How to Win the Robertson Scholarship

Robertson scholarship – introduction.

In this “How to Win a Robertson Scholarship” guide, we’ll cover merit-based scholarship opportunities for high school seniors. Specifically, we’ll talk about how to win the Robertson Scholarship for North Carolina’s top schools: Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill . We’ll discuss Robertson Scholarship eligibility, the funding it can provide, how to apply, and tips on how to become a Robertson Scholar!

Firstly, this guide will give you an overview of merit-based scholarships, as well as the Robertson Scholarship. Once we’ve looked at the financial and non-financial benefits of the Robertson Scholars program, we’ll explore the Robertson Scholarship acceptance rate . 

Then, we’ll share the eligibility criteria for a Robertson Scholarship. We’ll give details on the Robertson Scholarship requirements for the Duke Robertson Scholarship and the UNC Robertson Scholarship. This includes any necessary Robertson Scholarship application materials, the academic scholarship requirements, and the Robertson Scholarship deadline and notification timeline. 

This Robertson Scholarship guide will also include the following:

  • The history of the prestigious Robertson Scholars Program
  • How the Robertson Scholarship compares to other merit-based scholarships  
  • Frequently asked questions about the Robertson Scholarship 
  • Tips on acing the Robertson Scholarship application process 

Advice from College Advisor on other scholarships for college

Merit-Based Scholarships– A Quick Overview

As the cost of college increases, it is more important than ever for students to consider applying for merit-based scholarships and other scholarships for college. 

So, what is a merit-based scholarship exactly? Merit-based scholarships are financial aid awards that have no repayment terms and are awarded based on a student’s academic , personal, and/or leadership experiences. Other scholarships for college might be based on region, unique personal hobbies, or winning a research project or essay competition. You can never have too many scholarships for college, so it is critical to begin researching early!

Robertson Scholars Leadership Program

The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program, also known as the Robertson Scholarship, is one among many competitive merit-based scholarship awards. Merit-based scholarships for college can vary in the amounts awarded, competitiveness, and eligibility. For families concerned about the cost of college , merit-based scholarships and other scholarships for college can provide huge savings on the total cost of college. Merit-based scholarships are awarded by colleges and universities as well as private and non-profit organizations.

The review process for merit-based scholarships can take place during the general admissions application review. Alternatively, merit-based scholarships may have a separate application process like the UNC Robertson Scholarship and the Duke Robertson Scholarship. Scholarships for college typically require some sort of formal application or essay .

What is the Robertson Scholarship?

The Robertson Scholarship was founded in 2000 by Mr. & Mrs. Julian Robertson. As natives of North Carolina, the Robertsons wanted to encourage collaboration between Duke University and the University of North Carolina. These schools were prestigious, but they were missing an opportunity to work together. The creation of the Duke Robertson Scholarship and the UNC Robertson Scholarship was an important first step in this collaboration. 

In addition, the Robertsons wanted to create a merit-based scholarship for students who had the potential to become exceptional leaders – helping them with the cost of college. The Robertson Scholars’ program graduated its first cohort in 2005 . Since then, it’s forged both business partnerships and research projects between Duke and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill . 

Want to compete for the UNC Robertson Scholarship and the Duke Robertson Scholarship?

To begin with, you need to make a competitive general admissions application. Each institution uses a holistic approach to review admissions applications as well as merit scholarship applications. A holistic review approach allows admissions and merit scholarship committees to look beyond GPA to identify well-rounded applicants. The Robertson Scholarship acceptance rate can be intimidating, but there are some key ways to stand out. 

The UNC Robertson Scholarship and the Duke Robertson Scholarship look for four key character traits in applicants. These are purposeful leadership, intellectual curiosity, strength of character, and collaborative spirit. Successful applicants to the Robertson Scholars’ program demonstrate these Robertson Scholarship requirements throughout their application. 

Purposeful leadership means that students are fearless and innovative. Reflect on your high school career to identify times when you displayed vision and determination. Students who display purposeful leadership are often motivational and inspiring to those around them. 

Beyond academics and leadership

In addition to the academic scholarship requirements, applicants to the Robertson Scholars’ program should display intellectual curiosity. Students should maintain good grades in class . Equally important, they should be critical thinkers, showing the potential to be thought leaders in their fields of interest. Merit scholarship reviewers are often looking for students’ potential to contribute to their future college community .

Strength of character is also an important trait of a successful Robertson Scholarship applicant. Students must display confidence, compassion, empathy, and a strong ethical compass. The Robertson Scholars’ program values these traits because of the strong emotional IQ needed to step into leadership roles. 

Finally, in the spirit of its founding, the Robertson Scholars’ Program is seeking students who have a collaborative spirit. Robertson Scholars are bridge builders in their communities and embrace opportunities to learn from others. The Robertson Scholarship application is a perfect place to showcase your passion for leading and serving. 

The Benefits of the Robertson Scholarship

So, we know what the Robertson Scholarship requirements are. But what exactly does the Robertson Scholarship award students?

If you win this prestigious merit scholarship, you’re in store for a number of life-changing benefits, both financial and non-financial. 

Each summer, scholars take part in international and domestic experiences. These are designed to foster community and help them explore their interests and passions with a culminating professional project. During the school year, members of the Robertson Scholars’ program receive mentorship from program alumni and attend funded academic conferences. They also have structured monthly networking experiences with other Robertson scholars, UNC and Duke faculty members, and program alumni and mentors. 

How much money is the Robertson Scholarship?

In addition to a wealth of non-financial benefits, the Robertson Scholars’ program also provides a full merit scholarship. This covers tuition, room and board, and the majority of mandatory fees. A full merit-based scholarship can significantly reduce the cost of college for students and their families. 

The Robertson Scholarship does not include additional personal expenses outside of the tuition, room and board, and other fees mentioned above. In contrast, a full-ride merit-based scholarship allows students to explore the full scope of what college has to offer without worrying about the cost of college. 

The summer enrichment experiences included in the Robertson Scholars’ program also have financial value. Scholars will receive full funding for academic conferences, two study-abroad semesters, and three additional summer enrichment experiences. Not all scholarships for college are packed with this many benefits. 

“Dual citizens”

All Robertson Scholars are “dual citizens” – which means they can immerse themselves in both Duke and UNC campuses. They can take advantage of the UNC Robertson Scholarship and the Duke Robertson Scholarship simultaneously. Students can spend time on both campuses, learning and socializing. In addition to the Robertson Express bus that shuttles students between campuses, students can take part in “ campus switch ”. For this switch scholars spend an entire semester at their neighboring institution during the sophomore year. 

When a student is awarded the Duke Robertson Scholarship or the UNC Robertson Scholarship they are joining a long lineage of scholars. Through regional events and alumni mentorship, Robertson Scholars’ Program participants can network with more than 550 alumni . 

How competitive is the Robertson Scholarship?

The Robertson Scholars’ Program is a competitive program. There are several thousand applicants each year. Thousands of applicants then turn into a few hundred semi-finalists. Even fewer finalists will ultimately compete in the final round of interviews. The final cohort of scholars includes around 27 recipients of the UNC Robertson Scholarship and the Duke University Scholarship. 

The Robertson Scholars’ program provides strong professional and personal development. Alumni of the merit-based scholarship program are often incredibly successful beyond graduation. The UNC Robertson Scholarship and the Duke Robertson Scholarship have prepared hundreds of leaders to excel in the fields of business , medicine , politics, education, and law . 

Randall Drain (Duke ‘05’) credits the Robertson Scholars’ program for preparing him for the Mitchell Scholarship & Yale Law Journal. Alumni David Spratte (UNC ’17) and Kasper Kubica (Duke ’17) were Campus Switch peers during the Roberts Scholars Program. Upon graduation, Kubica and Spratte launched a joint business venture, building off of their summer experiences with the Robertson Scholars’ program.  

