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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Motor Car (Essay Sample)

Advantages and disadvantages of motor car.

Time consciousness in the modern day has made the motor car a fundamental need in human life. Motor cars enhance locomotion from one place to another. Despite the essential need of motor cars, others perceive cars as a harmful gadget for the humanity. Meanwhile, using motor cars for transportation is comfortable and save enormous energy and time. Firm employees transfer goods from the point of manufacturing to the market primarily by motor cars. Ideally, survival without reliable transportation system is strenuous and hectic. The use of cars facilitate the employees to commute from the workplace to their residence with little efforts and cost. Motor cars motivate the entire workforce system to increase output and quality service delivery. Precisely, cars are essential basic commodities in human life to improve the quality of living standards. Besides, the numerous range of advantages of the motor car, the disadvantages of motor cars should never be underestimated. This paper will explore various advantages and disadvantages of the motor car in human life.

The most significant advantage of the motor car is the comfort and luxurious feelings associated while moving with the members of the family. Motor cars have extreme comfort particularly during festivals and end year celebration when other means of transportation are occupied and fixed. The ambulances and other emergency motor cars such as police cars are beneficial during a rescue mission. Cars are used to rescue critically ill patients and victims of accidents without straining and loss of life. Imagining ferrying fire victims’ patients on bicycles? It would take decades to rescues the life of such patients. Others may collapse on the way just before getting treatment because of the extreme pain afflicted on them. The invention of motor cars, therefore, came at the right time when the rapidly growing population are in dire need of efficient and effective means of transport. Finally, mobile clinics have here with us courtesy of motor cars. Flying doctors are moving from household to household with full and equipped hospital facilities on motor cars. The treatment has positively impacted our lives thus reducing mortality rate in the society.

Meanwhile, employing cars are the popular means of transport in the society has its sets of disadvantages. These disadvantages are life threatening and can contribute to massive loss of life and property. The emission released into the environment contribute to greenhouse effects. The motor cars burn fuels and emit toxic gases which pollute the environment. These gases also interfere with the respiratory system of people thus health hazard. Moreover, the acidic rain which destroys metallic structures is associated with motor cars emission into the atmosphere. The massive loss of innocent souls through road accident is another great disadvantage of motor cars. Every year, an enormous quantity of cars are crashing on the road due to careless and reckless drivers. The cost of maintaining motor cars makes it disadvantageous for less fortunate people in the society. Fueling and servicing the car on a daily basis is costly and may lead to economic depression.  In conclusion, although there are numerous disadvantages associated with the motor car, we cannot stop using it for transportation. The invention of the motor car is significant in improving lifestyle. It aids in rescuing victims during accidents. Motor car enhances movement of goods from different destinations. Most importantly, the motor car is beneficial for the family during festivals. Despite the disadvantages of the motor car, we should try to improve them for the benefits of a human. Green fuel should be used to replace harmful fuel with health hazards. Electric motor cars should also be adopted to improve the environment. Meanwhile, road unworthy motor cars should also be released from the road to reduce accidents.

essay on motor car

Band 9 IELTS Preparation

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Essay 77 – Advantages and disadvantages of having a car

Gt writing task 2 / essay sample # 77.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people claim that there are more disadvantages to having a car than its advantages. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a car.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: [Agreement]

The invention of automobiles was one of the most important events of the last century. However, some people argue that people who have cars have more drawbacks than its benefits. In this case, I agree with it. Furthermore, I will discuss both the positive and negative sides of car ownership.

Of late, people look for a way to feel more comfortable on the roads and for many, this can come with a car. In simple words, driving vehicles makes people’s life more convenient as this mode of transport takes all the hassles out of travel arrangements, like booking tickets for trains or buses and waiting in the long line, for example. Besides, personal vehicles have redefined the notion of empowerment for women and mobility for millions of individuals. Personal freedom derived from owning an automobile means people can go to work, shopping and other destinations whenever and at any time without depending on public transport’s fixed schedules.

