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The assignments in this course are openly licensed, and are available as-is, or can be modified to suit your students’ needs. Answer keys are available to faculty who adopt Lumen Learning courses with paid support. This approach helps us protect the academic integrity of these materials by ensuring they are shared only with authorized and institution-affiliated faculty and staff.

If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), the assignments will automatically be loaded into the assignment tool.

You can view them below or throughout the course.

  • Module 0: Personal Accounting— Assignment: Creating a Budget
  • Module 1: The Role of Accounting in Business— Assignment: Lopez Consulting
  • Module 2: Accounting Principles— Assignment: Accounting Principles
  • Module 3: Recording Business Transactions— Assignment: Recording Business Transactions
  • Module 4: Completing the Accounting Cycle— Assignment: Completing the Accounting Cycle
  • Module 5: Accounting for Cash— Assignment: Accounting for Cash
  • Module 6: Receivables and Revenue— Assignment: Manilow Aging Analysis
  • Module 7: Merchandising Operations— Assignment: Merchandising Operations
  • Module 8: Inventory Valuation Methods— Assignment: Inventory Valuation Methods
  • Module 9: Property, Plant, and Equipment— Assignment: Property, Plant, and Equipment
  • Module 10: Other Assets— Assignment: Other Current and Noncurrent Assets
  • Module 11: Current Liabilities— Assignment: Calculating Payroll at Kipley Co
  • Module 12: Non-Current Liabilities— Assignment: Non-Current Liabilities
  • Module 13: Accounting for Corporations— Assignment: Collins Mfg Stockholders’ Equity
  • Module 14: Statement of Cash Flows— Assignment: Kachina Sports Company Cash Flows
  • Module 15: Financial Statement Analysis— Assignment: Coca Cola FSA


The following discussion assignments will also be preloaded (into the discussion-board tool) in your learning management system if you import the course. They can be used as is, modified, or removed. You can view them below or throughout the course.

  • Module 0: Personal Accounting— Discussion: Winning the Lottery
  • Module 1: The Role of Accounting in Business— Discussion: The Crafty Coffee Crook
  • Module 2: Accounting Principles— Discussion: SoftSheets
  • Module 3: Recording Business Transactions— Discussion: Baker’s Breakfast Bars
  • Module 4: Completing the Accounting Cycle— Discussion: Closing the Books in QuickBooks
  • Module 5: Accounting for Cash— Discussion: Counter Culture Cafe
  • Module 6: Receivables and Revenue— Discussion: Maximizing Revenue
  • Module 7: Merchandising Operations— Discussion: Inventory Controls
  • Module 8: Inventory Valuation Methods— Discussion: LIFO, FIFO, Specific Identification, and Weighted Average
  • Module 9: Property, Plant, and Equipment— Discussion: Cooking the Books
  • Module 10: Other Assets— Discussion: Other Assets
  • Module 11: Current Liabilities— Discussion: Current Liabilities
  • Module 12: Non-Current Liabilities— Discussion: Off-Balance Sheet Financing
  • Module 13: Accounting for Corporations— Discussion: Home Depot
  • Module 14: Statement of Cash Flows— Discussion: Facebook, Inc.
  • Module 15: Financial Statement Analysis— Discussion: Financial Statement Analysis

Alternative Excel-Based Assignments

For Modules 3–15, additional excel-based assignments are available below.

Module 3: Recording Business Transactions

  • Module 3 Excel Assignment A
  • Module 3 Excel Assignment B

Module 4: The Accounting Cycle

  • Module 4 Excel Assignment A
  • Module 4 Excel Assignment B
  • Module 4 Excel Assignment C
  • Module 4 Excel Assignment D

Module 5: Accounting for Cash

  • Module 5 Excel Assignment

Module 6: Receivables and Revenue

  • Module 6 Excel Assignment A
  • Module 6 Excel Assignment B

Module 7: Merchandising Operations

  • Module 7 Excel Assignment

Module 8: Inventory Valuation Methods

  • Module 8 Excel Assignment A
  • Module 8 Excel Assignment B
  • Module 8 Excel Assignment C

Module 9: Property, Plant, and Equipment

  • Module 9 Excel Assignment A
  • Module 9 Excel Assignment B

Module 10: Other Assets

  • Module 10 Excel Assignment

Module 11: Current Liabilities

  • Module 11 Excel Assignment

Module 12: Non-Current Liabilities

  • Module 12 Excel Assignment A
  • Module 12 Excel Assignment B

Module 13: Accounting for Corporations

  • Module 13 Excel Assignment A
  • Module 13 Excel Assignment B
  • Module 13 Excel Assignment C

Module 14: Statement of Cash Flows

  • Module 14 Excel Assignment A
  • Module 14 Excel Assignment B

Module 15: Financial Statement Analysis

  • Module 15 Excel Assignment

Review Problems

There are also three unit review assignments and a final review. These reviews include a document which sets up the problems and an excel worksheet.

Unit 1 Review Problem (After Module 6)

  • Review Problem Document

Unit 2 Review Problem (After Module 8)

Unit 3 review problem (after module 9), final review (after module 15).

  • Assignments. Authored by : Cindy Moore and Joe Cooke. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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college assignment finance

200 Finance Assignment Topics to Research

Table of Contents

Who needs to write finance assignments?

Basic areas for finance assignments, inspiring finance assignment topics, interest rates and spreads. , work with dividends., the challenges of cash flow statement. , cost of capital studies. , creation of financial value. , behavioral finances. , international finance studies. , shareholders. , risks and returns. , work with financial statements. , public finance assignment topics, deep research public finance assignment topics,  topics on finance management, topics for international finance assignment, historical finance assignment topics, finance historical events in the world, how to choose a topic for finance assignment, why is it better to get finance assignment help at assignmentbro.

Finance Assignment Topics

When you are asked to find competitive finance assignment topics, it is essential to understand the main purpose and do your best to narrow things down without ruining the final outcome. In the majority of cases, financial studies will be related to individual cases or those explorations that are related to organizations and groups. You may be addressing specific financial needs or evaluating the pros and cons of the financial sector based on relevant operations, limitations, or regulations that are applied under the country’s legislation. Regardless if your work relates to risk management or international business assets, your topic must reflect your main objectives and meet the grading rubric requirements. Also AssignmentBro offer best assignment help in USA.

Another important concern to consider is the nature of your financial essay. It means that you may be composing a personal finance assignment as a reflective paper or doing it as a professional report. The structure of your writing will differ, so you may have to use different wording and adjust your subject a little bit to fit the essay type. As you choose your topic, start by exploring your subject and see whether you can support the main claims with the sources and include keywords from your thesis statement.

Finance assignments are typically required for students pursuing a degree in finance or a related field. However, students in other disciplines may also be required to write finance assignments as part of their coursework.

Types of finance assignments can include research topics such as investment analysis, portfolio management, financial statement analysis, and corporate finance.

  • Investment Analysis
  • Portfolio Management
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Corporate Finance
  • Risk Management
  • International Finance
  • Derivatives
  • Financial Modeling
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Financial Planning and Control
  • Investment management
  • Financial markets
  • Financial institutions
  • Real estate

Here is the rundown of the popular financial topics divided by sub-disciplines that are popular among college students. We have chosen several ideas that will give you the basic knowledge and provide you with an inspiring start as you brainstorm the possible choices.

The work with the interest rates will relate to the foreign and national exchange processes and banking. The work with the spreads will be efficient for accounting majors and investors. Here are some ideas for your finance assignment in this regard:

  • Interest rate charging by American vs European banks.
  • Work with the private sector customers.
  • Commercial vs national banks in the United States.
  • Deposit savings during the Covid-19 outbreak.
  • Compatibility of the interest rates in 2022 and 2020 in the United States.
  • Creditworthiness and the individual credit score of an individual.
  • The importance of the loan-to-value ratio.
  • The analysis of the debt-to-income in the private sector.
  • The major differences between the bank spread and the interest rates.
  • Calculation of the interest rate percentage with AI-based tools.

The topics in this area are related to investments and the study of the short-term and long-term financial processes as specific operations are being taken.

  • The techniques to receive high returns on financial investments.
  • The typical dividend payment policies in the United States.
  • Changes in payment of the dividends in the United Kingdom in 2022.
  • Cash dividend vs Stock dividend.
  • Analysis of the Hybrid dividend in the private sector.
  • Real estate studies through the lens of property dividend scenarios.
  • How to choose the correct dividend policy between stable, constant, and residual methods.
  • Restructuring of the company’s financial health with the dividends.
  • The pros and cons of the scrip dividends.
  • Work with the liquidating dividend in the EU countries.

Balance sheet and income flow relate here as the financial evaluation and strategic thinking take place in this branch of financial studies. These will always differ, depending on the country that you are planning to research. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Operating activities with the cash flow movements in the USA.
  • Preparation for investing activities: financial methodologies.
  • Financing activities through the lens of estimation.
  • Cash-flow statement versus income statement.
  • The presence of Bitcoin payments as the cash flow example.
  • Data Aggregation software and financial cash flow risks.
  • The role of accounting for the hard money scenarios.
  • The benefits of short-term investments in Canada.
  • Commercial papers versus hard cash flow.
  • Negotiation of the quick payment terms and unnecessary spending rules.

The cost of capital is one of the most challenging areas, yet you may apply the famous WACC formula and approach the temporal studies as you work on your choice of topic to narrow things down.

  • The risks related to liquidity and estimated costs of typical equity capital.
  • Privacy concerns based on access to information of the third-party agents.
  • International cooperation and the presented cost of capital.
  • Dealing with market uncertainty in 2022.
  • Voluntary versus legal order disclosure of financial information.
  • The pros and cons of the paid help by the financial grants (government funding).
  • Empirical research methods related to cost estimation.
  • The risks of the momentum strategies and the impulse investment choices.
  • Analysis of cost reduction based on the Microsoft Corporation social projects.
  • The determinants of the capital structure in the United States.

This area requires estimation and clever analysis. Such topics may include presentations and work with famous case study scenarios. The purpose is to estimate, create, and explain the financial value of specific assets or an endeavor before all the involved parties agree on the methods. Here are the financial value topics you must consider

  • The most efficient methods of creation and definition of financial value.
  • Psychological aspect of dealing with the stakeholders online.
  • The purposes and strategies: the difference between the concepts at play.
  • Meeting the financial deadline when estimating the value in progress.
  • Transformation of available resources into financial value assets.
  • The risks of an investment in capital goods.
  • The importance of intellectual property products and copyright matters.
  • Online conferencing as a form of financial persuasion.
  • Management of the value exchange in 2022.
  • Customer feedback and the mental determinants of the financial value.

Here is where you have to study the behavioral patterns of the customers, competitors, and financial organizations. It is usually approached as the “tracking” process where you have to make comparisons and evaluate the possible outcomes. Dealing with the behavioral finances, consider these psychology-driven topics:

  • The role of psychological bias when dealing with financial investments.
  • Allocation of financial assets online: the pros and cons of not being there in person.
  • Working with foreign analysts and their recommendations.
  • How to avoid corporate failure and the impact of the impulse.
  • The challenges of analysis of the stock market among beginners.
  • The importance of self-control when dealing with investors.
  • Ignoring personal interests when making decisions that suit all parties.
  • Personal bias and going against the facts.
  • Commercial presentations as the financial influence on investors.
  • Human emotions factor and short-term financial investments.

If you are working on a business finance assignment, the chances are high that you may approach the global sphere and address international finances. These may include investments, international banking, and financial support for third-world countries.

  • The changes that have taken place in the international financial market.
  • Determination of the digital exchange rate.
  • Purchasing power of third-world countries.
  • Negative effects of financial globalization and the cultural factor.
  • International risk management methodologies as a way to attract investors.
  • American depository receipts: what are the risks at play?
  • Exchange-traded funds: things we must know first.
  • Evaluation and strategic analysis when studying the foreign market.
  • The role of the Ukrainian conflict in the stagnation of global financial markets.
  • The benefits of mutual funds for an educational organization.

As the name implies, we are dealing with financial ownership matters and the stock

markets. You may address management of financial assets and the personal factor value among other things. Addressing the needs of shareholders is one of the most important tasks that a financial student has to accomplish, which is why you must think twice as you choose the correct wording for your topic:

  • The distribution of shareholder rights in the financial institution.
  • The role of the preference shareholder specialists.
  • Working with the debenture holders: the role of financial estimation.
  • The risks related to the equity shareholders.
  • Ordinary versus non-voting financial shares.
  • Reclaims and the redeemable shares in the United Kingdom vs the USA.
  • Financial management of the company: innovative methods and strategies.
  • Corporate exchange and the investment model in the institution vs organization.
  • Profit generation rules: how much control does a shareholder have?
  • Shareholder’s role in the financial security of the foreign company.

While this topic mostly relates to risk management and an estimation of the financial value that one estimates in the end, it is not only used by students majoring in Finance but also by those studying Data Science and MBA disciplines. Here are some concepts that you may consider as you work on your finance assignment based on risks and returns:

  • Analysis of risks and returns in investing processes.
  • Project-specific risks versus global investment programs.
  • How to determine low-risk investments online?
  • The pros and cons of the lower returns when estimating the risks.
  • Preliminary studies and industry-specific risks.
  • Dealing with the competition in financial markets.
  • How to build a solid investment plan based on online resources?
  • Volatility and estimation of the future market risks.
  • Company-specific risks and the human factor as a threat to investing.
  • The pros and cons of the individual stocks based on Bitcoin operations.

These may include anything from corporate finance management to small business matters. Starting with a financial sheet analysis to work with the relevant software, many college students choose related topics that speak of the challenges encountered with financial statements. Here are some bright ideas that you may consider for inspiration:

  • Creation of a multilingual balance sheet.
  • Determining what a company owns by setting a fixed time stamp point.
  • Digital income statements versus hard-copy statements issued by the hired accountant.
  • The role of outsourcing specialists when dealing with the shareholder’s equity statements.
  • Capital budgeting risks and additional financial services.
  • Dealing with the revenues and estimation of financial risks.
  • Data distribution to owners and determination of the income value.
  • Changes to the Financial Accounting Standards Board in 2022.
  • The role of the comprehensive income when dealing with the gains.
  • Creation of the Financial Performance Statement and the P&L calculation.

No matter what topic you are planning to choose, remember that you will have to alternate between personal, corporate, and public (government) types of financial work. It will help you to set the scene and ensure that you avoid touching upon those areas that are not related to your primary course of financial exploration.

  • Government spending
  • Fiscal policy
  • Monetary policy
  • Economic growth
  • International finance
  • Balance of payments
  • Exchange rates
  • Financial crises
  • Public debt
  • Social security
  • Infrastructure
  • Taxation on Economic Growth
  • Government Spending on Economic Growth
  • Fiscal Policy on Inflation
  • Monetary Policy on Inflation
  • Inflation on Economic Growth
  • Economic Growth on the Balance of Payments
  • Exchange Rates on Economic Growth
  • Financial Crises on Economic Growth
  • Public Debt on Economic Growth
  • Social Security on Economic Growth
  • Healthcare on Economic Growth
  • Education on Economic Growth
  • Infrastructure on Economic Growth
  • Taxation on Income Inequality
  • Government Spending on Income Inequality
  • Financial Planning on Risk Management
  • Risk Management on Investment Management
  • Investment Management on Portfolio Management
  • Portfolio Management on Financial Statement Analysis
  • Financial Statement Analysis on Corporate Finance
  • Corporate Finance on International Finance
  • International Finance on Derivatives
  • Derivatives on Financial Modeling
  • Financial Modeling on Behavioral Finance
  • Behavioral Finance on Financial Planning and Control
  • Financial Markets on Financial Institutions
  • Financial Institutions on Banking
  • Banking on Insurance
  • Insurance on Real Estate
  • Real Estate on the US Economy
  • Coronavirus Pandemic on the Global Economy
  • Brexit on the UK and European Economies
  • The US-China Trade War and its Impact on the Global Economy
  • Low Oil Prices on the Global Economy
  • US Tax Reform on the Global Economy
  • European Union Financial Regulation on the Global Economy
  • Climate Change on the Global Economy
  • Automation and Artificial Intelligence on the Global Economy
  • Population Aging on the Global Economy
  • Inequality on the Global Economy
  • Coronavirus Pandemic on the US Economy
  • Tax Cuts on the US Economy
  • Trade War with China on the US Economy
  • Rising Interest Rates on the US Economy
  • Inflation on the US Economy
  • Federal Budget Deficit on the US Economy
  • National Debt on the US Economy
  • Economic Sanctions on the US Economy
  • Immigration on the US Economy
  • Housing Market on the US Economy
  • The origins of money and banking
  • The development of the modern financial system
  • The history of central banking
  • The history of taxation
  • The history of government spending
  • The history of fiscal policy
  • The history of monetary policy
  • The history of inflation
  • The history of economic growth
  • The history of international finance
  • The history of the balance of payments
  • The history of exchange rates
  • The history of financial crises
  • The history of public debt
  • The history of social security
  • The establishment of the Bank of England in 1694
  • The founding of the US Federal Reserve in 1913
  • The Great Depression of the 1930s
  • The Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944
  • The collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1971
  • The oil shocks of the 1970s
  • The debt crisis of the 1980s
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989
  • The Asian financial crisis of 1997
  • The dot-com bubble of the late 1990s
  • The 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001
  • The global financial crisis of 2007-2008
  • The Euro crisis of 2010-2012
  • The Brexit vote in 2016
  • The trade war between the US and China

The topic must represent something that inspires you and a set of rules and problems that you can support with a strong methodology. If your finance assignment topic stands for a claim, it is much safer to start with an argumentative essay subject where you reflect on the general idea of your studies. Choosing topics for assignment, you may already have a writing prompt, which can make things easier or even more complex. The trick here is to make a reflection on your main academic course, so you can base your work on the concepts and subjects that you already know well.

