Fashion and Identity Analytical Essay

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Fashion reinforces personal identity, fashion erodes individual identity, reference list.

The relationship between man, fashion and identity has always been intriguing. Man is in a constant search of identify, something that will make him unique and identifiable. A unique tool to enhance a person’s identity is fashion. Fashion industry is driven by creativity and as such results in many designs.

The debate in this issue is which of the two has a bigger influence on the other. There are differing opinions on this subject each with sufficient proof on the power and the influences that each has on the other. Werner (n.d.) argues that the search for personal identity is the primary preoccupation of the contemporary generation.

The drive towards identifying who a person is comes about due to fear and uncertainty of the person’s purpose in life. Thus identifying a specific persona becomes the key to personal development and growth in life. Werner continues to argue that the contemporary generation is deceived to think that personal identity is determined by the physical attributes in a person.

Many people take too much care of their physical looks and would go to great lengths to enhance their outward appearance in the effort to enhance their identity. In this regard, people are concerned with their levels of education and would proceed to acquire educational qualifications.

This is intended to improve a person knowledge and intelligence, therefore helping to form their persona identity. Other than education, people take great care how they dress. Dressing is taken as a mode of identifying who a person is. People who see themselves as official tend to dress officially all the times. People dressing style is also a way of trying to enhance ones identity.

A man may dress sharply to stand out in a crowd. Women, perceive themselves as beautiful put on make up several and adornment to enhance this perceived identify. Adornments and beautification are a means of enhancing a persons unique attributes and make them look different in a crowd. Werner (n.d.) questions this method of forming and identifying a person and says that it is quit deceptive.

A person identity cannot be formed by physical attributes and out wards appearance. Other important factors help to form a person identity. Such things are concerned with a person inner attributes such as the soul and are spiritual. Werner (n.d.) concludes that a person spiritual belief influences person’s attitudes towards life and generally, who a person eventually becomes.

MAS (2006) infer that it is impossible to hide a person identity as people are constantly giving out signs of who they are. These arguments purports that a person identity is somewhat inherent.

A person’s identity can be identified from the simple things that people do. Such things as email addresses reveal a lot about a person’s identify. Studying such physical attributes as fingerprints, facial expression, names and DNA configuration can reveal a lot about a person.

These things have in them cues that can be used to unravel a person identity. Thus, it becomes impossible to hide the real person. Any attempt to do so is deceptive. A person’s identity is associated with a good reputation. This means that identity is the foundation of reputation. A good reputation enhances a personal success in life (Werner, n.d.; MAS, 2006).

It guarantees a person better jobs, ease in career advancement, improved social status and allows the individual other privileges. MAS (2006) explains that attempt to hide a persons true self are disastrous and results in a person gaining a bad reputation the society and the disadvantages that comes with it.

From the arguments above it is important to note the formation of a personal identity is crucial. People general direction is driven by their personal identity.

The out ward look is just a reflection of an individuals identity, but not what forms it. How people look on the outwards is a reflection of their beliefs and customs. The spiritual faculties form a person’s beliefs and customs. These beliefs are unique to each person and thus help to form involuntarily the main character traits that make a unique identity in a person.

These characteristics are expressed in more physical ways such as dressing code and general mannerisms. These characteristics are what make people identifiable in a society and give us a persona different from other individuals. This is [personal identity.

The relationship between fashion and personal identity is peculiar. In this debate, the biggest question is which of the two has the greatest influence over the other or whether the two are mutually dependent. Fashion and human personality theorist all agree that each cannot exist without the other.

This is because fashion is way of dressing only expressible through people and the same is true for people: it is difficult to see people without looking at fashion. Thus, it becomes an interesting debate as to whether it is fashion that reinforces a person identity or vice versa. Fashion theorists are also aware that both fashion and personal identity are subject to evolution and thus keep changing with time.

As such, there is always a great confusion as to which of the two is the agent of the said change. The confusion arises from the fact that each fashion as well as personal identity seem to have an inherent ability to stand o its own. However, debaters of this motion do not realize that the debate always focuses on the mutual dependency between these two phenomena.

Ffion (2011) explains that the post second world war heralded liberalization and democratization of societies all over the world. One of the biggest marks of liberalization is the rise of a consumerism culture. Contemporary societies have acquired an insatiable habit of indiscriminately consuming and as such, producers have resulted to mass production.

The same is true for the fashion industry. People have acquired a taste for fashionable clothing and are consuming fashion products at an alarming rate. A look through fashion malls will reveal an existing insatiable appetite for fashion clothing as well accessories by people of all works of life.

Clothing since time immemorial has been the key towards unraveling a person identity (Ffion, 2011). Other than the obvious reason to cover nakedness and protects a person from extreme wearer conditions, Clothes are a means through which man communicates a powerful message about himself.

People use clothes as a means to enhance the message they want to portray to the society and hope that wearing these elicit the right response from others (, 2011).

As such, people have to dress in the right way according to the character they want to enhance. Clothes emphasize the positions and roles that people play in the society. (, 2011) compares fashion to art, which “sculptures and gives to its architect any form of creation the architects desires.”

As such, fashion reacts to the desires of the architects and thus gives back creative designs that are relevant to person’s character and roles in the society. Further more, fashion enhances the different gender roles that different gender plays in the society.

It gives clothes that define a woman as feminine, in response to the feminine character of a woman and masculine clothes that a man demands. As such clothes becomes a clear distinction between men and women. Thus, fashion is responding to gender identities.

Ffion (2011) argues that people use clothes “to celebrate personal identities.” People wear cloths that express a strong personal beliefs and character. Ffion (2011) gives an example where women celebrate their personal identity through clothes and explains they may wear floral and brightly colored cloths to appreciate their love for nature and their cultural backgrounds.

This illustrates that the reason why Marie-Ange Guilleminot made clothing items with remains of the material from the Hiroshima bombsite to express “her grief and sorrow and show solidarity with the family of the victims.”

Different communities have different dressing style unique to them. The Hindu community has their sarongs, while the Scot male proudly wears the kilt as a way of identifying one self as a scot.

The Muslim woman will wear the Hijab to portray a religious identity while a Nigerian will were a brightly colored outfit that portrays the African identity. These dressing style are a strong reflection of a person’s cultural identity and are deliberately worn by people to express their personal identity through cultural norms

Other than communicating whom we are, clothes have a very big influence on our personality. (, 2011) explains that Business executive’s wears suit to while musicians and sports people will be more casual.

They want to enhance their personal traits that is concurrent with their profession. Grant (2007) agrees with this argues and adds that an “individual negotiates through the dress.” Fashion thus forms part of an individuals language. Clothing is a language that a person uses to relay to the outside world desirable message about who they are.

Ffion (2011) explains that Marina Abramovic tried to controversially prove that clothe cannot be removed from a person identity. Mariah stood naked in a street and watched people’s reaction to her nudity. Of course, people were astonished that a person could dare remove her identity and stand in public naked.

This portrays that cloths are part of us and they help strengthen a person positive reputation. Lack of clothes is thus taken as lack of positive dignity. As explained earlier persons identity is associated with a positive reputation that puts the person at an advantaged position in the society.

Removing cloths from oneself is thus assumed to be removing a person positive identity, which leaves one without an identity that results to a negative reputation (MAS, 2006). It thus can be conclude that removing of clothe is stripping oneself of personal identity as such leaving one naked (without an identity).

Winter (2004) also supports that clothes portrays who we are by highlight the works of Van Dyke Lewis, a fashion God father and scholar who has spent a significant part of his life studying fashion.

Winter explains that despite the fact that clothes identify which ethnic group people come from they also identify from which part of the world a person comes from as well as the people’s individual roles in the society.

Lewis, Winter (2004) explains, has spent his entire life studying the black African fashion. This race has a particular way of clothing themselves that enhances their racial background.

During one of his fashion research in London, Lewis has paid particular attention to all the black people in the crowd and was rightly able to identify from which part of the world each came from simply by observing their dress code. This is because each of these person carried with them a certain trait about them that betrayed from which city, town or neighborhood each came from.

Essay (2011) support this further and argues that a clothing is a reflection of unique personal attributes and that personal identity can be interchangeably used with cultural identity. Clothes are part of peoples culture. By choosing to wear certain cloths people have voluntarily chosen to portray their cultural identify and their cultural roots of a person.

Still pertaining to culture, there has evolved a material cultures, a liberal group of individuals who want to dress in ways that do not conform to traditional dressing codes.

These people want freedom to dress the way they want without being restricted to the conventional dressing norms. Clothes are a sense of freedom and a spirit of adventure. They were wear clothes that are outside their cultural boundaries to adventure.

Clothes become a way of breaking cultural norms and experiencing the world beyond (, 2011). As such, the fashion industry is evolving and responding to this new class of individuals and gives them creative designs that are suited their free spirited selves. Other clothing adornments are other items of fashion that enhance a persons identity.

People are nowadays adornments to express their dissatisfaction with traditional cultural norms. Tattoos are a way of expressing a distaste with conventional rules and thus a way of seeking freedom. It is a way of bode modification that seek to celebrate a free spirited individual who has managed to break cultural rules (Sanders, 1998).

Suffice to say that fashion is the tool that reinforces who a person is. People use clothes not only to express their personal traits but also to identify themselves with different cultures.

