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MUET Writing Malaysia – Definitive Guide with Essay Example

MUET Essay Writing Test Guide with Example

MUET is a test that all Malaysian students must take in order to apply for their desired course. It consists of 3 parts: Language Proficiency, General Paper, and Subject Knowledge Test. The Language Proficiency section tests the student’s command of the English language through various writing tasks such as essay writing, letter-writing, and summarizing text. This blog post will aim to provide you with tips on how to score well in this section of MUET by providing an example of an essay topic along with guidelines on how it should be written.

What is MUET writing in Malaysia?

MUET is also known as the Malaysian University English Test seeks to measure the English proficiency among candidates who plan on pursuing tertiary studies at universities located within Malaysia.

The MUET is a test that tests the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. While some people may be better at one or two than others; they’re all important to hone in order for anyone interested in pursuing an education around these topics.

The MUET writing test is challenging- students have to transfer information from a non-linear source and write an essay of at least 350 words on the topic given.

MUET Essay Task 1: Report writing (40 marks)

  • You have been given 40 minutes to complete the task.
  • Study and analyze the information.
  • Describe the information or the process in a report format
  • Write between 150-200 words

MUET Essay Task 2: Extended writing (60 marks)

  • The essay must not be less than 350 words
  • Given 50 minutes to complete the task
  • Your essay can be:

–   Analytical- –   Descriptive –   Persuasive –   Argumentative

Topics for MUET Essay Writing

The following topics are perfectly acceptable for a MUET essay, as all are general knowledge questions that every university or college student should know.

  • Why do people commit suicide for selfish reasons? Discuss
  • The most valuable thing in life is friendship do you agree?
  • Some people prefer street food others prefer homemade which one is the best to support your answer in 350 words
  • Education must be free for every child do you agree or not?
  • Impact of social media on people
  • Some people prefer small towns to live in others one prefer to live in a city why? Which one do you prefer?

MUET Essay Writing Format

MUET is a challenging exam because it includes writing within the Academic Writing Format. For many students, this format may be unfamiliar and difficult to understand or execute in their answers at test time so they don’t score well on that section of MUET.

This difficulty can come from being unaware of how academic writing differs from other forms such as creative or personal essays which are more common formats for essay questions outside of the MUET testing space.

1. Introduction paragraph:

Introduce your topic to the reader.

  • Use catchy lines, questions, brief definitions, etc.
  • Must have a thesis statement a statement which consists of the main big ideas
  • Never use: “research or study” use words like on the basics of my readings, in my opinion, as this is essay writing, not a research paper.
  • Never use: “ can be defined as” use words like “In my opinion, I believe that, etc.”

2. Body paragraph:

Body paragraph: must have 3 paragraphs.

  • State the main idea
  • Often written as the first sentence of each paragraph
  • Supporting details and ideas
  • Examples, elaborations, explanations,s, and descriptions can also be included
  • Must support the main idea discussed in this particular body/body paragraph
  • Use linkers, connectors, and transition words.

Conclusion paragraph:

  • Restate the main idea
  • Use words like hence, therefore, thus, as a result.
  • Write it like it is the last sentence of the paragraph.

3. Concluding paragraph:

  • Bring the ending of things that you have discussed earlier.
  • Restate your thesis statements.
  • The conclusion must have 4 sentences
  • You may suggest, give opinions or reaffirm your stand
  • Use words: To conclude, to summarize, as a conclusion, finally, lastly, eventually, to encapsulate.

Tips to write MUET Essay for Malaysian Students

The best way to write a MUET essay is to have a succinct thesis in the introduction and also be cognizant of transitions between one topic and another.

Moreover, it’s important to know your audience when you’re writing an essay for MUET. One key point which is usually overlooked by students is having knowledge about the specific subject they’re talking about.

  • Transfer information
  • Use good grammar
  • Carefully analyze the graphical information
  • Give your opinion
  • Think critically
  • If you’re aiming at scoring Band 5 or higher, then critical thinking is a must.
  • If your aim is to score Band 5 or higher on the exam, it’s time for some serious rigor and reflection.

Use these tools to help with critical thinking: Short term, mid-term and long term effects

  • Example: Alcohol
  • Short term: yellow teeth/bad breath
  • Mid-term: waste of money
  • Long term: Health problems such as cancer
  • Individual, society, and government
  • Individual: Set goals and prepare for change
  • Society: Must not encourage one to consume alcohol.
  • Government: Must stop fundraising

Types of MUET Essays

MUET essays are usually of the expository type, they can also be argumentative or persuasive.

