
How to Pass the BCG Online Case

  • Victor Cheng

What Is the BCG Online Case?

The BCG Online Case is an online case interview simulation that assesses a candidate’s problem-solving skills and analytical thinking abilities. It is designed to simulate a real-life client engagement, and consists of a single case study that the candidate must work through.

The case study typically involves a business situation where the candidate must analyze data, identify key issues, and propose solutions. The case may fall into one of several categories, such as:

1) Market entry strategy; 2) Pricing optimization; 3) Cost reduction; or 4) Growth strategy.

The duration of the BCG Online Case test ranges from 25 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of questions involved (normally 6-8 questions). Candidates are given a set of materials, including charts, graphs, and other data, and must use this information to answer a series of questions.

While time management is important, the focus should be on demonstrating strong analytical and problem-solving skills. BCG is more interested in the quality of your thought process and the insights you generate than in how quickly you complete the case.

What Does the BCG Online Case Test For?

The BCG Online Case bot is designed to test a candidate’s analytical and problem-solving skills in a simulated consulting environment. Specifically, it assesses the following key areas: 

  • Structured Thinking : The ability to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable components and develop a clear, logical approach to solving them. 
  • Data Analysis : The capacity to quickly and accurately interpret data from various sources, such as charts, graphs, and tables, and draw meaningful insights from them. 
  • Business Acumen : An understanding of key business concepts and the ability to apply them to real-world situations.
  • Creativity : The ability to generate innovative solutions and think outside the box when faced with challenging problems.
  • Time Management : The ability to efficiently manage time and prioritize tasks to complete the case within the given timeframe.
  • Adaptability : The flexibility to adjust one’s approach in response to new information or changing circumstances.
  • Attention To Detail : The ability to carefully review and consider all relevant information when making decisions and recommendations. 

Practice NOW with our BCG Online Case Simulator

How to prepare for the bcg online case.

Refining your problem-solving skills is essential for achieving success in the BCG Online Case experience. One of the most effective ways to develop these skills is by practicing mock case interviews. Engaging in these practice sessions helps you hone your ability to structure complex problems and devise logical solutions. 

Every case interview includes structuring questions, which are critical to demonstrating your analytical prowess. For example, at the beginning of a case, you might be asked to develop an issue tree to break down the problem into manageable components. Throughout the case, you may encounter brainstorming questions such as, “Which factors influence market growth?” These questions test your ability to think strategically and comprehensively. 

Practicing case interviews can be done independently, with friends, or with the guidance of an expert. Each method offers unique benefits: 

  • Independent Practice : Allows you to work at your own pace and focus on specific areas where you need improvement. 
  • Practicing with Friends : Provides the opportunity to simulate a more realistic interview environment and receive feedback from peers. 
  • Expert Guidance : Offers professional insights and tailored advice to help you refine your approach and address any weaknesses. 

By diligently refining your problem-solving skills through structured practice, you can significantly improve your chances of success in the BCG Online Case experience.

Type of BCG Online Case Interview Questions

1. Structuring/Information Questions

These questions present a scenario or problem and ask candidates to identify the most helpful option or the type of information that should be gathered. While they may appear data-focused, they require candidates to employ structuring techniques and create an issue tree. 

Every BCG online case starts with a structuring or information question, such as: 

  • Which of the following would be most helpful? 
  • What statistics about ABC should the team gather? 
  • Which piece of information would help ECG move forward with the project? 

To approach these questions, carefully read the provided options and mentally construct an issue tree based on the available choices. Select options that collectively cover the issue tree and address the various components of the problem, demonstrating critical thinking, analysis, and the ability to identify relevant information. 

2. Quantitative Questions

Each case typically includes approximately two quantitative/mathematical questions, usually presented in a short text answer format or occasionally as single-select multiple-choice questions. 

Most quantitative questions are accompanied by an exhibit with around 20 data points, some of which may be extraneous. Knowledge of accounting or finance is not necessary, as the calculations and formulas are generally straightforward, involving concepts such as weighted averages, probabilities, and compound percentages. Practicing these types of problems can enhance performance. 

The follow-up question can indicate whether your answer is correct. If asked to elaborate on your reasoning, your response is likely correct. If prompted to address specific calculations or smaller steps, your initial attempt may have been incorrect. 

