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  • Speech on Junk Food



Over the years, the intake of junk food among the young age groups has only increased. Adolescents especially are the ones who are on the margin of high consumption of junk food. Any type of food that has more harmful ingredients like less nutrition-rich food is considered to be junk. Junk food according to research has shown that when regularly consumed it can cause severe damage to the health of an individual. In this article Speech On Harmful effects of junk food and speech on health hazards of junk food is discussed to help you get a better understanding of different ways of speech writing on junk food. The much-relished fast foods also fall under the umbrella of junk food. And to keep healthy one must keep at bay from such food. Different ways to deliver this message can be a long speech on avoiding junk food or a short speech on saying no to junk food.

Long and Short Speech on Junk Food 

Long speech on junk food.

This form of the long speech on junk food is extremely helpful for students in grades 8-12 who are assigned to deliver a 5-minute speech. 

Good morning to everyone present here, respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends, I am Abc (mention your name) here to speak about a topic we know of but not entirely that is junk food. Yes, aren’t we all aware of the delicious junk food. In fact, we eat more junk food than healthy food without realizing what the consequences will be. 

Before going ahead let me ask you all a question about your breakfast habits. Do you actually take the time to consider what you eat as the most important meal like having fruits, toast, idli, dosa, etc or do you just buy something like a heavy cheesy sandwich from our canteens? I am certain we all act according to our convenience without considering the effects on our health.

It is indeed the changing times that we have been totally neglectful towards what we put into our bodies. Especially in metropolitan cities and towns where there is a surplus of junk food available it is more likely that everyone will consume it more. The main reason for it being so much in demand is because of its cheap price which is the perfect fit for teenagers and youngsters for the affordability of these products. 

Another main reason apart from being available for affordable prices is its delicious taste. Because of this very reason, it has more repeat value for the young kids and they seem to form an addiction to such kinds of foods. The other attracting quality of this junk food is that it is readily available at all times. Be it on the streets or now even in fast-food restaurants. So people find it extremely convenient to either eat on-site or even take away because it takes very little time to prepare.  

Junk in itself means waste and junk food also contains all the waste and unwanted additives and ingredients with high calories because of fat and sugar that is added in abundance. It also lacks everything good that is required for the body to function properly as the proper quantity of protein, fibers, vitamins, and minerals. It also contains trans-fats that are truly damaging in the long term and even in the short term period. 

These full of fats junk foods are, fried chicken, pizza, burger, noodles, pasta, hot dogs, potato chips like lays, puffcorn, popcorn, doughnuts, french fries, icecreams, tacos, cookies, and pancakes and as I mention this I am fully aware that there are many of our favorite food items in these. And while one can enjoy these once in a while and should not be consumed regularly. This is because it can lead to obesity, which will hamper appetite and digestion. 

And eventually lead to lethargy, inactive lifestyle, and depression. All of this in no way sounds kind to the children’s growth and development. Even though there are many KFC outlets and pizza outlets we must keep in mind that we are what we eat and avoid visiting such restaurants that serve so much junk food. Instead, go for fruits and vegetable vendors and exercise into a healthy lifestyle and healthy body. These small changes can lead to so many beneficial outcomes and we must start immediately. Start living a good life and stay healthy.

Short Speech on Junk Food

This kind of speech on junk food is short and hence can be extremely beneficial for students in grades 4-8 who can deliver a simple speech and cover all the important points.

Good morning all, respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends today I am here to speak on the topic of junk food. Junk food is termed junk food because all the components in it are waste, unhealthy and unimportant. These components are oil, trans fats instead of the good omega fats, sugar, fats, calories, minimal to no proteins, and fibers. 

Even with so many problems, the endorsement of it is very alluring. Junk food, mostly fast foods, are easily available on the streets. It is charged at a reasonable price so even the young ones are buying without any issues and since it is also delicious it is very appealing. 

We learn the components that have to be consumed for a healthy body and the food chart clearly mentions consuming less of all the components that are abundantly present in junk food. Yet we keep falling prey to such false advertisements of burgers, biryanis, pizzas, pasta, chips, and noodles.  

The problem with all of this is not the availability of it and the accessibility of the junk food; it is how regularly the choice of eating such unhealthy food is being made instead of the good homemade and fine food.

Our health is in our own hands, and we can make the choice to either destroy it or conserve and preserve it to live a long and healthy life. Let us all make this choice sooner rather than later so we do not regret our decisions when we have diabetes, obesity, depression, heart diseases, cholesterol early in our lives. The time is now to make healthy choices and let us pledge to do so by avoiding harmful foods that damage our health and body.

Thank you.  

10 Lines Speech on Junk Food

This is a short speech on saying no to junk food especially helpful for the students in grades 1-3 highlighting the harmful effects of junk food.

The cause of the rising obesity and a lethargic lifestyle among teenagers and the youth is the heavy consumption of junk food. 

The components of junk food are very harmful and lead to serious illnesses.

It is not body-friendly and causes an increase in fat levels of the body, which leads to cholesterol, blood pressure, heart diseases, obesity, and depression.

Such foods even though delicious are damaging. And the deliciousness can be appealing to the tongue since everyone seems to relish its taste but not to the body and its functions. 

Certain types of junk foods are chips, fried foods like deep-fried samosa, fried chicken, noodles, pasta, burgers, french fries, etc.

They have trans-fats and an immense quantity of oil, and sugar that is very difficult to digest.

It has no proteins, fibers, good minerals, and vitamins.

It hampers the digestive system by destroying the digestive juices and thus reducing the metabolism.

With so many problems children suffer from a lack of growth and development and start leading a lethargic and inactive life.

Hence one must say no to junk food and yes to healthy dietary foods that keep us safe and help us live longer. And one must encourage others to opt for such healthy lifestyle changes as well.

Intake of junk food is very harmful to one’s health. We all know that. It has always been an issue. But, with the passage of time, it has become more of a bigger issue. This is due to the fact that the consumption of such foods has witnessed tremendous growth. And the big part of the statistics is that more and more teens and adolescents have been consuming them in increased amounts every year. There are many studies that have some very thought-provoking statistics. 

Importance of a Speech on Junk Food

Various studies show the very consequences that have surfaced after so much consumption of junk food. As a result, it is a very important topic for schools to discuss with the students. And what better way to do that than with a speech from a fellow student?

Yes, many schools have been leaning towards the idea of starting a conversation with their students on the topic of the extreme consumption of junk food. Their fellow classmates, then not only listen to it but also pay attention to it. With accessibility to Junk Food in almost every corner of the city and on every road, it is hard to be ignored. And hence, it is significant that the students are educated in this area so as to lead a healthy lifestyle.


FAQs on Speech on Junk Food

1. How frequently should one have junk food?

It is advised by various healthcare experts and doctors for one to not have junk food regularly. One can go on consuming it in moderation, once or twice a week, but not more than that. But regular consumption can be bad for one’s health. One must also ensure to replace their junk food with substitutes that are healthy instead. Experts also claim that with the decreased rate of consumption of junk food, one can stay healthy for longer. This will also help them with preventing various diseases, which may happen now or later in their life.

2. What should a speech on junk food contain?

Promoting a healthy diet via a speech on junk food might be easy. All one has to do is speak a bunch of words about how junk food is bad for their health. However, the case with such a speech is that it is focussed more on the facts about junk food. What one needs to do is provide a proper solution to the problem. With that kept in mind, one can showcase the health effects of a balanced diet. They can count a few substitutes that can be used or much healthier counterparts that can be consumed instead of junk food. They can also give advice on how healthy food can also be made tasty with the help of some spices.

3. How can one promote having a healthy diet in a speech on junk food?

4. Where can I get more information about how to give a speech on junk food?

A speech on junk food for students is something that is pretty easy. However, it is the delivering part of the speech that might get tricky. In such a case, one can always ask their teacher for help. Another one who can come to their rescue is Vedantu, where they can easily get so many pointers that can help them nail their speech. From a short speech to a long speech, Vedantu helps the students with giving their best speech in English.

5. Who can guide the students to give a speech on junk food in English?

Students who are about to give a speech require some much-needed guidance when it comes to delivering a speech. With such a task, a teacher can act as their mentor, their guide and help them do the deed with confidence. They can help the students at every stage, from preparing the speech with the help of Vedantu to rehearsing their enunciation of words. The students must be well in terms of the language they are giving the speech in as well, in this case, it is English.

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Speech On Junk Food | Junk Food Speech for Students and Children in English  

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Speech On Junk Food: Unhealthy junk food tastes splendid but is incredibly detrimental to our health. Consuming them might seem very pleasing, but it has deadly consequences. If one aspires to live long and have a happy and healthy life, quitting junk food is the only way out.

Junk food is a type of edibles that contains high percentages of trans fatty acids, cholesterols, a very high amount of carbohydrate and added sugar. It lacks or has a minimal amount of the food components that are good for our health like vitamins, minerals, fiber, omega fatty acids and such.

Therefore we have gathered long and short speeches on this important topic along with ten lines and FAQs about the Indian education system for the use of the children and students of different age groups.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long and Short Speeches On Junk Food for Kids And Students in English

A long speech on Junk Food is providedfor students; it is about 500 words long. There is a short speech of 150 words, which is given below. Students generally use these speeches for their assignments and prepare grand statements to stir them on occasions and meetings and create awareness about the consumption of junk foods.

