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  • By Melissa Jones

kellogg video essay questions 2024

This year, Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management is really looking to see how you think on your feet. Last year, they provided general versions of the questions in advance. This year, the school did not provide a hint about what the questions would be — and they are mixing them up. From the experience of 2024 candidates who applied for the Round 1 September 13 deadline, two of the three questions are randomly assigned. 

Question 1 is consistent:  Kellogg asks you to introduce yourself by telling admissions something they wouldn’t already know from your resume. 

Questions 2 and 3 are usually behavioral interview questions aimed to elicit more about you and your skills and experiences. However, on occasion we have seen a classic “Why Kellogg” question show up here, so be prepared to answer this: “What draws you to Kellogg specifically? Why is Kellogg the right program for you?”

Examples of behavioral questions we have seen so far ask you to tell the committee about:

  • A time when you experienced a team conflict 
  • An innovation you made in the past year 
  • A misconception people have about you
  • An important relationship in your life 
  • A time you created value
  • A problem you faced and the creative solution you came up with

The Video Process

After submitting your application and paying the fee, you’ll receive access to the video essay link from your status page in Kellogg’s application portal. (Given processing time, there may be a delay of a few hours before the link appears.) Videos are due within 96 hours after the application deadline. 

There are practice questions you can answer as many times as you like. Kellogg recommends using the practice questions to get comfortable with the format and process. We strongly agree, because there is no option to edit or redo your videos once you start.

When you’re ready and start the video recording, you’ll have 20 seconds to think about the question presented, and up to one minute to give your response.

Expect the entire video process to take 20 to 25 minutes, including time for set-up practice, and recording and submitting your responses to the actual questions. Note that you’ll need an updated version of Adobe Flash to complete the video essay. 

Showcase Yourself 

Kellogg says the video is optional in an email sent after applications are submitted, but we strongly encourage all candidates to submit them. Consider the video essays a huge opportunity to showcase your personality and character in ways that may not come across in the written word. 

Seize the advantages of the medium and get creative; one standout example we remember is a candidate who began their video introduction with a brief viola performance, then used an element of the instrument itself as a metaphor to convey their  personality and interpersonal style.

Remember that Kellogg wants to learn something new about you. The video is the place to tell stories or share important information that did not fit anywhere in the more structured elements of the application. As you prepare, imagine how to convey what’s not obvious in your resume, credentials or LinkedIn profile. What will help make your application sticky and memorable? Again, reflect on the story you want to tell and offer a dimension that might be missing.

In this year’s behavioral questions, Kellogg is inviting you to demonstrate qualities they value:  leadership, impact, empathy, collaboration and so on. Consider how your responses can share short stories that reflect these qualities.

5 Top Tips to Performing Well on Video Essays

  • Plan your answers. Jot down a few bullets or talking points or outline a quick structure, e.g., main answer and supporting examples. But avoid overly scripting – you want to appear fluid and natural on camera.
  • Optimize your image capture. If possible, stand and deliver your responses. You’ll convey more energy. Be sure to elevate your laptop to eye level, and ensure your face is in good light (consider a ring light if you don’t have good natural light).
  • Record yourself when you practice. What type of impression are you giving? Are you friendly and approachable? Would others feel comfortable working with you?
  • Dress for success.  This is still an interview after all, so put on your best Zoom outfit. If you work in a more creative or entrepreneurial field, it’s fine to skip the tie or jacket, but dress like you’re interviewing for your post-MBA dream job.
  • Connect with the viewer.  Ask yourself, if the person reviewing my video essay takes nothing else, what is the number one thing I want them to remember about me? And enjoy yourself. The admissions team wants to get to know you, and when you smile and authentically convey who you are, it’s easier for the viewer to envision how you’ll be in a classroom.

Fortuna’s expert coaches can help you prep for videos or any aspect of your application. To learn more about how we can make your MBA dreams a reality, book a free consultation .

  • Posted on September 19, 2023

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Mastering Kellogg’s New Video Questions

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kellogg video essay questions 2024

Increasingly, MBA programs are encouraging or requiring candidates to submit videos online shortly after submitting their application. Among other benefits, this helps schools see the real you and gauge how you present yourself without much preparation. 

For example, Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management seems to be really looking to see how you think on your feet. When they debuted the optional video last year, they provided general versions of the questions in advance. This year, the school did not provide a hint about what the questions would be — and they are mixing them up. 

Question 1 is a common video prompt; Kellogg asks you to introduce yourself by telling admissions something they wouldn’t already know from your resume. Questions 2 and 3 seem to be randomly assigned. Be prepared to encounter a classic “Why Kellogg?” style question (“What draws you to Kellogg specifically? Why is Kellogg the right program for you?” ) More frequently, the examples we have seen are behavioral interview questions aimed to elicit more about you and your skills and experiences.

Examples we have seen so far ask you to tell the committee about: 

  • A time when you experienced a team conflict 
  • An innovation you made in the past year 
  • A misconception people have about you
  • An important relationship in your life 
  • A time you created value
  • A problem you faced and the creative solution you came up with

There are practice questions you can answer as many times as you like. Kellogg recommends using the practice questions to get comfortable with the format and process. We strongly agree, because there is no option to edit or redo your videos once you start.

Showcase Yourself 

Kellogg says the video is optional in an email sent after applications are submitted, but we strongly encourage all candidates to submit them. Consider the video essays a huge opportunity to showcase your personality and character in ways that may not come across in the written word. 

Seize the advantages of the medium and get creative; one standout example we remember is a candidate who began their video introduction with a brief viola performance, then used an element of the instrument itself as a metaphor to convey their personality and interpersonal style.

Remember that Kellogg wants to learn something new about you. The video is the place to tell stories or share important information that did not fit anywhere in the more structured elements of the application. As you prepare, imagine how to convey what’s not obvious in your resume, credentials, or LinkedIn profile. What will help make your application sticky and memorable? Again, reflect on the story you want to tell and offer a dimension that might be missing.

In this year’s behavioral questions, Kellogg is inviting you to demonstrate qualities they value:  leadership, impact, empathy, collaboration, and so on. Consider how your responses can share short stories that reflect these qualities. 

For more advice, see my Fortuna blog on how to respond to Kellogg’s prompts or any admissions video essay questions. 

Fortuna’s expert coaches can help you prep for videos or any aspect of your application. To learn more about how we can make your MBA dreams a reality, book a free consultation .

kellogg video essay questions 2024

Fortuna Senior Expert Coach  Melissa Jones  was formerly Assistant Director for the MBA Program at INSEAD, where she advised countless candidates on the MBA admissions process.

For a candid assessment of your chances of admission success at a top MBA program,  sign up for a free consultation .

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kellogg video essay questions 2024

June 26, 2024

Kellogg MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines [2024 – 2025], Class Profile

kellogg video essay questions 2024

Kellogg values individuals; who you are as a person, what you’ve done, and how you will engage with the school’s greater community are all very important. Yes, academics and work experience are also key parts of your profile, but the school’s essay prompts seek to elicit more information about your personality, values, and goals so the admissions committee can determine your “fit” with its program. That is one of the reasons they also require video essays.

Kellogg has three excellent videos on preparing its application , and I urge you to watch all of them so you’ll understand better what the school is looking for. In addition, Kellogg provides detailed explanations of its different MBA programs so you can find the one that is right for you. Each MBA program requires that you write these essays, and in some cases, you must provide an additional essay related to the specific dual degree being pursued (e.g., MBA/JD, MMM, MBAi).

Ready to get to work on your Kellogg application? Read on. 

Kellogg application essay tips

Kellogg application deadlines, kellogg class profile, question 1: intentionality is a key aspect of what makes our graduates successful kellogg leaders. help us understand your journey by articulating your motivations for pursuing an mba, the specific goals you aim to achieve, and why you believe now is the right moment. moreover, share why you feel kellogg is best suited to serve as a catalyst for your career aspirations and what you will contribute to our community of lifelong learners during your time here. (450 words).

This essay seeks to elicit an honest answer from you as to why you want an MBA from Kellogg. It isn’t that different from the typical question “Why do you want an MBA?” but requires a more thoughtful and personal answer. I suspect that Kellogg has chosen this specific wording to weed out essays written by AI, which tend to be vague generalizations. Please don’t respond with canned responses like “I need to hone my business skills” or “an MBA from Kellogg will enable me to advance in my career.” That really says nothing! You can hone your business skills on YouTube; you can advance your career by having a mentor. Reflect on your real reasons for earning an MBA, and respond with specific examples. This could be an instance from your past when you realized you didn’t know how to manage your team well, or perhaps you’ve observed coworkers with MBAs and seen how they approach problem-solving strategically. 