3. Critical Thinking & Logical Questions

These questions assess your ability to analyze a scenario, apply logical reasoning, and make informed judgments. They often involve evaluating different courses of action, determining cause-and-effect relationships, or identifying the most logical conclusion based on the provided information.

Pay attention to the wording and any qualifiers that indicate how airtight the logic needs to be. For example, “Which of the following courses of action would LIKELY MAKE you more rich?” has a weaker qualifier than “Which of the following courses of action would CERTAINLY MAKE you more rich?” 

Consider relevant factors, constraints, or specific conditions mentioned in the question when evaluating the options. 

4. Intuition/Insight Questions

These questions are highly popular but challenging to master. They require you to generate or select a range of insights, elements, or factors based on a given context. The specific insights can vary significantly, encompassing root causes, effects, solutions, and more. 

Examples of intuition or insights questions include: 

  • What are some personal expenses that tend to increase after getting married?
  • How can one become more disciplined in saving money? 
  • What are effective talking points to persuade a life partner to reduce spending on clothing? 
  • What are potential reasons for the underperformance of the stock market in the past six months? 
  • In what situations would one need to utilize an emergency fund? 

These questions demand thoughtful analysis and the ability to derive meaningful conclusions based on given scenarios. Diligent practice is essential to improve in this area.

Scoring Criteria

In the BCG online case chatbot, the selection of candidates is not solely based on the accuracy of their answers but also on their approach to problem-solving and their ability to break down complex issues. Candidates are required to provide an answer for each question to progress to the next one, leaving no choice but to make an educated guess even when unsure of the correct response. 

While BCG does not disclose official information regarding the evaluation criteria, insights can be gathered from the BCG Interactive Case Library. The majority of criteria focus on the problem-solving aspect of the consulting role: 

  • Problem-Structuring Candidates are evaluated based on their problem-structuring skills, which involve approaching problems in a structured and mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive ( MECE ) manner. The test also assesses the candidate’s ability to gather data and test hypotheses during the problem-solving process. Demonstrating strong analytical and problem-solving capabilities is crucial for management consultants.
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Processing The BCG chatbot Test evaluates candidates’ math and analytical skills, specifically their ability to analyze and process both qualitative and quantitative information within the case. The test assesses their proficiency in performing relevant mathematical calculations, with an emphasis on common business-world calculations such as percentages, averages, and working with large numbers. The objective is to determine how effectively candidates can apply these processing skills to the given scenarios and derive meaningful insights. 
  • Business Intuition Candidates’ business intuition is another trait assessed in the BCG Online case. The test focuses on their capacity to evaluate potential costs and benefits, make informed decisions, and provide sound conclusions and recommendations based on their business knowledge and experience. The goal is to determine how well candidates can apply their business intuition to complex scenarios and provide relevant insights and directions tailored to the specific business context presented in the case. 
  • Data Synthesis & Interpretation: Lastly, the BCG chatbot interview assesses candidates’ aptitudes for data synthesis and interpretation. This involves their proficiency in summarizing and synthesizing all relevant information to derive viable solutions for the client. The test measures their ability to draw meaningful conclusions from data, adopting a hypothesis-driven mindset. Candidates are expected to either incorporate their conclusions into existing hypotheses or generate new hypotheses that are relevant to the case at hand. The objective is to assess candidates’ ability to analyze and interpret data effectively to make informed decisions and provide valuable insights to the client. 

What Is the BCG Online Case Simulator?

The BCG Online Case Simulator offered by stands as the pinnacle resource for mastering case interviews, meticulously curated by seasoned experts boasting decades of industry and recruiting acumen. This comprehensive tool is expertly tailored to furnish you with the indispensable skills required to confidently and swiftly conquer case interviews. 

Drawing from the firsthand experiences of candidates who navigated the rigorous interview processes to secure coveted positions at premier consulting firms, the simulator was created with an intimate understanding of the pivotal role that thorough case interview preparation plays. Our collective observations from the recruitment arena revealed a recurring theme: many promising candidates stumbled due to inadequate preparation, despite their evident potential. 

Fueled by the unwavering commitment to bridge this preparation gap and ensure that every deserving candidate has the opportunity to shine, the concept of the BCG Online Case Simulator was meticulously crafted and brought to fruition.

