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Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Programs and Policies 2024–2025

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Current Edition: Graduate Archive . Click to change.

Sterling Law Building, 203.432.1696 http://law.yale.edu/phd M.A., Ph.D.

Dean Heather Gerken

Director of Graduate Studies Robert Post

Fields of Study

The Ph.D. in Law program prepares students who have earned a J.D. from an American Bar Association accredited law school to enter law teaching or other careers that require a scholarly mastery of law. The program is designed to provide a broad foundation in the canonical texts and methods of legal scholarship and to support students in producing original scholarship in the form of a dissertation. The program strongly encourages, but does not require, interdisciplinary approaches to the study of law.

Special Requirements for the Ph.D. Degree

Each student will have a faculty advisory committee, which will help the student select appropriate courses. In their first year, students take a mandatory two-term seminar on the foundations of legal scholarship, legal theory, and methods or its equivalent as specified by the program’s director of graduate studies (DGS). Each student may enroll in as many as four additional courses. These courses may be offered in the Law School or in other departments or schools at Yale University. Each student’s advisory committee may waive up to four courses. The foundations seminar or its equivalent as specified by the program’s DGS may not be waived and must be taken for a grade, not audited.

Each Ph.D. student must take two qualifying examinations. The first, administered before the start of the second term in the program, is a written examination based on materials studied in the first term of the foundations seminar. It will test the student’s breadth of knowledge across the legal canon, including knowledge of canonical texts, methods, and principles. The second is an oral examination administered by the student’s advisory committee at the beginning of the second year and no later than October 15 of that year. The oral examination tests the student’s knowledge of the scholarship, theories, and methodologies relevant to the student’s area of study. Both qualifying examinations are graded on a pass/fail basis. A student who fails a qualifying examination will have one opportunity to retake the examination in the following term.

After completion of the second qualifying examination, the student will assemble a faculty dissertation committee and prepare a dissertation prospectus. Upon approval of the prospectus, usually by the end of the fourth term, the student will devote the remaining time in the program to writing a dissertation, which may take the form of a traditional monograph or three publishable scholarly articles. The final dissertation must be approved by both the student’s dissertation committee and the DGS.

Students in the Ph.D. in Law program are also expected to meet additional academic requirements in each year of the program, specified below and outlined in greater detail in the Ph.D. in Law Program Manual available from the Graduate Programs Office at Yale Law School. Students who fail to meet program requirements will not be in good standing and may be withdrawn from the program.

All required written work must be judged satisfactory by the student’s advisory committee, in consultation with the assistant dean for graduate programs and the DGS. A satisfactory article or chapter is one that the student’s advisory committee, the assistant dean, and the DGS agree is appropriate and ready for professional presentation at an academic workshop, and one that offers the promise of meeting the standards expected by leading law reviews or academic presses.

First-year requirements include satisfactory performance in course work, including the foundations seminar (or its equivalent as specified by the DGS); passing the first qualifying examination; and completion of a first dissertation article or chapter. Students also must submit an approved reading list for the second qualifying examination to the assistant dean and the DGS no later than the final day of the spring examination period.

Second-year requirements include submission of the first dissertation article or chapter for publication no later than the first day of classes for the fall term of the second year and successful completion of the second qualifying examination by October 15 of that year. Second-year students shall complete a second satisfactory dissertation article or chapter by December 1 and complete their first required teaching experience by the end of their second year in the program. They shall submit their dissertation prospectus to the assistant dean and the DGS by June 1 of the second year.

In the third year, students are required to complete and submit a draft of their third dissertation article or chapter by August 1, and to workshop their article or chapter at the Law School no later than September 20 in preparation for the academic job market. For those who plan to graduate in May of their third year, a final and complete dissertation must be submitted to the assistant dean, the DGS, dissertation committee members, and the graduate school registrar no later than March 15. Students must also satisfactorily complete their second teaching experience during their third year in the program. Both teaching experiences will typically be reviewed in person or via recorded media with the assistant dean and/or the committee chair and the DGS.

The program is designed to be completed in three years and two summers, but students who do not expect to complete all program requirements before the conclusion of their third year in the program are invited to petition the Law School’s Ph.D. Policy Committee for permission to enroll for a seventh and eighth semester in the program under Extended Registration or Dissertation Completion Status (DCS). Those enrolled under Extended Registration are full-time students and receive, as before, Yale Basic Health coverage and a Health Award to cover the cost of Yale Health hospitalization/specialty coverage, but they do not receive stipendiary support. Instead, having completed their two required teaching experiences, they are eligible to teach in Yale College or, in exceptional circumstances, to assist a Yale Law School faculty member in their teaching to support their living expenses. Teaching opportunities are coordinated by the graduate school’s Teaching Fellow Program. 

Students on DCS are less than half-time students who retain their Yale NetID in order to access electronic library resources and their Yale e-mail accounts. Students in this category are not eligible for stipendiary support nor a Health Award from the graduate school or the Law School; they should consult with the graduate school on other services and resources that may not be available to them as less than half-time students. 

Those on both “Extended Registration” and “Dissertation Completion” status are responsible for paying the Continuous Registration Fee. (Note that the graduate school provides a fellowship to cover the cost of the Continuous Registration Fee for those teaching in Yale College.) 

As part of their training, Ph.D. students must complete two terms of teaching experience. There are a number of ways to fulfill this requirement, depending on the availability of teaching experiences from year to year. They include: (1) serving as a teaching assistant for a Law School course, (2) serving as a student organizer for a Law School reading group, (3) serving as a teaching fellow for a course in Yale College or another school at Yale, (4) co-teaching a Law School course with a faculty member, and (5) in unusual situations, teaching their own course. In all cases, students engaged in teaching will have faculty supervision and feedback from their advisers.

Master’s Degree

M.A.  The M.A. degree may be granted to Ph.D. in Law students who are not completing the program, but who successfully complete the two-term foundations seminar and at least two additional courses, pass the two qualifying examinations, and submit an academic paper that is judged to be of publishable quality. Students may substitute a third course for one of the two qualifying examinations. The degree is available retroactively to students who matriculated from September 2013 onward.