Find out more about all of these successful recipients of the Robertson Scholarship here . 

Am I eligible for the Robertson Scholarship?

The Robertson Scholars’ Program is open to current high school students applying for undergraduate admissions at UNC-Chapel Hill or Duke University. Students must enroll at one of these institutions in order to receive scholarship funds.  

The Robertson Scholars’ Program also grants scholarships to college students currently enrolled at UNC-Chapel Hill or Duke University. Current students who are awarded the UNC Robertson Scholarship or Duke Robertson Scholarship will receive tuition and room and board for six semesters instead of eight.  


In addition, transfer students are not eligible to apply for the Robertson Scholars’ Program. 

Further, current students at Duke and UNC are eligible to apply for the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program. If granted the scholarship, students will have their tuition, room and board, and other fees covered for up to six semesters. They are also eligible for the same summer funding opportunities.

Some eligibility for international students too

International students of all nationalities and citizenship are eligible to apply for the Robertson Scholarship Program as long as they are able to obtain a Visa to study in the US.

In addition to meeting the Robertson Scholarship requirements, students must also meet the academic scholarship requirements. Applicants must have an impressive academic record that includes consistent grades in the most challenging courses available at their high school. 

How do I apply for the Robertson Scholarship?

Applying to the Robertson Scholarship Program is a separate process from the normal application process for Duke and UNC. To apply to the Robertson Scholarship, you must apply to either UNC-Chapel Hill , Duke , or both universities by their published deadlines. You must then meet the Robertson Scholarship deadline and complete the separate Robertson Scholarship application. For domestic students, this is November 15th .   

The Robertson Program application does not require an official transcript. However, students will need to provide an official transcript as part of their admissions application to UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke .  

Each year the Robertson Scholars’ program releases a series of essay prompts for prospective students to complete. Aim to produce a polished, college-level essay that showcases all facets of your personality. 

The Robertson Scholars program does not accept test scores of any kind.

Self-reported academics

The academic scholarship requirements only include the self-reported grade point average. Students must have access to their academic transcript to provide accurate self-reported grades.

Compelling recommendations are another important part of the Duke Robertson Scholarship and UNC Robertson Scholarship application review process. At least one letter should come from a teacher who’s witnessed you in the classroom setting. The other recommendation should come from someone that can speak to your character outside of the classroom. This could be a coach, employer, or mentor that has guided you professionally. You can use the same letters used in the Common Application. 

When do I apply for the Robertson Scholarship?

For domestic students, the Robertson Scholarship application opens on August 15 th of each year. At that time students can start filling out their application and their recommenders can begin sharing their letters of advocacy. The Robertson Scholarship deadline is November 15 th . 

The application window is very narrow and is only open for two months. If you prepare ahead of time , you can submit your merit scholarship application ahead of the Robertson Scholarship deadline with little stress. For example, you can begin soliciting recommendation letters and crafting a personal narrative that shows how you relate to the mission and values of the Robertson Scholars’ program. 

In addition to meeting the Robertson Scholarship deadline (November 15 th ), you must also meet the admissions deadlines for Duke and UNC respectively. 

When is the Robertson Scholarship due?

It’s very important to begin compiling your application materials prior to the Robertson Scholarship deadline. The spring of junior year is an excellent time to begin preparing for scholarships for college. Identify recommenders who’ve seen you in an academic setting as well as those that can speak to your character and potential to be a leader. Giving your recommenders a current resume or “brag sheet” is a great way to begin this process. 

Once applicants submit their Robertson Scholarship application, the Robertson Scholars’ program will select the semi-finalists . All semi-finalists will participate in a round of virtual interviews and a final round of interviews. Then, the review committee will announce the Robertson Scholarship finalists.  

Applicants interested in the Duke Robertson Scholarship should decide if they are planning to apply Early Decision or Regular Decision . The Duke Early Decision deadline is November 1 st and the Regular Decision deadline is January 2 nd . The Robertson Scholarship requirements do not favor one deadline over the other.  

Applicants interested in the UNC Robertson Scholarship have the option to apply Early Action or Regular Decision. The Early Action deadline for UNC is October 15 th and the Regular Decision deadline is January 15 th . 

So, get organized and mark your calendars with your admissions application deadlines as well as the Robertson Scholarship deadline! 

Robertson Scholarship – Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Robertson Scholarship requirements:

Can I send updates to my application throughout the academic year? 

The Robertson Scholarship application allows you to make an update after the initial submission. Updates can be sent to [email protected] . With only one update allowed, it is important to make sure you understand all Robertson Scholarship requirements before submitting your application. 

Am I eligible for the Robertson Scholarship if I applied Early Decision? 

Yes, students are eligible to apply for the Robertson Scholarship no matter what decision timeline they choose. The most important detail to remember is to meet all application deadlines for your institution and the scholarship program. 

Is there special preference given to in-state students applying for the Robertson Scholarship program? 

The Robertson Scholars’ program does not prioritize admissions based on regional or national location. 

What is the acceptance rate for the Robertson Scholarship program? 

The Robertson Scholarship acceptance rate is not published. However, each cohort typically consists of fewer than 30 students from each institution. Applications come from across the world. In light of the large application pools for both the Duke Robertson Scholarship and the UNC Robertson Scholarship, it is fair to assume that the program is very selective. 

Can a family member or a family write my recommendation letter? 

The recommendation letter should come from at least one teacher and the second should come from someone who can speak to your character. The Robertson Scholars’ program committee suggests you avoid recommendations from family or family friends. That’s because scholarships for college are typically awarded to students based on their performance in a professional and academic context. 

Don’t forget to have your recommender submit their letter before the Robertson Scholarship deadline! 

Robertson Scholarship vs. Jeffersons Scholarship at University of Virginia

The Robertson Scholarship is one of many prestigious scholarships for college. The Jefferson Scholarship at the University of Virginia is another comparable merit scholarship. This merit scholarship is designed for students who’ve demonstrated excellence and potential in leadership, scholarship, and engaged citizenship .

Unlike the Robertson Scholarship, Jefferson scholars must be nominated instead of applying directly for the merit scholarship. After the nomination process, prospective scholars enter a series of interviews that culminates in a national public competition . 

The eligibility requirements for the Jefferson Scholarship are more restrictive than the Robertson Scholarship. The Jefferson Scholarship also requires students to compete in public venues based on their geographic location. The Jefferson Scholarship interview process is in person, in contrast to the video interviews required for the Robertson Scholarship. The Robertson Scholarship acceptance rate and the Jefferson Scholarship acceptance rate are roughly equal. 

5 Tips on How to Win the Robertson Scholarship– Final Thoughts

This “Robertson Scholarship” guide has shown you how to apply for the Robertson Scholars’ program. Finally, here are five tips on how to win the Robertson Scholarship!

  • Prepare for the Robertson Scholarship application by getting organized early and having conversations with your advocates well in advance of the Robertson Scholarship deadline. 
  • Attend an informational webinar to learn more about the Robertson Scholarship requirements and read Robertson Scholars’ program alumni bios to gain more insight into what the committee is looking for and how you can present a compelling application.
  • Spend some time being introspective and craft a personal narrative that demonstrates the sought-after qualities of a Robertson Scholar. These traits are personal leadership, strength of character, intellectual curiosity, and a collaborative spirit. 
  • Choose recommenders who can speak to both your academic background as well as your leadership and personal traits. It is important for the Robertson Scholars’ program committee to see an applicant that is well-rounded and purpose-driven in addition to meeting the academic scholarship requirements. 
  • Don’t stress too much about the Robertson Scholarship acceptance rate! There is no blueprint for what a Robertson Scholar looks like. The best approach to a successful application is to be authentic and tell your story in your voice. 

