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Young Sheldon – Season 6 Episode 3 Recap & Review

Passion’s harvest and a sheldocracy.

Meemaw and Mary engage in conversation while sipping tea at the beginning of Young Sheldon episode 3.  Meemaw asks Mary whether she is considering changing churches and converting to Catholicism, to which Mary responds that she does not know. Meemaw introduces Mary to an erotic fiction named Passions Harvest. Mary initially refuses to read it, but after a gentle push from Meemaw, she decides to give it a shot.

Professor John challenges Sheldon’s viewpoint while teaching a class about ethics. Sheldon appears to be incredibly confused and frustrated because there doesn’t seem to be a clear right or wrong answer, and Sheldon, who heavily relies on logic, finds it difficult to accept this.

Mary is seen reading her new book intently, even though she considers it to be a waste. She is immersed and reads it whenever she has the chance, even in the washroom.

George Jr buys groceries for Mandy and delivers them to her apartment. Mandy is initially hesitant to take it, but she eventually does. While visiting Mandy, George Jr discovers that she is running low on cash because she was unable to collect enough tips due to morning sickness caused by her pregnancy, and as a result, she was unable to pay her electricity bill, and her power was cut off.

Mary believes that she can do a better job at writing an erotic novel after reading the book, so she begins writing. We see Mary writing her book whenever she gets the chance, and she appears to have found a new hobby.

Sheldon enters John’s office and informs him that he doesn’t believe he can complete the assignment. He is advised by John to choose any side of the argument and to make his case. Sheldon has a need to always be correct, and since this topic is one where nothing is constant, he finds it difficult to pick a side to base his argument on.

Mandy stops by George Jr’s garage/room and asks him if she can live with him temporarily while she gets back on her feet. George Jr agrees to let her stay with him. When George questions her, she explains that she is out of money and that the owner of the house she was renting kicked her out. She goes on to say that he ejected her from the room, sealed her belongings inside, and demanded payment before allowing her back in. After learning what the landlord had done, George leaves to retrieve Mandy’s possessions.

In the living room, George Sr and Missy converse while watching television. As soon as Sheldon enters the room, he requests their help with his ethics homework. They both seem surprised because Sheldon’s plea for help and his unusual lack of knowledge is both strange and rare. Sheldon is disappointed when Missy doesn’t seem to understand his question and he goes back to his room.

George Jr is seen attempting to break into Mandy’s apartment through the window to retrieve her belongings. He accidentally climbs into her neighbor’s apartment. After learning who George is and what he was attempting to do, her neighbor stops threatening him and lets him go.

George Sr walks in on Mary as she is working on her book. She deceives him by claiming to be making a list of errands that need to be completed. Mary’s passion for writing leads her to seduce George and have intercourse with him which is unusual as their relationship is strained.

Mandy seems content when George Jr brings back her belongings. She tells him that their relationship is merely platonic and cautions him against having different hopes towards her. Mandy finds living in the garage with George uncomfortable because there is no washroom there, and George notices her uneasiness.

Mandy visits George’s home for breakfast, and she can be seen having a conversation with his siblings. Sheldon explains to her the reasoning behind why he chose the name Niblingo for her. We witness Sheldon asking Mandy an ethics related question.

Dale questions George Sr after he unintentionally falls asleep at work and asks him if he and Mary had a fight. George informs him that everything is going well and that Mary has recently been very enthusiastic about having sex. George admits to Dale that lately, he has the impression that Mary has changed a bit. Dale asserts that she could be going through menopause, but George tells him that Mary is too young for that. Dale advises him to have her checked just to be on the safer side.

When George Jr brings Mandy ginger ale during his lunch break, Mandy bursts into tears. She tells him that her situation has taken a turn for the worse and that she is disturbed. George consoles her and promises to fix everything soon.

Meemaw lets Mandy stay with her in her home and offers her the guest room. Meemaw appears to be very welcoming and kind to Mandy.

Sheldon is seen in class presenting his assignment, and using his logic he twists the assignment to his advantage and comes up with Sheldocracy, which means Sheldon’s autocracy.

