Grad Coach

Your Writing, Expertly Edited

Get your work meticulously edited and proofread by PhD-qualified academic writing specialists, who know exactly what markers want .

Grad Coach awards

Your All-In-One Solution

While many providers charge for editing and proofreading separately, our service includes both . This means we’ll take care of the following:

  • Fix typos, misspellings, punctuation issues and ensure consistency of your spelling format (e.g., UK or US English).
  • Undertake light rewriting of poorly presented sentences, to improve readability and ease of understanding. If substantial rewriting is needed, we’ll provide suggestions.
  • Highlight areas where clarification and additional explanation are needed.
  • Ensure that your in-text references are in the correct style, formatted correctly and are included in the end-text reference list.
  • Ensure that your reference list is correctly formatted.
  • Highlight areas where additional references are needed (e.g., sweeping statements, unfounded arguments, etc.).
  • Generate the table of contents page, lists of figures and tables.
  • Ensure consistent style for figure and table captions.
  • Insert captions where we are able to, or highlight areas where captions are needed.
  • Ensure consistency of heading levels and styles.
  • Ensure correct page numbering (e.g., roman numerals for pre-matter).
  • Ensure that your format/page layout is in line with your institute’s requirements.

What exactly you get  

Every editing and proofreading project includes the following key deliverables:

editing thesis scholarship

A perfectly edited document

You’ll receive a clean, finalised version of your document, fully edited and proofread. You’ll also receive a second version with all changes tracked , as well as our comments and suggestions to improve your writing further.

Research proposal topic refinement

A detailed plagiarism report

If you’d like, we can run a comprehensive plagiarism scan on your document and provide you with a detailed report that outlines potential plagiarism issues and provides a similarity index. This is included free of charge.

Research proposal topic refinement

A polished conceptual framework

If your document includes a conceptual framework, we’ll polish your design into a high-quality visual to give your work a professional look. Again, this service is provided completely free of charge. 

Research proposal topic refinement

A certificate of editing

If your university requires a formal certificate of editing or confirmation letter, we’ll draft this according to your institution’s specific requirements. We can also provide copies of invoices and receipts if required by your sponsor. 

The Grad Coach Difference  

Editors are a dime a dozen  and there’s always someone who can do it cheaper. Here’s what makes Grad Coach’s editing and proofreading service different.

Academic editing experts

Academic Writing Specialists

Our PhD-qualified editors specialise in academic writing, so they know exactly what markers want.

Dissertation and thesis supervisors

Combined Editing & Proofreading

Our service includes both editing and proofreading, while others charge separately for each.

Plagiarism report free

Full Plagiarism Reporting

In addition to editing and proofreading, we can also provide a  plagiarism report , completely free of charge.

Get Your Dissertation Edited Today

Or book a free, no-obligation consultation .

Awards and accreditations

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most popular editing-related questions we receive.

Editing & Proofreading

How do you edit and proofread.

Our editing and proofreading process is 100% manual - in other words, it's handled by a team of highly qualified human editors, not machines . We don't use any automation software or tools, as nothing can beat the quality and accuracy of human editing.

Our editing team consists of a diverse mix of Doctoral and Master's-qualified language specialists . The team is managed by Dr Eunice Rautenbach , who holds both a Master's and Doctoral degree in language practice. All team members have extensive academic editing experience, are native English speakers (from the US, UK and SA) and have worked on numerous dissertations, theses and research projects.

Can I see an example/sample of your editing?

Certainly . You can download a sample editing and proofreading project here .

Will you sort out my references and citations?

Yes . As part of the editing process, we will ensure that your references and citations are in the correct format (e.g., Harvard, APA, etc) as per your university's requirements (you'll need to advise us what these are).

However, keep in mind that we can't fill in incomplete references or find the relevant sources for you (as it's impossible for us to know which sources you've referenced). We also cannot check whether the references you have are accurate or suitable for the arguments you make in your writing.

Can you fix/build my table of contents?

Yes , we can create a table of contents based on the headings and subheadings throughout your dissertation or thesis. This table of contents will include the respective page number for each heading or subheading.

Can you lower my word count?

Yes - as part of the editing process, we will edit your work for concision. However, we cannot guarantee a specific word count or percentage reduction, as this would risk cutting out important content.

Can you check my work for plagiarism?

Yes - we can provide a detailed plagiarism report with every editing and proofreading project. However, please keep in mind that universities use a variety of plagiarism-checking services. Therefore, if your university provides you with a plagiarism-checking facility (as they often do), you should double-check your score on that system.

How long does the editing and proofreading process take?

It depends on the length of the document, the overall quality of the writing (i.e., the number of issues to be resolved) and our project load at the time of submission.

Generally speaking, we can complete a standard dissertation/thesis of 20,000 words within 2-3 days , but this varies depending on the factors above. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you pre-book your editing with us for a specific date. For pre-booked projects, we can provide a guaranteed timeline, which is generally shorter than that of "walk-in" projects. Please email us to pre-book your project.

Can you provide a certificate of editing?

Yes , certainly. We can issue a certificate according to your university's requirements. We can also sign any paperwork required by your university as proof of editing.

Will my document be treated as confidential?

Yes , absolutely. Your work will be treated as strictly confidential and will never be shared or published. We will gladly sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with you if you wish.

How much does editing cost?

Our fee is based on the total word count of the document. This includes the body content and the reference list (as we need to review this). You can also include the appendices if you wish, but it's generally not required.

Click here to view our pricing or book a free consultation to discuss your project.

When should I submit my document to you?

Generally, editing and proofreading should be the very last step in your writing process. This ensures that you don't "undo" any editing work, or introduce new typos or grammar issues.

However, if your supervisor has specifically instructed you to get your work edited before submitting it to them for final review, you should follow their instructions. If you're unsure which approach to take, get in touch with us.

Can you edit my dissertation/thesis as I complete each chapter?

We can, but we don't recommend it . By editing chapter by chapter, consistency is reduced and there is a strong chance that there will be conflicts between document versions in terms of references, page, table and figure numbers, and so on. As a result, a lot of the work will be "undone" and you'll need to spend a lot of time revising and checking each section.

