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Marc R. Freeman, Ph.D.

  • Professor, Vollum Institute
  • Director and Senior Scientist, Vollum Institute
  • Neuroscience Graduate Program, School of Medicine

Marc Freeman is director of the Vollum Institute. He earned his B.S. in Biology from Eastern Connecticut State University in 1993. He carried out his doctoral training in the laboratory of John Carlson at Yale University and obtained his Ph.D. in Biology in 1999. Freeman trained as a postdoctoral associate with Chris Q. Doe at the University of Oregon from 1999–2004. He started his laboratory in the Department of Neurobiology at The University of Massachusetts Medical School in 2004, focusing on glia-neuron interactions in the healthy and diseased brain. In 2016, Freeman joined the Vollum Institute.

Neurons are not alone in the nervous system; glial cells constitute the majority of the cells in the human brain. Despite their abundance, surprisingly little is known about how glia develop or function in the mature nervous system. The Freeman Lab uses the fruit fly Drosophila as a model to explore fundamental aspects of glial cell biology. Defining the precise roles that glia play will be a crucial step if we wish to understand how the nervous system is assembled, functions to drive animal behavior, and is maintained in a healthy state for the life of an animal.

Education and training

  • B.S., 1993, Eastern Connecticut State University
  • Ph.D., 1999, Yale University

Areas of interest

  • Wallerian degeneration
  • neuron-glia signaling
  • neurodegeneration

Additional information

  • View all of Marc Freeman’s publications in OHSU Research Experts

Honors and awards

  • Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (2005)
  • Early Career Scientist Award, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (2009)
  • Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (2013-2016)


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Mark P. Freeman


Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Society

Ph.D., University of Chicago


: History and philosophy of psychology; the self; narrative psychology; psychology of art and creativity

: 508-793-3081
: Beaven 331
: 26A
Mondays 1:00 -3:00 PM, Thursdays 10:00 AM -12:00 PM, and by appointment

I am pursuing three distinct, yet interrelated, lines of research.  The first of these, to which I have devoted much of my attention throughout my career, is philosophically-oriented work in what has come to be known as “narrative psychology”—which in the present context refers to that portion of psychology which looks toward narratives (e.g., autobiographies, memoirs, life histories) to explore such topics as autobiographical memory, personal identity, and the cultural fashioning of personal experience.  Of special relevance in this context is my book Hindsight: The Promise and Peril of Looking Backward (Oxford, 2010), which explores the idea that there is much that we can know about ourselves only in retrospect: looking backward over the personal past, we can frequently see what we either could not or would not see earlier on as well as discern the contours of our unfolding life stories. Perilous though the process may sometimes be, it is also one of great promise, allowing us not only to see the possible errors of our ways but to transcend them. Also relevant in this context is Do I Look at You with Love?  Reimagining the Story of Dementia (Brill | Sense, 2021), which explores my mother’s dementia over the course of some 12 years, and my co-edited volume with Hanna Meretoja, The Use and Abuse of Stories: New Directions in Narrative Hermeneutics (Oxford, 2023).  

The second line of research I have pursued in recent years seeks to chart those regions of human experience that take us beyond the self and, on some level perhaps, beyond culture.  Aesthetic and religious experience figure prominently in this line of inquiry as does “transcendent” experience (through art, nature, etc.) more generally.  While the first area of research focuses largely on the category of the self, this second area focuses more on the category of the “Other,” i.e., that which draws us out of ourselves and into the world.  Most relevant in this context is my (2014) book The Priority of the Other:  Thinking and Living Beyond the Self (Oxford, 214), an in-depth exploration of the category, and place, of the Other in psychological life.

My third area of research concerns what I have come to call the “poetic” dimension of both psychological experience and psychological theory.  In regard to the former, I am particularly interested in the imaginative processes by which people give meaning to, or find meaning in, experience.  In regard to the latter, my primary aim has been to fashioning modes of theorizing about experience that broaden the meaning of psychological “science” and that, in turn, serve to integrate scientific and humanistic inquiry.  Taking this set of ideas one step further, I have also become interested in the project of re-imagining psychology, or at least a portion of it, as part of the arts and humanities and thereby broadening the scope of the discipline. Central to this endeavor is my recent book, Toward the Psychological Humanities: A Modest Manifesto for the Future of Psychology (Routledge, 2024).  

Selected Courses

  • Selfhood & Its Stories (PDF)
  • Psychopolitics of Us and Them (PDF)
  • Psychology And/As Art (PDF)
  • Personality and the Life Story (PDF)
  • CreateLab (PDF)
  • Time, Memory, & the Life Story  (PDF)
  • History and Theory  (PDF)
  • Re-Imagining the Self  (PDF)
  • Animal, Human, Divine  (PDF)
  • Time, Self, & the Good Life  (PDF)

Recent Articles and Chapters

Freeman, M. (2024). The (al)lure of narrative: Information, misinformation, and disinformation in the time of coronavirus. In M. Dege and I. Strasser (Eds.), Narrative in Crisis: Reflections from the Limits of Storytelling (pp. 15-33)  Oxford University Press.  