For this essay, you need to think back on times when a lightbulb came on, and you thought, “Wow, if I had studied XXX, I could do this job faster and more efficiently.” This is true whether or not you have a business background or degree. And you need to be specific about your goals. “I intend to be a project manager with Amazon, Google, or Microsoft” is a poor answer, as is “I want to do strategic consulting.” Many of these companies have recently been laying off people, so if you don’t know about current trends in your area of interest, shame on you! These are also banal answers, because every computer engineer who applies answers the same way. 

Look at the job descriptions on your target company’s website. What positions is it hiring for, and what do applicants for that position have to know?  Having this information will show the committee that you have done your research and that you have feasible goals.

As for what you will contribute to the Kellogg community, find something in your background that sets you apart from other applicants. This doesn’t have to be a professional quality. If you say, for example, “I am a strong leader and good at managing my team,” how does that help you stand out from the pack? Don’t you think that other individuals applying to Kellogg also have this quality? Think about values you cherish, hobbies that might help bring a group together, ideas for a business to start discussions, or even research you’ve done on your own. And take a look at the class profile to see where your classmates have come from. Finally, if you are an international candidate, you can always discuss how things are done in your country, compared to how they are done in the United States. 

Question 2: Kellogg leaders are primed to tackle challenges everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods.

Describe a specific professional experience where you had to make a difficult decision. Reflecting on this experience, identify the values that guided your decision-making process and how it impacted your leadership style. (450 words)

Again, this essay requires a specific example, not a hypothetical situation. They don’t expect you to discuss how you found a cure for cancer or peace in the Middle East. It can be something relatively small that still made an impact on the company, on you, or on someone else. For example, you realized that women were underrepresented in a specific department, so you brought that up with the department head and volunteered to help recruit more women and develop programming to keep them. The key here is to  refer back to the values you hold that propelled you to take this action.

Reapplicant Essay: Reapplicants will receive a prompt about their growth since their last application: How have you grown or changed personally and professionally since you previously applied and what steps have you taken to become the strongest candidate you can be? (250 words)

For this and any other reapplicant essay, you need to show what’s changed from your former application. It could be a new test score, it could be a promotion, or it might simply be a reevaluation of your goals and the realization that what you thought you wanted to do wasn’t really feasible. Keep your message short and to the point, and don’t reiterate anything you said in your previous application essays. 

Video essays: Things to keep in mind as you prepare to complete this section:

  • Video essays are due 96 hours after the application deadline.
  • A video essay link will appear on your Application Status Page after you submit your application and payment.
  • You will need an internet-connected computer with a webcam and microphone.
  • The video should take about 20-25 minutes to complete, including setup time.

The video essay doesn’t need to be a Hollywood-perfect documentary! Don’t over-rehearse or read from a script. You won’t know the questions until you’ve submitted your application, but the questions are usually about something you know, and you will have time to prepare for them.  

Practice speaking into a camera, and record yourself to be sure you are looking at the camera and not somewhere else. Also, speak slowly and clearly. If you rush, you’ll look nervous, and worse, your listeners might not be able to understand what you are saying.

Have a neutral background with lighting in front of you. And lock the doors so no one can interrupt you while you are recording. If you want to discuss something personal that defines you, you could consider, for example, filming yourself in the outdoors hiking, in your studio creating art, or playing a musical instrument.

Kellogg isn’t trying to trip you up with this video component; the admissions committee wants to find out who you are apart from your work, and they are looking for reasons to admit you, so breathe deeply, do a few practice runs before you begin (to be sure your equipment is working), and don’t forget to smile!

For expert guidance with your Kellogg MBA application, schedule a free consultation with an Accepted MBA expert. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to Kellogg’s MBA program and look forward to helping you, too!

Round 1September 11, 2024December 11, 2024
Round 2January 8, 2025March 26, 2025
Round 3April 2, 2025May 7, 2025

Source: Northwestern Kellogg website

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with Kellogg directly to verify its essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.***

Here is a look at the Kellogg MBA Class of 2025 (data taken from the Kellogg website ):

Class size: 529

Female: 48%

International: 39%

U.S. students of color: 42%

Average GMAT score: 731

GMAT score range: 620-780

Median GRE Verbal: 163

GRE Verbal range: 148-170

Median GRE Quant: 163

GRE Quant range: 146-170

Average GPA: 3.7

GPA range: 2.8-4.0

Average years of work experience: 5

Undergraduate majors:

  • Economics/Business: 50%
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics: 38%
  • Humanities: 25%

Industry background:

  • Consulting: 26%
  • Financial services: 19%
  • Technology: 19%
  • Healthcare/Biopharma: 8%
  • Consumer products: 5%
  • Government/Education/Nonprofit: 4%
  • Media and entertainment: 4%
  • Manufacturing: 3%
  • Military: 3% 

Getting into Kellogg, or any of the top-tier MBA programs, is very competitive. Schedule a free consultation and we’ll match you with an experienced admissions consultant who will work with you one-on-one to create an outstanding application and prepare you to ace your interview. So give yourself the edge, and get accepted !

Christie St John

Dr. Christie St-John has more than 25 years of higher ed and admissions experience, including ten years in admissions at Dartmouth Tuck. She was formerly the director of MBA recruiting and admissions, director of international relations, and an adjunct faculty member at Vanderbilt University. Having also served on the board of directors of the MBA Career Services & Employer Alliance and the Consortium for Graduate Studies in Management, Christie has a deep knowledge of MBA and other graduate admissions. Want Christie to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!

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How to Successfully Complete the Kellogg Video Essay

Sep 14, 2023

kellogg video essay questions 2024

Why does Kellogg require a video essay?

How does the kellogg video essay work, which types of questions are asked, the difference between a good and great video essay, make sure you get into kellogg.

UPDATE : This article was originally posted on September 16, 2019. It has been updated with new information and tips below! 

With its Global Hub, Kellogg of Management at Northwestern University has reinforced itself as a haven for collaboratively-minded leaders. However, if you want to experience the Global Hub for yourself, you’ve got quite the road ahead, as Kellogg is one of the world’s most elite, competitive business schools.

Despite this fact, many applicants dedicate countless hours to writing Kellogg’s admissions essays and then rush through the video essay component. 

This is a huge mistake. 

In addition to giving the admissions committee the chance to “put a face with a name,” the video essay is an essential part of the Kellogg application, as it allows committee members to determine if your communication style and values are a good fit with the Kellogg community. 

In fact, in our experience helping our Kellogg applicants secure a place at the school, we have noticed that the video essay can be as influential in an applicant’s admissions decision as the admissions interview . 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you understand how the Kellogg video essay works and have shared a list of Kellogg video essay questions to ensure you put your best foot forward! 

When we first started working with Kellogg applicants many years ago, the video essay component had not yet been introduced. However, since its launch in 2013, the video essay has quickly become a critical part of the application. 

That’s because it gives the admissions committee the chance to truly “meet” candidates — as well as identify red flags in potential members of the Kellogg community. 

According to Kellogg’s admissions committee, 

“The Video Essays provide applicants with an additional opportunity to demonstrate what they will bring to our vibrant Kellogg community – in an interactive way. Each applicant will complete two short video essay questions. The questions are designed to bring to life the person we have learned about on paper.” 

They also give applicants this advice:

kellogg video essay questions

With that in mind, it’s extremely important to make sure you fully understand this component of the application. 

The way the video essay works is very simple. 

After submitting your application, you will receive an email from a company called Kira Talent. This email will contain a link that allows you to access the video essay platform. 

After signing in and starting the session, you will get three Kellogg video essay questions in total, one at a time. After receiving the questions, you will have 20 seconds to think and then 1 minute to answer. There are no opportunities to redo the question, and you only get one chance to speak and provide your answer.

Unlike previous years, where some of the questions applicants received were random, Kellogg has pre-announced the three questions you will need to answer this year. We’ll go more into detail about the types of questions you can expect below. 

If you’ve taken the TOEFL exam , you’ve already practiced for the type of format you can expect in the Kellogg video essay! 

After signing in and “starting” the session, a video will appear on the screen. This video will show a member of the Kellogg community, who will read the question you are tasked with answering. The question will also appear in written form under the video. 

After the time runs out, the screen video will disappear and your image will be visible on the screen. At this point, your 20 seconds to think will automatically appear. 

After the preparation time runs out, the clock to answer (60 seconds!) will start, and you will need to give your answer during this period of time. Remember: you cannot redo any of the questions.

