Students and Resource Persons are directed to ALWAYS join their online workshops through AAGHI LMS workshop link. For each day, there will be a separate link on AAGHI LMS.Please join them according to the day mentioned. For example, for day 3 of your workshop, Click on WORKSHOP03 link on AAGHI LMS.


Assignment submissions for Spring 2023 will be accepted on

  • Download and install Microsoft Teams app on your device (PC/Laptop/Mobile).
  • Login your Microsoft Teams app using same credential as used for LMS.
  • Login your LMS.
  • On go to your course as per you workshop schedule and click on the workshop link to join the workshop

Please contact your regional office for Passwords | Username is [email protected] | Registration number is already availabe to students on their admission portal

Dear LMS Users, Please change your password frequently to avoid misuse of your LMS account. Do not share your login credentials with anyone. If you have not yet received your login credentials, please contact your regional LMS Focal Person [ Contact list of Regional Focal Persons ] . Keeping LMS account credentials secure is the sole responsibility of LMS users. For workshop schedule updates please keep visiting or check your LMS course page under My Courses.

After confirmation of your admission contact your region to get your LMS username and password.

submit assignment aiou

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ODL Online Workshops + Assignment Submission


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Assignment Submission

How to attend workshops (students).


LMS User manuals (Students)

Lms user manuals (teachers), check your workshop schedule.


Regional LMS Focal Persons

How to attend workshop quiz, testimonials.

Learning Management System or LMS as popularly known to all, has over the years proved to be an excellent tool for sharing lectures, assignments, quizzes and feedback from students. It has also been improved progressively and in the recently conducted exams, LMS has proved itself to be comprehensive and flexible enough to allow teachers the freedom to test students using several methods. I have always found the LMS team to be extremely supportive and helpful. Kaleem Saddiqui Director ICT
AIOU LMS is a great platform for online learning activities. I have been using LMS for many years with a wonderful experience. LMS enables me to share course material with my students and to maintain an online repository of all my courses. I am a frequent user of the Turnitin facility provided by AIOU-LMS. Additionally, the course forums in LMS provide a convenient way to make course related announcements. LMS feedback module is a great help for teachers to polish their teaching skills. Online assessment modules of LMS i.e. Assignment and Quiz activities proved to be a great help to evaluate the students especially in the post COVID19 scenario. Arshad Manzoor Additional Director ICT
I have been using LMS (Learning Management System) for the past few years to manage content, assessments, and communication for all my courses. It is an invaluable tool for both faculty and students. Recently we have seen it's importance increase as a critical part of our efforts to deliver our curriculum online. I hope the faculty will use more of its features to help them deliver an even better learning experience for our students. Muhammad Tufail Deputy Director ICT
Learning Management System (LMS) is equally facilitating for faculty and students. It provides variety of options such as, sharing of reading materials, initiation of interactive discussions, maintenance of graded activities and compilation of students’ records. Inter alia, what makes it unique is its user friendly interface. For, beginners quickly understand its basics. Indeed, a remarkable effort by the Team LMS! Azhar ul Islam Assistant Director ICT
Most of the features of AIOU-LMS are not fully explored due to its variety of substantial sub features which are available for interactive learning environment. I would like to emphasize the Quiz module of LMS. In the present situation of online evaluation, the best results can be achieved using the "Calculated" type questions. The questions are created with variable parameters, such that if two students are solving the same question, their correct answer will be different. The purpose of designing such questions is to evaluate the understanding of the correct method or procedure, which is one of the unique feature of LMS. Kamran Mir Assistant Director ICT

How to Submit Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal in 10 steps – AIOU

Allama Iqbal Open University is paying sufficient attention to providing ease to the students learning process. In this regard, AIOU has recently launched a brand new online Learning Management System. This LMS system is named as  Aaghi LMS Portal.  This LMS portal of AIOU offers a lot of worthwhile features to enhance the learning and interaction of students with the university. Students can use Aaghi LMS Portal for  submitting assignments to the aaghi LMS portal , taking day to day online lectures from their respective students, attending online workshops, accessing the digital library of Allama Iqbal Open University, and access a lot more features that can help students to improve their learning. You can know more about the  features of aaghi LMS portal .

In this guide of  AIOU Daily , I will explain a step by step procedure for submitting your assignments to the Aaghi LMS portal of Allama Iqbal Open University with images so students can understand how to submit assignment of AIOU on the LMS portal process easily.

Any student of Allama Iqbal Open University enrolled in Matric, FA, FSC, ICS, ICOM, BCOM, BA, BSC, BED, MA, MED, MSC, PHIL, and Ph.D. autumn and spring semester programs can follow this guide to submit their AIOU assignments to aaghi LMS portal. The procedure is the same for every program. So let’s start the guide ‘submit assignments on AIOU aaghi LMS portal’.

Table of Contents

How to Submit Assignments on AIOU Aaghi LMS Portal

I have divided the complete method into steps so students can easily understand the guide with a better approach.

Create the Assignment

Ready the submission files.

Make sure to give a proper and descriptive file name to your assignment files. Your file name can be your roll number, name, subject code, assignment number, or combination. Here are some recommended examples of assignment file names.

Allama Iqbal Open University allows submitting assignments only in pdf (.PDF) format. To check your assignment file format, open the file details. If your file format is (yourFileName .pdf ), then you are good to go.

Login to Aaghi LMS portal

After  preparing your assignment files , the next step is to log in to the Aaghi LMS portal. Aaghi LMS portal is accessible at  aaghi aiou edu pk.  (Aaghi LMS login link is also given at the end of this article).

You will see the following screen on the Aaghi login page.

If you are facing problems while signing in or you don’t know the complete procedure to login Aaghi LMS portal then you can read our article.

Select your course

Click this ‘My Courses’ button from your mobile or laptop. Then you will find all the courses you are enrolled in. Select the course for which assignment you are submitting.

Select the Assignment

Assignment status and details.

If you have already submitted this assignment then this page will also show you your assignment grades here. This page will be showing data as shown in the screenshot below.

Before proceeding, you need to make sure that you have selected the right assignment number and course by checking this assignment details page. Make sure you are not submitting the wrong assignment number or course.

Add Submission

A new panel will open to submit assignment. If you are on a laptop or computer, you can simply drag and drop the assignment pdf file on the drop area or select the browse button to select your file.

If you are on a mobile device, you need to click the upload button (or icon) and then browse files on your local storage. Select your assignment file and click ‘OK’.

Upload Assignment file

Save submission.