Clothes are not just mere tools for covering nakedness but also protect the persona in the wearer. People deliberately choose clothes that suit their personal characteristics. They are therefore a branding tool, a tool that helps the individuals to appreciate, celebrate and reinforce personal identity.

As much as the power of the individual identify I emphases the power of fashion on the person cannot be ignored. Fashion still has its influence on the individual and to a great extent influences that a person becomes. This means that people respond to the latest fashion trends and thus try to align their identify to the dictates of these trends.

Human psychologist argues that human beings have tendency to change behaviors to fit in a certain context (Simply Psychology 2011). People thus change their behavior, attitudes, norms and beliefs fit in certain contexts. Such conformity is driven by the fear of rejection by a social group or the entire society. Conformity may be voluntary or involuntary.

Where it is voluntary, a person makes conscious choice out of fear and thus eventually changes behavior to be accommodated in a given setup. People thus experience an overwhelming sense of the group dynamics over individual identity and are attracted to the group. However, their personal identity is a hindrance towards finding a comfortable place in the group.

As such, they have to drop it and adapt what the social group ascribes to. When conformity occurs involuntarily, a person is either forced to adapt certain behavior as dictated by their roles in the society. In this case, people are forced to behave in certain manner that fits the group dynamic or risk rejection.

A student in a religiously affiliated school may be forced to change dress code to fit in that a particular school. A company may enforce strict dress and general behavior code for all employees to fit into the company policy. In such a company, formal dressing becomes the norm. Suit and ties are the every day apparel.

Therefore, all employees are forced to change their individual identikit in dressing. Involuntary conformity can also happen when a person lacks knowledge and thus seeks it from external (group) sources. In such a case a person is unknowingly influenced by social dynamics and eventually changes behavior as society dictates.

Conformity is prevalent in the world of fashion. This can be attributed to mass production of fashion labels that target mass sales. Marketing of these mass labels are enforcing a fashion sense to the unsuspecting public. Many fashion designs such as Versace, Christian Dior and others open fashion stores in many parts of the world to with the mass market as the target.

Because of the prestige that is associated with these brands people wear them not out of personal identity built because of the strong sense of fashion that comes with wearing them.

Bollier and Racine (2003) explains that “fashion permeates so many aspects of our lives that we fail to appreciate the social ecology that supports it” and as such has an enormous influence not only on the society built on the individual.

The industry it has an inherent power of creativity and thus produces fashionable garment with lightning speed and enforces the new fashion on people. As such, fashion industry thrives, on competition churning out creative design to protect its markets share and its brand.

As a result, several fashion labels have dominated the fashion industry. Many people in efforts to feel fashionable buy and wear these brands not in respect to their personal identity but in respect to fashion.

They want to feel that they belong to a social class that is conscious to fashion trends. Therefore, they will just move in any direction that fashion takes them. If the new trend demands wearing of faded jeans that id the trend they adapt. The same can be said of adornments.

Such kind of conformity has permeated into the American society. A look at the society will reveal that the individually is slowly but significantly loosing personal touch.

The individual in this society is slowly succumbs to the dictates of fashion so much that even the moral and cultural fabric of the society if affected. Americans are slowly adapting to wearing casual wear especially jeans and T-shirts. This conformity is so powerful, that it is slowly finding its way in the corporate sector.

Modern American professional world is adapting to the notion of dress down Friday, an idea that allows workers to tone down their official attire. In response to the notion, the American worker including some of the top CEO’s do wear jeans and T-shirts every Friday to work. (Rasband , 2010).

Rasband (2010) continues to explain that a study reveals that the average American owns more jeans and T-shirt s today than they did several years ago. A casual look at the ordinary American in shopping malls, hospitals airports, churches, sport stadiums, streets, cafes or any other place will revel that there are more people wearing jean and T-shirts than another type of clothing.

This jeans and T-shirts dressing code almost becomes a movement a phenomena Levi Straus has termed as “the most significant apparel trend of the century” (Rasband , 2010). Such conformity has eroded the American sense of personal touch as more American are falling prey to the jeans and T-shirts movement and thus limits the choices that American have on fashion.

Pittman and Townsend (n.d.) explains that such lack of choice in proposal apparel is the result of consumerism and mass production in the fashion industry, and results in loss of personal identity.

Consumerism in fashion is focused on quantity (and unfashionable clothing) rather than quality. It thus leads to a shortage of fashion wear that can enhance people’s individual identity. Rather it leads to e enhancement of social identity.

(Rasband , 2010) explain that the erosion of personal identify by fashion has not been without consequences. The jeans and T-shits movement puts every one o the same level at the work place and in effect, productivity of employees has notably declined.

Casual wears hinders a person productivity in the workplace as the person has retreated into the confront zone and thus lucks the necessary motivation to work. The teaching profession has been greatly affected by such erosions of culture.

American teachers have adopted casual wear and have ended looking more like the students they teach. The effect is a decline in discipline in American schools. (Rasband , 2010) concludes that dressing and in similar fashion makes Americans “look alike and thus begin to feel and act alike.”

The variety that is necessary to make a well-formed society is thus lost. The lack of variety in personal identity means that there is also a limitation in personal beliefs customs and norms. The average American has thus lost the ability to be different and to rise above the societal norms.

It can be sufficiently concluded that fashion and man cannot be separated. They have a mutually dependent relationship. Man has had a significant influence in fashion industry. People have used fashion designs as away of communicating personal identities. They wear clothes that enhance their personal characteristics.

A person will wear dreadlocks to communicate ac message about personal beliefs and attitudes. There is also the evolvement of the free material culture, a group of people that believe I moving beyond conventional dressing codes in emphasis of their free spirit self.

Any attempts thus to remove dress is seen as an attempt to strip a person of their persons al identity. As such personal identity is embedded in a persons dressing style. Removing a dress is tantamount to removing your dress. However, fashion cannot be ignored in the way it influences a person’s character. There have been instances that a fashion erodes a personal identity leaving the person exposed to adhere to group dynamics.

This has been the effect of consumerism culture prevalent in the contemporary society. Consumerism culture leads to mass production. Fashion designers have thus responded to this phenomenon by creating massive designs and adapted exploitative marketing technique to force people to buy predetermined designs. Thus, people drop their unique dressing styles in favor of the mass culture.

This in effect affects the person identity as people star to behave in the same way. As such fashion becomes wastefully and unethical because it erodes not only the identify of a person but also of the entire society. This has lead to an emergence of a class of l fashion theorist with ethical views about sustainable fashion models.

Ethical fashionistas say that there is need to reverse the mass consumerism not only to protect the erosion of person identities but also to protect the environment. This will be done through recycling fashion design and material (Pittman and Townsend, 2003). Rasband (2010) explains that there is a way out the current wasting of personal identity in the society.

People can be very deliberate in their dressing style but not dress in response to mass fashion demands but to what the are personally comfortable with in respect to the situation they are in. the jeans and t-shirts are not entirely wrong but should be only worn at the right time and for the right purpose.

Bollier, D., & Racine, A. (2003). Control of creativity? Fashion’s secret . Christian Science Monitor. Web., (2011). Fashion and identity . Web.

Ffion, G., (2011). AWARE: Art fashion identity . Web.

Grant, M. (1997). Dressing up a self: fashion and kristeva’s “subject in Process”. Melbourne Journal of Politics . Web.

MAS 961 · Individual identity and reputation . SMG media. 2006. Web.

Pittman, L., & Townsend, K. (n.d.). Designer/makers are key to sustainable textile development. Web.

Rasband, J. (2010). America’s going down the tube in a t-shirt. Conselle institute of image management. Web.

Sanders, C. (1988). Marks of mischief: becoming & being tattooed. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 16, 395-432

Simply psychology. (2011). Conformity in Psychology . Simply psychology . Web.

Werner, P. (n.d.). Psyche and spirit . T parents. Web.

Winter, M. (2004). Interpreting the influence of diverse cultures on fashion: Human Ecology, (32), Questia. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, May 25). Fashion and Identity.

"Fashion and Identity." IvyPanda , 25 May 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Fashion and Identity'. 25 May.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Fashion and Identity." May 25, 2018.

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IvyPanda . "Fashion and Identity." May 25, 2018.

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Fashion Personas: Crafting Identity Through Attire

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Fashion as an expression of character.

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Classic Look

Romantic look, trendy look.

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Fashion Personas: Crafting Identity Through Attire essay

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Essays About Fashion: Top 5 Examples and 9 Prompts

If you are writing essays about fashion, check out our guide of helpful examples and exciting writing prompts to get started.

Fashion is individuals’ way of expressing their personalities. They do this through clothes and accessories that display their tastes and preferences. There are different fashion styles and trends, and anyone can choose anything they want to follow. Additionally, fashion has various benefits, such as boosting self-confidence, lightening moods, and developing creativity. Our fashion choices also help us send messages and present our beliefs. Thus, fashion can also be political .

Below are five essay examples and nine writing prompts to help you create an eye-catching essay about fashion:


5 Top Essay Examples

1. why fashion is important by george k., 2. fashion: an important part of life by ankita yadav, 3. fashion as communication by eunice summers, 4. fashion 2022 by edudwar, 5. the effect of fashion on teenagers in school by anonymous on, 1. fashion trends and women, 2. fashion evolution, 3. fashion and starting a business, 4. effects of fashion on society, 5. the best fashion styles for men, 6. fashion trends in different countries , 7. careers in the fashion industry, 8. cultural fashion vs. modern fashion, 9. the best and worst of fashion trends.