After you answer the question, the system will upload your answer to the server (depending on your connection this can take a while) and will present you with the next question. 

DO NOT leave your computer during the upload time , even if it’s taking a while. You cannot pause the process, and you may end up missing questions!

Technical requirements

Given past applicants’ issues with iPad and mobile versions of the application, we strongly suggest you record your answer on a computer . 

If you do end up experiencing technical issues, access the support page here . 

kellogg video essay questions 2024

Regardless of when you submit your application, you need to submit your video essay response no more than 96 hours after the round’s deadline . Find Kellogg’s most current application deadlines here . 

If you submit your application early, you can submit your responses to Kellogg’s video essay questions at any time, as long as you make the final deadline.  

The Kellogg video essay questions are grouped into three different categories, each with a different focus. 

Question 1: Introduce Yourself

The first question Kellogg asks gives you the chance to share who you are beyond your CV and admissions essays. 

“ Please introduce yourself and tell us something that is not on your CV that you want us to know about you.” Consider this your opportunity to share what you would want your future Kellogg classmates and our admissions committee to know about you. What makes you, you?”

Despite the innocent-seeming question, be careful about what you choose to show here. Keep in mind that Kellogg prefers community-focused, growth-minded leaders, so don’t miss an opportunity to reinforce your personal brand and your fit with the school’s values. You should also focus on reinforcing elements of your profile that you might not have had a chance to explain elsewhere, such as volunteer work or a special skill you possess. 

You do not need to speak about your goals or why you want to attend Kellogg. 

Questions 2 & 3: Randomized interview-type questions

For this question, there won’t be a specific prompt you can answer in advance. Instead, you’re going to receive a random behavioral-based question. This question may be focused on your characteristics, or it may allow you to share a professional example that highlights your personality traits. 

The best advice for this section is to think about what it’s asking you and what you can show about yourself, your achievements, and your values.

If the question asks about your favorite book, the admissions committee will get a certain impression of you based on what you choose. If you choose a book that’s all about adventure, we’ll assume that’s important to you. If you choose a book about economics, we’ll assume that’s a key part of your life. 

So think about how you want the admissions committee to learn about you beyond what you’ve already shared in your application. 

If you get a question that’s more like a traditional behavioral interview question, try to draw on examples. Furthermore, make sure to show your human side and demonstrate that you genuinely care for others and want teams you join to succeed. It can be easy to answer in a very conversational way, but doing so can often lead to an answer without a point, so make sure you use your planning time to structure the key elements of your answer. 

Regardless, be careful about what you choose to show here. Keep in mind that Kellogg prefers globally-minded leaders who embrace diversity, so don’t miss an opportunity to reinforce your personal brand and your fit with the school’s values. 

Here is a list of the types of questions you can expect.

  • Tell us about a time you took a risk. What did you learn?
  • If you were a team leader and you had a member of your team who constantly under-delivered, what would you do?
  • Tell us about a time you experienced a professional failure. What did you learn from it?
  • Tell me about a time you worked with a dysfunctional team. How did you manage the situation?
  • Tell us about a conflict you have had with your boss/with a team at work. How did you manage to resolve it?
  • What accomplishment are you proudest of?
  • Tell us about an organization or activity to which you have devoted a significant amount of time. Why was it meaningful to you?
  • What will your classmates be most surprised to learn about you?
  • What is the most challenging aspect of working in an internationally diverse environment?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?
  • Tell us about a time a team member did not “pull his weight” in the team.
  • Who is someone you deeply admire and why?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received that you also shared with other people?
  • When you have a problem, who do you approach for advice and why?
  • How would your teammates describe you?
  • If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
  • Tell us about a time you worked with diversity in the workplace.
  • Tell us about a time you contributed to improving a process in your organization.
  • Tell us about a time you solved a problem in a creative way. 
  • Tell us about a time when you faced a conflict on a team that affected its productivity. How did you face it?
  • Tell us about a positive impact that you made. Why was it important to you?
  • Whose leadership style do you admire and why?
TOP TIP : Remember that Kellogg values teamwork-oriented, collaborative individuals. 

Given the importance of the video essay in your Kellogg application, it’s crucial to make sure you don’t just have a good video essay, but that you have a great video essay. 

Now that you’ve learned how the video essay will work, we’ve gathered our top 5 tips here to ensure your video essay performance brings you one step closer to reaching your goal of attending Kellogg. 

You have stressed about every aspect of your Kellogg application, and now you are ready to record your video essay! With the right preparation, this can be your chance to shine and get a highly-coveted spot at Kellogg. 

However, maybe you don’t know where to start in preparing, or maybe you ramble on and lose your focus while answering. Maybe you’ve even downloaded the sample questions and written out your answers. The problem is, when you try to apply these templates to your own story, it doesn’t quite work.

Our video essay prep focuses on helping you determine how to present yourself to Kellogg while using appropriate, impact-driven language without being artificial, or worse, robotic.

Regardless of where you’re from or what type of experience you have, we are focused on helping you do your best. 

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Kellogg MBA Video Essays & How to Tackle the New Question


Kellogg asks each applicant to complete a video essay component after submitting its MBA application. The school gives you all three questions upfront.

The first two questions are specific, meaning you can prepare and rehearse your answers in advance. The third, as Kellogg says, “will be based on a challenge you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from it.” While you may not know the precise wording of question 3, the good news is that you have time to prepare possible responses. Your challenge – and opportunity – is to respond in a way that’s concise, meaningful, and introspective.

How to Tackle the Kellogg Video Essay Questions

The first video question asks you to ‘introduce yourself to the admissions committee’ in the spirit of what you’ll bring to future classmates and ‘what makes you, you?’. The second drives at your career goals and ‘why Kellogg.’ For the third question, you can expect an interview-type behavioral prompt focused on a challenging moment in your personal or professional life.

Consider the video essays a huge opportunity to showcase your personality and character. Remember that Kellogg wants to learn something new about you (meaning, prepare some fresh material and don’t regurgitate examples from your written essays).

As you prepare, imagine how to convey what’s not obvious in your resume, credentials or LinkedIn profile. What will help make your application sticky and memorable? Again, reflect on the story you want to tell and offer a dimension that might be missing.

kellogg video essay questions 2024

Play with ways to take advantage of the medium itself in your storytelling. Among my favorite efforts at a ‘introduce yourself’ video response was from a candidate who gave a brief viola performance, then used an element of the instrument itself as a metaphor to convey his personality and interpersonal style.

As you reflect on possible responses to the third question, consider: What meaning can be discerned from your story and what does it say about you and who you are as a leader? How might the qualities that are most important to Kellogg be reflected in your response? Considered self-reflection is the key to delivering something that’s both meaningful and distinctive. As you do, keep your audience in mind – this is a business school essay after all, and your words are directed to the MBA admissions committee.

5 Top Video Essay Tips:

1. plan your answers..

Jot down a few bullets or talking points or outline a quick structure, e.g., main answer and supporting examples. But avoid overly scripting – you want to appear fluid and natural on camera.

2. Stand for more energy.

Ensure your face is in good light (consider a ring light if you don’t have good natural light), and elevate your laptop to eye level.

3. Record yourself when you practice.

What type of impression are you giving off? Are you friendly and approachable? Would others feel comfortable working with you?

4. Don’t forget to smile.

When you enjoy yourself, it shines through and makes a connection with the viewer (you’re on camera, after all).

5. Visualize success.

Ask yourself, if the person reviewing my video essay takes nothing else, what is the number one thing I want them to remember about me?

Kellogg takes great pride in identifying candidates who have really self-reflected on what they want, how Kellogg will get them there and how their aspirations support a broader vision for having a positive impact. Nearly every aspect of the Kellogg application has some component geared toward discerning if a candidate is the right fit.

For a deep dive on how to prepare to shine in your MBA video essays, view this related article by Fortuna Co-Director Caroline Diarte Edwards: MBA Video Essay Tips .

How to Tackle the Written Essays 

For detailed advice on how to tackle the written essays, view our related post: Kellogg MBA Essays: Strategy & Tips . You can also view our MBA Admissions Essay Masterclass featuring Kellogg along with MIT Sloan, Chicago Booth & Columbia.

Let’s Get You In.

Fortuna Admissions is a dream team of former MBA Admissions Directors and Officers from 18 of the top 20 business schools, including Kellogg. With our unparalleled collective expertise, we are able to coach you to develop a clear vision of your goals for business school and beyond. We work closely with you throughout the application process and provide expert guidance at every stage to maximize your chances of admission to a top school.

