120 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay Beserta Jawabannya

PenaGuru.Com – Halo sahabat Penaguru sekalian, How are you? Pastinya masih pada sehat semua kan. Untuk membantu kalian agar lebih memahami materi tentang Tenses, khususnya Simple Present Tense, kali ini admin akan membagikan Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay Beserta Jawabannya.

Kenapa memilih untuk memberikan soal dalam bentuk essay? Hal ini tentu saja mengingat akan kebijakan Assesmen Kompetensi Minimum (AKM) yang lebih menekankan kepada literasi dan numerasi. Oleh karena itu admin berpikir kalau bentuk soal yang lebih sesuai dengan AKM adalah bentuk soal Essay.

Lagipula selama ini kalian tentu Latihan dengan menggunakan soal pilihan ganda. Jadi agar lebih menarik dan menantang kali ini kita akan Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dengan menggunakan bentuk soal Essay.

Table of Contents

Pengertian Simple Present Tenses

Sebelum memulai Latihan, alangkah baiknya kalau kita kembali mengingat tentang konsep dan rule of Simple Present Tense yang telah dibahas dalam postingan 16 bentuk tenses dan penggunaanny a dalam Bahasa inggris.

Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk satuan waktu (tenses) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung saat sekarang ini.

Simple Present Tense biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan tentang fakta, kebiasaan (rutinitas), dan kejadian yang terjadi saat ini.

Rule of Simple Present Tense

Secara umum simple present tense dibagi ke dalam dua bentuk kalimat yaitu verbal sentence dan nomina sentence . Verbal sentence adalah kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja sebagai predikat (verb) sedangkan nomina sentence adalah kalimat yang menggunakan To Be sebagai predikat.

  • Verbal sentence : Subject + Verb I + s/-es + Object/Complement Contoh : She goes to school by bus ( Dia ke sekolah naik bus)
  • Nomina Sentence : Subject + To Be (am, is, are) + Object/Complement Contoh : The world is round ( Bumi ini bulat)

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay Beserta Jawabannya

A. choose the correct answer.

  • A cat ( give, gives ) milk to its babies.
  • Reptiles ( has, have ) thick skin.
  • A bird ( has, have ) wings.
  • Butterflies ( are, is ) eggs.
  • A snake ( lays, lay ) eggs.
  • Lions ( sleep, sleeps ) about 11 hours a day.
  • Zebras ( come, comes ) from Africa.
  • Bats ( live, lives ) in trees. Their blood (is, are) cold.
  • A tortoise ( eat, eats ) leaves and grass.
  • A tortoise ( is, are ) a reptile.

B. Complete the text below. Choose the correct options!

Koala Bears

Koala bears (1) … mammals. They (2) … from Australia. They (3) … in trees and they also (4) … in trees. They (5) … leaves. They can (6) … very well. Koala bears (7) … usually small. The babies (8) … only 2 centimeters tall. This koala bear is an adult koala. It (9) … about 0.5 meters tall. It (10) … about 1 kg of leaves a day.

C. Find the mistakes and rewrite the text!

Komodo Dragons

Komodo dragons is the native animals of Indonesia. They are very big. People sometimes calls them giant lizards. It is very dangerous. They eats deer, wild pigs and other Komodo dragons. Komodo dragons belongs to reptiles. They has cold blood and it lays eggs. A Komodo dragon can run and climbs a tree. It can lives without eating for weeks or even months!.

D. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of to be.

  • Hello guys! I am shanty.
  • She … Miss Ina. She … my English teacher.
  • We … new students.
  • This … my new classroom. It … a nice classroom.
  • Nurul and Tigor … students. They … my classmates.
  • Tigor and I … in the classroom. We … very happy.

E. Change the verb into the correct form!

  • Chris John drives (drive) a car.
  • We have (have) some money.
  • Do you watch (you watch) movies?
  • They don’t work (not work) for us.
  • I love (love) to swim.
  • Ratih has (have) many friends.
  • Joanna and her husband always come (come) for the winter.
  • Does she draw (he draw) well?
  • Santi doesn’t remember (not remember) me.
  • Raline is (be) a beautiful girl.
  • I don’t eat (not eat) bread.
  • Cats like (like) to sleep.
  • You are (be) a smart girl.
  • Susan washes (wash) the dishes every evening.
  • Are you (you be) ready?