“The clothes we wear has become more than merely a way to cover our nakedness; instead it has also become one of the primary ways in which people express themselves.”

George K explains that fashion separates individuals from the rest. A person can introduce himself to others for who and what he is through style choices. Further, the author expounds on how fashion is a very competitive industry that depends on one’s search for identity. The author also points out that every person is unique and thus needs a distinct style to fit them. However, because of constant peer pressure and criticism, an individual’s fashion picks can’t be entirely their own. Ultimately, George K reminds the reader that it’s not just the clothes but how individuals wear and feel in them.

“…if we can do something then it is choosing the right stuff like entertainment, adventure, fashion, etc. All these things can make us happy and are also an important part of life. Fashion always attracts and it is available for all,”

Yadav considers how fashion originated from people’s traditions and cultures and became what it is today through individuals adopting each style and making it their own. In the following sections of the essay, she defines fashion and lists its importance, including how it developed new employment options and how styles speak for the wearer. 

In her conclusion, she encourages everyone to choose their styles and not to mind their age. Fashion helps everyone live life to the fullest.

“Fashion is an industry based on creating a need where there is none and nowadays, due to the current recession, I can understand that fashion may not be people’s biggest concern. But we cannot qualify it as ‘trivial’ since we are surrounded by it; each new generation of customers is highly exposed to commercial influences.”

Summers gives her opinion about the book “Fashion as Communication” by Malcolm Barnard . She identifies points in the work and shares her thoughts on them. The first point being those working in the fashion industry aren’t smart. As a Fashion Marketing student, Summers vehemently disagrees with this statement and recounts her experiences to counter it. She continues to analyze Barnard’s other arguments and agrees with some of them. Summers ends her essay by highlighting that fashion is too essential in modern culture and economic organization for it to be considered “trivial.”

“…the youth cares more about what they wear and how they look which could affect their status in their peer group and meddle with their mental health. Following trends and doing what everyone is doing like a sheep is never a good idea. Fashion is there to reflect your personal style, not copying what other people think is trendy.”

User Edudwar reminds people that fashion is not simply following what’s currently trendy. Fashion is there to give people the chance to show off their individualism and personalities and not present a fake version of themselves to be accepted by society. Additionally, he mentions that youth nowadays are more sensitive to what people think of them, so some will always do everything to follow trends, even if they’re not presentable or appropriate.

“Youths of the present times have indulged themselves in so much fashion that they do not receive sufficient time for other work… The time spent on studies is being used in watching TV programmes, reading fashion articles, or even finding the recent trendy outfits on the Internet.”

The essay discusses the real effects of fashion on today’s youth. The author focuses on kids zeroing in on finding the latest style instead of caring for their studies that directly affect their future. The essay also delves into how youths of yesterday had ambitions and goals in life compared to today’s youths, who prefer to have fun rather than study hard.

See our best essay writing tips to help you write an attractive, attention-grabbing essay.

9 Writing Prompts For Essays About Fashion

To assist you with your essay, we’ve compiled nine exciting writing prompts you can use:

Some women follow fashion trends religiously. They are also more conscious of their physical appearance. Some even go to the extreme and do plastic surgeries to look better in clothes. In your essay, discuss what you think these trends do to women’s perception of their worth and beauty. Add which trends you believe are unhealthy and why there’s more societal pressure for women to be fashionable.

Each era had its styles that directly resulted from that time’s circumstances. Make a timeline of how fashion evolved and the factors that influenced them. At the end of your essay, pick what you think is the best fashion era and explain why.

For this prompt, include the relevant things a future fashion clothing boutique owner should bear in mind. For instance, they should always be on top of the fashion trends and know how to balance demand and costs. Then, find a boutique owner and interview them about their experience to make your essay more fun to read.

Tackle what makes people choose the clothes they wear daily. Some prefer their fashion to display their personalities while others merely follow what they think is popular. To make your essay more interesting, you can do a simple experiment: Go out in public on two occasions: while wearing your fashion picks and donning the latest fashionable clothes. Then, add your findings and how people reacted to you.

Essays About Fashion: The best fashion styles for men

Fashion for men is different from women. Although most brands dedicate their line to women, men also deserve to know what makes them look fashionable; this essay lists styles that are excellent for men depending on the setting and event. 

What could be considered fashionable in one country can be seen as disrespectful in another. For this prompt, compile fashion trends many do but are unacceptable in other places. Reasons why may include religion or tradition. Use research data and cite reliable sourcing for a compelling piece.

In this essay, identify the career opportunities available in the fashion industry, including the steps to get there. Next, list the different job roles within fashion, and describe the responsibilities for each. Then, add tips on succeeding in that job and standing out from the rest. For an intriguing essay, conduct interviews with professionals within the industry and include this in your piece.

Our ancestors’ culture greatly influenced today’s fashion. Meanwhile, modern styles are those that the current generation uses. Write an essay about cultural and contemporary fashion’s differences, similarities, advantages, and disadvantages. 

Fashion trends come and go. However, not all popular fashion is pleasing to the eyes. For this essay, compile a list of what is, in your opinion, the best and worst fashion trends. Then, describe why you have formed these opinions and describe the details of each outfit.

Are you looking for your next essay subject? Check out our list of the best writing topics for students .

Essay: Why Fashion is Important

The Fashionisto

Published October 18, 2017

Updated May 4, 2024

Louis Vuitton 2016 Spring Summer Backstage

Fashion is one of the most critical industries in our world today. Style has become one of the primary ways in which people express their personality and distinguish themselves from those around them. With every New Year which comes and goes, new fashions arrive on the scene, and they all endeavor to be more colorful and fashionable than those which saw last year. There’s inspiration everywhere, from online retailers like Roden Gray to printed magazines. The desire to express one was present throughout human history.

People of all ages are addicted to new trends in fashion. There is a tremendous amount of competition within the industry and also among consumers. The style is also different among different cultures and nationalities, which is why it’s so exciting when one travels to various parts of the planet to observe firsthand how people dress in those countries. Our clothes have become more than merely a way to cover our nakedness. Instead, it has also become one of the primary ways in which people express themselves.

Garments which may fit one person may not necessarily be equally suitable for someone else. And even if those clothes are fantastic designer efforts, it does not mean everyone would be equally comfortable wearing them. Different people will need different styles and designs, which will be an expression of their uniqueness and personality before they will not be comfortable wearing that specific fashion design. Human beings are complicated creatures; everyone has different desires, dreams, and objectives that they deem essential to success in their life. Fashion trends are a critical aspect of that success.

There is a lot of discrimination among human beings and also a lot of criticism. People will do everything possible to avoid such criticism. Peer pressure continues to affect people throughout their lives, and it is a powerful motivator when it comes to crucial fashion decisions. It is also true that fashion design has reached a very sophisticated level, and therefore some of the most popular models can be very costly.

It has the result that such fashion may only be accessible to affluent people. It can make it very difficult for people of average income to compete in fashion designs. Fortunately, there has been a lot of progress by fashion designers to cater to middle-income consumers. It is why there are a lot of fashion designs available, which can make it possible for less fortunate people to own still fashion designs that will be of very high quality and attractive.

There are fashion items for every season and every occasion, making it possible for people to express themselves differently depending on the specific season or time of the year. Looking at all the consumer needs that have emerged in modern times, it becomes easy to see why fashion design has become such a specialized industry.

Another aspect that deserves contemplation is the fact that there is a measure of similarity in those fashion trends which aim at the low-income person. It is going a long way in avoiding discrimination or unnecessary competition because there is a lot of similarity in the designs which aim at this consumer market. Therefore, less affluent people can avoid unwarranted discrimination and criticism because, they are dressed very similarly in many ways to their friends, colleagues, or family members.

Care should be taken to avoid fashion designs of poor quality, especially in cases where failed fashion experiments are nevertheless mass-produced and then dumped on the low-income consumer. On the other hand, some poor people cannot afford anything better, leaving her with no choice but to purchase low-quality products.

Nevertheless, an eye for detail can be a blessing because this can help a person who may only have access to low-quality fashion items to mix and match those things very efficiently so that the overall result is nonetheless beautiful. There is some truth to the statement that it’s not what you wear but how you wear it, which is the most critical issue.

Unfortunately, many people never seem to learn how to combine different fashion items correctly and adequately. Knowing which colors go together is a rare gift that some people never master. Therefore, even affluent people with access to very costly fashion items often fail to do those things justice because of a lack of understanding regarding color matching.

Many people seem to think tight clothing is more attractive than a loose-fitting dress, and then they make fools of themselves by wearing unnecessarily close-fitting clothes. It is why it is essential to have at least a basic understanding of choosing your fashion items and mixing and matching those things for the best results. Access to the most expensive fashion trends on the market is undoubtedly a benefit. Still, it’s even more important to have a basic sense of how to maximize how the wearer will display those clothes and other articles.

Clothes are also known to impact people’s moods substantially; likewise, some colors are more effective than others in putting people in a better place as far as their mindset and emotions are concerned. Every person should do at least an introductory modeling course to understand how to make the best of their free clothes and accessories. Like we said earlier, it is not so much what you are wearing but rather how you are wearing it, which will ultimately provide proof of your competence as far as fashion and personal appearance is concerned.