Overview Of Cases Offered By the BCG Online Case Simulator

In total, there are five cases available for consideration, each presenting a unique business scenario. These cases include: 

Case 1: Yoga Poser: Should you invest in a yoga studio, or is it too much of a stretch?  

Imagine you have the opportunity to invest in the newest, trendiest yoga studio in town. Should you seize this opportunity, or is it too risky? This case will test your ability to uncover hidden risks and assess the viability of a business venture. 

Case 2: Cafe fix: Can you help your friend make her F&B business a reality?

Your friend is eager to open a deli serving wholesome food, but she’s unsure if it’s a wise business move. She seeks your expertise to define a winning strategy. Can you help her succeed? This case will assess your skills in developing customer strategies, selecting optimal locations, managing risk, and defining sound business cases. 

Case 3: No Cart Left Behind  

The COO of a leading e-commerce player seeks your assistance to improve their sales conversion rate in a competitive market. Can you help streamline their processes and boost sales? This case will test your ability to identify issues, optimize processes, and synthesize key findings to drive growth. 

Case 4: Not all fun and games: Will entering a new market lead to paradise or to trouble?  

Leading game developer Playground wants to enter a new market, Fairyland. They’ve asked for your help in planning their entry strategy. This case will evaluate your skills in sizing market potential, assessing competitors, prioritizing activities, and developing effective go-to-market strategies. 

Case 5: Storm in a Teacup: Trouble is brewing at a leading tea producer – will you be able to help?  

Your client, a leading tea producer, has experienced a sudden halt in growth in one of their key markets. The CEO needs your help to understand the situation and devise a plan to turn things around. This case will challenge you to identify issues, conduct quantitative analysis, and transform data into actionable insights to regain market share and momentum. 

How To Get Started With the BCG Online Case Simulator

Access to these practice cases is only available through . Practicing with these cases gives you a significant competitive advantage, as other candidates interviewing for the same position are unlikely to have practiced with them. 

Elevate your BCG Online Case Interview preparation by practicing with the BCG Online Case Simulator and seize the opportunity to excel in your case interviews.

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Mastering the Case Interview: Tips from an Ex-BCG Consultant

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Mastering the Case Interview: Tips from an Ex-BCG Consultant was originally published on Vault .

What does Serena Williams’ serve have to do with the toughest job interview style out there? A lot. In today’s post on mastering the case interview, we’re going to unpack what the case interview really is, the core skills it tests and why the best way to prepare is shockingly similar to how Serena practices every day.

The case interview success story

If you rewind fifty years from today, the case interview would barely register on the radar of job interviews. But a lot has changed. Fifty years ago, The Boston Consulting Group was four years old, Bain & Company didn’t even exist and McKinsey & Co. was a barely recognizable fragment of the global behemoth it is today. Combined, those three firms rake in around $17 billion in annual revenue and they owe much of their continued success to world class talent. After all, these firms don’t own any tangible assets or products. 

So how have these firms secured world class talent decade after decade? The case interview. In fact, the format has been so successful for these dominant consulting firms that the giants of other industries have taken note. Both Amazon and Google have adopted the case interview format in various incarnations for many of their business roles and other tech firms, like Facebook, aren’t far behind either.

The preparation game has changed

As case interviews have grown in popularity, the stakes on the preparation side have been upped as well. It used to be that candidates could simply read a few basic case interview books, memorize some popular business frameworks like Porter’s 5 forces and combine that with some natural talent and have a decent chance in the case interview. 

Today, that passive preparation won’t fly. What’s passive preparation? It’s a process characterized by a “lean back” experience like reading a book or watching a video tutorial—it can help set context but it isn’t a standalone strategy. Serena Williams didn’t learn her Wimbledon dominating serve by reading a book and, likewise, the best case interview candidates aren’t honing their skills by simply reading either. In fact, the best candidates are actively preparing by devoting significant time to building the skills which will be tested directly in the interviews.

Which skills? Glad you asked—let’s jump into those next.

The core case interview skills

You could get a case about a medical device firm looking to enter the Chinese market for the first time or a children’s entertainment company that needs a new pricing strategy for digital content. The subject of case interviews will vary widely. However, the skills tested are consistent across cases. Here are the four foundational case skills and why they matter.