Gergen, K.J., Freeman, M., & Josselson (2023). The promises of qualitative research revisited: 10 Years of Qualitative Psychology. Qualitative Psychology . 10, 375–382.

Freeman, M. (2023). Why “psychological humanities”?   Society for Humanistic Psychology Newsletter , November, 2023.  

Freeman, M. (2023). Thinking-With. Paul Ricoeur becomes part of Mark Freeman. A. Grant (Ed.), Writing Philosophical Ethnography (pp. 96-113). Routledge.  

Freeman, M. (2023).  The mother of beauty:  Notes on the (possible) poetry of dementia. In O.V. Lehmann & O. Synnes (Eds.), A Poetic Language of Ageing (pp. 9-26). Bloomsbury.  

Freeman, M. (2023). The urgency of hope in a time of despair. Possibility Studies and Society .

Freeman, M. (2023).  The inevitability, and danger, of narrative. In H. Meretoja, H. & M. Freeman, M. (Eds.), The Use and Abuse of Stories: New Directions in Narrative Hermeneutics (pp. 13-35). Oxford University Press.  

Freeman, M. (2022).  Narrative psychology and beyond: Returning the Other to the story of the self.  In B.D. Slife, S.C. Yanchar, & F.C. Richardson (Eds.), R outledge International Handbook of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology: Critiques, Problems, and Alternatives to Psychological Ideas (pp. 330-346). Routledge.  

Freeman, M. (2022). Poetry. In V.P. Glăveanu (ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible .

Freeman, M. (2021). The mystery of identity: Fundamental questions, elusive answers. In M. Bamberg, C. Demuth, & M. Watzlawik (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Identity (pp. 77-97). Cambridge University Press.

Freeman, M. (2021). How does the world become ecstatic? Notes on the Hermeneutics of transcendence. In R. Bishop (Ed.), Hermeneutic Dialogue and Shaping the Landscape of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology (pp. 112-123). Routledge.

Freeman, M. (2021).  Kindred spirits: Narrative, art, life. In T.E. Adams, R.M. Boylorn, & L.M. Tillman (Eds.), Advances in Autoethnography and Narrative Inquiry:  Reflections On the Legacy of Carolyn Ellis and Arthur Bochner (pp. 172-187).  Routledge.  

Freeman, M. (2020).  Psychology as literature.  Narrative knowing and the project of the psychological humanities.  In J. Sugarman & J. Martin (Eds.), A Humanities Approach to the Psychology of Personhood (pp. 30-48).  Routledge.  

Freeman, M. (2020).  The sacred beauty of finite life:  Re-imagining the face of the Other. Psychoanalytic Inquiry , 40, 161-172,  

Freeman, M. (2020).  Open wounds:  Discerning, owing, and narrating deep history.  In D.M. Goodman, E.R. Severson, & H. Macdonald (Eds.), Race, Rage, and Resistance: Philosophy, Psychology, and the Perils of Individualism (pp. 14-33).  Routledge.  

Freeman, M. 2018). The sociocultural constitution of aesthetic transcendence. In A. Rosa & J. Valsiner (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology (pp. 351-365). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Freeman, M. (2018). Living in verse: Sites of the poetic imagination. In O.V. Lehmann, N. Chaudhary, A.C. Bastos, & E. Abbey (Eds.), Poetry and Imagined Worlds (pp. 139-154). London: Palgrave Macmillan. Freeman, M. (2018). Discerning the history inscribed within: Significant sites of the narrative unconscious. In B. Wagoner (Ed.), Handbook of Culture and Memory (pp. 65-81). New York: Oxford University Press. Freeman, M. (2017). Worlds within and without: Thinking Otherwise about the dialogical self. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology , 37, 201-213. Freeman, M. & Goodman, D. (2017). Thinking psychology Otherwise: A conversation with Mark Freeman (interviewed by David Goodman). In H. MacDonald, D. Goodman, & B. Becker (Eds.), Dialogues at the Edge of American Psychological Discourse (pp. 147-176). London: Palgrave Macmillan. Freeman, M. (2017). Narrative inquiry. In P. Leavy (Ed.), Handbook of Arts-Based Research (pp. 123-140). New York: The Guilford Press. Freeman, M. (2017). Narrative at the limits (Or: What is “life” really like?). In B. Schiff, A.E. McKim, & S. Patron (Eds.), Life and Narrative: The Risks and Responsibilities of Storying Experience (pp. 11-27). New York: Oxford University Press. Freeman, M. (2016). From the collective unconscious to the narrative unconscious:Re-imagining the sources of selfhood. Europe’s Journal of Psychology , 12, 513-522. Freeman, M. (2016). Why narrative matters: Philosophy, method, theory. Storyworlds , 8, 138-152. Goodman, D. & Freeman, M. (2015). Introduction: Why the Other? In D. Goodman & M. Freeman (Eds.), Psychology and the Other (pp. 1-13). New York: Oxford University Press. Freeman, M. (2015). Narrative psychology as science and as art. In J. Valsiner, G. Marsico, N. Chaudhary, T. Sato, & V. Dazzani (Eds.), Psychology as a Science of Human Being: The Yokohama Manifesto (pp. 349-364). Switzerland: Springer. Freeman, M. (2015). Narrative as a mode of understanding: Method, theory, praxis. In A. De Fina & A. Georgakopolou (Eds.), The Handbook of Narrative Analysis (pp. 21- 37). West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell. Freeman, M. (2015). Narrative hermeneutics. In J. Martin, J. Sugarman, & K.L. Slaney (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology: Methods, Approaches, and New Directions for Social Sciences (pp. 234 247). West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell. Freeman, M. (2015). Beholding and being beheld: Simone Weil, Iris Murdoch, and the ethics of attention. The Humanistic Psychologist , 43, 160-172. Freeman, M. (2015). Narrative, ethics, and the development of identity. Narrative Works: Issues, Investigations, & Interventions , 4, 8-27. Freeman, M. (2015). Paradoxes of the constructed: Narrative psychology and beyond. In J. Raskin, S.K. Bridges, & J.S. Kahn (Eds.), Studies in Meaning 5: Perturbing the Status Quo in Constructivist Psychology (pp. 119-154). New York, NY: Pace University Press. Gergen, K.J., Josselson, R., & Freeman, M. (2015). The promises of qualitative inquiry. American Psychologist , 70, 1-9. Freeman, M. (2015). Discerning oneself: A plea for the whole. In K.C. McLean & M. Syed (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Identity Development (pp. 182-191). New York: Oxford University Press.

