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How To End a Cover Letter (With Closing Examples)

cover letter sincerely

Cover Letter Closing Examples

Closings not to use, how to sign a cover letter, set up an email signature, more cover letter writing tips.

Hugo Lin / The Balance

When you're writing a cover letter or sending an email message to apply for a job, it's important to close your letter in as professional a manner as possible. End your letter with a formal closing, followed by your signature.

As with any job-related correspondence, it's best to opt for a more formal language and tone—a cover letter is no place for "XOXO," “Cheers,” or even a casual "take care" as a closer.

The following is a list of letter closing examples that are appropriate for cover letters and other employment-related correspondence, such as thank-you notes and/or emails to schedule interviews or pass along references.

  • Sincerely yours
  • Best regards
  • With best regards
  • Kind regards
  • Yours truly
  • Most sincerely
  • Respectfully
  • Respectfully yours
  • Thank you for your consideration

A cover letter is a formal correspondence, so it's important not to be too casual or friendly when writing it. Here are some letter closings that are fine to use when emailing or writing to a friend, but are not appropriate to use in a cover letter. 

  • Affectionately
  • Best wishes
  • Eagerly waiting for a response
  • Warm regards
  • Warmest regards
  • Take it easy
  • Have a great day
  • Have a nice day
  • Yours faithfully
  • Abbreviations (Thx or any other abbreviated word isn't appropriate)
  • Any emoticon (no smiley faces)
  • Sent from my phone (if your phone automatically includes it, you can remove it in the settings)

For a printed letter, follow the closing with a comma. Then, on a new line, put your name. Leave a space above your typed name for your written signature.

Signature (hard copy letter)

If you're sending an email, you can add your contact information below your name. For example:

Best regards,

Your Name Your Email Address Your Phone Number Your LinkedIn Profile URL

Whichever sign-off you choose, make sure always to capitalize its first letter.

To simplify, you can set up an email signature that includes your contact information.

An email signature will make it easy for correspondents to readily see how to get in touch and saves you the time of typing the information repeatedly.

Use a Professional Email Account

It’s a wise idea, when conducting a job search, to set up an email account (and accompanying address) dedicated. Doing so will help to ensure that you don’t miss emails from potential employers who might be interested in interviewing you. It also will allow you to provide a professional-sounding email address on your resume and cover letter. This email address should be comprised simply of your name (examples: “John.T.Smith@gmail.com or marjoriejones@email.com).

Too often, job candidates use their personal email accounts to apply for jobs, often using “cute” email names such as “Crafty_catlady@yahoo.com” or OrcWarrior100@gmail.com.” This casual practice often raises hiring managers, eyebrows, raising red flags about whether a candidate is a serious, qualified applicant for the job to which they are applying.

It’s better to err on the side of safety and separate your professional and personal email accounts.

What To Include in Your Signature

In your signature, include your email address and phone number. You can add your LinkedIn profile URL to make it easy for your recipients to view your skills, accomplishments, educational background, and work history. Depending on your field, you may also want to include a link to your Twitter account; if you do so, make sure that your account is professional and appropriate for viewing by potential employers. 

Find out how to set up a professional email signature, including formatting style and links to help you save a signature in your preferred email program.

Cover letters, whether submitted through email or traditional mail channels, are always the first impression you provide a potential employer. Make sure that this impression is a good one by following the “best practices” outlined in these links so that your cover letter shines.

Having an appropriate close is just one of the many steps required to craft a winning cover letter.

Review how to write a cover letter , including what to include in your cover letter, how to write a cover letter, typical cover letter formats, targeted cover letters, and cover letter samples and examples.


60 Examples of Strong Closing Statements: How to Close a Cover Letter

By Status.net Editorial Team on December 12, 2023 — 16 minutes to read

A strong cover letter closing is essential in making a great impression and reinforcing your enthusiasm for the job opportunity. It provides a final opportunity to emphasize your relevant skills, experiences, and personal attributes that make you an ideal candidate. A compelling closing also encourages the employer to take action, such as inviting you for an interview. Consider these examples:

  • Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute my skills and experiences in this exciting role.
  • I am eager to discuss how my background aligns with your team’s goals and how I can contribute to your company’s growth.
  • I am confident that my expertise in social media marketing makes me well-suited for this position, and I appreciate your time and consideration.

Positive Impact on Employers

Your cover letter closing is crucial, as it leaves a lasting impression on the employer and influences their perception of you as a candidate. A positive and engaging closing helps you stand out among other applicants and increases your chances of being selected for an interview. Here are a few key points that can create a positive impact:

  • Express gratitude : Show appreciation for the time the employer has spent reading your cover letter, and thank them for considering your application.
  • Be enthusiastic : Reiterate your excitement about the job opportunity and the prospect of joining their team.
  • Include a call to action : Encourage further engagement, like scheduling an interview or discussing your qualifications in more detail.

For example:

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I am highly enthusiastic about joining your team and discussing my potential contributions to your ongoing projects. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at your earliest convenience.

Crafting Your Final Paragraph

Summarizing your enthusiasm.

To leave a lasting impression, summarize your enthusiasm for the role in your closing paragraph. Highlight your excitement about the opportunity and express gratitude for the potential connection with the company. For instance:

I’m thrilled about the prospect of joining the (…) team and contributing my marketing skills to drive innovative campaigns. Thank you for considering my application.

Reaffirming Your Best Fit for the Role

Before signing off, reinforce why you’re the perfect candidate for the position. Briefly recap your relevant experience, skills, or accomplishments that set you apart. Be concise yet confident in your message. For example:

With my five years of experience in international sales and my proven ability to develop long-term client relationships, I am confident in my ability to excel as your next Sales Manager.

Choosing the Right Sign-Off

Professional sign-off options.

Selecting the appropriate closing for your cover letter can leave a lasting impression. Here are some professional sign-off options to consider:

  • Sincerely : This classic sign-off is appropriate for most scenarios and conveys professionalism.
  • Best regards : A versatile and slightly more casual option, ideal for a variety of industries.
  • Kind regards : This friendly sign-off is suitable when you have developed a rapport with the receiver, like the hiring manager.

You can also try other options such as Yours truly , Respectfully , or Yours faithfully , depending on your preference and the nature of the job you are applying for.

Matching the Company Culture

Try to tailor your sign-off to match the company culture. Researching the company’s website, social media, or reviewing employee testimonials can help you get a better understanding of the company culture. For example:

  • Innovative or creative industries : Feel free to express yourself with a casual yet professional closing, like Warm Regards or Cheers .
  • Traditional or formal industries : Stick to more formal options such as Sincerely or Best Regards .

Incorporating a Call to Action

Proposing the next steps.

A well-crafted cover letter should inspire the reader to take the next step. This could include scheduling an interview, discussing your application further, or even simply reviewing your attached resume. To encourage this action, incorporate a call to action (CTA) at the end of your cover letter that guides the hiring manager.

Some examples of CTAs in the context of cover letters include:

  • Schedule a meeting : “I’m excited about the opportunity to discuss my experiences and how they align with the [job title] position. Let’s set up a time to chat!”
  • Ask for a callback : “I’d be thrilled to further discuss my application and the value I bring to the table. Give me a call at your earliest convenience to chat more.”
  • Direct them to your portfolio : “I’d love to showcase my recent work, which you can find at [website link]. Let’s discuss how my skillset aligns with the [job title] role.”

Remember to tailor these examples to your specific application and the company to which you’re applying.

