• Graduate Programs

Chemistry PhD

  • Degree Requirements

Chemistry PhD Degree Requirements

Programs of study are tailored to the needs of individual students, based on their prior training and research interests. Progress to degree is generally similar for all students. During the first year, students take courses, begin their teaching apprenticeships, choose research advisors, and embark on their thesis research. Beginning the first summer, the emphasis is on research, although courses of special interest may be taken throughout a student's tenure. In the second year, there is a Departmental Examination, which includes a written research proposal and an oral defense of the research proposal. In the third year, students advance to candidacy for the doctorate by defending the topic, preliminary findings, and future research plans for their dissertation. Subsequent years focus on thesis research and writing the dissertation.

Definition of Good Academic Standing

Good department and academic standing is a requirement to remain eligible for financial support. Graduate students who are not in good standing for any reason are subject to probation and/or disqualification from further graduate study.

  • GPA of 3.0 or above (and no more than 8 units of “F” or “U” grades)
  • Must have an approved Thesis Advisor, no later than spring quarter of the first year
  • Satisfactory spring evaluation by Thesis Advisor
  • Fulfillment of all program requirements, according to department deadlines (i.e., coursework, research progress, Department Exam, Qualifying Exam)
  • Students may not exceed a maximum of three quarters of "U" grades in Chem 299. 

Time Limits

Campus policy has established maximum time limits for advancement to candidacy, for financial support, and for the total quarters registered.  The UCSD Dean of Graduate Studies enforces these limits.  The Department  of Chemistry and Biochemistry has set earlier time limits for advancement to candidacy and financial support as outlined below.

Advancement to candidacy               3 years

Financial support                               4-5 years

An individualized course program is designed for each student in conjunction with the advisor. Course work may be prescribed by the First-Year or Thesis Advisor based on results of the Placement Examinations and the student's research concentration. All students will be required to enroll in Chem 500 (Teaching Apprenticeship) each quarter assigned to TA, and CHEM 509 (Teaching Methods in Chemistry and Biochemistry) during the first quarter as a TA (Fall).

  • See Coursework Map for PhD students planning to get an MS along the way
  • All students must enroll in a minimum of 12 units each quarter to qualify for financial support and to be in good academic standing. If courses or units are dropped, others must be added to maintain the minimum 12 units required to remain in good academic standing. Graduate courses (200 and 500 series) are usually taken. Upper-division courses (100 series) are often appropriate or necessary to remedy deficiencies noted on Placement Examinations. Lower-division courses (numbered 1-99) do NOT count toward the 12 unit minimum.
  • Students normally enroll for 4 courses of 4 units each in Fall quarter.
  • Chemistry 500 (Teaching Apprenticeship, 4 units) counts toward the unit requirement.
  • Chemistry 509 (Teaching Training Seminar, 2 units) counts towards the unit requirement
  • CHEM 250 / Responsible Conduct of Research training (RCR, 4 units). First year doctoral students are required to complete CHEM 250 in Spring quarter of Year 1. This seminar will cover RCR, and other valuable training on scientific communication and creating your Individual Development Plan.  CHEM 250 will also fulfill the RCR training requirement from NSF and NIH funding agencies. [email protected] ) with your certificate of completion for your academic file. -->
  • Students are encouraged to enroll in the seminar courses (e.g., Chemistry 227, 251, 293, 294, 295, or 296). However, these courses do not count toward the 12-unit per quarter minimum in the first year.
  • All students should enroll in Chemistry 298 (Rotation) during Fall quarter (and Winter quarter for those students still participating in lab rotations). Students should not enroll in Chemistry 299 (Research) until a Thesis Advisor has been approved.
  • First Year Advisors must approve any changes to course enrollment, including adds, drops, unit changes, and grading option changes.
  • Courses from other departments (e.g., Biology, Physics, Mathematics, School of Medicine, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography) may be taken. This may be particularly valuable in making contacts with faculty outside the Department for the Doctoral Committee.

Graduate level courses at UCSD have two grading options: letter (e.g., A, B, C, D, and F) and S/U (satisfactory and unsatisfactory). First year students must take all courses for a letter grade unless the course is offered S/U only. Students who have not advanced to candidacy for the doctorate must take all courses within the Department for a letter grade, with the exceptions of Chemistry 500, Chemistry 299 (or thesis research) and courses that are offered S/U only.

All incoming PhD students are required to complete four (4) quarters as a Teaching Assistant (TA) as part of the academic requirements of the PhD program. Three (3) quarters of teaching are completed in the first year, while the fourth quarter is typically completed in the second year in the program. Students typically must TA at least two (2) labs as part of the 4 quarter teaching requirement. A satisfactory ("S") grade is required in the corresponding Teaching Apprenticeship (Chem 500) course during each TA quarter to fulfill this 4-quarter TA requirement. For more information regarding TA applications and responsibilities, please visit: https://www-chem.ucsd.edu/graduate-program/ta.html .

Master's Degree

The Comprehensive Exam (Coursework) M.S. in Chemistry is optional, and interested students must apply for it. Students who wish to pursue this degree normally take the bulk of the required coursework during their first year and receive the degree after passing the Departmental Examination in the second year. See  Coursework Map  for Plan II MS along the way.  Students will be given the needed paperwork and status report of M.S. units at the time of their Departmental Examination. The latest we recommend a student earn the Master's degree is the quarter in which they advance to candidacy for the Ph.D.

Students who already have a Master's degree from UCSD or who already have a Master's degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, or a related field from another institution are not eligible. Transfer units are acceptable as outlined in the UCSD General Catalog and as approved by the Graduate Affairs Committee.

Advancement to Candidacy for M.S.

The deadline to file the paperwork to Advance to Candidacy is the end of the third week of the same quarter of the MS degree conferral. The final units needed to advance may be in-progress while the paperwork is filed. These are the unit and grade requirements for advancing:

  • REQUIRED: Complete a minimum of 36 units.
  • REQUIRED: Achieve a minimum overall GPA of 3.0.
  • REQUIRED: Successfully complete the Departmental Examination.
  • Lower-division courses may not be applied towards the degree.
  • A maximum of 12 units of upper-division coursework may be applied.
  • Complete a minimum of 24 units of graduate-level coursework.
  • A minimum of 14 units of Chemistry graduate level courses required. Courses taken outside of the department must be approved by the Graduate Affairs Committee.
  • A maximum of 4 units of non-thesis research (298) may be applied.
  • A maximum of 4 units of Teaching Apprenticeship (Chem 500) may be applied. Students should enroll in more than 4 units of Chem 500, but a maximum of 4 units may be applied toward their MS degree.
  • A maximum of 2 units of Teaching Training Seminar (Chem 509) may be applied.
  • Chem 250 is the ONLY seminar that may be applied. However, students are strongly encouraged to also enroll in seminars in their field. A maximum of 4 units of Chem 250 may be applied.
  • Chem 251 and Chem 299 may not be applied.
  • All courses must be taken for a letter grade unless offered S/U only.
  • Complete a minimum of 16 units of letter-graded (A, B, etc.) courses.

Placement Examinations

The purpose of the Placement Examinations is to assist with academic advising and to assure that students have the breadth and level of competence needed for graduate studies in the chemical and biochemical sciences. There will be two required examinations for incoming PhD students: one General Exam and one in the student’s area of research specialization (In-track exam). These examinations cover undergraduate course material—the In-track Exam will focus on your area of research and the General Exam will encompass topics from all of the different Chemistry & Biochemistry tracks: biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and analytical/instrumental analysis. To meet the Placement Examination requirement, by the end of Spring quarter of your first year, you must show proficiency at the upper-division level on the topics covered in the General Exam and the In-track exam. You must prove proficiency by passing the two Placement Exams or by passing prescribed coursework with a grade of B or higher if you do not pass the examinations.

Incoming students are mailed information about what materials to review and the best strategies for studying for these tests. Students are required to take both examinations, which are given at the beginning of the Orientation period. If a student does not pass the General Exam the first time, they will be able to self-study and re-take a different version of the General Exam. If a student does not pass the General Re-Exam and/or the In-track Exam, they must pass the coursework prescribed by their First-Year Advisor. The First-Year Advisors review the examination results and develop a prescribed course plan for each student who would benefit from additional training in one or more of the five areas. Students must pass their prescribed course(s) with grades of B or higher. It may take more than one quarter to become proficient in an area, depending on a student's educational background.

  • Enrollment & Registration
  • Thesis Advisors
  • Annual Evaluations
  • Individual Development Plan
  • Second Year Exam
  • Qualifying Exam
  • Thesis Defense
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  • Graduate Programs

Biochem & MolBiophysics PhD

Biochemistry and molecular biophysics phd admissions.


Thank you for your interest in the UC San Diego Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics PhD Program. Our goal is to prepare students for careers in the biochemical sciences as researchers and educators. Our students work with faculty across the UC San Diego campus with research programs focused on structural biology, protein, RNA, and lipid biochemistry, experimental and computational biophysics, and systems biology. Below you will find information on the needed application materials and criteria.

Application Deadlines

General application information.

To begin your online application or to check the status on your application, please visit  connect.grad.ucsd.edu/apply . Information you enter may be saved at any time.

The Admissions & Recruitment Committee recommends submitting your application as soon as you complete it, even if we have not yet received all your letters of recommendation. We also highly recommend that you answer some/all of our additional questions about your educational experiences.

We review PhD files continuously beginning in late November and try to get the good news out to those we are recruiting to our program as soon as possible. If you have yet to hear from us, your file is still pending a final decision.


For application review purposes (only), scan and upload copies of unofficial transcripts for all institutions attended after high school. In the online application, you will be prompted to upload a PDF of your scanned documents. Please upload both the front and back sides of the unofficial transcript, even if the back side is blank. Uploaded transcripts should be recent and include the following: your name, the institution name, dates of attendance, grades/marks received, credits earned, and grading legend.  If no unofficial transcript is available, please upload a statement explaining the circumstances. Official copies of your transcripts will be required if you accept a potential admissions offer.

Statement of Purpose

We recommend that you structure your Statement of Purpose to address the following four prompts:

  • Describe your personal and professional motivations for pursuing research in biochemistry and molecular biophysics.
  • the overall context of the work,
  • the specific goal of the work you were doing
  • What you learned and what your new understanding means for the future of the project. Include a short discussion of how your research experience has shaped your decision to apply to our graduate program.
  • Specify one or more faculty members in our department whose current research aligns with your interests. Provide some insight into why you made the choice(s) you did.
  • Describe any obstacles that you have overcome to achieve your academic and personal achievements as well as any contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion you have made.

Letters of Recommendation

We  require three letters of recommendation. Letter writers that are able to provide context and clarity with respect to your ability and potential to excel in a graduate program are the most helpful in evaluating your application (e.g. a research advisor or a professors from a course that knows you well).

If your letter writer needs a new link to submit their letter, please follow the instructions below:

  • Log into  online application
  • Click “Update Application”
  • Go to “Letters of Recommendation” page
  • Click “Resend” next to the name of your letter writer

The GRE General & GRE Subject are not required and will not be used in the evaluation of your application.

Research Experience

Upload PDF copies of research products such as peer-reviewed publications, bioXriv pre-prints, posters, presentation slides, etc. Please do not upload thesis documents (Honors, MS, etc.). There are four slots with 4MB of space under the “Upload Poster/Research” section.

Additional Educational Experiences

This section allows us to acknowledge the non-academic/research commitments of applicants. While the application lists this section as “Optional”, we strongly encourage you to provide us with information that provides a holistic view of your prior experiences and activities. You may use sections from your Statement of Purpose as your answers to some of these questions.