Program materials are available upon request to the Graduate Programs Office, Yale Law School, 127 Wall Street, New Haven CT 06511.

For Law School courses, see the Law School bulletin, online at https://bulletin.yale.edu/bulletin/law . For courses in other schools at Yale University, please see their respective bulletins or https://courses.yale.edu . Specific course selections will be approved by the student’s advisory committee and by the DGS.

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yale law phd program

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Departments & programs.

The following is a list of our degree-granting academic departments and programs. 

For a list of undergraduate majors, see the Yale College Programs of Study page .

African American Studies

African studies, american studies, anesthesiology, anthropology, applied mathematics, applied physics, archaeological studies, architecture, biological & biomedical sciences, biomedical engineering, biostatistics, cell biology, cellular & molecular physiology, chemical & environmental engineering, child study center, chronic disease epidemiology, cognitive science, comparative literature, comparative medicine, computational biology & bioinformatics, computer science, dermatology, early modern studies, earth & planetary sciences, east asian languages & literatures, east asian studies, ecology & evolutionary biology, electrical & computer engineering, emergency medicine, engineering & applied science, english language & literature, environment, environmental health sciences, epidemiology of microbial diseases, ethnicity, race, & migration, european & russian studies, experimental pathology, film & media studies, global affairs, health care management, health policy & management, history of art, history of medicine, history of science & medicine, immunobiology, internal medicine, international & development economics, investigative medicine, italian studies, jewish studies, laboratory medicine, latin american studies, linguistics, mathematics, mechanical engineering & materials science, medieval studies, microbial pathogenesis, microbiology, modern middle east studies, molecular biophysics & biochemistry, molecular, cellular & developmental biology, near eastern languages & civilizations, neuroscience, neuroscience, interdepartmental program, neurosurgery, obstetrics, gynecology & reproductive sciences, ophthalmology & visual science, orthopaedics & rehabilitation, pharmacology, political science, public health, radiology & biomedical imaging, religious studies, slavic languages & literatures, south asian studies, spanish & portuguese, statistics & data science, theater & performance studies, therapeutic radiology/radiation oncology, women’s, gender, & sexuality studies, faculty of arts and sciences (fas).

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences is composed of the departments and academic programs that provide instruction in Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Explore Our Schools

PhD Student Funding Overview

Humanities Quadrangle Courtyard

At Yale, you can earn your doctorate at our expense. 

Our funding packages for Yale PhD students are among the most generous in the world. Every PhD student receives a fellowship for the full cost of tuition, a stipend for living expenses, and paid health coverage, though the details of your funding package will differ depending on your academic program. On average, doctoral students receive more than $500,000 in tuition fellowships, stipends, and health premium benefits over the course of their enrollment. Full PhD funding normally extends for a minimum of five years, unless your doctoral program is of shorter duration, e.g., Investigative Medicine, Law, Nursing, and Public Health. 

The main categories of funding available to PhD students are detailed below. Our Programs & Policies handbook contains additional information about funding and fellowship opportunities available at the Graduate School, along with applicable policies. 

If you have questions about your funding, you can ask your program registrar or DGS, Graduate Financial Aid, or Associate Dean Robert Harper-Mangels.

Types of Funding for PhD Students

University Fellowships (UFs) are provided through the Graduate School and do not require teaching in Yale's Teaching Fellow Program. UFs are often used during the initial year(s) of your doctoral program to cover your stipend and tuition, when you are engaged in coursework and identifying an adviser.

For official policies governing University Fellowships, including information on deferring a UF, please see our Programs & Policies Bulletin .

In subsequent years and in most programs, your stipend will be funded by a teaching fellowship or a research assistantship.

Teaching Fellowships (TFs) are contingent on teaching Yale's Teaching Fellow Program (TFP). While you are on a TF, a portion of your stipend is compensation for teaching. The rest of your stipend will come from other sources, depending on your department or program. See the Teaching Fellow Funding page for more information.

The teaching portion of your stipend is subject to federal tax withholding, so you will notice a difference in your paycheck in teaching versus non-teaching semesters.

In lieu of teaching in the Teaching Fellow Program, PhD students in the humanities and social sciences may choose to undertake one of the available Professional Development Opportunities . These positions allow you to gain professional experience at a library, museum, or other office on campus relevant to your studies. 

If you are in the natural sciences, your funding will likely come from training grants and faculty research grants at some point during your enrollment. In most programs, you may only join a research group that has active grant funding. Please consult with your DGS, if you have questions about this aspect of your funding package.

We strongly encourage you to compete for external fellowships. Winning an external award in a national competition, whether sponsored by a public or private agency, is a significant honor. External fellowships may be subject to our Combined Award policy. Please be sure to review our External Fellowships & Awards page to understand how external awards interact with university funding.

An external fellowship may also offer you added flexibility in your program. 

  • If you are a student in the natural sciences, an external fellowship may allow you to pursue a project or idea that is otherwise not eligible for financial support through your adviser’s research funding. 
  • If you are a student in the humanities or social sciences, an external fellowship might allow you to defer a University Fellowship (UF) to a subsequent term or year. 

You can search for external fellowships through the Yale Student Grants Database , other university search engines (e.g., UCLA ), and commercial sites .

You must notify the Graduate School of any external awards you receive. 

  • Send a copy of your award letter to the Financial Aid Office at [email protected] .
  • If your award is subject to the Combined Award policy, then you will receive a combined award letter via email when your award has been processed, outlining your updated funding package. 

For any questions and concerns regarding your combined award letter, please contact the Graduate School Financial Aid Office via email at [email protected]. Associate Dean Robert Harper-Mangels can also advise regarding our Combined Award policy.

Additional GSAS Financial Support

Phd stipends.

An overview of information relevant to the PhD stipend.