A Long Speech On Junk Food is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Junk Food is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Junk Food 500 Words In English

Good morning everyone. I have a question for the crowd, what did you have for your breakfast today? Was it bread, butter, egg, and milk, or was it cereal, or did you have some delicious paratha with butter? I, for one, sure do not know the answer to this question, but I know one thing that all of you must have had something to fill your stomach before this event. I am also sure that you had not had a burger, pizza, or biryani etc. in the morning.

The restaurants even do not include these items on their breakfast menu. They have items like hash brown potatoes, bread, fruit juice, eggs, and sorts for their breakfast menu.

Junk food is lovely and appealing, but as is told, we are what we eat. When one starts to consume junk food, there is no going back. One eats one after another junk food.

The food pyramid that we have and was taught to us in school shows that it has carbohydrate and fat of the top of the pyramid where the end is pointed, and this simplifies that it must be consumed in small amounts. While the bottom of the pyramid, which is wide constitutes of raw fruits, salads, etc. even milk and proteins form the second tier of the food pyramid.

Junk foods mainly constitute of carbohydrates and fats, and thus, it is terrible for our health and must be avoided entirely.

Junk food, cold drinks, etc. are not even a part of the food pyramid still we are attracted towards it for its taste. If a slice of pizza is kept on one side of the table, and the other side of the table fruits are kept, 90% of people will be having the former.

Excessive salt, butter, oil, purified butter, dessert, cake, chips, sugar, and sorts are harmful to health. Instead of this, we need to eat more greens and maintain a properly balanced diet. Maintaining the food cycle and sleep cycle is as crucial as not eating junk food. Because no matter how much we avoid eating junk food, if there is no balance, it becomes impossible to keep oneself fit.

Maybe the consumption of these junk foods does not show any effects immediately. But in the long run, it will show signs and make life difficult. Cholesterol that leads to heart ailments, diabetes, blood sugar issues, osteoporosis, etc. are just a few diseases to name.

I want to conclude by saying, junk foods will lure us through advertisements. There will be traps laid down perfectly to entangle you into having these harmful foods. But suppose you set up your goal to quit eating junk food. In that case, you must always keep this in mind that if you have a single packet of chips in a month, it is not a problem.

We have all seen what junk food can do, and I am very sure that it would not be confined to having just a single packet of chips per month, the frequency of the consumption of junk food will keep on increasing.

With this, its one’s call to choose between eating to live or living to eat.

Short Speech On Junk Food 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Junk Food 150 Words In English

Good morning to respected Principal, teachers, honourable guests, and my dear friends. Today I will speak about the topic, Junk Food.

The word junk means unimportant, waste, or harmful and going by the definition of the term, junk food is unhealthy and unimportant food for our food. The components with which junk food is made is not healthy to consume.

Most of the junk foods have high amount of sugar and oil content, but people are more driven by junk food as it is appealing, ready to eat, and hassle-free. Wafers, chips, noodles, soft drinks, burgers, pizzas, etc. are all examples of junk food.

It is tough to remove yourself from junk foods altogether. You have to try to incorporate more fibrous food in your diet slowly. Gradually, you need for oily, and fatty carbs will reduce.

After many studies, the nutritionists have concluded that no matter how attractive junk food looks, it is hazardous to consume it. If someone wishes to live a healthy life, he or she must search for healthy food.

10 Lines On Junk Food Speech

  • Junk food is unhealthy and is harmful to the human body.
  • Consumption of junk foods leads to serious illness.
  • Junk foods can make an individual lazy.
  • The attractive advertisements promoting junk foods are deceptive and are a trap.
  • Junk food can create mental and physical disorders.
  • Having junk food destroys our food cycle.
  • Junk foods have a high concentration of fats and carbohydrates, which are not very body-friendly.
  • Obesity can be caused due to the consumption of junk foods.
  • Junk foods are also tough to digest.
  • To lead a healthy life, one must quit junk food.

10 Lines On Junk Food Speech

FAQ’s On Junk Food Speech

Question 1. What do you mean by ‘junk food’?

Answer: Junk food refers to a class of food which contains food components that are harmful to us and a minimal amount of components that are good for us.

Question 2. What is considered a healthy diet?

Answer: A healthy diet is composed of wholesome food. They are foods which have the right amount of carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and fibers.

Question 3. Do I need to stop eating junk food to live a healthy life completely?

Answer: People are so attracted to junk food because of how delicious it tastes. You don’t have to stop having junk food entirely. You can have one or two cheat days which will push you to eat healthily.

Question 4. How do I incorporate healthy food into my diet?

Answer: You can take small steps like replacing carbonated and sweetened soda for fruit juice or water. Drinking plenty of water can effectively wash out the toxins from junk food, and it keeps our skin glowing.

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Speech on Junk Food

One of the most important topics relevant for elocution or group discussion, especially among students, is junk food. Since junk food is loved by all, when it comes to citing the pros and cons of having junk food, students mostly find it hard to spot its cons! This article will cover all the relevant points that are necessary for giving a speech on junk food. 

Table of Contents

What is junk food.

  • How Does Junk Food Affect Your Bodies?

Ways to Keep Your Body Healthy

  • FAQs on Junk Food

The main reason why children are so obsessed with junk food is that they don’t really know which kinds of foods fall under the category of junk food. Junk food includes all those foods which are packed or processed, and contain immense amounts of calories (either fat or sugar). They have very little nutritional value. Foods like chips, chocolates, soft drinks, and fried foods are some of the common junk foods. 

How Does Junk Food Affect Your Body?

It’s evident that people of all ages love gorging on junk food, but having it on a daily basis will have adverse effects on your bodies. Let’s see how having junk food affects your bodies.

  • Have you noticed that nowadays most people, including school-going children, are suffering from high cholesterol or high blood pressure problems? These are mainly due to all the junk food they’ve consumed.
  • Most children of all ages suffer from indigestion and irregular bowel movements. This is mainly because children nowadays enjoy eating unhealthy food rather than healthy food.
  • Since these junk foods taste great, you don’t keep check of how many calories you are taking in. Excess calories on a daily basis cause multiple health issues, thereby hindering normal body functions.

If asked to stop eating junk food, it would be kind of an impossible task for many. How to keep the body healthy even after consuming junk food once in a while? Here are some ways to maintain proper health and still have some junk food in your diet.

  • One of the simple ways to keep your body healthy is by including green leafy vegetables and fibrous fruits in your diet. These vegetables and fruits absorb and remove all toxins in your bodies.
  •  Every person should intake the right amount of calories to maintain their body weight. So keep your calorie count in check. 
  • Try to avoid consumption of high amounts of saturated fats especially found in red meat, cookies, pastries, chocolates, etc. These foods increase the risk of heart diseases later in life. If you want to eat, try to have these kinds of foods once or twice a month.

Frequently Asked Questions on Junk Food 

What is junk food, how is junk food harmful to us.

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Persuasive Speech About Junk Food

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Published: Mar 16, 2024

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Speech on Junk Food in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

The gravest problem that the world today is dealing with is obesity, after the wars based on religion. There are more people dying of obesity than cancer. And that is a fact engulfing the thoughts and research hours of people all around the entire world. The much talked about thing is health . Everyone has become conscious about what to eat and what to avoid. People have taken up physical exercise or a sport to keep them fit. A lot of gyms have come up as a result; health centres too have mushroomed in every locality. But at the same time if we look around us a lot of small and big shops and restaurants, take away joints, dial-in a meal websites have emerged too! It is high time we realised the importance of taking care of ourselves, eat healthy and stay fit.

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On this page we have shared some examples of Speech on Junk Food and its hazards. These will help you with preparing a speech of your own, for any occasion. The short speeches can be used at school or college level and the long speeches may be used by speakers other than children. The language is easy to understand with simple words that each one can relate to. You can draw reference from our speeches and make your speech interesting for your audience.

Long and Short Speech on Junk Food

Speech on junk food – 1.

The name junk is self-explanatory, isn’t it? Good Morning all! I need to say in too many words what junk food is! It is that food that we must avoid at any cost. I can quote a lot of idioms and phrases that are said on this topic. For instance, “You become what you eat”. Another very interesting one I heard somewhere is, “Keep the friends close, your enemies’ closer and junk food as far as possible”.

Junk food includes things that are rich in cream, butter, oil, sugar, lot of spices, salt and preservatives. Food items that are packaged, and are processed, semi-cooked or ready to eat recipes packaged and preserved to be eaten out of packet. And also things kids love to eat the most- chocolates. Ice-creams, cakes, cookies, chips, fried namkeen etc are all junk food. Now third category is the food we get in the restaurant, the oily variety I mean, like, Bhatura, Puri, fried rice, Manchurian etc. Finally, we Indians are great fans of sweetmeats that come in all variety, colour and flavours, all dipped, smeared or loaded with sugar and oil. Come festival season and we get triggered! Though, we really do not need a festival to instigate us to buy Mithai.

Drop a Hat, & we will go to the nearest Halwai (Sweet Shop). The temptation that is induced in our minds is the result of all the inputs one is receiving through ones sensory organs! And then once you are there, who is stopping you from buying all those yummy treats. Why just the mithai shops, all those pizza selling and burger, momos and fried chicken restaurants, what about them? We visit these regularly. Once in the name of sitting and chilling out with your friends, once for the attractive toy you get with the food, and still just once more to have a family weekend, I can go on with my never ending list of excuses to dig my teeth in those yummy inviting gooey looking food!