60 Examples of Strong Closing Statements For a Cover Letter

  • 1. This position seems like a perfect match for my experience, passions, and career aspirations. I would love to bring my skills and expertise to your organization.
  • 2. I am confident that I can make an immediate and positive impact if given the opportunity to join your team. I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to your organization’s success.
  • 3. My background and capabilities align well with the responsibilities of this role. I am excited by the prospect of applying my experience to this position.
  • 4. I am enthusiastic about the chance to join your organization. Please contact me to further discuss my qualifications and how I can add value.
  • 5. I would welcome the opportunity to showcase my abilities and help drive growth and innovation through this position. I am eager to learn more.
  • 6. With my skills and experience, I am prepared to excel in this role and hit the ground running. I look forward to speaking with you.
  • 7. I am confident I would thrive in this position. I am eager to bring my skills, passion, and drive to your dynamic team.
  • 8. I believe I am an excellent fit for this opportunity and am excited by the prospect of contributing my talents to your organization. I welcome the chance to speak with you further.
  • 9. My experience aligns well with the responsibilities of this exciting role. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to apply my skills to benefit your organization.
  • 10. I am excited by the chance to join your team. I look forward to further discussion.
  • 11. I am confident that I possess the necessary qualifications for this role and would excel if given the opportunity.
  • 12. With my background and passion, I am prepared to hit the ground running and make an immediate impact through this position. I would love to join your team.
  • 13. I am eager to apply my expertise to help drive success and innovation for your organization. Please contact me to arrange a time to talk.
  • 14. My experience has fully prepared me to excel in this role. I am excited by the prospect of bringing my skills to your dynamic organization.
  • 15. I am enthusiastic about this opportunity and the chance to contribute to your company’s continued growth and innovation. I look forward to elaborating on my qualifications.
  • 16. I am confident I can perform exceptionally well in this position. I am excited by the prospect of joining your team and organization.
  • 17. With my proven track record, I am prepared to dive in and deliver results through this role. I would be thrilled to join your organization.
  • 18. I am eager to join an organization where I can utilize my expertise to create meaningful impact. This role seems like an excellent fit.
  • 19. I am excited by the prospect of joining your innovative company. My skills would enable me to contribute to your team’s success right away.
  • 20. I am confident my background makes me a competitive applicant for this opportunity. I am excited to further discuss my qualifications with you.
  • 21. With my experience and passion, I know I would thrive in this position. I hope to have the chance to join your talented team.
  • 22. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of bringing my skills and experience to your dynamic organization.
  • 23. I am eager to apply my expertise to help drive innovation and success in this role. I would be thrilled to join your team.
  • 24. I am confident my abilities make me a strong candidate for this opportunity. I am excited by the chance to contribute to your company’s growth.
  • 25. I believe I possess the necessary skills, experience, and drive to excel in this position.
  • 26. With my background, I am prepared to dive in, roll up my sleeves, and immediately begin adding value in this role. I am excited by this opportunity.
  • 27. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of joining your team. I am confident my experience would allow me to thrive in this position.
  • 28. I would welcome the opportunity to join your organization and collaborate with your talented team in this role. Please contact me to further discuss my qualifications.
  • 29. I am excited by the chance to apply my skills and experience to help drive innovation and success for your company. I hope to speak with you soon.
  • 30. I am eager to bring passion, expertise, and a strong work ethic to this position. I am confident I would excel on your team. I look forward to further discussing how I can contribute to your organization’s success.
  • 31. I am confident that I have the necessary qualifications to excel in this role, and I am excited by the prospect of contributing my skills to your organization. I look forward to discussing this opportunity further.
  • 32. With my experience and capabilities, I know I would be a great asset to your team through this position. I am eager to bring my passion and expertise to your dynamic organization.
  • 33. I am enthusiastic about the chance to apply my background in a way that drives meaningful impact and innovation. This role seems like an ideal fit for my skills.
  • 34. I am eager to join your organization and collaborate with your talented team to deliver exceptional results.
  • 35. I am prepared to hit the ground running and make immediate contributions in this role. My experience aligns well with the responsibilities, and I am excited by the prospect of joining your company.
  • 36. I am confident that I possess the ideal qualifications for this opportunity. I would love to join your organization and contribute my skills to help drive future success.
  • 37. With my proven track record and expertise, I am prepared to dive in and immediately begin adding value through this position. I am excited by this opportunity and welcome further discussion.
  • 38. My background and capabilities make me confident that I can perform exceptionally well in this role.
  • 39. I am eager to apply my skills in a high-impact position with a respected organization like yours. I am confident I would thrive on your team. Please contact me to arrange a meeting.
  • 40. I believe this role is an excellent match for my qualifications. I am excited by the opportunity to contribute my experience and talents to your innovative company.
  • 41. I am confident that my background has prepared me well to excel in this position. I would be thrilled to join your talented team and organization.
  • 42. With my passion, expertise, and proven ability to deliver results, I am prepared to dive in and immediately begin driving value through this role. I am excited by this opportunity and look forward to further discussion.
  • 43. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of applying my skills in a challenging and rewarding position at your respected company. I am eager to learn more about this opportunity.
  • 44. I am excited by the chance to join your dynamic team. My experience has fully prepared me to thrive in this position and help drive your organization’s continued success.
  • 45. I am confident I possess the ideal qualifications for this opportunity. I would welcome the chance to join your team and contribute to future growth and innovation.
  • 46. With my background and capabilities, I am prepared to excel in this role. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of applying my experience to benefit your organization. I look forward to speaking with you.
  • 47. I am eager to utilize my expertise. Please contact me to arrange a meeting to discuss my qualifications.
  • 48. I am excited by the prospect of joining your team. I am confident my skills and experience make me a competitive applicant for this opportunity. I look forward to further discussion.
  • 49. This role seems like an excellent match for my background. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to your organization’s success and future growth.
  • 50. I am confident I possess the necessary experience and qualifications to excel in this position. I would be thrilled to join your talented team. I look forward to speaking with you.
  • 51. I am excited by this opportunity and welcome the chance to further discuss my qualifications.
  • 52. I am eager to apply my expertise in a challenging role that enables me to create meaningful impact. I am confident I would thrive in this position on your team.
  • 53. I believe I am an excellent fit for this opportunity. I would be honored to join your organization and collaborate with your talented team. I look forward to further discussion.
  • 54. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing my experience to help drive innovation and continued success. I am excited by this opportunity and confident in my ability to excel.
  • 55. Thank you for reviewing my application. I am eager to bring my background and capabilities to this exciting role on your team. I am confident I can perform exceptionally well if given the opportunity. I look forward to speaking with you.
  • 56. With my proven skills and expertise aligned with this position’s responsibilities, I am prepared to dive in and immediately begin adding value to your organization.
  • 57. I am confident that my experience, capabilities and passion for excellence would allow me to thrive in this role. I would welcome the opportunity to join your respected organization and am eager to further discuss my qualifications.
  • 58. I am excited by the prospect of utilizing my background to help drive innovation and success in this position. I am confident in my ability to excel on your team and look forward to learning more.
  • 59. I believe I am an excellent candidate for this opportunity. I am enthusiastic about applying my experience to contribute to the continued growth and success of your esteemed organization.
  • 60. With my proven track record and expertise, I know I would thrive in this role. I am eager to bring my skills and passion to your dynamic team. Thank you for your consideration – I look forward to discussing this opportunity further.

When choosing a closing statement, make sure it matches the overall tone of your cover letter and reflects your personality. Also, take into consideration the company culture and position you’re applying for.

Examples of Effective Cover Letter Closings

Formal closings.

  • Respectfully,
  • Yours faithfully,
  • Kind regards,
  • Best regards,
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Yours truly,

Semi-Formal Closings

  • Warm regards,
  • Best wishes,
  • With appreciation,
  • Looking forward to your response,
  • Yours in professional success,
  • Many thanks,
  • Thank you for your consideration,
  • Eager for the opportunity to connect,

Casual Closings

  • Have a great day,
  • All the best,
  • Thanks so much,
  • Excited to chat soon,
  • Grateful for your time.

Polishing Your Cover Letter Ending

Proofreading for errors.

Don’t underestimate the power of a well-proofread cover letter. Before sending it off, give it a thorough read-through, and look closely for any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. Consider using a grammar tool to help catch mistakes you might have missed. Also, ask a friend, family member, or even a professional to review your cover letter. Their fresh perspective can provide valuable insights and catch anything you might have overlooked.

Ensuring Consistency with Your Resume

To make your application seamless, double-check your cover letter and resume to ensure consistency. Pay special attention to details such as job titles, dates, and company names, as inconsistencies can raise concerns from potential employers. It’s also a good idea to match the formatting and fonts across both documents to give your application a polished and cohesive look. Make sure the skills and experiences you highlight in your cover letter are complementary to those mentioned in your resume, so they work together to make a strong case for your candidacy.

Sending Your Cover Letter

Email versus hard copy.

When sending your cover letter, you’ll usually have two options: email or hard copy. Each has its benefits and considerations:

  • More convenient and faster
  • Allows for easy tracking and organization
  • Often preferred by employers
  • Be sure to use professional language and an appropriate subject line
  • Formal option, which may be required for certain industries or applications
  • Neatly print and sign your cover letter
  • Use quality paper and a matching envelope

It’s crucial to consider the preferences of the employer when deciding which method to use. If they haven’t specified a preference, feel free to choose the one that makes the most sense for you.

Following Submission Guidelines

No matter how well-written your cover letter is, failing to follow submission guidelines can hurt your chances of being considered for the position. Pay close attention to these key details when preparing your cover letter:

  • Deadline: Be punctual in submitting your application – submit on time or even earlier.
  • Formatting requirements: Follow any formatting requirements mentioned explicitly, such as font type, font size, and margins.
  • File format: Save and send your cover letter in the requested file format, like PDF or Word Document (.docx).
  • Contact information: Don’t forget to include your up-to-date contact information, such as your email address and phone number.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some strong closing statements for a cover letter that stand out to employers.

A strong closing statement should reiterate your enthusiasm for the position and demonstrate your confidence in your qualifications. Here are some examples:

  • “I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to your team and look forward to discussing my qualifications further.”
  • “Thank you for considering my application. I believe my expertise aligns well with the role, and I am eager to contribute to the success of your organization.”
  • “I’m confident that my skills make me an ideal candidate for the position, and I’m eager to discuss how I can add value to your company.”

What’s the best way to format the closing section of my cover letter?

To format the closing section of your cover letter, you should:

  • Leave a space between the last paragraph and your closing.
  • Use a closing phrase like “Sincerely” or “Kind regards.”
  • Add your full name and contact information, such as email address and phone number.
  • If applicable, include any relevant links, such as your LinkedIn profile or online portfolio.
  • Leave a space between your closing phrase and your name so you can add a digital or printed signature.

Should I use ‘Kind regards’ or ‘Yours sincerely’ to finish off my cover letter?

Both ‘Kind regards’ and ‘Yours sincerely’ are acceptable and professional ways to end a cover letter. You can choose which one you feel most comfortable with or suits your individual style. In general, ‘Kind regards’ is a safe and widely used option, while ‘Yours sincerely’ is considered a bit more formal.

How can you make a cover letter feel personal and engaging without being too casual?

To make your cover letter personal and engaging, try these tips:

  • Address the recipient by name, if possible, to create a connection.
  • Start your cover letter by mentioning a specific detail about the company or role to show you’ve done your research.
  • Share anecdotes from your experience that directly relate to the requirements of the job and showcase your unique qualities.
  • Focus on the value you can bring to the company, rather than just listing your qualifications.
  • Resume vs. Cover Letter (Thoughtful Tips)
  • How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Examples)
  • 3 Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples (Guide)
  • Cover Letter vs. Letter of Interest vs. Letter of Intent
  • 2 Smart Examples: Executive Assistant Cover Letter
  • 10 Inspiring Examples: How To Write a Cover Letter

How to End a Cover Letter [w/ 4 Examples]

Background Image

How you end your cover letter is an important part of the process. 