Health Award

The Graduate School provides Yale Health Basic Coverage at no cost to all students (Master's and PhD) who are enrolled at least half-time in degree-seeking programs. In addition, all PhD students registered at least half-time receive a Health Fellowship Award that covers the cost of Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Care Coverage.

Featured Resource

Family Support Subsidy for Parenting PhD Students

PhD students who are registered full-time in any year of study are eligible for the family support subsidy to assist with child-related expenses.

Dean's Emergency Fund

The Dean’s Emergency Fund enables terminal master’s and PhD students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences to continue making academic progress despite unanticipated, extreme financial hardships that cannot be resolved through fellowships, loans, or personal resources. The maximum award for eligible requests is $2,000.

Conference Travel Fellowship (CTF)


By partnering with the MacMillan Center and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, graduate students with representatives in the Graduate Student Assembly are eligible for annual conference travel funding of up to $800.

PhD Student Travel Health Fellowship

If you are a PhD student traveling for dissertation research, the Graduate School provides a Travel Health Fellowship to cover the cost of required immunizations and prescription drugs at Yale Health.

Graduate Financial Aid Office

Office Address

Graduate Programs

Graduate programs and combined degrees, anthropology & african american studies.

Files from the collections at Yale

Anthropology & Environment

Yale grounds

Anthropology & Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

The entryway to 10 Sachem

Joint M.D./Ph.D.

Students on Yale campus

More Graduate Program Resources

  • Resources for Current Graduate Students
  • How to Apply
  • Ph.D. Job Placement
  • Mission, Facts and Figures
  • Deans, Chairs and Staff
  • Leadership Council
  • Dean in the News
  • Get Involved
  • DEIB Mission
  • Message from DEIB Associate Dean
  • News and Media
  • Reading Lists
  • The Yale and Slavery Research Project
  • Photo Gallery
  • Winslow Medal
  • Coat of Arms & Mace
  • $50 Million Challenge
  • For Pandemic Prevention and Global Health
  • For Understanding the Health Impacts of Climate Change
  • For Health Equity and Justice
  • For Powering Health Solutions through Data Science
  • For Future Leaders
  • For Faculty Leaders
  • For Transformational Efforts
  • Data, Leadership, and Collaboration at the School of Public Health
  • An abiding love for Yale turns into a lasting gift – in 15 minutes
  • Endowed Professorship Created at Critical Time for Yale School of Public Health
  • Brotherly encouragement spurs gift to support students
  • Prestipino creates opportunities for YSPH students, now and later
  • Alumna gives back to the school that “opened doors” in male-dominated field
  • For Public Health, a Broad Mission and a Way to Amplify Impact
  • Couple Endows Scholarship to Put Dreams in Reach for YSPH Students
  • A Match Made at YSPH
  • A HAPPY Meeting of Public Health and the Arts
  • Generous Gift Bolsters Diversity & Inclusion
  • Alumni Donations Aid Record Number of YSPH Students
  • YSPH’s Rapid Response Fund Needs Donations – Rapidly
  • Podiatric Medicine and Orthopedics as Public Health Prevention
  • Investing in Future Public Health Leaders
  • Support for Veterans and Midcareer Students
  • Donor Eases Burden for Policy Students
  • A Personal Inspiration for Support of Cancer Research
  • Reducing the Burden of Student Debt
  • Learning About Global Health Through Global Travel
  • A Meeting in Dubai, and a Donation to the School
  • Rapid Response Fund
  • Planned Giving
  • Testimonials
  • Assistant/Associate Professor - Chronic Disease Epidemiology
  • Assistant/Associate Professor - Environmental Toxicology
  • Associate Research Scientist - Health Policy and Management
  • Postdoctoral Associate - Computational Biology
  • LGBTQ Mental Health Postdoctoral Clinical Research Associate in NYC
  • Postdoctoral Associate - Health Policy and Management
  • Postdoctoral Associate - Data Science and Data Equity
  • Postdoctoral Associate - CMIPS
  • Postdoctoral Associate - Environmental Health Sciences
  • Postdoctoral Associate - Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Postdoctoral Associate - Malaria Genomics and Vaccinology
  • Postdoctoral Associate - McDougal Lab
  • Postgraduate Associate - Data, Modeling, and Decision Analysis
  • Postdoctoral Associate - Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases
  • For the Media
  • Issues List
  • PDF Issues for Download
  • Editorial Style Guide
  • Social Media
  • Shared Humanity Podcast
  • Health & Veritas Podcast
  • Maps and Directions
  • Accreditation
  • Faculty Directory by Name
  • Career Achievement Awards
  • Annual Research Awards
  • Teaching Spotlights
  • Biostatistics
  • Chronic Disease Epidemiology
  • Climate Change and Health Concentration
  • Environmental Health Sciences
  • Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases
  • Global Health
  • Health Policy and Management
  • Implementation Science Track
  • Maternal and Child Health Promotion Track
  • Public Health Modeling Concentration
  • Social & Behavioral Sciences
  • U.S. Health Justice Concentration
  • Why Public Health at Yale
  • Events and Contact
  • What Does it Take to be a Successful YSPH Student?
  • How to Apply and FAQs
  • Orientation Schedule
  • Traveling to Yale
  • Meet Students and Alumni
  • Past Internship Spotlights
  • Student-run Organizations
  • MS and PhD Student Leaders
  • Staff Spotlights
  • Life in New Haven
  • Libraries at Yale
  • The MPH Internship Experience
  • Practicum Course Offerings
  • Summer Funding and Fellowships
  • Downs Fellowship Committee
  • Stolwijk Fellowship
  • Climate Change and Health
  • Career Management Center
  • What You Can Do with a Yale MPH
  • MPH Career Outcomes
  • MS Career Outcomes
  • PhD Career Outcomes
  • Employer Recruiting
  • Tuition and Expenses
  • External Funding and Scholarships
  • External Fellowships for PhD Candidates
  • Alumni Spotlights
  • Bulldog Perks
  • Stay Involved
  • Update Your Info
  • Board of Directors
  • Emerging Majority Affairs Committee
  • Award Nomination Form
  • Board Nomination Form
  • Alumni Engagement Plus
  • Mentorship Program
  • The Mentoring Process
  • For Mentors
  • For Students
  • Recent Graduate Program
  • Transcript and Verification Requests
  • Applied Practice and Student Research
  • Competencies and Career Paths
  • Applied Practice and Internships
  • Student Research
  • Seminar and Events
  • Competencies and Career paths
  • Why the YSPH Executive MPH
  • Message from the Program Director
  • EMPH Tracks
  • Eligibility & FAQs

