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Essay on Say No to Plastic – 150,250,500 Words and 10 Lines Essay

November 15, 2021 by Son of Ghouse Leave a Comment

In this article, we will explain how to write an essay on “Say No to Plastic ” in 150, 250,500 words and 10 lines.

Today, plastic usage has increased gradually with the appearance of the number of shops in the market. Because of the most affordable and cheap material, plastic is used everywhere. Since plastic is non-biodegradable, it does not decompose easily.

Using plastics and depositing them in the garbage bin after their use harms the whole environment and Earth severely and decreases the quality of the soil in which it is getting blenched after several days.

Today, in this essay, we will discuss the harmful effects of plastic on the environment, how plastic changed the world and the usage of plastic in our daily life.

Say No to Plastic Essay

Say No to Plastic, short paragraph

essay about say no to plastic

Usage of plastic has gradually increased. We can find plastic everywhere in this world. Because plastic is cheap and easily available, it is used at a very high level worldwide.

In the world as a whole, plastic is used to pack the bought items. It is also very convenient for the customers to carry the purchased products in a bag of plastic. But using this plastic material and depositing it in the garbage bin after its use is completed is harming the whole environment of the Earth. It also decreases the soil quality in which it is getting blenched after a significant number of days.

Since plastic is non-biodegradable, it is very difficult to decompose it completely. It takes many years to decompose completely in soil. Therefore it is very important to ‘say no to plastic’. Due to plastics being made up of strong chemicals, it is resistant to the many natural degradation processes. Plastic pollution is affecting both water bodies and land.

Due to excessive use of plastic, the soil of the Earth surface is losing its fertility because plastic marine life is severely hampered. Many species of fish are getting extinct because of plastic pollution. It is also destroying the habitat of aquatic organisms. Many companies are using plastic to package their food products and other things; it is causing many diseases by consuming the food products packaged in plastic.

Thus, to avoid the harmful effects of plastic pollution, consumers should be aware of using those dangerous plastic products.

People should not accept plastics from the stores while buying any item. The social organisation should conduct many awareness programs to educate the civilians against the harmful effects of using plastics. It is very important to be aware of plastic pollution because it is highly poisonous and deadly for the globe’s environment, which may even disrupt the hormonal balance in humans. So it has become very important to ‘say no to plastic’.

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10 lines on Say no to Plastic

1. Plastic has become a necessity in our daily lives and provides us ease and convenience. It is very cheap and easily affordable.

2. Plastics are non-biodegradable, and it takes hundreds and thousands of years to decompose completely in the soil. Since it is made up of chemicals, it is very harmful to the environment of the glow.

3. Because of plastic pollution, the soil of the Earth’s surface is losing its fertility, and Marine bodies are also hampered. Many organisms are getting extinct because of plastic pollution.

4. To decrease plastic usage, plastic bags and plastic products have been banned in many countries, including India.

5. we must pick up plastic litter in our surroundings to keep our environment clean and healthy.

6. Because of plastic, marine life is severely hampered. Many species of fish are getting extinct because of plastic pollution.

7. Many wild animals and other organisms consume plastic, mistaking them as Food, and die immediately.

8. The entire world consumes almost one trillion plastic bags every year for packaging and other purposes.

9. We should use eco-friendly and natural materials and say no to plastic.

10. To avoid plastic pollution, we should not accept plastics from the stores while buying any item.

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Essay on Say No to Plastic in 250 Words

The usage of plastic became a part of our lifestyle in the 20 century. People go empty-handed to the shops and markets and return with lots of plastic bags carrying their items. Plastics are mostly made up of polythene which is made out of petroleum.

As we know, petroleum is a limited natural resource, which can be exhausted if used irrationally. Many toxic chemicals are also released while manufacturing plastic materials and bags, which is very harmful to the globe’s environment.

Plastics are made up of a hard chemical structure which is very difficult to decompose easily. Since plastics are non-biodegradable, it takes hundreds and thousands of years to decompose completely in the soil. Due to plastic pollution, many water bodies and the fertility of the Earth are getting destroyed.

Due to the consumption of plastic by animals, they are dying in large numbers. It also becomes the reason for the extinction of many aquatic organisms. Many whales and marine microorganisms are dying because of plastic pollution in water bodies. Natural habitats of aquatic organisms are also getting destroyed because of plastic.

Many companies are using plastic for the packaging of their food products which is harmful to our health. It is damn easy to say no to plastic. Keep a bag made out of cotton or jute with you. Don’t take items in plastic bags. Use materials that are easily degradable and say no to plastic.

Essay on Say No to Plastic in 150 Words

Plastic has become one of the serious ecological threats to humanity. Including India, almost 74 countries have called a ban on plastic bags and plastic materials, and 34 States impose a charge per pack. The PM has called for a nationwide ban on single-use plastic products in India, especially plastic bags, cups, and plastic bottles.

We know that plastics are made up of petroleum which is not easily degradable in the environment; therefore, the government should take strict measures and a lot of plastic bag disposal systems in many cities, towns and rural areas to avoid littering. To prevent plastic bags ‘ need, people should make alternatives such as canvas bags, paper bags, cans, paper boxes, etc.

Plastic bags alone kill almost 1 lakh birds and Marine animals every year. Hundreds to thousands of Whales and turtles have died of poisoning by eating plastic particles mistaking it as a jellyfish. Plastic is also dangerous for our health, so it has become very important to say no to plastic and choose other alternatives for our daily needs.

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Essay on Say No to Plastic in 500 Words


Plastic bags are quite popular because they are light in weight, easily affordable and easy to carry. Because of the cheap price, plastic bags are used by many shopkeepers. We don’t need to purchase these plastic bags and our purchased items as they are given freely by the shopkeepers.

A problem caused by plastic

As plastics are non-biodegradable, it takes hundreds and thousands of years to degrade completely in the soil. Here are some of the problems caused by plastic are :


Plastic materials and plastic bags are non-biodegradable. Thus disposing of these plastics is the biggest challenge for us. They break down into small particles and enter the soil and water bodies; however, they do not decompose completely. Since it takes many years to decompose, it pollutes the ground of the Earth’s surface, decreases soil fertility, and decreases the production of vegetables and crops.

Harmful effects on the environment

Plastics are destroying nature owing to their harmful effect. Plastics have become a major cause of land pollution and water pollution today. Plastic wastes that are thrown into the landfills take almost 500 years to decompose. It is also destroying the ecosystem of oceans and seas. It is polluting the water bodies and killing the aquatic animals. Thousands of Whales and millions of fish are getting killed because of plastic pollution in the ocean.

The harmful effect of plastic on animals and Marine creatures

Many animals and Marine creatures consume plastic along with their natural Food. Plastics cannot be digested and thus get trapped in their body. Large amounts of plastic particles accumulated in the intestines of various sea creatures and animals result in serious health problems. Millions of animals and sea creatures are killed just because of plastic pollution. It has become one of the biggest problems for the entire world to avoid plastic.

Cause of illness in humans because of plastic.

The manufacturing of plastic bags releases toxic chemicals that can cause serious illness among those involved in plastic manufacturing. Because of its cheap price, plastic bags are used for the packaging of Food which can also cause health hazards.

Source: 1 , 2

We need to understand the problem caused by plastic pollution, and we have to stop the use of plastic. Our government should take some strict measures and rules to ban plastic bags and plastic materials.

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Essay on Say No To Plastic – 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on Say No To Plastic

Essay on Say No To Plastic: Plastic pollution has become a global crisis, with devastating impacts on our environment and wildlife. In this essay, we will explore the importance of saying no to plastic and the alternatives we can adopt to reduce our plastic consumption. From single-use plastic bags to plastic straws, every small change we make can have a big impact on the health of our planet. Join me in the fight against plastic pollution and let’s say no to plastic together.

Table of Contents

Say No To Plastic Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic of saying no to plastic. Mention the harmful effects of plastic on the environment and the need to reduce its usage.

2. Define the problem: Explain why plastic is harmful to the environment. Mention how plastic pollution is causing harm to marine life, polluting water bodies, and contributing to global warming.

3. Discuss the importance of saying no to plastic: Highlight the importance of reducing plastic usage to protect the environment and wildlife. Mention how plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose and how it is affecting our ecosystems.

4. Provide alternatives to plastic: Discuss alternative materials that can be used instead of plastic, such as paper bags, reusable water bottles, and cloth bags. Mention the benefits of using these alternatives and how they can help reduce plastic pollution.

5. Encourage behavioral change: Encourage readers to make small changes in their daily lives to reduce plastic usage. Suggest ways to avoid using plastic, such as carrying a reusable bag, refusing plastic straws, and using a refillable water bottle.

6. Highlight the role of government and businesses: Mention the importance of government policies and regulations in reducing plastic usage. Discuss the role of businesses in promoting sustainable practices and reducing plastic packaging.

7. Discuss the impact of individual actions: Explain how individual actions can make a difference in reducing plastic pollution. Mention the concept of “reduce, reuse, recycle” and how it can help in minimizing plastic waste.

8. Provide examples of successful initiatives: Mention successful initiatives and campaigns that have helped in reducing plastic usage. Highlight the impact of these initiatives and how they have raised awareness about the harmful effects of plastic.

9. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your essay and reiterate the importance of saying no to plastic. Encourage readers to take action and make a commitment to reduce their plastic usage for the betterment of the environment.

Essay on Say No To Plastic in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Say No To Plastic is a global movement aimed at reducing the use of plastic products. 2. It encourages individuals to make conscious choices to reduce their plastic consumption. 3. The campaign highlights the harmful effects of plastic on the environment, wildlife, and human health. 4. By saying no to plastic, we can help reduce pollution and protect our planet. 5. It promotes the use of reusable alternatives such as cloth bags, metal straws, and glass containers. 6. Businesses are also encouraged to find sustainable alternatives to plastic packaging. 7. Governments are urged to implement policies to reduce single-use plastics and promote recycling. 8. Schools and communities can participate in clean-up efforts to remove plastic waste from the environment. 9. Say No To Plastic raises awareness about the importance of reducing our plastic footprint. 10. Together, we can make a difference by saying no to plastic and embracing a more sustainable lifestyle.

Sample Essay on Say No To Plastic in 100-180 Words

Plastic pollution is a major environmental issue that is harming our planet. From clogging up our oceans and waterways to harming wildlife, plastic waste is causing irreversible damage to our ecosystem. It is estimated that over 8 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year, threatening marine life and polluting our beaches.

To combat this problem, it is important for us to say no to plastic. By reducing our use of single-use plastics such as plastic bags, straws, and water bottles, we can significantly decrease the amount of plastic waste that ends up in our environment. Instead, we can opt for reusable alternatives such as cloth bags, metal straws, and refillable water bottles.

By making a conscious effort to say no to plastic, we can help protect our planet for future generations. It is up to each and every one of us to take responsibility for our actions and make a positive impact on the environment. Let’s all do our part and say no to plastic.

Short Essay on Say No To Plastic in 200-500 Words

Plastic pollution has become a major environmental issue in recent years, with devastating effects on our planet. From clogging up our oceans and waterways to harming wildlife and leaching toxic chemicals into the environment, the impact of plastic waste is undeniable. It is estimated that over 8 million tons of plastic end up in the world’s oceans every year, posing a serious threat to marine life and ecosystems.

One of the biggest contributors to plastic pollution is single-use plastics, such as plastic bags, bottles, and straws. These items are used for a few minutes and then discarded, but they can take hundreds of years to break down in the environment. As a result, they accumulate in landfills, rivers, and oceans, causing harm to wildlife and polluting our water sources.

To combat this growing problem, it is essential that we all take action to reduce our use of plastic. One simple way to do this is by saying no to single-use plastics and opting for more sustainable alternatives. For example, instead of using plastic bags at the grocery store, bring your own reusable bags. Similarly, invest in a reusable water bottle and coffee cup to avoid using disposable plastic containers.

Another important step in reducing plastic waste is to support businesses and organizations that are committed to sustainability. Look for products that are packaged in eco-friendly materials or that have minimal packaging. By choosing to support companies that prioritize environmental responsibility, you can help drive positive change in the marketplace.

In addition to reducing our use of plastic, it is also important to properly dispose of any plastic waste that we do generate. Recycling is a key part of the solution, as it helps to divert plastic from landfills and reduce the demand for new plastic production. Make sure to separate your recyclables and follow your local recycling guidelines to ensure that your plastic waste is being properly processed.

Furthermore, we can all play a role in raising awareness about the issue of plastic pollution and advocating for policy changes that will help address the problem. Support initiatives that aim to ban single-use plastics or promote recycling and waste reduction. By speaking out and taking action, we can help create a more sustainable future for our planet.

In conclusion, saying no to plastic is a simple but powerful way to make a positive impact on the environment. By reducing our use of single-use plastics, supporting sustainable businesses, and advocating for policy changes, we can all contribute to the fight against plastic pollution. Together, we can work towards a cleaner, healthier planet for future generations.

Essay on Say No To Plastic in 1000-1500 Words

Plastic pollution has become a major environmental issue in recent years, with devastating effects on our planet. From clogging up our oceans and waterways to harming wildlife and human health, the use of plastic has had a profound impact on the world we live in. It is high time we take a stand and say no to plastic in order to protect our environment and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Plastic is a versatile and convenient material that has become an integral part of our daily lives. From packaging to household items, plastic is everywhere. However, the convenience of plastic comes at a cost. Plastic is non-biodegradable, meaning it does not break down easily in the environment. This has led to a massive accumulation of plastic waste in our oceans, rivers, and landfills, posing a serious threat to marine life and ecosystems.

