How to write a process essay

Picture of Duygu Demiröz

  • August 25, 2023

Process essays are one of the most common types of essays . It’s simply explaining a process of how to do something. 

In this article, we’ll show you how to write a process essay in steps with interactive examples. 

Process essay definition

Let’s take a look at the steps outlined below to write a clear and effective process essay. 

Choose a topic

You should start by choosing a topic that not only interests you but also attracts your target audience. 

Whether it’s brewing the perfect cup of coffee or conquering the art of origami, your topic should be engaging and well-defined.  Let’s have a look at topic examples:

  • Crafting Exquisite Miniature Bookbindings
  • Building a Sustainable Vertical Garden
  • Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee

So for this guide, I’ve chosen “Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee”. Now let’s continue with the next steps.

Create a process essay outline

Now that you’ve your topic at hand, it’s time to create an outline to present the steps chronologically. Outline will also help you organize your thoughts and ideas so you won’t get lost during the writing process.

Let’s examine this step with an example of a process essay explaining “Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee”.

Process essay outline example

  • Thesis statement
  • Provide safety precautions if necessary.
  • Address to the reader
  • Provide any variations or customization options if applicable.
  • End with a memorable concluding thought or call to action.

By presenting the steps in chronological order, your readers can follow the process smoothly. 

During this step, just make sure to:

  • Expand on each step you outlined earlier.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Make use of bullet points or numbered lists to make the process visually appealing.

After completing the outline, it’s time to write an interesting introduction.

Write an introduction

  • Hook the reader's interest with a hook sentence
  • Offer a brief overview of the topic and its significance
  • Introduce and explain the process with a thesis statement at the end of introduction

Process essay introduction example


Now that we have an intro on our hand, you need to tell what materials you need to finish the process.

Write the materials needed for the process

Listing the necessary materials for the process is a best practice for process essays. Typically found just after the introduction, this paragraph is devoted to outlining the necessary materials.

Here, p rioritizing the list is important; the more influential a component is, the higher its position on the list should be.

Example material list for process essay

Body paragraphs

Materials needed

  • High-quality coffee beans that align with your flavor preference.
  • A grinder for optimal flavor extraction.
  • Equipment for brewing methods, such as a pour-over apparatus, a drip coffee maker, a French press, or an espresso machine.
  • Fresh and clean water for brewing.
  • Optional additives like milk, cream, sugar, flavored syrups, or other preferred elements.

Start writing the process

Right after listing the materials needed, it’s time to start writing the process itself.

When describing your process, be careful not to make it too complicated. To keep your readers on track, use transitional words like “after,” “eventually,” “first,” “then,” and others help you maintain an understandable tone.  

Or simply use a 1,2,3, bullet point structure as seen in example below to remind readers of their step during the process.

Body paragraphs - Process writing example

Materials needed ...

  • Grind the beans just before brewing for optimal freshness. Use a burr grinder and adjust the coarseness to match your brewing method (coarse for French press, fine for espresso).
  • Weigh your coffee grounds using a scale. A standard ratio is 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of water, but adjust to your taste.
  • Ensure the water is heated to the ideal temperature, typically between 195-205°F (90-96°C). Water that's too hot or too cold can affect the taste.
  • Pay attention to the brewing time. Generally, 4-5 minutes is suitable for most methods, but again, adjust based on your preference.
  • After finishing, regularly clean your coffee maker or French press to prevent rancid oils and residue from affecting your coffee's taste.

As seen from the example above, using an imperative language structure is generally preferable. It makes total sense as you’re describing a process in steps and usually don’t need a full sentence structure. 

Give tips and supporting details

After explaining the process above, it’s now time to provide tips and supporting details. Here, make use examples, tips, and even warnings if necessary. 

In other words, anticipate the questions your readers might have and address them as you go along. 

Body paragraphs - Supporting details

Supporting details & tips

  • Ensure safe handling of hot water and coffee-making equipment.
  • Water that's too hot can result in over-extraction, while water that's too cold won't extract enough flavor.

Write a conclusion

At this step, you simply need to write a conclusion paragraph to end your process essay. First summarize the key points, and restate the process in a concise and short sentence. And finally, finish your process essay by a memorable sentence or a call-to-action. 

Process essay conclusion example

Revise and polish your essay.

Now that you’ve written your essay, take a breath, and then come back for some editing. Check for consistency, correct sentence structure, efficient transitions , tense selection , and other linguistic issues that may arise. 

If possible, make use of proofreading tools like QuillBot or Grammarly . 

  • Think about potential reader misunderstandings and address them. If needed, explain what should be avoided.
  • Offer explanations for steps that might seem unusual or complicated.
  • Define any unfamiliar terms or materials that the reader might not understand. This ensures clarity in your essay.

So  you’ve successfully learned how to write a captivating process essay. Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you write, the better you’ll become.

Picture of Duygu Demiröz

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How to Write a Process Essay

how to write a process essay introduction

The process essay, also known as the "how-to" essay, is commonly written for people or companies that need tutorials or a set of instructional steps. Whether it's building a robot or cooking a chocolate cake, process essays use a similar format for any variations. They follow a step-by-step style, with the initial step influencing the second, which influences the third, and so on. Each step carries its own importance, and a poor explanation of one step can ruin the entire process. It's important to stay concise and efficient. However, before you begin writing your essay, you should do some small preparations. Let's discover them with our research writing service .

What Is a Process Paper?

A process essay is a type of essay that explains a process step by step and gives guidance for a certain process, working mechanism, procedure, etc. Process essays range from very simple ones, such as instructions for how to ride a bicycle, to more complex ones, such as a chemistry lab report of an oxidative reaction experiment. The goal of a process paper is to give its readers guidance and directions. 

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A process paper is characterized, first of all, by explaining a process using a description. Some words that are frequently used in process essays are “further”, “then”, “next”, “first”, “last”, “finally”, and “initially”. It is really important to remember that every process essay includes features, such as:

  • clear and straightforward narration - the last thing you want to do is to confuse your reader with complex language and an unorganized thought thread;
  • chronological order - avoid skipping steps and shifting them around, as it will result in misunderstanding and frustration for the readers;
  • transition words - make sure to separate the next step from the previous ones by using transition words;
  • descriptions of the steps - make sure your steps are clear and easy to follow.

There are several types of process essays. The first one is directional - it explains the “how to” for something. It can take on a wide range of subjects, such as how to apply for a credit card, how to get your driver’s license, how to plan a wedding, etc. The outcome of the directional essay should be a result. In the cases of the examples above: a credit card, a driver’s license, or a carefully planned wedding. The other type of process paper is informational - it explains how something works. Here are some examples: how a weather forecast is determined, how a space rocket works, how intermittent fasting changes your body, etc. An informational essay explains something to a reader and does not necessarily end up with a result, like directional does. 

Another type of essay that is similar to a process essay is a process analysis essay. The biggest difference is that a process analysis essay not only explains the steps, but also analyses them in depth. It has all of the characteristics of a process essay, although goes into more detail about the causes and consequences of every step.

If you need any additional information for process analysis essays, check out our article: HOW TO WRITE A PROCESS ANALYSIS ESSAY

Writing a process essay is not extremely difficult. By following simple rules and a set of steps, a successful, well-structured essay can be guaranteed.

Prepare The Small Stuff

Here we gathered some small general tips and advice combining with process essay examples that you should follow throughout your writing process to make sure that all of the expectations of a process paper are met.

  • Determine the Audience's Skill Level. It's important to base the level of complexity of the essay on who the readers will be. For example, if you need to teach a friend how to do a simple fix or create a certain tool, then it would be most reasonable to stick to more basic terminology. However, if you are writing an essay for your astrophysics professor about the creation of a black hole in the universe, use more sophisticated and informative terminology.
  • Make a List of Materials. Obviously, the creation of anything comes with some prerequisites. Whether it's items or ideas, the importance of knowing the necessities beforehand and having them ready to go is essential. Make sure to place each item in accordance with its importance. The more impactful a part is, the higher up on the list it should be. 
  • Write out Each Task. In a step-by-step tutorial, each individual task carries some sort of weight. Since an entire process can not be complete if a step is skipped, it's crucial to write out every single step. However, don't go overboard in your explanations. It's not necessary to bring the tutorial to a microscopic level, but each step should be understandable and competent.

If you still have difficulty writing, you can get essay help online from our service.

Process Essay Topics

Choosing a topic for a process paper can be quite challenging. A good place to start is with your passions. If you pick something you are excited about, you can make it interesting for your readers and fun for yourself to write about. If your professor limits you to write a process essay on something you have very little knowledge of, choose a topic that is intriguing and triggers your interest. Then, conduct enough thorough research to make sure you understand everything perfectly before you go ahead and try to explain it to someone else. 

How to Pick a Process Analysis Essay Topic

Another very important thing to consider while writing a process essay is your audience. It is highly unlikely that college students are interested in instructions for “How to Get Into Your Dream School” or “How to Pass Your SATs”. Make sure your topic relates to the subject you are studying and you are following your professor’s prompt guidelines.

Here are some ideas that might be of interest for you:

  • How to lose weight on a keto diet
  • How your immune system fights COVID-19
  • How to start selling on Amazon
  • How to improve your credit score
  • How to decrease your social media usage
  • How to apply for unemployment insurance
  • How to improve your college performance 
  • How to open your first bank account

It's important to note that these essay topics are just some common examples used by several college students for their course papers. Feel free to use any one of them if you want, or think of one on your own. Just make sure it's a PROCESS!

Process Essay Outline

Most essay outlines follow the standard scheme: Intro > Body Paragraphs > Conclusion . follow the standard scheme: Intro > Body Paragraphs > Conclusion. A good process essay outline should look like this:


  • Introduction — brief your reader on your topic, explain why you have chosen it and how you are planning to approach the explanation of the process. 
  • Body — the biggest part of your essay that should be divided into paragraphs for easier understanding and structure. Make sure each paragraph is flowing smoothly into the next one with connective words.

Paragraph 1. First step of the process. Explain what the step is, what the best way to perform it is, and how to avoid common mistakes when doing it.

Paragraph 2. The next step of the process (the same as in Paragraph 1). Thoroughly explain what this step is about.

  • Conclusion . Here you need to explain why your instructions are valuable. It is your opportunity to persuade your reader(s) that the steps you presented and the process they learned will be useful for them in the future. 

Every process is different: some can take a couple of minutes, while others can take months or years to complete. The length of the essay is generally based on the difficulty and number of steps it takes. However, the structure doesn't maneuver.


The first thing that you want to do as a writer for your process paper is to help your readers be interested in your individual process. Be descriptive about it, paint a picture for your readers. A joke or a personal reference can be a great attention grabber and can pull your reader right in. For somebody to be keen on approaching your process, they have to express interest in it. Though, it generally goes without saying that many writers ignore this fact. Let's break it down into subsections:

  • Give a little bit of historical background. People often want to know the origins of whatever it is that they're working on. Introducing this part of the process helps to intrigue your readers, as well as give them a sense of purpose for the task.
  • Create an approximate timeframe. Unfortunately, your readers don't have all day to spend on this one event. In addition to learning about its purpose, people want to know how long the task will take. This way, they can decide how to break up the work. If it's a quick fix, then they can knock it out in one session. However, if it's a large-scale operation, then your readers will obviously have to create their own time schedule.
For example, let’s say that the topic of your essay is “How to Save Money”. You can start the introduction of your process essay by explaining that as a college student, you often find yourself in need of extra money and you are stuck with bad money habits. This will create a good connection with your readers, because almost everyone has been in a situation of needing to be savvy with their finances. Another thing you can mention is the importance of saving money and the multiple opportunities it presents, such as being able to invest it, being able to pay off a credit card debt, or being able to save up to avoid taking out a student loan.

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Body Paragraphs

This is the point in the process essay where you start introducing the step-by-step process your readers will need to take. A lot of the time, it helps to break down each process into subsections. For example, if a step has many parts to it, it would be clever to create a paragraph on its own just for that step. Remember, it's important to keep things smooth and efficient. Break down the body paragraphs in unity with the steps. Let's go into more detail about each step:

Each step should be carefully explained.  Every step will vary in length. Think about it: every instruction manual has several steps. Some are more difficult to comprehend or perform than others. For this reason, create your steps and explanations accordingly. You should be able to get a sense of their length and difficulty based on the explanation.

Don't forget to explain the purpose.  People don't want orders barked at them aimlessly. Besides just accomplishing a task, people want to learn as they perform.

  • Why did they do this?
  • What was the purpose of this method?
  • Why did we do it this way and not this other way?

To make everything flow smoothly use transitions.  Make the steps flow one after another to create a well-structured essay. As you introduce the next step, consider using transition words like “next”, “now”, “then”, “so that”, etc.

Before writing the steps out in full sentences, it is a great idea to create an outline for your body paragraphs. Here is an outline for the body paragraphs of a process essay on “How to Save Money”:

Paragraph 1:

  • keep track of your expenses
  • organize your collected data
  • decide what you can skimp on in your spendings

Paragraph 2:

  • create a realistic budget
  • check weekly to ensure you are sticking to it
  • save 15% of every monthly income
  • set a tangible goal for saving, such as a car

These process essay examples use only two body paragraphs, but feel free to include more to ensure a better understanding and cohesive flow for your paper. Although, do not include excessive unnecessary details that clutter your essay and make understanding it even more difficult. While writing your essay, include small brief explanations for each statement. For example, “Even though eating out and grabbing a coffee on your way to class sounds tempting, setting a budget and saving 15% of each of your monthly earnings aside can help you have enough to put down a downpayment on a new car.” Here the reader will understand that there is a direct relationship between each step and the result it is going to give. 

Showing the readers that they are learning and not just repeating is one of the most effective ways to lock down their attention and keep them coming back!

After going through every step meticulously and explaining the whole process, a process essay needs a confident conclusion. This paragraph should be short, sweet, and to the point. It's main goal is to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Discuss the main result. After the readers have completed the process, they should be left with a final result. It's important that you explain to your readers what the end result will look like, and what can be done with it.
  • Restate the process’s general purpose. After completing the task, you obviously would like to know its overall purpose. When your readers feel that they have accomplished a challenge, learned something from it, and have a path to take the result towards, they will be satisfied!
  • State your Overall Conclusion. To put a pretty tie around your process essay means that you need to neatly wrap things up! Restate some of the highlightable points as well as the process’s key overall purpose. Make sure that your readers feel accomplished after going through your process, and  ensure that you strengthen the necessity of its purpose with a nice concluding sentence!