The Faculty

  • Approved Electives
  • Physicians Associates Program
  • Joint Degrees with International Partners
  • MS in Biostatistics Standard Pathway
  • MS Implementation and Prevention Science Methods Pathway
  • MS Data Sciences Pathway
  • Internships and Student Research
  • Competencies
  • Degree Requirements - Quantitative Specialization
  • Degree Requirements - Clinical Specialization
  • Degree Requirements- PhD Biostatistics Standard Pathway
  • Degree Requirements- PhD Biostatistics Implementation and Prevention Science Methods Pathway
  • Meet PhD Students in Biostatistics
  • Meet PhD Students in CDE
  • Degree Requirements and Timeline
  • Meet PhD Students in EHS
  • Meet PhD Students in EMD
  • Meet PhD Students in HPM
  • Degree Requirements - PhD in Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Degree Requirements - PhD SBS Program Maternal and Child Health Promotion
  • Meet PhD Students in SBS
  • Differences between MPH and MS degrees
  • Academic Calendar
  • Translational Alcohol Research Program
  • Molecular Virology/Epidemiology Training Program (MoVE-Kaz)
  • For Public Health Practitioners and Workforce Development
  • Course Description
  • Instructors
  • Registration
  • Coursera Offerings
  • Non-degree Students
  • International Initiatives & Partnerships
  • NIH-funded Summer Research Experience in Environmental Health (SREEH)
  • Summer International Program in Environmental Health Sciences (SIPEHS)
  • 2023 Student Awards
  • 2022 Student Awards
  • Leaders in Public Health
  • The Role of Data in Public Health Equity & Innovation Conference
  • YSPH Dean's Lectures
  • National Public Health Week (NPHW)
  • APHA Annual Meeting & Expo
  • Innovating for the Public Good
  • Practice- and community-based research and initiatives
  • Practice and community-based research and initiatives
  • Activist in Residence Program
  • The Data & The Solutions
  • Publications
  • Health Care Systems and Policy
  • Heart Disease and Stroke
  • Panels, Seminars and Workshops (Recordings)
  • Rapid Response Fund Projects
  • SalivaDirect™
  • Emerging Infections Program - COVID-NET
  • Public Health Modeling Unit Projects
  • The Lancet 2023 Series on Breastfeeding
  • 'Omics
  • News in Biostatistics
  • Biostatistics Overview
  • Seminars and Events
  • Seminar Recordings
  • Statistical Genetics/Genomics, Spatial Statistics and Modeling
  • Causal Inference, Observational Studies and Implementation Science Methodology
  • Health Informatics, Data Science and Reproducibility
  • Clinical Trials and Outcomes
  • Machine Learning and High Dimensional Data Analysis
  • News in CDE
  • Nutrition, Diabetes, Obesity
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Outcomes Research
  • Health Disparities
  • Women's Health
  • News in EHS
  • EHS Seminar Recordings
  • Climate change and energy impacts on health
  • Developmental origins of health and disease
  • Environmental justice and health disparities
  • Enviromental related health outcomes
  • Green chemistry solutions
  • Novel approaches to assess environmental exposures and early markers of effect
  • 1,4 Dioxane
  • Reproducibility
  • Tissue Imaging Mass Spectrometry
  • Alcohol and Cancer
  • Olive Oil and Health
  • Lightning Talks
  • News in EMD
  • Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Applied Public Health and Implementation Science
  • Emerging Infections and Climate Change
  • Global Health/Tropical Diseases
  • HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Marginalized Population Health & Equity
  • Pathogen Genomics, Diagnostics, and Molecular Epidemiology
  • Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases
  • Disease Areas
  • EMD Research Day
  • News in HPM
  • Health Systems Reform
  • Quality, Efficiency and Equity of Healthcare
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health
  • Modeling: Policy, Operations and Disease
  • Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines and Medical Devices
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • News in SBS
  • Aging Health
  • Community Engagement
  • Health Equity
  • Mental Health
  • Reproductive Health
  • Sexuality and Health
  • Nutrition, Exercise
  • Stigma Prevention
  • Community Partners
  • For Public Health Practitioners
  • Reports and Publications
  • Fellows Stipend Application
  • Agency Application
  • Past Fellows
  • PHFP in the News
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • International Activity
  • Research Publications
  • Grant Listings
  • Modeling Analyses
  • 3 Essential Questions Series


  • Prospective Students
  • Incoming Students
  • myYSPH Members

In the EMPH program, Yale’s award-winning faculty teach alongside expert practitioners to provide our students with a broad range of perspectives and expertise. Each student is assigned a faculty advisor. For those who elect a track the faculty track director takes on this role to ensure tailored support and engagement.