You’ve managed to make a good impression with your cover letter and now you want to “exit” on a good note with an equally impactful conclusion. 

This is where this article comes in.

We’ll show you how to end your cover letter effectively and leave the right impression on the recruiter reading it!

  • 6 Ways to end a cover letter for a job (with examples) 
  • Ways NOT to end a cover letter
  • How to sign off a cover letter
  • Signature lines NOT to use 

New to cover letter writing? Give our resumes 101 video a watch before diving into the article!

6 Ways to End a Cover Letter for a Job (With Examples)

Your cover letter ending consists of your closing paragraph and your signature line.

As your official “parting” from the recruiter, your closing paragraph should be an on-point summary of your cover letter’s highlights and a chance to reaffirm your strong points.

To guide you in the right direction, we’ve put together our favorite tips on how to end a cover letter effectively. 

So, let’s see what they’re all about!

#1: Show Confidence 

First things first—make sure you end your cover letter on a confident note. 

All your skills, qualifications, and strengths will lose a bit of their value if you don’t confidently show the recruiter that you can apply them to the company’s benefit. 

Say, you mentioned a bunch of noteworthy achievements and skills as you were writing your cover letter . Your cover letter ending is your chance to confidently reiterate them.

For example, you might have mentioned in your cover letter how you helped your previous company exceed its sales target by 30%. That’s an achievement you can use to conclude your cover letter confidently.  

For example:

I believe my ability to generate sales and drive results will be a significant contribution to your company’s goals and KPIs. 

#2: Sum Up Your Skills (For the Position)

Another way to effectively end your cover letter is to sum up your top skills. 

More specifically, sum up exactly how your skills will bring value to the team or company, or how they are relevant to the position you are applying for.

Here’s an example of how you can do this:

To conclude, I can confidently say that my 5 years of experience as a researcher have made me detail-oriented, patient, and able to connect smaller pieces of information to see the bigger picture. I believe these skills will be of use in this position. 

job search masterclass

#3: Be Enthusiastic

You may be highly qualified and justifiably confident in your skills, but employers also want to see that you will be a motivated and engaged employee. 

So, make sure to express your enthusiasm! This will show that you care about this job and that you will put passion and energy into your work if you’re hired. 

Employees who are enthusiastic about their work are also far more likely to stay on board long term, which means that you’ve got more chances to get (and stay) hired! It’s no wonder that 71% of executives say that employee engagement is critical to their company’s success .

As such, sometimes, the deciding difference between two equally qualified candidates is just their level of interest and enthusiasm for the position.

Being able to apply all of my skills and previous experience to this project is an ideal and exciting opportunity for me. 

#4: State Your Goals and Set Expectations 

Another great way to end your cover letter is by stating your professional goals and giving the recruiter a general idea of what they should expect from you as a potential employee.

This will show that you are proactive and that you have clear objectives for your career.

Keep in mind though—when stating your goals and expectations, focus on mentioning how you’ll contribute to the company and benefit the employer, not just the other way around. 

And remember—what can set you apart from other candidates is expressing exactly what connects you to the company (other than just wanting to be hired). This can make your claims more believable and attract recruiters more easily.

Here’s an example of how you can make that work:

My goal is to be counted among the top professionals in the field, not only due to my skills but also because of my appetite for innovation. Your company’s mission to innovate some basic aspects of our daily lives is an inspiration for my work and I’d be happy to contribute my skills to achieve this common mission.

#5: Don’t Forget to Say “Thank You” 

Don’t forget to end the letter with gratitude. 

After all, recruiters go through countless applications daily, so just the fact that they took the time to read yours is enough of a reason to be thankful. 

Because it is expected that you will say “thank you” (and would be considered rude if you don’t), genuine gratitude is what will make you instantly more likable and win you extra points. 

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I truly appreciate your consideration and hope to have the chance to prove through my dedicated work for your company.

#6. Keep It Professional 

This last piece of advice is quite simple. Keep your cover letter professional. You’ll have plenty of chances to express the more fun side of your character. 

There will be plenty of time to express your more “casual” side once you’re hired. At this stage, though, employers want to see that you are professional, reliable, and serious about your work. 

So, it’s better to use academic language and a clean, simple style. 

Liked the tips we covered in this article? There’s more where that came from! Check out our complete guide with the top 21 cover letter tips .

Ways NOT to End a Cover Letter 

And now that we covered the best ways to end your cover letter, let’s go over what you should NOT do when you’re writing your cover letter ending.  

  • Do not appear desperate for the job. There is a fine line between expressing enthusiasm and being desperate. If you step over that line, you might blow your chances at getting a callback.
  • Don’t be cocky and entitled. Avoid rhetoric that implies that the company would be foolish not to hire you and avoid speaking as though you’ve already been hired.
  • Do not use overly familiar language or slang. That is unless you are working in the comedy industry.
  • Don’t forget to proofread. Forgetting to proofread your cover letter (including the ending) is a big no-no. Typos and grammar mistakes can come across as unprofessional, so make sure to double-check for mistakes or use software like Grammarly .
  • Don’t be sloppy! Pay attention to how you structure your closing paragraph just as much as the rest of your cover letter. This is the last thing the recruiters will read and it is what they will remember from the cover letter.
  • Do not skip the closing! Not including a final paragraph in a cover letter is a huge mistake. This is your opportunity to summarize your strong points, enthusiasm, and gratitude memorably.

Want to know what mistakes you should avoid when you’re writing your cover letter? Our guide on cover letter mistakes has all you need to know.

How to Sign Off a Cover Letter 

Signing off your cover letter is a pretty straightforward task. All you have to do is use a signature line, followed by your full name. Something like this: 

And since “sincerely” has become overused, consider these signature lines to use instead: 

  • Kind regards,
  • With best regards,
  • Most sincerely,
  • Respectfully yours,
  • Best regards,
  • Respectfully,
  • Thank you for your consideration,

Signature lines not to use

You probably know better than to use any of the signature lines below, but we thought to go over them just in case. So, whatever you do, refrain from using any of the following: 

  • Warm Regards
  • Yours Truly
  • Have a wonderful day
  • Affectionately

Do I Sign a Cover Letter? 

Whether you should sign a cover letter depends on how you are sending your cover letter. 

Nowadays, most cover letters are sent electronically. If that’s the case with you, there is no need to add an electronic signature. 

Simply add your full name at the end of the cover letter, using the same font as the rest of your letter. 

If you are sending a good old-fashioned printed cover letter, on the other hand, include the same details and add your signature underneath your name. 

Having a matching resume and cover letter is a great way to make a good impression on the hiring manager! We make that super easy for you - just pick one of our matching pairs of resume & cover letter templates and start writing yours!

matching resume and cover letter

Key Takeaways 

How you end your cover letter is extremely important. If you manage to get it right, your application will make an impression and most surely earn you a callback.

To make sure you got it right, let’s go over the main points we covered in this article: 

  • Your cover letter ending should contain a captivating closing paragraph and a signature line.
  • To write a good closing paragraph, do some of the following: convey enthusiasm, recap your skills and qualifications, show gratitude, and state your goals and expectations.
  • Things NOT to do when you’re writing your cover letter ending are: appearing cocky, being sloppy, forgetting to proofread, and ignoring the ending altogether.
  • Signature lines to consider in addition to sincerely are: kind regards, respectfully, and most sincerely.

Related Readings:

  • Do I Need A Cover Letter in 2024
  • Entry-level Cover Letter
  • Cover Letter for Internship

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How to End a Cover Letter? 8 Great Cover Letter Endings (+Examples)

Klára Červeňanská — Content Manager / Writer

The closing paragraph of your cover letter shouldn't be overlooked. In this article you'll learn how to end a cover letter to make a good impression on a hiring manager.

So, how to end a cover letter on a high note?

A great cover letter closing should highlight your strengths , call for action , and express gratitude . Ideally, all that without sounding repetitive, pushy, or bland. 

So, whether you're looking for a slightly upgraded version of a universal ending or something more distinctive, you'll find it here. Together with great closing paragraphs from cover letters belonging to real people who got hired by well-known companies like Volvo, Ikea, and NBC. 

how to end a cover letter

Cover letter closing paragraph: What should I include?

All cover letters should have a clear structure consisting of three main sections. An introduction, main body, and a closing paragraph. Each of these sections should follow certain rules regarding their thematic content.

In the introduction of your cover letter, you should introduce yourself in detail, explain why the job is exciting to you, and state that you're a great fit. Excluding the heading, contact info, and greeting, the intro should be one paragraph long.

In the main body of your letter, you should back this by writing about your professional skills, past experiences, and hopes and aspirations for your professional future. The main body should be one longer paragraph or 2 shorter ones.

But, what about the closing paragraph ? Well, the ending of your cover letter consists of several key components: 

  • A succinct summary of your strengths. This doesn't mean you should repeat everything you wrote in the main body. Rather, you should cherry-pick the parts that are most relevant to the role and best illustrate why you make a great fit. Avoid sounding repetitive by changing up the phrasing. 
  • A confident call to action. In a sentence or two you should suggest the next steps. You should be confident without sounding demanding.
  • Express gratitude. You should always express gratitude for the recruiter's time and consideration. Afterall, it takes time to review volumes of cover letters and give each one a thought. Make sure to be polite.  
  • Use a professional sign-off. Avoid slang phrases like Cheers , See ya , or Have a good one . Rather, opt for the tried and tested classics, such as Sincerely , Best wishes , and Respectfully . 

A cover letter closing should fit into one short paragraph plus a few lines including a sign-off, your name, and possibly your contact information if you haven't yet stated these at the beginning. 

