Then simply fill in all required information and then enter submit • The system will automatically calculate your ‘license to win’ program points and the associated incentive dollars.

license to win- entering sales

license to win- viewing results • How to view your results • Go to www.telusdealerprograms.com website • Select CURRENT PROGRAM DETAILS • Click on View Results • You will be prompted to enter your email address and password

license to win- viewing results • Other useful information on www.telusdealerprograms.com website • Sales tools • Edit profile • What's new Bulletin Board • Calendar of Events • Finally, To find out how well your are doing against the other participants in the program select VIEW Overall Results under CURRENT PROGRAM Details This may be of interest to you because……..

license to win – more prizes! • Program also includes 4 Grand Prizes: • American Express Travel Voucher for $4,000 will be awarded to • Top sales person in Eastern Canada and • Top sales person in Western Canada based on highest ‘license to win’ program points earned. • The Channel Managers with the highest achievement of TNN Revenues above their total sales target for the year will also receive a $4,000 American Express Travel Voucher. One award for the East and one for the West Channel Managers.

license to win Questions?

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Lucid pumps $1.5B from Saudi wealth fund after CEO warned relying on its ‘bottomless wealth’ was ‘dangerous’

Lucid Air Sedan

Saudi Arabia is committing even more money to Lucid Motors as the EV startup struggles to erase its losses. Lucid announced Monday as part of its second-quarter earnings report that an affiliate of the Saudi sovereign wealth fund is committing another $1.5 billion, with half coming in the form of a private placement and the other half as a loan facility.

The deal also further deepens the ties between Lucid and its majority owner, which has already committed to buying at least 50,000 of its EVs in the coming years, and is helping the company build a brand new factory in the Kingdom.

It’s the second time Lucid has turned to Saudi Arabia for more money since Lucid’s CEO Peter Rawlinson told the Financial Times in a March 2024 interview that he was wary of being over-reliant on the Kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund. “If I adopt a mindset that there is bottomless wealth from PIF, that is very dangerous, that is something I will never do, I respect them far too much for that,” he told the financial outlet.

The new funding comes as Lucid announced it lost $643 million in the second quarter of 2024, despite setting a new sales record for its electric luxury sedans that generated $200 million of revenue. Lucid reported it had $1.35 billion in cash and cash equivalents at the end of the second quarter.

Rawlinson described the injection of capital as a “resounding further endorsement” of Saudi Arabia’s long-term commitment in Lucid.

“We are so aligned, this transcends a mere financial arrangement,” Rawlinson said during the company’s earnings call Monday. “We are a cornerstone of the Saudi Arabia’s ambitious Vision 2030 to transition their company to add to a sustainable economy, and we are proud to participate in this.”

He also pushed back on the idea that Saudi Arabia’s interest was waning. “It’s often portrayed, how long is it before Saudi is going to get fed up with Peter playing with his cars?” he mused. “It’s not that, you know, we have regular dialogue. I have with my chairman [Turqi Alnowaiser] and we are absolutely both committed. You know, the dialogue is much more of ‘Peter keeps things on track. We want this midsize, we want these products. Is Gravity on track?’”

While Lucid’s total second-quarter revenue figures show year-over-year growth — on both a quarter and six-month time frame — a deeper dive into the result reveals Saudi Arabia’s influence.

On a regional basis, Lucid generated $155 million in North American sales in the second quarter, a 12% increase from the same period last year. Revenue from North American sales fell, however, when comparing results from the first six months of the year. Lucid reported $269.8 million in revenue from North America sales in the first six months of the year, a 5.7% decrease from the $286.2 million from the same six-month period in 2023.

Sales in Saudi Arabia is what helped close that gap. Revenue from sales in Saudi Arabia skyrocketed 14-fold to $95.2 million in the first six months of 2024 from the same period last year.