Sometimes it’s extremely challenging to come up with a good topic or find out what an already provided subject means. Things can get even worse when you must start with an interdisciplinary approach to your financial studies and include concepts from a finance-related topic. If you’re feeling lost and require professional assistance with your assignment, consider our helpful finance assignment help service online website. Our trained experts will provide you with the topic selection issues, work on each section of your paper, will show you how to eliminate plagiarism, and assist with the final editing and proofreading stages.

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There are several reasons why it is better to get finance homework help at AssignmentBro.

  • First, our team of finance experts is highly experienced and can provide you with quality assignment help.
  • Second, we offer a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with our services.
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Finally, we offer a plagiarism-free guarantee so you can be sure that your assignment will be unique.

college assignment finance

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Library Home

  • Introduction to Financial Accounting

(4 reviews)

college assignment finance

David Annand, Athabasca University

Henry Dauderis

Copyright Year: 2017

Last Update: 2021

Publisher: Lyryx

Language: English

Formats Available

Conditions of use.


Learn more about reviews.

Reviewed by Katheryn Zielinski, Assistant Professor, Minnesota State University Mankato on 6/14/23

The text reading follows typical financial accounting flow. Beginning with the foundational introduction to what accounting is through the full accounting cycle, while including financial statement analysis towards the end of the book. Students... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

The text reading follows typical financial accounting flow. Beginning with the foundational introduction to what accounting is through the full accounting cycle, while including financial statement analysis towards the end of the book. Students will find the format helpful; the voice is student-friendly. There is online homework help for students. Instructors will find the text format friendly to semester-long class as concepts broken down into 13 chapters. The chapters explain the learning outcomes, use examples to express concepts, with chapter summary at end. The topics included are consistent with intro accounting courses.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

No issues noticed with accuracy. The text includes accurate financial accounting information.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

For an introductory accounting class with focus on US the concepts covered are typical.

Clarity rating: 5

The content is presented in a student friendly manner. Answers are provided. The extra information is helpful for students wanting extra practice.

Consistency rating: 5

The format and layout of the book chapters are consistent. All users will quickly understand the format as it is applied the same to each chapter. This helps provide consistency for students learning introductory accounting.

Modularity rating: 5

The content within the chapters can be broken-down and assigned as instructor plans for the course length. The manner is which the material is presented flows easily as reading.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The text organization is consistent and coherent. Each chapter is presented in same manner.

Interface rating: 5

No observed tech issues. PDF downloaded and used with ease.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

No grammar or language issues.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

No cultural insensitive or offensive context noted.

This is a student friendly text. However, students might find a glossary helpful, as well as an index.

Reviewed by Lawrence Overlan, Part-time Professor, Bunker Hill Community College on 6/4/20

I appreciate how the Statement of Cash Flows has a separate chapter towards the end of the book. Might be better to wait until that chapter instead of also discussing it in Chapter One.....lots of material for opening week.... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

I appreciate how the Statement of Cash Flows has a separate chapter towards the end of the book. Might be better to wait until that chapter instead of also discussing it in Chapter One.....lots of material for opening week....

I sampled several problems...all correct.

Hard to make accounting obsolete. All the required material is present.

Problems are presented clearly and with good font size. Excellent color schemes and graphics. problems detected in this area. Very straightforward.

Chapters contain the right amount of content. Not too long with out breakup diagrams or examples etc.

Standard flow of chapters with excellent subdivisions.

To the contrary, the graphics and flow charts break up the material very nicely.

No issues noticed in this area.

Nice work! I will definitely consider adopting.

Reviewed by Patty Goedl, Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati Clermont College on 3/27/18

The text covers all of the topics normally found in an introductory financial accounting (principles of accounting I) text. The table of contents essentially mirrors the table of contents found in the leading texts in this field. I like that... read more

The text covers all of the topics normally found in an introductory financial accounting (principles of accounting I) text. The table of contents essentially mirrors the table of contents found in the leading texts in this field. I like that this text also covers the classified balance sheet, financial disclosures and partnerships.

Content is error-free, accurate, and unbiased.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

The content is up-to-date. Introductory accounting does not change often so future updates should be minimal. The authors used the year 2015 in most of the problem and examples. This might make the text "seem" out-of-date in a few years.

The book is clear and concise. The topics are clearly explained and the technical terminology is appropriate for an introductory level.

The writing, style, and formatting are consistent throughout this text.

The text is divided into topical chapters, which is appropriate considering that the concepts build on each other. The chapters are further subdivided into sub-topics. This makes it easy for an instructor to pick which sub-topics to cover.

Excellent organization and flow. The concepts logically build upon each other and the material is presented in a clear fashion.

The HTML interface is excellent. The book has good graphics, end of chapter content, and even video examples.

I did not notice grammatical errors.

The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way

Excellent book that is comparable to any of the leading financial accounting titles. The authors even provide end of chapter problems, videos, and interactive Excel problems for students. Overall, a great resource! I commend the authors for making something of this caliber freely available.

Reviewed by Margarita Maria Lenk, Associate Professor, Colorado State University on 1/7/16

The content of this textbook matches the content and organization of most introductory financial accounting textbooks. It is written by Canadian authors, but is relevant to US students. The text begins by explaining the role of financial... read more

The content of this textbook matches the content and organization of most introductory financial accounting textbooks. It is written by Canadian authors, but is relevant to US students. The text begins by explaining the role of financial accounting in society, and then describes the underlying structure of double entry accounting systems and the process of recording economic events that impact the value of the organization through the journals and the ledger. The records of these events are then summarized into the primary financial statements. The numeric subtotals and totals on these statements are used to calculate standard financial measures and ratios used to evaluate the organization's performance. The text's organization then proceeds sequentially through the balance sheet accounts, explaining in more detail how the accounting for each category of economic value is recorded and reported. The author's decision to move the most complex content to the end of the book matches how most faculty choose to organize their coverage of these topics.

My reviewed resulted in highest marks regarding accuracy. The only possible concern I would mention here is that the authors use a commonly used technique in chapter two which sometimes leads to students misunderstanding that revenues and expenses are not part of owners' equity until the revenues and expenses are closed at year end to retained earnings. It is my preference to teach introductory students that revenues and expenses are distinct and separate from equity, and then explain that revenues and expenses ultimately get closed to equity. So, this is not an inaccuracy by the authors, just a point that some instructors may want to know before adopting the textbook.

It is my opinion that the content of this textbook will be relevant and current for at least a decade. Any changes made to accounting principles, Canadian or International, will be very easy and straightforward to update.

It is my opinion that the clarity of this text is very high. The authors are succinct and use visuals often to highlight the theoretical structures.

This test is very consistent with the framework that is set up by the authors in the beginning of the text.

The textbook is very clearly divided into separable modules, making it easy for both students to read and for instructors to choose which modules to include in their course.

The content of this textbook matches the content and organization of most introductory financial accounting textbooks. It begins by explaining the role of financial accounting in society, and then describes the underlying structure of double entry accounting systems and the process of recording economic events that impact the value of the organization through the journals and the ledger. The records of these events are then summarized into the primary financial statements. The numeric subtotals and totals on these statements are used to calculate standard financial measures and ratios used to evaluate the organization's performance. The text's organization then proceeds sequentially through the balance sheet accounts, explaining in more detail how the accounting for each category of economic value is recorded and reported. The author's decision to move the most complex content to the end of the book matches how most faculty choose to organize their coverage of these topics.

The online text worked perfectly in my Chrome browser. The end of chapter exercises and problems are perfectly formatted on the screen. All assessment materials (quizzes, exams, etc.) are located on a different site that requires registration to have access.

I found the grammar to be very clear, concise and very effective. Because the book is written by Canadians, expenses are sometimes referred to as revenue expenditures, which does not match how US textbooks refer to expenses, but is perhaps a better learning tool, as the expenses are always recorded in the period in which they match the revenue generation, so I support the authors' choices regarding how they refer to the difference between assets (capital expenditures) and expenses (revenue expenditures).

The textbook adequately refers to the international accounting standards. That is the only cultural relevance which is relevant to introductory financial accounting.

I found this textbook and its exercises to be a useful teaching and learning tool. Instructors and students have access to pre-made PowerPoint slides, exercises and problems, and there is the option to enrol in an online service for online assessments, which seem to have student feedback capabilities in addition to assessment gathering capabilities.

Table of Contents

  • The Accounting Process
  • Financial Accounting and Adjusting Entries
  • The Classified Balance Sheet and Related Disclosures
  • Accounting for the Sale of Goods
  • Assigning Costs to Merchandise
  • Cash and Receivables
  • Long-lived Assets
  • Debt Financing: Current and Long-term Liabilities
  • Equity Financing
  • The Statement of Cash Flows
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Proprietorships and Partnerships

Ancillary Material

About the book.

This textbook is an adaptation by Athabasca University of the original text written by D. Annand and H. Dauderis. It is intended for use in entry-level college and university courses in financial accounting. A corporate approach is utilized consistently throughout the book.

The adapted textbook includes multiple ancillary student and instructor resources. Student aids include solutions to all end-of-chapter questions and problems, and randomly-generated spreadsheet problems that cover key concepts of each chapter. These provide unlimited practice and feedback for students. Instructor aids include an exam bank, lecture slides, and a comprehensive end-of-term case assignment. This requires students to prepare 18 different year-end adjusting entries and all four types of financial statements, and to calculate and analyze 16 different financial statement ratios. Unique versions can be created for any number of individual students or groups. Tailored solutions are provided for instructors.

The original Annand/Dauderis version of the textbook including .docx files and ancillary material remains available upon request to D. Annand ([email protected]).

About the Contributors

David Annand, EdD, MBA, CA, is a Professor of Accounting in the Faculty of Business at Athabasca University. His research interests include the educational applications of computer-based instruction and computer mediated communications to distance learning, the effects of online learning on the organization of distance-based universities, and the experiences of instructors in graduate-level computer conferences.

David completed his Doctorate in Education in 1998. His thesis deals with the experiences of instructors in graduate-level computer conferences.

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Homework Help & Tutoring


Our name 24HourAnswers means you can submit work 24 hours a day - it doesn't mean we can help you master what you need to know in 24 hours. If you make arrangements in advance, and if you are a very fast learner, then yes, we may be able to help you achieve your goals in 24 hours. Remember, high quality, customized help that's tailored around the needs of each individual student takes time to achieve. You deserve nothing less than the best, so give us the time we need to give you the best.

If you need assistance with old exams in order to prepare for an upcoming test, we can definitely help. We can't work with you on current exams, quizzes, or tests unless you tell us in writing that you have permission to do so. This is not usually the case, however.

We do not have monthly fees or minimum payments, and there are no hidden costs. Instead, the price is unique for every work order you submit. For tutoring and homework help, the price depends on many factors that include the length of the session, level of work difficulty, level of expertise of the tutor, and amount of time available before the deadline. You will be given a price up front and there is no obligation for you to pay. Homework library items have individual set prices.

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Finance is a field of money management that involves activities like investing, budgeting, saving, lending and forecasting. It is typically broken down into three subcategories: 

  • Personal: Financial planning for individuals.
  • Corporate: Financial activities related to a corporation.
  • Public: Spending, budgeting and taxing for the government.

People with finance backgrounds often build careers as accountants, financial analysts, corporate finance consultants, financial planners and credit analysts.

When you study finance at the collegiate level, you will take courses focused on mathematics and business principles like economics and market analysis. Financial topics can be complex and often require in-depth understanding to master. Whether you're taking an introductory or advanced finance class, the online finance tutors at 24HourAnswers can provide the academic support you need to overcome the challenges you encounter in your homework.

Online Finance Tutors

Our online finance tutors provide personalized instruction and homework help on all types of finance topics. They break down the concepts and problems you're struggling with so they're easier to understand and solve.

Finance Tutoring Sessions

When you schedule an online finance tutoring session through 24HourAnswers, you'll have a live meeting with one of our finance experts. We use cutting-edge whiteboard technology that allows you to share your desktop, upload your files, listen to audio and watch videos to make your meeting as interactive and productive as possible.

Based on the information and documents you provide, your finance tutor will craft a session to address your specific academic challenges. They take a dynamic approach to explain finance concepts and tailor their instruction to accommodate your specific learning style.

Finance Homework Help

If you need help with your finance assignments or homework, you can count on us for a fast, reliable service. You'll get finance homework help from a highly qualified professional. They'll review the problems you submit and provide detailed examples and explanations to help you craft your answers.

You can also browse our Homework Library to view finance problems with answers and explanations. Using this database is a great option for students who need immediate assistance or prefer to review the material independently.

Finance Topics

College finance coursework covers many different topics. We have tutors who can help you with any finance subject or concept, including:

  • Cash flow: Cash flow is the movement of money into and out of a business over a given period.
  • Dividends: Dividends are portions of company earnings distributed to shareholders.
  • Risk management: Risk management is the process of identifying areas of financial risk and developing strategies to mitigate them.
  • Capital structure: Capital structure is the unique combination of debt and equity used to structure a company's finances.

Why Choose 24HourAnswers for Online Finance Tutoring?

At 24HourAnswers, we take a unique approach to online finance tutoring. Rather than hire only college students like many other online tutoring services, we've assembled an elite team of finance tutors with advanced qualifications and experience. Many of our tutors hold a master's degree or Ph.D. in finance. Some also teach at prestigious universities and work for top financial institutions. They lend their knowledge and experience to help with finance homework and help you understand finance topics on a deeper level and excel in your coursework.

Our finance homework help services are available 24/7. You can take advantage of our flexibility to get prompt homework help or schedule a tutoring session at a time that works best for you.

Once you submit your finance help request, you'll be contacted by a tutor as soon as possible, sometimes within just minutes. They will evaluate your request to come up with a time estimate and a no-obligation price quote. 

You'll receive competitive, transparent pricing on all our finance homework help services. Each quote is unique to the specific request, and we do not require minimum payments or levy any monthly fees.

Find Expert Finance Tutors Online at 24HourAnswers

24HourAnswers provides fast, reliable finance tutoring services from highly qualified professionals. Schedule your one-on-one tutoring session or request finance homework help and find out why we maintain a 99.5% student satisfaction rating. To get started, create a free account — it takes just 30 seconds to sign up.

To fulfill our tutoring mission of online education, our college finance homework help and online tutoring centers are standing by 24/7, ready to assist college students who need homework help with all aspects of finance. Our finance tutors can help with all your projects, large or small, and we challenge you to find better finance tutoring anywhere.

College finance homework help.

Since we have tutors in all Finance related topics, we can provide a range of different services. Our online Finance tutors will:

  • Provide specific insight for homework assignments.
  • Review broad conceptual ideas and chapters.
  • Simplify complex topics into digestible pieces of information.
  • Answer any Finance related questions.
  • Tailor instruction to fit your style of learning.

With these capabilities, our college Finance tutors will give you the tools you need to gain a comprehensive knowledge of Finance you can use in future courses.

24HourAnswers Online Finance Tutors

Our tutors are just as dedicated to your success in class as you are, so they are available around the clock to assist you with questions, homework, exam preparation and any Finance related assignments you need extra help completing.

