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Computer Science and Engineering Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Automatic Image-Based Nutritional Calculator App , Kejvi Cupa

Individual Behavioral Modeling Across Games of Strategy , Logan Fields

Semi-automated Cell Annotation Framework Using Deep Learning , Abhiram Kandiyana

Predicting Gender of Author Using Large Language Models (LLMs) , Satya Uday Sanku

Context-aware Affective Behavior Modeling and Analytics , Md Taufeeq Uddin

Exploring the Use of Enhanced SWAD Towards Building Learned Models that Generalize Better to Unseen Sources , Brandon M. Weinhofer

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Refining the Machine Learning Pipeline for US-based Public Transit Systems , Jennifer Adorno

Insect Classification and Explainability from Image Data via Deep Learning Techniques , Tanvir Hossain Bhuiyan

V2V and V2I Based Safety and Platooning Algorithms for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles , Omkar Dokur

Brain-Inspired Spatio-Temporal Learning with Application to Robotics , Thiago André Ferreira Medeiros

Exploring Scalability of Multimodal User Interface Design in Virtual and Augmented Reality , Sarah M. Garcia

Evaluating Methods for Improving DNN Robustness Against Adversarial Attacks , Laureano Griffin

Analyzing Multi-Robot Leader-Follower Formations in Obstacle-Laden Environments , Zachary J. Hinnen

Secure Lightweight Cryptographic Hardware Constructions for Deeply Embedded Systems , Jasmin Kaur

A Psychometric Analysis of Natural Language Inference Using Transformer Language Models , Antonio Laverghetta Jr.

Graph Analysis on Social Networks , Shen Lu

Deep Learning-based Automatic Stereology for High- and Low-magnification Images , Hunter Morera

Deciphering Trends and Tactics: Data-driven Techniques for Forecasting Information Spread and Detecting Coordinated Campaigns in Social Media , Kin Wai Ng Lugo

Secure Reconfigurable Computing Paradigms for the Next Generation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications , Brooks Olney

Automated Approaches to Enable Innovative Civic Applications from Citizen Generated Imagery , Hye Seon Yi

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Towards High Performing and Reliable Deep Convolutional Neural Network Models for Typically Limited Medical Imaging Datasets , Kaoutar Ben Ahmed

Task Progress Assessment and Monitoring Using Self-Supervised Learning , Sainath Reddy Bobbala

Towards More Task-Generalized and Explainable AI Through Psychometrics , Alec Braynen

An Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Approach for Remote Assessment of Head and Neck Cancer Patients , Ruchitha Chinthala

A Multiple Input Multiple Output Framework for the Automatic Optical Fractionator-based Cell Counting in Z-Stacks Using Deep Learning , Palak Dave

On the Reliability of Wearable Sensors for Assessing Movement Disorder-Related Gait Quality and Imbalance: A Case Study of Multiple Sclerosis , Steven Díaz Hernández

Securing Critical Cyber Infrastructures and Functionalities via Machine Learning Empowered Strategies , Tao Hou

Developing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Robots to Aim and Pour Solid Objects , Haoxuan Li

Computing Group-By and Aggregate in Massively Parallel Systems , Chengcheng Mou

Social Media Time Series Forecasting and User-Level Activity Prediction with Gradient Boosting, Deep Learning, and Data Augmentation , Fred Mubang

A Study of Deep Learning Silhouette Extractors for Gait Recognition , Sneha Oladhri

Analyzing Decision-making in Robot Soccer for Attacking Behaviors , Justin Rodney

Generative Spatio-Temporal and Multimodal Analysis of Neonatal Pain , Md Sirajus Salekin

Secure Hardware Constructions for Fault Detection of Lattice-based Post-quantum Cryptosystems , Ausmita Sarker

Adaptive Multi-scale Place Cell Representations and Replay for Spatial Navigation and Learning in Autonomous Robots , Pablo Scleidorovich

Predicting the Number of Objects in a Robotic Grasp , Utkarsh Tamrakar

Humanoid Robot Motion Control for Ramps and Stairs , Tommy Truong

Preventing Variadic Function Attacks Through Argument Width Counting , Brennan Ward

Exploration of Energy Efficient Computing for Data-Intensive Applications , Md Adnan Zaman

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Knowledge Extraction and Inference Based on Visual Understanding of Cooking Contents , Ahmad Babaeian Babaeian Jelodar

Efficient Post-Quantum and Compact Cryptographic Constructions for the Internet of Things , Rouzbeh Behnia

Efficient Hardware Constructions for Error Detection of Post-Quantum Cryptographic Schemes , Alvaro Cintas Canto

Using Hyper-Dimensional Spanning Trees to Improve Structure Preservation During Dimensionality Reduction , Curtis Thomas Davis

Design, Deployment, and Validation of Computer Vision Techniques for Societal Scale Applications , Arup Kanti Dey

AffectiveTDA: Using Topological Data Analysis to Improve Analysis and Explainability in Affective Computing , Hamza Elhamdadi

Automatic Detection of Vehicles in Satellite Images for Economic Monitoring , Cole Hill

Analysis of Contextual Emotions Using Multimodal Data , Saurabh Hinduja

Data-driven Studies on Social Networks: Privacy and Simulation , Yasanka Sameera Horawalavithana

Automated Identification of Stages in Gonotrophic Cycle of Mosquitoes Using Computer Vision Techniques , Sherzod Kariev

Exploring the Use of Neural Transformers for Psycholinguistics , Antonio Laverghetta Jr.

Secure VLSI Hardware Design Against Intellectual Property (IP) Theft and Cryptographic Vulnerabilities , Matthew Dean Lewandowski

Turkic Interlingua: A Case Study of Machine Translation in Low-resource Languages , Jamshidbek Mirzakhalov

Automated Wound Segmentation and Dimension Measurement Using RGB-D Image , Chih-Yun Pai

Constructing Frameworks for Task-Optimized Visualizations , Ghulam Jilani Abdul Rahim Quadri

Trilateration-Based Localization in Known Environments with Object Detection , Valeria M. Salas Pacheco

Recognizing Patterns from Vital Signs Using Spectrograms , Sidharth Srivatsav Sribhashyam

Recognizing Emotion in the Wild Using Multimodal Data , Shivam Srivastava

A Modular Framework for Multi-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Military Operations , Dante Tezza

Human-centered Cybersecurity Research — Anthropological Findings from Two Longitudinal Studies , Anwesh Tuladhar

Learning State-Dependent Sensor Measurement Models To Improve Robot Localization Accuracy , Troi André Williams

Human-centric Cybersecurity Research: From Trapping the Bad Guys to Helping the Good Ones , Armin Ziaie Tabari

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Classifying Emotions with EEG and Peripheral Physiological Data Using 1D Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network , Rupal Agarwal

Keyless Anti-Jamming Communication via Randomized DSSS , Ahmad Alagil

Active Deep Learning Method to Automate Unbiased Stereology Cell Counting , Saeed Alahmari

Composition of Atomic-Obligation Security Policies , Yan Cao Albright

Action Recognition Using the Motion Taxonomy , Maxat Alibayev

Sentiment Analysis in Peer Review , Zachariah J. Beasley

Spatial Heterogeneity Utilization in CT Images for Lung Nodule Classication , Dmitrii Cherezov

Feature Selection Via Random Subsets Of Uncorrelated Features , Long Kim Dang

Unifying Security Policy Enforcement: Theory and Practice , Shamaria Engram

PsiDB: A Framework for Batched Query Processing and Optimization , Mehrad Eslami

Composition of Atomic-Obligation Security Policies , Danielle Ferguson

Algorithms To Profile Driver Behavior From Zero-permission Embedded Sensors , Bharti Goel

The Efficiency and Accuracy of YOLO for Neonate Face Detection in the Clinical Setting , Jacqueline Hausmann

Beyond the Hype: Challenges of Neural Networks as Applied to Social Networks , Anthony Hernandez

Privacy-Preserving and Functional Information Systems , Thang Hoang

Managing Off-Grid Power Use for Solar Fueled Residences with Smart Appliances, Prices-to-Devices and IoT , Donnelle L. January

Novel Bit-Sliced In-Memory Computing Based VLSI Architecture for Fast Sobel Edge Detection in IoT Edge Devices , Rajeev Joshi

Edge Computing for Deep Learning-Based Distributed Real-time Object Detection on IoT Constrained Platforms at Low Frame Rate , Lakshmikavya Kalyanam

Establishing Topological Data Analysis: A Comparison of Visualization Techniques , Tanmay J. Kotha

Machine Learning for the Internet of Things: Applications, Implementation, and Security , Vishalini Laguduva Ramnath

System Support of Concurrent Database Query Processing on a GPU , Hao Li

Deep Learning Predictive Modeling with Data Challenges (Small, Big, or Imbalanced) , Renhao Liu

Countermeasures Against Various Network Attacks Using Machine Learning Methods , Yi Li

Towards Safe Power Oversubscription and Energy Efficiency of Data Centers , Sulav Malla

Design of Support Measures for Counting Frequent Patterns in Graphs , Jinghan Meng

Automating the Classification of Mosquito Specimens Using Image Processing Techniques , Mona Minakshi

Models of Secure Software Enforcement and Development , Hernan M. Palombo

Functional Object-Oriented Network: A Knowledge Representation for Service Robotics , David Andrés Paulius Ramos

Lung Nodule Malignancy Prediction from Computed Tomography Images Using Deep Learning , Rahul Paul

Algorithms and Framework for Computing 2-body Statistics on Graphics Processing Units , Napath Pitaksirianan

Efficient Viewshed Computation Algorithms On GPUs and CPUs , Faisal F. Qarah

Relational Joins on GPUs for In-Memory Database Query Processing , Ran Rui

Micro-architectural Countermeasures for Control Flow and Misspeculation Based Software Attacks , Love Kumar Sah

Efficient Forward-Secure and Compact Signatures for the Internet of Things (IoT) , Efe Ulas Akay Seyitoglu

Detecting Symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Congestive Heart Failure via Cough and Wheezing Sounds Using Smart-Phones and Machine Learning , Anthony Windmon

Toward Culturally Relevant Emotion Detection Using Physiological Signals , Khadija Zanna

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Beyond Labels and Captions: Contextualizing Grounded Semantics for Explainable Visual Interpretation , Sathyanarayanan Narasimhan Aakur

Empirical Analysis of a Cybersecurity Scoring System , Jaleel Ahmed

Phenomena of Social Dynamics in Online Games , Essa Alhazmi

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This collection of MIT Theses in DSpace contains selected theses and dissertations from all MIT departments. Please note that this is NOT a complete collection of MIT theses. To search all MIT theses, use MIT Libraries' catalog .

MIT's DSpace contains more than 58,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as the mid 1800's. Theses in this collection have been scanned by the MIT Libraries or submitted in electronic format by thesis authors. Since 2004 all new Masters and Ph.D. theses are scanned and added to this collection after degrees are awarded.

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If you are a recent MIT graduate, your thesis will be added to DSpace within 3-6 months after your graduation date. Please email [email protected] with any questions.


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Theses by Department

  • Comparative Media Studies
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Computer Science Department

Computer Science Theses and Dissertations

This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Computer Science, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024


A Target-Based and A Targetless Extrinsic Calibration Methods for Thermal Camera and 3D LiDAR , Farhad Dalirani

Using Driver Gaze and On-Road Driving Data for Predicting Driver Maneuvers in Advanced Driving Assistance Systems , Farzan Heidari

Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction , SeyedMohsen Hosseini


Investigating Tree- and Graph-based Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing Applications , Sudipta Singha Roy

Framework for Bug Inducing Commit Prediction Using Quality Metrics , Alireza Tavakkoli Barzoki

Knowledge-grounded Natural Language Understanding of Biomedical and Clinical Literature , Xindi Wang

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Classification of DDoS Attack with Machine Learning Architectures and Exploratory Analysis , Amreen Anbar

Multi-view Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Brain-Computer Interfaces , Sepehr Asgarian

Improved Protein Sequence Alignments Using Deep Learning , Seyed Sepehr Ashrafzadeh


Algorithms and Software for Oligonucleotide Design , Qin Dong

Framework for Assessing Information System Security Posture Risks , Syed Waqas Hamdani

De novo sequencing of multiple tandem mass spectra of peptide containing SILAC labeling , Fang Han

Local Model Agnostic XAI Methodologies Applied to Breast Cancer Malignancy Predictions , Heather Hartley

A Quantitative Analysis Between Software Quality Posture and Bug-fixing Commit , Rongji He

A Novel Method for Assessment of Batch Effect on single cell RNA sequencing data , Behnam Jabbarizadeh

Dynamically Finding Optimal Kernel Launch Parameters for CUDA Programs , Taabish Jeshani

Citation Polarity Identification From Scientific Articles Using Deep Learning Methods , Souvik Kundu

Denoising-Based Domain Adaptation Network for EEG Source Imaging , Runze Li

Decoy-Target Database Strategy and False Discovery Rate Analysis for Glycan Identification , Xiaoou Li


Developing A Smart Home Surveillance System Using Autonomous Drones , Chongju Mai

Look-Ahead Selective Plasticity for Continual Learning , Rouzbeh Meshkinnejad

The Two Visual Processing Streams Through The Lens Of Deep Neural Networks , Aidasadat Mirebrahimi Tafreshi

Source-free Domain Adaptation for Sleep Stage Classification , Yasmin Niknam

Data Heterogeneity and Its Implications for Fairness , Ghazaleh Noroozi

Enhancing Urban Life: A Policy-Based Autonomic Smart City Management System for Efficient, Sustainable, and Self-Adaptive Urban Environments , Elham Okhovat

Evaluating the Likelihood of Bug Inducing Commits Using Metrics Trend Analysis , Parul Parul

On Computing Optimal Repairs for Conditional Independence , Alireza Pirhadi

Open-Set Source-Free Domain Adaptation in Fundus Images Analysis , Masoud Pourreza

Migration in Edge Computing , Arshin Rezazadeh

A Modified Hopfield Network for the K-Median Problem , Cody Rossiter

Predicting Network Failures with AI Techniques , Chandrika Saha

Toward Building an Intelligent and Secure Network: An Internet Traffic Forecasting Perspective , Sajal Saha

An Exploration of Visual Analytic Techniques for XAI: Applications in Clinical Decision Support , Mozhgan Salimiparsa

Attention-based Multi-Source-Free Domain Adaptation for EEG Emotion Recognition , Amir Hesam Salimnia

Global Cyber Attack Forecast using AI Techniques , Nusrat Kabir Samia


A Computational Framework For Identifying Relevant Cell Types And Specific Regulatory Mechanisms In Schizophrenia Using Data Integration Methods , Kayvan Shabani

Weakly-Supervised Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos Based on Two-Stream I3D Convolution Network , Sareh Soltani Nejad

Smartphone Loss Prevention System Using BLE and GPS Technology , Noshin Tasnim

A Hybrid Continual Machine Learning Model for Efficient Hierarchical Classification of Domain-Specific Text in The Presence of Class Overlap (Case Study: IT Support Tickets) , Yasmen M. Wahba

Reducing Negative Transfer of Random Data in Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation , Anthony Wong

Deep Neural Methods for True/Pseudo- Invasion Classification in Colorectal Polyp Whole-Slide Images , Zhiyuan Yang

Developing a Relay-based Autonomous Drone Delivery System , Muhammad Zakar

Learning Mortality Risk for COVID-19 Using Machine Learning and Statistical Methods , Shaoshi Zhang

Machine Learning Techniques for Improved Functional Brain Parcellation , Da Zhi

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The Design and Implementation of a High-Performance Polynomial System Solver , Alexander Brandt

Defining Service Level Agreements in Serverless Computing , Mohamed Elsakhawy

Algorithms for Regular Chains of Dimension One , Juan P. Gonzalez Trochez

Towards a Novel and Intelligent e-commerce Framework for Smart-Shopping Applications , Susmitha Hanumanthu

Multi-Device Data Analysis for Fault Localization in Electrical Distribution Grids , Jacob D L Hunte

Towards Parking Lot Occupancy Assessment Using Aerial Imagery and Computer Vision , John Jewell

Potential of Vision Transformers for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems: An Evaluative Approach , Andrew Katoch

Psychological Understanding of Textual journals using Natural Language Processing approaches , Amirmohammad Kazemeinizadeh

Driver Behavior Analysis Based on Real On-Road Driving Data in the Design of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems , Nima Khairdoost

Solving Challenges in Deep Unsupervised Methods for Anomaly Detection , Vahid Reza Khazaie

Developing an Efficient Real-Time Terrestrial Infrastructure Inspection System Using Autonomous Drones and Deep Learning , Marlin Manka

Predictive Modelling For Topic Handling Of Natural Language Dialogue With Virtual Agents , Lareina Milambiling

Improving Deep Entity Resolution by Constraints , Soudeh Nilforoushan

Respiratory Pattern Analysis for COVID-19 Digital Screening Using AI Techniques , Annita Tahsin Priyoti

Extracting Microservice Dependencies Using Log Analysis , Andres O. Rodriguez Ishida

False Discovery Rate Analysis for Glycopeptide Identification , Shun Saito

Towards a Generalization of Fulton's Intersection Multiplicity Algorithm , Ryan Sandford

An Investigation Into Time Gazed At Traffic Objects By Drivers , Kolby R. Sarson

Exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques for Forecasting Network Traffic: Network QoS and Security Perspectives , Ibrahim Mohammed Sayem

A Unified Representation and Deep Learning Architecture for Persuasive Essays in English , Muhammad Tawsif Sazid

Towards the development of a cost-effective Image-Sensing-Smart-Parking Systems (ISenSmaP) , Aakriti Sharma

Advances in the Automatic Detection of Optimization Opportunities in Computer Programs , Delaram Talaashrafi

Reputation-Based Trust Assessment of Transacting Service Components , Konstantinos Tsiounis

Fully Autonomous UAV Exploration in Confined and Connectionless Environments , Kirk P. Vander Ploeg

Three Contributions to the Theory and Practice of Optimizing Compilers , Linxiao Wang

Developing Intelligent Routing Algorithm over SDN: Reusable Reinforcement Learning Approach , Wumian Wang

Predicting and Modifying Memorability of Images , Mohammad Younesi

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Generating Effective Sentence Representations: Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Approaches , Mahtab Ahmed

A Physical Layer Framework for a Smart City Using Accumulative Bayesian Machine Learning , Razan E. AlFar

Load Balancing and Resource Allocation in Smart Cities using Reinforcement Learning , Aseel AlOrbani

Contrastive Learning of Auditory Representations , Haider Al-Tahan

Cache-Friendly, Modular and Parallel Schemes For Computing Subresultant Chains , Mohammadali Asadi

Protein Interaction Sites Prediction using Deep Learning , Sourajit Basak

Predicting Stock Market Sector Sentiment Through News Article Based Textual Analysis , William A. Beldman

Improving Reader Motivation with Machine Learning , Tanner A. Bohn

A Black-box Approach for Containerized Microservice Monitoring in Fog Computing , Shi Chang

Visualization and Interpretation of Protein Interactions , Dipanjan Chatterjee

A Framework for Characterising Performance in Multi-Class Classification Problems with Applications in Cancer Single Cell RNA Sequencing , Erik R. Christensen

Exploratory Search with Archetype-based Language Models , Brent D. Davis

Evolutionary Design of Search and Triage Interfaces for Large Document Sets , Jonathan A. Demelo

Building Effective Network Security Frameworks using Deep Transfer Learning Techniques , Harsh Dhillon

A Deep Topical N-gram Model and Topic Discovery on COVID-19 News and Research Manuscripts , Yuan Du

Automatic extraction of requirements-related information from regulatory documents cited in the project contract , Sara Fotouhi

Developing a Resource and Energy Efficient Real-time Delivery Scheduling Framework for a Network of Autonomous Drones , Gopi Gugan

A Visual Analytics System for Rapid Sensemaking of Scientific Documents , Amirreza Haghverdiloo Barzegar

Calibration Between Eye Tracker and Stereoscopic Vision System Employing a Linear Closed-Form Perspective-n-Point (PNP) Algorithm , Mohammad Karami

Fuzzy and Probabilistic Rule-Based Approaches to Identify Fault Prone Files , Piyush Kumar Korlepara

Parallel Arbitrary-precision Integer Arithmetic , Davood Mohajerani

A Technique for Evaluating the Health Status of a Software Module Using Process Metrics , . Ria

Visual Analytics for Performing Complex Tasks with Electronic Health Records , Neda Rostamzadeh

Predictive Model of Driver's Eye Fixation for Maneuver Prediction in the Design of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems , Mohsen Shirpour

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UKnowledge > College of Engineering > Computer Science > Theses & Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations--Computer Science

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Extracting Social Network Model Parameters from Social Science Literature , Isaac Batts



Flexible Attenuation Fields: Tomographic Reconstruction From Heterogeneous Datasets , Clifford S. Parker

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Small Approximate Pareto Sets with Quality Bounds , William Bailey

Machine-Learning-Powered Cyber-Physical Systems , Enrico Casella


Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Methods for Computer Networks and Privacy-Preserving Authentication Method for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks , Ayesha Dina

Machine Learning Framework for Real-World Electronic Health Records Regarding Missingness, Interpretability, and Fairness , Jing Lucas Liu

Enabling DApps Data Exchange with Hardware-Assisted Secure Oracle Network , Yue Li

Improving Connectivity for Remote Cancer Patient Symptom Monitoring and Reporting in Rural Medically Underserved Regions , Esther Max-Onakpoya

A Secure and Distributed Architecture for Vehicular Cloud and Protocols for Privacy-preserving Message Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks , Hassan Mistareehi

Practical AI Value Alignment Using Stories , Md Sultan Al Nahian

Hard-Hearted Scrolls: A Noninvasive Method for Reading the Herculaneum Papyri , Stephen Parsons

Deep Learning Models for CT Image Standardization , Md Selim

Multi-agent Learning For Game-theoretical Problems , Kshitija Taywade

Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in Smart Residential Environment with User Behavioral Modeling , Ashutosh Timilsina

The BASIL technique: Bias Adaptive Statistical Inference Learning Agents for Learning from Human Feedback , Jonathan Indigo Watson

Structured Attention for Image Analysis , Xin Xing

Multi-Domain Adaptation for Image Classification, Depth Estimation, and Semantic Segmentation , Yu Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Learning a Scalable Algorithm for Improving Betweenness in the Lightning Network , Vincent Davis

Don't Give Me That Story! -- A Human-Centered Framework for Usable Narrative Planning , Rachelyn Farrell

Image Geo-localization with Cross-Attention , Connor Greenwell

Smart Decision-Making via Edge Intelligence for Smart Cities , Nathaniel Hudson

Supporting Stylized Language Models Using Multi-Modality Features , Chengxi Li

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Home > Colleges and Schools > Sciences > Computer Science > ETDs

Computer Science Theses & Dissertations

Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Department of Computer Science, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University, since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.