One of the most visible impacts of plastic pollution is the harm it causes to marine animals. Countless marine creatures, such as sea turtles, seabirds, and whales, have been found dead with their stomachs full of plastic. These animals mistake plastic for food and ingest it, leading to internal injuries, starvation, and death. The images of marine animals entangled in plastic debris are heartbreaking and serve as a stark reminder of the consequences of our plastic consumption.

In addition to harming wildlife, plastic pollution also poses a threat to human health. Microplastics, tiny plastic particles that are less than 5mm in size, have been found in our food, water, and even the air we breathe. These microplastics can contain harmful chemicals and toxins that can leach into our bodies, leading to a range of health issues, including cancer, reproductive problems, and hormonal disruptions. By continuing to use plastic, we are putting our health at risk and compromising the well-being of future generations.

The production and disposal of plastic also have a significant impact on the environment. The manufacturing of plastic requires the extraction of fossil fuels, such as oil and gas, which contributes to climate change and air pollution. The disposal of plastic waste through landfilling or incineration releases harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, further exacerbating the problem of global warming. By saying no to plastic, we can reduce our carbon footprint and help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Fortunately, there are alternatives to plastic that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Biodegradable materials, such as paper, cardboard, and compostable plastics, can be used as substitutes for single-use plastic items, such as bags, straws, and utensils. Reusable products, such as water bottles, shopping bags, and food containers, can also help reduce our reliance on disposable plastic and minimize waste. By making simple changes to our daily habits and choosing eco-friendly alternatives, we can make a positive impact on the environment and reduce our plastic footprint.

Individual actions can make a difference, but collective action is needed to address the root causes of plastic pollution. Governments, businesses, and communities must work together to implement policies and initiatives that promote the reduction, reuse, and recycling of plastic. Bans on single-use plastics, such as plastic bags and straws, have been implemented in many countries around the world, leading to a significant decrease in plastic waste. Extended producer responsibility (EPR) programs, which hold manufacturers accountable for the disposal of their products, can also help incentivize the use of sustainable materials and reduce plastic pollution.

Education and awareness are key to changing attitudes and behaviors towards plastic consumption. By raising awareness about the environmental impacts of plastic pollution and promoting sustainable alternatives, we can empower individuals to make informed choices and take action to protect the planet. Schools, businesses, and community organizations can play a crucial role in educating the public about the importance of saying no to plastic and promoting a culture of sustainability.

In conclusion, plastic pollution is a global crisis that requires urgent action. By saying no to plastic and embracing sustainable alternatives, we can reduce our environmental impact, protect wildlife, and safeguard human health. It is up to each and every one of us to take responsibility for our actions and make a positive difference in the fight against plastic pollution. Together, we can create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world for future generations to enjoy. Say no to plastic, and say yes to a brighter future for our planet.

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World Without Plastic: Steps to Reduce Plastic Use Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

To my mind, it is becoming increasingly popular to use eco-friendly materials to prevent waste spread globally. Throughout the years, plastic waste was an enormous problem because it contaminated lakes, oceans, rivers, grounds, and the environment in general. Undoubtedly, it also causes significant harm to human health due to the hazardous toxins it produces during its decomposition. It takes approximately 1,000 years to decompose plastic which presumes that if the present generation keeps consuming large amounts of plastic, further generations are unlikely to survive in such an environment (Tapan). Therefore, it is vital to take action now to prevent mass plastic consumption.

I think it is partially possible to dispose of the significant part of plastic waste and recycle it to use as a source of sustainable energy. The first step to reducing plastic use is simple for everyone: people should stop buying water bottles and replace them with glass ones or install water filters. This small contribution will decrease the level of pollution at the global level. Moreover, I presume recycling plastic is an excellent option to produce energy. Plastics have a high energy potential that allows producing electricity, synthetic gas, and even fuel. Thus, by rethinking the idea of using plastic in such a way, it is possible to stop planet contamination.

In addition, I believe that people have a responsibility to take care of the planet and control waste disposal. By taking small steps to reduce plastic consumption, we can allow the planet to live longer and make everyone’s lives more environmentally friendly. Unless people are aware of the consequences of plastic proliferation, there is a global threat to their health and the environment.

Tapan, Mirac. “Nature Can’t Do It All: How Long Does It Take for Our Waste to Decompose?” Daily Sabah , 2019. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, September 30). World Without Plastic: Steps to Reduce Plastic Use.

"World Without Plastic: Steps to Reduce Plastic Use." IvyPanda , 30 Sept. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'World Without Plastic: Steps to Reduce Plastic Use'. 30 September.

IvyPanda . 2022. "World Without Plastic: Steps to Reduce Plastic Use." September 30, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "World Without Plastic: Steps to Reduce Plastic Use." September 30, 2022.


IvyPanda . "World Without Plastic: Steps to Reduce Plastic Use." September 30, 2022.

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How To Write An Essay On Plastic Ban In 10 Lines, Short And Long Form

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Plastic Ban For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on plastic ban for children, short essay on plastic ban in english for kids, long essay on plastic ban for children, what will your child learn from the plastic ban essay.

Essay writing is integral to all students’ school curriculum, including debates and speeches. An essay on plastic ban for classes 1, 2 and 3 teaches kids to gain awareness of the dangerous effects of environmental pollution caused by plastic and how it contributes to global climate change. Plastic pollution is disastrous for both humans and marine animals. Simply banning the use of plastic is not enough. Humans must alter their ways, follow the law, and treat mother nature kindly. Here are some crucial points on plastic pollution and sustainable practices that kids can incorporate in their essays, speeches, and, most importantly, in their ways of living.

Essay writing is a creative expression that needs proper research and practice for quality output. Here are some tips to remember while writing an essay on the ban of plastic for lower primary classes.

  • The essay should have an introduction, body and conclusion.
  • Gather relevant information on the topic and divide the essay into different paragraphs.
  • Use simple language and avoid spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
  • The essay must have a clear line of argument.

The art of essay writing helps develop writing skills, vocabulary, and a definitive writing style. Here is an essay for classes 1 and 2 that can create positive curiosity among children and help to perfect future assignments.

  • Widespread use of plastic causes severe illness for humans apart from environmental pollution.
  • Plastic is not a natural element and is produced with the use of chemicals.
  • Plastic decomposition is a slow process, so the waste remains on Earth for many years.
  • Plastic waste released into water bodies causes immense water pollution.
  • Plastic bags disposed of carelessly cause clogged drains and sewage lines.
  • We should switch to reusable, eco-friendly, and sustainable alternatives to plastic.
  • Waste plastic releases chemicals that enter the soil, making it infertile.
  • The disposal of plastic indiscriminately will ruin our planet entirely.
  • Banning plastic bags or levying taxes by the government can keep our environment safe.
  • The Indian government has issued guidelines to states to ban single-use plastic items from July 1, 2022.

An essay on the Plastic ban is essential to every kid’s learning. Here is a short essay for class 1, 2 and 3 that can educate children on better use and waste management of plastic products.

Plastic bags have gained widespread popularity as they are important industrially and are very cheap. However, they are non-biodegradable and take a long time to break into small particles. Only a few plastic bags are recyclable, and they create environmental pollution. Even the energy used for plastic production negatively affects our environment. The burning of plastic bags emits gas and smoke that are immensely toxic. When plastics found in the garbage are consumed by animals and sea creatures, it results in the death and extinction of these species. These bags can even jam the sewage lines if not disposed of away properly. Preservation of food in plastic bags can not only intoxicate it but causes fatal diseases like cancer. Even doctors advise us not to regularly drink hot beverages in plastic glasses and polythene, which may affect our health. Plastic bags strewn all over the land causes a decline in soil fertility and productivity. Plastic waste also affects marine life and causes an imbalance in biodiversity. We can find plastic waste everywhere, and it causes severe damage to nature. Recycling plastic bags is a very complicated, lengthy, and costly process, but it is possible to reduce the harm to mother nature by reusing plastic objects instead of throwing them after single use or switch to sustainable materials. Understanding the same, the Indian government has issued guidelines to states to ban single-use plastic items from July 1, 2022.

An essay for class 3 helps to evaluate a student’s research, analytical, and writing skills. Here is a long essay on plastic ban in English for kids that would encourage them to appreciate nature and ways to protect it.

Plastic bags are most convenient to use when shopping, either for groceries or daily provisions. Being lightweight, easy to carry, and readily available in the market, they have become an essential part of everyday life. However, this convenience of using them comes at a very high cost that may affect the environment and our human health negatively. Littering by indiscriminate use of plastics can cause significant damage to our environment. It threatens our natural resources such as water, trees, and crops. As plastics get defragmented into small pieces, they get easily swept away into our soil and end up in oceans, then consumed by wildlife and marine life. Thereby, the number of animals and marine life reduces or becomes extinct. Approximately 46,000-1,000,000 fragments of plastics can be seen floating within every square mile of the oceans. The use of 1 trillion non-biodegradable plastic bags worldwide and the burning of plastic bags are damaging our earth. When these plastic bags are burned, they release toxic gases into the atmosphere, creating air pollution. Several cities around the world have banned the usage of plastic bags, while some have implemented legal procedures against the use of plastic bags. Countries like China, Bangladesh, and India have banned using and selling polythene bags with a thickness of fewer than 50 microns. Plastics are generally made from non-renewable fossil fuel-based resources like polypropylene (material made from petroleum and natural gas). With the extraction and production, greenhouse gases are created that contribute to global warming and climate change.

According to Green Tumble reports, almost 35% of turtles die by ingesting plastic. ABC News reports found 25 bags in the stomach of a crocodile in Australia. According to a National Geographic report, nearly 90% of seabirds consume discarded plastic. We all must collectively contribute to making the plastic ban a success. Only when an educated lot of society takes it up as their responsibility to support the campaign against plastic ban we can save the environment.

Problems Caused By Plastic and Plastic Bags

  • Death Of Animals – Many animals ingest plastic bags every year. They die due to choking or other issues.
  • Toxic Chemicals – Plastic bags contain chemicals including BPA that cause harmful diseases in humans like ulcers, obesity, and asthma.
  • Clogging Of Drains – The drainage system is often blocked by the accumulation of plastics as
  • Groundwater Pollution – Chemicals mixed into the groundwater reservoirs enter our bodies through the plants and drinking water.

What You Can Use Instead of Plastic

There are many eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags like recycled paper bags, jute bags, reusable cotton tote bags, and glass bottles.

How Can We Minimise The Use of Plastic?

Plastic bags contribute to plastic pollution in our environment. Here are some ways to minimise the use of plastics.

  • Many Indian states need to restrict the utilisation of plastics as directed by the government of India
  • By following stricter measures and creating general awareness, we can reduce the use of plastics.
  • More fines must be imposed on retailers for selling plastic bags.
  • The public should be fined for carrying plastic bags.

Plastic Ban In India

The Indian government has banned plastics to save our beautiful mother earth. At first, Sikkim went completely plastic-free, and then Himachal Pradesh became the first state to restrict plastic and polythene bag in 2009. In 2016, Karnataka banned all single-use plastic items, while Delhi banned all disposable plastic items in 2017. Later, Bihar, Tamilnadu, Odisha, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Uttarakhand implemented the ban in 2019. The Indian government has issued guidelines to states to ban single-use plastic items from July 1, 2022.

Your child will understand why they should not use plastic and why the plastic ban is important for our environment. They will also get aware of various ways to stop plastic usage.

Our throw-away culture causes plastic pollution in oceans and impacts biodiversity. We should find alternative and sustainable solutions to make our planet plastic-free for a better tomorrow.

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essay about say no to plastic

Say No To Single-Use Plastics

  • July 22, 2021
  • Muntaha Abdullah Al Qasmi

Plastic pollution is one of the most critical environmental issues these days. It is the accumulation of plastic materials (like grocery bags, drink bottles, straws, food wrappers, plastic packaging, and microbeads) in the marine and wild environments. This accumulation adversely impacts both humans and wildlife. 1. Every year, about 8 million tons of plastic waste escapes from coastal nations into the oceans 1. This is like setting five garbage bags full of trash on every foot of coastline around the world 2. The latest studies indicated that microplastics are being eaten by animals 2 . These microplastics could negatively impact their lives and human health because they can be stored in the animals’ tissues and cells for months. Scientists believe that the amount of plastic in the ocean might triple by 2050 3 . Learn why microplastic pollution prevention matters and the most effective strategies that can be taken by individuals to decrease plastic waste, and say no to single-use plastic.

Why does single-use plastic pollution matter?

Interesting statistics and facts:

  • The United States is by far the world’s largest generator of plastic waste—it produced about 42 million metric tons of the waste (46 million U.S. tons) in 2016 4 .
  • The U.S. ranks as high as third among coastal nations for contributing litter, illegally dumping trash and other mismanaged waste to it’s shorelines 4 .
  • The average American uses and throws away 110 pounds, or roughly 50 kilograms, of single-use plastic every year 5 .
  • Only about 8% of plastic gets recycled in the United States 5 . Learning how to recycle properly is a key factor in increasing this percentage.
  • Half of all plastics ever manufactured have been made in the last 15 years 2 .
  • Production increased exponentially, from 2.3 million tons in 1950 to 448 million tons by 2015. Production is expected to double by 2050 2 .