On the contrary, all of these benefits have come at an enormous cost to the environment. Driving a motor vehicle contributes significantly to environmental damage. The first factor is air pollution as it releases greenhouse gases, like Nitrogen dioxide for example. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, car accounts for nearly 25 per cent of all greenhouse gases released into the ecology. The second factor is water pollution. Cars contaminate water sources in several ways. One is through deicing chemicals and oil, brake dust, and runoff of automotive fluids. In addition, the improper disposal of car oil is also a reason for groundwater pollution. Last but not least, cars contribute considerably to solid waste. This means millions of cars are scrapped every year. But regrettably, in most cases, these cars are not recycled. Ultimately, these are disposed of through a landfill site, which in turn leads to the destruction of the natural environment.

To wrap up, while the car is a convenient mode of transportation, it also has grave disadvantages. In my opinion, the negative impacts attached to having cars vastly outweigh any advantages. This is because it threatens the very existence of mankind.

Model Answer 2: [Disagreement]

In contemporary times, there are conflicting opinions about whether cars bring more harm than benefits, and some clearly express the view that owning cars brings more demerits. In my view, however, the advantages of owning a car significantly outweigh the disadvantages. This essay delves into this issue while also discussing both benefits and demerits of owning automobiles.

To begin with, having an automobile provides immense convenience and saves precious time. For instance, people who live far away from their workplaces or schools can avoid the hassles of public transportation and reach their destinations on time. Furthermore, cars provide freedom of movement, allowing people to travel and explore new places, and engage in outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and skiing. These benefits contribute to a person’s overall quality of life. And perhaps this is why people who own cars would not want to live without them.

In addition, cars play a crucial role in the economy, providing numerous job opportunities in industries such as manufacturing, sales, maintenance and driving. Furthermore, the availability of cars enhances accessibility to essential services such as healthcare, grocery shopping, and emergency services. If someone, for example, does not own a car, it is less likely that he or she would go out and walk for several miles to get to a shopping mall in a city.

On the other hand, critics argue that cars can be a source of pollution, traffic congestion, and accidents. It is evident that car accidents claim thousands of innocent lives each year. Moreover, owning an automobile is expensive. It requires paying taxes, buying fuel, paying for the servicing and so on. This is why economically less affluent citizens in most countries can not afford a car.

In conclusion, the benefits of owning a car, including convenience, time-saving, mobility, and economic opportunities, outweigh the potential drawbacks. Since cars bring more advantages than disadvantages to their owners, I firmly disagree with the notion.

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On point!… Short and precise!

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142 Car Topics & Tips for Writing a College Essay about Cars

Let’s say you received a task to write an essay about cars. The topic might be interesting for you, but you may still have no idea how to organize your paper. Well, this article is for you.

Below, we talk in more detail about:

  • Tips on how to write an essay on cars.
  • Examples and prompts for different types of essays.
  • Topics ideas for consideration and inspiration.

Our experts have tried to draw only the best advice for a car essay. Take a look at them, use them, and good luck!

  • ⭐ Best Topics about Cars

🚘 Types of Car Essays

🏁 50 car topics to write about, 🚗 interesting car topics.

  • 🚦 Argumentative Topics

🚚 Automotive Essay Topics

  • 🛣️ Car-Related Topics
  • ⚙️ Useful Tips

🔗 References

⭐ best topics about cars in 2024.

  • The future of electric and hybrid cars .
  • The impact of self-driving cars on employment.
  • Ferrari’s influence on exotic car culture and design.
  • Artificial intelligence in car design and engineering.
  • 3D printing in automotive manufacturing.
  • Future trends in car-sharing and ride-hailing services .
  • Conserving classic cars for future generations.
  • The expansion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
  • Electric trucks and commercial vehicles.
  • The art of car customization .
  • The impact of Tesla on the electric vehicle market.
  • The role of car manufacturers in promoting road safety.

There are several different types of essays. This section will talk more about what paper about cars you can write.