More CollegeAdvisor Merit-Based Scholarship Resources to explore!

Looking for high-quality information on scholarships for college? Here at, we can help you compete for the Robertson Scholarship and other scholarships for college! 

How to Win the Coca-Cola Scholarship partners with students as early as their sophomore year to begin preparing for the college admissions and merit-based scholarship process. In addition to one on one appointments, hosts free informative webinars to help you learn more about scholarships for college. Through a dedicated financial aid team, can help you develop your personal narrative, identify merit-based scholarships, and get organized before your senior year. 

Be sure to check out other merit-based scholarship guides from ! The guides cover everything, including the Vanderbilt , Coca-Cola , and USC merit-based scholarships. 

Finally, and most important, good luck!

This article was written by Chelsea Holley . If you want to get help with your college applications from Chelsea or other  Admissions Experts ,  register with today.  Also, check out our other guides to  Merit-Based Scholarships  as you embark on your college application journey!

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Robertson Scholars Program

About the robertson scholars program.

Robertson Scholars are a community of leaders within Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, striving to make transformational contributions to society. The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program provides eight semesters of full tuition, room and board, and most mandatory fees for Scholars at Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill. Scholars also have access to generous funding for up to three summer experiences, funding for conferences throughout the academic year, and for two semesters of study abroad.

Interested in becoming a Robertson Scholar?

The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program is the only four year merit scholarship at Duke that has a separate application process.  To learn how to apply either as an entering first year student, or as a rising sophomore, please see the Robertson website.

Current Robertson Scholars

Come meet the current Robertson Scholars!  Scholars from both Duke and UNC are listed on this site, as Robertson Scholars regularly travel between campuses.  During their sophomore year, they live on the opposite campus from their base school.

Scholarship Essay Writing

Scholarship Essay Prompts

Barbara P

Most Popular Scholarship Essay Prompts & Questions

11 min read

Published on: May 16, 2023

Last updated on: Jul 23, 2024

Scholarship Essay Prompts

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Are you dreaming of a scholarship that could help you achieve your academic goals? The good news is that you're not alone, and we're here to make the process a little less intimidating. 

Don't know where to start?  No worries! We've got you covered with this guide on how to tackle the most common scholarship essay prompts. By the end, you'll be able to confidently share your unique story, stand out from the crowd, and win the scholarship of your dreams.

So, let's dive into the world of scholarship essays and show the judges why you deserve that financial support!

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Popular Colleges Scholarship Prompts We Cover

In this article, we provide you with the best and most commonly used essay prompts for the following colleges.

  • College scholarship essay prompts
  • Robertson scholarship essay prompts
  • Park scholarship essay prompts
  • Vanderbilt scholarship essay prompts
  • Easy scholarship essay prompts
  • UCLA alumni scholarship essay prompts
  • Gilman scholarship essay prompts 
  • Johnson scholarship essay prompts

Feel free to choose any and start writing your scholarship essay or personal statement and show the admission committee why you indeed deserve the financial aid. Make sure to follow the proper  scholarship essay format  when you are answering these questions.

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Current Scholarship Essay Prompts - 2024

  • Discuss a current global issue and explain how you would propose a solution to address it.
  • Describe a personal experience that influenced your decision to pursue a particular field of study.
  • How have you overcome a significant challenge in your life, and how has it impacted your personal growth?
  • Share a time when you demonstrated leadership and the impact it had on those around you.
  • Discuss the importance of diversity and inclusion in today's society and how you have contributed to promoting these values.
  • Describe your career aspirations and how you plan to achieve them.
  • Discuss a book, movie, or other piece of media that has had a significant impact on your life and explain why.
  • Share a time when you had to work with someone with a different perspective or background, and how you navigated those differences.
  • Discuss a community service project you have participated in and the impact it had on the community.
  • Explain the importance of financial literacy and how you plan to manage your finances in the future.

List of Best College Scholarship Essay Prompts

Here are the most common scholarship essay question examples that you can find on most college applications in the US.

  • Tell us about yourself.
  • How will this scholarship help you?
  • Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
  • How will you make a difference in our world?
  • Describe a volunteer experience?
  • Why do you need this scholarship?
  • Describe a challenge you have overcome.
  • Who do you admire the most?
  • Why do you deserve this scholarship?
  • Briefly describe your short- and long-term goals.
  • What are your academic and future goals?
  • Tell us about a time when you had failed in something.
  • What makes you unique?
  • Does any quality or attribute distinguish you from others?
  • What are your most important extracurricular activities?
  • What is your biggest strength and weakness?
  • What are your greatest accomplishments?
  • What are your strongest personality traits?
  • How has your education contributed to who you are today?
  • What is your most prominent achievement, and how does it relate to your field of study?

Additional Scholarship Essay Prompts

  • Describe a time when you had to step out of your comfort zone and take a risk. What did you learn from the experience?
  • How have your experiences with diversity and inclusivity shaped your perspective and goals?
  • What motivates you to pursue your academic and career goals, and how do you stay focused on them?
  • Describe a moment when you faced adversity and how you overcame it.
  • How have your family, cultural background, or community influenced your values and beliefs?
  • Discuss a book, movie, or event that has impacted your life and explain why.
  • What is the most significant challenge facing your generation, and what solutions would you propose to address it?
  • Describe a time when you collaborated with others to achieve a common goal. What did you learn from the experience?
  • What impact do you hope to make in your chosen field or industry, and how will this scholarship help you achieve that goal?

Describe a mentor or role model who has inspired you and explain why.

General Scholarship Essay Topics

Here are some more random scholarship essay topics that you can choose from

  • A person who has a major influence on your life
  • Things you have done outside of the classroom that has demonstrated your skills
  • Have you struggled for something and succeeded?
  • What leadership qualities do you have?
  • Why do you want to be a ___?
  • How do you define leadership?
  • Describe the importance of a good teammate?
  • What do you expect to gain from a college degree?
  • What does success means to you?
  • A book that has affected you deeply

The 16 Most Popular Scholarship Questions

We have compiled a list of the 16 most popular scholarship questions and how to effectively address them. Let's take a look!

1. Career How will this scholarship help you achieve your career goals?

When addressing this prompt, discuss your future career aspirations and how the scholarship will support your academic and professional pursuits. Highlight any relevant experiences, skills, or certifications that will contribute to your success.

2. Catch-All Why do you deserve this scholarship?

This prompt allows you to discuss your overall qualifications and achievements that make you a strong candidate for the scholarship. Discuss your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, community service, and future goals.

3. Challenges Discuss a personal or academic challenge you have overcome and how it has shaped you.

When addressing this prompt, be honest and open about a challenge you have faced and how you have overcome it. Highlight any lessons or skills you have gained from overcoming this challenge.

4. Champion Who is a person that has influenced you and why?

When addressing this prompt, discuss a person who has had a significant impact on your life and why. Highlight how their influence has shaped your personal or academic pursuits.

5. Change How will you make a positive impact in your community with the help of this scholarship?

When addressing this prompt, discuss your future community service goals and how the scholarship will support these efforts. Highlight any past community service experiences that demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact.

6. Character How have your personal values and beliefs influenced your academic pursuits?

When addressing this prompt, discuss your personal values and beliefs and how they have influenced your academic and career goals. Highlight any experiences or achievements that demonstrate your character and commitment to your values.

7. Classroom How will you contribute to the academic community at your future college or university?

When addressing this prompt, discuss how you plan to contribute to the academic community at your future college or university. Highlight any academic or leadership experiences that demonstrate your potential to make a positive impact.

