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Personal statement for PGCE secondary

If you want to teach children aged 11 and over you'll need to apply through the Department for Education's (DfE) Apply for teacher training service

This example should be used for guidance only. Copying any of this text could significantly harm your chances of securing a place on a course.

Example personal statement for PGCE secondary

I became interested in teaching after realising how much I had benefited from excellent and passionate teachers. They exuded a real sense of enthusiasm for learning, which inspires me to pass on that passion.

My love for computing developed during my A-levels after discovering an aptitude for programming and networking. This drove me to study more, going on to gain a 2:1 in BSc Computer Systems and Network Engineering from the University of England. Studying at university developed my passion for computer sciences and taught me a range of transferable skills that I believe are fundamentally important to teach young people. This is demonstrated in my dissertation, which was awarded a first, investigating The Internet of Things (IoT) and how it can help shape educational establishments of the future.

While at university I decided to volunteer as a teaching assistant in a mainstream school. By my final year I was able to take responsibility for running activities in the classroom, balancing the needs of each child and managing behaviour issues. In addition, I regularly helped run the lunchtime computer club. In working with more vulnerable students such as SEN learners I saw the role played by support staff in maintaining control of the classroom, particularly with those who can be disruptive when under stimulated. I learned the importance of differentiating lesson plans to educate and engage students with special needs and the power of strategies such as a well thought out seating plan and friendly competitiveness in learners. I saw students develop within the classroom as a result of my determined support and these good working relationships are beginning to result in higher grades. I have liaised well across several departments to communicate information about students in an organised and diplomatic way.

One highlight was when I supported a young person with ADHD who attended computer club. They had been struggling to remain focussed and on task in class but were able to focus well when completing tasks on a computer. As a result, they suffered from poor behaviour, disengagement and low self-esteem. I negotiated with some class teachers to allow this pupil to use a tablet during their lessons. The pupil could then access any PowerPoint presentations being delivered to enable them to go back and reread specific slides. They could also access links to visual resources to enhance their understanding of the subject being taught. Homework was posted online for them to complete and submit electronically. This was such a success that the school invested in more tablets to be used by a range of students across the school. This further inspired me to want to become a teacher to enable me to support others who may be facing barriers to learning that could be tackled through the introduction of technology.

To support my professional development further I undertook short work placements in two other schools. Volunteering in Key Stages 1 and 2 confirmed my desire to teach Key Stages 3 and 4. I became aware of the many demands placed upon teachers and their time and I believe that the project management, communication and problem-solving skills gained during my degree will be invaluable assets within the classroom and beyond. I was exposed to a range of pedagogical models and teaching methods, which is something I look forward to learning more about on a PGCE.

One of my hobbies is to make short films about how to use different forms of technology and software packages. I post these on YouTube as instructional videos. These have proved to be very popular and I am considering how I can use this type of activity to benefit the students I teach. One option is to support students to create their own videos to help deepen their understanding of a subject, which they can then choose to upload to the school's virtual learning environment to aid their peers if they wish.

During school placements I witnessed the challenges and rewards present in a school environment. Teachers need to be resilient particularly when working with students who find school difficult, do not want to engage and do not want to accept support. However, I look forward to working in the education system and believe I could help and inspire students to develop their future aspirations.

While researching for my dissertation I spoke with secondary school teachers about the challenges their students faced and one that came up often was digital poverty. In many inner-city schools, pupils do not always have access to up to date and reliable computer technology to allow them to keep up with the advances in technology that they’ll face when seeking employment. One of my aims would be to investigate how the use of integrated technologies, as well as fostering links with local companies and the community, could result in a cost-effective solution allowing all students equal access to computer technology.

Technology has become its own form of literacy due to its prevalence in everyday life. Numerous careers use at least one aspect of Microsoft Office or Google Drive daily; balancing budgets on spreadsheets, creating slides to be presented, or attaching documents to emails to communicate important information. Allowing students to learn and refine these skills prepares them for life beyond the classroom.

With technology being present in many classrooms, and not just to teach computing skills, the introduction of the IoT could enhance learning activities even more. It could provide improved connectivity, introduce artificial intelligence and virtual reality to the learning environment as well as cloud computing platforms. I am excited about the future of education and how I can be an active part of it.

When writing your personal statement, you need to include:

  • What inspired you to choose teaching.
  • Why you wish to teach at secondary level.
  • Your knowledge of the pressures and rewards of teaching.
  • The personal qualities and skills that will make you a good teacher.
  • How you might contribute to the wider school environment such as running extra-curricular activities and clubs.
  • Any experience of working with children and what you learnt through doing this.
  • Evidence of your knowledge related to the subject you hope to teach.
  • Any relevant work or unpaid experience.
  • Your degree, degree modules and dissertation topic where relevant.
  • Any relevant skills, hobbies and achievements.

Find out more

  • Read all about applying for teacher training .
  • Get prepared with our teaching interview questions .
  • See more examples of teaching personal statements .

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How to write the perfect teaching personal statement

Application and interview, tes editorial.

Teacher Personal Statement

When applying for a new job, you may be competing with tens or hundreds of other applicants in a race for the role.

The HR manager or headteacher recruiting for the job will be scrutinising every detail of your application to make sure they are bringing in the right people for interview.

The application form is the first hurdle you have to get over and sets the first impression of you as a person in the recruiter’s mind.

  • Advice on honing your job search
  • How to write a personal statement for teacher training
  • How to write a must-read CV

The personal statement: why does it matter? 

The personal statement presents the perfect opportunity to show you are an exceptional candidate, understand teaching and know the school you are applying to.

It is not an easy task and is a tricky thing to get right. It requires being concise and clear – it shouldn’t be too long or read like a list.

You should talk about yourself and your professional achievements, while at the same time apply those experiences to the school itself.

We spoke to Malcolm Trobe, deputy general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders , about what goes into the perfect personal statement. Here's what he said:

What does a great teaching personal statement look like?

"In general, I would say no longer than two sides of A4 – typescript. It needs to be well structured and linked to the specific school. It will need to include a number of key areas, including behavioural management, educational philosophy, subject expertise, pedagogy, personal organisation and skills and enrichment activities that the candidate can bring."

What should it contain?

"I would recommend that candidates include three elements in each of the key areas:

  • What their beliefs/philosophy/approach is – i.e., the theory
  • Their experience in that area
  • How they would use that experience in the school they are applying to and specific to the job they are applying for

The statement should also include something personal in terms of their outside interests to indicate that they live an interesting and well-balanced life."

What are school leaders looking to read in a good personal statement?

"They will want to see something of the person’s character come through. It must not be just a list of achievements or repeat of the CV. It needs to be well-written, error-free and mention the school they are applying for – but not too many times. It should read as if it has been specifically written for the school and job they are applying for. I would be looking for something similar to the approach I have indicated above, covering all of the key areas and indicating that they have a vocation for working with young people. Somehow I would like to see a ‘generosity of spirit’ come through in the statement."

How can a candidate stand out in a personal statement?

"A good personal statement needs to include something of the person themselves. It has to make the reader believe that the candidate has something special without bragging or appearing arrogant – but something a bit above what other candidates may offer. A really good introduction and ending are important, and it's worth spending a great deal of time crafting those sections of the statement. Hook the reader in at the beginning and finish on a high note so that they want to meet the person and explore what has been written."

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  • Jan 16, 2021

Writing a Personal Statement

secondary teacher personal statement examples

Going for your first NQT post can be a daunting prospect... especially when in teaching, you need to write a personal statement to support your application form.

Schools use your personal statement to help short list candidates for a position by checking off the criteria of the person specification that they can see in your statement. It is always a good idea to write your personal statement alongside the person specification, ensuring that you have included all the "essential" criteria and as much of the "desirable" criteria you can that are assessed through the application.

Where possible, you should also use the language of the school you are applying to - their vision, values, mission and ethos statements will help you here and should be available on the school's website. You will also sometimes find these in the application pack. Read this carefully and then read it again, reading between the lines of what they might be looking for.

Here is an example of the structure of a personal statement for a trainee teacher applying for their first NQT job:

Begin with an impact statement that summarises your philosophy on teaching or that refers to the mission/vision/values/ethos of the school you are applying to:

I believe that it is, as Einstein said, the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. As a passionate teacher, dedicated to ensuring the very best outcomes for all students I teach, this statement resonates with me as I endeavour to awaken joy in all of the learners within my classroom. It was your belief all young people have the right to a transformational educational experience, that will enable them, no matter what their starting point, to fulfil their potential and realise their ambitions that first attracted me to your school as it aligns with my own personal and professional philosophy on education.

Throughout my practice, I constantly encourage pupils to participate and contribute in an atmosphere highly conducive to learning. I have consistently set high expectations of pupils in different training contexts. There are high levels of mutual respect between me and pupils. I am very effective in promoting learners’ resilience, confidence and independence when tackling challenging activities. In my lesson, I generate high levels of enthusiasm, participation and commitment to learning.

Back this up with an example from your training.

I have also assumed a high level of responsibility for the attainment progress and outcomes of the pupils I have taught. I have demonstrated confident judgement in planning for pupil progression both within individual lessons and over time and I am able to articulate a clear and well-justified rationale as to how I am building on prior achievement. Within my lessons, I seek to actively promote engaging and effective methods that support pupils in reflecting on their learning. I have demonstrated that I am able to set appropriately challenging tasks, drawing on a sound knowledge of the pupils’ prior attainment, which has been obtained through systematic and accurate assessment. I regularly create opportunities for independent and autonomous learning. As a result the majority of pupils make very good progress.

In order to plan effective lessons, I draw on my in-depth subject and curriculum knowledge of [your subject or phase] to plan confidently for progression and to stimulate and capture pupils’ interest. Throughout my training, I have demonstrated very well-developed pedagogical subject knowledge, by anticipating common errors and misconceptions in my planning. I am astutely aware of my own development needs in relation to extending and updating my subject, curriculum and pedagogical knowledge in my early career and have been proactive in developing these effectively during my training. I always model very high standards of written and spoken communication in all professional activities. I also successfully identify and exploit opportunities to develop learners’ skills, in communication, reading and writing.