The conclusion of an essay on “How to Save Money” would explain that the completion of all of the steps will result in saving money that can be used for a specific goal or for rainy day fund purposes. You can mention the importance of every step and briefly repeat some of the key points. 

Post-Writing Tips

Here are some final tips to wrap up your writing process. Use them as a checklist for a successful and coherent essay. 

  • Make sure the work is simple enough to follow. Worst-case-scenario: its author creates a feeling of absolute confusion in the reader’s mind. To avoid this problem, always remember that your readers can be beginners. Do not try to impress them with complicated words or sentences, use simple language to provide clear directions on how to do something. Give as many details as possible, but do it plainly. "Why is he making me do this?" "What was the purpose of this?" "I don't understand this step at all!" If the reader is asking themself these questions, then it's time to do some editing!
  • Experiment and try it for yourself or ask a friend. There's no better way to experience success than to actively attempt your process through your own instructions. If everything truly makes sense, then you should have no problem solving the task using your own words. Even better, ask a peer to try it through your words to get an outside point of view.
  • Choose the right topic for you and research it well
  • Maintain a logical order of steps, make it easy to follow
  • Avoid using imperative sentences - you do not want to sound like an Apple TV manual
  • Explain terms that are most likely outside of most people’s range of common knowledge 

If you have a ready-made essay but need to make significant changes to it, you can use our rewrite my essay service .

Process Essay Examples

Now that you know all about process essays and how to write them, we have prepared some great essay topic ideas in case you are stuck and cannot choose one:

Building a business from scratch is an intricate process that entails a number of steps. Each of these steps should have specific objectives and measurable outcomes.The following analysis gives the basic steps followed when building any business from scratch.
Saving can be defined as a differed consumption or keeping aside a portion of your income for unexpected future uncertainties or plans. Read for reason and actual steps for saving more money

Read also a thesis statement example from our author. In this article, you can learn something useful for yourself.

Still Need Help?

If you still feel like you could use some help with your process essay, do not hesitate to seek help from our writing service. Our writers specialize in a wide range of essays of different types including creative writing essay , process essays, and would be more than happy to assist you with writing, editing, or direction if you are feeling uneasy. Click the button below and college admission essay writer will process your requests fast.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

how to write a process essay introduction

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

How to Write a Music Essay: Topics and Examples

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How to Write a Process Essay: A Complete, Step-by-Step Guide

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by  Antony W

February 16, 2023

how to write a process essay explained

A process essay, also known as “how-to-essay”, is a common type of paper that informs the reader how something is done. Being able to write a process essay is about talking the reader through a set of instructions or step-by-step guide on how to do something such as performing an experiment, preparing a meal, or carrying out a specific process. 

Writing a process essay should involve enough details to lead the reader successfully to the desired goal.

You need to follow the step-by-step process until the reader has achieved what you’re leading them to do.

Any missteps or poor explanations at any point can cause bad mistakes or even ruin the entire project, so process essays need to be highly detailed and instructional.

This guide will show you how to write a brilliant and effective process essay and be sure of that A-grade.

Pre-Writing: Planning Your Process Essay 

The first requirement if want to write a good process essay is preparation.

Preparing the small stuff goes a long way in ensuring you deliver the best of the report. 

Some of the things to look into for an essay that meets expectations include;

Understand the Target Audience 

Before you start writing, you have to understand your target audience and their expectations from the essay.

The target audience determines the language to use and the general complexity of the essay. 

Ask yourself about the education level of the audience on the topic. Understand if you have to explain basics for them to understand.

I t’s also essential that you the language and terminologies best suited to the audience. 

Create a List of Materials Needed

Anything that involves creating something new will require materials.

The same applies to writing a process essay which details how a thing is done. Before you start writing, create a list of all the materials and tools the reader will need for the whole process. 

Place each item either in the order of use or importance. The more impactful or useful a tool is, the earlier it comes on the list. 

Create an Outline 

Once you have understood your audience and listed the needed tools, it’s time to note what you want to include in the content.

It is easy to forget important things that you need to include in your essay, but an outline creates a structure that you can flesh out with details. 

Note down every step, detail the important all the important steps, and try to  make your ideas flow clearly .

You don’t have to go into a detailed explanation at this point. Just have the steps down with the important tools. 

Structure of a Process Essay


The introduction is where you get to draw in the reader and get them interested in the essay.

You can talk to them about why the particular process they are about to undertake is important without jumping ahead of yourself. 

You can also mention briefly what the essay will cover, thus creating anticipation for what is to come.

Another tactic is to d raw the reader’s interest by giving some historical background of whatever you are working on. It also helps to refer to the timeframe so that they prepare well in advance. 

Body Paragraphs 

The body paragraphs are where you introduce the step-by-step guide to your the readers.

Let the readers understand why they each step in the process is important and why they need to take it instead of alternative methods. 

The length of the paragraphs depends on the complexity of the whole process. Every section should have enough details such that the reader would complete the process properly.

Be sure to mention what equipment and tools will be necessary for the procedure. Also, let the reader know of possible troubles and other difficulties to expect during the process. 

Ensure the smooth flow of everything by using transitions. The transitions make the Essay easy to read and follow. Use terms like then, so that, next, now, and others. 

Your process essay's conclusion is where you can go through the expected results of the process.

It summarizes everything about the guide and provides the reader with a reinforcement of the procedure’s significance.

Explain to the readers the result.

State what it looks like and what follows, whether there are other processes or its final. Ensure your read is accomplished by the end of the essay. 

Process Essay Writing Tips

There is more to writing a process essay than identifying the audience and using the right format.  

1. Focus on Simplicity 

As a guide on doing something, most probably for the first time, a process essay should be easy to follow and understand.

Use simple language with clear directions on how to perform all the processes. 

The choice of words and the construction of sentences must meet the reader’s understanding. 

2. Choose the Right Topic. 

Your choice of topic is crucial when it comes to process writing.

Choosing a technical topic might not resonate with the audience, as you can also have little to write about.

Common issues are also hard to write about as you never seem to be helpful. Look for the readers’ probable needs and solve them. 

3. Proofread the Essay

Once you are done writing, revisit the whole of your work to ensure everything is in place. Revise the work with the reader in mind.

Ensure the language resonates with the target audience. Pass the work through checkers for  plagiarism-free work .

Ensure your work is well detailed with all the necessary guidelines. Include all the steps while you eliminate anything unnecessary.

Only hand in your work once you have achieved a desirable result.

4. Seek Help For Your Process Essay Assignment

No matter how much you have mastered the art of writing a process essay, you can never be all-knowing.

Do not shy from seeking help from a friend or professional to help you through the writing and proofreading.

Working with a professional team like Help for Assessment helps in creating high-quality work for assured high grades.  Our essay writing experts are experienced in delivering top-notch papers on various topics. 

Related Reading

  • This Guide Will Help You to Write an Opinion Essay

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

How to Write a Process Essay: Step-by-step Guide

The process essay, also known as the "how-to" essay, is commonly written for people or companies that need tutorials or a set of instructional steps. Whether it's building a robot or cooking a chocolate cake, process essays use a similar format for any variations. They follow a step-by-step style, with the initial step influencing the second, which influences the third, and so on. Each step carries its own importance, and a poor explanation of one step can ruin the entire process. It's important to stay concise and efficient. However, before you begin writing your essay, you should do some small preparations.

What Is a Process Paper?

A process essay is a type of essay that explains a process step by step and gives guidance for a certain process, working mechanism, procedure, etc. Process essays range from very simple ones, such as instructions for how to ride a bicycle, to more complex ones, such as a chemistry lab report of an oxidative reaction experiment. The goal of a process paper is to give its readers guidance and directions. 

A process paper is characterized, first of all, by explaining a process using a description. Some words that are frequently used in process essays are “further”, “then”, “next”, “first”, “last”, “finally”, and “initially”. It is really important to remember that every process essay includes features, such as:

  • clear and straightforward narration - the last thing you want to do is to confuse your reader with complex language and an unorganized thought thread;
  • chronological order - avoid skipping steps and shifting them around, as it will result in misunderstanding and frustration for the readers;
  • transition words - make sure to separate the next step from the previous ones by using transition words;
  • descriptions of the steps - make sure your steps are clear and easy to follow.

There are several types of process essays. The first one is directional - it explains the “how to” for something. It can take on a wide range of subjects, such as how to apply for a credit card, how to get your driver’s license, how to plan a wedding, etc. The outcome of the directional essay should be a result. In the cases of the examples above: a credit card, a driver’s license, or a carefully planned wedding. The other type of process paper is informational - it explains how something works. Here are some examples: how a weather forecast is determined, how a space rocket works, how intermittent fasting changes your body, etc. An informational essay explains something to a reader and does not necessarily end up with a result, like directional does. 

Another type of essay that is similar to a process essay is a process analysis essay. The biggest difference is that a process analysis essay not only explains the steps, but also analyses them in depth. It has all of the characteristics of a process essay, although goes into more detail about the causes and consequences of every step.

How to Write a Process Essay

Writing a process essay is not extremely difficult. By following simple rules and a set of steps, a successful, well-structured essay can be guaranteed.

Prepare The Small Stuff

Here we gathered some small general tips and advice that you should follow throughout your writing process to make sure that all of the expectations of a process paper are met.

  • Determine the Audience's Skill Level. It's important to base the level of complexity of the essay on who the readers will be. For example, if you need to teach a friend how to do a simple fix or create a certain tool, then it would be most reasonable to stick to more basic terminology. However, if you are writing an essay for your astrophysics professor about the creation of a black hole in the universe, use more sophisticated and informative terminology.
  • Make a List of Materials. Obviously, the creation of anything comes with some prerequisites. Whether it's items or ideas, the importance of knowing the necessities beforehand and having them ready to go is essential. Make sure to place each item in accordance with its importance. The more impactful a part is, the higher up on the list it should be. 
  • Write out Each Task. In a step-by-step tutorial, each individual task carries some sort of weight. Since an entire process can not be complete if a step is skipped, it's crucial to write out every single step. However, don't go overboard in your explanations. It's not necessary to bring the tutorial to a microscopic level, but each step should be understandable and competent.

Process Essay Topics

Choosing a topic for a process paper can be quite challenging. A good place to start is with your passions. If you pick something you are excited about, you can make it interesting for your readers and fun for yourself to write about. If your professor limits you to write a process essay on something you have very little knowledge of, choose a topic that is intriguing and triggers your interest. Then, conduct enough thorough research to make sure you understand everything perfectly before you go ahead and try to explain it to someone else. 

Another very important thing to consider while writing a process essay is your audience. It is highly unlikely that college students are interested in instructions for “How to Get Into Your Dream School” or “How to Pass Your SATs”. Make sure your topic relates to the subject you are studying and you are following your professor’s prompt guidelines.

Here are some ideas that might be of interest for you:

  • How to lose weight on a keto diet
  • How your immune system fights COVID-19
  • How to start selling on Amazon
  • How to improve your credit score
  • How to decrease your social media usage
  • How to apply for unemployment insurance
  • How to improve your college performance 
  • How to open your first bank account

It's important to note that these essay topics are just some common examples used by several college students for their course papers. Feel free to use any one of them if you want, or think of one on your own. Just make sure it's a PROCESS!

Process Essay Outline

Most essay outlines follow the standard scheme: Intro > Body Paragraphs > Conclusion . follow the standard scheme: Intro > Body Paragraphs > Conclusion. A good process essay outline should look like this:

  • Introduction — brief your reader on your topic, explain why you have chosen it and how you are planning to approach the explanation of the process. 
  • Body — the biggest part of your essay that should be divided into paragraphs for easier understanding and structure. Make sure each paragraph is flowing smoothly into the next one with connective words.

Paragraph 1. First step of the process. Explain what the step is, what the best way to perform it is, and how to avoid common mistakes when doing it.

Paragraph 2. The next step of the process (the same as in Paragraph 1). Thoroughly explain what this step is about.

  • Conclusion . Here you need to explain why your instructions are valuable. It is your opportunity to persuade your reader(s) that the steps you presented and the process they learned will be useful for them in the future. 

Every process is different: some can take a couple of minutes, while others can take months or years to complete. The length of the essay is generally based on the difficulty and number of steps it takes. However, the structure doesn't maneuver.


The first thing that you want to do as a writer for your process paper is to help your readers be interested in your individual process. Be descriptive about it, paint a picture for your readers. A joke or a personal reference can be a great attention grabber and can pull your reader right in. For somebody to be keen on approaching your process, they have to express interest in it. Though, it generally goes without saying that many writers ignore this fact. Let's break it down into subsections:

  • Give a little bit of historical background. People often want to know the origins of whatever it is that they're working on. Introducing this part of the process helps to intrigue your readers, as well as give them a sense of purpose for the task.
  • Create an approximate timeframe. Unfortunately, your readers don't have all day to spend on this one event. In addition to learning about its purpose, people want to know how long the task will take. This way, they can decide how to break up the work. If it's a quick fix, then they can knock it out in one session. However, if it's a large-scale operation, then your readers will obviously have to create their own time schedule.
For example, let’s say that the topic of your essay is “How to Save Money”. You can start the introduction of your process essay by explaining that as a college student, you often find yourself in need of extra money and you are stuck with bad money habits. This will create a good connection with your readers, because almost everyone has been in a situation of needing to be savvy with their finances. Another thing you can mention is the importance of saving money and the multiple opportunities it presents, such as being able to invest it, being able to pay off a credit card debt, or being able to save up to avoid taking out a student loan.

Body Paragraphs

This is the point in the process essay where you start introducing the step-by-step process your readers will need to take. A lot of the time, it helps to break down each process into subsections. For example, if a step has many parts to it, it would be clever to create a paragraph on its own just for that step. Remember, it's important to keep things smooth and efficient. Break down the body paragraphs in unity with the steps. Let's go into more detail about each step:

Before writing the steps out in full sentences, it is a great idea to create an outline for your body paragraphs. Here is an outline for the body paragraphs of a process essay on “How to Save Money”:

Paragraph 1:

  • keep track of your expenses
  • organize your collected data
  • decide what you can skimp on in your spendings

Paragraph 2:

  • create a realistic budget
  • check weekly to ensure you are sticking to it
  • save 15% of every monthly income
  • set a tangible goal for saving, such as a car

This example uses only two body paragraphs, but feel free to include more to ensure a better understanding and cohesive flow for your paper. Although, do not include excessive unnecessary details that clutter your essay and make understanding it even more difficult. While writing your essay, include small brief explanations for each statement. For example, “Even though eating out and grabbing a coffee on your way to class sounds tempting, setting a budget and saving 15% of each of your monthly earnings aside can help you have enough to put down a downpayment on a new car.” Here the reader will understand that there is a direct relationship between each step and the result it is going to give. 