Last year, in partnership with SYSTEMQ, a London-based environmental consulting firm, Pew (Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank) predicted that plastic waste in the marine environment will triple by 2040. Pew suggested the world should act urgently to eliminate plastic use and gain control of trash 6 . According to a study in 2015, scientists found many developing nations with poor waste management 6 . These nations have reported later improvements in waste management and the construction of infrastructure 6 . Asian nations are one of the top five collections of nations that reported more gains. For example, China has reported about a 60% decrease in waste generation and a 51% reduction in inadequately managed waste. These decreases happened due to the rapid construction of incineration plants 6 . In 2016, there were more than half of the 3.91 million metric tons of plastics gathered and exported outside the United States  6 . There were about 88% of the plastics exported to nations lacking adequate resources to properly manage and process them  6 . There were about 1 million metric tons of waste that were estimated by the team; This ended up polluting the marine environment outside the United States  6 .

Want to know how plastic is made? Watch this:

How did single-use plastic come about.

Plastics are made up of fossil fuels that can be over a century old 5 . World War II had produced and developed thousands of new plastic products 2 . Nowadays, plastic is one of the important things which made the modern age cannot live without it. Plastics revolutionized medicine with life-saving devices, made space travel possible, lightened cars and jets, saved lives with helmets, incubators, and equipment for clean drinking water 2 . Unfortunately, some of these plastic products have a long lifespan when they enter the environment and it can persist for more than hundreds of years 5 .

“If we don’t get the plastic pollution problem in the ocean under control, we threaten to contaminate the entire marine food web, from phytoplankton to whales. And by the time science catches up to this, perhaps definitively concluding that this is problematic, it will be too late. We will not be able to go back. That massive amount of plastic will be embedded in the ocean’s wildlife essentially forever 7 .”

What can we do about single-use plastic pollution?

The best solution to prevent plastic waste from entering rivers and seas is to understand our responsibilities towards our ecosystem 8 . Here are some significant steps people can follow to eliminate single-use plastic:

Here are some steps to follow to say no to single-use plastic:

  • Carry Reusable Shopping Bags.
  • Drink Your Coffee from a Reusable Cup.
  • Avoid Bottled Water.
  • Steer Clear of Plastic Straws.
  • Shop at a Farmers Market.
  • Swap Out Bottles for Bars.
  • Avoid Buying Clothes Made with Plastic.
  • Compost Food Waste.
  • Stop Smoking — or At Least Use a Refillable Lighter.

Let’s join the Plastic Free July organization to reduce our plastic waste to get clean streets, oceans, and beautiful communities: #plasticfreejuly

Are you looking for plastic-free shops? Here are some shops:

  • ‏

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Say ‘No’ To Single-Use Plastic

Refusing single-use plastic in your daily life can be as simple as saying, “No plastic straw, please,” or bringing your own reusable water bottle and bag with you when you leave home. These small actions do add up, and send a message to companies and the world that you don’t want all this plastic.

essay about say no to plastic

REFUSE single-use plastic whenever and wherever possible. Choose items that are not packaged in plastic, and carry your own reusable bags, containers, and utensils. Say ‘No plastic straw, please.’

essay about say no to plastic

REUSE durable, non-toxic straws, utensils, to-go containers, bottles, bags, and other everyday items. Choose glass, paper, stainless steel, wood, ceramic, and bamboo over plastic.

essay about say no to plastic

REDUCE your plastic footprint. Cut down on your consumption of goods that are made of and packaged in plastic. If it will leave behind plastic pollution, don’t buy it.

essay about say no to plastic

RETHINK what you can’t Refuse, Reduce, or Reuse. Pay attention to the entire lifecycle of items you bring into your life, from source to manufacture to distribution to disposal.

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Take the pledge, sign a petition, begin your plastic-free journey.

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Join our Coalition as an individual, an organization, or a business.

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Learn about Plastic Pollution Coalition’s work and impact.

To Stop Plastic Pollution

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Say No to Plastic in 2024: Why and How Explained

Sustainable Lifestyle , Zero Waste

Plastic pollution is a problem that the whole world is facing together. It’s more important than ever to say no to plastic. We are finding microplastic pieces in our waterways, in the food we eat, and in the water we drink. Collectively, we need to take action.

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Plastic waste does not degrade at a sustainable rate. The more we continue to make, the more waste continues to build up. When plastic waste is not disposed of properly, it ends up in the environment, which is causing devastating impacts. Each single-use plastic item we use today adds to the mass problem of tomorrow (and beyond).

But just how bad is it? And how can we reduce the issue? This article explains why we should and how we can say no to plastic , with great alternative options.

Table of Contents

Why should you say no to plastic.

New, shocking plastic-pollution facts are discovered every week. Whales and deer have been found dead from ingesting it. But it’s not only them. Birds, smaller marine mammals, and even humans have plastic inside their bodies . We are only now coming to the realization of just how huge a problem plastic pollution is.

Quick facts about plastic pollution:

  • Plastic may take 1000 years to degrade. But it could be much longer. We do know that it can break into tiny microplastic pieces that enter the food chain.
  • Up to 12.7 Million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean each year (equivalent weight of 12 Million Elephants)
  • There will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050 (This is based on total weight and fish stocks as per 2015 levels)
  • 88–95%  of this plastic entering the ocean comes from just 10 rivers around the world
  • These huge volumes of plastic are accumulating with conjoining ocean currents to form floating “plastic patches”. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the largest one, being roughly three times the size of France.

easy ways to say no to plastic in 2020

Why should I care about plastic pollution?

Apart from destroying the environment, it’s likely that plastic will end up killing us too if we are not careful. There has been a significant focus on microplastics in the ocean. However, microplastics can also be inhaled via dust . What does that mean for our health and wellbeing?

Recently, microplastic particles have been found in the placentas of unborn babies . This can’t be good. Plastic is a synthetic chemical compound, and in general, the ingestion of any chemicals into our system does not have a great outcome. A build-up of microplastics in our system could be toxic and result in negative immune system responses. However, more studies are required to understand the full complexity of the effects.

This begs to ask the question if there is a correlation between the invention and use of plastic food packaging on a mass scale and an increase in people’s immune-related illnesses.

Pollution from Plastic Bags

Plastic bags have been very useful since their inception in the 1960s. But, the time has come to say no to plastic bags. 2 Million Plastic Bags are used every minute around the world and up to  30 Million plastic bags  enter the environment each year.

Plastic bags are easily displaced by wind and can travel large distances. Unfortunately, they often end up falling into sensitive natural areas. Even using mainstream garbage disposal techniques (curbside rubbish bins and designated landfills), plastic bags still manage to make their way into water sources and natural areas.

In the ocean, a floating plastic bag looks like a jellyfish (which is considered food by many different marine species). This is resulting in plastic consumption and ultimately prevents marine animals from digesting real food.

They can also get ripped apart during the sorting process at landfills. These ripped pieces are easily blown away from the site, which can lead to the death of land animals near landfills. These are just some of the many reasons why we must say no to plastic bags.

say no to plastic pollution

How to say no to plastic bags

If you’re shopping for anything more than a couple of items it’s likely you will need a bag. Whether you prefer a small, compact-sized bag or a large natural-looking basket this list of plastic bag alternatives has you covered.

  • Mesh produce bags are great for packing your lose vegetables and fruits. They are lightweight and expand do fit produce in.
  • Canvas bags are perfect for holding heavier and bulkier items such as cans, jars, glass bottles, and more.

Although plastic bags can be recycled , we should avoid adding new volumes into circulation.

Reusable Grocery Bags flatlay

Pollution from Plastic Straws

Why say no to plastic straws? Plastic straws are one of the worst polluters “floating around”. Like plastic bags, their lightweight and durable design make the perfect combination for traveling long distances in the natural world.

500 million plastic straws are used per day in the United States alone, and they are not easy to recycle. They can also become brittle in the sun, which means that they can crack easily and split into tiny microplastics. Even when they don’t break down they can be a direct threat to marine life as they attempt to eat the floating straws.

Bonus Tip: Store plastic straws in a yogurt container or another number 5 container before putting them into the recycle bin.

plastic art

Alternatives to Plastic Straws

There are so many amazing plastic straw alternatives out there. Bringing your own straw is such an easy thing to do. They take up hardly any space and are very lightweight. There are four main types of reusable straws:

  • Stainless Steel Straws – these come in different colours and are easy to clean
  • Silicone Straws – these are great for kids as they are gentle on teeth
  • Glass Straws – these look nice but can be damaged if you’re not careful

Pollution from Plastic Bottles

A huge number of plastic bottles are used around the world each day. With clean drinking water being one of the staples of life, there is a serious lack of it. Our “throw-away” mentality and some clever advertising from large bottled water production companies have resulted in a staggering number of plastic bottles being used every second around the world.

7.38 billion bottles of water are purchased every year in China (2016), and 1 million plastic bottles are bought every minute around the world. – The Guardian

Apart from being an environmental burden, drinking from plastic bottles is also a human health issue.

  • Harmful chemicals, Antimony (Sb) and Bisphenol A (BPA) can leach into the water
  • 11 major bottled water brands (internationally) were tested for microplastics. 93% of the bottles contained levels twice that of tap water.

While plastic bottles are a significant pollution issue, floating bottle caps also cause a serious threat to animal species as an enticing piece of potential food.

plastic pollution in the ocean

Alternatives to plastic bottles

There are several eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bottles that can significantly reduce environmental impact. Reusable water bottles made from stainless steel , glass, or BPA-free plastic are popular options, offering durability and the ability to keep beverages at desired temperatures for extended periods. Additionally, water filtration systems at home or water bottles with filters for on-the-go use can eliminate the need for bottled water by providing safe, clean drinking water from any tap. 

Pollution from Plastic Cups

There are so many bars out there still pouring drinks into plastic cups. This usually happens at bars where you can walk onto a beach or by a pool (as the establishments don’t want glasses or bottles to break in these areas).

Each night hundreds of plastic cups can be used at a single venue. Some cups are labeled as “biodegradable”. The reality is that they are still encouraging “the single-use mentality” and may only biodegrade in specific conditions at specialized, industrial sites.

The cups will have to be first collected, cleaned, and taken to these industrial compostable locations. It’s likely that many beach bars are simply not doing this process. Therefore, the ‘biodegradable’ cups are simply adding to the ever-growing waste pile we call “landfill”.

Alternatives to Plastic Cups

There are many plastic cup alternatives on the market, and below are some of our favorites:

  • Insulated cups can keep your drinks hot or cold for hours on end. Although they can be a little bulky in your bag, they are a great investment and last for years.
  • Collapsible cups are a great option if you are traveling abroad or limited on space. They fold up to fit in your pocket and are made from food-grade silicone.

Pollution from Plastic Containers and Cutlery

Takeaway containers are often made from “Styrofoam”. This is polystyrene plastic with added air (about 95% air). This added air makes styrofoam one of the best artificial floating materials out there. Its lightweight design makes it perfect for traveling long distances in the wind and water.

  • Styrofoam cannot be recycled. It will continue to pile up as waste.
  • Styrene is  classified as a carcinogen to humans  according to the  National Research Council – A study by the EPA detected Styrene in human tissue and breast milk samples.

Styrofoam is not only terrible for the environment, but it is harmful to your health. Plastic cutlery becomes weak under UV conditions and breaks up into tiny pieces (microplastics) that are entering the food chain in the sea.

Plastic Alternatives For Food Storage

Food storage is about human health. Plastic has been used for a long time. However, there are new (and old) technologies available to switch to.

  • Silicone bags are reusable, and make a perfect plastic alternative. They can be frozen, or microwaved, and do not absorb any food smell or taste.
  • Beeswax wraps are a great alternative to cling wrap. It’s made from organic cotton and beeswax to create a fabric that can be used to cover food. They can be washed with cold soapy water and air-dried.
  • Glass containers are easy to clean and stack. Or you can use whatever you have. While it might not look as neat as a matching set of glass containers, you can wash out and use old jars, or boxes to store food instead of buying new ones.

say no to plastic

The 7 R’s of Sustainability

Here are some important questions to ask yourself before making your next purchase:

  • Rethink – is the product really needed
  • Refuse – say no to single use plastic and items that are not recyclable or reusable
  • Reduce – limit the number of ‘single-use’ items that you buy
  • Repurpose – try upcycling your plastic
  • Reuse – clean the plastic and use it again
  • Recycle – learn how to recycle plastic correctly
  • Remove – if you see some trash in the environment, do a little cleanup. Every bit counts!

How to Say No to Plastic in your Kitchen

We all have plastic in our homes in some form or another. However, it’s not too late to change. In fact, it’s easy to change and learn how to avoid plastic in our daily life. We’ve highlighted ways in which you can transition various areas of your home into plastic-free zones.

Plastic plays a huge role in the kitchen, especially food storage. For many of us, it starts even before the food enters your home. You will often find vegetables, grains, pasta, snacks, and more all packaged in plastic. But there are some simple ways to go zero waste in the kitchen .

There are two main areas of plastic use in the kitchen:

  • Food Storage
  • Garbage/ Trash Bins

How to avoid Plastic in your Garbage Bins

Most people assume that by putting your trash into a plastic bag you are containing it. You might think that you are helping by having garbage contained in a bag.