But at the same time it is only ME, yes me who can stop myself from entering into these demon of cellors who cater to my tongue and not my body. All I get from junk food is junk in my body in the form of F.A.T. (“fill all trash”). If we have noticed in the markets around us, small or big, even the open spaces in the Malls, they all have the small shops selling various fast-food items. The fact that these shops come up, and even the malls allow these to exist show the fact that they are all so popular and desired by all of us. Either we fill our stomachs with the trash available everywhere or we be sensible and learn to say NO to it. The faster we learn to resist it the better for us. The entire world right not is fighting with obesity. More and more people are falling prey to it and are mindlessly getting to the point of no return. And a very fat person we all know becomes lethargic and less efficient, and thus less productive.

Young or old, we all must understand that it is our duty and prerogative to keep fit. And eating healthy is the first step towards it. Take this first step and you will not regret it. I wish you all the success and all the will power you will all need to keep your mind and body healthy. Eat healthy, stay fit!

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Speech on Junk Food – 2

Good Morning! It is just another morning when everyone started early. Just like any other morning when the parents are rushing for work and children for their school. The one voice that is distinctly heard is, “have you had your milk, put your tiffin in your bag, had your almonds or don’t forget your apple dear! These are all the indications of starting your day right as far as eating healthy food is concerned.

Yes other good habits do matter, exercising, jogging, walking, meditating etc.

But what use is all the exercising if you are not cautious about what you are dumping inside this precious body of yours. Eating “junk”, is the word not enough for us to understand that junk is exactly what it means and junk food is definitely useless for our body. We can decisively avoid it at all cost. Without feeling that we are missing something really significant, we can comfortably ignore it. Such food doesn’t give us any energy, it has no vitamins, it has no minerals. And it is completely fatal in the longer run. Junk food is mainly made up of a lot of fat and trans fat, spices, excessive salt, preservatives in some cases and artificial flavours that may make it taste like fruit or cheese.

But the truth is that junk food is food minus all the goodness required by our body. A healthy person’s daily requirement of calories on an average is 1600 to 2000 cal, And if we come to calculate the calories in a pizza we treat ourselves with every now and then; or a weekend lunch we fondly eat with our otherwise busy family, just to compensate for the less time we spend with each other, then this pizza will probably complete out calorie requirement for the entire day, or may be even more. So watch what you eat because the calories that you take in during the day are very important if we want to maintain our optimal weight. The BMI, that is the Body Mass Index of a person, is an essential figure to be noted if you want to maintain a fit and healthy body.

This does not mean that you keep a calorie meter in your pocket. All I am saying is that choosing to eat healthy and chucking the unhealthy junk is all you need to do, consciously and with a strong determination. The food that looks and smells heavenly, must be eaten, but in very little quantity. If it is tempting you and backing you to consume it, then definitely it is the junk food! Such food is the type of food that looks rich, is creamy and has lovely aroma oozing out of it.

Conversely, food that is colourful looks ordinary and has no cream or little oil is the food that you need to stick to. Raw vegetables & fruits are what our digestive system is used to digest, since the inception of humans from homo-sapiens. From food getting cooked accidently, to the point where delicacies that are made using cream, ghee or butter by best of chefs, we have moved to a point where our body must work really hard to digest this fat-loaded food. Now that we have included such food in our diet, any amount of extensive exerting will not make too much of a positive impact on the body. We add to our problems and weight to our bellies. Such people joke about it and say; it is the sign of prosperity and richness! But reality is that if given a chance they would be the first ones to want to look fit and handsome. It is not that it makes any difference on anyone. It is after all the person himself who is going to be benefitting from being fit, healthy and handsome.

Eating junk food and spoiling one’s own health is in one’s own hands. Alternately choosing healthy food and staying fit is in the same very hands too. It is ones will-power, awareness and conscious decision making that makes all the difference. We become what we eat. And it is not just how we look after we have accumulated all the fat and flab, becoming bulky also makes our thinking and working slow. It makes us lethargic and less productive. Is this how we hope to live, the question? We all know the answer. Who wants to be that last person to get appraised in his office? According to one of the researches made by students a person who is good looking and of a pleasing personality is bound to earn more than people who are over-weight and less prettier so to say.

But I say that good looks are very important as they are the packaging of the best product inside it. After all a book is known by its cover! And a healthy body has a healthy mind in it. All these studies are after all seem to be true; I see no counter argument for them. And Thus I end it here by saying that one must use his discretion to wisely choose what one wants from life. It is one life we get, and we eat to live and not live to eat.

Speech on Junk Food – 3

Hello and good morning! So what did you have for breakfast today? Was it eggs, bread and milk or was it paranthas? Was it just milk, cereal & fruit? Or just simply milk or fruits? I don’t know your answer, but one thing I know is that each one of us has eaten something to fill our stomach and we must eat something before we go out for work or school. And it is a matter of choice what you fill up your stomach with.

I am sure we all will never start our day with ordering a pizza, burger, biryani, etc! Am I right? I think yes. And these restaurants too do not start serving these dishes early in the morning. Every restaurant has a morning menu if they start early and it does include most of the items we prefer eating early in the morning like, eggs and bread, hash brown potatoes. Cereal and Milk, Pohas, or light food items like Idli and fruit salad, curd, they even give the option of paranthas, but never a pizza or burger. Have you wondered why?

A pizza is nothing but a huge chunk of white refined flour that has all the goodness in it killed and is overloaded with butter and cheese and very little veggies on it. When you eat a piece of junk you eat another and another and another. There is no stopping you. It is tasty and inviting!! Who wants homemade chapattis that go with a bowl of curd, or choice of fruits, or some fruit juice, or coffee when you have pizza served on the table? Only one thing you need to drown it with – COKE but tell me one thing, do you understand why coke? It is because all the other items you are eating junk too.

All the fried food is filled with junk. When you are eating Manchurian or noodles you are eating fried food that has lost most of the vitamins the vegetables have and noodles are made out of superfine refined flour that has just carbohydrates and no or very little food value. My point is that if you think it is not the right thing to start your day with trash then how you can eat it during any other time of the day. And at night heavy food is a big NO. You eat and you sleep after a couple of hours, most of us get no physical exercise as we do not go out for a walk at night.

You just cannot have a great start to a brand new day with such a diet as all these food items make you lethargic and fat. How do you expect a great success if you are not fit enough to perform to your optimal best? Anyway, why drive your digestive system to a point where it is difficult for it to keep functioning and producing digestive juices all day long, even at night when we are asleep!

Eating healthy food these days has become a tricky job. One can say “see, I am drinking milk, this is healthy, isn’t it” while drinking out of can containing flavoured sugar loaded, preservative added milk. Milk, sure it is, but it may not be what you intend to pour in your system to make it healthy. Similarly, packaged food, ready to eat meals, so to say oatmeal or multigrain breads and biscuits are all laden with preservatives, excessive salt & flavours, saturated and hydrogenated fat. Why not choose fresh food? May be a person who is cooking fresh food right in front of you in a small dhaba is using clean methods and utensils, may be a better option. At least you know what type and how much of oil, butter, ghee he will use. You can control that too to some extent and get the kind of food that you desire. And if you have a compulsive eating disorder, you can correct this by choosing healthy food, and still eat out and enjoy your food without getting to worry about falling sick or becoming fat.

Another very important thing is controlling the amount that is the quantity of a meal that you take at one time. If you intend to eat two, eat one and a half. Whenever you eat a little lesser than what you carve for, you are actually teaching your system to refrain from overstuffing your stomach with food. That is a big thing. Next time you go to Mc Donald or Pizza Hut, and order, you order a little less, or order salad as a side dish. Eat that first, then your carving for junk will automatically go down. This is a vicious circle that only you can get out of. You can break the pattern and free yourself from this compulsive habit of eating junk, buying yourself a bag of chips because you are getting late. Keep something healthy in your bag or car in advance so you do not have a reason to go buy junk.

In the end I would just want to say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. But you need to be persistent in your approach. A lot of will power is needed to change your old habits, whether a simple decision of NOT eating JUNK or getting up early or going to bed on time. Remember, one swallow does not make the slimmer. Keep your efforts consistent and then see the difference it makes in your life.

Speech on Junk Food – 4

Good Morning to all my respected teachers, Principal Madam, dear friends and all the parents present here today. We all are aware and have heard that our parents have laid so much importance on the kind of food we eat. Whether our parents or theirs, the story of food has been same in every era. May be if we had some concrete evidence on how our ancestors dealt with this problem of eating right , then the story may be just the same as today. In their times too may be children or “foodies” did exist! They may be people fond of eating sweet fruits always chucking the not so tasty vegetables. Imagine they did not even cook them, but they still filled their stomachs with raw fruits, vegetable and leaves & roots. May be that was the reason they were never fat. Wondering how I can say that, all the cave drawings are the evidence! Not a single human figure they have drawn has a fat overgrown belly!

My point is that they all worked really hard; even for fulfilling their basic requirements. They had to build their own things, utensils, fire, tools, implements, storage etc. Each one had to hunt for his or her own food. Phew! A lot of exercise and not a single energy drink! What a life it must have been, full of challenges. These days all our adventures are limited to adventure sports and theme parks.