In late Fall 2023 or Spring 2024, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.

Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024

Thesis: Study of Deep Learning Models to Classify Nasa’s Kepler Light Curves , Heena Minnich

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Dissertation: Inverse Mappers for QCD Global Analysis , Manal Almaeen

Thesis: Assessing the Prevalence and Archival Rate of URIs to Git Hosting Platforms in Scholarly Publications , Emily Escamilla

Thesis: Supporting Account-based Queries for Archived Instagram Posts , Himarsha R. Jayanetti

Dissertation: Detecting Malware With Securedeep Accelerator via Processor Side-Channel Fingerprinting for Internet of Things , Zhuoran Li

Dissertation: Tracing and Segmentation of Molecular Patterns in 3-Dimensional Cryo-ET/EM Density Maps Through Algorithmic Image Processing and Deep Learning-Based Techniques , Salim Sazzed

Dissertation: Towards Intelligent Runtime Framework for Distributed Heterogeneous Systems , Polykarpos Thomadakis

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Dissertation: Machine Learning-Based Event Generator , Yasir Alanazi

Thesis: Using Ensemble Learning Techniques to Solve the Blind Drift Calibration Problem , Devin Scott Drake

Dissertation: A Relevance Model for Threat-Centric Ranking of Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities , Corren G. McCoy

Dissertation: Evaluation of Generative Models for Predicting Microstructure Geometries in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing , Andy Ramlatchan

Thesis: TransParsCit: A Transformer-Based Citation Parser Trained on Large-Scale Synthesized Data , MD Sami Uddin

Dissertation: Towards Privacy and Security Concerns of Adversarial Examples in Deep Hashing Image Retrieval , Yanru Xiao

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Dissertation: MOVE: Mobile Observers Variants and Extensions , Ryan Florin

Dissertation: Improving Collection Understanding for Web Archives with Storytelling: Shining Light Into Dark and Stormy Archives , Shawn M. Jones

Dissertation: A Unified Framework for Parallel Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation , Christos Tsolakis

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Dissertation: MementoMap: A Web Archive Profiling Framework for Efficient Memento Routing , Sawood Alam

Dissertation: A Framework for Verifying the Fixity of Archived Web Resources , Mohamed Aturban

Thesis: Parallelization of the Advancing Front Local Reconnection Mesh Generation Software Using a Pseudo-Constrained Parallel Data Refinement Method , Kevin Mark Garner Jr.

Dissertation: Towards Dynamic Vehicular Clouds , Aida Ghazizadeh

Dissertation: Bootstrapping Web Archive Collections From Micro-Collections in Social Media , Alexander C. Nwala

Dissertation: Automatic Linear and Curvilinear Mesh Generation Driven by Validity Fidelity and Topological Guarantees , Jing Xu

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Dissertation: Expanding the Usage of Web Archives by Recommending Archived Webpages Using Only the URI , Lulwah M. Alkwai

Dissertation: Highly Accurate Fragment Library for Protein Fold Recognition , Wessam Elhefnawy

Dissertation: Scalable Parallel Delaunay Image-to-Mesh Conversion for Shared and Distributed Memory Architectures , Daming Feng

Dissertation: Aggregating Private and Public Web Archives Using the Mementity Framework , Matthew R. Kelly

Thesis: Enhancing Portability in High Performance Computing: Designing Fast Scientific Code with Longevity , Jason Orender

Thesis: Novel Use of Neural Networks to Identify and Detect Electrical Infrastructure Performance , Evan Pierre Savaria

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Dissertation: New Methods to Improve Protein Structure Modeling , Maha Abdelrasoul

Dissertation: Applying Machine Learning to Advance Cyber Security: Network Based Intrusion Detection Systems , Hassan Hadi Latheeth AL-Maksousy

Thesis: To Relive the Web: A Framework for the Transformation and Archival Replay of Web Pages , John Andrew Berlin

Thesis: Supporting Big Data at the Vehicular Edge , Lloyd Decker

Thesis: Deep Learning for Segmentation Of 3D Cryo-EM Images , Devin Reid Haslam

Dissertation: FlexStream: SDN-Based Framework for Programmable and Flexible Adaptive Video Streaming , Ibrahim Ben Mustafa

Thesis: Novel Technique for Gait Analysis Using Two Waist Mounted Gyroscopes , Ahmed Nasr

Dissertation: Leveraging Resources on Anonymous Mobile Edge Nodes , Ahmed Salem

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Dissertation: SenSys: A Smartphone-Based Framework for ITS applications , Abdulla Ahmed Alasaadi

Dissertation: ItsBlue: A Distributed Bluetooth-Based Framework for Intelligent Transportation Systems , Ahmed Awad Alghamdi

Dissertation: Finite Element Modeling Driven by Health Care and Aerospace Applications , Fotios Drakopoulos

Dissertation: Efficient Machine Learning Approach for Optimizing Scientific Computing Applications on Emerging HPC Architectures , Kamesh Arumugam Karunanithi

Thesis: Multi-GPU Accelerated High-Fidelity Simulations of Beam-Beam Effects in Particle Colliders , Naga Sai Ravi Teja Majeti

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Dissertation: Using Web Archives to Enrich the Live Web Experience Through Storytelling , Yasmin AlNoamany

Thesis: Magnopark, Smart Parking Detection Based on Cellphone Magnetic Sensor , Maryam Arab

Dissertation: Scripts in a Frame: A Framework for Archiving Deferred Representations , Justin F. Brunelle

Dissertation: Machine Learning Methods for Brain Image Analysis , Ahmed Fakhry

Dissertation: Novel Monte Carlo Methods for Large-Scale Linear Algebra Operations , Hao Ji

Dissertation: Machine Learning Methods for Medical and Biological Image Computing , Rongjian Li

Dissertation: Toward Open and Programmable Wireless Network Edge , Mostafa Uddin

Thesis: An Optimized Multiple Right-Hand Side Dslash Kernel for Intel Xeon Phi , Aaron Walden

Dissertation: Towards Aggregating Time-Discounted Information in Sensor Networks , Xianping Wang

Dissertation: A Computational Framework for Learning from Complex Data: Formulations, Algorithms, and Applications , Wenlu Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Dissertation: Efficient Algorithms for Prokaryotic Whole Genome Assembly and Finishing , Abhishek Biswas

Dissertation: De Novo Protein Structure Modeling and Energy Function Design , Lin Chen

Dissertation: High Performance Large Graph Analytics by Enhancing Locality , Naga Shailaja Dasari

Thesis: Avoiding Spoilers on Mediawiki Fan Sites Using Memento , Shawn M. Jones

Dissertation: Energy Harvesting-Aware Design for Wireless Nanonetworks , Shahram Mohrehkesh

Thesis: Parallel Two-Dimensional Unstructured Anisotropic Delaunay Mesh Generation for Aerospace Applications , Juliette Kelly Pardue

Dissertation: Detecting, Modeling, and Predicting User Temporal Intention , Hany M. SalahEldeen

Dissertation: Wireless Networking for Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication and Automatic Incident Detection , Sarwar Aziz Sha-Mohammad

Dissertation: Computational Development for Secondary Structure Detection From Three-Dimensional Images of Cryo-Electron Microscopy , Dong Si

Thesis: Mobile Cloud Computing Based Non Rigid Registration for Image Guided Surgery , Arun Brahmavar Vishwanatha

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Dissertation: Web Archive Services Framework for Tighter Integration Between the Past and Present Web , Ahmed AlSum

Dissertation: Modeling Stem Cell Population Dynamics , Samiur Arif

Dissertation: A Framework for Web Object Self-Preservation , Charles L. Cartledge

Dissertation: Document Classification in Support of Automated Metadata Extraction Form Heterogeneous Collections , Paul K. Flynn

Dissertation: Resource Allocation in Vehicular Cloud Computing , Puya Ghazizadeh

Thesis: Generating Combinatorial Objects- A New Perspective , Alexander Chizoma Nwala

Dissertation: Enhancing Understanding of Discrete Event Simulation Models Through Analysis , Kara Ann Olson

Dissertation: Scalable Reasoning for Knowledge Bases Subject to Changes , Hui Shi

Dissertation: Improving Structural Features Prediction in Protein Structure Modeling , Ashraf Yaseen

Thesis: Computational Analysis of Gene Expression and Connectivity Patterns in the Convoluted Structures of Mouse Cerebellum , Tao Zeng

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Thesis: HTTP Mailbox - Asynchronous Restful Communication , Sawood Alam

Dissertation: TDMA Slot Reservation in Cluster-Based VANETs , Mohammad Salem Almalag

Thesis: Protein Loop Length Estimation From Medium Resolution Cryoem Images , Andrew R. McKnight

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Dissertation: De Novo Protein Structure Modeling from Cryoem Data Through a Dynamic Programming Algorithm in the Secondary Structure Topology Graph , Kamal H. Al Nasr

Dissertation: FRIEND: A Cyber-Physical System for Traffic Flow Related Information Aggregation and Dissemination , Samy S. El-Tawab

Thesis: An Extensible Framework for Creating Personal Archives of Web Resources Requiring Authentication , Matthew Ryan Kelly

Thesis: Visualizing Digital Collections at Archive-It , Kalpesh Padia

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Dissertation: A Framework for Incident Detection and notification in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks , Mahmoud Abuelela

Dissertation: A Framework for Dynamic Traffic Monitoring Using Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks , Mohammad Hadi Arbabi

Thesis: A Probabilistic Analysis of Misparking in Reservation Based Parking Garages , Vikas G. Ashok

Thesis: A Penalty-Based Approach to Handling Cluster Sizing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks , Ryan Florin

Dissertation: Data Aggregation and Dissemination in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks , Khaled Ibrahim

Dissertation: Using the Web Infrastructure for Real Time Recovery of Missing Web Pages , Martin Klein

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Dissertation: A Virtual Infrastructure for Mitigating Typical Challenges in Sensor Networks , Hady S. Abdel Salam

Thesis: Merging Schemas in a Collaborative Faceted Classification System , Jianxiang Li

Thesis: XPath-Based Template Language for Describing the Placement of Metadata within a Document , Vijay Kumar Musham

Dissertation: Providing Location Security in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks , Gongjun Yan

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Dissertation: Algorithms for Vertex-Weighted Matching in Graphs , Mahantesh Halappanavar

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Thesis: Using Timed-Release Cryptography to Mitigate Preservation Risk of Embargo Periods , Rabia Haq

Dissertation: Biology-Inspired Approach for Communal Behavior in Massively Deployed Sensor Networks , Kennie H. Jones

Dissertation: Biological Networks: Modeling and Structural Analysis , Emad Y. Ramadan

Dissertation: Integrating Preservation Functions Into the Web Server , Joan A. Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Dissertation: FreeLib: A Self-Sustainable Peer-to-Peer Digital Library Framework for Evolving Communities , Ashraf A. Amrou

Thesis: Channel Management in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks , Mohammad Hadi Arbabi

Dissertation: Diagnosing Reading strategies: Paraphrase Recognition , Chutima Boonthum

Thesis: Investigating Real-Time Sonar Performance Predictions Using Beowulf Clustering , Charles Lane Cartledge

Dissertation: Lazy Preservation: Reconstructing Websites from the Web Infrastructure , Frank McCown

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Dissertation: Group Key Management in Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks , Mohammed A. Moharrum

Dissertation: Template-Based Metadata Extraction for Heterogeneous Collection , Jianfeng Tang

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Idrees, Ifrah


• Stefanie A Tellex , advisor

Kumar, Indra

• Suresh Venkatasubramanian , advisor

Nguyen, Thao

Nokiz, Pegah

Ren, Yanyan

• Kathi Fisler , advisor

Rosenbloom, Leah

• Anna Lysyanskaya , advisor

Traylor, Aaron

• Ellie Pavlick , advisor

Zerveas, George

• Carsten Eickhoff , advisor

Abbatematteo, Ben - Exploiting Structure for Efficient Robotic Manipulation

• George D. Konidaris , advisor

Allen, Cameron

Corsaro, Matthew - Learning Task-Specific Grasps

Ebert, Dylan

Engel, Daniel

• Maurice P Herlihy , advisor

Ibrahim, Abdelrahman

• Sherief Reda , advisor

Kristo, Ani

Lee, Jun Ki

Lovering, Charles

Markatou, Evangelia

• Roberto Tamassia , advisor

Naseer, Usama

•Theophilus Benson, advisor

Patel, Roma

Rahimzadeh Ilkhechi, Amir

• Ugur Cetintemel , advisor

Rosen, Eric

Spiegelberg, Leonhard

• Malte Schwarzkopf , advisor

Wallace, Shaun

• Jeff Huang , advisor

Wang, Kai - Learning Autoregressive Generative Models of 3D Shapes and Scenes

• Daniel C Ritchie , advisor

Webson, Albert - Tuning Language Models to Follow Instructions

Xue, Yingjie

Zheng, Kaiyu

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Computer Science Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

A Deep Learning Framework for Blockage Mitigation in mmWave Wireless , Ahmed Hazaa Almutairi (Dissertation)

Design and Test of Asynchronous Systems Using the Link and Joint Model , Ebelechukwu Esimai (Dissertation)

Automatic Measurement of Dialogue Engagingness in Multilingual Settings , Amila Ferron (Thesis)

Resource-constrained 2D Scene Recovery with Single-Photon Cameras , Daphne Ariadne Kurzenhauser (Thesis)

MmWave RAT Optimization: MAC Layer Initial Access Design and Transport Layer Integration , Suresh Srinivasan (Dissertation)

Designing for Deployable, Secure, and Generic Machine Learning Systems , Li-Yun Wang (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Seeing in the Dark: Towards Robust Pedestrian Detection at Nighttime , Afnan Althoupety (Dissertation)

A Deep Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder for World Models in Complex Reinforcement Learning Environments , Sriharshitha Ayyalasomayajula (Thesis)

Toward Efficient Rendering: A Neural Network Approach , Qiqi Hou (Dissertation)

Energy Auction with Non-Relational Persistence , Michael Ramez Howard (Thesis)

Implementing a Functional Logic Programming Language via the Fair Scheme , Andrew Michael Jost (Dissertation)

Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Radiation Localization , Benjamin Scott Totten (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Using Intrinsically-Typed Definitional Interpreters to Verify Compiler Optimizations in a Monadic Intermediate Language , Dani Barrack (Thesis)

An Automated Zoom Class Session Analysis Tool to Improve Education , Jack Arlo Cannon II (Thesis)

Scaling EPA-RIMM with Multicore System Management Interrupt Handlers , Alexander K. Freed (Thesis)

Unpaired Style Transfer Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Scanned Document Generation , David Jonathan Hawbaker (Thesis)

Toward Analyzing the Diversity of Extractive Summaries , Aaron David Hudson (Thesis)

Making Curry with Rice: An Optimizing Curry Compiler , Steven Libby (Dissertation)

Domain Knowledge as Motion-Aware Inductive Bias for Deep Video Synthesis: Two Case Studies , Long Mai (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Efficient Neuromorphic Algorithms for Gamma-Ray Spectrum Denoising and Radionuclide Identification , Merlin Phillip Carson (Thesis)

Storing Intermediate Results in Space and Time: SQL Graphs and Block Referencing , Basem Ibrahim Elazzabi (Dissertation)

Automated Test Generation for Validating SystemC Designs , Bin Lin (Dissertation)

Forecasting Optimal Parameters of the Broken Wing Butterfly Option Strategy Using Differential Evolution , David Munoz Constantine (Thesis)

Situate: An Agent-Based System for Situation Recognition , Max Henry Quinn (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Multiple Diagram Navigation , Hisham Benotman (Dissertation)

Smart Contract Vulnerabilities on the Ethereum Blockchain: a Current Perspective , Daniel Steven Connelly (Thesis)

Extensible Performance-Aware Runtime Integrity Measurement , Brian G. Delgado (Dissertation)

Novel View Synthesis - a Neural Network Approach , Hoang Le (Dissertation)

Exploring the Potential of Sparse Coding for Machine Learning , Sheng Yang Lundquist (Dissertation)

Workflow Critical Path: a Data-Oriented Path Metric for Holistic HPC Workflows , Daniel D. Nguyen (Thesis)

Novel View Synthesis in Time and Space , Simon Niklaus (Dissertation)

Balancing Security, Performance and Deployability in Encrypted Search , David Joel Pouliot (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

A Secure Anti-Counterfeiting System using Near Field Communication, Public Key Cryptography, Blockchain, and Bayesian Games , Naif Saeed Alzahrani (Dissertation)

Spectral Clustering for Electrical Phase Identification Using Advanced Metering Infrastructure Voltage Time Series , Logan Blakely (Thesis)

Local Radiance , Scott Peter Britell (Dissertation)

Correct-by-Construction Typechecking with Scope Graphs , Katherine Imhoff Casamento (Thesis)

Versatile Binary-level Concolic Testing , Bo Chen (Dissertation)

Crumpled and Abraded Encryption: Implementation and Provably Secure Construction , Scott Sherlock Griffy (Thesis)

Knowing Without Knowing: Real-Time Usage Identification of Computer Systems , Leila Mohammed Hawana (Thesis)

Design and Experimental Evaluation of DeepMarket: an Edge Computing Marketplace with Distributed TensorFlow Execution Capability , Soyoung Kim (Thesis)

Localizing Little Landmarks with Transfer Learning , Sharad Kumar (Thesis)

Context-Aware Wi-Fi Infrastructure-based Indoor Positioning Systems , Huy Phuong Tran (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Bounding Box Improvement with Reinforcement Learning , Andrew Lewis Cleland (Thesis)

Sensing Building Structure Using UWB Radios for Disaster Recovery , Jeong Eun Lee (Dissertation)

Annotation-Enabled Interpretation and Analysis of Time-Series Data , Niveditha Venugopal (Thesis)

EPA-RIMM-V: Efficient Rootkit Detection for Virtualized Environments , Tejaswini Ajay Vibhute (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Improved Scoring Models for Semantic Image Retrieval Using Scene Graphs , Erik Timothy Conser (Thesis)

Refining Bounding-Box Regression for Object Localization , Naomi Lynn Dickerson (Thesis)

Fully Generic Programming Over Closed Universes of Inductive-Recursive Types , Larry Diehl (Dissertation)

Communicating at Terahertz Frequencies , Farnoosh Moshirfatemi (Dissertation)

Designing In-Headset Authoring Tools for Virtual Reality Video , Cuong Nguyen (Dissertation)

Certifying Loop Pipelining Transformations in Behavioral Synthesis , Disha Puri (Dissertation)

Power-Aware Datacenter Networking and Optimization , Qing Yi (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Identifying Relationships between Scientific Datasets , Abdussalam Alawini (Dissertation)

Information Representation and Computation of Spike Trains in Reservoir Computing Systems with Spiking Neurons and Analog Neurons , Amin Almassian (Thesis)

Investigations of an "Objectness" Measure for Object Localization , Lewis Richard James Coates (Thesis)

Image Stitching: Handling Parallax, Stereopsis, and Video , Fan Zhang (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Novel Methods for Learning and Adaptation in Chemical Reaction Networks , Peter Banda (Dissertation)

Post-silicon Functional Validation with Virtual Prototypes , Kai Cong (Dissertation)

Novel Cryptographic Primitives and Protocols for Censorship Resistance , Kevin Patrick Dyer (Dissertation)

Hardware/Software Interface Assurance with Conformance Checking , Li Lei (Dissertation)

Leveraging Contextual Relationships Between Objects for Localization , Clinton Leif Olson (Thesis)

The Performance of Random Prototypes in Hierarchical Models of Vision , Kendall Lee Stewart (Thesis)

Tweakable Ciphers: Constructions and Applications , Robert Seth Terashima (Dissertation)

Scalable Equivalence Checking for Behavioral Synthesis , Zhenkun Yang (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Nax Language: Unifying Functional Programming and Logical Reasoning in a Language based on Mendler-style Recursion Schemes and Term-indexed Types , Ki Yung Ahn (Dissertation)

Using Spammers' Computing Resources for Volunteer Computing , Thai Le Quy Bui (Thesis)

Towards Constructing Interactive Virtual Worlds , Francis Chang (Dissertation)

System-wide Performance Analysis for Virtualization , Deron Eugene Jensen (Thesis)

Advances in Piecewise Smooth Image Reconstruction , Ralf Juengling (Dissertation)

Interpretable Machine Learning and Sparse Coding for Computer Vision , Will Landecker (Dissertation)

Optimizing Data Movement in Hybrid Analytic Systems , Patrick Michael Leyshock (Dissertation)

Ranked Similarity Search of Scientific Datasets: An Information Retrieval Approach , Veronika Margaret Megler (Dissertation)

Using GIST Features to Constrain Search in Object Detection , Joanna Browne Solmon (Thesis)

The Role of Prototype Learning in Hierarchical Models of Vision , Michael David Thomure (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Object Detection and Recognition in Natural Settings , George William Dittmar (Thesis)

Trust-but-Verify: Guaranteeing the Integrity of User-generated Content in Online Applications , Akshay Dua (Dissertation)

Equivalence Checking for High-Assurance Behavioral Synthesis , Kecheng Hao (Dissertation)

Type Classes and Instance Chains: A Relational Approach , John Garrett Morris (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Using Dataflow Optimization Techniques with a Monadic Intermediate Language , Justin George Bailey (Thesis)

A Survey and Analysis of Solutions to the Oblivious Memory Access Problem , Erin Elizabeth Chapman (Thesis)

A Data-Descriptive Feedback Framework for Data Stream Management Systems , Rafael J. Fernández Moctezuma (Dissertation)

Extending Relativistic Programming to Multiple Writers , Philip William Howard (Dissertation)

The Basic Scheme for the Evaluation of Functional Logic Programs , Arthur Peters (Thesis)

The Link Between Image Segmentation and Image Recognition , Karan Sharma (Thesis)

Relativistic Causal Ordering A Memory Model for Scalable Concurrent Data Structures , Josh Triplett (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Conceptual Modeling of Data with Provenance , David William Archer (Dissertation)

Low-latency Estimates for Window-Aggregate Queries over Data Streams , Amit Bhat (Thesis)

Information Processing in Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata , Martin Cenek (Dissertation)

Scalable and Efficient Tasking for Dynamic Sensor Networks , Thanh Xuan Dang (Dissertation)

On the Effect of Topology on Learning and Generalization in Random Automata Networks , Alireza Goudarzi (Thesis)

HOLCF '11: A Definitional Domain Theory for Verifying Functional Programs , Brian Charles Huffman (Dissertation)

A Functional Approach to Memory-Safe Operating Systems , Rebekah Leslie (Dissertation)

Factoring Semiprimes Using PG2N Prime Graph Multiagent Search , Keith Eirik Wilson (Thesis)

High Speed Wireless Networking for 60GHz , Candy Yiu (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Extensible Scheduling in a Haskell-based Operating System , Kenneth William Graunke (Thesis)

Addressing Automated Adversaries of Network Applications , Edward Leo Kaiser (Dissertation)

An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Hardware/Software Co-verification , Juncao Li (Dissertation)

Practical Type Inference for the GADT Type System , Chuan-kai Lin (Dissertation)

Scalable event tracking on high-end parallel systems , Kathryn Marie Mohror (Dissertation)

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  • School of Computer Science

A list of theses completed by PhD students in the Department of Computer Science.