But these bags end up in landfills, which are expansive areas of trash that have to be pushed and moved around by large machines. These often break up the bags anyway. Broken pieces of plastic bags are blown away easily and can end up in waterways or natural locations where they shouldn’t be.

You don’t need to have a plastic bag liner in your garbage bin. It might be easier to clean, but using bags every day for your waste is adding to the significant plastic pollution problem faced around the world. Luckily, there are some great ways to avoid plastic bags for your garbage bins .

If you don’t want to handwash your bin, then reusable bin liners are a good idea. These K.A.N Bags are reusable, waterproof, and machine washable.

How to compost your food waste

There’s really two main kinds of waste in your kitchen:

  • Food Waste/Organics

By composting your organics, you can significantly reduce your waste footprint. It also reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions released from landfills. The issue with food waste is that it makes a mess, rots, and creates interest for ants and other insects. However there are a couple of easy ways to avoid this::

  • Place food scraps into a bowl and store them in your fridge until it is collection day for your curbside bin . The fridge will keep them cool so they do not smell
  • Use a Kitchen Counter Compost Bin to store scraps until curbside collection day . They have charcoal filter lids to prevent smell.
  • Place scraps directly into an outdoor compost . If you don’t have one at home you can take scraps to a local compost or farm

Kitchen counter compost bins are great to reduce food waste. Separating your organics means that you are less likely to require a plastic bag liner for your bin. This electric compost bin converts your food waste into fertilizer in hours.

How To Make Your Bathroom Plastic Free

There are more eco friendly toiletries on the shelves than ever before. This is great because they are generally using fewer/no chemicals compared to traditional bathroom products. This is not only better for us, the consumers, but also the environment.

There is, however, still the issue of packaging. It is very good to have a natural, organic product to use on your skin, however, when it comes packaged in plastic, it is not good for the environment.

There are more and more companies switching to more environmentally friendly packaging such as cardboard, glass, and metal jars, avoiding use of plastic. You can find zero waste toothpaste brands, zero waste shampoo, and more. There are also more zero waste shops with refillable containers for your soaps and cleaning products.

  • Shampoo bars are great for travelling and you can avoid plastic bottles in your shower!
  • If you use a regular toothbrush, why not make the switch to bamboo toothbrushes . The handles are biodegradable, meaning you can say no to plastic in your bathroom!
  • Safety razors are another great switch for the bathroom. They don’t use any plastic like regular razors do, and they provide a really close shave.
  • One person will use approximately 11,000 disposable pads and/or tampons in their lifetime. Say no to period waste by switching to a menstrual cup , or other reusable alternatives like menstrual underwear.

Books on plastic pollution

  • Thicker than water : Erican Cirino travels the globe to meet scientists and activists who explain the real effects of the plastic crisis. Erica explores ways to enhance system change in this short but to-the-point insightful book that will inspire you to stay no to pollution.
  • 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste: Kathryn Kellogg has been at the forefront of the Zero Waste Movement the last few years and has developed a series of ways that we can make better choices across a range of activities. This book is sure to get you on the right track to a plastic free life. 
  • Give a Sh*t: Do Good. Live Better. Save the Planet : A perfect blend of humour and education makes this audiobook a great listen for anyone looking to make real, positive changes in their life for a sustainable future. 
  • Plastic-free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too : This real-life journey follows Beth Terry as she explores a variety of ways to change for the better without having to ‘eco-guilt’ yourself along the way. 

How to Say No to Plastic when Travelling

Eco Travel is about minimizing your environmental impact as you see the world. Changing the way you travel can be easy. Choosing where you stay and packing the right gear makes it easy to avoid single-use plastics and reduce waste .

When traveling, we say no to plastic by packing these eco friendly travel products in our backpack:

  • Reusable Waterbottle
  • Stasher silicone bags
  • Reusable cup
  • Travel Cutlery
  • Beeswax wraps
  • Reusable container
  • Cotton mesh bags
  • Eco friendly toiletries

The Future of Plastic

We don’t want any more single-use plastic in circulation. Its negative effects on our environment are detrimental to the longevity of our planet. Luckily, there are some amazing new alternative technologies out there.

Here are some new plastic material alternatives. They are still in the development stages, though are showing positive signs for the near future.

Casava “Plastic”

  • Cassava is a type of root vegetable.
  • Companies are making bags that use Cassava as their base ingredient (as opposed to petroleum in standard bags). 

Cellulose “Plastic”

  • Cellulose is an organic compound found within the cell walls of plants and algae. 
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland  has developed a packaging suitable for food storage that is completely biodegradable. It looks and feels like plastic, but it’s not. 

How do we eliminate plastic in circulation?

The answer could be mushrooms. The Fungi Mutarium (Utrecht University) is working with a mushroom that can actually break down plastic. This could work in landfills, however, the plastic that is roaming our seas or sitting in natural spaces will need to be physically removed.

Companies like 4Ocean are doing large-scale ocean and beach clean-ups. You can help contribute to the cause by buying their bracelets online (made from recycled ocean plastic) or buying them as an eco friendly gift for your friends.

Alternatively, you can do cleanups wherever you are. Ideally, you would take it to a recycling center. If that’s not possible, place your collected trash into bins with lids so it will not blow away again.

Keep saying no

Look at your household items, from Christmas wrapping paper to kitchen items , it’s important to choose sustainable options. Alongside this, we need to be mindful of what our products are made from and avoid palm oil products .

Say No to Plastic Slogans

Here’s hoping that the plastic facts and figures above were enough to convince you that things seriously need to change. We don’t want to see news stories around the world highlight more plastic-filled animals (and humans). We need alternatives. Anti-plastic slogans can be a great way to build awareness about the need to say no to plastic. We’ve seen the power of save water and save earth slogans in creating awareness of the climate crisis. Here are a few say no to plastic posters and slogans to get you started:

  • Do something drastic, and say no to plastic
  • Keep the earth clean, say no to plastic
  • Soon there won’t be shells, only microplastics to collect
  • We have a solution, stop plastic pollution
  • If you can’t reuse it, refuse it!
  • Go green and keep the earth clean
  • Plastic waste does not degrade at a sustainable rate

– The Dharma Trails

plastic trash art whale with text overlay say no to plastic

Whether you’re at home, out in the world, have a busy life or have political views that nobody else agrees with, we ALL need to say no to plastic. Luckily, there are some amazing alternatives out there that you can switch to today.

What are the points of saying no to plastic?

Saying no to plastic reduces environmental pollution, conserves natural resources, and protects marine and wildlife. It also decreases our carbon footprint and encourages the development and use of sustainable materials. This shift promotes a healthier planet and a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Why shouldn’t we have plastic?

Plastic pollution causes severe environmental damage, takes centuries to decompose, and harms wildlife. Plastics also release toxic chemicals during production and breakdown, contributing to pollution and health issues. Reducing plastic use promotes a cleaner, healthier environment and a more sustainable way of life.

Is plastic harmful yes or no?

Yes, plastic is harmful. It pollutes ecosystems, endangers wildlife, and releases toxic chemicals. Its production and disposal contribute significantly to environmental degradation and climate change, posing serious threats to both nature and human health.

Why is plastic being banned?

Single-use plastic is being banned to reduce environmental pollution and protect wildlife. These plastics often end up in oceans and landfills, where they take centuries to decompose, releasing harmful chemicals. Banning them encourages the use of sustainable alternatives, decreases plastic waste, and promotes a healthier, cleaner planet for future generations. Countries and cities leading this movement include Canada, which prohibited six types of single-use plastics , and Kenya, which has implemented one of the world’s strictest plastic bag bans.

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plastic production fractory

Plastic factories like this one in China are increasing production of virgin plastic, even as plastic pollution sweeps into the oceans in record volumes.

Plastic pollution is a huge problem—and it’s not too late to fix it

Correcting our plastic waste problem requires a fundamental change in thinking about how plastics are made, used, and discarded, two new studies say.

The global campaign to gain control of plastic waste is one of the fastest-growing environmental causes ever mounted. Yet it hasn’t been enough to make a dent in the growing tonnage of discarded plastic that ends up in the seas.

In the next 10 years, the waste that slides into waterways, and ultimately the oceans , will reach 22 million tons and possibly as much as 58 million tons a year. And that’s the “good” news—because that estimate takes into account thousands of ambitious commitments by government and industry to reduce plastic pollution.

Without those pledges, a business-as-usual scenario would be almost twice as bad. With no improvements to managing waste beyond what’s already in place today, 99 million tons of uncontrolled plastic waste would end up in the environment by 2030.

These two scenarios, the result of new research by an international team of scientists, are a far cry from the first global tally published in 2015, which estimated that an average of 8.8 million tons flow into the oceans annually. That was a figure so startling to the world when it was published five years ago, it helped invigorate the plastic trash movement.

Jenna Jambeck, the University of Georgia engineering professor who calculated that number, also came up with a vivid analogy to put it in context. It would be the equivalent of one dump truck tipping a load of plastic into the ocean every minute every day for a year. Jambeck is also part of the team that came up with the new calculations. But coming up with a new way to visualize 22 to 58 million tons proved a challenge.

“I don’t know. We’re getting into the realm of what’s incomprehensible,” she says. “How about a football stadium filled with plastic every day? Or enough plastic to cover Rhode Island or the country of Luxembourg ankle deep?”

Neither of these new analogies, while accurate, capture the magnitude of what’s at stake. (More: We're drowning in plastic—find out why. )

Like climate change, a lot rides on how the global community responds in the next couple of decades. And, though the parallels between the problem of plastic waste and climate change are obvious—both are rooted in oil, the basic ingredient to make plastics, they are dissimilar in one key way: plastic’s persistence. While there is some possibility, however remote, that technology and restoration of natural ecosystems could remove CO 2 from the atmosphere, there is no such analog for plastic. Virtually indestructible, it doesn’t disappear.

“For me, the biggest issue is the question of permanence,” says George Leonard , the Ocean Conservancy’s chief scientist and a member of the team that produced this newest forecast. “If we don’t get the plastic pollution problem in the ocean under control, we threaten contaminating the entire marine food web, from phytoplankton to whales. And by the time the science catches up to this, perhaps definitively concluding that this is problematic, it will be too late. We will not be able to go back. That massive amount of plastic will be embedded in the ocean’s wildlife essentially forever.”

The power of two

plastic pellets

Royal Dutch Shell will produce plastic pellets like these at its new plant in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. The plant will create more than a million tons of the tiny pellets. Many in the Pittsburgh area see it as an economic engine, but others worry about the long-term environmental harm.

The analysis is the second in recent weeks to look ahead to the future of the plastic economy and conclude that correcting the waste problem—40 percent of plastic manufactured today is disposable packaging—requires a fundamental change in thinking about how plastics are made, used, and discarded.

The new findings were made by a team of scientists funded by the National Science Foundation through the University of Maryland’s National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center ( SESYNC ). The other project, which looks ahead to 2040, was led by the Pew Charitable Trusts and SYSTEMIQ, a London-based environmental advisory and investment firm, and was first made public in July. Both studies were published together in the journal Science in September.

What’s unusual is that two independent scientific working groups, using differing methodologies and timelines, reached the same broad conclusions. Both laid blame for the rising tonnage of plastic in the seas on the growth of plastic production that is outpacing the world’s ability to keep up with collecting plastic trash. They also agreed that reducing surging waste requires reducing surging production of virgin plastic.

“The magnitude of the problem is the same. The difference is in methodology,” says Stephanie Borrelle, a marine biologist in New Zealand and lead author of the SESYNC study. “We have to do something about this and do it soon. Our annual count of leakage doesn’t account for what’s already in the oceans.”

Both projects also concluded that plastic waste could be significantly reduced, though not eliminated, using existing technologies. That includes improving waste collection and recycling, redesigning products to eliminate packaging made from unrecyclable plastics, expanding refillables, and in some cases substituting other materials. But solutions such as recycling, now globally hovering around 12 percent, would also require a massive scaling-up with many additional recycling facilities that don’t exist.

The SESYNC project also calls for cleaning up plastic waste from shorelines, where possible. To give an idea of the scale involved in achieving that goal, it would require a billion people to participate in the Ocean Conservancy’s annual beach cleanup that now attracts about one million volunteers.

“The inconvenient truth now is that this business-as-usual growth in production of new plastics is not compatible with ending plastics in nature,” says Ben Dixon, a former sustainability manager at Royal Dutch Shell and partner at SYSTEMIQ. “That’s the inconvenient truth both studies get to the heart of. We may see more pressures from investors, customers, and a changing of the world underneath the feet of these companies.”

Both projects captured the attention of the plastics industry, which was quick to praise the research, but dismissed the idea of reducing production of virgin plastic as “highly counterproductive and impractical,” in the words of the American Chemistry Council, a trade group for the petrochemical industry. In emailed responses, ExxonMobil and Dow Chemical, two of the world’s leading manufacturers of polyethylene, agreed.

“Reducing production to solve the waste problem will, in turn, aggravate the carbon and climate problem as alternative materials have higher emissions,” Dow said.

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The world’s nations agree to fix the plastic waste crisis

The manufacturing of plastic emits less CO2 and uses less water than for glass or aluminum. Some argue that such accounting doesn’t always factor in all the costs, such as environmental cleanup and weight. Glass manufacturing emits less CO2 per gram, but glass bottles are heavier. And, in the marine world, they say, it’s beside the point: Turtles eat plastic bags, not glass bottles and aluminum cans.