8. College Why have you chosen this particular college or university and how will this scholarship support your academic goals there?

When addressing this prompt, discuss why you have chosen your particular college or university and how the scholarship will support your academic pursuits. Highlight any relevant experiences or goals that align with the college or university's mission or values.

9. Committee Composition What unique perspective do you bring to the scholarship selection committee?

When addressing this prompt, discuss your unique experiences, skills, or background that you believe will contribute to the scholarship selection committee. Highlight any achievements or experiences that demonstrate your potential to make a positive impact.

10. Community How have you contributed to your local community and how will this scholarship support your future community service efforts?

When addressing this prompt, discuss any past community service experiences and how they have made a positive impact. Highlight any future community service goals and how the scholarship will support these efforts.

11. Competition How have you demonstrated your competitive spirit and drive for success?

When addressing this prompt, discuss any academic or extracurricular achievements that demonstrate your competitive spirit and drive for success. Highlight any leadership roles or experiences that demonstrate your potential for future success.

12. Contribution How will you contribute to your field of study through research or other academic pursuits? When addressing this prompt, discuss any research or academic goals you have for your field of study. Highlight any past academic or research experiences that demonstrate your potential to make a positive impact.

13. Control How have you taken control of your academic or personal life and achieved success?

When addressing this prompt, discuss any personal or academic challenges you have faced and how you have taken control of your life to achieve success. Highlight any skills or lessons you have gained from these experiences.

14. Creative How have you used your creativity to solve a problem or make a positive impact?

When addressing this prompt, discuss any experiences or achievements where you have used your creativity to make a positive impact. Highlight any problem-solving skills or unique approaches you have taken to achieve success.

15. Credentials How do your academic credentials and achievements make you a strong candidate for this scholarship?

When addressing this prompt, discuss your academic achievements and credentials that make you a strong candidate for the scholarship. Highlight any honors, awards, or certifications that demonstrate your academic excellence.

16. Culture How have your cultural experiences and background influenced your academic pursuits and goals?

When addressing this prompt, discuss how your cultural experiences and background have shaped your academic pursuits and goals. Highlight any experiences or achievements that demonstrate your unique perspective and potential to make a positive impact in your field of study.

How to Address Scholarship Essay Prompts?

Below you can find some of the most common scholarship questions and tips to answer them. Keep in mind these guidelines while answering the scholarship essay topic of your choice.

Your answers should show that you have a plan for your future and are serious about it. The scholarship committee wants to see that their money is going to someone who has the necessary drive, so don't be shy with what you say.

There's a competition going on - one that you can't afford to lose when your future is at stake. You need to stand out, and the best way to do it is by addressing any weakness with an answer like 'I currently have limited knowledge in this area, but I will be able to make up for my lack of experience through diligent study.' These scholarship committees look for applicants who show potential rather than people who already know everything about what they want from life.

It is very important to show the scholarship committee that you are passionate about your goals and ambitions. This will help them decide who they offer scholarships to, so it makes sense to take this question seriously.

While it is impossible to paint a complete image of your entire life in such a short time, you can give an overview of the information about your life that matters most with this scholarship.

To answer this question, show you have a serious plan for the future through education.

Maintaining a strong GPA throughout college is not enough; scholarship committees want more than just an educated student. They also want someone who will use their degree in ways that correspond with it. You'll have some tough competition when trying to prove yourself as a deserving candidate. So, make sure you are realistic about what types of goals and plans can realistically be achieved by going back to school or taking on another graduate program at one university.

This common scholarship essay question is a perfect way to share your thoughts about the importance of community service.

This prompt allows applicants to discuss what they have learned by doing this work and why more students should participate so that communities everywhere will improve.

Tips for Writing an Effective Scholarship Essay

Here are some key tips to keep in mind when writing your scholarship essay:

  • Address the Prompt: One of the most important things you can do when writing your scholarship essay is to address the prompt directly. Make sure you understand what the prompt is asking you to write about, and focus your essay on that topic.
  • Be Concise: Scholarship essays often have strict word limits, so it's important to be concise and to the point. Make sure every sentence in your essay serves a purpose and contributes to your overall argument.
  • Focus on Personal Experiences: Scholarship committees want to get to know you as a person. Thats why it's important to share personal experiences and stories in your essay. Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points for the scholarship.
  • Edit and Proofread: Once you've written your essay, take the time to edit and proofread it carefully. Look for typos, grammatical errors and make sure your essay flows smoothly and is easy to read.

Other Scholarship Questions

Here are some scholarship essay prompts with answers in the form of PDF samples:

Why Do You Deserve This Scholarship?

Describe a Challenge You Have Faced and How You Overcame It

Who Has Been The Biggest Influence in Your Life, and Why?

How Will You Use Your Education to Make a Positive Impact on Society?

Remember, it's not easy to predict every scholarship essay question. But trying out an AI essay generator can give you an advantage in your application

If you're still not sure where to start or if your essay needs some expert help,  is here for you.

We offer a top-notch college essay writing help  that can provide you with an impressive high school or college essay. Our service is the best and only option you need for all your scholarship essay needs. 

Contact us today to receive expert guidance on how to succeed and win. Don't hesitate, connect with our scholarship essay writing service now!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should a scholarship essay be.

Scholarship essays are usually about 500 words or one page long. If you can't find the information about the word or page limit for the essay, it's usually safe to stick to 500 words or one page.

Do scholarship essays need a title?

You can also include a title for your scholarship essay if you want, but this is usually unnecessary. 

Is it okay to lie on a scholarship essay?

Scholarships are a great way to save money for college, but lying about your academic achievements could result in serious consequences.

Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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robertson scholars essay prompts

Office of the University Registrar

Robertson Scholars

The following explains the steps for enrolling Robertson Scholars in courses at Duke University.

General Provisions

The Robertson Scholars Program is a joint undergraduate scholarship program between Chapel Hill and Duke University. There are coordinating staff on each campus to help administer the program, including academic advising for the students. Eighteen students are admitted as Robertson Scholars each year on each campus. During the spring semester of their sophomore year, students from each campus will live on and take courses at the other campus. Students will be expected to complete at least five courses at the other campus. They can enroll in more if they choose.

A guiding principle will be that the host campus treats the visiting Robertson Scholars students as if they were regular degree students throughout their four years. These students are taking courses on both campuses because it is a requirement for the scholarship that is imposed by the institutions.

UNC-Chapel Hill Students Enrolling In Duke Courses

  • The UNC student should follow the policies and approval process and complete a Robertson Scholars Cross Campus Course Approval Form. The purpose of the form is to confirm that this student is a Robertson Scholar, establish the number of hours the student intends to enroll for at the other institution, and indicate that the course selection is approved by the adviser and Dean for the student’s program.
  • The Office of the University Registrar at UNC will enter an assigned ROBT course on the student’s term record to indicate the credit hours of coursework to be taken at Duke. The student must indicate the correct Duke course credits in order for the UNC office to enter the correct UNC credit hours for the assigned ROBT course. There is no limit (other than the student’s overall credit limit) on the number of courses that can be taken in a semester.
  • The Duke University Registrar’s Office sets up a term record for the student and notifies the student via email of their enrollment appointment and procedures for enrolling at Duke.
  • The student uses the Duke registration system and enrolls themselves in the course or courses.
  • See the UNC Scholar Cross-Campus Approval Form  for specific instructions on policy and procedures.