Mary is writing her book, and in doing so it changes from being erotic to romantic. It appears as though she is trying to cope with her problems by using the book as a means of escape. She’s trying to make up for her troubled marriage by penning a romantic/erotic book, perhaps to experience the missing elements in her marriage with George.

The Episode Review

The episode doesn’t really advance much, plot wise, but it certainly lays the groundwork for what appears to be coming up in the near future. We are aware that George marries young because it is mentioned in The Big Bang Theory, but we are unsure whether it will be to Mandy or if he will find someone else. In this episode, Mandy moves in, first at George’s garage and then at Meemaw’s house, which may be the starting point of that storyline. There may be a purpose to this arrangement.

We witness Mary turning to writing her book for solace. We watch as she crafts a tale that transforms from erotic to passionate and romantic. She seems to be writing about everything that her relationship with George lacks, so perhaps she is writing that book to fill a void.

It doesn’t seem far-fetched to assume that she will become aware of everything that her relationship lacks, including passion, romance, and everything else, as she writes that book. We watch her repress her feelings and bottle up all of her sorrows, but ultimately they are bound to rise to the surface, and it won’t be pretty.

The actors are compelling in their respective roles. Mandy, the woman carrying George Jr’s child, doesn’t perform well in her role. She doesn’t seem to know how to act and is seen trying too hard, or maybe she’s just uncomfortable in the role. The rest of the cast, as usual, do an excellent job.

  • Episode Rating (3.5)

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Young sheldon: georgie's 11 best quotes.


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Meemaw Actor's Young Sheldon Cancelation Criticism Is Proven Right By New CBS Data

Leonard doesn't need to be dead for young sheldon's penny reference to make sense, young sheldon’s george sr death leaves a major big bang theory plot hole unresolved.

Georgie, or George Jr., is one of the funniest characters on Young Sheldon . Though his latest predicament finds him about to be a father at 17, fans know from The Big Bang Theory that Georgie turns out not only just fine but wildly successful.

Nonetheless, as a teen, he was often living in the shadow of his brilliant young brother. Even though he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, however, Georgie is full of self-confidence and has a fabulous sense of humor that was often reflected in his conversations with his family.

“I Think The Saddest Part About It Is Just How Sad It Is.”

Season 1, episode 13, “a sneeze, detention, and sissy spacek”.

A young Georgie from Young Sheldon smiling.

Georgie said this while watching his mother Mary desperately try to get Sheldon out of his bedroom where he was hiding due to a phobia of germs and feeling ill. While all this drama was going on in the house, Georgie was just walking about, paying attention to his business.

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As he passed by and witnessed the silliness that was going on, he made this remark, which was a humorous yet astute observation. This is precisely the type of comment Georgie makes all the time.

“I Said I Was Responsible, Never Said I Was Smart.”

Season 2, episode 3, “a crisis of faith and octopus aliens”.

Georgie with long hair from Young Sheldon.

Georgie admits to his father George Sr. that he not only already knows how to drive but has driven Meemaw’s car multiple times. What’s more, he also confesses to having taken his father’s truck once while he was sleeping and parked it somewhere.

George Sr. says: “Let me get this straight: you’re trying to prove to me that you’re a responsible person by admitting you stole my truck?” Georgie replies with this clever line that infuriates his father. It was a brazen remark but perfectly personifies his character as a confident young man who believed he could get away anything.

“I’d Give Anything To Be A Rodeo Clown.”

Season 1, episode 12, “a computer, a plastic pony, and a case of beer”.

Georgie from Young Sheldon sitting on his bed, smiling.

The quote continues: “They make people happy and they see the rodeo for free.” Sheldon’s older brother isn't as dumb as people think, but he lacks academic intelligence. And sometimes, this presents itself with silly comments like this one.

Being a rodeo clown can be dangerous work, and they don’t just “see” the rodeo for free; they participate in it. It’s a job. So, Georgie’s comment was both uneducated and incorrect, though it was also downright hilarious and endearing.

“What’s Nixon Got To Do With It?”

A close-up of Georgie from Young Sheldon, smiling.

This is another example of Georgie’s lack of intelligence and not understanding the definition of certain words or phrases. He delivers this quote when his father tells him to go across the street and apologize to Meemaw. If he doesn’t, says George, it would “set a bad precedent.”