Showing the readers that they are learning and not just repeating is one of the most effective ways to lock down their attention and keep them coming back!

After going through every step meticulously and explaining the whole process, a process essay needs a confident conclusion. This paragraph should be short, sweet, and to the point. It's main goal is to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Discuss the main result. After the readers have completed the process, they should be left with a final result. It's important that you explain to your readers what the end result will look like, and what can be done with it.
  • Restate the process’s general purpose. After completing the task, you obviously would like to know its overall purpose. When your readers feel that they have accomplished a challenge, learned something from it, and have a path to take the result towards, they will be satisfied!
  • State your Overall Conclusion. To put a pretty tie around your process essay means that you need to neatly wrap things up! Restate some of the highlightable points as well as the process’s key overall purpose. Make sure that your readers feel accomplished after going through your process, and  ensure that you strengthen the necessity of its purpose with a nice concluding sentence!

The conclusion of an essay on “How to Save Money” would explain that the completion of all of the steps will result in saving money that can be used for a specific goal or for rainy day fund purposes. You can mention the importance of every step and briefly repeat some of the key points. 

Post-Writing Tips

Here are some final tips to wrap up your writing process. Use them as a checklist for a successful and coherent essay. 

  • Make sure the work is simple enough to follow. Worst-case-scenario: its author creates a feeling of absolute confusion in the reader’s mind. To avoid this problem, always remember that your readers can be beginners. Do not try to impress them with complicated words or sentences, use simple language to provide clear directions on how to do something. Give as many details as possible, but do it plainly. "Why is he making me do this?" "What was the purpose of this?" "I don't understand this step at all!" If the reader is asking themself these questions, then it's time to do some editing!
  • Experiment and try it for yourself or ask a friend. There's no better way to experience success than to actively attempt your process through your own instructions. If everything truly makes sense, then you should have no problem solving the task using your own words. Even better, ask a peer to try it through your words to get an outside point of view.
  • Choose the right topic for you and research it well
  • Maintain a logical order of steps, make it easy to follow
  • Avoid using imperative sentences - you do not want to sound like an Apple TV manual
  • Explain terms that are most likely outside of most people’s range of common knowledge 

Video Guide: How to Write a Process Essay

Now that you know all about process essays and how to write them, we have prepared some great essay topic ideas in case you are stuck and cannot choose one:

Building a business from scratch is an intricate process that entails a number of steps. Each of these steps should have specific objectives and measurable outcomes.The following analysis gives the basic steps followed when building any business from scratch.
Saving can be defined as a differed consumption or keeping aside a portion of your income for unexpected future uncertainties or plans. Read for reason and actual steps for saving more money

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Step-By-Step Guide on How To Write A Process Essay (W/ Essay Example)

Aug 28, 2024 | 0 comments

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Aug 28, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Are you struggling with writing an effective process essay? Whether you’re a student needing help with an academic essay or just want to learn how to write a good process essay, understanding the writing process is essential. To effectively describe the process of completing a certain task, it’s important to know how to structure your essay in a way that flows logically and is easy for your audience to follow. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to write a process essay, complete with an essay example to help you understand the concept better. First, we’ll discuss the different types of process essays, such as the expository essay and the process analysis essay. Then, we’ll delve into the writing process, including how to create an outline, use transition words, and ensure your essay is in chronological order. By the end of this article, you’ll have the tools you need to start writing your process essay, no matter the subject. 

Table of Contents

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What Is a Process Paper?

A process paper is a written guide that explains how to complete a certain task or achieve a specific goal. It provides detailed instructions and clear steps to follow to complete the process. Process papers are commonly used in a variety of fields including education, business, and technical industries. They are a valuable tool for providing clarity and guidance for individuals who may be unfamiliar with a particular process. By following the instructions laid out in a process paper, individuals can effectively accomplish their desired tasks or goals.

The difference between a Process Essay and a Process Analysis Essay

 The main difference between a Process Essay and a Process Analysis Essay lies in the approach and focus. A Process Essay describes the process of how something is done or how something works, providing a step-by-step guide to the reader. It is often more general and can cover a wide range of topics. On the other hand, a Process Analysis Essay goes into much more detail and analysis, focusing on the specific steps and techniques involved in a particular process. It delves deeper into the intricacies of the process and aims to provide a thorough understanding of the topic at hand. Both essays aim to inform and educate, but they differ in the level of detail and analysis they provide.

Benefits of Writing a Process Essay

  • Improves Explanation Skills: Writing a process essay requires breaking down a task or process step by step. By doing so, you become better at explaining complex concepts clearly and understandably. This skill can be impactful in various aspects of your life, from explaining instructions to others to clarifying procedures at work.
  • Enhances Proofreading Abilities: Since process essays aim for clarity and conciseness, you’ll need to proofread your work meticulously. This practice helps you catch typos and grammar mistakes, ensuring your essay is error-free. Additionally, it teaches you to be careful with items that contain imperative sentences, ensuring they are precise and easy to follow.
  • Strengthens Writing Skills: Writing a process essay follows the structure of an essay, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Through this process, you refine your ability to organize your thoughts logically and cohesively. Each part of your essay must flow smoothly from one step to another, reinforcing the importance of structure in writing.

Process Essay Outline: Structuring Your Paper

How to Plan a Successful Party: A Step-by-Step Guide I. Introduction A. Explanation of what a party planning process essay is B. Importance of planning a successful party C. Overview of the steps to be covered in the essay II. Understanding the Party Planning Process A. Defining the purpose and type of party B. Setting a budget and determining the guest list C. Choosing a date, time, and location for the party III. Selecting a Theme and Décor A. Brainstorming theme ideas based on the occasion and preferences B. Selecting appropriate decorations, colors, and ambiance C. Planning for any specific decorations or props needed IV. Organizing Food and Drinks A. Planning the menu based on the theme and preferences of guests B. Creating a shopping list for ingredients and supplies C. Considering dietary restrictions and preferences of attendees V. Arranging Entertainment and Activities A. Deciding on music, games, or entertainment options B. Renting or purchasing any necessary equipment or supplies C. Planning for any special performances or activities VI. Sending Invitations and Confirmations A. Designing and sending out invitations with necessary details B. Following up with RSVPs and guest confirmations C. Providing directions or instructions for attending the party VII. Preparing the Venue and Setting Up A. Cleaning and decorating the party space B. Setting up tables, chairs, and other furniture as needed C. Arranging food and drink stations, entertainment areas, and seating arrangements VIII. Hosting the Party A. Welcoming guests and ensuring they feel comfortable B. Managing food and drink service throughout the event C. Facilitating entertainment and activities to keep guests engaged IX. Wrapping Up and Cleaning Up A. Thanking guests for attending and expressing gratitude B. Collecting feedback and suggestions for future parties C. Cleaning up the venue and disposing of any waste or leftover items X. Conclusion A. Recap of the key steps in planning a successful party B. Emphasis on the importance of thorough planning and attention to detail C. Encouragement to apply the process outlined for future party planning endeavors.

How to Write a Process Essay

Learning how to write a process essay is essential for effectively guiding readers through a series of steps to complete a task or understand a process. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions and practical tips to help you craft a clear, concise, and informative process essay.

Step 1: Understanding the Topic

Understanding the topic is the first crucial step in writing a process essay. Before diving into the writing process, you must have a clear grasp of the task or process you’re explaining. Here’s how to understand the topic effectively:

  • Analyze the Assignment Prompt: Start by carefully reading the assignment prompt or guidelines. Pay attention to any specific instructions provided by your instructor regarding the topic, scope, and objectives of the process essay.
  • Research and Gather Information: Conduct thorough research to gather information about the process you intend to explain. Utilize credible sources such as books, articles, websites, or personal experiences to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  • Identify Key Steps and Components: Break down the process into its essential steps and components. Consider the chronological order of these steps and any additional details or variations that may be relevant to your audience.
  • Consider the Audience Perspective: Put yourself in the shoes of your audience and consider what they already know about the topic. Tailor your explanations to their level of understanding and anticipate any questions or areas of confusion they may have.
  • Clarify Ambiguous or Complex Concepts: If there are any ambiguous or complex aspects of the topic, take the time to clarify them. Use simple language and clear examples to ensure that your readers can follow along easily.
  • Define Key Terms: Define any technical terms or jargon associated with the process to ensure clarity for your readers. Avoid assuming prior knowledge and provide explanations for terms that may be unfamiliar.

Process Essay Topics

  • How to Bake a Perfect Chocolate Cake
  • Planning a Budget-Friendly Vacation
  • Organizing a Successful Garage Sale
  • Crafting the Ideal Study Schedule
  • Mastering Basic Cooking Techniques
  • Building a DIY Birdhouse for Your Garden
  • Creating a Personalized Workout Routine
  • Growing Your Vegetable Garden
  • Designing an Effective Resume for Job Applications
  • Setting Up and Managing a Home Recycling System
  • Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits for Better Rest
  • Writing an Engaging Blog Post from Start to Finish
  • Planning and Hosting a Memorable Movie Night
  • Developing a Morning Routine for Productivity and Success
  • Creating a Travel Itinerary for Your Dream Destination

Step 2: Crafting the Thesis Statement

Crafting a strong thesis statement is a crucial step in the process of writing a process essay. Your thesis statement serves as the roadmap for your essay, guiding readers on what to expect and helping you maintain focus throughout the writing process. Here’s how to tackle this step effectively:

  • Importance of a Strong Thesis Statement: In a process essay, a robust thesis statement sets the tone and direction for the entire essay, providing clarity on the purpose and goal of the process being explained. It informs readers about the specific process they will learn about and why it is significant. Without a clear thesis statement, your essay may lack direction, leaving readers confused about the purpose of the essay and the steps involved in the process. A strong thesis statement ensures that your essay remains focused and cohesive, guiding readers through each step of the process with clarity and purpose.
  • How to Formulate a Clear and Specific Thesis Statement: Start by identifying the main goal or objective of the process you are explaining. What is the result or outcome that readers should expect to achieve by following the process? Next, clearly state the specific process or task that your essay will explain. Be concise and specific, avoiding vague language or broad statements. Your thesis statement should clearly outline the steps involved in the process without providing unnecessary details. Lastly, consider the audience’s perspective and tailor your thesis statement to their level of understanding. Use language that is accessible and easy to follow, ensuring that readers know exactly what to expect from your essay.

Step 3: Drafting the Introduction

Drafting an engaging introduction is essential in capturing the reader’s attention and setting the stage for your process essay. Here’s how to approach this step effectively:

  • Hooking the Reader’s Attention: Begin your introduction with an attention-grabbing hook that piques the reader’s curiosity and encourages them to continue reading. This could be a compelling question, an intriguing fact, a relevant anecdote, or a thought-provoking quote. The goal is to draw readers in and make them eager to learn more about the process you’ll be explaining in the essay. By sparking their interest from the outset, you set a positive tone for the rest of the essay.
  • Introducing the Process to be Explained: After hooking the reader’s attention, provide a brief overview of the process that will be the focus of your essay. Clearly state what the process entails and why it is important or relevant. Keep this introduction concise and to the point, giving readers a clear understanding of what they can expect to learn from the essay. Avoid delving into too much detail at this stage, as that will be covered in the body paragraphs.
  • Providing Some Background Information on the Process: Depending on the complexity of the process and the knowledge level of your audience, it may be helpful to provide some background information or context to help readers better understand the significance of the process. This background information should be brief and relevant, offering insights into why the process is important or how it fits into a larger context. However, be mindful not to overwhelm readers with unnecessary details at this stage. By hooking the reader’s attention, introducing the process, and providing some background information, your introduction sets the stage for the rest of the essay, laying the groundwork for a clear and engaging exploration of the process at hand.

Step 4: Writing the Body Paragraphs

Writing the body paragraphs is the core of your process essay, where you’ll provide detailed instructions for each step of the process. Here’s how to approach this step effectively:

  • Organizing the Steps of the Process in a Logical Order: Begin by organizing the steps of the process in a logical and sequential order. Consider the natural progression of the process and arrange the steps accordingly. Each step should build upon the previous one, leading readers through the process clearly and systematically. Avoid jumping around or presenting steps out of order, as this can confuse readers.
  • Using Transitional Words and Phrases to Guide the Reader Through the Process: Use transitional words and phrases to smoothly transition from one step to the next. Words like “first,” “next,” “then,” and “finally” can help signal the progression of the process. These transitions act as signposts for readers, guiding them through each step and helping them understand how the steps are connected.
  • Including Clear and Detailed Explanations for Each Step: Provide clear and detailed explanations for each step of the process, ensuring that readers understand exactly what needs to be done at each stage. Use simple language, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical terms that may confuse readers. Break down each step into manageable chunks and explain each part thoroughly.
  • Integrating Visuals or Illustrations to Enhance Understanding (if applicable): If appropriate, consider including visuals or illustrations to complement your written instructions and enhance understanding. Visual aids such as diagrams, charts, or photographs can provide additional clarity and help readers visualize the steps of the process more effectively. Be sure to integrate visuals seamlessly into your essay and provide clear captions or explanations to accompany them.

Step 5: Creating the Conclusion

Creating a strong conclusion is essential for wrapping up your process essay effectively and leaving a lasting impression on your readers. Here’s how to approach this step:

  • Reinforcing the Significance of the Process: Begin by reinforcing the significance of the process you’ve explained in your essay. Remind readers why the process is important or relevant, emphasizing its impact or benefits. This helps to underscore the value of the information they’ve gained from reading your essay and reinforces the importance of understanding and mastering the process.
  • Summarizing the Key Points of the Essay: Next, summarize the key points of your essay, briefly revisiting each step of the process and highlighting its significance. Keep this summary concise and focused, providing a quick overview of the main ideas without delving into unnecessary detail. By summarizing the key points, you help reinforce the main takeaways of your essay and ensure that readers have a clear understanding of the process you’ve explained.
  • Offering Final Thoughts or Potential Outcomes of the Process: Finally, offer some final thoughts or reflections on the process. Consider discussing potential outcomes or results that readers can expect if they follow the process successfully. B. You might also offer suggestions for further exploration or experimentation with the process, encouraging readers to apply what they’ve learned in their own lives or endeavors. By offering final thoughts or outcomes, you provide closure to your essay and leave readers with a sense of satisfaction and direction moving forward.

