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PhD in Luxembourg

university of luxembourg Luxembourg

university of luxembourg

Phd ( doctorate in finance ).

  • doctorate in finance

Why Study PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Luxembourg

1. Research Excellence: Luxembourg has made significant investments in research and development, leading to the establishment of world-class research institutions and universities. Many of these institutions are known for their excellence in various fields, providing an ideal environment for doctoral research.

2. Multilingual Environment: Luxembourg is a multilingual country with three official languages: Luxembourgish, French, and German. This linguistic diversity can be advantageous for research, as it allows you to access a wide range of academic resources and collaborate with scholars from various backgrounds.

3. International Community: Luxembourg is a cosmopolitan and multicultural country, attracting researchers and students from around the world. This international environment fosters diverse perspectives and encourages cross-cultural collaboration.

4. Quality of Life: Luxembourg consistently ranks high in terms of quality of life. It is known for its safety, healthcare, and education systems. The country's small size also means that it's easy to travel and explore nearby European cities and countries.

5. Research Funding: Luxembourg offers various funding opportunities for doctoral research, including scholarships, grants, and research contracts. These funding options can help support your studies and research projects.

6. Innovative Research Fields: Luxembourg has a strong focus on innovative research areas, such as finance, ICT (Information and Communication Technology), space mining, and sustainability. Doctoral students have the opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in these fields.

7. Networking Opportunities: Luxembourg's central location in Europe provides easy access to academic conferences, seminars, and collaborations with institutions across the continent. This can be highly beneficial for networking and expanding your academic and professional connections.

8. Career Opportunities: Completing a PhD in Luxembourg can open up diverse career opportunities, both within academia and in industries that value research and advanced problem-solving skills.

9. Language Options: While English is commonly used in research and academia, Luxembourg's multilingual environment allows you to improve your language skills, which can be a valuable asset for your academic and professional development.

10. Cultural Experience: Living in Luxembourg offers a unique cultural experience, as you'll have the opportunity to explore its historical sites, diverse cuisine, and vibrant cultural scene.

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) Specializations in Luxembourg

University of Luxembourg

- Computer Science - Mathematics - Physics - Life Sciences - Economics and Finance - Law - Humanities and Social Sciences  - Educational Sciences - Interdisciplinary Domains

3-4 years (Full-time) 4-5 years (Part-time)

Typically, no tuition fees for PhD programs. However, some administrative fees may apply. Scholarships and funding opportunities are available.

Admission Intake for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Luxembourg

1. Continuous Intake: Many universities and research institutions in Luxembourg accept PhD candidates on a rolling basis. This means that you can apply for a PhD position at any time of the year, and your application will be considered when it is received.

2. Research Proposals: To apply for a PhD program in Luxembourg, you will typically need to submit a research proposal outlining your proposed research project. This proposal will be an essential part of your application, as it demonstrates your research interests and helps match you with potential advisors or research groups.

3. Advisor Matching: It's common for PhD applicants to identify potential advisors or research groups that align with their research interests. Contacting potential advisors in advance and discussing your research ideas can be beneficial.

4. Application Deadlines: While there may not be fixed intake periods, some universities and research institutions in Luxembourg may have application deadlines for PhD positions. These deadlines can vary, so it's important to check with the specific institution or program you are interested in.

5. Admission Requirements: PhD admission requirements can vary by institution and program. In general, you will need a relevant master's degree or equivalent, a strong academic record, and a well-defined research proposal.

6. Language Proficiency: Luxembourg is a multilingual country, but many PhD programs are offered in English. You may need to demonstrate proficiency in English, such as through a language proficiency test like TOEFL or IELTS.

7. Funding Opportunities: Look for available funding options, such as scholarships, grants, or research contracts, to support your PhD studies. Funding availability and application deadlines may vary.

8. Visa and Residence: If you are an international student, be aware of visa and residence permit requirements for studying in Luxembourg. Check with the Luxembourg Immigration Directorate for the most up-to-date information.

9. Research Centers: Luxembourg has several research centers and institutions, including the University of Luxembourg, that offer PhD programs in various fields. Explore the websites of these institutions for specific program details and admission procedures.

Tuition Fees for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Luxembourg

1. University of Luxembourg: The University of Luxembourg is a prominent institution in the country. Doctoral candidates at the University of Luxembourg typically benefit from a waiver of tuition fees. However, they may still be required to pay a small administrative fee each semester. The tuition fee waiver usually applies to both EU and non-EU students. It's important to check the university's website for the most current information and any changes in tuition fees or policies.

2. Other Institutions: Tuition fees for PhD programs at other institutions or research centers in Luxembourg may vary. Some institutions may offer tuition waivers or scholarships to doctoral candidates, while others may charge fees. The exact fees and policies can be different from one institution to another.

3. EU and Non-EU Students: In Luxembourg, the distinction between EU (European Union) and non-EU students can affect tuition fees. EU students often have access to the same tuition fee conditions as local students or may benefit from reduced fees. Non-EU students may have different fee structures.

4. Scholarships and Funding: Doctoral candidates are encouraged to explore various scholarships and funding opportunities available in Luxembourg, which can help cover tuition fees and provide financial support for research. These scholarships may be offered by the government, research institutions, or international organizations.

5. Research Contracts: Some PhD candidates in Luxembourg are employed as researchers under specific research contracts or projects. In such cases, their salaries may cover tuition and living expenses.

Cost of Studying PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Luxembourg

Tuition Fees


Tuition fees may be waived or reduced at some institutions. Check with the university for specific fees.


6,000 - 15,000

Cost varies based on location and housing type.


3,600 - 4,800

Cost depends on your dietary preferences.


600 - 1,200

Includes public transport and occasional trips.

Health Insurance

600 - 1,000

Mandatory for all residents.

Books and Supplies

500 - 800

Cost of academic materials and supplies.

Miscellaneous Expenses

1,200 - 2,000

Includes leisure, personal items, and unforeseen expenses.


Approximately 12,000 - 24,000

The total annual cost can vary significantly based on lifestyle choices.

Eligibility for doing PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Luxembourg

1. Educational Background: Typically, you will need to have completed a relevant master's degree (or an equivalent qualification) in a related field. Your master's degree should demonstrate your ability to conduct independent research in the chosen area of study.

2. Research Proposal: You may be required to submit a detailed research proposal outlining your research project and objectives. This proposal will often play a significant role in the admission process, as it helps the university assess your research potential and compatibility with their programs.

3. Language Proficiency: Luxembourg is a multilingual country, and the language of instruction may vary depending on the university and program. Proficiency in the language of instruction is usually required. Commonly, programs are offered in English, French, or German, so you may need to provide proof of proficiency in one or more of these languages.

4. Letters of Recommendation: You might be asked to submit letters of recommendation from academic or professional referees who can vouch for your research abilities and potential.

5. Interview: In some cases, universities may require an interview to discuss your research interests and assess your suitability for the PhD program.

6. Entrance Exam: Certain programs or universities may require applicants to take an entrance exam or a standardized test as part of the application process.

7. Funding: Ensure that you have a plan for funding your PhD studies. This could be through scholarships, research grants, or personal finances. Scholarships and funding opportunities may have additional eligibility criteria.

8. Visa and Residency: If you are an international student, you'll need to meet the visa and residency requirements set by the Luxembourgish government.

Documents Required for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Luxembourg

1. Application Form: Complete the university's online or paper application form as per their instructions.

2. Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume: A detailed CV outlining your academic background, research experience, work history, and achievements.

3. Academic Transcripts: Official transcripts from all your previous educational institutions, including undergraduate and master's degrees. These should include details of courses taken and grades achieved.

4. Degree Certificates: Copies of your degree certificates or diplomas from your previous studies, including your master's degree.

5. Research Proposal: A well-structured research proposal outlining your research questions, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.

6. Letters of Recommendation: Typically, two or three letters of recommendation from academic or professional referees who can speak to your qualifications and potential for doctoral studies.

7. Language Proficiency: If the program is not in your native language, provide proof of language proficiency (e.g., in English, French, German, or another relevant language).

8. Standardized Test Scores: If required by the program, submit scores from standardized tests such as the GRE or other relevant subject-specific exams.

9. Passport Copy: A copy of your passport or identification document.

10. Proof of Funding: If applying for scholarships or financial aid, provide documents demonstrating your financial support for the duration of your studies.

11. Application Fee: Check if there's an application fee and make the required payment if applicable.

12. Writing Sample or Statement of Purpose: Some programs may request a writing sample or a statement of purpose.

Scholarships for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Luxembourg

1. Aide à la Formation Recherche (AFR) Scholarships: AFR scholarships are funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and support doctoral researchers in various fields. These scholarships provide financial assistance to cover living expenses and research costs.

2. Industrial Fellowships (IF): FNR offers Industrial Fellowships to PhD candidates in collaboration with Luxembourg-based companies. This program allows students to conduct research relevant to the industry and receive financial support.

