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Zebra Puzzle

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Write code locally, in your own space

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An engaged software development community

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Community members added every month

Kata completed every month

Kata created by our community

Tap into the collective wisdom

Compare your solution with others after each kata for greater understanding. Discuss kata, best practices, and innovative techniques with the community. Have your mind blown by how different other solutions can be from your own.

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What can I use Codewars for?

From beginner to expert and beyond...

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Solve challenges then view how others solved the same challenge. Pickup new techniques from some of the most skilled developers in the world.

Learn new languages

Solve challenges in a language you are comfortable with, then do it in a language you want to improve with. Level up across different languages.

Compete with peers

Compete against your friends, colleagues, and the community at large. Allow competition to motivate you  towards mastering your craft.

Extremely well done and an excellent example of mastery learning.

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Ahmed Omran


Accidentally got addicted to codewars, oops.

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Kelly Williams

Build self-confidence

Not sure if you are progressing well as a programmer? Push yourself to your limits and show yourself what you are really made of.

Become a mentor

Lend your expertise to others, either indirectly by contributing great solutions or directly by creating your own kata and reviewing code.

Insights from Codewars staff and community.

Author's Corner, meet geoffp

Author's Corner, meet geoffp

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What's new in Codewars: April highlights

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Introducing the EPIC Challenge 2024

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The world's most advanced coding assessment platform for organizations looking to scale their hiring, upskilling, and certification programs.

Achieve mastery through challenge.

Top languages

The 10 Most Popular Coding Challenge Websites [Updated for 2021]

Daniel Borowski

A great way to improve your skills when learning to code is by solving coding challenges. Solving different types of challenges and puzzles can help you become a better problem solver, learn the intricacies of a programming language, prepare for job interviews, learn new algorithms, and more.

Below is a list of some popular coding challenge websites with a short description of what each one offers.

1. TopCoder


TopCoder is one of the original platforms for competitive programming online. It provides a list of algorithmic challenges from the past that you can complete on your own directly online using their code editor. Their popular Single Round Matches are offered a few times per month at a specific time where you compete against others to solve challenges the fastest with the best score.

The top ranked users on TopCoder are very good competitive programmers and regularly compete in programming competitions. The top ranked user maintains his own blog titled Algorithms weekly by Petr Mitrichev where he writes about coding competitions, algorithms, math, and more.

2. Coderbyte


Coderbyte provides 200+ coding challenges you can solve directly online in one of 10 programming languages (check out this example ). The challenges range from easy (finding the largest word in a string) to hard (print the maximum cardinality matching of a graph).

They also provide a collection of algorithm tutorials , introductory videos, and interview preparation courses . Unlike HackerRank and other similar websites, you are able to view the solutions other users provide for any challenge aside from the official solutions posted by Coderbyte.

3. Project Euler


Project Euler provides a large collection of challenges in the domain of computer science and mathematics. The challenges typically involve writing a small program to figure out the solution to a clever mathematical formula or equation, such as finding the sum of digits of all numbers preceding each number in a series.

You cannot directly code on the website in an editor, so you would need to write a solution on your own computer and then provide the solution on their website.

4. HackerRank


HackerRank provides challenges for several different domains such as Algorithms, Mathematics, SQL, Functional Programming, AI, and more. You can solve all the challenge directly online (check out this example ).

They provide a discussion and leaderboard for every challenge, and most challenges come with an editorial that explains more about the challenge and how to approach it to come up with a solution.

Currently, if you don't solve the problem, then you can't see the solution of others. If you also try to check the editorial before solving the problem, then you won't get the point for solving the problem at all.

As an example, here I haven't solved the problem, and I am trying to check others' submissions:


And here, I haven't solved the problem, and I am trying to check the editorial:


HackerRank also provides the ability for users to submit applications and apply to jobs by solving company-sponsored coding challenges.

5. CodeChef


CodeChef is an Indian-based competitive programming website that provides hundreds of challenges. You are able to write code in their online editor and view a collections of challenges that are separated into different categories depending on your skill level (check out this example ). They have a large community of coders that contribute to the forums, write tutorials , and take part in CodeChef’s coding competitions .



Exercism is a coding challenge website that offers 3100+ challenges spanning 52 different programming languages. After picking a language that you'd like to master, you tackle the coding challenges right on your machine (Exercism has their own command line interface that you can download from GitHub).

It is a bit different from other challenge websites, however, because you work with a mentor after completing each challenge. The mentor reviews your answers online and helps you improve them if needed. Once your answers have been approved and submitted, you unlock more challenges.

7. Codewars


Codewars provides a large collection of coding challenges submitted and edited by their own community. You can solve the challenges directly online in their editor in one of several languages. You can view a discussion for each challenges as well as user solutions.

8. LeetCode


LeetCode is a popular Online Judge that provides a list of 190+ challenges that can help you prepare for technical job interviews. You can solve the challenges directly online in one of 9 programming languages. You are not able to view other users' solutions, but you are provided statistics for your own solutions such as how fast your code ran when compared to other users' code.

They also have a Mock Interview section that is specifically for job interview preparation, they host their own coding contests , and they have a section for articles to help you better understand certain problems.


Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) is an online judge that provides over 20k coding challenges. You are able to submit your code in an online editor . SPOJ also hosts their own contests and has an area for users to discuss coding challenges. They do not currently provide any official solutions or editorials like some other websites do, though.

10. CodinGame


CodinGame is a bit different from the other websites, because instead of simply solving coding challenges in an editor, you actually take part in writing the code for games that you play directly online. You can see a list of games currently offered here and an example of one here . The game comes with a problem description, test cases, and an editor where you can write your code in one of 20+ programming languages.

Although this website is different than typical competitive programming websites such as the ones mentioned above, it is still popular amongst programmers who enjoy solving challenges and taking part in contests.

This list was based on a few things: my own experiences using the websites, some Google searches , Quora posts , and articles such as this one and this one . I also frequented some forums and subreddits such as r/learnprogramming to see what websites were usually recommended by the users there. Disclaimer: I work at Coderbyte which is one of the websites mentioned above.

CEO & Founder at Coderbyte.

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  • Binary Search
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11 Best Websites to Practice Coding for Beginners in 2024

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Coding is not a spectator sport. To develop your skills, you must write it yourself. Here are the best websites to practice coding.

Indeed’s Best Jobs of 2023 ranked America’s most highly prized careers based on demand, pay, and potential for growth. These careers included:

  • Full-stack developer (#1)
  • Data engineer (#2)
  • Back end developer (#6)
  • Site reliability engineer (#7)
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That means half of the top ten best jobs in America require coding skills‌. But, if you don’t have coding skills, where do you go to learn them?