Nura Bio™


(Co-Founder) Vollum Institute at OHSU

Dr. Marc Freeman is the Director of the Vollum Institute at Oregon Health and Sciences University, having moved from the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 2016 where he was Vice-Chairman of Neurobiology. Since 2003, his laboratory has focused on neuron-glia signaling after injury, in particular how neurons undergo auto-destruction and signal to non-neuronal cells for timely clearance, and how these events modulate disease pathology. The Freeman lab was the first to discover SARM1 as a potent, axon-intrinsic, pro-degenerative factor. Dr. Freeman’s research also aims to understand in molecular terms the basic functions of glial cells during nervous system assembly and pruning, neural circuit maintenance and physiological function, and ultimately animal behavior.  Dr. Freeman completed his BS at Eastern Connecticut State University (1993), received his PhD at Yale University working with John Carlson (1999) and carried out his postdoctoral studies at the University of Oregon with Chris Q Doe (1999-03). Freeman was an Alfred P Sloan Research Fellow, Smith Family New Investigator, HHMI Early Career Scientist and HHMI Investigator.

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  • Fletcher Taylor, MD, MFA
  • Pamela Brett-MacLean, Ph.D.
  • Jeff Chang, Ph.D.
  • Heather Coburn, PhD, RSW, RMFT
  • Sandra Davidson, Ph.D.
  • Emily Doyle, Ph.D.
  • Sandy Harper-Jaques, RMFT
  • Paul Harris
  • Lorne Jaques, Ph.D.
  • Patricia Miller, Ph.D.
  • Tanya Mudry, Ph.D., Registered Psychologist
  • Karen H. Ross, M.A.
  • Inés Sametband, Ph.D.
  • D. Donald Sawatzky, Ph.D.
  • Monica Sesma-Vazquez, Ph.D.
  • Lynda-Joy Snyder, Ph.D.
  • Jeff St. John, Ph.D.
  • Vanessa Vegter, MSc
  • Ary Vreeken, MSc (CHSc)
  • Lorri A. Yasenik, Ph.D.
  • Shelly Bonnah
  • Gervase R. Bushe, Ph.D.
  • Jeanie Cockell, Ed.D.
  • Sandra M. Cottingham, Ph.D.
  • Deborah Deeter, Ph.D.
  • Christine Dennstedt, Ph.D.
  • Janet M. Derrick, Ph.D.
  • Meera Dhebar, PhD, RSW
  • Larry Espe, Ph.D.
  • Marie Hoskins, Ph.D.
  • Jan Inglis, Ph.D.
  • Randy Janzen, Ph.D.
  • Aaron Johannes
  • Christopher J. Kinman, M.DIV.
  • Lesley Lahaye, Ph.D.
  • Stephen Madigan, Ph.D.
  • Joan McArthur-Blair, Ph.D.
  • Stephanie McCune, Ph.D.
  • Kathie McKinnon, Ph.D.
  • Bonnie Milne, Ph.D.
  • Vikki Reynolds, Ph.D.
  • Colin James Sanders, Ph.D.
  • Tommy Spence
  • Tom Strong, Ph.D.
  • Jacqueline Walters, Ph.D.
  • Jan DeFehr, Ph.D.
  • William Randall, Ed.D.
  • Heather J. Hair, Ph.D.
  • Paul Leslie, Ph.D.
  • Gabrielle Donnelly, Ph.D.
  • Lynda M. Ashbourne, Ph.D.
  • Gita Arjan Baack, Ph.D.
  • Tahereh Barati, RMFT, PhD
  • Kevin Clouthier, Ph.D.
  • Cate Creede, Ph.D.
  • Ellen Crump, Ph.D.
  • Al Gardiner, Ph.D.
  • Karen Gold, Ph.D.
  • Erin Kreeger, Ph.D.
  • Kon Kornelio Madut, Ph.D.
  • Maureen McKenna
  • Haesun Moon
  • Ruth Neustifter, Ph.D.
  • David Paré, Ph.D.
  • Pat Shelenko, MACP, BSW, RSW
  • Barbara Ward, Ph.D.
  • Shaina Davis, CTDP
  • Shoshana Helfenbaum
  • Olga Smoliak, Ph.D.
  • François Héon, Ph.D.
  • Cara Weston-Edell, Ph.D.
  • Richard Manley-Tannis, Ph.D.
  • Daniela Capparelli
  • Lic. Silvia Susana Crescini
  • Saúl Ignacio Fuks, Ph.D. (Coco)
  • Adela G. García, MA
  • Martin Glozman
  • Pilar Padilla
  • Elisa Petroni
  • María Cristina Ravazzola, MD