Duke Students Enrolling in UNC-Chapel Hill Courses

  • The student record is activated in the UNC Chapel Hill student system using the quick admit process. The student is admitted as a Visitor (VISUG) and with a major of Robertson Scholar (NDUGROBT).
  • A term record is created and registration appointment time is assigned according to their classification.
  • The student is sent notification via email of their enrollment appointment, and procedures for enrolling at UNC Chapel Hill.
  • All Duke Robertson students are to be granted full access to UNC activities as if they were full time enrolled UNC students whether or not they are actually enrolled in UNC courses. To accomplish this, all Duke Robertson students will be enrolled every semester in a UNC placeholder course (ROBT 102) for zero credit hours and their student record will reflect the Robertson Student Group (RBSC). This will allow all Duke Robertson Scholars to be reported as active students for purposes of the UNC1 Card, athletic events, and libraries.

Students will be billed by their home institution for all the courses taken (including interinstitutional courses) at the prevailing tuition rate.

Statistical Reporting

Visiting students will not be included in the head count or full-time equivalent count of students enrolled at the University. Conversely, the credit hours for UNC students will include the interinstitutional hours taken at Duke.

Grading and Grade Reporting

  • A student taking a course through cross campus registration will be graded in the course in accordance with the grading system of the institution where the course is taken and converted in accordance to the grading system of the home institution. The identification of the institution and course will be in the space where the descriptive title is normally shown.
  • The visited institution will forward the grades of the visiting students to the home institution at the end of the semester.
  • UNC students can not elect to be graded Pass/Fail unless the course is offered only as a Pass/Fail course. Students are limited to enrolling in two Duke courses with Pass/Fail grading for their entire undergraduate program.

Robertson Essay Question

<p>Will the Robertson Scholarship Admission committee see the essays I send in to Duke/UNC? Im curious because I was planning on modifying my common app essay for an essay in the Robertson App. </p>

<p>I’d really appreciate a quick reply cause the app is due on Saturday AHHHHH :S</p>

<p>Thanks for the help</p>

<p>What is your essay about?</p>

<p>My son asked the same question last year and Robertson staff replied that they do have access to your full application. So my recommendation is to make Robertson essay different than Common App.</p>

<p>Yes - as I understand it, the Robertson staff do have access to the full application, including Common App essay. I also think they are looking for something different as they are not looking to admit you to school but to a very specific scholar program. I would carefully read the Robertson program history, mission, etc. and use that to inform the essay you submit for them.</p>

<p>This is what the website says:</p>

<p>“We will primarily evaluate students based on the Robertson online application. While we will see students’ Duke and/or UNC applications later in the process, we recommend including all critical information in the Robertson application since the first round of decisions is made without reference to the university applications. As such, students may duplicate essays if they choose, as long the essays answer our specific questions on the online application.”</p>

<p>Therefore, they can see your Common App and Duke essay and they don’t mind you replicating your essay – as long as the Robertson essays answer the posed questions. Sure, you could write different essays but if you have great ones, why not use them?</p>

Robertson Scholarship 2022: All You Need To Know + Tips & Guide to Win

One of the world’s most promising educational possibilities is available to those who have strong leadership qualities.

All high-potential leaders are eligible for the Robertson Scholars Leadership Scholarship Program.

Students at Duke University and the University of North Carolina (UNC) in Chapel Hill may apply for the Robertson Scholarships.

In addition to high school students interested in attending any of the two institutions, international students , and first-year college students may apply for the award.

This page covers all the essential information regarding the Robertson scholarship for students who meet the criteria.

About Robertson Scholarship 

In 2000, Julian Robertson, a 1955 graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill, and his wife, Josie, established the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program by giving the initiative the sum of $24 million.

They were motivated by their sons, one of whom graduated from Duke in 1998 and another who graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in 2001 after having the feeling that these two institutions gave their sons an extraordinary undergraduate experience.

For this reason, they debated that a combination of both schools promised a richness of resources that no other university could match and thus the birth of the Robertson scholarship. 

The Robertson Scholarship Program has evolved to over 250 alumni on six continents. The alumni community stays connected through formal and informal channels of communication and support.

The Robertson Scholarship Program regularly engages alumni in program events like regional dinners and the Senior Capstone retreat.

These alumni also play a role in the recruitment and selection of new Robertson Scholars which has also helped scholars find summer internships or post-graduate employment.

Robertson scholarships give undergraduates monetary funding and other benefits like mentorship and leadership training. 

The Leadership program stands to produce Robertson scholars who will play significant and impactful roles in their communities and society.

Robertson Scholarship Opportunities

The Robertson Scholars Leadership program is available for students in three categories. Which are: 

  • High School Students
  • International Students
  • First-Year Students

These categories are the numerous openings through which you can become a Robertson Scholar.

The benefits of the Robertson scholarship are the same for all the categories. This is because whichever category you’re accessing the scholarship, you’re going to be an undergraduate studying at either Duke University or UNC.

Robertson Scholarship Benefits

Robertson scholarship has numerous ways to give benefit to the Robertson Scholar through the Robertson Scholarship Leadership Program.

Here are some of the benefits of being a Robertson scholar:

  • You get financial Benefits

The Robertson scholarship gives eight (8) semesters of full tuition, room & board, and most compulsory fees for Scholars at Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill. 

Robertson Scholars also have access to generous funding for up to three summer experiences.

  • You get Dual Citizenship benefits: 

Robertson scholars also earn access to the resources of two of the most highly regarded universities in the world – Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

  • You get a Summer Experience

The Robertson Scholar Leadership program offers scholars the platform to pursue both domestic and international experiences.

As a Robertson scholar, you’ll get the opportunity to explore and act on individual passions, and step outside of your comfort zone.

  • You get a Leadership Development benefit

The program provides scholars the chance to participate in programs and activities that will modernize their skills.

These programs also expand Robertson scholars’ academic and professional networks and secure their personal and professional goals.

Note: National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) and Leadership Enhancement and Development (LEAD) are some of the programs Robertson Scholars benefit from.

  • You get Mentorship benefits

With the Robertson Scholars Leadership program, scholars can create mentoring connections with faculty and administrators at both universities.

Robertson scholarship program also helps Scholars to pursue guidance and mentorship in their field of interest through the alumni network.

They can also get mentorship sessions with the staff of the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program.

Robertson staff members encourage Scholars in planning their summer experiences and supervise them in their across-the-board leadership and personal development.

  • Becoming A Robertson scholar

It’s been stated that there are three categories by which you can become a Robertson Scholar, now is the time to look at the ways by which you can become a scholar through the three openings. 

Robertson Scholarship for High School Students

You can become a Robertson Scholar from high school if you are in your graduating year and are applying to enter Duke/UNC.

Applicants should understand that admission to Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill entails separate processes. 

Note: All forms and correspondence dealing with admission to either of these colleges should go directly to their Offices of Undergraduate Admissions.

The Robertson scholarship application for high school students is online and the process will require you to self-report either your SAT score or ACT score. You may also prefer to report both scores.

As an applicant of a Robertson scholar, you will be expected to submit two letters of recommendation, one from a teacher who has seen you in a classroom setting and the other from anyone that can speak of your leadership and character.

International High school students will have to refer to the International application to commence their application in their graduating year.

Note: Only International students from New Zealand, Australia, and Africa are eligible.

Note that the following students are not eligible to apply for this scholarship;

  • Transfer Students 
  • Students who have applied to the Morehead-Cain Scholarship

Application process

Students who apply to Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill are automatically considered for merit scholarships. However, the only way to ensure that the selection committee precise your application is by completing the Robertson online application 

How to apply 

To apply for the Robertson scholarship for high school students, visit Robertson Scholarship for High School students. 

Application Deadline

The deadline for submission of an application is November 15, annually. 

The application process starts on August 15, annually. 

It is important to note that while you’re checking for the deadline of the Robertson application, you’ll also have to check the deadline for your school of choice.

Visit Robertson Scholarship to find out more about the scholarship, including Frequently Asked Questions. 