3. University Scholarships: Many universities in Luxembourg offer their own scholarships for PhD students. These scholarships may be merit-based or need-based, and they can cover tuition fees, living expenses, or research expenses.

4. Erasmus+ Program: The Erasmus+ program offers opportunities for international students to study in Europe, including Luxembourg. Doctoral candidates can benefit from Erasmus+ scholarships and exchange programs.

5. Government Scholarships: Some governments offer scholarships for their citizens to pursue doctoral studies abroad. Check with your home country's government or relevant agencies for available funding opportunities.

6. Private Foundations and Organizations: Private foundations and organizations in Luxembourg may offer scholarships to support research in specific fields. Research and identify foundations that align with your research interests.

7. European Research Council (ERC) Grants: PhD candidates in Luxembourg may have the opportunity to participate in research projects funded by the ERC. These projects often provide financial support for doctoral researchers.

8. Research Assistant Positions: Some PhD programs offer research assistant positions within their departments. These positions often come with a stipend and tuition fee waivers in exchange for research assistance.

9. Bilateral Agreements: Luxembourg has bilateral agreements with several countries that promote academic exchange and collaboration. These agreements may include provisions for scholarships or financial support for doctoral candidates.

Jobs and Salary after PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Luxembourg

1. Academic Researcher/Professor: Many PhD graduates choose to pursue academic careers as researchers or professors at universities and research institutions in Luxembourg. As an academic researcher, you may conduct research, publish papers, and teach courses. Salaries for academic positions can vary but are generally competitive. A starting salary for an assistant professor can range from €60,000 to €80,000 per year, with opportunities for higher salaries as you gain experience and advance in your career.

2. Industry Researcher: Luxembourg has a growing research and development sector, particularly in fields such as finance, technology, and materials science. PhD graduates can find opportunities to work as researchers in industries or private research organizations. Salaries in the private sector can vary widely based on the industry and company, but experienced researchers can earn competitive salaries.

3. Government and Public Sector Jobs: Luxembourg offers opportunities for PhD graduates to work in government agencies, public institutions, and international organizations located in the country. Positions may be available in policy analysis, public administration, or research roles. Salaries in the public sector are typically competitive and may include additional benefits.

4. Consulting and Advisory Roles: PhD holders with expertise in areas such as economics, finance, or data science may find opportunities in consulting firms or advisory roles. Salaries can vary depending on the consulting firm and the level of expertise but are generally competitive.

5. Entrepreneurship: Some PhD graduates choose to start their own businesses or join startup ventures, leveraging their research skills and expertise. Earnings as an entrepreneur can vary widely and depend on the success of the business.

6. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Nonprofits: PhD holders interested in social or environmental issues may work for NGOs or nonprofits in research, advocacy, or program management roles. Salaries in this sector may be lower than in the private sector but are often rewarding in terms of personal fulfillment.

7. International Organizations: Luxembourg hosts several international organizations, including the European Union institutions and the European Investment Bank (EIB). PhD graduates may find opportunities to work in research, policy analysis, or project management roles within these organizations. Salaries in international organizations are competitive and may include additional benefits.

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Start your PhD with us 

As a PhD student at Research Luxembourg, you will contribute to our dynamic and successful research.

One of the main advantages of choosing to do your PhD with Research Luxembourg is the access you will have to a wide range of well-equipped laboratories and facilities available at the University of Luxembourg, LISER, LIH and LIST.

There is also a vibrant academic support network with regular seminars, research group meetings and informal get-togethers, giving you plenty of opportunities to discuss your research interests with your supervisors, peers and other researchers and academic staff.

Fundings for PhD candidates

Several fundings from the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) are available for PhD candidates (with Masters).

The main instrument for PhD candidates is the AFR Individual Grant. The AFR PhD grant scheme is divided into two sub-categories:

  • AFR PhD in Luxembourg (AFR Incoming): Candidates from any nationality may apply for a doctoral position in an eligible Luxembourg host institution. Candidates will have to spend >50% in Luxembourg under an employment contract with the host institution;
  • AFR PhD abroad (AFR Outgoing): Luxembourg nationals, or residents in Luxembourg for more than 5 consecutive years, may apply for a doctoral position in a public higher education institution abroad. The rule for this type of AFR grants is an employment contract with the institution abroad, but in exceptional cases, grants without a work contract can be awarded.

In 2022, 5 MEUR will be committed to support this funding scheme.

Results 2022 AFR Individual Call: 26 of 87 PhD projects funded [+5 on reserve list], 5 MEUR committed. Overview in our video, full list on https://t.co/Cwc9d6QG6O @uni_lu @LISERinLUX @LNS_Lux @naturmusee @SnT_uni_lu pic.twitter.com/O2o5lucjtj — Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) (@FnrLux) July 29, 2022

Useful and practical information on AFR grants

  • The contribution to the annual salary costs of a PhD candidate amounts 44.322 € / year  (salary index as of Oct 2021; in case the official Luxembourg salary index changes, the above-mentioned FNR contribution will be adapted automatically by the FNR). A topping-up by the employer is possible up to a maximum gross salary of 62.461 €/yr.
  • The salary contribution will be paid until the PhD degree has been awarded with a maximum duration of 4 years. Alternatively: beneficiaries of an AFR PhD fellowship without employment contract will receive a monthly stipend of 1,500 € (in exceptional cases as specified above). The topping-up of the stipend up to a maximum amount of 2.100 € per month is possible.
  • Employment contracts shall be the rule. AFR PhD grants are aimed at host Institutions to employ AFR beneficiaries to conduct their research projects. Stipends (i.e. fellowships without employment contracts) are only awarded outside Luxembourg in exceptional cases).
  • A one-off travel lump sum, to be paid to the PhD candidate at the start of her/his AFR grant, based on the airline distance between the beneficiary’s residence at the application deadline or start of the grant, and her/his host Institution.
  • A fixed training and mobility allowance of 6.000 € per PhD candidate. The training allowance is available to cover costs related to the candidate’s training and mobility activities: i.e. scientific/transferable skills training, scientific conferences or summer/winter schools, field work or travel between scientific contacts involved in the project as well as international research stays.

Discover the University of Luxembourg’s doctoral schools

Doctoral school in science and engineering .

The Doctoral School in Science and Engineering offers seven programmes including Mathematics and Applications, Physics and Materials Sciences, Civil Engineering Sciences, Mechanical/Electro and Communications Engineering, Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Systems and Molecular Biomedecine, and Computational Sciences.

Doctoral School of Law

The Doctoral School of Law fosters an open-minded approach to legal analysis, going beyond the boundaries of national jurisdictions, to promote comparative cross-disciplinary research, within a multilingual environment (English, French and German) and an international academic team.

Doctoral School in Economics, Finance and Management

The Doctoral School in Economics and Finance focuses on two main topics: Economics (regional development, economic integration, environment policies, international economics, labour economics, macro finance, macroeconomic growth and dynamics) and finance (quantitative finance, risk management and financial governance, corporate finance, behavioral finance, law and finance, Islamic finance).

Doctoral School in Humanities and Social Sciences

The Doctoral School in Humanities and Social Sciences offers four research programmes in Humanities, Education, Social Sciences, and Psychology.

study phd in luxembourg

Discover the University of Luxembourg’s research centres

Snt – interdisciplinary centre for security, reliability and trust.

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) conducts internationally competitive research in information and communication technology (ICT) with high relevance creating socio-economic impact. In addition to long-term, high-risk research, SnT engages in demand driven collaborative projects with industry and the public sector.

University of Luxembourg's Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT)

LCSB – Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

The Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine develops and applies systems-level approaches to gain insight into the molecular and cellular mechanisms of human diseases. Experimental and computational approaches are combined to analyse the complexity of biological systems underlying disease pathogenesis. The LCSB is pioneering the way for a predictive, preventive and personalised medicine. Neurodegenerative diseases, especially Parkinson’s disease are major targets within LCSB’s research activities.


C2DH – Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History

The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2 DH) is a research centre of the highest academic excellence for the study, analysis and public dissemination of contemporary Luxembourgish and European history. It promotes an interdisciplinary approach with a particular focus on new digital methods and tools for historical research and teaching.


Discover the Luxembourg research institutes

Luxembourg institute of health (lih).

The Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) is a public biomedical research organisation focused on precision health and invested in becoming a leading reference in Europe for the translation of scientific excellence into meaningful benefits for patients. Find out PhD open positions.


Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is a missiondriven Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) that develops competitive and market-oriented product/service prototypes for public and private stakeholders. Its mission consists of pushing the frontiers in research for high-impact innovation. Discover the PhD positions.


Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)

The Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) is devoted to the advancement of knowledge in economic, social and spatial sciences. In the particular context of Luxembourg and in the heart of Europe, it is committed to contribute in a proactive and targeted manner to the sustainable and inclusive development of societies at the national and international level. Explore the open positions.