Fee Waiver Programs

There are a couple of fee waiver programs offered by the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA) and the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Please visit the GEPA website ( https://grad.ucsd.edu/admissions/requirements/application-fee-and-fee-waiver/index.html ) to see if you are eligible for a fee waiver with them. Follow their steps to request for one of their fee waivers. If you are ineligible for an application fee waiver through GEPA, then please follow the steps below to be considered for one of our limited number of fee waivers by our department.

  • Applying for Fall 2024
  • Please fill out the application as much as you can  ( https://connect.grad.ucsd.edu/apply/ )
  • Do not submit the application nor enter any payment information
  • Take note of your application's reference number (you'll need that for the next step)
  • Fill out our Fee Waiver Request Form to be considered ( link )
  • The deadline to be considered for a department fee waivers is December 1, 2023.
  • If selected for an application fee waiver, we will contact you with further instructions by December 5, 2023.

Commitment to Diversity

The Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics PhD Program welcomes all applicants. Our program has a long-standing commitment to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion within STEM fields from. Our commitment to diversifying the scientific workforce also includes people who self-identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community, people of socio-economic disadvantaged backgrounds, and individuals with disabilities.

English Proficiency Exams (International Applicants Only)

Applicants that have recently studied full-time for one uninterrupted academic year at a university-level institution in which English is the language of instruction and in a country in which English is a dominant language, may be exempt from language testing requirements.

Demonstrated proficiency in the English language (TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE) is required for all other international applicants whose native language is not English. Requirements for demonstrating proficiency are listed below.

International applicants must include an official report of their TOEFL iBT or TSE scores from  ETS . The university-wide minimum TOEFL score for graduate admission is  550 for the paper based test (PBT), and 85 for the internet based test (iBT) . The minimum for the IELTS Academic Training exam is a score of 7 and a score of 65 for the PTE Academic.

At minimum, international applicants must also have a TOEFL iBT Speaking subscore of 23 , an IELTS Speaking subscore of 7 , or a PTE Speaking subscores of 65 .

Outreach Conferences 2024

National organization for the professional advancement of black chemists and engineers (nobcche).

September 30 - October 3 | Rosen Shingle Creek Orlando, FL

American Chemistry Society National Meeting

August 18 - 2 | Denver, CO

California Diversity Forum

October 19 | UC Riverside

Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

October 31 - November 2 | Phoenix, AZ

Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)

November 13 - 16 | Pittsburgh, PA

Fall 2024 PhD Deadline:

Dec 6, 2023

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Find Your Degree Program

We offer a wide variety of academic and professional graduate degree programs and we welcome talented prospective students from across the nation and around the world to apply for admission.

begin your application

School of Arts & Humanities

  • Theatre and Dance
  • Visual Arts

School of Biological Sciences

Halıcıoğlu data science institute.

  • Data Science
  • Online Data Science Program

Jacobs School of Engineering

  • Architecture-Based Enterprise Engineering Systems
  • Bioengineering
  • Bioinformatics
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Data Science and Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Material Science and Engineering
  • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Nanoengineering / Chemical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Wireless Embedded Systems

Health Sciences

  • Audiology - SDSU
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Clinical Psychology: Joint Doctoral Program
  • Clinical Research
  • Drug Development and Product Management
  • Interdisciplinary Research on Substance Use SDSU
  • Language and Communicative Disorders SDSU
  • Leadership of Health Care Organizations
  • Neurosciences
  • School of Global Policy and Strategy

School of Physical Sciences

  • Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Rady School of Management

Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science

  • Biostatistics
  • Public Health- MPH
  • Public Health- JDP
  • Scripps Institution of Oceanography

School of Social Sciences

  • Anthropology
  • Cognitive Sciences
  • Communication
  • Computational Social Science
  • Education Studies
  • Ethnic Studies
  • Global Health
  • Latin American Studies
  • Linguistics
  • Political Science

All Programs

  • Scripps Institute of Oceanography

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Department Metrics

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chemistry phd ucsd

Where discoveries are delivered. SM

Ph.D. Program in 'Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development'

Graduate education in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development (PSDD) provides training in research strategies in the design and development of novel therapeutic agents to improve human life in disease and health. The PSDD training area will provide translational sciences research training that bridges basic sciences and clinical research for the purpose of addressing the world’s challenges in unmet therapeutic needs. Research in pharmaceutical sciences encompasses multi-faceted, interdisciplinary drug development research.

Training in PSDD for the Ph.D degree with the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program is described at:  https://biomedsci.ucsd.edu/training-areas/molecular-pharmacology.html

This web site includes information for student applications to the PSDD Ph.D program.

Ph.D Training in ‘Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development’ (PSDD)

Faculty Leader Contact:

Vivian Hook ([email protected])

Summary of PSDD Research Training

The Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development (PSDD) training area is a unique joint effort between the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SSPPS), the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), Center for Drug Discovery Innovation (cDDI), the UCSD Drug Development Pipeline , the Center for Compound Resources, the Center for Computer-Aided Drug Design, with programs of the School of Medicine , School of Engineering , and UC BRAID . The overall goal of this training area is to provide students with a visionary perspective on the drug discovery and development process.

Graduate education in “Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development” (PSDD) provides training in research strategies in the design and development of novel therapeutic agents to improve human life in disease and health.  The PSDD training area will provide translational sciences research training that bridges basic sciences and clinical research for the purpose of addressing the world’s challenges in unmet therapeutic needs to improve human lives.  Research in pharmaceutical sciences encompasses multi-faceted, interdisciplinary drug development research in (a) design and discovery of drug molecules targeted to regulators of disease processes, including marine natural products, (b) in vitro and in vivo efficacy of candidate drug therapies, (c) chemical optimization by medicinal chemistry approaches, (d) drug pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics in ADME research based on drug delivery strategies, (e) safety and toxicity of drug molecules, and (f) advanced analytical technologies of drug molecule properties.  Graduate students will be trained in these disciplines through a complete curriculum and state-of-the-art research strategies for drug development.  Faculty of the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SSPPS) and the BMS program will train students in the area of PSDD.  PSDD training will provide students with exciting opportunities in the professional field to become leaders in academic, government, private industry, biotechnology, and related areas to advance innovative drug development via pharmaceutical sciences research.

Clinical Timeline

PhD degree:

Students apply for admissions to the UCSD ‘Biomedical Graduate Program’ (BMS) for training by faculty in ‘Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development (PSDD).  Research training in PSDD is associated with the BMS areas of ‘Molecular Pharmacology and Drug Discovery’.   Graduate students of the BMS program deveop their Individual Development Plans (IDP) with faculty advisors of the program.  The IDP plans the research, coursework, and degree requirements for the student.

How to Apply

Training Areas

Individual Development Plans

PharmD/PhD degree:

First year pharmacy students can pursue the PharmD/PhD degree by conducting 3 research rotations with faculty on research topics of PSDD during years 1-2 of the pharmacy curriculum.  Pharmacy students in their 2nd year can apply for admissions for the PhD program of the Biomedical Sciences graduate program at UCSD (see previous paragraph).  See information about the dual PharmD/Ph.D degree at


Core Graduate Courses in ‘Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development’

SPPS 263A   Principles in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development: Pre-Clinical Drug Discovery and Development

PPS 263B     Principles in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development: Pre-Clinical to Clinical Drug Development

Courses in Selected Areas of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development

SPPS 226     Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics

SPPS 219     Pharmacogenomics

SPPS 222     Pharmaceutical and Physical Chemistry

SPPS 223     Pharmaceutical Biochemistry

SPPS 224     Biopharmaceutics

SPPS 225     Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems

SPPS 268     Systems Mass Spectrometry

SPPS 281     Medicinal Aspects of Natural Products

Faculty in Drug Discovery & Development in Pharmaceutical Sciences

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  • Graduate Programs

Masters Program

  • MS Admissions

Chemistry MS Admissions


Thank you for your interest in the UC San Diego Chemistry & Biochemistry Graduate Program. We have over 300 bright and talented graduate students with diverse backgrounds from all over the world. We offer programs for the Doctoral, Masters, and Joint Doctoral degrees. Below you will find information on the needed application materials and criteria.

Application Deadlines

  • MS Coursework and Thesis Admissions Deadline for Fall 2023 is January 10, 2024
  • Deadline for Winter 2024 is October 25, 2023
  • Deadline for Spring 2024 is January 10, 2024

General Application Information

To begin your online application or to check the status on your application, please visit  connect.grad.ucsd.edu/apply . Information you enter may be saved at any time.

The Admissions & Recruitment Committee recommends submitting your application as soon as you complete it, even if we have not yet received all your letters of recommendation. We also highly recommend that you answer some/all of our additional questions about your educational experiences.

We review PhD files continuously beginning in late November and try to get the good news out to those we are recruiting to our program as soon as possible. If you have yet to hear from us, your file is still pending a final decision.

Please note that submitting your application requires an associated application fee although under many circumstances you may request that this fee be waived. Please read the application fee link above and inquire with  [email protected]  if you have any questions or would like more information on the waiver options.


Statement of purpose.

We recommend that you structure your Statement of Purpose to address the following four prompts:

  • Describe your personal and professional motivations for pursuing research in the field of chemistry and/or biochemistry.
  • the overall context and importance of the work,
  • the specific goal of the work you were doing, (c) the methods by which you worked to achieve those goals
  • what you learned and what your new understanding means for the future of the project. Include a short discussion of how your research experience has shaped your decision to apply to our graduate program.
  • Specify one or more faculty members in our department whose current research aligns with your interests. Provide some insight into why you made the choice(s) you did.
  • Describe any obstacles that you have overcome to achieve your academic and personal achievements as well as any contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion you have made.

If you are applying for the MS Coursework program, the research questions above might not apply.

We do not have a word limit, but we do recommend that you keep your statment of purpose clear and concise.

Letters of Recommendation

We  require three letters of recommendation. Letter writers that are able to provide context and clarity with respect to your ability and potential to excel in a graduate program are the most helpful in evaluating your application (e.g. a research advisor or a professors from a course that knows you well).

If your letter writer needs a new link to submit their letter, please follow the instructions below:

  • Log into  online application
  • Click “Update Application”
  • Go to “Letters of Recommendation” page
  • Click “Resend” next to the name of your letter writer

Additional Educational Experiences

Fee waiver programs.

There are a couple of fee waiver programs offered by the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA) and the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Please visit the GEPA website ( https://grad.ucsd.edu/admissions/requirements/application-fee-and-fee-waiver/index.html ) to see if you are eligible for a fee waiver with them. Follow their steps to request for one of their fee waivers. If you are not eligible for an application fee waiver through GEPA, then please follow the steps below to be considered for one of our limited number of fee waivers by our department.

  • Please fill out the application as much as you can ( https://connect.grad.ucsd.edu/apply/ )
  • Do not submit the application nor enter any payment information
  • Take note of your application's reference number (you'll need that for the next step)
  • Fill out our Fee Waiver Request Form to be considered ( https://forms.office.com/r/iWmHZXEE7B )
  • The deadline to be considered for one of the department's application fee waivers is November 30, 2022.
  • If selected for an application fee waiver, we will contact you with further instructions by December 5, 2022.

English Proficiency Exams (International Applicants Only)

Applicants that have recently studied full-time for one uninterrupted academic year at a university-level institution in which English is the language of instruction and in a country in which English is a dominant language, are exempt from language testing requirements.

Demonstrated proficiency in the English language (TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE) is required for all other international applicants whose native language is not English. Requirements for demonstrating proficiency are listed below.