At Flatiron School , we help pave the way for your transition into the tech industry. Our comprehensive programs are designed to provide you with the foundational knowledge you need to develop the coding and programming skills that are in such high demand. Our programs help students discover their full potential and pursue the career of their dreams.

But maybe you’re just ready to dip your toe in and explore your options? There are several coding for beginners resources online.   So whether you’re looking to learn a new coding language or try out programming for the first time, it’s worth looking into coding practice sites for beginners.

11 Best Coding Practice Sites

Coding is not a spectator sport. It’s great to watch tutorials and read books on how to code, but to truly develop your programming proficiency, you must write the language yourself. Here are some of the best places to practice your coding skills.

1. Coderbyte

As you begin to develop your coding skills, you may be unsure what to practice first. It helps to work on real-world problems other coding professionals have faced—and Coderbyte has exactly that. With over 2,000 challenges on front and back end development, data structures, and algorithms that professionals have faced in their interviews, you’ll be able to hone your skills on examples that really matter.

Pros of Coderbyte

‌Coderbyte lets you use over 30 different programming languages and has a library of over 3 million solutions you can learn from.

Cons of Coderbyte

Coderbyte has a user interface that’s often complex for new users to navigate, so it might take some time getting used to this site.

2. Pluralsight

If you’re seeking a comprehensive learning platform that allows you to learn at your own pace, go with Pluralsight . You’ll develop a strong skill set in Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, just to name a few. You can also receive learning recommendations based on what you’re focusing on.

Pros of Pluralsight

The platform provides a personalized learning experience as you can customize your training sessions with multiple features, including multiple language support.

Cons of Pluralsight

Users have minimal interaction with course instructors and industry experts, which makes it difficult to gain valuable feedback.   

Unlock over 10,000 interactive coding challenges with Edabit . This free platform provides courses that are simple and practical. You can also access beginner tutorials to make the most of your learning experience. Plus, the challenges are ranked by difficulty, so you know exactly what level you’re at in your programming expertise.

Pros of Edabit

Learners gain access to a code editor that’s built into the platform. That way, users can create a code without having to switch to another application.

Cons of Edabit

You don’t gain a certificate for completing any of the tutorials. Also, some users have stated that the platform used outdated programming languages. 

4. CodinGame

Wanna play a game? CodinGame lets you practice your coding through fun games and code challenges. With single-round matches and both solo and multiplayer modes, this platform gives you a chance to practice coding the fun way.  

Pros of CodinGame

There are over 25 available programming languages.

Cons of CodinGame

Some users take issue with the size of the timers displayed on the programming tests. Unless you look carefully for the timer, you may miss the opportunity to submit your questions on time. 

5. CodeChef

Competition can be the best motivator to learn, and CodeChef offers exactly that. This platform lets users measure their skills by practicing more than 3,000 problems. You can compete against other coders, which creates great coding practice for beginners. But don’t worry—the competition is friendly, and participants often write posts and tutorials to help each other learn.

Pros of CodeChef

CodeChef users will be pleased to know that there is an active, supportive community that encourages growth. 

Cons of CodeChef

Users report that some practice problems lack clarity.

6. Project Euler

Project Euler offers a chance to solve challenging math problems with script. Over 1 million users have solved at least one problem on the site.

Pros of Project Euler

The site offers 111 programming languages.

Cons of Project Euler

If math isn’t your strongest subject, Project Euler may not be for you. The math-oriented programming languages get quite complex as you progress through the challenges.

7. TopCoder

Join a community of 1.7 million technical experts at TopCoder . On the learning side, they have an abundance of weekly challenges and explanations, along with challenging competitions that help you rise to the coding occasion.

Pros of TopCoder

The site is one of the most established platforms with an active user base.

Cons of TopCoder

Some users have experienced difficulty navigating the program’s user interface. Also, if you submit a support request, it may go unnoticed as their support system lacks efficiency.

8. One Month

Learning coding and web development in a span of 30 days with One Month . You can select from a variety of basic courses that cover HTML, Python, SQL, Ruby, and more! You also get to create real-world projects.

Pros of One Month

This user-friendly resource is great if you’re just looking to learn the fundamentals of coding and web development.

Cons of One Month

If you decide to switch to another programming platform, just note that there are no refunds available.

9. Geektastic

With detailed solutions to their multiple-choice and peer-reviewed coding challenges, Geektastic has a wealth of resources for programmers and a growing community of over 26,000 developers.

Pros of Geektastic

In addition to their interactive challenges and competitions, coders that rank high enough might even be allowed to join the review team. Members of this team get paid to review coding submissions for clients seeking a solution to their own coding projects.

Cons of Geektastic

Some users have raised concerns with how the challenges are scored, stating that they don’t reflect a candidate’s programming skills well. 

10. Geeks for Geeks

Made by developers for developers, Geeks for Geeks offers coding content for programmers of all skill levels, including beginners. Exercises in data structures, machine learning, web development, and much more are available.

Pros of Geeks for Geeks

Competitive challenges offer interactivity and a space to share coding solutions.

Cons of Geeks for Geeks

Geeks for Geeks primarily provides information in English, which means non-English speakers could run into trouble with the resources available. The website also has limited multimedia resources, mostly relying on text-based information.  

11. HackerEarth

What’s great about HackerEarth is that users can create and customize their coding assessments for technical positions. 

With HackerEarth, you’ll join a community of 7.6 million developers, participate in several programming challenges and customize your tests for a specific role.

Pros of HackerEarth

Not only does the website offer support in multiple languages, but it also includes AI proctoring to ensure exam results are accurate and reliable. 

Cons of HackerEarth

You might run into trouble navigating to specific problem types because the website has troublesome indexing and prioritization. 

Blogs to Help You Learn

They may be less interactive than competitions and online courses, but plenty of coding for beginners blogs are available to help new students gain programming proficiency. Here are some of our favorites.

1. The Crazy Programmer

This blog isn’t designed to give hands-on coding experience, but there’s a wealth of programming knowledge on pretty much everything else. From useful books and articles to tutorials and Q&As, The Crazy Programmer is a great blog to follow for those just learning to code.

2. The Blog

If you’re looking for courses or content that will grow your coding skills, The Blog will help you look in the right places. Written by a community of programming professionals, this blog is devoted to grading the most useful coding content so readers know they’re relying on quality sources. 

The blog touches on a wide range of topics, though, so those looking for resources on a specific language may find their content hit and miss.

3. Better Programming

As its name suggests, this blog is devoted to improving your programming. With posts on a range of topics in web design and coding, Better Programming features content from multiple industry pros on both introductory and advanced content. There’s truly something for everyone. As with, those concentrating on a specific topic may want something more focused.