Research Luxembourg is a joint initiative of the main actors in Luxembourg public research, with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research: Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), University of Luxembourg, Luxinnovation and Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR).



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We have 1 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Luxembourg

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PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Luxembourg

Phd candidate - development of laser based, liquid flow diagnostics, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

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73 PhD positions at University of Luxembourg

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PhD Candidate in Autonomous Driving Systems

looking to make a difference. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place! This industrial PhD position is part of the “Autonomous systems for Land, Air and Space” (ATLAS) IPGB Programme co

PhD Candidate in Vision-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with BIM alignment

around 15-20 team members ( PhDs and PostDocs) and conducts research around the three research lines: (1) situational awareness for robots and autonomous systems, (2) optimization-based approaches

PhD Position in Machine Learning and Simulation-based Analysis for Smart Grids

research partnerships with industry, boosting R&D investments leading to economic growth, and attracting highly qualified talent. SnT invites applications from PhD candidates in the general area of machine

Doctoral Candidate ( PhD student) in Energy Efficient AI/ML for Wireless Communications

SnT is a leading international research and innovation centre in secure, reliable and trustworthy ICT systems and services. We play an instrumental role in Luxembourg by fueling innovation through research partnerships with industry, boosting R&D investments leading to economic growth, and...

PhD in Visual SLAM for construction

. The Automation & Robotics Research Group (ARG), headed by Prof. Dr. Holger VOOS, comprises around 15-20 team members ( PhDs and PostDocs) and conducts research around the three research lines: (1) situational

PhD candidate in Energy & Environment Engineering

A PhD position in Engineering is available at the Chair for Energy Mix (Prof. Dr. Jean-Régis HADJI-MINAGLOU), Department of Engineering. The successful candidate will be hired in the frame

PhD Candidate in Contemporary History

the past two years, more than 40,000 registration cards from the City of Dudelange have been digitised, and a workflow for digital analysis has been established. The goal of this PhD study is to leverage

Dudelange have been digitised, and a workflow for digital analysis has been established. The goal of this PhD study is to leverage the scientific value of the city's registration cards, which document

Doctoral Researcher ( PhD student) in the field of ancient history / archaeology

The Institut of History at the University of Luxembourg has a vacancy for a doctoral researcher (100%) in the field of Ancient History/Archaeology (Chair Associate Prof. Dr Andrea Binsfeld) as of 1 September 2024. The development of an independent doctoral project within the framework of one or...

PhD in Domain Adaptation for Space Applications

. We're looking for people driven by excellence, excited about innovation, and looking to make a difference. If this sounds like you, you've come to the right place! Your Role We offer an attractive PhD

Searches related to PhD

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  • Immunological Disorders
  • Precision Health
  • Department of Precision Health
  • Covid-19 – Infectious diseases
  • Research Portal
  • Quality & Safety Management office (QSMO)
  • Healthcare Innovation & Assessments
  • Research Pathology Platform (RPP)

study phd in luxembourg

doctoral training

The training of doctoral candidates in a quality research and management environment is a key objective of our institution. 

More than 60 PhD candidates, enrolled either at the  University of Luxembourg  or foreign universities, are carrying out research projects at LIH. Their work relates to the fields of application-targeted cellular, molecular or systems biology, biochemistry, epidemiology, statistics or bioinformatics. 

The doctoral training unit, created in 2015, is in charge of overseeing and organising all doctoral training-related activities. These responsibilities currently include the definition and implementation of a doctoral education framework in line with European best practices and specific guidelines of the  Luxembourg National Research Fund  (FNR). 

Dr Malou Fraiture holds a PhD in biology from the University of Strasbourg (France) and has been working as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Tübingen (Germany). Due to her implication in a PhD association during her doctoral studies, she is aware of the importance of quality doctoral education and supervision and the hurdles that may arise during and after the PhD trajectory. 

study phd in luxembourg

  • Guarantee the best work and supervision conditions for PhD candidates 
  • Offer  training courses  tailored to the needs of the young researchers 
  • Promote career orientation and development 
  • Encourage social and scientific interactions between PhD candidates 
  • Serve as a contact point for questions related to doctoral training 

lih-coordinated doctoral training programmes

study phd in luxembourg

The doctoral training program is built around 12 PhD research projects gathered around 3 inter-connected thematic axes: Environmental factors, social & behavioral factors and biological processes.

CANBIO2 is a Doctoral Training Unit (DTU) for PhD candidates in cancer research in Luxembourg, starting in January 2023.

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NextImmune2 will host research groups with strong critical mass in immunity in health and disease from the Department of Infection and Immunity (DII) of the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) and the Luxembourg Centre of Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) as well as the Department of Life Sciences and Medicine (DLSM) of the University of Luxembourg (UL), an overall structure which will serve as a catalyst for the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for severe human immune-mediated diseases.

i2TRON is a Doctoral Training Unit (DTU) of 20 Ph.D. positions with a strong focus on developing the new generation of translational scientists, who can turn observations in the laboratory, clinical setting or community into interventions that improve health of individuals via innovative diagnostics or treatments.

study phd in luxembourg

NextImmune is a Doctoral Training Unit (DTU)  formed to address key research and innovation challenges associated with the initiation, the diagnosis and the treatment of immune-mediated diseases. 

study phd in luxembourg

The Training & Workshops series is intended for early-stage researchers to help…

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52 fully funded phd programs at university of luxembourg, luxembourg.

Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Software Engineering (Testing Web Applications)

Summary of phd program:.

We offer an attractive PhD candidate position conducting research in close cooperation with an industrial partner. The successful candidate will join the SVV research group, headed by Prof. Lionel Briand. The team focuses on the development and design of reliable, safe, and secure software systems, carrying out both upstream activities such as requirements quality assurance and architecture analysis, as well as downstream verification & validation activities, primarily software testing and analysis.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

2. fully funded phd position in eu public law and/or comparative administrative law.

The doctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Professor Joana Mendes. The doctoral researcher’s main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of EU Public Paw and/or Comparative Administrative Law, the thesis work will be undertaken at the University of Luxembourg but can also be jointly supervised with another university. The doctoral candidate will contribute to the teaching of classes ranging from one to three hours per week, of small group teachings and tutorials, during part of the duration of the studies.

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

The doctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Professor Mickaël Géraudel. The doctoral researcher’s main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of Management. The thesis work will be undertaken at the University of Luxembourg but can also be jointly-supervised with another university. The suggested theme of the PhD is Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. The candidate is, however, welcome to suggest any other topic within the overarching project theme. The doctoral candidate will contribute to the teaching of classes ranging from one to three hours per week, of small group teachings and tutorials.

4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Economics

The University of Luxembourg invites highly qualified and motivated applicants for a PhD position within the framework of the ROAD project ‘Road to sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa’, jointly funded by the INTER scheme of the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and the National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS). The project is set up jointly with UCLouvain. The ROAD project seeks to provide a deeper understanding of road construction in sub-Saharan Africa, in particular, besides the acclaimed developmental impact on market access, the potential downturn in terms of deforestation and food insecurity it may give rise.

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5. fully funded phd position in computer science.

The successful candidate will join the Security and Trust of Software Systems group (SaToSS) led by Prof. Dr. Sjouke Mauw in the Belval Campus of the University of Luxembourg. The doctoral candidate will be supervised jointly by Prof. Dr. Sjouke Mauw and Prof. Dr. Jun Pang, and she/he is expected to (1) investigate attacks (e.g., inference attacks and adversarial attacks) on emerging machine learning models (e.g. diffusion models) and (2) develop privacy-preserving and robust defenses against such attacks while maintaining the models’ performance.

6. Fully Funded PhD Position in VR BIAS (FNR CORE)

The successful candidate will be part of the research group “Self-Regulation and Health” in the Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, which operates the Clinical Psychophysiology Laboratory with cutting-edge technology for psychophysiological assessment. Working under the supervision of Dr Annika Lutz, the candidate will engage in research within the context of the multi-disciplinary project VR BIAS. The FNR CORE-funded project involves psychologists and computer scientists and employs virtual-reality technology to investigate questions related to embodiment and body image.

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7. fully funded phd position in robotic perception and situation understanding.

The position holder will work under the umbrella of the project “Deep Understanding Of The Situation For Robots” (DEUS), funded by FNR under the 2022 CORE funding program. In the project DEUS (God in Latin), we focus on the development of a novel robotic situational awareness to pursue the goal of deeply understanding the situation with multiple levels of abstraction such as geometric (e.g. shape of the objects), semantic (e.g. type of the objects), or relational (e.g. relationships between the objects), integrating the perceived measurements from multiple sensor sources, with past observations and background knowledge, and aligning with the robotic requirements of accuracy, efficiency, robustness and, dependability and trustworthiness, and explainability.