Your file is uploaded to AIOU Aaghi LMS Portal but your selection is not saved by the system. After uploading the file you will be seeing a page like shown below. You need to click the ‘Save Changes’ button in order to save the assignment on AIOU LMS.

By this step, the process of submitting assignment is completed successfully. Using the same process you can submit your assignments for other courses as well. The process is also the same for Asg no 2 and Asg no 3.

Edit Submitted Assignments

After successfully submitting your assignment to Allama Iqbal Open University Aaghi Learning Management System, you can also change or resubmit your assignment till the deadline of the assignment.

Can I submit late assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal?

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Assignments (QP)

S.S.C., H.S.S.C.,ATTC,NFE& Literacy certificate, French Online Courses

Bachelor, ATTC, ADC,ADB,BS,BBA,B.ed, Post Graduate Courses

Bachelor, ADC,ADB,BS,BBA,B.ed, Post Graduate Courses

Assignment Covering Form

Bachelor, ADC,ADB,BS,BBA,B.ed,Post Graduate Courses

S.S.C., H.S.S.C.,NFE& Literacy certificate, French Online Courses

S.S.C., H.S.S.C., French Online Courses

Bachelor, BS/BBA, B.Ed.,ATTC,CT,PTC Courses

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The Allama Iqbal Open University was established in May, 1974, with the main objectives of providing educational opportunities to masses and to those who cannot leave their homes and jobs. During all these past years, the University has more than fulfilled this promise.

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Aiou assignments submission method for aaghi lms portal – a step by step guide, ad blocker detected.

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The AIOU LMS Learning Management System is now allowing students of the Allama Iqbal Open University to upload Assignments at for fall and spring semester programs with the FA, FSC, ICS, BCOM, BED, BA, BSC, MSC, MA classes. But what if you are a student that cannot access the LMS portal?

Or maybe you don’t have access to the internet, or you are looking for a way to submit your assignment offline.

Well, worry no more! This step-by-step guide provides you with the simple method of submitting your AIOU Assignments by sending them to an email address that is already given on the Aaghi LMS Portal .

The Popularity of MOOCs

MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, have become super popular for helping brands grow. One study found that most people become loyal to a brand because their friends, family, or coworkers recommend it. It’s like when your best friend tells you about a cool new game or show – you want to check it out because they loved it!

AIOU’s Awesome Online Courses

Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) created online courses to help people learn, no matter where they live. These courses are great for Pakistanis and kids overseas who can’t go to a regular school. It’s the easiest way to reach your goals without any hassle. Imagine learning from your home without having to travel!

Easy Assignment Submissions

To make things even better, AIOU has a super handy online tool for all their students. This tool lets everyone check their educational progress easily. Plus, AIOU has a simple system for submitting assignments online. No more worrying about losing papers or missing deadlines!

AIOU’s Commitment to Education

AIOU’s main goal is to give students the best education possible. That’s why they developed this convenient electronic method. Now, everyone can follow their studies and stay on track easily, making learning fun and accessible for everyone.

After completing work, students may submit it through the AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS using AIOU instructions.

Learn How to Submit AIOU Assignment Submission at Aaghi LMS Portal?

There is another approach to delivering assignments if you don’t know how to type and have handwritten tasks. It’s also a simple process, with just a few more steps. How to submit Aiou Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal

  • To begin, go to the AIOU’s official website and sign in using your username and password. Your account will be activated after that.
  • All of the links that were shown on my site will appear, so click them and pick your course. Aaghi portal’s Education Management System Online provides all information regarding the PDF file’s upload.
  • Submit your assignment by following these easy steps: Click the Assignment button, then click Submit My Job. It’s the simplest way to do it; simply follow the directions on your computer or mobile phone screen.
  • The following page will be shown, and you may add your aiou assignment submission by clicking the Add Submissions button.
  • If he continues to do so, you should report him. Then click the add submission button, and a window will appear to him. After that, chase him.
  • You may also see a notification that says “You’re not connected to the Internet. Please connect via WiFi or 3G.” If you click on it, another page will appear, and under the image of another picture below, you can manually check for updates.
  • After that, choose to Upload a File from the menu bar. Please be advised that MS Word and PDF files are acceptable for tasks.
  • Handwritten documents can be sent via scanning with a professional scanner or mobile scanner software, but there’s another issue: this file cannot be larger than 5MB, thus keeping your resolution for photographs as low as possible.
  • The lesson is finished when another page appears and you press the save button to guard the tasks.
  • As a result, you may submit your tasks whether they are written by hand or sent through the computer if you follow the above suggestions.
  • You will see all submitted assignments on your profile page, and find and see the status of your Assignments.

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How to Submit Assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS

Full procedure submit assignments on the aiou aaghi portal at lms.

All the students can know the method of how to Submit Assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS by completing step-by-step guidelines we explained that you check the latest way to upload Allama Iqbal Open University Assignments at

AIOU LMS Learning Management System is showing the new modern manner for the candidates of Matriculation, FA, FSC, ICS, ICOM, DCOM, BA, BSC, BED, MA, MED, MSC, PHIL, and Ph.D. autumn and spring semester programs.

How to Upload Assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS

AIOU has introduced the best online facility to the whole trainee of the University of Allama Iqbal everyone checks here the strategy that is built up by the education center. It is the easiest manner to approach the study without any problem because only this institute is permission to the people AIOU Online Classes learning great system is launched for national and international level Pakistani and overseas children. We have described in detail Aaghi LMS Portal AIOU Assignments How to Submission Check Now.

How to Write AIOU Assignment Submission?

Allama Iqbal Open University has introduced the electronic method so the public can easily understand the whole procedure is explained for you. Check how to write assignments AIOU by hand or computer so I will tell him that students can have both options to type assignments in Microsoft Word after completing the exercise and then upload online assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS.

The second way to make it through is to write after completing him then scan him from a computer or Android phone. It is so simple and easy process to submit assignments at LMS AIOU Aaghi Portal Online.

Submitting your AIOU assignments is a breeze with our straightforward process for AIOU assignment upload. Whether you’re using the AIOU Aaghi LMS portal or any other platform, follow these easy steps. First, log in to the portal and locate the assignment submission section. Then, upload your completed assignment file.

Make sure it’s in the required format and meets the submission deadline. Confirm your submission, and you’re all set! This hassle-free method ensures your assignments reach your instructors promptly, keeping you on track with your studies. Say goodbye to assignment-related stress and embrace the simplicity of AIOU assignment upload. Your academic journey just got a whole lot smoother!


Student’s manual guide, how to submit an assignment.