Step 6: Revising and Editing

Revising and editing your process essay is a critical step in ensuring its clarity, coherence, and overall effectiveness. Here’s how to approach this step:

  • Reviewing the Essay for Clarity and Coherence:   Start by reviewing your essay from start to finish, focusing on its overall clarity and coherence. Check that each step of the process is explained in a logical and easy-to-follow manner. Pay attention to the flow of your essay, ensuring that each section transitions smoothly into the next. Make any necessary revisions to improve the organization and coherence of your essay.
  • Checking for Grammatical, Spelling, and Punctuation Errors: Next, carefully check your essay for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Look for common mistakes such as incorrect verb tense, subject-verb agreement errors, misspelled words, and misplaced punctuation. Proofread your essay multiple times, reading it aloud if necessary to catch any errors that may have been overlooked. Use grammar and spell-check tools as additional aids in identifying and correcting mistakes.
  • Seeking Feedback from Peers or Instructors: Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors who can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improving your essay. Share your essay with them and ask for their honest feedback on its clarity, organization, and effectiveness.  Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity to make further revisions and improvements to your essay. Consider incorporating any helpful suggestions or recommendations that are offered.

Essay Example: “How to Bake a Perfect Chocolate Cake”

Get help with your process essay paper.

Are you struggling with your process essay? Don’t worry! Essay Freelance Writers is here to help. We’re the best in the industry when it comes to essay writing services. Place your order today by clicking the ORDER NOW button above to get our expert assistance with your process essay writing. Whether it’s crafting a clear thesis statement or organizing the steps of your process, we’ve got you covered. Trust us to deliver high-quality, custom-written essays that meet your every need.

Frequently Asked Questions about Process Essay

What is a process essay.

A process essay is a type of writing that explains a step-by-step process of doing something. It aims to guide the reader through the actions required to complete the task .

How is a process essay different from other types of essays?

A process essay , also known as a how-to essay , focuses on the process of doing something and the parts of the process . Unlike other types of essays, it emphasizes the step-by-step process rather than simply presenting information or arguments.

What is the main body of a process essay?

The main body of a process essay should detail each step-by-step process necessary to complete the task. Each paragraph should focus on a certain process and serve as a guide for the reader.

Why is it important to pick something you know well when writing a process essay?

It is important to pick something you are familiar with when writing a process essay because it allows you to provide detailed and accurate instructions. Your knowledge of the subject will help in explaining the step-by-step process effectively.

What is the goal of a process essay?

The goal of a process essay is to explain the step-by-step process clearly and concisely. It should provide the reader with a complete understanding of how to complete the task .

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a process essay?

Some common mistakes to avoid when writing a process essay include using ambiguous language like “next ” or “then ” instead of providing specific instructions, and not considering the reader’s level of knowledge on the topic. It is also important to ensure that the words like “next and “now used are appropriate for the type of paper .

sarah Bentley

With a passion for helping students navigate their educational journey, I strive to create informative and relatable blog content. Whether it’s tackling exam stress, offering career guidance, or sharing effective study techniques


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How To Write A Process Essay: Detailed Manual


Writing an essay is a huge part of your college education. Every university makes its students write an essay on different subjects and topics to test their learning, critical thinking abilities and knowledge about the particular topic. Throughout your academic life, you’ll need to write down all sorts of papers such as expository, argumentative, etc. A process essay is one such essay every student has to write during school or college years. Therefore, it is crucial to know different steps to describe the different processes correctly. So, in this article, we provide an exhaustive guide on how to write a good process essay.

What Is A Process Essay?

Before you jump on writing, it is important to know – what is a process analysis essay. A process essay is also known as a HOW-TO essay. As the name suggests, this essay describes a procedure of doing something. It gives step-by-step instructions that show how to perform a task or a project.

This type of essay serves to inform readers on how to do something and teach them the steps to reach a specific goal. A strong essay leads its readers through the task and guarantees their success. It is mostly used to inform new and inexperienced people about a certain task. Some of the examples include – a recipe, user’s guide, security instructions, instruction manual, etc.

Some of the  process essay topics  are:

  • How to operate a machine?
  • How to make pancakes?
  • How is maple syrup produced?
  • How to put gas in a car?
  • How do you make frosting for cookies?

Prepare Process Essay Outline

An outline or a template includes a few short sentences on what you are planning to write in the content. The process analysis essay outline is helpful in any situation associated with writing and also helps to improve the structure of your piece. Every process is different, however, the structure remains the same. Most good essays follow this common outline:

  • Introduction – tell about what you are going to discuss;
  • Body – describe the process step-by-step;
  • Conclusion – sum up and describe the results.

After preparing the outline, go through it again to make sure that you haven’t missed out any point. You can also add more details that you don’t want to leave out.

Types Of Process Essay Writing

There are mainly two types of writing for a process essay – how to do something and how something works.

  • How to do something

The purpose of this type is to inform someone how to do a particular task or a project. The reader should be able to follow the steps clearly and successfully achieve their goals. Examples include:

  • How to repair your phone
  • How to cut an onion
  • How to create a DIY notebook
  • How to book flight tickets
  • How to tidy up your room effectively
  • How Something Works

This type of process writing is designed to inform readers about how a particular thing works. The reader will not necessarily do everything described in the essay but will only read it, and, hopefully, understand the process successfully. Here are some examples of what your potential readers may be interested in:

  • How a motor generator works
  • How presidential elections happen
  • How evaporation occurs
  • How the car engine works
  • How a plant grows

How To Start A Process Essay?

Before you put pen to paper, you should know how to structure an essay properly. The process of writing this write-up is quite simple, but only if you follow an effective step-by-step approach that allows for producing an outstanding essay. Below are some guidelines every student must follow while writing an essay:

  • Introduction

It is the most important part of any essay. A good introduction generates interest in the reader about your process and also sets the tone of the essay. The introductory part serves the purpose to inform the readers what they can expect from the essay and why they need this knowledge. This part is generally shorter than the body paragraph as it includes:

  • Hook – The first sentence that interests the readers.
  • Identification – Brief introduction to the process.
  • Thesis statement – Last line of the introduction that tells the readers how to solve the problem.
  • Body Paragraphs

It is the part where you’ll explain all the steps of doing a task in greater detail. The number of paragraphs your essay will depend on the stages of the process you are describing. However, make sure that each paragraph is not too lengthy and complex to read. For example, if you’re writing about how to make a pizza, divide the process into different paragraphs such as – how to make the pizza dough, how to make the pizza sauce, etc.

Keep your outline beside you while writing the body, so you don’t skip any important steps and ensure that they are in the correct order.

Moreover, each paragraph should consist of the necessary details for the process to be completed successfully. These include the tools and equipment required to perform the task, as well as the difficulties that the reader may face.

After explaining the whole process, write a confident conclusion. This part should be short and to the point and must give an idea to the reader of what the end result will look like. The conclusion mainly consists of a summary of the main idea of the text and the thesis statement. You can also restate some highlights and the overall purpose of the task. Make sure the readers feel they have learned something by going through your text.

  • Write A Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is the last line of the introduction and also the most important line of the whole essay. It serves to inform the readers about the purpose of your paper, the problem, and the steps to solve it.

  • Use Transitions Writing A Process Analysis Essay

To create a well-structured essay, introduce each step using transition or signal words such as next, now, so that, then, immediately, later, eventually, etc. For example, tap on the text icon on the right-hand corner of your screen. Then, type your text using different fonts. Using transition words make the steps flow one after the other and motivate your readers to read the whole paper.

Proofread Your Process Analysis Essay

Once you are done writing, the next important step is to proofread your essay carefully. Proofreading means to examine your text to find and fix different grammatical errors, typos, spelling and style mistakes. Proofreading a paper before you submit it can mean the difference between a disastrous essay and a brilliant one. Many students skip this step while writing. Remember, proofreading is as important as writing your essay.

Here are some tips that you can follow while proofreading your essays:

  • Read your essay very carefully to detect and correct any mistakes.
  • Use simple language that is easily readable by your audience.
  • Avoid the use of complex and difficult vocabulary
  • Eliminate repetitions as it makes the essay boring. You can use a thesaurus to search for synonyms of common words.
  • Run a spell checker to fix some mistakes.
  • Make sure the grammar is flawless before submitting your write-up.

Some students find it difficult to complete and proofread these essays on time because they have to make time for other important things as well such as social life, sports, hobbies, family, etc. In such a situation, you can get the help of writing services available online that can not only help you to write  different types of essays but also submit these before the deadlines.

Tips For Writing A Process Essay

In addition to the above steps, implement the following tips to write an effective process essay:

  • Research thoroughly before writing
  • Determine who your target audience is and what they expect from your paper. Assume that your readers don’t know a single detail about the subject, so you don’t miss out any point.
  • Clearly mention the purpose of each step of the process.
  • Write all the steps in chronological order.
  • Your essay should be precise and to the point.
  • Provide definitions of all uncommon words.
  • Create a list of all the tools and equipment used in the process.
  • List all the dangers and precautions to be taken while doing the process.
  • Avoid using imperative sentences. Otherwise, it will appear like an instruction manual and not an essay.
  • Also, provide your readers with a time estimate of the task.

Now you know that writing a process essay is quite simple. Once you prepare an outline of the points you want to include in your content, you can easily write a good, detailed and well-structured paper without missing an important point. Therefore, as long as you follow the above tips, you will be able to craft a perfect essay.

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How to Write a Process Essay?

18 June, 2020

14 minutes read

Author:  Tomas White

What is a “process essay”? What makes it different from dozens of other papers you create on a daily basis? What are its main components and what the main goal of this type of writing you need to bear in mind? If you're looking for answers to these questions, you're in luck! You can get them all from our academic guide on how to write a process essay.

Process Essay

Composing a process essay can be rather complicated especially if you are not familiar with this type of writing and do not know what pitfalls and specifications to pay attention to.

That is why our custom essay writing service has created this guide to help you tackle this task. We will answer all these questions in our article below and even provide you with great process essay examples and topics you can write on to stand out. So, if that sounds like something you need right now, read on: we are here to help and equip you with knowledge!

But first things first. Since it is impossible to create an excellent process essay without crystal clear understanding of the term, we will start with the definition. So, let’s dive in!

What is a process essay?

A process essay is commonly written either to explain how something works or to guide a reader through the process of completing a particular task, states the process essay definition.

Process essays also go under the “How-to articles” title and aim to teach the target audience how to achieve certain goals or complete specific assignments.

So, look at it like this. In case of “How to quit smoking” process essay, your primary goal is to provide several helpful ways of quitting this habit. These might be evidence-based recommendations if you have experience in this area, or simply common sense ideas you found while conducting your research.

Now that you realize what you will be working with, let’s look into different types of process essays and practical ways to compose them. Our essay writing guide will walk you through the process essay writing step by step.

Types of process essays

There are two main types of such papers: the ones that explain how something works , and those that show you how to complete a particular task .

Types of process essays

1. How to do something.

Though it sounds quite self-explanatory, we’d like to emphasize the importance of clear instructions in case you are writing a process essay.

Your readers must be able to follow your guidance and complete each step successfully. So, split the process into small steps, keep it short and to the point at each stage of crafting a process essay.

For instance, in a “How to quit smoking” process essay , you can split the whole process into seven steps:

  • Choose a date for a quit day;
  • Imagine life without cigarettes and expect it;
  • Have one last cigarette as a “Goodbye!”;
  • Be among people to support you;
  • Keep your goal in perspective not to give up;
  • Don’t fall for substitutes;
  • Be accountable.

2. How something works.

By contrast, this is an informative type of writing that aims to achieve one goal – explain the principle of work behind some process. Unlike the mentioned above type, this process essay type does not encourage a reader to take an action and do something step by step.

However, you must make sure that by the end of your essay, the audience will know for sure how something functions.

As an example of this type of a process essay, let’s see how an earthquake happens .

  • First, the energy within the earth core builds up due to various moves in the earth crust;
  • The energy level grows up and causes tension in the tectonic plates;
  • After some time, the pressure radiates outwards by moving the plates from each other;
  • The seismic waves shake the earth as they get from the core of the earth to the surface;
  • That is when the earthquake takes place.

Before we go any further, let’s look at another example. In case of “How to prepare for a vacation” process essay, your task is to compose a few steps that your readers can take when getting ready for their vacation. In other words, you are describing how to do something.

Meanwhile, “What happens to your brain when you sleep” process essay is merely an explanation of the principle. In it, you are not encouraging readers to take any actions whatsoever. So, here is the fundamental difference.

How to write a process essay?

How to write an excellent process essay

Getting started with process essay writing

When developing a process essay outline, take some time to answer the following questions:

  • Who is your target audience? How deep is their knowledge of the subject? The complexity of your essay depends on their skills level. Thus, for instance, when explaining to your peers how to stretch a dollar to see the world, you can use basic terminology and examples they can relate to. However, your vocabulary should be way more sophisticated if you are writing a process essay on how to improve the overall quality of higher education in your state to the City Council.
  • How can you divide the process into small steps? You do not want to bore your audience to death with unnecessary details in a process essay. Yet, you cannot afford to skip valuable steps if they are crucial to the overall understanding of the subject of your process essay. So, try to find the golden cut and figure out the most suitable amount of steps.
  • What sources will you use for the task? It goes without saying that you can only use reliable sources to support your argument in a process essay. These sources should be all mentioned in the end of your essay. And remember about proper in-text citation styles. Read the materials carefully and take only the information that will add value to your essay and helps make it shine.

How to write a process essay outline

Finally, let’s look into the process essay structure. Needless to say that you must start with something that will grab readers’ attention, or in other words, “a hook.”

It is true for any essay, and process essay writing is not an exception.