  • Descriptive essays . In such a paper you can describe your first car or the car of your dream. In descriptive essays on cars, you can give any details that you like. Still, you should try to mix them with purely technical characteristics.
  • Personal essays . Here you can tell about any experience of yours related to vehicles. For instance, speak about the first time you have driven a car or the first time you had an accident. In this kind of essay about cars, you have all the chances to show your creativity.
  • Compare and contrast essays. In such a paper, you might compare two types of cars. For instance, talk more about gas cars and electric cars. Write about which car is faster or more expensive.
  • Advantages and disadvantages essays. In this paper, talk about the pros and cons of cars. For example, you can mention the convenience of cars and how comfortable you feel in your vehicle compared to public transport. However, tell about an increased risk of getting into an accident. In this type of essay, back up your arguments with evidence.
  • Persuasive essays. Here you’ll need to take a position and persuade a reader to accept it, as well. For example, you might write about the harmful effect of cars on the environment. Therefore, more and more people must start using public transport.

After reading our tips, you may still be unsure about what exactly to write your essay about. Well, don’t worry. Here we have provided car essay topics that will help you get started or give you enough inspiration to write.

  • How will cars look in the future? Write an essay about cars in the future. Mention whether everyone will have cars, how the cars will look, how much will they cost. Will there be flying cars? You have room for imagination.
  • Reasons why car accidents happen. Mention all the common reasons for car accidents to occur. If possible, give examples of accidents that occurred due to those reasons.
  • Car or public transport : an ongoing debate. Write a persuasive essay about what is better to use: car or public transport. Mention the convenience and the environmental effect of both types of transportation.
  • Self-driving cars: has the future already come? In this essay, explain the concept of self-driving cars. Mention the role of Tesla in the construction of self-driving cars.
  • The story of my first car. Write a personal narrative essay about the first car you ever had. Share the story of getting the vehicle and the emotions you’ve experienced. Provide additional details.
  • My dream car . Let your imagination run free. Give any details you’d like. Still, don’t go overboard!
  • The pros and cons of driverless cars . What are the benefits and downfalls of using driverless vehicles? Research the topic and write the essay.
  • An analysis of the automotive industry. nalyze the importance of the automotive industry. Additionally, mention its issues.
  • Electric vehicles : their effect on the environment and society. Write about the pros and cons of electric transportation. Focus more on the electric vehicles’ influence on ecology.
  • The impact of automobile use on pollution. Write about the kinds of pollution vehicle use might cause. Do all vehicles have the same influence on the environment?
  • My favorite toy. In case your beloved toy in childhood was any type of vehicle, share your story. Write about how you got it and what emotions you experienced. Do you still have that toy?
  • Why should you use automobiles ? Write a persuasive essay on the advantages of cars and why people should use them.
  • Car safety: what you shouldn’t do while driving. Write about activities that are not encouraged to do while at the wheel (eating, texting, talking on the phone). Mention how those actions are related to car accidents.
  • The controversial issue of flying cars.
  • Difference between hybrid cars and traditional cars.
  • Analyze the dangers of distracted driving.
  • Explain why regular changing of the oil in your car is crucial for safe driving.
  • Examine the dangerous habits of drivers and explain how to overcome them.
  • What should you do to avoid motor vehicle accidents?
  • Compare electric and gasoline-powered cars and explain which are better in your opinion.
  • Benefits of Honda Pilot car.
  • Describe the shortcomings of autonomous vehicles .
  • Are speed limits important for safe driving?
  • Analyze the necessity of buying energy efficient cars.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid vehicles.
  • Explore the evolution of automobile industry in the US, its opportunities and challenges.
  • How to change the oil in your car .
  • Explain why lack of parking in big cities is one of the most urgent problems for car owners.
  • Can we call electric cars the future of automobile industry?
  • Analyze the market demand for alternative vehicles.
  • Describe the specifics of electric vehicles manufacturing in the UK.
  • Compare gasoline and electric cars.
  • How to wash car like a pro.
  • What are the drawbacks of electric cars?
  • Examine the peculiarities of different trucks.
  • Is it possible to survive without a car in the modern world?
  • Analyze the difficulties and expenses connected with owning a private car.
  • Does the concept of automated cars have future?
  • Discuss if switching to electric cars will help to reduce the environmental problems.
  • Explore the impact car emission has on global warming and suggest the ways to reduce it.
  • Describe the environmentally friendly cars and why they are important.
  • Discuss the peculiarities of the fuel cell vehicles.
  • Examine the ways cars are presented in popular culture .
  • Explain why people choose to buy luxury cars .
  • Analyze how automobiles influenced the transformation of American culture.
  • What are the reasons of American car industry success?
  • Describe the specifics of Volkswagen cars .
  • Disadvantages of cars .
  • Do you think using cellphones while driving should be banned?
  • Examine the impact human factor has on automobile industry development.
  • The legacy of the Nissan GT-R from the Fast and Furious franchise.
  • Study the representation of automobiles in modern art.
  • The evolution of Lamborghini from tractors to supercars.
  • The iconic status of the DeLorean DMC-12 from Back to the Future .
  • What are the causes and consequences of aggressive driving behavior ?
  • The Ectomobile as a symbol of cultural iconography in the Ghostbusters franchise.
  • The timeless appeal of James Bond’s Aston Martin.
  • How our choice of vehicle reflects who we are.
  • An analysis of the emotional connection between humans and cars.
  • How do aesthetics and functionality shape our perception of automobiles ?
  • The role of cars as extensions of characters’ identity in Mad Max: Fury Road .
  • The evolution of the Batmobile in the Batman franchise.
  • Study the therapeutic benefits of driving for mental health.
  • What are the stereotypes and realities of men and women drivers?
  • The significance of automobiles in coming-of-age literature.
  • Research the psychological effects of fast driving and adrenaline rush.
  • The influence of advertising on car purchases.
  • Pixar’s Cars and the representation of American car culture.
  • Trace the evolution of car chases from classic Hollywood to modern blockbusters.
  • The shift in attitudes toward car ownership in large cities.