  • While an essay with a descriptive header generally has a focus on what is being described.
  • An essay with a narrative header (or “story”) generally puts a priority on how something was done or what it felt like to do it and the completion
  • And an informative-explanatory (inform + explain) header offers treatment or analysis of existing data, facts, practices, etc.
  • Persuasive essay questions require you to take up a position on an issue and then persuade or convince the reader about your viewpoint based upon evidence. These can come in the form of anecdotes, facts, statistics etcetera
  • Expository Essays are different from other types of essays in that they don’t require any persuasion but instead simply look for evidence supporting or disproving what you have been told/asked about.

Importance of MUET essay

You will be required to take the MUET test if you are planning on pursuing your university degree at local public university.

However, note that this requirement is not compulsory for those who wish to pursue their education outside of these institutions and choose instead to study at private schools or international ones (MUET tests are only necessary when applying for scholarships).

Remember also, that different universities may have different English proficiency requirements so make sure you check what they need before sending off an application.

The grading system for MUET

When students get their MUET result, they’ll be able to see the mark for each paper and then an overall score. Band 1 is when the student will have to take two extra English courses during holiday time; a Band 3 or 4 means one course more than this. If you’re in bands 5 or 6- excellent! You don’t need any additional lessons over the summer holidays whatsoever.

MUET Essay writing Band 6- Very good user (Aggregated score: 260-300)

The speaker demonstrates a strong command of the language, and their fluency is unparalleled. They are highly expressive in everything they say, accurate with words that express both nuance and precision when needed most. The person’s understanding of context should not be questioned – it appears as if this individual functions flawlessly when interacting verbally or written textually via various languages.

MUET Essay writing Band 5- Good user (Aggregated score: 220-259)

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MUET Writing Malaysia – Definitive Guide with Essay Example

The Malaysian University English Test (MUET) is a normalized assessment that surveys the English language capability of Malaysian students. It is a pivotal necessity for admission into tertiary training establishments in Malaysia and is perceived by employers as a benchmark for English capability in the job market. The MUET Writing component holds significant weightage, as it evaluates the candidates’ ability to express ideas, organize thoughts, and communicate effectively in written form. This definitive guide aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the MUET Writing test format, scoring criteria, and tips for success. Furthermore, we will present a sample essay to illustrate the application of these guidelines.

Table of Contents

MUET Writing Test Format

MUET Writing Test Format

The MUET Writing test consists of two tasks: Task A and Task B. Task A requires candidates to write an interpretive essay based on a set of input texts, while Task B assesses their ability to produce a discursive essay on a given topic. Each task has a specific time allocation:

Task A: Interpretive Essay

Time: 30 minutes

Word Limit: 150-200 words

Task B: Discursive Essay

Time: 60 minutes

Word Limit: 350-500 words

It is essential to manage your time wisely to complete both tasks within the allocated time frame.

Scoring Criteria

Scoring Criteria

MUET Writing is scored based on four key areas:

Task Fulfillment

How well the candidate addresses the given task and demonstrates an understanding of the requirements.

Language Accuracy

The ability to use appropriate grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structures effectively.

Cohesion and Coherence

How well ideas are organized and connected, resulting in a logical and cohesive essay.

Appropriateness of Style

The candidate’s ability to adopt an appropriate tone, register, and style for the given task.

Every area is doled out a particular band score going from 0 to 6, and the last score is the normal of the four band scores. It is urgent to focus on every angle to maximize your score.

Tips for MUET Writing Success

Tips for MUET Writing Success

Understand the Task Requirements

Carefully read the instructions and ensure you fully comprehend what is expected of you in each task.

Plan and Organize

Take a few minutes to plan your essay structure before writing . Create an outline with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Time Management

Allocate appropriate time for each task. Prioritize Task B since it carries more marks but ensure you complete Task A within the assigned time as well.

Language Use

Demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary, sentence structures, and grammar. Avoid repetitive language and aim for precision and clarity in your writing.

Use linking words and phrases to connect ideas and create a smooth flow. Check the logical progression of your arguments and ensure they support your thesis statement.