Todd Spitler, an Exxon spokesman, said the company’s focus will be on “increasing plastic recyclability, supporting improvements in plastic waste recovery and minimizing plastic pellet loss from our operations."

The SESYNC study calls for setting global limits on the production of virgin plastic, a recommendation unlikely to be realized. At the last United Nations Environmental Program meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2019, negotiations to pass a resolution calling for phasing out single-use plastic by 2025 and to draft a legally binding treaty on plastic debris ended in a stalemate.

The Pew/SYSTEMIQ study calls for reducing virgin production by 11 percent, arguing there is enough waste plastic that could be recycled and remade into new plastic to satisfy demand. The problem is that virgin plastic—new resin created from natural gas or oil—is so cheap to make that it undermines the economics of the recycling market. It is simply less expensive to manufacture new plastic than to collect, sort, and process disposable plastic into new feedstock. Especially now, with the collapse of oil prices. (Read more on the SYSTEMIQ study here.)

Plastic production to increase by 2050

In fact, production is forecast to more than double by 2050—increasing to 756 million tons anticipated in 2050 from 308 million tons produced in 2018, according to a report published by the American Chemistry Council in 2019. In the United States, $203 billion has been invested in 343 new or expanded chemical plants to produce plastics, according to ACC figures published last February. Production capacity for ethylene and propylene is projected to increase by 33 to 36 percent, according to an estimate by the Center for International Environmental Law.

Keith Christman , the ACC’s managing director of plastics markets, says the demand for plastic products, such as lightweight automobile parts and materials used in home construction, including insulation and water piping, is only going to grow.

“New technologies is the direction that we see the industry going,” he says.

Historically, plastic production has increased almost continuously since the 1950s, from 1.8 million tons in 1950 to 465 million tons in 2018. As of 2017, 7 billion of the 8.8 billion tons produced globally over that whole period have become waste.

The industry attributes future growth to two factors: the increasing global population and demands for more plastic consumer goods, fueled by the increasing buying power of a growing middle class. The UN projects that the world’s population, now about 7.8 billion, will add about two billion more by 2050, primarily in Asia and Africa. Globally, the middle class is anticipated to expand by 400 million households by 2039—and that is where the plastics market growth will occur.

Africa, to cite one example, shows the complications that lie ahead for gaining control of plastic waste in the coming decades. The continent today generates waste at a low rate by global standards, according to a UN report published last year. It also has limited environmental regulations, weak enforcement, and inadequate systems in place to manage waste. But as its population explodes and becomes more urban, and as buying habits change with higher standards of living, sub-Saharan Africa is forecast to become the dominant region producing municipal waste.

“Everyone is going to need to play a role along the whole value chain,” says Guy Bailey , a leading plastics analyst at Wood Mackenzie, a consulting firm specializing in energy, chemicals, mining and other research.

“If you are a recycler, it is difficult to make an investment when oil prices completely destroy the economics of your business. If you are a packing company, you are faced with so many choices of materials, it’s hard to know which to pick. If you are a chemical company, you clearly can see the reputational challenge. They risk losing their social license to operate if things go too far. They want to address those challenges.”

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste, founded last year by 50 industry titans, committed to investing $1.5 billion in creating solutions to improve methods for collecting plastic waste and recycling into new products. So far, it has launched 14 projects, many in Southeast Asia and Africa, including in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Ghana.

Jacob Duer, president and CEO, said the new report “reiterates the necessity and the urgency in addressing the issue and underlines the importance of a paradigm shift.”

As the organization, based in Singapore, matures, he says the number of projects and capital investment will grow. But it opposes reducing virgin plastic production.

Both Duer and Martyn Ticknet, head of the Alliance’s project development, see similarities between tackling plastic waste and global efforts to close the hole in the ozone layer that began in the 1970s. Last year the hole had shrunk to its smallest size on record since its discovery.

“We’ve solved major crises before,” Ticknet says. “It takes some time to get going.”

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Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay

Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay: Why And How To Make The Switch

Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay: Plastic bags are everywhere. They are used to carry groceries, clothes, and other items from stores to homes across the world. However, this convenience comes at a cost. Plastic bags are not biodegradable and contribute to environmental pollution, endangering marine life and the planet. As such, it is imperative to make the switch to eco-friendly alternatives. In this article, we will explore why and how to say no to plastic bags.

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The Negative Impact Of Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are a significant contributor to environmental pollution. The statistics are staggering. According to a report by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), over 380 billion plastic bags are used in the United States every year. Of these, only a small fraction is recycled, while the rest end up in landfills or as litter. Plastic bags take up to 1,000 years to degrade, releasing harmful chemicals into the soil and water.

The environmental consequences of plastic bags are dire. Marine life, in particular, is adversely affected by plastic waste. Plastic bags, once in the ocean, pose a serious threat to sea turtles, whales, dolphins, and other marine animals that mistake them for food. The bags block the digestive tract, leading to malnutrition and death. Additionally, plastic bags that end up in landfills contribute to the release of greenhouse gases, which are a leading cause of climate change.

Alternatives To Plastic Bags

The good news is that there are many alternatives to plastic bags. Reusable bags are one of the most popular options. These bags are made from durable materials such as cotton, jute, canvas, or nylon and can be used multiple times. Biodegradable bags, made from materials like paper or plant-based plastics, are another eco-friendly option. These bags break down more quickly in landfills, reducing the impact on the environment. Other alternatives include backpacks, totes, and baskets.

Benefits Of Saying No To Plastic Bags

There are many benefits to saying no to plastic bags. For one, it is a simple way to reduce waste and preserve the environment. It is estimated that if everyone in the United States used reusable bags instead of plastic bags, we could save over 100 billion plastic bags each year. Additionally, reusable bags are more durable and can be used for years, saving money in the long run.

Benefits Of Saying No To Plastic Bags

Saying no to plastic bags also has social benefits. It is a tangible way to contribute to a sustainable future and raise awareness about environmental issues. Many retailers offer incentives for using reusable bags, such as discounts or loyalty points. By making the switch to eco-friendly alternatives, we can join the movement toward reducing plastic waste and creating a better world for future generations.

Making The Switch To Eco-Friendly Bags

Making the switch to eco-friendly bags is easier than you might think. Start by investing in a few reusable bags. Many stores sell them at a low cost, and they are available in various sizes and styles to suit your needs. Keep them in your car or bag, so they are always on hand when you need them. You can also use biodegradable bags or other eco-friendly alternatives when reusable bags are not practical.

Overcoming common obstacles, such as forgetfulness or convenience, is key to making the switch to eco-friendly bags. Start small and gradually incorporate the use of reusable bags into your daily routine. Remember to take them with you when you go shopping and use them whenever possible. With time, using eco-friendly bags will become second nature, and you will wonder how you ever lived without them.

In conclusion, saying no to plastic bags is a simple yet effective way to reduce waste and preserve the environment. By making the switch to eco-friendly alternatives, we can contribute to a sustainable future and raise awareness. The harmful effects of plastic bags on the environment cannot be ignored.

By saying no to plastic bags and adopting eco-friendly alternatives, we can reduce pollution, save wildlife, and protect our planet for future generations. It is our responsibility to make a conscious effort to reduce our plastic consumption and make sustainable choices. By taking small steps towards a plastic-free lifestyle, we can make a significant impact and create a cleaner, healthier planet.

Read More: Essay Writing

FAQs On Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay

Question 1. How do you write a paragraph on Say No to plastic?

Answer: To write a paragraph on Say No to Plastic, you can follow these steps:

  • Introduction: Begin by introducing the topic and the issue of plastic pollution, highlighting the harm caused by single-use plastics on the environment.
  • Problems caused by plastic: Discuss the problems caused by plastic, such as its non-biodegradability, impact on wildlife, and contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Alternatives to plastic: Offer alternatives to plastic, such as reusable bags, bottles, and containers, as well as natural materials like cloth, paper, and glass.
  • Call to action: Encourage the reader to join the movement to reduce plastic use and advocate for sustainable alternatives, emphasizing the importance of individual actions in reducing plastic pollution.

Example paragraph: Say No to Plastic! Plastic pollution is one of the biggest environmental problems of our time, with single-use plastics causing immense harm to wildlife and ecosystems. Plastics take hundreds of years to decompose and release toxic chemicals into the environment, contributing to climate change and harming marine life. To reduce our plastic use, we can choose to carry reusable bags, water bottles, and containers, as well as opt for natural materials like cloth, paper, and glass. By saying no to plastic and advocating for sustainable alternatives, we can make a significant impact on the health of our planet.

How do you write a paragraph on Say No to plastic

Question 2. Why say no to plastic essays?

Answer: To answer the question “Why say no to plastic essay?” you can use the following paragraph:

Single-use plastics are one of the biggest contributors to pollution in our oceans and landfills. Not only do they take hundreds of years to decompose, but they also harm marine life and release toxic chemicals into the environment. Saying no to plastic means reducing our carbon footprint, protecting wildlife, and promoting sustainability. By adopting more eco-friendly alternatives, we can make a positive impact on the environment and ensure a healthier future for generations to come.

Question 3. What is say no to plastic bags?

Answer: Say no to plastic bags is a campaign aimed at reducing the use of single-use plastic bags. These bags take hundreds of years to decompose and are harmful to the environment and wildlife. By choosing to use reusable bags made of cloth, paper, or other eco-friendly materials, we can reduce our plastic consumption and contribute to a more sustainable future. Joining the say no to plastic bags movement means taking a small step towards protecting our planet and preserving its natural resources.

Question 4. Why plastic is banned 10 points?

Answer: Here are 10 reasons why plastic is banned:

  • Non-biodegradability: Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, leading to the accumulation of plastic waste in landfills, oceans, and other natural environments.
  • Harmful to wildlife: Marine animals, birds, and other wildlife often mistake plastic for food, leading to injury, illness, and death.
  • Pollution: Burning plastic releases toxic chemicals into the air, contributing to air pollution and climate change.
  • Clogging drainage systems: Discarded plastic bags and other items can clog drainage systems, leading to floods and other environmental problems.
  • Health concerns: Plastic contains harmful chemicals that can leach into food and water, posing health risks to humans and animals.
  • Resource depletion: The production of plastic requires significant amounts of fossil fuels and other natural resources, contributing to resource depletion and environmental degradation.
  • Aesthetics: Plastic litter can be unsightly and detract from the beauty of natural environments.
  • Financial costs: The management and disposal of plastic waste can be costly for governments and communities.
  • Environmental justice: Plastic pollution often impacts low-income communities and communities of color disproportionately.
  • Alternative solutions: There are many alternative materials and products available that are more environmentally friendly, making it unnecessary to rely on plastic.

Question 5. What are the 3 lines for saying no to plastic?

Answer: Here are three lines for “say no to plastic”:

  • “Refuse single-use plastic and opt for reusable alternatives.”
  • “Reduce your plastic footprint to protect the environment and wildlife.”
  • “Choose sustainable options and say no to plastic to promote a healthier future.”

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The Debate of Whether Single-use Plastic Should Be Banned

  • Categories: Environmental Issues Plastic Bags

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Words: 1573 |

Published: Dec 16, 2021

Words: 1573 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

Image of Alex Wood

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essay about say no to plastic


Speech On Say No To Plastic [1 to 3 Minutes]

We use plastic in uncountable forms in our daily life. There is no doubt the use of plastic provides us with a great deal of convenience. But this convenience is too costly for the environment, animals and our health. Hence, it is high time to say no to plastic.

In this article, we shared 2 short and long speech examples on the topic “say no to plastic”. These speeches will help students prepare for speech competitions. Also, you will get to know the harmful effects of using plastic-made items.

1 Minute Speech On Say No To Plastic

Hello and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to present a speech on saying no to plastic.

Plastic is the most used material of current times. We use it in various forms and for various purposes. But careless use of anything is very harmful. The plastic bags, plastic packaging, and plastic bottles we use do not get dumped properly.

These plastic-made items travel here and there on the streets and even reach water bodies. Land animals and aquatic species eat them mistaking their food and suffer from various health problems. Apart from this, plastic is dumped into landfills which causes soil pollution.

In short, the use of plastic is not good for our health, our biodiversity and our environment. In every possible manner, we need to avoid the use of plastic. There are various alternatives that can replace the use of plastic-made items. So, it is time to say no to plastic. Thank You!

1 Minute Speech On Say No To Plastic

Speech On Say No To Plastic For 2 to 3 Minutes

I cordially welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on saying no to plastic Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

Let’s talk about the harmful effects of using plastic. This will inspire all of us to avoid the use of plastic as much as possible.

1. Deterioration of Environment

Plastic is one of the greatest contributors to pollution. Plastic takes around 600 years to completely decompose. Plastic in various forms is dumped into landfills which reduces the fertility of the soil and hence it is a reason for soil pollution.

2. Harmful to animals and Aquatic Creatures

Plastic bags are light in weight. For this reason, they can travel by air far and wide. Animals eat these bags with their food and suffer from various problems. Even some animals die from eating plastic bags. This way the use of plastic is reducing our biodiversity.