Track Directors

Professor of Neurology; Track Director, Health Informatics, Executive MPH; Chief of VA Neurology Service, VA Connecticut Healthcare System

  • Brain Injuries
  • Medical Informatics
  • Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation
  • Psychiatry and Psychology

Professor of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences) and Teresa and H. John Heinz III Professor in the Practice of Chemistry for the Environment; Co-Director, Environmental Health Sciences Track, Executive MPH

Professor of Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases) and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging; Director, Advanced Professional MPH Program; Track Director, Applied Analytic Methods and Epidemiology, Executive MPH; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Core Faculty, National Clinician Scholars Program

  • Mental Disorders
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Chronic Disease
  • Epidemiologic Methods
  • Health Workforce
  • Health Services Research
  • Public Health
  • Quality of Health Care
  • Quality Indicators, Health Care
  • Vulnerable Populations
  • Emigrants and Immigrants
  • Noncommunicable Diseases

Senior Advisor, Career Management, Admissions and Curriculum

Department Chair and Susan Dwight Bliss Professor of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences) and of Ophthalmology and Visual Science and of Environment; Director, Yale Superfund Research Center; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Cancer Center; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Co-Director, Environmental Health Sciences Track, Executive MPH

  • Aldehyde Dehydrogenase
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Environmental Health
  • Glutathione
  • Ophthalmology
  • Mass Spectrometry

Course Faculty

Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases); Assistant Professor, Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health

  • Environment and Public Health
  • Epidemiology
  • History of Medicine
  • Human Rights
  • Political Systems
  • Social Justice
  • Social Medicine
  • Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
  • Pharmacoepidemiology
  • Government Regulation
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Public Health Systems Research
  • Adaptive Clinical Trials as Topic

Associate Research Scientist (General Medicine); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health

Professor of Biomedical Informatics & Data Science; Professor, Biostatistics

  • Anesthesiology
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Databases, Genetic

Associate Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging; Vice Chair for Imaging Informatics, Radiology & Biomedical Imaging

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Organizational Innovation

Associate Professor of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences); Co-Director, Yale Center for Perinatal, Pediatric and Environmental Epidemiology (CPPEE)

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine & Biostatistics (Health Informatics)

  • Social Behavior Disorders
  • Data Mining
  • Machine Learning

Professor Adjunct of Epidemiology (Environmental Health); Clinical Professor, Environmental Health Sciences

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Department Chair and Professor of Public Health (Health Policy)

  • Health Care Economics and Organizations

Assistant Professor Adjunct of Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health

  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Developing Countries
  • Hookworm Infections
  • Parasitology
  • Nutrition Policy

Samuel and Liselotte Herman Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Yale School of Public Health; Dean of Faculty, Yale-NUS College; Director, Program on Climate Change and Urban Health; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health

  • Community Health Services
  • Prenatal Care
  • Urban Health

Associate Research Scientist in Public Health (Social and Behavioral Sciences)

Associate Research Scientist; Director, ECHORN Coordinating Center

  • Breast Feeding
  • Community Health Workers
  • Child Health
  • Maternal Health
  • Implementation Science

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics; Co-Training Director, Health Informatics MS

  • Computer Simulation
  • Neurosciences
  • Computational Biology
  • Informatics

Assistant Professor; Director of Research, Equity Research and Innovation Center (ERIC); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health

  • Healthcare Disparities

Associate Professor of Epidemiology (Environmental Health); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health

  • Air Pollution
  • Environmental Exposure

Professor of Public Health (Social and Behavioral Sciences); Director, Office of Public Health Practice; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Director, YSPH Global Health Concentration; Director, Maternal and Child Health Promotion (MCHP) Program

  • Child Development
  • Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
  • Food Deprivation
  • Hypertension
  • Maternal Health Services
  • Maternal-Child Health Centers
  • Nutrition Surveys

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and of Bioinformatics & Data Science; Director of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Emergency Medicine

  • Decision Theory
  • Neural Networks, Computer
  • Deep Learning
  • Data Science

Senior Research Scientist in Epidemiology

  • Breast Neoplasms
  • Terminal Care

Professor of Public Health (Social and Behavioral Sciences); Director of Online Education, Social and Behavioral Sciences; Professor, Social and Behavioral Sciences; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Professor, Psychiatry

  • Feeding and Eating Disorders
  • Psychometrics
  • Tobacco Use Disorder

Assistant Professor Adjunct of Biostatistics

Program in the History of Science and Medicine

You are here, allison law.

Allison Law's picture

Allison is an MD/PhD student at Yale School of Medicine and in History of Science and Medicine. She is interested in the development of accident and emergency medicine in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with a focus on how domestic medicine, military medicine, and industrialization intersected during a period of profound change. 

Allison graduated from Harvard College in 2020 with an A.B. in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology. In 2021, she earned her MSc from the University of Oxford in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology. She welcomes inquiries from prospective MD/PhD and PhD students.

  • Major in Latin American Studies
  • Major in Portuguese
  • Working Group & Projects Funding Request Form
  • Graduate Student Affiliates Network
  • Membership Process
  • LAIGN Executive Committee
  • LAIGN Working Groups
  • Gender and Policy Forum
  • Contact LAIGN
  • Undergraduate Network
  • Faculty Grants
  • Library Collections
  • Student Grant Reports
  • Graduate Professional School Student Affiliates
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Fernando Bracaccini

Fernando Bracaccini is an Argentinean doctoral student (J.S.D.) at Yale Law School, where he earned his LL.M. degree in 2018 while he was a Fulbright Scholar. Fernando’s academic interests include the intersections of political theory and the philosophy of criminal law. His J.S.D. dissertation tackles the problem of the justification of state punishment in contexts where political and moral disagreements are pervasive by revisiting the question of the permissibility of punishment from the perspective of deliberative democracy. Multicultural contexts, as the Latin American, are characterized by the existence of strong disagreements between people regarding cultural norms, values, and conceptions of the good—this is recognized, for example, in the Bolivian Constitution which defines Bolivia as a pluri-national and multicultural state. Conventional theories of punishment fail on justifying punishment in these contexts because of their dependency on strong political and moral agreements within citizens—the sort of homogeneity they presuppose is often absent in actual societies. Fernando’s research explores the implications of this problem and aims at providing a justification of punishment relying in the theory of deliberative democracy, which focuses in democratic procedures rather than in values. The outcomes of this research may have practical implications for thinking the requirements of criminal liability—especially in contexts of strong cultural diversity, and for designing participatory and deliberative processes of criminal law reform.