  • Dora Fried Schnitman, Ph.D.
  • Karin Taverniers, Ph.D.
  • Silvia Vecchi, Ph.D.
  • Marina Vinitsky, Ph.D.
  • Myra Virgil, Ph.D.
  • Marcela Losantos, Ph.D.
  • Lúcia Helena Abdalla
  • Marina Arantes
  • Cristina Telles Assumpção
  • Adriana Bellodi Costa Cesar
  • Adriano Beiras, Ph.D.
  • Cintia Bragheto Ferreira, Ph.D.
  • Rita de Cássia de Souza, PhD
  • Clarissa Mendonça Corradi-Webster, Ph.D.
  • Roberto Ricardi Costard
  • Ann L. Cunliffe, Ph.D.
  • Evelize Dalla Costa
  • Giovanna C. Doricci, Ph.D.
  • Gabriel Fairman
  • Ercy José Soar Filho, Ph.D.
  • Mauricio Goldstein, MSc
  • Marilene Grandesso, Ph.D.
  • Sandra Grandesso
  • Carla Guanaes-Lorenzi, Ph.D.
  • Lilian de Almeida Guimarães
  • Nina Vasconcelos Guimarães
  • Bruno Lenzi
  • Telma Lenzi
  • Ana Flávia Manfrim, M.Sc.
  • Viviane Mansi
  • Pedro P. S. Martins, Ph.D.
  • Graziella Jones Caccavale Mofarrej
  • Murilo Moscheta, Ph.D.
  • Angelica Moretti
  • Flaviana F. Naves, MSc
  • Valéria Nicolau Paschoal, Ph.D.
  • Rosana Rapizo, Ph.D.
  • Emerson F. Rasera, Ph.D.
  • Cristina Márcia Caron Ruffino, Ph.D.
  • Martha Estima Scodro
  • Gabriela Martins Silva, Ph.D.
  • Laura Vilela e Souza, Ph.D.
  • Mary Jane Paris Spink, Ph.D.
  • Artur Tacla
  • Azair Terezinha Vicente, MD
  • Marcia Moreira Volponi, Ph.D.
  • Vania Curi Yazbek, Ph.D.
  • Carlos Aguilera Muga
  • Roberto Arístegui, Ph.D.
  • Pamela Catalán Barker
  • Jorge Leiva Cabanillas, Ph.D.
  • Teresa Quintana, Ph.D.
  • Raudelio Machin Suarez
  • Jose Luis Salas-Herrera, Ph.D.
  • Jorge Alberto Sanhueza Rahmer
  • Joaquín Gaete Silva, Ph.D.
  • Oriana Vilches-Álvarez, M. Sc.
  • María Camila Ospina Alvarado
  • Argelia Medina Alvarez
  • María Paula Cespedes
  • Miryam Cristina Fernández Cediel, Ph.D.
  • Dora Isabel Garzon de la Verde
  • Irene Giovanni, Ph.D
  • Luis Felipe González Gutiérrez
  • Ángela Hernández-Córdoba
  • Victoria Lugo, Ph.D.
  • Nelson Molina Valencia, Ph.D.
  • Diana Rodriguez-Charry
  • Jeannette Samper A.
  • María Hilda Sánchez-Jiménez, Ph.D
  • Rosa Julia Suarez Prieto
  • Nubia Torres, Ph.D.
  • Eduardo Villar, MD
  • Carlos Felipe Villar-Guhl, MS
  • Elsa Loipa Araujo Pradere, MD
  • Patricia Arenas Bautista, Ph.D.
  • Rosario María Fraga Gómez, MD
  • Maritza Crespo Balderrama, MA
  • Diego Tapia Figueroa
  • Jeff Fifield, Ph.D.
  • Maria del Pilar Grazioso, Ph.D.
  • Mario O. Castillo Rangel
  • Dora Ayora Talavera, Ph.D.
  • Marifer F. Benabib
  • Fernando Bruno, Ph.D.
  • Mónica Campero
  • Maria Alejandra Carcano Diaz, M.D.O.
  • Luis Castellanos
  • Rocío Chaveste, Ph.D.
  • César A. Cisneros-Puebla, Ph.D.
  • Karen Dawson, Ph.D.
  • Elena Fernández, Ph.D.
  • Jaime Goyri Ceballos, MP
  • Alma Vanessa Guzmán-Díaz
  • Jeff Jackson, MBA
  • Gilberto Limón Arce, Ph.D.
  • Christian Israel Lizama Valladares
  • Sylvia London, MA
  • Vanessa Manassero Baeza, MFT
  • Alexis Ibarra Martínez, Ph.D.
  • Nurit Mileris- Zylbersztejn
  • Mary Blanca Moctezuma, Ph.D.
  • María Luisa Molina López, Ph.D.
  • Maurice L. Monette, EdD
  • Ivet García Montero, Ph.D.
  • Nora C. Rentería Cobos
  • Irma Rodrigues J., MA
  • Jose Rogelio Lopez
  • Rosaura Sanchez
  • Margarita Tarragona, Ph.D.
  • Mtra. Rebeca Vela Núñez
  • René Emir Buenfil Viera, MP
  • Paola Kohler
  • Heve Otero Enfoque Niñez
  • Leticia Rodriguez
  • Fernando Caballero, MA
  • Nelly Chong
  • Teresa Mendo Zelada