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essay fashion defines a person's character

The Role of Fashion in Self-Expression and Identity

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The study of how our choices in dress affect how we see and assess one another is known as fashion psychology. The phrase ‘fashion psychology’ is rather deceptive, as the area examines much beyond how clothes affect a person. Marketers who need to anticipate how long a product will be in style as well as understand the characteristics that increase the likelihood that a set of customers would accept it, need to pay close attention to fashion psychology. Therefore, a focus of fashion psychology is also on how acceptance evolves through time. 

When we first encounter someone, we make an instant judgement about them or form an opinion about them. That is, people are evaluated based on their personalities, appearance, and attire. A report by Fashion and Law journal states that a person’s clothing is an abstract portrayal of who they are from within. 1 With fashion serving as a means of self-expression and connection to the outside world, it says a lot about who we are as people. There are so many psychological factors, including cultural norms, individual preferences, and social expectations, at play, which affect our fashion choices without our knowledge.

When people are sad or down, they often go shopping to lift their spirits. However, emotions may be good or negative when it comes to fashion. We feel uneasy and lose confidence when we are unsure about what to wear or how to wear it. As a result, we start to worry about what people may think, which negatively impacts our mood.

Similarly, since the beginning of time, fashion statements were used to establish class, identity, and beliefs. Clothing was intimately associated with social status and display of wealth in earlier civilisations. A person’s choice of clothing might serve to express their political or religious affiliation. Moreover, a lot of stress was put on having a beautiful appearance as a symbol of status and authority. With the development of mass production and the subsequent rise in the availability of appealing apparel, the 20th century witnessed an explosion in fashion. It became easier for the consumers to experiment with various appearances, allowing them to develop distinctive looks that made them stand out from the crowd.

Furthermore, fashion enables individuals to express their creativity and explore new aspects of their personality. Experimenting with clothes may reveal new facets of a person’s personality that they may not have even been aware of previously, from cutting edge streetwear trends to traditional vintage outfits.

Additionally, it is important to prioritise feeling confident in one’s appearance rather than trying to conform to whatever society deems to be ‘trendy’ at any one time. No matter what styles of clothing and accessories are in style, embracing your own sense of originality should always be viewed as a good trait that fosters creativity and self-confidence in a person.

Fashion choices reflect development, shifting ideals, and individuality. Young people want their clothing to express their character, qualities and ideals. They desire the freedom to express themselves via their choices in clothing. As young people progress through the phases of psychological development, fashion is crucial because it helps them build a sense of identity and a mechanism for obtaining social approval.

According to an article published by Michael Solomon, the origin and spread of fashion may be viewed from a variety of angles including psychological and sociological. 2

Psychological Models of Fashion

What drives us to follow trends can be explained by a variety of psychological variables. Conformity, a need for variation, the drive to express one’s originality, and sexual attraction are a few of these. For instance, many customers appear to have a demand for uniqueness: They want to stand out, but not too much. Because of this, individuals may follow the fundamental principles of a trend while improvising to express themselves uniquely within these overarching principles.

The ‘dress for success’ phenomenon serves as an example of the pervasive notion that how one looks affects how they are treated. One study required participants to wear a lab coat, which people tend to identify with careful and focused work. They discovered that participants who wore the lab coat performed better on activities that needed careful attention. However, the benefits vanished when responders were informed that the garment was actually a painter’s coat rather than a doctor’s lab coat. In other words, the respondents made changes to their behaviour based on how they perceived the symbolic significance of the apparel. The saying “clothes make the man” perfectly captures this process.

Sociological Models of Fashion

It is crucial to remember that fashion processes have an impact on all forms of cultural phenomena, including music, art, architecture, and even science, even though we frequently link fashion with clothes. According to the trickle-down hypothesis, when people try to move up the social mobility ladder, inferior groups first adopt the status symbols of the groups above them. Thus, dominant styles start with the upper classes and spread to the lower classes.

Ending Note

Fashion plays a significant role in our lives, and it is more than just a way to cover our bodies. It is a form of self-expression and a way to communicate our identity to the world. The psychology of fashion has shown that our clothing choices are influenced by various factors, including our cultural background, social status, and personal preferences. Understanding these influences can help us make more conscious fashion choices that reflect our true selves and help us feel confident and comfortable in our own skin. So, whether you are a fashion enthusiast or not, it is worth taking a moment to think about the psychology behind your fashion choices and how they contribute to your overall sense of self.


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IELTS Essay: Clothes, Culture, & Character

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 2 Comments

IELTS Essay: Clothes, Culture, & Character

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of clothes, culture, and character from the real IELTS exam.

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IELTS Essay: Clothes, Culture, & Character

Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from their choice of clothes.

Do you agree or disagree?

Many believe that fashion choices communicate information about an individual’s personality and culture. I am largely in agreement though I would concede globalization has partly obscured these distinctions.

Those who argue that a person’s culture and character cannot be determined from their clothing point to the impact of globalization. There are now international companies like Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and Louis Vuitton that manufacture and ship identical clothes all around the world for consumers. These consumers are influenced by the same media and admire the same public figures. This modern convergence of production and culture means that disparate nations are more similar than at any point in human history. It is not unusual to see an individual living in South America, for instance, wearing the same shoes and clothing as someone in Asia or Europe.

Nonetheless, fashion preferences still reveal what a person values and what they wish to project to the outside world. A person who wears a suit and tie appears professional and this likely matches their personality. If they dress very formally when at work it might also indicate the office culture in their country. For example, it is common in East Asian countries for workers to dress very formally for work while in Southeast Asia the clothing is more casual due to the tropical climate. There are also individual differences that are, on average, greater than the disparity between cultures. A person who is into sports is more likely to wear sporty clothes regardless of where they live. Social media and globalization can even contribute to this trend as a consumer can follow their favorite artist and emulate both their personality and fashion choices.

In conclusion, though globalization theoretically makes it more difficult to distinguish a person’s culture and character from their clothes, in fact, these choices continue to be revealing. This self-expression is one of the benefits of modern fashion.

1. Many believe that fashion choices communicate information about an individual’s personality and culture. 2. I am largely in agreement though I would concede globalization has partly obscured these distinctions.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Those who argue that a person’s culture and character cannot be determined from their clothing point to the impact of globalization. 2. There are now international companies like Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and Louis Vuitton that manufacture and ship identical clothes all around the world for consumers. 3. These consumers are influenced by the same media and admire the same public figures. 4. This modern convergence of production and culture means that disparate nations are more similar than at any point in human history. 5. It is not unusual to see an individual living in South America, for instance, wearing the same shoes and clothing as someone in Asia or Europe.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • You can have a second main idea.

1. Nonetheless, fashion preferences still reveal what a person values and what they wish to project to the outside world. 2. A person who wears a suit and tie appears professional and this likely matches their personality. 3. If they dress very formally when at work it might also indicate the office culture in their country. 4. For example, it is common in East Asian countries for workers to dress very formally for work while in Southeast Asia the clothing is more casual due to the tropical climate. 5. There are also individual differences that are, on average, greater than the disparity between cultures. 6. A person who is into sports is more likely to wear sporty clothes regardless of where they live. 7. Social media and globalization can even contribute to this trend as a consumer can follow their favorite artist and emulate both their personality and fashion choices.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.
  • Develop the example fully.
  • For this one I have a second related idea to develop.
  • And another example to extend fully.

1. In conclusion, though globalization theoretically makes it more difficult to distinguish a person’s culture and character from their clothes, in fact, these choices continue to be revealing. 2. This self-expression is one of the benefits of modern fashion.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Many believe that fashion choices communicate information about an individual’s personality and culture . I am largely in agreement though I would concede globalization has partly obscured these distinctions .

Those who argue that a person’s culture and character cannot be determined from their clothing point to the impact of globalization. There are now international companies like Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and Louis Vuitton that manufacture and ship identical clothes all around the world for consumers. These consumers are influenced by the same media and admire the same public figures . This modern convergence of production and culture means that disparate nations are more similar than at any point in human history . It is not unusual to see an individual living in South America, for instance , wearing the same shoes and clothing as someone in Asia or Europe.

Nonetheless, fashion preferences still reveal what a person values and what they wish to project to the outside world . A person who wears a suit and tie appears professional and this likely matches their personality. If they dress very formally when at work it might also indicate the office culture in their country. For example, it is common in East Asian countries for workers to dress very formally for work while in Southeast Asia the clothing is more casual due to the tropical climate . There are also individual differences that are, on average , greater than the disparity between cultures . A person who is into sports is more likely to wear sporty clothes regardless of where they live. Social media and globalization can even contribute to this trend as a consumer can follow their favorite artist and emulate both their personality and fashion choices.