Robertson Scholarship for International Students

Robertson Scholars Program is available to International students by applying from their home country with Robertson partners with an institution in the selected region.

As of present, the Robertson scholarship partnership is only available to three(3) international regions/countries. They are as follows:

  • Africa: African Leadership Academy Partner Program
  • New Zealand: New Zealand Partner Program, and
  • Australia: Australia Partner Program.

African Leadership Academy Partner Program

The Robertson Scholar Leadership Program is accessible to Africans who study at the African Leadership Academy. 

These African Leadership Academy students must be finishing their sixth form and must also plan to apply for admission to Duke and/or UNC-Chapel Hill as well as receive a nomination for the Robertson scholarship.

Applicants have to check the application interval of either Duke or UNC or both while applying for the Robertson scholarship and also note that admission to Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill are two different processes. 

Applicants will have to submit undergraduate program applications to these institutions individually even if you’re applying for both.

Applicants will also be required to take the SAT or ACT entrance exams to be eligible for this scholarship.

The deadline for submission of application as a Robertson’s African Leadership Academy nominee is yet to be decided. However, you may contact [email protected] if you have any questions. 

How to Apply

You will be invited to apply for this scholarship as an African International student online. 

However, you have to complete your application process after you have been nominated.

During the application process, you will have to select “African Leadership Academy Applicant” as your Current Status when applying to be a Robertson scholar.

Note: If you are a student from Africa and you did not attend the African Leadership Academy, you’re still eligible to apply but you will have to apply through the traditional High School Application described above.

New Zealand Partner Program

The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program is accessible to New Zealand students through the Universities New Zealand – Te Pōkai Tara.

Applicants need to be either attending Duke or UNC to be eligible for the Robertson scholarship.

To qualify for the scholarship, applicants must be entered for the Year 13 senior school examination. This could be the NCEA Level 3 or the Cambridge exams, or the equivalent senior school exam in the year of application.

Additionally, you must be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident who has completed five years of secondary schooling in New Zealand.

Note, however, that you’ll have to follow up on the program deadline of your selected school while applying for the Robertson scholarship.

You are also eligible to apply to both schools, but the application goes to each school separately.

Also, note that you will have to put up with the SAT or ACT entrance exam for the Robertson Selection Committee to consider you.

The deadline for applying to become a Robertson scholar through the Universities New Zealand – Te Pōkai Tara is December 1.

You may contact [email protected] if you have any questions. 

The New Zealand scholarship application is done through an online application. To apply through the partner school, you’ll have to visit the  Robertson Scholarship for New Zealand students. 

Australia Partner Program

The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program is available to Australian students through the University of South Wales (UNSW) but the Australian students must be applying to Duke or UNC-Chapel Hill for the Robertson scholarship.

As an Australian international, you must be an Australian Year 12 student to be eligible for this scholarship. 

You’ll be required to provide a certified copy of your birth certificate and proof of Australian citizenship or permanent residency, provide certified copies of your academic results to date, one academic reference, and a personal reference while applying through the University of South Wales. 

Applicants are followed up on the program deadline of the selected school while applying for the Robertson scholarship. 

Note: You can apply to both Duke and UNC for the Robertson scholarship but you’ll submit your application separately to the individual schools.

You will also be required to take the SAT or ACT entrance exam for the Robertson Selection Committee to consider you.

The deadline for applying to become a Robertson scholar through the University of South Wales (UNSW) is December 1 – Australian time.

If you have any questions, you can contact [email protected]

To apply for Robertson’s Australia Partner Program, you have to go through UNSW’s scholarship application portal for Robertson scholarship for Australian students

Note: you are expected to read the instructions on the portal and proceed to fill out the scholarship application form. 

However, you must submit your application following UNSW’s portal.

Note: Shortlisted candidates for the scholarship committee will be invited for an interview in Sydney. 

Robertson Scholarship for First-Year Students.

Getting admitted into Duke University or UNC-Chapel Hill gives you access to the Robertson scholarship. 

You can only apply for this scholarship at the end of your freshman year because the scholarship assesses first-year applicants based on their academic performance, initiative, and accomplishment during their freshman year.

You will also have to be enrolled as a full-time, degree-seeking student at Duke or UNC-Chapel Hill to be eligible for this scholarship and must apply for a minimum of four full credits per semester while at UNC 12 credit hours per semester qualifies you.

Applying for the Robertson scholarship as a First-year student of Duke or UNC does not compel you to be a citizen of a specific country/region as there are no restrictions on citizenship or residency for the Robertson First-Year Selection Program. 

You have to self-report either your SAT score or ACT score or may choose to report both, plus the scholarship requires first-year Scholars to maintain a GPA minimum of 3.0 for the scholarship committee to consider your application.

In addition, you are required to submit 2 letters of recommendation during your scholarship application. One from a Duke or UNC faculty staff member and the other should be from anyone who can attest to your leadership and character.

Note: Students who applied to the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program in high school are also eligible to apply as first-year students. 

The deadline for submission of an application for the Robertson scholarship as a First-year student at Duke and/or UNC is February 1. However, the scholarship submission starts on December 1.

How to Apply  

The Robertson Scholarship for First-year students at Duke and UNC Robertson scholarship application is done online.

Visit Robertson scholarship for first-year students to apply. 

For more about the Robertson First-Year application, including FAQs, visit Robertson scholarship.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the robertson scholarship looking for.

The Robertson Scholars leadership program seeks students who have demonstrated outstanding potential to become great leaders in college and beyond. 

It seeks people who can play significant and impact-filled roles in their various communities and society today and in the near future.

How do I get a Robertson Scholarship?

You will need to be either attending Duke or UNC to be eligible for the Robertson Scholarship. 

How much money is the Robertson Scholarship?

Robert Scholar’s leadership program is worth over $66,000 per annum. 

What does the Robertson scholarship fund cover? 

It provides full tuition, room, and board, and covers other academic expenses, and scholars at UNC will receive an additional living stipend. 

Scholars will also get support for three summers of service, research, and travel.

The Robertson scholarship through the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program disburses funds  for the undergraduate’s full, four-year tuition while bestowing the student the complete offer of ‘Dual citizenship.’

This,  this scholarship offers you the means to attend school at Duke University while participating in activities at UNC-Chapel Hill.

The Robertson scholarship is accessible to students who wish to study at Duke and/or UNC. This is because the program strives to build world leaders and also give them access to quality leadership training and mentorship.

You can apply for this scholarship either as a high school student, an international student, or a first-year student at Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill.

You are encouraged to go through the application processes and requirements for any category you are applying for. Also, it is recommended that you know the application deadline for the school of your choice and also read the application FAQs so as to have a smooth application process.

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Kentucky Concrete Association

William T. Robertson High School Essay Scholarship Contest

' title=

Please  click here to read the 2023-2024 William T. Robertson High School Essay Contest winning essay. Coming soon!

Attention High School Seniors:

The KCA will be  accepting submissions for the 2024-2025 William T. Robertson Scholarship Essay Contest later this summer.  Please check back in August 2024 . The scholarship contest will be open to Kentucky resident High School Seniors.

The contest winner will be awarded a $2,000 scholarship to be paid to the college of their choice in their freshman semester and will also be invited to attend the KCA Winter Convention to accept the award.

Essay Prompt:

How have you (or your community) been Shaped by Concrete?  Learn more at

Like last year, the essay submission process is different from previous years, so please pay close attention, as  paper submissions will not be accepted .  Essay submission instructions will be available in August 2024.

The essay contest rules are as follows:

  • Student must be a current senior in high school graduating in the 2024 – 2025 school year.
  • Essays must address the essay prompt directly.
  • Essays must be written by a single student and shall not be collaborative in nature.
  • The use of AI is not permitted for the creation or completion of the essay – the primary purpose is to demonstrate original thinking, understanding of the essay prompt and writing abilities of the individual.