First, of all, you click to open the official website link displayed below click the login button, and enter your User Name and Password then your account will open in front of you.

How to Login at Aaghi LMS Portal AIOU

Then click on the My Courses link and choose your course for submitting the assignments on the Aghee portal. You can also see the image uploaded here for your guidance and help AIOU LMS Aaghi portal Learning Management System Online is provided for all of them in the pdf file.

Method of Select My Couse at Aaghi LMS Portal

After they click on the Assignment link for submission it’s also so easy way to just follow the instructions displayed on their computer or mobile phone screen and fulfill their mission.

How to Upload AIOU Assignments at Aaghi Portal LMS

The next following page will be displayed click on the Add Submissions button and another window will open for him then chase him.

AIOU Submit Assignment Aaghi Portal AIOU

Furthermore, the following page will be displayed, and click on the file icon as indicated in the image below you can be checked.

How to Submit Assignment Aaghi Portal Online

A window will pop up as shown in the image below. Click on the upload a file button then browse your assignment file and press the upload this file button. Please note that assignments are accepted in MS Word and PDF format. Handwritten assignments can be scanned using professional scanners or mobile scanner applications but file sizes should not exceed 05MB so try to use the optimum resolution for images.

Online Submit Assignment on Aaghi Portal LMS

At the end following page will be displayed press the save changes button.

What is way to Save Assignments on Aaghi Portal

Don’t worry about them you have an option for any change you can edit your submission till the deadline without any problem. As with that, a submission status page will be displayed under the post check here .

AIOU Upload Assignment at Aaghi LMS Portal Online

Thank You, Friends,


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Aiou Assignments Guide 2024

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Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is one of Pakistan’s largest distance learning universities. Completing assignments is a crucial part of the learning process for AIOU students. This comprehensive guide provides students with helpful information and resources for completing AIOU assignments.

Table of Contents

AIOU assignments

What are AIOU assignments?

AIOU assignments are assessment tasks that students must complete as part of their coursework. Assignments make up a significant percentage of the total marks and grades. Types of assignments include:

  • Short-answer questions
  • Case studies
  • Mathematical problems
  • Research reports

Why are AIOU assignments important?

Completing assignments well is key to passing courses at AIOU. Assignments allow students to apply their knowledge and get feedback from tutors. Good assignment marks can improve overall grades. Failing to complete assignments can risk failing courses.

When are AIOU assignments due?

Assignment submission deadlines depend on the assignment type and course. Due dates are provided in assignment guidelines and course outlines. Deadlines are strict, and late submissions usually result in mark deductions.

Where to find AIOU assignment topics and questions?

Assignment topics, questions, requirements, and marking criteria are provided in assignment handouts. Handouts are available on the AIOU website under individual course pages. Students should download and read handouts carefully.

How do you manage time for assignments?

Experts recommend planning a timetable and schedule for working on assignments. This involves:

  • Recording all due dates at the start of each semester
  • Breaking down assignments into smaller tasks
  • Devoting regular weekly time to work on each assignment
  • Avoiding procrastination and not leaving at the last minute

What is the recommended formatting

AIOU provides formatting guidelines in assignment instructions. The general rules are:

  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • 1.5 line spacing
  • Margins of 1 inch on all sides
  • Page numbers in the bottom right corner
  • Title page with course code, assignment number, and student details

What resources can help with AIOU assignments?

AIOU provides students with many resources:

  • Assignment guidance from tutors
  • Model sample assignments
  • Library books and journals for research
  • Computer labs for accessing materials
  • Primary sources like surveys and interviews
  • University study groups for collaboration

By reviewing assignment requirements early, managing time, and using available resources, AIOU students can excel at assignments. This leads to better grades and successful course completion.

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AIOU Assignment Submission on Aaghi LMS

Are you newly enrolled in AIOU, and anxious about how to AIOU Assignment Submission on Aaghi LMS Portal? While uploading the AIOU Assignment on Mobile and Laptop, are you having any difficulty? It’s all right! This post is going to solve your problem!! Now by following just a few steps, you can be an expert in submitting your AIOU solved assignment on LMS Aaghi Portal .

Allama Iqbal Open University gives five questions in each written assignment. Answers to all the questions, i.e. 5 out of 5 questions are compulsory to solve. Overall, there are 10 questions in both assignments in a particular course. Importantly, within the due date, generally provided by the university, AIOU Assignment Submission is essential. Otherwise, the assignments you have written would not be acceptable. 

How to AIOU Assignment Submit

Hand Written AIOU Assignment Submission

in the last couple of years, AIOU has advanced its system of AIOU assignment submission method. Hand-written assignments are now replaced with MS Word written assignments.  Few; Urdu and some other assignments can be accepted as handwritten, but you have to scan these into AIOU PDF Assignments, and then upload them on the AIOU web portal. It is preferable to write the assignments in your wording on Microsoft Word Software on your laptop and mobile. 

How to AIOU Assignment Submit Online Step-by-Step Guide

Dear AIOU students, if you complete your assignments on time, then you can get good grades after uploading them. We think that you must know a full procedure or a step-wise guidance in which you learn the methodology of AIOU assignments submission quickly. Now, take charge and follow these instructions:

Step 1: Log In

Log in to your dashboard given by the university to check your status online.

Step 2: My Courses Option

In the first place, sign-in to your dashboard with your credentials(username and password) that are given by the university. 

Next, on your profile dashboard click on the My Course option. You’ll find it in the upper left corner of the page. 

Step 3: Choose Course

Now choose the course based on your requirements. Consequently, two options will be shown; one will be in simple code and the other with a workshop code. That’s a simple one you have to select.

Step 4: Assignment Button

A new window pops up that has two options: assignment and assignment 2.

Click on the first option for 1st assignment, and click the second option for 2nd assignment.

Step 5: Add Submission

On the next page, you’ll find a box of add submissions. This is the place where you have to upload by adding a file.

Step 6: Choose File

When you see the file window click on the assignment file. For your ease, place these files on your desktop or any other place where you can find them easily.

Step 7: Size of File

Make sure the file size is not bigger than 5 Mb, otherwise, it will not be uploaded. 

Step 8: Reconfirm

It is also possible that you select the wrong file so you have to reconfirm that the selected file is the right one.

Step 9: Submitted

Click on the Submit option and your file will be submitted in a while for grading.  

These are the 9 simple steps that we provided you, so you can easily upload your assignments. Luckily for the new students, it has the advantage that process of submission of AIOU assignments gets easier. Just follow the above-mentioned steps, and be relaxed after submitting all the assignments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does aiou assignment submission done without tutor address.