Flatiron School: The Ultimate Coding Solution

What makes us different from coding websites? Here at Flatiron School, we work tirelessly to help students gain the foundational coding skills they need to begin a career in the tech industry. Combining flexible program options, industry-leading education, and up to 180 days of Career Coaching upon graduation, Flatiron School gives our students the jumping-off point they need to begin a rewarding tech career.  

Our programs contain a mixture of lectures, group work, instructor guidance, and community support to both equip our students with technical skills and prepare them to work effectively on a team. No matter what level a student begins at, Flatiron School’s Software Engineering program can take you from a complete beginner to industry-ready in as little as 15 weeks. 

If you’re committed to a career in tech, we’ll teach you the skills you need to succeed. 

Apply today to get started . Not ready to apply? No problem – test out our material with Free Software Engineering Prep Work or download the course syllabus .

If you’re an employer looking to bring new talent to your team, check out our tech training solutions and see how you can invest in your company’s growth. 

Disclaimer: The information in this blog is current as of 23 October 2023. Current policies, offerings, procedures, and programs may differ.

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About Flatiron School

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Top 10 Websites to Learn Web Development

Web Development is an area where a lot of creativity, novelty, and technical strength can be put together. It never stops changing. The need for professional web developers will rise as long as the Internet grows and evolves further. Whether you’re a beginner taking your first steps into the world of coding or a seasoned developer looking to enrich your set of tools, what’s important is that you get yourself the proper resources for doing things efficiently.

Fortunately, there exist a lot of various online platforms that involve detailed learning resources, also known as interactive tutorials, and hands-on projects to practice and learn web development. In this article, we are going to consider the top 10 websites to learn web development . All of these resources have particular advantages and learning routes to meet the specific needs and goals of any user.

Table of Content

1. GeeksforGeeks

3. w3schools, 4. codecademy, 5. mozilla developer network (mdn), 6. freecodecamp, 8. coursera.

  • 9. Khan Academy
  • 10. Treehouse

Comparison Table


Overview: GeeksforGeeks stands out as particularly famous among developers because of its significant in-depth resources on several programming and development topics covering web development. It covers all from basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to extensive ones with React, Angular, or Node.js. GeeksforGeeks contains well-explained articles, tutorials, coding challenges, and practice problems for a learner of every level.

Key Features:

  • Extensive Tutorials and Articles: Covers both fundamental and advanced web development topics.
  • Coding Practice Problems: Provides numerous coding challenges to test and improve your skills.
  • Community Support and Discussion Forums: Engage with a community of learners and experts to get your questions answered.
  • Certifications and Courses: Offers structured courses with certificates that can enhance your resume.
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2. BFE .dev

Overview: BigFrontEnd focuses on creating a friendly and supportive learning environment for web developers. The site provides tutorials, guides, and practical projects to help learners apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. emphasizes community and collaboration, encouraging peer learning and sharing of experiences to foster a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

  • Community-Driven Content: Contributions from experienced developers and learners alike.
  • Practical Projects and Examples: Hands-on projects that help you build real-world applications.
  • Interactive Tutorials and Guides: Step-by-step instructions to help you learn and apply new concepts.
  • Collaboration and Peer Support: A platform to connect with fellow learners and work together on projects.

Overview: W3Schools offers a straightforward approach to learning web development with examples and online editors to test your code. It covers a wide range of topics, making it a great resource for beginners. The platform’s simplicity and interactive examples make it easy for new developers to get started with coding.

  • Interactive Tutorials: Learn by doing with hands-on examples.
  • Wide Range of Topics: Covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, and more.
  • Certificates of Completion: Earn certificates to showcase your knowledge.
  • Online Code Editor: Practice coding directly on the website.

Overview: Codecademy is recognized as a web-based interactive programming environment. It has courses for a broad spectrum of programming languages and web development frameworks, all packaged in a structured manner with quizzes to test your knowledge along the way. It is very hands-on, letting you write and test out code directly in the browser.

  • Interactive Lessons: Type your code directly in your browser to receive instant feedback.
  • Pro Plan is bundled with more resources and projects—more in-depth courses, added real-world projects, and further personalized learning plans.
  • Peer Support and Forums: Connect with fellow students to get your questions answered.
  • Real-Time Coding Feedback: Immediate feedback gives one an opportunity to learn and correct mistakes right away.

Overview: MDN has the greatest amount of documentation and tutorials on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and any other web technologies. This is a very good site that can be used by front-end developers for getting detailed information on web standards and best practice. With respect to web development documentation, MDN is often considered to be one of the best sources of updated information on web development.

  • Comprehensive : It documents all aspects of the Web Technologies, not excluding any detailed explanations.
  • Detail Guide and Tutorials for any level from basic concepts to advanced topics, the MDN has you covered.
  • Up-to-date Content: Acquire the cutting-edge standards and best practices of the Web.
  • Examples and Code Snippets: Real-life examples to facilitate comprehension of how to go about applying concepts.

Overview: It covers a curriculum from bottom to top on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and many more in a project-based learning style. This automatically lets you build real-world projects while learning. It supports a community of people learning by doing and sharing their progress. The real special thing about FreeCodeCamp, however, lies in its really practical, hands-on focused approach to learning.

  • Free and Self-Paced : Do It freely at your own pace.
  • Interactive Coding Challenges : Hands-on coding practice with instant feedback on your code.
  • Certification Upon Completion: On completion of the various modules within the curriculum, students will have certification.
  • Engaging Community: Become a member of forums and learning groups for fostering interactions with your peers.

Overview: Udemy offers a vast repository of web development courses, both free and paid, instructed by experts of the domain of web development. The platform provides freedom in self-pacing one’s development and also offers lifetime access to bought courses. Courses under the umbrella of Udemy feature everything one would need in relation to web development, from imperative HTML and CSS to advanced frameworks and tools.

Key Points:

  • A Wide Range of Courses: Variety with thousands of courses on every single topic on Web Development.
  • Lifetime Access for Purchased Courses: Learn at your own pace and revisit courses at any time.
  • Frequent Sales and Discounts: Get access to upscale courses at pocket-friendly prices.
  • Courses Meant for All Skill Levels: Right from beginners to experts, there is something for everyone.

Overview: Coursera provides web development courses of the top universities and organizations. A lot of their courses result in a certificate of completion and have financial aid. The courses on Coursera are instructed by education-industry professionals and professors from those universities, explaining its hint of elaboration in having quite the academic approach to the curriculum.

Key Features

  • University-Level Courses: Exemplary courses from leading institutions.
  • Certificates and Degrees: Achieve professional certificates and even full degrees.
  • Aid Financial Available: Pull Out Courses Without Finance As A Barrier.
  • Peer-Reviewed Assignments: Obtain feedback for your work from the peers and instructors.