Our free consultations are consistently rated as the best in the industry. To learn more about Fortuna and assess your chances of admission to Wharton and other top programs, request a free consultation .

Want More Advice?

Check out our team’s latest articles, videos, and analysis related to how to get into Kellogg:

  • Kellogg MBA Essays: Tips & Strategy
  • Kellogg MBA Interview: What You Need To Know + 7 Tips on How to Prepare
  • M7 Admissions Masterclass: Kellogg & Chicago Booth
  • Business School Profile on Kellogg
  • Request the Kellogg Insider Tips Report

Updated June 22, 2022

The post Kellogg MBA Video Essays & How to Tackle the New Question first appeared on Fortuna .



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Personal MBA Coach

Kellogg MBA Essay Advice and Application Deadlines: 2024-2025

Kellogg MBA Essay Analysis

Kellogg School of Management has opened its application for the 2024–2025 application cycle, updating its essay questions for 2024–2025 applicants. In doing so, Kellogg joined the list of top MBA programs that include a “goals” essay in their application. This is a change for Kellogg, which traditionally did not ask MBA applicants to directly discuss their goals or why Kellogg was a good fit in its essays.

In its second essay, Kellogg continues to ask applicants about leadership, but does so in a different way, tying in values. This change replaces Kellogg’s long-standing values essay.

See details below on the 2024-2025 essay questions and Personal MBA Coach’s tips on how to tackle them!

Looking for help with your Kellogg MBA applications? Personal MBA Coach’s team includes Frenk Nebiu. Frenk is a former Kellogg Admissions Director with 8+ years of professional experience across consulting, higher education, and nonprofits.

Reach out  today to find out how Frenk and the Personal MBA Coach team can support you with your Kellogg applications through our Comprehensive Packages .

The 2024–2025 Kellogg MBA Application Deadlines:

Round 1: September 11. 2024

Round 2: January 8, 2025

Round 3: April 2, 2025

Read Personal MBA Coach’s Top Tips For Tackling Kellogg’s MBA Essays Below!

Kellogg mba essay 1.

Intentionality is a key aspect of what makes our graduates successful Kellogg leaders. Help us understand your journey by articulating your motivations for pursuing an MBA, the specific goals you aim to achieve, and why you believe now is the right moment. Moreover, share why you feel Kellogg is best suited to serve as a catalyst for your career aspirations and what you will contribute to our community of lifelong learners during your time here. (450 words)

Though Kellogg’s first essay is what Personal MBA Coach often considers a “ goals/why MBA essay ,” this question also includes a contribution element. With a 450-word limit and several questions to answer, it will be important to be succinct as you tell Kellogg what you plan to do after business school, why NOW is a good time in your career path to pursue an MBA, and how Kellogg specifically will help.

Personal MBA Coach recommends that you begin by briefly setting the stage for Kellogg in terms of where you are in your career and why now is a good time for you to make a transition. This is not the time to cover your past accomplishments in detail (leave this for your resume and the short-answer questions ). However, it is important to illuminate for the reader where you currently are in your professional career and why NOW is a good time to pursue an MBA.

Next, share your career aspirations with Kellogg. Personal MBA Coach recommends discussing both your short-term and long-term goals here. Remember to select goals that are logical, ambitious, and achievable. (For more on how to think about MBA goals, check out this blog ).

In your next section, let Kellogg know how they factor into this path. To do so, think about the skills you need to gain to be successful in your career and how a Kellogg MBA will help you develop these skills. While it is important to research Kellogg’s unique offerings, do not simply include a laundry list of things you will do on campus. Instead, be thoughtful in selecting a few specific classes, clubs, or programs you are interested in and how these will help you succeed.

Finally, show the value that you will add on campus, considering your uniqueness. While this essay is NOT a classic personal story essay and there will be limited space to include your story here, you should consider your specific areas of expertise (either personally, professionally, or both) and how you might share them with your peers and the broader Kellogg community.

Kellogg MBA Essay 2

Kellogg leaders are primed to tackle challenges everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Describe a specific professional experience where you had to make a difficult decision. Reflecting on this experience, identify the values that guided your decision-making process and how it impacted your leadership style.  (450 words)

For the second year in a row, Kellogg has reworked its leadership essay. While the objective is similar to that of recent years—giving Kellogg an example of how you are an accomplished leader—this year’s essay has a bit more depth to it. After removing the separate essay question on values, applicants must now weave their values into the leadership story.

Also new this year, candidates are instructed to use a professional example in this essay.

Be sure to think of a decision for which you can clearly articulate the challenge faced. This story should also be easy enough to explain that you do not have to waste too many words setting up the situation.

A strong essay will discuss the actions you took and show which specific leadership skills and values you called upon as you made the decision. MBA admissions committees today are increasingly looking for candidates who are interested in not only driving their specific businesses but also in creating value for broader society. Similarly, DEI remains top of mind.

While neither of these topics is specifically covered in this essay, keep these themes in mind as you choose a story to tell. You want to show the type of leader you will be by detailing how you have led in uncomfortable or difficult situations in the past.

Optional Kellogg MBA Application Essay

We know that life is full of extenuating circumstances. Whether you want to explain gaps in work experience, your choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance or something else, you can use this section to briefly tell us anything we need to know about your application. (250 words)

Personal MBA Coach always advises to tread carefully here, as less is more with optional essays.

Need help tackling these new Kellogg MBA essays? Check out our Comprehensive Packages to see how we support you!

kellogg video essay questions 2024

Additional Kellogg MBA Application Essays

Kellogg requires candidates considering options other than the full-time MBA to answer these additional essay questions.

One-Year applicants:  Why is the Kellogg One-Year Program the right fit to help you reach your post-MBA career goals? And what unique academic, personal or professional experience do you bring into this specific program? (250 words)

MBAi applicants:  Why is the Kellogg McCormick MBAi Program the right fit to help you reach your post-MBA career goals? And what unique academic, personal or professional experience do you bring into this specific program? (450 words)

JD-MBA applicants: Why is the JD-MBA Program the right fit to help you reach your post-MBA career goals? And what unique academic, personal or professional experience do you bring into this specific program? (250 words)

MMM applicants:  Why is the MMM Program the right fit to help you reach your post-MBA career goals? And what unique academic, personal or professional experience do you bring into this specific program? (250 words)

This year, Kellogg asks applicants to the One-Year MBA program, MBAi, JD-MBA, or MMM program to answer an additional essay. For those unfamiliar with the MMM program, it is a dual degree program offering graduates both an MBA from Kellogg and an MS in Design Innovation from the Segal Design Institute at the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science.

The question for all four programs is essentially the same, but applicants to the MBAi have a little more space to work with.

Since you will discuss your career goals in Essay 1, these essays give applicants a chance to expand on their interests in these specific programs and how the specific offerings of each program are best suited to help them achieve their career goals.

Be specific here, outlining what you will take advantage of on campus and how each opportunity will help you.

You should also consider how you will contribute specifically to the program of your choice by sharing what you uniquely bring to the table. Be sure not to repeat anything already discussed in Essay 1.

Reapplicants are also required to answer one additional question:

Since your previous application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? (250 words)

Reapplicants should use the required additional essay to demonstrate growth. We advise candidates to review  our tips for reapplicants  before tackling this essay.

Finally, Kellogg has historically included video essay questions. Though not formally announced, we expect these will remain this year. See details below.

Woman at Desk Reviews Kellog MBA Application Deadlines

Kellogg MBA Video Essay Questions

“We’ve read your essays, we’ve read your resume — now we want you to bring all that to life in a video. Show us the person behind all those carefully crafted words. The video will be comprised of three questions, each designed to help you showcase your personality and share some of the experiences that brought you here today.”

This component of the application offers admissions committee members the chance to learn more about you on a personal level.

Once you submit your application and payment, you will be able to access the Kellogg video essay through your application status page. The school has not shared these essay questions in advance.

Read Personal MBA Coach’s  tips for handling videos  and other Kellogg MBA application extras.

Schedule a consultation today for 1:1 Kellogg application support including essay brainstorming and unlimited editing , resume review, and more!

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Tips on writing the 2022-2023 consortium essays

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How to Approach the New (!) Kellogg Essays

Great Kellogg essays will earn you a spot on this beautiful campus.

If you’re applying to Kellogg and have been patiently waiting for them to release their essay questions, the time has come! The prompts have been reworked this year, after a number of application cycles without changes. Without further ado, here are the prompts for this year’s Kellogg essays:

  • Kellogg Leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Tell us about a time in your life where you’ve needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge. Which skills did you use? What did you accomplish? (450 words)
  • At Kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. How do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the Kellogg community? (450 words)

Note: There is also a third required essay for those applying to a specialized MBA program and/or for those who are reapplying. Finally, Kellogg has three video essay questions that will need to be submitted within 96 hours of the application deadline (a link will be sent to you after you submit your application).