  • Abbasi, M. (2017)  Simulating the Effect of Global Cardiac Ischaemia on the Dynamics of Ventricular Arrhythmias in the Human Heart
  • Abberley, D. (1995) Connectionist Combination Of Evidence Sources In Automatic Speech Recognition
  • Abdel Kader, Y. (2007)  A Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Relational-XML Approach To Store Partially-Structured Data
  • Abdel-Haleem, Y. (2007) Conditional Random Fields for Continuous Speech Recognition
  • Abouzakhar, N. (2005)  Intelligent Agents-based Networks Security
  • Abulkhair, M. (2004)  A Multilingual automate Web Usability Evaluation Agent
  • Achour, S. (1990) The Use Of Formal Description Techniques For The Design Of High Level Protocol Conversion
  • Addico, H. (2012) Towards a knowledge driven quality assessment of electronic healthcare records
  • Afshan, S. (2013)  Search-Based Generation of Human Readable Test Data and Its Impact on Human Oracle Costs
  • Aguado, J. (2004) Conformance testing of Distributed Systems: an X-machine based approach
  • Aimetti, G. (2011) A Computational Model of Early Language Acquisition: A Data-Driven Approach Inspired by the Empiricist View of Cognitive Development
  • Aker, A. (2014)  Entity Type Modelling for Multi-Document Summarization: Generating Descriptive Summaries of Geo-Located Entities
  • Alamri, A. (2016)  The Detection of Contradictory Claims in Biomedical Abstracts
  • Al-Badawi, M. (2010) A Performance Evaluation of a New Bitmap-based XML Processing Approach
  • Al Dabel, M. (2017)  Intelligibility model optimisation approaches for speech pre-enhancement
  • Aletras, N. (2014)  Interpreting Document Collections with Topic Models
  • Alghamdi, A. (1997) A Generic Information Architecture For A Metacase Environment
  • Al Ghamdi, M. (2015)  Video Sequence Alignment
  • Alghamdi, N. (2018)  Visual Speech Enhancement and its Application in Speech Perception Training
  • Alharbi, G. (2017)  Metadiscourse Tagging in Academic Lectures
  • Alharbi, N. (2018)  Describing Human Activities in Video Streams
  • Alharbi, S. (2019)  Automatic Framework to Aid Therapists to Diagnose Children who Stutter
  • Alhelbawy, A.A.A. (2014)  Collective approaches to named entity disambiguation
  • Al-Johar, B. (1999) A Portable Natural Language Interface from Arabic to SQL
  • Alkhaldi, N. (2015)  Blind image deconvolution using the sylvester matrix
  • Al Khazraji, S. (2017)  A Labelling Technique Comparison for Indexing Large XML Database (MPhil)
  • Allan, J. D. (2009) Statistical and Structured Optimisation Methods for the Approximate GCD Problem
  • Allison, B. (2010) An Improved Hierarchial Bayesian Model of Language for Document Classification
  • Almelibari, A. (2015)  Labelling Dynamic XML Documents: A GroupBased Approach
  • Alneami, A. (1996) Design And Implementation Of An English To Arabic Machine Translation (Meana Mt)
  • Alsaeedi, A. (2016)  Improving Software Model Inference by Combining State Merging and Markov Models
  • Al-Shareef, S. (2015)  Conversational Arabic Automatic Speech Recognition
  • Alsubai, S. (2018)  Child Prime Label Approaches to Evaluate XML Structured Queries
  • Al Zadjali, H. (2017)  Compressing Labels of Dynamic XML Data using Base-9 Scheme and Fibonacci Encoding
  • Aminuddin, R. (2019)  An exploration of factors influencing human responses to short term interaction with a pet robot, and its effects on acute stress
  • Andrade Pacheco, R. (2015)  Gaussian Processes for Spatiotemporal Modelling
  • Armstrong, A. (2016)  Formal Analysis of Concurrent Programs
  • Arroyo Palacios, J. (2011) Real-Time Emotion Recognition, Adaptation and Interaction Using Physiological Signals
  • Askew, A. (2011) Robot Survival Strategies
  • Aswani, N. (2012)  Designing a General Framework for Text Alignment: Case Studies with Two Asian Languages
  • Attard, C. (2016)  Crowdsourcing Just in Time Knowledge at Workplace
  • Augenstein, I. (2016)  Web Relation Extraction with Distant Supervision
  • Azad, A. (1994) Recognition Of Traffic Congestion Using Neural Networks
  • Bakir, M. (2018)  Automatic Selection of Statistical Model Checkers for Analysis of Biological Models
  • Barker, J. (1998) The relationship between speech perception and auditory organisation: Studies with spectrally reduced speech
  • Beck, D. (2017)  Gaussian Processes for Text Regression
  • Beeston, A. (2015)  Perceptual compensation for reverberation in human listeners and machines
  • Belis, D. (2006) Behaviour-based techniques for the minimisation of the partitions in mobile ad hoc networks
  • Bell, A. (1998) Formal Computational Models Of Biological Systems
  • Benharrats, L. (1993) Deep And Qualitative Reasoning Experimenting With Qualitative Simulation
  • Bernardini, F. (2006) Membrane Systems for Molecular Computing and Biological Modelling
  • Bicak, M. (2011)  Agent-based modelling of Decentralized Ant Behaviour Using High Performance Computing
  • BinSubaih, A. (2008)  Creating a Virtual Training Environment for Traffic Accident Investigation for the Dubai Police Force
  • Bird, P. (2005) Unifying Programming Paradigms: Logic programming \& finite state automata
  • Birkinshaw, C. (1995) Engineering Communicative Distributed Safety-Critical
  • Bitvai, Z. (2018) Predicting Financial Markets using Text on the Web
  • Bogdanov, K. (2000) Automated testing of Harels statecharts
  • Bontcheva, K. (2001) Generating Adaptive Hypertext
  • Borges Ferreira Gomes, V. (2016)  Algebraic principles for program correctness tools
  • Boudour, O. (1992) Intelligent Matching Of Structured Objects: Application To Automatic Speech Recognition
  • Bourne, M. (2018)  Structure-Preserving Matrix Methods for Computations on Univariate and Bivariate Bernstein Polynomials
  • Bozorgizadeh, M. (2013)  Interaction of activation-repolarization coupling and restitution properties in human ventricular tissue
  • Brewster, C. (2008) Mind the Gap: Bridging from text to ontological Knowledge
  • Brown, G.J. (1992)  Computational Auditory Scene Analysis: A Representational Approach
  • Brown, S. (1999) The Semantics of Database Query Languages
  • Bujang Masli, A.B. (2011) Refinement of Formal Specifications
  • Bunting, J. (2001) An Expert System Version of a Textbook of General Practice Medicine
  • Burkitt, M.A. (2012)  Computational Modelling of Sperm Behaviour in a 3D Virtual Oviduct
  • Butters, J. (2012) Terminology Recognition in the Aerospace Domain
  • By, T. (2001) Tears in the Rain
  • Cachia, E. (1993) Methodologies To Overcome Problems In Automating Parallel System Implementation
  • Camargo, R. (2004) Mining the Evolutionary and Functional Relationships of Protein Hetrogenous Biological Databases
  • Cano Basave, A. (2013) Towards making sense of information in social streams
  • Carmichael, J. (2007) Introducing Objective Acoustic Metrics for the Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment Procedure
  • Carreira-Perpinan, M. (2001) Continuous latent variable models for dimensionality reduction and sequential data reconstruction
  • Carvalho, R. (2011) Automatic Annotation of Personal Photographs
  • Casanueva, I. (2017)  Personalised Dialogue Management for Users with Speech Disorders
  • Chakravarthy, A. (2011) Towards Cross Media Document Annotation
  • Chambers, C. (2000) Industrial Strength Techniques for the Development of Plc-Based Safety-Related Control and Protection Systems
  • Chambers, S. (2000) Applying X-machines in the Retrospective Testing of Software
  • Chantatub, W. (1995)  The Integration Of Software Specification\_ Verification And Testing Techniques With Software Requirements And Design Processes
  • Chapman, SJ (2010) Similarity approaches for information integration
  • Chiu, F. (1994) Formal Specification Of VLSI
  • Chutimaskul, W. (1994) Data Engineering In Occam3
  • Clarke, S. (1991) Modelling And Evaluation Of The Human-Computer Interface
  • Clough, P. (2003) Measuring Text Reuse
  • Coakley, S. (2008) Formal Software Architecture for Agent-Based Modelling in Biology
  • Collier, R. (1998) Automatic Template Creation for Information Extraction
  • Conway, M. (2007) Approaches to Automatic Biographical Sentence Classification: An Empirical Study
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Research centres and institutes

This page is about how to turn your research (once it's done) into a readable multi-chapter document. You need to figure out what to include, how to organize it, and how to present it.

Following this advice will make me happier about reading your submitted or draft dissertation. You may find it useful even if I'm not going to read your dissertation.

Many others have written usefully on this subject , including someone in the Annals of Improbable Research . There's also advice on writing a thesis proposal . However, this page focuses on what a finished dissertation should look like. You could also skim good dissertations on the web.

What Goes Into a Dissertation?

A typical thesis will motivate why a new idea is needed, present the cool new idea, convince the reader that it's cool and new and might apply to the reader's own problems, and evaluate how well it worked. Just like a paper!

The result must be a substantial, original contribution to scientific knowledge. It signals your official entrance into the community of scholars. Treat it as an chance to make a mark, not as a 900-page-tall memorial to your graduate student life.

Beyond stapling

The cynical view is that if you've written several related papers, you staple them together to get a dissertation. That's a good first-order approximation -- you should incorporate ideas and text from your papers. But what is it missing?

First, a thesis should cohere -- ideally, it should feel like one long paper. Second, it should provide added value: there should be people who would prefer reading it to simply reading your papers. Otherwise writing it would be a meaningless exercise.

Here's what to do after stapling:

Taking Responsibility

Don't expect your advisor to be your co-author. It's your Ph.D.: you are sole author this time and the responsibility is on your shoulders. If your prose is turgid or thoughtless, misspelled or ungrammatical, oblivious or rude to related research, you're the one who looks bad.

You can do it! Your advisor and committee are basically on your side -- they're probably willing to make suggestions about content and style -- but they are not obligated to fix problems for you. They may send your dissertation back and tell you to fix it.

In the following sections, I'll start with advice about the thesis as a whole, and work downward, eventually reaching small details such as typography and citations.

Know Your Audience

First, choose your target audience. That crucial early decision will tell you what to explain, what to emphasize, and how to phrase and organize it. Checking it with your advisor might be wise.

Pretty much everything in your thesis should be relevant to your chosen audience. Think about them as you write. Ask yourself:

What does your audience already know?

You can also safely assume that your readers have some prior familiarity with your research area. Just how much familiarity, and with which topics, is a judgment call -- again, you have to decide who your intended audience is.

In practice, your audience will be somewhat mixed. Up to a point, it is possible to please both beginners and experts -- by covering background material crisply and in the service of your own story . How does that work? As you lay out the motivation for your own work, and provide notation, you'll naturally have to discuss background concepts and related work. But don't give a generic review that someone else could have written! Discuss the background in a way that motivates and clarifies your ideas. Present your detailed perspective on the intellectual landscape and where your own work sits in it -- a fresh (even opinionated) take that keeps tying back to your main themes and will be useful for both experts and beginners.

In short, be as considerate as you can to beginners without interrupting the flow of your main argument to your established colleagues. A good rule of thumb is to write at the level of the most accessible papers in the journals or conference proceedings that you read.

What do you want your audience to learn from the thesis?

You should set clear goals here. Just like a paper or a talk, your dissertation needs a point: it should tell a story. Writing the abstract and chapter 1 at the start will help you work out what that story is.

You may find that you have to do further work to really support your chosen story: more experiments, more theorems, reading more literature, etc.

What does your audience hope to get out of the thesis?

Why does anyone crack open a dissertation, anyway? I sometimes do. Especially for areas that I know less well, a dissertation is often more accessible than shorter, denser papers. It takes a more leisurely pace, provides more explicit motivation and background, and answers more of the questions that I might have.

There are other reasons I might look at your dissertation:

For students, reading high-quality dissertations is a good way to learn an area and to see what a comprehensive treatment of a problem looks like. Noah A. Smith once ran a graduate CS seminar in which the students read 8 dissertations together. Each student was also required to select and summarize yet another dissertation and write a novel research proposal based on it.

Readers with different motivations may read your thesis in different ways. The strong convention is that it's a single document that must read well from start to finish -- your committee will read it that way. But it's worth keeping other readers in mind, too. Some will skim from start to finish. Some will read only the introductory and concluding chapters (so make sure those give a strong impression of what you've done and why it's important). Some will read a single chapter in the middle, going back for definitions as needed. Some will scan or search for what they need: a definition, example, table of results, or literature review. Some will flip through to get a general sense of your work or of how you think, reading whatever catches their eye.

High-Level Organization

Once you've chosen your target audience, you should outline the structure of the thesis. Again, the convention is that the document must read well from start to finish.

The "canonical organization" is sketched by Douglas Comer near the end of his advice . Read that: you'll probably want something like it. A few further tips:

Keep your focus

Keep your focus. Length is not a virtue unless the content is actually interesting. You do have as much space as you need, but the reader doesn't have unlimited time and neither do you.

Get to the good stuff

A newspaper, like a dissertation, is a hefty chunk of reading. So it puts the most important news on page one, and leads each article with the most important part. You should try to do the same when reasonable.

Get to the interesting ideas as soon as possible. A good strategy is to make Chapter 1 an overview of your main arguments and findings. Tell your story there in a compelling way, including a taste of your results. Refer the reader to specific sections in later chapters for the pesky details. Chapter 1 should be especially accessible (use examples): make it the one chapter that everyone should read.

Include a road map

Chapter 1 traditionally ends with a "road map" to the rest of the thesis, which rapidly summarizes what the remaining chapters or sections will contain. That's useful guidance for readers who are looking for something specific and also for those who will read the whole thesis. It also exhibits in one place what an awful lot of work you've done. Here's a detailed example .

Where to put the literature review

I recommend against writing "Chapter 2: Literature Review." Such chapters are usually boring: they're plonked down like the author's obligatory list of what he or she was "supposed" to cite. They block the reader from getting to the new ideas, and can't even be contrasted with the new ideas because those haven't been presented yet.

A better plan is to discuss related literature in conjunction with your own ideas. As you motivate and present your ideas, you'll want to refer to some related work anyway.

Each chapter might have its own related work section or sections, covering work that connects to yours in different ways.

Where to define terminology and notation

Basic terminology, concepts, and notation have to be defined somewhere. But where? You can mix the following strategies:

Retail. You can define some terms or notation individually, when the reader first needs them. Then they will be well-motivated and fresh in the reader's mind. If you use them again later, you can refer back to the section where you first defined them.

Wholesale. On the other hand, there are advantages to aggregating some of your fundamental definitions into a "Definitions" section near the start of the chapter, or a chapter near the start of the dissertation:


The downside is that such sections or chapters can seem boring and full of not-yet-motivated concepts. Unless your definitions are novel and interesting in themselves, they block the reader from getting to the new and interesting ideas. So if you write something like "Chapter 2: Preliminaries," keep it relatively concise -- the point is to get the reader oriented.

Thrift shop. Use well-known notation and terminology whenever you can, either with or without a formal definition in your thesis. The point of your thesis is not to re-invent notation or to re-present well-known material, although sometimes you may find it helpful to do so.

Make Things Easy on Your Poor Readers

Now we get down to the actual writing. A dissertation is a lot to write. But it's also an awful lot to read and digest at once! You can keep us readers turning pages and following your argument. But it's a bigger and more complicated argument than usual, so you have to be more disciplined than usual.

Break it down

Long swaths of text are like quicksand for readers (and writers!). To keep us moving without sinking, use all the devices at your disposal to break the text down into short chunks. Ironically, short chunks are more helpful in a longer document. They keep your argument tightly organized and keep the reader focused and oriented.

If a section or subsection is longer than 1 double-spaced page , consider whether you could break it down further. I'm not joking! This 1-page threshold may seem surprisingly short, but it really makes writing and reading easier. Some devices you can use:

subsectioning Split your section into subsections (or subsubsections) with meaningful titles that keep the reader oriented.

lists If you're writing a paragraph and feel like you're listing anything (e.g., advantages or disadvantages of some approach), then use an explicit bulleted list. Sometimes this might yield a list with only 2 or 3 rather long bullet points, but that's fine -- it breaks things down. ( Note: To replace the bullets with short labels, roughly as in the list you're now reading, LaTeX's itemize environment lets you write \item[my label] .)

labeled paragraphs Label a series of paragraphs within the section, as a kind of lightweight subsectioning. Your experimental design section might look like this (using the LaTeX \paragraph command):

Participants. The participants were 32 undergraduates enrolled in ... Apparatus. Each participant wore a Star Trek suit equipped with a Hasbro-brand Galactic Translator, belt model 3A ... Procedure. The subjects were seated in pairs throughout the laboratory and subjected to Vogon poetry broadcast at 3-minute intervals ... Dataset. The Vogon poetry corpus (available on request) was obtained by passing the later works of T. S. Eliot through the Systran translation system ...

footnotes Move inessential points to footnotes. If they're too long for that, you could move them into appendices or chapters near the end of the thesis. (Here's my take on footnotes .)

captions Move some discussion of figures and tables into their captions. Figures and tables should be clearly structured in the first place: e.g., graphs should have labeled axes with units. But a helpful caption provides guidance on how to interpret the figure or table and what interesting conclusions to draw from it. The figure or table should itself include helpful labels (axis

(In LaTeX, you can write \caption[short version]{long version} . The optional short version argument will be used for the "List of Tables" or "List of Figures" at the start of the thesis.)

theorems Even simple formal results can be stated as a theorem or lemma. The theorem (and proof, if included) form a nice little chunk, using the LaTeX theorem enviroment.

Breaking down equations

Long blocks of equations are even more intimidating than long swaths of text. You can break those apart, too:

Intersperse short bits of text for guidance (perhaps using LaTeX \intertext ). You might introduce line 3 of your formula with

A change of variable from x to log x now allows us to integrate by parts:

Distinguish conceptually important steps from finicky steps that just push symbols around. You can even move finicky steps to a footnote, like this:

Some algebraic manipulation 5 allows us to simplify to the following:

Use visual devices like color, boldface, underlining, boxes, or \underbrace to call attention to significant parts of a formula:

Simplify the formulas in the first place by defining intermediate quantities or adopting notational conventions (e.g., "the t subscript will be dropped when it is clear from context").

Now tie it back together

Now that you've chopped your prose into bite-sized chunks, what binds it together?

Coherent and explicit structure

Your paragraphs and chunks have to tie together into a coherent argument. Do everything you can to highlight the structure of this argument. The structure should jump out at the reader, making it possible to read straight through your text, or skim it. Else the reader will get stuck puzzling out what you meant and lose momentum.

Make sure your readers are never perplexed about the point of the paragraph they're reading. Make them want to keep turning the page because you've set up questions to which they want to know the answers. Don't make them rub their eyes in frustration or boredom and wander off to the fridge or the web browser.