Lucid doesn’t just need money to staunch the bleeding as it tries to carve out a market for its luxury sedan, the Air. It also needs capital to help with the upcoming launch of its first electric SUV , known as Gravity. Lucid has said the Gravity will enter production by the end of 2024 and has put its hopes on it becoming a success in North America given the popularity of the form factor in the region. The company laid off about 400 employees , or roughly 6% of its workforce, in May 2024 as part of a restructuring ahead of the launch of the Gravity SUV.

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The tech world mourns Susan Wojcicki

Susan Wojcicki, a longtime Googler who spent nearly a decade as the CEO of YouTube, passed away Friday after a two-year battle with non-small cell lung cancer. Wojcicki, who was…

The tech world mourns Susan Wojcicki

As Alexa turns 10, Amazon looks to generative AI

While Amazon has continued releasing Echo devices, including an upgraded Spot announced last month, the company has taken its foot off the gas.

As Alexa turns 10, Amazon looks to generative AI

Redfin CEO promises to ‘drink our own urine’ if mortgage rates don’t fall

He really said that: When asked about the company’s “Plan B” if mortgage rates don’t fall, Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman responded, “Plan B is to drink our own urine or…

Redfin CEO promises to ‘drink our own urine’ if mortgage rates don’t fall

Turkey restores access to Instagram

Turkey appears to have restored access to Meta-owned Instagram, after blocking the app on August 2.  Abdulkadir Uraloglu, the country’s minister of transport and infrastructure, posted today that the ban…

Turkey restores access to Instagram

Tesla’s Dojo, a timeline

Elon Musk doesn’t want Tesla to be just an automaker. He wants Tesla to be an AI company, one that’s figured out how to make cars drive themselves.  Crucial to…

Tesla’s Dojo, a timeline

OpenAI faces more leadership shake-ups

OpenAI co-founder John Schulman has left the company for rival AI startup Anthropic. In addition, OpenAI co-founder and president Greg Brockman is taking an extended leave after nine years at…

OpenAI faces more leadership shake-ups

Featured Article

Maybe Friend wasn’t crazy for spending $1.8M on a domain after all

Avi Schiffmann, the founder and CEO of Friend, told TechCrunch over email that the purchase has already paid for itself.

Maybe Friend wasn’t crazy for spending $1.8M on a domain after all

One man decided to take on Google Maps, 20 years later OpenStreetMap is still going strong

From internet protocols and operating systems, to databases and cloud services, some technology is so omnipresent most people don’t even know it exists. The same can be said about OpenStreetMap, the community-driven platform that serves companies and software developers with geographic data and maps so they can rely a little…

One man decided to take on Google Maps, 20 years later OpenStreetMap is still going strong

The 10 largest GDPR fines on Big Tech

This list only includes major penalties issued to tech firms under the GDPR. In recent years, some significant sanctions have also been issued on Big Tech

The 10 largest GDPR fines on Big Tech

CSC ServiceWorks reveals 2023 data breach affecting thousands of people

The data breach is the latest security issue to beset CSC ServiceWorks over the past year, after multiple researchers found security bugs.

CSC ServiceWorks reveals 2023 data breach affecting thousands of people

After global IT meltdown, CrowdStrike courts hackers with action figures and gratitude

CrowdStrike tried to go back to business as usual at one of the world’s largest annual cybersecurity conferences, weeks after its massive global IT crash.

After global IT meltdown, CrowdStrike courts hackers with action figures and gratitude

Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has passed away at age 56

Tragedy has again struck a famous Silicon Valley family. Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki just passed away, according to social media posts by her husband, Dennis Troper, and by Google…

Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has passed away at age 56

Student raised security concerns in Mobile Guardian MDM weeks before cyberattack

This is the second cyberattack targeting the school device management service Mobile Guardian this year.

Student raised security concerns in Mobile Guardian MDM weeks before cyberattack

Smartwatches shipments see sharp decline in India

India’s wearable market declined in Q2, primarily because smartwatch are not attracting consumers.