  • Cesar Vasquez
  • Roxana Zevallos
  • Zoeli Ayala-García, Ph.D.
  • Edgardo Morales, Ph.D.
  • Frances Ruiz Alfaro, Ph.D.
  • Paloma Torres Dávila, Ph.D.
  • Corina Ahlers, Ph.D.
  • Dorothea Miksits, Ph.D.
  • Martin Miksits, DProf
  • René Bouwen, Ph.D.
  • Gerrit Loots, Ph.D.
  • Johan Poisquet, Ph.D.
  • Peter Rober, Ph.D.
  • Jasmina Sermijn, Ph.D.
  • Nikki Slocum-Bradley, Ph.D.
  • Rudy Vandamme, Ph.D.
  • Luc Verheijen
  • Sabine Vermeire
  • Dina Mousteri, D.E.S.S.
  • Jitka Balášová
  • Jakub Černý, MA
  • Lenka Formankova, Ph.D.
  • Lucie Hornová
  • Pavel Nepustil
  • Kateřina Novotná, MA
  • Přemysl Ulman
  • Michel Avital, Ph.D.
  • Kasper Trolle Elmholdt, Ph.D. fellow
  • Gro Emmertsen Lund, Ph.D.
  • Lisbeth Frølunde, Ph.D.
  • Anne Göerlich, MA
  • Heidi Graff
  • Jørgen Gulddahl Rasmussen, Ph.D.
  • Rasmus Hancke Santos Rossel, MA
  • Gitte Haslebo, MS
  • Maja Loua Haslebo, M.Sc.
  • Lone Hersted, MA
  • Bettina Hjortholt, Ph.D.
  • Carsten Hornstrup, Ph.D.
  • Gjørrild Jacoby
  • Susanne Johansen
  • Thomas Johansen
  • René Kristensen, M.Sc.
  • Marianne Kølle
  • Anne-Mette Korczynski, Ph.D.
  • Per Møller Janniche
  • Mette Vinther Larsen, Ph.D.
  • Lea Meier Thode
  • Charlotte Øland Madsen, Ph.D.
  • Karsten Mellon, Ph.D.
  • Jacob Mosgaard
  • Lars Munch Svendsen, MBA
  • Dorte Nikolajsen
  • Jakob Norlem
  • Christina Hee Pedersen, Ph.D.
  • Birgitte Pedersen, Ph.D.
  • Louise Phillips, Ph.D.
  • David Schjelde
  • Rikke Horup Soerensen
  • Karina Solsø, M.Sc.
  • Thomas C. M. Specht, MA
  • Reinhard Stelter, Ph.D.
  • Jacob Storch, Ph.D.
  • Nina Tejs Jørring, MD
  • Mikkel Thøgersen
  • Arne Vestergaard, Ph.D.
  • Jacob Cilius Vinsten Christiansen
  • Christer Windeløv-Lidzélius
  • Olli-Pekka Juoperi
  • John Pihlaja, M.Soc.Sc.
  • Risto Puutio, Ph.D.
  • Jaakko Seikkula, Ph.D.
  • Verena Aebischer, Ph.D.
  • Mark Hampton
  • Matthew Pruen
  • Marie-Cécile Bertau, Ph.D.
  • Klaus G. Deissler, Ph.D.
  • Kristen Dierolf
  • Lothar Duda, Dipl.-Psych.
  • Eugene K. Epstein, Ph.D.
  • Margit Epstein, Ph.D.
  • Petra Kuenkel, Ph.D.
  • Helge Löbler, Ph.D.
  • Cornelia Oestereich, Dr. Med.
  • Thorsten Padberg
  • Tobias Schüth, Ph.D.
  • Manfred Wiesner, Dipl.-Psych.
  • Walter Zitterbarth
  • loulia Balaska
  • Thalia Dragonas, Ph.D.
  • Philia Issari, Ph.D
  • Maria-Leto Katakis
  • Olga Konstantinou Ph.D.
  • Eleana Koumpi
  • Smaro Markou
  • Kyriaki Polychroni
  • Fany Triantafillou
  • Eleftheria Tseliou, Ph.D.
  • Haridimos Tsoukas, Ph.D.
  • Karen Leonard, Ph.D.
  • Imelda Colgan McCarthy, Ph.D.
  • Aileen Tierney Ph.D.
  • Samantha McGarry
  • Helena Desivilya Syna
  • Francesca Balestra, Ph.D.
  • Angelo Benozzo, Ph.D.
  • Paolo Bertrando, Ph.D.
  • Marco Bianciardi, Ph.D.
  • Yvonne Bonner
  • Giacomo Chiara, Ph.D.
  • Alberta Contarello, Ph.D.
  • Marina Everri, Ph.D.
  • Laura Fruggeri, Ph.D.
  • Sadi Marhaba, Ph.D.
  • Jessica Neri, Ph.D.
  • Mauro Piccinin
  • Diego Romaioli, Ph.D.
  • Elena Venturelli Ph.D.
  • Guido Veronese, Ph.D.
  • Hans Alma, Ph.D.
  • Dorothy Been
  • Celiane Camargo-Borges, Ph.D.
  • Joep C. de Jong, BSc
  • Hanna Copini
  • Cees Hoogendijk
  • Dian Marie Hosking, Ph.D.
  • Marianne Junger
  • Sandra Kensen
  • Alexander J.J.A. Maas, Ph.D.
  • Joan Meyer, Ph.D.
  • José Otte, Ph.D.
  • Bettine Pluut, Ph.D.
  • John Rijsman, Ph.D.
  • Loek Schoenmakers, Ph.D.