9. The Khan Academy

Overview: Khan Academy is also providing quite a number of computer programming related free courses, including web development with HTML/CSS/JS. Interactive, engaging, and video based tutorials, this transparent way of learning makes it easy for the students grasp the subjects. Khan Academy is known for its high-quality content and ease of use.

Key Highlights:

  • Free to Use : Access all courses without any cost.
  • Interactive Exercises : Work on simple coding exercises with immediate feedback.
  • Video Tutorials: Enjoy engaging video lessons to help you learn. Track Progress: Stay motivated by tracking your progress.

Overview: This platform course includes structured learning paths, web development courses, interactive courses, and quizzes. It also has a community to support and mentors who will enable one to meet their goals. Treehouse’s approach results from the objectives with practical bases through real projects fit in the job market.

  • Guided Learning Paths: Structured learning experience to take guided courses step by step.
  • Platform Play: Follow through interactive lessons and quizzes.
  • Real-World Projects: Apply your field skills by building real-world projects to earn a portfolio of your work.
  • Community support : Receive support from peers and mentors.
Platform Key Features Target Audience Pricing
GeeksforGeeks Extensive tutorials and articles, coding practice problems, community support, certifications Beginners to advanced learners Free to access articles, paid/free courses Community-driven content, practical projects, interactive tutorials, peer support Beginners to intermediate learners Free
FreeCodeCamp Self-paced, free, interactive coding challenges, certification upon completion, supportive community Beginners to advanced learners Free
Codecademy Interactive lessons, pro plan with additional resources, peer support, real-time coding feedback Beginners to intermediate learners Free, Pro: $39.99/month or $240/year
Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Detailed documentation, guides and tutorials, regularly updated content, examples and code snippets All levels Free
W3Schools Interactive tutorials, wide range of topics, certificates of completion, online code editor Beginners to intermediate learners Free, $95 for a certificate per course
Udemy Variety of courses, lifetime access to purchased courses, frequent discounts, courses for all skill levels All levels Varies per course, frequent discounts
Coursera University-level courses, certificates and degrees, financial aid available, peer-reviewed assignments All levels Free courses available, certificates starting at $39/month, full degrees vary
Khan Academy Free to use, interactive exercises, video tutorials, progress tracking Beginners to intermediate learners Free
Treehouse Guided learning paths, interactive platform, real-world projects, community support Beginners to intermediate learners $25/month or $250/year
Read More Top 10 Best Analytics Platforms in 2024 Top 10 Frameworks for Web Applications Top 10 Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2024 

Learning web development has never been more accessible, thanks to the plethora of online resources available. Each of these websites offers unique features and benefits tailored to different learning styles and needs. Whether you’re just starting or looking to advance your skills, these platforms provide valuable resources to help you succeed in the field of web development. So, dive in, explore these websites, and start building your path to becoming a proficient web developer!

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Best Coding Apps in 2024: What’s the Best App to Learn to Code?

This article covers the best coding apps in 2024 so you can learn to code on the go and master programming in your spare time. 

If you're new to this idea, these coding apps are excellent tools for teaching you how to code through interactive exercises, lesson plans, and even real-time feedback and mentorship.

The best coding apps can also be great for brushing up on your JavaScript during your morning commute or running a few practice simulations during your break! 

So, if you're ready, let's dive in to explore these coding apps!

  • What Is a Coding App?

Before we dive into the best coding apps, let's take a second to explain what they are!

Of course, if you already know, skip ahead, but if you're new to coding, you might not be entirely sure what a coding app actually is.

A coding app is simply a software application designed to teach you how to write computer programs.

These coding apps typically provide interactive lessons, tutorials, and practice exercises to help beginners understand programming concepts and develop coding skills.

Sounds pretty cool, right?

Most coding apps include features like a code editor, step-by-step instructions, and a platform to run and test code.

The general purpose of a coding app is to make it easier for you to learn how to code by providing a user-friendly and structured learning environment for problem-solving.

You can even use it to accompany your learning progress when taking something like a Python course .

Great. Now, let's dive in to explore some of the best coding apps available.

  • How To Choose The Best Coding Apps?

Great question! When it comes to finding the best coding apps, we used the following criteria and would recommend you do the same:

  • Content Quality: We looked for apps that offer comprehensive, up-to-date, and well-structured coding lessons and exercises.
  • Interactivity: We chose apps that provide hands-on coding practice, interactive coding challenges, and immediate feedback on your code.
  • Programming Languages: We focused on apps that support popular programming languages like Python, JavaScript, Java, etc.
  • User-Friendly Interface: We chose coding apps with user-friendly interfaces, as this makes it easy to navigate through lessons, write code, and access resources.
  • Progress Tracking: We looked for apps that offer progress tracking and assessment features to monitor your growth.
  • Community and Support: We chose coding apps with a supportive community or forums where you can ask questions and get help when you're stuck.
  • Reviews and Recommendations: We looked at coding app reviews to gauge the app's effectiveness and user satisfaction.

Overall, it helps to have an idea of how you like to learn. For example, you might like to learn purely through reading or prefer interactivity and quizzes.

But if you know what you like, it can help you to find the right coding app. It's also important to know the language you want to code in.

For example, if you're interested in learning Java or you plan to take a Java course , make sure the app supports Java.

  • Best Coding Apps For Android & iOS

Before we dive into the best coding apps for Android and iOS, it's good to know that most coding apps are free to download.

That said, many include in-app purchases or premium subscriptions, so bear this in mind.

Plus, when it comes to picking the best programming apps, we've tried to emphasize apps that include lessons for multiple languages.

So whether you're interested in web development with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS or OOP with Java and Python, we've included coding apps that support these programming languages.

For the most part, the coding apps we've included are entirely mobile-based, but some also work on web browsers.

1. Grasshopper: Learn to Code

websites for coding practice

Best for beginners who want to learn more about programming fundamentals

Grasshopper is a complete coding app for beginners. It introduces its users to a suite of fun, quick games that teach basic programming principles.

Through Grasshopper, you will learn how to produce real JavaScript in an engaging, entertaining format.

Additionally, you can steadily improve your skills through real-time feedback and a comprehensive lesson plan.

This is also a great app to use if you're interested in JavaScript projects and you'd like some extra practice.

  • Visual puzzle
  • Coding practice
  • Real-time feedback

Download :  Android

2. Khan Academy

websites for coding practice

Best for developers who want to learn multiple languages and multiple disciplines

Khan Academy is one of the most robust archives of programming knowledge available and one of the best free apps for learning programming.

Whether you want to learn app coding or full-stack development, Khan Academy has you covered.

You can access a large volume of content, including video tutorials and exercises, at zero cost!


  • Free learning library
  • Programming and science content
  • Variety of languages

Download: Android   iOS

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Best for full-stack developers in the making

The encode app provides bite-sized coding lessons for beginners, including mini-coding challenges.