Yes, now it’s possible to submit your assignments with having tutor address. All the submitted assignment are checked by the teacher through their online portal. Hence, students should also upload their assignments on the portal in PDF format.

Are Handwritten Assignment Allowed?

No, handwritten assignments are not allowed anymore. If you send handwritten assignment you’ll get 0 marks in that assignment. You have to write assignments on Microsoft Word. However, some handwritten assignment are acceptable i.e. urdu, islamiat, etc. but make sure scan and convert it into pdf during online submittion.

Final Thoughts

AIOU assignment submission is quite easy, takes only a few minutes. Open your LMS and click on submit assignment login. Once login, choose the subject or code. Make a folder in your laptop or mobile where particular code assignment is saved. Select the assignment and submit on the portal. Make sure submit as soon as possible. Don’t wait for the last date. If the last date of submission is gone then contact your AIOU Tutor and ask to them to mark their assignment.

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Mari mashkin pata karna hia

Assalam o Alaikum sir me FA ka Student ho muje book recive howe ha lekin os me assingment sirf 2nd ha 1st nhi ha please guide kare kia krna ha muje

Dear you can download from official website , where all the assignment questions are available

AOA m b.a Ki student ho or mujy Samaj nhi arhi assignment kesy jama krwani h bna li hn ma ny kab Ki plz sir help me plzzzz

Open your LMS account and upload pdf there.

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AIOU Assignment Schedule 2024 Submission Last Date

Check Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad Aiou st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Assignment Schedule & Last Date 2024 For All Programs Spring/Autumn here. AIOU Assignment Submission Assignments Schedule 2024 Last Date for Matric, FA BA MA B.Ed, M.Ed, MA Education, MS/MPhil, and PhD programs have been announced. AIOU Assignment submissions for Spring 2024 will be accepted at The last date of assignment submission for AIOU Spring 2024 and Autumn Semester is given below. Please visit login to check the Bachelor, ADC, ADB, BS, BBA, B.ed, ATTC, Post Graduate Courses assignment schedule and Assignment Covering Form. Details of Online Workshops + Assignment Submission are available at

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Last Date Of Assignment Submission Aiou Spring 2024

علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی نے سیمسٹر خزاں دو ہزار بائیس کے میڑک اور ایف اے پروگرام کی آسانمنٹ کے سوالات اپنی ویبسائٹ پر اپلوڈ کر دیے ہیں میڑک اور ایف اے کے سٹوڈنٹس اپنی آسانمنٹ کے سوالات ویبسائٹ سے ڈونلوڈ کر کے اپنی اسائنمنٹس تیار کر سکتے ہیں. نیچے دیے گئے لنک پر کلک کر کے آسانمنٹ کے سوالات ڈونلوڈ کر سکتے ہیں

اگر اسائمنٹ نہیں لکھے تو صرف اپنے ٹیوٹر کو خبر دار کردوکہ صرف پاسنگ مارکس دیں.ورنہ فیل ہونگے

AIOU Assignment Schedule 2024

If you are looking for the latest and most reliable information about the AIOU assignment schedule 2024 for Matric, FA, BA, B.Ed, BS, MA/MSc, MEd, and PhD, you have come to the right place. The most up-to-date deadline information for Spring and Fall semesters’ worth of homework is available on this page. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of Pakistani students (both male and female) are receiving their education from home through the AIOU, the country’s leading provider of home-based education.

No. Of Assignments Last Date of Assignment Submission
1st Assignment Last Date 15-2-2024
2nd Assignment Last Date 14-4-2024
3rd Assignment Last Date will announce soon
4th Assignment Last Date will announce soon

AIOU Assignment Submission Last Date 2024

AIOU Assignment Submission Last Date Matric, FA BA MA

Read Also , How to Become a Tutor in AIOU?

Remember that your assignment is due at the AIOU Tutor’s address on or before the specified date. As such, I recommend that you bookmark this page and check back frequently for any notices of deadline changes or extensions.

What is the last date of assignment submission in Aiou 2024?

The latest date for submission of the first full course assignment is 2024, whereas the last date for submission of the second exercise is 2024.

How to Submit Assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS Online?

To access her account, follow the link provided below to the official website, where you will be prompted to enter your User Name and Password.

Then, select the course you wish to submit work for on the aghee site by clicking the My Courses option. The image I am providing here is a snapshot of the pdf file that the aaghi site LMS offers its users.

They may easily complete their assignment by following the on-screen prompts that appear once they click the Assignment link for submission.

You may pursue him down by clicking the Add Submissions button on the page that loads after this one.

You may verify this by going to the page that loads next and clicking the file icon there.

The following graphic depicts the window that will appear. To submit your assignment, first choose the appropriate file from your computer, then click the “Upload” option. Word documents and PDFs are also acceptable for submission.

A confirmation screen will load, and then you may hit the “Save” button to save your changes.

Leave them alone. You may make as many changes to your submission as you’d like up to the due date. The same goes for the submission status page that will load below this post’s verification link.

Semester Spring 2024 AIOU Action
   Online Workshop Schedule
   Face-to-Face Workshop Schedule
   Complete Schedule Summary (ATTC, BEd, BS, ADC & Post Graduate)

AIOU Assignment Spring 2024

Every year, Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) makes two admissions announcements: in the fall and the spring. Every semester features a unique timetable.

Class/Program Check Date

AIOU Assignment Submission Form 2024 Download

Everyone is reminded that the Director General of Regional Services has kindly allowed for the submission deadline for Matric and FA programs for the Spring 2024 semester to be pushed back in light of the current circumstances around the country. The new date is as shown below.

The instructors should be informed accordingly by all regional heads. Students need to be informed, and the school, local libraries, and other community facilities may all help by posting flyers and other information in visible locations.

submit assignment aiou

Rasheed Ahmed is a professional education content writer, who have 10 year plus experience in writing. The 50% content of is written by Rasheed. He is working on categories like Education & Jobs Updates, Results, Merit list and Roll number slip.

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AIOU Solved Assignment.PK

AIOU Assignment Submission on Aaghi LMS 2024 | Step By Step

If you are a new student of Allama Iqbal Open University and want to try to AIOU Assignment Submission through Agahi Lums Portal for the first time? So you are at the right place. You can easily submit your assignments through Agha Portal LMS. This new digital system is available to students enrolled in differnts programs including Matric, FA, FSC, ICS, ICOM, DCOM, BA, BSC, BED, MA, MED, MSC, PHIL, and Ph.D. For both fall and spring semesters. We will teach you everything step by step guide to submit assignments through Aadhi LMS portal. Then you can easily submit your assignments to the Aaghi LMS portal, increasing your learning experience at AIOU.