Problem structuring: It’s tough to overstate how critical this skill is. Consultants have turned problem structuring into an art (see the MECE principle ) and they’ll expect candidates to demonstrate strong skills here. Why? Well, it matters at every single level of the job, from a Partner breaking up an entire case into large work streams to junior Associates structuring their approach to sizing markets, etc.

Mental math: People always want to ask, why does mental math matter in the world of Excel and iPhone calculators. Quite simply, strong mental math abilities are sought after because it lets consultants quickly prove or disprove hypotheses with quick “back of the envelope” calculations. When you’re evaluating thousands of different potential strategies, quickly ruling out ones via simple mental math enables consultants to work effectively.

Charts and data analysis: If there is a “lingua franca” of consulting, this is it. Consultants cull through reams of data in their jobs and when they’ve got the answer, charts are the vehicle to nicely sum up their findings and highlight the key trends. Aspiring consultants will quickly find that the art of representing an insight via the right chart is a subject approaching near religious debate at any firm.

Communication: Consultants don’t just need the analytical chops to get the right answer, they also need the ability to communicate it clearly and create alignment with clients. If you consider consulting from the highest level, the job essentially has two parts: 1) Finding the right answer and 2) Selling the right answer to the client. It is the second part where effective communication becomes a “deal breaker” skill.

Building skills like a boss

The list of skills above might be daunting, but if you take a page out of Serena’s book and practice the core skills daily, you’ll see a marked improvement. Williams’ dedicated practice regimen has gained fame in tennis circles. Despite being the dominant female player in the league today, she’s on the court four hours a day practicing serves, backhands, volleys, et al.

The best candidates take the same approach for case interviews. While figuring out what skills to practice isn’t tough (just see the list above), but putting in the work is. For a deep dive on preparing for case interviews, check out the Mastering the Case Interview webinar . In it, we cover the anatomy of a case in detail, walk through the examples of how each core skill in tested in a sample case interview environment and recommend a skill building loop that will have you prepping for case interviews with the best of them.

Kenton Kivestu is the Founder and CEO of  RocketBlocks , an online platform that helps students prepare for case interviews. Prior to RocketBlocks, he worked as a strategy consultant in BCG’s San Francisco Office, launched online ad platforms at Google and led the Zynga mobile poker franchise. He has successfully navigated hundreds of case interviews himself and believes that the case interview is an important recruiting tool that helps simulate the on the job experience. He started RocketBlocks to help candidates hone their analytical skills so they can put their best foot forward on interview day. Kenton graduated as an Echols Scholar with distinction from the University of Virginia and holds an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. 

S12E17: BCG Sustainability Case Interview Example

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In this case interview demonstration, Shane Muselmann (previous BCG intern; incoming Consultant) demonstrates a really interesting BCG case interview. In the case - that Shane created from scratch! - a solar developer is looking for a regional expansion strategy. Can our mystery candidate (a volunteer from the community) crack the case? You'll find out. Relevant Links Join Strategy Sprint - the 1-week  consulting project Learn more about the Black Belt case prep program Watch the video recording of this case to see the chart (18:40)

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Students Should Utilize BCG’s Interactive Case Library to Practice Case Interviews!

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The Boston Consulting Group website has an amazing Interactive Case Library that students can use to practice case interviews.  This tool allows you to select a sample case (I tested an Airline Case) and then a fictional interviewer starts the mock interview with you.  You first receive background information about the client and then will work through multiple screens where you are asked a question (Ex. What factors should we explore for their impact on our client’s profitability?) and are provided with anywhere from two to five options to select as your response.  At some points, you are asked to complete calculations or analyze graphs and it does a really nice job of mimicking a real case interview.

When you finish the case, you will see a short recap and a summary of your results across 4 areas (Rigor, Structuring, Business Judgment and Synthesis).  In addition, you will see how  you compare to the Average and the 90th Percentile.  Enjoy!

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BCG Henderson Institute


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The Strategic Benefits of Randomized Decision-Making

Martin Reeves

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The BHI Center for Climate & Sustainability explores sustainability as a source of competitive advantage and the hidden dynamics of the energy and sustainability transition.

David Young

To compete in a rapidly changing global environment, businesses need to develop strategies and business models that generate environmental and societal benefits while simultaneously driving business and shareholder value.