Users can learn Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, which is great if you're interested in becoming a full-stack developer.

I really like this app for Python beginners as a way to practice new Python skills in between working on Python projects .

  • Self-paced tutorials
  • Support for multiple languages
  • Coding challenges

Cost: Free (Premium Version Available)

Download :  Android iOS

websites for coding practice

Best for future data scientists who also want to learn to program

The Enki app is great if you’re interested in programming and data science . This coding app provides lessons in coding, data science, and general tech skills for all experience levels.

Learn through coding challenges, interactive quizzes, and an extensive content library.

  • Robust content library
  • Coding playground
  • Mentor review

Cost: Free (In-App Purchases)

Did You Know?

Data science is one of the fastest-growing fields today. Jobs within the data science field are expected to grow by 28% by 2026 .

Download :  Android   iOS

5. DataCamp

websites for coding practice

Best for future data scientists who want to learn with bite-sized lessons

DataCamp is another option for those who want to learn more about data science. It focuses on data science programming languages and tools like R, Python, and SQL.

Overall, the DataCamp app is great if you're focused on becoming a data science developer.

  • Teaches R, Python, and SQL
  • Focuses primarily on data science
  • Designed for all skill levels

6. Sololearn

websites for coding practice

Best for programmers who learn by doing

SoloLearn is one of the best coding apps for beginners, walking users through the basic programming foundations and principles.

Courses are broken into sections that are further split into chapters. You also get access to quizzes and activities to ensure you understand the content before you move forward.

  • Practice quizzes.
  • Coding Sandbox.
  • Peer learning.

7. Programming Hub

websites for coding practice

Best for programmers who want to learn multiple languages

Learn 18 different languages through the Programming Hub, a complete connection for beginner-to-advanced coding lessons.

Programming Hub offers 1,800 programs, making it one of the best apps for learning coding in multiple languages. Learn at your own pace through your mobile device.

  • Large selection of languages
  • 1,800 programs
  • Self-paced learning

8. Codecademy Go

websites for coding practice

Best for Codecademy subscribers who want to learn on the go

Codecademy is one of our favorite course providers and educational platforms at, so we had to include their mobile app.

On Codecademy Go, you can practice programming, review lessons, and maintain a learning streak.

Note that the Codecademy platform’s full functionality isn’t available through the app, but it's a nice entry-level coding app.

  • Maintain your streak.
  • Review lessons
  • Practice with flashcards.

Cost: Free (Premium Subscription Available)

websites for coding practice

Best for those who want to learn in small bite-sized lessons

With Mimo, you can learn to code in just five minutes daily. I like that this coding app supports an impressive array of languages, including Python, JavaScript, and HTML.

It's also an extremely accessible platform (even for beginners), making Mimo one of the the best apps to learn programming for those who want to do a little bit at a time.

Note that Mimo is free, so it is ad-supported.

  • Learn to code in just 5 minutes.
  • JavaScript, Python, and HTML lessons.
  • Ad-supported.

Cost: Free (Ad-Supported)

10. SpriteBox: Code Hour

websites for coding practice

Best for kids who want to learn about developing games

Run, jump, and code! SpriteBox is one of the best coding apps for kids —and adults who are young at heart.

Designed as a puzzle platform, SpriteBox teaches its users basic programming principles through an exciting, exploratory game.

  • Engaging format
  • Teacher-approved
  • Progressive challenges

Teaching children to code isn't just about picking up a great career skill; it teaches children logic, math, and patience.

Download: iOS

11. Hopscotch—Programming for Kids

websites for coding practice

Best for kids who want to start actually developing games

Children (and adults) can learn how to program through Hopscotch and develop their own games.

Hopscotch has been downloaded over 24 million times, and users have created 36 million games.

In my opinion, this is one of the best coding apps to get kids interested in programming and game development.

  • Create and launch games.
  • Learn the principles of coding.
  • Designed for children.

12. Swift Playgrounds

websites for coding practice

Best for developers who want to learn more about Swift

If you're interested in iOS app development or taking an iOS development course , this is an excellent coding app to bolster your practice.

The idea here is to learn Swift on an iPad with Swift Playgrounds, which contains several building exercises designed to help beginners learn more about the Swift language.

You can also start developing right away by solving interactive puzzles. 

Note that the app only works on the iPad.

  • Engaging, puzzle-based format
  • Free to learn
  • Built for beginners

Download:  iOS (iPad) Only

  • Can You Really Learn Programming Through an App?

Yes and no. Most of these apps offer a solid foundation for how programming works and major fundamentals.

You will learn about variables, functions, and syntax. But a great deal of programming actually relates to practice—building coding projects from start to finish.

As you use these programming apps, consider developing a programming project from end to end on the side.

These programming apps will give you the knowledge you need to create a solid programming portfolio, but nothing will replace the skills you build by actually creating and completing a project. 

  • Wrapping Up

So there you have it! We’ve now covered the best coding apps to help you learn how to code in 2024. 

Whether you’re new to coding and want to learn the basic principles of programming or you want to strengthen your skills in your free time, these coding apps can be ideal.

It’s also really great that each of these coding apps has a free version, so you can try them first.

I also really like these coding apps for refreshing your programming knowledge or practicing your coding on the go.

Whichever coding apps you choose to try out, you can generally expect interactive elements, simulations, and compilers to help you get the most out of your coding practice.

So have fun and happy coding!

Are you new to coding and looking for a fun way to learn while building your portfolio? Check out:

Dr. Anglea Yu's 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Bootcamp for 2024

  • Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which is the Best App to Learn Coding?

Grasshopper, Encode, and Enki are the best apps to learn coding, according to popular reviews. Choose Grasshopper if you’re a beginner, Encode if you want to become a full-stack developer, and Enki if you’re interested in data science.

2. Which App is Best to Learn Coding for Free?

Khan Academy provides extensive, free archives of programming lessons, as well as other technology and science resources. Other great coding apps include Grasshopper, Encode, and Enki. 

3. Can I Teach Myself Coding?

Yes! Many programmers are entirely self-taught. Start learning today by downloading a programming app. With just a few minutes of practice a day, you should be able to learn the basic principles of programming.

4. Can I Learn Coding on my Phone for Free?

There are many free mobile coding apps, such as Sololearn, Programming Hub, and Codecademy go. But to really learn to program, you will eventually need a laptop or desktop computer.

5. Which is the Best App to Learn Programming?

There are many great programming apps. According to reviews, the best coding app for Android is split between Encode, Enki, and Sololearn. The best coding app for iOS is Mimo, although other apps on this list also rank highly.

People are also reading:

  • What is Programming?
  • How to Learn Programming?
  • Best Web Development IDE
  • How to Code a Game?