The structure of your essay regardless of the process essay topics should consist of:

  • A powerful introduction.
  • Main body paragraphs.
  • An interesting conclusion.
Related Post: Essay outline | Research Paper outline

Sounds simple, yet there are several things you should not forget about process essay writing.

How to write an introduction to a process essay

Once you compose a hook, mention why you believe that readers should use your approach to solve a problem even though there are dozens of other ones. We know two effective ways to achieve this in your process essay:

  • Show how much time this task will take . People don’t have all the time in the world to tackle just this one task. So, you’ll really help them by stating how much time completing something using your approach will take and underline that with your approach described in a process essay it will take less time than if they opt for a different one. “Writing can be tough, especially if you always felt that it is not exactly your suit. However, Michael D. Pollock, a credible expert in this area, has recently presented 10 effective tips that will help you learn writing fast and make you able to craft a 1000-word article in 30 minutes. So, keep reading to find out how you can write this fast too.”
  • Introduce your audience to the historical background of the approach (if any) you’re using in a process essay. Let them see the roots of your solution. Here is what a good introduction of a process essay should look like: “Giving a speech with lots of eyes concentrated on you is not an easy task. No wonder so many students dread this task. However, speech can be a powerful tool, and we can teach you how to give them right. Steve Jobs is known as one of the best public speakers of our time. People were sitting on the edge of their seats when he spoke. And we’ll teach you how to grab attention like he did using just five simple tricks he applied.”

At last, compose an engaging thesis of a process essay. Many students consider it a scary part. But it all goes down to this.

Your thesis statement should reason why your way is the best and why readers looking for answers should search no more and give your solution a chance.

It’s easier than you think. Here is a good thesis statement example:

“With more than 580 million tons of household waste produced all over the world, Every tiny effort you make to become eco-friendly counts. And if you don’t want to spend extra money on sustainable products but want to save the environment, use our guide on ten simple eco-friendly steps you can do daily without even noticing it!”

This is what a thesis statement for a process essay on how to be eco-friendly would look like. Yours can be different, but you get the idea!

How to plan main body paragraphs

  • Dedicate one body paragraph to one point you want to bring to light.
  • Provide enough details on each step including the ultimate goal of this step and reasons why this method was chosen for its achievement.
  • Keep it short and to the point.

How to write a conclusion

Now is that time you reminded the readers about the purpose of a process essay, reasons why you chose this particular approach, and briefly mentioned steps needed to accomplish the task.

Besides, you can call your audience to action but only in case you are writing an essay that shows how to do something. Otherwise, it will be inapplicable.

Finally, help them set their expectations right: what results can they count on in the end? How long will it take them to achieve those results after reading your process essay and applying its tips?

How to use transition words in a process essay

Transition words can help you create a seamless reading experience. You can take readers smoothly from one step to another. And what is more you can help them immerse into the process!

Therefore, begin each new paragraph with a transition word, add one in between examples you provide, and summarize your instructions with them, too.

List of transition words for a process essay

Think of transition words as of bridges that connect paragraphs and sentences. They make smooth communication between the two possible. And with them in your process essay, no reader feels irritated or frustrated with your writing style, as they have to stumble upon every other sentence in your piece.

Good process essay topics

It is not enough to just know the theory to create a good process essay. One should also come up with a topic that will be both interesting and useful to his readers. Here’s a list of our suggestions on process essay ideas:

  • How to choose a perfect future career.
  • How to survive college and stay sane.
  • How to eat healthy on campus.
  • How to balance your social and academic life.
  • How to pay out a student loan while still at college.
  • How to improve your public speaking skills.
  • How to see the world with only $100 in your pocket.
  • How to learn a foreign language.
  • How to renovate your apartment and not go bankrupt.
  • How to start your own business.
  • How to prepare for your first interview.
  • How to get volunteers to help you clean the neighborhood.
  • How to write a life list.
  • How to set boundaries in the relationship.
  • How to study overseas for free.
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Process essay writing tips

Wrapping up, we would like to introduce you to a couple of vital recommendations on process essay writing:

  • Your process essay subject cannot be too broad or too narrow. Look out for the golden cut!
  • Introduce your readers to possible complications of the process. After all, forewarned is forearmed.
  • Create a short vocabulary your audience can use in case they are not familiar with the terminology essential to the general understanding of the process essay in question.
  • Develop a list of resources your readers will need as they deal with certain tasks. This way you will have them prepared to put your recommendations to action right away.
  • Always write a process essay using Active Voice!

Tips on writing a process essay

Need help with your process essay writing? Handmadewriting is here for you to help. Drop us a line to get our professional essay writers to develop an excellent piece for you!

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How to Write a Great Process Essay

Otherwise Known as a How-To Essay

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How-to essays , also known as process essays, are much like recipes: They provide instruction for carrying out a procedure or task. You can write a how-to essay about any procedure that you find interesting as long as your topic fits the teacher's assignment.

Start by Brainstorming

The first step in writing your how-to essay is brainstorming. Here are tips to help you:

  • Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper to make two columns. Label one column "materials" and the other column "steps."
  • Write down every item and every step you can think of that will be needed to carry out your task. Don't worry about trying to keep things in order yet. Just empty your head.
  • Number your steps on your brainstorming page. Just jot a number beside each item/step. You may need to erase and scribble a few times to get the order right. It's not a neat process.

Create an Outline

First, determine the format required for your essay; ask your teacher if you are unsure. Your essay could contain a numbered list (like the one in the previous section), or it could be written as a standard narrative essay. If you are instructed to write a step-by-step without using numbers, your essay should contain all the elements of any other essay assignment, including an:

  • Introductory paragraph : the section that identifies the  topic , arouses interest, and prepares the audience or readers for the development of the thesis
  • Body : the part of an essay that develops the main idea
  • Conclusion : the sentences  or paragraphs that bring the essay to a logical end

Regardless of the essay format—whether your teacher allows for numbered paragraphs or sections or simply wants you to craft a narrative report—your outline should center on these three areas.

Creating the Essay

Your introduction will explain why your topic is important or relevant. For example, your paper about "How to Wash a Dog" would explain that dog hygiene is important for your pet's good health.

  • Your first body paragraph should contain a list of necessary materials. For example: "The equipment you will need depends somewhat on the size of your dog. At the very minimum, you will need dog shampoo, a large towel, and a container large enough to hold your dog. And, of course, you will need a dog."
  • The next paragraphs should contain instructions for following steps in your process, as enumerated in your outline.
  • Your summary, or conclusion, explains how your task or process should turn out if it is done correctly. It may also be appropriate to restate the importance of your topic.

Topics to Write About

You may believe that you are not expert enough to write a process essay. This is not so. There are many processes that you go through every day that you can write about, including:

  • How to make a perfect paper airplane
  • How to dye your hair
  • How to wear makeup
  • How to survive a weekend with your family
  • How to play basketball
  • How to play (a popular video game)

The goal in this type of assignment is to show that you can write a well-organized essay and clearly explain to the reader how to do what you are instructing.

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How to Write the Perfect Process Analysis Essay (With a Sample Essay)

Tonya Thompson

A process analysis essay is a kind of expository essay that explains the process or actions someone needs to take to complete a task. You can think of it like a recipe, stating all of the necessary ingredients and steps, allowing the reader to follow along in logical order.

A process analysis essay can be written about a wide scope of topics, from highly technical processes to cleaning and organizing your closet. Writing a process analysis essay forces you to slow down and consider every tool and step involved in completing a task, and then explain what's needed in logical order for your reader to do the same.

Writing a process analysis essay forces you to slow down and consider every tool and step involved in completing a task, and then explain what's needed in logical order.

Format of a process analysis essay

For this type of essay assignment, you will not be following the traditional five-paragraph essay outline. There is still an introduction and body to your essay, but your conclusion is more like the "analysis" part and the essay will end when you've completed explaining the steps involved in a process. Below, we'll break down exactly what should be included in each of these parts. Also keep in mind that you can still create an outline before beginning writing your process analysis essay, although it might look more like a list of bullet points rather than a traditional five-paragraph essay outline.


The introduction to your process analysis essay will include information about the process you are analyzing and why it is important. This will likely be the shortest part of your essay. If there is a unique history to the process you'll be analyzing, the introduction is where you might mention that. You basically want to use this paragraph as a brief introduction to your reader of 1) what process you'll be analyzing and 2) how or why that process might be useful information to know.

The body of your process analysis essay will mention any prerequisites, materials, or instruments needed to complete the process. It should also mention any risks or warnings involved that are relevant to the process. It's important to include everything that the reader will need to complete the process, and even extra tools that might help the process go smoother but are not necessary. For example, in the sample process analysis essay provided below on how to make apple butter, I included a spoon to stir the butter as part of the list of tools that will be needed. Additionally, I mentioned that a food processor will make the apple butter cook better and have a more butter-like consistency, but it's not necessary to have as a tool to cook apple butter.

Following these sections, you'll write the actual process in sequential order required to complete the task. Make sure you include transitional words within and between paragraphs, as these are required to show the sequence of the process in logical order. Your analysis will likely be across several paragraphs, so make sure each paragraph describes a separate part of the process to avoid confusion for your reader.

Sample process analysis essay

To show you how a process analysis essay might look, we've provided a sample essay that includes the separate sections discussed above. Notice that the introduction paragraph is short, providing basic information about the process that will be discussed, while the remaining paragraphs are longer and more detailed.

Below is a sample process analysis essay explaining how to make apple butter

Sample essay

Apple butter is similar to apple sauce but is different in that it is highly concentrated and used more often as a butter-like topping on bread or crackers. It's cooked long and slow, allowing the sugar in the apples to caramelize and turn it a deep brown color.

To make apple butter, you will need a slow cooker, food processor, cutting board, peeling knife, large spoon, apples, sugar, and spices for the desired flavoring (usually cinnamon and nutmeg). You might also want to use an apple slicer, which cuts down on the preparation time. Note that when you begin cooking your apple butter, the more minced the peeled apples are, the smoother the final product will be. If you want your apple butter to have a true butter-like consistency, mince the apples well in the food processor before cooking.

Now, let's look at the process of cooking apple butter. To begin, prepare a large, clean space for cutting and processing the apples. Five to six cups of fresh apples will likely only result in a few cups (at most) of apple butter, so depending on how much butter you want to make, you could be peeling and preparing apples for several hours. Each apple will need to be sliced, peeled, and minced in a food processor for maximum butter-like consistency.

Next, add the minced apples to a slow cooker and place the slow cooker on "high". You will notice that the top of the mixture is watery, once the larger pieces settle. Add sugar and spices until you reach the taste you want for the apple butter. Keep in mind that apples vary in sweetness, depending on what type of apple you are using, and sugar can be added slowly throughout the cooking process. Be careful not to add too much sugar at first, as the butter will get sweeter as the apples cook down. In fact, you might even choose to not at sugar at all at this stage of the cooking process, especially if you want a final product that is not too sweet. The spices can also be added as the apple butter cooks or not at all (if that's your preference). Be sure to stir every 10-15 minutes during the first hour as the apple butter is cooking on high and let it cook uncovered.

After one hour of cooking on high, turn the slow cooker to low and cover it. Depending on the type of apple you have used, it should cook for 8-10 hours, until there is no water left at the top and around the sides of the slow cooker. During this slow cooking time, stir occasionally (once per hour should be fine). This is also when the apple butter makes your kitchen smell amazing!

Finally, when the apple butter has reached the consistency and taste you want, remove it from the slow cooker. If you choose to can the apple butter, you can do that immediately or keep the apple butter in the refrigerator until you are able to can it.


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Process essay

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A process essay is a type of expository writing that explains a series of steps or procedures to achieve a particular outcome or complete a task. It provides detailed, step-by-step guidelines for the reader to follow.

If you want to understand how to write a “how to” essay, the best solution is to turn for help to the professional academic essay writers with a rich writing experience. Review this article, which contains everything a student should know before writing your process essay. 

What Is a Process Essay: Definition

Before learning how to write a process paper of A level, it is critical to define the term. A process essay refers to the type of academic writing which contains a detailed description of the particular process in the shape of the step-by-step guide. This form of essay is popular in business & technical writing. Some of the best examples of process essays include:

  • Instruction/owner’s manual;
  • User’s guide;
  • “How to…” articles;
  • Security instructions;
  • Recommendations.

Students should test the process themselves before writing an instruction or manual. It would be the best answer to the question “ what is a process essay ?”

Process Essay Outline: Structuring Your Paper

There is not much to say about the process essay outline because structure repeats steps required to complete a certain procedure. Having an outline is helpful in any situation associated with academic writing. Put down every stage in chronological order. Once the student has an outline, they may later add some details depending on the process development to come up with the whole body. Maybe you will ask " How to structure an essay of this type?" The structure of a process outline is common:

  • Introduction paragraph (mention the process to discuss).
  • Body paragraphs (list the stage and provide details).
  • Conclusion (specify what the expected outcome should be + share some success indicators).

The length of a “how to” essay depends on whether the chosen procedure is time-consuming or not. Do not pick something extra fast not to have a few-sentence essay in the end.

Process Essay Introduction

Let’s talk a little about the process essay introduction. It does not matter whether an essay is describing the way to get chocolate out of milk and coconuts, explaining some procedure of vaccination, or interpreting steps required to write a book. It is important to identify the target audience from the start! If it is an average user, avoid difficult terms. In case you write to satisfy the curiosity of advanced users, do not mind including various professional terms to prove your competence in the chosen field. Do not worry about structure. The best thing about this type of academic assignment is that step-by-step process itself provides a student with correct structure. Still, experts recommend having an outline. Would you like to know good ways to start an essay of this type? Start an opening paragraph by determining an analyzed procedure and share personal ideas on why this specific process is interesting & important to observe. Formulate a process essay thesis. It is not necessary to cover history or background of some discussed procedure.

Process Essay Body Paragraph

Do not include any details that do not relate to the process itself. If some required tools & equipment are rare, tell readers some ways to get these resources. Write down warnings about possible safety hazards to prevent readers from falling into trap/injuring. Describing steps alone might be dull. To enrich your writing, add some common mistakes to avoid. And provide helpful tips to make this process simpler & quicker. Main body of a process essay is usually written in chronological order. Add every step in chronological order with the help of clear words. If there are similar steps or those that can be performed at different stages, mention it to acknowledge the reader. To prevent confusing situations/failures, experts recommend subdividing the steps of especially long processes (example: Step 1A, 1B, etc.) Professional hint from essay order experts!