Advice for Approaching the Kellogg Essays

While the Kellogg essays may have changed, the qualities they look for haven’t. Let’s start by defining exactly what those qualities are. Kellogg shares that they value individuals who:

  • Approach business problems with a mix of hard and soft skills.
  • Seek to adapt to the evolving business world with open curiosity and innovation.
  • Believe in strong, empathetic collaboration as a way to strengthen work, perspectives and outcomes.
  • Embrace the power of diversity in your teams and networks.

A strong thread throughout each of these criteria is that Kellogg highly prioritizes soft skills – in short, they want leaders who bring people together to innovate and solve challenges. Before you even consider how you will approach the Kellogg essays, give thought to how you embody this statement and brainstorm examples that prove this is true.  

Think Long and Hard About the Story You Select for Essay One

As the first essay prompt indicates, Kellogg is looking for you to share one concrete ‘story’ in your answer. So, essentially, you have one shot to demonstrate why, as proven by a past experience, you are a strong leader that can overcome challenges and have impact on the organizations of which you are a part. That’s a lot of pressure to put on one story, so it’s important to choose wisely.

Our recommended approach is to brainstorm a variety of stories you could potentially use here and not simply go with the first one that comes to mind. Just because an accomplishment was personally significant to you doesn’t mean it is the best material for this essay.

Most applicants will likely share a professional example, but an extracurricular situation could work equally as well. Whichever you choose, we recommend that it is relatively recent (within the last two years) and involves teamwork of some kind. Kellogg wants to see the kind of leader you are today and given the heavily team-oriented nature of the program, telling a story about a time you accomplished something without the help of others doesn’t demonstrate the fit they are looking for. 

Once you’ve brainstormed a list of stories, consider which skills (beyond teamwork, which is non-negotiable) each one highlights. Compare this list of skills with the personal branding you’ve developed earlier in the application process – which story feels most cohesive with the picture you are trying to present of yourself?  Which story highlights the broadest list of MBA-applicable skills, notably those that are important to Kellogg which places a lot of value on soft skills? In fact, we think a successful essay could speak to primarily (if not all) soft skills given Kellogg’s culture and also because hard skills can be showcased through your test score, GPA, and resume. Ask yourself these questions as you narrow down your list to that perfect example.

Revisit Your Personal Branding (Again!) for Essay Two

You may find your head spinning upon reading the second essay prompt, wondering how you’ll possibly narrow down the list of ‘things’ you might share. Note that we’re using the term ‘things’ here because, while the essay prompt references ‘experiences’, we’d suggest that you can also think beyond discrete situations or characteristics and consider including more conceptual influences or themes that make you who you are. For instance, perhaps you’ve lived in seven countries in your lifetime – that combination of ‘experiences’ and their influence on you could be a topic of discussion.  

To start, we recommend that you revisit your personal branding work. What formative experiences or influences did you identify as being the driving force behind what you’ve done to date and what you hope to do in the future? Consider these the top contenders for inclusion in this essay because, beyond painting a picture of who you are, they should connect with why Kellogg – and an MBA in general – is right for you (in other words, they tell Kellogg who you are AND, critically, why they should care). 

Of note, make sure you don’t lean entirely professional in this essay. Even if you feel like your differentiated work experience is your key ‘selling’ point, it is important to weave in some personal background as well. Kellogg (and business schools in general) want you to bring your whole self to campus, so being comfortable opening up in the application demonstrates you are ready to contribute in this way if admitted.   

Once you’ve chosen and described the ‘things’ that make you unique, it is critical to share discrete ways in which you will utilize your perspective, skill set, etc. to improve the experience of others in the Kellogg community. Avoid a laundry list here and, instead, demonstrate you’ve put real thought into how you will contribute on campus with a few specific and impactful examples.

Structure Ideas for the Kellogg Essays

For Essay 1, we recommend a structure somewhat like this:

  • P1: Share the context of the situation you will discuss and the problem or challenge at hand
  • P2: Describe the actions you took, emphasizing elements of teamwork, collaboration, and innovative problem solving
  • P3: Wrap up the story, covering the ‘results’ and the impact you had on your team or organization
  • P4: Summarize the skills you demonstrated as well as any learnings you gained and talk about how you envision applying them at Kellogg and beyond

For Essay 2, we recommend a structure somewhat like this:

  • P1: Introduce the first ‘thing’ that makes you unique, including how it has influenced or changed the way you see the world
  • P2: Describe how you will use this perspective to enrich the Kellogg community
  • P3: Introduce a second ‘thing’ that makes you unique and how it has influenced or shaped you
  • P4: Share another concrete, actionable way you will apply this uniqueness at Kellogg

Kellogg Video Essay Tips

Kellogg requires you to record and submit responses to three questions, which you will not know in advance. The only clues they give are that the questions are designed to ‘help you showcase your personality and share some of the experiences that brought you here today’.

Not knowing the questions can feel intimidating, but we recommend you prepare an introduction of yourself that highlights your personality (hobbies, interests, etc. are fair game!) and also brainstorm a list of the best stories you imagine using for behavioral interview questions.

Procedurally speaking, once the clock starts ticking, you will have 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to answer each question. Focus the bulk of your practice on getting the timing right – a minute is shorter than you think! So, practice (out loud!) using the  STAR format  to tell each of your stories within this timeframe so you ensure you don’t get cut off before you can share the awesome ‘result’ you drove.  

Katie McQuarrie

Katie is a passionate mentor and coach, helping her clients craft a unique, compelling story by leveraging her experience as a corporate executive, alumni interviewer, and campus recruiter. Before completing her MBA at Kellogg, Katie spent five years in banking where she learned practical finance skills as well as how to operate in a demanding, high pressure environment. She pursued an MBA in order to transition to an industry role where she could utilize her finance knowledge to drive change within an organization. Post-MBA, she worked in finance and strategy for a leading CPG firm, progressing to an executive role leading the finance function for a $2B business segment. Her experience managing diverse teams led to a passion for developing others. In addition to her day-to-day responsibilities, she led her firm’s MBA recruiting efforts and served as an alumni admissions interviewer for Kellogg.

MBA Application Deadlines for 2023-2024

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Northwestern Kellogg MBA Essays & Analysis 2024 - 2025

kellogg video essay questions 2024

Northwestern Kellogg has updated its MBA Essay Questions for the 2024 - 2025 application cycle. The 2 core essays continue to maintain the 450 word limit, but focus on career goals and leadership in this year's new prompts.

Here are the Northwestern Kellogg MBA Essay Written and Video Questions for 2024 - 2025.

Northwestern Kellogg MBA Essay 1

Intentionality is a key aspect of what makes our graduates successful Kellogg leaders. Help us understand your journey by articulating your motivations for pursuing an MBA, the specific goals you aim to achieve, and why you believe now is the right moment. Moreover, share why you feel Kellogg is best suited to serve as a catalyst for your career aspirations and what you will contribute to our community of lifelong learners during your time here. (450 words)

This year, Kellogg has chosen to ask applicants a classic career goals essay, including a specific "Why Kellogg" component.

​Start with a story about a past experience that shaped your interest in your target industry or role. This could be a personal or professional experience, but it should lead to a mission statement that clearly states what impact you want to have through your career. You don't need to have a grandiose mission like solving world hunger or becoming President, but you should aim to showcase the overall positive impact you will have on others through your work.

Now that you have a mission, outline the short-term and long-term goals that will help you achieve it. Ensure that you state your target role, industry, and geography.

You can now discuss the skills you already have gained so far that are useful for these goals. This could be transferable skills from your career, extracurriculars, or personal experiences, direct experience in your target industry, and even expanding your network to include people from your target industry.

Then, discuss the skills that you still need to develop to achieve your goals. Kellogg asks you to explain why this is the right time to pursue an MBA. You may have reached a point in your career where you cannot move forward without covering these skill gaps, so you need an MBA.

Finally, be specific with the skills, knowledge, and community you need from your MBA. Research classes, student clubs, extracurriculars, conferences, competitions, and any other resources that will help you achieve your goals. For example, you may be planning to pivot to a strategy role from a tech role after your MBA. Going forward, you would need to develop your strategic thinking and communication skills, which you'll get from certain courses in your curriculum.