While they worked up for all the calories they took, we do just the opposite. We eat a lot, and a lot out of it is junk that has refined, polished, fabricated, and artificially flavoured preservative added packaged food most of the time. And one thing that was definitely missing from the primitive kitchens of our ancestors was oil, butter, ghee and sugar. Does it give us some indication what kind of food kept them going? Yes, raw food and fruits. That is what we need to learn from them, – eating salads and fruit platters daily.

The food pyramid that we have seen and some of us may have been taught in school, also keeps carbohydrates and fats on the top of the pyramid. That is in the least quantity zone. Whereas, raw fruits and salads form the base. These are the things our mother nature that provides us. And in their natural form is how they should be consumed, without killing the vitamins and minerals they are loaded with. Even milk and meat come in the second tier.

Taking the food pyramid as our guide, where do puris, pizzas, burgers, sweets, cakes, ice-creams and chocolates fall? Not even on the top, that is they are not a part of the food pyramid. That is why we put such food in an entirely different category. We call them JUNK FOOD! All such type of food that is laden with sugar, oil, butter and excessive salt damage our system on the whole. Though the effects may not be immediate, but they make our lives tough. This kind of food makes us lethargic, sluggish, torpid and fat. We need to be aware of this. Why do you see so many advertisements backing upon you to come and eat, they gives schemes and offers, they allure you, entice you and tempt you to come and eat. So the onus lies on us – do we get entrapped or take our own decision to eat healthy and stay fit and strong. Choose wisely, after all it is one life that you have got. Eat to live or live to eat! Decision is yours.

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Essay on Junk Food

Students are often asked to write an essay on Junk Food in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look

100 Words Essay on Junk Food

The allure of junk food.

Junk food is popular for its taste, convenience, and affordability. It’s everywhere – in school cafeterias, at the cinema, and on our home tables.

The Downside of Junk Food

Despite its appeal, junk food can harm our health. It’s often high in sugars, fats, and salts, which can lead to obesity and heart diseases.

Healthy Alternatives

Instead of reaching for junk food, we should opt for healthier choices like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods are not only tasty but also good for our health.

While junk food might be tempting, we must remember the importance of a balanced diet for our well-being.

250 Words Essay on Junk Food


Junk food, a term popularized in the latter half of the 20th century, refers to food that is high in calories but low in nutritional value. It is a pervasive element in modern societies, often associated with convenience, taste, and immediate gratification.

The appeal of junk food is multifaceted. It is typically easy to prepare, inexpensive, and designed to satisfy our innate preference for fat, sugar, and salt. Moreover, it’s often marketed with persuasive advertising strategies, making it an omnipresent temptation.

Nutritional Downfall

Despite its allure, junk food’s low nutritional value poses serious health risks. Its high sugar content can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. High sodium levels can contribute to hypertension, and a dearth of essential nutrients can trigger a range of deficiencies.

Societal Impact

The ubiquity of junk food has significant societal implications. Its consumption is linked to a rise in chronic diseases, escalating healthcare costs, and decreased productivity. Moreover, it’s often more accessible in low-income communities, contributing to health disparities.

While junk food offers convenience and immediate satisfaction, its long-term effects on individual health and society are detrimental. It is crucial to promote healthier alternatives, regulate advertising, and improve nutritional education to mitigate these impacts. The challenge is not just a personal one, but a collective one that requires concerted effort and policy intervention.

500 Words Essay on Junk Food

Junk food’s popularity stems primarily from its convenience and addictive taste. Fast-paced modern lifestyles often leave little time for cooking or preparing nutritious meals. Junk food, easily accessible and ready-to-eat, fills this gap. Additionally, the high sugar, salt, and fat content in these foods stimulate the brain’s pleasure centers, creating a sense of satisfaction that encourages repeated consumption.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Despite their high calorie content, junk foods lack essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Regular consumption of such foods can lead to nutritional deficiencies. For instance, a diet rich in junk food but devoid of fruits and vegetables can result in Vitamin C and fiber deficiencies, leading to health issues like scurvy and constipation respectively.

Health Implications

The role of marketing, addressing the issue.

Addressing the junk food epidemic requires a multi-faceted approach. Education about the harmful effects of junk food and the benefits of a balanced diet is crucial. Schools and colleges should promote healthier food choices in their cafeterias. Governments can play a role by implementing policies such as taxing junk food, restricting their advertising, and mandating clear nutritional labeling. Individuals also have a responsibility to make conscious choices about their diet and lifestyle.

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English Summary

3 Minute Speech on Junk Food in English for Students

Good Morning everyone, Today I am going to share my views on the topic of “Junk food”.

These foods have been linked to numerous chronic diseases, including high blood pressure, obesity, liver and heart problems, and many others.

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Speech on Junk Food for Students and Children in 900+ Words

In this article you will read speech on junk food for students in 900+ words. This Speech aware peoples to avoid eating fast foods and oily foods.

Speech on Junk Food (900+ words)

Respected principal, teachers, chief guest, and all present dignitaries and my colleagues! I am fond of addressing speech, and I like it very much. Today I am going to address my small speech on the topic on Junk Food, which is very common in our daily life.

Lousy nourishments are never viewed as useful for wellbeing. They have been demonstrated as pointless in all manners. Lousy junk foods are exceptionally awful for wellbeing, and people who devour them consistently welcome numerous maladies.

Lousy junk food has increased a lot of popularity because of its great taste and simple cooking. Shoddy nourishment previously fabricated in the market are bundled in polythene. Numerous individuals depend on bundled lousy nourishment of this sort, because of their bustling everyday practice or numbness of cooking. 

This kind of youngsters needs to confront issues like diabetes and sluggishness because of the gathering of abundant sugar in the body at an early age. Low-quality nourishments have hypertension because of their significant level of sodium minerals. Kids and young people ought to grow great propensities in youth by guardians.

An elevated level of starch is found in low-quality nourishment, which quickly expands the degree of sugar in the blood and makes an individual lethargic. The picture and tactile organs of an individual who eats such food normally become dead step by step. In this way, they carry on with extremely dull lives.

Lousy nourishment causes typhoid, heart-related disorders, ailing health, and hypertension-related sicknesses. This is more unsafe than we might suspect. Lousy nourishments are slick and are inadequate in supplements.

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51 Speech Topic Ideas On Food, Drink, and Cooking

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

food drink cooking speech topics

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Real English Conversation: junk food (part 1 of 3)

Introduction Hi! Lori here, welcoming you to another episode of Real English Conversations from In today’s conversation, which is the first of three parts, my English friend Michael and I talk about junk food and television advertising. Before you listen to the conversation, you might want to warm up and activate your existing vocabulary by thinking about the following questions:

1) What is junk food anyway, and how does it differ from healthy food? 2) Do junk food ads on TV influence you in any way? 3) Do you think that junk food ads should be banned on TV when children are likely to be watching? 4) What challenges do parents face when trying to get their children to eat healthy food instead of junk food?

If you want to read along as you listen, you can find the full transcript and vocabulary notes on our website,

OK, here we go with the conversation!

Conversation Transcript

Michael: You know, I was reading an article just yesterday in the news that the government in England is bringing in a law to make it illegal to show TV advertisements for junk food. On any

Lori: Really?

but on any programmes that are targeted at the under-16s , so kids’ programmes…

M: Umm, they’re going to completely outlaw it, umm
 I mean, junk food, I mean, it’s anything — that’s from McDonalds to any kind of food that’s high in fat or sugar or anything like that — it’s
and it’s something that people have been talking about for years, you know, that
how bad junk food is for people.

M: Umm
but I was just really amazed that the government is taking such a strong action you know, just something across the board .

M: You know, umm
but I think
from what I can remember, the advertising standards were
people were saying that they wanted to ban all junk food ads before 9 o’clock.

M: Which
which in
in Britain, we have this thing called the
the “9pm watershed .”

M: I don’t know if you’re familiar with that?

L: Yeah, I think it’s the same
In the
the States, they talk about a watershed.

M: Right
right it’s sort of like after
after 9pm then they’re allowed to show more “adult” programmes, where they have maybe nudity and violence and things like that, so

L: Yeah, all that good stuff!

M: So, umm
You know, but it
I just thought that it was really amazing that the government would take such a strong stance because
do you remember the film
what’s it called? The
the one
 Supersize Me?

L: Oh yeah, yeah, the documentary.

M: Yeah, the documentary that they

M: You know, I mean, I don’t see how anybody could watch that documentary, see the evidence and then try to deny how unhealthy junk food is.

L: Right
well you have to remember that was a study of “ n=1 ” and, I mean, that there
there was probably some bias going into it, so I mean

M: Oh

as far as a scientific study goes, you know, you
you really couldn’t
umm read too much into that, but I mean, it is suggestive, it does suggest that
 that you know, that junk food isn’t good for us, and it’s basic sound 
principles of sound nutrition

M: Right, yeah.

L: ..that if you’re eating a lot of processed, carbohydrates and sugars

M: Yeah, sugary, yeah.

and fats and no fiber and no vegetables and

especially in such huge quantities.

M: Right
right, I mean it’s
it’s the thing with the advertising though is that ummm
with the junk food manufacturers targeting young kids

M: Ummm
I mean, this is something that
that advertisers have been doing for years because they know that if you can get in
appeal to a child, then the child will go to his or her parents

L: Oh sure.

M: and say “ Mum , Dad, I
you know, I
 I want to go and have a McDonald’s Happy Meal or, I want to go to Burger King.”

L: No, tha
that’s not what they will do, they would say “ Mom , Dad, can’t we eat at McDonald’s? Mom please? All the other kids can eat at McDonald’s!”