3. Harmful to Health

We use plastic bottles to carry water and various drinks. These bottles release chemicals into our food which leads to various health problems. Apart from this, when we order food online, it is mostly packed in plastic bags which becomes toxic and not healthy food .

So, the use of plastic is no better. We need to replace this practice with some alternatives so that we can prevent all of these harmful effects. Let’s talk about some of the ways to say no to plastic.

One . We can use paper bags or reusable cloth bags in place of plastic bags. Two. We can use a stainless bottle for carrying water and other drinks. Three. Use a stainless tiffin to avoid health problems. Four. Avoid ordering food online where you find plastic packaging, it is better to eat healthy homely food.

Five. dump the plastic-made items into the proper place. Also, if you find plastic litter on the streets, make sure to transfer it to dustbins so that animals do not eat it. Six. Spread awareness about the harmful effects of the use of plastic.

To sum it up, there are various ways to say no to plastic. We need to care for our health, our animals and our environment for sustainable development.

This is all I wanted to say. I hope you liked my thoughts. Thank you!

Long Speech On Say No To Plastic

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Essay on Plastic Bag for Students and Children

500 words essay on plastic bag.

Plastic bags are one of the most commonly used things today. It makes our work easier and gives us a lot of conveniences. They have formed an essential part of our lives now. We use them almost every day for various purposes.

Essay on Plastic Bag

The usage is to the extent that we often get angry at the shopkeeper who refuses to offer us the plastic bag. It becomes daunting to carry your own bag every time. The shopkeeper’s refusal is due to the government ban on plastic bags. One often wonders why? Plastic bags make our lives easier but at what cost? They damage our earth and environment. It is high time we all stop using plastic bags.

Stop Using Plastic Bags

There are a number of reasons to say no to plastic bags. We must stop using them to better our environment and save it from degradation. There are various eco-friendly alternatives that can be used to stop the usage of plastic bags.

Firstly, plastic bags are a major source of plastic pollution. As they are non-biodegradable, they take years to decompose. They contribute to a lot of waste which keeps collecting over the years. Plastic takes thousands of years to break down and decompose. It remains in the land which contributes to the rising problem of land pollution.

Similarly, it also causes water pollution . As people throw away the bags carelessly on the roads, in the drains and rivers, they enter the water bodies. They are carried away by winds in them and sometimes dumped into water deliberately. This plastic bag goes deep in the water and also hampers the aquatic life.

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Furthermore, plastic bags contaminate the soil causing hindrance to growth of plants. They seep into the soil after breaking down and remain there causing infertility in soils . The chemical hampers the soil and interferes with agriculture.

Most importantly, plastic causes the death of animals. The animals have no sense of what to eat and what to avoid. The stray animals gulp down plastic bags that get stuck in their bodies. In other words, this causes serious illnesses in their bodies. Sometimes, they choke to death after eating plastic bags.

How to Avoid Plastic Bags?

Though it may be difficult to avoid the plastic bags at first, it needs to be done for the greater good. Plastic is slowly and steadily eating away our planet and damaging it. The government has banned the use of plastic bags but still, people continue to use it despite the ban.

In order to implement these laws strictly, the government must take strict action against the ones using it. Moreover, each of us must come forward to practice this ban and make it successful. We must not buy plastic bags from shopkeepers. Instead, we must refuse to take our groceries in them when the shopkeeper offers us.

Furthermore, we must carry our own cloth or paper bags for shopping. Try to pack your food in steel or aluminum containers instead of plastic ones.

We must encourage children to avoid the use of plastic bags. If we see someone using it, we must call them out immediately. Never throw away the plastic on roads, as animals die after consuming it. We must come together to initiate a ban on plastic and make the world safer and healthier.

FAQs on Plastic Bag

Q.1 Why must we stop using plastic bags?

A.1 We must stop using plastic bags as they cause land pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. They cause the death of several animals as well.

Q.2 How can one say no to plastic bags?

A.2 It is easy to quit using plastic bags. We must carry our own cloth or paper bags when shopping. Moreover, we must not accept plastic bags from shopkeepers which will discourage them from using them in the first place.

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Essay on Say No to Plastic | 10 Lines & Short Essay for Children

Plastic use is very harmful for our environment. There is strong need we should leave plastic. Say No to Plastic should be our national preference. In order to popularize the concept of plastic free society we needed to take strong measures.

The following short & long essay on Say no to Plastics, Plastic use, importance, importance in our daily life etc. This essay is helpful for children & students of Ukg class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10th level students in 100,120,150,200,300 plus words short & long essay for students.

Essay on Say No to Plastic | Plastic Ban, 10 Lines & More Sentences For Students

Plastic is a non-biodegradable material which cannot be decomposed. Unfortunately, now it has become an essential and constant element in our lives.

Essay on Say no to Plastic

The irony is that even after knowing the harmful effects of plastic, people are using it on regular basis. It is a threat to living things and environment.

Therefore, essential steps should be taken to reduce its consumption and lessen its harmful impacts on environment.

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Effects of Plastics on Environment

Now a days, we are surrounded with plastic. It is used to pack or cover everything. Though it seems easy to carry items in a plastic bag but throwing plastic in garbage after its usage is extremely harmful as it is non-degradable.

Every type or quality of plastic is injurious to health. The chemicals used in plastic are resistant to degradation, that is why, it is difficult to get rid of it. Even if we burn it, then it will release harmful chemical particles in air which can cause air pollution.

Main disadvantage of plastic is that it cannot be decomposed. It can neither melt in water nor decompose in soil, that is why a plastic bottle or bag can remain in a land for hundreds of years.

The plastic that has been in environment for all these years converts into micro plastics. These micro-plastics are consumed by animals.

These animals are consumed by larger animals and through consumption of these animals, the particles enter the bodies of human beings. This increases the risk of cancer in humans.

Plastic is also the main reason of soil infertility. Since its non-degradable so it mixes with soil and does not allow water to pass through. Moreover, plastic is also a threat to marine life.

Our oceans are filled with plastic junk which is affecting marine life dangerously. Marine animals consume this plastic and it gets stuck in their throat. Moreover, the consumption of plastic is also affecting the physiological structure of these animals.

People also heat food in microwave in plastic boxes which causes release of harmful toxins which get mixed in food. When they eat this food, it increases their risk of getting many diseases like cardiac problems, cancer and asthma.

Unfortunately, people are okay with this situation. They do not care as long as their houses are clean. They throw wrappers and plastic bags on streets for sweepers to clean their mess.

If sweepers lack somewhere in their duty then all people do is sit and complain about how government is not making the city clean. Due to this irresponsible behavior, drains get filled with junked plastic and get clogged.

Steps; How to Stop Plastic Use

Plastic pollution is extremely dangerous for environment. Therefore, it is high time to take this issue seriously and take essential steps to fight against it. Following are some ways to replace the use of plastic:

  • Instead of plastic bags, we should promote the use of paper bags. We can also put a basket in our car into which we can fill our shopped items. These paper bags are so easy to make at home.
  • It is our moral duty that if we find any plastic litter in our streets then we should throw it in the dustbins so that it does not get eaten by stray animals.
  • Public awareness is very important to educate the people about the harmful effects of plastic. Government should also take strict actions to ban the production and use of plastic bags.

This is our country and it is our responsibility to take care of the mess which is a threat to this country. If we prevent the use of plastic in our daily life like a responsible person then there will less junk floating in our country.

2 thoughts on “Essay on Say No to Plastic | 10 Lines & Short Essay for Children”

It’s kind of a little short essay for like 678 classes it should be like 20 lines

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“It’s scary”- Scientists finding mounting evidence of plastic pollution in human organs

By Douglas Main

A growing body of scientific evidence shows that microplastics are accumulating in critical human organs, including the brain, alarming findings that highlight a need for more urgent actions to rein in plastic pollution, researchers say. 

Different studies have detected tiny shards and specks of plastics in human lungs , placentas, reproductive organs, livers, kidneys, knee and elbow joints, blood vessels, and bone marrow. 

Given the research findings, “it is now imperative to declare a global emergency” to deal with plastic pollution, said Sedat Gündoğdu , who studies microplastics at Cukurova University in Turkey. 

Humans are exposed to microplastics – defined as fragments smaller than five millimeters in length – and the chemicals used to make plastics from widespread plastic pollution in air, water, and even food. 

The health hazards of microplastics within the human body are not yet well-known. Recent studies are just beginning to suggest these particles could increase the risk of various conditions such as oxidative stress , which can lead to cell damage and inflammation, as well as cardiovascular disease . 

Animal studies have also linked microplastics to fertility issues , various cancers, a disrupted endocrine and immune system, and  impaired learning and memory .

There are currently no governmental standards for plastic particles in food or water in the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency is working on crafting guidelines for measuring them, and has been giving out grants since 2018 to develop new ways to quickly detect and quantify them. 

Finding microplastics in more and more human organs “raises a lot of concerns,” given what we know about health effects in animals, studies of human cells in the lab, and emerging epidemiological studies, said Bethanie Carney Almroth , an ecotoxicologist at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. “It’s scary, I’d say.” 

“Pretty alarming” 

In one of the latest studies to emerge — a pre-print paper still undergoing peer-review that is posted online by the National Institutes of Health — researchers found particularly concerning accumulation of microplastics in brain samples. 

An examination of the livers, kidneys and brains of autopsied bodies found that all contained microplastics, but the 91 brain samples contained on average about 10 to 20 times more than the other organs. The results came as a shock, according to study lead author Matthew Campen , a toxicologist and professor of pharmaceutical sciences at the University of New Mexico.

The researchers found that 24 of the brain samples, which were collected in early 2024, measured on average about 0.5 percent plastic by weight. 

“It’s pretty alarming,” Campen said. “There’s much more plastic in our brains than I ever would have imagined or been comfortable with.” 

The study describes the brain as “one of the most plastic-polluted tissues yet sampled.” 

The pre-print brain study led by Campen also hinted at a concerning link. In the study, researchers looked at 12 brain samples from people who died with dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. These brains contained up to 10 times more plastic by weight than healthy samples.

“I don’t know how much more plastic our brain can stuff in without it causing some problems,” Campen said. 

The paper also found the quantity of microplastics in brain samples from 2024 was about 50% higher from the total in samples that date to 2016, suggesting the concentration of microplastics found in human brains is rising at a similar rate to that found in the environment. Most of the organs came from the Office of the Medical Investigator in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which investigates untimely or violent deaths. 

“You can draw a line — it’s increasing over time. It’s consistent with what you’re seeing in the environment,” Campen said. 

Many other papers have found microplastics in the brains of other animal species, so it’s not entirely surprising the same could be true for humans, said Almroth, who wasn’t involved in the paper.

When it comes to these insidious particles, “the blood-brain barrier is not as protective as we’d like to think,” Almroth said, referring to the series of membranes that keep many chemicals and pathogens from reaching the central nervous system. 

Explosion of research

Adding to the concerns about accumulation in the human body, the Journal of Hazardous Materials published a study last month that found microplastics in all 16 samples of bone marrow examined, the first paper of its kind. All the samples contained polystyrene, used to make packing peanuts and electronics, and almost all contained polyethylene, used in clear food wrap, detergent bottles and other common household products.

Another recent paper looking at 45 patients undergoing hip or knee surgery in Beijing, China, found microplastics in the membranous lining of every single hip or knee joint examined.

A study published May 15 in the journal Toxicological Science s found microplastics in all 23 human and 47 canine testicles studied, finding that samples from people had a nearly three-fold greater concentration than those from dogs. A higher quantity of certain types of plastic particles — including polyethylene, the main component of plastic water bottles — correlated with lower testicular weights in dogs. 

Another paper, which appeared June 19 in the International Journal of Impotence Research , detected plastic particles in the penises of four out of five men getting penile implants to treat erectile dysfunction. 

“The potential health effects are concerning, especially considering the unknown long-term consequences of microplastics accumulating in sensitive tissues like the reproductive organs,” said study lead author Ranjith Ramasamy, a medical researcher and urologist at the University of Miami. 

Meanwhile, a Chinese group published a study in May showing small quantities of microplastics in the semen of all 40 participants. An Italian paper from a few months prior reported similar results. 

A handful of studies have also now found contamination in human placentas. A study that appeared in the May issue of Toxicological Sciences reported finding micro- and nanoplastics in all 62 placental samples, though the concentration ranged widely. 

In Italy, researchers followed 312 patients who had fatty deposits, or plaques, removed from their carotid artery . Almost six in 10 had microplastics, and these people fared worse than those who did not: Over the next 34 months, they were 2.1 times as likely to experience a heart attack, stroke, or die. 

This explosion of research has been made possible thanks to improved methods for measuring the quantity and type of microplastics present. Campen and colleagues used a technique called pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry to heat up and break down samples into smaller molecular components that are then chemically identified.

“Nowhere left untouched”

The Food and Drug Administration says in a statement on its website that “current scientific evidence does not demonstrate that levels of microplastics or nanoplastics detected in foods pose a risk to human health.” 

Still, researchers say that individuals should try to reduce their exposure by avoiding the use of plastic in preparing food, especially when microwaving; drinking tap water instead of bottled water; and trying to prevent accumulation of dust, which is contaminated with plastics. Some researchers advise eating less meat, especially processed products . 

Leonardo Trasande, a medical researcher at New York University, said much remains unknown about the impacts of microplastic accumulation in humans. The negative health impacts of chemicals used in plastics, such as phthalates, are better established, though, he said. A study he co-authored found exposure to phthalates has increased the risk of cardiovascular disease and death in the United States, causing $39 billion or more in lost productivity per year. 