I plan lessons that often use well-chosen, imaginative and creative strategies, and that match individuals’ needs and interests. I am highly reflective in critically evaluating my practice. I am able to accurately judge the impact of my practice on individual and groups of learners and can use my evaluation to inform future planning, teaching and learning. During my training, I have shown initiative in contributing to curriculum planning and developing and producing effective learning resources in my placement settings.

I have been able to quickly and accurately discern my learners’ strengths and needs and I have been proactive in differentiating and employing a range of effective intervention strategies to secure progression for individuals and groups. I have an astute understanding of how effective different teaching approaches are in relation to impact on learning and engagement of learners

I can confidently and accurately assess pupils’ attainment against national benchmarks. I use a range of assessment strategies very effectively in my day-to-day practice to monitor progress and to inform future planning. In my practice, I systematically and effectively check learners’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where intervention may be needed and do so with notable impact on the quality of learning. I have shown that I am able to assess learners’ progress regularly and work with them to accurately target further improvement and secure rapid progress.

I have been able to rapidly adapt to the different circumstances in which I have trained, working confidently within the frameworks established in different settings and applying rules and routines consistently and fairly. I have also demonstrated an ability to adapt to remote working and remote delivery in response to the Global Pandemic. I consistently have high expectations and understand a range of strategies that experienced teachers use to promote positive behaviour and apply these very effectively, including use of school sanctions and rewards, and use of praise, in order to create an environment highly supportive of learning. I am able to manage pupil behaviour with ease so that learners display very high levels of engagement, courtesy, collaboration and co-operation. Where it is needed, I actively seek additional support in addressing the needs of pupils where significantly challenging behaviour is demonstrated.

During my training, I have been proactive in seeking out opportunities to contribute in a significant way to the wider life and ethos of the school. I have built strong professional relationships and have demonstrated that I am able to work collaboratively with colleagues on a regular basis. I have taken responsibility for deploying support staff in my lessons and for seeking advice from relevant professionals in relation to pupils with individual needs. I deliberately seek out opportunities to develop my own professional learning and respond positively to all the feedback I receive. I have also demonstrated that I can communicate very effectively, both verbally and in writing, with parents and carers in relation to pupils’ achievements and well-being when required to do so formally, but I am also proactive in communicating in relation to individual pupils’ emergent needs.

I always treat pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher's professional position. I realise the need to safeguard pupils' well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions. I show tolerance of and respect for the rights of others. I do not undermine fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. I always ensure that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils' vulnerability or might lead them to break the law. I am always punctual and have good attendance. I have attended numerous CPD sessions and will continue to do so. I have also completed a weekly duty (before school and at break} and attends daily briefings (whole school, subject or pastoral). I have taken on board the policies of the school and maintain a high standard in all my practices. I have a good understanding of the framework within which I work and my professional duties

End with a statement that implies/assumes you will be invited for interview:

I would relish the opportunity to work at your school and look forward to discussing this further with you at interview.

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How to write a great personal statement for a teaching job.

Vinny Potter

7 Feb 2024, 16:23

Discover our top tips on what to include in your personal statement for a teaching job and how to present your skills, knowledge, experience and attributes.

Teaching personal statement

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Academies Enterprise Trust

Your personal statement is the heart of your application for work as an early career teacher and should be tailored for each role. For teaching applications this is sometimes also called a letter of application, but it is essentially the same thing. This is your opportunity to provide evidence of how you match the needs of the specific teaching job you are applying for, and earn yourself an invitation to the next stage, which is likely to be a selection day held at the school.

Writing tips for personal statements

See our example personal statement for primary school teaching, below. Imagine it was written in response to the following job advert:

We are advertising for a Year 3 Classroom Teacher. The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Committed to our school and our values
  • Experience across a range of age groups
  • Committed to reflection and improving practice
  • Knowledge of the National Curriculum
  • Excellent lesson planning
  • Knowledge of assessment
  • Good knowledge of SEND and positive interventions
  • Positive approach to provide challenge and support student success
  • Excellent behaviour management
  • Good communication skills with parents
  • Enthusiastic and creative approach to lessons
  • Willing to contribute to the wider life of the school.

See our personal statement for secondary school teaching, below. Imagine it was written in response to the following job advert:

Country High School are advertising for an enthusiastic Secondary PE Teacher. The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Ability to adapt and tailor your approach for the differing needs of pupils
  • Knowledge of the National Curriculum for your subject
  • Knowledge of a wide range of sports
  • Willing to engage in extra curricular activities and the wider life of the school
  • Experience of supporting high ability students, as well as those who may be less able or motivated
  • Ability to use data effectively
  • Teach across all ability levels including SEND
  • Ability to use Technology to enhance learning.

When completing a personal statement for a teaching job, you should typically observe the following guidelines:

  • Do not write a generic statement. Instead use the person specification and job advert for the vacancy as a structure for your statement or consider using the government's Teachers' Standards if no person specification is provided.
  • Do not exceed two sides of A4, unless otherwise instructed.
  • Tailor your statement for each new application according to the nature of the school or LA and the advertised role.
  • Always read any guidance provided – many schools and LAs will tell you how they want this section set out.
  • Emphasise your individual strengths in relation to the role.
  • For a pool application, make sure you give a good overview of your skills and experience.
  • It is essential that you give specific examples of what you have done to back up your claims.

Primary school personal statement

Examples of a personal statements for a primary school teaching job.

Primary school personal statement example

Secondary school personal statement

See our example of a personal statement for a secondary school teaching job.

Secondary school personal statement example

What you should cover in your personal statement

When schools advertise graduate teaching jobs , they write a job description which states the essential attributes they are looking for. This is their marking criteria for the job. When they read your statement, they will usually score this based on their essential and desirable criteria. Therefore, you need to read their documents carefully to find the criteria and provide an example or evidence of each point. If the job advert does not include any documents which include their criteria, then you can use the following structure for your statement and use the Teachers’ Standards as a guide for the criteria they may be looking for.

Why you are applying for the role:

  • Refer to any knowledge you have of the LA or the school, including any visits to the school and what you learned from them.
  • Show you would be a good fit for the school. The best way to do this is to look at the school’s values and give an example of how you match these.
  • Mention any special circumstances (for example, your religious faith) which you think are relevant.

Details about your course:

  • Give an overview of your training course - including the age range and subjects covered - and any special features.
  • If you are a PGCE student, mention your first degree, your dissertation (if appropriate), any classroom-based research projects and relevant modules studied. Also mention if you have studied any masters modules.

Your teaching experience:

  • What year groups you have taught.
  • What subjects you have covered.
  • Your use and understanding of formative and summative assessment practices.

Your classroom management strategies:

  • Give examples of how you planned and delivered lessons and evaluated learning outcomes, including differentiation, scaffolding etc.
  • Explain how you have managed classrooms and behaviour.
  • Detail your experience of working with assistants or parents in your class.

Your visions and beliefs about primary/secondary education:

  • What are your beliefs about learning and your visions for the future? You could touch on areas such as learning and teaching styles and strategies.
  • Reflect on key policies relevant to the age range you want to teach.

Other related experience:

  • This can include information about any previous work experience.
  • Include training activities you have carried out and ways in which your subject knowledge has been developed.

Other related skills and interests:

  • Give details of any particular competencies, experiences or leisure interests. This will help the school to know more about you as a person and could ‘add value’ in a school environment.
  • Any involvement in working with children (running clubs, youth work and summer camps) is particularly useful to include.

Aim to end on a positive note. A conclusion which displays your enthusiasm in relation to the specific application and teaching in general will enhance your application - but avoid general statements and clichés.

Written by Vinny Potter, St Marys University, Twickenham, July 2023


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How to write a teacher personal statement

Your personal statement is your first opportunity to show the school you’re a great fit for the job, and gets you closer to being shortlisted for an interview. The more you show how your skills and interests match the school’s ethos and values, the better. We’ve spoken to a range of teachers to get their top tips for success.

What experience do you have?

Schools want to hear about your trainee experience with different subjects, key stages, types of school, and working with a range of pupils.

Think about your approach to teaching, how you keep pupils engaged, and how you communicate with different kinds of people (children, staff, parents and carers). Ensure you provide evidence for how you have improved student engagement and built positive relationships with pupils.

Schools will be interested in your approach to behaviour management, so think about your go-to strategies.

Are you engaged in teaching theory and research?

Think about any research that has affected your teaching practice. Explain what has worked well and if it didn’t, what you learnt.

Are you up to date on safeguarding statutory guidance?

You need to demonstrate your awareness of the importance of safeguarding and the requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education . Include any examples of how you worked with a Designated Safeguarding Lead.

What are your skills and qualities?

Are you a well-organised, confident, and motivated teacher? Say it, and provide examples! Schools are looking for great communicators, team players and relationship builders. Make sure you say how you create a positive learning environment, and consider skills like time management, organisation, and flexibility. Schools will also want to know how you overcome challenges.

How can you contribute to wider school life?

Set yourself apart by showing how your hobbies and achievements could contribute to the wider school community. Could you run an after school club or organise school trips?

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PGCE Personal Statement

What to Include in Your PGCE Personal Statement

How your pgce personal statement should be structured, example personal statement, final thoughts, pgce personal statement.

Updated November 24, 2021

Edward Melett

A PGCE personal statement is written as part of the application process for teacher training and gives candidates an opportunity to showcase their skills and attributes.

PGCE candidates will only write one personal statement, which is used to apply for all of their preferred choices. Students upload their personal statement to the UCAS Teacher Training system, and it is submitted for all choices in both phases of the application process (‘Apply 1’ and ‘Apply 2’). No changes can be made once it is submitted.

The personal statement is often used as the deciding factor for choosing whom to invite to interview . This piece of writing should explain the experience you have and how this translates into your abilities in the classroom.

It should also present what you might be like as a teacher – how will your personality and interests help engage students and get them enthused about the subject?

A lot is riding on your personal statement and writing it can be a daunting task. This guide will outline what your PGCE personal statement should contain and how to structure it for the best chance of success.

The admissions team will want to know about the skills, experience and personal qualities you have that would make you perfect for a teaching career. They need to see you have the dedication and passion to complete your PGCE and have a successful future.

Simply saying, “I would be good at this role and am well suited to it” isn’t enough. The PGCE provider needs to read real examples that demonstrate your skills and abilities and meet their requirements.