In addition to gaining access to highly qualified tutors, you'll also strengthen your confidence level in the classroom when you work with us. This newfound confidence will allow you to apply your Finance knowledge in future courses and keep your education progressing smoothly.

Because our college Finance tutors are fully remote, seeking their help is easy. Rather than spend valuable time trying to find a local Finance tutor you can trust, just call on our tutors whenever you need them without any conflicting schedules getting in the way.

Finance Homework Help

Your one-stop shop for finance homework help.

As tough as your classes may be, one thing is clear: you need help with finance homework, and we can provide it. The experts at StudyGate have not only studied finance but excelled at it. Some have even turned their learning into careers, providing them with real-world experience so they can quickly and effectively deliver your solution.

But we do more than provide answers to questions. We ensure accuracy by reviewing the specifics of your assignment. Every detail is read and acknowledged so you get an amazing grade. Your project is then developed from scratch to give you a 100% unique answer. This is important for two reasons: (1) It shows you’re integrating what you’ve learned into the assignment (2) It demonstrates your ability to approach questions with creativity

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Ongoing Commitment to Your Satisfaction

Your question isn’t closed after we deliver your answer. Other finance homework helpers may operate this way, but StudyGate is different. We wait for your final approval to allow for edits. In fact, part of our ongoing quality commitment is to offer unlimited edits so you get the exact answer/project you envisioned. And until that vision is met, we continue holding your funds – meaning your tutor is paid only when you’ve let us know you are completely satisfied.

The StudyGate Difference

When it comes to your academic career, you can’t afford to take risks with tutors who may or may not be reliable. These people could lose your assignment or simply choose not to do it because they don’t have time.

At StudyGate, we reliably and consistently answer questions because we care about the clients we work with. This level of personal attention has enabled nearly 98% of students to ace their assignments after receiving our finance homework help (based on our internal Spring 2021 study). They can then confidently continue their studies knowing StudyGate is here if additional help is needed.

Logical Application of Concepts

Our tutors provide finance homework help that follows a logical flow of ideas. As a student, you need to see the path that connects specific questions and answers so you’re able to grasp the concept. This improves your learning outcomes and builds analytical skills.

Professional Presentation

When you pay for finance homework help online, you expect to see a professional presentation. We’ll meet and, in many instances, exceed those expectations with a neat, well-thought answer and cited references (if applicable). And if you need more clarification, you have only to connect with your tutor and ask for it.

Team of Friendly Experts

We’ve walked in your shoes, attending college and taking courses that stretched our patience. That’s why we will always treat you with respect. Many of our finance homework helpers even strive to make learning fun by injecting assignments with a little humor. We understand you’re stressed; our mission is to ease the pressure you’re under and make college more fun.

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Basic Finance Homework Help Topics Covered

If you’re just dipping your toes into finance coursework, rest assured no question is too “minor.” The need for finance homework help online can arise at any time and with any concept. Take a look at some of the topics we’ve explained in the past.

Amalgamation Whether you’re studying first thing in the morning or last thing before bedtime, it’s easy to confuse amalgamation with the many other terms you must memorize. This word means to combine companies into one entity by also merging their assets and liabilities; StudyGate’s finance assignment help online can explain this in greater detail.

Bond Valuation This technique determines the fair value of a particular bond. While this seems easy on the surface, making that actual determination gets complex. Let one of our finance homework helpers give you a boost.

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) CAPM refers to the relationship between risk and expected return on assets, especially stocks. Rather than try to understand this alone, ask for a little corporate finance assignment help.

Cash Conversion Cycle The cash conversion cycle is a metric that shows the time needed for a company to convert its inventory into cash flow. This is another area where help with finance homework can turn a confusing idea into one that’s easily understood.

Cash Management This seemingly simple term refers to the broad activities of handling, collecting, and using cash. Again, finance homework help online can quickly sort out the details and provide answers to tricky questions.

Advanced Finance Homework Help Topics

Just as we said no finance homework help requests are too easy, it’s also true that none are too difficult. If you’re in an advanced class and have questions, StudyGate is here for you. We can make sense of the most challenging terms, like those listed below.

Merger Types and Rationale Companies voluntarily fuse into one legal entity during mergers. These exist in different forms and present different reasons for doing so, which our finance homework helpers are happy to explain.

Exchange, Interest, and Inflation Rates These three rates are linked in ways that can be tough to catch. And re-reading the same text over and over doesn’t necessarily shed light on their relationships. The best thing you can do is ask for finance homework help online.

International Money and Capital Markets When you start speaking about global markets, the concepts become increasingly complex. With a StudyGate tutor, you can ask questions and get genuine, compassionate help with finance homework.

Theory of Portfolio Management This considers the potential risk and return of a combination of individual assets. You can gain a deeper understanding by asking for help with finance homework.

Areas We Have Provided Finance Homework Help in the Past

In addition to basic and advanced help with finance homework, we’ve also worked with students writing research papers, completing assignments, and even developing intensive projects. You can see our work in action with the sample finance homework help question and answer provided below.

You have $50,000 in savings for retirement.

FutureValue = PresentValue*(1+r)^n

N = ? quarterly periods FV = 1,000,000 dollars PV = 50,000 dollars R = 0.015 compounded quarterly

1,000,000 = 50,000*(1+0.015)^n Solve for n

20 = (1.015)^n n = log base 1.015(20) n = 201.21 quarterly periods n = 201.21/4 = 50.30 It will take 50.30 years to reach the $1,000,000 goal

How Are the Finance Assignment Writers at StudyGate Better Than Others?

We put our team of experts through an exacting process before onboarding them. This means they must first prove their subject knowledge and then demonstrate they can meet deadlines. Only then do we know they’re good enough to meet our demanding standards.

Tutors Are Available 24/7

StudyGate’s finance assignment help online is available all day every day because we know your schedule is erratic. You can therefore rest assured your tutor will be available when you need them (within reason).

On-Time Delivery

Our on-time delivery promise is paired with a guarantee that your assignment will be completed with at least 80% accuracy. Just because you ask for help with finance homework doesn’t mean you’re willing to compromise your grades. We understand this and measure our own success by that of yours.

Pricing that Meets Your Budget

This is an area where StudyGate really outshines the competition. We’re committed to transparent pricing and will never add usage fees, taxes, or other surprising costs to your price. You’ll know upfront what your tutor is charging for finance homework help, and that’s exactly what you can expect to pay.

We know what you’re wondering: exactly how much does StudyGate charge for finance homework help online? Charges range from $1 to $20 for short questions that can be answered in one hour or less. Rates run $20 to $100 for worksheets that include several questions. Projects start at $100 and increase as appropriate to reflect the level of work required.

Online Finance Assignment Assistance in Singapore

Finance is a wide subject that requires students to learn a variety of terms and theories. This often proves to be challenging for students in Singapore, where assignments are often more complicated. The great news is that StudyGate tutors look forward to receiving your most daunting questions.

Finance Assignment Help the USA with Academic Experts

Our finance homework helpers are graduate students, teachers, and professionals who perfectly understand the complexities posed by this subject. They’re also well acquainted with the expectations of USA colleges and universities; you’re in good hands when you choose one of our experts.

How Our Experts Help Students with Accurate Finance Assignments

This starts with knowledge. As mentioned earlier, we only work with subject-matter experts who demonstrate their knowledge of a particular field or subject. And all finance homework help is developed on an individual basis. Even if you and your friend both ask for help on the same question, you’ll receive correct answers that are uniquely developed. We demand this diligence to prevent plagiarism on all help with finance homework.

Who can do my finance assignment for me?

At StudyGate, we want to arm you with knowledge so you can complete an assignment yourself. You submit your question, and we’ll provide the answer with step-by-step guidance. This allows you to increase your knowledge of the subject and start to see a simpler side of finance.

Why do students choose StudyGate?

We have a few answers to this question. First, we provide a quick turnaround on finance homework help. Second, our staff genuinely want to see you do well, and this quality is evident in the work we deliver. Finally, our transparent pricing structure keeps things simple – and affordable. And if you’re unhappy with the character of your answer, we’ll refund your money.

Can I pay someone to do my finance assignment?

Yes, paying for finance homework help is 100% legit. There is nothing illegal or unbecoming about the assistance we provide. To this end, we maintain a strict confidentiality policy to protect your personal information. You can place total confidence in SteadyGate.

Can I trust StudyGate to get my finance assignment done?

You most certainly can. We eat, sleep, and breathe our No Bullshit Promise that guarantees timely delivery of your homework. If we fall outside the specified timeline, you can request a refund. We believe help with finance homework should ease stress, not cause it.

What if my finance assignment is delayed for some reason?

Although rare, finance homework helpers occasionally experience emergency situations. These might arise because of family or work commitments, but the point is your tutor will immediately communicate with you if they experience such a circumstance. They will also propose a new deadline, and if that doesn’t meet your needs, a new tutor can be found.

How will I receive my finance assignment solution?

Your tutor will upload your completed finance homework help to your portal. You’ll then receive a message through the StudyGate platform and to your email address indicating your assignment is ready for review.

How do you finish your homework at the last minute?

We urge you to ask for finance homework help online. Your dedicated tutor will work swiftly to ensure your deadline is met without sacrificing quality. And if you have additional questions, you can submit them through the StudyGate platform or even schedule a personal online tutoring session.

What is finance and its importance?

This broad field studies credit, capital markets, money, investments, leverage, and banking. These subjects are intensive, we know, which is why many students seek finance assignment help online.

Studying this subject can prepare you for a career in the financial services sector, in which you help people understand their financial health. It can also help you make better financial decisions in your everyday life, such as choosing savings vehicles and even investing in stocks and bonds.

Should you do easy or hard homework first?

This is a question that merits great debate, but generally speaking, most people recommend you complete easy tasks first. This allows you the time and energy necessary to focus on more difficult tasks – and ask for finance homework help if you need it.

At StudyGate, we recommend you find a homework strategy that works for you and stick to it. Whether you prefer to study in the morning, during lunch, or at night, and whether you like completing easy or hard tasks first, get to know your workflow and find ways that promote your best productivity.

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Financial Accounting and Reporting Classroom Materials


Financial Accounting and Reporting is an important part of the accounting curriculum. The skills students learn in your classroom will not only prepare them for more advanced courses, but to one day succeed in a career.  The below are supplemental curriculum resources that the AICPA Academics team have reviewed and think can be used in the classroom.

Award-Winning Curricula

The Academics team is proud to offer award-winning curricula designed to encourage faculty and expand the knowledge of accounting students. The curricula below is from the  Accounting Professors Curriculum Resource tool  and has been recognized for excellence with the  Bea Sanders/AICPA Innovation and Teaching Award , the  George Krull/Grant Thornton AAA Innovation in Junior and Senior-Level Teaching Award,  or the  Mark Chain/FSA Innovation in Graduate Teaching Award . 

  • A Better Way to Teach Effective Interest Method Related Problems in Accounting   This resource presents a simpler method of teach accounting problems involving the use of the effective interest method. The method stimulates student interest by focusing on the economics of the transaction and relating it to real-life examples.
  • Accounting in the Headlines: A News Blog for the Introductory Accounting Classroom   This resource shares Wendy Tietz's "Accounting in the Headlines" blog in which she writes stories about real-life companies and events that can be used in the accounting classroom to illustrate introductory financial and managerial accounting concepts.
  • Accounting Challenge (ACE): Mobile-Gaming App for Learning Accounting Accounting Challenge is the first mobile-gaming app for teaching financial accounting. ACE aims to enhance learning of accounting outside the classroom by engaging students to play and learn accounting on the go.  
  • A FASB Accounting Standards Codification Project for Introductory Financial Accounting   This exercise is designed as a team project in which introductory accounting students act as a consultants to a client seeking guidance on issues surrounding a start-up venture. Students must access and cite the Codification as the basis for the materials they submit in fulfillment of the project requirements.
  • Attracting the Best and Brightest to Accounting: Establishing an Honors Accounting Course   This resource presents one school's approach to attracting and recruiting the best and brightest students toward accounting by offering an honors accounting course.
  • Beyond Debits and Credits... Service Learning in Accounting   This resource presents a service learning project implemented in two accounting courses to enhance student skills in communication and teamwork.
  • Business From the Idea to the Seasoned Offering: Accounting and Financial Statements Reflecting Business Activities   This project takes accounting education from bookkeeping to holistic active business learning including how financial statements build to reflect the business.
  • Chocolate: Accounting as a First year Seminar   This resource provides a thematic approach at combining first year seminars and accounting programs using student activities that are simultaneously engaging and assessable.
  • Creative Strategies for Teaching MBA Level Accounting   This resource presents a new concept for teaching accounting to MBA level students. At its heart, accounting centers on measurement of historical transactions or the measurement of future opportunities. this course turns the focus from rules, to the tools leaders need to manage a complex organization.
  • Cultivating Deep Learning in the Principles of Accounting Classes through Philanthropy-Based Education   This philanthropy project goes beyond service learning or volunteerism. Students make real decisions that have immediate impacts on their community. Students award funding to not-for-profit agencies based on a competitive proposal process.
  • Digital Storytelling for Engaged Student Learning   This resource uses digital story telling, a movie, to enhance students' technical competence in accounting. The story uses 12 episodes to follow three young business graduates who started their own business and discover along the way the role of financial information in managing a business venture.
  • FASB Accounting Standards Codification: Student-Authored Research Exercises   This resource is based on the notion that the best way to learn something is to teach it. Students in a financial accounting graduate class demonstrate their master of GAAP research skills by creating research assignments using the FASB Accounting Standards Codification.
  • Forming Groups in the Age of YouTube   This resource uses a variation of speed dating as a means for forming groups in an introductory accounting class. By learning more about their classmates prior to self-selecting a group this method allows students to choose better groups.
  • Getting Started in the Throughbred Horse Business: A Review of Some Basic Accounting Principles   This resource provides reinforcement of common accrual accounting concepts centered on the breeding and racing operations of a small thoroughbred horse business. This curriculum is appropriate to use after students have been exposed to fixed assets, inventory, profit and loss and cash flow reporting.
  • IFRS Immersion   This resource provides instructions for teaching an IFRS course from the standpoint of foreign companies that have already dealt with the problems and issues associated with converting from local GAAP to international GAAP.
  • IFRS Projects Using Dual Reporting of IFRS and U.S. GAAP   This resource illustrates integrating IFRS learning into financial accounting curricula by incorporating valuable contrasting information from the dual reporting.
  • Integrated Accounting Principles: A New Approach to Traditional Accounting Principles Courses   This resource describes an integrated accounting principles course that combines traditional financial and managerial accounting courses into a single six hour course.
  • Introducing Freshmen Students in the Accounting/Finance Course to the Library   This resource describes a series of online, interactive tutorials and quizzes to help students learn fundamental concepts and skills of company and industry related research.
  • Introduction to Financial Accounting Case Project: Arctic Blast Ice Cream Store   This case provides an opportunity for students to apply accounting concepts to a simple business venture. The project lasts 4-6 weeks and covers three distinct phases of the management process: business decision making, performance and evaluation.
  • Let's Go to the Movies: Using Movies as an Ethics Assignment   This project involves students watching a series of predetermined movies and noting the ethical dilemma. At the end of the semester each student must defend one of the movies as a nominee for "A Must See Ethics Movie" for accounting/business students.
  • Mini-responsibility Centers: A Strategy for Learning by Leading   This resource explains the concept of using mini-responsibility centers (MRCs) to decentralize large financial, managerial and cost accounting courses. In return the students are more focused and engaged.
  • Modeling Uncertainty in C-V-P Assignments: Going Beyond the Basics!   This resource provides an outline for using the Monte Carlo Simulation to offer graduate students an opportunity to rapidly come to insights about probabilistic model building and interpretation. The simulation combines quantitative skills and qualitative skills along with reports and presentations.
  • Northwind Data Query Exercise   This project encourages students to consider the evolution of data sources for financial reporting and evaluate how to acquire and manipulate information in this emerging business reality; by actually practicing queries and exporting information to worksheets.
  • Reinventing Student Engagement and Collaboration within Introductory Accounting Courses   This resource provides ideas for increasing engagement and collaboration in the introductory accounting class. Examples include student projects, flipped classroom applications and in-class problems.
  • Responsibilities and Choices: An Active Engagement Exercise for Introductory Accounting Courses   This exercise provides students with an opportunity to perform a basic due diligence task, complete a relatively simple working paper to document their work and make a decision. The exercise has embedded moral temptation and ethical issues and examines ethical choices that students make in the presence of time pressure and reward structures that encourage aggressive performance.
  •   This document provides information on which was created  in response to the rapid growth of IFRS and lack of high quality and effective teaching resources. The site consolidates and provides links to numerous freely available IFRS pedagogical materials.
  • Testing Critical Thinking Skills in Accounting Principles   This resource describes a method for testing critical thinking skills in an accounting principles course. Using this method, each testing period is divided into two parts. First, students complete an individual traditional test. The second part is a critical thinking exercise called "the challenge problem".
  • The Accounting Profession Post Sarbanes-Oxley: An Approach to Impart Knowledge About the Conceptual Framework and Attract Students to the Accounting Major   This document provides the description of a program entitled "The Accounting Profession Post Sarbanes-Oxley". The program provides students with an opportunity to better understand important elements of the conceptual framework. It also provides an overview of the career opportunities in accounting.
  • The Accounting Tournament - March Madness in Financial Accounting   This resource describes implementation of an end of year comprehensive review using brackets as a model. Students are randomly placed in the bracket and compete against each other for extra credit points.
  • The Amazing Accounting Race: An Introductory Accounting Semester Project   This project engages students with an exciting internet race around the professional world of accounting. Students obtain clues to complete tasks, encounter detours, road blocks and fast forwards. The assignments utilize students' synthesis skills and computer application skills as they collect facts about accounting careers from the internet and assemble data in an organized format.
  • The College to Professional Experience   This resource outlines a program that serves to better prepare students for the "real world" by changing the perception of education from "learning by doing" to "doing and making to learn with technology". The project aims to move beyond traditional models of education to leverage technology to facilitate new methods of delivery and understanding.
  • The Farming Game and the Introductory Financial Accounting Course: An Accounting Simulation   The Farming Game enables students to develop many of the skill-based competencies needed by students entering the accounting profession, regardless of career path. The Game provides experiential learning of various accounting principles. It is a learning opportunity that offers students a degree of reality and a larger view of the system.
  • Understand FX Risk by Playing Monopoly   This resource uses a short version of Monopoly to understand the FX risk impact on net income.
  • Back to the Future: Using Accounting History to Explore Professional Opportunities   In this project students read an article about a period of time in accounting history and present their findings to the class in a video format. Students then tie what they have learned in the presentations to the field of accounting today as well as the future.
  • From Pacioli to Picasso: Using Art to Enhance Critical Thinking in Accounting Capstone Courses   This resource outlines using name cards, picture drawings and classic artwork to help students enhance their critical thinking skills. The exercise sets the tone for a course that requires them to think about more than rules and regulations and instead delve into the "why" and "what could be."
  • Digging Deep: Using Forensic Analytics as a Context to Teach Microsoft Excel and Access   This resource describes a graduate level case that focuses on the development of technology skills through the lens of forensic analysis.
  • Who Moved My Classroom? Community Linked Learning and Assessment   This resource describes three exercises that expand learning beyond the classroom. The first exercise allows students to discover the linkage between classroom studies and what practitioners do in the "real world". The second allows students to apply the COSO model to internal controls. The third requires students to interpret financial statements for a friend.