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

fashion choices decisions about clothes

communicate information reveal yourself

personality temperament, character

culture society, art, your country as a whole

largely in agreement mostly on the same page

concede globalization give up the idea of spreading ideas

partly obscured somewhat hidden

distinctions differences

argue point out

character personality

determined decided by

point to argue

international companies multinationals

manufacture made

identical the same

all around the world everywhere

consumers buyers

influenced impacted by

media entertainment

admire look up to

public figures famous people

modern convergence coming together these days

production making of

disparate nations different countries

at any point in human history at any time before

unusual not normal

for instance for example

preferences tastes

reveal show

values what you consider important

project to the outside world show to everyone else

suit and tie fancy work clothes

appears seems

professional formal

matches fits

formally professionally

indicate mean

office culture workplace

casual not formal

tropical climate hot weather

on average generally

greater than more than

disparity between cultures differences between countries

sporty clothes athletic wear

regardless of nonetheless

social media Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.

contribute add to

trend pattern

emulate copt

theoretically in theory, not in reality

distinguish differentiate

continue to be keep on

self-expression being yourself


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈfæʃən ˈʧɔɪsɪz   kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən   ˌpɜːsəˈnælɪti   ˈkʌlʧə ˈlɑːʤli ɪn əˈgriːmənt kənˈsiːd ˌgləʊb(ə)laɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n   ˈpɑːtli əbˈskjʊəd   dɪsˈtɪŋkʃənz   ˈɑːgjuː   ˈkærɪktə   dɪˈtɜːmɪnd   pɔɪnt tuː   ˌɪntə(ː)ˈnæʃənl ˈkʌmpəniz   ˌmænjʊˈfækʧə   aɪˈdɛntɪkəl   ɔːl əˈraʊnd ðə wɜːld   kənˈsjuːməz   ˈɪnflʊənst   ˈmiːdiə   ədˈmaɪə   ˈpʌblɪk ˈfɪgəz   ˈmɒdən kənˈvɜːʤəns   prəˈdʌkʃən   ˈdɪspərɪt ˈneɪʃənz   æt ˈɛni pɔɪnt ɪn ˈhjuːmən ˈhɪstəri ʌnˈjuːʒʊəl   fɔːr ˈɪnstəns ˈprɛfərənsɪz   rɪˈviːl   ˈvæljuːz   ˈprɒʤɛkt tuː ði ˌaʊtˈsaɪd wɜːld sjuːt ænd taɪ   əˈpɪəz   prəˈfɛʃənl   ˈmæʧɪz   ˈfɔːməli   ˈɪndɪkeɪt   ˈɒfɪs ˈkʌlʧə   ˈkæʒjʊəl djuː tuː   ˈtrɒpɪkəl ˈklaɪmɪt ɒn ˈævərɪʤ ˈgreɪtə ðæn   dɪsˈpærɪti bɪˈtwiːn ˈkʌlʧəz ˈspɔːti kləʊðz   rɪˈgɑːdlɪs ɒv   ˈsəʊʃəl ˈmiːdiə   kənˈtrɪbju(ː)t   trɛnd   ˈɛmjʊleɪt   θɪəˈrɛtɪkəli   dɪsˈtɪŋgwɪʃ   kənˈtɪnju(ː) tuː biː   sɛlf-ɪksˈprɛʃən  

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Many believe that f_______________s c____________________________n about an individual’s p_____________y and c_____________e. I am l______________________t though I would c___________ e g_________________n has p_________________d these d___________________s .

Those who a_______e that a person’s culture and c__________r cannot be d__________d from their clothing p____________o the impact of globalization. There are now i_________________s like Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and Louis Vuitton that m_____________e and ship i_____________l clothes a___________________d for consumers. These c__________s are i______________d by the same m_______a and a_______e the same p_______________s . This m_____________________e of p______________n and culture means that d_____________________s are more similar than a_____________________________y . It is not u__________l to see an individual living in South America, f____________e , wearing the same shoes and clothing as someone in Asia or Europe.

Nonetheless, fashion p___________s still r___________l what a person v_______s and what they wish to p__________________________d . A person who wears a s____________e a_________s p______________l and this likely m________s their personality. If they dress very f____________y when at work it might also i___________e the o________________e in their country. For example, it is common in East Asian countries for workers to dress very formally for work while in Southeast Asia the clothing is more c_________l due to the t__________________e . There are also individual differences that are, o___________________e , g___________n the d_________________________s . A person who is into sports is more likely to wear s_____________s r_____________f where they live. S_______________a and globalization can even c_____________e to this t______d as a consumer can follow their favorite artist and e_________e both their personality and fashion choices.

In conclusion, though globalization t_____________________y makes it more difficult to d_________________h a person’s culture and character from their clothes, in fact, these choices c_________________e revealing. This s________________n is one of the benefits of modern fashion.

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching videos from The New York Times YouTube channel below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

  • Do you prefer to wear shoes that are comfortable or fashionable?
  • Do you buy many shoes?
  • How many pairs of shoes do you have?
  • What is your favourite pair of shoes?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topic below:

The number of people who are interested in and wearing fashionable clothes is increasing.

Is this a positive or negative development?

IELTS Writing Task 2 General Training Sample Answer Essay: Fashion (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

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It is an incredibly common belief that clothes maketh a man. Some assert the possibility of distinguishing an individual’s culture as well as personality from the clothes they choose to wear. While some people would argue that not all judgements can be perfect, in my opinion, it is possible to arrive at some conclusion about the person’s background by looking at their attire. 

To begin with, people’s clothes speak a lot about their culture since it is easy to identify which culture they belong to. For instance, Sari is a traditional women’s dress from India. When a woman wears a sari, we can instantly recognize she belongs to India. Secondly, a well-dressed man in a suit and tie is perceived as an erudite person. Immaculate clothes are usually a sign of a person being intelligent, smart and well-mannered. Also, rich people often wear expensive branded clothes since they can afford it. Conversely, a shabby dressed person may appear to have less education or be impolite in nature. If a person wears old, torn, or dirty clothes, they may be considered as homeless or impoverished. Lastly, the style of clothing projects what kind of a person they may be. For instance, introverts may like to be dressed in subtle colors, whereas extroverts may prefer vibrant colors and a party wardrobe.

However, some people feel that one cannot be judged based on their clothes. Not all wealthy people wear exquisite labelled clothes. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. Although they can afford to buy them, they dress themselves like laymen. Another contrasting idea is that people from another culture may choose to wear clothes from a different culture because of fashion. For example, an American woman may want to wear a sari to work simply because she is fond of the design, yet this does not mean that she is an Indian. So, people may wear clothes they love, and, therefore, clothes do not determine a person’s culture and character.

In conclusion, while some people have contradicting agruments due to some exceptions, from my perspective, clothes definitely define a person’s identity and potrays the culture they hail from. Various clothes from all over the world are symbols of cultural diversity, and people’s characteristics can be diagnosed from their clothes.


There is a statement that the outfit of a person can reflet his culture and personality. In my opinion, people buy clothes based on their hometown and preferences.

A certain area would likely sell local clothes, which can present the culture of a place. In ancient times, people would weave clothes depending on the local situation, such as the weather, local industry, and lifestyle. For example, in mid-east Asia, there are a lot of deserts, and the weather is dry. It would be very cold when the night comes, and become extremely hot during the day. Therefore, their local clothes are primarily long white coats. Moreover, clothes can also show the religious selections. Women in mid-east Asia wear long balck coats and masks which only display their eyes. Such signals ensure that people could identify their cultures easily.

People choose clothes based on their preferences. There are different attitudes towards clothes. Some may consider them as functional items, while some may think that clothes are methods to show personal status. Hence, different selections show different perceptions of clothes. For example, the dressing of a professor may lead to different images. In China, a professor wore so simple that a freshman student asked him to show the way to dorm. A later report showed that this professor was the headmaster of this university, and he just wanted to be as normal as others. By contrast, if a professor wears an expensive skirt and puts on a LV belt with a large logo, it is easy to tell that he wants to be respected and be different from others.

In sum, clothes present the culture and the personality with local historical reasons and peosonal preference. In addition, we can judge a person not only by how they look, but also by how they behave.

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✍️Essay on Fashion: Samples in 100, 150, 200 Words

essay fashion defines a person's character

  • Updated on  
  • Oct 26, 2023

essay on clothing

Fashion is a non-verbal form of expression that describes a person’s character and sense of style. Before, it was just the realm of the famous, and aristocracy. However, the average person, particularly young people, can now afford to wear fashionable clothing. Additionally, fashion started out as a trend but through time came to be accepted as a certain way of living, whether it be in terms of behaviour, apparel, or lifestyle. Speaking of which, in this blog, we will talk about how fashion has evolved over time in our sample essays. Let’s dive in. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 History of Fashion
  • 2 Essay on Fashion in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Fashion in 150 words
  • 4 Essay on Fashion in 200 Words

History of Fashion

Not just fashion designers but other people are curious to know the history of fashion. According to historians, Charles Frederick Worth was the first fashion designer. When clothing was still created by unidentified seamstresses, he founded the House of Worth, a fashion design studio, in Paris. Contemporary fashion is characterized by a blend of diverse influences, styles, and trends from various cultures and time periods. Fashion has become more accessible and inclusive, with designers experimenting with sustainability, technology, and innovative materials to create unique and socially conscious clothing

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Essay on Fashion in 100 Words

Fashion encompasses clothing, accessories, and even behaviours, reflecting culture and individuality. Fashion evolves continuously, driven by designers, influencers, and changing norms. It has the power to convey identity, status, and creativity. Whether classic or avant-garde, fashion allows individuals to make statements and connect with others through a shared aesthetic.

It mirrors the zeitgeist, responding to economic, environmental, and social shifts. In a world of fast fashion and sustainability concerns, redefining our approach to style becomes essential. Fashion’s allure lies in its ability to blend art, identity, and innovation, shaping our visual language.