PGCE Personal Statement

Here are some details you may want to include in your personal statement:

1. About You

A teacher’s personality and personal experience will be highly influential, therefore your own experiences are relevant to your application.

Before you start writing, it’s a good idea to spend a few minutes jotting down some key facts that are relevant to teaching. These might include:

  • Your interests
  • Qualifications/achievements
  • What motivates you
  • Your upbringing
  • Relevant skills

Remember to include examples in your list. Coaching a sports team in your spare time suggests you are experienced in motivating young people and getting the best out of them. Maybe you play an instrument and use music in class. Including qualities like these will make your application stand out.

2. Why You Want to Teach

A key element of your application is explaining why you have chosen teaching as your future career. Show an awareness of how teachers can inspire individuals and also the benefits you might see in yourself.

Try to broaden your answer further than simply saying you are passionate about teaching or children. Every applicant will say they are passionate.

Give details of experiences that moved you towards this career or, perhaps, even the moment you realised this was what you were born to do. By using genuine examples, your passion and excitement will shine through.

3. Why You Are the Best Candidate

Try not to pull out a cliché like “I am passionate, dedicated and reliable” – make your application stand out by using a paragraph that the provider won’t see in any other application that day.

Think about what makes you different from any other candidate. Other applicants may say they can take charge of a class and have experience dealing with challenging children, but will they sing an entire lesson just to get the pupils to engage with them, like you did in your work experience? Or will they bring in a structure made out of Lego to demonstrate osmosis, like you did on your degree placement? Think of what makes you, you.

4. Why a PGCE?

Include details of why you have chosen to go down the route of a PGCE rather than doing a full teaching degree. Perhaps you dipped your toe into teaching while travelling after your degree and realised how much you love it, or maybe you are passionate about biology and wanted to decide at a later date whether to go into teaching or industry.

Show that you have done your research and understand the structure of the PGCE and what will be required.

5. Teaching-Related Experience

Include details of any experience you have gained working in schools or with children in another environment. This might include:

  • Work experience
  • Visits to schools
  • Teaching assistant roles
  • Voluntary teaching/supervision roles (like helping out at a scout hut, etc.)
  • Experience via the Get School Experience service
  • Classroom observations

With every experience you discuss, note the skills you gained and how they will benefit you as a teacher and how they have improved your understanding of the education system.

6. Other Professional Experience

Teaching demands a range of different skills – it’s not simply a case of delivering information.

Talk about past positions you have held:

  • Did you manage people?
  • Did you work within a team?
  • Did you negotiate?
  • Have you trained or coached others?
  • When have you communicated information to different audiences?

The skills you have gained throughout your education, work and personal life can be highly relevant to your application. Be sure to include details of why these skills will make you excel as a teacher.

7. What You Learnt During Your Degree

Whether your degree was in the subject you intend to teach or not, it’s important to talk about the skills you developed throughout your learning and how they will benefit you as a teacher.

If you’re struggling to find transferable skills , here are some ideas:

  • Think about how you communicated (presentations, critiquing the work of your peers, etc.)
  • Give examples of how you organised yourself
  • Describe times you helped others with their learning

Remember to talk about the benefits your initial degree will bring when studying for your PGCE and how your interest in it has inspired your desire to teach.

8. Your Knowledge of What Training to Be/Being a Teacher Entails

It’s important to stress your commitment to your training. To do this, you should demonstrate that you have done your research and are fully aware of what is to come.

Although teaching is a highly rewarding career, no one applying for teacher training will do so without being aware of the challenging nature of the profession.

There is no need to ignore these challenges in your application; actually, it will work in your favour if you show that you have thought about these challenges and are sufficiently prepared.

Talk about the positives and negatives that you expect to experience in your training and within your career, and how your core strengths will help you deal with them.

9. Your Future Plans

Discuss your plans beyond the PGCE:

  • Do you have the ambition to be a headteacher?
  • Do you plan to take on pastoral responsibilities?

Show a keenness to immerse yourself in the school system and be open to opportunities that come your way.

10. Extenuating Circumstances 

Your personal statement is the place to openly discuss any extenuating circumstances, such as low grades or large gaps in employment/education. Make sure you show how you have overcome these challenges and what you learnt from them.

PGCE Personal Statement

Write your personal statement in Word (or equivalent) and make sure you are happy with it before copying and pasting it into your application on the UCAS system.

You need to keep your personal statement to no more than 4,000 characters across a maximum of 47 lines of text . The UCAS Teacher Training system may differ slightly to your word processor, so be prepared to amend slightly once you have copied it into the UCAS page.

To keep to the character limit and cover all the suggested material above, you will need to be succinct. Make sure you only talk about topics that are relevant and delete any waffle.

Your opening statement should be strong and memorable – a good idea is to state why you have decided to get into teaching. Back up all details with examples and be sure to say what you learned from the experience or how you can bring the skills you developed into the classroom.

Split your statement into three sections:

  • Introduction – Introduce yourself and talk about why you want to do a PGCE
  • Middle – Use the notes above to cover the key details
  • Conclusion – Tell the reader why you are the best person for the place they are offering

Avoid using bold, underlining or italics, and write in English (or Welsh if applying for Welsh PGCEs). The UCAS system will strip all special formatting out of the personal statement (except paragraph breaks) so ensure you keep it simple.

When you are happy with the content, make sure you ask someone to check your work . Spelling and grammar in personal statements should be accurate. Make sure you have not copied anyone else’s work at all – UCAS screens all applications for plagiarism.

Below is an example personal statement which covers all of the key points you should include in this piece of writing:

A teacher at my secondary school single-handedly transformed my passion and ability for maths; I was predicted an ‘F’ at GCSE and in a matter of months, she helped me achieve a ‘B’ and start to enjoy the subject. I can’t think of a more satisfying job than one in which you can inspire young people in the way my teacher inspired me. After achieving a ‘B’ in maths at A-Level, I went on to study the subject at University College London and graduated in 2018 with a 2.1. It was in the final year of my degree that I had my first taste of teaching the subject, as several of the modules involved presenting topics to large groups of first-year students. I was thrilled when students asked to see me afterwards to share their observations of what I had been discussing – it was clear my enthusiasm had rubbed off on them and they were excited by maths, which is exactly why I want to teach. I currently work as a teaching assistant at St Andrew’s School, where I have been for six months. This position has given me a great insight into the skills needed to be a fantastic teacher; the school has several SEN pupils and I have been exposed to the more challenging side of the profession. Being trusted to run activities with the entire class has helped me build confidence and learn how important it is to adapt lesson plans to engage students who have different abilities. I have gained valuable skills in implementing strategies such as gentle competitiveness between pupils, and tactical seating plans to get the best out of each student. Before working at St Andrew’s, I completed a work experience placement at Bell Lane Academy where I shadowed teachers working across the five different year groups. This experience helped hone my skills in addressing different age groups in different ways. My ability to get the best out of students is further strengthened by the experience I am currently gaining in the position of assistant coach at my local netball team. Having worked with the girls for the last 18 months, I have developed different ways of motivating individuals, helping push them outside of their comfort zones and encouraging them to take on new challenges. In my spare time, I enjoy playing netball and rugby and would be keen to take on extra responsibilities at a school in the form of after school clubs or teams. I also have a keen interest in management styles and personality types. The knowledge I gain from books on these topics helps me understand pupils and their differing learning styles – what works for them and what doesn’t. It also helps me look inwardly, analysing my own leadership style and methods of teaching. I have chosen to do a PGCE because I am passionate about maths, and I wanted to spend three years of a degree course exploring the subject further, rather than embarking on teacher training straight from school. My degree course has helped me with my confidence and my ability to speak in front of large groups of people. Teaching first-year students during my degree course helped me think about how to deliver the subject in an exciting and creative way. The experience I have had so far has clearly shown that teaching is an extremely challenging profession, but one which I believe is undeniably my calling in life. I adore maths and I want to bring the subject alive, helping children learn in an exciting, rewarding environment. A few weeks ago, I took it upon myself to ask the headteacher for permission to get the whole year group involved in a human percentages exercise – the children loved it. I believe I should be offered a place on your PGCE programme because I can commit to dedicating myself to a role in which I will strive to inspire and excite every pupil I teach.

The personal statement is your one opportunity to capture the attention of the PGCE provider and set yourself apart from other candidates. Teaching is about bringing your personality into the classroom and inspiring students, so avoid a formulaic application and speak from the heart, giving a full picture of who you are.

Your answers should convey enthusiasm for inspiring young people, a passion for teaching, creativity, excellent organisational skills and energy.

Demonstrate an awareness of this challenging profession but conclude with excitement and enthusiasm for your chosen career path.

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PGCE Personal Statement Example

Are you applying to PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education) Primary or Secondary? Start your application by writing a PGCE personal statement with our example as a guide.

Personal Statement Example for PGCE Secondary

My twenty-year teaching career has given me extensive skills in training and management, as well as working directly with children. As a result of these roles, I have been able to observe how my experience within teaching has impacted my ability to assess and report on a variety of issues. Moreover, I have regularly studied and completed professional training to be able to provide feedback, allowing me to provide successful mentoring and assessment.

Studying for a degree in Early Years Education offered me a chance to develop analytical skills by translating teaching experience into academic qualifications. In academic studies, the evidence must be gathered, analyzed, and interpreted, and findings must be documented consistently. My experience gathered evidence through essay writing and project work, whether consulting previous studies or conducting my own. Being consistently recognized for my outstanding performance demonstrates that I am an expert in this field.

As a supervisor, manager, chairperson and governor, I gained experience in gathering, analyzing and interpreting evidence within an academic context. Reporting on findings at committee meetings or in writing has been part of each of these roles.

Through my previous role in preschool management, I demonstrated my dedication to facilitating learning through training and supervision, which required an understanding of the impact of decisions at the management level on the quality of education. Educational planning has to be considered alongside practical concerns, such as budget restrictions when using the Early Years Educational Framework. It took organisational and diplomatic skills to implement this framework by managing an existing team. My commitment to training and development allowed me to acquire the skills necessary for this; while a fair, reasonable approach to feedback allowed me to instil the same in my colleagues. Through this approach to constructive feedback, I was also able to provide structured guidance to students visiting from local colleges.