Additional Materials

Here are additional materials we reviewed and think are useful to incorporate into the classroom.

  • IIRC Database of Research on Integrated Reporting The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) launched the <IR> Academic Database, a searchable collection of more than 200 articles, books, chapters, dissertations, and other pieces of scholarly research on the advancement, adoption, and practice of integrated reporting. 
  • A destination is only as good as its compass. The new  My 360  is here to help you create a free plan personalized to your financial needs by helping guide you through all the resources 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy has to offer.


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  • Understanding Professor's Expectations in Corporate Finance Assignments | Finance Assignment Help
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  • Guide to Work on Group Assignments on Personal Finance
  • How Class Toppers Score High in Finance Assignments
  • A Comprehensive Roadmap: Writing an Assignment on Investment Appraisal
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  • Mastering Behavioral Finance Theories: A Step-by-Step Guide for Assignment Writing
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  • How to Write an Assignment on Financing and Capital Structure
  • Writing an Assignment on Investment Strategies - A Step-by-Step Guide
  • Demystifying Central Banks' Role in Finance: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Exploring the Impact of Interest Rate Changes on Stock Prices Across Sectors
  • How to Write an Assignment on Auditing and Assurance: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Exploring How College Financial Management Assignments Differ from High School Assignments
  • Unraveling Finance: EMH vs. Behavioral Finance
  • The Comprehensive Handbook: Crafting an Assignment on Bond Valuation
  • Enhancing Academic Success: Formative and Summative Assessments in Behavioral Finance
  • Mastering Behavioral Finance: Bridging Theory to Practice
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  • 8 Inspiring Quotes for Students to Motivate Them in Behavioral Finance Assignments
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  • Master Finance: Top 10 Concepts for Success
  • The Ultimate Handbook: Writing Assignments on Stock Valuation Demystified
  • Approaches to Addressing a Poor Grade in Financial Management Assignment
  • Master Finance Assignments: Tips for Success
  • How to Write an Effective Assignment on Capital Budgeting
  • Exploring Market Liquidity: Implications on Asset Pricing and Efficiency
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  • A Comprehensive Guide: How to Write an Assignment on Risk Management
  • Market Crashes and Regulatory Safeguards: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Unraveling the Significance of Credit Rating Agencies in Finance
  • Mastering Financial Management Assignments: The Definitive Guide
  • How to Write an Assignment on Financial Market Efficiency: A Comprehensive Guide
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Crafting an Impactful Financial Counseling Assignment
  • Comprehensive Guide: Crafting an Assignment on Corporate Finance
  • Unveiling the Power of Derivatives: Options, Futures, and Swaps in Financial Markets
  • Mastering Personal Finance Assignments: The Definitive Guide
  • Mastering Financial Ethics and Regulation: A Guide for Assignment Writing
  • Understanding Dividends, Stocks, and Bonds
  • Assignment Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Risk and Return in Finance Assignment
  • Forecasting Lost Sales in Insurance
  • Exploring Financial Statement Fraud: A Definitive Guide for Effective Assignments
  • Financial Strategies: Reduce Costs & Boost Profitability
  • Unleashing the Potential of Authentic International Finance Assignments: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Mastering Financial Decision Making Models: A Complete Assignment Writing Guide
  • Becoming Proficient in Writing an Assignment on Pension and Retirement Planning
  • How to Write an Assignment on Financial Management Strategies
  • Importance of Finance Assignments in Academics: A Powerful Learning Tool |
  • Mastering the Art of Writing Assignments on Financial Technology
  • A Comprehensive Guide: Writing an Assignment on Financial Analysis and Reporting
  • Writing an Assignment on International Finance: A Comprehensive Guide | Finance Assignment Help
  • How to Write an Assignment on Financial Market Instruments
  • How to Write an Assignment on Financial Mathematics
  • Mastering the Art of Personal Investment Planning Assignments
  • Mastering Corporate Finance: Essential Tips for Success
  • Boost Your Abilities: Composing Time Value of Money Assignments with Excellence
  • Risk Management in Financial Planning for Students
  • Public Finance Simplified: Key Principles and Theories
  • Time Management Tips for Successful Completion of Lengthy Corporate Finance Assignments
  • Unveiling Derivatives Excellence: The Comprehensive Guide to Assignment Writing Success
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  • Mastering Currency Derivatives: Strategies for Finance Majors
  • Real-World Corporate Finance Insights
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  • Demystifying Public Finance: A Comprehensive Study Guide
  • Tech in Global Finance: Transforming Markets
  • Future of International Finance: Trends & Predictions
  • Mastering M&A Assignments: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Finance Assignment Pitfalls: Tips to Excel
  • Mastering Capital Budgeting: Strategies for Success
  • Psychology of Money: Insights for Students
  • Mastering International Bond Markets
  • Advanced Financial Economics: A Guide
  • Solving Investment Decision Assignments: Expert Strategies
  • Market Analysis Strategies: Insights & Techniques
  • Financial Engineering Trends: Innovations for Academic Success
  • Stock Valuation Guide: Mastering Essentials
  • Mastering Financial Management: Student's Guide
  • Demystifying Regression Analysis in Econometrics
  • Managerial Finance Case Studies: Real-World Insights
  • Strategies for Resilient Capital Structure
  • Capital Markets Guide: Basics, Participants, and Dynamics
  • The Future of Financial Management 2024
  • Stock Valuation Methods: Insights & Analysis
  • Econometrics: Real-world Case Studies & Solutions
  • Master Managerial Finance: Exam Tips & Strategies
  • Mastering Complex Derivatives: Strategies for Financial Engineering
  • Financial Case Studies: Insights & Analysis
  • Mastering Retirement Saving and Consumption Smoothing in Finance Assignments
  • Empirical Analysis of Time-Varying Expected Returns
  • Exploring Interest Rates Across Financial Markets
  • Fundamental Financial Concepts for Excelling in Assignments
  • Solving Working Capital Management Assignments Effectively
  • Essential Insights: Business Organizations & Corporate Governance
  • Leveraging Financial Statements for Better Assignment Results
  • Financial Forecasting Methods for Future Performance Estimation
  • Compounding Frequency and Its Results on Money Value Over Time
  • Long-term Growth Trends and Their Impact on US Markets
  • When to Use Constant Perpetuity in Long-Term Investments
  • Why Dividend Yield & EV Metrics Matter for Investors
  • Sophisticated Techniques for Quarterly Bond Interest Disbursement
  • Balancing Assets and Liabilities for Effective Working Capital
  • Risk-Free Rate Calculation for Investment Analysis
  • Correlation Coefficient Relevance in Limited Data Sets
  • Limitations of the Dividend Discount Model in Stock Valuation
  • Calculate Unequal Payments Easily with Time Value Concepts
  • Proper Sequence for Preparing Financial Statements
  • R Scripts for Accurate Financial Regression Calculation
  • Simple Tax Benefits of Sole Proprietorships Explained
  • Profit Margin Calculation for Financial Health Analysis

Avail of Our Exceptional College Finance Assignment Help and Get Top Grade

Achieve top grades with our college finance assignment help. Our college finance assignment experts deliver tailored help with college finance assignments to ensure your success. We provide detailed finance assignment help covering diverse topics and offering various services. With quick response times and a commitment to excellence, we support your academic goals with personalized, expert assistance. Choose us for reliable, effective solutions to excel in your college finance assignments.

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Get ahead this fall semester with our exclusive offer! Enjoy 20% off on all finance assignments at Whether it’s budgeting, financial analysis, or investment planning, our expert assistance is now more affordable. Don’t miss out—secure your discount and excel this semester!

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Personalized College Finance Assignment Help That Fits Your Budget

Get college finance assignment help tailored to your needs and budget. Our college finance assignment experts provide personalized help with college finance assignments that ensures quality without breaking the bank. Whether you need detailed guidance or quick assistance, our finance assignment help covers it all. Rely on for affordable, expert support to boost your academic performance.

DescriptionPrice Range
Basic Finance Problems (e.g., Time Value of Money)$15 - $30
Intermediate Finance Projects (e.g., Capital Budgeting Analysis)$35 - $60
Advanced Financial Modeling (e.g., Derivatives Pricing)$65 - $100
Comprehensive Finance Projects (e.g., Portfolio Management Analysis)$120 - $200+
Urgent Assignment Completion (Additional 50%)-
Technical Support and Consultation$20 - $50 per hour

Increasing Demand for Online Help with College Finance Assignments

Exceptional features: achieve excellence with our outstanding college finance assignment help, complete coverage of topics covered by our college finance assignment specialists, step-by-step guide: easily access our college finance assignment help specialists, immediate responses: connect instantly with our experts via live chat support.

At, we offer top-notch college finance assignment help tailored to meet your academic needs. Our team of highly qualified college finance assignment experts is dedicated to providing exceptional help with college finance assignments, ensuring that you get accurate, well-researched, and timely assistance.

Whether you’re dealing with complex financial theories, investment analysis, or any other topic in your finance coursework, our finance assignment help is designed to support you every step of the way. With our extensive experience and commitment to quality, we ensure that every assignment meets your university's requirements and academic standards.

From basic concepts to advanced financial modeling, our experts are here to make complex topics manageable and understandable. At, we take pride in delivering comprehensive solutions that help you excel in your studies and achieve top grades.

Explore our services today and see how our college finance assignment help can make a difference in your academic journey. If you are concerned about who will do my college finance assignment? Trust our college finance assignment experts to provide the guidance and support you need to succeed.

The increasing demand for online help with college finance assignments reflects the growing complexity and pressure students face. With intricate topics and tight deadlines, many turn to for reliable college finance assignment help. Our college finance assignment experts provide the necessary help with college finance assignments to navigate challenges and ensure timely completion.

By offering expert finance assignment help, we assist students in managing the complexities of their coursework effectively, helping them achieve academic success despite the pressures. If you are concerned about who will do my college finance assignment? Rest assured, we are here to help you every step of the way!

  • Complex Financial Concepts: Advanced topics like derivatives, risk management, and portfolio theory can be overwhelming and difficult to grasp without expert guidance.
  • Tight Deadlines: Students often face multiple deadlines for various assignments and exams, making it challenging to dedicate enough time to each finance assignment.
  • High Pressure for Accuracy: Finance assignments require precise calculations and thorough analysis. The fear of making errors can lead to stress and a need for professional assistance.
  • Limited Understanding of Software: Many finance assignments involve specialized software or tools. Students may struggle with these technologies, prompting the need for expert help.
  • Balancing Multiple Commitments: Juggling academic responsibilities with part-time jobs, internships, and personal life can leave students with insufficient time to focus on complex finance assignments.

Experience excellence with our college finance assignment help at We offer top-notch help with college finance assignments, tailored to meet your academic needs. Our team of college finance assignment experts provides detailed, accurate solutions for complex topics, ensuring high-quality finance assignment help. Whether you are studying financial planning or need assistance with international finance, we are here to enhance your understanding.

Our guarantee of customer satisfaction and exceptional assignment solutions makes us your go-to source for finance assignment help online. With our commitment to excellence, we help you overcome challenges and excel in your coursework. If you are concerned about who will do my college finance assignment? Trust us to provide expert assistance with your college finance assignment and support you need to achieve academic success.

  • Expert Guidance: Our college finance assignment experts offer detailed and accurate support, ensuring your assignments meet high academic standards and reflect a deep understanding of complex finance topics.
  • Timely Delivery: We guarantee prompt delivery of your assignments, helping you meet tight deadlines and manage multiple coursework demands without compromising quality.
  • Personalized Solutions: Our college finance assignment help is tailored to your specific requirements, addressing unique aspects of your coursework and aligning with your professor's guidelines.
  • Secure Transactions: Experience peace of mind with our secure payment methods and confidential handling of your personal and academic information.
  • 24/7 Support: Access round-the-clock assistance from our dedicated team, ensuring you receive help whenever needed and can resolve queries related to your finance assignments promptly.

At, we offer college finance assignment help with complete coverage of key topics. Our college finance assignment assistants provide in-depth help with college finance assignments, addressing a wide range of subjects including investment strategies, financial analysis, and risk management. Our services extend to helping you with case studies and research papers, ensuring that you grasp the intricacies of financial markets and financial statements.

With our comprehensive finance assignment help, you receive detailed, accurate solutions tailored to your academic needs from a team of experts. If you are concerned about who will do my college finance assignment? Trust our college finance assignment experts to deliver high-quality work that meets your professor's expectations and enhances your understanding of complex finance concepts.

  • Investment Strategies: We provide expert analysis and guidance on various investment strategies, helping you understand portfolio management, asset allocation, and risk assessment for your finance assignments.
  • Equity Valuation: Our service covers techniques for evaluating equity, including discounted cash flow analysis, price-to-earnings ratios, and comparative valuation, crucial for accurate financial assessments.
  • Risk Management: Learn about identifying, analyzing, and mitigating financial risks, including market, credit, and operational risks, to make informed decisions and secure your financial investments.
  • Financial Modeling: We assist with building and interpreting complex financial models, such as projections, budgeting, and forecasting, essential for analyzing financial performance and making strategic decisions.
  • Capital Budgeting: Get help with evaluating long-term investment projects through methods like net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback period to optimize investment choices.

To connect with our college finance assignment experts at, follow these simple steps. Start by navigating to our platform and selecting the college finance assignment help option. Provide details about your assignment to receive tailored help with college finance assignments. Our team of college finance assignment experts will review your requirements and offer expert finance assignment help.