Smartwatches shipments see sharp decline in India

Anysphere, a GitHub Copilot rival, has raised $60M Series A at  $400M valuation from a16z, Thrive, sources say

Anysphere, a two-year-old startup that’s developed an AI-powered coding assistant called Cursor, has raised over $60 million in a Series A financing at a $400 million post-money valuation, two sources…

Anysphere, a GitHub Copilot rival, has raised $60M Series A at  $400M valuation from a16z, Thrive, sources say

How to ask Google to remove deepfake porn results from Google Search

The internet is full of deepfakes — and most of them are nudes. According to a report from Home Security Heroes, deepfake porn makes up 98% of all deepfake videos…

How to ask Google to remove deepfake porn results from Google Search

Ecovacs home robots can be hacked to spy on their owners, researchers say

Researchers found flaws that could allow anyone to spy on the owners of Ecovacs home robots by hijacking their cameras and microphones.

Ecovacs home robots can be hacked to spy on their owners, researchers say

The X exodus that wasn’t

When digging into the data to determine how large the exodus everyone on Threads is talking about actually is, we oddly came up short.

The X exodus that wasn’t

Substack now lets anyone publish posts, even if they don’t have a newsletter

Substack is opening up to more users with its recent announcement that anyone can now publish content on its platform without setting up a publication. With the change, Substack is…

Substack now lets anyone publish posts, even if they don’t have a newsletter

China’s autonomous vehicle startup WeRide prepares for a US IPO

WeRide, a Chinese autonomous vehicle company, is officially gearing up for a U.S. public debut, over a year after China started easing its effective ban of foreign IPOs.  WeRide registered…

China’s autonomous vehicle startup WeRide prepares for a US IPO

AI founders play musical chairs

Welcome to Startups Weekly — your weekly recap of everything you can’t miss from the world of startups. Want it in your inbox every Friday? Sign up here. This week we…

AI founders play musical chairs

How a cybersecurity researcher befriended, then doxed, the leader of LockBit ransomware gang

Jon DiMaggio used sockpuppet accounts, then his own identity, to infiltrate LockBit and gain the trust of its alleged admin, Dmitry Khoroshev.

How a cybersecurity researcher befriended, then doxed, the leader of LockBit ransomware gang

As unrest fueled by disinformation spreads, the UK may seek stronger power to regulate tech platforms

The U.K. government has indicated it may seek stronger powers to regulate tech platforms following days of violent disorder across England and Northern Ireland fueled by the spread of online…

As unrest fueled by disinformation spreads, the UK may seek stronger power to regulate tech platforms

First look at the Startup Battlefield judges at TechCrunch Disrupt 2024

The Startup Battlefield is the crown jewel of Disrupt, and we can’t wait to see which of the thousands of applicants will be selected to pitch to panels of top-tier VCs…

First look at the Startup Battlefield judges at TechCrunch Disrupt 2024

Humidity sucks. Transaera has a new way to deal with it

The startup’s core technology is a proprietary material that absorbs moisture from the air, allowing air conditioning to cool buildings more efficiently.

Humidity sucks. Transaera has a new way to deal with it

YouTube is testing a sleep timer on its Premium tier

YouTube’s latest test involves a sleep timer that pauses the video after, well, a set period of time.

YouTube is testing a sleep timer on its Premium tier

Ola Electric surges 20% in India’s biggest listing in two years

Ola Electric, India’s largest electric two-wheeler maker, surged by 20% on its public debut on Friday, making it the biggest listing among Indian firms in two years. Shares of the…

Ola Electric surges 20% in India’s biggest listing in two years

Rocket Lab’s sunny outlook bodes well for future constellation plans 

Rocket Lab surpassed $100 million in quarterly revenue for the first time, a 71% increase from the same quarter of last year. This is just one of several shiny accomplishments…

Rocket Lab’s sunny outlook bodes well for future constellation plans 

CloudPay, a payroll services provider, lands $120M in new funding

In 1996, two companies, Patersons HR and Payroll Solutions, formed a venture called CloudPay to provide payroll and payments services to enterprise clients. CloudPay grew quietly over the next several…

CloudPay, a payroll services provider, lands $120M in new funding

Security bugs in ransomware leak sites helped save six companies from paying hefty ransoms

The vulnerabilities allowed one security researcher to peek inside the leak sites without having to log in.