AIOU Assignment Submission on Aaghi LMS Step By Step Guide

Hand Written AIOU Assignment Submission

The recent years AIOU has advanced its system. Hand return assignments have now been replaced by MS Word return assignments. Few Urdu and other assignments can be accepted in hand return, but you have to scan it into a PDF assignment and then you can upload this assignment on AIOU web portal. It is suitable to type assignments in your own words using Microsoft Word software on your laptop and mobile device.

How to Submit Assignments on AIOU | Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to submit assignments on the AIOU Aaghi LMS Portal:

Related post:

AIOU Solved Assignments

Ready the submission files

Make sure the file format of the upload is correct before submitting your assignments. Common formats include .doc, .pdf, or .jpg. The mostly ude is PDF. It is important to give your assignment files appropriate and descriptive names to help in easy identification and management. Here are some suggested examples for assignment file names:

  • “RollNumber_SubjectCode_AssignmentNumber.doc”
  • “YourName_SubjectCode_AssignmentNumber.pdf”
  • “RollNumber_AssignmentNumber.jpg”

Using meaningful file names helps both you and your instructor easily identify and manage your assignment submissions.

Login to Aaghi LMS portal

Fistly, visit the official website . Next, locate and click on the “Login” button. Enter your User Name and Password, and your personal account will open up for you to access.

Aaghi LMS Portal login page

Select your course

After logging in, click on the “My Courses” link displayed on the page. Then, select the course for which you need to submit the assignment.

AIOU aaghi lms portal Select your course

Select the Assignment

After that, click on the “Assignment” link to proceed with the submission. You will be redirected to a page where you can select the specific assignment number you are submitting.

AIOU Aaghi LMS Portal Select the Assignment

Assignment Status And Details

The next page that display following page. Click the “Add Submissions” button. On this page, you will see the current status and brief details of a specific assignment submission. Additionally, it will show the due date and the remaining time available to submit the assignment. If you have previously submitted this assignment, it will also show your assignment grades.

Assignment Status And Details

Add Submission

Now, look at the image and find the file icon. Click on it. Then, a new section will pop up where you can submit your assignments. If you’re using a laptop or computer, You can do two things. Either drag your homework file to a specific location or click the ‘Browse’ button to find and select your file.

aaghi lms portal Add Submission page

Upload Assignment file

A window will open, as shown in the image below. Click the “Upload File” button, then select “Browse” to locate your assignment file. Finally, click the “Upload this file” button. It is important to note that only MS Word and PDF format assignments will be accepted. If you are submitting handwritten assignments, you can scan them using a professional scanner or mobile scanner applications. However, make sure that the file size does not exceed 5MB, so use the best resolution for the images.

Upload Assignment file

Save Submission

Press or click the “Save Changes” button.

Save Submission

Edit Submitted Assignments

After successfully submitting your assignment through Allama Iqbal Open University’s Agha Learning Management System, you have the option to make changes or resubmit your assignment before the assignment deadline. If you need to upload the latest version of your assignment, simply go to the assignment details page and submit the latest version. Please note that this option is only available before the assignment due date, so make sure not to miss this deadline.

Aaghi LMS Portal Edit Submitted Assignments

How do I submit an assignment to  Portal?

Select your assignment, then click “Open.” After that, with the name of the assignment next to Browse. Click “Upload this file”. Which will display your uploaded assignment. Complete dertail step by step guide on this article.

How do I  upload  an assignment to LMS?

Log in to your Aaghi LMS account using your credentials provided by AIOU. Navigate to the “Assignments” section on the dashboard. Select the course for which you want to submit the assignment. Click on the specific assignment you wish to submit. Upload your assignment file by clicking on the “Upload” button. Double-check your submission to ensure it’s correct, then click “Submit.”

Can I edit my assignment after submission on Aaghi LMS?

In general, you cannot edit your assignment after submission. It is important to review your work thoroughly before submitting to ensure that it meets all requirements and standards.

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AIOU MASTER ACADEMY - Educational Guide Line to Students of AIOU. But This is Not an Official AIOU Web

AIOU Assignments Submit Dates

Aiou assignments dates, last dates of posting of assignments.

For Matric, F.A, and B.A

You can only submit your Handwritten Assignments to your concerned Tutors.

For BS , B.Ed, and All Post Graduate Programmes

You can submit your Handwritten 5MB scanned or 5MB PDF Format Assignments to your Aaghi LMS Portal Online.

1. Allama Iqbal Open University  ASSIGNMENTS :-

First and foremost Assignments are an essential part of the students. Because this plays a very important role.  Moreove r , you can’t clear your semester without assignments. Most Importantly send your assignments on time. However, you can not pass exams without assignments. In other words, your attendance in exams is wasteless.

2. Assignments Recommendation:-

You will be considered to fail without submitting your assignment. In other words, even if you get 95% marks in the examination you will be considered as fail. If you clear your assignments, you have the chance to appear in the examination. Therefore you can have 3 attempts to appear.

Following are the passing marks for each assignment

  • 1st Assignment must have at least 50% marks.
  • 2nd Assignment must have at least 50% marks.
  • 3rd Assignment must have at least 50% marks.
  • 4th Assignment must have at least 50% marks.

In contrast, subjects having 2 assignments follow the same percentage.

Above All  AIOU Master Academy strives to help AIOU students. Moreover, we provide exam preparation notes like  Key books ,  Guess papers , and  5 years papers.

3. Academy Mission:-

First of all our mission is to educate our young generation. Secondly Academy tries its best to build civilized and sophisticated mankind in our  country. besides, we are not indulged in any kind of miscellaneous activity that detracts students to take any shortcut in their education. subsequently, we always promote legal education as a priority, as well as help students self-learning and build skills to perform best in the future.

4. Earnings:-

Our basic earnings are from selling hardcopy notes like Key books ,  Guess papers , and 5 years’ Papers  to students at a very reasonable price. The Academy doesn’t earn by providing any kind of consultancy services. We assist students on  Call  or  WhatsApp  nor do we have premium support like others to earn money from needy students.

5. Free Notes:-

We also provide free  Guess Papers ,  5 Years Papers , and Soft Copy of  Assignments to students on our website. Assignments are only available on the website for guidelines and awareness about the conten t   and   pattern of related courses.

6. Online Earning:-

Despite this, our earnings are from the internet,  YouTube ,  and  Google . Similarly, They pay us because of the ads they publish on our  YouTube channel or on our website.