Microplastic particles can be contaminated with and carry such chemicals into the body. So it’s not just the direct effects of their presence that cause harm. “There may be synergy, as the micro- and nanoplastics may be effective delivery systems for toxic chemicals,” Trasande said. 

The American Chemistry Council, which represents plastic and chemical manufacturers, did not directly respond to questions about the recent studies finding microplastics in human organs. Kimberly Wise White, a vice president with the group, noted that “the global plastics industry is dedicated to advancing the scientific understanding of microplastics.” 

The United Nations Environment Assembly agreed two years ago to begin working toward a global treaty to end plastic pollution, a process that’s currently ongoing . 

Several news reports in the last week suggest that the Biden administration has signaled that  the U.S. delegation involved in the discussions will support measures to reduce global production of plastics, which researchers say is critical to getting a handle on the problem . 

“There’s nowhere left untouched from the deep sea to the atmosphere to the human brain,” Almroth said. 

(Featured image by Alex Hinton.)

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Say No to Plastic: RSTV - Big Picture

Say No to Plastic RSTV – Download PDF Here

Rajya Sabha TV programs like ‘The Big Picture’, ‘In Depth’ and ‘India’s World’ are informative programs that are important for UPSC preparation. In this article, you can read about the discussions held in the ‘Big Picture’ episode on  “Say No to Plastic”  for the  IAS  exam.

  • Guests – Dr Suneel Pandey, Senior Fellow and Director, Environment & Waste Management Division, TERI; Prof. C.K. Varshney, Environmentalist and Former Dean, School of Environment Sciences, JNU; Sandeep Sen, Sr Journalist & Author,
  • Anchor – Frank Rausan Pereira
  • Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged people to shun single-use plastic and use jute and cloth bags to protect the environment.


  • Plastic was popularised in the 1960s as a convenient material for everyday use.
  • The problems caused by single use plastics (SUPs) were recognised in 2007
  • United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) had declared the theme for World Environment Day 2018 as ‘ Beat Plastic Pollution’ . It was hosted by India.
  • As a part of the event, the government had announced its intention to phase out single-use plastic by 2022 .
  • Plastic waste has been observed everywhere, from the depths of the oceans to the peaks of Himalayas.
  • Plastic can’t be removed entirely from the planet because it has many advantages as a material for daily use and in specialty applications.
  • Saudi Arabia plans to invest in India to produce more petrochemicals and plastic, slowly transforming India into one of the biggest producers and consumers of plastic.

Issues Caused by Plastic:

  • Regulation of Single Use Plastics (SUPs) is a major problem the world is battling at this point of time.
  • SUPs are used only once and thrown into the environment.
  • Consumers find SUPs such as food packaging (especially in home delivery of food), disposable glasses, straws much more convenient to use.
  • According to the Environment Ministry , about 20,000 tonnes of plastic waste is generated every day in the country, out of which only 13,000-14000 tonnes are collected.
  • Worldwide , the amount of plastic waste collected is only around 16-18% of the total generation.
  • Plastics do not decay in the soil but undergoes wear and tear and disintegrates into micron sized particles ( micro plastics ).
  • Plastics may disappear from the eyes but the invisible micro plastics remain to cause problems.
  • There are no credible estimates about the quantity of micro plastics present in the soil and oceans.
  • In a recent research micro plastics were found in the snow samples collected from the Svalbard islands of the Arctic sea .
  • Uncollected SUPs accumulate in the water bodies and clogs the drains before ultimately reaching the oceans.
  • The North Pacific Garbage Dump/Gyre is an example of accumulation of plastic in the ocean.
  • The garbage gyre churns the plastic waste and produces much more micro plastics.
  • Animals, especially marine organisms often consume micro plastics and eventually die.
  • Further, clogging of drains is a factor responsible for floods
  • Micro plastics may accumulate in the lungs and blood streams and cause severe consequences.
  • Carcinogenic chemicals such as furans and dioxins are released by the burning or pyrolysis of plastic.
  • People often drink hot water in PET bottles and consume harmful components.
  • Collection of used plastics, mostly done in the informal sector , stay away from collecting certain types of waste because of lack of profit . Ex.: Pet bottles fetch a higher price, but straws carry bags, etc. do not.
  • Businesses to business (B2B) transmission of goods involve huge quantities of around 130 types of plastic packaging.
  • Throwing away plastic is everyone’s problem and nobody is willing to take responsibility.
  • It is difficult to reduce the use of plastic since it is cheaper .
  • There is a notion that some plastic is good and others wrong. But, even cloth fabric, earbuds and cigarette butts are harmful, as they may disperse micro plastic fibrils in the air.
  • Industries make us subservient to plastic . If we reduce using it, industry lobby will fund illegitimate studies to prove that plastic is not harmful.

The Real Cost of Plastic:

  • Plastic materials may be cheap but the distributed cost or decentralised cost is very high.
  • The distributed cost or decentralised cost is calculated by considering the environmental, economic and health damages and threats.
  • Fisheries sector may suffer due to the deadly impact of micro plastics in the marine environment and India being a major exporter of marine products should keep its oceans free of plastic, as plastic digested fishes are rejected, as due standards are expected.
  • Since plastics are synthesised from petroleum the cost involves the environmental damage done during the mining, transportation and refining of petroleum.

Way Forward:

  • Customers can ensure the quality of the products since they could see and taste it directly.
  • Segregation, collection and disposal of plastic waste needs to be done in a proper scientific
  • Alternate materials should be mass produced so that they become affordable with the help of economy of scale and large demand .
  • Appropriate funding should be provided for a comprehensive research to identify and quantify the plastic waste and detect the sources .
  • A comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of each type of plastic need to be carried out, considering the environmental and health costs .
  • Start-ups, universities and research centres need to find new ways to recycle plastic such as using it in highways construction , etc.
  • Companies which made huge profit from selling plastics have the liability and moral responsibility to fund research for alternatives.
  • The supply chain of plastic need to be tracked for determining whether they are collected back or not.
  • There should be a consensus based on the fact that plastic is not essential for our survival.
  • Awareness programs need to be expanded and innovative ideas need to be invited from the civil society.

Technological Solutions:

  • The cost for adopting is not too high as well and this is currently practiced on commercial basis in Australia
  • What we need at this moment is opening of opportunities to new start-up companies and using the knowledge of ISRO to make it an adaptable mission
  • Plastic waste can be used as an alternate fuel for co-processing in cement kilns.
  • Reverse vending machine in Bangalore and Karol bagh scraps plastic bottles.


  • If plastic needs to be banned, affordable alternates need to be promoted.
  • Alternative materials to plastic should be environment-friendly and affordable .
  • Glass bottles, aluminium containers (for milk), cloth and jute bags can be used while shopping.
  • Alternatives made of natural material provide employment opportunities in the cottage industry


  • Plastic is a miraculous product but it is harmful to the ecosystem as a whole. It is already too late to destroy the existing plastic waste without causing pollution. In addition to that, each type of plastic need to be replaced with an eco-friendly material at the manufacturing level itself.
  • In the past civilizations have survived without plastic so going forward this society can also survive without it but with suitable alternatives infused by upgrading the technology.
  • It is now the right time to say no to plastic.

Read previous RSTV articles here .

Frequently Asked Questions related to Say no to Plastic

What is a good alternative to plastic, what will happen if we don’t reduce plastic, why is banning plastic good, can we eliminate plastic, is silicone a good replacement for plastic.

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Paragraph on Say No To Plastic Bags

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Say No To Plastic Bags in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Say No To Plastic Bags in 100 Words

Saying no to plastic bags is a great idea because they can hurt our Earth. These bags do not break down easily and can make the land and water dirty. Animals might also think they are food and eat them, which can make them sick. Instead, we can use bags made of cloth that we can use many times. Cloth bags are strong and don’t harm the planet. By using these bags, we keep our environment clean and save animals. Remember, when we shop, let’s pick cloth bags and help keep our world a happy and healthy place for everyone.

Paragraph on Say No To Plastic Bags in 200 Words

Plastic bags are not our friends. They may seem helpful when we carry our snacks and toys, but they are very bad for our Earth. When we throw them away, they do not go away like magic. Instead, they stay in the ground for many, many years, longer than our grandmas and grandpas have been alive! Animals can get sick if they eat plastic bags thinking they are food. Also, these bags can block water from flowing in rivers and make our beautiful places look dirty. We can do something really good by saying no to plastic bags. We can use bags made of cloth or paper because they are kind to our planet. Cloth bags can be used many times, and if they get dirty, we can wash them. Paper bags can be turned into other things when we don’t need them anymore. By using these bags, we keep our animals safe and our parks and beaches clean. It’s like being a superhero for our Earth! So, let’s make a smart choice and say no to plastic bags. Let’s take care of our world so we can keep playing and having fun outside.

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Paragraph on Say No To Plastic Bags in 250 Words

Saying no to plastic bags is a powerful step we can all take to help our environment. Imagine walking through a park without seeing any plastic littering the grass or harming animals. Plastic bags, which we use for just a few minutes to carry groceries, can take hundreds of years to break down in landfills. They clog up our oceans and rivers, posing a threat to fish and birds that might mistake them for food. By choosing not to use plastic bags, we protect these creatures and keep our surroundings clean. Instead, we can carry reusable bags made of cloth or other materials that last longer and can be used many times. This small change in our habit can make a big difference. Shops often give out plastic bags without thinking, but if more of us start saying no and bring our own bags, they might stop handing out so many. When we avoid using plastic bags, we also reduce the need to make more of them, which saves energy and raw materials. This helps to cut down on pollution, as producing plastic bags releases harmful chemicals into the air. We can all be part of this positive change. It starts with making a simple choice at the checkout counter. By saying no to plastic bags, we take a stand for our planet’s health and a cleaner, safer future for everyone.

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Fact checking DNC 2024 Day One speeches from Biden, Hillary Clinton and other Democrats

By Laura Doan , Amelia Donhauser

Updated on: August 20, 2024 / 9:54 AM EDT / CBS News

CBS News is fact checking some of the statements made by  speakers  during the 2024 Democratic National Convention, which is taking place in Chicago from Monday, Aug. 19 through Thursday, Aug. 22. 

The convention began with unity as the theme, and the featured speakers Monday were President Biden and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, as well as a host of others.

Some of the comments that CBS News' Confirmed team fact checked involved Democrats' comments about GOP nominee Donald Trump's record as president, as well as the Biden administration's record.

CBS News is covering the DNC live. 

Fact check on Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Sara Rodriguez's claim that Trump promises "to terminate the Affordable Care Act": Misleading

Details:  In 2016, former President Donald Trump promised to repeal and replace the nation's health care law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), if elected. During his presidency, he backed attempts by Republicans to repeal parts of the law while carrying over other parts.

In this election cycle, Trump has continued to criticize the law but has said he doesn't support terminating all of its policies outright. In November, Trump said he intends to  "replace"  the Affordable Care Act with another package of health reforms. 

In March, he  said  that he was "not running to terminate the ACA" but instead to make it better and cheaper.

By Alexander Tin, Amelia Donhauser 

Fact check on California Rep. Robert Garcia's claim that Trump "told us to inject bleach into our bodies": False

Details:  In an April 2020 White House  news briefing  with members of the government's coronavirus task force, Trump, who was then president, speculated about combating COVID-19 by injecting disinfectant into the body. He suggested doctors should study this possibility, but he did not tell people to inject bleach into their bodies.

"I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute," Trump said. "And is there a way we can do something like that — by injection inside or almost a cleaning — because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it'd be interesting to check that, so that you're going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me." 

The Trump White House later offered differing excuses for the remark. It first  said  Trump's comments were taken out of context. A day later, Trump  told  reporters that he was being sarcastic when he raised the possibility of injecting disinfectants.

"I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen," he said.

By Amelia Donhauser

Fact check on Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin's claim that the U.S. economy added 16 million jobs during the Biden administration: True, but needs context

Details:  Under President Biden, the U.S. economy has added more than 15.8 million jobs, according to July data from  the Bureau of Labor Statistics . 

However, it's important to note that the number includes roughly 9 million jobs that were lost during the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. economy under Mr. Biden has seen an increase of approximately 6.4 million jobs above February 2020 levels, according to  the Bureau of Labor Statistics . 

By comparison, 6.7 million jobs were created in the first three years of former President Donald Trump's term between January 2017 and February 2020, before the pandemic left Trump with record job losses. 


By Laura Doan

Fact checking Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear's claim that Vance thinks women should stay in violent marriages, and pregnancies from rape are "inconvenient": Misleading

Beshear: "JD Vance says women should stay in violent marriages and that pregnancies resulting from rape are simply inconvenient."

Details:  Before he was a Republican Ohio senator,   JD Vance spoke of being raised by his grandparents and their relationship at an  event  in 2021. He contrasted their commitment to each other during an "incredibly chaotic" marriage with modern divorce rates.

"I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that, like, 'Well, okay, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy," he said. "And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that's going to make people happier in the long term." 

"And maybe it worked out for the moms and dads, though I'm skeptical," Vance added. "But it really didn't work out for the kids of those marriages." 