  • Nicolaas J.J. van der Molen
  • Gerda van Dijk, Ph.D.
  • Lizet van Donkersgoed
  • Robert van Hennik
  • Justine van Lawick
  • Ingeborg E.B. Vandepoel Ph.D.
  • Hen Wilkinson, M.Sc.
  • Celeste P.M. Wilderom, Ph.D.
  • Danielle Zandee, Ph.D.
  • Joost van Andel, Ph.D.
  • Josje Dikkers, Ph.D.
  • Andreas Breden
  • Bård Bertelsen
  • Tore Dag Bøe, Ph.D.
  • Bjorn Hauger
  • Anne Hedvig Vedeler, Ph.D.
  • Dina von Heimburg
  • Odd Kenneth Hillesund
  • Kjetil Hoff
  • Terje Hofsmarken, D.Sys.Psych
  • Per Jensen, DSysPsych.
  • Anders Lindseth
  • Lennart Lorås, MFSP
  • Ingebjorg Maeland
  • Ottar Ness, Ph.D.
  • Eivind Nilsen
  • Rolf Sundet, Ph.D.
  • Siw Tønnessen
  • Herleik Tosterud
  • Helena AGueda Marujo
  • Miguel M. Gonçalves, Ph.D.
  • Paulo Renatus Jesus, Ph.D.
  • João Salgado, Ph.D.
  • Kristina Brajović Car, Ph.D.
  • Dusan Stojnov, Ph.D.
  • Nadya Zhexembayeva, Ph.D.
  • Silvia Rodríguez Alonso, Ph.D.
  • Ilma Barros Pose, Ph.D.
  • Luis Botella
  • María del Carmen Muñoz de Bustillo Díaz, Ph.D.
  • Benjamín Cortes, MD
  • Garbine Delgado, Ph.D.
  • Alberto Fernandez Liria
  • Jesús Garcia-Martínez, Ph.D.
  • Adria Gibernau
  • María Dolores García Hernández, Ph.D.
  • Marco Gemignani, Ph.D.
  • Sara Olivé Horts
  • Ana Iaquinandi
  • Fernando Iglesias
  • Carlos Alexis Chimpén López, Ph.D.
  • Elisabeth Lerin
  • Pedro de León Martínez
  • Danilo Moggia Narváez
  • Alicia Moreno, Psy.D.
  • Maria Muñoz-Grandes, M.Sc.
  • Xavier Lobo Read
  • Inmaculada García Ruz
  • Ricardo J. Sanchez Cano
  • Josep Segui
  • Miriam Subirana, Ph.D.
  • Beatriz Rodriguez Vega, MD
  • Fabian Martin
  • Evelyn Romero
  • Nora Bateson
  • Ewa Braf, Ph.D.
  • Barbara Czarniawska, PhD, ED, M.A.
  • Carina Håkansson, Ph.D.
  • Jenny Helin, Ph.D.
  • Kerstin Hopstadius
  • Fanny Marell, MSc
  • Matilda Mettälä, MS
  • Kicki Oljemark, Ph.D.
  • Chris Altmikus
  • Fabienne Kuenzli-Monard, Ph.D.
  • Kate Lindley, Ph.D.
  • Christine Meier, Ph.D.
  • Susie Mossman Riva, Ph.D.
  • Alain Robiolio
  • Eleanor Anderson
  • Murray Anderson-Wallace
  • Alexandra Asseily
  • John Bernard Burnham
  • Tom Billington, Ph.D.
  • Helen Bohme, Ph.D.
  • Chris Blantern, MA
  • Margot Brink, Ph.D.
  • Charlotte Burck, Ph.D.
  • Marina Cantacuzino
  • Mark Chidgey
  • Elizabeth M. Day, Ph.D.
  • Sally Denham-Vaughan
  • Mairi Evans, Ph.D.
  • Jeff Faris, MA
  • Glenda Fredman, Ph.D.
  • Scherto Gill, Ph.D.
  • Deni Gordon-Jackson
  • Mark Haydon-Laurelut, Ph.D.
  • Joanne Hipplewith
  • Denise Joseph
  • Beth Meriam
  • Keith Kinsella, Ph.D.
  • Elspeth McAdam
  • Mark McKergow, Ph.D.
  • Philip Messent
  • Amanda Middleton
  • Mary Morris
  • Nafeesa Nizami
  • Christine Oliver, Ph.D.
  • Michelle O’Reilly
  • Cliff Oswick
  • Hugh Palmer
  • Nigel Parton, Ph.D.
  • Karen Mary Partridge, Ph.D.
  • Suzanne Quinney
  • Anne Radford, MS
  • Gail Simon, Ph.D.
  • Dr. Cherrie Ravello-Shotter
  • Matthew Russell, Ph.D.
  • Leah Salter
  • Greg Spiro, MBA
  • Christina Teng
  • Fran Urbistondo Cano, Ph.D.
  • Peace Anumah
  • Kieran Vivian-Byrne M.Sc.
  • Reenee Singh, D.Sys.Psych
  • Mark Huhnen Ph.D.
  • Dawn Thibert
  • Taiwo Afuape, Ph.D.
  • Joan Atwood, Ph.D.
  • Michael Billig
  • Juanita Brown, Ph.D.
  • Kathy Charmaz, Ph.D.
  • Gene Combs, MD
  • Vernon E. Cronen, Ph.D.
  • Jane E. Dutton, Ph.D.
  • David Epston
  • Jill Freedman, MSW