International applicants must include an official report of their TOEFL iBT or TSE scores from  ETS . The university-wide minimum TOEFL score for graduate admission is  550 for the paper based test (PBT), and 85 for the internet based test (iBT) . The minimum for the   IELTS Academic Training exam is a score of 7   and a score of   65 for the PTE Academic.

At minimum, international applicants must also have a   TOEFL iBT Speaking subscore of 23 , an   IELTS Speaking subscore of 7 , or a   PTE Speaking subscores of 65 .

MS Thesis Agreement (MS Thesis Applicants Only)

Commitment to diversity.

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry welcomes all applicants. The university and department have a long-standing commitment to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion within STEM fields from. Our commitment to diversifying the scientific workforce also includes people who self-identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community, people of socio-economic disadvantaged backgrounds, and individuals with disabilities.

Outreach Conferences

National organization for the professional advancement of black chemists and engineers (nobcche).

September 26 - 29 | Orlando, FL

American Chemistry Society National Meeting

August 21-25 | Chicago, IL

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)

October 6-8, Palm Springs, CA

California Diversity Forum

November 5 | Long Beach, CA

Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

October 27 - 29 | San Juan, PR

Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)

November 9 - 12 | Anaheim, CA

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Chemistry and Biochemistry

[ undergraduate program | graduate program | faculty ]

All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice.

For course descriptions not found in the UC San Diego General Catalog 2023–24 , please contact the department for more information.

Lower Division

CHEM 1. The Scope of Chemistry and Biochemistry (1)

This seminar connects first-year students with the chemistry community (peers, staff, faculty, and other researchers) as they explore learning resources, study strategies, professional development, and current areas of active research. With an emphasis on academic and career planning, the series will feature guest lectures by UC San Diego faculty and staff, as well as industrial scientists and representatives from professional organizations such as the American Chemical Society (ACS). P/NP grades only.

CHEM 4. Chemical Thinking (4)

This is a one-quarter preparatory chemistry course intended for students continuing on to general chemistry. The course will focus on the development and analysis of submicroscopic models of matter and structure-property relationships to explain, predict, and control chemical behavior. May not receive credit for both CHEM 4 and CHEM 11. Recommended: concurrent enrollment in MATH 3C, 4C, or 10A or higher. Restricted to first-year and sophomore enrollment.

CHEM 6A. General Chemistry I (4)

First quarter of a three-quarter sequence intended for science and engineering majors. Topics include atomic theory, bonding, molecular geometry, stoichiometry, and types of reactions. May not be taken for credit after CHEM 6AH. Recommended: concurrent or prior enrollment in MATH 4C, 10A, or 20A. Prerequisites: CHEM 4, or AP Chemistry score of 3, or Math Placement Exam qualifying score, or AP Calculus AB score of 2, or MATH 3C.

CHEM 6AH. Honors General Chemistry I (4)

First quarter of a three-quarter honors sequence intended for well-prepared science and engineering majors. Topics include quantum mechanics, molecular orbital theory, and bonding. An understanding of nomenclature, stoichiometry, and other fundamentals is assumed. Students completing 6AH may not subsequently take 6A for credit. May be taken for credit after credit for CHEM 6A. Recommended: completion of a high school physics course strongly recommended. Concurrent enrollment in MATH 20A or higher.

CHEM 6B. General Chemistry II (4)

Second quarter of a three-quarter sequence intended for science and engineering majors. Topics include gases, liquids, and solids, thermochemistry and thermodynamics, physical and chemical equilibria, solubility. May not be taken for credit after CHEM 6BH. Prerequisites: CHEM 6A or 6AH and MATH 10A or 20A. Recommended: concurrent or prior enrollment in MATH 10B or 20B. (F, W, S)

CHEM 6BH. Honors General Chemistry II (4)

Second quarter of a three-quarter honors sequence intended for well-prepared science and engineering majors. Topics include colligative properties, bulk material properties, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, and thermodynamics. Three hour lecture and one hour recitation. May be taken for credit after credit for CHEM 6B. Students completing 6BH may not subsequently take 6B for credit. Prerequisites: CHEM 6AH and MATH 20A. Recommended: concurrent or prior enrollment in MATH 20B.

CHEM 6C. General Chemistry III (4)

Third quarter of a three-quarter sequence intended for science and engineering majors. Topics include kinetics, acid-base equilibria, electrochemistry, coordination chemistry, and an introduction to nuclear chemistry. May not be taken for credit after CHEM 6CH. Prerequisites: CHEM 6B or 6BH. Recommended: completion of MATH 10B or 20B. (F, W, S)

CHEM 6CH. Honors General Chemistry III (4)

Third quarter of a three-quarter honors sequence intended for well-prepared science and engineering majors. Topics are similar to those in 6C but are taught at a higher level and faster pace. May be taken for credit after credit for CHEM 6C. Students completing 6CH may not subsequently take 6C for credit. Prerequisites: CHEM 6BH and MATH 20B.

CHEM 7L. General Chemistry Laboratory (4)

Condenses a year of introductory training in analytical, inorganic, physical, and synthetic techniques into one intensive quarter. A materials fee is required. A mandatory safety exam must be passed. Students may not receive credit for both CHEM 7L and CHEM 7LM. Prerequisites: CHEM 6B or 6BH.

CHEM 7LM. General Chemistry Laboratory for Majors (4)

Condenses a year of introductory training in analytical, inorganic, physical, and synthetic techniques into one intensive quarter. Students may not receive credit for both CHEM 7L and CHEM 7LM. A materials fee is required. A safety exam must be passed. Enrollment preference given to chemistry and biochemistry majors, followed by other science/engineering majors. Prerequisites: CHEM 6B or 6BH. Restricted to the following major codes: CH25, CH31, CH34, CH35, CH36, CH37, CH38.

CHEM 11. The Periodic Table (4)

Introduction to the material world of atoms and small inorganic molecules. Intended for nonscience majors. Students may not receive credit for both CHEM 4 and CHEM 11.

CHEM 12. Molecules and Reactions (4)

Introduction to molecular bonding and structure and chemical reactions, including organic molecules and synthetic polymers. Intended for nonscience majors. Cannot be taken for credit after any organic chemistry course. Prerequisites: CHEM 11 or good knowledge of high school chemistry.

CHEM 13. Chemistry of Life (4)

Introduction to biochemistry for nonscience majors. Topics include carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and proteins, with an introduction to metabolic pathways in human physiology.

CHEM 40A. Organic Chemistry for Life Sciences I (4)

The first quarter of a two-quarter organic chemistry sequence intended for biological sciences majors and other interested students. The course provides in-depth study of the molecular structure and reactivity of organic molecules with emphasis on biological applications. Topics covered include bonding theory, resonance, stereochemistry, conjugation, aromaticity, spectroscopy, effects of structure on properties and reactivity, introduction to reaction mechanisms, and nucleophilic substitutions. Students may receive credit for one of the following: CHEM 40A, CHEM 40AH, or CHEM 41A. Recommended: concurrent or prior enrollment in CHEM 6C or 6CH. Prerequisites: CHEM 6B or 6BH.

CHEM 40AH. Honors Organic Chemistry I (4)

Renumbered from CHEM 140AH. Rigorous introduction to organic chemistry, with preview of biochemistry. Bonding theory, isomerism, stereochemistry, physical properties, chemical reactivity. Students may only receive credit for one of the following: CHEM 40A, 40AH, 140A, or 140AH. Prerequisites: B+ or higher grade in CHEM 6C or CHEM 6CH.

CHEM 40B. Organic Chemistry for Life Sciences II (4)

This is the second quarter of a two-quarter organic chemistry sequence intended for biological sciences majors and other interested students. The course is a continuation of CHEM 40A and provides an in-depth study of the molecular structure and reactivity of organic molecules with emphasis on biological applications. Topics covered include carbonyl reactivity, enzymatic catalysis, electrophilic substitutions and additions, and the molecular basis of drug action. Students may receive credit for one of the following: CHEM 40B or 40BH. Prerequisites: CHEM 40A.

CHEM 40BH. Honors Organic Chemistry II (4)

Renumbered from CHEM 140BH. Organic chemistry course for honors-level students with a strong background in chemistry. Similar to CHEM 40B but emphasizes mechanistic aspects of reactions and effects of molecular structure on reactivity. Students may only receive credit for one of the following: CHEM 40B, 140B, 40BH, or 140BH. Prerequisites: grade of B or higher in CHEM 40A, 40AH, 140A, or 140AH.

CHEM 40C. Organic Chemistry III (4)

Renumbered from CHEM 140C. Continuation of CHEM 40A, Organic Chemistry I and CHEM 40B, Organic Chemistry II. Organic chemistry of biologically important molecules: carboxylic acids, carbohydrates, proteins, fatty acids, biopolymers, natural products. Students may only receive credit for one of the following: CHEM 40C, 40CH, 140C, or 140CH. Prerequisites: CHEM 40B or 140B (a grade of C or higher in CHEM 40B or 140B is strongly recommended).

CHEM 40CH. Honors Organic Chemistry (4)

Renumbered from CHEM 140CH. Continuation of Organic Chemistry 40B or 40BH, at honors level. Chemistry of carboxylic acids, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids biopolymers, natural products. Emphasis on mechanistic aspects and structure reactivity relationships. Students may only receive credit for one of the following: CHEM 40C, 40CH, 140C, or 140CH. Prerequisites: grade of B+ or higher in CHEM 40B or 140B, or B– or higher in CHEM 40BH or 140BH.

CHEM 41A. Organic Chemistry I: Structure and Reactivity (4)

This is the first quarter of a three-quarter organic chemistry sequence intended for chemistry, biochemistry, and engineering majors and interested students. The course is a rigorous and in-depth study of fundamental organic chemistry with an introduction to chemical reactivity and synthesis, Bonding theory, structure (including isomerism, stereochemistry, conformations) and physical properties of carbon-containing molecules. Students may receive credit for one of the following: CHEM 41A or 40A. Recommended: concurrent or prior enrollment in CHEM 6C or 6CH.  Prerequisites: CHEM 6B or 6BH.

CHEM 41B. Organic Chemistry II: Reactivity and Synthesis (4)

This is the second quarter of a three-quarter organic chemistry sequence for chemistry, biochemistry, and engineering majors and interested students. The course is a rigorous and in-depth study of the properties and reactions of the major classes of organic compounds; focusing on alcohols, ethers, sulfur compounds, aromatics, organometallics, and introduction to carbonyl reactivity. Emphasis on a mechanistic understanding of reactions, the effects of molecular structure, and multi-step syntheses. Prerequisites: CHEM 41A.

CHEM 41C. Organic Chemistry III: Synthesis, Reactivity, and Macromolecules (4)

This is the third quarter of a three-quarter organic chemistry sequence intended for chemistry, biochemistry, and engineering majors and interested students. The course is a continuation of CHEM 41A and CHEM 41B with an in-depth study of the properties, synthesis, and reactions of the major classes of organic compounds. Emphasis on a mechanistic understanding of reactions, the effects of molecular structure, and multi-step syntheses. Prerequisites: CHEM 41B.

CHEM 43A. Organic Chemistry Laboratory (4)

Renumbered from CHEM 143A. Introduction to organic laboratory techniques. Separation, purification, spectroscopy, product analysis, and effects of reaction conditions. A materials fee is required. Students must pass a safety exam. Students may only receive credit for one of the following: CHEM 43A, 43AM, 143A, or 143AM. Prerequisites: CHEM 7L or 7LM and 40A, 40AH, or 41A.