Essay on Fashion in 150 words

Fashion is a form of self-expression that plays a significant role in our lives. It includes clothing, accessories, and personal style, reflecting one’s personality and cultural influences. Fashion trends constantly evolve, influenced by designers, celebrities, and societal shifts.

The 1920s saw the rise of flapper dresses and a rebellious spirit, while the 1960s embraced mini skirts and the counterculture movement. In recent years, sustainability and ethical fashion have gained prominence, emphasizing the need for eco-friendly choices and responsible consumption.

Fashion is more than just aesthetics; it is an industry that impacts economies, employing millions worldwide. It serves as a medium for creative expression, and social movements often utilize fashion to convey powerful messages.

In conclusion, fashion is a versatile cultural force that goes beyond mere clothing. It reflects our society’s values and artistic expression.

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Essay on Fashion in 200 Words

Fashion is an evolving form of self-expression that has penetrated our daily lives, bringing more clothing choices to become a reflection of culture, identity, and individuality. 

Fashion, throughout history, has mirrored societal norms and values. It has been a canvas for rebellion or conformity. Whether it’s the flapper dresses of the 1920s, the bell-bottoms of the 1970s, or the minimalist styles of the 21st century, fashion has been a powerful communicator.

Moreover, the fashion industry is an economic powerhouse, shaping global trends and contributing significantly to various economies. It influences not only what we wear but also the jobs we create and the environmental impact we have.

Fashion’s role in personal identity is undeniable. People use clothing to express their personalities, tastes, and beliefs. It empowers individuals to feel confident and unique.

However, the fast fashion industry has been criticized for its environmental footprint and labor practices. However, over time calls for sustainable, ethical fashion have gained momentum, emphasizing the need for responsible consumption.

In conclusion, fashion is more than just attire; it’s a reflection of our culture, an economic force, a personal identifier, and a global conversation. As we navigate the complex world of fashion, it’s essential to strike a balance between personal expression, industry responsibility, and environmental sustainability.

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The development of clothing, footwear, accessories, cosmetics, and jewellery with varied cultural aesthetics and their mixing and matching to create outfits that represent distinct styles of dressing are referred to as fashion. 

Fashion is a form of expression that is not restricted to clothing, this term often refers to designer clothing and accessories.

Dressing up shows how we look at someone. They help create an idea of what we think of someone’s personality. Wearing makes someone comfortable and people will respect your individuality. Therefore, this is an important part of fashion. 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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The Psychology of Fashion: How Clothing Choices Reflect Our Identity



Fashion is not just about wearing clothes; it’s a form of self-expression, a reflection of our personalities, and a way to communicate without speaking. From the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, we make countless choices about what to wear. These choices are not arbitrary; they are deeply rooted in our psychology and play a significant role in how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of the psychology of fashion and explore how our clothing choices reflect our identity.


Clothing is one of the most powerful tools we have for self-expression. The colours, patterns, and styles we choose convey our moods, interests, and values. Whether you opt for a bohemian maxi dress, a tailored suit, or a vintage band t-shirt, your clothing sends a message about who you are and what you stand for. For example, someone who wears bold, vibrant colours may be seen as outgoing and confident, while a person in muted, classic attire may be perceived as more reserved and traditional.

Identity Reinforcement

We often choose clothing that reinforces our existing self-concept. If you see yourself as a creative individual, you might gravitate toward unique and artistic fashion choices. On the other hand, if you identify as a professional, your wardrobe may consist of business attire that reflects your dedication to your career. The clothing you wear can act as a daily reminder of your self-identity, helping you feel more aligned with your values and aspirations.

Social Identity

Our clothing choices also play a crucial role in signalling our social identity. We tend to dress in ways that align with the social groups we belong to or aspire to be part of. Subcultures, such as punk, goth, or hip-hop, often have distinct fashion styles associated with them. By adopting clothing related to a particular subculture, individuals signal their membership and allegiance to that group. It’s a way of saying, “I belong here.”

Psychological Benefits

The relationship between clothing and psychology is bidirectional. Not only do our clothing choices reflect our identity, but they can also influence our thoughts and feelings. Wearing an outfit that makes you feel confident and attractive can boost your self-esteem and overall mood. This phenomenon, known as “enclothed cognition,” highlights the powerful impact clothing can have on our psychological state.

Adaptation and Context

Our clothing choices are not static but rather adaptable to different contexts. The way you dress for a job interview will likely differ from how you dress for a casual weekend outing with friends. This adaptability showcases our ability to navigate social situations effectively by using clothing as a tool to project the desired image.

The psychology of fashion is a complex and fascinating field that reveals how our clothing choices are deeply intertwined with our identity, self-expression, and social interactions. From self-concept reinforcement to signalling social identity, clothing serves as a powerful medium for communication. Understanding the psychology behind our fashion choices can lead to greater self-awareness and a more intentional approach to the messages we convey through our attire. So the next time you stand in front of your closet, remember that your clothing choices are more than just fabric and threads; they reflect who you are and who you aspire to be.


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Fashion Essay | Essay on Fashion for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Veerendra

Essay on Fashion: The definition of Fashion does not remain restricted to clothing choices only. A person’s Fashion is defined by how one carries oneself – this includes within its realm clothing sense, etiquette, and personality and how one conducts oneself. However, to narrow it down, the clothing inclination, in general, takes up a significant portion of what Fashion broadly is.

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Fashion depends on person to person. It differs based on the place, community, and, most importantly, time. The concept of Fashion is always at flux. The trends and ideas keep changing from time to time. The glamour industry, all across the world, and specifically in India, is centered around Fashion.

Long and Short Essay on Fashion For Kids and Students in English

Fashion, as a topic for composition, is very new and contemporary. Students in schools can get asked to write essays on the subject for their assignments and exams. The extended articles are useful to people studying in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. On the other hand, the short essays are common among students of grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on Fashion in English 500 Words

In particular, Fashion is defined by one’s outlook on life, and how one decides to go about with it. It is primarily defined by one’s choice of clothes, hairstyle, accessories, and other dressing-up tenets. One’s style of behavior and conduct also reflect one’s fashion sense. The concept of Fashion is never static; it keeps changing over time. The youth are the ones who follow and keep up with it elaborately.

Fashion is synonymous with glamour. It makes people, who practice it, confident and bold. It embraces the ability to express oneself openly and actively through clothing choices.

Fashion is no longer within the bounds of clothing and dressing. It has, in recent times, shifted its dynamics and extended itself into the ways of people’s lives. The lifestyle of people reflect their fashion sense in some way or the other. For example, Fashion has trickled into interior decorations of living spaces. The interiors of one’s houses and rooms and how it is stylized bring in their sense of Fashion. Another instance of Fashion is a massive concept of mass-following is that people like to indulge in such activities which are ‘in fashion’ or ‘are trending’; for example, a person purchasing the latest model of a phone or playing a specific sport, only because it is currently popular and everyone loves doing it.

That can be one way of looking at Fashion. Another way of looking at Fashion might be as a medium of expression. Just like artists express through their art, their inner feelings, Fashion also serves as an outlet of creative passion. Making unconventional fashion choices is a way of looking at conventional things in a new light.

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Fashion can also be an instrument for breaking stereotypes. It plays a significant role in breaking gender barriers. Fashion helps in ushering concepts such as cross-dressing and inter-mixing of female-male fashion styles. By doing this, it helps in breaking orthodox patterns in dressing and make-up. Fashion is a relatively new mode of self-expression. For a long time, it was not a very friendly house-hold term to use; however, fashion is gradually becoming more mainstream.

Fashion has been in existence since times immemorial. At its very primitive stages, it was seen as a very rash and outrageous concept. But with modernization, people are expanding their thinking horizon, and Fashion is becoming more acceptable as a thing to exercise and religiously follow.

However, as forwarding as the nature of Fashion might be, it does have adverse effects on society. Fashion often participates in manipulating and morphing one’s perception of beauty. The younger people consider their self-esteem to be diminishing if they are unable to keep up with modern fashion trends. They end up measuring their self-worth based on their beauty and dressing sense. Fashion also helps in raising unrealistic beauty standards for ordinary people. This throws a very tainted concept of beauty upon the multitude.

Thus, Fashion is a fascinating concept to keep track of. But it does have its downsides. If one is interested in flourishing in the field of Fashion, one should make sure to put forth what one truly feels rather than blindly following what others follow.

Short Essay on Fashion 100 Words

The term fashion means to be updated, to be sophisticated, and to be following styling patterns of the current times. Fashion includes one’s clothing style, hairstyle, and style of make-up and other accessories in adorning oneself. Our sense of Fashion also helps us in shaping our behavioral patterns and our conduct mechanisms. The way we look at Fashion is very heavily influenced by our ethnicity, gender, caste, and geographic origin. This is because various communities all over the globe follow different fashion standards. Fashion is a very enlightening concept and plays a significant role in most of our lives.

10 Lines Fashion Essay in English 150 words

  • Fashion is a way of lifestyle; it is an outlook on life.
  • Fashion, in a broad sense, means clothing styles and choices of dressing and make-up.
  • Fashion has been a very attractive topic for debate and conversation over the years.
  • Previously, Fashion used to be a very fantastic concept; it was something only within reach of the elites.
  • The conventions have been breaking themselves; Fashion can now be followed widely by all the people.
  • Fashion is heavily influenced by the social and cultural scenario of a place.
  • Likewise, a person’s fashion choices give away one’s social and ethnic background.
  • The concept of Fashion is ever-changing. It does not remain static.
  • Our daily activities reflect our take on Fashion.
  • The subject of Fashion is popular among the youth of a community.