Our team of scientists and engineers use advanced analytics and detailed case studies to uncover new business, investment, and policy opportunities. The goal is to accelerate the adoption of better business practices, and in turn, create a better planet.

Some of our current research themes include SWITCH-GT , accelerating climate action , sustainability scarcities , sustainability ecosystems ,  and  sustainable business model innovation . 

Research Themes

Learn how our dynamic Systems Workbench for Insight on Transition Change -- Green Transformation (SWITCH-GT) can unlock competitive advantage.

The Hidden Dynamics of the Energy Transition

The energy transition presents a massive and complex challenge, and it’s moving too slowly. To accelerate progress, businesses and governments should adopt a systems approach.

Accelerating Climate Action

How can society achieve rapid climate action at scale?

Emissions from Legacy Assets Demand Urgent Action

“Locked-in” emissions from existing assets threaten to exceed the 1.5°C global warming target. Using autos as a case study, we outline steps to tackle the problem.

Sustainability Scarcities

In the race to sustainability, scarcities and bottlenecks will emerge – those who move first will have an advantage.

The Green Economy Has a Resource-Scarcity Problem

Corporations worldwide have made ambitious commitments to reduce negative environmental and social impacts. But there’s a problem: New solutions to achieve these goals will inevitably trigger bottlenecks for the very resources, infrastructures, and capabilities upon which these initiatives depend. In a new HBR article, we look into how companies can mitigate risk and capitalize on opportunities.

Shaping Sustainable Ecosystems

The most complex sustainability challenges extend beyond the boundaries of the firm -- learn how coordinated action across highly distributed players can create solutions at-scale.

How Companies Shape Ecosystems to Achieve Sustainability and Advantage

Our research of 110+ in-depth case studies identified 9 ways in which companies can remake their ecosystems to unlock those sustainability constraints.

Sustainable Business Model Innovation Book

The eighth edition of our “Inspiring the Next Game” book series offers guidance from BCG Henderson Institute Fellows and contributors to help leaders create more competitive and sustainable companies.

Inspiring the Next Game series

Sustainable business model innovation.

Learn how companies can turn sustainability into advantage by optimizing for both business and societal outcomes.

The Quest for Sustainable Business Model Innovation

How can companies reconcile the two S-words of business: sustainability and sustainable competitive advantage?

Building Competitive Advantage in a Sustainable World Podcast

Senior business leaders discuss their experiences and views on how to reconcile sustainability and sustainable competitive advantage.

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Business Impact on Nature with Tony Goldner

"We've got to be Net Zero and Nature Positive at the same time. That requires extra capability, extra learning, extra knowledge, and extra tools to be parallel processing climate and nature together.”

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Bringing Sustainability to the Fore in Fashion with Art and Annin Peck

"If I'm buying a billion units a year, but 30% of them create no economic value, I could buy just the 66-70% and create the same amount of economic value and eliminate the carbon footprint and all the waste associated with that."

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Lessons from Schneider Electric with Olivier Blum

“It’s a race without a finishing line and there will always be opportunity to innovate in the field of environment, social, and, governance. There is no real finishing line.

Recent Insights

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Short-Term Solutions for Bending the Ammonia Emissions Curve

Renewable ammonia has long-term potential, but the industry can’t wait. Ammonia producers and customers can take steps to become more sustainable, starting today.

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How Scarcity Will Reshape Your Sustainability Strategy

Every business must identify and respond to potential shortfalls embedded in its value chains.

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Preparing for an Uncertain Future with Climate Scenarios

Stress-test your strategy and stretch your imagination.

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Is Electricity Pricing Running Out of Gas?

By causing gas plants to close, renewable energy could disrupt the pricing of electricity, impairing investment signals. What comes next will depend on which of three technologies emerges to support the rise of renewables.

David Young

Global Leader, Center for Climate & Sustainability

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BCG Case Competition teaches students to think like a consultant

Oct 29, 2021

The winning team with the BCG judges

The winning team with the BCG judges.

Jamie Habert, HBA ’14, didn’t set out to be a consultant, but the chance to leverage his skills in diverse ways drew him in. A graduate of the combined HBA/JD program, he initially worked as a lawyer on Bay Street before turning to consulting.