We ensure that you get prompt and efficient assistance, guiding you through every aspect of your finance coursework. For seamless access to top-notch support, follow these steps and achieve academic success with ease. If you are concerned about who will do my college finance assignment? Contact us today and get expert support!

  • Submit Your Request: Fill out the request form on our platform, providing details about your finance assignment and specific requirements for tailored college finance assignment help.
  • Provide Assignment Details: Share comprehensive information about your assignment, including topics and deadlines, to receive precise help with college finance assignments from our college finance assignment experts.
  • Connect with Experts: Our team reviews your request and matches you with a college finance assignment expert who specializes in your topic, ensuring effective finance assignment help.
  • Receive Assistance: The assigned expert works on your finance assignment, providing detailed solutions and support according to your needs, helping you achieve academic success.
  • Review and Revise: Once you receive the completed work, review it thoroughly. Request any revisions if needed to ensure the assignment meets your expectations and academic standards.

Experience immediate assistance with our college finance assignment help through our live chat support. Connecting with our experts is effortless and provides real-time solutions to your finance assignment queries. Whether you need clarification on investment strategies, equity valuation, or risk management, our live chat support ensures that you get prompt and accurate answers from experienced professionals.

Simply start a live chat session, and our dedicated team will be available to assist you with all aspects of your college finance assignment. You’ll receive tailored help with college finance assignments, addressing your specific concerns and guiding you through complex topics.

Our live chat support is designed to offer instant support, making sure you never feel alone in your academic journey. With expert guidance readily accessible, you can overcome challenges, meet deadlines, and excel in your finance coursework.

Our team of college finance assignment experts is committed to providing high-quality finance assignment help that aligns with your academic needs and goals. For fast, reliable, and interactive assistance, connect with our experts through live chat and take the next step towards academic success.

Dive into Our Informative College Finance Assignment Blogs

Dive into our informative college finance assignment blogs to gain valuable insights and enhance your understanding. Our expert content provides the best college finance assignment help, guiding you through complex topics. Whether you need help with college finance assignments or are looking for a reliable college finance assignment helper, our blogs offer the knowledge you need to succeed.

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Read positive feedback on our college finance assignment help to see how we've made a difference for students. Our college finance assignment helper provides exceptional help with college finance assignments, earning praise for clarity and reliability. Discover how our expert assistance has helped students achieve their academic goals and why we're highly recommended for your finance assignment needs.

Meet Our Dedicated College Finance Assignment Consultants

Meet our dedicated college finance assignment consultants who are here to provide top-tier college finance assignment help. Our experts offer specialized help with college finance assignments, ensuring high-quality, tailored solutions. Each college finance assignment helper on our team is committed to guiding you through complex topics and achieving your academic goals efficiently.

Nicholas Pierre

Masters in Finance

🇦🇺 Australia

Nicholas Pierre is a Financial Adviser from Australia with a master's degree in finance. With 4 years of experience, Nicholas specializes in profit margin calculation techniques for evaluating financial health. His expertise helps students and professionals understand key metrics for assessing business performance accurately.

Terrell Thompson

🇨🇦 Canada

Terrell Thompson is a Financial Adviser from Canada with a master’s degree in finance and 6 years of experience. Specializing in implementing R scripts for rigorous financial regression coefficient computation, Terrell brings extensive expertise to optimizing financial data analysis and predictive accuracy.

Lillie Charity

Lillie Charity is a Financial Adviser from Australia with a master’s degree in finance. With two years of experience, she specializes in evaluating statistical measures and their relevance in constrained data sets. Her expertise includes discerning correlation coefficients and their impact on data analysis.

Aidan Burrows

Ph.d in Finance

🇺🇸 United States

Aidan Burrows earned his Ph.D. from the Boston University and offers 9 years of experience in Investment Analysis. His expert guidance supports students in mastering challenging finance topics with ease.

Leo Thornton

Ph.D. in Finance

🇸🇬 Singapore

Leo Thornton holds a Ph.D. from University of Colorado Boulder and brings 11 years of experience in Financial Forecasting. Leo's proficiency helps students excel in their advanced finance assignments with precision.

Aidan Jordan

PhD in Finance

Aidan Jordan, a Ph.D. graduate from the Dartmouth College, has 15 years of experience in Corporate Finance Strategy. His expertise and insightful approach make him a valuable resource for tackling intricate finance assignments.

Louis Marshall

Louis Marshall studied at the Iowa State University, earning a Ph.D. with 18 years of experience. Specializing in Financial Risk Management, Louis combines extensive knowledge and practical skills to guide students through complex finance assignments.

Bailey Stone

Master's in Finance

Bailey Stone, a Master’s graduate from the Boston University, has 9 years of experience in finance. Bailey specializes in Financial Statement Analysis, providing detailed support in analyzing and interpreting financial statements for undergraduate assignments.

Freddie Sinclair

Freddie Sinclair earned his Master’s Degree from University of Colorado Boulder and has 11 years of experience in finance. His expertise lies in Investment Strategies, helping students navigate complex investment concepts and portfolio management.

Sarah Walton

Sarah Walton, with a Master’s Degree from the Dartmouth College, brings 15 years of experience in finance. She excels in Risk Management, offering thorough guidance on risk assessment and mitigation strategies for undergraduate finance assignments.

Lewis Chambers

Lewis Chambers holds a Master's Degree from the Iowa State University and has 18 years of experience in finance. Specializing in Financial Modeling, Lewis provides expert assistance in building robust financial models and analysis for undergraduate assignments.

Daniel Wells

Daniel Wells is a Canadian financial adviser with a master’s degree in finance and three years of experience in the field. His expertise includes analyzing how residuals reflect model accuracy in regression analysis, offering valuable insights into financial modeling and investment decision-making.

Nereida Hedges

Nereida Hedges is a Finance Analyst from Australia with a master's degree in Finance. She specializes in leveraging financial statements to enhance assignment performance.

Dr. Michael C.S. Wong

🇭🇰 Hong Kong

Dr. Michael C.S. Wong is a PhD holder in Finance from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, with a robust background of over 10 years in the field. Having successfully completed over 800 finance assignments, he is renowned for his comprehensive understanding and innovative approach. Students benefit from his mentorship and dedication to delivering high-quality solutions that exceed expectations.

Dr. Jacky So

Dr. Jacky So holds a PhD in Finance from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and has amassed over 9 years of experience. Having completed over 700 finance assignments, he offers extensive knowledge and practical expertise. His commitment to academic excellence and student success is reflected in his meticulous approach to assignment solutions.

Dr. Edward H.F. Wong

Dr. Edward H.F. Wong earned his PhD in Finance from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. With 8 years in the field, he has successfully completed over 600 finance assignments. Known for his analytical prowess and deep understanding of financial principles, he ensures accurate and insightful guidance for students seeking assistance.

Dr. Philip L.H. Yu

Dr. Philip L.H. Yu holds a PhD in Finance from The University of Hong Kong and brings over 7 years of experience to With a track record of completing over 500 finance assignments, he combines academic rigor with practical insights to deliver exemplary solutions that meet the highest standards of excellence.

Dr. Cory K. Peters

🇪🇸 Spain

Dr. Cory K. Peters completed his PhD in Finance from the University of Navarra and brings more than 10 years of extensive experience to the table. Having successfully handled over 900 finance assignments, Dr. Peters is recognized for his depth of knowledge and commitment to delivering superior Finance Assignment Help in Spain.

Dr. David R. Benton

Dr. David R. Benton holds a PhD in Finance from Universitat Ramon Llull and has over 9 years of experience in the finance industry. With a portfolio of over 800 completed finance assignments, Dr. Benton excels in offering meticulous analysis and strategic insights, ensuring top-quality Finance Assignment Help in Spain.

Dr. Chad C. Tully

Dr. Chad C. Tully earned his PhD in Finance from IE University and boasts over 8 years of experience. Having successfully completed more than 700 finance assignments, Dr. Tully is dedicated to providing precise and insightful guidance, making him a trusted Finance Assignment expert in Spain.

Related Topics

Frequently asked questions (faqs).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide insights into our college finance assignment help services. Here, you can find answers to common queries about help with college finance assignments and how our college finance assignment helpers assist you. Whether you need details on our process, pricing, or expertise, our FAQs offer clear and helpful information to guide you.

How do you ensure the accuracy of college finance assignments?

We ensure accuracy by having our college finance assignment solutions reviewed by multiple experts and using reliable financial tools and data.

What qualifications do your college finance assignment helpers have?

Our college finance assignment helpers hold advanced degrees and have extensive experience in finance. They are well-qualified to provide expert assistance on your assignments.

Can your experts handle complex college finance assignments?

Yes, our experts are skilled in handling complex college finance assignments including advanced financial modeling and quantitative analysis.

What is the process for getting college finance assignment help?

The process involves submitting your college finance assignment details, receiving a quote, and working with an expert to complete your assignment according to your specifications.

How can I request help with my college finance assignment?

To request help with college finance assignment, submit your details through our website or contact us directly. We will connect you with an expert who specializes in your subject.

What types of college finance assignments do you assist with?

We assist with various types of college finance assignments, including financial analysis, portfolio management, and capital budgeting. Our experts cover a broad range of finance topics.

  • Simple Budgeting Guide for College Students
  • Saving for College

As a college student, your main priorities are probably school and your social life. While budgeting may not be at the top of your to-do list, carefully tracking your incoming and outgoing expenses can help ensure smart money management throughout your college years. You don’t want to come up short and have to scratch by toward the end of the month, semester or school year.

Smart budgeting can also help you spend wisely and save on college costs, helping you avoid added debts on top of student loan debts you may already have. This personal finance guide for college students explains why you need a budget and how to create a monthly budget that works for you.

  • Why Budgeting in College Is So Important

Paying for college isn’t just a question of paying tuition. There are also expenses like books, housing, your phone bill, transportation and entertainment (e.g., Netflix or Spotify accounts). Plus, of course, you’ll want some money for socializing. Additionally, you may want to study abroad for a semester or do a summer internship, which may not always pay much, if anything.

You may pay for these college expenses in various ways, including scholarships and financial aid (FAFSA), student loans, support from parents, summer jobs and credit cards. Keeping track of these various expenses and forms of income can get complicated. You’ll want to make sure you have the liquidity to pay for the necessities while also minimizing overspending.

Plus, you’ll want to come out of your college years with as little debt as possible, setting you up for a positive financial future in adulthood. The average public university graduate has a debt of around $30,000 by the time they graduate (from a four-year program). For private schools, which tend to have higher tuition rates, the burden might be even more.

Additionally, with a detailed budget, you may even be able to set aside savings. You can then use your emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses — like if your laptop breaks mid-semester and you need to get a new one quickly. Having a nest egg by the time you graduate can also help you set up your post-graduate life by funding steps like a move to a new city for work.

Finally, by avoiding overspending and setting up savings, a budget can help alleviate stress around money matters in general. Plus, the financial literacy skills you learn will continue to serve you well after college. Being able to make a budget and stick to it is a talent that will be handy (and save you headaches) throughout your entire adult life.

  • College Budgeting Basics

A basic budget tracks all of your incoming and outgoing money (income and expenses). Income could include everything from part-time job earnings to student loans. Expenses generally fall into two categories: recurring (e.g., tuition) and variable (e.g., dining out). Read on for more details about the types of income and expenses you can expect as a college student.

  • Tracking Your Income and Expenses in College

As you track your income and expenses, cover all your financial bases in terms of where and how money comes in and goes out. For example, your parents may deposit financial support in a checking account, while you might also get paid cash for odd jobs you do on the weekends alongside your studies.

Carefully accounting for all different means and modes of income and expenses is the first step in creating an accurate budget that will result in good money management. Additionally, before you proceed, set a time frame for your budget. You might want to set a budget for the semester and then break it down into more detail on a monthly basis, for example.

  • Tracking Your Income

College students may get income from various sources, including:

  • Parental support
  • Financial aid distributions
  • Scholarships
  • College savings account
  • Part-time jobs
  • Tax refunds

Also, make sure to track any extra money you get from one-off jobs. For example, if you helped a friend move and they gave you cash for the gig, this technically counts as income. Tips from odd jobs like delivering food or food servicing are also technically considered income. Every financial “plus” to your financial liquidity needs to be included in your total income tally.

  • Tracking Your Expenses

Once you’ve tallied up your income for the given time frame, it’s time to tackle your expenses. Again, every detail counts! Whenever you have a financial “minus,” it’s an expense. Make a list of all outgoing expenses, dividing them into two categories: recurring versus variable costs. Recurring costs are those you can anticipate, which are fixed and occur at regular intervals. Variable costs are those that aren’t foreseeable, which vary depending on activity level.

Here are some examples of recurring fixed expenses college students may face:

  • Monthly student meal plan
  • Student loan payments
  • Cellphone bill
  • Subscription-based services like Netflix and Spotify
  • Fixed transportation costs (e.g., a month-long or semester-long public transportation pass)

Here are some examples of ongoing variable costs college students may face:

  • Restaurants (or combine “groceries” and “restaurants” into a single “food” category)
  • Events (concerts, going to the movies, etc.)
  • School supplies, textbooks, lab fees, etc.
  • Variable transportation costs (e.g., gas for your car, if you drive)
  • Analyzing Your Income vs. Expenses

Once you have your income and expenses listed, tally up how much money you have coming in versus going out every month and/or semester. Ideally, you will have more money coming in then going out. If not, it’s time to make some adjustments, either by upping your monthly income (e.g., picking up a part-time job) or cutting monthly expenses (e.g., eating out less).

Ideally, you’ll want your budget to meet the 50/20/30 rule . This asserts that 50% of your income should go toward fixed costs, like monthly rent, while 20% should go toward paying off debts or building savings, and the remaining 30% should go toward everyday variable costs like groceries. Having all of your expenses laid out in front of you makes it easier to identify cost-cutting possibilities.

Variable costs are generally the easiest to minimize. For example, when it comes to spending habits for things like entertainment, double-check whether there are student discounts you can take advantage of to help you save.

  • Managing Your Income and Expenses Over Time

Money management is an ongoing process. You don’t just create a budget once and never look at it again. You’ll need to update your budget every month or semester. There are a few ways you can do this, including:

  • Using a handwritten spending journal
  • Creating a simple spreadsheet using a tool like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets 
  • Downloading a budgeting app that lets you monitor spending, set financial goals, and more ( Mint is one popular option)

You can record expenses and income in real time as they come in or sit down at the end of the month/semester and record all pluses and minuses. Beware that the latter option will require you to hang on to receipts or meticulously comb through your bank account statements to ensure you haven’t missed anything.

  • Financially Planning for the Future While in College

If you aren’t yet saving, it’s also good to add a “savings” column to your expenses when you create your budget. Setting aside as little as $50 per month will add up to an emergency fund of $600 within a single year. By the end of a four-year degree, you’ll have $2,400 in the bank. This little nest egg can be useful in setting you up in your “adult life” after graduation. For example, it might help cover moving expenses or go toward a deposit on a new rental apartment.

You can also set other financial goals. For example, maybe you have a credit card debt you’d like to get paid off before graduation. You can put money toward that every month to help reach your goal. There are all kinds of financial goals you can set for yourself, from saving for a trip to putting aside money for a deposit on a first home or new car.

  • Discover Even More Helpful Financial Advice at helps students make smart financial decisions with informative, objective resources about everything from private student loans to financial aid. Whether you’re interested in financial planning or curious about your options for borrowing for school , we have you covered. Access more resources from the experts at to help pave the way to a brighter financial future.

Table of contents

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  • Free Financial Literacy Resources for College Students

Home » Financial Literacy » Resources for Teachers » Free Financial Literacy Resources for College Students

College presents a unique time in a young person’s life where financial literacy education is particularly important. Our resources for college students cover a number of important topics faced by young people who may be living on their own for the first time. These personal finance resources also lay the groundwork for major decisions that happen shortly after college graduation – like buying a home, a car and managing credit and debt.

Practical Money Skill Curriculum

Below is a library of workbooks, teacher’s guides and presentation materials from the Practical Money Skills Library.

Lesson One: The Art of Budgeting

A personal budget is a financial plan that allocates future income toward expenses, savings, and debt repayment. “Where does the money go?” is a common dilemma faced by many individuals and households when it comes to budgeting and money management.  Effective money management starts with a goal and a step-by-step plan for saving and spending. Financial goals should be realistic, be specific, have a timeframe, and imply an action to be taken. This lesson will encourage students to take the time and effort to develop their own personal financial goals and budget.