So how exactly do you "highlight the structure" and "set up questions"?

Ask questions explicitly and then answer them, as I just did. This is a great device for breaking up boring prose, communicating your rhetorical goals, and making the reader think.

Explicitly refer back to previous text, as when I wrote, "So how exactly do you 'highlight the structure' and 'set up questions'?"

Use lots of transitional phrases (discourse connectives). Note that it's fine to use these across chunk boundaries; that is, feel free to start a new subsection with "For this reason, ...", picking up where the previous subsection left off.

As you come to the end of a section, remind the reader what the point was. If possible, this should lead naturally into the next section.

If a section is skippable, or chapters can be read out of order, do say so. (But don't use this as an excuse for poor organization or long distractions. Some readers tend to read straight through, and in particular, your advisor or committee may feel that they must do this.)

Lots of internal cross-references

A thesis deals with a lot of ideas at once. Readers can easily lose track. Help them out:

Each figure or table should be mentioned in the main text, so that the reader knows to go look at it. Conversely, the figure's caption may point the reader back to details in the main text (stating the section number). A caption may also refer to other figures or tables that the reader should be sure to compare.

Boldface terms that you are defining, as a textbook would. This makes the definitions easy to spot when needed. You may also want to generate an index of boldfaced terms.

Be very consistent in your terminology. Never use two terms for the same idea; never reuse one term or variable for two ideas.

Be cautious about using pronouns like "it," or other anaphors such as "this" or "this technique." With all the ideas flying around, it won't always be obvious to everyone what you're referring to. Use longer, unambiguous phrases instead, when appropriate.

Try saying "the time t " instead of just " t " or just "the time." Similarly, "the image transformation T ," "the training example x i ," etc. This style reminds the reader of which variables are connected to which concepts. You can further do this for expressions: "the total probability Σ i p i " instead of just "the total probability" or "the sum."

Feel free to lavish space where it confers extra understanding. Don't hesitate to give an example or a caveat, or repeat an earlier equation, or crisply summarize earlier work that the reader needs to understand.

Be concrete

As I read a thesis, or a long argument or construction within a thesis, I often start worrying whether I am keeping the pieces together correctly in my head. Something that has become deeply familiar and natural to you (the world expert) may be rougher going for me. If I can see some concrete demonstration of how your idea works, it helps me check and deepen my understanding.

Examples keep the reader, and you, from getting lost in a morass of abstractions. Example cases figured in your thinking; they can help the reader, too. Invented examples are okay, but using "real" examples will also show off what your methods should or can do.

Running examples greet the reader like old friends. The reader will grasp a point more quickly and completely, and remember it better, when it is applied to a familiar example rather than a new one. So if possible, devise one or two especially nice examples that you can keep revisiting to make a series of points.

Pictures serve much the same role as examples: they're concrete and they share how the ideas really look inside your head. A picture is worth at least a thousand words (= 2.5 double-spaced thesis pages).

Pseudocode is a concrete way to convey an algorithm. It is often more concise, precise, and direct than a prose description, and may be closer to your own thinking. It will also make other people much more likely to understand and adopt your methods.

Theorems , too, are concise and precise. They are also self-contained chunks, because they formally state all their assumptions. A reader sloshing through a long, complicated, contextual argument can always grab onto a theorem as an island of certainty.

Experimental results are also concrete. You don't have to wait for the experimental section: it is okay to foreshadow your experiments before you present them in full. When you are developing the theory, you can say "Indeed, we will find experimentally in section 5.6 that ..." You can even showcase an example from your experiments or give some summary statistics; these might not even show up later in the experimental section.

Commitments keep the reader anchored. As noted earlier, your dissertation should discuss alternative solutions that you rejected or are leaving to future work. That's scholarship. But make it clear from the start what you actually did and didn't do. Don't have section 2.3 chatter on about everything one could do -- that reads like a proposal, not a thesis! -- while waiting till section 4.5 or even 2.5 to reveal what you actually did.

Placing these concrete elements early is best, other things equal. Either embed them early in the section or just tell the reader early on to go look at Figure X. (If you continue the section by discussing Figure X, the reader is more likely to actually go look. Figure X or its caption can refer back to the text in turn.)

For example, consider pseudocode. Some readers prefer code to prose, and it's concise. So you may want to give pseudocode early in the section, before you ramble on about why it works. An alternative is to intersperse fragments of pseudocode with your prose explanation, as in literate programming . Of course, the pseudocode itself should also include some brief comments; where necessary these can just point to the text, as in "implements equation (5)" or "see section 3.2."

Sentences. The previous section dealt with sections and paragraphs, but how about sentences? Yours should read well. The best advice in The Elements of Style : "Omit needless words. Vigorous writing is concise." To learn how to improve your sentences, read Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace , by Joseph M. Williams, and do the exercises. Another classic is On Writing Well , by William Zinsser.

Computers are getting exponentially faster (Moore, 1965). However, Biddle (1971) showed ...
Bandura's (1977) theory ... ... (e.g., Butcher, 1954; Baker, 1955; Candlestick-Maker, 1957, and others). The work of Minor (2001, pp. 50-75; but see also Adams, 1999; Storandt, 1997) ... According to Manning and Schütze, 1999 (henceforth M&S), ...

(Another option is the apacite package, which precisely follows the style manual of the American Psychological Association. It is nearly as flexible in its citation format, but APA style has some oddities, including lowercasing the titles of proceedings volumes. One nice thing about APA style is that if you have multiple Smiths in your bibliography, it will distinguish them where necessary, using first and middle initials. Another nice thing is the use of "&" rather than "and" in author lists; however, you can easily hack plainnat.bst to mimic this behavior.)

\usepackage[colorlinks]{ hyperref } \usepackage{ url }
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames,svgnames,table]{xcolor} \usepackage{soul} \newcommand{\todo}[1]{\hl{[TODO: #1]}} \todo{Either prove this or back away from the claim. I think Fermat's Last Theorem might be the key ...}
... only 58 words in the dictionary have this property. % to get that count: % perl -ne 'print if blah blah' /usr/share/dict/words | wc -l

Version control. It's probably wise to use git (or CVS or RCS or Subversion or mercurial or darcs) to keep the revision history of your dissertation files. This lets you roll back to an earlier version in case of disaster. Furthermore, if you host the repository on your account, it will be backed up by the department.

Sharing your thesis. When you're willing to open up for comments from fellow students, your advisor, or your committee, give them a secret URL from which they can always download the latest, up-to-date release of your thesis, as well as earlier versions. (This is probably friendlier than just pointing them to your git repository.)

Keep this URL up to date with your changes. Each distinct version should bear a visible date or version number, to avoid confusion. For each new version (or on request), you should probably also supply a PDF that marks up the differences from an appropriate earlier version, using the wonderful latexdiff program (available here or as an Linux package; plays nicely with git via latexdiff-git or other scripts ) or a similar technique . (Note: If you use a makefile to build your document by running latex, gnuplot, etc., then you can also make it run latexdiff and update the URL for you.)

If you use Overleaf , just give your committee a view URL for your project. They will be able to see the PDF, visit different versions, and leave comments in the source file.

Planning Your Dissertation

Every dissertation is a little different. Talk to your advisor to draft a specific, written plan for what the thesis will contain, how it will be organized, and whom it will address. Discuss the plan with each of your committee members, who may suggest changes. They might disagree with advice on this page; find out.

As the dissertation takes shape, your plan may need some revision. Your advisor and committee may be willing to provide early feedback. But no one will want to slog through more than a version or two in detail. So ask them each how many drafts of each chapter they're willing to read, and in what state and on what schedule. Some of them nmay prefer to influence your writeup while it's still in an early, outline form. Others may prefer to wait until your prose is fairly polished and easy to read.

In addition to your advisor's goals and your committee's goals, you may have some goals of your own, e.g.,

GOOD LUCK!!! Now, download that LaTeX template , and take the first step toward filling it in today ...

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Home > Computer Science > Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research

Department of Computer Science and Engineering: Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research

Computer Science and Engineering, Department of

Department of computer science and engineering: dissertations, theses, and student research.

Asteroidal Sets and Dominating Targets in Graphs , Oleksiy Al-saadi

Star-Based Reachability Analysis of Binary Neural Networks on Continuous Input , Mykhailo Ivashchenko

Spatial & Temporal Agnostic Deep-Learning Based Radio Fingerprinting , Fahmida Afrin

Leveraging Aruco Fiducial Marker System for Bridge Displacement Estimation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles , Mohamed Aly

Sim-to-Real Reinforcement Learning Framework for Autonomous Aerial Leaf Sampling , Ashraful Islam

Formal Concept Analysis for Image Classification and Machine Learning Models for Anti-CRISPR Protein Discovery in Bioinformatics , Minal Khatri

SC-Fuse: A Feature Fusion Approach for Unpaved Road Detection from Remotely Sensed Images , Aniruddh Saxena

Experimental Study of Linux Flightsize Estimation , Mingrui Zhang

Motif-Cluster: A Spatial Clustering Package for Repetitive Motif Binding Patterns , Mengyuan Zhou

An Empirical Study on the Classification of Python Language Features Using Eye-Tracking , Jigyasa Chauhan

BEVERS: A General, Simple, and Performant Framework for Automatic Fact Verification , Mitchell DeHaven

Characterizing and Predicting Human Visual Perception of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Gestures , Paul Fletcher

Machine Learning-Based Device Type Classification for IoT Device Re- and Continuous Authentication , Kaustubh Gupta

Sequence-Based Bioinformatics Approaches to Predict Virus-Host Relationships in Archaea and Eukaryotes , Yingshan Li


ConSemblEX: A Consensus-Based Transcriptome Assembly Approach that Extends ConSemble and Improves Transcriptome Assembly , Richard Mwaba

Comparative Analyses of De Novo Transcriptome Assembly Pipelines for Diploid Wheat , Natasha Pavlovikj

Attention in the Faithful Self-Explanatory NLP Models , Mostafa Rafaiejokandan

A Pipeline to Generate Deep Learning Surrogates of Genome-Scale Metabolic Models , Achilles Rasquinha


Symbolic NS-3 for Efficient Exhaustive Testing , Jianfei Shao

Feed Forward Neural Networks with Asymmetric Training , Archit Srivastava

Agent Based Modeling of the Spread of Social Unrest Based on Infectious Disease Spread Model , Anup Adhikari

Using Contextual Bandits to Improve Traffic Performance in Edge Network , Aziza Al Zadjali

Computational Solutions to Exosomal microRNA Biomarker Detection in Pancreatic Cancer , Thuy T. An

Aerial Flight Paths for Communication , Alisha Bevins

Towards a Machine Learning Based Generalizable Framework for Detecting COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media , Yuanzhi Chen

Semantically Meaningful Sentence Embeddings , Rojina Deuja

Using an integrative machine learning approach to study microRNA regulation networks in pancreatic cancer progression , Roland Madadjim

Teachability And Interpretability In Reinforcement Learning , Jeevan Rajagopal

Power-over-Tether Unmanned Aerial System Leveraged for Trajectory Influenced Atmospheric Sensing , Daniel Rico

A Real-World, Hybrid Event Sequence Generation Framework for Android Apps , Jun Sun

“The Revolution Will Not Be Supervised": An Investigation of the Efficacy and Reasoning Process of Self-Supervised Representations , Atharva Tendle

Separator of Diametral Path Graphs , Cuong Than


Information Extraction and Classification on Journal Papers , Lei Yu


Formal Language Constraints in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Self-Driving Vehicles , Tyler Bienhoff

A Novel Spatiotemporal Prediction Method of Cumulative Covid-19 Cases , Junzhe Cai

Application of Software Engineering Principles to Synthetic Biology and Emerging Regulatory Concerns , Justin Firestone

Open Dynamic Interaction Network: a cell-phone based platform for responsive EMA , Gisela Font Sayeras

A Memory Usage Comparison Between Jitana and Soot , Yuanjiu Hu

Packet Delivery: An Investigation of Educational Video Games for Computer Science Education , Robert Lafferty

Advanced Techniques to Detect Complex Android Malware , Zhiqiang Li

Emotional Awareness During Bug Fixes – A Pilot Study , Jada O. Loro, Abigail L. Schneff, Sarah J. Oran, and Bonita Sharif

Representational Learning Approach for Predicting Developer Expertise Using Eye Movements , Sumeet Maan

An ANNs Based Failure Detection Method for ONOS SDON Controller , Shideh Yavary Mehr


An Algorithm For Building Language Superfamilies Using Swadesh Lists , Bill Mutabazi


Designing Shared Control Strategies for Teleoperated Robots Across Intrinsic User Qualities , Nancy Pham

Power-over-Tether UAS Leveraged for Nearly-Indefinite Meteorological Data Acquisition , Daniel Rico, Carrick Detweiler, and Francisco Muñoz-Arriola

Formal Concept Analysis Applications in Bioinformatics , Sarah Roscoe

Understanding Eye Gaze Patterns in Code Comprehension , Jonathan Saddler

Advanced Security Analysis for Emergent Software Platforms , Mohannad Alhanahnah

Analysis of Social Unrest Events using Spatio-Temporal Data Clustering and Agent-Based Modelling , Sudeep Basnet

Domain Adaptation in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Landing using Reinforcement Learning , Pedro Lucas Franca Albuquerque

A Data-driven Approach for Detecting Stress in Plants Using Hyperspectral Imagery , Suraj Gampa

New Algorithms for Large Datasets and Distributions , Sutanu Gayen

Image Classification Using Fuzzy FCA , Niruktha Roy Gotoor

Image Processing Algorithms for Elastin Lamellae Inside Cardiovascular Arteries , Mahmoud Habibnezhad

User Privacy Leakage in Location-based Mobile Ad Services , Qicheng Lin

Formal Modeling and Analysis of a Family of Surgical Robots , Niloofar Mansoor

Dimensional Analysis of Robot Software without Developer Annotations , John-Paul W. Ore

The Design and Implementation of AIDA: Ancient Inscription Database and Analytics System , M Parvez Rashid

LearnFCA: A Fuzzy FCA and Probability Based Approach for Learning and Classification , Suraj Ketan Samal

Scheduling and Prefetching in Hadoop with Block Access Pattern Awareness and Global Memory Sharing with Load Balancing Scheme , Sai Suman


Distributed Edge Bundling for Large Graphs , Yves Tuyishime

GAINDroid: General Automated Incompatibility Notifier for Android Applications , Bruno Vieira Resende e Silva

View-Dependent Data Prefetching for Interactive Visualization of Large-Scale 3D Scientific Data , Jin Wang

Feasibility and Security Analysis of Wideband Ultrasonic Radio for Smart Home Applications , Qi Xia

Exploring Eye Tracking Data on Source Code via Dual Space Analysis , Li Zhang

Controller Evolution and Divergence: A Software Perspective , Balaji Balasubramaniam

Performance Evaluation of v-eNodeB using Virtualized Radio Resource Management , Sai Keerti Teja Boddepalli

Effectively Enforcing Minimality During Backtrack Search , Daniel J. Geschwender

Optical Wireless Data Center Networks , Abdelbaset S. Hamza

Scheduling in Mapreduce Clusters , Chen He

Supporting Diverse Customers and Prioritized Traffic in Next-Generation Passive Optical Networks , Naureen Hoque

Modelling and Visualizing Selected Molecular Communication Processes in Biological Organisms: A Multi-Layer Perspective , Aditya Immaneni


GMAim: an analytical pipeline for microRNA splicing profiling using generative model , Kan Liu

Application of Cosine Similarity in Bioinformatics , Srikanth Maturu

Scaling up an Infrastructure for Controlled Experimentation with Testing Techniques , Wayne D. Motycka

Scale-Out Algorithm For Apache Storm In SaaS Environment , Ravi Kiran Puttaswamy

A Comprehensive Framework to Replicate Process-Level Concurrency Faults , Supat Rattanasuksun

Speech Emotion Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks , Somayeh Shahsavarani

Assessing the Quality and Stability of Recommender Systems , David Shriver

Consensus Ensemble Approaches Improve De Novo Transcriptome Assemblies , Adam Voshall

EvoAlloy: An Evolutionary Approach For Analyzing Alloy Specifications , Jianghao Wang

Higher-Level Consistencies: Where, When, and How Much , Robert J. Woodward


Reducing the Tail Latency of a Distributed NoSQL Database , Jun Wu

Detection of Plant Emergence Based on Spatio Temporal Image Sequence Analysis , Bhushit Agarwal

Investigating Diversity in Open Multiagent Team Formation , Pooja Ahuja

An Unmanned Aerial System for Prescribed Fires , Evan M. Beachly



Hierarchical Active Learning Application to Mitochondrial Disease Protein Dataset , James D. Duin

Design and Implementation of a Stand-Alone Tool for Metabolic Simulations , Milad Ghiasi Rad

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Home > Engineering > Computer Science > Computer Science Graduate Projects

Computer Science Graduate Projects and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

High-Performance Domain-Specific Library for Hydrologic Data Processing , Kalyan Bhetwal

Evaluating Learning Geometric Concepts to Generate Predicate Abstract Domains in Static Program Analysis , Patrick Chadbourne

Verifying Data Provenance During Workflow Execution for Scientific Reproducibility , Rizbanul Hasan

Remote Sensing to Advance Understanding of Snow-Vegetation Relationships and Quantify Snow Depth and Snow Water Equivalent , Ahmad Hojatimalekshah

Exploring the Capability of a Self-Supervised Conditional Image Generator for Image-to-Image Translation without Labeled Data: A Case Study in Mobile User Interface Design , Hailee Kiesecker

Fake News Detection Using Narrative Content and Discourse , Hongmin Kim

Anomaly Detection Using Graph Neural Network , Bishal Lakha

Robust Digital Nucleic Acid Memory , Golam Md Mortuza

Risk Assessment and Solutions for Two Domains: Election Procedures and Privacy Disclosure Prevention for Users , Kamryn DeAnn Parker

Sparse Format Conversion and Code Synthesis , Tobi Goodness Popoola

Fair Layouts in Information Access Systems: Provider-Side Group Fairness in Ranking Beyond Ranked Lists , Amifa Raj

Virtual Curtain: A Communicative Fine-Grained Privacy Control Framework for Augmented Reality , Aakash Shrestha

Portable Sparse Polyhedral Framework Code Generation Using Multi Level Intermediate Representation , Aaron St. George

Transformer Reinforcement Learning Approach to Attack Automatic Fake News Detectors , Chandler Underwood

Severity Measures for Assessing Error in Automatic Speech Recognition , Ryan Whetten

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Improved Computational Prediction of Function and Structural Representation of Self-Cleaving Ribozymes with Enhanced Parameter Selection and Library Design , James D. Beck

Meshfree Methods for PDEs on Surfaces , Andrew Michael Jones

Deep Learning of Microstructures , Amir Abbas Kazemzadeh Farizhandi

Long-Term Trends in Extreme Environmental Events with Changepoint Detection , Mintaek Lee

Structure Aware Smart Encoding and Decoding of Information in DNA , Shoshanna Llewellyn

Towards Making Transformer-Based Language Models Learn How Children Learn , Yousra Mahdy

Ontology-Based Formal Approach for Safety and Security Verification of Industrial Control Systems , Ramesh Neupane

Improving Children's Authentication Practices with Respect to Graphical Authentication Mechanism , Dhanush Kumar Ratakonda

Hate Speech Detection Using Textual and User Features , Rohan Raut

Automated Detection of Sockpuppet Accounts in Wikipedia , Mostofa Najmus Sakib

Characterization and Mitigation of False Information on the Web , Anu Shrestha

Sinusoidal Projection for 360° Image Compression and Triangular Discrete Cosine Transform Impact in the JPEG Pipeline , Iker Vazquez Lopez

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Training Wheels for Web Search: Multi-Perspective Learning to Rank to Support Children's Information Seeking in the Classroom , Garrett Allen

Fair and Efficient Consensus Protocols for Secure Blockchain Applications , Golam Dastoger Bashar

Why Don't You Act Your Age?: Recognizing the Stereotypical 8-12 Year Old Searcher by Their Search Behavior , Michael Green

Ensuring Consistency and Efficiency of the Incremental Unit Network in a Distributed Architecture , Mir Tahsin Imtiaz

Modeling Real and Fake News Sharing in Social Networks , Abishai Joy

Modeling and Analyzing Users' Privacy Disclosure Behavior to Generate Personalized Privacy Policies , A.K.M. Nuhil Mehdy

Into the Unknown: Exploration of Search Engines' Responses to Users with Depression and Anxiety , Ashlee Milton

Generating Test Inputs from String Constraints with an Automata-Based Solver , Marlin Roberts

A Case Study in Representing Scientific Applications ( GeoAc ) Using the Sparse Polyhedral Framework , Ravi Shankar

Actors for the Internet of Things , Arjun Shukla

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Towards Unifying Grounded and Distributional Semantics Using the Words-as-Classifiers Model of Lexical Semantics , Stacy Black

Improving Scientist Productivity, Architecture Portability, and Performance in ParFlow , Michael Burke

Polyhedral+Dataflow Graphs , Eddie C. Davis

Improving Spellchecking for Children: Correction and Design , Brody Downs

A Collection of Fast Algorithms for Scalar and Vector-Valued Data on Irregular Domains: Spherical Harmonic Analysis, Divergence-Free/Curl-Free Radial Basis Functions, and Implicit Surface Reconstruction , Kathryn Primrose Drake

Privacy-Preserving Protocol for Atomic Swap Between Blockchains , Kiran Gurung

Unsupervised Structural Graph Node Representation Learning , Mikel Joaristi

Detecting Undisclosed Paid Editing in Wikipedia , Nikesh Joshi

Do You Feel Me?: Learning Language from Humans with Robot Emotional Displays , David McNeill