8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Educational Sciences

The PhD position will be focused on conducting research in the field of science teacher education. In particular, the doctoral study will explore a professional development initiative offered through the SciTeach Center, a resource center dedicated to supporting the teaching of science at the primary levels in Luxembourg. The successful candidate will both coordinate and research the SciTeach Center Multiplikatoren initiative, thereby contributing to the research program led by Prof. Dr. Christina Siry, while being affiliated with the Institute for Teaching and Learning and situated within the Department of Education and Social Work (DESW). The PhD candidate will engage in independent as well as collaborative educational research focused on in-service teachers participating in innovative formation continue offerings, with a focus on sociocultural theoretical perspectives as related to teacher education and will work as a part of a dynamic research team.

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9. fully funded phd position in new and high efficiency photovoltaic concepts.

We are looking for a motivated, independent, passionate skilled physicists, physical chemists, or materials scientists to join our teams. As part of the photovoltaics cluster you will enjoy the opportunity to exchange ideas, collaborate internally, and use well equipped laboratories. Our publications and provide a perspective on our research directions.

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10. fully funded phd position in financial law.

The doctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Professor Isabelle RIASSETTO. The doctoral researcher’s main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of Investment Fund Law. The thesis work will be undertaken at the University of Luxembourg but can also be jointly-supervised with another university. The suggested theme of the PhD is Delegation, Outsourcing and Investment Fund Law. The candidate is, however, welcome to suggest any other topic within the overarching project theme. The doctoral candidate will contribute to the teaching of classes ranging from one to three hours per week, of small group teachings and tutorials.

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11. fully funded phd position in developing machine learned force fields to predict the stability of molecular crystals.

The PhD position is in the Theoretical Chemical Physics (TCP) group, led by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko in the Physics and Materials Science Department (DPhyMS) at the University of Luxembourg. This PhD position belongs to the PHYMOL: A Marie Skłodowska–Curie Actions Doctoral Network (MSCA DN) on Intermolecular Interactions. As such, the PhD candidate will enjoy a broad collaboration with top-notch research groups. The candidate will also be co-supervised by Dr. Marcus Neumann, founder of Avant-garde Materials Simulation Deutschland GmbH, in Freiburg, Germany, the developer of the most accurate crystal structure prediction software in the pharmaceutical industry.

12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Empirical Finance

The doctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Professor Thorsten Lehnert. The doctoral researcher’s main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of Empirical Finance. The thesis work will be undertaken at the University of Luxembourg but can also be jointly-supervised with another university. The doctoral candidate will contribute to the teaching of classes ranging from one to three hours per week, of small group teachings and tutorials.

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13. fully funded phd position in semantic and task-oriented communication design for 6g cyber-physical systems.

The successful candidate is expected to work on an emerging topic of Semantic and Task-oriented Communications Design for 6G Networks. The purpose of this project is to develop a novel communication design paradigm for multi-agent cyber-physical 6G systems which simultaneously maximizes the task effectiveness metric and the network resource usage. The developed task-oriented communication design is expected to apply to various important application domains, such as Industrial IoT, Multi-UAV systems, and multi-layer wireless networks.

14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Information Systems on Institutional Applications of Decentralized Finance

Successful candidates will pursue a Ph.D. degree (Doctorate) in information systems engineering while assigned to an industry partnership with SPUERKEESS. In this project, different topics around the adoption of ideas from decentralized finance (DeFi) in an institutional environment will be explored, for instance, which information about DeFi assets customers seek from their bank or which services they would like to take. The potential impact of more decentralized constructions of existing services or financial key figures will also be investigated.

15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Science on Institutional Applications of Decentralized Finance

Successful candidates will pursue a Ph.D. degree (Doctorate) in computer science and information systems engineering while assigned to an industry partnership with SPUERKEESS. In this project, different topics around applying ideas from decentralized finance (DeFi) in an institutional environment will be explored, for instance, providing customers with DeFi-related services or how to construct decentralized versions of existing services or financial key figures and identifying the corresponding benefits and challenges.

16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Engineering Science

The project is through the ArcelorMittal Chair of Steel Construction, under the collaboration between the University of Luxembourg and ArcelorMittal. It deals with the investigation of structural steel elements for reuse in a circular economy and works at the material level by using destructive- and nondestructive steel material test and measurement methods. These procedures will allow for determining the steel properties for reuse in a new construction. Besides metallurgical and experimental work in the laboratory and on-site, the use of Artificial Intelligence will help to optimize the process and make more feasible use of nondestructive measurements.

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17. fully funded phd position in sparse training for deep neural networks.

The University of Luxembourg is seeking to hire a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science within the newly established group in Machine Learning led by Prof. Decebal Mocanu. Solving today’s scientific and real-world problems requires a new generation of Artificial Intelligence algorithms. The newly established group in Machine Learning at the University of Luxembourg is currently composed by Prof. Decebal Mocanu, five PhD students spread across three universities (University of Luxembourg, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente), and three affiliated members on distant time zones. Hybrid is the usual way of working and the language of communication is English.

18. Fully Funded PhD Position in soft matter physics applied in robotics

You will be a member of the ESMP group at DPhyMS, FSTM, working under the supervision of the group leader Jan Lagerwall in close collaboration with the Automation & Robotics Research Group (ARG), led by Holger Voos, at the UL Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT). You will be refining our recent method for making Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Elastomer (CLCE) sheets and fibres, adding new shapes like hollow spheres and tori and integrating them in strain and force sensing set-ups based on the mechanochromic response of CLCEs, i.e., their colour changes predictably and reversibly in response to mechanical strain. You will then incorporate the sensors in soft robotic arms and grippers mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), enabling real-time monitoring of the oper­ation of the UAV as it manipulates objects using the arm/gripper.

19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Geometry

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Luxembourg is hiring a doctoral candidate (PhD student) in Geometry, to work under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Marc Schlenker.

20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Human-centered Design of personalized digital medical Devices

The Digital Medicine Research Group at LCSB is seeking a highly motivated PhD Candidate to actively contribute to the design and evaluation of health technologies. You will work on personalized treatment strategies at the intersection of people and technology. You will gather requirements, design, implement, and evaluate personalized health technologies/digital medical devices (DMDs) to support the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease, focusing on applications that support the communication between patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs)/caregivers.

This will include (1) a literature review on human-centered design/inclusive design of personalized health technologies, focusing on communication apps/DMDs in the context of Parkinson and other chronic diseases, (2) a design concept for trustworthy digital patient-HCP communication informed by iterative user research; (3) and a comparative mixed-methods evaluation on trust linked to the adoption of DMDs in different clinical contexts (i.e., communication and management tools, wearable sensors/diagnostic devices, social communicators).

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21. fully funded phd position in hybrid optimization algorithms for modern supercomputers.

The successful candidate will join the Parallel computing and Optimisation Group (PCOG) research group, led by Prof. Pascal Bouvry and Dr. Grégoire Danoy as deputy head. PCOG conducts research on parallel computing and optimization techniques, in particular how different species may co-evolve taking local decisions while ensuring global objectives, to tackle large and difficult problems. The main application domains are security, trust and reliability; reliable scheduling and routing on new generations of networks; sustainable development and systems biomedicine; Unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAV), Smart Cities.

22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Real-Time and Embedded Systems

SnT is a leading international research and innovation centre in secure, reliable and trustworthy ICT systems and services. We play an instrumental role in Luxembourg by fueling innovation through research partnerships with industry, boosting R&D investments leading to economic growth, and attracting highly qualified talent. CritiX (Critical and Extreme Security and Dependability) is a research group, and a laboratory for state-of-the-art research in a problem area that may be described as extreme computing, including the protection of critical systems and data against severe and persistent threats. We advocate resilience as a paradigm shift enabling a comprehensive approach to extreme security and dependability challenges, from first principles.

23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Science

The successful candidate will join the Parallel computing and Optimisation Group (PCOG), led by Prof. Pascal Bouvry. PCOG conducts research on parallel computing and optimization techniques, in particular how different species may co-evolve taking local decisions while ensuring global objectives, to tackle large and difficult problems. The main application domains are security, trust and reliability; reliable scheduling and routing on new generations of networks; sustainable development and systems biomedicine; Unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAV), Smart Cities.

24. 11 Fully Funded PhD Position in Developing Efficient Methods for an Accurate Energy Ranking of Molecular Crystals

PHYMOL brings together leading experts in the fields of molecular simulations, quantum chemistry, crystal structure prediction, intermolecular modelling, spectroscopy, machine-learning, and nano-clusters, from 12 academic institutes & laboratories, and 4 industrial entities, in an ambitious programme of research and training to develop a new generation of researchers in the field of molecular modelling.