Introduction and Conclusion

Craft an engaging introduction that provides context and a clear thesis statement. Conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and offering a thoughtful closing statement.

Practice Writing

Regularly practice writing essays within the word limit to enhance your speed and proficiency. Seek feedback from teachers or peers to identify areas for improvement.

Sample Essay: Task B

Sample Essay: Task B

Topic: “Social media has had a significant impact on interpersonal communication. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.”

Essay Example

Essay Example

In today’s digital age, social media platforms have upset the manner in which we impart. While they offer a few advantages, there are likewise disadvantages to consider. This essay will investigate the disadvantages and burdens of social media’s effect on relational communication.

Body Paragraph 1

Benefits One of the essential benefits of social media is its capacity to interface with individuals across distances. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter empower people to keep in contact with loved ones, paying little heed to geological obstructions. Moreover, Assignment Help Malaysia gives a platform for people to offer their viewpoints, encouraging sound discussions and widening points of view.

Body Paragraph 2

Disadvantages Then again, social media can adversely affect relational correspondence. Unreasonable dependence on digital platforms can prompt a decrease in eye-to-eye communication, lessening the profundity of personal connections. In addition, the steady openness to arranged pictures and romanticized adaptations of individuals’ lives on platforms like Instagram can prompt insecurities and low confidence.

social media’s effect on relational correspondence is a situation with two sides. While it permits us to interface and draw in with others all the more effectively, it can likewise block significant, up close, and personal cooperation. In this manner, it is fundamental to find some kind of strike between the advantages and downsides of social media to guarantee its positive impact on our lives.

MUET Report: Assessing English Language Proficiency among Malaysian Students

example muet essay question 1

The Malaysian University English Test (MUET) plays a vital role in assessing the English language proficiency of Malaysian students. This report aims to analyze MUET performance among students in Malaysia and Assignment Help provide recommendations for enhancing English language proficiency. By examining test scores, identifying trends, exploring challenges, and proposing strategies, this report aims to contribute to the improvement of English language education in Malaysia.

MUET Speaking Topics

MUET Speaking Topics

Here are some MUET Speaking topics that are commonly used in the test:

  • Technology and its Impact on Society
  • Environmental Issues and Conservation
  • Education System Reforms
  • Youth Empowerment and Volunteerism
  • Globalization and Its Effects on Culture
  • Health and Fitness in Modern Society
  • Social Media and Its Influence on Relationships
  • Economic Development and Income Inequality
  • Tourism and Its Impact on Local Communities
  • The Role of Government in Promoting Entrepreneurship

These topics cover a scope of contemporary issues that expect the possibility to offer their viewpoints, take part in conversations, and present contentions. It is essential to remain refreshed on current undertakings and have a balanced comprehension of every point.

MUET Preparation and Essay Writing

MUET Preparation and Essay Writing

If you’re looking to hire experts for both MUET test preparation and essay writing assistance, here are some steps you can follow:

Determine Your Needs

Assess whether you need assistance with overall test preparation or specific sections such as writing, speaking, listening, or reading. Additionally, consider if you require help specifically with essay writing or need a comprehensive approach.

Research Online Tutoring Platforms

Explore reputable online tutoring platforms that offer expert assistance in language proficiency exams like MUET. Platforms like Preply, iTalki, Verbling, and provide a wide range of qualified tutors who specialize in language exams. You can filter tutors based on their expertise in essay writing and test preparation.

Check Tutors’ Profiles

Review the profiles of potential tutors. Look for individuals with experience teaching or tutoring MUET and a demonstrated proficiency in essay writing. Pay attention to their qualifications, educational background, teaching style, and reviews from previous students to assess their suitability.

Schedule Consultations

Arrange consultations or trial sessions with shortlisted tutors. Use this opportunity to discuss your needs, goals, and expectations. Inquire about their approach to essay writing, test preparation strategies, and their ability to tailor their guidance to your specific requirements.

Seek Writing Assistance

If you specifically require essay writing support, consider engaging an expert academic writer or editor. Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Essay Writing Services provide access to professional writers with expertise in various subjects, including essay writing. Review their profiles, portfolios, and client feedback to ensure their proficiency.

Discuss Expectations and Goals

Clearly communicate your expectations, goals, and areas of focus to the tutors or writers. Make sure they understand your requirements for MUET test preparation and essay writing. Provide any specific essay prompts or topics you need assistance with, and discuss the desired outcome for your essays.