FAQs on Fashion Essay

Question 1. What is Fashion?

Answer: Fashion is how an individual or a group of people represent themselves, mainly in terms of clothing.

Question 2. Is Fashion important in daily life?

Answer: Yes. Fashion inevitably becomes a part of our daily lives. Our fashion inclinations find their way into our chores, without our knowledge.

Question 3. What are the pros of Fashion?

Answer: Fashion helps people in overcoming their fears. Fashion also serves as an effective mode of self-expression and making bold choices in society.

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The impact of clothing on a character's personality.

Clothing plays a significant role in our lives and holds even more significance in storytelling. Characters' dress can speak volumes about their personalities, values, and motivations. Let's delve into how clothing affects a character's personality and shapes their narrative journey.

Clothing As A Form Of Self-expression

In the vast world of fashion, various styles and trends allow individuals to express their unique identities. Characters in stories are no exception. From casual wear to elegant ensembles, clothing choices become a visual language through which characters convey their personality traits. 

Clothing And First Impressions

The saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" may hold, but clothing plays a pivotal role in shaping our initial judgments. When we encounter a character for the first time, their attire becomes our primary source of information. Stereotypes associated with specific types of clothing can lead us to make assumptions about a character's personality, social status, or profession. However, it is essential to remember that these assumptions can be deceiving, as clothing is just one aspect of a complex personality.

Clothing And Character Development

As characters embark on their narrative journey, their clothing can change significantly, symbolizing their growth or regression. These transformations in their wardrobe mirror internal changes within their personality. For example, shy and introverted characters may start wearing more vibrant and confident outfits as they gain self-assurance. Such changes in clothing serve as visual cues, allowing the audience to witness the character's development over time.

Clothing And Social Dynamics

Clothing also plays a vital role in the social dynamics of a story. Characters use their outfits to fit into or stand out within their social group. Certain clothing choices carry symbolic meanings that can influence how others perceive characters. Whether it's a uniform signifying authority or a subculture's distinctive attire, these choices shape the character's interactions and relationships with others.

Clothing And Emotional Expression

Like facial expressions and body language, clothing can reflect a character's emotional state. The choice of colors, fabrics, and styles can convey specific emotions. For instance, a character dressed in dark, somber clothing might indicate sadness or grief, while vibrant and lively outfits could suggest joy or enthusiasm. Storytellers use clothing to visually depict emotions to deepen the audience's understanding of a character's inner world.

Clothing And Cultural Influences

Clothing choices are not only influenced by personal preferences but also by cultural norms and traditions. Characters from different cultures may dress in specific ways to honor their heritage or conform to societal expectations. By examining characters' clothing within cultural contexts, we gain insight into their background and experiences. Furthermore, characters who defy cultural expectations through their clothing challenge societal norms and contribute to diverse storytelling.

Final Words!!

Clothing is a powerful way to shape a character's personality in a story. Through fashion choices, characters express individuality, make first impressions, undergo transformative journeys, navigate social dynamics, convey emotions, and embody cultural influences. Understanding clothing's impact on character development adds depth to storytelling, fostering visual and emotional connections with the audience. So, pay attention to a character's clothing choices, for they reveal volumes about their identity and story.

Do clothes affect personality?

Yes, clothing can affect a person's personality to some extent. The way we dress can influence our mood, confidence, and how we perceive ourselves. While clothing alone does not determine one's personality, it can shape perceptions and impact self-expression.

How do clothes affect people's behavior?

Clothes can influence people's behavior by altering their self-perception and confidence levels. Specific outfits associated with certain roles or attitudes can evoke corresponding behavioral traits. Additionally, clothes can affect how others perceive and interact with individuals, further impacting their behavior.

How does clothing affect the perception of identity?

Clothing plays a significant role in the perception of identity as it provides visual cues about a person's interests, values, and cultural background. Different styles and choices can signal group affiliations, personal preferences, and social status. Thus, clothing becomes a part of the narrative we present to the world, shaping how others perceive our identity.

Can clothes define a person's character essay?

While clothing can offer insights into a person's character, it alone cannot fully define it. Character is a complex interplay of thoughts, emotions, and actions influenced by various factors beyond clothing. However, clothing can provide clues about an individual's style, taste, and self-presentation, contributing to the overall impression of their character.

What statement do clothes make about a person?

Clothes make a statement about a person's style, preferences, and sometimes their values or beliefs. Depending on the choices, they can convey professionalism, creativity, confidence, or rebellion. Clothes also offer glimpses into cultural or subcultural affiliations, allowing observers to infer a person's lifestyle and interests.

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Essay on Fashion for Students and Children

500+ words essay on fashion.

Fashion refers to anything that becomes a rage among the masses. Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression. Most Noteworthy, it is something that is in vogue. Fashion appears in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, hairstyles, lifestyle, and body proportions. Furthermore, Fashion is an industry-supported expression. In the contemporary world, people take fashion very seriously. Fashion is something that has permeated every aspect of human culture.

Essay on Fashion

History of Fashion

The origin of Fashion is from the year 1826. Probably everyone believes Charles Frederick to be the first fashion designer of the world. He also established the first Fashion house in Paris. Consequently, he began the tradition of Fashion houses. Furthermore, he gave advice to customers on what clothing would suit them. He was prominent form 1826 to 1895.

During this period, many design houses hired artists. Furthermore, the job of these artists was to develop innovative designs for garments. The clients would examine many different patterns. Then they would pick the one they like. Consequently, a tradition began of presenting patterns to customers and then stitching them.

At the beginning of the 20th century, new developments in Fashion took place. These developments certainly began in Paris first. Then they spread in other parts of the world. Consequently, new designs first came into existence in France. From Paris, they went to other parts of the world. Hence, Paris became the Fashion capital of the world. Also, Fashion in this era was ‘haute couture’. This Fashion design was exclusively for individuals.

In the mid-20th century, a change took place. Now Fashion garments underwent mass production. There was a significant increase in the rate of production of Fashion garments. As a result, more and more people became involved with Fashion garments. By the end of the 20th century, a sense of Fashion awareness was very strong. Now people began to choose clothes based on their own style preference. Hence, people began to create their own trends instead of relying on existing trends.

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Fashion Trend

Political influences certainly play a major role in influencing Fashion. Many politicians become fashion symbols. Notable examples are First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Diana. Also, political revolutions make a huge impact on the Fashion trend. For example, in 1960’s America, liberal clothing styles became popular among the younger generation. This was due to the Liberal revolution.

Another significant factor which influences Fashion trend is technology. There certainly has been a rapid growth of technology in the Fashion industry. For example, wearable technology has become a popular Fashion trend. Furthermore, 3D printing technology and the internet have also made an impact on Fashion.

Social influences are probably the strongest influences on the Fashion trend. Many music stars strongly influence Fashion choice. For example, wearing hoodies became famous due to rap musicians. Furthermore, movie and television actors create a big impact on Fashion. Many youngsters love to emulate the Fashion sense of their favourite celebrity.

To sum it up, Fashion certainly has become a part and parcel of human life. It certainly is a force that is here to stay. Most noteworthy, Fashion has immersed every place on Earth.

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MUET writing test model answers

Success in the MUET writing test is all about attention to detail and a well-developed understanding of the tasks. We can help with a guide to the model answers for tasks one and two, plus how to approach them.

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We know that you want to do well in the MUET writing test. Achieving your goal of a good result will take time, practice, and attention to detail. You will need to understand what is required when answering the MUET writing test tasks and how best to approach these. We’re here to help with a close look at model answers for the MUET writing test tasks. This will give you a good idea of the standard and level required, as well as some of the techniques you can use. 

Let’s start by examining the first task of the MUET writing test . 

MUET writing test task one 

For task one, you will need to reply to an email. The task should take you 25 minutes to complete and is worth 30 marks, which is 33 per cent of your overall writing test score. You will need to write a response of over 100 words for this question. 

Task one question

Your classmate, Armani, was absent from school because he was sick. Read the email from him asking about the school English camp which he missed. 

Write a reply of at least 100 words in an appropriate style. 


From: Armani

Subject: Oh I missed the English camp!

How was the school English camp? I feel very sad that I could not join the camp. 

I heard that there were lots of fun things to do at the camp! What was your favourite activity at the camp?

I also heard that campers had to share tents, did you like it?

I heard too that the school is planning another camp soon and I want to join it. Would you like to join me?

Write soon. 


It’s useful to break down the email into distinct sections that you will reply to. This can help in the way you develop your answer. In this case, each line of the email requires an appropriate response. For example:

Express your sympathy that Armani was unable to attend the English camp and ask how he is doing. 

Describe what activities there were at camp and which you enjoyed the most and why. 

Explain whether or not you enjoyed sharing a tent and why this was the case. 

Answer Armani on whether you would like to attend an English camp with him 

Conclude your email

You can think of the structure as: 

Answer one 

Answer three


Here is an example of a model answer for task one of the MUET writing test:

From: [Your name]

Subject: We missed you!