Available projects DC1: Towards the accurate description of the induction energy in SAPT DC2: Intermolecular interactions in excited states: the CO–CO* and other excimers DC3: Collision-induced absorption and high-resolution spectra calculated from ab initio potentials DC4: Reparametrisation of semiempirical models DC5: Development of intermolecular force-fields with many-body dispersion interactions DC6: Consistent treatment of polarization and charge-delocalization in many-body systems DC7: How intermolecular interactions shape polymorphic energy landscapes DC8: State-of-the art modelling of new quantum materials: surface-supported metal atomic quantum clusters DC9: Implicit machine-learning solvent models for confined spaces. DC10: Adapting state-of-the-art modelling of new quantum materials to industry-standard open-source big data analysis tools. DC11: Density-mapped FFs: Rapid prototyping of force-fields based on physical and ML mappings onto the electronic density

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25. fully funded phd position in medical history.

Realize a PhD thesis in the history of psychiatry. You will be a member of the ANR-FNR research project “The mental health of migrants: actors, practices and networks (1950-1980, France, Switzerland, Germany)”. In this framework, you should produce a PhD entitled provisionally “International epistemic communities (1945-1990s) – A transnational history of psychiatry of migration: theories, transfers and regulations”.

26. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Machine Learning

We seek a highly motivated bioinformatician or computational biologist who is well versed in the statistical and machine learning analysis of biomedical data and bioscientific programming for a project on the study of neurological disorders. The candidate should have experience in the analysis of large-scale biomedical data (omics, clinical or neuroimaging data), using statistical methods, pathway/network analysis or machine learning. The candidate will conduct integrative analyses of biomedical datasets, focusing on omics, neuroimaging and clinical data to predict prognostic outcomes of interest (clinical progression, worsening of morphometry and connectivity patterns in brain MRI).

This will include implementing and applying software analysis pipelines and interpreting disease-related data together with experimental and clinical collaborators. Classification models guided by prior mechanistic knowledge will be built, exploiting the known grouping structures among features in the omics and neuroimaging data, using dedicated structured learning algorithms. With the help of statistics, machine learning and pathway- and network- and analyses, the goal is to improve the mechanistic understanding of disease-associated alterations in neurological disorders.

27. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital History and the History of the Second World War

The University of Luxembourg is a multilingual, international research University. Luxembourg is a dynamic, multicultural country in the heart of Europe with a strong research and development base supported by important organisational resources.The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) is a research centre for the study, analysis and public dissemination of contemporary history of Luxembourg and Europe with a particular focus on digital methods and tools for doing innovative historical research. It serves as a catalyst for innovative and creative scholarship and new forms of public dissemination and societal engagement with history.

28. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital History and the History of the Second World War

10 best data visualization tools, 29. fully funded phd position in distributed, cooperative and intelligent systems.

We are seeking a highly motivated individual for a PhD position in the field of Distributed, Cooperative and Intelligent Systems. The successful candidate will join a dynamic and interdisciplinary research team, exploring novel approaches for designing and implementing decentralized systems that can effectively coordinate and cooperate to achieve common goals. The research will involve both theoretical and practical aspects of distributed algorithms, machine learning, communicative systems and more.

30. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Science

The proposed PhD project will be a continuation of research done by Jim Barthel in computational number theory and public key cryptography in the context of the PRIDE project. A possible research starting point for this PhD project is the practical evaluation of a combination of graph-based techniques with number-theoretic problems like the “simultaneous Chinese Remainder Theorem” or integer factorisation and generalizations thereof, especially practical evaluations of possible algorithms for the “Decisional Simultaneous Chinese Remaindering” problem is of interest. Suggestions for other interesting research topics in computational number theory or public key cryptography can also be discussed.

31. Fully Funded PhD Position in 6G Communications

The research group focuses on wireless/satellite communications and networking and is headed by Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas. The research areas focus on the formulation, modelling, design, and analysis of future 5G and beyond communication networks that are capable of supporting new services in a cost-efficient manner. Use cases of interest include IoT verticals, unmanned aerial vehicles, integrated satellite-space-terrestrial networks, quantum communications and key distribution, spectrum management and coexistence, tactile Internet, and autonomous transportation.

32. Fully Funded PhD Position in Natural Language Processing

SnT is a leading international research and innovation centre in secure, reliable and trustworthy ICT systems and services. We play an instrumental role in Luxembourg by fueling innovation through research partnerships with industry, boosting R&D investments leading to economic growth, and attracting highly qualified talent. We’re looking for people driven by excellence, excited about innovation, and looking to make a difference. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place!

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33. fully funded phd position in physics (solar cells).

In the framework of an FNR funded project we will investigate the fundamental limitations of chalcopyrite thin film solar cells in order to improve their efficiency. Thin film solar cells provide the electricity source with the lowest greenhouse gas emissions. The PhD student will be a member of the Department of Physics and Materials Science within the Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of Luxembourg. She or he will perform research under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Siebentritt.

34. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cryptography for Finance and Privacy

The successful candidate will join the CryptoLux group led by Prof. Alex Biryukov. He or she will contribute to a research project entitled “Advanced Cryptography for Finance and Privacy (CryptoFin)”, which is funded by the Luxembourgish Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) through the CORE program.

35. Fully Funded PhD Position in Spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry

GNSS Reflectometry (GNSS-R) is an innovative remote sensing method exploiting signals of GNSS after reflection from the Earth’s surface. The doctor candidate will investigate spaceborne GNSS-R for soil moisture using coherent and incoherent observations. In this context, the successful candidate will develop algorithms that will allow us to better understand present day soil moisture variability for more accurately modelling the water cycle from a constellation of Earth-observing nanosatellites.

In this project, the multi-constellation space-borne GNSS-R data will be used to understand the sensitivity of the GNSS-R forward-scattering to surface roughness, vegetation, and other parameters such as incidence angle. The PhD candidate will be a member of the Geophysics Laboratory working on the development and implementation of innovative deep learning techniques for the space-borne GNSS-R studies.

36. Fully Funded PhD Position in Differential Geometry

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Luxembourg is hiring a doctoral candidate (PhD student) in Transformation Groups in Differential Geometry, to work under the supervision of Prof. Karin Melnick.

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37. fully funded phd position in computational spectroscopy of 2d materials.

A PhD student position in Theoretical/Computational Solid-State Physics is available in the group of Prof. Ludger Wirtz at the Department of Physics and Materials Science, University of Luxembourg. The group uses and develops electronic structure methods for the description of electronic excitations in novel materials. A special focus lies on 2D materials and their application for light-harvesting and light emission. The research project will be on the role of electron-phonon coupling in spectroscopy. It will focus on the development of new methodologies and their applications to phonon-assisted luminescence and Raman spectroscopy. The project takes place in collaboration with partner groups of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility: Dr. Fulvio Paleari (Modena), Dr. Claudio Attaccalite (Marseille), Dr. Sven Reichardt (Luxembourg).

38. Fully Funded PhD Position in Modelling and Control of Soft Aerial Manipulators

The successful candidate(s) will join the Electrical – Communications Engineering group and work under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Holger Voos on the Kirchberg Campus of the University of Luxembourg. You will contribute to a joint research project between Engineering and Physics, dealing with the development of novel soft aerial manipulators. The aim of this PhD project is to design, model and control a novel soft robotic arm to be attached to an unmanned aerial vehicle. The tasks comprise the design of the soft arm, the integration into an unmanned aerial vehicle, the modelling of the resulting combination of soft arm and rigid aerial vehicle and the derivation of suitable control approaches. Finally, the overall solutions will be validated in simulations as well as in experimental flight tests in an indoor flight arena, equipped with a motion capture system.

39. Fully Funded PhD Position in Modeling Space Program Architectures for Informing Strategic Planning

How can a space program architecture be represented to support decision-makers in exploring alternatives and informing strategy? The main focus of this PhD will be on the development of a conceptual framework of space program architectures and the more detailed development of a meta model / data model of space program architectures, including the definition of high-level simulation models that are used for sizing technologies, systems, and missions. The methodology is primarily based on a combination of a literature survey and expert reviews to define the conceptual framework and data model. In addition, use cases and case studies are used for validating the resulting models. These use cases are either linked to the current Luxembourg space ecosystem or might even be outside space, e.g. sustainable energy transition.

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40. fully funded phd position in spontaneous applications for next generation radar sensing networks.

The group has been working on next generation radar sensors in different applications, including automotive, autonomous vehicles, in-cabin monitoring, occupancy sensing, drones, multi-copters, gesture recognition, smart buildings, smart street lighting, smart factories, healthcare and robotics. The emerging radar sensors that are in use by the group, are using multiple input multiple output (MIMO) technology and can be connected to build distributed and co-operative sensing networks. SPARC group has further expanded its research to integrated sensing and communications, weather radar systems and metacognitive radars,. To develop the signal processing techniques, the group researchers are using real data captured by the available radar modules at the lab, or the custom built MIMO radar with flexibility of changing the transmit waveform and signal processing units on the fly.