Obtaining Real-World Benchmark Programs from Open-Source Repositories Through Abstract-Semantics Preserving Transformations , Maria Anne Rachel Paquin

Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) for Brand Logos , Enjal Parajuli

A Resilience Metric for Modern Power Distribution Systems , Tyler Bennett Phillips

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Edge-Assisted Workload-Aware Image Processing System , Anil Acharya

MINOS: Unsupervised Netflow-Based Detection of Infected and Attacked Hosts, and Attack Time in Large Networks , Mousume Bhowmick

Deviant: A Mutation Testing Tool for Solidity Smart Contracts , Patrick Chapman

Querying Over Encrypted Databases in a Cloud Environment , Jake Douglas

A Hybrid Model to Detect Fake News , Indhumathi Gurunathan

Suitability of Finite State Automata to Model String Constraints in Probablistic Symbolic Execution , Andrew Harris

UNICORN Framework: A User-Centric Approach Toward Formal Verification of Privacy Norms , Rezvan Joshaghani

Detection and Countermeasure of Saturation Attacks in Software-Defined Networks , Samer Yousef Khamaiseh

Secure Two-Party Protocol for Privacy-Preserving Classification via Differential Privacy , Manish Kumar

Application-Specific Memory Subsystem Benchmarking , Mahesh Lakshminarasimhan

Multilingual Information Retrieval: A Representation Building Perspective , Ion Madrazo

Improved Study of Side-Channel Attacks Using Recurrent Neural Networks , Muhammad Abu Naser Rony Chowdhury

Investigating the Effects of Social and Temporal Dynamics in Fitness Games on Children's Physical Activity , Ankita Samariya

BullyNet: Unmasking Cyberbullies on Social Networks , Aparna Sankaran

FALCON: Framework for Anomaly Detection In Industrial Control Systems , Subin Sapkota

Investigating Semantic Properties of Images Generated from Natural Language Using Neural Networks , Samuel Ward Schrader

Incremental Processing for Improving Conversational Grounding in a Chatbot , Aprajita Shukla

Estimating Error and Bias of Offline Recommender System Evaluation Results , Mucun Tian

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Leveraging Tiled Display for Big Data Visualization Using D3.js , Ujjwal Acharya

Fostering the Retrieval of Suitable Web Resources in Response to Children's Educational Search Tasks , Oghenemaro Deborah Anuyah

Privacy-Preserving Genomic Data Publishing via Differential Privacy , Tanya Khatri

Injecting Control Commands Through Sensory Channel: Attack and Defense , Farhad Rasapour

Strong Mutation-Based Test Generation of XACML Policies , Roshan Shrestha

Performance, Scalability, and Robustness in Distributed File Tree Copy , Christopher Robert Sutton

Using DNA For Data Storage: Encoding and Decoding Algorithm Development , Kelsey Suyehira

Detecting Saliency by Combining Speech and Object Detection in Indoor Environments , Kiran Thapa

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Identifying Restaurants Proposing Novel Kinds of Cuisines: Using Yelp Reviews , Haritha Akella

Editing Behavior Analysis and Prediction of Active/Inactive Users in Wikipedia , Harish Arelli

CloudSkulk: Design of a Nested Virtual Machine Based Rootkit-in-the-Middle Attack , Joseph Anthony Connelly

Predicting Friendship Strength in Facebook , Nitish Dhakal

Privacy-Preserving Trajectory Data Publishing via Differential Privacy , Ishita Dwivedi

Cultivating Community Interactions in Citizen Science: Connecting People to Each Other and the Environment , Bret Allen Finley

Uncovering New Links Through Interaction Duration , Laxmi Amulya Gundala

Variance: Secure Two-Party Protocol for Solving Yao's Millionaires' Problem in Bitcoin , Joshua Holmes

A Scalable Graph-Coarsening Based Index for Dynamic Graph Databases , Akshay Kansal

Integrity Coded Databases: Ensuring Correctness and Freshness of Outsourced Databases , Ujwal Karki

Editable View Optimized Tone Mapping For Viewing High Dynamic Range Panoramas On Head Mounted Display , Yuan Li

The Effects of Pair-Programming in a High School Introductory Computer Science Class , Ken Manship

Towards Automatic Repair of XACML Policies , Shuai Peng

Identification of Unknown Landscape Types Using CNN Transfer Learning , Ashish Sharma

Hand Gesture Recognition for Sign Language Transcription , Iker Vazquez Lopez

Learning to Code Music : Development of a Supplemental Unit for High School Computer Science , Kelsey Wright

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Identification of Small Endogenous Viral Elements within Host Genomes , Edward C. Davis Jr.

When the System Becomes Your Personal Docent: Curated Book Recommendations , Nevena Dragovic

Security Testing with Misuse Case Modeling , Samer Yousef Khamaiseh

Estimating Length Statistics of Aggregate Fried Potato Product via Electromagnetic Radiation Attenuation , Jesse Lovitt

Towards Multipurpose Readability Assessment , Ion Madrazo

Evaluation of Topic Models for Content-Based Popularity Prediction on Social Microblogs , Axel Magnuson

CEST: City Event Summarization using Twitter , Deepa Mallela

Developing an ABAC-Based Grant Proposal Workflow Management System , Milson Munakami

Phoenix and Hive as Alternatives to RDBMS , Diana Ornelas

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Computer Science Theses

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All of our academic staff are research active, working with a team of post-graduate and post-doctoral researchers and a lively population of research students. Our research focuses on core themes of theoretical and practical computer science: artificial intelligence and symbolic computation, networked and distributed systems, systems engineering, and human computer interaction.

For more information please visit the School of Computer science home page.

This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Recent Submissions

Enhancing privacy for secure internet communications using ilnp , processing clinical guideline text for formal verification , automatic evaluation of geopolitical risk , automating inventory composition management for bulk purchasing cloud brokerage strategy , biologically-informed interpretable deep learning techniques for bmi prediction and gene interaction detection .


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Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Improving and Modeling Heterogeneous Streaming Computation , Clayton Faber

A Distributed and Hybrid AI-Based Security Framework for 5G Real-time Applications , Ali Ghubaish

Tree Recovery by Dynamic Programming , Gustavo Alberto Gratacos

Experimental Design for Scientific Discovery , Quan Minh Nguyen

An Attention LSTM U-Net Model for Drosophila Melanogaster Heart Tube Segmentation , Xiangping Ouyang

Improved Models of Elastic Scheduling , Marion Baumli Sudvarg

Mending Trust in AI: Trust Repair Policy Interventions for Large Language Models in Visual Data Journalism , Hangxiao Zhu

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Integrative analysis of cell-free DNA liquid biopsy data , Irfan Alahi

Deep Learning for Tomographic Image Reconstruction Guided by Generative Models and Image Science , Sayantan Bhadra

Interpretable deep learning via sparse representation for protein-DNA interactions , Shane Kuei-Hsien Chu

Feature-Oriented Hardware Design , Justin Deters

Decentralized Computing for Reliable Home Automation , Rahav Dor

Injective Mapping under Constraints , Xingyi Du

Consequences and Incentives of Fair Learning , Andrew Estornell

Learning in Large Interactive Environments , Hai S. Le

TFA inference: Using mathematical modeling of gene expression data to infer the activity of transcription factors , Cynthia Ma

Learning from User Interactions and Providing Guidance in Visual Data Analysis , Shayan Monadjemi

Translating Deep Learning into Scientific Domains: Case Studies in Bioactivation, Quantum Chemistry, and Clinical Studies , Kathryn Sarullo

An Efficient Task-Parallel Platform for Interactive Applications , Kyle Singer

Models and Algorithms for Real-Time Systems , Abhishek Singh

Understanding Societal Values of ChatGPT , Yidan Tang

Throughput Optimizations for Irregular Dataflow Streaming Applications on Wide-SIMD Architectures , Stephen William Timcheck

Adversarial Patch Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms , Peizhen Tong

Honesty Is Not Always the Best Policy: Defending Against Membership Inference Attacks on Genomic Data , Rajagopal Venkatesaramani

Real-time Analysis of Aerosol Size Distributions with the Fast Integrated Mobility Spectrometer (FIMS) , Daisy Wang

Feature Selection from Clinical Surveys Using Semantic Textual Similarity , Benjamin Warner

An Assistive Interface For Displaying Novice's Code History , Ruiwei Xiao

Model-based Deep Learning for Computational Imaging , Xiaojian Xu

Securing Autonomous Driving: Addressing Adversarial Attacks and Defenses , Jinghan Yang

Evaluating the Problem Solving Abilities of ChatGPT , Fankun Zeng

PathFormer: Interpretable and Powerful Graph Transformer for Gene Network Analysis , Qihang Zhao, Zehao Dong, Muhan Zhang, Philip Payne, Michael Province, Carlos Cruchaga, Tianyu Zhao, Yixin Chen, and Fuhai Li

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Tell It Slant: Investigating the Engagement, Discourse, and Popularity of Data Visualization in Online Communities , Emma Baker

A Reconfigurable FPGA Overlay Architecture for Matrix-Matrix Multiplication , Zihao Chen

Smart Sensing and Clinical Predictions with Wearables: From Physiological Signals to Mental Health , Ruixuan Dai

Dynamic Continuous Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems , Khoi Hoang

The Effects of Host-like Environmental Signals and Gene Expression on Capsule Growth in Cryptococcus neoformans , Yu Min Jung

Application of Crowdsourcing and Machine Learning to Predict Sentiments in Textual Student Feedback in Large Computer Science Classes , Robert Kasumba

Measuring the Effectiveness of Light Concentration with the Catoptric Surface , Samatha Kodali

Applying HLS to FPGA Data Preprocessing in the Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope , Meagan Konst

Application of Neural Networks to Predict Patient-Specific Cellular Parameters in Computational Cardiac Models , Chang Hi Lee

Scalable Software Infrastructure for the Lab and a Specific Investigation of the Yeast Transcription Factor Eds1 , Chase Mateusiak

Design & Analysis of Mixed-mode Integrated Circuit for Pulse-shape Discrimination , Bryan Orabutt

Modeling Metastasis in Breast Cancer Patients Using EHR Data, the Area Deprivation Index (ADI), and Machine Learning Models , Vishesh Patel

Speeding up the quantification of Contrast Sensitivity functions using Multidimensional Bayesian Active Learning , Shohaib Shaffiey

Integrating Physical Models and Deep Priors for Computational Imaging , Yu Sun

Human-Centered Machine Learning: Algorithm Design and Human Behavior , Wei Tang

Scheduling for High Throughput and Small Latency in Parallel and Distributed Systems , Zhe Wang

Design and Analysis of Strategic Behavior in Networks , Sixie Yu

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Technical University of Munich

  • Department of Computer Science
  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Completed Doctoral Theses

Below you will find all doctoral theses that have been published on mediaTUM , TUM's publication server, since 2013.

Note: This “quick search” only finds text in the shown fields, not in abstracts or keywords. The search term must have at least 3 letters.