Prior to his doctoral studies at Yale, Fernando earned his law degree at Universidad de Buenos and the degree of Specialist in Criminal Law at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. He taught courses on Legal Theory, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Human Rights at Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad de Palermo. He also worked in civil society organizations, in the Argentinean National Congress, in the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires, and clerked in criminal courts.  


Degree requirements.

Undergraduate students can major in Philosophy, Mathematics and Philosophy, or Physics and Philosophy. See the Yale College Programs of Study website for details for the major.

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Course Information

Students should use  Yale Course Search  for course descriptions, locations and meeting times.  Undergraduate course numbers are 400 level or lower. The Registrar’s Office has an information page with instructions to use this resource. 

yale law phd program

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yale law phd program

Quicksplained: Who is Bharat Ramamurti, Kamala Harris’ Indian-origin economic advisor?

A graduate of Harvard College and Yale Law School, Indian-American Bharat Ramamurti is emerging as a key figure in shaping the economic agenda of Democrat president hopeful Kamala Harris. Previously, appointed as Deputy Director of the National Economic Council by President Joe Biden, Ramamurti is known for his liberal economic policies read more

Quicksplained: Who is Bharat Ramamurti, Kamala Harris’ Indian-origin economic advisor?

As the 2024 US presidential election draws closer, Bharat Ramamurti has emerged as a key figure in shaping Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign.   

With a strong background in liberal economic policies, Ramamurti is playing a crucial role in crafting Harris’s economic strategy. His work aims to help the Democrat nominee define her own economic vision, who is distancing herself from the political baggage associated with the Biden administration’s record on inflation and the economy.

So, who exactly is Bharat Ramamurti, and what are his plans for Harris’s economic agenda? Let’s take a closer look

1. A graduate of Harvard College and Yale Law School, Ramamurti gained experience as an intern after his graduation in the legal department and later worked as a litigator. According to Harvard magazine, his parents are from Tamil Nadu, India, and later settled in the United States. His father, Ravi Ramamurti, also earned a doctorate from Harvard and so did Ramamurti’s twin siblings, Gita and Arjun.

2. Ramamurti’s rise to prominence is deeply rooted in his extensive background in economic policy. He served as a senior counsel for banking and economic matters in the Senate from 2013 to 2019. Following this, he became a close aide to Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, advising her on economic issues during her 2020 presidential campaign. His seven-year collaboration with Warren solidified his reputation as a key figure in progressive economic circles.

3. He also played a crucial role during the pandemic as a member of the COVID-19 Congressional Oversight Commission, appointed by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to track some of the $2 trillion of economic stimulus approved by former President Donald Trump amid the pandemic.

In an opinion column, Ramamurti wrote for The New York Times , that the commission’s job was to “track how beneficiaries are spending public money and assess whether the public is benefiting from the half-trillion dollars it has put at the Treasury’s and the Fed’s disposal.” “Our watching eyes can help ensure that the money broadly benefits American families. There isn’t time to waste,” he added.

Ramamurti remained with the commission until December 2020.   

4. Following this, President Joe Biden named Ramamurti as Deputy Director of the National Economic Council (NEC) for financial reform and consumer protection. He focused on sectors like manufacturing, innovation, and domestic competitiveness. He left the council in 2023.

5. Bharat Ramamurti has been a staunch advocate for progressive policies, championing clean energy, raising the minimum wage, taxing the wealthy, and extensive student debt cancellation. He argues that these initiatives are not only critical for America’s future but also politically advantageous. Despite facing criticism from Republicans that these policies might fuel inflation and increase the national debt, Ramamurti remains steadfast, viewing them as essential strategies to reclaim the White House.

6. Ramamurti recently made headlines when he faced off with CNBC over the Biden-Harris proposal to tax unrealised capital gains. The network said the plan was “unfair” and “against the law”.  The plan targets individuals with assets of $100 million or more who are not paying at least a 25 per cent tax on their annual income. Despite causing a heated debate and few eye rolls, Ramamurti maintained that Harris’ plan, along with the revenue generated from the unrealised gains tax, would create greater opportunities for Americans.

With input from agencies

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Yale, Cambridge Grad with Years of Application Writing Experience Ryan S.

275 hours tutoring, yale, cambridge grad with years of application writing experience yale, cambridge grad with years of application writing experience ryan s..

Featured Review: See all reviews Attentive and thorough career development tutor! Zoe, 5 lessons with Ryan Working with Ryan on my personal statement for medical school was game-changing. His genius, aptitude, and talent made all the difference for the most central document for my application. After only one brainstorming session he was able to help transform my story into an absolute masterpiece. He was attentive, diligent, and thorough to the most fundamental elements of my narrative. He took notes, asked questions, and probed me to excavate my most important storylines. Additionally, he... Working with Ryan on my personal statement for medical school was game-changing. His genius, aptitude, and talent made all the difference for the most central document for my application. After only one brainstorming session he was able to help transform my story into an absolute masterpiece. He was attentive, diligent, and thorough to the most fundamental elements of my narrative. He took notes, asked questions, and probed me to excavate my most important storylines. Additionally, he completed his own research to provide the statement with contextual information to better connect the hook to my academic interests. Overall, I am more than pleased with Ryan’s attention to detail and care. I would highly recommend him to family, friends, and classmates. Read more

As a Fulbright Scholar, a published author, a graduate of Emory University and Yale University (and recipient of the Dean's Prize for Outstanding Thesis), and as a current MPhil candidate enrolled at the University Cambridge, I have myself written countless application essays for university admissions and submitted dozens of applications for prestigious fellowships and scholarships.

I have a strong track record of writing and editing work. I most recently served as a Graduate Writing...

I have a strong track record of writing and editing work. I most recently served as a Graduate Writing Tutor at Yale's prestigious Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, and presently work for a highly sought after college admissions consulting firm that has a proven history of maximizing applicants' chances of gaining admission to their top-choice schools.

As a college admissions consultant/application editor, I have helped students gain admission to top-tier universities like Yale, Columbia, MIT, Princeton, and Brown, and have served as an admissions reader for my alma maters. I look forward to working with you to make your application essays/assignments the best they can be!