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Why should I study in Luxembourg?

How to study in luxembourg.

To live and study in Luxembourg as an international student, the secondary school certificate will have to be recognised by the Ministère de l'Education nationale. As a non-European, a visa to stay in the country for the time of your studies is required.

Luxembourg’s Higher Education System in International Comparison

In this section, we highlight the overall performance of Luxembourg's universities on the institutional level per U-Multirank dimension. The table below shows the national breakdown of Luxembourg's universities and how they stand across the spectrum of above average (receiving a score of ‘A’ (very good) or ‘B’ (good)), versus below average (receiving a score of ‘D’ (below average) or ‘E’ (weak)). In doing so, U-Multirank offers a clear picture on the country’s strengths and areas for improvement.

It becomes apparent that in general Luxembourg's higher education institutions perform strongest in U-Multirank’s international orientation and research dimensions.

National performance: Luxembourg

Percent of all Universities 100% 80% 60% 40% < below Average above > 40% 60% 80% 100% Teaching & Learning 25% 12% Research 18% 64% Knowledge Transfer 43% 43% International Orientation 0% 100% Regional Engagement 33% 33%

How much does it cost to study in Luxembourg?

The required tuition fees vary depending on the study course and education level. On average, you should expect to pay between €400 and €800 per year. For business-related studies, tuition fees are more expensive, averaging around €4,000-€5,000 per year.

What are the entry requirements for Luxembourgish universities?

If you have successfully completed upper secondary studies in one of the signatory countries of the Lisbon Convention, are in possession of a valid school leaving certificate and qualify for higher education studies in your home country, you may also qualify for higher education studies in Luxembourg. However, you are requested to prove your level of English, French, German or Luxembourgish depending on the study program you have applied for. In some cases, you are also requested to take additional qualifying courses. Second cycle studies (master's)

If you are applying for a master's program at university in Luxembourg, you are required to be in possession of a relevant bachelor's or equivalent degree diploma.

Third cycle studies (PhD) In the event you are applying for doctoral studies at university in Luxembourg, you are required to be in possession of a relevant diploma or master's degree program. The language of instruction at university in Luxembourg vary depending on the study program. The most common languages used for instruction are English, French, German and Luxembourgish. In general, you are expected to have a level of command of the language of instruction of your study program corresponding to, at least, B2 in the Europass Language Passport.

How to get a Stipend/Scholarship in Luxembourg?

No matter the reason, paying high tuition fees can be a source of stress for many. However, there are many options for financing your studies, including the use of scholarships. There are various scholarship opportunities available for international students looking to study in Luxembourg. Depending on your country of origin and the level of studies, there are different options for funding. To explore what scholarship options are available, check this scholarship database .

Do I need a Student Visa for Luxembourg?

EU/EEA/Swiss citizens are not required to obtain a visa but need to register with the local authorities within 90 days of their arrival. Generally, all non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens must hold a student visa along with a residence permit. The visa has to be obtained before traveling to Luxembourg. Upon arrival in Luxembourg, you are able to apply for a residence permit.

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U.S. needs Chinese students in humanities, Indian students for sciences, U.S. diplomat says

US needs Chinese students in humanities, Indian students for sciences, US diplomat says

The U.S. should welcome more students from China, but to study the humanities rather than sciences, the second-ranked U.S. diplomat said on Monday, noting that U.S. universities are limiting Chinese students’ access to sensitive technology given security concerns.

Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said not enough Americans were studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics. He said the U.S. needed to recruit more international students for those fields, but from India — an increasingly important U.S. security partner — not China.

For years, Chinese students have made up the largest foreign student body in the U.S. and totaled nearly 290,000 in the 2022/23 academic year. But some in academia and civil society argue that deteriorating U.S.-China relations and concerns about theft of U.S. expertise, have derailed scientific cooperation and subjected Chinese students to unwarranted suspicion.

“I would like to see more Chinese students coming to the United States to study humanities and social sciences, not particle physics,” Campbell told the Council on Foreign Relations think-tank.

Campbell was asked about the China Initiative introduced by the Trump administration, intended to combat Chinese espionage and intellectual property theft, which  ended under the Biden administration  after critics said it spurred racial profiling of Asian Americans.

Campbell said U.S. universities had made “careful attempts” to support continuing higher education for Chinese students, but had also been “careful about the labs, some of the activities of Chinese students.”

“I do think it is possible to curtail and to limit certain kinds of access, and we have seen that generally, particularly in technological programs across the United States,” he said.

Campbell said some had suggested that China was the only source to make up the shortage of science students.

“I believe that the largest increase that we need to see going forward would be much larger numbers of Indian students that come to study in American universities on a range of technology and other fields.”

Campbell said the U.S. had to be careful to not eliminate links between China and the U.S., but officials in Beijing were largely to blame for any withering in academic, business or non-profit sector ties.

“It really has been China that has made it difficult for the kinds of activities that we would like to see sustaining,” Campbell said, adding that foreign executives and philanthropists were wary about long-term stays in China due to concerns about personal security.

Graduate School


2024 Maeder Graduate Fellows study social norms and the water-energy nexus

Man woth croseed arms and woman woth hands in pockets stand in room with olive green wall

2024 Maeder Graduate Fellows Jinyue (Jerry) Jiang, left, and Jordana Composto stand in the Andlinger Center lobby (photo by Adena Stevens).

Two graduate students, Jordana Composto and Jinyue (Jerry) Jiang , have been awarded the Maeder Graduate Fellowship in Energy and the Environment. Composto and Jiang received the fellowship for their work, respectively, to understand how individuals and organizations respond to climate change and to analyze the role of water and wastewater treatment in catalyzing the energy transition.

The fellowship, which is awarded to one or two graduate students each year who demonstrate strong potential to develop solutions for a sustainable energy and environmental future, is supported by the Paul A. Maeder ’75 Fund for Innovation in Energy and the Environment. The fellowship will cover both students’ tuition and stipend for the 2024–2025 academic year.

Jordana Composto

Woman stands against white wall

 Composto (photo by Adena Stevens).

Composto, a graduate student in psychology and social policy , researches how individuals and collectives work to address climate change. She is advised by Elke Weber , the Gerhard R. Andlinger Professor for Energy and the Environment and professor of psychology and public affairs .

Composto is particularly interested in understanding how people within organizations perceive and interact with social norms, the collectively endorsed rules and expectations that guide how people should act. For instance, she has previously discovered that independent of personal attitudes and beliefs, employees at a company were more likely to act sustainably if they thought their company would support their actions.

“There is a lot of literature suggesting that norms are important in shaping attitudes, behaviors, and policy support. But there is still a lot of heterogeneity — in some contexts they work, and in others, they don’t,” Composto said. “I’m ultimately trying to examine the underlying cognitive mechanisms to understand why and when norms are effective.”

Composto also studies how trust influences the direction and speed of the energy transition. She investigates the level of trust that exists between stakeholders in the energy sector, where there are significant trust gaps, and whether behavioral science interventions can help to build trust for emerging technologies such as carbon capture and sequestration.

“Behavioral science cuts across any climate solution that we have, because people are the ones addressing climate change,” Composto said. “It helps us understand why some solutions are really hard to implement or why the best technologies might not be adopted by individuals or integrated into companies.”

The fellowship will support Composto’s progress toward her professional goal of being a behavioral scientist working alongside engineers and policymakers on multifaceted climate solutions.

“Addressing the climate crisis will take all of us working together,” Composto said. “It’s both a daunting challenge and an inspiring, collaborative issue to work on as a researcher.”

Jinyue (Jerry) Jiang

Man stands next to green wall

Jiang (photo by Adena Stevens).

At the beginning of his graduate career, Jiang studied new technologies for decarbonizing the water and wastewater treatment sectors. Yet as he enters his fifth year as a graduate student in civil and environmental engineering , he has shifted his focus to study how water itself will play a role in the overall decarbonization of society.

“Water and energy are strongly intertwined, and the relationship between them goes both ways,” said Jiang. “Many of the steps for extracting and treating water are surprisingly energy-intensive, and on the other hand, many energy technologies require quite a large amount of water, both as a feedstock and for cooling purposes.”

Advised by Z. Jason Ren , professor of civil and environmental engineering and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Jiang began at Princeton working on microbial electrolysis cells, which utilize microorganisms to break down organic matter while generating clean hydrogen as a product. He studied these cells from the lab bench to the pilot scale, even spearheading a demonstration project in Illinois to convert food waste into hydrogen and jet fuel.

Now, Jiang is investigating the costs, opportunities, and feasibility of utilizing treated wastewater as a water source for the emerging hydrogen economy.