Additionally, I recruited and trained staff, controlled budgets, and established strong relationships between colleagues and parents. The ultimate responsibility for key decisions lay with me, even though my role as chair of the committee involved considering and meditating disparate viewpoints. By accepting this responsibility, I demonstrated my ability to weigh up the evidence to reach balanced judgements, which have always benefited the children.

My experience has taught me that communication skills are essential in any management position. Besides academic writing, I have been responsible for producing a variety of documents, including staff and pupil records, training materials, and fundraising materials. I have also been instrumental in producing a monthly 35-page parish magazine, requiring an eye for detail and a strong grasp of word processing and publishing IT packages, as well as the ability to respond to the concerns of contributors and advertisers.

I have developed my verbal critical feedback skills via staff management and training, and my work on mainly located has given me a priceless opportunity to mediate and lead the conversation, defending, interpreting, and adjusting my opinion as needed.

I have consistently maintained a high degree of professionalism. I’ve continued to be passionate about learning new things and expanding my experience so that I can properly perform each function. I have expertise with and have adapted to the appropriate frameworks for each educational institution I have worked in, both in the classroom and in simpler elements, including health and safety laws.

Due to my experience working in early childhood education in both the UK and Australia, I have also demonstrated my ability to quickly and efficiently adjust to foreign environments while maintaining the same high quality of care. I have worked to establish solid, professional connections with all stakeholders in addition to my practical understanding of each function, and I have proven to be an asset as a committee member and in supervisory responsibilities.

Although it has been evident in my managerial and administrative duties, my enthusiastic and thoughtful commitment to delivering a top-notch education for every kid has also sparked energy inside the educational setting. My dedication to equality, diversity, and excellence in education—as well as the many challenges that these values present—has been inspired by my work with children of all ages and my extensive experience working with children with special educational needs, such as autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and visual and hearing impairments.

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Writing a pgce personal statement.

If you’re applying to train as a teacher you’ll be required to write a personal statement as part of your application.

Take your time writing your personal statement. It’s your first chance to make a good impression so it's well worth investing time to develop a clear structure and style of writing.

It’s a good idea to proofread your statement thoroughly and get others to read through and check for typos, grammatical errors, style, and tone.

What's the personal statement for? 

The personal statement is crucial to your PGCE application; it is used primarily to decide whether to invite you for an interview. A poorly written personal statement could end your teaching career before it has started!

This is your chance to demonstrate what you have to offer as a teacher. You should also explain why you want to teach a particular subject or age range, and how your skills and experience will help you become a great teacher. It’s your chance to show your motivation, commitment and teaching potential and an opportunity to show your enthusiasm for teaching a particular subject or age group.

Remember, you only get one opportunity to write a personal statement for both cycles of applications, so it’s important to keep in mind that you should avoid creating tailored personal statements for each university.

How to write and structure your personal statement

The personal statement is split into two sections totalling a maximum of 1,000 words. It’s important to make sure you do not repeat yourself and to take time to ensure that each section is organised coherently. Divide your writing into paragraphs, each dealing with a particular aspect of the question.

Section 1: Why do you want to teach?

(Up to 600 words).

This is the place to talk about why you think you would make a great teacher. You can include:  

  • what has led you to choose teacher training
  • your understanding of the demands and rewards of the PGCE course and of the teaching profession
  • the personal qualities that will make you a valuable asset to a school
  • details of any paid or unpaid experience you have of working with young people and what you learnt
  • details of any other experiences which you can bring to the teaching profession. Think about any ‘transferable skills’ or qualities which you have developed which may be relevant to teaching.
  • If you are a career-changer, what have you been doing and what are your reasons for the switch to teaching?
  • your thoughts on children’s wellbeing and the education system

Your personal statement should tell us why you want to teach, your skills and about any experience you might have of working with young people or in the education sector. If you are taking any exams or additional study before starting the course, particularly if this relates to your eligibility to join the course, we want to hear about it.

It should also show that you understand the education system, what challenges teachers face and that you’re engaged with issues around education.

If you’ve not taught before, think about any other things you’ve done that might demonstrate the skills you’ll need to be a teacher (your transferable skills).

Although it’s a good place to expand on your skills and experience, this shouldn’t be the main focus of your personal statement as the rest of the application will showcase this.

Section 2: Why are you suited to teach your subjects or age group?

Up to 400 words.

Remember to not repeat anything you have already said in section 1!

If you’re writing a personal statement for secondary teacher training, use this section to describe your knowledge and experience of the subjects you’ve chosen. Any work experience in the field will be of interest.

What universities are looking for

Universities want to see your passion for teaching and understand why you think teaching this subject or age group is the right career for you.

Your personal statement should be original and honest. Try and avoid clichés or writing what you think we want to hear. All we really want to hear are the real reasons you’re applying to study a PGCE and become a teacher.

If you’re writing a personal statement for primary teacher training, say why you’d like to teach this age group. If you are particularly interested in certain primary subjects or have relevant experience in them, you can talk about that here too.  

You could talk about:

  • any relevant work or unpaid experience
  • your degree and degree modules
  • your other relevant qualifications, such as A levels
  • any relevant skills, interests or achievements
  • your understanding of the national curriculum

Questions your personal statement should answer

  • Why do you want to be a teacher? 
  • Why do you want to teach a particular subject, Key Stage or age group? 
  • What are your strengths? 
  • What experience do you have and how has this influenced your desire to teach? 
  • What skills do you have that would be useful for teaching

The finer details

Your personal statement should be:

  • no more than 1000 words
  • written in the first-person 
  • grammatically correct - we suggest writing in a document before adding to your application
  • your own work, don’t copy from anywhere online 
  • structured correctly with a clear introduction, evidenced paragraphs and a conclusion 
  • proof-read before being submitted

And finally, be prepared to answer questions about what you’ve written in your personal statement at the interview stage!

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secondary teacher personal statement examples

PGCE Primary (3-7) - PGCE

Study this PGCE Primary course and become a qualified teacher of three to seven-year-olds.

Primary school classroom

PGCE Primary (5-11) - PGCE

Train to teach five to 11-year-olds on this PGCE course that leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

typing on a laptop

PGCE Secondary Computer Science with ICT - PGCE

Train to teach Computer Science with ICT to 11 to 16-year-olds and, by arrangement, 16 to 18-year-olds.

secondary teacher personal statement examples

PGCE Secondary English with Drama - PGCE

This course will train you to teach English and Drama to 11 to 16-year-olds and, by arrangement, 16 to 18-year-olds.

secondary teacher personal statement examples

PGCE Secondary English with Media - PGCE

Train to teach English and media to 11 to 16-year-olds and, by arrangement, 16 to 18-year-olds. Offered in conjunction with the English and Media Centre (EMC).

Mathematics equation

PGCE Secondary Mathematics - PGCE

Train to teach maths to 11 to 16-year-olds and, by arrangement, 16 to 18-year-olds. This course leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).


PGCE Secondary Modern Languages - PGCE

Train to teach modern languages to 11 to 16-year-olds and, by arrangement, 16 to 18-year-olds with our PGCE course that leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

Biological Sciences - BSc

PGCE Secondary Science with Biology - PGCE

Train to teach science and biology to 11 to 16-year-olds and, by arrangement, 16 to 18-year-olds on this PGCE course that leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

PGCE Secondary Science with Chemistry - PGCE

Train to teach science and chemistry to 11 to 16-year-olds and, by arrangement, 16 to 18-year-olds. This PGCE course leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

secondary teacher personal statement examples

PGCE Secondary Science with Physics - PGCE

Train to teach science and physics to 11 to 16-year-olds and, by arrangement, 16 to 18-year-olds on our PGCE course that leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

secondary teacher personal statement examples

Primary (7-11) (Key Stage 2) - PGCE

Train to teach seven to 11-year-olds on our specialist Key Stage 2 course, with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

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Checking your eligibility to study a pgce, how to prepare for your teacher training application, how to write a good personal statement for pgce application, what to expect at your pgce interview.

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Writing a personal statement for a PGCE

secondary teacher personal statement examples

How To Write a PGCE Personal Statement

Your personal statement is crucial to the success of your application and must be well written, concise, well-structured. It must also clearly demonstrate your reasons for choosing teaching and your commitment and suitability for this career in only 47 lines!

Before applying, do your research. Find out what being a teacher is really like. Get experience in a school, talk to teachers and read careers information.

General Tips:

  • Compose your statement in Word and cut and paste it into your online application. This will allow you to ensure it fits, that you have used spell check and have proofread it to ensure its word perfect. Personal statements with a poor level of written English will be rejected.
  • Use Verdana 12 as this is the size and font used by UCAS.
  • Ensure it has a good structure with an introduction, a middle and a conclusion.
  • Get someone to check your final draft who is knowledgeable in this area and whose judgement you trust.
  • Research the Training Provider you are applying for. Which skills/experience/qualifications do they expect?

Your Personal Statement should:

  • be persuasive
  • be fluent, realistic, relevant and specific
  • mention young people- it is about enabling them to learn rather than why you want to teach
  • overuse of short sentences all beginning with ‘I’
  • general statements and narrative
  • I feel/think/believe – instead, use positive action words e.g. planned/managed/implemented/organised
  • making a statement without having evidence to back it up

Sections in your Personal Statement:

  • Introduction- why teaching and why you?
  • The relevance of your work experience
  • What subject you want to teach and why?
  • Additional factors
  • Concluding paragraph


Why teaching?

  • What is your motivation? What has influenced your decision to teach? Avoid ‘I have always wanted to teach’ or ‘I believe teaching is worthwhile’ or ‘I like children’.
  • Concentrate on what influenced your decision to teach, how the idea has developed and what can you offer in terms of personal skills and attributes.
  • Have certain people influenced you? Why? How?
  • Show your desire to work with young people and refer to evidence.