How much time should I factor in post-edit to make corrections?

We recommend that you factor in a day or two to make your final corrections after receiving your document back from us. This is not essential (as you can just accept all our edits "as is"), but it is a good idea to have a buffer in case you want to make any additions or revisions. You might also need to fix issues highlighted by the edit, e.g., regarding clarity of meaning or problems flagged with your referencing.

Can you do a second review of my document after the first edit?

We can review your document as many times as you need , but each review is charged separately. In other words, we cannot provide a second review (after we've edited and proofread) free of charge.

Can you check that my Conclusions and Recommendations represent all my findings?

This is beyond the scope of language editing, as it involves data analysis and interpretation. If you would like assistance with this, we can assist with 1-on-1 coaching , where we review your work critically and provide in-depth feedback (you can view a sample of this here ).

Can you write my abstract (or exec summary) for me?

No , we can't. As part of the editing process, we will improve the quality of your writing, but we cannot write any section for you. Having any section written for you would constitute academic misconduct.

Can you rephrase text to reduce my plagiarism score?

No , we can’t. While we may undertake some very light rewriting of poorly constructed sentences to improve readability and ease of understanding, we cannot revise content to reduce plagiarism, as we are not familiar with the articles/sources being referenced.

Can you arrange the separate sections of my document?

No , we cannot arrange (or rearrange) sections of content on your behalf, as this may impact the core meaning and/or the thread of argument.

That said, if we feel that a section could be structured better for clarity, we will comment on this and make suggestions. Additionally, we will check that your headings and subheadings are numbered sequentially and are consistent in style.

I still have questions…

No problem. Feel free to email us or book an initial consultation to discuss.

Still have a question?  No problem – feel free to  email us  or  book a consultation .

What our clients say

We've worked 1:1 with 3000+ students . Here's what some of them have to say:

David's depth of knowledge in research methodology was truly impressive. He demonstrated a profound understanding of the nuances and complexities of my research area, offering insights that I hadn't even considered. His ability to synthesize information, identify key research gaps, and suggest research topics was truly inspiring. I felt like I had a true expert by my side, guiding me through the complexities of the proposal.

Cyntia Sacani (US)

I had been struggling with the first 3 chapters of my dissertation for over a year. I finally decided to give GradCoach a try and it made a huge difference. Alexandra provided helpful suggestions along with edits that transformed my paper. My advisor was very impressed.

Tracy Shelton (US)

Working with Kerryn has been brilliant. She has guided me through that pesky academic language that makes us all scratch our heads. I can't recommend Grad Coach highly enough; they are very professional, humble, and fun to work with. If like me, you know your subject matter but you're getting lost in the academic language, look no further, give them a go.

Tony Fogarty (UK)

So helpful! Amy assisted me with an outline for my literature review and with organizing the results for my MBA applied research project. Having a road map helped enormously and saved a lot of time. Definitely worth it.

Jennifer Hagedorn (Canada)

Everything about my experience was great, from Dr. Shaeffer’s expertise, to her patience and flexibility. I reached out to GradCoach after receiving a 78 on a midterm paper. Not only did I get a 100 on my final paper in the same class, but I haven’t received a mark less than A+ since. I recommend GradCoach for everyone who needs help with academic research.

Antonia Singleton (Qatar)

I started using Grad Coach for my dissertation and I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for them, I would have really struggled. I would strongly recommend them – worth every penny!

Richard Egenreider (South Africa)

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Get an online quote in less than 60 seconds, or book a free, no-obligation consultation with a friendly Editing Specialist.

University of Adelaide home page

University Scholarships

Elite Editing Thesis Write-up Scholarship

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The Elite Editing Thesis Write-up Scholarship provides financial assistance for one postgraduate student per year for a period of 12 weeks to free them from other forms of employment and allow them to concentrate solely on the task of writing their thesis.

For students who do not hold another scholarship, it pays a stipend of $1,000 per fortnight for six fortnights ($6,000 in total), tax free. For students who do hold another scholarship, it pays a stipend of $600 per fortnight for six fortnights ($3,600 in total), tax free.

Students must be enrolled full time in a research degree (Masters or PhD) at an Australian university. Part-time students are eligible to apply for the scholarship only in circumstances where the applicant is able to demonstrate heavy carer commitments or a medical condition that precludes them from studying full time. Students may be either internal or external students. Both international and domestic students are eligible to apply.

Applications will open on 1 January and close on 30 June each year. The scholarship will be awarded prior to 31 July each year. The successful applicant can specify a start date for the scholarship that is any time within the following 12 months.

For more information on the scholarship, please visit


Dissertation Editing Services: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re unsure about the quality of your dissertation writing, it’s best to get it reviewed by an expert editor. But you may have lots of questions about how this works. Do you need professional dissertation editing services? What process do they follow? What are the best dissertation proofreading services and how can you choose the right one for yourself?

In this article, we’ve answered all these questions and more. From checks to find out if a company is legit to your expected dissertation editing costs, we’ve covered it all. So without further ado, let’s get into it.  

What Are Dissertation Editing Services?

Dissertation editing services are professional services that help students refine their dissertations before submitting them. Companies that provide these services for students and researchers are also called “dissertation editing services”. Depending on the type of review, they check your thesis for coherence, clarity, syntax, grammar, and word choice.

While understanding professional editing services for dissertations, you may wonder how they work. These companies employ hundreds of academic editors from diverse fields. They use advanced software and a skilled team to assign each dissertation to an expert from the field. This way, you don’t have to waste your time hunting for a dissertation editor and you still get expert feedback.

But are dissertation proofreading and editing services really that important? Could you do without them?

Why Choose Dissertation Editing Services?

You should choose dissertation editing services because your dissertation is the most important academic text you’ll ever work on. It’s your responsibility to ensure that it’s written and formatted as perfectly as possible, and you will lose marks if there are errors in the document!

Plus, your dissertation is your original contribution to your field of study. It has to be the best reflection of your research, or it’ll undermine all your hard work. Due diligence in editing and proofreading your dissertation elevates its quality and conveys your sincerity to your work.

But why not edit your dissertation yourself? Well, there are several disadvantages of self-editing. There are even more advantages of dissertation editing services. So, what do dissertation editing services offer?