  • Teacher’s Guide – Lesson One: The Art Of Budgeting
  • Student Guide – Lesson One: The Art Of Budgeting
  • Teacher’s Slide Presentation Lesson One: The Art Of Budgeting
  • Teachers Power Point Presentation Lesson One: The Art Of Budgeting

Lesson Two: Living on Your Own

As young people grow up, a common goal is to live on their own. However, the challenges of independent living are often quite different from their expectations. This lesson provides a reality check for students as they investigate the costs associated with moving, obtaining furniture and appliances, and renting an apartment.

  • Teachers Guide – Lesson Two: Living On Your Own
  • Student Guide – Lesson Two: Living On Your Own
  • Teachers Slide Presentation – Lesson Two: Living On Your Own
  • Teacher’s Power Point Presentation – Lesson Two: Living On Your Own

Lesson Three: Buying a Home

For many, buying a home is the single most important financial decision they will make in their lifetime.  However, the process of becoming a first-time homebuyer can be overwhelming, and requires a foundation for basic home-buying knowledge.  This lesson will provide students with information on buying a home and where and how to begin the process. After comparing the differences between renting and buying, students will be introduced to a five-step process for home buying. This framework provides an overview for the activities involved with selecting and purchasing a home.

  • Teacher’s Guide – Lesson Three: Buying A Home
  • Student Guide – Lesson Three: Buying A Home
  • Teacher’s Slide Presentation – Lesson Three: Buying A Home
  • Teacher’s Power Point Presentation – Lesson Three: Buying A Home

Lesson Four: Credit

In today’s world, credit is integrated into everyday life. From renting a car to reserving an airline ticket or hotel room, credit cards have become a necessary convenience. However, using credit wisely is critical to building a solid credit history and maintaining fiscal fitness. While most students have a general idea about the advantages and disadvantages of credit, this lesson provides an opportunity to discuss these issues in more detail.

  • Teacher’s Guide – Lesson Four: Credit
  • Student Guide – Lesson Four: Credit
  • Teacher’s Slide Presentation – Lesson Four: Credit
  • Teacher’s Power Point Presentation – Lesson Four: Credit

Lesson Five: Credit Cards

What is APR? What is a grace period? What are transaction fees?  These and other questions will be answered in this lesson as students learn about credit cards, and the different types of cards available and features of each, such as bank cards, store cards, and travel and entertainment cards.  As students start to shop for their first (or next) credit card, this lesson will make them aware of various costs and features. Included in this section is a discussion of the methods for calculating finance charges.

  • Teacher’s Guide – Lesson Five: Credit Cards
  • Student Guide – Lesson Five: Credit Cards
  • Teacher’s Slide Presentation – Lesson Five: Credit Cards
  • Teacher’s Power Point Presentation Lesson Five:  Credit Cards

Lesson Six: Cars and Loans

“Should I buy a new car or a used car?”  “Where is the best place to finance my automobile purchase?”  “Is it better to take the rebate or the low-rate financing plan?”  These are typical questions asked by people buying vehicles. In this lesson, students are asked to identify costs associated with owning and operating a motor vehicle. Since these costs are commonly underestimated, guidelines are provided on how much to spend when buying vehicles.

Teacher’s Guide – Lesson Six: Cars And Loans

Student Guide – Lesson Six: Cars And Loans

Teacher’s Slide Presentation – Lesson Six: Cars And Loans

Teacher’s Power Point Presentation – Lesson Six: Cars And Loans

Lesson Seven: Consumer Awareness

Decisions, decisions. With so many choices available to us, how can we be sure we’re making the right decision?  Wise consumer buying starts with a plan. Using a systematic purchasing strategy will provide students with an ability to make more effective purchases. Comparative shopping techniques will be discussed to encourage students to carefully consider price, product attributes, warranties, and store policies. Next, this lesson covers a variety of buying methods, such as buying clubs, shopping by phone, catalogs, online, and door-to-door selling.

  • Teacher’s Guide – Lesson Seven: Consumer Awareness
  • Student Guide – Lesson Seven: Consumer Awareness
  • Teacher’s Slide Presentation – Lesson Seven: Consumer Awareness
  • Teacher’s Power Point Presentation – Lesson Seven: Consumer Awareness

Lesson Eight: Saving and Investing

Saving just 35 cents a day will result in more than $125 in a year. Small amounts saved and invested can easily grow into larger sums. However, a person must start to save.  This lesson provides students with a basic knowledge of saving and investing. The process starts with setting financial goals. Next, a commitment to saving is discussed.

  • Teacher’s Guide – Lesson Eight: Saving And Investing
  • Student Guide – Lesson Eight: Saving And Investing
  • Teacher’s Slide Presentation – Lesson Eight: Saving And Investing
  • Teacher’s Power Point Presentation – Lesson Eight:  Saving And Investing

Lesson Nine: Trouble

The material in this lesson will help students become aware of the warning signs of financial difficulties.

  • Teacher’s Guide – Lesson Nine: In Trouble
  • Student Guide –  Lesson Nine: In Trouble
  • Teacher’s Slide Presentation – Lesson Nine: In Trouble
  • Teacher’s Power Point Presentation – Lesson Nine: In Trouble

Lesson Ten: Consumer Privacy

In today’s information age, keeping your personal financial information private can be challenging. What you put on an application for a loan, your payment history, where you make purchases, and your account balances are but a few of the financial records that can be sold to third parties and other organizations.  This lesson will discuss how public and private records are accessed and used by various organizations, as well as review privacy laws to protect your information.

  • Teacher’s Guide – Lesson Ten: Consumer Privacy
  • Student Guide – Lesson Ten: Consumer Privacy
  • Teacher’s Slide Presentation – Lesson Ten: In Trouble
  • Teacher’s Power Point Presentation – Lesson Ten: In Trouble

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If you are working with adults who are not in college, consider using our free financial literacy curriculum , developed for Habitat for Humanity’s home recipients. This curriculum provides similar information but is designed for a lower-literacy student.

Personal finance for college students


Financial Literacy Menu

  • Financial Literacy Workshops & Webinars
  • Financial Data
  • Resources for Teachers
  • Using Comic Books To Teach Financial Literacy
  • How to Calculate Debt-To-Income Ratio
  • Free Financial Literacy Workshops For Habitat For Humanity Homebuyers
  • Free Personal Finance Workshops At Goodwill
  • Financial Literacy Education Statistics from FINRA’s NFCS
  • Financial Literacy for Kids
  • Free Financial Literacy Program For Teachers: Teach Money
  • How Much Are Americans Saving for College, Retirement and Emergencies?
  • Financial Literacy for High School Students
  • What Do Social Security Taxes Pay For?
  • Life Insurance for Seniors
  • Is Life Insurance Worth It?
  • When Should I Get Life Insurance?
  • Retirement Checklist
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Top College Assignment Planner Apps For Students

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Surabhi Guleria

  • May 29, 2023
  • 11 Min Read

Top College Assignment Planner Apps For Students

A college assignment planner app is a tool that helps scholars to plan their assignments by breaking and organizing them into manageable tract and furnishing resources and support towards their completion.

When you are trying to choose a good student assignment planner, you must always choose the one that offers maximum features and helps you schedule your work and time.

Some of the top features that these apps must have are:

  • Visually clean or information-thick
  • Integrated either with other apps or self-contained, with all the features you will need in one place
  • Highly customizable
  • Specialized for students or transmittable to post-school life

Below are some of the best student planner apps available. All of them are highly rated and the most recommended by students.

Microsoft To Do

MS To-Do For College

Microsoft To-Do is an app especially for the promising freshman in the field of planner apps. One of the best features of the app is that if you have forgotten to check off a task from yesterday, it will stay in the “Yesterday” box.

That way you can specifically choose which details to transfer to ‘My day,’ and plan a better time for those that will not fit in the present-day schedule. It allows users to sort their tasks into introductory lists, such as ‘Work,’ ‘Home,’ or ‘Lab’ and add subtasks on each list. 

Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with Microsoft account

Special features:

  • The Dark mode is useful if you’re checking your day before sleep or when you wake up the next day
  • You can change the background for each list, with lots of ultramodern and inspiring designs.

ToDoist For Students

Todoist is both an assignment planner and a to-do list. Often used by companies like Amazon and Disney, and made for everyone from students to directors. Todoist is an app you can use at school, university, academy, and further.

They have both free as well as paid versions for their users. The free version offers a lot more than likely to be needed by the students. Todoist also allows you to label tasks.

You can mark by priority, by context (laptop work, library, etc.), or really by any other system you want to create. You can also indicate recreating tasks, like daily or weekly quizzes, so you never miss an assignment. 

Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrades available

  • Note down important details or tasks
  • Organize each class and other recreation activities
  • Add ‘next action’ items
  • Check details on your list without losing them
  • Due dates for individual tasks
  • Pop-up reminders or mail
  • Every quality is customizable too, so you will not be getting lots of announcements  or notifications without asking for them

Calendly For Students

Calendly simplifies scheduling with individual persons and groups.

Calendly helps you set up the group as well as one on one meetings with your batch mates or colleagues. Since meetings have become a big part of today’s world, Calendly makes this task easier for you and lets you connect with whoever you want in no time. Students can save time by scheduling and managing those meetings with Calendly.

This working process of Calendly is

  • Connect the Calendly app with your digital calendar, like Google Calendar, iCal, Office 365 and others.
  • Then create a meeting request.
  • Set the parameters. For illustration, you can let recipients view your available period, so that they can choose a day and time, or you can select a day and time and they can further accept it or request a different time.
  • Choose recipients and send.

Calendly collects responses from whoever you want to schedule a meeting with and all without the texting thread. It helps in setting up meetings and organizing your time so that you can use your time in a better way.

Compatible with: iOS and desktop: Free with paid upgrades to Premium and Pro

  • Round-robin or collective scheduling in the paid interpretations.
  • Calendly will showtimes that are favourable to work for everyone, so you can pick if others show up their availability.
  • You can set reminders both for yourself and for those who agreed to meet with you.

Power Planner

Power Planner For Students

Power Planner is a very well-known and well-established student planner app with numerous similar features with myHomework and iStudiez, like entering your schedule, keeping track of your GPA, and viewing assignments and examinations.

There are several useful features and elements that are offered to the students that set this app apart from its competitors. The is regularly streamlined to offer the best experience and features to its users.

Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrade available

  • The GPA calculator is more accurate in this app compared to others.
  • It also includes announcements for due dates coming up. 
  • The paid version undoubtedly allows you to enter more grades and stores your GPA info from one semester to the next one.

myHomework For Students

myHomework is a clean and straightforward interpretation of a student planner app. Numerous teachers have formally adopted it for e-learning or online instruction, but it’s great for individual use as well.

It is formatted for several types of class scheduling similar to block, time-based schedules, or periods.

myHomework allows you to input assignments and add tasks needed to complete them as well as allows for prioritizing and grading tasks, so you can concentrate on what is most demanded at any given time. You can get reminders for forthcoming due dates too, so you don’t miss deadlines by accident.

Plan your work or assignment smoothly.

Download the app and plan your every day work in the most hassle-free manner.


Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free or $4.99 per year for Premium

  • While you need an internet connection to sync with other devices, it works fully even if you’re disconnected from a wireless network.
  • The free version has plenty of great features, but the paid version lets you get relief from ads as well as share assignments, attach files to assignments and switch out your theme.
Also Read: Top Study Planner Apps for Students

iStudiez Can Help Students

iStudiez is one of the most high-rated planner apps designed just for students. Fill up your class schedule including the professor’s name, contact info, and office hours. Then, you can color decode your classes and use icons to make them visually intriguing and easy to scan.

‘Week view’ allows you to plan out your time and get ready for the forthcoming week. ‘Day view’ shows you tasks and scheduled details for the present. You can add assignments for each class, their due dates, and specific tasks associated with them.

Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid Premium upgrade available

  • Once you upgrade to iStudiez Pro, you can indeed get a regular update on your GPA. 
  • After receiving graded assignments back, enter the grade and point value and iStudiez will do the calculating for you with the GPA tracker.
  • It records the information from semester to semester, so you can keep the big picture in mind.

What are the benefits of a student assignment planner?

A student assignment planner is a routine or a guide that students create in order to better organize and communicate.

Students use these planners more likely to keep track of their assignments, set personal goals for students, and enhance communication between students, teachers, and parents. The four effective ways student planners can enhance learning are as follows:

Improves Organization  

 The organization doesn’t come fluently to utmost scholars. It requires constant effort and a great deal of planning; qualities that some pupils need.

Students frequently get frazzled and confused with having to keep up and plan for their numerous classes, assignments, test dates, and so forth. Due to lack of association, scholars’ work or grades frequently suffer. 

Assignment planners give an easy and creative system of taking note of their commitments and deadlines. It gives them a systematized approach to recording the necessary information on a day-to-day basis.

These are also related over the course of time, enabling students to prepare and be ready with their class necessities and activities. 

Tracks Achievements  

Student planners allow them to keep track of their objectives. They can make use of the planner to write down their to-do lists and targets.

As they achieve goals throughout the week, they’re suitable to construct momentum and get inspired to work harder. Ambition setting is a great skill to learn for school as well as in life after it.

Also Read: Track Students Attendance With Excel

Enhances Students’ Responsibilities

Having a planner gives the students the freedom to plan, organize and keep track of their work to the best of their capacities and necessities.

This has a binary benefit in that it increases the student’s responsibility to the commitments as well as provides them with a strategy that contributes to their success. Using these planners, students are suitable to take full responsibility and accountability to complete their work. 

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Promotes communication  .

There’s always a chance for miscommunication to take place when conveying information to parents through students.

The Use of planners helps to overcome this challenge as it serves as an excellent line of communication between scholars, parents, and educators. 

Planners can have a separate section allowing school teacher-parent communication. educators can write regarding pupil performance, dates for school activities, or about academy programs, while parents can use the space to interrogate the pupil or inform the schoolteacher about any problem faced by the student. 

Using student assignment planners can help scholars stay on track and succeed to the best of their capability. 

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How can Lio help?

Lio helps in organizing your personal and business data on the mobile phone so that it is easily accessible for finding the information you need.

It is a user-friendly tally app that can help students in planning their schedules and routines in a more efficient and organized manner.

Not downloaded the Lio App yet? Here is how you can start with Lio App.

Step 1: Select the Language you want to work on. Lio for Android

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Step 4: All Done? Share and Collaborate with your contacts.

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A student planner app is very helpful in overcoming deadlines. It also keeps you away from missing deadlines, and you become more productive. Technology is a two-sided coin, but when used properly, it can make lives more convenient and easier. I hope you find this list useful and it helps you choose the right app for you.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best student planner app .

All the apps mentioned above are good, but personally speaking, the best so far is Todoist. This is because the app is very simple to use and it gives you an overview of everything you need to do. To be more precise, the app is limitless.

Why should you use a student assignment planner app?

You should use a student assignment planner app to help you organize all your assignments and school work. Student planner apps can be a great help for students not to miss out on deadlines. 

What should be included in a student assignment planner?

The following things should be included in your student planning: – Regular Time Interval for work homework – Assignment Due Dates – Exam Dates – Seminars or Projects Deadline

What are the other benefits offered by the student planner app apart from notifying deadlines of projects and assignments?

The following are the benefits provided by most of the student planner app: – Seminars Reminder – School or College Event Dates – Time for Physical Activity – Holidays

Can the student planner apps be operated offline?

Yes, most of the student planner apps are designed to be used both offline and online for the convenience of the students.

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Industrial Textiles and Their Applications

Industrial Textiles and Their Applications


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I’m a tutor myself. My schedule has just gotten too busy. I would appreciate some advice on how to prepare my lesson plan before class.

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Hello Supriya,

The learning objectives for the lesson must be determined before you can begin to plan it. In contrast to what the learner will be exposed to during instruction, a learning aim explains what the learner will know or be able to do following the learning experience.

Estimate how much time you will spend on each learning activity as you plan them.

Finding out if your students are learning is made possible through assessment planning. Students have the chance to demonstrate and practice the knowledge and abilities outlined in the learning objectives through assessments (such as examinations, papers, problem sets, and performances), and instructors have the chance to give specific comments that can direct further learning.

After a lesson, there is an opportunity to reinforce what the students have learned. Instructors and students can both benefit from lesson closure. Hope you find this useful.

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Could you please assist me in providing some tips on how to meet multiple deadlines? Thanks in advance.

Hello Manohar,

Here are some helpful hints for juggling many deadlines without becoming exhausted: Make sure you can actually see your workload, whether you write it down on a whiteboard or enter it into an app. You can use this to plan your timetable and break up the work at hand into more manageable chunks.