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5 Cover letter ending samples from real people

Cover letter ending sample #1 

This first sample cover letter conclusion is short, sweet, and confident. This job seeker is offering his insight as something valuable. This simple psychological trick will make him seem as something diserable by the company.

how to end a cover letter

Cover letter ending sample #2 

In this case, the job seeker is showing enthusiasm for the position, the company, and its culture. Furthermore, "I would love the opportunity to meet with you and dicuss the value I can bring to Ikea" is a strong and confident call to action. 

how to end a cover letter

Cover letter ending sample #3

Wondering how to end a cover letter for an internship? Being self-assured rather than self-effacing will instantly make you a stronger candidate. This person is very pursuasive about wanting to show  why she is deserving of an internship. By doing this, the hiring manager will be intrigued and invite the job seeker for an interview. 

how to end a cover letter

Cover letter ending sample #4 

This candidate is making specific points regarding why he'd be a "top contributor" to their team. His tone is very enthusiastic and confident, which is what hiring managers want to see. His call to action is the opposite of vague and is rather specific as he is looking forward to "hearing from them regarding next steps" .

how to end a cover letter

Cover letter ending sample #5

This cover letter ending has it all. The candidate reiterates her strengths, connects her past experience with the skills she acquired, and mentions how these qualities would make her a valuable member of the team. Her call to action is not bland, but direct and firm. 

how to end a cover letter

Do you prefer to see more examples from hired professionals or find job-specific cover letter samples for your industry? Visit our cover letter library .

3 Examples of cover letter closing paragraphs 

To help you craft a strong cover letter ending paragraph, Kickresume's team of career writers formulated a few examples.

You can use these closing paragraph text examples as inspiration or as a blueprint to write your own.

Cover letter ending example #1

In conclusion, my aforementioned background in [field/profession] and skills, such as [the most relevant skills] have prepared me to be a successful and contributing team member in the kind of environment that  [company] has. I would love the chance to further discuss how my qualifications will contribute to [company] ’s success. 

Thank you for considering my application. 

Cover letter ending example #2

I genuinely believe that my education and [number of years] -year long expertise in [field]  would make me a valuable asset to your organization. Furthermore, the skills I have acquired along the way, including  [the most relevant skills],  make me an excellent match for this job. I’d welcome the opportunity to speak with you more about how I can contribute to the growth and success at  [company].

Thank you for your consideration. 

Best regards, 

Cover letter ending example #3

To conclude,   I believe my [number of years]  years of experience in [field] , specifically working in/on/as  [profession, project, specific industry]  make me a great potential asset. I'd be excited to learn more about this job opening, and show you how I can help [company] 's mission to grow in the next quartile.

Thank you for your time and for considering my application. 


Cover letter closing paragraph: What other things to include?

There are a few other things a good cover letter conclusion can include apart from the 4 key components mentioned throughout the article.

So, what else can you add to your cover letter closing?

  • Contact information. Some applicants prefer to put their contact information in the header of the cover letter. Sure, that's one way to do it, but you can absolutely choose to put the contact info at the bottom. Or even include them in the last paragraph as a part of the call to action. It can go something like "...I'd welcome the opportunity to speak with you more about my qualifications at [phone number and email]."
  • Reference to resume attachment. As you usually send both at the same time, you don't really have to say you attached a resume. They already know. However, if your cover letter and resume complement each other and you make a lot of references to your resume throughout the text, then sure. Say something like "...I've attached my resume and am happy to provide any additional information you might need."
  • A link to your portfolio. This is, of course, only applicable if you have a portfolio or when it's relevant for the job. In creative fields like graphic design or architecture a portfolio is actually worth a lot more than a cover letter. So, definitely make sure to mention it. You can either include the URL for your website or instruct the hiring managers as to where they can find it. Say, for example, "...If you are interested, my portfolio can be viewed at www.myportfolio.com"

While these aren't necessary, they sure add a nice touch. However, bear in mind that some of these might not be applicable to your specific cover letter ending. 

how to sign off a cover letter

Key takeaways: How to end a cover letter

The beginning of a cover letter is what initially draws the hiring manager in. But, in order to make a lasting impression, you need to know how to end a cover letter, too. To do that, you should: 

  • Highlight any strengths, skills, and past experiences that make you a great candidate ;
  • Include a confident call to action that doesn ' t sound demanding or bland ;
  • Express your gratitude in a polite way ;
  • Use a professional sign-off ;
  • If applicable, include your contact information, a reference to your resume attachment, and a link to your portfolio. 

Of course, the content of your entire cover letter matters, not just the ending.

If you'd like to know how to write a complete cover letter, check out our complete cover letter guide .

And for the best result, use one of Kickresume's cover letter templates  alongside any of your email builders or AI writers . Oh, and remember that a cover letter goes hand in hand with a resume . You can even  turn your LinkedIn profile into a great resume  with just one click.

Klára Červeňanská — Content Manager / Writer

Klára Červeňanská

Klara recently graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she got an opportunity to write full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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How to Write a Cover Letter: Your Full Guide (With Tips and Examples)

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It’s a familiar cycle: You sit down to write a cover letter, open a blank document, check your email, browse cover letter examples , do some chores, watch that cursor blink a few more times, and finally Google something like “how to write a cover letter”—which hopefully brought you here. But you still might be thinking, does anyone really read cover letters? Why do they even exist?

First: Yes, we can assure you that cover letters do, in fact, get read. To some hiring managers, they’re the most important part of your job application. And regardless, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to tell prospective employers who you are, showcase why they should hire you, and stand out above all the other candidates.

To ensure your letter is in amazing shape (and crafting it is as painless as possible), we’ve got easy-to-follow steps plus examples, a few bonus tips, and answers to frequently asked questions.

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What is a cover letter and why is it important?

A cover letter is a brief (one page or less) note that you write to a hiring manager or recruiter to go along with your resume and other application materials.

Done well, a cover letter gives you the chance to speak directly to how your skills and experience line up with the specific job you’re pursuing. It also affords you an opportunity to hint to the reviewer that you’re likable, original, and likely to be a great addition to the team.

Instead of using cover letters to their strategic advantage, most job applicants blabber on and on about what they want, toss out bland, cliché-filled paragraphs that essentially just regurgitate their resume, or go off on some strange tangent in an effort to be unique. Given this reality, imagine the leg up you’ll have once you learn how to do cover letters right.

How long should a cover letter be?

An ideal cover letter typically ranges from a half page to one full page. Aim to structure it into four paragraphs, totaling around 250 to 400 words, unless the job posting states otherwise. Some employers may have specific guidelines like word or character limits, writing prompt, or questions to address. In such cases, be sure to follow these instructions from the job posting.

How to write a cover letter hiring managers will love

Now that you’re sold on how important cover letters are, here are eight steps to writing one that screams, “I’m a great hire!”

Step 1: Write a fresh cover letter for each job (but yes, you can use a template)

Sure, it’s way faster and easier to take the cover letter you wrote for your last application, change the name of the company, and send it off. But most employers want to see that you’re truly excited about the specific position and organization—which means creating a custom letter for each position.

While it’s OK to recycle a few strong sentences and phrases from one cover letter to the next, don’t even think about sending out a 100% generic letter. “Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to apply to the open position at your company” is an immediate signal to recruiters and hiring managers that you’re mass-applying to every job listing that pops up on LinkedIn.

At the same time, there’s nothing that says you can’t get a little help: Try out one of our free cover letter templates to make the process a bit easier.

Step 2: Add your contact info

At the top of your cover letter, you should list out your basic info. You can even copy the same heading from your resume if you’d like. Some contact info you might include (and the order to include it in):

  • Your pronouns (optional)
  • Your location (optional)
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number (optional)
  • Your Linkedin, portfolio, or personal website URL (optional)

Note that only name and email are mandatory, and you don’t need to put a full address on a cover letter or resume anymore. A city and state (or metro area) are more than enough. So your header might look like this:

Inigo Montoya he/him Florin Metropolitan Area [email protected] 555-999-2222

If the job posting tells you to submit your cover letter in the body of an email, you can add your contact info at the end, after your name (and if you’d like to forgo the email address here, you can—they have it already). So your sign off could look like this:

Violet Baudelaire she/her [email protected] 123-123-1234


Step 3: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager—preferably by name

The most traditional way to address a cover letter is to use the person’s first and last name, including “Mr.” or “Ms.” (for example, “Dear Ms. Jane Smith” or just “Dear Ms. Smith”). But to avoid accidentally using the wrong title—or worse, inadvertently misgendering someone—first and last name also work just fine.

If “Dear” feels a bit too stiff, try “Hello.” But never use generic salutations like “ To Whom it May Concern ” or “Dear Sir or Madam.”

For more help, read these rules for addressing your cover letter and a few tips for how to find the hiring manager .

Step 4: Craft an opening paragraph that’ll hook your reader

Your opening sets the stage for the whole cover letter. So you want it to be memorable, friendly, conversational, and hyper-relevant to the job you’re pursuing.

No need to lead with your name—the hiring manager can see it already. But it’s good to mention the job you’re applying for (they may be combing through candidates for half a dozen different jobs).

You could go with something simple like, “I am excited to apply for [job] with [Company].” But consider introducing yourself with a snappy first paragraph that highlights your excitement about the company you’re applying to, your passion for the work you do, and/or your past accomplishments.

This is a prime spot to include the “why” for your application. Make it very clear why you want this job at this company. Are you a longtime user of their products? Do you have experience solving a problem they’re working on? Do you love their brand voice or approach to product development? Do your research on the company (and check out their Muse profile if they have one) to find out.