“A good process essay always uses the second person – “you.” It sounds more personal, and readers trust its writer. Be ready to apply a plenty of transitional words & phrases! They make this procedure description logical and clear to every reader. Try to insert different transitions to prevent text from being repetitive. During the process of writing an instruction or manual, do steps described in text to check whether everything works the way it should before offering the same actions to your target audience.” Professor Pryce, academic counselor and online writing tutors at StudyCrumb

Writing Process Essay Conclusion

Let’s see how to end writing a how-to essay. By the end of an instruction, reader/user must be able to repeat provided actions to activate the process or solve some problem alone. If readers cannot do that, it means that writer failed giving clear, correct instructions. How to start a conclusion in an essay ? Do it with some short review of an entire process from A to Z. It will help readers recall what they were doing, how long, and what expected results should be. While body paragraphs provide detailed interpretation of each stage, a conclusion must contain a single short sentence summarizing every step of a process. It should look like an opening sentence of this article.  

How to Write a Process Essay: 10 Simple Steps

Process essay writing is not a difficult task. Even though a process essay is easy to write, it is crucial to know the essential steps of writing. Knowing all nuts and bolts will help you write an article quickly and correctly. Below you will find 10 basic steps you should know to write an outstanding process essay. Step 1:  Think of some topic you want to write about. What interests you most? What will be useful for your readers? Consider all these questions and create the best topic. Browse our process essay topics we prepared for our users.  Step 2:  Start your research. Look for some sources that have relevant information. Collect all important data. Step 3:  Read sources you collected carefully and analyze information. Make notes when reading and have quick access to needed information. Step 4:  Create an outline for your paper. Plan your future paragraphs beforehand. Step 5:  Collect all parts of your guide together and think what you may add to the main body. Write body paragraphs. Step 6:  It is not a good idea to compose your introduction at the beginning. Start writing your introduction paragraph only after you have main part. Step 7:  Don’t forget about a strong hook for your paper. It should be concise, informative, and grab attention of your reader. Step 8:  Finally, summarize all points you mentioned in your text and create your conclusion. Highlight the result again. Show readers what they will get after they follow all steps mentioned in your essay. Step 9:  After all these steps are done, create a catchy and informative title. It should not only display what your essay is about but also grab your reader's attention and make them want to read your guide. Step 10: Proofread your process essay and edit mistakes. Read your text again, check for typos and grammar mistakes. Make sure it is readable and understandable. Following these steps will help you create a truly brilliant process essay that you will get an A+ for. Buy essays papers to enjoy even higher odds to succeed with your submission.

Helpful Tips on How to Write a Process Paper

While writing this type of academic essay, recall these professional tips & tricks and earn A+!

  • Say what you are doing to describe an action. It would be paper’s topic, precise, clear, and educating. Narrow down your topic if it sounds broad. Example: Instead of calling some instruction “How to Install Windows” make it “How to Install Windows 10 on the most recent Asus models (name them).”
  • Get ready with outline of an essay , which is structure of your essay.
  • Name requirements like resources, equipment, instruments, stuff, skills, and knowledge person will need to complete their process. If more than one person is required, mention it.
  • Identify technical & professional terms in text. In case manual explains a procedure based on special, technical knowledge/skills, such as carpentry, it is better to include some definitions of some specific terms readers might not know. If your teacher allows, enrich your essay with images, signs, graphs, and tables to explain some word.
  • Each good instruction should contain warnings/cautions. List all possible threats & security hazards. Along with some obstacles readers may face in the process. Use an active voice in this part.
  • Finish manual/instruction with an explanation of what person should be ready to obtain once the procedure is over (stress the importance of experiment). It is important to list success factors. Example: “Cooked dumplings should not look tenderized/taste raw.”
  • Add images & more techniques so readers follow instructions simpler. For instance, “peach color” may be perceived as various textures by various individuals.”

Interesting Process Essay Examples

Of course, we won’t leave you without a real example of a process essay. Only reading this article may not be enough. Before you start your writing, it is better to look at how other students organized similar works. Here is one of professional how-to essay examples shared by college students.

If you want a similar essay customized to your needs, just say " write my essays " and StudyCrumb will provide tailored assistance. Our writers prepare such orders daily and know how to make your process essay beautiful. 


How to Write a Perfect Process Essay: Final Thoughts

As you see, writing a professional essay is not as difficult as you might think. This type of essay does not require some special writing skills or use of high academic language . So following our simple tips we provided in our article will help you create an excellent essay that will guide readers through some steps easily.


Get in touch with our essay writing service and have your assignment done with great quality in mind.  

Frequently Asked Questions about Process Essay

1. what are good transition words for process essay.

The most appropriate process essay transition words are ones that help readers distinguish different stages of a guide described in your essay. To define stages of your paper try using following transition words:

  • After that,
  • Eventually,
  • Afterwards,

2. How to write a thesis of a process essay?

Thesis statement for process essay should be clear, concise, and informative. In your thesis you should briefly inform a reader of result they will get after reading your guide and following all steps. Mention benefits readers will gain.

3. What is a process essay outline example?

Process essay outline example may look as follows:

  • Prepare list of ingredients
  • Prepare an oven
  • Prepare chocolate chips or dried fruit
  • Mix ingredients together
  • Bake muffins
  • Cool muffins
  • Serve muffins.

4. What are final steps after finishing writing process essay?

After you finished writing your process essay, you still should edit and proofread your text:

  • Read your text and correct mistakes and typos.
  • Delete unnecessary words and sentences.
  • Check your instructions again and make sure it is easy to read and understand.
  • Give your paper to your friend and ask them to read it. After that ask if they fully understood all instructions. If not, make corrections.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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Defining a Process Essay

Structuring a process essay, launching your process essay, delving into body paragraphs, concluding your process essay, polishing the essay, guidelines for process essay composition, benefits of crafting process essays, how to write a process essay: a writing guide.

Process essays serve as instructional guides, laying out the steps to accomplish a task in a sequenced manner.

Embark on a journey to master the art of process essay writing with us, guided by expert tips from EssayAI. Grasping the nuances of the process is key to producing an engaging and informative paper. Let's delve into these professional insights and enhance your essay writing skills!

A process essay demystifies the methodology behind creating something, presenting it in a clear, descriptive format that follows a logical order. Transitional phrases such as “later”, “next”, “finally”, and “eventually” are commonly employed to guide the reader through the steps.

Key attributes of a process essay include:

  • Sequential ordering of steps
  • Detailed description of each action
  • Consistent process flow
  • Clear and direct narration
  • Effective use of transitional expressions

Organizing your thoughts into a structured outline is the first step in crafting a process essay. This outline should encompass an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, each marked with bullet points for easy reference.

Ensure your outline is comprehensive, covering all necessary steps and supporting details for a thorough process analysis.

The introduction is pivotal in capturing your audience's attention from the get-go. Employ vivid descriptions to spark interest, a strategy that applies to creative writing as well.

Highlight the time needed for the process, such as preparing sushi, to accommodate the reader’s time considerations. Offer preparation efficiency tips and a concise ingredient list to simplify the steps.

Conclude your introduction with a precise thesis statement that encapsulates your essay’s primary focus.

Reference your outline when composing the body of your essay. Adhere to the planned structure and introduce headings for better readability. Ensure clarity and logical progression in your paragraphs, particularly when detailing complex steps. Varied vocabulary aids in sustaining reader interest, while smooth transitions between steps keep the narrative cohesive.

Typically, the body consists of three or more paragraphs, filled with sufficient detail to guide the reader without overwhelming them. Clear and coherent delivery of the main ideas is paramount.

Transition words like “next” serve to seamlessly connect steps, e.g., “Next, prepare your fish.” Avoid first-person pronouns to maintain an instructional tone, opting instead for a second or third-person perspective for greater authority, e.g., “This paper describes…” versus “I shall describe”.

Include cautionary notes within the body or conclusion, especially for tasks involving risk, and describe the final product's appearance and use to set clear expectations for the outcome.

Reaffirm the topic’s significance and conclude with a positive outlook. Remind the reader of the value derived from completing the task and acknowledge their effort. Encourage application of the guide and anticipation for future tutorials.

Editing and proofreading are critical for ensuring your essay’s clarity and flow.

  • Read aloud to identify stylistic or grammatical flaws.
  • Ensure descriptive accuracy and logical paragraph sequencing.
  • Manual proofreading complements, rather than relying solely on, spell-checkers.
  • Ensure instructions are clear and actionable.
  • Feedback from a peer, especially from the intended audience, can verify understanding.

Think of writing a process essay as drafting a manual; aim for detailed clarity to enlighten the uninitiated. Follow these steps for effective composition:

  • Choosing a relevant and engaging topic is foundational.
  • Conduct thorough research to gather comprehensive process details.
  • Assemble coherent narratives with insightful annotations for enriched quality.
  • Clarify each step for readers unfamiliar with the process.
  • Ensure a logical sequence throughout the essay.
  • Justify each action to foster understanding.
  • Employ specific transition phrases for fluid progression between steps.
  • Clarify jargon for universal comprehension.
  • Limit imperative sentences to sustain an essayistic feel.

Conclude your drafting process with a thorough review for consistency and originality.

Writing varied essays hones different skill sets. For instance, compare-and-contrast essays sharpen discernment skills, while process essays enhance analytical thinking, prioritization, procedural adherence, and meticulousness.

Analytical thinking is vital for logically sequencing events in a process essay, a skill applicable to complex workplace tasks.

Prioritization demands filtering essential information from various sources, refining the essay’s focus and precision.

Adhering to instructions fosters goal attainment in numerous life facets, cultivated by following and explaining procedures.

Meticulous attention to detail ensures each word adds value, a quality beneficial in professional environments.

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How To Write A Process Essay: Essay Outline, Tips, Topics and Essay Help

Throughout the course of education, you’ll need to write all sorts of papers. Some of them are well-known e.g. argumentative essays, or expository essays, while others are relatively unknown. Process essay belongs to the latter group. While the essay itself is something you’ve come across on multiple occasions, students don’t get to work on this assignment frequently. That’s why getting this assignment can be a huge source of stress. This guide helps avoid those stressful times with easy tips and tricks that you need for a good grade.

A process essay is a typical “how-to” paper that describes some process or workflow, hence the name. The primary idea behind this type of essay is to give a step-by-step explanation of a process that leads to a planned or expected outcome. The paper may revolve around a concrete or precise and an abstract process.

We can divide process essay into two major types:

  • Directional – provides step-by-step instructions on how to get something done
  • Informational – analyzes or explains a process

Benefits of Writing a Process Essay

Even though it’s not something we usually think about, every essay has its role that goes beyond the arguments or processes you discuss. We are talking about a greater purpose, the impact this essay will have on your skills. Believe it or not, every assignment in school or college has a goal to improve or develop some valuable skills and process essay is not an exception. Here are some skills you can develop with process essay:

  • Analytical skills – every course of action is logical, has its own flow, and your goal is to represent that. In order to write this essay, you need to think analytically. That’s the best way to describe the dynamic of some process and keep the reader’s interest. Of course, you can transfer this skill to many other aspects of your life and future employment
  • Prioritizing – essays require precise expressions, and vague language impairs the quality. While researching you’ll come across different info and resources, but not all of them can nor should be included in your paper. In order to make things work, you need to prioritize one piece of information over the other. That way, you’ll include valuable info only, without tainting your essay with unnecessary things
  • Following instructions – every process has its beginning, middle, and end. Each step is equally important. The ability to describe every part of the process in a suitable manner improves your capacity of following instructions; which can come in handy in every aspect of your life
  • Attention to detail – seemingly unimportant details play a huge role in every process or course of action. While writing the process essay, you need to pay attention to these details, in order to provide clear instructions or step-by-step guides, explanations, etc. At the same time, you’re sharpening this skill which can be practical at work (or any other part of your life) later on

The process of writing a process essay is often daunting for many students. But the good news is – you can order an essay online from professionals who can write it for you in a matter of hours. With the help of this essay, you will be able to explain the process of doing something in a clear and understandable way.

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Areas of Interest

Everything that happens in this universe (or beyond) is a process. The world is comprised of processes and each of them can be described in an essay. Therefore, your process essay can be about:

  • Interpersonal communication
  • Social media

Process Essay Outline

Wondering how to write a process essay if you’ve never worked on this assignment before? Or maybe you want to learn how to improve the structure of your paper for a better grade. This outline can help you:

  • Hook – the first sentence that grabs the reader’s attention
  • Identification – brief intro to the subject that will be discussed
  • Thesis statement – announcement of the process (or its aspect) you will explain
  • Support (topic) – every paragraph should focus on a specific part of the process and start with a clear indication of a factor you’ll discuss
  • Explain – self-explanatory, you need to explain how it works, what to do with it, and other important info
  • Evidence – like other types of essay, this type of paper requires using evidence to back up the info you used
  • Discuss – more information about some particular part of the process, its importance, how it fits into the overall subject, etc.
  • Conclusion – your conclusion should contain a brief summary of the thesis and the main parts of the process

Writing Tips

essay Writing Tips

While writing the process essay you can imagine like you’re working on a manual (regardless of the topic). The goal of that manual is to explain how some process works for a person who isn’t informed about it. Here are some tips that will help you:

  • Before you start writing, research the topic thoroughly and take notes
  • Make sure your essay is precise and coherent, but still features details that enhance its quality
  • Assume your reader doesn’t know anything about it, otherwise, you’d skip important details because you think others know it already
  • Write the essay in a logical and chronological manner, as one step leads to another
  • Explain the purpose of every step of the process, the reader wants to know WHY it happens
  • Use transitions such as: so that, then, now, next, furthermore, before
  • Define all terms that aren’t common knowledge
  • Avoid using imperative sentences because your essay would resemble an instruction manual rather than a proper essay
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The process of writing a process essay involves extensive research that is designed to provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Therefore, it is important to find a reliable and experienced writer who can write an assignment in a relevant way and add new information to the text.