Dissertation editing services:

  • Catch the most minute errors you’ll likely miss, even with several reviews.
  • Improve the clarity and coherence of your writing.
  • Ensure accuracy in research methods, argument logic, and use of technical terms.
  • Offer expert feedback to improve your document further.
  • Elevate the overall impact and quality of your dissertation, helping you score higher.

But how does this process work? A dissertation is a lengthy document, so dissertation proofreading services take a layered approach.

Dissertation Editing Process

The dissertation editing process moves from macro-level edits to micro-level edits. So, document-spanning issues such as coherence and argument clarity are considered first. More specific issues such as grammar and spelling mistakes are fixed at the end to avoid repeated work. 

Depending on the scope of the editing step and the issues looked at, there are four major types of editing. They’re undertaken in a specific order, but various services may offer them in different formats.

Types of Dissertation Editing

The four types of dissertation editing are substantive or developmental editing, line editing, copy editing, and proofreading. Does your dissertation need all four steps? Let’s take a look.

1. Substantive Editing

Substantive editing, also known as content editing or developmental editing, focuses on the content of your dissertation. It improves the structure and flow of the entire document, examining its clarity and coherence. 

A substantive editor:

  • Examines the logical development of your argument.
  • Ensures that your writing is clear and has a smooth flow.
  • Checks the validity of your methodology and data points.
  • Removes any ambiguous, redundant, or repetitive sections.
  • Ensures that your dissertation aligns with your research objectives.

The substantive editor will leave comments on the document, highlighting problematic areas and suggesting improvements. Since you’re the writer, you decide which comments to work on and which ones to ignore, if any. 

2. Line Editing

Line editing is a line-by-line edit that improves the clarity, flow, and effectiveness of your academic sentences. This is a more stylistic review, focusing on meaning, tone, and word choice than grammar or punctuation. So if you want to ensure that your dissertation is engaging, coherent, and well-written, you need a line editor.

A line editor checks your dissertation for the following:

  • Clear expression of the intended meaning
  • Word choice and sentence structure
  • Smooth flow between sentences and paragraphs
  • Consistency in tone and style
  • Pacing (sentence length, density of data, etc.)
  • Overt language errors (not the main focus)

This step is crucial for ESL students and researchers as well as anyone who’s unsure of their writing abilities. However, providers of dissertation editing services often combine line editing with copy editing, since both these steps address overlapping concerns.

3. Copy Editing

Copy editing for a dissertation is a meticulous process that focuses on the mechanical aspects of writing such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation. In its pure form, copy editing doesn’t pay much attention to stylistic or technical aspects of your writing. So, a copy editor will fix the language errors in a sentence but not inconsistencies in writing style or pacing.

Just because dissertation copy editing is mechanical doesn’t mean it has a narrow scope, though. A copy editor checks not only writing but also graphic elements, formatting style, and referencing. A copy editor undertakes the following tasks:

  • Correcting errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence construction.
  • Ensuring proper sentence structure with subject-verb agreement.
  • Making the text clear and readable.
  • Checking the use of technical terms, abbreviations, and acronyms.
  • Reviewing the labeling, formatting, relevance, and overall fitness of tables, figures, and images.
  • Ensuring that the dissertation follows the prescribed style guidelines (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).
  • Reviewing in-text citations and entries on the reference list; cross-checking them for accuracy and missing details.
  • Checking for overall consistency in the document (formatting, word choice, and style).
  • Undertaking a basic review of the page layout.

As you can see, a copy editor plays a crucial role in removing several kinds of errors from your dissertation. Compared to this, a line editor’s review seems smaller in scope. So, most dissertation copy editing service providers combine it with line editing. They correct language errors and add comments for stylistic improvements.

4. Proofreading

Dissertation proofreading is the final review that highlights any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting. It looks only for surface-level mistakes, such as typographical or language-related errors. So, it’s like copy editing in a sense but with a smaller scope.

Proofreading removes any lingering errors that may distract readers or undermine your hard work. It may seem like a minor step, but it’s an essential quality check and your last defense against any superficial errors. You should proofread your dissertation once all other editing steps are complete to avoid rework.

Proofreading highlights the following errors in your dissertation:

  • Spelling mistakes and typos
  • Punctuation errors
  • Any obvious grammar errors
  • Incorrect abbreviations and acronyms
  • Errors in labeling or formatting tables and figures
  • Referencing errors
  • Problems with page formatting (such as improper margins and missing headers)

Since a dissertation proofreader has to catch such minute errors, proofreading is a painstaking and detail-oriented task. Dissertation proofreading services hire trained experts to undertake this step, saving you time and effort.

What Is Dissertation Referencing?

Dissertation referencing is the process of adding references to your dissertation. While researching, you’re bound to use information from a variety of sources, all of which you must credit in your thesis. Whether you follow the MLA style or APA format, you must add and correctly format your in-text citations and reference list entries.

Professional dissertation editors and proofreaders don’t usually undertake this step for you. They may fix one or two incorrect or missing citations, but they don’t write your reference list for you. If any APA dissertation editing services undertake this task, they may charge an additional price.

What Is Dissertation Formatting?

Dissertation formatting is the process of formatting your pages and text according to the style guidelines prescribed by your university. This is usually the MLA format for humanities students, APA format for STEM students, and Chicago style for students of business and history. Incorrect formatting in your dissertation may result in a lower score.

Like referencing, an editor does not undertake dissertation formatting for you unless as a separate task. Some companies do offer dissertation referencing and formatting services in addition to editing and proofreading.

Choosing an Editing Service: What to Look For

Now that you know what dissertation editing is, why it’s important, and how it works, it’s time to find out how to choose an editing service. There are several dissertation review services out there, old and new. Older firms have experience but are often more expensive, while newer companies are more affordable but aren’t well-known. So what signs should you look for?

1. Reviews and Recommendations

Personal recommendations from your peers or seniors are the best method when choosing an editing service. If a company has worked for them, it probably understands the requirements of your subject or university. Some universities also have tie-ups with doctoral dissertation editing services, so you should check if yours has one.