Read this next: 30 Genius Cover Letter Openers Recruiters Will LOVE

Step 5: Convey why you’d be a great hire for this job

A common cover letter mistake is only talking about how great the position would be for you. Frankly, hiring managers are aware of that—what they really want to know is what you’re going to bring to the position and company.

So once you’ve got the opening under wraps, you should pull out a few key ideas that will make up the backbone of your cover letter. They should show that you understand what the organization is looking for and spell out how your background lines up with the position.

Study the job description for hints . What problems is the company looking to solve with this hire? What skills or experiences are mentioned high up, or more than once? These will likely be the most important qualifications.

If you tend to have a hard time singing your own praises and can’t nail down your strengths , here’s a quick trick: What would your favorite boss, your best friend, or your mentor say about you? How would they sing your praises? Use the answers to inform how you write about yourself. You can even weave in feedback you’ve received to strengthen your case (occasionally, don’t overuse this!). For example:

“When I oversaw our last office move, my color-coded spreadsheets covering every minute detail of the logistics were legendary; my manager said I was so organized, she’d trust me to plan an expedition to Mars.”

Step 6: Back up your qualifications with examples and numbers

Look at your list of qualifications from the previous step, and think of examples from your past that prove you have them. Go beyond your resume. Don’t just regurgitate what the hiring manager can read elsewhere.

Simply put, you want to paint a fuller picture of what experiences and accomplishments make you a great hire and show off what you can sashay through their doors with and deliver once you land the job.

For example, what tells a hiring manager more about your ability to win back former clients? This: “I was in charge of identifying and re-engaging former clients.” Or this: “By analyzing past client surveys, NPS scores, and KPIs, as well as simply picking up the phone, I was able to bring both a data-driven approach and a human touch to the task of re-engaging former clients.”

If you're having trouble figuring out how to do this, try asking yourself these questions and finding answers that line up with the qualifications you’ve chosen to focus on:

  • What approach did you take to tackling one of the responsibilities you’ve mentioned on your resume?
  • What details would you include if you were telling someone a (very short!) story about how you accomplished one of your resume bullet points?
  • What about your personality, passion, or work ethic made you especially good at getting the job done?

Come up with your examples, then throw in a few numbers. Hiring managers love to see stats—they show you’ve had a measurable impact on an organization you’ve worked for. Did you bring in more clients than any of your peers? Put together an impressive number of events? Make a process at work 30% more efficient? Work it into your cover letter!

This might help: How to Quantify Your Resume Bullets (When You Don't Work With Numbers)

Step 7: Finish with a strong conclusion

It’s tempting to treat the final lines of your cover letter as a throwaway: “I look forward to hearing from you.” But your closing paragraph is your last chance to emphasize your enthusiasm for the company or how you’d be a great fit for the position. You can also use the end of your letter to add important details—like, say, the fact that you’re willing to relocate for the job.

Try something like this:

“I believe my energy, desire to innovate, and experience as a sales leader will serve OrangePurple Co. very well. I would love to meet to discuss the value I could add as your next West Coast Sales Director. I appreciate your consideration and hope to meet with you soon.”

Then be sure to sign off professionally , with an appropriate closing and your first and last name. (Need help? Here are three cover letter closing lines that make hiring managers grimace, plus some better options .)

Step 8: Reread and revise

We shouldn’t have to tell you to run your cover letter through spell-check, but remember that having your computer scan for typos isn’t the same as editing . Set your letter aside for a day or even just a few hours, and then read through it again with fresh eyes—you’ll probably notice some changes you want to make.

You might even want to ask a friend or family member to give it a look. In addition to asking them if they spot any errors, you should ask them two questions:

  • Does this sell me as the best person for the job?
  • Does it get you excited?

If the answer to either is “no,” or even slight hesitation, go back for another pass.

Cover letter examples

Here are four example cover letters that follow the advice given above. Keep in mind that different situations may require adjustments in your approach. For instance, experienced job seekers can emphasize accomplishments from previous roles, while those with less experience might highlight volunteer work, personal projects, or skills gained through education.

Example #1: Cover letter for a job application

Alia Farhat San Francisco Bay Area [email protected] 444-000-1111

Hello Danny Tanaka,

If I’m being honest, I still haven’t fully gotten over the death of my first Tamagotchi pet when I was six years old. (His name was Tommy, and I’ve gotten far more creative since then, I promise.) When I was older, I discovered NeoPets and I was hooked for years—not just on the site, but on the community that surrounded it. So when I heard about FantasyPets last year, I immediately started following news about your development process, and that’s how I saw your post looking for a marketing strategist. Not only do I have eight years of experience in digital marketing, but as a lifelong gamer with a passion for pet-focused titles who’s spent years in online communities with like-minded people, I also know exactly what kind of messaging resonates with your target audience.

You’re looking for someone to help you craft a social media marketing campaign to go along with your game launch, and I’ve been a part of three launch-day marketing campaigns for mobile and web-based games. In my current role as social media manager at Phun Inc., I proposed a campaign across Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok based on competitor research and analysis of our social campaigns for similar games to go along with the launch of the mobile game FarmWorld. Using my strategy of featuring both kids and adults in ads, we ended up driving over one million impressions and 80k downloads in the first three months.

I’ve always believed that the best way to find the right messaging for a game is to understand the audience and immerse myself in it as much as possible. I spend some of my research time on gaming forums and watching Twitch streams and Let’s Plays to see what really matters to the audience and how they talk about it. Of course, I always back my strategies up with data—I’m even responsible for training new members of the marketing team at Phun Inc. in Google AdWords and data visualization.

I believe that my passion for games exactly like yours, my digital marketing and market research experience, and my flair for turning data into actionable insights will help put FantasyPets on the map. I see so much promise in this game, and as a future player, I want to see its user base grow as much as you do. I appreciate your consideration for the marketing strategist role and hope to speak with you soon.

Alia Farhat

Example #2: Cover letter for an internship

Mariah Johnson

New York, NY [email protected] 555-000-1234

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to submit my application for the software development internship at Big Tech. As a student at New York University majoring in computer science with a keen interest in social studies, I believe I would be a good fit for the role. Big Tech's mission to promote equality and a more sustainable world is deeply inspiring, and I would be thrilled to contribute to this mission.

In a recent hackathon, I demonstrated my ability to lead a team in designing and developing an app that directs members of a small community to nearby electronics recycling centers. My team successfully developed a working prototype and presented it to a panel of industry experts who awarded us second place.

I’ve also been an active volunteer at my local library for over four years. During this time, I organized book donation drives, led book fairs, and conducted reading sessions with children. This experience strengthened my presentation and communication skills and confirmed my motivation stems from supporting a good cause. I would be more than happy to bring my passion and dedication to an organization whose mission resonates with me..

Through these experiences, along with my coursework in software engineering, I am confident I am able to navigate the challenges of the Big Tech internship program. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you about my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration.

Example #3: Cover letter with no experience

Sarah Bergman

Philadelphia, PA [email protected] 1234-555-6789

Dear Chloe West,

I’m excited to apply for the entry-level copywriting position at Idea Agency. As a recent graduate from State University with a major in mass communications, I’m eager to delve deeper into copywriting for brands, marketing strategies, and their roles in the business world.

Over the past two years, I’ve completed courses in creative writing, copywriting, and essentials of digital marketing. I’ve also been actively involved in extracurricular activities, creating content and promoting student events across multiple online platforms. These experiences expanded my creativity, enhanced my teamwork skills, and strengthened my communication abilities.

As an admirer of your visionary marketing campaigns and Idea Agency’s commitment to sustainability, I’m enthusiastic about the prospect of joining your team. I'm confident that I can contribute to your future projects with inventive thinking and creative energy.

I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further. Thank you for considering my application.

Best regards,

Example #4: Career change cover letter

Leslie Smith

Chicago, IL [email protected] 111-222-3344

Dear Paul Jones,

Over the past year, I’ve volunteered to represent my company at a local fair and there I discovered how much fun working face to face with clients would be. Everytime I sold a product for The Solar Company, I often wished it was my full-time job. Now, I'm excited to submit my application for the sales coordinator position with Bloom Sales.

After completing a degree in business administration, I decided to put my outgoing personality and strong communication skills to work as a sales specialist at The Solar Company. I’ve sharpened my presentation and critical thinking skills in client meetings and sourced more than $20,000 in new partnerships. This experience has given me an invaluable foundation, and now I’m confident it's the time to move business administration to sales coordination.

I’m comfortable seeking out new business opportunities, making cold calls, and selling potential clients on the advantages of Bloom Sales products. I attend an average of 10 in-person meetings a week, and interacting with a lot of different personalities is what excites me the most. As a detail-oriented, tech-savvy professional, I have advanced knowledge of Excel and data analysis.

I would love to learn more about your sales strategy for the second semester and discuss how my experience in business administration and client-facing sales exposure would help Bloom Sales achieve its goals. Thank you for your consideration.