1. Schroeder, B. The Data Analytics Profession And Employment Is Exploding: Three Trends That Matter [Internet]. Forbes; 2021 Jun 11 [cited 2024 Jan 15]. Available from:

websites for coding practice

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In this article

  • What is JavaScript? Introduction To JavaScript For Beginners JavaScript Programming Languages
  • What Is Coding? Why You Need To Learn to Code in 2024 Programming Skills
  • Top Programming Terms and Definitions for Beginners Programming Skills

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Mental & Behavioral Health Licensure

Related topics:, on this page..., supervision plan & report forms, laws & rules, apply online.

Create an account, apply, renew, and pay for your license online using our self-service portal.

Learn how to apply for or renew your mental and behavioral health license.

Marital and Family Therapist Permanent License

Marital and family therapist temporary license, mental health counselor permanent license, mental health counselor temporary license, behavior analyst or assistant behavior analyst.

  • Supervision Plan Form
  • Supervision Report Form

Forms and reports may be submitted electronically to the board office as follows:

Email: [email protected]

A list of approved behavioral health supervisors is available here .

You can renew your license up to 60 days before your current license expires.

Renewal notifications will be emailed to your email address on file with the board at 60, 50, 40 and 30 days prior to the license expiration date. Renew your license early to avoid a late fee or lapse in licensure. All continuing education requirements must be completed prior to license renewal. 

  • Behavioral Analyst Renewal Application

Continuing Education

Licensees are responsible for meeting all continuing education requirements and should review the rules carefully and frequently. Review the rules for detailed information about continuing education definitions, requirements, standards, criteria and other important specific to this profession.

How to Select and Document Continuing Education

The licensing board does not pre-approve continuing education providers, sponsors or individual programs. It is the licensees’ responsibility to determine if the continuing education programs they attend meet the requirements of their professional licensing board.

A percentage of licensees are randomly audited following each license renewal cycle. If selected, the licensee must submit to the board office an individual certificate of completion issued to the licensee or evidence of successful completion of the course from the course sponsor. These documents must contain the course title, date(s), contact hours, sponsor and licensee's name. In some instances, licensees will be requested to provide to the board additional information, including program content, objectives, presenters, location and schedule. Many times an inclusive brochure meets this requirement.

When selecting continuing education programs, licensees need to make sure they are compliant with administrative rule requirements. Some professions require licensees to meet specific requirements as a condition of renewal.  These may include limits on presentation method (e.g. self-study, ICN, etc.), specific hours on ethics and Iowa law and rules, clinical content, or hours required in a specific practice discipline.

To ensure compliance, each licensee must understand the continuing education administrative rules for their profession prior to choosing and attending a particular program. No matter what a program brochure indicates, it is the responsibility of the licensee to ensure compliance with licensing requirements.

In summary all licensees should:

  • Be familiar with the continuing education requirements of their professional boards.
  • Obtain inclusive written materials about continuing education programs from program sponsors for post-renewal auditing purposes.
  • Maintain certificates of completion that includes the program or course title, date(s), contact hours, sponsor and licensee's name for four years.

Extension or Exemption for Disability or Illness

A licensee who had a physical or mental disability or illness during the license period may apply for an extension or exemption. An exemption provides for an extension of time or exemption from some or all of the continuing education requirements. An applicant shall submit a completed application form approved by the board for an exemption.

  • Application for Continuing Education Extension/Exemption for Disability or Illness

The application requires the signature of a licensed health care professional who can attest to the existence of a disability or illness during the license period.

If the application is from a license who is the primary caregiver for a relative who is ill or disabled and needs care from that primary caregiver, the physician shall verify the licensee's status as the primary caregiver.

A licensee who applies for an exemption shall be notified of the decision regarding the application. A licensee who obtains approval shall retain a copy of the exemption to be presented to the board upon request.

Guidelines for Continuing Education Sponsors

The licensing board does not pre-approve continuing education providers, sponsors or individual programs. It is the licensees’ responsibility to determine if the continuing education programs they attend meet the requirements of their professional licensure board.

Potential sponsors are responsible for independently determining if the programs they provide conform to the continuing education requirements set forth in the rules regulations of the professional boards.

To make this determination, thoroughly review the rules for the board(s) in which you are interested prior to offering continuing education to Iowa licensees. By providing inclusive information about the content, objectives and applicability of your program to professional practice, you will assist licensees to make informed decisions when selecting continuing education.

A percentage of licensees in every profession regulated by a licensing board are randomly selected following each license renewal cycle. For auditing purposes the licensee must submit to the board office an individual certificate of completion issued to the licensee or evidence of successful completion of the course from the course sponsor. These documents must contain the course title, date(s), contact hours, sponsor and licensee's name. In some instances, licensees will be requested to provide to the board additional information to assure compliance with continuing education requirements, including program content, objectives, presenters, location and schedule. For this reason, sponsors should provide these items to licensees in writing. An inclusive brochure may meet this requirement.

Additionally, sponsors should consider profession-specific requirements that licensees must address to assure compliance with continuing education rules when preparing written materials such as method of presentation (home study, ICN, etc.), inclusion of specific hours on ethics and Iowa law and rules, certification status by national associations or boards, clinical content, and hours required in a specific practice discipline.

In summary sponsors should:

  • Be familiar with the continuing education requirements of their professional audiences.
  • Provide inclusive written materials to all program participants.
  • Notify licensees that materials should be retained for four years for auditing purposes.
  • Provide a certificate of completion that includes the program or course title, date(s), contact hours, sponsor and licensee's name.

Definitions, requirements, standards, criteria and other important specific to this profession.

Laws. Laws are contained in the Iowa Code. They are enacted by the Iowa Legislature and provide statutory authority to the professional licensure boards.

  • Chapter 154D -- Behavioral Science Board Law

Administrative Rules. The professional licensure boards adopt rules to interpret and implement the Iowa Code. Administrative rules have the force and effect of law.

  • Chapter 31 -- Licensure of Marital and Family Therapists and Mental Health Counselors
  • Chapter 32 -- Continuing Education for Marital and Family Therapists and Mental Health Counselors
  • Chapter 33 -- Discipline for Marital and Family Therapists and Mental Health Counselors

Laws Common to Licensing Boards

The following laws apply to professional licensure boards.

  • Chapter 17A - Iowa Administrative Procedure Act
  • Chapter 147 - General Provisions, Health-Related Professions
  • Chapter 272C - Continuing Education and Regulation - Professional and Occupational

Iowa Administrative Codes Common to Licensing Boards

The following codes apply to professional licensing boards.