I will help you plan, strategize, and revise your college admission application/fellowship/scholarship essays!

I also offer help with: - Personal statements - Cover letters - Transfer application essays - Graduate School application essays - Scholarship/Fellowship application essays - Academic essays - Theses/research essays - Personal essays (creative nonfiction writing)

For college admissions counseling: If you decide to work with me, our first meeting will establish your goals and brainstorm topics to help us craft the main essay for the Common App (your personal statement). I will also disseminate two presentations I have developed—tips compiled after one-on-one meetings with hundreds of students—entitled "Tackling the Admissions Process" and "The Successful Scholarship Hunter” to you, presentations that have proven helpful to my former students in making the admissions process more manageable.

In subsequent meetings, we w

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Attentive and thorough career development tutor! Working with Ryan on my personal statement for medical school was game-changing. His genius, aptitude, and talent made all the difference for the most central document for my application. After only one brainstorming session he was able to help transform my story into an absolute masterpiece. He was attentive, diligent, and thorough to the most fundamental elements of my narrative. He took notes, asked questions, and probed me to excavate my most important storylines. Additionally, he completed his own research to provide the statement with contextual information to better connect the hook to my academic interests. Overall, I am more than pleased with Ryan’s attention to detail and care. I would highly recommend him to family, friends, and classmates. Zoe, 5 lessons with Ryan
College Essay Editing Ryan was incredible and made really good edits to my daughter's Common App Essay. We had tried several people, but his were by far the most useful and well crafted edits. Definitely worth the price, no comparison to anyone else! Kerri, 4 lessons with Ryan
Knowledgeable and Professional Tutor I always love my sessions with Ryan. Thus far, he has helped me with my research studies to scholarship essays. He is always thorough and reliable to help me meet my goals! Chanel, 6 lessons with Ryan
Exceptional! Ryan did an amazing job editing my essays. I recommend him with no reservations. Ryan is thorough, easy to work with, and accommodating to schedules. His editing is both substantive and stylistic, and he is able to show one's self-awareness without sounding either self-deprecating or arrogant—perfectly balanced, sensitive without pandering. The work I did with Ryan helped me take my essays to the next level, but more than that, I believe that working with him will also pay off in my ability to respond effectively in upcoming admissions interviews. He is highly professional and has a lot of knowledge about the college admissions process. I recommend him. J, 3 lessons with Ryan
Knowledgeable and enthusiastic We've only connected once so far, but I really enjoyed my time with Ryan. He is attentive, understanding but isn't afraid to highlight ways to improve an existing personal statement. I'm thankful for his expertise. Natalie, 3 lessons with Ryan
Great Teacher Mr. Ryan was extremely helpful and explained all the different ways I could improve my personal statement very clearly. I am very satisfied with this session. Trinh, 5 lessons with Ryan
Extremely knowledgeable and helpful Great tutor. In an hour he set me up perfectly for writing my personal statement. It was clear he knew exactly what he was talking about. Highly recommend hiring him for any help you need. Thomas, 2 lessons with Ryan
Really helpful! I was having difficulty coming up with ideas for my PA School supplemental essay and Ryan helped me a lot. After writing the essay, Ryan went over it with me and helped me clean up any grammatical errors and polish the wording as well. Overall really helpful and highly recommended if you are having trouble with applications because he definitely knows what he’s talking about. Lauren, 2 lessons with Ryan
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  1. Ph.D. Program

    The deadline for submission of all materials is December 15. Applicants to the Ph.D. in Law program must complete a J.D. degree at a U.S. law school before they matriculate and begin the Ph.D. program. Any questions about the program may be directed to Gordon Silverstein, Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs, at [email protected].

  2. Ph.D. Program Details

    Tuition and Financial Aid. Ph.D. in Law candidates will receive a full-tuition fellowship and a living stipend at an amount set by the Graduate School, Yale Basic Health coverage, and a Health Award covering the cost of hospitalization and specialty coverage. Financial support is conditioned on the student's making satisfactory academic progress.

  3. Graduate Programs

    Yale Law School's graduate programs are truly global — both in the breadth of resources available through Yale Law School and in the composition of our student body. Students enjoy small class sizes and the camaraderie of graduate and J.D. students, the intimacy of a small program, and a close relationship with the Yale Law School faculty.The Law School admits a limited number of graduate ...

  4. Ph.D. Admission

    The application deadline is December 15, but the Admissions Committee will begin to review each application when it is complete. Applications must be submitted via Yale University's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences application website. The personal statement should describe the applicant's motivations for pursuing the Ph.D. in Law degree ...

  5. Degree Programs

    Degrees at Yale Law School. Yale Law School offers five degree-granting programs. Joint degrees are conferred by the Law School and other Yale graduate programs. In addition, a limited number of visiting researchers and visiting students are welcomed each year. Learn more about our programs.

  6. Joint Degrees

    A four-year joint degree program is offered in law and global affairs leading to an M.P.P. degree in global affairs and a J.D. degree in law through Yale Law School and the Jackson School of Global Affairs. To complete the joint degree, students must complete the requirements for the Global Affairs degree, though only a total of 12, not 16 ...

  7. Law

    The PhD in Law program prepares students who have earned a JD from an American Bar Association accredited law school to enter law teaching or other careers that require a scholarly mastery of law. The program is designed to provide a broad foundation in the canonical texts and methods of legal scholarship and to support students in producing original scholarship in the form of a dissertation.

  8. Ph.D. Candidate Profiles

    A graduate of Yale Law School and Yale College, Amanda served as a law clerk to the Honorable Cornelia T.L. Pillard and the Honorable Judith W. Rogers of the D.C. Circuit and the Honorable Robert W. Sweet of the Southern District of New York. Full Biography. Giving. Contact. About Us. Virtual Tour. 127 Wall Street. New Haven, CT 06511.