One of the most promising methods for clean hydrogen production is electrolysis, in which water is split into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity from renewable sources like solar energy. Yet Jiang said many seemingly ideal locations for such a process, such as California, with its large solar generation capacity, are already water-stressed. Consequently, deploying these technologies at scale in those regions would exacerbate existing water challenges, siphoning away potable water that could otherwise be used for human consumption.

“Currently, almost every electrolyzer is pulling water from the public supply,” Jiang said. “If we could instead integrate these technologies to use treated wastewater effluent, it could be an efficient and widely available way to deploy clean energy without significantly worsening water shortages.”

Since wastewater treatment plants are ubiquitous across the U.S. and the world, Jiang said being able to pair wastewater treatment with clean energy technologies means the treatment plants could have an important role to play in accelerating the energy transition.

“I want to move past the idea that wastewater treatment is just there to get rid of society’s unwanted things,” Jiang said. “There are so many opportunities embedded in the wastewater treatment process for creating valuable products and catalyzing the energy transition.”

The Paul A. Maeder ’75 Fund for Innovation in Energy and the Environment supports the Maeder Graduate Fellowship. The Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment administers the fund and fellowship. More information on the program and past recipients can be found   on the Maeder Graduate Fellowship page .

From classrooms to boardrooms, Virginia Tech graduate students embark on a capstone tour

Students in the Pamplin College of Business’ Center for Business Analytics completed their graduate program with a summer tour, which saw them present their capstone projects to sponsoring companies.

  • Jeremy Norman

27 Jun 2024

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Attendees watch as students from the MSBA-BA program give their capstone presentation.

Eleven cities. Fifteen days. Over 5,000 miles.

No, this isn’t the recent leg of Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour, though you’d be forgiven for the confusion. It’s the Center for Business Analytics summer tour – the culminating event for students in the Master of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in business analytics program.

From June 3-18, students concluded their graduate experience with on-site, in-person capstone presentations to sponsoring companies. The capstone presentation is the pinnacle of nine months of intensive, experiential learning.

For each project, student teams prepare a professional consulting report and formal presentation that summarizes and supports its findings and builds a business case for its recommendations. The capstone projects allow students to work closely with corporate and faculty mentors, experience hands-on learning, and connect the classroom to real-world problems and decision-makers.

Cliff Ragsdale, academic director of the Center for Business Analytics, speaks to attendees at Public Presentation Day.

Tour schedule

  • June 3: Students from the Norfolk Southern team delivered their recommendations to improve serving yard efficiency to representatives from the company in Atlanta. The team developed a framework to gauge serving yard performance across entire divisions to identify areas of improvement or opportunity and leverage them to provide a more robust service product for Norfolk Southern customers.
  • June 4: In Roanoke, a team of students presented its neural network model to Advance Auto Parts. The neural network model is structured to predict future store performance in relation to gross margin.
  • June 5: A student team traveled to Reston, Virginia, to deliver its rubric to NASA Langley Research Center. Students developed a comprehensive framework for evaluating and improving generative artificial intelligence outputs to enhance NASA's mission performance and operational efficiency.
  • June 5: Students traveled to X-energy headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, and provided recommendations on ways to reduce costly delays and predict material quantities for nuclear power plant construction. The team developed a model to estimate the optimal size for a temporary warehouse to store raw materials during the construction of Xe-100 nuclear reactors.
  • June 6: Students headed to Rocky Mount, Virginia, home of ValleyStar Credit Union to present solutions for increasing credit union member retention and loyalty. The team analyzed current member data and discovered an opportunity to target Generation Z and Generation Alpha with three recommendations to create a comprehensive loyalty program.
  • June 7: At the Acquisition Innovation Research Center in Arlington, students delivered their carefully designed approach to portfolio and project risk assessment. The team established a Stage-Gate Risk Assessment Framework utilizing Portfolio Theory to quantitatively evaluate the risks of the Navy's science and technology acquisition research efforts.
  • June 10: At Carter Machinery headquarters in Salem, students demonstrated how they have enhanced Carter's digital excellence and data quality initiatives. They analyzed current processes and other best practices to identify a way to implement data quality standards companywide, which led to recommendations focused on data entry standards and continuous data monitoring.
  • June 11: After attending several meetings at NobleReach in Tysons, Virginia, students returned to show off their entrepreneur matching tool, which is already in use at the company. The team developed a scalable tagging and matchmaking system to improve the pairing of embedded entrepreneurs in NobleReach's database with suitable government research projects.
  • June 12: A student team went to Inorganic Ventures in Christiansburg to showcase its machine learning model, designed to help chemists formulate compounds. The team evaluated machine learning software to automate workflows to create a competitive advantage in the industry.
  • June 12: Students delivered their predictive analytics tool to customer Flex-Metrics in Roanoke. The team developed a scalable machine learning model to accurately predict catastrophic failure on manufacturing equipment and developed a Power BI dashboard to effectively visualize actionable insights.
  • June 14: The HP team flew to Houston, Texas, to visit the offices of HP and deliver its proposed strategy for HP to achieve its goals of addressing digital equity and gentrification. The HP team analyzed gentrification and digital inequity in Austin, Texas, recommending HP to collaborate with STEM organizations to offer Title I students in-person, interactive summer and afterschool programs to enhance their understanding of technology.
  • June 18: The teams returned to Virginia Tech’s Blacksburg campus to deliver their respective presentations at the Public Presentation Day, during which the public was able to see each team’s projects and celebrate the cohort members' completion of their master's degrees.

Marc Kaplan

  • Blacksburg, Va.
  • Experiential Learning
  • Graduate Education
  • MBA Programs
  • Pamplin College of Business

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Studying at the University of Luxembourg is a uniquely enriching experience. The programmes impart cutting edge knowledge in a highly international, multilingual and distinctly interdisciplinary environment. Small classes ensure direct interaction between students and teaching staff. 

Applications for admission to the University of Luxembourg’s study programmes for the 2024-2025 academic year opened on 1 February 2024 . Meet us at an event or fair , learn how to apply or find out more about our study programmes below.

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TPHS graduate Natalie Wang to begin Class of…

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Del Mar Times

Tphs graduate natalie wang to begin class of 2028 plebe summer at u.s. naval academy.

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Approximately 1,200 candidates are selected each year for the Academy’s “plebe” or freshman class, and each student is required to participate in Plebe Summer. During this time, plebes have no access to television, movies, the internet, or music, and restricted access to cell phones. They are only permitted to make three calls during the six weeks of Plebe Summer.

The pressure and rigor of Plebe Summer is carefully designed to help plebes prepare for their first academic year at the Naval Academy and the four years of challenge that awaits them. As the summer progresses, the new midshipmen rapidly assimilate basic skills in seamanship, navigation, damage control, sailing, and handling yard patrol craft. Plebes also learn infantry drill and how to shoot 9 mm pistols and M-16 rifles.

Other daily training sessions involve moral, mental, physical, and professional development and team-building skills. Activities include swimming, martial arts, basic rock climbing, and obstacle, endurance, and confidence courses designed to develop physical, mental, and team-building skills. Forty hours are devoted to the instruction of infantry drill and five formal parades.

Founded in 1845, the U.S. Naval Academy today is a prestigious four-year service academy that prepares midshipmen morally, mentally, and physically to be professional officers in the naval service. More than 4,400 men and women representing every state in the U.S. and several foreign countries make up the student body, known as the Brigade of Midshipmen.

In 2024, U.S. News and World Reports rated the Naval Academy as the #1 public school, #3 national liberal arts college, #5 undergraduate engineering school. Midshipmen learn from military and civilian instructors and participate in intercollegiate varsity sports and extracurricular activities. They also study subjects such as leadership, ethics, small arms, drill, seamanship and navigation, tactics, naval engineering and weapons, and military law. Upon graduation, midshipmen earn a Bachelor of Science degree in a choice of 26 different subject majors and go on to serve at least five years of service as commissioned officers in the U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps.

The Brigade of Midshipmen is comprised of approximately 4,400 students from every state in the union and a handful of international students. Each year, approximately 1,200 young women and men are admitted to the Naval Academy’s incoming class. Last year the Naval Academy received over 14,000 applications for the Class of 2027. For more information about the Naval Academy, go to usna.edu and Facebook page. —U.S. Naval Academy news release

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Trump Says He Would Give Green Cards to All Foreign College Students at Graduation

Mr. Trump’s promise to Silicon Valley investors was a sharp departure from immigration curbs he enacted during his presidency. His campaign walked it back soon after.

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Donald J. Trump is speaking into a microphone at a lectern.

By Chris Cameron

  • June 20, 2024

Donald J. Trump said he would push for a program that would automatically give green cards to all foreign college students in America after they graduate, a reversal from restrictions he enacted as president on immigration by high-skilled workers and students to the United States.

But hours after Mr. Trump’s remarks aired, his campaign’s press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, walked back the former president’s comments, saying in a statement that there would be an “aggressive vetting process” that would “exclude all communists, radical Islamists, Hamas supporters, America haters and public charges ” and that the policy would apply only to the “most skilled graduates who can make significant contributions to America.”