Mark P. Freeman, Ph.D.

  • Charles P. Gibbs
  • Jaber F. Gubrium, Ph.D.
  • Hubert J.M. Hermans, Ph.D.
  • James A. Holstein, Ph.D.
  • David M. Isaacs
  • Mamoru Itoh, MCC
  • Charis Katakis, Ph.D.
  • Suzanne R. Kirschner, Ed.D.
  • Glenn Larner, Ph.D.
  • Gary Mangiofico, Ph.D.
  • Scott D. Miller, Ph.D.
  • Girishwar Misra, Ph.D.
  • Gareth Morgan, Ph.D.
  • Jonathan Potter, Ph.D.
  • Joseph A. Raelin, Ph.D.
  • Karl Edward Scheibe, Ph.D.
  • Carlos Sluzki, MD
  • Jan Smedslund, Ph.D.
  • Toshio Sugiman
  • Karl Tomm, MD, FRCP (C) LMCC
  • Margaret Wheatley, Ed.D.
  • Tom Andersen, Ph.D.
  • Warren Bennis, Ph.D.
  • Ruth Bonner
  • Jerome Bruner
  • Frederic Bradford Burnham, Ph.D.
  • Bob Cottor, MD
  • Phillip Cushman, Ph.D.
  • James Meredith Day, Ph.D.
  • Norman K. Denzin
  • Ángela María Estrada Mesa, Ph.D.
  • Stephen R. Gaddis, Ph.D.
  • Remembering Mary
  • Billy Hardy
  • Lynn Hoffman, ACSW
  • Marisa Japur, Ph.D.
  • Maurits G.T. Kwee, Ph.D.
  • Peter Lang, Ph.D.
  • Alejandra León de la Barra
  • Andy Lock, Ph.D.
  • Rosa Maria Macedo
  • William Madsen, Ph.D.
  • Samuel Mahaffy, Ph.D.
  • Luís Miguel Neto, Ed.D.
  • Barnett Pearce, Ph.D.
  • Peggy Penn, Ph.D., MSW
  • Petros Polychroni, MD
  • Theodore Roy (Ted) Sarbin
  • John Shotter, Ph.D.
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  • Ken Gergen & Sheila McNamee
  • Luis Felipe Gonzalez-Gutierrez
  • Karina Guerschberg
  • Christopher Kinman
  • Marcela Losantos
  • Richard Manley-Tannis
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  • Bjorn Hauger Dissertation
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  • David Anderson Hooker
  • Carsten Hornstrup
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  • Shayamal Kumar Saha
  • Colin James Sanders
  • Loek Schoenmakers
  • Tobias Raphael Schüth
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  • Stephen Shimshock
  • Jeff St. John
  • Siva Subramanien
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  • Dora Adolfina Ayora Talavera
  • Aileen Tierney
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  • Bill Blaine Wallace
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  • Cara Weston-Edell
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College of the Holy Cross Professor of Psychology Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Society