Make a list of skills and qualities that you have that can be linked to all the key skills that make an effective teacher and how you can demonstrate this with examples:

  • Organisation
  • Communication
  • Energy & enthusiasm
  • Responsibility
  • Love of subject
  • Team player

2.Relevant Experience

School-based experience:

  • Where? Try to avoid visiting the school you attended as a pupil
  • How long for? One day is probably not enough time to see what it means to be a teacher, you need enough time to gain a good understanding of teaching and schools.
  • What did you do? Did you observe lessons, work as a TA, attend meetings/training/ research curriculum/teaching and learning/had a focus on EAL or SEND pupils?
  • What Key Stages did you experience? Make sure it is relevant to the specific PGCE course you are applying for.
  • What techniques did you observe? Effective and not effective and why?
  • Lesson-planning
  • Classroom organisation
  • Classroom management
  • Inclusion/ diversity issues e.g. English as an additional language (EAL); special educational needs (SEND); disadvantaged pupils and gifted and talented pupils.

Always say what you have done and how it demonstrates the skills required as a teacher. For example, ‘reading with a group of pupils showed me that…’ or ‘working with a low ability group allowed me to…’

Other work with young people (paid/unpaid): 

  • Youth groups
  • After school groups
  • Summer camps

What if you don’t have any relevant experience?

Highlight the other experiences you have engaged in and use these to demonstrate your understanding of teaching and schools.

3. What subject you want to teach and why?

  • For Secondary, you need to show that you are passionate about your subject area and passing on that enthusiasm to young people.
  • Link to relevant work experience, what have you observed and match your skills to this.
  • Refer to any research you have done regarding your subject and also the curriculum/ examinations you would be required to teach at that Key Stage
  • Link your qualifications and wider reading to your subject knowledge, if your qualifications are not relevant you need to show how you are going to develop your subject knowledge in order to teach the subject.
  • State why you have applied to this particular type of PGCE course e.g. school-based/ flexibility/ reputation.

4. Additional Factors

  • Hobbies linked to the profession/ skill set e.g. value-added skills such as sport, music, language etc.
  • Additional courses you have completed/ completing e.g. ICT, subject knowledge enhancement course etc.
  • Further experiences planned for the future prior to commencing a PGCE course.

5. Concluding Paragraph

  • State your commitment to the course, acknowledge that teaching requires dedication, stamina, time management, being pro-active
  • Reinforce your reasons for being committed to teaching
  • Demonstrate awareness of the physical and mental demands of the course and the profession
  • Career plan – what is your goal for your teaching career?

A teacher’s must-have qualities:

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Ability to think of their feet
  • Good time-management

Background Reading


Times Educational Supplement ( www.tes.com )


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What to include in a Personal Statement

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Personal Statement Tips

Personal statement example teaching personal statement.

Submitted by Jordon

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Teaching Personal Statement

My ambition is to one day become a teacher . Personally, I have had a hugely positive experience of both primary and secondary education. I am applying for primary education because I feel I have the potential to inspire and encourage children of all abilities to reach their full potential.

My work experience allowed me to experience life in a primary school setting from a teacher's perspective. I enjoyed the way that every day is different and that each child is unique. In addition, I am also applying for a History degree, as this would give the option of studying a P.G.C.E. after completing my undergraduate studies. During my education, I have consistently enjoyed History, especially the early modern era up until the 20th Century, a period that I find fascinating. My favourite aspect of History is researching about my family and local history. On a Wednesday morning during my free periods, I have arranged a work experience placement at a local primary school. This has given me a great insight into the work of primary school teachers, together with the challenges and situations they encounter. I have been able to provide extra support for individual pupils who are underachieving in literacy and numeracy, and encourage them to learn. My interpersonal skills have improved immensely as I have to communicate with children from Primary 1 to Primary 7 with different abilities, religions and cultures. It is both challenging and extremely enjoyable. The most enjoyable aspect for me is helping with small group work and projects with Primary 3 to 7 classes, assisting the pupils in lessons such as Mathematics and English or using ICT as an educational and motivational tool. It is very rewarding as I see pupils who struggled in these areas improve.

As further evidence of my patient and caring nature, I have taken part in the school's Community Care programme in which I visited a residential care home once a week where I conversed with the residents. It was enjoyable to hear about their childhood experiences and the past from their personal points of view. This programme has aided me in being more approachable, confident and trustworthy as I performed songs for residents on guitar, accordion and voice, and read novels and poems to them. In school, I have been an active member of the Eco-School's Committee, holding the position of Chairperson for four years.

Furthermore, as a member of the Omagh Academy History Society I have enjoyed going to debates and lectures from renowned historians such as Senia Paseta, Richard Grayson and Philip Orr. Outside of school, I am a member of Boys' Brigade.

I have recently achieved my President's Award and I am working towards my Queen's Badge. To gain more experience working with children, I help in the Anchor Boy section for boys aged between 4 and 7. It is my responsibility to plan and deliver games, bible verses, bibles stories and drill. I also enjoy music and play a wide range of instruments including the lambeg drum, accordion, guitar and flute. I am currently working towards my Grade 5 on guitar and am heavily involved within the Omagh Community Youth Choir, previously singing with the choir as support act for the Red Hot Chilli Pipers in the SSE Arena, Belfast. From my work placement, I have seen how important it is for primary school teachers to be able to play musical instruments at school concerts and events.I am an enthusiastic member of Fintona Taekwondo Club. It has taught me to be resilient, determined, courteous and self-disciplined. This sport has helped me to maintain physical fitness and I would hope to continue with taekwondo at university as I find it an excellent way to de-stress. Having the long-term goal of becoming a teacher , I believe that I am well suited to this vocation. My positive experiences on work placement and voluntary work with the Anchor Boys section of Boys' Brigade have cemented my decision to apply for my chosen courses.

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Example Personal Statement for Teaching

secondary teacher personal statement examples

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

Here is an example personal statement of an applicant who got admitted to Masters of Arts in Teaching. For personal statement, the university posed several questions to the applicant, which the admissions committee expects to be answered in an essay form. The program provides these personal statement prompts to encourage students to self-reflect and then to share their insights with the program.

The following essays are an example of a compelling story and reflect the original voice and personality of the applicant. Get inspiration from them and try to incorporate their strengths into your own personal statement.

In this Article

Personal Statement Prompt 1

Personal statement prompt 2, personal statement prompt 3, personal statement prompt 4, personal statement prompt 5, personal statement prompt 6.

Please tell us briefly about the school where you teach and the community it serves. Who are your students? What do they do when they finish school? What kind of work do their parents do?

Life in rural areas is lonely, and the poverty rate is extremely high compared to life in urban areas. I teach in a roadside rural school where all my students come from poor families and are villagers. My school serves a community where most parents are uneducated and unemployed. Most family members work on agricultural lands and some work in urban areas as janitors, security officers and labourers.

Being the only girl’s school in the area, students from adjoining hilly areas come to school on foot, walking 15-20 kilometres daily. There are a handful of schools for girls that impart primary education. Because of these schools, awareness of the benefits of education have increased in the local community. Consequently, people have now started to send their children to schools in bigger numbers. 

Poorly educated children are the source of adult functional illiteracy, which is the primary feeder of poorly educated children. However, girls who got educated in my area eventually became educated mothers and are raising healthier families. This has reduced the vicious intergenerational cycle of functional illiteracy.

Why do you want to enrol in the Masters of Arts in Teaching Program?

Mexico now has an overall literacy rate of only 29%, with rural literacy at a staggering low of 11%. Last year, over two million children dropped out before secondary school, nearly twice Washington, DC’s total population. Even worse, we do not have enough qualified teachers to fill the void in every village or district. This bankrupt education system is ripe for creative disruption, and I plan to do that. Universal quality education is an unattainable dream for rural children because they do not have access to quality teachers and resources. Worse, most of them cannot attend school regularly because they must support their family by working in agricultural fields or households. This work commitment at such a ripe age makes formal education impossible.

Though most girls are forced into early marriage in my area, I was lucky enough to continue my studies after high school. Later I travelled to a much bigger city to get higher education. Unfortunately, there was no college for girls in our village back then. In the city, however, females were educated and valued for their achievements.

At college, I met an English teacher who later became my inspiration. She opened the outside world to me, instilled confidence in me and taught me the things that interest me. She knew my background and told me to take teaching as a profession so that I could educate my community and bring some change. She gave me all the strength and motivation to carry on. In addition, she made me fall in love with the subject of English and Communication.

I didn’t get quality education at the school level since our teachers were either absent from the class or lacked expertise in English language abilities. These factors deeply affected my early learning of English, and since languages are harder to learn later in life, it became a massive barrier. But with the help of my newfound urban teacher, I was able to learn and affirm my ability in this field. My teacher shaped my destiny and encouraged me to enlighten my mind. The day I started to teach was when life started to make sense. It was indeed a golden chance for me to follow in the footsteps of my great English teacher and offer my best services to the people of my village. The condition of schools and teachers in my village is alarming; teachers lack quality education and are ill-equipped. Sometimes students waste all day at school without learning a word. Through my experiences, I’ve seen and learnt a lot about where the deficiency is and where to work for betterment.

I imagine a Mexico where better teachers in rural areas can evolve rural education. It’s already starting to happen in some areas – such as Teach for Mexico – and I want to become a part of something similar. It’s not just about resources. It’s about optimizing them to increase productivity and rethinking what’s possible. I want to dedicate my profession to my village’s people so they can get quality education. I have realized and understood that education is essential to succeed for the less fortunate. I’ve always strived to educate students and their parents, so they know the value of education.

Deep down inside, there’s a feeling in my heart and a voice in my head that I must do something now so that I leave a legacy amongst my village people when I die. Villagers have magical energy and zest for life, especially girls. I see more passion for doing.

I would say life is not meant for me to watch it and just pass by. I’m here to make a difference in the life of my students. I firmly believe that a teacher who successfully combines advanced teaching strategies with resilience is the catalyst for our educational development. I intend to be one of these teachers, and further education is vital to making this a reality.

Please list what activities you have pursued inside and outside the classroom to maintain your professional training as an educator. In addition, please list professional organizations that you are a member of and relevant work in your community outside of school.

To keep students engaged, I believe in creating a relaxed learning culture in the classroom. Moreover, to ensure that students don’t get bored, I develop interactive lessons that are relevant to students. It is important to note that in rural schools, many external factors are at play — poverty, neighbourhood violence, family discord etc. These inevitably contribute to student disengagement. I implement several interventions to reduce the effects of negative external influences. In my case, increasing parental involvement, extracurricular activities, and improving school safety have enhanced student engagement.