Category : Avtozavodsky District

 image   coat of arms image   locator map image 
Instance of
Location , , , Russia
Elevation above sea level
Authority file


This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.

  • Avtozavodskaya metro station (Nizhny Novgorod) ‎ (16 F)
  • GAZ ‎ (6 C, 36 F)
  • Ilicha Avenue, Nizhny Novgorod ‎ (1 C, 1 F)
  • Kirovskaya metro station (Nizhny Novgorod) ‎ (18 F)
  • Komsomolskaya metro station (Nizhny Novgorod) ‎ (14 F)
  • Kustovaya railway station ‎ (5 F)
  • Lenina Avenue (Nizhny Novgorod) ‎ (2 C, 32 F)
  • Malyshevskiye grivy, Nizhny Novgorod ‎ (40 F)
  • Molodyozhny Avenue ‎ (5 C, 13 F)
  • Park Kultury metro station (Nizhny Novgorod) ‎ (29 F)
  • Sotsgorod, Nizhny Novgorod ‎ (8 C, 27 F)

Media in category "Avtozavodsky District"

The following 87 files are in this category, out of 87 total.

submit assignment aiou

  • City districts of Nizhny Novgorod
  • Uses of Wikidata Infobox
  • Uses of Wikidata Infobox with maps
  • Pages with maps

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Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Recording Assignments

A Notice by the Patent and Trademark Office on 06/17/2024

This document has a comment period that ends in 59 days. (08/16/2024) Submit a formal comment

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0651-0027 Recording Assignments 1

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If you are using public inspection listings for legal research, you should verify the contents of the documents against a final, official edition of the Federal Register. Only official editions of the Federal Register provide legal notice of publication to the public and judicial notice to the courts under 44 U.S.C. 1503 & 1507 . Learn more here .

United States Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce.

Notice of information collection; request for comment.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, invites comments on the extension and revision of an existing information collection: 0651-0027 (Recording Assignments). The purpose of this notice is to allow 60 days for public comment preceding submission of the information collection to OMB.

To ensure consideration, comments regarding this information collection must be received on or before August 16, 2024.

Interested persons are invited to submit written comments by any of the following methods. Do not submit Confidential Business Information or otherwise sensitive or protected information.

  • Email: [email protected] . Include “0651-0027 comment” in the subject line of the message.
  • Federal eRulemaking Portal: .
  • Mail: Justin Isaac, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, United States Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.

Request for additional information should be directed to Joyce R. Johnson, Manager, Assignment Division, United States Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450; by telephone at 703-756-1265 or by email at [email protected] with “0651-0027 comment” in the subject line. Additional information about this information collection is also available at under “Information Collection Review.”

This collection of information is required by 35 U.S.C. 261 and 262 for patents and 15 U.S.C. 1057 and 1060 for trademarks. These statutes authorize the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to record patent and trademark assignment documents, including transfers of properties ( i.e., patents and trademarks), liens, licenses, assignments of interest, security interests, mergers, and explanations of transactions or other documents that record the transfer of ownership of a particular patent or trademark property from one party to another. Assignments are recorded for applications, patents, and trademark registrations.

The USPTO administers these statutes through 37 CFR 2.146 , 2.171 , and 37 CFR part 3 . These regulations permit the public, corporations, other federal agencies, and government-owned or government-controlled corporations to submit patent and trademark assignment documents and other documents related to title transfers to the USPTO to be recorded. In accordance with 37 CFR 3.54 , the recording of an assignment document by the USPTO is an administrative action and not a determination of the validity of the document or of the effect that the document has on the title to an application, patent, or trademark.

Once the assignment documents are recorded, they are available for public inspection. The only exceptions are those documents that are sealed under secrecy orders according to 37 CFR 3.58 , or related to unpublished patent applications maintained in confidence under 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14 . The public uses these records to conduct ownership and chain-of-title searches. The public may view these records either at the USPTO Public Search Facility or at the National Archives and Records Administration, depending on the date they were recorded. The public may also search patent and trademark assignment information online through the USPTO website. Start Printed Page 51314

This information collection covers the recordation of patent and trademark assignments. In order to record an assignment, the respondent must submit an assignment document along with the appropriate cover sheet. The USPTO provides two forms for this purpose, the Recordation Form Cover Sheet—Trademarks Only (PTO-1594), and the Recordation Form Cover Sheet—Patents Only (PTO-1595), which capture all of the necessary data for accurately recording various assignments. Customers may submit assignments electronically by using Assignment Center, which is available on the USPTO website. [ 1 ] This system allows customers to fill out the required cover sheet information online using web-based forms and then attach the assignment documents to be submitted for recordation. The USPTO also provides paper forms that may be used to record an assignment. These forms may be downloaded in PDF format from the USPTO website. [ 2 ]

The items in this information collection can be submitted electronically, or in paper form by mail or fax.

OMB Control Number: 0651-0027.

  • PTO-1594 (Recordation Form Cover Sheet—Trademarks Only)
  • PTO-1595 (Recordation Form Cover Sheet—Patents Only)

Type of Review: Extension and revision of a currently approved information collection.

Affected Public: Private sector.

Respondent's Obligation: Required to obtain or retain benefits.

Estimated Number of Annual Respondents: 724,442 respondents.

Estimated Number of Annual Responses: 724,442 responses.

Frequency: On occasion.

Estimated Time per Response: The USPTO estimates that the responses in this information collection will take the public approximately 30 minutes (0.5 hours) to complete. This includes the time to gather the necessary information, create the document, and submit the completed request to the USPTO.

Estimated Total Annual Respondent Burden Hours: 362,222 hours.

Estimated Total Annual Respondent Hourly Cost Burden: $103,233,270.

Table 1—Total Burden Hours and Hourly Costs to Private Sector Respondents

Item No.ItemEstimated annual respondentsResponses per respondentEstimated annual responsesEstimated time for response (hours)Estimated annual burden (hours/year)Rate  ($/hour)Estimated annual burden
(a)(b)(a) × (b) = (c)(d)(c) × (d) = (e)(f)(e) × (f) = (g)
1Patent Assignments637,3111637,3110.5 (30 minutes)318,656$285$90,816,960
2Trademark Assignments87,131187,1310.5 (30 minutes)43,56628512,416,310

Estimated Total Annual Respondent Non-hourly Cost Burden: $9,148,303. There are no capital start-up costs, maintenance costs, or recordkeeping costs associated with this information collection. However, the USPTO estimates that the total annual non-hour cost burden for this information collection, in the form of filing fees and postage, is $9,148,303.