🚦 Argumentative Essay Topics about Cars

  • Will electric cars fully replace traditional combustion engine vehicles ?
  • Should stricter regulations be enforced on car manufacturers?
  • Does owning a vehicle provide a sense of independence?
  • Which brand offers the best value for money, BMW or Mercedes-Benz?
  • Should governments provide more incentives for the adoption of electric vehicles?
  • Are autonomous vehicles truly safer than human drivers?
  • Are luxury car brands overpriced, or do they offer superior quality and features?
  • Classic cars: a good investment or overvalued collectibles?
  • Are electric cars more affordable than traditional vehicles in the long term?
  • Will alternative modes of travel replace cars in the coming decades?
  • Should vintage vehicles be preserved for future generations?
  • Which iconic muscle car reigns supreme, the Dodge Challenger or Ford Mustang?
  • Do vehicle choices reflect personal values and beliefs?
  • Are vehicles a financial burden or investment for individuals and families?
  • Does traffic congestion influence drivers’ mental health?
  • Are higher speeds on highways safer or more dangerous for drivers?
  • Do luxury vehicles symbolize success or excessive consumption ?
  • Will car-sharing services replace traditional ownership models?
  • Will Uber lead to a decline in personal vehicle ownership?
  • Who is responsible in the event of an accident – the driver or the manufacturer?
  • The electric vehicles’ impact on the automotive industry.
  • Green initiatives and practices in the automotive industry.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in car manufacturing and design.
  • Diversity and inclusion in the automotive workforce.
  • The impact of trade wars and tariffs on the global automotive market .
  • Opportunities for growth in emerging markets for automotive sales. 
  • The role of big data and analytics in improving vehicle performance and customer experience.
  • Consumer trust issues in autonomous vehicles.
  • The influence of consumer preferences on car design and features.
  • Opportunities for collaboration between automakers and tech companies.
  • The rise of subscription-based models for car ownership and leasing.
  • Challenges in recruiting and retaining skilled labor in the automotive industry.
  • The impact of COVID-19 on the automotive supply chain and production.
  • Sustainability and the use of recyclable materials in automotive design. 
  • How government regulations are shaping the future of the automotive industry. 
  • The potential of 3D printing in automotive manufacturing and prototyping.
  • Assess the benefits of using virtual showrooms in automotive retail.
  • Challenges in implementing sustainable practices in dealerships and service centers.
  • The role of design thinking in creating user-centric automotive experiences.
  • How autonomous vehicles are transforming public transportation systems.