The next step is to check the company’s online reviews. Even a quick look at the reviews will give you a good idea of a company’s strengths and weaknesses. You can then make a more informed choice based on these testimonials.

Shortlist a few editing services from this initial check and refine that list as you find out more about them.

2. A Helpful but Realistic Support Team

All good editing firms have a support team that communicates your requirements to the editing team. The support staff also helps you place your order and guides you through the editing process. Ideally, the person communicating with you should be friendly, confident, and knowledgeable, but not pushy.

If you’re being rushed into placing an order or being offered dubious discounts, you should proceed with caution. So, make sure that the support team knows what they’re doing and can be relied upon. You should also remember to be very clear about your requirements and priorities in your document. This will help them target those issues in your dissertation and you won’t have to ask for any revisions.

3. Transparency and Confidentiality

Dissertation editing services must be transparent about their editing process and measures to ensure document confidentiality. At the end of your first call with the company, you should have clarity about the people who will work on your document and the process they’ll follow. If you can’t be sure of this, ask the support team for clarification. If you don’t get a satisfying answer, it’s probably best to avoid working with that particular service.

Another important aspect of dissertation editing is confidentiality. Almost all editing services have their editors sign NDAs at the time of joining, so you shouldn’t worry about that. One thing to look for, however, is the security measures the company undertakes to protect your document from outside threats. This includes 192-bit or 256-bit encryption methods, which are popularly used by dissertation editing companies.

4. Free Work Sample

Always ask for a sample edit. Editing companies don’t usually offer a sample edit unless you approach them with a major document. Since a dissertation qualifies as such, any firm worth its name should be good to offer you a one-page or 300-word free edit.

This sample edit will tell you a lot about a company’s work ethic, quality of edits, and professionalism. If you’ve shortlisted a few companies, the sample edit is probably the most reliable metric to base your final decision on. However, company policies keep changing and some established firms may have stopped offering sample edits. In this case, you’ll have to decide based on the three factors listed above.

5. A Good Offer

The final consideration is one for your pocket. Getting dissertation editing help can get expensive, and most companies understand the financial constraints on students. So, you’re likely to find big discounts during the dissertation season. If waiting that long isn’t an option for you, don’t hesitate to ask the support staff!

Once you have a quote from a few companies, compare their pros and cons and you’ll be able to choose the best dissertation editing service for you.

Be sure to enquire about the company’s revision policy. If you’re unhappy with the edit, you should be able to receive a partial or full refund. Most editing services offer one or two free revisions, so make sure to use those and get the best version of your document!

Now that we know how to choose a dissertation editing service, what are some well-known firms that fit the bill? Let’s take a look.

The Top Dissertation Editing Services of 2024

Of the many premium dissertation editing services out there, some stand out as the best of the best. In this list, we’ve considered quality of services, pricing, turnaround time, and editorial team. So, here are the best dissertation editing services of 2024:

An established name in academic editing, Scribbr is particularly popular among college students due to its online tools and resources. Their expertise and experience don’t come cheap, but you can rest assured that your dissertation will be well-edited. The best thing is that you can ask them to focus on certain aspects of your document.

If you know that your writing isn’t clear or that your structure needs to be refined, you can opt for the relevant checks. These come with a hike in price but may be helpful for those who have received targeted feedback from professors before. After all, structure, cohesion, and clarity are important factors that affect your overall grade.

Scribbr can return your edited dissertation in 12 hours to 7 days. At around $835 for a 15,000-word dissertation, however, dissertation editing with Scribbr will cost you a pretty penny.

2. Cambridge Proofreading

Cambridge Proofreading has been offering dissertation editing services for over 11 years. They employ more than 300 academic editors, all of whom are native speakers from the US and UK. Their system deletes all documents after 15 days of closing an order, which helps keep your dissertation confidential.

Cambridge Proofreading has expertise in editing dissertations from diverse fields, from astrophysics to philosophy. Recently they’ve also launched a service where they humanize AI-generated text. This is an additional boost for many students, helping them get more work done in less time.

Their dissertation editing process is fairly straightforward, but they stand out in terms of pricing. They charge dissertation editing rates of $28.90 per 1,000 words for a 24-hour delivery and $25.90 per 1,000 words for a 48-hour delivery. In terms of both the cost and turnaround time, this is excellent!

3. Scribendi

Scribendi was established in 1997, making it one of the oldest top dissertation editing companies. They have a separate approach to ESL writers, paying more attention to those documents. With 287 editors working at the firm, they should be able to pair you with an expert from your field.

Sribendi has ISO certification and prioritizes customer satisfaction. They can deliver your document in as little time as four hours! This isn’t feasible for longer documents like dissertations, however. For example, they can deliver a 15,000-word dissertation in 48 hours to 7 days. Their price range for this is $558–$615, putting them on the slightly expensive side of things.

You can use their dissertation editing service to refine not only complete theses but also dissertation and thesis proposals.

4. TrueEditors

Although a relatively newer company, TrueEditors is a robust and affordable dissertation editing service. They have more than 155 academic experts onboard from a diverse range of academic disciplines. The best thing is that their edit also includes dissertation referencing, dissertation formatting, and a plagiarism check!

TrueEditors offers five prices depending on the time duration. They can deliver your edited dissertation in 48 hours, but the price will be higher. If you opt for a delivery time of ten days, however, the price will be much lower.

Aside from editing and proofreading a dissertation, TrueEditors also offers:

  • Paraphrasing & Rewriting
  • Content Writing
  • Translation

These additional services are especially useful to ESL students, who may struggle to express their ideas as eloquently in English.

Enago employs highly qualified editors and proofreaders to work on your dissertation. They offer dissertation editing services in two packages: Thesis Essentials and Thesis Pro. The Thesis Essentials package is limited to grammar, punctuation, academic style,  and expert commentary. You can get thesis formatting, reference formatting, plagiarism check, and one revision with this package as add-ons.

The Thesis Pro package includes everything in Essentials but adds a clarity check, structure check, and advanced commentary. Reference formatting and one revision round are free with this package. If you’re not sure about editing with Enago, you can get their sample edit of 200 words. They only offer this if your dissertation is over 10,000 words.