You also need to demonstrate how you can give back to Kellogg's community. Note the use of the word "intentionality".  Again, do your research and seek opportunities where your skills and experiences will add value to your MBA cohort and the larger university. Speak to alumni, current students, and school staff to add a personal touch to your essay and show that you are already getting involved with the school's community. If you can, you should also consider visiting the school campus to understand its culture and speak to students.

Northwestern Kellogg MBA Essay 2

Kellogg leaders are primed to tackle challenges everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Describe a specific professional experience where you had to make a difficult decision. Reflecting on this experience, identify the values that guided your decision-making process and how it impacted your leadership style. (450 words)

This question requires you to narrate a compelling story of a professional challenge you faced. Highlight how you embraced the situation, formed your strategy, and managed to create a “long-lasting impact”. Finally, reflect upon your learning from this situation - recount how you grew professionally, improved your leadership style/skills and added value.

Kellogg appreciates candidates with the potential to take calculated risks in service of the larger value-added proposition. Thus, your ability to take calculated risks, overcome challenges, and push beyond the boundaries would be an excellent point to add. 

Consider using a story in the SCAR  framework to answer this question. Start the essay by defining the situation , explaining the challenge  at hand, stating the action(s)  you took and concluding with the result  of your leadership efforts. 

Here's the SCAR framework in action:

Situation: Provide some context

Challenge: Describe the immediate challenge you faced

Action: Explain what you did to overcome the challenge

Result: Give a concrete result, try to quantify


Demonstrate leadership skills by reflecting upon your values that resonate with Kellogg’s core cultural values. These could be - teamwork, collaboration, long-lasting impact, sync with the Kellogg purpose in post-MBA career, innovative approach, etc.

Learning - How you dealt with challenges and received feedback are important for all  MBA programs. Therefore, reflect on how this situation enabled you to grow further and highlight your willingness to learn and develop throughout your MBA. 

Northwestern Kellogg MBA Reapplicant Essay 

Since your previous application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? (250 words)

Write about how you’ve grown since the last time you applied to Kellogg. This answer is where you would refer to your improved GMAT/GRE score and add recent leadership experiences such as extracurricular activities, community work, and/or new projects you began since the last time you applied. Also, mention any promotions or new responsibilities you’ve been given since you last applied.

Northwestern Kellogg 1-Year Applicant MBA Essay 

Please discuss your post-MBA career goal, the current experience you will leverage to support the transition, and the Kellogg 1Y opportunities that will help you reach this goal. (250 words)

A classic career goals essay. Don’t over-complicate it. Start by stating your post-MBA career goal. Don’t commit to a specific company and role, but show that you’ve done your research. Ideal is to apply to 3 companies in a similar space, such as McKinsey, Bain & BCG or Pfizer, J&J & AstraZeneca.

Next, explain the skills you already have and the skills that you’ll need. Ideally, this would be a mix of soft skills and technical skills. Examples of soft skills include public speaking. Technical skills might be valuations of early-stage startups. Tie the skills you need to specific electives, trips, treks, societies, programs and clubs at Kellogg.

Northwestern Kellogg MBA Video Essays 

Guidelines: .

Three questions will be available post-application submission and payment.

Essays are due 96 hours after the application deadline. 

For the final assessment, join through an internet-connected laptop or computer with a webcam and microphone. 

Answers should be consistent with your application, but try not to repeat yourself verbatim. For example, feel free to refer to a project you already wrote about, but if you wrote about it from a leadership standpoint, best to use it from a different angle such as teamwork.

Northwestern Kellogg Video Essay 1 

Please introduce yourself to the admissions committee.

Think of this as your elevator pitch. Share with the admissions committee what makes you different. Talk about some key aspects of your professional role and what you do outside of the office.

Northwestern Kellogg Video Essay 2 

What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you?

Begin by explaining your career goals. These should be clear to you by now. Avoid sounding overly committed, but show that you’ve done your research. If you’ll be taking on a new job after MBA, a good idea is to refer to 3 specific companies or roles which you would consider. Then talk about the skills you’ll need and how an MBA at Kellogg is going to give you these

Northwestern Kellogg Video essay 3 

This question will be based on a challenge you've faced and what you've learned from it.

For this behavioural question, stick to the SCAR format. Describe the situation, explain the challenge, what you did and what the result was. A good story will demonstrate one or more of the 12 key traits . 

Check out our Kellogg MBA Interview Guide  for in-depth insights into Kellogg's interview process, what they're looking for in prospective candidates, interview schedule and questions for 2024, and tips to ace your interview. 

For the full Northwestern Kellogg MBA application course with example essays  based on real essays by previous applicants, check out the Kellogg application program on .  

We help determined applicants get admitted to top business schools. Get in touch if you think we can help you with your MBA application. Book a free   20 mins chat  now.

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Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management: Everything You Need to Know

Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, or simply Kellogg, is a perennially top-ranked MBA program. Northwestern Kellogg prides itself on developing leaders who have a thirst for creativity and innovation, a commitment to collaboration, and an eye toward empathy. Although Kellogg is perhaps best known for its marketing expertise, such esteemed professors as Philip Kotler, and placing students into brand management roles, the top industry for the school’s 2022 graduates was actually consulting, followed by technology, financial services, and consumer packaged goods.

Located in Evanston, Illinois, just 13 miles north of downtown Chicago, Kellogg offers the best of both an intimate, student-centric college town and a big city. Kellogg’s flagship building, the Global Hub, helps facilitate a culture of teamwork and collaboration that is evident in group project requirements and the numerous student-led extracurricular activities and clubs. But do not let the top-notch technology of the Global Hub fool you; students can also find serene spots with a view of the waves of Lake Michigan to unplug for a bit.

As a midsize school, the Northwestern Kellogg MBA program seeks to support a tight-knit community feel through smaller first-year sections, interactive student experiences, and Kellogg Worldwide Exploration Student Trips (KWEST) for incoming first-year students, planned and led by second-year students and consistently named a favorite Kellogg experience. Although academics and the recruiting process are a top focus, Kellogg MBA students also make time for social endeavors, with Special K, the student variety skit show offering a satirical view of life at Kellogg, and the annual ski trip at the end of first semester often cited with fondness. Northwestern Kellogg requires you to present a strong application both professionally and personally—fortunately, mbaMission offers a depth of resources and services to help you on your journey.

Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management: Multiple MBA Options, One Core Application with Required Ranking

Multiple specialized MBA degree options set Kellogg apart from other top-ranked business schools, including a one-year MBA program, an MMM dual degree (an MBA from Kellogg and an MS in design innovation from the Segal Design Institute), an MBAi joint degree (an MBA from Kellogg and the McCormick School of Engineering), an executive MBA (offered at two different locations, Evanston and Miami, Florida), and part-time weekend and evening options. Kellogg recognizes that some applicants desire specialized programs to better enable attainment of specific career goals or to match lifestyle requirements. Simplifying the admissions process for those interested in multiple variations of the MBA, Northwestern Kellogg now allows applicants to apply to more than one program with just one application by ranking the programs to which they are interested in applying. This unique benefit can increase the odds of being accepted to one of Kellogg’s very selective MBA programs. The requirements of each program differ, but many elements of the overall application and student experience remain consistent, as detailed by mbaMission’s thorough guides and resources, developed to aid you in your pursuit of an MBA.

mbaMission’s Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Insider’s Guide

Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Insider’s Guide

In addition to academic quality and high rankings, culture is frequently named as a key reason students choose Kellogg. Clubs and extracurricular activities are often student run, allowing for ample leadership opportunities. The inclusive environment facilitates developing deep bonds with one’s classmates and learning from diverse perspectives. With international students making up 36% of the student body and women 49%, Kellogg offers a diverse MBA program and values the perspective that individuals of various backgrounds bring to lively class and team discussions. The quantitatively rigorous first-year core curriculum allows for some flexibility, with the option to waive up to seven classes with approval and the opportunity to take electives in the first year. Although Kellogg’s teaching style is neither exclusively case method nor exclusively lecture, team projects are an important part of essentially every class, simulating the reality of most business environments. Students choose one major and as many “pathways” as desired to tailor the MBA experience to their specific career goals. And you will often find Kellogg MBA alumni back at the Global Hub as guest speakers, sharing real-world case studies in the classroom and through club conferences. The sense of teamwork and comradery so pervasive in Kellogg’s culture continues long after graduation.