M: [Laughs] Right! And
and then when Mum and Dad say errr
 “Well no, because we ate at McDonald yesterday! Umm
” [Laughs] “Let’s have something
” push something healthy on the children, the
the kids don’t
they don’t want to know, because the
you know, McDonald’s is portrayed as something that is cool, and of course it’s yummy ! I mean

M: I think McDonald’s is yummy!

L: Junk food is yummy! Are you kidding ?

M: Yeah! Umm

L: Given the choice between junk food and…and healthy food

L: Just
just, yeah, well, I love salads, that’s
that’s the weird thing is I really, truly love a good salad.

L: But even so, given the choice between a really yummy, good salad

M: Yeah, well I like
I like salad too, but on
on my burger

and a big, honking, stinking great pizza full of all my favorite toppings

L: I mean, I would have to be really in the mood for salad for me to choose the salad over the pizza.

M: Yeah, yeah I think that’s but it
it’s kind of

L: Or the ice cream sundae.

M: Aaahhh! Now

M: You’re bringing out the heavy artillery there!

L: Yeah

M: Yeah, but it
I think it’s umm
I think this is the only way that they can
they can tackle something like this because I’ve seen this situation too many times, and
and what parent err
really wants to be saying “no” to their
their child and being a killjoy all the time?

L: Well there’s another more sinister aspect of the whole thing is that, you know, imagine being a parent and you’ve worked all day long at your job that maybe you don’t like so much and that drains so much of your energy, and then when you come home and you have the choice, “I can either go into the kitchen and start cutting up vegetables and
spending an hour preparing a healthy home-cooked meal for my family

L: “
or, I can give them what they’re telling me that they want by just stopping at McDonald’s on the way home from work or, you know, some other fast food, or popping a frozen dinner in the oven
 and giving them what they want.” I mean it just makes it that much easier to

M: Of course, of course.

to resist doing the right thing

Final Words Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Real English Conversations at Before signing off, I’d like to thank the anonymous listener who sent me the book, “ Grammar for English Language Teachers ” by Martin Parrott. I really love the book. For any listeners who are native or near-native speakers, either teachers or learners, who are interested in a comprehensive book about English grammar, I can highly recommend this one. It’s even got exercises and key so you can test yourself as you learn.

If you missed my announcement last week, Better at English has a new sister site, , where Michael and I discuss all the naughty slang, swear words and other topics that some listeners here might find offensive. That way we can keep B@E fairly clean, and really go for it on a separate site. You can find the new site at . Thanks for listening, and for your continued donations. Your donations and support make our shows possible.

Bye for now!

Vocabulary notes

the under-16s The group of people who are under 16 years old. You can also talk about the over-16s . Any age group can be referred to this way, e.g., the over-65s , the under-30s . taking such a strong action To do something severe. Notice that take and strong collocate (go together) with action in this case. across the board Complete, affecting every level of something. The ban is on all foods considered junk food, not just ice cream and candy. watershed The time (usually 9 pm in the UK, 10 pm in the USA) after which programs not generally suitable for children can be shown on TV. take such a strong stance to take a stance means to have a certain opinion or way of thinking about something, usually that you express publicly. Notice that take and strong collocate with stance . n=1 In scientific studies, n is used to denote the number of people who participated in the study. An n=1 study would be a study of only one person, a sample size of 1. bias Bias is the tendency to let your personal beliefs and preferences influence you when you are supposed to be neutral. If scientific studies are biased , it means that the scientists let their personal beliefs and agendas influence the results. read too much into to read something into something means to believe that an action, event or remark is more important or significant, even if it is not necessarily true. sound In this case, sound (adj) means valid and in agreement with accepted views mom / mum Mother. In American English, mothers are moms . In British English, they’re mums . yummy Delicious, tasty. Often used by children, but even by adults in informal situations. Are you kidding? Are you kidding means are you joking? But in this case, it is used to ad emphasis to the truth of Lori’s utterance, i.e., “I’m not joking, I’m being very serious!” honking Am.E slang for large. stinking great Br.E slang for extremely large. Stinking can also be used alone as an adverb, for example in the phrase “stinking rich” (extremely rich). bringing out the heavy artillery Literally, heavy artillery is a class of very large and powerful military guns, usually moved on wheels or metal tracks. In this case, “bringing out the heavy artillery” means doing or saying something as a means of impressing, arguing, or persuading. killjoy a killjoy is someone who spoils the pleasure of other people. sinister The main sense of sinister is evil . In this case, Lori talking about a general feeling of apprehension or worry. popping Informal for to put . To pop something in(to) something = to quickly put something in(to) something.

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Harmful Effects of Junk Food Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on harmful effects of junk food.

Junk Food is very harmful that is slowly eating away the health of the present generation. The term itself denotes how dangerous it is for our bodies. Most importantly, it tastes so good that people consume it on a daily basis. However, not much awareness is spread about the harmful effects of junk food.

Harmful Effects of Junk Food Essay

The problem is more serious than you think. Various studies show that junk food impacts our health negatively. They contain higher levels of calories, fats, and sugar. On the contrary, they have very low amounts of healthy nutrients and lack dietary fibers. Parents must discourage their children from consuming junk food because of the ill effects it has on one’s health.

Impact of Junk Food

Junk food is the easiest way to gain unhealthy weight. The amount of fats and sugar in the food makes you gain weight rapidly. However, this is not a healthy weight. It is more of fats and cholesterol which will have a harmful impact on your health. Junk food is also one of the main reasons for the increase in obesity nowadays.

This food only looks and tastes good, other than that, it has no positive points. The amount of calorie your body requires to stay fit is not fulfilled by this food. For instance, foods like French fries, burgers, candy, and cookies, all have high amounts of sugar and fats. Therefore, this can result in long-term illnesses like diabetes and high blood pressure . This may also result in kidney failure .

prepare a speech on junk food

Above all, you can get various nutritional deficiencies when you don’t consume the essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and more. You become prone to cardiovascular diseases due to the consumption of bad cholesterol and fat plus sodium. In other words, all this interferes with the functioning of your heart.

Furthermore, junk food contains a higher level of carbohydrates. It will instantly spike your blood sugar levels. This will result in lethargy, inactiveness, and sleepiness. A person reflex becomes dull overtime and they lead an inactive life. To make things worse, junk food also clogs your arteries and increases the risk of a heart attack. Therefore, it must be avoided at the first instance to save your life from becoming ruined.

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Ways to Avoid Junk Food

The main problem with junk food is that people don’t realize its ill effects now. When the time comes, it is too late. Most importantly, the issue is that it does not impact you instantly. It works on your overtime; you will face the consequences sooner or later. Thus, it is better to stop now.

You can avoid junk food by encouraging your children from an early age to eat green vegetables. Their taste buds must be developed as such that they find healthy food tasty. Moreover, try to mix things up. Do not serve the same green vegetable daily in the same style. Incorporate different types of healthy food in their diet following different recipes. This will help them to try foods at home rather than being attracted to junk food.

In short, do not deprive them completely of it as that will not help. Children will find one way or the other to have it. Make sure you give them junk food in limited quantities and at healthy periods of time.

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Harris plan to cut household costs to be revealed in Friday policy speech

prepare a speech on junk food

WASHINGTON − Vice President Kamala Harris will deliver on Friday the first policy-centered speech in her new role as Democratic presidential candidate , tackling ways to lower household costs, a concern that routinely tops voters' lists.

Harris will travel to Raleigh, North Carolina, a state Democrats remain hopeful they can flip this election, to outline a plan "to lower costs for middle-class families and take on corporate price-gouging," a campaign official said.

Plans for the event have not previously been reported. Harris canceled an event in North Carolina last week because of Tropical Storm Debby .

Harris' North Carolina stop shows increasing confidence in her campaign's momentum fewer than three months before the Nov. 5 election in which she takes on Republican Donald Trump .

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While the campaign sees states like Pennsylvania as must-win, North Carolina is more of a reach. Democrats have only won two presidential elections there in the last half-century.

Harris' speech will be closely watched to see how the style or substance differs from that of President Joe Biden , whose economic policies received low marks from voters angry about the cost of housing , medicine, groceries and gasoline.

On Saturday, Harris announced her support for eliminating taxes on tips, a position similar to Trump's . Harris will hold a White House event with Biden on Thursday that is expected to focus on healthcare costs.

Harris policed "corporate greed and price gouging" when she was California's attorney general from 2011 through 2016, challenging pharmaceutical, oil, electronics and cosmetics companies, the campaign official said.

Harris "knows costs are too high and will make tackling inflation a 'Day One' priority," added the official who declined to be identified speaking about the event beforehand.

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The approach marks a striking difference from Trump, who has argued that loosening regulations on industries from finance to energy will lower costs and spur growth.

Nationally, Harris was ahead of Trump by five percentage points, 42% to 37%, in an Ipsos poll published on Thursday, widening her lead from a July 22-23 Reuters/Ipsos survey.

Kamala Harris Addresses Economy In Speech—Here’s What To Know About Her Policy Agenda

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Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled more details about her economic agenda in a speech Friday in North Carolina, proposing an “opportunity economy” as the Democratic nominee focused on lowering the price of groceries and prescription drugs and addressing the housing crisis with an eye on bolstering the middle class.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at Wake Tech Community College in Raleigh, N.C., on Aug. 16.