  9. Academic Requirements and Options

    In conjunction with the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Yale University, the Law School offers a Ph.D. in Law program, the first of its kind in the United States. This program prepares students who have earned a J.D. at an American Bar Association-accredited law school to embark upon a career in the legal academy or other careers that ...

  10. Law < Yale University

    Students in the Ph.D. in Law program are also expected to meet additional academic requirements in each year of the program, specified below and outlined in greater detail in the Ph.D. in Law Program Manual available from the Graduate Programs Office at Yale Law School.

  11. Graduate & Professional Study

    Yale's Graduate School of Arts & Sciences offers programs leading to M.A., M.S., M.Phil., and Ph.D. degrees in 73 departments and programs. ... Law School. Yale Law School hones the world's finest legal minds in an environment that features world-renowned faculty, small classes, and countless opportunities for clinical training and public ...

  12. PDF Yale Law School 2023-2024

    tion materials should be addressed to the Graduate Programs Office, Yale Law School, PO Box 208215, New Haven CT 06520-8215; telephone, 203.432.1696; email, gradpro. [email protected]; or materials can be accessed at the Law School website (https://law.yale. edu). The Yale Law SchoolBulletin is primarily a digital publication, available in HTML

  13. Departments & Programs

    The Faculty of Arts and Sciences is composed of the departments and academic programs that provide instruction in Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. ... University policy is committed to affirmative action under law in employment of women, minority group members, individuals with disabilities, and protected veterans ...

  14. PhD/Master's Application Process

    A note to students applying to one of Yale's professional schools or programs: If you are applying for a PhD in Architecture, Environment, Investigative Medicine, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, or Public Health; for an MS in Public Health; or for an MA in Music, be sure to use the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences PhD/Master's application.

  15. Yale Law School Doctoral Programs

    List of Yale Law School graduate programs by size and degree. Browse popular PhD programs at Yale Law School. Find on-campus and online graduate programs at Yale Law School.

  16. Public Interest Career Services

    Yale Law School's CDO is a leader in recognizing the importance of public interest post-graduate fellowships as an entryway into public interest careers, and offers extensive information and guidance on applying for these positions. YLS public interest students and graduates regularly obtain such prestigious post-graduate opportunities as the ...

  17. Tuition, Funding, & Living Costs

    All PhD students at Yale are fully funded. On average, doctoral students at Yale receive more than $500,000 in tuition fellowships, stipends, and health care benefits over the course of their enrollment. Some terminal Master's degree students also receive funding. Tuition. Tuition for full-time study at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences ...

  18. JD-PhD in Finance

    The expectation is that law students will apply for admission to the Graduate School in their first year at the Law School, but they may also apply in their second year. Prospective students should contact the YLS Financial Aid Office for the most recent information regarding program support. Degree Requirements (1) Course Requirements:

  19. PhD Student Funding Overview

    On average, doctoral students receive more than $500,000 in tuition fellowships, stipends, and health premium benefits over the course of their enrollment. Full PhD funding normally extends for a minimum of five years, unless your doctoral program is of shorter duration, e.g., Investigative Medicine, Law, Nursing, and Public Health.

  20. Graduate Programs

    Department of Anthropology 10 Sachem Street New Haven, CT 06511-3707 +1 203.432.3700

  21. Yale Master Of Public Health Faculty

    Martin came to the School from Yale's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences where he was Associate Dean for Student Services and Administrative Operations. Prior to joining Yale, he was the Associate Dean for Primary Care at New York Medical College, where he co-founded and co-led the Center for Primary Care Education and Research.

  22. Allison Law

    Allison is an MD/PhD student at Yale School of Medicine and in History of Science and Medicine. She is interested in the development of accident and emergency medicine in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with a focus on how domestic medicine, military medicine, and industrialization intersected during a period of profound change.

  23. Liman Undergraduate Summer Fellowships

    Liman Summer Fellowships give students the opportunity to work for 8-10 weeks at public interest organizations related to law. Public interest law includes direct services, such as helping people who cannot afford attorneys. It can also include advocacy and policy work. (As a Liman Summer Fellow, your primary work cannot be clerical.)

  24. Fernando Bracaccini

    Fernando Bracaccini is an Argentinean doctoral student (J.S.D.) at Yale Law School, where he earned his LL.M. degree in 2018 while he was a Fulbright Scholar. Fernando's academic interests include the intersections of political theory and the philosophy of criminal law. His J.S.D. dissertation tackles the problem of the justification of state ...

  25. Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs

    The school offers degrees for both undergraduate, graduate, and mid-career professionals. Freshman to Yale College can apply under a competitive admission to be considered for the Global Affairs major, where around 60 students per class are selected. [8] The major provides an interdisciplinary curriculum to supply students with social science research tools to solve global issues. [8]

  26. Undergraduates

    Course Information. Students should use Yale Course Search for course descriptions, locations and meeting times. Undergraduate course numbers are 400 level or lower. The Registrar's Office has an information page with instructions to use this resource.

  27. Quicksplained: Who is Bharat Ramamurti, Kamala Harris ...

    A graduate of Harvard College and Yale Law School, Indian-American Bharat Ramamurti is emerging as a key figure in shaping the economic agenda of Democrat president hopeful Kamala Harris. Previously, appointed as Deputy Director of the National Economic Council by President Joe Biden, Ramamurti is known for his liberal economic policies

  28. Ryan S.

    As a Fulbright Scholar, a published author, a graduate of Emory University and Yale University (and recipient of the Dean's Prize for Outstanding Thesis), and as a current MPhil candidate enrolled at the University Cambridge, I have myself written countless application essays for university admissions and submitted dozens of applications for prestigious fellowships and scholarships.

  29. Declaration of St. Petersburg; November 29 1868

    Laws of War : Declaration of St. Petersburg; November 29 1868. On the proposition of the Imperial Cabinet of Russia, an International Military Commission having assembled at St. Petersburg in order to examine into the expediency of forbidding the use of certain in times of war between civilized nations, and that Commission, having by common ...