Most students are used to writing argumentative, persuasive, and other types of papers and process essays may make you nervous, especially if you’ve never had this assignment before. First of all, it’s natural to be nervous. It shows you care! There’s a lot you can do to feel better and complete this assignment successfully. You just need the right tools such as:

Essay Topic Generator

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Essay Examples

The secret to a high-quality essay and good grade is consistency and practice. The practice doesn’t just involve writing process essays to sharpen your skills, but reading someone else’s paper at the same time. Why? This helps you identify the strengths and weaknesses of some essays in order to create your paper effectively. You get to avoid common mistakes and focus only on those parts that matter. Edusson Essay Examples is an amazing source of essay examples. It’s impossible not to learn or feel inspired when you have hundreds of essays to read. Essay Topic Generator Look for topic View more

Essay Checker

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Essay Writing Service

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how to write a process essay introduction

how to write a process essay introduction

How to Write an Essay Introduction (with Examples)   

essay introduction

The introduction of an essay plays a critical role in engaging the reader and providing contextual information about the topic. It sets the stage for the rest of the essay, establishes the tone and style, and motivates the reader to continue reading. 

Table of Contents

What is an essay introduction , what to include in an essay introduction, how to create an essay structure , step-by-step process for writing an essay introduction , how to write an essay introduction paragraph with paperpal – step -by -step, how to write a hook for your essay , how to include background information , how to write a thesis statement .

  • Argumentative Essay Introduction Example: 
  • Expository Essay Introduction Example 

Literary Analysis Essay Introduction Example

Check and revise – checklist for essay introduction , key takeaways , frequently asked questions .

An introduction is the opening section of an essay, paper, or other written work. It introduces the topic and provides background information, context, and an overview of what the reader can expect from the rest of the work. 1 The key is to be concise and to the point, providing enough information to engage the reader without delving into excessive detail. 

The essay introduction is crucial as it sets the tone for the entire piece and provides the reader with a roadmap of what to expect. Here are key elements to include in your essay introduction: 

  • Hook : Start with an attention-grabbing statement or question to engage the reader. This could be a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or a compelling anecdote. 
  • Background information : Provide context and background information to help the reader understand the topic. This can include historical information, definitions of key terms, or an overview of the current state of affairs related to your topic. 
  • Thesis statement : Clearly state your main argument or position on the topic. Your thesis should be concise and specific, providing a clear direction for your essay. 

Before we get into how to write an essay introduction, we need to know how it is structured. The structure of an essay is crucial for organizing your thoughts and presenting them clearly and logically. It is divided as follows: 2  

  • Introduction:  The introduction should grab the reader’s attention with a hook, provide context, and include a thesis statement that presents the main argument or purpose of the essay.  
  • Body:  The body should consist of focused paragraphs that support your thesis statement using evidence and analysis. Each paragraph should concentrate on a single central idea or argument and provide evidence, examples, or analysis to back it up.  
  • Conclusion:  The conclusion should summarize the main points and restate the thesis differently. End with a final statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. Avoid new information or arguments. 

how to write a process essay introduction

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write an essay introduction: 

  • Start with a Hook : Begin your introduction paragraph with an attention-grabbing statement, question, quote, or anecdote related to your topic. The hook should pique the reader’s interest and encourage them to continue reading. 
  • Provide Background Information : This helps the reader understand the relevance and importance of the topic. 
  • State Your Thesis Statement : The last sentence is the main argument or point of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and directly address the topic of your essay. 
  • Preview the Main Points : This gives the reader an idea of what to expect and how you will support your thesis. 
  • Keep it Concise and Clear : Avoid going into too much detail or including information not directly relevant to your topic. 
  • Revise : Revise your introduction after you’ve written the rest of your essay to ensure it aligns with your final argument. 

Unsure of how to start your essay introduction? Leverage Paperpal’s Generative AI templates to provide a base for your essay introduction. Here’s an example of an essay outline generated by Paperpal.  

how to write a process essay introduction

Use the generated essay outline as your base for the introduction. If you’re stuck writing, you can use Paperpal’s Predictive AI writing features to continue writing. 

how to write a process essay introduction

Use Paperpal’s Preditive AI writing features to maintain your writing flow

This is one of the key steps in how to write an essay introduction. Crafting a compelling hook is vital because it sets the tone for your entire essay and determines whether your readers will stay interested. A good hook draws the reader in and sets the stage for the rest of your essay.  

  • Avoid Dry Fact : Instead of simply stating a bland fact, try to make it engaging and relevant to your topic. For example, if you’re writing about the benefits of exercise, you could start with a startling statistic like, “Did you know that regular exercise can increase your lifespan by up to seven years?” 
  • Avoid Using a Dictionary Definition : While definitions can be informative, they’re not always the most captivating way to start an essay. Instead, try to use a quote, anecdote, or provocative question to pique the reader’s interest. For instance, if you’re writing about freedom, you could begin with a quote from a famous freedom fighter or philosopher. 
  • Do Not Just State a Fact That the Reader Already Knows : This ties back to the first point—your hook should surprise or intrigue the reader. For Here’s an introduction paragraph example, if you’re writing about climate change, you could start with a thought-provoking statement like, “Despite overwhelming evidence, many people still refuse to believe in the reality of climate change.” 

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Including background information in the introduction section of your essay is important to provide context and establish the relevance of your topic. When writing the background information, you can follow these steps: 

  • Start with a General Statement:  Begin with a general statement about the topic and gradually narrow it down to your specific focus. For example, when discussing the impact of social media, you can begin by making a broad statement about social media and its widespread use in today’s society, as follows: “Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with billions of users worldwide.” 
  • Define Key Terms : Define any key terms or concepts that may be unfamiliar to your readers but are essential for understanding your argument. 
  • Provide Relevant Statistics:  Use statistics or facts to highlight the significance of the issue you’re discussing. For instance, “According to a report by Statista, the number of social media users is expected to reach 4.41 billion by 2025.” 
  • Discuss the Evolution:  Mention previous research or studies that have been conducted on the topic, especially those that are relevant to your argument. Mention key milestones or developments that have shaped its current impact. You can also outline some of the major effects of social media. For example, you can briefly describe how social media has evolved, including positives such as increased connectivity and issues like cyberbullying and privacy concerns. 
  • Transition to Your Thesis:  Use the background information to lead into your thesis statement, which should clearly state the main argument or purpose of your essay. For example, “Given its pervasive influence, it is crucial to examine the impact of social media on mental health.” 

how to write a process essay introduction

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, or other type of academic writing. It appears near the end of the introduction. Here’s how to write a thesis statement: 

  • Identify the topic:  Start by identifying the topic of your essay. For example, if your essay is about the importance of exercise for overall health, your topic is “exercise.” 
  • State your position:  Next, state your position or claim about the topic. This is the main argument or point you want to make. For example, if you believe that regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good health, your position could be: “Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health.” 
  • Support your position:  Provide a brief overview of the reasons or evidence that support your position. These will be the main points of your essay. For example, if you’re writing an essay about the importance of exercise, you could mention the physical health benefits, mental health benefits, and the role of exercise in disease prevention. 
  • Make it specific:  Ensure your thesis statement clearly states what you will discuss in your essay. For example, instead of saying, “Exercise is good for you,” you could say, “Regular exercise, including cardiovascular and strength training, can improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.” 

Examples of essay introduction 

Here are examples of essay introductions for different types of essays: 

Argumentative Essay Introduction Example:  

Topic: Should the voting age be lowered to 16? 

“The question of whether the voting age should be lowered to 16 has sparked nationwide debate. While some argue that 16-year-olds lack the requisite maturity and knowledge to make informed decisions, others argue that doing so would imbue young people with agency and give them a voice in shaping their future.” 

Expository Essay Introduction Example  

Topic: The benefits of regular exercise 

“In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of regular exercise cannot be overstated. From improving physical health to boosting mental well-being, the benefits of exercise are numerous and far-reaching. This essay will examine the various advantages of regular exercise and provide tips on incorporating it into your daily routine.” 

Text: “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee 

“Harper Lee’s novel, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ is a timeless classic that explores themes of racism, injustice, and morality in the American South. Through the eyes of young Scout Finch, the reader is taken on a journey that challenges societal norms and forces characters to confront their prejudices. This essay will analyze the novel’s use of symbolism, character development, and narrative structure to uncover its deeper meaning and relevance to contemporary society.” 

  • Engaging and Relevant First Sentence : The opening sentence captures the reader’s attention and relates directly to the topic. 
  • Background Information : Enough background information is introduced to provide context for the thesis statement. 
  • Definition of Important Terms : Key terms or concepts that might be unfamiliar to the audience or are central to the argument are defined. 
  • Clear Thesis Statement : The thesis statement presents the main point or argument of the essay. 
  • Relevance to Main Body : Everything in the introduction directly relates to and sets up the discussion in the main body of the essay. 

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Writing a strong introduction is crucial for setting the tone and context of your essay. Here are the key takeaways for how to write essay introduction: 3  

  • Hook the Reader : Start with an engaging hook to grab the reader’s attention. This could be a compelling question, a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or an anecdote. 
  • Provide Background : Give a brief overview of the topic, setting the context and stage for the discussion. 
  • Thesis Statement : State your thesis, which is the main argument or point of your essay. It should be concise, clear, and specific. 
  • Preview the Structure : Outline the main points or arguments to help the reader understand the organization of your essay. 
  • Keep it Concise : Avoid including unnecessary details or information not directly related to your thesis. 
  • Revise and Edit : Revise your introduction to ensure clarity, coherence, and relevance. Check for grammar and spelling errors. 
  • Seek Feedback : Get feedback from peers or instructors to improve your introduction further. 

The purpose of an essay introduction is to give an overview of the topic, context, and main ideas of the essay. It is meant to engage the reader, establish the tone for the rest of the essay, and introduce the thesis statement or central argument.  

An essay introduction typically ranges from 5-10% of the total word count. For example, in a 1,000-word essay, the introduction would be roughly 50-100 words. However, the length can vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the overall length of the essay.

An essay introduction is critical in engaging the reader and providing contextual information about the topic. To ensure its effectiveness, consider incorporating these key elements: a compelling hook, background information, a clear thesis statement, an outline of the essay’s scope, a smooth transition to the body, and optional signposting sentences.  

The process of writing an essay introduction is not necessarily straightforward, but there are several strategies that can be employed to achieve this end. When experiencing difficulty initiating the process, consider the following techniques: begin with an anecdote, a quotation, an image, a question, or a startling fact to pique the reader’s interest. It may also be helpful to consider the five W’s of journalism: who, what, when, where, why, and how.   For instance, an anecdotal opening could be structured as follows: “As I ascended the stage, momentarily blinded by the intense lights, I could sense the weight of a hundred eyes upon me, anticipating my next move. The topic of discussion was climate change, a subject I was passionate about, and it was my first public speaking event. Little did I know , that pivotal moment would not only alter my perspective but also chart my life’s course.” 

Crafting a compelling thesis statement for your introduction paragraph is crucial to grab your reader’s attention. To achieve this, avoid using overused phrases such as “In this paper, I will write about” or “I will focus on” as they lack originality. Instead, strive to engage your reader by substantiating your stance or proposition with a “so what” clause. While writing your thesis statement, aim to be precise, succinct, and clear in conveying your main argument.  

To create an effective essay introduction, ensure it is clear, engaging, relevant, and contains a concise thesis statement. It should transition smoothly into the essay and be long enough to cover necessary points but not become overwhelming. Seek feedback from peers or instructors to assess its effectiveness. 


  • Cui, L. (2022). Unit 6 Essay Introduction.  Building Academic Writing Skills . 
  • West, H., Malcolm, G., Keywood, S., & Hill, J. (2019). Writing a successful essay.  Journal of Geography in Higher Education ,  43 (4), 609-617. 
  • Beavers, M. E., Thoune, D. L., & McBeth, M. (2023). Bibliographic Essay: Reading, Researching, Teaching, and Writing with Hooks: A Queer Literacy Sponsorship. College English, 85(3), 230-242. 

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  • What are Journal Guidelines on Using Generative AI Tools
  • How to Use AI to Enhance Your College Essays and Thesis
  • Powerful Academic Phrases to Improve Your Essay Writing 

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Writing a Research Paper Introduction | Step-by-Step Guide

Published on September 24, 2022 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on March 27, 2023.

Writing a Research Paper Introduction

The introduction to a research paper is where you set up your topic and approach for the reader. It has several key goals:

  • Present your topic and get the reader interested
  • Provide background or summarize existing research
  • Position your own approach
  • Detail your specific research problem and problem statement
  • Give an overview of the paper’s structure

The introduction looks slightly different depending on whether your paper presents the results of original empirical research or constructs an argument by engaging with a variety of sources.

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Table of contents

Step 1: introduce your topic, step 2: describe the background, step 3: establish your research problem, step 4: specify your objective(s), step 5: map out your paper, research paper introduction examples, frequently asked questions about the research paper introduction.

The first job of the introduction is to tell the reader what your topic is and why it’s interesting or important. This is generally accomplished with a strong opening hook.

The hook is a striking opening sentence that clearly conveys the relevance of your topic. Think of an interesting fact or statistic, a strong statement, a question, or a brief anecdote that will get the reader wondering about your topic.

For example, the following could be an effective hook for an argumentative paper about the environmental impact of cattle farming:

A more empirical paper investigating the relationship of Instagram use with body image issues in adolescent girls might use the following hook:

Don’t feel that your hook necessarily has to be deeply impressive or creative. Clarity and relevance are still more important than catchiness. The key thing is to guide the reader into your topic and situate your ideas.

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how to write a process essay introduction

This part of the introduction differs depending on what approach your paper is taking.

In a more argumentative paper, you’ll explore some general background here. In a more empirical paper, this is the place to review previous research and establish how yours fits in.

Argumentative paper: Background information

After you’ve caught your reader’s attention, specify a bit more, providing context and narrowing down your topic.

Provide only the most relevant background information. The introduction isn’t the place to get too in-depth; if more background is essential to your paper, it can appear in the body .

Empirical paper: Describing previous research

For a paper describing original research, you’ll instead provide an overview of the most relevant research that has already been conducted. This is a sort of miniature literature review —a sketch of the current state of research into your topic, boiled down to a few sentences.

This should be informed by genuine engagement with the literature. Your search can be less extensive than in a full literature review, but a clear sense of the relevant research is crucial to inform your own work.

Begin by establishing the kinds of research that have been done, and end with limitations or gaps in the research that you intend to respond to.

The next step is to clarify how your own research fits in and what problem it addresses.

Argumentative paper: Emphasize importance

In an argumentative research paper, you can simply state the problem you intend to discuss, and what is original or important about your argument.