🛣️ Car Related Topics

  • The hidden stories behind famous car logos and emblems.
  • Explain the phenomenon of car brand loyalty and why people stick with a particular brand. 
  • What’s psychology of road rage and aggressive driving ?
  • The influence of personal memories on emotional connections to vehicles.
  • Study the iconic status of the Le Mans 24-hour race.
  • How influence of technology innovations on Formula 1 .
  • Explore the cultural significance of cars in American society.
  • The design and engineering process behind creating a concept car. 
  • The evolution of taxi services from horse-drawn carriages to app-based platforms.
  • Are microcars a viable solution for congested cities?
  • The influence of car culture on music, fashion, and lifestyle trends.
  • Study the psychological and cultural implications of car color choices.
  • Are flying cars a realistic vision or science fiction?
  • The history of women in the automotive industry .
  • Unconventional uses of vehicles in art installations and performances. 
  • The role of historic car restoration in preserving cultural heritage.
  • The influence of drive-in restaurants on contemporary dining habits.
  • The role of cars in shaping cultural identities and national pride.
  • How do road trips impact mental health and well-being?
  • Car rituals and traditions around the world.

⚙️ College Essay about Cars: Useful Tips

Preparing for composting an essay about a car, you may wonder where to start and how to handle it. In this section, we will introduce some helpful tips. See what you should include and elaborate on in your car essay.

  • Get creative. Some students may think that essays on cars are not the right place for creativity. Writing about cars should be full of some specific terms and descriptions of various car details. However, it is a mistake. Essays on cars can omit such issues but remain informative and catchy.
  • Keep your opinion to yourself. You don’t have to present a positive or negative conclusion about cars. You are not required to have an unequivocal statement when you write about such a difficult topic. In order to fulfill this requirement, you can even use a thesis statement creator to come up with unbiased foundation for your content.
  • Don’t try to say everything at once . Your essay has a word limit, so you’re better to find one topic to talk about. Focus on one aspect of the issue, such as environmental impact, and state your position with evidence.
  • Change an angle. If you are not interested in a topic but need to write about cars, look at the subject from the other side. If you are not willing to elaborate on ecological impact, write about races. If you don’t want to talk about sports, write about the invention of the first car. The subject is extensive, so everyone will find something of their own, especially if you were not given a topic in advance.

Thus, writing essays about cars can also be exciting. If you think for a while, you will find ways of writing your paper creatively.

Thank you for reading this article! We hope that you found it useful. If that is the case, don’t forget to share it with your friends and comment.

Further reading:

  • Family Values Essay: How to Write, Essay Topics & Examples
  • Impressive Essay on Being Late: Hurry Up with Exciting Ideas
  • Smoking Essay: Writing about Students and Teens Smoking
  • Subjective Essay: Example, How to Write and Topics
  • How to Write an Opinion Essay: an Ultimate Guide + Examples
  • Persuasive Essay Outline: Houston Community College System
  • Cars Essays: Bartleby
  • Comparing and Contrasting: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Car Accident Essay: Cram
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Essays on Cars

Writing a cars essay will let you delve into the history of car use. In all times in history, transport has played an important role, but presently its importance has grown immeasurably. Cars essays confirm that today’s existence of most countries is unthinkable without a well-designed transportation system. Essays reveal that people rely on personal means of transportation a lot more than on public transport today. Many essays on cars follow the invention of cars in 1885, which revolutionized transportation for mankind. The prevailing part of humanity owns cars. For example, 88% of Americans do. It's not surprising, as cars make traveling faster and more convenient. Check out our cars essay samples below. We listed helpful and comprehensive essay samples you can refer to for information as you work on your essay!

The Autonomous Age: Benefits of Automated Cars The autonomous age is shifting from the future into the present on the roads. An automated car is a driverless car implying that humans do not drive the car but rather the computer operates the car. A few years ago driverless cars were fiction...

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A motor car.

The motor car has revolutionized the transport system of mankind. It has replaced the traditional carts, carriages, and coaches. A motor car is a large rectangular or oblong-shaped machine. It has four wheels and a platform known as the chaises. The body on it contains seating arrangements for four people. There are two head and two tail lamps on the chaises. There are two brake lights above the tail lights on the rear of the car. Inside the car, there is a steering wheel on the right-hand side. Near the floor are the accelerator, brake, and clutch peddles. Behind which is the gear shift. Next to it is the front passenger seat. In front of the driver is the dashboard with various dials that indicate the speed, fuel level, and battery charge. Behind all this is the rear passenger seat. The car has four windows and doors. The registration number of the car is fixed in the front and back of the car. The car starts with the switching on of the ignition. The driver then presses the clutch pedal and puts the vehicle in the first gear. He slowly releases the clutch pedal and the car starts moving forward.