Collaboration and Practice

Collaborate with the tutors or writers to create a study plan and a schedule that incorporates both test preparation and essay writing. Regularly practice writing essays under their guidance and utilize their feedback to improve your writing skills. Additionally, work with them to develop effective strategies for the different sections of the MUET test.

MUET Group Discussion

MUET Group Discussion

MUET (Malaysian University English Test) includes a Group Discussion component, which assesses your ability to engage in a discussion and express your ideas effectively in English. Here are some tips to excel in the MUET Group Discussion:

Understand the Format:

Familiarize yourself with the format and requirements of the MUET Group Discussion. Typically, a group of candidates will be given a topic and asked to discuss it for a specific duration. You will be assessed based on your ability to communicate fluently, express opinions, listen to others, and collaborate in a group setting.

Improve English Language Skills

Upgrade your English language abilities by perusing generally, working on talking and tuning in, and extending your jargon. Focus on punctuation, sentence construction, and articulation.

Practice Active Listening

During the discussion, actively listen to what others are saying. Show interest, maintain eye contact, and respond appropriately. Engage in the conversation by building upon others’ points, asking relevant questions, and seeking clarification when needed.

Respect Others’ Views

Show respect for the opinions of other participants, even if you disagree. Be open-minded and consider different perspectives. Practice active and respectful listening by acknowledging others’ points and responding constructively.

Manage Time Effectively

Time management is crucial in Group Discussions. Keep track of the time allotted for the discussion and ensure that all participants have a chance to contribute. If the discussion gets off track, steer it back to the main topic and encourage others to stay focused.

Practice with Mock Group Discussions

Organize practice sessions with classmates or friends. Choose relevant topics, set time limits, and simulate the actual MUET Group Discussion. Practice maintaining a balance between listening and speaking, and work on improving your communication skills within a group setting.

Practice with Mock Group Discussions

The MUET Writing component is an important part of the Malaysian University English Test that evaluates candidates’ ability to express ideas and communicate effectively in written form. This definitive guide has provided an overview of the test format, scoring criteria, and valuable tips for success. Additionally, a sample essay exemplified the application of these guidelines. To excel in MUET Writing, it is crucial to understand the task requirements, plan and organize your essays, manage time effectively, utilize language accurately, ensure cohesion and coherence, and practice regularly. By following these recommendations, you can enhance your performance and achieve success in the MUET Writing test.

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MUET Past Year Papers Collection

Published by on Feb 18, 2021 , 05:31 am

Are you sitting for Malaysian University English Test (MUET) and feeling nervous about it? No worries, we are here to help!

In general, there are 4 components in MUET:

  • Paper 1 - Listening (45 marks/15%)
  • Paper 2 – Speaking (45 marks/15%)
  • Paper 3 - Reading (120 marks/40%)
  • Paper 4 - Writing (90 marks/30%)

We have collected some samples of MUET past-year questions, particularly for the Writing component, from 2015 to 2019. What are you waiting for? Grab a pen and a paper and start working on it now!

Past Year MUET Writing Paper

  • MUET Writing Paper 2015 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Writing Paper 2016 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Writing Paper 2017 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Writing Paper 2018 ( Session 1 , Session 2, Session 3 )
  • MUET Writing Paper 2019 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Writing Paper 2020 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)

MUET Past Papers

Past Year MUET Reading Paper

  • MUET Reading Paper 2015 (Session 1, Session 2 , Session 3)
  • MUET Reading Paper 2016 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3 )
  • MUET Reading Paper 2017 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Reading Paper 2018 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Reading Paper 2019 (Session 1, Session 2 , Session 3)
  • MUET Reading Paper 2020 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)

Past Year MUET Speaking Paper

  • MUET Reading Paper 2015 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Reading Paper 2016 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Reading Paper 2018 (Session 1, Session 2 , Session 3)
  • MUET Reading Paper 2019 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)

Past Year MUET Listening Paper

  • MUET Listening Paper 2015 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Listening Paper 2016 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Listening Paper 2017 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Listening Paper 2018 ( Session 1 , Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Listening Paper 2019 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
  • MUET Listening Paper 2020 (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)

MUET Sample Papers

Check out our MUET guides as well:

The Ultimate MUET Speaking Tips

5 Pro Tips to Ace ANY English Tests (including MUET!)

3 Steps to Jumpstart Your MUET Preparations

Stay tuned as we update the list from time to time. To all the MUET candidates, we wish you all the best!