Grocery Prices: The candidate would work in her first 100 days to help Congress pass a national ban on “price gouging” for food and groceries, as well as give the Federal Trade Commission and prosecutors authority to go after companies they determine price gouge, support small businesses in the industry, take a closer look at mergers between big grocery companies and “aggressively” investigate price-fixing in meat supply chains specifically.

Housing Costs: Harris wants to provide $25,000 in down payment assistance for first-time home buyers and is calling for the creation of three million new housing units within the next four years, proposing a tax credit for developers who build starter homes and investing $40 million in an innovation fund to tackle the housing crisis.

Rental Costs: Harris would also expand a tax credit for housing developers who build affordable housing rental units, and is calling on Congress to pass legislation that would stop predatory investors who buy up rental homes and collude with each other to raise rental prices.

Child Tax Credit: Harris proposed giving families a $6,000 tax credit for newborns in their first year of life, and restore a pandemic-era tax credit of $3,600 per child for middle and lower-class families.

Taxes: Harris also wants to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit for workers in lower-income jobs, which would cut taxes by up to $1,250, and has previously said she would continue President Joe Biden’s promise not to raise taxes on American households earning $400,000 or less annually, and does support raising taxes for high earners and corporations, according to The New York Times.

No Tax On Tips: Harris has separately endorsed a plan to get rid of taxes on tips for hospitality and service workers, echoing a proposal by former President Donald Trump—which has been criticized by some experts—though a campaign official told CNN tips would still be subject to payroll taxes, and would include an income limit and guardrails to prevent people like hedge fund managers from taking advantage of the policy.

Prescription Drug Prices: Harris proposed a $35 cap on insulin and capping out-of-pocket expenses on prescription drugs at $2,000 per year on Friday, also saying she would speed up Medicare negotiations on the price of prescription drugs—after the Biden administration announced a deal lowering costs on 10 medications—and crack down on anti-competitive practices in the pharmaceutical industry that cause higher prices.

Healthcare: The Harris campaign also announced her intention to work with states to cancel Americans’ medical debt, and she proposed expanding subsidies for Affordable Care Act plans that would save health insurance customers an average of $700 on their health insurance premiums.

Paid Leave: Harris has not released a specific paid leave proposal, but she has previously co-sponsored 12-week paid leave legislation, Politico notes, with Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., telling the outlet, “I absolutely believe that when they are in office, we will get a paid leave bill done finally.”

Minimum Wage: Harris called for raising the minimum wage in a Las Vegas speech earlier in August, but her campaign has not specified how high she believes it should be raised.

Fed Independence: Harris has vowed to maintain the Federal Reserve’s independence after Trump said he believed “the president should have at least [a] say” on the Federal Reserve’s decisions, with Harris telling reporters, “The Fed is an independent entity and as president I would never interfere in the decisions that the Fed makes.”

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Crucial Quote

Harris said Friday she’d be “laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class” if elected president, calling for “an economy where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed.” “Now is the time to chart a new way forward, to build an America where everyone’s work is rewarded and talents are valued, where we work with labor and business to strengthen the American economy, and where everyone has the opportunity not only to get by, but to get ahead,” the vice president said.

What To Watch For

Harris said in her North Carolina speech that she intends to unveil more economic proposals in the weeks ahead. The vice president has still not issued a full policy platform or unveiled proposals for policy issues beyond the economy, and those are also expected in the near future.

How Do Harris’ Policies Compare With Biden’s?

Harris’ economic policy agenda is largely in line with Biden’s economic platform, with some tweaks to emphasize causes that are more important to her, like the child tax credit. “Same values, different vision,” a Harris aide told The Guardian. “She’s not moving far away from him on substance, she will highlight the ones that matter most to her.” The initial plans from Harris’ campaign also suggest the vice president plans to be more aggressive in her policy approaches than Biden, however, as polls have suggested voters hold dim views of how the president has handled the economy. While Biden has also opposed price gouging, Harris’ proposal to enable the FTC and U.S. attorneys to go after companies that hike up prices goes beyond what the president has proposed, Politico notes , and her proposed $40 million investment in the housing crisis is double the amount the Biden administration spent.

Harris’ economic agenda released Friday didn’t go fully in depth about her proposals, which The New York Times reports is by design. The Times reported prior to Harris’ speech that the Harris campaign has adopted a “strategic vagueness” for her economic proposals, believing that being more of a “blank slate” will help ward off attacks and attract more support from business groups.

How Do Harris’ Policies Compare With Trump’s?

Trump’s economic agenda is largely focused on raising tariffs on imported goods, which Harris has said she opposes. The ex-president has also called for cutting taxes and regulations in hopes of lowering inflation, including lowering the corporate tax rate, and has encouraged increasing oil production in order to lower energy prices. In addition to his “no tax on tips” proposal that Harris has also endorsed, Trump has called for ending taxes on Social Security benefits, which Harris has not yet responded to. Experts believe the ex-president’s proposal could speed up Social Security and Medicare becoming insolvent, with the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget projecting exempting taxes on benefits would result in Social Security and Medicare receiving $1.6 trillion less in revenue between 2026 and 2035. The Trump campaign opposed reports of Harris’ economic proposals Wednesday, with spokesperson Steven Cheung saying in a statement, “Kamala Harris can’t hide from her disastrous record of skyrocketing inflation 
 Americans are struggling under the Biden-Harris economy, and now she wants to gaslight them into believing her bald-faced lies.”

42%. That’s the share of voters who trust Harris more to handle the economy, according to a Financial Times/University of Michigan poll released Sunday, versus 41% who trust Trump more. That’s down from Trump holding a six-point lead over Biden in July, though the poll also showed 42% believe a Trump presidency would leave them better off financially, while only 33% said the same for Harris.

Key Background

Harris became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee in July after Biden stepped down suddenly from the presidential race, following weeks of pressure over mounting concerns about his mental fitness. While the vice president has quickly garnered Democrats’ support and risen in the polls, Harris has released few concrete policy proposals in the first few weeks of her campaign—drawing some criticism as a result—with her speech Friday expected to be the most substantive remarks she’s given on policy so far. Her focus on the economy comes as polling has repeatedly shown it’s the most important issue to voters in this election cycle, with the vice president hoping to attract support amid low approval ratings for Biden’s handling of the economy. Harris’ speech also comes days after news that inflation fell in July to its lowest point in more than three years, with federal data released Wednesday showing inflation at 2.9% in July, the first time it’s been below 3% since March 2021.

Further Reading

Alison Durkee

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CHICAGO — New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez highlighted Vice President Kamala Harris’ middle class roots in her speech to delegates at the Democratic National Convention on Monday — comparing her own background as a waitress to Harris’ beginnings. 

“Six years ago I was taking online orders as a waitress in New York. I didn’t have health insurance, my family was fighting off foreclosure,” AOC said, adding that her family was “tired” of politics that were “blind” to the needs of working people.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) speaks on the first day of the Democratic National Convention.

“Only through the miracles of Democracy and community did the good people of the Bronx and Queens choose someone like me to elect them in Congress,” she continued. 

The same “hope” and “aspiration” that got her into Congress will get Harris and Walz into the White House, she said.

Harris is “for the middle class” because “she is from the middle class,” Ocasio-Cortez said.The left-wing rep received a warm welcome from the DNC crowd , with attendees chanting “AOC” as she walked out on stage. But the 34-year-old lawmaker’s loudest applause came when she mentioned Harris’ approach to the Gaza Strip.

Follow along with The Post’s live reporting of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Ocasio-Cortez said Harris is “working tirelessly to secure a cease-fire in Gaza and to bring the hostages home,” speakingabout the Israeli war with Hamas, the most fiery protest topic at the DNC.

Meanwhile, anti-Israeli protesters disrupted traffic outside the DNC convention center earlier, leading to traffic jams and delays in getting guests and press inside the convention center after one protester breached the fence.

“Thank you Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for your vision. And thank you Joe Biden for your leadership,” AOC went on in her speech. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Republicans have compared ultra-progressive “Squad” member Ocasio-Cortez’s liberal policies Harris’ — in a bid to argue that the vice president has a more liberal agenda than President Biden. 

Ocasio-Cortez tore into former President Donald Trump in fiery remarks as well, arguing that he can not “love this country” because he fights for Wall Street and “big business.” 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) speaks on the first day of the Democratic National Convention.


Speech on Junk Food

The gravest problem that the world today is dealing with is obesity, after the wars based on religion. There are more people dying of obesity than cancer. And that is a fact engulfing the thoughts and research hours of people all around the entire world. The much talked about thing is health . Everyone has become conscious about what to eat and what to avoid. People have taken up physical exercise or a sport to keep them fit. A lot of gyms have come up as a result; health centres too have mushroomed in every locality. But at the same time if we look around us a lot of small and big shops and restaurants, take away joints, dial-in a meal websites have emerged too! It is high time we realised the importance of taking care of ourselves, eat healthy and stay fit.

On this page we have shared some examples of Speech on Junk Food and its hazards. These will help you with preparing a speech of your own, for any occasion. The short speeches can be used at school or college level and the long speeches may be used by speakers other than children. The language is easy to understand with simple words that each one can relate to. You can draw reference from our speeches and make your speech interesting for your audience.

Long and Short Speech on Junk Food

Speech on junk food – 1.