This overview of the best dissertation editing services must have given you an idea about the process and pricing. But let’s take a closer look at the average dissertation proofreading cost.

How Much Does it Cost to Edit a Dissertation?

It can cost between $400–$850 to edit a dissertation of 15,000 words. However, the cost of dissertation editing varies based on document length, complexity, and your requirements. Undergraduate and master’s dissertations, for instance, will be about 8,000–15,000 words long. PhD dissertations, on the other hand, can reach about 80,000–100,000 words in length, which hikes up the price dramatically.

Similarly, a specialized structure and quality check is likely to add a few hundred dollars to the editing cost. If you want the editing service to handle referencing and formatting on top of that, the cost will increase. The cost of dissertation editing is directly proportional to the amount of work the editor undertakes.

It’s always best to edit and proofread your dissertation a few times yourself and get an initial review from your instructor. You can then look for PhD dissertation editing services based on their feedback. If you know exactly what you need an editor to do, you’ll have to pay only for the essentials.

How Can I Get a Dissertation Editing Quote?

You can get a dissertation editing quote by visiting a company’s website. Most online dissertation editing services have their pricing readily available on their web pages. You can simply type the word count of your dissertation and get a tentative figure. Some companies ask you to upload your dissertation before offering a quote.

If you’d like to know more about a company and their style of work, you can reach out to their support team. These days, most companies have chatbots on their website and you can use them to get in touch with the team. This is a better way to get a quote since you can tell them your requirements and obtain a much better offer.

Can I Get a Discount on Dissertation Editing Services?

Yes, you can definitely get a discount on dissertation editing services. Almost every editing company will offer you a 5% to 10% discount on your first order. Some also have student discounts of up to 15%. Plus, most companies have offers going on throughout the year, such as Black Friday, Holiday Season, and Easter discounts.

If you’ve been working on your dissertation in advance, you’re likely to have a document ready when one of the big offers comes around. If you’re in a time crunch, though, you’ll probably have to make do with a 10% discount.

How Long Does it Take to Proofread a Dissertation?

It may take anywhere from 12 hours to 7 days to proofread a dissertation. If you pay for a premium dissertation editing service, they may even deliver the proofread document in a few hours! But less turnaround time usually means more expensive services. So, the time it takes to proofread a dissertation largely depends on your editing budget!

Do Dissertation Editing Services Offer Error-Free Dissertations?

Yes, dissertation editing services offer error-free dissertations—that’s their purpose! This doesn’t mean that no error can bypass an editor; such a claim would be impossible to live up to. However, dissertation editing and proofreading services undertake several reviews to find and remove as many errors as they can. This, in turn, almost always leaves your document completely error-free!

Is it Safe to Send a Dissertation for Editing Services?

Yes, it’s completely safe to send a dissertation to editing services! It is not only academically ethical but expected that you get your dissertation professionally edited. Editing companies undertake several measures to protect your document, from encryption methods to NDAs. Rest assured, your dissertation is safe in your editors’ hands!

What Types of Documents Can You Use Dissertation Editing Services For?

You can use dissertation editing services for complete theses and dissertations as well as partial drafts. Some services also consider thesis and dissertation proposals under dissertation editing services.

Who Will Be Editing My Dissertation?

An editor with expertise in your subject who matches your editing requirements will edit your dissertation. Since dissertation editing services are legally obligated to protect the identities of their editors, you can’t interact with them firsthand. You can, however, request the support staff to pair you up with a specific type of editor.

-Isabell S.


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Expert Support Throughout Your PhD

A PhD is the sum of years of research and writing. And as well as your final thesis, you may need to prepare a lot of papers during your studies. But whatever stage of your PhD you’re at, your written work needs to be clear and concise so you can make a strong argument. And this is where  proofreading  can help. So to give yourself the best chance of success, try our expert PhD editing services today.

Editor - Jayne L

Expert Editor

Editor - Samira M

Proofreading Professionals

Our team has a world of experience with academic research, making us experts at polishing PhD theses. And to ensure the best results possible, we can even match you with a specialist PhD editor who knows your subject area.

Make sure your writing is the best it can be with our expert English proofreading and editing

PhD Proofreading Example (After Editing)

As part of our service, your specialist PhD editor can help you:

  • Perfect your punctuation, spelling, and grammar
  • Maintain an academic tone and vocabulary in your writing
  • Check that documents are clear and well structured
  • Make sure your referencing is correct
  • Improve your writing style via helpful feedback

And when we check a document, we provide two edited copies:

  • A “Clean” copy in the original file format
  • An  MS Word Track Changes  copy with all edits highlighted

You can then review our work using this “Track Changes” copy, so you’re always in control of the final draft. And if you’re using a  file format  that doesn’t support Track Changes, we can adapt our process to match.

Lightning-Fast Delivery

You’ll never miss a deadline with our speedy services: our Next-Day Guarantee means we’ll return any document up to 10,000 words long within 24 hours

And if you need a faster turnaround, simply select your desired delivery speed when you submit your document. We have three options:

We can also meet custom deadlines! Just let us know what you need.

*For documents up to 8,000 words 

**For documents up to 3,000 words

How We Work With Academics

You’ll never miss a deadline with our speedy services: our Next-Day Guarantee means we’ll return any document up to 8,000 words long within 24 hours.

And if you need a faster turnaround, simply select your desired delivery speed when you submit your document. We have three options

We can also meet custom deadlines! Just let us know what you need. 

* For documents up to 8,000 words

** For documents up to 3,000 words

Great Pricing

Our pricing is affordable and transparent – the cost is based on the exact length of your document. Check out our pricing calculator for an instant quote, and rest assured that you’ll receive the highest quality proofreading and editing for the best value on the market.

Referencing Expertise

Our team includes experts in various referencing styles and systems, including AMA, APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Vancouver, and IEEE. No matter what style you’re using, though, we can check that your citations and references are correct and let you know if any information is missing. Visit our referencing page to learn more.

Subject-Matter Experts

Our team includes over 750 professional editors with backgrounds in a wide range of disciplines, so we’ll always match you with the best editor for your writing, whether you need help with a sociology dissertation, handouts for a music theory lecture, or a biology research paper.