Dean Francesca Cornelli, an accomplished scholar and a leader in business education, joined Kellogg in August 2019. Given the prevalence of change and disruption in the current era, Dean Cornelli said her goal is “to teach people to be adaptable, to see change and to embrace opportunity.” She went on to say, “So when people ask what is the value of an MBA, I say it’s not your next job. We want to impact all your life, the entire trajectory.” The new dean also emphasized the deep-rooted strength of Kellogg’s culture, sharing that “the biggest surprise is how big and distinctive the culture is.” Learn more about Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management through our comprehensive guide, which presents eight key criteria to consider when evaluating whether Kellogg is a good fit for you.

Northwestern Kellogg Interview Guide

Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Interview Guide

Kellogg MBA interviews are typically friendly and conversational in nature, conducted by trained second-year students, alumni, or occasionally members of the admissions committee. To enable deeper conversations, Kellogg attempts to match applicants with interviewers who have similar career aspirations or history. And, uniquely, Kellogg attempts to interview all applicants, a stance that aligns with the school’s value of inclusiveness. Not surprisingly, the interviewer is interested in learning why Kellogg is a good fit for the applicant and is assessing the candidate’s cultural fit throughout the discussion while looking for indicators that the prospective student has thoroughly researched the school. Kellogg conducts its interviews using a “blind” format (versus a “comprehensive” one), meaning the interviewer will have only your resume for reference and not seen any other elements of the MBA application. Beyond general questions about career goals and why an MBA is needed to achieve them, Kellogg interviewers tend to lean on behavioral questions tied to past experiences to gain insight into your decision-making abilities and your values. For sample interview questions and insightful commentary from past students, check out our Northwestern Kellogg School of Management Interview Guide.

Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Essay Analysis, 2023–2024

Applicants to the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University must provide two required written essays. The first deals with a leadership experience that resulted in some form of ongoing merit, while the second focuses on candidates’ guiding principles. Interestingly, both essays center on “value(s)” but in very different ways, according to two separate definitions of the term. Kellogg’s questions thereby seem to address two key aspects of business today, and candidates will need to demonstrate their awareness of both and their potential to fulfill them. In addition, the admissions committee requires that applicants submit three brief video essays, but thankfully, it gives candidates some information in advance as to what the questions are (or at least are about) as well as significant opportunities to practice before recording their official responses. For more advice on interpreting and approaching the school’s essay and video prompts for 2022–2023, read on.

In our analysis, we provide in-depth guidance on each of Kellogg’s 2023–2024 written and video essay questions (note that specialized MBA programs require responses to additional essay questions):

  • Written Essay 1: Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? (450 words)
  • Written Essay 2: Values are what guide you in your life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you? (450 words)
  • Video Essay 1: Please introduce yourself to the admissions committee. Consider this your opportunity to share what you would want your future Kellogg classmates and our admissions committee to know about you. What makes you, you?
  • Video Essay 2: What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you? This is an intentionally broad question so you can answer honestly and meaningfully. We want to know why you’re pursuing an MBA and why you’re choosing a particular Kellogg Full-Time Program.
  • Video Essay 3: This question will be based on a challenge you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from it.

Click here to read our analysis

Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Class Profile (Class of 2024)

Class Size 503
Mean GMAT 729
GMAT Range 620–780
Median GRE (Verbal) 162
Median GRE (Quant) 163
GRE Range (Verbal) 150–169
GRE Range (Quant) 148–170
Average GPA 3.7
GPA Range 2.6–4.0
Average Years of Work Experience 5
U.S. Underrepresented Minorities
Women 48%
International 38%

Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Rankings

Northwestern Kellogg has consistently been ranked in the top ten of most popular business school surveys for many years. In the 2023–2024 U.S. News & World Report ranking, the school was second in the country. In the 2022–2023 Bloomberg Businessweek ranking of U.S.-based schools, Kellogg was fourth. In the Financial Times ’ 2023 evaluation of MBA programs, Kellogg was in sixth place domestically and ninth internationally. The 2022 Poets&Quants ranking of U.S. MBA programs placed Kellogg fourth.

Northwestern Kellogg MBA Application Deadlines (2023–2024)

Round 1 September 13, 2023

Round 2 January 10, 2024

Round 3 April 3, 2024

mbaMission Testimonials from Kellogg MBA Applicants

Admitted to kellogg.

I could hardly be accepted to the MMM (MBA + MS Design Innovation) at Kellogg or granted a substantial scholarship at Rotman, had it not been for the great consultancy service that Michael [Guttman] dedicated to me. Working with Michael is a pleasure! I just started working with him from Christmas 2019 while my applications were in Round 2 (early Jan. 2020). That time was so tight and intensive that I felt anxious at first, but Michael’s advice did help me to prepare my applications much more efficiently, leaving me calm and confident. In specific, regarding my essays, Michael helped me not only to select the best story to tell but also to wisely convey the core message in vivid yet concise language. Also, his comprehensive list of sample interview questions and the mock interview did boost my confidence a lot to ace the talks with school representatives. Last but not least, Michael was also helpful in post-admission strategies, such as how to ask a school to extend their deposit deadline or the process of selecting which school to enroll [in]. To repeat, working with Michael is a key factor for me to be admitted to my dream school Kellogg!

Choose Melissa [Blakeslee]!

Melissa really takes time to get to know me and pushes me to think deeper throughout the process, starting from the brainstorming sessions to essay editing. Melissa is great at connecting the dots of my stories in ways I have not thought of. She provides detailed comments on where to improve and always turns around revisions sooner than the required 48 hours policy. She is extremely friendly, energetic, and a real cheerleader—especially during the interview prep sessions. She is very encouraging and helped me a lot with building confidence in myself. Melissa made the application process much less stressful, and I would not be able to get into my dream school (Kellogg) without her. Would 100% recommend her!”

Would recommend Jen Kedrowski 100%!!

I started the MBA application process, hiring Jen as my admissions consultant almost exactly a year ago, having no idea what my final list of schools to apply to would be or where I would end up! After a year of self-reflection, countless essay drafts, and tons of anxiety in the meantime, I am so happy to be attending one of my top schools (Kellogg) in the fall! Jen took the time to understand who I am and what I want out of an MBA program and career and helped me learn these things about myself as well. She is great at pulling the most compelling aspects of a candidate out through discovery sessions and helping weave them throughout your application to make a cohesive and compelling story. She knows this industry up and down and is very familiar with how to present an applicant in the most compelling way for each individual school. Many other consultants are very knowledgeable as well; however, what made Jen stand out from all the rest was her supportive and understanding nature. I felt like we were in this together and my success was her success. We had many long conversations about what schools would be the best fit for me versus what schools I was best qualified for as a candidate. We talked about options to improve my application and what parts of myself were most important for me to showcase. I worked with Jen on a four-school package and ended up adding on a fifth school. Most of my schools were M7s, and I got rejected from a few, with Jen there to support me; however, my Kellogg acceptance made this whole process worth it! In the days leading up to Kellogg releasing their decisions in December 2020, I kept re-reading my application and the Kellogg website, and I realized that everything I showcased in my Kellogg application perfectly aligned with what the school was asking for in their essays and in their students’ values and attributes—I have no doubt that Jen was instrumental in me crafting an application that reflected the core values of Kellogg and made me stand out as an applicant. Admissions consultants are a big investment, one that I was nervous about, but looking back, I am confident that this investment was the key to my success!

Very Good Experience

I signed up for hourly services with Kate [Richardson] as a reapplicant to three T10 schools. Though I had friends (who went to M7 schools) help me with overall strategy and general guidance, Kate’s input was valuable in crafting a unique and coherent story across different aspects of my application. She helped me with re-analyzing my career goals while nudging me into pursuing a PT MBA, given the stage of my career. Kate was always prompt in essay edits and timely in response to my emails. She also helped me greatly with my interview prep. In the end, working with Kate turned out to be a great decision, as I was accepted into multiple FT and PT programs, and I’m Kellogg bound this fall! Throughout my application process, Kate was a constant source of support and guidance. She is personable, humble, and very easy to work with. I strongly recommend her to anyone who is applying to a top MBA program.

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Full-Time MBA admissions

Kellogg admissions team helping a person with their application

Designed to let you shine

The Full-Time MBA application is more than the sum of its parts, just like you. We know how difficult it can be to make your career accomplishments and life goals fit into a single text box. We also know you’re more than a test score, a GPA or a job title. Our application is intended as an opportunity for you to show us what makes Kellogg the right place for you to succeed during your MBA and beyond.

Application Portal

Don’t wait to apply

Application dates and deadlines

Application deadline Decision released
Round 1 Sept. 11, 2024 Dec. 11, 2024
Round 2 Jan. 8, 2025 March 26, 2025
Round 3 April 2, 2025 May 7, 2025

What are we looking for in an MBA candidate?