Extra cover letter examples

  • Pain point cover letter example
  • Recent graduate cover letter example
  • Stay-at-home parent returning to work cover letter example
  • Sales cover letter example
  • Email marketing manager cover letter example
  • No job description or position cover letter example (a.k.a., a letter of intent or interest)
  • Buzzfeed-style cover letter example
  • Creative cover letter example (from the point-of-view of a dog)

Bonus cover letter tips to give you an edge over the competition

As you write your cover letter, here are a few more tips to consider to help you stand out from the stack of applicants:

  • Keep it short and sweet: There are always exceptions to the rule, but in general, for resumes and cover letters alike, don’t go over a page. (Check out these tips for cutting down your cover letter .)
  • Never apologize for your missing experience: When you don’t meet all of the job requirements, it’s tempting to use lines like, “Despite my limited experience as a manager…” or “While I may not have direct experience in marketing…” But why apologize ? Instead of drawing attention to your weaknesses, emphasize the strengths and transferable skills you do have.
  • Strike the right tone: You want to find a balance between being excessively formal in your writing—which can make you come off as stiff or insincere—and being too conversational. Let your personality shine through, for sure, but also keep in mind that a cover letter shouldn’t sound like a text to an old friend.
  • Consider writing in the company’s “voice:” Cover letters are a great way to show that you understand the environment and culture of the company and industry. Spending some time reading over the company website or stalking their social media before you get started can be a great way to get in the right mindset—you’ll get a sense for the company’s tone, language, and culture, which are all things you’ll want to mirror—especially if writing skills are a core part of the job.
  • Go easy on the enthusiasm: We can’t tell you how many cover letters we’ve seen from people who are “absolutely thrilled for the opportunity” or “very excitedly applying!” Yes, you want to show personality, creativity, and excitement. But downplay the adverbs a bit, and keep the level of enthusiasm for the opportunity genuine and believable.

The bottom line with cover letters is this: They matter, much more than the naysayers will have you believe. If you nail yours, you could easily go from the “maybe” pile straight to “Oh, hell yes.”

Cover letter FAQs (a.k.a., everything else you need to know about cover letters)

  • Are cover letters still necessary?
  • Do I have to write a cover letter if it’s optional?
  • Can I skip the cover letter for a tech job?
  • What does it mean to write a cover letter for a resume?
  • How can I write a simple cover letter in 30 minutes?
  • How can I show personality in my cover letter?
  • What should I name my cover letter file?
  • Is a letter of intent different from a cover letter?
  • Is a letter of interest different from a cover letter?

Regina Borsellino , Jenny Foss , and Amanda Cardoso contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

cover letter sincerely

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How to End a Letter Sincerely: 14+ Tips for Business & Personal Letters

Last Updated: May 29, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by Seth Hall and by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau . Seth T. Hall (ICF ACC, CLC, and MNLP) is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of Transformational Solutions, a Los Angeles-based life-coaching company that helps people achieve their toughest goals, find their own voice, and think outside the box. He has been a life coach for over 10 years, specializing in personal development, relationships, career and finance, and wellness. He has helped his clients break the negative cycles in their lives and replace them with a positive, proactive mindset. Seth believes that everyone has the potential to live a fulfilling and rewarding life, and works passionately to help them reach their full potential. With a deep understanding of how our minds work and the power of positive thinking, he encourages his clients to find their unique paths in life and find success on their own terms. He is a certified master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a featured co-author for WikiHow, and co-author of "The Mountain Method”, “The Happy Tiger”, and “The V.I.S.I.O.N.S. Program”. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 299,525 times.

Are you feeling confused about how to choose a sincere, situation-appropriate closing phrase for your letter? You’re not alone! Whether you’re writing a business letter or a thank-you note, your closer is an important piece of the puzzle—and the right one often depends on the situation. Here, we’ll show you which closing phrases are most sincere and teach you how to choose the best one for your letter.

Things You Should Know

  • Phrases like “Sincerely” and “Best” (along with variations like “Sincerely yours” and “Best wishes”) are great additions to any letter.
  • Use professional closes like “Regards” and “Thank you for your time” to convey your message while being polite to people you don’t know well.
  • Write more personal closes like “Take care,” “Cheers,” and “Your friend” in letters to people you know well and are friendly with.

Professional Closers

Step 1 “Sincerely”

  • Sincerely yours
  • Very sincerely
  • Very sincerely yours

Step 2 “Regards”

  • Respectfully
  • Best regards
  • “Regards” is a fairly neutral phrase. If you want to add some decorum without getting too friendly, “Best regards” is an easy switch.

Step 3 “Kind regards” or “Yours truly”

  • Kindest regards
  • Warm(est) regards
  • Have a good day/evening/weekend

Step 4 “Hope to talk soon”

  • Looking forward to your reply
  • Hope to hear from you soon
  • When writing to a friend, you could shorten the phrase and say, “Talk soon.”

Step 5 “Thank you for your time”

  • Thank you for your consideration
  • Thank you for your recommendation
  • Thank you in advance
  • Thank you for your assistance
  • Thank you (or “Thanks again” if you’ve already said it once near the beginning of the letter.)

Step 6 “With appreciation”

  • With gratitude
  • With sincere thanks
  • Many thanks

Step 7 “Best”

  • Best wishes
  • All the best
  • Best of luck

Personal Closers

Step 1 “Love” or “Fondly”

  • Your friend

Step 2 “As always”

  • With heartfelt admiration
  • With my most sincere apologies
  • With a heavy heart

Formatting & Signature Tips

Step 1 Base your signature on how well you know the person you’re writing to.

  • Sign your first and last name when you write to someone you’ve never met in person.
  • Sign only your first name on letters to friends or work colleagues who know you.
  • Write your last name in parentheses if you’ve spoken to the recipient on the phone but never met them in person.

Step 2 Use a handwritten or email format when sending professional letters.

  • On a handwritten letter, include: Sincerely, Ashton Bailey (Signature) Ashton Bailey (Your written name) [email protected] (Your email) 555-555-5555 (Your phone number)
  • In an email, you only need your name, email address, company website, and logo (if there is one).

Examples to End a Business and Personal Letter

cover letter sincerely

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Leave personal pronouns out of your closing phrase, as they can sound awkward. Sentence fragments make the best letter closers! In other words, use "Looking forward" instead of "I am looking forward" to ensure your closing flows seamlessly. [13] X Research source Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Remember that some types of personal letters can do more harm than good. For example, when you send a letter full of bitterness and anger, you can’t take those words back—they’re on the page for good. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
  • Before sending a negative or angry letter, put it aside and let your emotions settle for a little while. When you return and re-read the letter, you may find you’d rather soften the tone or not send it at all. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

cover letter sincerely

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  • ↑ https://www.hunter.cuny.edu/rwc/repository/files/business-and-professional-writing/business_letter_handout-major-rev.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.exclaimer.com/email-signature-handbook/email-sign-offs-guide/
  • ↑ https://www.grammar-monster.com/lessons/yours_faithfully_or_sincerely_at_end_of_letter.htm
  • ↑ https://erinwrightwriting.com/close-emails-letters-part-1/
  • ↑ https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/how-to-end-a-business-letter
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/job_search_writing/job_search_letters/cover_letters_workshop/formatting_and_organization.html

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How to write a cover letter.

A cover letter introduces you to an employer and asks them to think about your application. 

It’s a short letter, usually 3 to 5 paragraphs long.

When to include a cover letter

You should always include a cover letter when you apply for a job using a CV. 

You can write it as an email if you’re applying online or print a copy to go with a paper application.

When writing a cover letter, let the employer know you’re keen by showing that you’ve researched the company. Learn more about what they do through:

  • their website
  • recent news articles
  • talking to people you know who work there

Send it to the right person

It's important to try to address your cover letter to someone by name. Check you have the details of the person you need to send it to. 

You'll need their name and preferred title. For example, ‘Dr’, ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’, ‘Ms’, and their job title. You should also make sure you have the right company name and address, including postcode.

If you do not know their name

If the job advert does not include a name you can check the company website. Try to find details of the head of the department, head of human resources or a recruitment manager.

If you still cannot find a name, you can start your letter with ‘Dear Sir or Madam’.


Introduce yourself and explain how you found the advertised job. You can mention the job title, and reference number if there is one. 

If you’re asking about any job openings and not applying to a vacancy, tell them what sort of job you’re looking for. Let the employer see how keen you are to work for them.

Show you're right for the job

Highlight the skills and experience you have that match what the employer is looking for. 

Convince them that you're enthusiastic about working for them. Let them know you share their work values, culture and style.

Give extra information

If you have gaps in your employment history, you could talk about the skills you gained while you were out of work.

If you’ve mentioned on your CV that you have a disability, you might want to talk more about this in your cover letter. Organisations like Disability UK can give you advice on how to do this. You do not have to mention your disability at this stage if you prefer not to.

You can get more help with specialist advice on finding work if you have a disability.

Ending your cover letter

Thank the employer for considering your application. Let them know that they can get more details from your CV, and tell them you're looking forward to hearing from them.

Let them know how they can best contact you. Make sure your contact details are correct on both your cover letter and CV.

Yours sincerely or yours faithfully

If you know the name of the person you’re writing to, you should end the letter with ‘Yours sincerely’.

If you’ve addressed the letter ‘Dear Sir or Madam’, you should end the letter with ‘Yours faithfully’.

Tips for writing a cover letter

When writing your cover letter, remember to:

  • write a new one for every job you apply for and make sure it’s tailored to the company and the specific role
  • use the same font and size as you do for your CV, so it looks consistent
  • make sure the company name and recruiter’s details are correct
  • use the right language and tone: keep it professional and match the keywords used by the employer in their job advert
  • show you’ve done your research into the job and the company
  • highlight your most relevant skills and experience to stand out from other applicants
  • back up any statements you make with facts and use the STAR method
  • double check spelling and grammar before you send it
  • keep a copy of your cover letter as they may ask you about it in an interview

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Resources > Unitemps Career Advice > Cover letter mistakes and how to avoid them

Cover letter mistakes and how to avoid them

Cover letters seem straightforward enough but there is an art to making them stand out – find out what to avoid if your cover letter is to have the impact you want it to.

1. Don’t write a personal statement

A cover letter should give a brief indication of why you think you are right for this role. You will also want to showcase your passion for the work involved but be wary of writing a statement that is all about you – a personal statement would be a more appropriate document to tell your story and only some employers will want this as part of the application process. A cover letter, on the other hand, ‘covers’ the skills detailed on your CV by going into more detail and demonstrating your ability and how these skills have been put into practice.