F. Fill the blanks!

  • I … at a government office. (work)
  • She … with her grandmother. (live)
  • Goats … on grass. (feed)
  • Budi … a handsome salary. (earn)
  • Aurel … to be a dancer. (wants)
  • Riska … delicious cookies. (make)
  • Yoel and her wife … in Kuala Lumpur. (live)
  • Rudi and Sarah … to play card games. (like)
  • Raisa … Spain very well. (speak)
  • Sunardi … for a walk in the morning. (goes)
  • My uncle … his pet dog. (adore)
  • Plants … water and sunlight to make their food. (need)

G. Change the verb into the correct form!

  • I usually (go) to church.
  • They (visit) us often.
  • You (play) football once a week.
  • Sunaryo (work) every day.
  • He always (tell) us horror stories.
  • She never (help) me with that!
  • Marcus and Sanjaya (swim) twice a week.
  • In this club people usually (dance) a lot.
  • Brenda (take care) of her brother.
  • Anto rarely (leave) the town.
  • We (live) in the village most of the year.
  • Abdul (travel) to Berlin every Saturday.
  • I (bake) cookies twice a week.
  • You always (teach) me new tricks.
  • Sumini (help) the kids of the neighborhood.

H. Change the verb into the correct form!

  • Paris (be) in France.
  • The summer (be) hot.
  • She (drive) very well.
  • They (open) the store at 9:00.
  • Juwita (be) a very pretty girl.
  • I (have) several jobs.
  • Water (boil) at 100 degrees.
  • Water (freeze) at 0 degrees.
  • My sister (speak) French.
  •  He (have) a big hotel.
  • A triangle (have) three corners.
  •  My birthday (be) in July.
  • Books (have) pages.
  • Dogs (be) good friends.
  • I (work) hard.

I. Change the verb into the correct form!

  • She (love) you.
  • This (weigh) 30 kilograms.
  • Harry (seem) serious.
  • They (like) tomatoes.
  • The girl (want) to play.
  • You (need) to sleep.
  • They (agree) with me.
  • She (hear) something strange.
  • The box (contain) cake.
  •  Stevy (appear) sad.
  • Beckham (know) how to fix a car.
  •  Messi and Abigail (seem) happy.
  • This (smell) bad.
  • I (believe) you.
  • We (be) number one!

J. Change the verb into the correct form!

  • I (go) to the hometown once a month.
  • You (play) the xylophone very well.
  •  She never (visit) us.
  • Leonardo always (find) new ways to do things.
  • Susanti (want) to speak.
  • Wina (be) in Austria.
  •  Cars (have) wheels.
  • My teacher (have) a big house.
  • We (play) a lot.
  • They (sell) fruit and vegetables.
  •  The apartment (be) on fire.
  • Salmah (seem) sad.
  •  I usually (help) my neighbors.
  •  His parents rarely (leave) town.

Jawaban Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay

Berikut adalah kunci jawaban dari Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay paket A sampai Paket C di atas. Untuk paket D sampai dengan J, silahkan dikerjakan secara mandiri terlebih dahulu. Kunci jawabannya bisa kalian request di kolom komentar.

Jawaban Paket A

1. Gives 2. Have 3. Has 4. Are 5. Lays 6. Sleep 7. Come 8. Live/are 9. Eats 10. Is

Jawaban paket B

1. Are 2. Are 3. Live 4. Sleep 5. Eat 6. Climb 7. Are 8. Are 9. Is 10. Eats

Jawaban paket C

1. Is 2. Calls 3. Eats 4. Belongs 5. Has 6. Run

Nah! Demikian 120 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay beserta Jawabanny a yang dapat kami bagikan. Semoga dapat membantu memahami materi tentang simple present tense. Jangan lupa bagikan kepada teman-teman yang lain yah! See you in the next article.

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20 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Kunci Jawaban (Pilihan Ganda dan Essay)

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WISLAH.COM – Berikut “ 20 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Kunci Jawaban (Pilihan Ganda dan Essay) ” yang telah disusun untuk membantu siswa memahami dan menguasai penggunaan Simple Present Tense dalam bahasa Inggris. Soal-soal ini mencakup berbagai aspek Simple Present Tense, termasuk penggunaan kata kerja bantu ‘do/does’, bentuk kata kerja, dan penerapannya dalam kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif.