Students walking on campus

Dynamic leaders, ready to make an impact


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We have a wide range of events happening all year long. Join us in-person or virtually for Preview Days, campus visits, tours and info sessions to get a sense for what Kellogg is all about.

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kellogg video essay questions 2024

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Kellogg Video Essays

Hi all, any pointers to keep in mind for Kellogg Video Essays? Specifically,

How should I introduce myself? What all should I include in the introduction?

What all elements should I cover in Why Kellogg?

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  1. Kellogg MBA Essay Questions & Analysis 2024-2025

    kellogg video essay questions 2024

  2. 2024-2025 Kellogg MBA Essay Analysis and Tips

    kellogg video essay questions 2024

  3. 2022-2023 Kellogg Essay Analysis + Downloadable Sample Essays

    kellogg video essay questions 2024

  4. 2023-2024 Kellogg MBA Essay Tips and Example Essays

    kellogg video essay questions 2024

  5. Poets&Quants

    kellogg video essay questions 2024

  6. Kellogg MBA Essay Questions

    kellogg video essay questions 2024


  1. Kellogg application tips: Written and video essays

    Learn how to tell your unique story for our new 2023-2024 essays. Skip to main content. Kellogg Global Women's Summit October 22-23, 2024 . Faculty; ... This is a great opportunity to tell us more about you and explain why Kellogg is the right place for you. The video portion of the applications will include three questions, each designed to ...

  2. How to Answer Kellogg's Video Essay Questions

    Using the list of potential Kellogg video essay questions at the end of this article, practice answering them (out loud!) with a timer running. Then do it again. This will give you a sense for what talking for 60 seconds feels like. Kellogg's portal also offers practice questions to help you get the timing right - use this resource!

  3. Kellogg Application tips: Written and video essays

    New this year, you can complete video essays after you submit your application and payment. While the video is an optional component, this is a great opportunity to tell us more about you and explain why Kellogg is the right place for you. The video portion of the applications will include three questions, each designed to help you showcase ...

  4. Kellogg MBA Essay Questions & Analysis 2024-2025

    Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Essay Questions & Analysis 2024-2025. Let's take a closer look at each of the Kellogg MBA essay questions for 2024-2025. While Kellogg notes a word limit of 450 words for each question, their application is comprised of text boxes that allow up to 480 words for the two main essays.

  5. How to Answer Kellogg's Video Essay Questions

    Using the list of potential Kellogg video essay questions at the end of this article, practice answering them (out loud!) with a timer running. Then do it again. This will give you a sense for what talking for 60 seconds feels like. Kellogg's portal also offers practice questions to help you get the timing right - use this resource!

  6. Mastering Kellogg's New Video Questions

    From the experience of 2024 candidates who applied for the Round 1 September 13 deadline, two of the three questions are randomly assigned. Question 1 is consistent: Kellogg asks you to introduce yourself by telling admissions something they wouldn't already know from your resume. Questions 2 and 3 are usually behavioral interview questions ...

  7. Kellogg Video Essay Questions 2023-2024 : Kellogg

    Kudos. 1. Bookmarks. Kellogg Video Essay Questions 2023-2024. To stay updated with the latest news on Kellogg and connect with other applicants, please join the Kellogg chatroom. Following the submission of your application and payment, you will have the chance to create video essays. This serves as an excellent opportunity to delve deeper into ...

  8. Mastering Kellogg's New Video Questions

    In this year's behavioral questions, Kellogg is inviting you to demonstrate qualities they value: leadership, impact, empathy, collaboration, and so on. ... see my Fortuna blog on how to respond to Kellogg's prompts or any admissions video essay questions. ... Meet the MBA Class of 2024: Rashmi Nirbhavne, Esade Business School . Search for ...

  9. Kellogg MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines [2024

    That is one of the reasons they also require video essays. Kellogg has three excellent videos on ... 2024: December 11, 2024: Round 2: January 8, 2025: ... Kellogg website ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with Kellogg directly to verify its essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.*** Kellogg class profile. Here ...

  10. How to Apply

    The practice questions and experience will simulate the actual video essay experience to help you prepare. We encourage you to practice so you are comfortable with the format once it is time to complete the official questions. You will not have an opportunity to re-do the answer to the official video essay questions.

  11. How to Successfully Complete the Kellogg Video Essay

    After signing in and starting the session, you will get three Kellogg video essay questions in total, one at a time. After receiving the questions, you will have 20 seconds to think and then 1 minute to answer. There are no opportunities to redo the question, and you only get one chance to speak and provide your answer.

  12. Kellogg MBA Video Essays & How to Tackle the New Question

    0. Kellogg asks each applicant to complete a video essay component after submitting its MBA application. The school gives you all three questions upfront. The first two questions are specific, meaning you can prepare and rehearse your answers in advance. The third, as Kellogg says, "will be based on a challenge you've faced and what you ...

  13. Kellogg Video Essay Questions for R2 ?? : r/MBA

    I got the: 1) intro beyond resume 2) situation when had to deal with unexpected scenario and 3) share one advice that really shape who you are. these are the questions that my friends and I got during R1, hope it helps: For all interviews. Introduce yourself to the admissions office.

  14. Kellogg MBA Essay Advice & Application Deadlines: 2024-2025

    Kellogg School of Management has opened its application for the 2024-2025 application cycle, updating its essay questions for 2024-2025 applicants. In doing so, Kellogg joined the list of top MBA programs that include a "goals" essay in their application. This is a change for Kellogg, which traditionally did not ask MBA applicants to directly discuss their goals or why Kellogg was a ...

  15. How to Answer Kellogg's Video Essay Questions

    Using the list of potential Kellogg video essay questions at the end of this article, practice answering them (out loud!) with a timer running. Then do it again. This will give you a sense for what talking for 60 seconds feels like. Kellogg's portal also offers practice questions to help you get the timing right - use this resource!

  16. How to Approach the New (!) Kellogg Essays

    Structure Ideas for the Kellogg Essays. For Essay 1, we recommend a structure somewhat like this: P1: Share the context of the situation you will discuss and the problem or challenge at hand. P2: Describe the actions you took, emphasizing elements of teamwork, collaboration, and innovative problem solving.

  17. Northwestern Kellogg MBA Essays & Analysis 2024

    Northwestern Kellogg has updated its MBA Essay Questions for the 2024 - 2025 application cycle. The 2 core essays continue to maintain the 450 word limit, but focus on career goals and leadership in this year's new prompts.Here are the Northwestern Kellogg MBA Essay Written and Video Questions for 2024 - 2025.Northwestern Kellogg MBA Essay 1 Intentionality is a key aspect of what makes our ...

  18. Kellogg Video Essay Questions? : r/MBA

    video of adcom telling you the question, 20 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to answer. (1) introduce yourself we wouldn't find on your resume. (2) A time that you didn't achieve a goal and what was your approach. (3) Tell us about a relationship or connection you leveraged to reach your goals.

  19. Video Essay and Interview Tips (and INSEAD, Kellogg, and Yale Questions

    Kellogg Video Questions. Kellogg offers practice video essay questions - highly encourage you to use them, as you will NOT be able to re-record your official answers. You will have 20 seconds to prepare and up to 60 seconds to answer. Video essay 1: Please introduce yourself to the admissions committee. Consider this your opportunity to share ...

  20. Full-Time MBA Application Series: the Video Essays

    It's not uncommon to feel apprehensive about answering the video essay questions on the application. Lance Bennett, director of diversity admissions, is here to help. ... 2024 . Start of Main Content. Full-Time MBA Application Series: the Video Essays. Written by: ... Many ask why Kellogg even uses video essays. Well, since we strive to ...

  21. MBA Admissions Tips

    In our analysis, we provide in-depth guidance on each of Kellogg's 2023-2024 written and video essay questions (note that specialized MBA programs require responses to additional essay questions): Written Essay 1: Kellogg's purpose is to educate, equip and inspire leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have ...

  22. Kellogg Full-Time MBA Admissions

    Connect with us. We have a wide range of events happening all year long. Join us in-person or virtually for Preview Days, campus visits, tours and info sessions to get a sense for what Kellogg is all about. View all Full-Time MBA events. Full Time. Chat with a Kellogg Student: One-Year Program Experience. Sept. 4, 2024. 9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. CT.

  23. Kellogg Video Essays : r/MBA

    If you google "Kellogg video essay analysis" there will be plenty of articles that showcase previous prompts and tips. Don't over think the video essays. They are mostly a filter for English language speaking ability. As long as you don't say anything that directly compromises your candidacy, you will be fine.