  • Chapter 4 - Board Administrative Processes
  • Chapter 6 - Petitions for Rule Making
  • Chapter 7 - Agency Procedure for Rule Making
  • Chapter 8 - Declaratory Orders
  • Chapter 9 - Complaints and Investigations
  • Chapter 10 - Public records and Fair Information Practices
  • Chapter 11 - Contested Cases
  • Chapter 12 - Informal Settlement
  • Chapter 13 - Discipline
  • Chapter 14 - Use of Criminal Convictions in Eligibility Determinations and Initial Licensing Decisions
  • Chapter 16 - Impaired Practitioner Review Committee
  • Chapter 17 - Materials for Board Review
  • Chapter 18 - Waivers of Variances from Administrative Rules
  • Chapter 19 - Licensure by Verification and of Applicants with Work Experience
  • Chapter 20 - Military Service and Veteran Reciprocity

Rulemaking Notices

  • Administrative Bulletin

Rulemaking notices, along with adopted rule changes, are published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin. The preamble for each notice includes a summary of the proposed rule changes. The notice includes information about how to submit public comment when applicable. All comments are forwarded to the board for review prior to making a final decision on the outcome of rule change proposals.

Petition for Waiver

The process for seeking a waiver from an administrative rule and the standards under which the petition will be evaluated are described in Chapter 18.

  • Petition for Waiver Form 

Iowa Practitioner Program

The Iowa Practitioner Program (IPP) is available to licensees across multiple licensing boards in Iowa. The Iowa Practitioner Review Committee (IPRC) reviews self-reports made by licensees to determine eligibility for participation. 

IPP was established in 1996 to support licensees who struggle with impairments due to alcohol or drug abuse, mental health conditions, and/or physical disorders. 

The IPRC designs an individualized health contract to meet the needs of the licensee. State law mandates that information in the possession of the IPRC remain confidential. Participation in the program is not a matter of public record.

" Impairment " means an inability to practice with reasonable safety and skill as a result of alcohol or drug abuse, dependency, or addiction, or any mental or physical disorder or disability.

" Self-report " means the licensee providing written or oral notifications to the board that the licensee has received or may receive a diagnosis as having an impairment before the board's receiving a complaint or report alleging an impairment before the date of self-report.

Criteria for Participation in IPP

The IPRC determines whether practitioners are eligible to participate in the program monitored by the committee. A person is ineligible to take part in the program for any of the following reasons:

  • The practitioner engaged in the unlawful diversion or distribution of controlled illegal substances to a third party, or for personal gain or profit;
  • The practitioner is already under a board order;
  • The practitioner has caused harm or injury to a patient;
  • The board is investigating the practitioner that concerns serious matters related to the practitioner's competence;
  • The practitioner failed to provide truthful information or refused to cooperate with the board or the IPRC; or
  • The practitioner has been subject to a civil administrative or criminal sanction for serious infractions of law, professional ethics, or administrative rules related to the practice.

The Health Contract

Based upon the recommendation of an approved evaluator, the IPRC creates an individualized health contract, which provides a detailed description of the goals of the program, requirements for successful completion, and the practitioner's obligations.

Note: The IPRC may refer to the board participants who are not compliant with the terms of their contract for consideration of disciplinary action.

IPRC Composition

The chairperson of the board appoints the members of the IPRC. The IPRC includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Executive Director of the board or the director's designee from the board's staff;
  • A practitioner who has remained free of addiction for two or more years after completing a recovery program for drug or alcohol dependency, addiction, or abuse;
  • A physician/counselor with expertise in substance abuse/addiction treatment programs;
  • A psychiatrist or psychologist; and
  • A public member.

Why Use IPP?

The program encourages practitioners who have impairments to get the help they need. All information received by IPP and IPRC remains confidential as long as the practitioner complies with the terms of their agreement or health contract.

By self-reporting to IPP, the practitioner may avoid formal disciplinary action by the licensing Board. Formal disciplinary action taken against a practitioner is a matter of public record. The board reports the action to the press, the National Practitioners Data Bank (NPDB), insurance companies, and to other state and federal authorities. Participation in the program is confidential.

Health care practitioners must report knowledge of another practitioner's possible impairment to the board. Health care practitioners who fail to report colleagues with a possible impairment may be subject to disciplinary action by the board. It is in the practitioner's best interest to self-report an impairment before someone else files complaint or report.

When Should Someone Self-Report to IPP?

If any of the following apply to a practitioner, it is in that person's best interest to self-report to IPP as soon as possible:

  • Charged with, and/or arrested for OWI, or for another alcohol or drug related offense;
  • Disciplined by another federal or state agency for alcohol or drug abuse;
  • Evaluated or treated for a substance use disorder, or is currently enrolled in a recovery program;
  • Diagnosed with a mental health condition and/or a physical health condition;
  • Practiced after drinking alcohol or taking an illegal or mind/mood altering substance;
  • Addiction/dependence on drugs, alcohol or prescription medication; and/or
  • Urged by friend(s), family or colleagues to get help for alcohol or drug abuse, or a mental or physical condition.

How to Submit a Self-Report to IPP

To self-report, a licensee may:

  • Complete and submit a self-report form online ;
  • Dental Board Licensees/Registrants :  [email protected] ; or
  • Licensees of other Boards : [email protected]
  • Dental Board Licensees/Registrants:   515.725.3491  or 
  • Licensees of other Boards : 515.725.1221 .

IPP Online Forms

IPP Self-Report

Quarterly Report: IPP Participant

Behavioral Science

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A psychologist explains how the ‘lion’s gate portal’ can benefit you.

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Days like 8/8 can benefit you regardless of your belief in them as they create the perfect storm of ... [+] positivity, placebo and manifestation practice.

Research has confirmed time and again that the gaps between psychological science and spirituality are wide. While one uses treatment modalities developed through scientific rigor, the other banks on faith, belief and optimism.

Paradoxically, however, psychological healing often intersects with spirituality in the realm of practice. “Manifestation” exercises such as meditation and chanting, positive visualization, journaling and affirmations are prescribed in both spaces regularly and are often rooted in gaining more knowledge of and control over the subconscious and unconscious mind.

Research published in 2023 also indicates that certain psychological constructs, like being in a “flow state,” mirror spiritual experiences. The study further argues that incorporating spirituality into your life may enhance self-understanding and potential through self-belief, a goal therapists often set for clients they treat.

All of this is to say that there are many paths that lead to a desired destination. Whether you are a realist with elaborate plans for the future or you’re a spiritual soul building a deeper connection with the universe, manifestation exercises can help you break substantial ground on the journey you’re already on.

And while there is no perfect time to start this journey, many swear by certain fated days, meant to be more powerful and “bountiful” than others. Today is supposed to be one such day, marking the opening of the “Lion’s Gate portal.” Here’s the lore behind the popular legend.