“Consulting felt like a really good fit because of all of the types of things I could do – this is where curiosity comes into play. I’ve worked across private equity, retail, sports, and financial institutions. I’ve done turnaround cases. I’ve really done it all,” Habert told Ivey’s HBA1 students before they set off to experience the life of a consultant first hand.

Habert, Principal at Boston Consulting Group (BCG), spoke to students at a virtual event to kick off the 26th Annual Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Case Competition, which ran October 26-29.

Part of the Learning Through Action course, the competition challenges students to consolidate their classroom learning related to Organizational Behaviour, Finance, and Analytics to tackle more complex problems.

Divided into teams, the students analyzed three separate cases during the competition – one each day – on disruptive innovation, an entrepreneurial startup, and family business. With only a few hours to prepare for each round, they then presented their findings and recommendations to a panel of judges. Finalist teams were selected to show their elevator pitch videos to a panel of judges in the final round.

Preparing students for the real world

Habert said it’s an experience that will prepare the students for any future career path. He should know. He participated in the BCG Case Competition in 2010 while in the HBA program.

“The stuff that you are doing this week, and at Ivey generally, could not be more relevant. It will serve you well in consulting. And I know from experience, it will serve you well in any organization,” he said.

For HBA1 student David Weiss, the learning was certainly relevant and will prepare him for real-world challenges.

“The BCG Case Competition is an example of the unique aspects of the Ivey curriculum. The opportunity to apply course content to a real company’s problem provides experiences that cannot be found in a classroom,” he said. “My team and I found that the pressure resulting from tight deadlines taught us to be resilient in the face of challenges.”

HBA1 student Samantha Lin said she welcomed the chance to learn from the judges’ feedback.

“Analyzing back-to-back cases was a marathon, but it allowed us to learn from our feedback and improve in later rounds. My brain has definitely expanded and I learned a lot,” she said.

The consultant’s approach to complex problems

One aspect that makes the competition unique is that many of the judges and BCG representatives involved have been through the experience themselves.

Habert shared advice with the students on how to prepare for the competition. He also gave tips for approaching complex problems:

  • Listen to the problem;
  • Develop an initial view;
  • Take in data that’s relevant to prove or disprove that hypothesis;
  • Conduct relevant research and analysis and get to insights;
  • Develop theories on what you think the answer is; and,
  • Test those theories.

“There are probably a million ways you can solve a problem or a million pieces of analysis that you can do. But having a structured hypothesis and being disciplined about doing work that supports or disproves that hypothesis is challenging,” he said. “Your theories may not be right, but at least you’re getting closer and closer to the heart of the insights and to the heart of the answer to serve the client.”

Congratulations to the winners

First Place: Team 6 (Section 1) Connor Chapman, Jaime Lowry, Gabriel (Gabe) Muskat, Benjamin (Ben) Segal, Richard (Aidan) Sommer, Tristan Zarifa, Fang Fei (Amy) Zhang, Liulinzi (Lindsay) Zou;

Second Place: Team 4 (Section 8) Kevin Asselin Alfaro, Justin Del Negro, Joseph (Joey) Langleben, Yuwei (Ivy) Li, Myles MacDonald, Julie Van, Sabrina Wen, Victor Zhang; and,

Third Place: Team 4 (Section 6) Flora Huang, Labiba Islam, Samuel (Sam) Plotnick, Cole Roberts, Michael Samoilov, Yuanfei (Emily) Wang, Cadan Woolstencroft, Aaron Yuan.

Thank you to the BCG judges 

Round 3: Caitlin Cranmer, HBA ’18, Consultant; Omer Humayun, Consultant; Matt Nesvadba, HBA ’15, Consultant; Selina Phan, HBA ’20, Associate; Dylan Scanlan, HBA ’19, Associate; Kelly Sun, Consultant; Josh Weinstein, HBA ’18, Consultant; and Marwan Yousif, HBA ’21, Associate Consultant.

Finalist round: Charlotte MacDonald, Principal, Toronto; Darwin Smith, MBA ’07, Managing Director and Partner, Calgary; and Hugh Underwood, HBA ’11, Project Leader, Toronto.

  • Case competitions
  • Case learning
  • Case method

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BCG Global Challengers

Recent case studies.

BCG Global Challengers

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