Moreover, I engage my students by immersing them in the actual situation. For example, in a class about history, I put students in the position of historical figures and asked them how they would feel and act. Finally, outside the classroom, I actively engage students in co-curricular activities that positively impact their academic, social, physical, and emotional growth.

Describe an occasion when you led by example in your school and community.

One of the most challenging situations I have ever faced as a leader was whether to replace Matthew, a top student in our undergraduate class and my close friend, with another suitable member. The decision arrived after our first two project phases went terribly because of his unprofessional attitude toward Matthew. I was under a lot of pressure from my other three team members to decide – we were a devoted team committed to our goal, but this vision did not fit Matthew.

Although highly talented, Matthew did only the minimum necessary and was unwilling to make any sacrifices and commit to our goal. I faced a tough decision. On the one hand, firing a talented and top student at a time when most other team members were not accomplished seemed unwise. On the other hand, not replacing him would mean establishing double standards for the rest of the team. His opposition to the change had already begun creating undesired effects, as a few of the team members resented him.

To solve the problem, I took drastic steps to make Matthew relate to the new goals and change his attitude. In addition, I also improved the team’s reward system based on his comments to reward the extra efforts. I started encouraging him to participate fully by inviting his input and suggestions on improving things. As a result, matters were significantly enhanced, and I succeeded in building the right team to lead the project forward. Matthew became motivated again, and with him, I had a team that could reach the ambitious goals we set, and indeed, in 4 months, we had posited the best final-year project of the year.

What skills and experience do you hope to gain from participating in the graduate program, and how will these benefit you and your school once you have completed the program? Describe at least two ways you will share these skills with your school and/or community.

The master’s program will help me explore new teaching methodologies and lesson planning, which are the prerequisites in teaching. I can improve my student’s learning skills only if I’m well-prepared. Participating in the graduate program would be an overwhelming experience, as it will enhance my teaching skills more profoundly. In addition, I would gain knowledge and understanding of US culture, which will help me build my confidence and communication skills through interaction with cosmopolitan people – a trait essential for any English teacher. Teachers like me who work in remote areas need to broaden their vision through master’s programs. I am confident that this program will enable me to re-evaluate my teaching abilities.

High-quality teachers are fundamental to good education. Through the graduate program in teaching, I will be able to develop my student’s basic communication skills better than I currently can. In addition, I want to produce students who can compete globally. Finally, I will share my knowledge and experience with students, colleagues, and other schoolteachers with whom I regularly interact through monthly inter-school meetings and community functions.

There is a massive discrepancy in the quality of teaching resources between urban and rural schools, but I’m very committed and not afraid to seek out new challenges. Hopefully, if I’m selected for this program, one of my biggest dreams of bringing change to the lives of my people will come true, and the space of deprivation will be filled up. I will return with a new perspective on culture, language, and teaching skills.

How do you plan/design your lessons? How did your students receive the lesson, and how did you assess your students’ learning?

Class: Grade 7th to 10th

Subject: English    

Time: 40-45 minutes   

Aims:  A lesson plan is the instructor’s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during class. Before I plan my lesson, I first identify the learning objectives for the class meeting. This way, I can design appropriate learning activities and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning. I aim to make my lessons so easy that my students enjoy learning English without any difficulty. In addition, I want them to specialize in four skills of English: reading, listening, writing, and speaking.

For this, I prepare them with practical command over words and phrases, which they will then use to tell a story or describe an incident. Then they must write a letter, an invitation, and a leave application with reasonable speed and zero grammatical errors. For different classes, I use different lesson plans. For example, in seventh grade, I teach them the use of a dictionary along with reading skills. In class eight, I developed their taste in reading stories and books and writing composition. Finally, I give group tasks in ninth and tenth grades to work on all four basic skills.

Methodology : In class, I adopt the Student-Centered Approach to Learning, where the students and I play an equally active role in the learning process. My primary function is to coach and facilitate student learning and comprehension of the material. I follow up with formal and informal assessment forms, including group projects, student portfolios, and class participation. Next, I start my class by asking students questions about the last lesson to link the lesson with a new one. Then I follow through by reading the passages slowly with correct pronunciation and intonation and translating every word for them.

Afterwards, I ask three to four students to read the passage one by one and ask the whole class to read after the students loudly. I correct their mistakes if they read wrong. I tell them the meanings of difficult words and give them new words to increase their vocabulary. In the grammar class, I teach tenses, Parts of speech, articles, types of sentences, narrations, and active and passive voice. I have made it mandatory for students to get their exams signed by their parents so that the parents are aware of their child’s progress. Finally, I assess my students by asking questions on the subject matter taught in the classroom.


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Education Personal Statement Examples

secondary teacher personal statement examples

What is an education personal statement?

Writing a personal statement for education is a chance to sell yourself to the admissions tutors and show them why you would make a good education candidate. It’s a place to describe your skills and strengths, as well as your career plans.

You are allowed up to 4,000 characters to explain why you are applying for an education degree, so you need to make sure your statement is as polished as possible to stand out from the crowd.

How do I write a good education personal statement?

Good education personal statements always use evidence to support their claims. You need to convince admissions tutors that you’re a good match for the programme, so if you claim to be committed or inquisitive, then use examples from your life to back it up.

To write a successful education personal statement you need to start early, brainstorm some ideas, and then begin your first draft.

This will then need to be carefully revised and edited before asking family and friends for feedback. Incorporate their comments and suggestions, and see how it is improved before asking them to look at it again.

Read through our education personal statement examples above to get an idea of what a good education statement entails.

Make sure you proofread your statement for grammar and spelling before sending it off, and if you feel you need a little extra help, take a look at our personal statement editing services .

What should I include in my education personal statement?

Many students choose to start their statement by picking a specific aspect of education and explaining why they enjoy it, e.g. developmental psychology, equality and diversity, etc.

Admissions tutors want candidates that are as passionate about the subject as they are.

As well as your motivations for studying education, think about your hobbies and extracurricular activities too. What skills have you learned from these and how will these help you in your education degree?

Talk about any work experience placements you have completed, e.g. shadowing a teacher or TA. What did you take away from this experience? Do you feel you have all the necessary personal traits and qualities that make a good sociology student?

Your wider reading is also important, so it's worth mentioning anything you've read recently that you found interesting and why. Generally, admissions tutors like students who express their views and opinions, and can back them up with evidence.

For more help and advice on what to write in your education personal statement, please see:

Personal Statement Editing Services

  • Personal Statement Tips From A Teacher
  • Analysis Of A Personal Statement
  • The 15th January UCAS Deadline: 4 Ways To Avoid Missing It

Personal Statement FAQs

  • Personal Statement Timeline
  • 10 Top Personal Statement Writing Tips
  • What To Do If You Miss The 15th January UCAS Deadline.

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Personal Statement - PCGE Secondary English 1

Postgraduate pgce personal statement.

My first experience of teaching was participating in a peer-education scheme in the sixth form. Standing before 30 expectant faces, I discovered that prepared worksheets and bold posters about drugs had to be delivered through dynamic teaching. I had assisted at social events at a local primary school, but find interactions with older students, such as mentoring freshers, to be more fulfilling. I also enjoy the academic challenge of reviewing personal statements online and offering advice. Using a balance of tact and criticism, I call upon my advanced specialist English knowledge to provide appropriate feedback. Part I of the *****DEGREE**** introduced me to literature from 1300 to the present day, giving me a foundation in nearly all periods of literature. Practical Criticism has enabled me to approach an alien text with confidence and quickly analyse and explore alternative ways of thinking. The intensive nature of the degree demands an ability to investigate and assimilate lots of material quickly.

Undertaking a week’s work experience at *************** has solidified my resolve to become a secondary school teacher. I was able to observe English, media and drama lessons across the range of ages and abilities – from yr 7 to upper sixth. Familiarising myself with curriculum attainment targets for keystages 3-5 prior to my visit helped me to understand progression and gave a basis for professional discussions about how the learning and teaching objectives are fulfilled through schemes of work. I enjoyed observing learning and was given the opportunity to teach part of a lesson using an interactive whiteboard. I also directed small group work in drama, answered raised hands and helped with yr 10 coursework drafts. In some classes, students exhibited challenging behaviour which made me realise that teachers need to be flexible and in possession of a range of classroom management strategies and discipline systems.

Serving on the pharmacy counter at Boots called for the demonstration of sensitivity and confidentiality: I learnt to build rapport and trust with a customer quickly. Being part of an apprentice-style team taught me how to learn from highly qualified professionals in a work environment and in turn, pass on training to new staff. Keeping abreast of current legislation was imperative and being regularly assessed was normal practise. My part-time work sometimes involved dealing with confrontation in a professional manner. My extra curricular interests are mainly creative and social in nature – I am a member of the Dancers’ and Massage societies and am a keen photographer and artist.

I financed my summer inter-railing trip myself. I thoroughly prepared for the trip, and while travelling learnt a lot about self-sufficiency and resourcefulness. Problem solving without a network was frightening but manageable and I survived with amazing memories and experiences.

My travels and studies have taught me a lot about self-direction. I am computer literate and created a website about the organisational aspects of my travels and have received much positive feedback about its usefulness. I believe my communication and organisational skills, combined with my willingness to learn and enable others to learn, make me an ideal candidate for a PGCE.

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secondary teacher personal statement examples

StandOut CV

Secondary Teacher CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

Secondary school is a very important time in any teenager’s life, and if you want to be a part of shaping their future, you need to prove you’ve got what it takes.

To do this, you need a strong CV that showcases your qualifications and experience in the industry.

So, let us be the teachers for once. In the guide below, we’ll show you how to write an impressive application and share a secondary teacher CV example to inspire you.

CV templates 

Secondary Teacher CV example

Secondary Teacher CV 1

Unsure of what your Secondary Teacher CV should look like?

Have a look at the CV example above to get familiar with the structure, layout and format of a professional CV.

As you can see, it provides plenty of relevant information about the applicant but is still very easy to read, and brief – which will please busy recruiters and hiring managers.

CV builder

Secondary Teacher CV format and structure

First impressions count, so a sloppy, disorganised CV may cause your CV to be overlooked..

Instead, perfect the format and structure of your CV by working to a clear logical structure and applying some simple formatting tricks to ease readability.