2. Keep it succinct

It’s tempting to overload your cover letter with multiple examples of your skills and how you have utilised these in your work so far but the employer needs a short and snappy summary to get through a lot of applications. Instead, save some of your examples and scenarios for the interview stage, where you will be able to talk about your work in much more depth. Your cover letter should be no longer than one page.

3. Don’t repeat your CV

A cover letter shouldn’t simply list your achievements and work to date as this is the task your CV takes care of. Instead, you should reflect your skills and experience using specific examples to back up the information on your CV. Your cover letter is all about proving you’re the right person for the job through clear scenarios, so think about what qualities the employer is looking for and then instances of when you have shown these qualities at work.

4. Format it correctly

Be sure to present the information on your cover letter in the correct style and layout. It’s professional to include your address in the top right column and the address of your employer in the top left column of your letter, regardless of it being sent electronically. You should start the letter with ‘Dear Sir or Madam’ or even by name if you have this information to hand. If you have addressed the receiver as sir or madam, you should sign off with ‘Yours faithfully’. If you have addressed the receiver by name, then ‘yours sincerely’ is best. Check our the Unitemps cover letter template for an example of what to do.

5. Write a new cover letter for every job role

Writing cover letters shouldn’t be rushed – and this means it can be time-consuming and the temptation to copy and paste from previous covering letters is strong. The problem with doing this is that it is often obvious to the employers that you haven’t tailored your skills to the job description. It appears lazy and you can come across as unmotivated straight away – so, if you want your covering letter to have an impact, put the time in and explicitly link your skills and experience to the person specification.

Register with Unitemps to upload your CV and begin applying for jobs straight away.

Last updated on 28 May 2024


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60 Best Alternatives to ‘Sincerely’ for a Card, Email or Text

Updated 04/5/2024

Published 02/26/2020

Amy Wolkenhauer, BA in English/Creative Writing

Amy Wolkenhauer, BA in English/Creative Writing

Contributing writer

Finish either a personal or professional correspondence with one of these alternatives to 'sincerely.'

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Using the appropriate letter closing can save you from some TMI with the local florist, help you solidify that perfect cover letter, or show appreciation for someone’s time via email or snail mail. 

To craft the best closing, reflect back on the content of your correspondence, and consider how you want to leave the conversation—so to speak. While the good old “sincerely” may be appropriate, it’s also dated and may lack that oomph you might be looking for. Explore some of the options listed to see what serves you best!

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • Informal or Personal Alternatives to Sincerely

Formal or Business Alternatives to Sincerely

Alternatives to sincerely for a cover letter, alternatives to sincerely for a condolence or sympathy card, funny alternatives to sincerely, friendly alternatives to sincerely, informal or personal alternatives to sincerely .

Example of alternative to writing Sincerely with image of pencils

This is a place where you can be as creative as you like. Alternatively, you can stick to some safe options that are both sentimental and sweet, perfect for an informal email, ecard, or physical card ( like this small pack of blank greeting cards .) You’ll find both options below.

1. With Love,

This sweet letter closing adds more than just a simple little "love." It's perfect for an email, birthday card, or floral arrangement card. This closing fills the need to magnify your feelings, yet it prevents you from having to share too much with the local florist.

2. Happy Summer!

This exuberant letter closing should reflect the content of the email. Perhaps you want to express how you feel about the impending time off. Or maybe you've been having a wonderful summer and want to share the sentiment.

3. I hope you have a great day!

This letter closing takes the typical farewell and makes it into something so much more sincere.

It's the perfect closing in a card for an extended family member with whom you have a bond, whether they are an aunt, uncle, or cousin. This message can also work as an opening for an email, similar to " I hope you're doing well ."

4. Warmest Regards,

This letter closing is appropriate when you’d like to sign off in a warm, empathetic, and caring manner. The closing also works well when you are on the receiving end of sympathy and goodwill like a funeral thank you card or a get well card .

5. Bye for now…

This email or letter closing is open-ended. It's perfect for the neighbor with whom you stay in touch or check up on as well as any old classmate from high school or college.  

6. Gotta Boogie!

This text closing is perfect for that old friend with whom you spent most of your formative years. It may sound a little dated, but if you want to leave them with a smile and fond memories, this may be a way to do it.

7. Lots of Love,

This closing works for times when someone needs a lot of encouragement.

For example, if you have a niece or nephew struggling at home or in school, this closing tells them to " stay strong " and offers the support they need to hear. It also works as a sympathy message for anyone who has lost a loved one.

8. Your Friend,

While this email sign-off may seem a bit bland, it's the opposite of boring. The closing is really nothing but honest and completely sincere, which makes it the best for someone with whom you have a beautiful friendship.

9. Yours ‘til the Cat Meows!

This closing also relates to the honesty of a friendship, but perhaps this one is a bit more magical.

It's a beautiful closing for the person in your life who just gets you, and no matter how much time lapses, whenever you get together, it's like no time has passed at all.

10. Yours Respectfully,

If you’re sending along get well wishes for your boss or other company personnel, this phrase can tie up your message in a bow. 

You can maintain the separation of work-home life while letting them know you have heard about their situation.

Example of formal or business alternatives to Sincerely

The selections below relate to both you as the consumer as well as you as a business associate seeking information. Here, your correspondence will either resonate or flub, so pick one that’s best suited for the situation, whether you're sending a corporate sympathy gift basket or a bouquet of fresh-cut flowers .

11. Cordially,

This ending is suitable for anyone who wants to remain as neutral as possible without resorting to the standard "sincerely."

It works well if you have met or corresponded a few times, but the relationship is very much in a business-to-business channel.

12. Yours Respectfully,

Finishing an email with “yours respectfully” wraps up a correspondence you have had with a business associate in some capacity or other. It is also neutral enough to make you feel like you’re on a level playing field.

13. Best Regards,

Trying out your formal email formula? Sticking with “best regards” is perfectly acceptable in almost any situation from a professional-professional setting or to a student-mentor setting.

14. With Appreciation,

Should you be looking for advice or help from someone in a professional circumstance, this could be a nice way to remind them of your interest.

Also, if you have had some prior contact, this is also useful to send in the follow-up and closing letter suggesting that your business needs have been met.

15. Warmly,

A lot of times over email, you can develop a friendly connection with someone over time and have shared some laughs over the long-term.

Ending an email with the word “warmly” is suitable if you have been working one-on-one with regards to a project. It may be a little awkward however if you send it to more than a few close work folks.

16. Thank you for your assistance in this matter,

This formal closing phrase may work when you have concerns or complaints with a product or person within the company. It can also be a way to find out more about an item's warranty, the company guarantee, or a possible replacement.

17. Thank you for your time,

When you are unfamiliar with someone, but you know that they are doing you a favor by addressing your query, saying thank you for your time is always good. It shows that person that although you are adding to their work pile, you also appreciate the time they spend helping you.

18. Your help is greatly appreciated,

Like the above, this closing reflects on your knowledge of someone having worked diligently to make sure your request has not gone unnoticed. 

19. Thank you for your recommendation,

When someone has responded to your initial question, send your gratitude over by wrapping up your message with this.

Saying thanks for a recommendation helps especially if you are new in town or at a job and need help finding some things.

20. In Appreciation,

If all else fails, remind someone that you appreciate them for their work. If someone has gone above and beyond to help you, consider using this term to add the right ending to your message of thanks.

Example of alternative to writing Sincerely in a cover letter

Finding a new job is already stressful, so don’t go over the top with a letter closing here. Keep it simple and let your resume do most of the talking.

21. Thank You,

This is easily one of the best cover letter closings to a cover letter. You don't need to put any more thought into it, and no one will look at it as lacking in any way.

22. Thank You for Your Consideration,

Sometimes the candidate pools are very big. When they are, this cover letter closing will let HR and the hiring manager than you are grateful for the time they took to actually read through your resume and cover letter.

23. Respectfully,

Again as mentioned above, using the word respectfully can help remind folks of your admiration for the work they do.

24. Respectfully Yours,

If you have developed a relationship with the hiring manager or a human resources staffer at a company, finishing up an email or letter with “respectfully yours” will let them know how much you value their help while maintaining the professional balance.

25. Most Sincerely, 

This mildly personal phrase is a simple but effective flourish when you're filling out your cover letter for admission to an undergrad, post-baccalaureate, or master's program.

Because you are looking to cultivate a strong relationship with multiple mentors, being sincere helps when applying for a job afterward.

26. With Best Regards,

“Best Regards” can elicit a sense of understanding or a bolster good relationship you may have with an admissions counselor or hiring manager. It assumes a little bit more but remains understated.

27. Kind Regards,

This cover letter closing is next to the best closing to a simple thank you. It's also very understated, lacks nothing, and will not be questioned for impertinence or insincerity.

When you're just trying to get some experience writing cover letters, this closing won't raise or lower your resume's position on the pile. If you’re looking to wrap it up succinctly, this is perfectly fine in a pinch.

29. Happy Regards,

In the event that you’re applying for a job thanks to a great network connection, using happy regards can be a positive marker to top off your letter.

But also err on the side of caution if you’re not as familiar with the hiring folks or the people who will be interviewing you, as it can sound a bit awkward and unprofessional.

30. Best Regards, 

And finally, “Best Regards” is the most accepted and succinct way of finishing up a cover letter. The closing says that you are eager and business savvy, and they have a lot to look forward to from you.

Continue to offer emotional support with your closing words on any condolence or sympathy card using one of the following options.

31. Sending our love,

This message is a simple but perfect alternative to using ‘sincerely.’ Though you and your family can’t be there, it says you’re sending as much of your love as possible.