  • Anneser, Christoph Maximilian: Adaptive Optimizations for Databases. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Ayikudi Ramachandrakumar, Balasubramanian: Computational Complexity of Verifying Parameterized Systems. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bandle, Maximilian: Efficient Data Processing on Modern Hardware. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bergmann, Michael George: Integrated Data Analysis augmented by Kinetic Modeling. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Biloš, Marin: Machine Learning for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bondel, Gloria Mercedes: API Management Practices and Patterns for Public, Partner, and Group Web APIs with a Focus on Knowledge Transfer and Collaboration. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Charpentier, Bertrand P. A. H.: Uncertainty Estimation for Independent and Non-Independent Data. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Chen, Zhenyu: Grounding Natural Language to 3D Scenes. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Dorozhinskii, Ravil: Adapting and Optimizing High Order Seismic Simulations for GPU-based Supercomputers. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Durner, Dominik: High-Performance Query Processing in the Cloud. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Farshad, Azade: Learning to Learn Neural Representations with Limited Data and Supervision. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Fent, Philipp: Low Latency Query Planning and Processing in Database Systems. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Gallersdörfer, Ulrich Simon Stefan: Public Key Infrastructures and Blockchain Systems – Utilizing Internet Public Key Infrastructures to Leverage Their Trust and Adoption in Blockchain Systems. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Heidekrüger, Stefan: Learning Continuous and Pure Bayes-Nash Equilibria in Sealed-Bid Auctions. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Huynh, Minh Tri: Acadela: A Domain-Specific Language for Modeling Executable Clinical Pathways. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Kayalibay, Baris: Control with Spatial World Models. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Krenz, Lukas Daniel Sidney: A Fully Coupled Model for Petascale Earthquake-Tsunami and Earthquake-Sound Simulations. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Lang, Harald: Query Processing on Modern Hardware. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Lederer, Patrick: Strategic Manipulation in Social Choice Theory. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Leppin, Leonhard Andrew: Turbulence simulations of the high confinement mode pedestal in tokamak fusion experiments. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Lingg, Jakob Gerhard Peter: Shortwave-infrared Line-Scanning Confocal Microscope for Deep Tissue Imaging. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Makarov, Sergei Olegovich: Development and Implementation of a Generalized Multi-Ion Transport Model in Plasma Edge Fluid Codes. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mayr, Christina Maria: Crowd management based on direct communication technology. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Menhorn, Friedrich M.: Optimization under uncertainty and the multilevel Monte Carlo method. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mirchev, Atanas Georgiev: Spatial State-Space Models – Dense Probabilistic Prediction and Inference in 3D. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Munilla Garrido, Gonzalo: Improving the Applicability of Differential Privacy in Data Sharing and Analytics Applications. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Müller, Tobias: Guiding the Practical Adoption of Federated Machine Learning in Organizations. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Rahn, Simon Andreas: Modeling and simulation of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in dynamic crowds. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Reiz, Severin Maximilian: On the Algorithmic Impact of Scientific Computing on Machine Learning. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Rettino, Brando: Gyrokinetic investigation on linear and non-linear energetic-particle driven instabilities in experimental relevant scenarios. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schwermer, René Karsten: Federated Computing Systems In The Context of Energy Informatics. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Sichert, Moritz-Felipe: Efficient and Safe Integration of User-Defined Operators into Modern Database Systems. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Stöckle, Patrick: A Holistic Approach for Security Configuration. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Welzel-Mohr, Christoph: Inductive Statements for Regular Transition Systems. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Wolf, Sebastian Felix: High-Performance Earthquake Simulations with Advanced Material Models. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Yu, Kevin: Advanced 3D UI for Immersive AR/VR Medical Teleconsultation. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • de la Rosa, Ezequiel: Machine Learning Characterization of Vascular Functions in Stroke Perfusion Imaging. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Artigues, Victor Maria Allan: Multi-Class and Cross-Tokamak Disruption Prediction using Shapelet-Based Neural Networks. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Azinović, Dejan: Inverse Rendering for Geometry and Material Reconstruction. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bdair, Tariq Mousa Ahmad: Annotation-Efficient Medical Imaging with Deep Learning. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bernhofer, Michael: Evolution of Transmembrane Protein Prediction. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bullinger, Martin: Computing Desirable Outcomes in Coalition Formation. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Burwinkel, Hendrik: Deep Learning based Clinical Decision Support through Strong Differentiable Domain Priors. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Böttcher, Jan D.: Scalable Concurrency Control Methods for Modern Database Systems. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Czempiel, Tobias M.: Symphony of Time: Temporal Deep Learning for Surgical Activity Recognition. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Dendorfer, Patrick: Deep Learning for Human Motion: Advancing Trajectory Prediction and Multi-Object Tracking. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Denninger, Maximilian: Persistent Learning for Semantic Indoor Mapping in Dynamic Environments. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Eilers, Christine: Intelligent, Applicable and Acceptable Robotic Ultrasound. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Elsner, Daniel Valentin: Integrating System and Process Characteristics into Regression Test Optimization. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Engelmann, Severin Karl David: Understanding the Legitimacy of Digital Socio-Technical Classification Systems. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Fichtl, Maximilian: Algorithms for Computing Equilibria in Auctions. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Freitag, Michael Johannes: Building an HTAP Database System for Modern Hardware. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Gasteiger, Johannes: On the Convergence of Structure and Geometry in Graph Neural Networks. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hagerer, Gerhard Johann: Opinion Mining for Qualitative Content Studies. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hariharan, Sai Gokul: Novel Analytical and Learning-based Image Processing Techniques for Dose Reduction in Interventional X-ray Imaging. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hauffa, Jan Lukas: Topic-Driven Characterization of Social Relationships for the Analysis of Social Influence. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Helfrich, Martin: Efficient Analysis of Population Protocols and Chemical Reaction Networks. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Isychev, Anastasia: Improving Analysis and Optimization of Finite-Precision Programs. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Khakzar, Ashkan: Rethinking Feature Attribution for Neural Network Explanation. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Kohn, André: Efficient Analytical Workflows for Computational Database Systems. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Kurle, Richard: Variational Bayes for Continual Learning and Time-Series Forecasting. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Li, Hongwei: Efficient and Cross-Domain Deep Learning for Advanced Neuroimage Analysis. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Li, Ling: Genetic investigation of coronary artery disease by Mendelian randomization and transcriptome-wide association studies. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Munjal, Bharti: Fine-grained Object Recognition with Fewer Labels: From Person Search to Few-shot Classification & Multi-object Tracking. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Palmas, Fabrizio: The Impact of Gamification on Corporate Extended Reality Training. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Petrovska, Ana: On Engineering Self-Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Prantl, Lukas: Deep Learning Methods for Simulation of Liquids. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Salpisti, Despoina: Procedural Generation of Virtual Environments as Context for Mixed Reality Experiences in the Automotive Design. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Savkin, Artem: Synthetic Data for Perception in Autonomous Driving. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schmid, Katharina Theresia: Computational methods for design and analysis of population-based multiomics studies. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schmidt, Tabea Ruth Jasmin: Testing the Safe Behavior of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Scenario-Based Testing. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schnappinger, Markus: On Machine Learning Assisted Software Maintainability Assessments. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Seibold, Matthias Robert: Deep Learning-based Acoustic Sensing for Medical Applications. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Shugurov, Ivan: 6 DoF Pose Estimation of Known and Novel Objects With Dense Correspondences. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Swazinna, Phillip A.: Policy Regularization for Model-Based Offline Reinforcement Learning. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Thiel, Kevin Kennard: Automated Creation, Evaluation and Configuration of Markerless Object Tracking for Superimposed Augmented Reality. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Tirindelli, Maria: Physics-Inspired Machine Intelligence for Robotic Ultrasound Imaging. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Tomczak, Agnieszka Maria: Deep learning for blood cell image analysis. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Ulbl, Philipp: Collision Models for Gyrokinetic Simulations of Edge Turbulence in Fusion Plasmas. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Vestner, Matthias: Deformable Shape Correspondence Using Pointwise and Pairwise Features. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Vogel, Lukas: Adaptive Storage Structures. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Wang, Junpeng: Trajectory-based Stress Tensor Visualization and its Application in Structural Design and Optimization. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Wang, Yida: Learning-based Single View 3D Completion. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Weber, Sandro: Embodiment in Virtual and Mixed Environments. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Weil-Kennedy, Chana Yvonne Marie: Observation Petri Nets. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Wenzel, Patrick M.: Deep Learning Methods for Vehicle Localization and Control under Challenging Conditions. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Winter, Christian Michael: Managing Dynamic Workloads in Relational Database Systems. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Xie, You: Temporally Coherent Video Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Yilmaz, Fatih: Application and Development of Business Capability Maps in Horizontal Collaborations. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Yu, Hao: Correspondence Estimation through Descriptor Learning for Point Cloud Registration. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Zhou, Qunjie: Deep Learning Meets Visual Localization. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Zhu, Donghao: Information Disclosure and Pricing in On-Demand Service Platforms. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • von Stumberg, Lukas Michael: Optimization- and Learning-Based Approaches to Visual SLAM and Relocalization. Dissertation, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Arnout, Hiba: Generative Adversarial Networks for Time Series Generation and Translation. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Avetisyan, Armen: CAD Model Retrieval and Alignment in 3D Scans. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bayat, Amirhossein: Image Based Personalized Bone Therapy Planning using Deep Learning. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bergmann, Paul: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization for Visual Quality Inspection. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bernius, Jan Philip: Automatic Assessment of Textual Exercises. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Body, Thomas Alfred John: Development of Turbulence Simulations for the Edge & Divertor and Validation against Experiment. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Brunner, Julian M.: Formal Verification of Algorithms for Automata and Model Checking. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Capobianco, Nicolò: Radiotracer uptake classification using deep learning for evaluation of image-derived cancer biomarkers in PET/CT. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Chiotellis, Ioannis Nektarios: Autonomous Learning for Machine Perception. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Dhamo, Helisa: Scene Understanding and Decomposition for Synthesis and Editing. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Dürrwang, Jürgen: Steigerung der Betriebssicherheit von Personenkraftwagen durch Bedrohungsanalysen für die Informationssicherheit. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Eckl, Alexander: Online Algorithms for Scheduling with Testing. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Eder, Johannes David: Automatic Exploration of Automotive E/E Architectures. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Frerix, Thomas: From Numerical Optimization to Deep Learning and Back. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Gödel, Marion: Systematic parameter analysis to reduce uncertainty in crowd simulations. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Heinzinger, Michael: How to Speak Protein? - Representation Learning for Protein Prediction. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Janke, Maximilian M.: Online Algorithms for Scheduling and Data Management. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Jiang, Zhongliang: Intelligent Robotic Sonography: Adaptive, Dynamic and Learning-Powered Image Acquisition. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Kacianka, Severin: Accountability for Cyber-Physical Systems. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Klepper, Simon Valentin Sebastian: Continuous Research & Development – Scientific Research as Decision Support for Continuous Software Engineering in Domains with High Uncertainty. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Lehmberg, Daniel: Operator-informed machine learning: Extracting geometry and dynamics from time series data. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Linder, Oliver: Self-consistent modeling of electron runaway in tokamak disruptions. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Martin Gomez, Alejandro: Perceptual Visualization for Object Alignment in Mixed Reality. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Michels, Dominik: Development of a high-performance gyrokinetic turbulence code for the edge and scrape-off layer of magnetic confinement fusion devices. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Moin, Armin: Enabling Data Analytics and Machine Learning in Model-Driven Software Engineering of Smart IoT Services. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Pipelidis, Georgios: On Indoor Localization and Indoor Mapping – A Deeper Look into Dynamic Mapping. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Quedenfeld, Jens: Algorithms for Energy Conservation in Data Centers. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Rannabauer, Leonhard Andreas: Earthquake and Tsunami Simulation with high-order ADER-DG methods. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Reimer, Lara Marie: Physical Activity Recognition Using Mobile Devices. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Reinbold, Christian: Efficient Measures for Processing and Exploring Large-Scale Data Domains. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Samfass, Philipp: Reactive Load Balancing and Resilience Techniques in Simulation Applications on Supercomputers. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Schmiedmayer, Paul: Designing Evolvable Web Services. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schwarz, Gregor: Designing Large-Scale Auction Markets. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schüle, Maximilian E.: Modern SQL for Knowledge Discovery and Dataset Versioning. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Shchur, Oleksandr: Modeling Continuous-time Event Data with Neural Temporal Point Processes. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Simson, Walter Arthur: Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Advanced Medical Ultrasound. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Soberanis Mukul, Roger David: Hybrid Convolutional and Graph-Convolutional Framework for Segmentation Refinement. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Sârbu, Paul-Cristian: Analysis and Performance Engineering for Learning with Sparse Grids. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Uludag, Ömer: Empirical Analysis of the Adoption of Large-Scale Agile Development Methods. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Vivar, Gerome: Towards Automated Clinical Diagnostic Decision Support using Machine Learning. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Wald, Johanna: 3D Scene Understanding of Static and Dynamic Indoor Environments. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Weininger, Maximilian Ph.: Solving Stochastic Games Reliably. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Weiss, Jakob Matthias: Intraoperative Visualization for OCT-Assisted Retinal Microsurgery. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Weiß, Sebastian Klaus: Deep Learning for Volume Visualization. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Zhuang, Qinyu: Non-intrusive Model Order Reduction based on Joint Space Sampling and Active Learning. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Zügner, Daniel: Adversarial Robustness of Graph Neural Networks. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • van Renen, Alexander: Persistent Memory in Database Systems. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • von Frankenberg und Ludwigsdorff, Nadine Katharina Victoria: Rationale Management for Event-Based Arbitration of Thermal Quality in Shared Spaces. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Ahmadvand, Mohsen: Strengthened, Composable, and Quantifiable Software Integrity Protection. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Ashok, Pranav: A Learning Twist on Controllers: Synthesis via Partial Exploration and Concise Representations. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Azizi Koutenaei, Bamshad: Computer-Assisted Navigation Methods for Screw Placement in Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Surgery. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Baur, Christoph: Anomaly Detection in Brain MRI: From Supervised to Unsupervised Deep Learning. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bork, Felix Jonas: Interactive Augmented Reality for Student-Centered, Explorative, and Collaborative Human Gross Anatomy Education. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Braun, Daniel: Automated Semantic Analysis, Legal Assessment, and Summarization of Standard Form Contracts. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bui, Linda Mai: Regression Optimization for Camera Localization. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Busam, Benjamin Emanuel: High Performance Visual Pose Computation. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Duarte Pinto de Almeida Matos, Francisco: Deep Learning for Tomography, State Classification and Event Detection in Nuclear Fusion Plasmas. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Eberl, Manuel: Asymptotic Reasoning in a Proof Assistant. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Follmann, Patrick Moritz: Few-Shot Object Detection in Industrial Applications – Training Accurate Models with Few Annotations. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Gallard, Jean-Matthieu: Template-based code generation for a customizable high-performance hyperbolic PDE engine. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Golkov, Vladimir: Deep learning and variational analysis for high-dimensional and geometric biomedical data. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Haslbeck, Maximilian Paul Louis: Verified Quantitative Analysis of Imperative Algorithms. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hauer, Florian: On Scenario-Based Testing of Automated and Autonomous Driving Systems. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
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  • Souiai, Mohamed: Convex Semantic Priors for Continuous Multi-Label Optimization. Dissertation, 2017 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Tan, David Joseph: Learn to Track: From Images to 3D Data. Dissertation, 2017 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Teufl, Sabine Maria: Seamless Model-based Requirements Engineering: Models, Guidelines, Tools. Dissertation, 2017 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Toman, Stefan: Radicals of Binomial Ideals and Commutative Thue Systems. Dissertation, 2017 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Wieczorek, Matthias: Anisotropic X-ray Dark-field Tomography. Dissertation, 2017 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Zettinig, Oliver: Advanced Ultrasound Imaging Techniques for Computer Assisted Interventions. Dissertation, 2017 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bauer, Veronika Maria: Analysing and supporting software reuse in practice. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Böck, Matthias: Learning of Probabilistic Models to Infer Gene Regulatory Networks. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Carstens, Simeon: Bayesian structure determination from Chromosome Conformation Capture data and avenues to improve conformational sampling. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Chatelain, Pierre: Quality-Driven Control of a Robotized Ultrasound Probe. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Demir, Ismail: Visual Abstractions for Analyzing Uncertain Multidimensional Data. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Dippon, Andreas: Natural Interaction in Multi-Device Environments. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Drost, Bertram Heinrich: Point Cloud Computing for Rigid and Deformable 3D Object Recognition. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Eder, Sebastian: Exploiting Execution Profiles in Software Maintenance and Test. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Emara, Karim Ahmed Awad El-Sayed: Safety-aware Location Privacy in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Fadaei, Salman: Algorithmic Mechanism Design via Relaxation and Rounding. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Ferstl, Florian: Visualizing the Variability in Ensemble Simulations. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Finis, Jan Peter: On Supporting Hierarchical Data in Relational Main-Memory Database Systems. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Freiherr von Gleissenthall, Klaus: Cardinalities in Software Verification. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Fuchs, Christoph: Limits and Chances of Social Information Retrieval. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Fürst, Bernhard: Multi-modal Registration and Robotic Imaging for Computer Assisted Surgery. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Geist, Christian: Generating Insights in Social Choice Theory via Computer-aided Methods. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Goldberg, Tatyana: Next Generation Machine Learning Prediction of Protein Cellular Sorting. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Haladjian, Juan: TangoHapps: An Integrated Development Environment for Smart Textiles. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Han, Gel: Development of an Indoor Location Tracking System for the Operating Room. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hapfelmeier, Andreas: Incremental Linear Model Trees on Big Data. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hauder, Matheus: Empowering End-Users to Collaboratively Structure Knowledge-Intensive Processes. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hauptmann, Benedikt: Reducing System Testing Effort by Focusing on Commonalities in Test Procedures. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Holling, Dominik: Defect-based Quality Assurance with Defect Models. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hopf, Thomas: Phenotype prediction from evolutionary sequence covariation. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Huang, Chun-Hao: Tracking by Detection of 3D Human Shapes in Multi-camera Environments. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hörnig, Martin: Kameraparameter-Nachführung durch natürliche Landmarken in Sequenzen monokularer Bilder am Beispiel von Fußballübertragungen mit Anwendungen zu automatischer Ballbesitz- und Spielereigniserkennung. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Itoh, Yuta: Calibration and Use of Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays toward Indistinguishable Augmented Reality. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Jarema, Mihaela: Visual Analysis of Statistical Aspects of Ensemble Data. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Junker, Maximilian: Specification and Analysis of Availability for Software-Intensive Systems. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Kelbert, Florian Manuel: Data Usage Control for Distributed Systems. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Khakhutskyy, Valeriy: Sparse Grids for Big Data: Exploiting Parsimony for Large-Scale Learning. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Kowitz, Christoph: Applying the Sparse Grid Combination Technique in Linear Gyrokinetics. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX
  • Krugel, Johannes: Approximate Pattern Matching with Index Structures. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Krusche, Stephan: Rugby - A Process Model for Continuous Software Engineering. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Kunčar, Ondřej: Types, Abstraction and Parametric Polymorphism in Higher-Order Logic. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Lamche, Béatrice: Improving the User Experience in Mobile Recommender Systems. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Lehmann, Alexander: Mobile Social Situation Detection. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Leis, Viktor: Query Processing and Optimization in Modern Database Systems. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Ma, Meng: Personalized Interaction with Medical Information in Mixed Reality Environments. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Meisinger, Michael Johannes: A Service-Oriented Development Process for Distributed Reactive Systems. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Meister, Oliver: Sierpinski Curves for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mühlbauer, Tobias: On Scalable and Flexible Transaction and Query Processing in Main-Memory Database Systems. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Noschinski, Lars: Formalizing Graph Theory and Planarity Certificates. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Pankratz, Frieder: Augmented Reality for Augmented Reality. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Peters, Sebastian Matthias: MIBO – A Framework for the Integration of Multimodal Intuitive Controls in Smart Buildings. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Pölsterl, Sebastian Walter: Algorithms for Large-scale Learning from Heterogeneous Survival Data. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Resch, Christoph: Enhancing Projective Spatial Augmented Reality in Industry – A Model Based Approach for Registration and Calibration. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX
  • Rödiger, Wolf-Steffen: Scalable Distributed Query Processing in Parallel Main-Memory Database Systems. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Sayih, Marouane: Web Engineering mit XML-Technologien. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX
  • Schlund, Maximilian: Algebraic Systems of Fixpoint Equations over Semirings: Theory and Applications. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schneider, Alexander W.: Decision Support for Application Landscape Diversity Management. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schneider, Florian: URML: Towards Visual Negotiation of Complex System Requirements. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schulte zu Berge, Christian Ulrich: Real-time Processing for Advanced Ultrasound Visualization. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schulze, Florian: Conversational Context for Mobile Notification Management. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Seitz, Michael J.: Simulating pedestrian dynamics – Towards natural locomotion and psychological decision making. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Steidl, Daniela: Cost-Effective Quality Assurance For Long-Lived Software Using Automated Static Analysis. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Stühmer, Jan: A Convex Optimization Framework for Connectivity Constraints in Image Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Uekermann, Benjamin Walter: Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction on Massively Parallel Systems. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Unterweger, Kristof Gregor: High-Performance Coupling of Dynamically Adaptive Grids and Hyperbolic Equation Systems. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX
  • Vetter, Christoph: Accelerated Registration and Reconstruction for Functional Nuclear Imaging. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Vicedo Jover, Maria Esmeralda: Comprehensive analysis of intrinsically disordered protein content in organisms exposed to extreme ambient conditions. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Wagner, Martin Otto Werner: Gefahrenerkennung in Konfigurationen verteilter Systeme. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Wucherer, Patrick: Simulation in medical education – A novel full-scale immersive team-based simulation environment for objective performance assessment of surgical excellence. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Wüchner, Tobias: Behavior-based Malware Detection with Quantitative Data Flow Analysis. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • del Razo Sarmina, Jose Victor: Coordinated Electric Vehicle Charging in Residential and Highway Environments. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • von Sivers, Isabella Katharina Maximiliana: Modellierung sozialpsychologischer Faktoren in Personenstromsimulationen – Interpersonale Distanz und soziale Identitäten. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Belagiannis, Vasileios: Human pose estimation in complex environments. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Beyene, Tewodros Awgichew: Temporal Program Verification and Synthesis as Horn Constraints Solving. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Breuer, Alexander Nikolas: High Performance Earthquake Simulations. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Buse, Gerrit: Exploiting Many-Core Architectures for Dimensionally Adaptive Sparse Grids. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX
  • Büchler, Matthias: Semi-Automatic Security Testing of Web Applications with Fault Models and Properties. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Campetelli, Alarico: An Approach for Hybrid Modelling and Formal Verification in FOCUS. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Chajdas, Matthäus Georg: A voxel-based visualization pipeline for high-resolution geometry. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Chen, Yuxiang: 3D Image Processing for Structural Analysis of Macromolecules Using Cryo-Electron Tomography. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Cheng, Xiaoyin: Improving Reconstruction of Dynamic PET Imaging by Utilizing Temporal Coherence and Pharmacokinetics. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Dany, Fabian: Zur Nutzerakzeptanz bei telemedizinischen Systemen. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX
  • Diebold, Julia: Convex Variational Methods for Semantic Image Analysis. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Duschl, Markus: Critical Assessment of Data Visualization from the Electronic Horizon in the Context of a Deceleration Assistance System. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Funke, Florian Andreas: Adaptive Physical Optimization in Hybrid OLTP & OLAP Main-Memory Database Systems. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Ganslmeier, Thomas: Framework für die Realisierung eines hybriden Gesamtsystems zur hardwareunabhängigen Entwicklung elektronischer Fahrzeugapplikationen. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX
  • Gubichev, Andrey: Query Processing and Optimization in Graph Databases. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Guzmán Ortega, Adriana Emitza: Mining User Reviews from Mobile Applications for Software Evolution. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hariharan, Nitya: Enabling efficient simulations of radiative transfer with CRASH. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hartl, Alexander: Computational modeling of detection physics for 3D intraoperative imaging with navigated nuclear probes. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hecht, Maximilian: Prediction of functional effects for sequence variants. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hennersperger, Christoph Ludwig: Domain-Specific Modeling for Vascular Freehand Ultrasound. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Herz, Alexander: Programming Language Design, Analysis and Implementation for Automated and Effective Program Parallelization. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Holzer, Stefan: Learning-based Approaches for Template Tracking and Interest Point Detection. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Kaden, Lars: Verifikation von Parameter-Identifikationsverfahren nichtlinearer Systeme am Beispiel eines physikalischen Reifenmodells. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Klügel, Niklas: Collaborative Music-Making with Interactive Tabletops. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Kumari, Prachi: Model-Based Policy Derivation for Usage Control. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Li, Yang: DRUMS: Domain-specific Requirements Modeling for Scientists. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Lovat, Enrico: Cross-layer Data-centric Usage Control. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mihaila, Bogdan Andrei: Adaptable Static Analysis of Executables for proving the Absence of Vulnerabilities. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Oswald, Martin Ralf: Convex Variational Methods for Single-View and Space-Time Multi-View Reconstruction. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Pietzsch, Sylvia: Modellgestützte Sensordatenfusion von Laserscanner und Radar zur Erfassung komplexer Fahrzeugumgebungen. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Rautenhaus, Marc: Interactive 3D visualization of ensemble weather forecasts. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Reichl, Florian: Interactive Sample-Based Rendering of High-Resolution Data Sets. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Röhm, Tobias: The MALTASE Framework For Usage-Aware Software Evolution. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schröder, Manuel: Development of a Birth Prediction Model Using Virtual Delivery Simulation. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schweiger, Benno Maximilian: Enhancing In-Car Prediction by Car2X Communication. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX
  • Seedig, Hans Georg: Majority Relations and Tournament Solutions – A Computational Study. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Sirtl, Holger Norbert: Integrierter Prozess zu Entwurf und Bewertung einer Cloud-basierten Softwarearchitektur. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Spanfelner, Bernd: Specification and analysis of adaptive systems. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Spieckermann, Sigurd: Multi-Task and Transfer Learning with Recurrent Neural Networks. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Strekalovskiy, Evgeny: Convex Relaxation of Variational Models with Applications in Image Analysis. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Traytel, Dmytro: Formalizing Symbolic Decision Procedures for Regular Languages. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Vogel, Jakob: Tomographic Reconstruction beyond Classical X-ray CT. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Vogelsang, Andreas: Model-based Requirements Engineering for Multifunctional Systems. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Weihmann, Jeremias: Generalized Petri Nets: Algorithms and Complexity. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Wieland, Thomas: Next-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Wolke, Andreas: Energy efficient capacity management in virtualized data centers. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Yachdav, Guy: Frameworks for Large Scale Annotation of Proteins, Proteomes and Meta-proteomes. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Yigitsoy, Mehmet: Local and Global Consistency Measures in Intensity-based Medical Image Registration. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Pagano, Dennis: Portneuf - A Framework for Continuous User Involvement. Dissertation, 2013 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)

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As part of the requirements for graduate level degrees, students must complete a thesis for a Master's degree and/or dissertation for a Ph.D. Dissertations and theses are submitted to the academic department and the Graduate College and are made available through the University Library. Since 2010, all theses and dissertations are electronically deposited into IDEALS, the Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship, the University's open repository of scholarly content.

ProQuest Dissertations is a comprehensive collection of citations to dissertations and theses worldwide from 1861 to the present day. Full text PDFs are available for many Ph.D. dissertations added since 1997 and some older graduate works.

  • IDEALS (UIUC Institutional Repository) Digital copies of theses, data sets, and publications by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign faculty and students.
  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses PDF copies of dissertations and theses from U.S. universities.

Computer Science Dissertations & Theses

  • Computer Science Dissertations & Theses Search Interface

Print Dissertations & Theses

Prior to 2010, print format dissertations and theses were bound and cataloged separately for the Grainger Engineering Library. Prior to 1983, each thesis was shelved by a call number assigned by subject headings. To locate them, search the online catalog for the author’s last name, title word(s) if known, and “theses” and the year granted as subject term(s).

Computer Science dissertations and theses granted from 1985 to 1999 were assigned Q.629.1Ta, followed by the 2-number year, followed by starting letters from the author’s last name. (Example: A 1991 thesis by M. Doyle would be Q.629.1Ta91D). Dissertations and theses granted from 2000 to present were assigned Q.629.1Tb, followed by the 2-number year, followed by starting letters from the author’s last name. (Example: A 2006 thesis by H. Dewey would be Q.629.1Tb06De).

Computer Science - Q. 004T

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PhD | Dissertation Requirement

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The most important requirement for the PhD degree is the dissertation, which is the culmination of the student's research and hard work.


Review the Dissertation and Theses website for a comprehensive list of directions to prepare and submit the final draft of your dissertation.

The Dissertation & Thesis Center opens to submissions on the first day of instruction each quarter. Students must first enroll and have applied to graduate to access.

Welcome to the on-line version of the UNC dissertation proposal collection. The purpose of this collection is to provide examples of proposals for those of you who are thinking of writing a proposal of your own. I hope that this on-line collection proves to be more difficult to misplace than the physical collection that periodically disappears. If you are preparing to write a proposal you should make a point of reading the excellent document The Path to the Ph.D., written by James Coggins. It includes advice about selecting a topic, preparing a proposal, taking your oral exam and finishing your dissertation. It also includes accounts by many people about the process that each of them went through to find a thesis topic. Adding to the Collection This collection of proposals becomes more useful with each new proposal that is added. If you have an accepted proposal, please help by including it in this collection. You may notice that the bulk of the proposals currently in this collection are in the area of computer graphics. This is an artifact of me knowing more computer graphics folks to pester for their proposals. Add your non-graphics proposal to the collection and help remedy this imbalance! There are only two requirements for a UNC proposal to be added to this collection. The first requirement is that your proposal must be completely approved by your committee. If we adhere to this, then each proposal in the collection serves as an example of a document that five faculty members have signed off on. The second requirement is that you supply, as best you can, exactly the document that your committee approved. While reading over my own proposal I winced at a few of the things that I had written. I resisted the temptation to change the document, however, because this collection should truely reflect what an accepted thesis proposal looks like. Note that there is no requirement that the author has finished his/her Ph.D. Several of the proposals in the collection were written by people who, as of this writing, are still working on their dissertation. This is fine! I encourage people to submit their proposals in any form they wish. Perhaps the most useful forms at the present are Postscript and HTML, but this may not always be so. Greg Coombe has generously provided LaTeX thesis style files , which, he says, conform to the 2004-2005 stlye requirements.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this collection!
Greg Coombe, "Incremental Construction of Surface Light Fields" in PDF . Karl Hillesland, "Image-Based Modelling Using Nonlinear Function Fitting on a Stream Architecture" in PDF . Martin Isenburg, "Compressing, Streaming, and Processing of Large Polygon Meshes" in PDF . Ajith Mascarenhas, "A Topological Framework for Visualizing Time-varying Volumetric Datasets" in PDF . Josh Steinhurst, "Practical Photon Mapping in Hardware" in PDF . Ronald Azuma, "Predictive Tracking for Head-Mounted Displays," in Postscript Mike Bajura, "Virtual Reality Meets Computer Vision," in Postscript David Ellsworth, "Polygon Rendering for Interactive Scientific Visualization on Multicomputers," in Postscript Richard Holloway, "A Systems-Engineering Study of the Registration Errors in a Virtual-Environment System for Cranio-Facial Surgery Planning," in Postscript Victoria Interrante, "Uses of Shading Techniques, Artistic Devices and Interaction to Improve the Visual Understanding of Multiple Interpenetrating Volume Data Sets," in Postscript Mark Mine, "Modeling From Within: A Proposal for the Investigation of Modeling Within the Immersive Environment" in Postscript Steve Molnar, "High-Speed Rendering using Scan-Line Image Composition," in Postscript Carl Mueller, " High-Performance Rendering via the Sort-First Architecture ," in Postscript Ulrich Neumann, "Direct Volume Rendering on Multicomputers," in Postscript Marc Olano, "Programmability in an Interactive Graphics Pipeline," in Postscript Krish Ponamgi, "Collision Detection for Interactive Environments and Simulations," in Postscript Russell Taylor, "Nanomanipulator Proposal," in Postscript Greg Turk, " Generating Textures on Arbitrary Surfaces ," in HTML and Postscript Terry Yoo, " Statistical Control of Nonlinear Diffusion ," in Postscript

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Theses and dissertations

Result includes all theses and dissertations — from all sources — held in the Stanford Libraries and Digital Repository.