Don’t underestimate the importance of this step; if your CV lacks readability, your written content won’t even be seen.

How to write a CV

Tips for formatting your Secondary Teacher CV

  • Length: Even if you’ve got tons of experience to brag about, recruiters don’t have time to read through overly lengthy CVs. Keep it short, concise and relevant – a CV length of 2 sides of A4 pages or less is perfect for the attention spans in today’s job market.
  • Readability : To help busy recruiters scan through your CV, make sure your section headings stand out – bold or coloured text works well. Additionally, try to use bullet points wherever you can, as they’re far easier to skim through than huge paragraphs. Lastly, don’t be afraid of white space on your CV – a little breathing space is great for readability.
  • Design & format: While it’s okay to add your own spin to your CV, avoid overdoing the design. If you go for something elaborate, you might end up frustrating recruiters who, above anything, value simplicity and clarity.
  • Photos: Profile photos or aren’t a requirement for most industries, so you don’t need to add one in the UK – but if you do, just make sure it looks professional

Quick tip: Creating a professional CV style can be difficult and time-consuming when using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. To create a winning CV quickly, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder and use one of their eye-catching professional CV templates.

CV formatting tips

CV structure

As you write your CV , work to the simple but effective structure below:

  • Name and contact details – Pop them at the top of your CV, so it’s easy for recruiters to contact you.
  • CV profile – Write a snappy overview of what makes you a good fit for the role; discussing your key experience, skills and accomplishments.
  • Core skills section – Add a short but snappy list of your relevant skills and knowledge.
  • Work experience – A list of your relevant work experience, starting with your current role.
  • Education – A summary of your relevant qualifications and professional/vocational training.
  • Hobbies and interests – An optional sections, which you could use to write a short description of any relevant hobbies or interests.

Now you understand the basic layout of a CV, here’s what you should include in each section of yours.

Contact Details

Contact details

Begin by sharing your contact details, so it’s easy for employers to give you a call. Keep to the basics, such as:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – It should sound professional, with no slang or nicknames. Make a new one for your job applications if necessary.
  • Location – Simply share your vague location, for example ‘Manchester’, rather than a full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – Remember to update them before you send your application.

Secondary Teacher CV Profile

Your CV profile (or personal statement , if you’re an entry-level applicant) provides a brief overview of your skills, abilities and suitability for a position.

It’s ideal for busy recruiters and hiring managers, who don’t want to waste time reading unsuitable applications.

Think of it as your personal sales pitch. You’ve got just a few lines to sell yourself and prove you’re a great match for the job – make it count!

CV profile

How to write a good CV profile:

  • Make it short and sharp: The best CV profiles are short, sharp and highly relevant to the target role. For this reason, it’s best to write 3-4 lines of high-level information, as anything over might be missed.
  • Tailor it: Recruiters can spot a generic, mass-produced CV at a glance – and they certainly won’t be impressed! Before you write your profile (and CV as a whole), read through the job advert and make a list of any skills, knowledge and experience required. You should then incorporate your findings throughout your profile and the rest of your CV.
  • Don’t add an objective: Leave your career objectives or goals out of your profile. You only have limited space to work with, so they’re best suited to your cover letter .
  • Avoid generic phrases: Cheesy clichès and generic phrases won’t impress recruiters, who read the same statements several times per day. Impress them with your skill-set, experience and accomplishments instead!

Example CV profile for Secondary Teacher

What to include in your secondary teacher cv profile.

  • Experience overview: Showcase your aptitude for the job you are aiming for by giving a brief summary of your past work history , including the industries you have worked in, the kinds of employers you have served, and the roles you have held.
  • Targeted skills: Make your most relevant Secondary Teacher key skills clear in your profile. These should be tailored to the specific role you’re applying for – so make sure to check the job description first, and aim to match their requirements as closely as you can.
  • Important qualifications: If the jobs you are applying to require candidates to have certain qualifications, then you must add them in your profile to ensure they are seen by hiring managers.

Quick tip: If you are finding it difficult to write an attention-grabbing CV profile, choose from hundreds of pre-written profiles across all industries, and add one to your CV with one click in our quick-and-easy CV Builder . All profiles are written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset.

Core skills section

Create a core skills section underneath your profile to spotlight your most in-demand skills and grab the attention of readers.

This section should feature 2-3 columns of bullet points that emphasise your applicable skills for your target jobs. Before constructing this section, review the job description and compile a list of any specific skills, specialisms, or knowledge required.

Core skills section CV

Important skills for your Secondary Teacher CV

Subject Knowledge – Maintaining an in-depth knowledge of the subject(s) they teach, including curriculum content, current educational standards, and best practices in teaching their subject area.

Classroom Management – Maintaining a well-organised and disciplined classroom environment, including effective behaviour management techniques and strategies.

Lesson Planning – Creating engaging and effective lesson plans that align with curriculum objectives and cater to students’ diverse learning needs.

Differentiation – Adapting teaching methods and materials to accommodate students with varying abilities, learning styles, and special educational needs.

Assessment and Evaluation – Designing and administering assessments, quizzes, tests, and other evaluation tools to measure student progress and adjust instruction accordingly.

Technology Integration – Utilising educational technology tools and integrating them into lessons to enhance learning experiences and engage students.

Data Analysis – Analysing student data to identify areas of improvement, assess the effectiveness of teaching strategies, and make data-driven decisions.

Effective Communication – Interacting with students, parents, colleagues, and school administrators.

Crisis Management – Handling challenging situations and emergencies within the school environment, ensuring the safety and well-being of students.

Professional Development – Remaining committed to ongoing professional development, including attending workshops, courses, and keeping up to date with educational research and trends.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy CV Builder has thousands of in-demand skills for all industries and professions, that can be added to your CV in seconds – This will save you time and ensure you get noticed by recruiters.

Work experience

Recruiters will be itching to know more about your relevant experience by now.

Kick-start this section with your most recent (or current) position, and work your way backwards through your history.

You can include voluntary and freelance work, too – as long as you’re honest about the nature of the work.

Work experience

Structuring each job

If you don’t pay attention to the structure of your career history section, it could quickly become bulky and overwhelming.

Get in recruiters’ good books by creating a pleasant reading experience, using the 3-step structure below:

Role descriptions

Provide a brief overview of the job as a whole, such as what the overriding purpose of your job was and what type of company you worked for.

Key responsibilities

Next up, you should write a short list of your day-to-day duties within the job.

Recruiters are most interested in your sector-specific skills and knowledge, so highlight these wherever possible.

Key achievements

Finish off by showcasing 1-3 key achievements made within the role.

This could be anything that had a positive effect on your company, clients or customers, such as saving time or money, receiving exemplary feedback or receiving an award.

Sample job description for Secondary Teacher CV

Teach topics on The British Empire, Russian Revolution, US Civil Rights Movement, Crusades, Middle East Conflicts, Urbanisation, and Water/Carbon Cycles to KS5 scholars, for a school which enables a transformative atmosphere for students, regardless of their background.

Key Responsibilities

  • Design syllabi and instructional materials aligned with the national curriculum requirements.
  • Incorporate a variety of instructional methods and resources to engage 16-, 17-, and 18-year-olds, as well as cater to diverse needs.
  • Collaborate with heads of department and parents to establish a holistic and supportive programme for individuals with mobility impairments, dyslexia, ADHD, ASD, and processing disorders.
  • Encourage critical thinking, discussions, and active participation in various themes.

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy CV Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education section

At the bottom of your CV is your full education section. You can list your formal academic qualifications, such as:

  • GCSE’s

As well as any specific Secondary Teacher qualifications that are essential to the jobs you are applying for. Note down the name of the qualification, the organisation at which you studied, and the date of completion.

Hobbies and interests

This section is entirely optional, so you’ll have to use your own judgement to figure out if it’s worth including.

If your hobbies and interests could make you appear more suitable for your dream job, then they are definitely worth adding.

Interests which are related to the industry, or hobbies like sports teams or volunteering, which display valuable transferable skills might be worth including.

When putting together your Secondary Teacher CV, there are a few key points to remember

Always tailor your CV to the target role, even if it means creating several versions for different roles.

Additionally, remember that the structure and format of your CV needs just as much attention as the content.

Good luck with your job search!

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Personal Statement: Becoming a Teacher

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Published: Jun 13, 2024

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secondary teacher personal statement examples

High School Teacher Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

High School Teacher Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Jacob Meade

  • Resume Examples

How To Write a High School Teacher Resume

  • Resume Text Examples

An effective high school teacher’s resume must prove to the school board you have the classroom management skills to engage students of all backgrounds. Hiring managers must know you can create a positive and inclusive learning environment through sound teaching methods and subject expertise. This guide will walk you through the resume-building process and equip you with tools to write a document showcasing the most impressive aspects of your teaching career.

  • Entry-level
  • Senior-level


1. Write a dynamic profile summarizing your high school teacher qualifications

Convince school districts, private schools, and other learning institutions that you’re an excellent educator with a compelling resume profile. Start with your job title, followed by years of experience and three to four outstanding specialties or skills. Establish yourself as a professional dedicated to educating high schoolers through leadership and empathy.

You can shift the focus from tenure to training if you’re an entry-level teacher. Mention your recent education and licensing accomplishments and if you earned any honors. You can also switch up the formatting of your profile by using bullet points instead of a paragraph.

Senior-Level Profile Example:

A senior high school teacher with over 10 years of experience specializing in curriculum design, team leadership, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). A strong history of enhancing curriculum development and leading initiatives to facilitate cultural awareness and understanding across school campuses.

Entry-Level Profile Example:

A certified high school teacher with entry-level experience specializing in curriculum development, student engagement, communication, and classroom management. Adept at building positive relationships with students to drive personal and academic growth.

2. Add your high school teacher experience with compelling examples

Show potential employers you achieve results in the classroom by using bullet points with your accomplishments. If you already have plenty of experience in a high school setting, there’s no need to detail every responsibility you had. Instead, list your achievements, using numbers and metrics to quantify your contributions. For example, if you improved average test scores or grade point averages, include this data in a bullet point.

Beyond what you accomplished alone, speak to your ability to work within a team setting. Schools are run by a collection of educators and support staff working for the good of the students. Demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively with students, parents, faculty, and interdisciplinary teams.