Tujuan dari kumpulan soal ini adalah untuk memberikan latihan praktis kepada siswa agar mereka dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam memahami dan menggunakan Simple Present Tense dengan benar. Soal-soal ini disusun berdasarkan materi yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris tingkat SMP/MTs, sehingga sesuai dengan kurikulum yang berlaku. Materi yang dibahas mencakup penggunaan Simple Present Tense untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, dan kejadian yang terjadi secara teratur.

Kumpulan 20 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Kunci Jawaban (Pilihan Ganda dan Essay)

A. 15 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense: Soal Pilihan Ganda

  • The sun … in the east. a. rise b. rises c. rose d. risen (Jawabannya: b. rises)
  • My father … to work every morning. a. go b. goes c. went d. gone (Jawabannya: b. goes)
  • They … football every Saturday. a. play b. plays c. played d. playing (Jawabannya: a. play)
  • She … not like spicy food. a. do b. does c. did d. done (Jawabannya: b. does)
  • … you speak English? a. Do b. Does c. Did d. Done (Jawabannya: a. Do)
  • He … his teeth twice a day. a. brush b. brushes c. brushed d. brushing (Jawabannya: b. brushes)
  • We … in Jakarta. a. live b. lives c. lived d. living (Jawabannya: a. live)
  • My mother … delicious food. a. cook b. cooks c. cooked d. cooking (Jawabannya: b. cooks)
  • The students … their homework every day. a. do b. does c. did d. done (Jawabannya: a. do)
  • I … not understand this lesson. a. do b. does c. did d. done (Jawabannya: a. do)
  • … she sing beautifully? a. Do b. Does c. Did d. Done (Jawabannya: b. Does)
  • My sister … to school by bus. a. go b. goes c. went d. gone (Jawabannya: b. goes)
  • We … not have any pets. a. do b. does c. did d. done (Jawabannya: a. do)
  • … they like to watch movies? a. Do b. Does c. Did d. Done (Jawabannya: a. Do)
  • The baby … a lot. a. cry b. cries c. cried d. crying (Jawabannya: b. cries)

B. 5 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense: Soal Essay

My name is Sarah. I live in a small town with my family. I have a brother named Tom. We both go to the same school. I love to read books and listen to music. My favorite subject is English. I also enjoy playing basketball with my friends on weekends.

  • Where does Sarah live? (Jawabannya: Sarah lives in a small town.)
  • What is Sarah’s brother’s name? (Jawabannya: Sarah’s brother’s name is Tom.)
  • What does Sarah love to do? (Jawabannya: Sarah loves to read books and listen to music.)
  • What is Sarah’s favorite subject? (Jawabannya: Sarah’s favorite subject is English.)
  • What does Sarah enjoy doing on weekends? (Jawabannya: Sarah enjoys playing basketball with her friends on weekends.)

Demikian “ 20 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Kunci Jawaban (Pilihan Ganda dan Essay) “. Semoga dapat memberikan referensi dan latihan yang bermanfaat bagi siswa dalam memahami dan menguasai penggunaan Simple Present Tense dalam bahasa Inggris. Dengan berlatih secara teratur, siswa diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam berkomunikasi secara efektif menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

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Kunci Jawaban

20 contoh soal simple present tense essay dan kunci jawaban, berikut contoh soal simple present tense essay dan kunci jawaban. 1. he …………………. to office by train everyday. (go).

20 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay dan Kunci Jawaban

TRIBUNPADANG.COM - Berikut contoh soal simple present tense essay dan kunci jawaban.

1. He …………………. to office by train everyday. (go) Jawaban : He goes to office by train everyday

2. The earth ……………… around the sun. (move) Jawaban : The earth move around the sun

3. Rain ………….. from the sky. (fall) Jawaban : Rain falls from the sky.

Baca juga: 25 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Kunci Jawaban

4. My friend and I …………… Match everyday. (learn) Jawaban : My friend and I learn Match everyday

5. She …………….. a magazine everyday. (read) Jawaban : She reads a magazine everyday.

6.He ... them a money every month (give)

Jawaban: gives

7.What ... in your store ? (she, buy)

Jawaban: does she buy

8.How …. Every morning? (You, feel)

Jawaban: do you feel

9.The river Mahakam … into Java Sea ? (flow)

Jawaban: flows

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay

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