Organize your time by deciding what is urgent versus what is important, and then decide which projects will demand the most of your time, effort, and resources.

Try dividing up large projects into little chores if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of deadlines on your calendar. In this manner, you’ll remain on track to achieve your deadline and feel more driven to complete the task. I hope these suggestions prove useful.

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This article is really top-notch. You have literally told us everything. Never stop writing, please. Thank you a lot.

Hello Anushka,

Thank you so much for your warm words. I’m happy this article piqued your interest and provided some useful information. Happy reading!

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I work as a teacher. How can assignments be given to students in the best way possible without putting them under pressure?

Hello Rajmohini,

When giving out assignments, teachers need to be especially careful. Students may tune out and refuse to complete their assignments if it is too difficult, or takes too long. Students’ homework assignments ought to build on what they have learned in class. Consider these suggestions on how to assign homework to make sure it is clear and appropriate:

1. Establish a regular homework schedule at the start of the school year, 2. Give the students tasks they can complete, 3. Give homework in small clusters, 4. The assignment should be written on the chalkboard and left there until it is due, 5. Periodically remind pupils of due dates, 6. Work together with other educators to avoid a glut of assignments.

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The Lio app is amazing. Because of the lio app registrations, I’ve been able to do all of my tasks in a timely and organized manner. This app even has an expense tracker and other additional registers. Simply love this!

Hello Jared,

Your kind words are greatly appreciated. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it as you continue to explore the Lio app.

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  • Sample Student Projects

MOC Student Projects on Country & Cluster Competitiveness

The competitive assessments listed on this page have been prepared by teams of graduate students mostly from Harvard Business School and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and other universities as part of the requirements for the Microeconomics of Competitiveness.  Each study focuses on the competitiveness of a specific cluster in a country or region and includes specific action recommendations.

These studies represent a valuable resource for researchers, government officials, and other leaders.  Students have given permission to publish their work here; the copyright for each report is retained by the student authors.  References to the reports should include a full list of the authors.

Student Projects by Country

  • Argentina Soy Cluster  (2016)
  • Armenia IT Services Cluster  (2006)
  • Australia Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Cluster  (2016)
  • South Australia Wine Cluster  (2010)
  • Australia Renewable Energy  (2008)
  • Belgium Chocolate Cluster  (2016)
  • Wallonia Aeronautic Cluster  (2013)
  • Belgium Pharmaceuticals  (2011)
  • The Botswana Textiles Cluster  (2007)
  • Brazilian Petrochemical Cluster  (2017)
  • Sao Paulo Plastics  (2013)
  • Leather Footwear in Brazil  (2012)
  • Brazil Aviation  (2011)
  • Bio-ethanol Cluster in Brazil  (2009)
  • Brazil Biotech Cluster: Minas Gerais  (2009)
  • The Poultry Cluster in Brazil  (2006)
  • Bulgaria's Apparel Cluster  (2007)
  • Alberta Energy Cluster  (2010)
  • Ontario Financial Services  (2008)
  • Transportation and Logistics Cluster in Northeast China  (2017)
  • Wind Turbine Cluster in Inner Mongolia  (2009)
  • The Chinese Apparel Cluster in Guangdong  (2006)
  • Bogota Software Cluster  (2013)
  • The Sugar Cane Cluster in Colombia  (2007)
  • Colombia Shrimp Aquaculture  (2008)
  • Costa Rica Data Centers  (2016)
  • Costa Rica Medical Tourism  (2016)
  • Ship & Boatbuilding in Croatia  (2009)
  • The Danish Wind Cluster  (2017)
  • The Danish Design Cluster  (2007)

Dominican Republic

  • The Dominican Republic Tourism Cluster  (2012)
  • Tourism in the Dominican Republic  (2007)
  • The Textile Cluster in Egypt  (2012)
  • The Offshoring Cluster in Egypt  (2009)
  • France's Competitiveness in AI  (2017)
  • Toulouse Aerospace Cluster  (2013)
  • France Wine Cluster  (2013)
  • Baden-Wuerttemberg Automobile Cluster  (2015)
  • Germany Wind Power Cluster  (2010)
  • Germany’s Photovoltaic Cluster  (2009)
  • Hamburg Aviation Cluster  (2009)
  • Biotechnology and Life Sciences in Munich  (2007)
  • Ghana Cocoa Sector  (2017)
  • Greece Shipping Cluster  (2010)
  • The Fresh Produce Cluster in Guatemala  (2009)
  • The Apparel Cluster in Honduras  (2007)
  • Hong Kong Financial Services  (2008)
  • Iceland Financial Services  (2008)
  • The Antiretroviral Drug Cluster in India  (2017)
  • Andhra Pradesh Pharmaceutical Cluster  (2013)
  • Tamil Nadu (India) Automotive Cluster  (2012)
  • Tirupur (India) Knitwear  (2011)
  • India (Maharashtra) Automotive Cluster  (2010)
  • Maharashtra Biopharmaceutical Cluster  (2009)
  • Bangalore Biotechnology  (2008)
  • Gujarat Diamonds  (2008)
  • Bollywood — Maharashtra and India’s Film Cluster  (2008)
  • Karnataka Offshore IT and Business Process Outsourcing Services Cluster  (2006)
  • Bali Tourism Cluster  (2013)
  • Ireland Financial Services Cluster  (2017)
  • Ireland Internet Cluster  (2013)
  • Ireland ICT Cluster  (2010)
  • The Dublin International Financial Services Cluster  (2006)
  • Israel Aerospace Cluster  (2015)
  • Jerusalem Tourism Cluster  (2013)
  • Israeli Biotechnology Cluster  (2006)
  • Italy Tourism  (2011)
  • The Italian Sports Car Cluster  (2006)
  • Japan Automobile Cluster  (2016)
  • Japan Skin Care Cluster  (2013)
  • The Japanese Gaming Cluster  (2012)
  • Japan Flat Panel Displays  (2011)
  • The Video Games Cluster in Japan  (2009)
  • Jordan Tourism Cluster  (2009)
  • Kazakhstan Oil and Gas Cluster  (2010)
  • Kazakhstan Energy Cluster  (2007)
  • Kenya ITC Services Cluster  (2016)
  • Kenya Tourism Cluster  (2016)
  • Kenya Business Process Offshoring  (2011)
  • Kenya Tea  (2009)
  • Kenya Coffee  (2008)
  • Kenya's Cut-Flower Cluster  (2007)
  • Korea Showbiz Cluster  (2013)
  • Korea Shipbuilding Cluster  (2010)
  • Korea Online Game Cluster  (2006)
  • Textile and Apparel Cluster in Kyrgyzstan  (2012)
  • The Macedonian Wine Cluster  (2006)
  • The Shrimp Cluster in Madagascar  (2006)
  • Malaysia Semiconductor Cluster  (2015)
  • Malaysia Palm Oil  (2011)
  • Malaysia Financial Services  (2008)
  • Queretaro Aerospace Cluster  (2015)
  • Mexico Central Region Automotive Cluster  (2013)
  • Mexico Chocolate Cluster  (2010)
  • Electronics Cluster in Guadalajara Mexico  (2009)
  • Baja California Sur Tourism  (2008)
  • Monaco Tourism  (2011)
  • Mongolia Mining Services Cluster  (2010)
  • Morocco Automotive Cluster  (2015)
  • Morocco Aeronautics Cluster  (2013)
  • Morocco Tourism  (2008)
  • Nepal Tourism Cluster  (2015)
  • Nepal Tourism  (2011)


  • Netherlands Medical Devices Cluster  (2013)
  • Netherlands Dairy  (2011)

New Zealand

  • New Zealand's Marine Cluster  (2009)
  • The Nicaraguan Coffee Cluster  (2006)
  • Lagos ICT Services Cluster  (2017)
  • Nollywood —  The Nigerian Film Industry  (2008)
  • Nigeria Financial Services  (2008)
  • Norway’s Fish and Fish Products Cluster  (2017)
  • Textiles Cluster in Pakistan  (2007)
  • Lima Financial Services Cluster  (2016)
  • Asparagus Cluster in Peru  (2012)
  • Peru Tourism Cluster  (2010)


  • The Philippines Electronics Components Manufacturing  (2017)
  • Medical Tourism in the Philippines  (2008)
  • The Philippines Contact Center Cluster  (2007)
  • The Tourism Cluster in Lisbon  (2017)
  • The Automotive Cluster in Portugal  (2007)
  • Romania Apparel Cluster  (2010)
  • The Moscow Financial Services Cluster  (2012)
  • Moscow Transportation  (2006)

Saudi Arabia

  • Saudi Arabia Chemicals Cluster  (2016)
  • Singapore Higher Education  (2016)
  • Slovakia Automobile Cluster  (2016)

South Africa

  • The Johannesburg Software Cluster  (2017)
  • South Africa Iron Ore Cluster  (2013)
  • South Africa Automotive Cluster  (2012)
  • The South African Wine Cluster  (2009)
  • Textiles & Apparel Cluster in South Africa  (2009)
  • The South African Wine Cluster  (2006)
  • Andalucia (Spain) Tourism  (2011)
  • Apparel Cluster in Galicia Spain  (2009)
  • The Spanish Wind Power Cluster  (2007)


  • Banking in Switzerland  (2017)
  • Switzerland Private Banking Cluster  (2010)
  • Switzerland Watchmaking  (2010)
  • Taiwan: Semiconductor Cluster  (2007)
  • Tanzania Horticulture Cluster  (2010)
  • Tanzania’s Tourism Cluster  (2006)
  • Thailand Automotive  (2011)
  • Thailand Automotive Cluster  (2007)
  • Thailand Medical Tourism Cluster  (2006)

Trinidad & Tobago

  • Tourism in Trinidad and Tobago  (2006)
  • Tourism Cluster in Tunisia  (2012)
  • Tunisian Tourism Cluster  (2008)
  • Turkey Textiles and Apparel Cluster  (2012)
  • Turkey Automotive  (2011)
  • Turkey & The Construction Services Cluster  (2007)
  • Uganda Fishing Cluster  (2010)

United Arab Emirates

  • Dubai Logistics Cluster  (2015)
  • Abu Dhabi (UAE) Petrochemical Cluster  (2012)
  • Dubai (UAE) Tourism  (2011)
  • The Transport and Logistics Cluster in UAE (2007)
  • Dubai Financial Services Cluster  (2006)

United Kingdom

  • The Future of the UK Midlands Automotive Cluster  (2017)
  • London FinTech Cluster  (2016)
  • IT Hardware Cluster in Cambridge, UK  (2012)
  • UK Competitiveness and the International Financial Services Cluster in London   (2007)

United States

  • Massachusetts Clean Energy Cluster  (2017)
  • Ohio Automotive Cluster  (2017)
  • Chicago Biotech Cluster  (2016)
  • San Diego Craft Beer Cluster  (2016)
  • Kentucky Bourbon Cluster  (2015)
  • New York City Apparel Cluster  (2015)
  • Pennsylvania Natural Gas Cluster  (2013)
  • New York Motion Picture Cluster  (2013)
  • Massachusetts Robotics Cluster  (2012)
  • Miami, Florida Marine Transportation Cluster  (2012)
  • South Carolina Automotive Sector  (2012)
  • Tennessee Music Cluster  (2012)
  • California Solar Energy  (2011)
  • Silicon Valley (California) Internet-Based Services  (2011)
  • Minnesota Medical Devices  (2011)
  • Massachusetts Higher Education and Knowledge Cluster (2010)
  • The North Carolina Furniture Cluster  (2009)
  • Automotive Cluster in Michigan USA  (2009)
  • Washington D.C. Information Technology and Services Cluster  (2008)
  • The Chicago Processed Food Cluster  (2006)
  • The Los Angeles Motion Picture Industry Cluster  (2006)

Student Projects by Cluster

Aerospace vehicles & defense, agricultural products.

  • Asparagus in Peru  (2012)
  • Textiles and Apparel Cluster in Turkey  (2012)
  • Bulgaria's Apparel Cluster   (2007)
  • South African Automotive Cluster  (2012)
  • South Carolina (USA) Automotive Cluster  (2012)


  • Bangalore (India) Biotechnology  (2008)

Business Services

  • Karnataka (India) Offshore IT and Business Process Outsourcing Services Cluster  (2006)

Construction Services

Education & knowledge creation.

  • Massachusetts Higher Education and Knowledge Cluster  (2010)


  • Nollywood The Nigerian Film Industry  (2008)

Financial Services

  • The Moscow (Russia) Financial Services Cluster  (2012)
  • Ontario (Canada) Financial Services  (2008)
  • UK Competitiveness and the International Financial Services Cluster in London  (2007)

Fishing & Fishing Products

Health services, hospitality & tourism.

  • Baja California Sur (Mexico) Tourism  (2008)

Information Technology

  • The Johannesburg Software Cluster  (2017)

Jewelry & Precious Metals

  • Gujarat (India) Diamonds  (2008)

Marine Equipment

Medical devices, metal manufacturing, metal mining, oil & gas products & services.

  • Abu Dhabi (UAE) Petrochemical Cluster  (2012)
  • Norway Oil and Gas Cluster  (2012)

Processed Food

Power generation & transmission, transportation & logistics.

  • The Miami Florida Marine Transportation Cluster  (2012)
  • The Transport and Logistics Cluster in the United Arab Emirates  (2007)


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University of Idaho: Rankings, Courses, Admissions, Tuition Fee, Cost of Attendance & Scholarships

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The University of Idaho is one of the best research institutions in the USA, as well as a significant educational center. The Moscow campus is home to nearly 9,328 students pursuing their degrees. Programs at University of Idaho-Moscow have 150+ academic programs to choose from.

With 93 Undergraduate and 58 graduate majors programs, admission to University of Idaho-Moscow is moderately competitive with 78% annual acceptance rate. The university requires scores on English Language Proficiency Tests such as the TOEFL, IELTS, and others with official transcripts, financial worthiness, and other documents to support the admission application.

Early Career Pay for University of Idaho Graduates is 53,400 USD. The median mid-career salary for University of Idaho graduates is 99,300 USD which is much higher than the national average. The higher career goals and jobs in the USA are very well planned in the academic structure of the institution .

University of Idaho Moscow Rankings 

  • Acc. To US News & World Report, the University of Idaho ranked 37 in Best Value School, #170 in National Universities, and #124 for Best College for Veterans.
  • Acc. To Times Higher Education, U of I ranked 601-800th in World University Ranking 2021 and 401-500 in US College Ranking 2021.
  • Acc. to Overall Best States Rankings, U.S. News & World Report : the University of Idaho is No. 5 in the Best States Rankings, Ranked No. 4 Fiscal Stability, Ranked No. 3 in the U.S. for Economy.
  • MSN Lifestyle, ranked it as the most beautiful campus in Idaho.
  • Princeton Review, Idaho recognized as “Top 286 Green Colleges” in their list of most environmentally responsible.
  • Washington Monthly magazine’s College guide ranked the university among the top 100 national universities for social mobility, research, and service.
  • Ranked 33rd in the nation among the 2012 “Top 100 Best Buy Colleges” by Forbes magazine , and second among all national research universities in the Pacific Northwest.
Type of University Public
Student-Faculty Ratio 16:1
Annual Acceptance Rate 78%
Percentage of International Students 2
Basic Undergraduate Tuition Fees for International Students (Annually) 27,576 USD
Basic Graduate Tuition Fees for International Students (Annually) 29,148 USD
Test Score Accepted TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, PTE, MELAB
Application Mode Online
Annual Research Fund 113 Million USD
Application Fees 70 USD
Official Website

University of Idaho Campus & Accommodation

The University of Idaho Moscow campus i s well-known for the rolling Palouse Hills that surround it, making it difficult to look away. A bustling town with about 24,000 residents is only a few minutes away from this campus. The University of Idaho's Recreation and Wellbeing Department offers programs, services, facilities, and equipment to enhance the university learning experience.

Fitness, Intramural Sports, Outdoor Program, Sports Clubs, Vandal Spirit Squad, and Vandal Health Education are among the programs available. There are more than 170 student clubs and organizations . The University of Idaho Library is the state's largest library, housing over a million books and subscribing to nearly ten thousand print and online periodicals. For over a century, the library has also served as an official regional depository of United States federal government publications, making nearly two million government documents available to the public.

The fraternity and sorority community at The University of Idaho is the largest and most vibrant on-campus community. With 34 recognized fraternities and sororities, our members account for roughly 23% of the student population in Moscow. The university also offers students housing in the USA .