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Essay on Vehicles

Students are often asked to write an essay on Vehicles in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Vehicles


Vehicles are modes of transport. They help us move from one place to another quickly and comfortably. They come in many types, like cars, buses, bikes, and trucks.

Types of Vehicles

Vehicles can be classified into two main types: motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles. Motor vehicles include cars, buses, and trucks. Non-motor vehicles are bicycles, skateboards, or scooters.

Importance of Vehicles

Vehicles are important because they save time and energy. They help us in carrying heavy goods and in travelling long distances. They also play a crucial role in emergencies.

In conclusion, vehicles are an essential part of our lives. They make our lives easier by providing quick and comfortable transport.

250 Words Essay on Vehicles

Vehicles, as an integral part of modern society, have revolutionized the way we travel and transport goods. They are more than mere machines; they are symbols of human ingenuity and technological advancement.

The Evolution of Vehicles

The evolution of vehicles can be traced back to the invention of the wheel in ancient times. From horse-drawn carriages to steam-powered locomotives, and finally to the contemporary era of fuel-powered and electric vehicles, the journey has been remarkable. The evolution has been driven by the human desire for speed, efficiency, and comfort.

Impact on Society

Vehicles have significantly impacted society, shaping our cities and influencing our lifestyles. They have made remote areas accessible, fueled economic growth, and even changed the dynamics of warfare. However, they have also contributed to environmental challenges like air pollution and global warming.

The Future of Vehicles

With advancements in technology, the future of vehicles looks promising. Autonomous vehicles, powered by artificial intelligence, are expected to redefine transportation. Electric vehicles, with their environmental benefits, are set to replace traditional fuel-powered vehicles.

Vehicles, from their inception to their future prospects, have always been at the forefront of technological progress. They encapsulate the human spirit of innovation and our relentless pursuit of better, faster, and more sustainable ways of transportation. As we move forward, it is imperative to balance our need for speed and convenience with our responsibility towards the environment.

500 Words Essay on Vehicles

The journey of vehicles began with simple, human or animal-powered modes of transportation like carts and carriages. The industrial revolution in the 18th century marked a pivotal point in vehicle evolution with the advent of steam-powered engines. However, it was the invention of the internal combustion engine in the late 19th century that truly transformed the vehicle landscape, leading to the development of modern cars.

In the 20th century, vehicles became more than just a means of transportation; they became symbols of status, freedom, and personal identity. The mass production of vehicles, initiated by Henry Ford, made them affordable and accessible to the average person, further embedding them into our societal fabric.

Significance of Vehicles

Vehicles also have a profound social impact. They enable personal mobility, bridging geographical distances and bringing people closer. They’ve shaped urban development, influencing the layout of cities and suburbs. Moreover, the vehicle industry has been a significant source of employment and technological innovation.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

While vehicles offer numerous benefits, they also pose environmental challenges. They’re major contributors to air pollution and climate change due to the emission of greenhouse gases. The vehicle industry also consumes vast amounts of natural resources, from fossil fuels for operation to metals for production.

The future of vehicles is poised to be as transformative as their past. Autonomous vehicles, powered by artificial intelligence, are on the horizon, promising to redefine transportation. They have the potential to improve road safety, reduce traffic congestion, and provide mobility to those unable to drive.

In addition, the concept of shared mobility is gaining traction, driven by the rise of ride-sharing platforms. This could lead to a decrease in vehicle ownership, reducing the number of vehicles on the road and their environmental impact.

Vehicles have come a long way from their humble beginnings. They’ve transformed our lives, societies, and the world at large. As we move towards a more sustainable and connected future, vehicles will continue to evolve, adapting to our changing needs and challenges. They stand as a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of progress.

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IELTS Academic Reading Sample 39 - The Motor Car

Ielts academic reading passage - the motor car, the motor car.

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John F. Fitzgerald Expressway

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An automobile is a usually four-wheeled vehicle designed primarily for passenger transportation and commonly propelled by an internal-combustion engine using a volatile fuel.