Security bugs in ransomware leak sites helped save six companies from paying hefty ransoms


  1. Product Launch Presentation Template

    launch presentation.html

  2. Product Launch Presentation Template

    launch presentation.html

  3. How to Design The Perfect Product Launch Presentation (Updated for 2021

    launch presentation.html

  4. Product Launch Presentation: Steps to Create & Free Template (2022)

    launch presentation.html

  5. 9 New Website Announcement Ideas For Your Site Launch

    launch presentation.html

  6. Product Launch Presentation Template

    launch presentation.html


  1. Make a Product Launch Presentation (+ Examples & Templates)

    Interactive product launch presentation templates offer a structured starting point. They come packed with features that are optimized to engage and guide your audience through the story of your product. Grab one and create your best deck yet. Sales demo presentation. Product launch proposal.

  2. Must-have Website Launch Templates with Samples and Examples

    Template 1: Website Launch Strategy PPT Template. This PPT is a meticulously crafted collection of highly informative and functional templates designed to help you execute a successful website launch. Whether you are a seasoned marketer or a novice entrepreneur, this content-ready template will equip you with the necessary tools to plan ...

  3. Effective Product Launch Presentation Strategies: Tips & Techniques

    Diving deeper into the anatomy of comprehensive planning, several key elements emerge as the backbone of a successful product launch presentation. These include market research, understanding the target audience, setting clear and measurable objectives, and developing a full marketing plan and strategy that resonates.

  4. [Updated 2023] How to Design The Perfect Product Launch Presentation

    Template 3: Product Launch Go To Market Strategy PowerPoint Presentation Slides. You have generated hype around the product. But when it comes to managing every minute detail of a product launch, you don't have to be rearranging slides for 2 hours. Simple solution — use this template.

  5. How to Create a Winning Product Launch Presentation

    All of those above points should be considered. Devote a pair of Google or PowerPoint slides or design a pitch deck template to showcase the same. Describe your launch schedule. Your product launch timeframe is an important component of the launch procedure, and we highly recommend embedding this in the presentation as well.

  6. Product Launch Presentation: Steps to Create & Free Template

    Step #3: Explain your launch timeline. The product launch timeline is an integral part of your launch process and we strongly advise including it in your presentation, too. This will help all stakeholders understand when the launch will take place, as well as what actions will be taken prior, during, and after it.

  7. Product Launch Presentation: A Comprehensive Guide

    A product launch presentation should encompass various features to be effective. Start by introducing your new product to the market and give an overview of its unique selling points and benefits. Use the product overview to explain how your product development process has led to this point.

  8. How to Create a Winning Product Launch Presentation

    Incorporating high-quality visual content, such as images, graphics, and videos, into your product launch presentation is essential for making a lasting impression on your audience. Make sure your visual content is relevant to your product and message. Moreover, they should also be of high quality, clear, visually appealing, and appropriately ...

  9. Product Launch Presentation Templates That Make an Impact

    The goal of a product launch presentation template is to provide a structured and visually engaging framework that effectively introduces a new product to the market. It aims to capture the audience's attention, convey key product features and benefits, and generate excitement and anticipation for the product's release.

  10. How to Create a Winning Product Launch Presentation?

    Tease your audience with sneak peeks, teasers, and countdowns to the launch event. Unveil with Impact: Begin your presentation with a grand unveiling. Use dramatic visuals, lighting, or other creative elements to make the moment memorable. Explain the Innovation: Clearly articulate what makes your new product innovative.