24-Hour Support

Our support team is available around the clock to address any concerns or questions you have about your order. This means you’ll never be left in the dark, no matter where you are or what time it is.

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Looking For The Perfect Proofreader?

We can help you improve everything from journal articles to theses. Let us show you how!

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Elite Editing Thesis Write Up Scholarship

  • Bellofiore, Nadia (Recipient)
  • Hudson Institute - The Ritchie Centre

Prize : Prize (including medals and awards)


Awarded date2018
Degree of recognitionNational
Granting OrganisationsLines, Lisa Margaret (trading as Elite Editing)

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  • - Research Paper
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  • - Dissertation
  • - College & University Assignments
  • Admissions Editing Services
  • - Application Essay
  • - Personal Statement
  • - Recommendation Letter
  • - Cover Letter
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  • Vancouver Citation Generator
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  • - Vancouver Style
  • Writing & Editing Guide
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  • Thesis Editing Services
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Thesis Editing Services

Steps for Ordering Our Thesis Editing Services

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Get an Instant Price Quote

Select the document type and enter your word count to get a quote.

Upload your order

Upload Your Paper

Tell us about your field of study, the context of your work, and anything else you want us to focus on. We will match you with an editor with the exact background needed to revise your thesis.

Receive your edited document

Receive Your Revised Document

Download your edited thesis—we know how important deadlines are and guarantee completion within the requested delivery time.

Calculate Your Price

  • Choose your editing service type.
  • To calculate the word count of a specific selection of the document, highlight the text and then click [Word Count] .

Journal Manuscripts, Research Papers, Dissertations/Theses, Articles, Abstracts

Application Essays, Scholarship Essays, CVs/Resumes, Recommendation Letters

Extensive feedback, editing checklist, and review letter for admissions documents

High School & University Assignments, Term Papers, College Essays, Class Reports

Proposals, Reports, Press Releases, Marketing Materials, Blog & Website Content

Books, Scripts/Screenplays, Personal Essays & Opinion Pieces, Personal Blogs

Features of Our Thesis Editing Services

Thesis proofreading.

Thesis proofreading includes correction for:

  • Word-order, sentence structure, and grammar
  • Spelling and punctuation issues
  • Improper use of units, symbols, numerals, and abbreviations
  • Inconsistencies in formatting and terminology

We guarantee 100% language accuracy —your thesis will be free of objective language errors and adhere to all necessary requirements.

Revisions for Clarity & Flow

Wordvice's thesis editors enhance the style, clarity, and tone of your writing in the following ways:

  • Improving vocabulary and ensuring a natural tone
  • Removing informal and unacademic phrases
  • Rephrasing to enhance structure, flow, and readability
  • Providing feedback and comments to explain changes

Our editors also apply your preferred formatting style ( APA , MLA , Chicago , etc.)

Customer Service Guarantee

Our thesis editing services provide more than just professional editing. Students keep coming back to us for a variety of reasons:

  • Editor expertise in your field of study
  • Directly communicate with your editor
  • Personalized feedback helps you become a better writer
  • Choose your turnaround time (from 9 hours to 7 days)

You can ask your editor as many questions as you want via our editor messaging system. We know how important your deadline is and guarantee delivery of your edited thesis by the selected delivery time.

Who Are Our Academic Editors?

Our Thesis Editing Experts

Professional editing for your graduate or doctoral thesis, authors love our thesis editing services.

Paper Editing Services Reviews

Thesis Editing Services Reviews

  • Chen Xi "Will use Wordvice again" Wordvice saved my master's thesis! I was stressed out because I thought I couldn't get everything done before my deadline, but my editor was so fast and their comments guided me really well through the last phase of polishing my writing. It sounds much more academic now, and I learned a lot from the feedback my editor gave me. I will definitely use Wordvice again for my dissertation!
  • Ronald Yates "Best dissertation editor EVER!" I submitted my dissertation to Wordvice before handing it in, and my editor Carla G. did such an amazing job - it was much more helpful than I had expected! She was very thorough and left many detailed suggestions in the manuscript that helped me immensely with organizing and strengthening my arguments. I got my dissertation back on time and felt very self-assured when I finally handed it in. Thank you for your very professional help.

Thesis Editing Examples

Thesis Editing Sample

Thesis Editing Sample

Thesis Editing Sample

Thesis Editing Services FAQ

What are your thesis editing prices, how long do your thesis editing services take, who will be editing my thesis, what types of academic documents does wordvice edit.

  • - Research Paper ( Paper Editing )
  • - Journal Manuscripts ( Manuscript Editing )
  • - PhD dissertations ( Dissertation Editing )
  • - Theses ( Thesis Editing )
  • - College & University Assignments ( Assignment Editing )

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*Apply ACADEMIC50US for a 50% discount (up to $50).

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Thesis Editing Services

Professional thesis proofreading & editing services.

Expert thesis editors polish your writing to reflect the work you put into it. Professional thesis editing will:

  • Turn your thesis into a flawless piece of writing
  • Lift the quality of your thesis as a whole
  • Make you submit your thesis with confidence

Dissertation Korrektur studentin

  • Proofreading & Editing
  • Thesis Editing Service

Industry-specific editors

Become a better writer, 100% happiness guarantee.

thesis edit with comments example

Thesis editing services

Get your thesis back, free of language errors and inconsistencies.

Standard thesis Proofreading & Editing is perfect if you’re confident about your writing but need a second pair of eyes to catch:

  • Spelling and grammar errors
  • Inconsistencies in dialect
  • Overuse of passive voice
  • Subjective or inflated language

For a more comprehensive edit, you can add one or multiple add-on editing services that fit your needs.

⏰ Deadline Same day delivery
📄 Texts Thesis
⭐️ Rating based on 13,280 reviews

Add-on services

Customize your editing package to get the help you need, structure check, clarity check, paper formatting, citation editing.

Ensures sections and chapters are structured and focused and your writing is free of redundancies.