The filing fees in this information collection are listed in the table below.

Table 2—Filing Fees

Item No.Fee codeItemEstimated annual responsesEstimated costEstimated non-hour cost burden
(a)(b)(a) × (b) = (c)
18021Recording each patent assignment, agreement or other paper, per property—if not submitted electronically214$50$10,700
28521Recording trademark assignment, agreement or other ownership document, first mark per document87,131403,485,240
28522Recording trademark assignment, agreement or other ownership document, second and subsequent marks in the same document226,081255,652,025

Although the USPTO prefers that the items in this information collection be submitted electronically, responses may be submitted by mail through the United States Postal Service (USPS). The USPTO estimates that approximately 243 items will be submitted in the mail. The USPTO estimates that the average postage cost for a mailed submission, using a one-ounce large flat envelope mailed First Class, will be $1.39. Therefore, the USPTO estimates the total mailing costs for this information collection at $338. Start Printed Page 51315

The USPTO is soliciting public comments to:

(a) Evaluate whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Agency, including whether the information will have practical utility;

(b) Evaluate the accuracy of the Agency's estimate of the burden of the collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used;

(c) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and

(d) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses.

All comments submitted in response to this notice are a matter of public record. The USPTO will include or summarize each comment in the request to OMB to approve this information collection. Before including an address, phone number, email address, or other personally identifiable information (PII) in a comment, be aware that the entire comment—including PII—may be made publicly available at any time. While you may ask in your comment to withhold PII from public view, the USPTO cannot guarantee that it will be able to do so.

Justin Isaac,

Information Collections Officer, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, United States Patent and Trademark Office.

1. .

2.​forms/​pto1595.pdf and​sites/​default/​files/​pto1594.pdf , respectively.

3.  In this information collection the USPTO uses an average of the rates for intellectual property attorneys and paralegals/paraprofessionals. The USPTO uses the average billing rate for intellectual property work in all firms, which is $447 per hour (​home/​news-publications/​economic-survey . 2023 Report of the Economic Survey, published by the Committee on Economics of Legal Practice of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA); pg. F-41.). The USPTO uses the average billing rate for paralegals/paraprofessionals, which is $122 per hour (​paralegal-info/​ ). 2022 National Utilization and Compensation Survey Report published by the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA); pg. 38.

[ FR Doc. 2024-13275 Filed 6-14-24; 8:45 am]


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Ex-Mets infielder gets cut, and some are linking him to Yankees

  • Updated: Jun. 18, 2024, 3:16 p.m. |
  • Published: Jun. 18, 2024, 8:59 a.m.

Red Sox

The A's have designated J.D. Davis for assignment. AP

  • Bridget Hyland | NJ Advance Media for

The Oakland A’s have designated J.D. Davis for assignment, according to Jeff Passan of ESPN .

Davis signed with the A’s in March after he was cut by the San Francisco Giants before the season began. The Giants added third baseman Matt Chapman and released Davis before his arbitration salary of $6.9 million was guaranteed on Opening Day.


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  • Yankees lose 2 relievers to injury ahead of opener vs. Orioles, bring in replacements
  • Former Yankees top prospect traded in Sonny Gray deal headed back to AL East
  • How Yankees plan to use Ben Rice, who will debut with Aaron Boone absent

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Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

You are here, about nizhny novgorod.

If you are still wondering, whether Nizhny Novgorod travel would be something you'd like to experience, let us help you - it would. This colorful Russian city full of cultural heritage might exceed your expectations since it has something to offer for everyone.

Reasons to Travel to Nizhny Novgorod

Art enthusiasts will surely enjoy the State Gorky Literature Museum which was named after the great Russian author Maxim Gorky. Bet you didn't know that Nizhny Novgorod was his birthplace? Do not worry, now you do.

There are also multiple art galleries and installations such as The Blogger's Bench which provides free Wi-Fi access if you are in the mood of blogging about your experience.

The musician community will not be disappointed as well, as the city has multiple live music bars and cafes open for the public and is often the place where great concerts are staged. If you are not that into art, there are plenty of other places worth putting on your Nizhny Novgorod itinerary, f.e., the grand red-brick Kremlin.

The Cathedral of Archangel Michael, which is actually the only church that has stood the test of time in Kremlin, along with multiple ancient towers is what makes this site a must-see. By the way, the magnificent church of St. Elijah is right around the corner, so make sure to make a little detour during your Nizhny Novgorod tour after seeing the Kremlin.

Another thing you should not miss during your Nizhny Novgorod sightseeing is the panorama of Strelka, overlooking the amazing view of the confluence of the rivers Oka and Volga and also the Fedorovsky Embankment, a perfect place for a stroll in the evening.

If you want to take a look at the scene from a different angle, hop on a boat trip along the two rivers! Nowadays Nizhny Novgorod is the fifth-largest city in the Russian Federation, somehow managing to maintain the unique heritage alongside its cultural versatility, thus looking at pictures is not enough, feel like exploring it yourself?

Best Things to Do in Nizhny Novgorod

  • Witness the ancient Novgorod Kremlin
  • Get inspired by the scenic panoramas of the Volga River
  • Explore diverse museums of Nizhny Novgorod

More About Nizhny Novgorod

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  2. AIOU Assignment Submission 2024 Online Aaghi Portal LMS

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  1. Aiou

    Assignment submissions for Spring 2023 will be accepted on ... ODL Online Workshops + Assignment Submission . Login. Windows/IOS/Andriod. Microsoft Teams. Download Now. Autumn 2020. LMS Portal. Login. Spring 22 | Autumn 22 | Spring 23. ODL Online Workshops + Assignment Submission .

  2. How to Submit Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal

    How to Submit Assignments on AIOU Aaghi LMS Portal. I have divided the complete method into steps so students can easily understand the guide with a better approach. Step 1: Create the Assignment. Step 2: Ready the submission files. Step 3: Login to Aaghi LMS portal. Step 4: Select your course.

  3. Assignments (QP)

    Assignments (QP) Semester Spring 2024. S.S.C., H.S.S.C.,ATTC,NFE& Literacy certificate, French Online Courses. Bachelor, ADC,ADB,BS,BBA,B.ed, Post Graduate Courses. Assignment Covering Form. Instructions for Writing Assignments . ... The Allama Iqbal Open University was established in May, 1974, with the main objectives of providing educational ...