CHEM 43AM. Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Majors (4)

Organic chemistry laboratory for chemistry majors; nonmajors with strong background in CHEM 40A or 140A may also enroll, though preference will be given to majors. Similar to CHEM 43A, but emphasizes instrumental methods of product identification, separation, and analysis. A materials fee is required. Students must pass a safety exam. CHEM 43AM is renumbered from CHEM 143AH. Students may only receive credit for one of the following: CHEM 43AM, 143AM, 43A, or 143A. Prerequisites: CHEM 7L or 7LM and CHEM 40A, 40AH, or 41A.

CHEM 87. First-year Student Seminar in Chemistry and Biochemistry (1)

This seminar will present topics in chemistry at a level appropriate for first-year students.

CHEM 96. Introduction to Teaching Science (2)

(Cross-listed with EDS 31.) Explores routine challenges and exceptional difficulties students often have in learning science. Prepares students to make meaningful observations of how K–12 teachers deal with difficulties. Explores strategies that teachers may use to pose problems that stimulate students’ intellectual curiosity.

CHEM 99. Independent Study (2 or 4)

Independent literature or laboratory research by arrangement with and under the direction of a member of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty. Students must register on a P/NP basis. Prerequisites: lower-division standing, 3.0 minimum UC San Diego GPA, consent of instructor and department, completion of thirty units of undergraduate study at UC San Diego, completed and approved Special Studies form.

CHEM 99H. Independent Study (1)

Independent study or research under the direction of a member of the faculty. Prerequisites: student must be of first-year standing and a Regent’s Scholar; approved Special Studies form.

Upper Division

CHEM 100A. Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (4)

Laboratory course emphasizing classical quantitative chemical analysis techniques, including separation and gravimetric methods, as well as an introduction to instrumental analysis. Program or materials fees may apply. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C or 6CH and CHEM 7L or 7LM. Recommended: PHYS 2CL or 2BL.

CHEM 100B. Instrumental Chemistry Laboratory (5)

Hands-on laboratory course focuses on development of correct laboratory work habits and methodologies for the operation of modern analytical instrumentation. Gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, high performance liquid chromatography, ion chromatography, atomic absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectrometry, infrared spectrometry. Lecture focuses on fundamental theoretical principles, applications, and limitations of instrumentation used for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Program or materials fees may apply. Students may not receive credit for both CHEM 100B and 101. Prerequisites: CHEM 100A and PHYS 2C or 2D and PHYS 2BL or 2CL or 2DL.

CHEM 104. Introduction to X-ray Crystallography (4)

(Conjoined with CHEM 204.) Analysis of macromolecular structures by X-ray diffraction. Topics include symmetry, geometry of diffraction, detection of diffraction, intensity of diffracted waves, phase problem and its solution, heavy atom method, isomorphous replacement, anomalous dispersion phasing methods (MAD), direct methods, and molecular replacement. Prerequisites: PHYS 2A and 2B.

CHEM 105A. Physical Chemistry Laboratory (4)

Laboratory course in experimental physical chemistry. Program or materials fees may apply. Prerequisites: CHEM 6CL or 100A, PHYS 2BL or 2CL or 2DL, and CHEM 126 or 126A or 126B or 127 or 130 or 131 or 133.

CHEM 105B. Physical Chemistry Laboratory (4)

Laboratory course in experimental physical chemistry. Program or materials fees may apply. Prerequisites: CHEM 105A.

CHEM 108. Protein Biochemistry Laboratory (6)

The application of techniques to study protein structure and function, including electrophoresis, protein purification, column chromatography, enzyme kinetics, and immunochemistry. Students may not receive credit for CHEM 108 and BIBC 103. A materials fee may be required for this course. Prerequisites: CHEM 43A, 143A, 43AM or 143AM, and CHEM 114A.

CHEM 109. Recombinant DNA Laboratory (6)

This laboratory will introduce students to the tools of molecular biology and will involve experiments with recombinant DNA techniques. Students may not receive credit for both CHEM 109 and BIMM 101. A materials fee may be required for this course. Prerequisites: CHEM 43A, 143A, 43AM, or 143AM and CHEM 114A.

CHEM 111. Origins of Life and the Universe (4)

A chemical perspective of the origin and evolution of the biogeochemical systems of stars, elements, and planets through time. The chemical evolution of the earth, its atmosphere, and oceans, and their historical records leading to early life are discussed. The content includes search techniques for chemical traces of life on other planets. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C or 6CH.

CHEM 113. Biophysical Chemistry of Macromolecules (4)

A discussion of the physical principles governing biomolecular structure and function. Experimental and theoretical approaches to understand protein dynamics, enzyme kinetics, and mechanisms will be covered. Prerequisites: CHEM 40C, 40CH, 140C, or 140CH.

CHEM 114A. Biochemical Structure and Function (4)

Introduction to biochemistry from a structural and functional viewpoint. Emphasis will be placed on the structure-functions relationships of nucleic acids, proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, and lipids. Students may not receive credit for both CHEM 114A and BIBC 100. Prerequisites: CHEM 40A or 41A.

CHEM 114B. Biochemical Energetics and Metabolism (4)

This course is an introduction to the metabolic reactions in the cell which produce and utilize energy. The course material will include energy-producing pathways: glycolysis, Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, fatty-acid oxidation. Biosynthesis of amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, purines, pyrimidines, proteins, nucleic acids. Students may not receive credit for both CHEM 114B and BIBC 102. Prerequisites: CHEM 40B, 40BH, or 41B and CHEM 114A.

CHEM 114C. Biosynthesis of Macromolecules (4)

Mechanisms of biosynthesis of macromolecules—particularly proteins and nucleic acids. Emphasis is on how these processes are controlled and integrated with metabolism of the cell. Students may not receive credit for both CHEM 114C and BIMM 100. Prerequisites: CHEM 114A or BIBC 100.

CHEM 114D. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (4)

This course represents a continuation of 114C, or an introductory course for first- and second-year graduate students and covers topics in molecular and cellular biochemistry. Emphasis will be placed on contemporary approaches to the isolation and characterization of mammalian genes and proteins, and molecular genetic approaches to understanding eukaryotic development and human disease. May be coscheduled with CHEM 214. Prerequisites: CHEM 114A, 114B, and 114C.

CHEM 115. Genome, Epigenome, and Transcriptome Editing (4)

A discussion of current topics involving nucleic acid modification, including systems derived from zinc fingers, TALEs, and CRISPR-Cas9. Topics of particular emphasis include delivery of genome editing agents, gene drives, and high-throughput genetic screens. May be coscheduled with CHEM 215. Prerequisites: CHEM 114A and 114C. Corequisite: CHEM 109.

CHEM 116. Chemical Biology (4)

A discussion of current topics in chemical biology including mechanistic aspects of enzymes and cofactors, use of modified enzymes to alter biochemical pathways, chemical intervention in cellular processes, and natural product discovery. Prerequisites: CHEM 40C, 40CH, 41C, 140C, or 140CH, and CHEM 114A. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 117. Biomedical Research in Health Disparities (4)

A survey of the historical perspective of health disparities including a review of research studies that harmed disadvantaged populations and discussion of race and ethnicity as an independent contributor to health outcomes. This course covers the scientific basis of health disparities including genomics and other biologic factors. The most recent research studies and technologies, including personalized medicine, to reduce health disparities will be addressed. Prerequisites: CHEM 40B, 40CH, or 41C.

CHEM 118. Pharmacology and Toxicology (4)

A survey of the biochemical action of drugs and toxins as well as their absorption and excretion. Prerequisites: CHEM 114A.

CHEM 119. RNA Biochemistry (4)

This course discusses RNA structure and function, as well as biological pathways involving RNA-centered complexes. Emphasis will be placed on catalytic RNA mechanisms, pre-mRNA splicing, noncoding RNA biology, building blocks of RNA structure, and genome editing using RNA-protein complexes. Prerequisites: BIMM 100 or CHEM 114C and CHEM 40C, 40CH, or 41C.

CHEM 120A. Inorganic Chemistry I (4)

The chemistry of the main group elements in terms of atomic structure, ionic and covalent bonding. Structural theory involving s, p, and unfilled d orbitals. Thermodynamic and spectroscopic criteria for structure and stability of compounds and chemical reactions of main group elements in terms of molecular structure and reactivity. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C or 6CH and CHEM 40A, 41A, or 140A.

CHEM 120B. Inorganic Chemistry II (4)

A continuation of the discussion of structure, bonding, and reactivity with emphasis on transition metals and other elements using filled d orbitals to form bonds. Coordination chemistry in terms of valence bond, crystal field, and molecular orbital theory. The properties and reactivities of transition metal complexes including organometallic compounds. Prerequisites: CHEM 120A.

CHEM 123. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (4)

Synthesis, analysis, and physical characterization of inorganic chemical compounds. Program or materials fees may apply. Prerequisites: CHEM 120A, 120B and 43A, 143A, 43AM or 143AH. Restricted to the following major codes: CH25, CH31, CH34, CH35, CH36, CH37.

CHEM 125. Bioinorganic Chemistry (4)

The roles of metal ions in biological systems, with emphasis on transition metal ions in enzymes that transfer electrons, bind oxygen, and fix nitrogen. Also included are metal complexes in medicine, toxicity, and metal ion storage and transport. May be coscheduled with CHEM 225. Prerequisites: CHEM 114A and 120A.

CHEM 126A. Physical Biochemistry I: Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Biomolecules (4)

Renumbered from CHEM 127. This course covers thermodynamics and kinetics of biomolecules from fundamental principles to biomolecular applications. Topics include thermodynamics, first and second laws, chemical equilibrium, solutions, kinetic theory, enzyme kinetics. Students may not receive credit for CHEM 126A and either CHEM 127, CHEM 131, or CHEM 132. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C or 6CH, PHYS 1C or 2C or 2D, and MATH 10C or 20C.

CHEM 126B. Physical Biochemistry II: Quantum and Statistical Mechanics of Biomolecules (4)

Renumbered from CHEM 126. This course covers quantum and statistical mechanics of biomolecules. Topics include quantum mechanics, molecular structure, spectroscopy fundamentals and applications to biomolecules, optical spectroscopy, NMR, and statistical approaches to protein folding. Students may not receive credit for CHEM 126B and either CHEM 126 or CHEM 130. Prerequisites: CHEM 126A or 127.

CHEM 130. Chemical Physics: Quantum Mechanics (4)

Renumbered from CHEM 133. With CHEM 131 and 132, CHEM 130 is part of the Physical Chemistry sequence taught over three quarters. Recommended as the first course of the sequence. Key topics covered in this course include quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, and molecular structure. Students may not receive credit for CHEM 130 and either 126B, 126, or 133. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C or 6CH, and PHYS 2C or 2D, and MATH 20D.

CHEM 131. Chemical Physics: Stat Thermo I (4)

With CHEM 130 and 132, CHEM 131 is part of the Physical Chemistry sequence taught over three quarters. Recommended as the second course of the sequence. Key topics covered in this course include thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, phase equilibrium, and chemistry of solutions. Students may not receive credit for CHEM 131 and either CHEM 127 or CHEM 126A. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C or 6CH, MATH 20C, and PHYS 2C or 2D.

CHEM 132. Chemical Physics: Stat Thermo II (4)

With CHEM 130 and 131, CHEM 132 is part of the Physical Chemistry sequence taught over three quarters. Recommended as the third course of the sequence. Key topics covered in this course include chemical statistics, kinetic theory, and reaction kinetics. Students may not receive credit for CHEM 132 and either CHEM 126A or CHEM 127. Prerequisites: CHEM 130 or 133, and CHEM 131.