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MUET Writing : Sample Essays (Malaysian University English Test)

MUET Writing : Sample Essays (Malaysian University English Test) .

Untuk Rujukan. KPM (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia). Semoga Perkongsian informasi, maklumat, makluman, pemberitahuan, laman web, sesawang, pautan, portal rasmi, panduan, bahan rujukan, bahan pembelajaran dan pengajaran, sumber rujukan dalam post di blog Bumi Gemilang berguna dan dapat membantu para pengguna. 0820

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How to write a muet discursive essay.

  • March 12, 2022

A student writing an essay on his laptop

A discursive essay is an opportunity for you to write about your personal opinion on certain topics. It involves you thinking about the subject matter being discussed and then presenting your balanced view on the subject. This would be your judgement based on your observation supported by evidence of the current happening around you.

In many sense writing a discursive essay is quite similar to writing an agree or disagree essay. But there are some differences.

Because of these overlapping similarities and differences I could understand that they may cause some worry.

However, I also believe that writing about a subject based on your personal views  about a topic, is really something that you could enjoy.

As a teacher I feel that you can actually get over this worry of having to write an essay or anything else for that matter. One way to do this, is for you to understand the thing that you fear. Also understand why you feel that way.

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In this blog I’m going to show you how to write a discursive essay for the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) writing task 2. The content of this blog is as such:

Types of essays for writing task 2

What is a discursive essay, discursive essay sample question, content points for the essay, structure of a discursive essay.

  • The introduction

The body paragraphs

The conclusion.

You will have 50 minutes for you to write an extended essay for writing task 2. The extended essay is going to be one of the following. They are either:

  • A discursive essay
  • An argumentative essay
  • A problem-solution essay

The length of your essay has to be more than 250 words and the maximum marks you can get for task 2 is 60 marks.

In this blog we will be focussing on how to write a discursive essay. So, let’s first of all find out the answer to this very basic question.

These are the criteria that make up a discursive essay.

  • In a discursive essay:
  • the main idea is to explore the topic of discussion
  • present both sides of the argument - for and against
  • include discussion of the topic, present ideas and opinions
  • there is no direct purpose to convince the reader to agree with your views

When you are writing a discursive essay your main idea is to explore the topic of discussion. And so because of this you are going to be presenting both sides of the arguments.

You are writing to inform. This basically means that you are giving the reader more information about the topic being discussed. Accordingly, you are going to write about content points where you support and also oppose to the topic.

Naturally, this will involve presenting your own ideas and opinions.

Also bear in mind that your purpose of writing is not to convince the reader to agree with your views. So, the way you write your essay will sound like you are presenting your ideas for the purpose of discussion only. You are not writing to influence the reader of your essay.

Let’s clarify this a little bit more by looking at the sample question.

This is a sample question of a discursive essay.

example muet essay question 1

What is written in the red box is the task that you will need to fulfill for task 2. I would like to highlight here the wordings used in the task given.

In this task it clearly states that you will need to write an essay expressing your opinion on this statement. This is therefore a discursive essay.

Expressing your personal opinion is a must.

So use expressions like “It is in my belief that..” or ” I believe that..” in your elaborations. However, be sure not to overuse these.

Here again, it is evident that the question wants you to do this one thing which is to give your personal opinion on the statement. You can do this by presenting your views to support and to go against the statement mentioned.

In doing this you are giving an unbiased view of the subject matter. You are simply going to present from observation and based on evidence your view of the topic.

The statement made by the fresh graduate in this question is the topic of discussion of your discursive essay .

I will not go through this question here as I have already discussed and talked about this question in another blog. So, do click the link above to find out more about this question and the task that you need to fulfill in task 2 here.

So, once you get your question you are going to first of all, read and understand the topic given. After that, you are going to spend 5 minutes of your time on planning what to write. You will need to come up with three content points for this essay.

Let’s now look at the content points that you can use for this question.

These are the content points that you can have for your essay. 