32. Our hearts continue to be with you all,

Writing that your collective hearts are with others while they grieve assures them your love extends beyond that hour or day. It’s also for every moment after that that your loved ones need uplifting, talk to, or a shoulder to cry on.

33. You’re in our prayers,

Religious or spiritual closings convey that you’re bringing loved ones into your contemplations, meditations, and continued thoughts. Share it with anyone who understands that this is how your heart works when supporting others.

34. May God hold you in His heart,

Here’s another closing that’ll reflect your religious values. The one just prior is internal and reflective, whereas this one is more of a plea for God’s assistance.

35. You are loved, 

When loss is present, loneliness plays havoc on a person’s mental state. To help, leave this message so your loved one knows that there are people who think about them — and love them.

36. With deep sympathy,

Close your letter indicating that you share a common understanding of your loved one’s sorrow, pain, and continued heartache. Let them know you’re compassionate towards their feelings.

37. Forever in our hearts, 

Though a person may have died, they remain in people’s thoughts, hearts, and conversations. Most people want you to continue mentioning their loved ones because it keeps their memory alive.

38. You’re in our hearts, 

This closing indicates that your friend or loved one is in your present thoughts and will continue to be central in conversation or emotions. 

39. Wishing your family peace and strength, 

Sorrow caused by the loss of a loved one can be so overwhelming that the two things that are certainly toughest to muster are peace and strength. Wish that for your loved one and their family so they may find it sooner rather than later.

40. With loving memories of Hugo,

If you like or if the culture indicates it’s appropriate, go ahead and mention the name of the person who died. And then continue to keep them alive in future conversations or even gift-giving. 

Check below for sarcasm and humor using iconic phrasing from bygone eras, movie or television catchphrases, radio communication, and some obvious cultural references.

41. Rock on,

Never out of date is the iconic party and celebratory phrasing of ‘rock on.’ Use it to indicate your support for anyone maintaining that youthful rock star glow or mentality.

42. You’re a gift that keeps on giving all year long,

This phrase comes straight out of the “Christmas Vacation” movie. It conjures up memories of a non-nutritive varnish on a metal snow disc, frozen features while hunting for the perfect tree, and visits by the best-in-show family members.

43. Keep on keepin’ on, 

One interpretation is to keep going, building, and climbing, or at the very least, maintain the current lifestyle. Another might be to hold steady until the storm passes.

44. God save the Queen,

If you’re a British Royalist, this closing line indicates loyalty, but it’s all about having a good time if you love the punk scene. 

45. Burn after reading, 

Here’s a closing remark for sending sensitive material, including secrets or gossip. 

Or use it when your letter is completely mundane and boring for the effect of sarcasm.

46. Over and out, 

When you’ve had a long talk via emails or texts, use ‘over and out’ to indicate you’ve reached the fullness of time on that subject.

47. Right on.

Some phrases have several meanings—and this is one of them. In this instance, leave ‘right on’ without any additional signatures to indicate and emphasize positive conclusions. 

48. Power to the people.

In the 60s and 70s, this phrase meant empowerment for the masses. And like all good things, a lot of ideas come back around. So, if you’ve been chatting about making improvements in your life or community, drop this at the end of your conversation.

49. Damn the man. 

Leave ‘damn the man’ at the end of your conversation stream for a genuinely sarcastic point of view regarding government, policy, and more. 

Or insert it to mean that you support your friend’s journey despite the hurdles they’re about to encounter.

50. Be good and be good at it, 

Using an ‘and’ in contrast to an ‘or’ in this particular sign-off is about conjuring the best of oneself when striving for improvement. Add it to your closing if you’ve just left an uplifting character report of your friend, trying to build them up so they can climb that mountain.

Below are closing messages from the perspective of mentorship, long friendships, companions, and fur kids. 

51. In Solidarity,

Being in solidarity means having something in common, being supportive, having the same purpose or goal, and having someone’s back.

Use it if you’re showing support for a friend going through a rough time or if you’re part of a nonprofit or social goods organization.

52. To Be Continued, 

Long-term relationships understand life’s sequels and sagas. Over time, your conversations build and build into one beautiful story.

With this closing, you never have to say ‘goodbye’ or ‘farewell.’ Instead, you leave the ending open to whatever comes your way.

Aloha has a few meanings: hello and goodbye, living in harmony with the natural world, and respecting the earth and each other. 

It’s not your typical closing from, say, a Midwesterner, but it would certainly work if you’re vacationing in Hawaii or just returned with a new outlook on life.

54. Peace out,

‘Peace out’ works for meaningful friendships instead of anything business-related. You wouldn’t use it if you were chatting up HR about a new job or complaining about a product. That said, it could work for your surf shop newsletter.

55. Stop being afraid of getting older, 

Without sounding too pretentious, you can impart some wisdom in your closing statements that aptly apply to your conversations with others.

This one works for the person whose worry-ometer about aging is off the charts.

56. Remember - words and ideas can change the world,

If your role in the relationship is as a mentor or sage, leave lasting bits of encouragement in your email closings like this one.

Give your friends opportunities to realize their potential, intimating or giving voice to the wisdom they already possess.

57. Always in my thoughts, 

This closing would work for those impenetrable and deep friendships. You’re not suggesting anything out of line or context when you use it. It’s really about letting someone know you value them.

58. I ruff you fur-ever,

Furkids are getting in on this action, too. This one is tame, but watch out for those goofballs who can get cheesier with their pet puns. Gotta love it. 

59. Be safe, healthy, and happy,

Send healthy wishes instead of just leaving a blah ‘sincerely’ after your message. Wish them good fortune, favor, and more to show your overall love and support.

60. Stay as you are,

I don’t know about you, but most people start a friendship with someone because they’re unique and wonderful, right? Then let them know to keep on with all that loveliness and not change a bit.


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Sincerely or Faithfully?

If you know the name of the person you’re writing  to (‘Dear Jane…’) use sincerely . If you don’t know the name of the name of the person you’re addressing then you should use faithfully .

Emails tend me be less formal than traditional letters so you could always keep it simple and use regards/kind regards .

Yours sincerely and Yours faithfully are both traditional ways to end a letter. Letter writing over the years has been an art form and signing off has a long history with conventions attached to it. When you sign off a letter at the end, phrases such as Yours sincerely are known as valedictions . Take a look at these examples :

  • Yours truly
  • Kind regards
  • Yours hopefully

For our American readers there is little fuss over the sincerely/faithfully question because there it is common to use sincerely and not muddle things by adding faithfully to the equation.

But for the rest of us the question arises about how to sign off a letter and make sure that we are using the correct valediction.

Here is how we do it (and how to remember which one to use: faithfully or sincerely).

Yours sincerely

This is used if you know the person’s name (perhaps the job advertisement has told you to send letters to a Mr J. Fox). You know their name so you will be addressing the letter to them and signing off Yours sincerely.

Yours faithfully

This is used where you do not know the name of the person to whom you are sending the letter. You may have seen a job advertised but you have not been given a name to address your cover letter to. You may start your letter, Dear Sir or Madam and end it with Yours Faithfully.

Sincerely or faithfully: How Do I Remember Which One To Use?

This is how I remember it: if you are writing a letter to someone and you do not know their name you are writing to them blindly and you must have blind faith that they will reply and be helpful. With this faith in mind you must use faithfully.

If you know the name of the person you are writing to then you are in a stronger position to be sincere in your letter to them: use sincerely

Sincerely or faithfully: another way to remember which one to use.

Many people remember it like this:

Never use Sir with Sincerely

So if you open with Dear Sir or Madam you will never end with sincerely; you will use faithfully.

Remember that a covering email is usually a little less formal and frequently uses less stuffy ways to sign off ; you may use lighter language to sign off such as Regards.

Perhaps you have your own ways of remembering valedictions. Leave your own ideas in the comments section.

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Cover Letter , CV , Jobsearch

3 Responses to Sincerely or Faithfully?

The usage of “sincerely” and “faithfully” as described above is nonsense. If you only know a person’s name you clearly do not know the person so “faithfully” is the only valediction that can be used. The meanings of the nouns “person” and “name” are not synonymous but in the above criteria they have been used as such.

Person : A human being regarded as an individual

Name : A word or set of words by which a person or thing is known, addressed, or referred to i.e. label

One then has to clarify what is considered to be the meaning of to know a person. As the noun “person” in this case is the object the word “know” has the following meaning:

[WITH OBJECT] Have developed a relationship with (someone) through meeting and spending time with them; be familiar or friendly with:

It would therefore seem that “faithfully” is the only valediction unless one has met the addressee! It would seem that the above guide to usage is pretty much useless. I was taught if you know the person “sincerely” and if you don’t know the person “faithfully”. KNOWING A NAME IS NOT KNOWING A PERSON! I’m not a scholar of the English language but I do understand that “person” and “name” mean different things. I would seem that English guidelines have been adulterated to allow the one size fits all American usage.

Oxford University Press does not agree that this is nonsense:

“The wording at the end of a business letter follows a standard format: If you know the name of the person you’re writing to, you should end the letter with Yours sincerely. If your letter begins with Dear Sir or Dear Madam, it should end with Yours faithfully.”

Citation: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/business-letters

Regardless of your sensible, laudable, logical, and probably better suggestion, the convention is as the Job Fox describes, namely (pun intended) “Sir doesn’t go with sincerely”.

To use faithfully where you know the name, but have otherwise no knowledge of the person, will look odd to most people and distract from the purpose of the letter.

Having said that, language changes. Maybe when you were at school, your definition was more generally accepted, but since then the custom has changed. Maybe in a couple of generations, the distinction between sincerely and faithfully will be less known and so widely disregarded that it becomes irrelevant. Maybe we’ll just put a smiley and hit send.

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