  4. How to Submit AIOU Assignments on the Aaghi LMS Portal

    Select Your Course. Choose the course you need to submit an assignment for. Click the Assignment 1 or 2 Button. Select either Assignment 1 or Assignment 2, depending on what you need to submit. Click the "Add Submission" Box. A box labeled "Add Submission" is where you will upload your assignment file.

  5. AIOU

    AIOU - How To Upload / Submit Semester Assignment at LMS Portal / Assignment Submission MethodLMS Link: To PDF Convert Linkhttps...

  6. Assignments

    Please read the following instructions for writing your assignments. (SSC, HSSC & BA Programmes) 1. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks but within a question the marks are distributed according to its requirements. 2. Read the question carefully and then answer it according to the requirements of the question. 3.

  7. Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

    a) Through Banks. Visit any branch of ABL, MCB, UBL or FWBL for submitting of fee. b) Through Telcos. For Easypaisa. Open Easypaisa App>Click on Bill Payments>Click on Education>Select Allama Iqbal. Open University> Enter Challan Number. For Jazz Cash. Open Jazz cash App> Select Universities under the Education tab>Select Allama Iqbal.

  8. PDF ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY (Directorate of Regional Services)

    - Assignment is mandatory component; please submit your assignments on your Aaghi LMS portal ( Spring 2023 semester well before the due date. In case of any complaint/query regarding LMS account credentials contact your regional office. - The workshop is a compulsory component of the study for successful completion

  9. How to submit assignment on lms aiou

    #how #to #submit #assignment #on #lms #aiouHow To Send Assignment On AIOU LMS System News Updated 2020*#Highlighted #points*All students of 16-year AIOU prog...

  10. AIOU Aaghi Portal Online Assignment Submission Method

    Assalam o Alikum!⏩ AIOU Aaghi Portal Online Assignment Submission Method⏩ Link:⏩ Video Tags:#Aaghi#OnlineAssignment#Method#AaghiSms...

  11. AIOU Assignments Submission Method for Aaghi LMS Portal

    Submit your assignment by following these easy steps: Click the Assignment button, then click Submit My Job. It's the simplest way to do it; simply follow the directions on your computer or mobile phone screen. The following page will be shown, and you may add your aiou assignment submission by clicking the Add Submissions button.

  12. How to Submit Assignment on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS Full Guide

    Step: 01. First, of all, you click to open the official website link displayed below click the login button, and enter your User Name and Password then your account will open in front of you. Step: 02. Then click on the My Courses link and choose your course for submitting the assignments on the Aghee portal. You can also see the image uploaded ...

  13. Assignment Schedule

    Assignment Schedule. Matric Programme. Schedule. F.A Programme. Schedule. BA / Associate Degree / Certificate Course Programme. Schedule. B.Ed, BS, ADC, BBA & Post Graduate Programmes. ... The Allama Iqbal Open University was established in May, 1974, with the main objectives of providing educational opportunities to masses and to those who ...

  14. Aiou Assignments Guide 2024

    What is the recommended formatting. AIOU provides formatting guidelines in assignment instructions. The general rules are: 12-point Times New Roman font. 1.5 line spacing. Margins of 1 inch on all sides. Page numbers in the bottom right corner. Title page with course code, assignment number, and student details.

  15. AIOU Assignment Submission on Aaghi LMS

    How to AIOU Assignment Submission Step by Step Guide. Dear AIOU students, if you complete your assignments on time, then you can get good grades after uploading them. We think that you must know a full procedure or a step-wise guidance in which you learn the methodology of AIOU Assignments Submission, in a very quick way. Now, take charge and ...

  16. AIOU Assignment Schedule 2024 Submission Last Date

    AIOU Assignment submissions for Spring 2024 will be accepted at The last date of assignment submission for AIOU Spring 2024 and Autumn Semester is given below. Please visit login to check the Bachelor, ADC, ADB, BS, BBA, B.ed, ATTC, Post Graduate Courses assignment schedule and Assignment Covering Form.

  17. PDF ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY (Directorate of Regional Services)

    - Assignment is mandatory component; please submit your assignments on your Aaghi LMS portal ( Autumn-2023 semester well before the due date. In case of any complaint/query regarding LMS account credentials contact your regional office. - The workshop is a compulsory component of the study for successful completion ...

  18. AIOU Assignment Submission on Aaghi LMS 2024

    How to Submit Assignments on AIOU | Step-by-Step Guide. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to submit assignments on the AIOU Aaghi LMS Portal: Related post: AIOU Solved Assignments. Ready the submission files. Step 1: Make sure the file format of the upload is correct before submitting your assignments. Common formats include .doc, .pdf, or ...

  19. AIOU Assignments Submit Dates

    You can submit your Handwritten 5MB scanned or 5MB PDF Format Assignments to your Aaghi LMS Portal Online. 1. Allama Iqbal Open University ASSIGNMENTS :-. First and foremost Assignments are an essential part of the students. Because this plays a very important role. Moreover, you can't clear your semester without assignments.

  20. Category:Avtozavodsky District

    Avtozavodsky District. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Avtozavodsky City District, District d'Avtozavodsky. one of the eight districts of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Plotnikov street. Sotsgorod-2. image. coat of arms image. locator map image.

  21. Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of

    The public may also search patent and trademark assignment information online through the USPTO website. Start Printed Page 51314. This information collection covers the recordation of patent and trademark assignments. In order to record an assignment, the respondent must submit an assignment document along with the appropriate cover sheet.

  22. Nizhny Novgorod Map

    Type: City with 1,200,000 residents Description: capital of the Nizhny Novgorod Oblast and the Volga Federal District in central Russia Address: городской округ Нижний Новгород Neighbors: Nizhny Novgorod Oblast

  23. Ex-Mets infielder gets cut, and some are linking him to Yankees

    The Oakland A's have designated J.D. Davis for assignment, according to Jeff Passan of ESPN. Davis had signed with the A's in March after he was cut by the San Francisco Giants before the ...

  24. Nizhny Novgorod

    Nizhny Novgorod (Russian: Ни́жний Но́вгород NEEZH-nee NOHV-guh-ruht), colloquially shortened to Nizhny, is Russia's fifth largest city, ranking after Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg.It had a population in 2005 of 1,297,600. It is the economic and cultural center of the vast Volga economic region, and also the administrative center of Nizhny Novgorod ...

  25. Visit Nizhny Novgorod in Russia

    The Cathedral of Archangel Michael, which is actually the only church that has stood the test of time in Kremlin, along with multiple ancient towers is what makes this site a must-see. By the way, the magnificent church of St. Elijah is right around the corner, so make sure to make a little detour during your Nizhny Novgorod tour after seeing ...