Appearing with the host David Sacks, a Silicon Valley investor who backs the former president’s 2024 campaign , on a podcast that aired Thursday afternoon, Mr. Trump had repeated his frequent criticism of high levels of immigration as an “invasion of our country.” But he was then pressed by Jason Calacanis, another investor who hosts the podcast, to “promise us you will give us more ability to import the best and brightest around the world to America.”

“I do promise, but I happen to agree,” Mr. Trump said, adding “what I will do is — you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country, and that includes junior colleges.”

It would have been a sweeping change that would have opened a vast path to American citizenship for foreigners. The State Department estimated that the United States hosted roughly one million international students in the academic year that ended in 2022 — a majority of whom came from China and India. The United States granted lawful permanent residence to roughly one million people during the year that ended in September 2022, so such a policy change would significantly increase the number of green cards issued.

Mr. Trump suggested on the podcast that he had wanted to enact such a policy while in office but “then we had to solve the Covid problem.” The Trump administration invoked the pandemic to enact many of the immigration restrictions that officials had wanted to put in place earlier in Mr. Trump’s term .

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  1. Doctoral Candidates

    The University law (art. 32, 3) and the Study regulations (Chapter 1) define access to doctoral studies at the University of Luxembourg. You are eligible to apply for admission to doctoral studies at the University of Luxembourg if you hold a Master's degree (or equivalent), as defined in the Act. Please be aware that Master's degrees from ...

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  3. Doctoral education

    Part-time students have 96 months to complete their doctoral studies. Students who are offered a contract with the University of Luxembourg are typically employed for an initial period of 36 months, and their contract can be extended by 12 months. To ensure that our doctoral candidates finish their studies within this timeframe, the University ...

  4. Study PhD Programmes in Luxembourg, Luxembourg

    Studying in Luxembourg. Within Luxembourg universities, Bachelor's, Master's degrees and PhD courses are generally bilingual French/English or French/German. Some degree courses are trilingual and some are taught entirely in English. Students need a high level of proficiency in the language needed for the degree programme.

  5. Schools and programmes

    DP Economics and Management Sciences. Doctorat en Sciences Economiques (Economics) Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion (Management) DP Finance. Doctorat en Finance (Finance) The University of Luxembourg has four Doctoral Schools. Each school has its own doctoral programme (s) and policies and procedures, and each Doctoral.

  6. Why Study PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Luxembourg

    Scholarships for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Luxembourg. 1. Aide à la Formation Recherche (AFR) Scholarships: AFR scholarships are funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and support doctoral researchers in various fields. These scholarships provide financial assistance to cover living expenses and research costs.

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    The contribution to the annual salary costs of a PhD candidate amounts 44.322 € / year (salary index as of Oct 2021; in case the official Luxembourg salary index changes, the above-mentioned FNR contribution will be adapted automatically by the FNR). A topping-up by the employer is possible up to a maximum gross salary of 62.461 €/yr.

  9. Scholarships for PhD in Luxembourg

    Scholarships to study a PhD in Luxembourg. Programmes Universities Scholarships. Page 1 | 19 Scholarships . Filters 1. 19 Scholarships . The scholarships listed below are applicable to students of all nationalities. Please create an account to see personalized results.

  10. PhD Candidates » Luxembourg Institute of Health

    phd candidates. Your first professional experience in research with the Luxembourg Institute of Health! LIH welcomes more than 60 doctoral candidates coming from all over the world to conduct their PhD projects in partnership with the University of Luxembourg or foreign partner universities. Our doctoral candidates are enrolled in thematic ...

  11. PhD

    The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance will remain on Campus Limpertsberg. [1] Like Luxembourg itself, the studies at the University of Luxembourg are characterised by their multilingualism. Courses are usually held in two languages: French/English, French/German, or English/German. Find a PhD is a comprehensive guide to PhD studentships and ...

  12. 40 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

    University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas. The yearly gross salary for every PhD at the UL is EUR 38028 (full time). Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

  13. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Luxembourg

    The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is a Research and Technology Organization (RTO) active in the fields of materials, environment and IT. Read more. Supervisor: Dr AG Gerakis. Year round applications PhD Research Project Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide) 1. Find a PhD is a comprehensive guide to PhD studentships and ...

  14. 4 Phd Scholarships in Luxembourg

    Check what disciplines, subjects and specialisations are covered by the phd degree scholarships available in Luxembourg. Select from plenty of college scholarships for studies in business administration, engineering, computer science and IT, law, medicine, chemistry, social sciences and more. The diverse forms of financial aid are provided by ...

  15. 72 PhD positions at University of Luxembourg

    Doctoral Researcher ( PhD student) in the field of ancient history / archaeology. The Institut of History at the University of Luxembourg has a vacancy for a doctoral researcher (100%) in the field of Ancient History/Archaeology (Chair Associate Prof. Dr Andrea Binsfeld) as of 1 September 2024. The development of an independent doctoral project ...

  16. Doctoral Training » Luxembourg Institute of Health

    The doctoral training unit, created in 2015, is in charge of overseeing and organising all doctoral training-related activities. These responsibilities currently include the definition and implementation of a doctoral education framework in line with European best practices and specific guidelines of the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR).

  17. 52 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

    4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Economics Summary of PhD Program: The University of Luxembourg invites highly qualified and motivated applicants for a PhD position within the framework of the ROAD project 'Road to sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa', jointly funded by the INTER scheme of the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and the National Fund for Scientific Research ...

  18. Why should I study in Luxembourg?

    In the event you are applying for doctoral studies at university in Luxembourg, you are required to be in possession of a relevant diploma or master's degree program. The language of instruction at university in Luxembourg vary depending on the study program. The most common languages used for instruction are English, French, German and ...

  19. U.S. needs Chinese students in humanities, Indian students for sciences

    For years, Chinese students have made up the largest foreign student body in the U.S. and totaled nearly 290,000 in the 2022/23 academic year.

  20. Doctoral Programme in Education

    Education. Shaping the educators of the future. With over 20 research supervisors in a multiplicity of educational fields our programme offers you unique opportunities to develop knowledge and research skills. Duration. 3-4 years. Working Languages. English, French, German, Luxembourgish. Admissions. any time.

  21. 2024 Maeder Graduate Fellows study social norms and the water-energy

    Two graduate students, Jordana Composto and Jinyue (Jerry) Jiang, have been awarded the Maeder Graduate Fellowship in Energy and the Environment.Composto and Jiang received the fellowship for their work, respectively, to understand how individuals and organizations respond to climate change and to analyze the role of water and wastewater treatment in catalyzing the energy transition.

  22. From classrooms to boardrooms, Virginia Tech graduate students embark

    Students in the Master of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in business analytics program embarked on a 15-day, 11-city summer tour, where they presented their capstone projects to sponsoring companies. ... From June 3-18, students concluded their graduate experience with on-site, in-person capstone presentations to ...

  23. Study in Luxembourg: the ultimate guide for a Master in 2024

    Luxembourg's universities provide Bachelor's, Master's and PhD degrees in numerous subject areas such as Medicine, Law, Languages, Psychology, Education, Economics, Computer Science, or Social Sciences. Here are some of the most popular study options in Luxembourg: Masters in European Law in Luxembourg. Masters in Finance in Luxembourg.

  24. Trump says he wants foreign nationals who graduate from US colleges to

    Former President Donald Trump proposed "automatically" giving green cards to foreign nationals who graduate from a US college - comments that break from his efforts to curb both legal and ...

  25. Doctoral Programme in Psychology

    With 30 active research supervisors, our Doctoral Programme offers you the unique opportunity to train in contemporary theory and research in Psychology. Duration. 3-4 years. Working Languages. English, German, French. Admissions. any time. Fee. €200/semester.

  26. List of Universities for PHD in Chemistry in Luxembourg

    Find the list of all universities for PHD in Chemistry in Luxembourg with our interactive university search tool. Use the filter to list universities by subject, location, program type or study level.

  27. Study Programme Overview

    Studying at the University of Luxembourg is a uniquely enriching experience. The programmes impart cutting edge knowledge in a highly international, multilingual and distinctly interdisciplinary environment. Small classes ensure direct interaction between students and teaching staff. Applications for admission to the University of Luxembourg ...

  28. TPHS graduate Natalie Wang to begin Class of 2028 Plebe Summer at U.S

    Recent Torrey Pines High School graduate Natalie Wang was inducted into the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 2028 on June 27, marking the beginning of six challenging weeks of basic midshipman training ...

  29. Trump Says He Would Give Green Cards to Foreign College Students After

    Donald J. Trump said he would push for a program that would automatically give green cards to all foreign college students in America after they graduate, a reversal from restrictions he enacted ...