Empirical paper: Relate to the literature

In an empirical research paper, try to lead into the problem on the basis of your discussion of the literature. Think in terms of these questions:

  • What research gap is your work intended to fill?
  • What limitations in previous work does it address?
  • What contribution to knowledge does it make?

You can make the connection between your problem and the existing research using phrases like the following.

Although has been studied in detail, insufficient attention has been paid to . You will address a previously overlooked aspect of your topic.
The implications of study deserve to be explored further. You will build on something suggested by a previous study, exploring it in greater depth.
It is generally assumed that . However, this paper suggests that … You will depart from the consensus on your topic, establishing a new position.

Now you’ll get into the specifics of what you intend to find out or express in your research paper.

The way you frame your research objectives varies. An argumentative paper presents a thesis statement, while an empirical paper generally poses a research question (sometimes with a hypothesis as to the answer).

Argumentative paper: Thesis statement

The thesis statement expresses the position that the rest of the paper will present evidence and arguments for. It can be presented in one or two sentences, and should state your position clearly and directly, without providing specific arguments for it at this point.

Empirical paper: Research question and hypothesis

The research question is the question you want to answer in an empirical research paper.

Present your research question clearly and directly, with a minimum of discussion at this point. The rest of the paper will be taken up with discussing and investigating this question; here you just need to express it.

A research question can be framed either directly or indirectly.

  • This study set out to answer the following question: What effects does daily use of Instagram have on the prevalence of body image issues among adolescent girls?
  • We investigated the effects of daily Instagram use on the prevalence of body image issues among adolescent girls.

If your research involved testing hypotheses , these should be stated along with your research question. They are usually presented in the past tense, since the hypothesis will already have been tested by the time you are writing up your paper.

For example, the following hypothesis might respond to the research question above:

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how to write a process essay introduction

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The final part of the introduction is often dedicated to a brief overview of the rest of the paper.

In a paper structured using the standard scientific “introduction, methods, results, discussion” format, this isn’t always necessary. But if your paper is structured in a less predictable way, it’s important to describe the shape of it for the reader.

If included, the overview should be concise, direct, and written in the present tense.

  • This paper will first discuss several examples of survey-based research into adolescent social media use, then will go on to …
  • This paper first discusses several examples of survey-based research into adolescent social media use, then goes on to …

Full examples of research paper introductions are shown in the tabs below: one for an argumentative paper, the other for an empirical paper.

  • Argumentative paper
  • Empirical paper

Are cows responsible for climate change? A recent study (RIVM, 2019) shows that cattle farmers account for two thirds of agricultural nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands. These emissions result from nitrogen in manure, which can degrade into ammonia and enter the atmosphere. The study’s calculations show that agriculture is the main source of nitrogen pollution, accounting for 46% of the country’s total emissions. By comparison, road traffic and households are responsible for 6.1% each, the industrial sector for 1%. While efforts are being made to mitigate these emissions, policymakers are reluctant to reckon with the scale of the problem. The approach presented here is a radical one, but commensurate with the issue. This paper argues that the Dutch government must stimulate and subsidize livestock farmers, especially cattle farmers, to transition to sustainable vegetable farming. It first establishes the inadequacy of current mitigation measures, then discusses the various advantages of the results proposed, and finally addresses potential objections to the plan on economic grounds.

The rise of social media has been accompanied by a sharp increase in the prevalence of body image issues among women and girls. This correlation has received significant academic attention: Various empirical studies have been conducted into Facebook usage among adolescent girls (Tiggermann & Slater, 2013; Meier & Gray, 2014). These studies have consistently found that the visual and interactive aspects of the platform have the greatest influence on body image issues. Despite this, highly visual social media (HVSM) such as Instagram have yet to be robustly researched. This paper sets out to address this research gap. We investigated the effects of daily Instagram use on the prevalence of body image issues among adolescent girls. It was hypothesized that daily Instagram use would be associated with an increase in body image concerns and a decrease in self-esteem ratings.

The introduction of a research paper includes several key elements:

  • A hook to catch the reader’s interest
  • Relevant background on the topic
  • Details of your research problem

and your problem statement

  • A thesis statement or research question
  • Sometimes an overview of the paper

Don’t feel that you have to write the introduction first. The introduction is often one of the last parts of the research paper you’ll write, along with the conclusion.

This is because it can be easier to introduce your paper once you’ve already written the body ; you may not have the clearest idea of your arguments until you’ve written them, and things can change during the writing process .

The way you present your research problem in your introduction varies depending on the nature of your research paper . A research paper that presents a sustained argument will usually encapsulate this argument in a thesis statement .

A research paper designed to present the results of empirical research tends to present a research question that it seeks to answer. It may also include a hypothesis —a prediction that will be confirmed or disproved by your research.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, March 27). Writing a Research Paper Introduction | Step-by-Step Guide. Scribbr. Retrieved September 4, 2024, from

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How to Write an Essay Introduction

Last Updated: January 15, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 4,237,919 times.

The introduction of your essay serves two important purposes. First, it gets your reader interested in the topic and encourages them to read what you have to say about it. Second, it gives your reader a roadmap of what you're going to say and the overarching point you're going to make – your thesis statement. A powerful introduction grabs your reader's attention and keeps them reading.

Sample Essay Hooks & Introductions

how to write a process essay introduction

Hooking Your Reader

Step 1 Identify your audience.

  • If you're writing a paper for a class, don't automatically assume your instructor is your audience. If you write directly to your instructor, you'll end up glossing over some information that is necessary to show that you properly understand the subject of your essay.
  • It can be helpful to reverse-engineer your audience based on the subject matter of your essay. For example, if you're writing an essay about a women's health issue for a women's studies class, you might identify your audience as young women within the age range most affected by the issue.

Step 2 Use the element of surprise.

  • For this hook to be effective, your fact needs to be sufficiently surprising. If you're not sure, test it on a few friends. If they react by expressing shock or surprise, you know you've got something good.
  • Use a fact or statistic that sets up your essay, not something you'll be using as evidence to prove your thesis statement. Facts or statistics that demonstrate why your topic is important (or should be important) to your audience typically make good hooks.

Step 3 Tug at your reader's heart-strings.

  • For example, if you were writing an essay proposing a change to drunk driving laws, you might open with a story of how the life of a victim was changed forever after they were hit by a drunk driver.

Step 4 Offer a relevant example or anecdote.

  • For example, if you're writing an essay about a public figure, you might include an anecdote about an odd personal habit that cleverly relates back to your thesis statement.
  • Particularly with less formal papers or personal essays, humorous anecdotes can be particularly effective hooks.

Step 5 Ask a thought-provoking question.

  • For example: "What would you do if you could play God for a day? That's exactly what the leaders of the tiny island nation of Guam tried to answer."
  • If your essay prompt was a question, don't just repeat it in your paper. Make sure to come up with your own intriguing question.

Step 6 Avoid clichés and generalizations.

  • Broad, sweeping generalizations may ring false with some readers and alienate them from the start. For example, "everyone wants someone to love" would alienate someone who identified as aromantic or asexual.

Creating Your Context

Step 1 Relate your hook to a larger topic.

  • Use an appropriate transitional word or phrase, such as "however" or "similarly," to move from your specific anecdote back out to a broader scope.
  • For example, if you related a story about one individual, but your essay isn't about them, you can relate the hook back to the larger topic with a sentence like "Tommy wasn't alone, however. There were more than 200,000 dockworkers affected by that union strike."

Step 2 Provide necessary background information.

  • For example, if your thesis relates to how blackface was used as a means of enforcing racial segregation, your introduction would describe what blackface performances were, and where and when they occurred.
  • If you are writing an argumentative paper, make sure to explain both sides of the argument in a neutral or objective manner.

Step 3 Define key terms for the purposes of your essay.

  • Definitions would be particularly important if your essay is discussing a scientific topic, where some scientific terminology might not be understood by the average layperson.
  • Definitions also come in handy in legal or political essays, where a term may have different meanings depending on the context in which they are used.

Step 4 Move from the general to the specific.

  • If you're using 2 or 3 sentences to describe the context for your thesis, try to make each sentence a bit more specific than the one before it. Draw your reader in gradually.
  • For example, if you're writing an essay about drunk driving fatalities, you might start with an anecdote about a particular victim. Then you could provide national statistics, then narrow it down further to statistics for a particular gender or age group.

Presenting Your Thesis

Step 1 Make your point.

  • For example, a thesis for an essay on blackface performance might be "Because of its humiliating and demoralizing effect on African American slaves, blackface was used less as a comedy routine and more as a way of enforcing racial segregation."
  • Be assertive and confident in your writing. Avoid including fluff such as "In this essay, I will attempt to show...." Instead, dive right in and make your claim, bold and proud.
  • Your outline should be specific, unique, and provable. Through your essay, you'll make points that will show that your thesis statement is true – or at least persuade your readers that it's most likely true.

Step 2 Describe how you're going to prove your point.

  • If you've created an outline for your essay, this sentence is essentially the main subjects of each paragraph of the body of your essay.
  • For example, if you're writing an essay about the unification of Italy, you might list 3 obstacles to unification. In the body of your essay, you would discuss details about how each of those obstacles was addressed or overcome.
  • Instead of just listing all of your supporting points, sum them up by stating "how" or "why" your thesis is true. For example, instead of saying, "Phones should be banned from classrooms because they distract students, promote cheating, and make too much noise," you might say "Phones should be banned from classrooms because they act as an obstacle to learning."

Step 3 Transition smoothly into the body of your essay.

  • To figure out if you need a transition sentence, read the introduction and the first paragraph out loud. If you find yourself pausing or stumbling between the paragraphs, work in a transition to make the move smoother.
  • You can also have friends or family members read your easy. If they feel it's choppy or jumps from the introduction into the essay, see what you can do to smooth it out.

Bringing It All Together

Step 1 Read essays by other writers in your discipline.

  • If you're writing your essay for a class assignment, ask your instructor for examples of well-written essays that you can look at. Take note of conventions that are commonly used by writers in that discipline.
  • Make a brief outline of the essay based on the information presented in the introduction. Then look at that outline as you read the essay to see how the essay follows it to prove the writer's thesis statement.

Step 2 Keep your introduction short and simple.

  • For shorter essays under 1,000 words, keep your introduction to 1 paragraph, between 100 and 200 words.
  • Always follow your instructor's guidelines for length. These rules can vary at times based on genre or form of writing.

Step 3 Write your introduction after you write your essay.

  • As you write your essay, you may want to jot down things you want to include in your introduction. For example, you may realize that you're using a particular term that you need to define in your introduction.

Step 4 Revise your introduction to fit your essay.

  • Delete any filler or unnecessary language. Given the shortness of the introduction, every sentence should be essential to your reader's understanding of your essay.

Step 5 Structure your introduction effectively.

  • The first sentence or two should be your hook, designed to grab your reader's attention and get them interested in reading your essay.
  • The next couple of sentences create a bridge between your hook and the overall topic of the rest of your essay.
  • End your introduction with your thesis statement and a list of the points you will make in your essay to support or prove your thesis statement.

Expert Q&A

Jake Adams

  • If you are answering or responding to an assigned question, make sure you've interpreted the question correctly. The quality of your writing is irrelevant if your essay doesn't answer the question. Thanks Helpful 7 Not Helpful 1
  • Have friends or family members read your essay and provide you with feedback. If you're writing for a class, you might want to exchange essays with another classmate and give each other feedback on your work. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1

Tips from our Readers

  • Reread your intro after writing each section to make sure both the intro and section are relevant to each other and to the paper.
  • A sharp, descriptive title is sometimes just as important as an intro!

how to write a process essay introduction

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Jake Adams

Start your introduction with a relevant story, fact, or quote that will engage readers. Then, add 2-3 sentences of background information to give your essay context, and include important dates, locations, or historical moments where applicable. Finally, include your thesis statement, which is a specific, arguable, and provable statement that answers a question about your essay topic. For example, your thesis might read: "In the modern age, online dating apps like Tinder provide a wider variety of romantic options than young people have ever had before." For more tips and examples on how to craft your thesis and put your introduction together, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write an Excellent Essay Introduction

How to Write an Excellent Essay Introduction

  • 3-minute read
  • 27th September 2022

Love it or hate it, essay writing is a big part of student life. Writing a great essay might seem like a daunting task, especially when you’re staring at a blank document, but there are formulas you can follow to make sure your paper hits the mark.

When you plan your essays , don’t neglect your introduction! It might seem like a trivial part of the paper, but it can make it or break it. A badly written introduction can leave your reader feeling confused about the topic and what to expect from your essay.

To help your writing reach its full potential, we’ve put together a guide to writing an excellent essay introduction.

How to Write an Essay Introduction

An essay introduction has four main steps:

●  Hook your reader

●  Provide context

●  Present your thesis statement

●  Map your essay

Hook Your Reader

The first part of your introduction should be the hook. This is where you introduce the reader to the topic of the essay. A great hook should be clear, concise, and catchy. It doesn’t need to be long; a hook can be just one sentence.

Provide Context

In this section, introduce your reader to key definitions, ideas, and background information to help them understand your argument.

Present Your Thesis Statement

A thesis statement tells the reader the main point or argument of the essay. This can be just one sentence, or it can be a few sentences.

Map Your Essay

Before you wrap up your essay introduction, map it! This means signposting sections of your essay. The key here is to be concise. The purpose of this part of the introduction is to give your reader a sense of direction.

Here’s an example of an essay introduction:

Hook: Suspense is key for dramatic stories, and Shakespeare is well-known and celebrated for writing suspenseful plays.

Context: While there are many ways in which Shakespeare created suspension for his viewers, two techniques he used effectively were foreshadowing and dramatic irony. Foreshadowing is a literary device that hints at an event or situation that is yet to happen. Dramatic irony is a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions is clear to the audience or reader, although it is unknown to the character.

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Thesis statement: Foreshadowing and dramatic irony are two powerful techniques that Shakespeare used to create suspense in literature. These methods have been used to keep the reader intrigued, excited, or nervous about what is to come in many of his celebrated works.

Essay mapping: In this essay, I will be detailing how Shakespeare uses foreshadowing and dramatic irony to create suspense, with examples from Romeo and Juliet and Othello.

Pro tip: Essays take twists and turns. We recommend changing your introduction as necessary while you write the main text to make sure it fully aligns with your final draft.

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