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Georgie, however, doesn’t understand what the word “precedent” means and thinks his father has said the word “president.” Thus, he responds with this statement. When George looks visibly confused, Georgie doubles down and clarifies, “You said ‘bad president.’ Like Nixon.”

“You’re Asking Me? I Don’t Understand My Own Homework.”

Season 1, episode 19, “gluons, guacamole, and the color purple”.

Young Sheldon: Georgie reads Missy a story in the living room

Georgie, as mentioned, might have been smart enough to know how to make money, as was learned in The Big Bang Theory when fans meet the adult Georgie who became the owner of a tire empire and made millions. But schoolwork was not his forte. It’s no surprise, then, that Georgie ended up dropping out of high school to enter the working world early.

So, when Missy asked him for help with her homework, even though he was several grades above her, he replied with this remark. It was true that Georgie was probably not the best person for Missy to approach for help given that he likely just barely passed her grade when he was in it. Nonetheless, it was a cute moment between the two, who have one of the best friendships on Young Sheldon .

Come On, Mom. It’s Not Like I’m Gonna Graduate Val-Dictator-Torian.”

Season 2, episode 8, “an 8-bit princess and a flat tire genius”.

Georgie from Young Sheldon, smiling.

Georgie says this to his mother Mary after she expresses her opposition to his desire to drop out of school to work. She tells him his education should come first, but Georgie says this. With one line, he both validates her point and his own.

The fact that Georgie doesn’t know the word "valedictorian" (nor the fact that it’s very different from the word “dictator”) proves that there’s so much more for him to learn. But also, the fact that he’s that far behind at his age also suggests that, as he insists, he isn’t cut out for academic learning and is destined for something different anyway.

“It’ll Be Like That, Only With Hot Girls.”

Georgie from Young Sheldon smiling with wide eyes.

Georgie uses this line in a comparison of what he thinks a single life would look like. He says when he’s older, he wants his love life to be like “the buffet at Golden Corral, where there are all kinds of choices and you can have as much as you want.”

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As fans of The Big Bang Theory know, Georgie does go on to get married multiple times, but he by and large lived up to this desire to be a single man as much as he could.

“Uh, Me Too.”

Season 2, episode 6, “seven deadly sins and a small carl sagan”.

Georgie from Young Sheldon standing with Veronica, holding her bag.

After meeting Veronica, Georgie was infatuated with her beauty. When she told him she liked his hair, this was his flustered response. While he probably meant to say he loves her hair as well, Georgie was so taken aback by Veronica that he fumbled his words and didn’t realize what he was saying.

What’s funny about the line, however, is that it probably would be something Georgie would intentionally say to someone else he wasn’t trying to impress. Georgie has an abundance of confidence and believes himself to be quite the physical catch, thanks in part to his perfectly coiffed head of hair.

Whoa, That’s Racist.”

Georgie smiling confidently in Young Sheldon

Without context, this sounds like Georgie was calling someone out for making an insensitive remark, which is something to be admired. But he was actually being clever, and not calling out racism at all. When he caught his father George doing laundry because Mary was away, he asked what he was doing. George replied that he was “separating the whites from the colors” to which Georgie replied with this statement.

While there are some sad things about George on Young Sheldon , when it comes to the laundry, he knows what he's doing, and shows a level of care here that doesn't always permeate across the rest of the series. But the way he said what he was doing gave Georgie the perfect opportunity to be clever.

“Puberty Has Done Right By Me.”

Season 2, episode 12, “a tummy ache and a whale of a metaphor”.

Georgie lying on his bed on the phone in Young Sheldon.

It’s no secret that Mary doted over Sheldon as a child and gave him extra attention. It’s also no secret that both his siblings Georgie and Missy noticed. One day when witnessing Mary doing just that, Georgie stops and asks her why she runs to Sheldon’s side the second he has a cold, but when Georgie is sick, she tells him it’s no big deal.

Mary’s reasoning is that Sheldon is a “fragile little boy” while Georgie is “getting to be a big, strong man.” Instantly, Georgie approves of this comment, agreeing with his mother’s assessment and adding this line. It shows Georgie’s inflated sense of confidence in himself, especially when it comes to his physical appearance.