Essays must be submitted using the online submission form: TBD

  • Essay must be received by November 23, 2024.
  • Essays must be limited to 600 words.

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Student Scholarships

Robertson Scholars

Robertson Scholars are a diverse and dynamic group of vibrant leaders committed to making transformational contributions to society. Scholars explore their leadership at the self, group, and system level forging connections across cohorts.

Robertson Scholars join a lifelong community committed to transformational change.  They explore who they are, what they're committed to, and how to lead from their values in the face of an ever-changing world.

The Robertson selection process focuses on finding students committed to making systems level changes in the world around them, who believe in possibilities, and have the creative imagination to solve intractable problems. We seek to build a community comprised of individuals seeking to work and learn alongside equally inspired change agents with varied interests and passions.

The 2024-2025 high school selection process will open on August 15, 2024.

The 2024-2025 selection process for matriculated Duke & UNC students will open on October 1, 2024.

The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program welcomes applications from all students regardless of citizenship or nationality.

Any student wishing to be considered for the Robertson must apply directly using our application. This is the only way to ensure your application is considered by our selection team.

Students who have not yet matriculated to any university apply for The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program using the High School Application. We accept applications from students who elect to apply Early Decision to other institutions as well as applications from students who apply to other scholarship programs. Students may apply to Duke & UNC either Early Action, Early Decision, or Regular Decision.


  • Students must apply for undergraduate admission to Duke and/or UNC-Chapel Hill the same year they apply to the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program.
  • Students must apply to the school(s) of their choice by the respective Early or Regular deadlines.
  • Admission to Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill are separate processes. All forms and correspondence dealing with admission to these institutions should go directly to their respective Offices of Undergraduate Admissions.
  • International students are eligible to apply for the Robertson as long as they are able to obtain a Visa to study in the United States.
  • Students on a gap year who have already been admitted to Duke University or UNC-Chapel Hill may not apply for the Robertson until they matriculate to their respective institution.
  • Transfer students are not eligible to apply.
  • The Robertson is strictly available for undergraduate students. Students seeking graduate degrees may not apply.

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Duke Robertson Scholars Update

Has anyone heard back from Duke/UNC Robertson Scholars Program? I checked their website and semi-finalist interviews are supposed to be taking place from February 16-26. That's relatively nearby. Is it safe to assume I didn't get selected lol?

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What are the specific reasons for taking one of the most prestigious undergraduate scholarships, the Robertson, over attending Harvard and Stanford?


Great question.

The Robertson program is a unique experience for around 15 Duke students each year. Scholars from the U.S. are chosen from the Duke/UNC application pool of around 60,000 students and the seven or so international scholars (from countries including NZ, Australia, England, Ethiopia and India) are invited following an extremely personal interview process. Clearly, this selection process differs significantly from regular university admissions, and it embodies what the Robertson program aims to achieve - a personalized, engaging and challenging college experience.

My experience as a Robertson has been very different to a regular Duke student ever since our pre-Duke orientation in North Carolina. I have had access to annual summer funding, exclusive dinner and speaker events, grants to attend conferences, five full-time staff members working solely for the current students, dual-citizenship and the University of North Carolina including one semester of residency, a diverse and tight-knit peer group and access to alumni across the world. The program offers the comfort of friendship and support, the challenge of new ideas from different events and members and the resources to do whatever you want. All on top of paying for my ~$70,000USD p.a. tuition.

I am also a huge fan of Duke University. Beyond a beautiful campus is an incredible work-life balance lived by interesting students from all around the world. Especially as an international student, you will be able to take advantage everybody’s different background. For example, in the 16 months since I arrived at Duke I’ve hung out with 15 of my Duke friends back in their respective countries (largely Europe and South America).

Duke’s sporting prowess offers both entertainment and a culture of camaraderie and school spirit. I can watch some of the worlds top age-group athletes compete in national competitions and then catch a meal with them in the same day. One of the nations biggest sporting events, the annual Duke vs UNC Basketball game, is a highlight of the year. Club sport also thrives from an $8 million budget (allegedly 10x as high as the next highest endowment). Last year I travelled to both the Bahamas (rugby) and Amsterdam (hockey) on highly subsidized “dream trips” - an experience unique to Duke Club Sport.

Duke is also one of those rare places where a strong liberal arts program meets hard engineering and life science. Interdisciplinary programs such as Bass Connections seek to capitalize on this intersection to be at the forefront of research, policy and innovation. I am constantly learning things from faculty, peers and programs that I would never have thought existed. Duke is certainly a place to open your mind and expand your understanding of many different aspects of the world.

I could go on all day about the awesome things here at Duke so feel free to reach out to me with specific questions. Good luck with your application!


The Robertson offers resources. They clear the way for you to do what you need to do as grow in experience and understanding.

I think the biggest indicator of that is the Robertson’s summer program: they pay for three summers of activity. The first is spent getting to know the people you’re with, the second and third are spent doing whatever you like, per their approval (which is, as a rule, very generous). Your summer is based in your written proposal, born of what you want to do. For some, this means beefing up their pre-professional credentials (consulting internships, Google internships), and there is no doubt that the Robertson will help you do that. But other cases, which I think embody what is good about the Robertson, involve more personal activities that are central to you as a unique person (writing a novel about growing up as a foster child with no siblings, writing a philosophy about how and why you experience art the way you do, fighting for a social cause with immediate personal impact). Here is where you’ll find a reason to choose the Robertson that has nothing to do with it being “prestigious.”

Best of luck as you choose. You’ve done a lot to get here, and remember: it’s not as impactful it appears.


Hi, If I were to apply and be accepted into UNC Chapel Hill (and not Duke - or got rejected), would I still be able to enrol in Duke instead of UNC Chapel Hill if accepted into the Robertson program? Thank you!

Hi @anonymous5 ,

As a Robertson you are a student of both schools and may take any class at either school. However, you will live at (for the most part), must meet graduation requirements and will receive a degree from your home institution. In your case, that’d be UNC.

TL;DR: You can enrol in classes but not in the school itself.


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High School Counselors are welcome to attend one or more of our Fall 2024 webinars with our Director of Selection & Recruitment. These sessions will present audience members with an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the program and selection process. To review the webinar schedule and register, click here .

No. The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program no longer uses a nomination process. All students are welcome to apply. 

The Robertson does not ask for or accept test scores or transcripts. If students are selected for an interview we receive access to their official Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill applications which contain official transcripts and scores.

Yes. Students who apply to another university under a binding Early Decision agreement are eligible to apply for The Robertson.

We ask that if a student is admitted under a binding Early Decision agreement they inform our office immediately to withdraw their application.

No, we only accept letters of recommendation through our online application portal.  

Please refer to the High School Application Timeline.

All materials, including both letters of recommendation must be submitted by midnight on November 15 th for an application to be considered.

We encourage students to apply directly to our program by the November 15 th deadline. It is the only way to ensure that students receive full consideration from our selection committee.

We are the only independent merit scholarship at Duke maintaining a pre-matriculation award process. Any student who wishes to be considered for the Robertson at Duke must apply for the Robertson directly using our application by November 15th. 

For an application to be considered it must contain two (2) letters of recommendation. One recommender should be able to speak directly to the student’s leadership abilities, the second can be from a teacher, coach, counselor, employer or other person that a student chooses. A student CAN use the same letters they used in the Common or Coalition Applications, but we look for letters that directly address leadership, so students should keep that in mind when choosing their referees.

Students should NOT submit letters of recommendation from peers, family members or friends of their family.

We do not provide feedback with regards to individual applications or interviews. 