Senior-Level Professional Experience Example:

High School Teacher, Charleston High School, Charleston, SC | September 2016 – present

  • Teach history courses to classes of up to 30 high school students, tailor lesson plans to student strengths and weaknesses, and provide tutoring to prepare for SATs
  • Partner with teachers and the school administration to implement virtual learning and ensure compliance with COVID-19 safety protocols during the transition back to in-person classroom instruction
  • Deliver mentorship and guidance to students to prepare for college applications, including letters of recommendation, tutoring, and academic advising

Entry-Level Professional Experience Example:

High School Teacher, San Diego High, San Diego, CA | August 2021 – present

  • Deliver instruction to classes of around 30 high school students in science courses, including chemistry, biology, and environmental science
  • Coordinate with department faculty to develop and refine curriculum and tailor lesson plans to student needs, resulting in a 15% increase in test scores for science
  • Communicate with parents, teachers, and students during conferences to discuss academic performance, behavior, and learning strategies
  • Provide tutoring services to students struggling with course material and deliver support for SAT prep workshops

3. Include high school teacher-related education and certifications

As a teacher, your education and licensing credentials are essential to your resume. First, list your highest degree, where you earned it, and when. Beyond your required post-secondary education, you must show hiring managers that you’re licensed or certified to teach in your specific state. In addition to any required training, include certifications in specific subjects or specializations.

For example, First aid, CPR, and Basic Life Support (BLS) certifications are all excellent additions to your resume. Or, if you’re interested in teaching overseas or working with English as a Second Language (ESL) students, a Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL) certification would be beneficial.

  • [Degree Name]
  • [School Name], [City, State Abbreviation] | [Graduation Year]
  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Secondary Education
  • Boston University, Boston, MA | 2016


  • [Certification Name], [Awarding Organization], [Completion Year]
  • Single Subject Teaching Credential, Science: Chemistry, State of California, 2021
  • Single Subject Teaching Credential, Math, State of Massachusetts, 2016

4. List high school teacher-related skills and proficiencies

Stay ahead of applicant tracking systems (ATS) by including appropriate key skills from the job description in your resume. It could get overlooked if your resume lacks the keywords and phrases hiring managers seek. Your skills list, professional experience section, and resume profile are great places to include these terms. Study the list of examples below to get a better idea of what you could include on your high school teacher resume:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Academic advising Behavioral analysis
Classroom management Communication
Cooperative learning Curriculum development
Differentiated instruction Education technology
E-learning English
English language learners (ELLs) Individualized education plans (IEPs)
Interdisciplinary Lesson planning
Math Microsoft OfficeSuite
Science Secondary education
Student advocacy Student assessment

How To Pick the Best High School Teacher Resume Template

Set hiring managers up for success with a resume template that’s easy to navigate. Look for a template with a simple structure and an organized layout. Prioritize readability above visual appeal to help readers capture essential information quickly. Although personal style is important, keep colors and graphics to a minimum. The template’s design should highlight your accomplishments and skills, not detract from them.

High School Teacher Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

Alex Santos (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 123 Your Street, San Diego, CA 12345

A certified High School Teacher with entry-level experience specializing in curriculum development, student engagement, communication, and classroom management. Adept at building positive relationships with students to drive personal and academic growth.

Professional Experience

High School Teacher, San Diego High, San Diego, CA August 2021 – Present

  • Deliver instruction to classes of up to 30+ high school students in science courses, including chemistry, biology, and environmental science

Student Teaching Internship, Santa Cruz High School, Santa Cruz, CA September 2020 – December 2020

  • Taught Chemistry I and Environmental Science courses to high school students in collaboration with a certified high school teacher
  • Identified student learning needs and provided academic support to aid them in overcoming challenges and improving grade point average

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Secondary Education University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, September 2016 – December 2020

  • Classroom Management
  • Curriculum Development
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Student Assessments

Sarah Collins (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 123 Your Street, Boston, MA 12345

A High School Teacher with five years of experience specializing in differentiated instruction, cooperative learning, student assessments, and education technology. A proven track record of coordinating with interdisciplinary teams to enhance curriculum design and drive student success.

High School Teacher, Amherst High School, Boston, MA September 2018 – Present

  • Teach high school math to classes of 25 to 35 students, including Algebra I, Algebra II, and Calculus
  • Tailor curriculum and lesson plans based on student needs and incorporate differentiated instruction to enhance academic performance, resulting in a 25% increase in GPAs
  • Conduct student assessments, perform behavioral analysis and utilize cooperative learning techniques to drive student success and personal growth
  • Coordinate with faculty and administration to implement E-learning for students during COVID-19, including delivering training sessions for teachers, parents, and students

High School Teacher, Boston High School, Boston, MA September 2016 – September 2018

  • Provided instruction to 20 to 25 high school students for math courses, coordinated with the math department to evaluate curriculum, and created lesson plans
  • Attend meetings with students and parents to discuss academic progress, goals, and develop strategies to facilitate academic growth

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Secondary Education Boston University, Boston, MA, September 2012 – May 2016

  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Curriculum Design
  • Lesson Planning
  • Education Technology
  • Behavioral Analysis

Lisa Hagen (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 123 Your Street, Charleston, SC 12345

A senior high school teacher with 10+ years of experience specializing in curriculum design, team leadership, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). A strong history of enhancing curriculum development and leading initiatives to facilitate cultural awareness and understanding across school campuses.

High School Teacher, Charleston High School, Charleston, SC September 2016 – Present

  • Partner with teachers and the school administration to implement virtual learning and ensure compliance with Covid-19 safety protocols during the transition back to in-person classroom instruction

High School Teacher, Burke High School, Charleston, SC September 2011 – September 2016

  • Taught a wide range of history courses to five classes per day with 20-35 students, conducted lesson planning, and utilized differentiated instruction to provide an optimized learning experience based on student needs
  • Coordinated with students, faculty, and parents to plan events and workshops to raise awareness on issues related to discrimination, inequality, and cyberbullying

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Secondary Education College of Charleston, Charleston, SC September 2007 – May 2011

  • Student-Centered Learning
  • Academic Advising
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
  • Single Subject Teaching Credential, History, State of South Carolina, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions: High School Teacher Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for high school teacher resumes -.

Action verbs are a great word choice for your resume because they keep your writing concise. You can use them to describe job duties, achievements, and responsibilities in your professional experience section. If you run out of words as you write, return to the list below. Use these action verbs to liven up your writing and enhance your high school teacher resume:

Action Verbs
Analyzed Conducted
Coordinated Created
Delivered Designed
Developed Educated
Enhanced Evaluated
Identified Implemented
Improved Oversaw
Partnered Performed
Planned Provided
Supported Taught

How do you align your resume with a high school teacher job description? -

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), job growth for high school teachers is really dependent on state and local government budgets. The BLS does, however, predict a 1% increase in high school teacher employment between 2022 and 2032. Although there will be little to no change over the decade, about 67,000 positions will become available each year as teachers retire or transfer occupations.

Given that most teacher opportunities will come from other people leaving, competition for the best teaching jobs will be stiff. Your resume must align with the job description and the educational institution's needs if you want to stand out.

For example, if a school is looking for a teacher to take over their accelerated science track, you would highlight your proficiency in advanced science curricula and talk about your history of inspiring students to participate in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs.

What is the best high school teacher resume format? -

The reverse chronological format is usually the best choice for teachers. This resume emphasizes a stable and steady career, highlighting your progression over the years. With a natural flow from profile to experience and key skills, the school board will understand what you’ve accomplished and how you did it. A combination resume can also be an effective choice for teachers who would rather highlight their skills and training before their work history.

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Sending a cover letter with your resume is a great way to improve your chances of landing an interview. Customization is key when it comes to writing a strong letter. Check out our teacher cover letter guide to learn how to tailor your document to the school you’re applying to. See our elementary teacher and special education teacher cover letter guides for more examples.

Frank headshot

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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    Primary Education Personal Statement Example 1. I have chosen the courses listed because I feel that these will benefit me most in my goal to become a primary school teacher. After experiencing the BA (Hons.) Performance: Theatre at Saint Johns College, York, I decided it was not the course I wanted to do, and that a Primary Education degree ...

  20. Personal Statement Examples Teaching Secondary School

    Below is an example personal statement which covers all of the key points you should include in this piece of writing: " A teacher at my secondary school single-handedly transformed my passion and ability for maths; I was predicted an 'F' at GCSE and in a matter of months. she helped me achieve a 'B' and start to enjoy the subject ...

  21. Personal Statement

    Postgraduate PGCE Personal StatementMy first experience of teaching was participating in a peer-education scheme in the sixth form. Standing before 30 expectant faces, I discovered that prepared worksheets and bold posters about drugs had to be delivered through dynamic teaching. I had assisted at social events at a local primary school, but ...

  22. Secondary Teacher CV example + guide [Land job interviews]

    Your CV profile (or personal statement, if you're an entry-level applicant) provides a brief overview of your skills, abilities and suitability for a position. ... Example CV profile for Secondary Teacher. Dedicated Secondary Teacher with 13+ years of experience in planning, delivering, and evaluating geography and history lessons to multi ...

  23. PDF Personal statement guidance for applicants to PGDE Teacher Education

    The personal statement is a major part of your application and this guidance gives an indication of the information you ... about why you have chosen your particular Primary/ Secondary subject area. 2. Relevant Work experience with children ... Explain what you understand the role of a teacher to be. You can use examples of your experience to ...

  24. Personal Statement: Becoming a Teacher

    Body Paragraph. From a young age, I have been enthralled by the world of education. My earliest memories of school are filled with an insatiable curiosity and a profound respect for my teachers, who seemed to possess the keys to unlocking the mysteries of the world.

  25. High School Teacher Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Adept at building positive relationships with students to drive personal and academic growth. 2. Add your high school teacher experience with compelling examples ... First, list your highest degree, where you earned it, and when. Beyond your required post-secondary education, you must show hiring managers that you're licensed or certified to ...

  26. Teacher Resume Examples & Templates [2024]

    Name: Addie Evans Baltimore, MD 21206 555 555 5555 [email protected]. Professional Summary. Upbeat teacher devoted to promoting student learning and strengthening individual potential.