To show Stanford work only, refine by Stanford student work or by Stanford school or department .

Search Constraints

Refine your results, stanford student work.

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 41,247
  • Doctor of Education (EdD) 1,155
  • Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) 778
  • Doctor of Medicine (MD) 411
  • Doctor of the Science of Law (JSD) 278
  • Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD) 1
  • Unspecified 1
  • Master of Arts (MA) 9,070
  • Engineer 2,080
  • Master of Science (MS) 1,630
  • Unspecified 361
  • Master of the Science of Law (JSM) 282
  • Master of Liberal Arts (MLA) 129
  • Master of Fine Arts (MFA) 76
  • Master of Laws (LLM) 17
  • Master of Education (EdM) 10
  • Master of Legal Studies (MLS) 8
  • Undergraduate honors thesis 1,200
  • Unspecified 536
  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) 4
  • Unspecified 187
  • Student report 357

Stanford school or department

  • School of Education 5,644
  • Department of Electrical Engineering 4,919
  • Department of Chemistry 2,563
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering 2,257
  • Graduate School of Business 1,922
  • Department of Physics 1,753
  • Department of History 1,561
  • Department of English 1,430
  • Department of Economics 1,405
  • Department of Psychology 1,319
  • Department of Music 1,251
  • Computer Science Department 1,239
  • Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1,210
  • Committee on Graduate Studies 1,117
  • Department of Political Science 1,048
  • Department of Biological Sciences 932
  • Department of Applied Physics 920
  • Department of Mathematics 899
  • Department of Civil Engineering 897
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering 860
  • At the Library 123,990
  • Online 42,674

Resource type

  • Archive/Manuscript 102
  • Book 137,166
  • Journal/Periodical 1
  • Music recording 2
  • Music score 200
  • Software/Multimedia 1
  • Sound recording 4
  • Microfilm 2,612
  • Microfiche 592
  • Videocassette (VHS) 4
  • Videocassette 2

Current results range from 1508 to 2024

  • [Missing] 123
  • Archive of Recorded Sound 31
  • Art & Architecture (Bowes) 499
  • Business 1,174
  • Classics 245
  • David Rumsey Map Center 1
  • Earth Sciences (Branner) 4,487
  • East Asia 414
  • Education (Cubberley) 223
  • Engineering (Terman) 10
  • Green 5,011
  • Hoover Institution Library & Archives 2,146
  • Lane Medical 4,255
  • Law (Crown) 4,156
  • Marine Biology (Miller) 818
  • Media Center 2,455
  • Music 1,010
  • Philosophy (Tanner) 342
  • SAL1&2 (on-campus storage) 1,447
  • SAL3 (off-campus storage) 86,869
  • Science (Li and Ma) 41
  • Special Collections 46,767
  • Stanford Digital Repository 15,538
  • English 91,688
  • German 31,578
  • French 4,092
  • Latin 1,852
  • Spanish 1,384
  • Swedish 1,110
  • Dutch 1,073
  • Chinese 763
  • Russian 303
  • Portuguese 295
  • Italian 184
  • Turkish 180
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 151
  • Finnish 128
  • Greek, Modern (1453- ) 97
  • Carnoy, Martin 205
  • Ramirez, Francisco O. 180
  • Zare, Richard N. 163
  • Harris, J. S. (James Stewart), 1942- 142
  • Wender, Paul A. 137
  • Horne, Roland N. 136
  • Cutkosky, Mark R. 135
  • Khosla, Chaitan, 1964- 134
  • Kenny, Thomas William 130
  • Miller, D. A. B. 128
  • Waymouth, Robert M. 127
  • Alonso, Juan José, 1968- 125
  • Brongersma, Mark L. 122
  • Fayer, Michael D. 121
  • Fan, Shanhui, 1972- 120
  • Pauly, John (John M.) 120
  • Boxer, Steven G. (Steven George), 1947- 119
  • Horowitz, Mark (Mark Alan) 118
  • Salleo, Alberto 118
  • Saraswat, Krishna 117

Call number

  • 000s - Computer Science, Knowledge & Systems 65
  • 010s - Bibliography 10
  • 020s - Library & Information Sciences 6
  • 030s - Encyclopedias & Fact Books 1
  • 050s - General Serials & their Indexes 6
  • 060s - Associations, Organizations & Museums 139
  • 070s - News Media, Journalism, Publishing 25
  • 090s - Manuscripts & Rare Books 18
  • 100s - Philosophy 38
  • 110s - Metaphysics 34
  • 130s - Parapsychology & Occultism 22
  • 150s - Psychology 298
  • 160s - Logic 22
  • 170s - Ethics 20
  • 180s - Ancient, Medieval & Eastern Philosophy 116
  • 190s - Modern Western Philosophy 205
  • 200s - Religion 7
  • 210s - Philosophy & Theory of Religion 1
  • 220s - The Bible 39
  • 230s - Christianity & Christian Philosophy 18
  • 240s - Christian Practice & Observation 4
  • 260s - Christian Organization, Social Work & Worship 39
  • 270s - History of Christianity 95
  • 280s - Christian Denominations 123
  • 290s - Other Religions 60
  • 300s - Social Sciences, Sociology & Anthropology 255
  • 310s - Statistics 19
  • 320s - Political Science 206
  • 330s - Economics 649
  • 340s - Law 200
  • 350s - Public Administration & Military Science 83
  • 360s - Social Problems & Social Services 96
  • 370s - Education 2,460
  • 380s - Commerce, Communications, Transport 150
  • 390s - Customs, Etiquette, Folklore 38
  • 400s - Language 64
  • 410s - Linguistics 12
  • 420s - English & Old English 111
  • 430s - German & Related Languages 94
  • 440s - French & Related Languages 60
  • 450s - Italian, Romanian & Related Languages 8
  • 460s - Spanish & Portugese Languages 10
  • 470s - Latin & Italic Languages 96
  • 480s - Classical & Modern Greek Languages 18
  • 490s - Other Languages 37
  • 500s - Natural Sciences & Mathematics 81
  • 510s - Mathematics 90
  • 520s - Astronomy & Allied Sciences 11
  • 530s - Physics 100
  • 540s - Chemistry & Allied Sciences 197
  • 550s - Earth Sciences 565
  • 560s - Paleontology Paleozoology 92
  • 570s - Life Sciences, Biology 153
  • 580s - Plants (Botany) 118
  • 590s - Animals (Zoology) 241
  • 600s - Technology 1
  • 610s - Medicine & Health 541
  • 620s - Engineering & Allied Operations 89
  • 630s - Agriculture & Related Technologies 46
  • 640s - Home & Family Management 4
  • 650s - Management & Auxiliary Services 1
  • 660s - Chemical Engineering 26
  • 670s - Manufacturing 1
  • 680s - Manufacture for Specific Uses 1
  • 710s - Civic & Landscape Art 1
  • 750s - Painting & Paintings 1
  • 790s - Recreational & Performing Arts 3
  • 800s - Literature & Rhetoric 93
  • 810s - American Literature in English 76
  • 820s - English & Old English Literatures 753
  • 830s - Literatures of Germanic Languages 644
  • 840s - Literatures of Romance Languages 387
  • 850s - Italian, Romanian & Related Literatures 21
  • 860s - Spanish & Portuguese Literatures 78
  • 870s - Italic Literatures, Latin literature 179
  • 880s - Hellenic Literatures Classical Greek 116
  • 890s - Literatures of Other Languages 49
  • 900s - History & Geography 21
  • 910s - Geography & Travel 131
  • 920s - Biography, Genealogy, Insignia 18
  • 930s - History of Ancient World to ca. 499 57
  • 940s - History of Europe 352
  • 950s - History of Asia, Far East 30
  • 960s - History of Africa 14
  • 970s - History of North America 190
  • 980s - History of South America 16
  • 990s - History of Other Areas 8
  • California 3
  • Federal 2,721
  • AC - Collections, Series, Collected Works 48
  • AE - Encyclopedias 4
  • AM - Museums, Collectors & Collecting 10
  • AS - Academies & Learned Societies 86
  • AY - Yearbooks, Almanacs, Directories 2
  • AZ - History of Scholarship & Learning. The Humanities 2
  • B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion 1,888
  • BC - Logic 66
  • BD - Speculative Philosophy 135
  • BF - Psychology, Parapsychology, Occult Sciences 605
  • BH - Aesthetics 41
  • BJ - Ethics, Social Usages, Etiquette 107
  • BL - Religions, Mythology, Rationalism 372
  • BM - Judaism 177
  • BP - Islam, Bahaism, Theosophy, etc. 171
  • BQ - Buddhism 231
  • BR - Christianity 711
  • BS - The Bible 727
  • BT - Doctrinal Theology 348
  • BV - Practical Theology 314
  • BX - Christian Denominations 1,139
  • C - Auxiliary Sciences of History 1
  • CB - History of Civilization 26
  • CC - Archaeology 15
  • CD - Diplomatics, Archives, Seals 22
  • CE - Technical Chronology, Calendar 10
  • CJ - Numismatics 23
  • CN - Inscriptions, Epigraphy 23
  • CR - Heraldry 32
  • CS - Genealogy 36
  • CT - Biography 25
  • D - History (General) 606
  • DA - Great Britain (History) 153
  • DB - Austria, Liechtenstein, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Slovakia (History) 148
  • DC - France (History) 300
  • DD - Germany (History) 1,602
  • DE - Greco-Roman World (History) 31
  • DF - Greece (History) 183
  • DG - Italy, Malta (History) 271
  • DH - Low Countries, Belgium, Luxembourg (History) 40
  • DJ - Netherlands (Holland) (History) 48
  • DJK - Eastern Europe (General History) 3
  • DK - Russia, Soviet Union, Former Soviet Republics, Poland (History) 344
  • DL - Northern Europe, Scandinavia (History) 255
  • DP - Spain. Portugal (History) 82
  • DQ - Switzerland (History) 87
  • DR - Balkan Peninsula (History) 154
  • DS - Asia (History) 1,304
  • DT - Africa (History) 673
  • DU - Oceania (South Seas) (History) 39
  • DX - Romanies (Gypsies) (History) 9
  • E - America, United States (General History) 852
  • F - United States, British, Dutch, French, Latin America (Local History) 819
  • G - Geography, Atlases, Globes, Maps 84
  • GA - Mathematical Geography, Cartography 9
  • GB - Physical Geography 100
  • GC - Oceanography 102
  • GE - Environmental Sciences 22
  • GF - Human Ecology, Anthropogeography 51
  • GN - Anthropology 375
  • GR - Folklore 92
  • GT - Manners & Customs 81
  • GV - Recreation. Leisure 135
  • H - Social Sciences (General) 124
  • HA - Statistics 9
  • HB - Economic Theory, Demography 450
  • HC - Economic History & Conditions 859
  • HD - Industries, Land use, Labor 2,543
  • HE - Transportation & Communications 430
  • HF - Commerce 1,748
  • HG - Finance 619
  • HJ - Public Finance 257
  • HM - Sociology 233
  • HN - Social History & Conditions 336
  • HQ - Family, Marriage, Gender & Sexuality 643
  • HS - Societies: Secret, Benevolent, etc. 28
  • HT - Communities, Classes, Races 220
  • HV - Social Pathology, Social & Public Welfare, Criminology 450
  • HX - Socialism, Communism, Utopias, Anarchism 277
  • J - Political Science (Legislative & Executive papers) 15
  • JA - Political Science (General) 87
  • JC - Political Theory 271
  • JF - Political Institutions & Public Administration (General) 65
  • JK - Political Institutions & Public Administration (U.S.) 83
  • JL - Political Institutions & Public Administration (Canada, Latin America) 60
  • JN - Political Institutions & Public Administration (Europe) 574
  • JQ - Political Institutions & Public Administration (Asia, Africa, Australia, Pacific Area) 242
  • JS - Local Government, Municipal Government 123
  • JV - Colonies & Colonization, Emigration & Immigration 128
  • JX - International Law 390
  • JZ - International Relations 68
  • K - Law 552
  • KBM - Jewish Law 8
  • KBP - Islamic Law 40
  • KBR - History of Canon law 143
  • KBT - Canon law of Eastern Rite Churches in Communion with the Holy See of Rome 1
  • KBU - Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See 265
  • KD - Law of England & Wales 44
  • KDC - Law of Scotland 1
  • KDK - Law of Ireland (EIRE) 1
  • KDZ - Law of America, North America 9
  • KE - Law of Canada 18
  • KEB - Law of British Columbia 1
  • KEO - Law of Ontario 1
  • KEQ - Law of Quebec 2
  • KF - Law of the U.S. 314
  • KFA - Law of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas 1
  • KFC - Law of California, Colorado, Connecticut 14
  • KFD - Law of Delaware, District of Columbia 1
  • KFF - Law of Florida 1
  • KFG - Law of Georgia 1
  • KFI - Law of Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa 3
  • KFM - Law of Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana 8
  • KFN - Law of Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota 11
  • KFO - Law of Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon 1
  • KFT - Law of Tennessee, Texas 4
  • KFU - Law of Utah 1
  • KFV - Law of Vermont, Virginia 4
  • KFW - Law of Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming 2
  • KFX - Law of Individual U.S. cities 5
  • KG - Law of Latin America 11
  • KGB - Law of Costa Rica 3
  • KGC - Law of El Salvador 1
  • KGD - Law of Guatemala 4
  • KGF - Law of Mexico 31
  • KGH - Law of Panama, Panama Canal Zone 2
  • KGR - Law of Dutch Leeward Islands, Dutch West Indies (Netherlands Antilles), Dutch Windward Islands, French West Indies, Grenada 1
  • KHA - Law of Argentina 9
  • KHC - Law of Bolivia 3
  • KHD - Law of Brazil 10
  • KHF - Law of Chile 12
  • KHH - Law of Colombia 55
  • KHK - Law of Ecuador 10
  • KHN - Law of Guyana 1
  • KHP - Law of Paraguay 1
  • KHQ - Law of Peru 4
  • KHS - Law of Suriname 1
  • KHW - Law of Venezuela 11
  • KJ - History of law: Europe 8
  • KJA - Roman Law 77
  • KJC - Europe: Regional Comparative & Uniform Law 76
  • KJE - Europe: Regional Organization & Integration 59
  • KJJ - Law of Austria 7
  • KJK - Law of Belgium, Bosnia and Hercegovina (Federation), Republika Srpska 1
  • KJM - Law of Bulgaria, Croatia (Kingdom), Croatia (1992- ) 3
  • KJP - Law of Czechoslovakia (to 1993), Czech Republic (1993- ) 3
  • KJR - Law of Denmark 6
  • KJS - Law of Estonia 1
  • KJT - Law of Finland 6
  • KJV - Law of France 88
  • KJW - Law of French Regions, Provinces, Departments 4
  • KK - Law of Germany 531
  • KKA - Law of East Germany 11
  • KKB - Law of German states and provinces (A-Pr) 24
  • KKC - Law of German states and provinces (Ps-Z) 16
  • KKE - Law of Greece 6
  • KKF - Law of Hungary 3
  • KKH - Law of Italy, Kosovo 10
  • KKI - Law of Latvia 1
  • KKM - Law of the Netherlands 16
  • KKP - Law of Poland 5
  • KKR - Law of Romania 1
  • KKT - Law of Spain 16
  • KKV - Law of Sweden 16
  • KKW - Law of Switzerland 119
  • KKX - Law of Turkey 7
  • KKY - Law of Ukraine 1
  • KKZ - Law of Yugoslavia. Serbia and Montenegro (to 2006) 1
  • KL - History of Law, The Ancient Orient 17
  • KLA - Law of Russia, Soviet Union 8
  • KLP - Law of Ukraine (1919-1991), Zakavkazskaia͡ Sots͡ialisticheskaia͡ Federativnaia͡ Sovetskaia͡ Respublika (to 1936) 1
  • KLS - Law of Kyrgyzstan 1
  • KMC - Law of the Middle East, Southwest Asia: Regional comparative and uniform law 2
  • KMJ - Law of Iraq 1
  • KMK - Law of Israel 15
  • KMM - Law of Jordan, West Bank 2
  • KMP - Law of Lebanon 2
  • KMQ - Law of Oman, Palestine (to 1948) 1
  • KNF - Afghanistan 1
  • KNN - Law of China 9
  • KNP - Law of Taiwan 13
  • KNQ - Law of China (People's Republic, 1949- ) 23
  • KNR - Law of Hong Kong (to 1997) 2
  • KNS - Law of India 9
  • KNW - Law of Indonesia, East Timor 3
  • KNX - Law of Japan 21
  • KPA - Law of Korea. South Korea 5
  • KPL - Law of Pakistan 1
  • KPM - Law of the Philippines 6
  • KPP - Law of Singapore 2
  • KQC - Africa: Regional comparative and uniform law 5
  • KQE - Africa: Regional organization and integration 1
  • KQH - Law of Angola 2
  • KQJ - Law of Benin 1
  • KQW - Law of Cameroon 4
  • KRM - Law of Egypt (United Arab Republic) 17
  • KRX - Law of Ghana 8
  • KSA - Law of Guinea 1
  • KSK - Law of Kenya 6
  • KSR - Law of Madagascar 1
  • KSW - Law of Morocco 3
  • KTA - Law of Nigeria 6
  • KTD - Law of Rwanda 2
  • KTG - Law of Senegal 3
  • KTL - Law of South Africa, Republic of 16
  • KTQ - Law of Sudan 1
  • KTT - Law of Tanzania 1
  • KTU - Law of Togo 1
  • KTV - Law of Tunisia 2
  • KTX - Law of Congo (Democratic Republic) 4
  • KU - Law of Australia 4
  • KVE - Law of Pacific area jurisdictions: Regional comparative and uniform law: Regional organization and integration. Pacific area cooperation 1
  • KZ - Law of Nations 152
  • KZA - Law of the sea 11
  • KZD - Law of outer space 3
  • L - Education 12
  • LA - History of Education 466
  • LB - Theory & Practice of Education 843
  • LC - Special Aspects of Education 617
  • LD - Individual Educational Institutions: United States 117
  • LE - Individual Educational Institutions: America (except U.S.) 5
  • LF - Individual Educational Institutions: Europe 51
  • LG - Individual Educational Institutions: Asia, Africa, Oceania 11
  • M - Music 34
  • ML - Literature on Music 3,041
  • MT - Musical Instruction & Study 184
  • N - Visual Arts 552
  • NA - Architecture 573
  • NB - Sculpture 263
  • NC - Drawing, Design, Illustration 69
  • ND - Painting 726
  • NE - Print Media 62
  • NK - Decorative Arts, Applied Arts, Decoration & Ornament 186
  • NX - Arts in General 42
  • P - Philology, Linguistics (General) 684
  • PA - Classical Philology, Greek & Latin Languages & Literatures 1,590
  • PB - Modern Languages, Celtic Languages 36
  • PC - Romance Philology & Languages 571
  • PD - Germanic Philology & Languages 249
  • PE - English Philology & Language 485
  • PF - West Germanic Philology & Languages 438
  • PG - Slavic, Baltic, Albanian Languages & Literatures 466
  • PH - Uralic, Basque Languages & Literatures 79
  • PJ - Oriental Philology & Literature 335
  • PK - Indo-Iranian Philology & Literature 157
  • PL - Languages & Literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania 662
  • PM - Hyperborean, Indian & Artificial Languages 140
  • PN - Literature (General) & Journalism 1,294
  • PQ - French, Italian, Spanish & Portuguese Literature 1,471
  • PR - English Literature 1,152
  • PS - American & Canadian Literatures 524
  • PT - German & Germanic Literatures 2,543
  • Q - Science (General) 113
  • QA - Mathematics 1,235
  • QB - Astronomy 115
  • QC - Physics 515
  • QD - Chemistry 650
  • QE - Geology 1,393
  • QH - Natural History, Biology 156
  • QK - Botany 234
  • QL - Zoology 555
  • QM - Human Anatomy 27
  • QP - Physiology 303
  • QR - Microbiology 83
  • R - Medicine (General) 194
  • RA - Public Aspects of Medicine 185
  • RB - Pathology 12
  • RC - Internal Medicine 224
  • RD - Surgery 51
  • RE - Ophthalmology 10
  • RF - Otorhinolaryngology 2
  • RG - Gynecology & Obstetrics 34
  • RJ - Pediatrics 32
  • RK - Dentistry 4
  • RL - Dermatology 3
  • RM - Therapeutics, Pharmacology 27
  • RS - Pharmacy & Materia Medica 27
  • RT - Nursing 19
  • RZ - Other Systems of Medicine 3
  • S - Agriculture (General) 123
  • SB - Plant Culture 86
  • SD - Forestry 29
  • SF - Animal Culture 51
  • SH - Aquaculture, Fisheries, Angling 27
  • SK - Hunting Sports 6
  • T - Technology (General) 100
  • TA - Engineering, Civil Engineering 185
  • TC - Hydraulic Engineering 27
  • TD - Environmental Technology, Sanitary Engineering 88
  • TE - Highway Engineering, Roads & Pavements 10
  • TF - Railroad Engineering & Operation 4
  • TG - Bridge Engineering 6
  • TH - Building Construction 26
  • TJ - Mechanical Engineering & Machinery 83
  • TK - Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Nuclear Engineering 157
  • TL - Motor Vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics 81
  • TN - Mining Engineering, Metallurgy 265
  • TP - Chemical Technology 94
  • TR - Photography 29
  • TS - Manufactures 33
  • TT - Handicrafts. Arts & Crafts 8
  • TX - Home Economics 37
  • U - Military Science (General) 65
  • UA - Armies 141
  • UB - Military Administration 48
  • UC - Maintenance & Transportation 5
  • UD - Infantry 1
  • UF - Artillery 5
  • UG - Military Engineering, Air Forces, Military Astronautics 27
  • UH - Other Military Services 3
  • V - Naval Science (General) 11
  • VA - Navies 19
  • VB - Naval Administration 1
  • VE - Marines 1
  • VG - Minor Services of Navies 1
  • VK - Navigation, Merchant Marine 8
  • VM - Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering 7
  • Z - Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources 348
  • ZA - Information Resources (General) 2
  • Education 940
  • Geology 918
  • English language 829
  • Animals 680
  • Catholic Church 669
  • Mexican Americans 641
  • Materials Science 585
  • Geology, Stratigraphic 519
  • German language 470
  • Agriculture 451
  • French language 397
  • German literature 379
  • Theater 311
  • World War, 1914-1918 302
  • Physics Of Elementary Particles And Fields 295
  • Thesis/Dissertation ✖ [remove] 137,457
  • Academic Dissertations 4,165
  • Academic theses 3,799
  • Books 3,605
  • Government document 3,380
  • Manuscripts, Print 2,154
  • Thèses et écrits académiques 2,147
  • Print Reproductions 1,703
  • thesis 1,685
  • Technical report 1,485
  • Manuscripts, Typescript 1,364
  • Academic Dissertation 1,236
  • Archival Materials 927
  • Index not Present 768
  • Pamphlets 637
  • Manuscripts, Handwritten 511
  • History 491
  • Germany 6,072
  • United States 4,677
  • California 1,942
  • France 1,818
  • China 1,799
  • Japan 1,058
  • Great Britain 888
  • Switzerland 662
  • Germany (West) 631
  • Allemagne 478
  • Soviet Union 454
  • Netherlands 424
  • England 405
  • 20th century 1,926
  • 19th century 1,292
  • 18th century 730
  • 17th century 401
  • 16th century 344
  • To 1500 235
  • Early modern, 1500-1700 207
  • Middle English, 1100-1500 171
  • Old English, ca. 450-1100 165
  • Middle High German, 1050-1500 161
  • 1933-1945 158
  • 1918-1933 149
  • 500-1400 121
  • 1918-1945 115
  • To 1300 109
  • Middle Ages, 600-1500 108
  • Cretaceous 81
  • Early modern and Elizabethan, 1500-1600 80
  • Revolution, 1789-1799 73