  • Through in-text feedback, your editor will help:
  • Organize and focus individual chapters and sections
  • Eliminate repetitive and redundant information
  • Perfect transitions between sentences and paragraphs
  • Align titles and headings with the section’s content

You’ll also receive a personalized Structure Check Report meant to help you identify missing elements in each chapter or section and prioritize improvements.

editing thesis scholarship

Ensures ideas are presented clearly, your arguments are consistent, and your audience can follow along.

Through in-text comments and checklists, your editor will:

  • Make sure your text tells a clear and logical story
  • Check that you’ve clearly presented concepts, ideas, and key terms
  • Make sure your key takeaways and conclusions are front and center
  • Highlight contradictions within the text
  • Ensure you’re keeping your audience’s needs in mind

editing thesis scholarship

Ensures a professional look for your document that meets your formatting requirements.

Your formatting expert will ensure consistency for the following:

  • Margins, spacing, and indentation
  • Body text and headings
  • Page numbers
  • Abstract and keywords
  • Explanatory footnotes

Choose our Paper Formatting service for a professional finish or our APA Editing Service for the most up-to-date APA formatting.

editing thesis scholarship

Citation Editing ensures your citations and references are consistent and meet your style guide’s requirements.

After you provide your document with a reference list, your citation expert will:

  • Format the layout of your reference page (margins, indents, spacing)
  • Ensure that your chosen citation style is applied consistently according to the guidelines
  • Cross-check citations with reference entries
  • Provide feedback on reference list entries that you need to complete due to missing information

Your expert is familiar with all common citation styles. Find more information about the service and our requirements in our FAQs .

editing thesis scholarship

You'll get matched with the perfect editor for you

At Scribbr, you can rest assured that only the best editors will work on your paper.

All our 800+ editors have passed the challenging Scribbr Academy, which has a passing rate of only 2%. To put this in perspective, Harvard has an acceptance rate of 3%

We handpick your editor on several criteria, including field of study and document type. And we’ll even expand your team with citation and formatting experts if needed.

editor richa profile picture

I have a doctorate in biology and studied a range of life science subjects. I specialize in editing academic texts.

editor samantha profile picture

I researched at Harvard, taught English with a Fulbright in Peru, and earned a master's from Johns Hopkins.

editor Ayo profile picture

I am an academic editor and book reviewer. I am familiar with many style guides and have edited over 6 million words.

editor emily profile picture

I have a bachelor's in electrical engineering and a master's in psychology and am pursuing a PhD in neuroscience.

editor callum profile picture

I am an ESL teacher and academic editor with a research background in the humanities, arts, and culture.

Maximize your thesis's potential with expert editing

Same day delivery

This deadline works automatically for the following document sizes:

  • 3 hours: less than 3,000 words
  • 6 hours: less than 6,000 words
  • 12 hours: less than 12,000 words

Select your currency

“They proved themselves again!”

They proved themselves again as an excellent service. They have talented editors which can improve your thesis or other document greatly, especially if you struggle with your writing. Furthermore, their customer service communication is likewise excellent, as they will repeatedly check if everything is according to your wishes, will answer fast, and at any time.

How it works

Get your thesis edited in 3 easy steps, upload any time.

Upload your document and easily select the pages that need editing. Next, choose your turnaround time and services and explain your situation and needs to the editor.

Stay in the loop

After placing your order you can keep track of our progress. From finding your perfect editor to potential hand-overs to formatting or citation experts.

Revise and submit

You’ll receive back your document with tracked changes and feedback as well as a personal letter from your editor. The last step is submitting your work with confidence!

Scribbr & academic integrity

Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our proofreading service, our AI writing tools ( plagiarism checker , paraphrasing tool , grammar checker , summarizer,  Citation Generator ) as well as our free Knowledge Base content is designed to help students produce quality academic papers.

We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

Your questions, answered.

At Scribbr, we promise to make every customer 100% happy with the service we offer. Our philosophy: Your complaint is always justified – no denial, no doubts.

Our customer support team is here to find the solution that helps you the most, whether that’s a free new edit or a refund for the service.

The fastest turnaround time is 12 hours.

You can upload your document at any time and choose between four deadlines:

Yes, if your document is longer than 20,000 words, you will get a sample of approximately 2,000 words. This sample edit gives you a first impression of the editor’s editing style and a chance to ask questions and give feedback.

How does the sample edit work?

You will receive the sample edit within 12 hours after placing your order. You then have 24 hours to let us know if you’re happy with the sample or if there’s something you would like the editor to do differently.

Read more about how the sample edit works

Yes, regardless of the deadline you choose, our editors can proofread your document during weekends and holidays.

Example: If you select the 12-hour service on Saturday, you will receive your edited document back within 12 hours on Sunday.

Yes, in the order process you can indicate your preference for American, British, or Australian English .

If you don’t choose one, your editor will follow the style of English you currently use. If your editor has any questions about this, we will contact you.

Get in touch, with real people

We answer your questions quickly and personally from 9:00 to 23:00 CET

Support team - Nina

Knowledge Base

Finishing your thesis with scribbr’s top-rated guides.

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The Elite Editing Thesis Write-up Scholarship for Phd

  •   Australia, United Kingdom
  • $$  Fully Funded

The Elite Editing Thesis Write-up Scholarship provides financial assistance for one postgraduate student per year for a period of 12 weeks to free them from other forms of employment and allow them to concentrate solely on the task of writing their thesis.

Applications will open on 1 January and close on 30 June each year.

The scholarship will be awarded prior to 31 July each year.

The successful applicant can specify a start date for the scholarship that is any time within the following 12 months.

The application form must be completed online: (Applications will not be accepted by email or post.)

Elite Editing will assess each application based on the academic merit of the research being undertaken and the financial situation of the student. The successful applicant will be chosen at the sole discretion of Elite Editing.

Offered Benefits

For students who do not hold another scholarship, the Elite Editing Thesis Write-up Scholarship pays a stipend of $1,000 per fortnight for six fortnights ($6,000 in total), tax free. For students who do hold another scholarship, the Elite Editing Thesis Write-up Scholarship pays a stipend of $600 per fortnight for six fortnights ($3,600 in total), tax free.

Subscribe for Scholarship Updates

Get a weekly email that thousands of students use to get the latest scholarships and grants.