CHEM 134. Polymeric Materials (4)

Foundations of polymeric materials. Topics: structure of polymers; mechanisms of polymer synthesis; characterization methods using calorimetric, mechanical, rheological, and X-ray-based techniques; and electronic, mechanical, and thermodynamic properties. Special classes of polymers: engineering plastics, semiconducting polymers, photoresists, and polymers for medicine. Students may not receive credit for both CENG 134, CHEM 134, or NANO 134. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C and PHYS 2C.

CHEM 135. Molecular Spectroscopy (4)

Time-dependent behavior of systems; interaction of matter with light; selection rules. Radiative and nonradiative processes, coherent phenomena, and the density matrices. Instrumentation, measurement, and interpretation. May be coscheduled with CHEM 235. Prior or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 105A recommended. Prerequisites: CHEM 126 or 126B or 130 or 133 and MATH 20D.

CHEM 141. Organic Nanomaterials (4)

This course will provide an introduction to the physics and chemistry of soft matter, followed by a literature-based critical examination of several ubiquitous classes of organic nanomaterials and their technological applications. Topics include self-assembled monolayers, block copolymers, liquid crystals, photoresists, organic electronic materials, micelles and vesicles, soft lithography, organic colloids, organic nanocomposites, and applications in biomedicine and food science. Prerequisites: CHEM 40A, 40AH, 41A, 140A, or 140AH.

CHEM 142. Introduction to Glycosciences (4)

The primary aim of this course is to provide an overview of fundamental facts, concepts, and methods in glycoscience. The course is structured around major themes in the field, starting from basic understanding of structure and molecular interactions of carbohydrates, to the mechanisms of their biological functions in normal and disease states, to their applications in materials science and energy generation. May be coscheduled with CHEM 242. CHEM 40C and at least one course in either general biology, molecular biology, or cell biology is strongly encouraged. Prerequisites: CHEM 40B, 40BH, 41B, 140B, or 140BH and BIBC 100 or BILD 1 or CHEM 114A.

CHEM 143B. Organic Chemistry Laboratory (4)

Continuation of CHEM 43A or 43AM, emphasizing synthetic methods of organic chemistry. Enrollment is limited to majors in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry unless space is available. Program or materials fees may apply. Prerequisites: CHEM 43A or 43AM and CHEM 40B or 41B.

CHEM 143C. Organic Chemistry Laboratory (4)

Identification of unknown organic compounds by a combination of chemical and physical techniques. Enrollment is limited to majors in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry unless space is available. Program or materials fees may apply. Prerequisites: CHEM 43A, 43AM, 143A, 143AM, or 143AH and CHEM 40B, 40BH, 41B, 140B, or 140BH.

CHEM 143D. Molecular Design and Synthesis (4)

Advanced organic synthesis. Relationships between molecular structure and reactivity using modern synthetic methods and advanced instrumentation. Stresses importance of molecular design, optimized reaction conditions for development of practically useful synthesis, and problem-solving skills. A materials fee is required. Prerequisites: CHEM 40C, 40CH, 41C, 140C, or 140CH and CHEM 143B.

CHEM 145. Biofuels and Renewable Materials (4)

Fundamentals of the chemistry and biochemistry of biofuel and renewable materials technologies. This course explores chemical identity and properties, metabolic pathways and engineering, refining processes, formulation, and analytical techniques related to current and future renewable products. Prerequisites: CHEM 40B, 40BH, 41B, 140B, or 140BH.

CHEM 146. Kinetics and Mechanism of Organic Reactions (4)

Methodology of mechanistic organic chemistry; integration of rate expression, determination of rate constants, transition state theory; catalysis, kinetic orders, isotope effects, solvent effects, linear free energy relationship; product studies, stereochemistry; reactive intermediates; rapid reactions. May be coscheduled with CHEM 246. Prerequisites: CHEM 40C, 40CH, or 41C.

CHEM 151. Molecules that Changed the World (4)

A look at some of nature’s most intriguing molecules and the ability to discover, synthesize, modify, and use them. The role of chemistry in society, and how chemical synthesis—the art and science of constructing molecules—shapes our world. Prerequisites: CHEM 40A, 40AH, or 41A.

CHEM 152. Synthetic Methods in Organic Chemistry (4)

A survey of reactions of particular utility in the organic laboratory. Emphasis is on methods of preparation of carbon-carbon bonds and oxidation reduction sequences. May be coscheduled with CHEM 252. Prerequisites: CHEM 40C, 40CH, or 41C.

CHEM 154. Mechanisms of Organic Reactions (4)

A qualitative approach to the mechanisms of various organic reactions; substitutions, additions, eliminations, condensations, rearrangements, oxidations, reductions, free-radical reactions, and photochemistry. Includes considerations of molecular structure and reactivity, synthetic methods, spectroscopic tools, and stereochemistry. The topics emphasized will vary from year to year. This is the first quarter of the advanced organic chemistry sequence. May be coscheduled with CHEM 254. Prerequisites: CHEM 40C, 40CH, or 41C.

CHEM 155. Synthesis of Complex Molecules (4)

This course discusses planning economic routes for the synthesis of complex organic molecules. The uses of specific reagents to control stereochemistry will be outlined and recent examples from the primary literature will be highlighted. (May not be offered every year.) May be coscheduled with CHEM 255. Prerequisites: CHEM 152 or 154.

CHEM 156. Structure and Properties of Organic Molecules (4)

Introduction to the measurement and theoretical correlation of the physical properties of organic molecules. Topics covered include molecular geometry, molecular-orbital theory, orbital hybridization, aromaticity, chemical reactivity, stereochemistry, infrared and electronic spectra, photochemistry, and nuclear magnetic resonance. May be coscheduled with CHEM 256. Prerequisites: CHEM 40C, 40CH, or 41C.

CHEM 157. Bioorganic and Natural Products Chemistry (4)

A comprehensive survey of modern bioorganic and natural products chemistry. Topics will include biosynthesis of natural products, molecular recognition, and small molecule-biomolecule interactions. May be coscheduled with CHEM 257. Prerequisites: CHEM 40C, 40CH, or 41C.

CHEM 158. Applied Spectroscopy (4)

Intensive coverage of modern spectroscopic techniques used to determine the structure of organic molecules. Problem solving and interpretation of spectra will be emphasized. May be coscheduled with CHEM 258. Prerequisites: CHEM 40C, 40CH, or 41C.

CHEM 163. Introduction to Mass Spectrometry (4)

Introduction to fundamental theory and applications of mass spectrometry. The basics of mass spectrometry instrumentation will be discussed. Different types of mass spectrometers and their advantages for studying certain types of molecules will be examined. Various data analysis platforms will be reviewed and applications relevant for the biotech industry will be discussed. This course will have a particular focus on protein-based mass spectrometry. May be coscheduled with CHEM 263. Prerequisites: CHEM 41C.

CHEM 164. Structural Biology of Viruses (4)

An introduction to virus structures, how they are determined, and how they facilitate the various stages of the viral life cycle from host recognition and entry to replication, assembly, release, and transmission to uninfected host cells. (May not be offered every year.) May be coscheduled with CHEM 264. Prerequisites: BIBC 100 or CHEM 114A and BIBC 102 or CHEM 114B and BIMM 100 or CHEM 114C.

CHEM 165. 3-D Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Macromolecules and Cells (4)

The resolution revolution in cryo-electron microscopy has made this a key technology for the high-resolution determination of structures of macromolecular complexes, organelles, and cells. The basic principles of transmission electron microscopy, modern cryo-electron microscopy, image acquisition, and 3-D reconstruction will be discussed. Examples from the research literature using this state-of-the-art technology will also be discussed. Prerequisites: CHEM 114A or BIBC 100.

CHEM 167. Medicinal Chemistry (4)

Basics of medicinal chemistry, emphasizing rigorous descriptions of receptor-protein structure, interactions, and dynamics; their implications for drug development; and an integrated treatment of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic considerations in drug design. Treats computational approaches as well as practical experimental approaches. Prerequisites: CHEM 40C, 40CH, or 41C and CHEM 114A.

CHEM 168. Drug Synthesis and Design (4)

Practical methods to make drugs currently in use and to design future drugs. Treats both chemical synthesis and biologics like monoclonal antibodies. Topics include fragment-based screening, solid phase synthesis, directed evolution, and bioconjugation as well as efficacy, metabolism, and toxicity. Prerequisites: CHEM 40C, 40CH, or 41C and CHEM 114A.

CHEM 171. Environmental Chemistry I (4)

An introduction to chemical concerns in nature with emphasis on atmospheric issues like air pollution, chlorofluorocarbons and the ozone hole, greenhouse effects and climate change, impacts of radioactive waste, sustainable resource usage, and risks and benefits of energy sources. Students may only receive credit for one of the following: CHEM 149A or 171. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C or 6CH.

CHEM 172. Environmental Chemistry II (4)

An introduction to the environmental chemistry of solid and liquid environments and their global cycles of major elements. The chemistry cycles are analyzed present, past, and future and their perturbations by society, volcanoes, and extinction events. Non-earth environments are included. Recommended preparation: CHEM 171. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C or 6CH.

CHEM 173. Atmospheric Chemistry (4)

Chemical principles applied to the study of atmospheres. Atmospheric photochemistry, radical reactions, chemical lifetime determinations, acid rain, greenhouse effects, ozone cycle, and evolution are discussed. May be coscheduled with CHEM 273. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C or 6CH.

CHEM 174. Chemical Principles of Marine Systems (4)

(Cross-listed with SIO 141.) Introduction to the chemistry and distribution of the elements in seawater, emphasizing basic chemical principles such as electron structure, chemical bonding, and group and periodic properties and showing how these affect basic aqueous chemistry in marine systems. Students may not receive credit for SIO 141 and CHEM 174. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C or 6CH.

CHEM 185. Quantum Chemistry Lab (4)

Course in computational methods, with focus on quantum chemistry. The course content is built on a background in mathematics and physical chemistry, and provides an introduction to computational theory, ab initio methods, and semiempirical methods. The emphasis is on applications and reliability. May be coscheduled with CHEM 285. Prerequisites: CHEM 126 or 126B or 130 or 133 and MATH 20C or 31BH. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 186. Molecular Simulations Lab (4)

Course in computational methods, with focus on molecular simulations. The course content is built on a background in mathematics and physical chemistry, and provides an introduction to computational theory and molecular mechanics. The emphasis is on applications and reliability. May be coscheduled with CHEM 286. Prerequisites: MATH 20C and CHEM 126 or CHEM 126B or CHEM 130 or CHEM 133.

CHEM 187. Foundations of Teaching and Learning Science (4)

(Cross-listed with EDS 122.) Examine theories of learning and how they are important in the science classroom. Conceptual development in the individual student, as well as the development of knowledge in the history of science. Key conceptual obstacles in science will be explored. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C or 6CH and CHEM 96 or EDS 31.

CHEM 188. Capstone Seminar in Science Education (4)

(Cross-listed with EDS 123.) In the lecture and observation format, students continue to explore the theories of learning in the science classroom. Conceptual development is fostered, as well as continued development of knowledge of science history. Students are exposed to the science of teaching in science in actual practice. Prerequisites: CHEM 6C or 6CH and CHEM 187 or EDS 122.

CHEM 190. Mathematics for Physical Chemistry (4)

Focus on select topics from among numerous areas relevant to chemistry, including linear algebra, probability theory, group theory, complex variables, Laplace and Fourier transforms, partial differential equations, stochastic variables, random walks, and others. May be coscheduled with CHEM 290. Prerequisites: MATH 20D.

CHEM 192. Senior Seminar in Chemistry and Biochemistry (1)

The Senior Seminar Program is designed to allow senior undergraduates to meet with faculty members in a small group setting to explore an intellectual topic in chemistry or biochemistry. May be taken for credit up to four times, with a change in topic, and permission of the department. P/NP grades only. Prerequisites: department stamp and/or consent of the instructor.