Organization (as author)

  • Stanford University. School of Education 5,594
  • Stanford University. Department of Electrical Engineering 4,921
  • Stanford University. Department of Chemistry 2,563
  • United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information 2,505
  • Stanford University. Department of Mechanical Engineering 2,259
  • Stanford University. Graduate School of Business 1,907
  • Stanford University. Department of Physics 1,753
  • Stanford University. Department of History 1,562
  • Stanford University Department of English 1,431
  • Stanford University. Department of Economics 1,406
  • Stanford University. Department of Psychology 1,321
  • Stanford University. Department of Music 1,251
  • Stanford University. Computer Science Department 1,230
  • Stanford University. Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1,210
  • Stanford University. Committee on Graduate Studies 1,117
  • Stanford University. Department of Political Science 1,048
  • Stanford University. Department of Biological Sciences 933
  • Stanford University. Department of Applied Physics 920
  • Stanford University. Department of Mathematics 899
  • Stanford University. Department of Civil Engineering 898

%{search_type} search results

137,457 catalog results, online 1. a chicken coop with(out) a door: the fifth era of hong kong civic education [2024].

  • Coloma, Isabelle Rose (Author)
  • August 22, 2024

Online 2. "A Different Kettle of Fish": OPEC's Impact on Oil Nationalization, Political Accountability, and Governance [2024]

  • Nicolson, Bailey (Author)
  • May 15, 2024; May 15, 2024; May 15, 2024

3. A fully-coupled hydromechanical continuum model for anisotropic and partially saturated porous media considering evolving anisotropy [2024]

  • Ip, Chui Yee Sabrina, author.
  • [Stanford, California] : [Stanford University], 2024.
  • Google Books (Full view)

4. A genetic crossing approach to stickleback and primate evolution [2024]

  • Behrens, Veronica Cecile, author.

Online 5. A genome-wide and brain-wide statistical investigation into the cellular and genetic architectures of mood disorders and suicidal behaviors [2024]

  • Salem, Madeleine (Author)
  • August 21, 2024; June 6, 2024

Online 6. A Kinetic Inductance Parametric Amplifier for Quantum Sensing [2024]

  • Rosenfeld, Ethan (Author)
  • June 9, 2024; June 2024

7. A Laser-Induced Airborne Sonar System for Remote Underwater Imaging and Communication [2024]

  • Fitzpatrick, Aidan James, author.

Online 8. A light stung the darkness: spatiality and acoustics as compositional strategies [2024]

  • Daglik, Engin, author.

Online 9. A Logical Theory of Analogy via Common Abstraction [2024]

  • Nakas, Filippos (Author)
  • June 4, 2024; [ca. 2023]

Online 10. A Model for Brain Reoxygenation-induced Injury Using Human Cortical Organoids [2024]

  • Gurwitz, Emily (Advisor)
  • May 3, 2024

Online 11. A novel motif in calcimembrin/C16orf74 dictates multimeric dephosphorylation by calcineurin [2024]

  • Bradburn, Devin Austin, author.

Online 12. A Social Network Analysis of the Feminist Sex Wars [2024]

  • Ruedas, Andrea (Author)
  • April 3, 2024

Online 13. A Tavola con la Famiglia: The Family Meal, Body Image, and Eating Disorders among Italian Adolescent Females [2024]

  • Zarrow, Rachel (Author)
  • March 27, 2024

Online 14. a_blurred_fluxx_00.avi: Blackqueer Self-Becoming through Lo-Fi and D-I-Y Aesthetics [2024]

  • Osawemwenze, Osadolor (Author)
  • June 7, 2024; May 10, 2024

Online 15. The absolute body : critical choreographies at the end of the skin [2024]

  • Golomb, Sariel, author.

Online 16. Access to health care in jail : perspectives from people living inside [2024]

  • Allen, Sophie Anne, author.

Online 17. Accessing the Threat: Chinese and South Korean Memory Chip Sector [2024]

  • Lee, Myung Hoon (Leo) (Author)
  • June 7, 2024; [ca. April 2024]; June 7, 2024

Online 18. Acquisition and use of information to improve coordination and efficiency in digital markets and supply chains [2024]

  • Mantegazza, Giacomo, author.

Online 19. Adaptive management of marine biodiversity at the science-policy-society nexus [2024]

  • Santos, Bianca Silva, author.

Online 20. Addiction, social psychiatry, and exhausted life in Japan [2024]

  • Atici, Selim Gokce, author.

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phd thesis in computer science

Thesis Proposal

In the thesis proposal, the PhD or DES student lays out an intended course of research for the dissertation.  By accepting the thesis proposal, the student’s dissertation proposal committee agrees that the proposal is practicable and acceptable, that its plan and prospectus are satisfactory, and that the candidate is competent in the knowledge and techniques required, and formally recommends that the candidate proceed according to the prospectus and under the supervision of the dissertation committee. It is part of the training of the student’s research apprenticeship that the form of this proposal must be as concise as those proposals required by major funding agencies.

The student proposes to a committee consisting of the student’s advisor and two other researchers who meet requirements for dissertation committee membership.  The advisor should solicit the prospective committee members, not the student. In cases where the research and departmental advisors are different , both must serve on the committee.

The student prepares a proposal document that consists of a core, plus any optional appendices. The core is limited to 30 pages (e.g., 12 point font, single spacing, 1 inch margins all around), and should contain sections describing 1) the problem and its background, 2) the innovative claims of the proposed work and its relation to existing work, 3) a description of at least one initial result that is mature enough to be able to be written up for submission to a conference, and 4) a plan for completion of the research. The committee commits to read and respond to the core, but reserves the right to refuse a document whose core exceeds the page limit. The student cannot assume that the committee will read or respond to any additional appendices.

The complete doctoral thesis proposal document must be disseminated to the entire dissertation committee no later than two weeks (14 days) prior to the proposal presentation. The PhD Program Administrator must be informed of the scheduling of the proposal presentation no later than two weeks (14 days) prior to the presentation. Emergency exceptions to either of these deadlines can be granted by the Director of Graduate Studies or the Department Chair on appeal by the advisor and agreement of the committee.

A latex thesis proposal template is available here .


The student presents the proposal in a prepared talk of 45 minutes to the committee, and responds to any questions and feedback by the committee.

The student’s advisor, upon approval of the full faculty, establishes the target semester by which the thesis proposal must be successfully completed. The target semester must be no later than the eighth semester, and the student must be informed of the target semester no later than the sixth semester.

The candidacy   exam  must be successfully completed  before  the  proposal can be attempted.  The proposal must be completed prior to submitting the application for defense. [Instituted by full faculty vote September 16, 2015.]

Passing or failing is determined by consensus of the committee, who then sign the dissertation proposal form (sent to advisors by phd-advising@cs.  Failure to pass the thesis proposal by the end of the target semester or the eighth semester, whichever comes first, is deemed unsatisfactory progress: the PhD or DES student is normally placed on probation and can be immediately dismissed from the program. However, on appeal of the student’s advisor, one semester’s grace can be granted by the full faculty.

Last updated on October 16, 2023.

Find open faculty positions here .

Computer Science at Columbia University

Upcoming events, labor day - university holiday.

Monday 9:00 am

First Day of Classes

Tuesday 9:00 am

Fall 2024 Research Fair

Thursday 12:00 pm

Friday 12:00 pm

In the News

Press mentions, dean boyce's statement on amicus brief filed by president bollinger.

President Bollinger announced that Columbia University along with many other academic institutions (sixteen, including all Ivy League universities) filed an amicus brief in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York challenging the Executive Order regarding immigrants from seven designated countries and refugees. Among other things, the brief asserts that “safety and security concerns can be addressed in a manner that is consistent with the values America has always stood for, including the free flow of ideas and people across borders and the welcoming of immigrants to our universities.”

This recent action provides a moment for us to collectively reflect on our community within Columbia Engineering and the importance of our commitment to maintaining an open and welcoming community for all students, faculty, researchers and administrative staff. As a School of Engineering and Applied Science, we are fortunate to attract students and faculty from diverse backgrounds, from across the country, and from around the world. It is a great benefit to be able to gather engineers and scientists of so many different perspectives and talents – all with a commitment to learning, a focus on pushing the frontiers of knowledge and discovery, and with a passion for translating our work to impact humanity.

I am proud of our community, and wish to take this opportunity to reinforce our collective commitment to maintaining an open and collegial environment. We are fortunate to have the privilege to learn from one another, and to study, work, and live together in such a dynamic and vibrant place as Columbia.

Mary C. Boyce Dean of Engineering Morris A. and Alma Schapiro Professor

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Master of Science in Computer Science

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Systems and Networking

Security and privacy, programming languages.

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About , McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University

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Two students and a professor in conversation in computer lab

Expand your view of CS and customize your study to match your career goals

Situated within the McCormick School of Engineering, the Department of Computer Science (CS) at Northwestern University equips students with the technological expertise to build computer science solutions for a better future. Driven by the CS+X Initiative, the department broadens the scope of CS impact by actively fostering transformational relationships between computer science and intersecting fields at Northwestern’s top-ranked schools.

Earn your master’s degree in computer science in our supportive, inclusive, and enthusiastic community that enables you to personalize the program to fit your own research interests and career aspirations. You’ll study alongside our PhD students in our integrated classrooms and perform world-class research with faculty who have developed new ideas and achieved results in all areas of computer science. At the same time, you’ll broaden your definition of CS by working with CS+X faculty who create interdisciplinary connections between computer science and other disciplines ranging from economics to law to art.

Questions about our program? Visit our contact page >

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Headshot of Marcelo Worsley

Marcelo Worsley

Associate professor of computer science.

“By including critical discussions of the field and authentically collaborating with the community, we can develop better designs and change perceptions of what is valuable in computing experiences.”

Why Northwestern?

Benefit from our culture, community, and proximity to Chicago’s growing tech sector

People discussing a problem at a whiteboard

Broaden your view of computer science

In our CS+X environment , you’ll have the opportunity to uncover new areas of study while taking advantage of our robust research connections across Northwestern’s top-ranked schools including medicine, business, journalism, music, and more.

Three people in discussion in front of glass wall with post-its

Find community in our department and student groups

When you join Northwestern CS, you’re entering a community, not just a classroom. You’ll not only find ample opportunities to network with fellow students, faculty members, staff, and even professionals in the CS field, but you’ll also to form supportive friendships.

Chicago skyline

Easy access to Chicagoland research and industry partners

Situated along the lake, 12 miles north of downtown Chicago, Northwestern’s unique location offers unsurpassed access to research partnerships and networking opportunities at neighboring tech organizations.

The basics at-a-glance

Students work with the MS program director to develop plans of study to meet their individual goals. Students can focus on a course degree plan or supplement coursework with a formal research master’s thesis or application project.

The degree can be completed in 3-4 quarters, while some students may take longer.

12 units of graduate-level credits required

Complete either a 12 course degree plan or 9 courses plus a thesis or application project.

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Optional master’s thesis or application project

Students can earn 3 course credits for master’s thesis or application project.

Customize your degree for your interests

Work with advisors to design a course plan to fit your areas of interest and career aspirations.

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Focus in one of our areas of research excellence

Click on an area to learn more about our current work.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Computer engineering, human-computer interaction and information visualization, career paths.

Let us help you envision and advance your potential

In addition to preparing students for PhD studies, Northwestern computer science master’s degree graduates are recruited by employers in nearly every industry. Our career advisors in Engineering Career Development and Northwestern Career Advancement assist students with career development and placement.

Common career paths include:


Software development and engineering

Information technology consulting, database and systems analysis, data analytics, financial risk analysis and trading, where our alumni work.

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  1. PhD Programme at IIMB: PhD scholar Sai Dattathrani, Information Systems area

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  3. Thesis Computer Animation and Visual Effects 2015

  4. The Faculty of Computer Science Graduation Projects Discussion

  5. Key Mistakes to avoid during PhD Thesis Presentation

  6. Top 12 Thesis & Research Topics In Computer Science #thesis #mtech #postgraduates #youtubeshorts


  1. Computer Science and Engineering Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2020 PDF. Classifying Emotions with EEG and Peripheral Physiological Data Using 1D Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network, Rupal Agarwal. PDF. Keyless Anti-Jamming Communication via Randomized DSSS, Ahmad Alagil. PDF. Active Deep Learning Method to Automate Unbiased Stereology Cell Counting, Saeed Alahmari ...

  2. Computer Science Library Research Guide

    How to search for Harvard dissertations. DASH, Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard, is the university's central, open-access repository for the scholarly output of faculty and the broader research community at Harvard.Most Ph.D. dissertations submitted from March 2012 forward are available online in DASH.; Check HOLLIS, the Library Catalog, and refine your results by using the Advanced ...

  3. MIT Theses

    Theses in this collection have been scanned by the MIT Libraries or submitted in electronic format by thesis authors. Since 2004 all new Masters and Ph.D. theses are scanned and added to this collection after degrees are awarded. ... (2380) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2309) Civil and Environmental Engineering. (2145 ...

  4. Computer Science Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. PDF. Classification of DDoS Attack with Machine Learning Architectures and Exploratory Analysis, Amreen Anbar. PDF. Multi-view Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Brain-Computer Interfaces, Sepehr Asgarian. PDF.

  5. Theses and Dissertations--Computer Science, University of Kentucky

    Theses/Dissertations from 2024 PDF. Extracting Social Network Model Parameters from Social Science Literature, Isaac Batts. PDF. LANGUAGE MODELS FOR RARE DISEASE INFORMATION EXTRACTION: EMPIRICAL INSIGHTS AND MODEL COMPARISONS, Shashank Gupta. PDF

  6. PDF Adversarially Robust Machine Learning With Guarantees a Dissertation

    A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND THE COMMITTEE ON GRADUATE STUDIES OF STANFORD UNIVERSITY ... Percy Liang for his incredible mentorship throughout my PhD. I cannot express in words how fortunate I feel, to have had the chance to work with and learn

  7. Computer Science Theses & Dissertations

    Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Department of Computer Science, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University, since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added. In late Fall 2023 or Spring 2024, all theses will be digitized and available here.

  8. Brown CS: PhD Theses

    PhD Theses. 2024. Idrees, Ifrah. Abstract of Long-Term Autonomy in Socially Assistive Robots (10.5 MB) • Stefanie A Tellex, advisor. ... Select Problems at the Intersection of Computer Science and Economics (1.2 MB) • Amy Greenwald Rachlin, Eric Reliable Computing at the Nanoscale (17.4 MB) • John Savage 2009

  9. Computer Science Dissertations and Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2019. PDF. A Secure Anti-Counterfeiting System using Near Field Communication, Public Key Cryptography, Blockchain, and Bayesian Games, Naif Saeed Alzahrani (Dissertation) PDF. Spectral Clustering for Electrical Phase Identification Using Advanced Metering Infrastructure Voltage Time Series, Logan Blakely (Thesis) PDF.

  10. Thesis, Defense, & Revision

    The PhD thesis, or dissertation, is the signal achievement of the PhD degree. It is a large, careful, and substantive piece of original work. Most computer science dissertations are 150-200 pages long, with hundreds of bibliographic references, and systematically investigate a set of ideas.

  11. PhD Theses

    A list of theses completed by PhD students in the Department of Computer Science. Abbasi, M. (2017) Simulating the Effect of Global Cardiac Ischaemia on the Dynamics of Ventricular Arrhythmias in the Human Heart. Abberley, D. (1995) Connectionist Combination Of Evidence Sources In Automatic Speech Recognition.

  12. How to Write Up a Ph.D. Dissertation

    make the notation, terminology, and style consistent throughout. do keep good ideas, text, and results from your previous papers (giving credit to any co-authors) expand the text. make the text clearer, more tutorial, and more thoughtful. add more examples and intuitions to help the reader.

  13. Department of Computer Science and Engineering: Dissertations, Theses

    Home > Computer Science > Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research. Computer Science and Engineering, Department of Department of Computer Science and Engineering: Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research. PhD candidates: You are welcome and encouraged to deposit your dissertation here, but be aware that 1. it is optional, ...

  14. Computer Science Graduate Projects and Theses

    The Department of Computer Science is a discipline concerned with the study of computing, which includes programming, automating tasks, creating tools to enhance productivity, and the understanding of the foundations of computation. The Computer Science program provides the breadth and depth needed to succeed in this rapidly changing field. One of the more recent fields of academic study ...

  15. Computer Science Theses

    All of our academic staff are research active, working with a team of post-graduate and post-doctoral researchers and a lively population of research students. Our research focuses on core themes of theoretical and practical computer science: artificial intelligence and symbolic computation, networked and distributed systems, systems ...

  16. Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2024. Improving and Modeling Heterogeneous Streaming Computation, Clayton Faber. A Distributed and Hybrid AI-Based Security Framework for 5G Real-time Applications, Ali Ghubaish. Tree Recovery by Dynamic Programming, Gustavo Alberto Gratacos. Experimental Design for Scientific Discovery, Quan Minh Nguyen.

  17. Completed Doctoral Theses

    BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM) Thiel, Kevin Kennard: Automated Creation, Evaluation and Configuration of Markerless Object Tracking for Superimposed Augmented Reality. Dissertation, 2023 more…. BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM) Tirindelli, Maria: Physics-Inspired Machine Intelligence for Robotic Ultrasound Imaging.

  18. Computer Science Research Resources: Dissertations & Theses

    Computer Science dissertations and theses granted from 1985 to 1999 were assigned Q.629.1Ta, followed by the 2-number year, followed by starting letters from the author's last name. (Example: A 1991 thesis by M. Doyle would be Q.629.1Ta91D). Dissertations and theses granted from 2000 to present were assigned Q.629.1Tb, followed by the 2 ...

  19. PhD

    Review the Dissertation and Theses website for a comprehensive list of directions to prepare and submit the final draft of your dissertation. The Dissertation & Thesis Center opens to submissions on the first day of instruction each quarter. Students must first enroll and have applied to graduate to access. The CS Intranet: Resources for ...

  20. CSSA Sample PhD proposals

    Computer Science Students Association unc chapel hill. Sample PhD proposals: home about us students guides . Purpose: Welcome to the on-line version of the UNC dissertation proposal collection. The purpose of this collection is to provide examples of proposals for those of you who are thinking of writing a proposal of your own.

  21. Doctoral Dissertations

    Following is a complete list of doctoral graduates of the Department of Computer Science, with their dissertation titles. Graduates of other departments or schools, whose primary adviser was a member of the Department of Computer Science, are also listed. Advisors. Advisors names are given in parentheses.

  22. Dissertation theses in SearchWorks catalog

    Theses and dissertations. Result includes all theses and dissertations — from all sources — held in the Stanford Libraries and Digital Repository. To show Stanford work only, refine by Stanford student work or by Stanford school or department. Catalog start Genre Thesis/Dissertation .

  23. Thesis Proposal

    In the thesis proposal, the PhD or DES student lays out an intended course of research for the dissertation. By accepting the thesis proposal, the student's dissertation proposal committee agrees that the proposal is practicable and acceptable, that its plan and prospectus are satisfactory, and that the candidate is competent in the knowledge ...

  24. Master of Science in Computer Science

    Learn more about the master of science in computer science at Northwestern University. Northwestern Engineering ... Students can earn 3 course credits for master's thesis or application project. ... In addition to preparing students for PhD studies, Northwestern computer science master's degree graduates are recruited by employers in nearly ...