Hi Armani, 

I do hope that you are feeling better. I really enjoyed that English camp, but I missed having you there. 

That’s right, there were some very fun activities at the camp. One of my favourites was when we had to write a short story in English and then read it out to our friends. I got a lot of cheers and everyone said that they enjoyed it. 

We did have to share tents which I did not enjoy. Some of the campers in my tent were making a lot of noise and this made it difficult to get any sleep. 

The school is planning another camp soon and I would love to join you. We’ll have lots of fun together. 

Hope to see you soon. 

[Your name]

MUET writing test task two

For the MUET writing test task two, you need to write an essay based on a statement or question that is given to you. The task is marked out of 60, which is 66 per cent of your total MUET test mark. You will need to allocate approximately 50 minutes for the completion of this question. You may be asked to complete a different type and style of essay depending on the question. For example:

Discursive essay

Problem-based essay 

Argumentative essay

Remember that getting the tone and style right for this question is important if you want to score top marks. It is a more formal and professional tone than that of task one and requires a minimum of 250 words. 

Task two question

You attended a talk by a famous fashion designer, which was recently organised during your school’s Career Week. The following comment was made by the guest speaker:

Fashion defines a person’s character. 

Write an essay expressing your view on the statement. Write at least 250 words. 

Firstly, you will need to decide if you agree with the statement and why. You will also need to support your view and position. It’s useful when approaching the question to create an outline or plan to help you answer. 

Decide on your opinion and perspective 

Understand the type of essay you will write, in this case, discursive

Identify keywords

Determine to who you are addressing the essay 

Think of the structure of your essay, which can be helped by adopting a template as shown below:


Context and topic information to get attention

Statement of opinion 

Argument justification

Main content 

Point one 

Introduction to point

Reason for your position

Examples and evidence to support the statement 

Point two 

Link from previous and introduction to point

Reason for your opinion or position 

Examples and evidence to support your statement 


Point three

Connect to the previous point and introduce the final point

Reason for your position, opinion or argument 

Example to justify what you are saying 

State the main points of the discussion and topic 

Provide a summary of your position 

Justify this position and why you chose this angle

Let’s turn our attention to a model answer for the question in task two so you can get an idea of what a good answer looks like. 

MUET writing test task two model answer

Many people may not realise that fashion no longer defines our true character. Historically, clothing and accessories have been used by people to express elements of their personalities. However, in the current era, fashion has become a tool that serves multiple purposes. I disagree that fashion defines a person’s character and feel that this is an illusion. Fashion is an allusion to a character that may not be part of a person or a tool that serves occupational needs. It cannot express or explain a person’s whole identity. 

Firstly, fashion is used by people to create a sense of their character and personality. They wish to convey a certain image, affiliation and identity through the clothes and accessories they choose to wear. These choices can stereotype a person and can be manipulated for the purpose of achieving the desired image. For example, the wearing of black-rimmed spectacles is often used to suggest that a person is intelligent, regardless of if they are or not. Fashion in this case can be compensation for traits people may want to have. 

Secondly, fashion is a tool that serves occupational purposes. In this context, it is no longer a form of self-expression but a type of conformity. People in certain work environments are expected to dress in a particular way professionally, which may change according to the industry they work in. For example, in the entertainment sphere, singers will dress up to match the theme of their song or show.  A lawyer would not be able to do the same.  Further, when not at work both singers and lawyers may wear more relaxed and comfortable clothing. Fashion is thus closely aligned with occupation and environment. 

Lastly, while it is possible to suggest that fashion allows people to express their personality, this is only a small part or aspect of their character. A person’s full character is unique, multilayered and complex. Fashion is a tool that only allows for a small amount of self-expression. It is not a reflection of who a person truly is. For example, many people may wear the Nike sportswear brand. However, they may not be athletes, play sports, or lead an active lifestyle. Thus, fashion is limited in what it can tell about who a person really is. 

In conclusion, I disagree that fashion can define a person’s character as it is a limited and context-specific tool. It can be an allusion to a character trait that is not present in a person and is also related to their occupation in some cases. Fashion cannot reflect a person’s whole character. One should never judge or measure a person by the clothes that they wear. 

                                                                                                                               444 words 

As you can tell from the MUET writing test task two model answer it’s important to understand tone, structure, opinion, and argument. It’s also useful to work on your vocabulary and pay attention to your grammar. Practising your writing is also essential, so attempt a number of test question examples and essay styles so that you are ready for test day. 

Remember that you can get more information and tips on the MUET writing test in our ultimate guide.

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    An exemplar of the classic fashion persona is Jennifer Aniston, recognized for her well-fitted, straightforward, and impeccably turned-out attire. While adhering to conservative values, classic fashion individuals can subtly incorporate elements that defy predictability, adding a touch of vibrancy to their aesthetic.

  6. Essays About Fashion: Top 5 Examples And 9 Prompts

    5 Top Essay Examples. 1. Why Fashion is Important by George K. "The clothes we wear has become more than merely a way to cover our nakedness; instead it has also become one of the primary ways in which people express themselves.". George K explains that fashion separates individuals from the rest.

  7. Essay: Why Fashion is Important

    Fashion is one of the most critical industries in our world today. Style has become one of the primary ways in which people express their personality and distinguish themselves from those around them. With every New Year which comes and goes, new fashions arrive on the scene, and they all endeavor to be more colorful and fashionable than those ...

  8. The Role of Fashion in Self-Expression and Identity

    A report by Fashion and Law journal states that a person's clothing is an abstract portrayal of who they are from within. 1 With fashion serving as a means of self-expression and connection to ...

  9. IELTS Essay: Clothes, Culture, & Character

    1. In conclusion, though globalization theoretically makes it more difficult to distinguish a person's culture and character from their clothes, in fact, these choices continue to be revealing. 2. This self-expression is one of the benefits of modern fashion. Summarise your main ideas.

  10. ️Essay on Fashion: Samples in 100, 150, 200 Words

    3.2. (168) Fashion is a non-verbal form of expression that describes a person's character and sense of style. Before, it was just the realm of the famous, and aristocracy. However, the average person, particularly young people, can now afford to wear fashionable clothing. Additionally, fashion started out as a trend but through time came to ...

  11. The Psychology of Fashion: How Clothing Choices Reflect Our ...

    In this blog post, we'll delve into the fascinating world of the psychology of fashion and explore how our clothing choices reflect our identity. Clothing is one of the most powerful tools we ...

  12. Essay on Fashion for Students and Children in English

    February 13, 2024 by Veerendra. Essay on Fashion: The definition of Fashion does not remain restricted to clothing choices only. A person's Fashion is defined by how one carries oneself - this includes within its realm clothing sense, etiquette, and personality and how one conducts oneself. However, to narrow it down, the clothing ...

  13. (Essay) Fashion defines a person character

    Clothing can express a people spirt and character. Therefore, the statement that stated fashion defines a person characteristic is very agreeable. Hence, finding the suitable fashion sense is important to express a person characteristic to others, indeed, there are few factors that need to be concerned to find a suitable fashion.

  14. The Impact of Clothing on a Character's Personality

    In the vast world of fashion, various styles and trends allow individuals to express their unique identities. ... Can clothes define a person's character essay? While clothing can offer insights into a person's character, it alone cannot fully define it. Character is a complex interplay of thoughts, emotions, and actions influenced by various ...

  15. Fashion Defines A Person Character

    Fashion defines a person character - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Fashion can reflect one's personality in several ways. Classic fashion tends to involve neutral colors like black, gray, and navy in tailored styles that emphasize simplicity and elegance. Romantic fashion incorporates pastel colors, prints, and feminine ...

  16. Essay on Fashion for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Fashion. Fashion refers to anything that becomes a rage among the masses. Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression. Most Noteworthy, it is something that is in vogue. Fashion appears in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, hairstyles, lifestyle, and body proportions. Furthermore, Fashion is an industry-supported expression.

  17. Fashion defines a person's character

    However, in the current era, fashion has become a tool that serves multiple purposes. I disagree that fashion defines a person's character and feel that this is an illusion. Fashion is an allusion to a character that may not be part of a person or a tool that serves occupational needs. It cannot express or explain a person's whole identity ...

  18. MUET writing test model answers

    Fashion defines a person's character. Write an essay expressing your view on the statement. Write at least 250 words. ... However, in the current era, fashion has become a tool that serves multiple purposes. I disagree that fashion defines a person's character and feel that this is an illusion. Fashion is an allusion to a character that may ...

  19. How to Give Your Characters Style: Describing Clothing in Writing

    Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 • 3 min read. Creating vivid descriptions for a story or character is a mark of a great writer. One specific form of descriptive writing that particularly affects setting and characterization is the portrayal of characters' clothing.

  20. Fashion defines a person's character

    Fashion encompasses the prevailing styles or trends in clothing, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and overall appearance. I concur with the notion that fashion defines a person's character, as it serves as a means of self- expression, reflects cultural and societal influences, and reveals aspects of an individual's lifestyle and interests.

  21. Quiz : (Essay) Fashion defines a person character

    Quiz: (Essay) Fashion defines a person character Share. Created with AI from the Document. uploaded by. Amirah Fatini. Question 1 of 7. Report. Question 1 of 7. Question. ... There is an old saying that 'Clothes are what you wear,' implying that clothing is an important factor in defining a person's character. Question.