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Today’s nyt mini crossword clues and answers for saturday, august 10, daniel cormier calls out ufc for protecting its ‘golden goose’, the astrological tale behind lion’s gate portal.

Spiritual practitioners claim the eighth of August to be the day the universe supposedly opens a cosmic gateway known as the Lion’s Gate Portal. With Sirius rising and the Sun in Leo, believers claim this is a magical window for transformation and manifestation, as if the universe itself is conspiring to grant all wishes.

For those who believe the lore, it presents a tantalizing chance to harness the universe’s supposed powers. Whether it’s celestial truth or just a fanciful story lacking scientific or cosmic corroboration, the intent to start manifesting in your life is never unuseful. Regardless of these beliefs, manifestation can always help people achieve their best potential.

Why Does Manifestation Work Well With Spirituality?

While they may use vastly different language, construct different arguments and are trying to prove different things—spiritual healing and psychological healing often coincide when it comes to execution. Here’s a psychologist’s take on why manifestation works in both worlds:

  • The placebo effect of faith and positive outcomes. Research published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B suggests that belief systems, including spiritual practices, can impact physical health and well-being. Another study examining the Covid-19 pandemic found that patients with higher emotional, social, physical and spiritual resilience experienced less severe symptoms and recovered more quickly, illustrating how faith can influence outcomes through the placebo effect. And finally, in a 2020 article discussing the power of religious practices, psychiatrist Harold Koening notes: “Placebos have been used in medicine since antiquity and may have significantly improved health and quality of life when little was known about the causes of most illnesses. Many outcomes were likely due to the placebo effect, as available treatments were either unproven or later disproven.” In the same vein, practices like manifestation may rely on the placebo effect, where believing in positive outcomes creates a psychological environment that supports achieving those outcomes.
  • The powerful role of self-efficacy. Prolific researcher Albert Bandura's work on self-efficacy highlights the power of one’s belief in their own ability to succeed. When individuals engage in manifestation practices, spiritual or not, they are essentially boosting their self-efficacy—which can lead to better performance and greater resilience in the face of challenges. This helps in building a positive self-image and enhances strength to take righteous actions towards one's ambitions.
  • Principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT , a well-established psychological treatment modality, emphasizes the importance of changing negative thought patterns to improve mental health. Manifestation techniques, such as affirmations and visualization, align closely with CBT principles by encouraging individuals to focus on positive thoughts and outcomes, thereby reducing anxiety and self-sabotaging thoughts.

How You Can Harness The “Magic” Of Days Like 8/8

Whether ordained by the universe or not, there may not be a better time than now to channelize your mental and spiritual energy toward manifesting the goals you desire to achieve. Here’s why the efficacy of these tools can feel like magic:

  • Meditation and visualization. Meditation and visualization are powerful tools that help individuals focus their intentions and reduce stress. Research led by epidemiologists at West Virginia University shows that regular meditation can enhance cognitive function and emotional regulation.
  • Journaling. Writing down aspirations and goals can clarify intentions and create a tangible blueprint for success. Journaling has been shown to improve mental health by allowing individuals to process emotions and articulate their own thoughts.
  • Environmental enhancements. Creating a conducive environment for manifestation, such as lighting candles or using fragrances, can enhance mood and focus. Research published in Scientia Pharmaceutica suggests that certain olfactory stimulation can positively affect mood and cognitive function.
  • Affirmations. Repeating affirmations can reinforce positive beliefs and motivate individuals to pursue their goals. A 2015 study indicates that affirmations, when practiced consistently and spoken as if true, can improve performance and self-perception through a sense of achieving rewards.

While the myths surrounding events like the Lion’s Gate portal may blend astrological assumptions into daily life, the practice of manifestation itself holds significant psychological value at all times in life. The power of intention, belief and structured practice can have profound effects on cognitive health and personal growth. By understanding and harnessing these psychological techniques, individuals can achieve positive transformations, regardless of their spiritual beliefs.

Test your levels of spirituality by taking the science-backed Ego Dissolution Scale, here .

Mark Travers

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AI Act enters into force

Open Day at the European Institutions 2024 

On 1 August 2024, the European Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) enters into force . The Act aims to foster responsible artificial intelligence development and deployment in the EU .

Proposed by the Commission in April 2021 and agreed by the European Parliament and the Council in December 2023, the AI Act addresses potential risks to citizens’ health, safety, and fundamental rights. It provides developers and deployers with clear requirements and obligations regarding specific uses of AI while reducing administrative and financial burdens for businesses.

The AI Act introduces a uniform framework across all EU countries, based on a forward-looking definition of AI and a risk-based approach:

  • Minimal risk: most AI systems such as spam filters and AI-enabled video games face no obligation under the AI Act, but companies can voluntarily adopt additional codes of conduct.
  • Specific transparency risk: systems like chatbots must clearly inform users that they are interacting with a machine, while certain AI-generated content must be labelled as such.
  • High risk: high-risk AI systems such as AI-based medical software or AI systems used for recruitment must comply with strict requirements, including risk-mitigation systems, high-quality of data sets, clear user information, human oversight, etc.
  • Unacceptable risk: for example, AI systems that allow “social scoring” by governments or companies are considered a clear threat to people's fundamental rights and are therefore banned.

The EU aspires to be the global leader in safe AI. By developing a strong regulatory framework based on human rights and fundamental values, the EU can develop an AI ecosystem that benefits everyone. This means better healthcare , safer and cleaner transport , and improved public services for citizens . It brings innovative products and services , particularly in energy, security, and healthcare, as well as higher productivity and more efficient manufacturing for businesses, while governments can benefit from cheaper and more sustainable services such as transport, energy and waste management.

Recently, the Commission has launched a consultation on a Code of Practice for providers of general-purpose Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) models. This Code, foreseen by the AI Act, will address critical areas such as transparency, copyright-related rules, and risk management. GPAI providers with operations in the EU, businesses, civil society representatives, rights holders and academic experts are invited to submit their views and findings, which will feed into the Commission's upcoming draft of the Code of Practice on GPAI models.

The provisions on GPAI will enter into application in 12 months. The Commission expects to finalise the Code of Practice by April 2025. In addition, the feedback from the consultation will also inform the work of the AI Office, which will supervise the implementation and enforcement of the AI Act rules on GPAI. 

For more information

European Artificial Intelligence Act comes into force - press release

Artificial Intelligence - Q&A

More about the European AI Act

Excellence and trust in artificial intelligence

AI Act: Have Your Say on Trustworthy General-Purpose AI

European AI Office

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  30. AI Act enters into force

    The provisions on GPAI will enter into application in 12 months. The Commission expects to finalise the Code of Practice by April 2025. In addition, the feedback from the consultation will also inform the work of the AI Office, which will supervise the implementation and enforcement of the AI Act rules on GPAI. For more information