For one academic year, all full-time first-year students under the age of 21 must live in structured living groups legally recognized by the institution. There are 17 residence halls in the University. About 60% of first-year students choose the residence halls . Some of them are:

  • Wallace Residence Center: The Wallace Residence Center, with its multi-winged design, is the largest of our residence halls, housing over 800 students. Ballard, Willey, and Gooding Wings are all options for first-year students. Stevenson Wing is available to non-first-year students.
  • Theophilus Tower: The Theophilus Tower is an eleven-story residence hall designed for first-year students with over 350 occupants.
  • McConnell Hall: For returning, transfer, and graduate students, McConnell is a special residence hall. For students who choose a more quiet and academically focused living environment, McConnell offers 55 private single rooms on gender-specific floors .
  • Living Learning Communities: Each of the eight buildings provides its residents with an environment dedicated to academic success, student support, and activities geared toward social enrichment. The majority of LLC buildings are reserved for students who are not in their first year.

The University also provided On-Campus Apartments like Elmwood Apartments offer studio, one-bedroom, and loft-style apartments, South Hill Apartments and South Hill Vista offer one, two, and three-bedroom townhouse-style units. The meal plans cost 990-2350 USD.

The Cost of living of residence halls for the 2021-22 academic year are given below:

Residence Hall Single Occupancy Annual Cost in USD Double Occupancy Annual Cost in USD
Wallace Residence Center 6,460 4,700
Living Learning Communities 6,844 5,332
McConnell Hall 6,460 N/A
Theophilus Tower 6,334 4,608

The Cost of living of Apartment for the 2021-2022 Academic year are:

Apartment Room Type Elmwood Apartments Cost in USD (per semester) South Hill Vista Apartments Cost in USD (per semester) South Hill Apartments Cost in USD (per semester)
Studio 3,840 - -
Loft 5,010 - -
1 Bedroom 3,930 - 3,690
2 Bedroom - 4,200 3,888
3 Bedroom - 4,830 4,380
4 Bedroom - - 5,460

University of Idaho Programs 

The University of Idaho has 150+ academic programs to choose from, including majors, minors, and certificates. All academic programs are available through the university's colleges of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Education, Health and Human Services, Engineering, Natural Resources, Art and Architecture, Letters, Arts, and Social Science, Science, and Business and Economics.

UG at University of Idaho- Moscow offers 93 programs and 58 graduate majors programs. The University of Idaho STEM Education Initiative brings together the many unique and impactful programs across the university that prepare and inspire students to enter and succeed in STEM fields, from preschool to graduate school.

WWAMI program is nationally accredited, allowing 40 Idaho medical students to complete their first and second years of medical training at the University of Idaho. Engineering Outreach (EO) delivers the coursework for master’s degrees that are exactly the same as those offered on campus..

University of Idaho International Admission Process 

The university admissions are offered in fall, spring and summer semesters and the process is as follows:

Application Portal : To apply, go to the official website, fill out the online application, and choose the programs of your interest. Application Fee: 70 USD

Application Deadlines 

Semester Deadlines for Undergraduates Deadlines for Graduates
Fall (Aug to Dec) May 1 February 1
Spring (Jan to May) October 1 September 1
Summer Session (Mid May) March 15 February 1

Admission Requirements

  • Completed admission application
  • Payment of non-refundable application fee
  • Official transcripts from school, college, or university previously attended
  • English language proficiency test scores
  • Copy of Passport
  • Certificate of Financial Responsibility
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Health Insurance
  • A statement of purpose /motivation

English Language Proficiency Scores 

The following information is provided to help you understand the English Proficiency Test Minimum Score Requirements for the non-native English speakers;

Exam Name Minimum Scores for Undergraduate Students Minimum Scores for Graduate Students
70 79
6.0 6.5
Duolingo test 100 -
MELAB 74 77

University of Idaho Cost of Attendance 

The average annual cost of attendance for International Students enrolled at the University of Idaho is as follows to be taken in consideration to calculate the budget to study in the US. :

Budget Item Annual Cost in USD (Undergraduate) Annual Cost in USD (Graduate) Annual Cost in USD (Law)
Tuition Fees 27,576 29,148 42,532
Room and Board Charges 9,610 10,864 10,864
Book and Supplies 1,232 1,232 1,232
Miscellaneous & Personal Expenses 1,924 3,826 3,826
Transportation 1,148 1,148 1,148
Total 41,490 46,218 59,602

University of Idaho Scholarships 

The international waiver scholarships to study in US are available to all eligible new undergraduate students. The scholarship waiver is renewable for four years if the student maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.5 (62%) at the University of Idaho. For the 2021-22 academic year, the Invitation to Idaho Scholarship results in a savings of more than 15,084 USD.

More than 50 undergraduate students are honored each spring. Every student category receives monetary awards, with more than 10,000 USD awarded each year. Due to the financial hardship resulting from the pandemic, International Tuition Scholarship is a need-based scholarship that provides a partial waiver of the Out-of-State Tuition cost.

Graduate students are encouraged to apply for a Teaching Assistantship (TA) or a Research Assistantship (RA) through their department (RA). The amount awarded will be determined by the funds that support them. (Research positions are typically funded by grants, whereas teaching positions are typically funded by state funds.)

Work While you Study

Work-study is a need-based financial aid program that provides full-time students with part-time jobs to help them meet their school-related expenses. Funds are provided jointly by the government (75 percent) and the University of Idaho (25 percent). The minimum wage is 7.25 USD per hour.

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program encourages program participants to participate in community service activities while they study.

For on-campus and off-campus work opportunities, one must apply through JLB based on their program. The pay scale will be determined by the working hours and the student's abilities. To find jobs, sign in as a current student and search based on their programs.

University of Idaho Alumni 

The UIAA is a non-dues-paying organization founded in 1898 to assist the university alumni in reconnecting with their alma mater. This global network of over 109,000 alumni is made up of University of Idaho graduates or students who have completed 90 credits or more.

Some of the Notable Alumni are:

  • James Albertus McClure - American Lawyer and Politician
  • Carol Ryrie Brink - American Author
  • Frank Anderson Shrontz - American Corporate Executive and former Government Official, Former CEO and Chairman of the Boeing Company.
  • James Elroy Risch - American lawyer and politician who has served as the junior United States Senator from Idaho since 2009.

University of Idaho Placements 

Early Career Pay for University of Idaho Graduates is 53,400 USD. The median mid-career salary for University of Idaho graduates is 99,300 USD.

The University of Idaho provides Study to Abroad opportunities to its students. The University of Idaho is one of only a few universities in the United States that offers a student fee-funded study abroad scholarship. Every year, the International Experience Grant provides 154,000 USD in study abroad scholarships.

Salaries of the college graduates can be referred from the following table:

Position Average Annual salary in USD
Mechanical Engineer 68,000
Project Manager 73,000
Software Engineer 74,000
Operations Manager 80,000

The University of Idaho provides Internship opportunities to its students. Internships are available in a wide range of organizations and industries. Many internships are paid, while others may be unpaid or completed for college credit.

The university provides good opportunities of learning through its innovative and robust curriculum. Students must apply in time with duly completed applications to avoid any dalys in admission.

University of Idaho Program Fees & Deadlines

ProgramImportant DatesFeesExams ScoreAction
Application Deadline For Spring 2024 Intake (1st Oct 2024)RUB 2,723,747 /Yr 79 6.5 58
Application Deadline For Spring 2024 Intake (1st Oct 2024)RUB 2,723,747 /Yr 79 6.5 58
Application Deadline For Spring 2024 Intake (1st Oct 2024)RUB 2,723,747 /Yr 79 6.5 58
Application Deadline For Spring 2024 Intake (1st Oct 2024)RUB 2,723,747 /Yr 79 6.5 58
Application Deadline For Spring 2024 Intake (1st Oct 2024)RUB 2,723,747 /Yr 79 6.5 58
Application Deadline For Spring 2024 Intake (1st Oct 2024)RUB 2,723,747 /Yr 79 6.5 58

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University of Arizona

Find A Program

Top streams :, top degrees :, top recommended courses, master of science [m.s] computer science, stem course.

This course focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics subjects, offering a deep dive into these fields to enhance your knowledge and skills in STEM disciplines.

Master of Science [M.S] Electrical Engineering

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Master of Engineering [M.Eng] Computer Engineering

Master of science [m.s] food science, master of science [m.s] bioinformatics & computational biology, master of engineering [m.eng] engineering management, course finder - search from 50k+ courses, popular streams :, popular courses :.

University of Idaho Ranking

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Overall 1001 out of 1503 in Global Ranking

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University of Idaho Student Profiles

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University of Idaho Ratings

University of idaho reviews.

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3 Reviews Found

Good Atmosphere for International Students

I knew a few students who are already pursuing their Master's and Bachelor's degrees in the computer science department and they gave me very good feedback about the facilities, knowledgeable professors, and friendly atmosphere for international students within the campus. Moreover, it is hardly 20 min from my home and it is one of the best colleges to provide scholarships, funds, and assistantships for international students in their first semester, only very few universities can offer these opportunities.

I split the tuition's and other fees of international students for understanding Fulltime GR Tuition & Fees $4,152.00 Fulltime Non-Resident Tuition $9,618.00 Fulltime Grad School Fees $786.00 Intl Student Fee $100.00 In total it around $15k for one semester. I paid only 'Intl Student Fee' and remaining all paid by my professor for my assistantship.

Career-oriented approach

The University of Idaho has a lot of funds and scholarships. It's very good for the Engineering programs especially electrical engineering in terms of research as well as education.

$60,000. So per semester $15,000 excluding insurance.

University of Idaho Review

It was affordable and in the state. I love the campus and the small town. It's a loving community. I also really wanted to be apart of the Greek life on campus. It is the perfect distance from home for me so that I felt like I was close but never too close.

There is an online way to view your fees. All fees are given 2-3 before classes and are due on the first day of classes. There are multiple ways to pay fees from online, in person, checks, etc.

University of Idaho Scholarships

NameScholarship Per StudentLevel of StudyType
Scholarship per student₽ 58.5 L/Yr$64,000Level Of StudyBachelorTypeCollege-Specific
Scholarship per student₽ 45.7 L/Yr$50,000Level Of StudyDoctorateTypeMerit-Based
Scholarship per student₽ 13.7 L/Yr$15,000Level Of StudyBachelorTypeMerit-Based
Scholarship per student₽ 1.4 L/Yr$1,500Level Of StudyBachelorTypeMerit-Based
Scholarship per studentVariable AmountLevel Of StudyBachelorTypeMerit-Based
Scholarship per student₽ 1.4 L/Yr$1,500Level Of StudyAssociateTypeMerit-Based

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University of Idaho Admissions

Application Portal :

Early Action Deadlines

Regular Decision Deadlines

University of Idaho Exam Scores

ExamsAvg. ScoreMin ScoreMax. Score%Submitted'
Language Proficiency
Check Detailed Score
Evidence-Based Reading and Writing565510620-
Check Detailed Score

Attendance Cost

attendance cost

The table shows average yearly cost of attendance for international students. Amount may vary with the course opted, nature of accommodation, and personal spending habits of a candidate. Check Program wise Fees

University of Idaho Accreditations

Total FacultyFull TimePart TimeGraduate Assistants

University of Idaho Campus Location

Nearby This Campus

Shopping Mall

Super Market

●  All distance are measured radially. Actual distance may vary

Hi, my name is Saptarshi. i have more than 5 years of professional experience in process engineering and new project launches in the europeean automotive industry. Currently employed in the same role at Tenneco Ride Solutions in Belgium. Want help to apply for PhD programs in the USA.

University of Idaho offers various programs. However, you can explore the  University of Idaho courses  to learn more about the curriculum, fees, and other details.

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An aerial view of University of Idaho's Moscow campus.

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Two students ride down Greek Row in the fall, amid changing leaves.

Helping to ensure U of I is a safe and engaging place for students to learn and be successful. Read about Title IX.

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A mother and son stand on the practice field of the P1FCU-Kibbie Activity Center.

  • Upcoming Events

Review the events calendar.

Stay Connected

  • Vandal Family Newsletter
  • Here We Have Idaho Magazine
  • Living on Campus
  • Campus Safety
  • About Moscow

The homecoming fireworks

The largest Vandal Family reunion of the year. Check dates.

Benefits and Services

  • Vandal Voyagers Program
  • Vandal License Plate
  • Submit Class Notes
  • Make a Gift
  • View Events
  • Alumni Chapters
  • University Magazine
  • Alumni Newsletter

A student works at a computer


U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. Login to SlateConnect.

Common Tools

  • Administrative Procedures Manual (APM)
  • Class Schedule
  • OIT Tech Support
  • Academic Dates & Deadlines
  • U of I Retirees Association
  • Faculty Senate
  • Staff Council

About University of Idaho

Campus locations.

Physical Address: Bruce M. Pitman Center 875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264 Moscow, ID 83844-4264 [email protected]

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119

U of I Locations: Moscow (Main Campus)

From the moment you step on campus, you’ll understand why the University of Idaho has been named the most beautiful college in the state . Iconic buildings are connected by tree-filled green spaces, walkable paths and welcoming plazas. Don’t be surprised if you’re greeted with a friendly smile and wave from a peer or professor, especially on the historic Hello Walk.

Our community extends way beyond campus. Moscow is a tight-knit town of about 25,000 people, full of vibrant activities, businesses and events that love to welcome college students. You’ll find incredible opportunities for recreation and exploration in the surrounding area, too.

Want to see it all for yourself? Plan your campus visit today .

Life on Campus

Whether you live in the residence halls , a fraternity or sorority or off-campus, you’ll be minutes away from your classes and places to study and play.

There’s always something to do: grab a snack in the Idaho Student Union Building , check out a book from the U of I Library 's more than 2 million holdings, take in the beauty of nature in the Arboretum and Botanical Garden , watch a play in the Hartung Theater  or a game in the ICCU Arena , take a fitness class in the Student Recreation Center , catch a Vandal Entertainment -sponsored concert and so much more.

A True College Town

Venture only a few minutes off campus and you’ll be in downtown Moscow. It’s no wonder Seattle Magazine called it “a college town with a soul that shines through year-round” — the calendar is packed with festivals, cultural events and community gatherings like our award-winning farmers’ market on Main Street.

No matter what you like to do, you’ll find an activity to fall in love with . Experience a local art museum or theater production, dance to a live band at a street fair or a local coffee shop, dress in period garb for the Moscow Renaissance Fair or enter a local 5K run or bike race. Volunteer opportunities abound with local nonprofits that support the arts, sustainability, youth and children, the LGBTQ community, health care and more.

And did we mention food? You’ll find a huge co-op with natural and organic options, cozy pubs and coffee shops with Pacific Northwest vibes, locally owned restaurants with cuisines from around the world, and funky hole-in-the-wall spots for affordable college-town snacks.

A Hub For Outdoor Adventure

Moscow sits at the heart of the Palouse, a one-of-a-kind landscape of rolling hills and scenic vistas. We’re surrounded by mountains, lakes and rivers full of opportunities for adventure , whether you love hiking, biking, camping, fishing or just taking in a gorgeous sunset. You’ll experience all four seasons in North Idaho, too — so bring your sunscreen for a late-summer rafting trip and your parka for skiing, snowboarding or ice skating in the winter.

Gain outdoor skills and connect with other adventurous students through the U of I Outdoor Program . Want to take your own excursion? Rent equipment through the Outdoor Rental Center .

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Yankees' Luis Gil to begin rehab assignment on Sunday with Double-A Somerset

Yankees starter Luis Gil is scheduled to begin a rehab assignment with Double-A Somerset on Sunday, the team announced.

The right-hander has been on the 15-day injured list since Aug. 21 with a lower back strain after feeling back tightness in a start against the Cleveland Guardians .

In his first full major league season, Gil has pitched splendidly for New York as the 26-year-old is 12-6 and owns a 3.39 ERA (1.20 WHIP) in 24 starts.

However, signs of fatigue have possibly shown up this season after already logging a career-high 124.2 innings.

In Gil's last start against the Guardians he went just three innings and gave up three earned runs on three hits and six walks. Over his last two starts before the injury, Gil has allowed seven earned runs in seven innings.

Regardless, the Yankees will be happy to get their young right-hander back soon as they try to clinch the AL East in the final month of the season.

Will Warren , who was recalled when Gil landed on the IL, was optioned back to Triple-A on Saturday after another poor performance against the St. Louis Cardinals .

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