Contact Information: College of the Holy Cross 1 College Street, Worcester, MA 01610

Email:  [email protected] Phone:  508-793-3081 Office:  Beaven Hall 331 Web:

Mark Freeman received his B.A. in Psychology from the State University of New York at Binghamton (now Binghamton University) in 1977 and his Ph.D. in Human Development from the University of Chicago in 1986. He is currently Professor of Psychology and Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Society at the College of the Holy Cross.

His most recent book, Hindsight: The Promise and Peril of Looking Backward (Oxford, 2010), explores the idea that there is much that we can know about ourselves only in retrospect: looking backward over the personal past, we can frequently see what we either could not or would not see earlier on as well as discern the contours of our unfolding life stories. Perilous though the process may sometimes be, it is also one of great promise, allowing us not only to see the possible errors of our ways but to transcend them. Hindsight therefore serves as a vitally important source of self-understanding, wisdom, and moral growth.

Freeman is also the author of Rewriting the Self: History, Memory, Narrative (Routledge, 1993), which received the Alpha Sigma Nu National Book Award in 1994; Finding the Muse: A Sociopsychological Inquiry into the Conditions of Artistic Creativity (Cambridge, 1994), which was designated an Outstanding Academic Book by Choice magazine in 1995; and numerous articles on memory, self, autobiographical narrative, and the psychology of art and religion. He is currently at work on a book titled The Priority of the Other: Attention, Devotion, Transcendence, which seeks to complement his longstanding interest in the self with an in-depth exploration of the category, and place, of the other in psychological life.   

Mark P. Freeman, Ph.D. Files & Links


  1. Mark Freeman

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  2. Mark FREEMAN

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  3. Mark P. Freeman

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  4. Mark FREEMAN

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  5. Mark Freeman, Marriage & Family Therapist, Winter Park, FL, 32789

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  6. Mark Freeman

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  1. Marc Freeman, Ph.D. | Vollum Institute | OHSU

    Detailed information about Marc Freeman, PhD, Vollum Institute Director and Senior Scientist. Includes biography, current research interests, recent publications and contact information.

  2. Marc R. Freeman Ph.D. | OHSU People | OHSU

    Marc R. Freeman, Ph.D. Professor, Vollum Institute. Director and Senior Scientist, Vollum Institute. Neuroscience Graduate Program, School of Medicine. [email protected]. 503-494-5078. Freeman Lab at the Vollum Institute.

  3. Mark P. Freeman | College of the Holy Cross

    Mark P. Freeman. Psychology Department. Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Society. Ph.D., University of Chicago. Fields: History and philosophy of psychology; the self; narrative psychology; psychology of art and creativity. • CV». Email: [email protected]. Office Phone: 508-793-3081. Office: Beaven 331.

  4. Mark Freeman - Chief Data Scientist - IBM | LinkedIn

    Executive data scientist with PhD-level education and over 20 years experience in advanced analytics and machine learning. Leader of multiple data science teams delivering production grade...

  5. MARC FREEMAN, PhD | Nura Bio™

    Since 2003, his laboratory has focused on neuron-glia signaling after injury, in particular how neurons undergo auto-destruction and signal to non-neuronal cells for timely clearance, and how these events modulate disease pathology.

  6. ‪Marc R Freeman‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

    Articles 1–20. ‪Director and Senior Scientist, Vollum Institute‬ - ‪‪Cited by 12,248‬‬ - ‪glia‬ - ‪axons‬ - ‪nervous system injury‬.

  7. Mark P. Freeman, Ph.D. - The Taos Institute

    Mark P. Freeman, Ph.D. College of the Holy Cross. Professor of Psychology. Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Society. Contact Information: College of the Holy Cross. 1 College Street, Worcester, MA 01610. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 508-793-3081.

  8. ‪Dr Mark Freeman‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

    2021. Articles 1–20. ‪Senior Lecturer, The University of Sydney Business School‬ - ‪‪Cited by 835‬‬ - ‪Human Computer Interaction‬ - ‪User Experience‬ - ‪Cognitive Load‬ - ‪Persuasive Technologies‬...

  9. Mark Freeman - University of Alberta

    Mark Freeman. Nonequilibrium Physics of Small Systems. Professor and Canada Research Chair. Research Officer, NINT. BSc, University of Alberta, 1981. PhD, Cornell University, 1988. Postdoctoral Fellow, IBM, 1988-1990. Research Staff Member, IBM, 1990-1994. Assoc. Prof. of Physics, UofA, 1994-1999. Offices: CCIS 3 - 195; NINT 3-068.

  10. Mark Freeman – Stanford Medicine X

    Mark is a peer support worker, author, and workshop facilitator. He combines design thinking exercises with his own experience of recovery from mental illness to help people around the world succeed at the complex changes with behavioral therapy.