CHEM 194. Special Topics in Chemistry (2)

Selected topics in the field of chemistry. Course will vary in title and content. Students are expected to actively participate in course discussions, read, and analyze primary literature. Current subtitles will be listed on the Schedule of Classes. May be taken for credit up to four times as topics vary. Students may not receive credit for the same topic.

CHEM 195. Methods of Teaching Chemistry (4)

An introduction to teaching chemistry. Students are required to attend a weekly class on methods of teaching chemistry and will teach a discussion section of one of the lower-division chemistry courses. Attendance at lecture of the lower-division course in which the student is participating is required. P/NP grades only. Prerequisites: consent of instructor.

CHEM 196. Reading and Research in Chemical Education (2 or 4)

Independent literature or discipline-based education research by arrangement with, and under the direction of, a member of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty. P/NP grades only. Prerequisites: upper-division standing, 2.5 minimum GPA, consent of instructor and department.

CHEM 197. Chemistry Internship (2 or 4)

An internship program that provides work experience with public/private sector employers. Subject to the availability of positions, students will work in a local company under the supervision of a faculty member and site supervisor. P/NP grades only. May be taken for credit a maximum of three times. Prerequisites: Completion of ninety units with a GPA of 2.5, and a completed and approved Special Studies form (UC San Diego Application for Enrollment Special Studies Courses 197, 198, 199), and department stamp.

CHEM 198. Directed Group Study (1–4)

Directed group study on a topic or in a field not included in the regular department curriculum, by arrangement with a chemistry and biochemistry faculty member. P/NP grades only. May be taken for credit two times. Prerequisites: department approval required and a completed and approved Special Studies form (UC San Diego Application for Enrollment Special Studies Courses 197, 198, 199).

CHEM 199. Reading and Research (2 or 4)

Independent literature or laboratory research by arrangement with, and under the direction of, a member of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty. Students must register on a P/NP basis. Prerequisites: upper-division standing, 2.5 minimum GPA, consent of instructor and department and the completion of the online CHEM 199 application.)

CHEM 200B. Fundamentals of Instrumental Analysis (4)

Fundamental theoretical principles, capabilities, applications, and limitations of modern analytical instrumentation used for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Students will learn how to define the nature of an analytical problem and how to select an appropriate analytical method. Letter grades only. Recommended preparation: background equivalent to CHEM 100A and introductory optics and electricity from physics. (W)

CHEM 204. Introduction to X-ray Crystallography (4)

(Conjoined with CHEM 104.) Analysis of macromolecular structures by X-ray diffraction. Topics include symmetry, geometry of diffraction, detection of diffraction, intensity of diffracted waves, phase problem and its solution, heavy atom method, isomorphous replacement, anomalous dispersion phasing methods (MAD), direct methods, and molecular replacement. CHEM 204 students will be required to complete additional paper and/or exam beyond that expected of students in CHEM 104.

CHEM 207. Protein NMR (4)

A broad introduction to the uses of nuclear magnetic resonance to characterize and understand proteins. Not highly mathematical, this course should be accessible to chemistry graduate students working with proteins.

CHEM 209. Macromolecular Recognition (4)

Structures and functions of nucleic acids, folding and catalysis of nucleic acids, motifs and domains of proteins, principles of protein-protein interactions, chemistry of protein/DNA and protein/RNA interfaces, conformational changes in macromolecular recognition. Prerequisites: biochemistry background and graduate standing, or approval of instructor.

CHEM 210. Lipid Cell Signaling Genomics, Proteomics, and Metabolomics (2)

Overview of new systems biology “-omics” approached to lipid metabolism and cell signaling, including interrogating gene and lipid databases, techniques for lipidomics, and implications for profiling and biomarker discovery in blood and tissues relevant to inflammatory and other human diseases. Cross-listed with BIOM 209 and PHAR 208. Recommended preparation: one quarter of undergraduate biochemistry.

CHEM 212. Biochemistry and Biophysics of Cell Membranes (4)

Structure and function of biological membranes and their lipid building blocks. Topics include lipid metabolism, membrane dynamics, protein-lipid interactions, lipid signaling, and cellular trafficking. Lectures covering fundamentals will be combined with literature-based discussions and presentations. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 213A. Structure of Biomolecules and Biomolecular Assemblies (4)

A discussion of structures of nucleic acids and proteins and their larger assemblies. The theoretical basis for nucleic acid and protein structure, as well as methods of structure determination including X-ray crystallography, cryoEM, and computational modeling approaches will be covered. Letter grades only. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 213B. Biophysical Chemistry of Macromolecules (4)

A discussion of the physical principles governing biomolecular structure and function. Experimental and theoretical approaches to understanding protein dynamics, enzyme kinetics, and mechanisms will be covered.

CHEM 214. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (4)

This is an introductory course for graduate students and covers topics in molecular and cellular biochemistry. Emphasis will be placed on contemporary approaches to the isolation and characterization of mammalian genes and proteins, and molecular genetic approaches to understanding eukaryotic development and human disease. May be coscheduled with CHEM 114D. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 215. Genome, Epigenome, and Transcriptome Editing (4)

A discussion of current topics involving nucleic acid modification, including systems derived from zinc fingers, TALEs, and CRISPR-Cas9. Topics of particular emphasis include delivery of genome editing agents, gene drives, and high-throughput genetic screens. May be coscheduled with CHEM 115. Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor.

CHEM 216. Chemical Biology (4)

A discussion of current topics in chemical biology including mechanistic aspects of enzymes and cofactors, use of modified enzymes to alter biochemical pathways, chemical intervention in cellular processes, and natural product discovery. Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 217. RNA Structure, Function, and Biology (4)

Selected topics in RNA structure and function, such as the ribosome, ribozyme, antibiotics, splicing and RNA interference, as they relate to the RNA role in gene expression and regulation. Emphasis on techniques to study the dynamics of macromolecular complexes and the mechanism of RNA catalysis. Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor.

CHEM 218. Evolution of Non-Coding RNAs (4)

Fundamental concepts in directed evolution and natural (biological) evolution. In vitro selection and in vitro evolution of aptamers and catalytic RNAs. Application of directed evolution experiments to studies on the origin of life. Evolution of non-coding RNAs in biology, including the ribosome and self-splicing introns. Enrollment is limited to chemistry and biochemistry and molecular biophysics PhD students. Prerequisites: CHEM 217. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 219A. Special Topics in Biochemistry (4)

This special-topics course is designed for first-year graduate students in biochemistry. Topics presented in recent years have included protein processing, the chemical modification of proteins, the biosynthesis and function of glycoproteins, lipid biochemistry and membrane structure, and bioenergetics. Prerequisites: undergraduate courses in biochemistry, CHEM 114A or equivalent. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 219B. Special Topics in Biochemistry (4)

Various advanced topics in biochemistry. May be taken for credit up to three times as topics vary.

CHEM 219C. Special Topics in Biochemistry (2 or 4)

CHEM 220. Regulatory Circuits in Cells (4)

Modulation cellular activity and influencing viral fate involve regulatory circuits. Emergent properties include dose response, cross regulation, dynamic, and stochastic behaviors. This course reviews underlying mechanisms and involves mathematical modeling using personal computer tools. Recommended: some background in biochemistry and/or cellular biology. Mathematical competence at the level of lower-division college courses.

CHEM 221. Signal Transduction (4)

(Cross-listed with BGGN 230.) The aim of this course is to develop an appreciation for a variety of topics in signal transduction. We will discuss several historical developments while the focus will be on current issues. Both experimental approaches and results will be included in our discussions. Topics may vary from year to year. Prerequisites: biochemistry and molecular biology. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 222. Structure and Analysis of Solids (4)

(Cross-listed with MATS 227, NANO 227, and MAE 251.) Key concepts in the atomic structure and bonding of solids such as metals, ceramics, and semiconductors. Symmetry operations, point groups, lattice types, space groups, simple and complex inorganic compounds, structure/property comparisons, structure determination with X-ray diffraction. Ionic, covalent, metallic bonding compared with physical properties. Atomic and molecular orbitals, bands verses bonds, free electron theory. Students may only receive credit for one of the following: CHEM 222, MAE 251, MATS 227, or NANO 227.

CHEM 223. Organometallic Chemistry (4)

A survey of this field from a synthetic and mechanistic viewpoint. Fundamental reactivity patterns for transition element organometallic compounds will be discussed and organized according to periodic trends. Transition metal catalyzed reactions of importance to organic synthesis and industrial chemistry will be presented from a mechanistic perspective. Letter grades only. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 224. Spectroscopic Techniques (4)

Application of physical techniques to the elucidation of the structure of inorganic complex ions and organometallic compounds. Topics covered include group theory, and its application to vibrational, magnetic resonance and Raman spectroscopy. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 225. Bioinorganic Chemistry (4)

The role of metal ions in biological systems, with emphasis on transition metal ions in enzymes that transfer electrons, bind oxygen, and fix nitrogen. Also included are metal complexes in medicine, toxicity, and metal ion storage and transport. May be coscheduled with CHEM 125. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 226. Transition Metal Chemistry (4)

Advanced aspects of structure and bonding in transition metal complexes with major emphasis on Molecular Orbital Theory. Electronic structure descriptions are used to rationalize structure/reactivity relationships. Other topics include computational chemistry, relativistic effects, metal-metal bonding, and reaction mechanisms. Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor.

CHEM 227. Seminar in Inorganic Chemistry (2)

Seminars presented by faculty and students on topics of current interest in inorganic chemistry, including areas such as bioinorganic, organometallic and physical-inorganic chemistry. The course is designed to promote a critical evaluation of the available data in specialized areas of inorganic chemistry. Each quarter three or four different topics will be discussed. (S/U grades only.) Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor.

CHEM 228. Solid State Chemistry (4)

Structural chemistry of functional materials, defects, non-stoichiometry, nanostructures, phase transitions. Electronic structure, semiconductor doping, ionic conduction, chemical and electrochemical intercalation. Includes synthetic techniques and characterization with powder diffraction, solid-state NMR spectroscopy, and X-ray spectroscopies.  Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor.

CHEM 229. Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (2–4)

Selection of topics of current interest. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 230A. Quantum Mechanics I (4)

Theoretical basis of quantum mechanics; postulates; wave packets; matrix representations; ladder operators; exact solutions for bound states in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions; angular momentum; spin; variational approximations; description of real one and two electron systems. Recommended background: CHEM 133 and MATH 20D or their equivalents.

CHEM 230B. Quantum Mechanics II (4)

Continuation of theoretical quantum mechanics: evolution operators and time dependent representations, second quantization, Born-Oppenheimer approximation, electronic structure methods, selected topics from among density operators, quantized radiation fields, path integral methods, scattering theory. Prerequisites: CHEM 230A or consent of instructor.

CHEM 231. Chemical Kinetics and Molecular Reaction Dynamics (4)

Classical kinetics, transition state theory, unimolecular decomposition, potential energy surfaces; scattering processes and photodissociation processes. (May not be offered ever year.)

CHEM 232A. Statistical Mechanics I (4)

Derivation of thermodynamics from atomic descriptions. Ensembles, fluctuations, classical (Boltzmann) and quantum (Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein) statistics, partition functions, phase space, Liouville equation, chemical equilibrium, applications to weakly interacting systems, such as ideal gases, ideal crystals, radiation fields. Recommended background: CHEM 132 or its equivalent. Classical and quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and mathematical methods will be reviewed as needed, but some background will be necessary.