“Lord, Please Take Away My Anger Toward My Stupid Brother.”

Season 2, episode 19, “a political campaign and a candy land cheater”.

Georgie from Young Sheldon sitting on the couch with Sheldon, both with black eyes and looking dejected.

During a storyline when Georgie was trying his best to make it look as though he was very religious to impress a girl, he was often seen praying. But he would pray for the silliest, and sometimes most inappropriate things.

After speaking these words to vent his frustration about Sheldon to avoid being mean or rude to him in front of Veronica, Georgie also said: “My life is hard enough. Don’t let him be president. And while we’re talking Veronica, help me out. Encourage her to do something with me she’ll regret. Amen.” When he wasn't annoyed with Sheldon, Georgie often had a one-track mind which was focused squarely on dating and wooing girls.

NEXT: 7 Funniest Episodes Of Young Sheldon, According To Reddit

  • Young Sheldon

Missy unknowingly becomes Sheldon's test subject when he agrees to help her with her maths homework. Georgie joins Mary's bible study group in order to spend more time with his crush, Veronica.

The second series of the US comedy about the childhood of vulnerable, gifted and naive Sheldon Cooper, who must learn to deal with the world, just as his family must find a way to deal with him

Next on TV: Sun 25 Aug, 8pm

Series 2 Episode 1

A High-Pitched Buzz and Training Wheels: Sheldon dismantles the fridge to stop it making an annoying, high-pitched humming noise

Series 2 Episode 2

A Rival Prodigy and Sir Isaac Neutron: Sheldon's jealous when his mentor Dr Sturgis bonds with Paige, another ten-year-old genius

Series 2 Episode 3

A Crisis of Faith and Octopus Aliens: When Mary's religious faith is shaken by a local tragedy, Sheldon becomes an unlikely ally

Series 2 Episode 4

A Financial Secret and Fish Sauce: When George Sr asks Sheldon to keep a secret from Mary, he stresses about not being honest

Series 2 Episode 5

A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries: Dr Sturgis suggests Sheldon and Missy take part in a university research study on twins

Series 2 Episode 6

Seven Deadly Sins and a Small Carl Sagan: Mary faces opposition over plans for a Halloween haunted house fundraiser for the church

Series 2 Episode 7

Carbon Dating and a Stuffed Raccoon: Sheldon gets into trouble with fellow child genius Paige on a trip to the Science Museum

Series 2 Episode 8

An 8-Bit Princess and a Flat Tire Genius: Meemaw gives Sheldon his first video game. Georgie bonds with Herschel from the garage.

Series 2 Episode 9

Family Dynamics and a Red Fiero: Sheldon must study the dynamics of his family for his school psychology project

Series 2 Episode 10

A Stunted Childhood and a Can of Fancy Mixed Nuts: Sheldon experiments with various practical jokes. Meemaw teaches Dr Sturgis how to drive.

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Young Sheldon S 1 E 19 Gluons Guacamole And The Color Purple » Recap

"Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple" is an episode of Young Sheldon that first aired April 19, 2018.

  • Book Ends : The episode begins with Sheldon, bored with high school, daydreaming that he's been called in by NASA to prevent a satellite falling from orbit. In The Tag , he has the same daydream, but now his friend Dr. Sturgis is there too.
  • Commonality Connection : Sheldon and Dr. Sturgis immediately befriend each other, not just because of their shared intellect, but also due to things like their favorite color (blue) and dessert (vanilla ice cream).
  • Distracted by the Sexy : After his and Connie's first date, the next time Dr. Sturgis gives a class lecture while Connie's sitting next to Sheldon, he's so distracted looking at Connie that he repeats the same sentence three times, leading Sheldon to ask Connie to just wait outside.
  • Title Drop : The class Dr. Sturgis teaches is on Gluons, Sheldon helps Dr. Sturgis woo Connie by telling him her favorite color is Purple and favorite type of meal is Mexican, and then Dr. Sturgis takes Connie on a date to a Mexican restaurant with Guacamole.
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