  • Relates to job performance- devote time and effort
  • Job satisfaction- happiness- quality of life
  • Unemployment rate- not be too choosy- survival
  • Job opportunity that pays well

Thes are the two content points to support the topic and two more to oppose. 

The first content says that you do agree to the idea that a person’s career choice should be based on the person’s interest.

And the first thing you can say is that this will relate to the person’s job performance. People who have jobs that they love and are interested in, will devote their time and effort on the job.

The next reason you can give to support the statement is that choosing a career that you are interested in would provide you with job satisfaction. This will in turn contribute to your happiness and overall quality of life.

For the points opposing to the statement, you can have two of these points listed here. First you can say that you are aware of the current climate of unemployment in our society.

Unemployment rate is very high especially so now with the pandemic going on. You believe that we should not be too choosy in selecting only careers that we are interested in. This is because there is the need for you to have a job for survival.

Another reason you can give to oppose to the statement is if a person comes across a job opportunity that pays well, then certainly the person should consider taking the job. From these content points, select the best three that you want to discuss in your essay.

Now that you’ve got your content points, you can start writing your essay. Here is the structure of a discursive essay that you need to know.

This is the structure of a discursive essay . The number of paragraphs you need to have for your essay is 5 paragraphs.



  • Reason to support view in topic sentence 1 (TS1)
  • Reason to support view in topic sentence 2 (TS2)
  • Reason to oppose view in topic sentence 3 (TS3)

Start your essay with an introduction. The three content points would  be made up of two points to support and the third content point would be one that goes against the statement. Lastly is the conclusion of your essay. 

Let me just show you how this essay is written.

Let’s first of all look at how to write the introduction. These items are what you should have in your introduction.

  • Background information of the topic
  • Thesis statement
  • State your stand (optional for a discursive essay)

Paragraph one will be your introductory paragraph. Start your introduction with a hook. A hook is something that is going to attract or pull in the reader to read your essay.

So, you’re going to write something interesting as the hook. After the hook you’re going to give some background information about the topic being discussed.

This background information will serve two purposes. One is that it will help the reader understand the topic more. And the second reason which is also the most important, is that it gives the reader confidence in your writing.

Giving some background information shows that you have some basic understanding of the topic.

It shows that you know what you are talking about. 

You will need to write your thesis statement after that to let the reader know about what to expect in your essay.

And lastly is for you to state your stand. And for this particular question you will say that you agree to the statement made but only to a certain extent. Stating your stand for a discursive essay like this is optional, as really the main purpose of writing the essay is for you to give your unbiased view of the subject.

The next thing that comes after the introduction is the body paragraphs.

Content 1 and 2 support the statement

In a discursive essay content 1 and 2 show your support of the statement.

  • Use linkers and sentence connectors (To begin with, Firstly, etc.)
  • (TS 1) Reason to support view
  • Explain your views with evidence and an example
  • Closing for paragraph and reinstating TS 1

How you write your content point will be like this. Start your paragraph with a linker or a sentence connector. Examples of linkers and sentence connectors you can use to start your paragraph are such as, ‘to begin with, firstly, first and foremost’ etc.

After the linker and in the very first sentence of your paragraph you are going to write a reason that supports the view.

Next, you are going to explain this view with evidence. Provide an example to clarify this idea. Also explain more about the example and link it back to the topic being discussed. And then end your paragraph with a closing by reinstating topic sentence 1. Now let’s move on to your second content point in paragraph 3.

  • Use linkers or sentence connectors (Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, etc.)
  • (TS 2) Reason to support view
  • Closing for paragraph and reinstating TS 2

For the next content point, again you would need to start with a sentence connector. But this time use the sentence connectors that signals the continuation of an idea. You can use ‘furthermore, moreover, in addition’ etc.

Right after this and in the very first sentence of the paragraph you would need to provide another reason for why you support the statement.

After this, explain your view with evidence. Add an example from what you have seen in the media for instance and then provide your personal opinion based on that. By doing this, again you are showing critical thinking of the subject matter.

After this, you will be writing your third content point.

Content 3 opposes the statement given

Going on to the third content point is where you are going to switch your view. Here, you are going to provide a reason to oppose the statement given.

  • Use sequence connectors (On the other hand, in contrast, however etc.)
  • (TS 3) Reason to oppose view
  • Closing for paragraph and reinstating TS 3

First use sentence connectors that signal you are going to say something the opposite of what you have said before. It is very important for you to use a sentence connector that signals the contrast of what you have said. These are such as ‘nevertheless, however, etc.