CHEM 232B. Statistical Mechanics II (4)

Interacting systems at equilibrium, both classical (liquids) and quantum (spins). Phase transitions. Nonequilibrium systems: glasses, transport, time correlation functions, Onsager relations, fluctuation-dissipation theorem, random walks, Brownian motion. Applications in biophysics. Prerequisites: CHEM 232A or consent of instructor.

CHEM 234. Photochemistry and Photophysics (4)

Fundamentals of photochemistry and photophysics are treated in this course. Excited-state processes for a variety of molecular systems are explored, with emphasis on organic systems. Relevant topics in spectroscopy and kinetics are included. Recommended preparation: course work in physical chemistry.

CHEM 235. Molecular Spectroscopy (4)

Time-dependent behavior of systems; interaction of matter with light; selection rules. Radiative and nonradiative processes, coherent phenomena and the density matrices. Instrumentation, measurement, and interpretation. Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 236. Chemical Dynamics on Surfaces (4)

Explore physical and analytical chemistry of surfaces. Topics include chemisorption and physisorption, sticking probabilities, adsorption isotherms, and passivation of semiconductors.

CHEM 237. Advances in Glycobiology (4)

(Cross-listed with MED 225, CMM 225, and BIOM 222.) Advanced elective for medical and graduate students who have had courses in cell biology or biochemistry. This course consists of discussions of classic papers leading to modern concepts in glycobiology, with the objective of exploring the structure, metabolism, and function of glycans in biological systems. Prerequisites: CHEM 142, CHEM 242, or consent of instructor.

CHEM 239. Special Topics in Chemical Physics (2 or 4)

Topics of special interest will be presented. Examples include NMR, solid-state chemistry, phase transitions, stochastic processes, scattering theory, nonequilibrium processes, tensor transformations, and advanced topics in statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, and chemical kinetics. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 240. Electrochemistry (4)

(Cross-listed with NANO 255.) Application of electrochemical techniques to chemistry research. Basic electrochemical theory and instrumentation: the diffusion equations, controlled potential, and current methods. Electro-chemical kinetics, Butler-Volmer, Marcus-Hush theories, preparative electrochemistry, analytical electrochemistry, solid and polymer electrolytes, semiconductor photoelectrochemistry. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 241. Organic Nanomaterials (4)

(Cross-listed with NANO 241.) This course will provide an introduction to the physics and chemistry of soft matter, followed by a literature-based critical examination of several ubiquitous classes of organic nanomaterials and their technological applications. Topics include self-assembled monolayers, block copolymers, liquid crystals, photoresists, organic electronic materials, micelles and vesicles, soft lithography, organic colloids, organic nanocomposites, and applications in biomedicine and food science.

CHEM 242. Introduction to Glycosciences (4)

The primary aim of this course is to provide an overview of fundamental facts, concepts, and methods in glycoscience. The course is structured around major themes in the field starting from the basic understanding of structure and molecular interactions of carbohydrates, to the mechanisms of their biological functions in normal and disease states, to their applications in materials science and energy generation. This course is geared to introduce students with limited prior exposure to the field, supported by selected readings and class notes. May be coscheduled with CHEM 142. Recommended preparation: undergraduate-level organic chemistry and at least one previous course in either general biology, molecular biology, or cell biology is strongly encouraged.

CHEM 246. Kinetics and Mechanism (4)

Methodology of mechanistic organic chemistry: integration of rate expressions, determination of rate constants, transition state theory; catalysis, kinetic orders, isotope effects, substituent effects, solvent effects, linear free energy relationship; product studies, stereochemistry; reactive intermediates; rapid reactions. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 250. Research Survival Skills (4)

Course offers training in responsible conduct of research in chemistry and biochemistry, as well as presentation skills, teamwork, and other survival skills for a career in research. Objectives include learning rules, issues, and resources for research ethics; and understanding the value of ethical decision-making. The course is designed to meet federal grant requirements for training in the responsible conduct of research. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 251. Research Conference (2)

Group discussion of research activities and progress of the group members. (S/U grades only.) Prerequisites: consent of instructor.

CHEM 252. Synthetic Methods in Organic Chemistry (4)

A survey of reactions of particular utility in the organic laboratory. Emphasis is on methods of preparation of carbon-carbon bonds and oxidation reduction sequences. May be coscheduled with CHEM 152. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 253. Antibiotics (4)

The course focuses on the discovery and development of modern antibiotics. We will discuss the discovery, synthesis, medicinal chemistry, mechanism of action studies, and preclinical as well as clinical development of drugs that are currently being used in the therapy of bacterial infections. Emphasis will be given to compounds approved over the last three decades and investigational drugs that are in clinical trials.

CHEM 254. Mechanisms of Organic Reactions (4)

A qualitative approach to the mechanisms of various organic reactions; substitutions, additions, eliminations, condensations, rearrangements, oxidations, reductions, free-radical reactions, and photochemistry. Includes considerations of molecular structure and reactivity, synthetic methods, spectroscopic tools, and stereochemistry. The topics emphasized will vary from year to year. This is the first quarter of the advanced organic chemistry sequence. May be coscheduled with CHEM 154. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 255. Synthesis of Complex Molecules (4)

This course discusses planning economic routes for the synthesis of complex organic molecules. The uses of specific reagents to control stereochemistry will be outlined and recent examples from the primary literature will be highlighted. (May not be offered every year.) May be coscheduled with CHEM 155. Prerequisites: graduate standing. CHEM 252 or 254 is strongly recommended.

CHEM 256. Structure and Properties of Organic Molecules (4)

Introduction to the measurement and theoretical correlation of the physical properties of organic molecules. Topics covered include molecular geometry, molecular-orbital theory, orbital hybridization, aromaticity, chemical reactivity, stereochemistry, infrared and electronic spectra, photochemistry, and nuclear magnetic resonance. May be coscheduled with CHEM 156. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 257. Bioorganic and Natural Products Chemistry (4)

A comprehensive survey of modern bioorganic and natural products chemistry. Topics include biosynthesis of natural products, molecular recognition, and small molecule-biomolecule interactions. May be coscheduled with CHEM 157. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 258. Applied Spectroscopy (4)

Intensive coverage of modern spectroscopic techniques used to determine the structure of organic molecules. Problem solving and interpretation of spectra will be strongly emphasized. Students will be required to write and submit a paper that reviews a recent research publication that reports the structure determination by spectroscopic methods of natural products. May be coscheduled with CHEM 158. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 259. Special Topics in Organic Chemistry (2–4)

Various advanced topics in organic chemistry. Includes but is not limited to advanced kinetics, advanced spectroscopy, computational chemistry, heterocyclic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, organotransition metal chemistry, polymers, solid-phase synthesis/combinatorial chemistry, stereochemistry, and total synthesis classics.

CHEM 260. Light and Electron Microscopy of Cells and Tissue (4)

Students will review basic principles of light and electron microscopy and learn a variety of basic and advanced microscopy methods through lecture and hands-on training. Each student will have his or her own project. Additional supervised instrument time is available. Prerequisites: consent of instructor.

CHEM 261. Practical X-Ray Crystallography (4)

A survey of the fundamentals of single-crystal X-ray diffraction for the purpose of collecting and refining structural information on molecular solids and related materials. Course covers basics of X-ray diffraction, instrumentation for diffraction data collection, crystalline habits and space group symmetry and introduction to the software required for data acquisition, structure solution, refinement.  Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor.

CHEM 262. Inorganic Chemistry and NMR (4)

A survey of inorganic chemistry to prepare for graduate research in the field, including a detailed introduction to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), followed by applications of NMR to structural and mechanistic problems in inorganic chemistry.

CHEM 263. Introduction to Mass Spectrometry (4)

Introduction to fundamental theory and applications of mass spectrometry. The basics of mass spectrometry instrumentation will be discussed. Different types of mass spectrometers and their advantages for studying certain types of molecules will be examined. Various data analysis platforms will be reviewed and applications relevant for the biotech industry will be discussed. This course will have a particular focus on protein-based mass spectrometry. Enrollment is limited to Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry graduate students. May be coscheduled with CHEM 163. Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor.

CHEM 264. Structural Biology of Viruses (4)

An introduction of virus structures, how they are determined, and how they facilitate the various stages of the viral life cycle from host recognition and entry to replication, assembly, release, and transmission to uninfected host cells. Students will be required to complete a term paper. (May not be offered every year.) May be coscheduled with CHEM 164. Recommended: elementary biochemistry as treated in CHEM 114A or BIBC 100 and a basic course in cell biology or consent of the instructor.

CHEM 265. 3-D Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Macromolecules and Cells (4)

The resolution revolution in cryo-electron microscopy has made this a key technology for the high-resolution determination of structures of macromolecular complexes, organelles, and cells. The basic principles of transmission electron microscopy, modern cryo-electron microscopy, image acquisition, and 3-D reconstruction will be discussed. Examples from the research literature using this state-of-the-art technology will also be discussed. May be coscheduled with CHEM 165. Students may not receive credit for BGGN 262 and CHEM 265. Prerequisites: graduate standing. (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 267. Environmental Nanotechnology, Sustainable Nanotechnology, and Nanotoxicity (4)

This course explores the potential impacts of nanoscience and nanotechnology on environmental processes and human health as well as the sustainable design, development, and use of nanotechnologies. The course addresses questions and issues arising from the expected increases in the development of nanotechnology-based consumer products and their potential effects on the environment. Students may not receive credit for CHEM 276 and NANO 267. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 270A-B-C. Current Topics in Environmental Chemistry (2-2-2)

Seminar series on the current topics in the field of environmental chemistry. Emphasis is on current research topics in atmospheric, oceanic, and geological environments. Prerequisites: consent of instructor. (S/U grades only.) (May not be offered every year.)

CHEM 271. Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry (4)

Topics of special interest in analytical chemistry. May include, but is not limited to, chemical separation, sample introductions, mass analyzers, ionization schemes, and current state-of-the-art applications in environmental and biological chemistry.

CHEM 273. Atmospheric Chemistry (4)

Chemical principles applied to the study of atmospheres. Atmospheric photochemistry, radical reactions, chemical lifetime determinations, acid rain, greenhouse effects, ozone cycle, and evolution are discussed. May be coscheduled with CHEM 173. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 276. Numerical Analysis in Multiscale Biology (4)

(Cross-listed with BENG 276.) Introduces mathematical tools to simulate biological processes at multiple scales. Numerical methods for ordinary and partial differential equations (deterministic and stochastic), and methods for parallel computing and visualization. Hands-on use of computers emphasized; students will apply numerical methods in individual projects. Prerequisites: consent of instructor.

CHEM 280. Applied Bioinformatics (4)

Publicly available databases and bioinformatics tools are now an indispensable component of biomedical research. This course offers an introductory survey of selected tools and databases; the underlying concepts, the software, and advice on using them. Practical exercises will be included.

CHEM 283. Supramolecular Structure Determination Laboratory (4)

A laboratory course combining hands-on mass spectrometry and bioinformatics tools to explore the relationship between structure and function in macromolecules. Tools for peptide sequencing, analysis of post-translational modification, and fragmentation analysis by mass spectrometry are examples of experiments students will run. Prerequisites: consent of instructor.

CHEM 285. Quantum Chemistry Lab (4)

Course in computational methods, with focus on quantum chemistry. The course content is built on a background in mathematics and physical chemistry, and provides an introduction to computational theory, ab initio methods, and semiempirical methods. The emphasis is on applications and reliability. May be coscheduled with CHEM 185. Prerequisites: graduate student standing.