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact our Director of Selection & Recruitment at [email protected].


  1. King Essay Assignment

    robertson scholars essay prompts

  2. William T Robertson Scholarship Essay Entry Form

    robertson scholars essay prompts

  3. Fillable Online THE ROBERTSON SCHOLARS LEADERSHIP Fax Email Print

    robertson scholars essay prompts

  4. Essay Writing for High School by Robertson Academy Books

    robertson scholars essay prompts

  5. 60+ College Essay Prompts for 2022-2023 Applicants

    robertson scholars essay prompts

  6. 60+ College Essay Prompts for 2022-2023 Applicants

    robertson scholars essay prompts


  1. Your Scholar Welcome Weekend

  2. english project

  3. Robertson Spotlight: Shafali Jalota

  4. SOAPAIMS Essay organizer

  5. IELTS Writing Task 2: Opinion essay (2)| Sugar consumption

  6. Duke Robertson Scholars Recap 2022


  1. I'm a sophomore/Robertson Scholar (full-ride merit ...

    Present yourself and your accomplishments in the best, most cohesive light possible; namedrop aspects of the Robertson program that you see yourself making use of; don't be me and write all the essays the night they're due (although you don't have to take them too seriously - I know someone who got in with an essay about Dr. Doofenshmirtz).

  2. Application FAQs

    We require 2 letters of recommendation for each applicant - but will NOT ACCEPT more than 2. You will be asked to submit the names and email addresses of your recommenders in the online application. Your recommender will then receive an email that contains a request to submit a recommendation and a link to the online recommendation form.

  3. Robertson Scholarship

    Each year the Robertson Scholars' program releases a series of essay prompts for prospective students to complete. Aim to produce a polished, college-level essay that showcases all facets of your personality. The Robertson Scholars program does not accept test scores of any kind. Self-reported academics

  4. Applying

    The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program Summer Experiences. Register here. September 11, 2024 The Robertson Campus Switch and the Benefits of being a member of the campus communities at BOTH Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill. Register here. September 19, 2024 A Life-Long Community: Alumni and Scholar interactions. Register here. October 10 ...

  5. DOC We are very pleased to inform you that the ...

    The Robertson Launch Summer is based on elements essential to leadership development—curiosity, questioning, decisions, commitment. ... Summer 2021 has been so unusual that these essay prompts may not allow you to adequately reflect on your experience. ... Many Scholars find this essay helpful as they apply for schools, jobs, fellowships, etc ...

  6. Robertson Scholars Program

    The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program provides eight semesters of full tuition, room and board, and most mandatory fees for Scholars at Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill. Scholars also have access to generous funding for up to three summer experiences, funding for conferences throughout the academic year, and for two semesters of study abroad.

  7. This year's...

    This year's essay prompts for high school applicants have just been posted ... High School This year's Robertson Scholars Leadership Program application for high school students will be available online beginning October 1, 2013 to complete and submit by November 15, 2013. It contains five required sections, as detailed below.

  8. Latest Scholarship Essay Prompts 2024 & How to Answer Them

    Discuss your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, community service, and future goals. 3. Challenges. Discuss a personal or academic challenge you have overcome and how it has shaped you. When addressing this prompt, be honest and open about a challenge you have faced and how you have overcome it.

  9. I'm a semi finalist for the Robertson scholarship but don ...

    So I'm a semi finalist for the Robertson scholarship and I have no idea how to prepare. Apparently there's a really intense 20 minute interview (nothing like an alumni interview) and an 10 minute video we record answering a moral dilemma question (and we only get one chance to record).

  10. Robertson Scholars

    The following explains the steps for enrolling Robertson Scholars in courses at Duke University. General Provisions. The Robertson Scholars Program is a joint undergraduate scholarship program between Chapel Hill and Duke University. There are coordinating staff on each campus to help administer the program, including academic advising for the students.

  11. Robertson Scholars Program

    The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program is a joint merit scholarship and leadership development program at Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.The scholarship offers participants a unique "dual citizenship" at both Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill. Approximately 25-30 students are selected from the pool of applicants to both universities.

  12. Robertson Scholars

    The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program provides eight semesters of full tuition, room and board, and most mandatory fees for Scholars at Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill. Scholars also have access to generous funding for up to three summer experiences, funding for conferences throughout the academic year, and for two semesters of study abroad. ...

  13. Robertson Scholarship Recommender Questions (PLEASE HELP REAL ...

    As per the Robertson Scholars website : At least one recommender should be a teacher who has seen you in a classroom setting. The second recommender may be anyone who can speak to your leadership and character (teacher, coach, counselor, job/volunteer supervisor, research mentor, etc). 3. No; they're separate committees.

  14. Robertson Scholarship Questions

    The hardest part of the application process in general is being able to "show" who you are with a limited amount of information. The Robertson is great because they have the Duke, UNC and Robertson Application available to get to know you. So take your time as you answer the questions. Everything to gain and nothing to lose!</p>. 2by2 November ...

  15. Robertson Essay Question

    LPROCK November 13, 2014, 1:02am 3. <p>My son asked the same question last year and Robertson staff replied that they do have access to your full application. So my recommendation is to make Robertson essay different than Common App.</p>. dadotwoboys November 13, 2014, 1:49pm 4. <p>Yes - as I understand it, the Robertson staff do have access to ...

  16. Robertson Scholarship 2022: All You Need + Pro Tips & Guide

    Here are some of the benefits of being a Robertson scholar: You get financial Benefits. The Robertson scholarship gives eight (8) semesters of full tuition, room & board, and most compulsory fees for Scholars at Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill. Robertson Scholars also have access to generous funding for up to three summer experiences.

  17. PDF 2023-2024 Academic Year

    The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program maintains two offices, one located near East Campus at Duke University and the other located on North Campus at UNC. Scholars are w elcome to visit our offices any time during office hours. We will use the Scholar Bulleti n to share any updates on office hours.

  18. William T. Robertson High School Essay Scholarship Contest

    The KCA will be accepting submissions for the 2024-2025 William T. Robertson Scholarship Essay Contest later this summer. Please check back in August 2024. The scholarship contest will be open to Kentucky resident High School Seniors. The contest winner will be awarded a $2,000 scholarship to be paid to the college of their choice in their ...

  19. Scholarship Application

    10 Words or Less Scholarship. Deadline: Nov 15, 2024. $1,000. Scholarship Eligibility:A) Anyone who is between the ages of 14-25 who will be attending school in the Fall of 2025.B) This scholarship is provided by In order to apply for our scholarship follow these instructions:1.

  20. High School Students

    Students may apply to Duke & UNC either Early Action, Early Decision, or Regular Decision. Application and Interview Timeline. Application Opens: August 15, 2024. Application Due: November 15, 2024. Students who advance past the application stage will be contacted by the Robertson on a rolling basis to schedule interviews. Finalist Interviews ...

  21. Duke Robertson Scholars Update : r/ApplyingToCollege

    Duke Robertson Scholars Update. Financial Aid/Scholarships. Has anyone heard back from Duke/UNC Robertson Scholars Program? I checked their website and semi-finalist interviews are supposed to be taking place from February 16-26. That's relatively nearby.

  22. Ask

    Great question. The Robertson program is a unique experience for around 15 Duke students each year. Scholars from the U.S. are chosen from the Duke/UNC application pool of around 60,000 students and the seven or so international scholars (from countries including NZ, Australia, England, Ethiopia and India) are invited following an extremely personal interview process.

  23. Counselors

    We are the only independent merit scholarship at Duke maintaining a pre-matriculation award process. Any student who wishes to be considered for the Robertson at Duke must apply for the Robertson directly using our application by November 15th. For an application to be considered it must contain two (2) letters of recommendation.