The name junk is self-explanatory, isn’t it? Good Morning all! I need to say in too many words what junk food is! It is that food that we must avoid at any cost. I can quote a lot of idioms and phrases that are said on this topic. For instance, “You become what you eat”. Another very interesting one I heard somewhere is, “Keep the friends close, your enemies’ closer and junk food as far as possible”.

Junk food includes things that are rich in cream, butter, oil, sugar, lot of spices, salt and preservatives. Food items that are packaged, and are processed, semi-cooked or ready to eat recipes packaged and preserved to be eaten out of packet. And also things kids love to eat the most- chocolates. Ice-creams, cakes, cookies, chips, fried namkeen etc are all junk food. Now third category is the food we get in the restaurant, the oily variety I mean, like, Bhatura, Puri, fried rice, Manchurian etc. Finally, we Indians are great fans of sweetmeats that come in all variety, colour and flavours, all dipped, smeared or loaded with sugar and oil. Come festival season and we get triggered! Though, we really do not need a festival to instigate us to buy Mithai.

Drop a Hat, & we will go to the nearest Halwai (Sweet Shop). The temptation that is induced in our minds is the result of all the inputs one is receiving through ones sensory organs! And then once you are there, who is stopping you from buying all those yummy treats. Why just the mithai shops, all those pizza selling and burger, momos and fried chicken restaurants, what about them? We visit these regularly. Once in the name of sitting and chilling out with your friends, once for the attractive toy you get with the food, and still just once more to have a family weekend, I can go on with my never ending list of excuses to dig my teeth in those yummy inviting gooey looking food!

But at the same time it is only ME, yes me who can stop myself from entering into these demon of cellors who cater to my tongue and not my body. All I get from junk food is junk in my body in the form of F.A.T. (“fill all trash”). If we have noticed in the markets around us, small or big, even the open spaces in the Malls, they all have the small shops selling various fast-food items. The fact that these shops come up, and even the malls allow these to exist show the fact that they are all so popular and desired by all of us. Either we fill our stomachs with the trash available everywhere or we be sensible and learn to say NO to it. The faster we learn to resist it the better for us. The entire world right not is fighting with obesity. More and more people are falling prey to it and are mindlessly getting to the point of no return. And a very fat person we all know becomes lethargic and less efficient, and thus less productive.

Young or old, we all must understand that it is our duty and prerogative to keep fit. And eating healthy is the first step towards it. Take this first step and you will not regret it. I wish you all the success and all the will power you will all need to keep your mind and body healthy. Eat healthy, stay fit!

Speech on Junk Food – 2

Good Morning! It is just another morning when everyone started early. Just like any other morning when the parents are rushing for work and children for their school. The one voice that is distinctly heard is, “have you had your milk, put your tiffin in your bag, had your almonds or don’t forget your apple dear! These are all the indications of starting your day right as far as eating healthy food is concerned.

Yes other good habits do matter, exercising, jogging, walking, meditating etc.

But what use is all the exercising if you are not cautious about what you are dumping inside this precious body of yours. Eating “junk”, is the word not enough for us to understand that junk is exactly what it means and junk food is definitely useless for our body. We can decisively avoid it at all cost. Without feeling that we are missing something really significant, we can comfortably ignore it. Such food doesn’t give us any energy, it has no vitamins, it has no minerals. And it is completely fatal in the longer run. Junk food is mainly made up of a lot of fat and trans fat, spices, excessive salt, preservatives in some cases and artificial flavours that may make it taste like fruit or cheese.

But the truth is that junk food is food minus all the goodness required by our body. A healthy person’s daily requirement of calories on an average is 1600 to 2000 cal, And if we come to calculate the calories in a pizza we treat ourselves with every now and then; or a weekend lunch we fondly eat with our otherwise busy family, just to compensate for the less time we spend with each other, then this pizza will probably complete out calorie requirement for the entire day, or may be even more. So watch what you eat because the calories that you take in during the day are very important if we want to maintain our optimal weight. The BMI, that is the Body Mass Index of a person, is an essential figure to be noted if you want to maintain a fit and healthy body.

This does not mean that you keep a calorie meter in your pocket. All I am saying is that choosing to eat healthy and chucking the unhealthy junk is all you need to do, consciously and with a strong determination. The food that looks and smells heavenly, must be eaten, but in very little quantity. If it is tempting you and backing you to consume it, then definitely it is the junk food! Such food is the type of food that looks rich, is creamy and has lovely aroma oozing out of it.

Conversely, food that is colourful looks ordinary and has no cream or little oil is the food that you need to stick to. Raw vegetables & fruits are what our digestive system is used to digest, since the inception of humans from homo-sapiens. From food getting cooked accidently, to the point where delicacies that are made using cream, ghee or butter by best of chefs, we have moved to a point where our body must work really hard to digest this fat-loaded food. Now that we have included such food in our diet, any amount of extensive exerting will not make too much of a positive impact on the body. We add to our problems and weight to our bellies. Such people joke about it and say; it is the sign of prosperity and richness! But reality is that if given a chance they would be the first ones to want to look fit and handsome. It is not that it makes any difference on anyone. It is after all the person himself who is going to be benefitting from being fit, healthy and handsome.

Eating junk food and spoiling one’s own health is in one’s own hands. Alternately choosing healthy food and staying fit is in the same very hands too. It is ones will-power, awareness and conscious decision making that makes all the difference. We become what we eat. And it is not just how we look after we have accumulated all the fat and flab, becoming bulky also makes our thinking and working slow. It makes us lethargic and less productive. Is this how we hope to live, the question? We all know the answer. Who wants to be that last person to get appraised in his office? According to one of the researches made by students a person who is good looking and of a pleasing personality is bound to earn more than people who are over-weight and less prettier so to say.

But I say that good looks are very important as they are the packaging of the best product inside it. After all a book is known by its cover! And a healthy body has a healthy mind in it. All these studies are after all seem to be true; I see no counter argument for them. And Thus I end it here by saying that one must use his discretion to wisely choose what one wants from life. It is one life we get, and we eat to live and not live to eat.

Speech on Junk Food – 3

Hello and good morning! So what did you have for breakfast today? Was it eggs, bread and milk or was it paranthas? Was it just milk, cereal & fruit? Or just simply milk or fruits? I don’t know your answer, but one thing I know is that each one of us has eaten something to fill our stomach and we must eat something before we go out for work or school. And it is a matter of choice what you fill up your stomach with.

I am sure we all will never start our day with ordering a pizza, burger, biryani, etc! Am I right? I think yes. And these restaurants too do not start serving these dishes early in the morning. Every restaurant has a morning menu if they start early and it does include most of the items we prefer eating early in the morning like, eggs and bread, hash brown potatoes. Cereal and Milk, Pohas, or light food items like Idli and fruit salad, curd, they even give the option of paranthas, but never a pizza or burger. Have you wondered why?

A pizza is nothing but a huge chunk of white refined flour that has all the goodness in it killed and is overloaded with butter and cheese and very little veggies on it. When you eat a piece of junk you eat another and another and another. There is no stopping you. It is tasty and inviting!! Who wants homemade chapattis that go with a bowl of curd, or choice of fruits, or some fruit juice, or coffee when you have pizza served on the table? Only one thing you need to drown it with – COKE but tell me one thing, do you understand why coke? It is because all the other items you are eating junk too.

All the fried food is filled with junk. When you are eating Manchurian or noodles you are eating fried food that has lost most of the vitamins the vegetables have and noodles are made out of superfine refined flour that has just carbohydrates and no or very little food value. My point is that if you think it is not the right thing to start your day with trash then how you can eat it during any other time of the day. And at night heavy food is a big NO. You eat and you sleep after a couple of hours, most of us get no physical exercise as we do not go out for a walk at night.

You just cannot have a great start to a brand new day with such a diet as all these food items make you lethargic and fat. How do you expect a great success if you are not fit enough to perform to your optimal best? Anyway, why drive your digestive system to a point where it is difficult for it to keep functioning and producing digestive juices all day long, even at night when we are asleep!

Eating healthy food these days has become a tricky job. One can say “see, I am drinking milk, this is healthy, isn’t it” while drinking out of can containing flavoured sugar loaded, preservative added milk. Milk, sure it is, but it may not be what you intend to pour in your system to make it healthy. Similarly, packaged food, ready to eat meals, so to say oatmeal or multigrain breads and biscuits are all laden with preservatives, excessive salt & flavours, saturated and hydrogenated fat. Why not choose fresh food? May be a person who is cooking fresh food right in front of you in a small dhaba is using clean methods and utensils, may be a better option. At least you know what type and how much of oil, butter, ghee he will use. You can control that too to some extent and get the kind of food that you desire. And if you have a compulsive eating disorder, you can correct this by choosing healthy food, and still eat out and enjoy your food without getting to worry about falling sick or becoming fat.

Another very important thing is controlling the amount that is the quantity of a meal that you take at one time. If you intend to eat two, eat one and a half. Whenever you eat a little lesser than what you carve for, you are actually teaching your system to refrain from overstuffing your stomach with food. That is a big thing. Next time you go to Mc Donald or Pizza Hut, and order, you order a little less, or order salad as a side dish. Eat that first, then your carving for junk will automatically go down. This is a vicious circle that only you can get out of. You can break the pattern and free yourself from this compulsive habit of eating junk, buying yourself a bag of chips because you are getting late. Keep something healthy in your bag or car in advance so you do not have a reason to go buy junk.