CHEM 286. Molecular Simulations Lab (4)

Course in computational methods, with focus on molecular simulations. The course content is built on a background in mathematics and physical chemistry and provides an introduction to computational theory and molecular mechanics. The emphasis is on applications and reliability. May be coscheduled with CHEM 186. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 290. Mathematics for Physical Chemistry (4)

Focus on select topics from among numerous areas relevant to chemistry, including linear algebra, probability theory, group theory, complex variables, Laplace and Fourier transforms, partial differential equations, stochastic variables, random walks, and others. May be coscheduled with CHEM 190. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

CHEM 291. Molecular Biophysics Student Seminar (2)

This course has two components. First, students supported or affiliated with the Molecular Biophysics Training Program present seminars on their original research. Students generally present to an audience of their peers and training program faculty. Second, students present a critical analysis of a paper from the current literature and discuss aspects of research design, rigor, and reproducibility including whether the statistical analysis is appropriate. May be taken for credit up to six times. Prerequisites: graduate standing and department approval required. This course is only open for students supported or affiliated with the Molecular Biophysics Training Program.

CHEM 294. Organic Chemistry Seminar (2)

Formal seminars or informal puzzle sessions on topics of current interest in organic chemistry, as presented by visiting lecturers, local researchers, or students. (S/U grades only.) Prerequisites: advanced graduate-student standing.

CHEM 295. Biochemistry Seminar (2)

Formal seminars or informal puzzle sessions on topics of current interest in biochemistry, as presented by visiting lecturers, local researchers, or students. (S/U grades only.) Prerequisites: advanced graduate-student standing.

CHEM 296. Chemical Physics Seminar (2)

Formal seminars or informal sessions on topics of current interest in chemical physics as presented by visiting lecturers, local researchers, or students. (S/U grades only.) Prerequisites: advanced graduate-student standing.

CHEM 297. Experimental Methods in Chemistry (4)

Experimental methods and techniques involved in chemical research are introduced. Hands-on experience provides training for careers in industrial research and for future thesis research. (S/U grades only.) Prerequisites: graduate-student standing.

CHEM 298. Special Study in Chemistry (1–12)

An introduction to specific scientific research areas, experimental design, and techniques in contemporary research through independent, original projects under the direction or guidance of individual faculty members. May be taken for credit up to four times for a maximum of sixteen units. (S/U grades only.) Prerequisites: first-year graduate-student standing.

CHEM 299. Research in Chemistry (1–12)

Prerequisites: graduate-student standing and consent of instructor. (S/U grades only.)

CHEM 500. Apprentice Teaching (4)

Under the supervision and mentorship of a course instructor, MS and PhD students serve as teaching assistants to undergraduate laboratory and lecture courses. To support teaching competency, regular meetings with the instructor and attendance at lectures are required. S/U grades only. May be taken for credit twelve times. Prerequisites: graduate-student standing and consent of instructor.

CHEM 509. Teaching Methods in Chemistry and Biochemistry (2)

This course explores teaching strategies specific to chemistry at the college level, and promotes the development of skills for facilitating active, student-centered learning in both lecture and laboratory settings. It is required for first-time teaching assistants. S/U grades only. Prerequisites: graduate-student standing and consent of instructor.

  • UCSD Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Emeritus

chemistry phd ucsd

Baker, Timothy

chemistry phd ucsd

Crowell, John

chemistry phd ucsd

Dennis, Edward

chemistry phd ucsd

Dixon, Jack

chemistry phd ucsd

Fahey, Robert

chemistry phd ucsd

Kearns, David

chemistry phd ucsd

Lindenberg, Katja

chemistry phd ucsd

Magde, Douglas

chemistry phd ucsd

Marti, Kurt

chemistry phd ucsd

Mccammon, J. Andrew

chemistry phd ucsd

Nguyen-Huu, Xuong

chemistry phd ucsd

Nicolaou, Kyriacos

chemistry phd ucsd

Oesterreicher, Johann

chemistry phd ucsd

Opella, Stanley

chemistry phd ucsd

Perrin, Charles

chemistry phd ucsd

Sawrey, Barbara

chemistry phd ucsd

Trogler, William

chemistry phd ucsd

Watson, Joseph

chemistry phd ucsd

Weare, John

chemistry phd ucsd

Wheeler, John

chemistry phd ucsd

Whitesell, James

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Course Offerings 2022-2023 By Section


  1. Carl HOEGER

    chemistry phd ucsd

  2. Undergraduate Research at UCSD

    chemistry phd ucsd

  3. Thomas BUSSEY

    chemistry phd ucsd

  4. Chemistry & Biochemistry

    chemistry phd ucsd

  5. Wei WANG

    chemistry phd ucsd


    chemistry phd ucsd


  1. Introduction to Thermodynamics and First Law of Thermodynamics (Part 1)

  2. Schrodinger Equation (Part 1)

  3. Seminar Series

  4. Periodic Properties of Different Elements (Part 1)

  5. THIS Got Through Peer Review?!

  6. PhD Chemistry Counselling Date Announced l HPU 2024 l Bio Pathshala


  1. Chemistry PhD

    Chemistry PhD. The goal of the Chemistry PhD is to prepare students for careers in science as researchers and educators by expanding their knowledge of chemistry while developing their ability for critical analysis, creativity, and independent study. ... UC San Diego MRSEC; Teaching. Teaching apprenticeships are a vital and integral part of ...

  2. Graduate Admissions

    Chemistry PhD. Admissions. Thank you for your interest in the UC San Diego Chemistry & Biochemistry Graduate Program. We have over 300 bright and talented graduate students with diverse backgrounds from all over the world. We offer programs for the Doctoral, Masters, and Joint Doctoral degrees. Below you will find information on the needed ...

  3. Graduate Program

    Graduate Program The UC San Diego Chemistry & Biochemistry Graduate Program is one of the country's leading institutions for scientific research and is among the most exciting departments on campus with internationally renowned faculty. More than 60 faculty members perform cutting-edge research in areas including molecular synthesis, structural biology, atmospheric chemistry, and materials ...

  4. Chemistry and Biochemistry

    PhD in Chemistry or Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics with Specialization in Computational Science. Since fall 2007, the UC San Diego campus has offered a comprehensive PhD specialization in computational science that is available to doctoral candidates in participating science, mathematics, and engineering departments.

  5. Chemistry & Biochemistry Graduate Program Tracks

    Chemistry PhD Research Tracks. The department offers an Umbrella Program reflective of the depth and breadth of contemporary research undertaken within Chemistry and Biochemistry. The umbrella program encompasses seven different research tracks from which students can choose. The research tracks are overlapping in terms of course work and ...

  6. Materials Chemistry

    The Materials Chemistry track research is highly interdisciplinary. This track is at the interface of designing and preparing advanced materials, and characterizing their unique physical and chemical properties. The students will develop knowledge of physical principles of materials, skills in modern synthetic technologies, proficiency with ...

  7. Chemistry PhD Degree Requirements

    Chemistry PhD Degree Requirements. Programs of study are tailored to the needs of individual students, based on their prior training and research interests. ... The UCSD Dean of Graduate Studies enforces these limits. The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has set earlier time limits for advancement to candidacy and financial support as ...

  8. Chemistry and Biochemistry

    UC San Diego's chemistry program moves up in the latest annual ranking, rising to 20th in the nation. Learn More. Fall 2023 Newsletter. Fall quarterly newsletter offering the latest departmental updates Learn More. Previous Next. News. View All News. May 16, 2024. Distinguished Professor Mark Thiemens Elected as Fellow of the Royal Society ...

  9. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

    Over the past decade, theoretical chemistry and computational chemistry have undergone a revolution triggered by the advent of new theories/algorithms and high-performance supercomputers, making possible the study of increasingly large and complex systems. Current research at UCSD covers a broad range of topics that include quantum-mechanical ...

  10. UCSD Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty

    Biophysical chemistry: Spectroscopic studies of membrane protein folding and dynamics. Office: Urey Hall Addn 3040BPhone: 858-534-8080Email: [email protected]:galileo.ucsd.eduGroup: View group members. Klosterman, Jeremy. Assistant Teaching Professor in Chemistry and BiochemistryResearch Topics.

  11. Chemistry and Biochemistry

    UC San Diego Chemistry Ranked Among Best in the Nation by U.S. News & World Report. UC San Diego's chemistry program moves up in the latest annual ranking, rising to 20th in the nation. ... Dept of Chemistry & Biochemistry Student Affairs - 4010 York Hall 9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0303 La Jolla, CA 92093-0303 ...

  12. BMB Admissions

    The university-wide minimum TOEFL score for graduate admission is 550 for the paper based test (PBT), and 85 for the internet based test (iBT). The minimum for the IELTS Academic Training exam is a score of 7 and a score of 65 for the PTE Academic. At minimum, international applicants must also have a TOEFL iBT Speaking subscore of 23, an IELTS ...

  13. Chemistry and Biochemistry

    Chemistry and Biochemistry [ undergraduate program | graduate program | courses] All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice. ... PhD, Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award . Associate Professors. Kamil Godula, PhD. ... UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr ...

  14. Degree Programs

    Apply Now. We offer a wide variety of academic and professional graduate degree programs and we welcome talented prospective students from across the nation and around the world to apply for admission. begin your application. Expand All.

  15. UCSD-SDSU Joint Doctoral Program Overview

    Students spend a year at SDSU enrolled in the MA or MS chemistry program, and then they apply to the Joint Doctoral Program. During the first year of doctoral studies, JDP students take courses at UCSD and pursue research with their SDSU Thesis Adviser; students whose native language is not English must pass an English proficiency examination.

  16. Ph.D. Program in 'Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development'

    Pharmacy students in their 2nd year can apply for admissions for the PhD program of the Biomedical Sciences graduate program at UCSD (see previous paragraph). ... SPPS 222 Pharmaceutical and Physical Chemistry. SPPS 223 Pharmaceutical Biochemistry. SPPS 224 Biopharmaceutics. SPPS 225 Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems ...

  17. Chemistry and Biochemistry

    The Undergraduate Program. The UC San Diego Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry was founded in the 1950s by the late Professor Harold Urey and a group of colleagues who strove to create a department that would stress the fundamentals of chemistry and, at the same time, embrace diverse applications of those principles at the frontiers of knowledge.

  18. Chemistry MS Admissions

    Chemistry MS Admissions. Thank you for your interest in the UC San Diego Chemistry & Biochemistry Graduate Program. We have over 300 bright and talented graduate students with diverse backgrounds from all over the world. We offer programs for the Doctoral, Masters, and Joint Doctoral degrees. Below you will find information on the needed ...

  19. Chemistry and Biochemistry

    Prerequisites: lower-division standing, 3.0 minimum UC San Diego GPA, consent of instructor and department, completion of thirty units of undergraduate study at UC San Diego, ... A survey of inorganic chemistry to prepare for graduate research in the field, including a detailed introduction to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), followed by ...

  20. Graduate Program

    Graduate Program. The UC San Diego Chemistry & Biochemistry Graduate Program is one of the country's leading institutions for scientific research and is among the most exciting departments on campus with internationally renowned faculty. More than 60 faculty members perform cutting-edge research in areas including molecular synthesis, structural biology, atmospheric chemistry, and materials ...

  21. UCSD Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Emeritus

    Kyte, Jack. Professor EmeritusResearch Topics. Biochemistry: protein chemical studies of membrane-bound proteins catalyzing the transport of ions and of the active site of ribonucleotide reductase. Office: Urey Hall Addn 3050HPhone: 858-534-3281Email: [email protected].

  22. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

    Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry. A degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry from UC San Diego can pave the way for future success in the sciences. Our esteemed program equips you for various career paths, including graduate study, medical or professional school, and industry, such as pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

  23. Course Offerings 2022-2023 By Section

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