Vance has repeatedly said these remarks were taken out of context. In a  statement  to VICE News in 2022 he said, "In my life, I have seen siblings, wives, daughters, and myself abused by men. It's disgusting for you to argue that I was defending those men."

In 2021, Vance was  asked  if anti-abortion laws should include exceptions for rape or incest. He replied: "It's not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term, it's whether a child should be allowed to live, even though the circumstances of that child's birth are somehow inconvenient or a problem to the society. The question really, to me, is about the baby," he continued. "We want women to have opportunities, we want women to have choices, but above all, we want women— and young boys in the womb — to have the right to life." 

In July, Vance  told  Fox News, "The Democrats have completely twisted my words. What I did say is that we sometimes in this society see babies as inconveniences, and I absolutely want us to change that." 

By Amelia Donhauser 

Fact checking Biden's claim there are fewer border crossings today than when Trump left office: True, needs context

President Biden : "There are fewer border crossings today than when Donald Trump left office." 

Details:  In July, migrant apprehensions along the U.S. southern border dropped to  56,408 , the lowest level since September 2020, according to  U.S. Customs and Border Protection  data. When Trump left office in January 2021, the number of apprehensions was around 75,000. 

The decline in illegal border crossings had been dropping steadily since the spring and accelerated after Mr. Biden issued a  proclamation  on June 4 banning most migrants from seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border. Officials have also said scorching summer temperatures and Mexico's efforts to stop migrants have contributed to the drop.

Yearly apprehensions at the U.S. southern border also reached record highs during Mr. Biden's term, according to the  data . In fiscal year 2023, the number reached 2.2 million. The number of yearly apprehensions under Trump peaked at around 852,000 in the fiscal year 2019. 


By Camilo Montoya-Galvez,   Laura Doan    

Alexander Tin contributed to this report.

  • Hillary Clinton
  • Kamala Harris

Laura Doan is a fact checker for CBS News Confirmed. She covers misinformation, AI and social media.

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US voters say they’re ready for a woman president − but sexist attitudes still go along with opposition to Harris

essay about say no to plastic

PhD researcher, Political Science, UMass Amherst

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Associate Professor, Political Science, UMass Amherst

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Provost Professor of Political Science and Director of the UMass Amherst Poll, UMass Amherst

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Jesse Rhodes receives funding from the National Science Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, and Demos.

Adam Eichen and Tatishe Nteta do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

UMass Amherst provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation US.

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Since President Joe Biden exited the presidential race on July 21, 2024, and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential nominee, Harris’ campaign has generated widespread enthusiasm and attention. She quickly became the official Democratic presidential nominee and erased Donald Trump’s lead over Biden in national and swing-state polling.

Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, have also drawn tens of thousands of supporters to their recent rallies in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Nevada.

Although things could change dramatically over the next two-plus months, there is a real possibility that the United States may finally elect its first female president.

But in polling that we conducted in August 2024, after Harris became the presumptive Democratic nominee, we found that sexism is still a powerful force in American politics.

Hope and change?

Yes, the scars of the 2016 campaign – in which sexism played a key role in Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s defeat by Trump – are still fresh for Democrats. But many hope that America has changed and has become more accepting of women in leadership roles.

Harris’ gender, this argument goes, won’t be a significant deterrent for voters.

On the surface, our recent nationally representative survey of 1,000 American adults supports this, with 51% of Americans agreeing with the statement: “America is ready for its first African American female president.” Only 23% of Americans disagreed.

Even so, some Republicans appear to think they can win by making gender an issue in the campaign. This is apparent in the sexist rhetoric that Trump and other Republicans are using when talking about Harris.

Trump, who has a history of making sexist statements, asserted that foreign leaders would regard Harris as a “play toy,” referred to her as unintelligent , and is now commenting on her appearance. Both The Associated Press and The New York Times have reported – based on unnamed sources – that Trump has also called Harris a “bitch” in private, although Trump’s spokesman denied he used that term.

In a similar sexist vein, Trump allies have attempted to turn Harris’ past romantic relationships into campaign issues, with one conservative commentator on Fox Business News crudely labeling Harris the “ original hawk tuah girl ,” an obscene sexual reference.

Will such attempts to exploit sexism as an electoral strategy backfire ? Or, after all these years, might it still be out of reach for a woman to overcome sexist stereotypes and win the highest office in the United States?

A resigned looking woman in a dark jacket and purple shirt is applauded by a white haired man behind her.

Understanding the importance of sexism

We are political scientists who study the role of identity in American politics and who conduct polls that explore Americans’ views on gender and the extent to which sexism still pervades the nation.

We conducted two national polls this year – one in January 2024 when Biden was still in the race, and the other in August 2024, after Harris became the presumptive Democratic nominee. For each poll, we surveyed 1,000 American adults 18 and older and asked about their thoughts on the election, their policy views and their attitudes toward various groups in society.

With the change at the top of the Democratic ticket, we can better assess the impact of sexism on vote choice in the presidential election by comparing the results from January, when the race featured two male candidates, with August, when Harris entered the race.

In both surveys, we first asked respondents which candidate they would vote for if the presidential election were held today.

To measure sexism, we then asked respondents whether they agreed or disagreed with a series of three statements that express prejudice, resentment and animus toward women, or what political scientists call “ hostile sexism .” The statements in the “hostile sexism” battery are: “Women seek to gain power by getting control over men”; “Women are too easily offended”; and “Women exaggerate problems they have at work.” Greater agreement with these statements indicated more sexist views.

We also measured respondents’ demographics – including age, gender, race, education and income – their political attitudes and identities, and their racial views.

Sexism mattered, even when Biden was in the race

Due in part to Trump’s sexist rhetoric throughout his campaigns and presidency, sexist attitudes have become closely linked with whom individuals support for president . On average, more sexist individuals have tended to prefer Republican candidates in recent elections.

Thus, even in our January poll when Biden was the Democratic nominee, sexism was strongly correlated with support for Trump. When we examined a head-to-head matchup between Biden and Trump, the more individuals agreed with the statements measuring hostile sexism, the more likely they were to prefer Trump over Biden.

Of those who most strongly disagreed with the statements measuring hostile sexism, 73% supported Biden, while approximately two-thirds of those scoring highest on the sexism scale supported Trump.

Taking into consideration other factors that influence support for Biden – partisanship, ideology, racial attitudes, education, economic views and so forth – we found that those with the least sexist views had an 83% chance of supporting Biden, while those with the most sexist views had a 17% chance of doing so.

An Illustration of an oversized hand toppling a line of businesswomen.

With Harris, sexism matters more

If sexism depressed individuals’ support for Biden’s candidacy, does that mean Harris faces no additional penalty in terms of lost support for her candidacy? Hardly.

Hostile sexism, as we measured it, costs Harris votes.

While sexism mattered in January, it mattered more in August once Harris had taken over the Democratic ticket.

In a head-to-head matchup between Harris and Trump, 89% of those in the lowest third on the sexism scale – meaning those who disagreed most with the statements measuring hostile sexism – support Harris compared with 11% for Trump. On the other hand, only 18% of those scoring highest on sexism support Harris, versus 82% for Trump.

When we take into account other considerations that influence whether individuals prefer Harris or Trump, our findings are even more striking. The least sexist respondents have a 92% chance of saying they will vote for Harris. But the most sexist respondents have only a 4% chance of supporting her.

What this means is that, while sexist attitudes influenced individuals’ presidential preferences when Biden was the Democratic presidential nominee, they have a greater effect now that Harris is the Democratic candidate.

Without sexism

Since Harris seems to be narrowly leading Trump in the polls, why should we care about the influence of hostile sexism in the election?

To answer this question, imagine a world in which hostile sexism doesn’t influence attitudes toward presidential candidates who are women. Our findings imply that, in such a world, Harris’ lead over Trump might be larger. Put simply, hostile sexism is helping to make the election closer than it would otherwise be.

Sexism has long played a powerful role in influencing Americans’ voting behavior and attitudes toward political issues . This is especially so today, given the high political importance of gender-related issues such as abortion, contraception and LGBTQ+ rights.

Our analysis shows that people with negative attitudes toward women are much less likely to support Harris for president. Whether the Harris campaign can successfully navigate this reality is still to be determined.

  • Republicans
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Donald Trump
  • Kamala Harris
  • 2024 US presidential election

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    High-quality essay on the topic of "Say No to Plastic" for students in schools and colleges.

  4. Essay on Say No To Plastic

    Say No To Plastic Essay Writing Tips. 1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic of saying no to plastic. Mention the harmful effects of plastic on the environment and the need to reduce its usage.

  5. Should Plastic be Banned Essay for Students and Children

    Plastic bags are a major cause of environmental pollution. In this Essay on Should Plastic be Banned will discuss about the problems caused by Plastic bags.

  6. Plastic Pollution Essay for Students and Children

    Plastic is a non-biodegradable material. It does not leave the face of the Earth. We cannot dissolve plastic in land or water, it remains forever. In this Essay on Plastic Pollution will discuss the Impact of plastic on Earth.

  7. World Without Plastic: Steps to Reduce Plastic Use Essay

    The first step to reducing plastic use is simple for everyone: people should stop buying water bottles and replace them with glass ones or install water filters.

  8. Essay on Say No Plastic in Our Daily Life

    High-quality essay on the topic of "Say No Plastic in Our Daily Life" for students in schools and colleges.

  9. Essay On Plastic Ban in English for Classes 1,2,3 Kids: 10 Lines

    Plastic bags are convenient for everyday use but significantly contribute to plastic pollution. An essay on plastic ban for class 1, 2 and 3 kids shows how banning plastic can play an essential role in saving the earth and making it a better place to live for future generations.

  10. Say No To Single-Use Plastics

    Say no to single-use plastics. Learn the origin of plastic pollution, how it's made, why it matters, and what you can do to help the problem.

  11. Take the Pledge

    Take the Pledge. REFUSE single-use plastic whenever and wherever possible. Choose items that are not packaged in plastic, and carry your own reusable bags, containers, and utensils. Say 'No plastic straw, please.'. REUSE durable, non-toxic straws, utensils, to-go containers, bottles, bags, and other everyday items.

  12. Say No to Plastic in 2024: Why and How Explained

    Want to know why and how to say no to plastic? We will help you make the switch to reusable, eco friendly alternatives for at home and about.

  13. Plastic pollution is a huge problem—and it's not too late to fix it

    Correcting our plastic waste problem requires a fundamental change in thinking about how plastics are made, used, and discarded, two new studies say.

  14. Speech on Say No To Plastic

    Speech on Say No To Plastic Plastic pollution is a global menace that's choking our earth. Your daily choices can make a big difference. Let's join hands to say 'No' to plastic. By refusing, reducing, and reusing, you can help save our planet.

  15. Single Use Plastic Essay in English

    Essay on Single Use Plastic - Plastics that are single-use or disposable are only used once before being discarded or recycled. These products include, for instance, plastic bottles, straws, coffee stirrers etc.

  16. Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay: Why And How To ...

    Paragraph Say No To Plastic Bags Essay: Plastic bags are everywhere. They are used to carry groceries, clothes, and other items from stores to homes across the world. However, this convenience comes at a cost.

  17. The Debate of Whether Single-use Plastic Should Be Banned

    The Debate of Whether Single-use Plastic Should Be Banned. A shocking amount of 150 million tons of plastic debris contaminate the world's oceans today; over one million sea creatures are killed annually as a direct result of plastic litter. Plastic, unlike other substances, are not biodegradable.

  18. Speech On Say No To Plastic [1 to 3 Minutes]

    In this article, we shared 2 short and long speech examples on the topic "say no to plastic". These speeches will help students prepare for speech competitions.

  19. Essay on Plastic Bag for Students and Children

    Plastic bags are one of the most commonly used things today. It makes our work easier and gives us a lot of conveniences. Read Essay on Plastic Bag here.

  20. Essay on Say No to Plastic

    The following short & long essay on Say no to Plastics, Plastic use, importance, importance in our daily life etc. This essay is helpful for children & students of Ukg class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10th level students in 100,120,150,200,300 plus words short & long essay for students.

  21. "It's scary"- Scientists finding mounting evidence of plastic pollution

    By Douglas Main A growing body of scientific evidence shows that microplastics are accumulating in critical human organs, including the brain, alarming findings that highlight a need for more urgent actions to rein in plastic pollution, researchers say. Different studies have detected tiny shards and specks of plastics in human lungs, placentas, reproductive organs, livers, kidneys, knee and ...

  22. Say No to Plastic: RSTV

    Say No to Plastic RSTV - Download PDF Here Rajya Sabha TV programs like 'The Big Picture', 'In Depth' and 'India's World' are informative programs that are important for UPSC preparation. In this article, you can read about the discussions held in the 'Big Picture' episode on "Say No to Plastic" for the IAS exam.

  23. Paragraph on Say No To Plastic Bags

    Paragraph on Say No To Plastic Bags Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Say No To Plastic Bags in their schools. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

  24. Fact checking DNC 2024 Day One speeches from Biden, Hillary Clinton and

    President Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addressed the convention on its first night.

  25. Harris' plan to stop price gouging could create more problems ...

    There's just one issue: Harris' proposal could create more problems than the one it's trying to solve, some economists say. Gavin Roberts studied anti-price gouging laws some states passed ...

  26. US voters say they're ready for a woman president − but sexist

    US voters say they're ready for a woman president − but sexist attitudes still go along with opposition to Harris