In the end I would just want to say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. But you need to be persistent in your approach. A lot of will power is needed to change your old habits, whether a simple decision of NOT eating JUNK or getting up early or going to bed on time. Remember, one swallow does not make the slimmer. Keep your efforts consistent and then see the difference it makes in your life.

Speech on Junk Food – 4

Good Morning to all my respected teachers, Principal Madam, dear friends and all the parents present here today. We all are aware and have heard that our parents have laid so much importance on the kind of food we eat. Whether our parents or theirs, the story of food has been same in every era. May be if we had some concrete evidence on how our ancestors dealt with this problem of eating right , then the story may be just the same as today. In their times too may be children or “foodies” did exist! They may be people fond of eating sweet fruits always chucking the not so tasty vegetables. Imagine they did not even cook them, but they still filled their stomachs with raw fruits, vegetable and leaves & roots. May be that was the reason they were never fat. Wondering how I can say that, all the cave drawings are the evidence! Not a single human figure they have drawn has a fat overgrown belly!

My point is that they all worked really hard; even for fulfilling their basic requirements. They had to build their own things, utensils, fire, tools, implements, storage etc. Each one had to hunt for his or her own food. Phew! A lot of exercise and not a single energy drink! What a life it must have been, full of challenges. These days all our adventures are limited to adventure sports and theme parks.

While they worked up for all the calories they took, we do just the opposite. We eat a lot, and a lot out of it is junk that has refined, polished, fabricated, and artificially flavoured preservative added packaged food most of the time. And one thing that was definitely missing from the primitive kitchens of our ancestors was oil, butter, ghee and sugar. Does it give us some indication what kind of food kept them going? Yes, raw food and fruits. That is what we need to learn from them, – eating salads and fruit platters daily.

The food pyramid that we have seen and some of us may have been taught in school, also keeps carbohydrates and fats on the top of the pyramid. That is in the least quantity zone. Whereas, raw fruits and salads form the base. These are the things our mother nature that provides us. And in their natural form is how they should be consumed, without killing the vitamins and minerals they are loaded with. Even milk and meat come in the second tier.

Taking the food pyramid as our guide, where do puris, pizzas, burgers, sweets, cakes, ice-creams and chocolates fall? Not even on the top, that is they are not a part of the food pyramid. That is why we put such food in an entirely different category. We call them JUNK FOOD! All such type of food that is laden with sugar, oil, butter and excessive salt damage our system on the whole. Though the effects may not be immediate, but they make our lives tough. This kind of food makes us lethargic, sluggish, torpid and fat. We need to be aware of this. Why do you see so many advertisements backing upon you to come and eat, they gives schemes and offers, they allure you, entice you and tempt you to come and eat. So the onus lies on us – do we get entrapped or take our own decision to eat healthy and stay fit and strong. Choose wisely, after all it is one life that you have got. Eat to live or live to eat! Decision is yours.

Related Information:

Essay on Junk Food

Slogans on Junk food

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  1. Speech on Junk Food for Students in English

    This is a short speech on saying no to junk food especially helpful for the students in grades 1-3 highlighting the harmful effects of junk food. The cause of the rising obesity and a lethargic lifestyle among teenagers and the youth is the heavy consumption of junk food. The components of junk food are very harmful and lead to serious illnesses.

  2. Junk Food Speech for Students and Children in English

    A long speech on Junk Food is providedfor students; it is about 500 words long. There is a short speech of 150 words, which is given below. Students generally use these speeches for their assignments and prepare grand statements to stir them on occasions and meetings and create awareness about the consumption of junk foods.

  3. Speech On Junkfood

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  4. Speech on Junk Food for Students and Children

    Speech on Junk Food. Hello everyone, I m here to present a Speech on Junk Food. Our country is a country of farms and we have abundant food resources available which are rich in all kinds of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Our forefathers and ancestors ate fresh organic produce which came directly from farms and led a long ...

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    Junk food includes things that are rich in cream, butter, oil, sugar, lot of spices, salt and preservatives. Food items that are packaged, and are processed, semi-cooked or ready to eat recipes packaged and preserved to be eaten out of packet. And also things kids love to eat the most- chocolates. Ice-creams, cakes, cookies, chips, fried ...

  10. Short Speech on Junk Food in English for Students and Children

    The Junk food is named as 'Junk' because of its harmful effects on our body. Such food items have high calories, high sodium, and high sugar content. And they do not have a single benefit. It is so harmful still people consume junk food. It is because of the rising popularity of junk food. There are many reasons for it.

  11. Junk Food Essay for Students and Children

    A.1 Junk food is getting popular because it is easily accessible now. It is appealing and fast food companies are fooling the public for increasing their sales. Q.2 State the ill-effects of junk food. A.2 Junk food causes a lot of chronic diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, heart diseases.

  12. Speech on Food Waste

    Remember, each one of us can make a difference. Every apple not thrown away, every bread crust eaten, every leftover meal saved, adds up. Together, we can stop the waste and help our planet. Let's make a promise today. Let's respect our food, our resources, and our planet. Let's say no to food waste.

  13. 2 minute speech on junk food in English

    In this video, we will show you how to write a 2 minute speech on junk food in English_____English Summary🌍 Check our website: https://englishsum...

  14. Essay on Junk Food

    Speech on Junk Food; 250 Words Essay on Junk Food Introduction. Junk food, a term popularized in the latter half of the 20th century, refers to food that is high in calories but low in nutritional value. It is a pervasive element in modern societies, often associated with convenience, taste, and immediate gratification. The Allure of Junk Food

  15. 3 Minute Speech on Junk Food in English for Students

    Junk food is a term used to describe highly processed and refined food. It is generally considered less nutritious than natural foods. Junk food has been associated with obesity and causing serious health issues in children, along with the development of diseases such as diabetes. Junk foods like burgers, fries, and pizza are very high in ...

  16. Speech on Junk Food for Students and Children in 900+ Words

    Speech on Junk Food (900+ words) Respected principal, teachers, chief guest, and all present dignitaries and my colleagues! I am fond of addressing speech, and I like it very much. Today I am going to address my small speech on the topic on Junk Food, which is very common in our daily life. These days the pattern of shoddy nourishment is ...

  17. Say NO To Junk Food

    Here is speech on the topic - Say NO to Junk Food.-----~Equipment Used~Laptop:

  18. 51 Speech Topic Ideas On Food, Drink, and Cooking

    Caesar salad: the salads of salads - how it is made. Salads and salad dressings for Thanksgiving dinners. Prepare a romantic picnic at the riverside at dawn. Learn to shake a cocktail mixed drink. Gourmet brings families back to the dinner table. Chocolate is a psychoactive food.

  19. Real English Conversation: junk food (part 1 of 3)

    taking such a strong action. To do something severe. Notice that take and strong collocate (go together) with action in this case. across the board. Complete, affecting every level of something. The ban is on all foods considered junk food, not just ice cream and candy. watershed.

  20. A Speech on " Junk Food " in Simple and Easy Words in English

    I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.- Albert EinsteinEducational FREE Website: http://www.foundation4ii...

  21. Doctor reveals 20-pound weight loss with 3-step method

    Studies have linked junk food to health problems and depression. Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF. There is no cure for Type 2 diabetes, but there are many recommended lifestyle changes to ...

  22. Harmful Effects of Junk Food Essay for Students

    Impact of Junk Food. Junk food is the easiest way to gain unhealthy weight. The amount of fats and sugar in the food makes you gain weight rapidly. However, this is not a healthy weight. It is more of fats and cholesterol which will have a harmful impact on your health. Junk food is also one of the main reasons for the increase in obesity nowadays.

  23. Harris policy speech will tackle rising cost of living

    Harris' speech will be closely watched to see how the style or substance differs from that of President Joe Biden, whose economic policies received low marks from voters angry about the cost of ...

  24. Kamala Harris' Economic Platform: What We Know As She Delivers Speech

    Grocery Prices: The candidate would work in her first 100 days to help Congress pass a national ban on "price gouging" for food and groceries, as well as give the Federal Trade Commission and ...

  25. Rep. Byron Donalds slams Kamala Harris' economic platform

    "Joy and vibes isn't going to put food on the table," Rep. Byron Donalds told reporters of Vice President Kamala Harris' new economic platform.

  26. The seven worst foods you can eat if you have IBS

    The seven foods that will make your IBS worse There may be no cure for IBS, but you can manage the symptoms by adapting your diet and avoiding red flag foods.

  27. Speech on junk food in english

    Speech on junk food in english | junk food speech in englishDownload our Mobile App from Google Play Store - Gyankaksh Educational Institute.We will give you...

  28. AOC thanks Harris, Walz and Biden in DNC speech: 'Kamala is for you'

    And thank you Joe Biden for your leadership," AOC went on in her speech. 3 The left-wing rep received a warm welcome from the DNC crowd, with attendees chanting "AOC" as she walked out on stage.

  29. KFC's New Collab Is a Comfort Food Dream Come True

    Along with the new menu items, KFC and Kraft worked together to release a limited-edition box of mac 'n cheese: the KD KFC Original Recipe Flavour Mac 'n Cheese.

  30. Speech on Junk Food in simple and easy words

    Junk food includes things that are rich in cream, butter, oil, sugar, lot of spices, salt and preservatives. Food items that are packaged, and are processed, semi-cooked or ready to eat recipes packaged and preserved to be eaten out of packet. And also things kids love to eat the most- chocolates. Ice-creams, cakes, cookies, chips, fried ...