** will not share your details without your permission.

More Suggestions:

We are building a new Scholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.

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  • Thesis & Dissertation Editing
  • Thesis & Dissertation Proofreading
  • Thesis & Dissertation Formatting
  • Capstones & Proposals
  • Complete Prep Editing & Formatting

You've reached this page because you're seeking clarity, consistency, and grammatical precision in your writing. You've come to the right place. Since our founding in 2002 as the original all-academic editing service, we've provided final-draft proofreading, formatting, and editing services that students (and professors) can afford for their most important work.

We were the first online service to make thesis, dissertation, and essay editing widely available and affordable and to prove that professors would endorse professional editing for student writers. In fact, our oldest online review comes from in 2004:

Essay, Thesis, and Dissertation Editing Service

Our Promise  

Contact us  .

Essay, Thesis, and Dissertation Editing Service

Our Editing Services

Essay editing services, express essay editing  & proofreading, thesis & dissertation editing & proofreading, resumé editing &   admission  essay editing, thesis &  dissertation formatting services, tips for academic writers, our experience.

Since our founding in 2002, we've prepared (i.e., edited, formatted, and proofread)   tens of thousands of pages of student dissertations for publication in ProQuest and ERIC's databases alone .

Our Rates & Discounts

The rates for our services are set to meet the needs and budgets of graduate and undergraduate students. We've done the math, and our per-page rates are comparable to the hourly rates offered elsewhere, and our prices are slightly lower than those of our competitors' rates per page. You can find our latest discounts posted on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages. 

Installment Plans Available

editing thesis scholarship

Our Competitors

We edit. They proofread (and call it editing).

Other companies use a pool of casual or part-time editors who produce work like the sample we recently requested from another service and re-edited here .

The Editing Process

When you   order editing services   from us, we'll change the grammar and style directly in your draft using Word's track changes function. After we edit your essay or dissertation and return it by email, you can choose to review each of the changes individually or accept them universally. Unlike other services online, we don't leave comments or suggestions for you to review . Instead, we'll return an error-free, print-ready draft .

Natural Intelligence

A thorough academic editing review requires a human eye that remains attentive to your academic writing style, the chapter and context of each correction, and the topic of your thesis, dissertation, or essay. For these reasons, natural intelligence remains, as it has been since our founding in 2002, at the core of our editing service.  Our editing ensures your writing is consistent with your academic field's style requirements and that  Grammarly's multiple errors and awkward suggestions  aren't left in your final draft. 

Essay, Thesis, and Dissertation Editing Service

What You'll Need to Get Started

To place an   order with us , you'll need a Word version of the essay, thesis, or dissertation draft that you'd like us to edit, the total word count of the document, any instructions or guidelines that you'd like us to follow (such as formatting guidelines or comments from a professor or advisor), and a payment method. 

Our Reviews

Editors For Students Dissertation Editing Review

University Editor (CC):

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A polished thesis will earn you extra marks!

Read below to learn more!

email us today to edit your thesis

email: [email protected]

+27 072 236 5005

We're seasoned Lecturers, supervisors, and thesis eXAMINERS

editing thesis scholarship

Hello, ambitious university professionals! 🎓 Introducing your essential ally for proposal and thesis season: University Editor (CC) at Originating from a passionate group of academic editing experts in South Africa, we're here to support you in refining your academic documents. Since our establishment in 2009, we've evolved into a worldwide team dedicated to assisting students globally in achieving excellence in their theses. Whether you're juggling work, studies, or both, we're your go-to for making your academic work shine.

editing thesis scholarship

Greetings, esteemed scholars. At our core, we value authenticity, integrity, and diligent scholarship. Our mission is to provide you with unparalleled service because you, without question, deserve the finest. Your academic and writing needs are our foremost concern. As you dedicate yourself to crafting your proposals and theses, we're here to demonstrate the transformative power of precise and impactful writing. Together, let's pursue excellence and make a significant impact every day.

editing thesis scholarship

Our team boasts a dynamic group of seasoned academics, lecturers and professors, all united by a singular passion: to assist postgraduate students in refining their writing prowess. Our commitment to delivering superior service is unwavering. Each of us brings to the table a rich background in supervising postgraduate students, coupled with experience in assessing theses for universities both in South Africa and abroad. This unique blend of expertise and dedication positions us perfectly to support university students in achieving their scholarly aspirations.

Drop us a line!

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Better yet, speak to us in person!

For our seasoned scholars seeking excellence in their academic journey, we're here to assist. For inquiries about our services, quotations, submissions, or to track the progress of your projects, we're just an email away. Share your MSWord document with us at [email protected] , and we'll provide you with a complimentary quote and timeline. Your pursuit of higher academic qualifications deserves the finest support.

University Editor email: [email protected]

Office Address: 111 Bronkhorst Street, Groenkloof, Pretoria 0181, South Africa.

+27 072 236 5005 [email protected]

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The Elite Editing Thesis Write-up Scholarship is a external to JCU scholarship offered by the academic editing service company Elite Editing . The scholarship provides financial assistance for one postgraduate student per year for a period of 12 weeks to free them from other forms of employment and allow them to concentrate solely on the task of writing their thesis.

Important dates:

  • Applications will open on 1 January and close on 30 June each year.
  • The scholarship will be awarded prior to 31 July each year.
  • The successful applicant can specify a start date for the scholarship that is any time within the following 12 months.

For students who do not hold another scholarship, it pays a stipend of $1,000 per fortnight for six fortnights ($6,000 in total), tax free. For students who do hold another scholarship, it pays a stipend of $600 per fortnight for six fortnights ($3,600 in total), tax free.

Students must be enrolled full time in a research degree (Masters or PhD) at an Australian university. Part-time students are eligible to apply for the scholarship only in circumstances where the applicant is able to demonstrate heavy carer commitments or a medical condition that precludes them from studying full time. Students may be either internal or external students. Both international and domestic students are eligible to apply.

More information

For more information and eligibility requirements  and eligibility requirements visit the Elite Editing website .

  • James Cook University
  • Bachelor of Advanced Science
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences
  • Bachelor of Business
  • Bachelor of Business / Laws
  • Bachelor of Dental Surgery
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