  11. Creative Product Launch

    Free Creative Product Launch PowerPoint Template. Product Launch Checklist. When you have many juggle multiple work streams, having a complete and reliable checklist is going to help you make sure you have all the requirements ready for your product launch. This slide offers you multiple columns for checklists, one for each business area such ...

  12. Website Launch Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides

    PowerPoint presentation slides: Presenting Website Launch Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides. You can save your template into various formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. It is compatible with Google Slides which makes it easily accessible at once. The template is readily available in both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio.

  13. The HTML presentation framework

    Create Stunning Presentations on the Web. reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It's a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful presentations for free. Presentations made with reveal.js are built on open web technologies. That means anything you can do on the web, you can do in your ...

  14. How to Make a Great (Coming Soon) Website Product Launch Page

    Simply remember to inspect the element you want to style, locate the right line of code and the right CSS file, and then adjust the styles. Advertisement. Step 4. Upload Your Product Launch Landing Page Template to Your Hosting Server. The last step is to upload all of your template files to your hosting server.

  15. 3 secrets to effective product launch presentation

    So this week I'd like to cover three product launch presentation secrets that firms often forget. 1. The goal is to sell the product. Your goal isn't give an executive facetime in front of an ...

  16. How To Create a Slideshow

    Learn the basics of HTML in a fun and engaging video tutorial. Templates. We have created a bunch of responsive website templates you can use - for free! Web Hosting. Host your own website, and share it to the world with W3Schools Spaces. Create a Server. Create your own server using Python, PHP, React.js, Node.js, Java, C#, etc. ...

  17. Embed a PowerPoint presentation into HTML

    In the power point presentation click Save As and select GIF. Pick the quality you want to display the presentation at. Power Point will save one GIF image for each slide and name them Slide1.GIF, Slide2.GIF, etc..... Create a HTML page and add a image tag to display the Power point GIF images.

  18. 21+ Free HTML App Landing Page Templates

    Download/Demo. Vanilla. Vanilla is a free App landing page template built with Bootstrap 4 and HTML5. It is a versatile template designed for SaaS, business, and app websites. With an expansive collection of 300+ icons, rich typography, and a refreshing design, Vanilla is ideal for various website applications.

  19. Brand Launch Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides

    PowerPoint presentation slides: Presenting Brand Launch Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This proposal PPT template is fully customizable so you can tweak your content as per your needs. You can change the color, font, font size, and font type of the proposal accordingly. It is easily available in both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio.

  20. W3.CSS Slideshow

    The showDiv () function hides ( display="none") all elements with the class name "mySlides", and displays ( display="block") the element with the given slideIndex. If the slideIndex is higher than the number of elements (x.length), the slideIndex is set to zero. If the slideIndex is less than 1 it is set to number of elements (x.length).

  21. html

    1. Upload a PowerPoint document on your Google Drive and then 'Share' it with everyone (make it public): Sharing your pptx doc. Then, go to File > Publish to the web > hit the publish button. Go to Embed and copy the embed code and paste it to your web page. Copy embed code.

  22. HTML Tutorial

    Learn the basics of HTML in a fun and engaging video tutorial. Templates. We have created a bunch of responsive website templates you can use - for free! Web Hosting. Host your own website, and share it to the world with W3Schools Spaces. Create a Server. Create your own server using Python, PHP, React.js, Node.js, Java, C#, etc. ...

  23. PPT

    ASBESTOS REGULATIONS Launch Presentation 27 March 2008. 2. INTRODUCTION - ASBESTOS. Asbestos is a commercial term applied to six types of fibrous minerals (crocidolite, amosite, chrysotile, anthophyllite, tremolite. 386 views • 12 slides. Industry placements launch event - presentation template.

  24. Lucid pumps $1.5B from Saudi wealth fund after CEO warned relying on

    Saudi Arabia is committing even more money to Lucid Motors as the EV startup struggles to erase its losses. Lucid announced Monday as part of its second-quarter earnings report that an affiliate ...