Then, in the very first sentence of your paragraph, you would need to give a reason for why you oppose this view. Explain why you say this with evidence. Provide an example of what you have read in the newspapers as an example.

And moving on to the last paragraph which is the conclusion, you can write something like this.

This is the last paragraph for your essay.

  • State the topic of discussion
  • Summarise the content points
  • Recap your opinion- giving a balanced view
  • Closing for the essay

Start again with a sentence connector to signal the conclusion. Use ‘in conclusion or to conclude’ etc. to do this.

And after this, in the same sentence state the topic of discussion again to remind the reader of the topic being discussed.

Then summarise the three content points in your own words. You would need to rephrase the sentences that you have used before. Rephrasing your content points will avoid you from sounding repetitive and also will certainly freshen them up.  

Next, remind the reader again of your stand regarding the topic being discussed. Give a recap of your opinion about the topic and provide a balanced view on the matter.  

And lastly, provide your ending with a sentence that signals the closing of the paragraph. It should sound like you are closing your essay.

This is how you write a discursive essay. Look out for my other blogs about the other two types of extended essays that you may get for task 2 – the argumentative essay and the problem solution essay.

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Roslina Abdul Latiff

Muet teacher.

Hello everyone. I am a MUET teacher teaching the sixth formers in a school in the historic city of Melaka, Malaysia. I have been teaching for more than 25 years and I am also a book writer. I hope I can be of some help to you in achieving the band that you need. 

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MUET report writing and sample 2019

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Study the report writing structure and try the question. A sample answer is provided.

When writing a report, follow this simple structure. You’ll find producing a report between 150-200 words an easy task. 

1.  Title

2.   Introduction sentence - what are the stimuli

3.   Overview / trend - what is the most outstanding idea that links all stimuli?

4.   Key features - most outstanding features as opposed to listing down obvious features.

5.   Conclusion sentence - similar to overview, but just written from a different angle.

Study the chart and table below. Using only the information provided, analyse the sales of three fast food outlets in the first quarter of 2012. In your answer, you are to link the information presented in both visuals. You should write a report of between 150-200 words.

example muet essay question 1

Many of these exam papers share the same structure from year to year. To familiarise yourself with these types of questions, its a good idea to practice as much as possible with past papers .

Sales of three fast food outlets in the first quarter of 2012

2. Introduction

The stimuli present a line graph on the sales of three fast food outlets in the first quarter of 2012 and a table on their promotional activities.

3. Overview/trend

In general, the sales of fast food outlets increases in direct relation to the amount of promotional activities.

In general, Ken Burger recorded the highest amount of sales especially when they carried out promotional activities.

1. Key features

Analysis within each stimulus

  • According to the line graph, among the three fast food outlets, Ken Burger is the most popular choice followed by Mario Pizza and Ray’s Fish & Chips.
  • The highest recorded sales was by Ken Burger in April as it rose sharply from RM 3,000 to more than RM 4,000.
  • Sales for Ken Burger dipped between February and March to an all time low of below RM 1,900.
  • Mario Pizza achieved its highest sales of RM 1,500 between February and March before dropping to less than RM 500 at the end of April.
  • Ray’s Fish & Chips was the least popular among the three fast food outlets selling less than RM 400 for all four months.

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  • Ken Burger and Mario Pizza both carried out two promotional activities in the first quarter of 2012.
  • Ray’s Fish & Chips carried out the least number of promotional activities which was to give a free drink in March.

Synthesis (linking between stimuli)

  • Ken Burger’s sales increased when they carried out promotional activities in January (free drinks) and April (gift voucher) whereas sales dipped when no promotions were carried out.
  • Similarly, Maria Pizza’s sales also increased in February and March due to the two promotional activities they held during that period.
  • Ray’s Fish & Chips had poor sales throughout the first quarter as they rarely had promotional activities.
  • Furthermore, Ray’s Fish & Chips only offered a free drink in March and this resulted in only a slight increase in sales.

1. Conclusion

In conclusion, attractive promotional activities organised by fast food outlets can positively affect their sales.

In conclusion, fast food outlets sales are boosted when they carry out promotional activities which are attractive to customers such as offering gift vouchers or discounts.

example muet essay question 1

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