(Read Henry Ford’s 1926 Britannica essay on mass production.)

Automotive design

essay on motor car

The modern automobile is a complex technical system employing subsystems with specific design functions. Some of these consist of thousands of component parts that have evolved from breakthroughs in existing technology or from new technologies such as electronic computers, high-strength plastics, and new alloys of steel and nonferrous metals. Some subsystems have come about as a result of factors such as air pollution , safety legislation, and competition between manufacturers throughout the world.

Passenger cars have emerged as the primary means of family transportation, with an estimated 1.4 billion in operation worldwide. About one-quarter of these are in the United States , where more than three trillion miles (almost five trillion kilometres) are traveled each year. In recent years, Americans have been offered hundreds of different models, about half of them from foreign manufacturers. To capitalize on their proprietary technological advances, manufacturers introduce new designs ever more frequently. With some 70 million new units built each year worldwide, manufacturers have been able to split the market into many very small segments that nonetheless remain profitable.

Hindenburg zeppelin crashing, 1937

New technical developments are recognized to be the key to successful competition. Research and development engineers and scientists have been employed by all automobile manufacturers and suppliers to improve the body, chassis, engine, drivetrain, control systems, safety systems, and emission-control systems.

These outstanding technical advancements are not made without economic consequences. According to a study by Ward’s Communications Incorporated, the average cost for a new American car increased $4,700 (in terms of the value of the dollar in 2000) between 1980 and 2001 because of mandated safety and emission-control performance requirements (such as the addition of air bags and catalytic converters ). New requirements continued to be implemented in subsequent years. The addition of computer technology was another factor driving up car prices, which increased by 29 percent between 2009 and 2019. This is in addition to the consumer costs associated with engineering improvements in fuel economy, which may be offset by reduced fuel purchases.

essay on motor car

Vehicle design depends to a large extent on its intended use. Automobiles for off-road use must be durable, simple systems with high resistance to severe overloads and extremes in operating conditions. Conversely, products that are intended for high-speed, limited-access road systems require more passenger comfort options, increased engine performance, and optimized high-speed handling and vehicle stability. Stability depends principally on the distribution of weight between the front and rear wheels, the height of the centre of gravity and its position relative to the aerodynamic centre of pressure of the vehicle, suspension characteristics, and the selection of which wheels are used for propulsion. Weight distribution depends principally on the location and size of the engine. The common practice of front-mounted engines exploits the stability that is more readily achieved with this layout. The development of aluminum engines and new manufacturing processes has, however, made it possible to locate the engine at the rear without necessarily compromising stability.

essay on motor car

Automotive body designs are frequently categorized according to the number of doors, the arrangement of seats, and the roof structure. Automobile roofs are conventionally supported by pillars on each side of the body. Convertible models with retractable fabric tops rely on the pillar at the side of the windshield for upper body strength, as convertible mechanisms and glass areas are essentially nonstructural. Glass areas have been increased for improved visibility and for aesthetic reasons.

essay on motor car

The high cost of new factory tools makes it impractical for manufacturers to produce totally new designs every year. Completely new designs usually have been programmed on three- to six-year cycles with generally minor refinements appearing during the cycle. In the past, as many as four years of planning and new tool purchasing were needed for a completely new design. Computer-aided design (CAD), testing by use of computer simulations, and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) techniques may now be used to reduce this time requirement by 50 percent or more. See machine tool: Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) .

Automotive bodies are generally formed out of sheet steel . The steel is alloyed with various elements to improve its ability to be formed into deeper depressions without wrinkling or tearing in manufacturing presses. Steel is used because of its general availability, low cost, and good workability. For certain applications, however, other materials, such as aluminum, fibreglass , and carbon-fibre reinforced plastic , are used because of their special properties. Polyamide, polyester, polystyrene , polypropylene , and ethylene plastics have been formulated for greater toughness, dent resistance, and resistance to brittle deformation. These materials are used for body panels. Tooling for plastic components generally costs less and requires less time to develop than that for steel components and therefore may be changed by designers at a lower cost.

To protect bodies from corrosive elements and to maintain their strength and appearance, special priming and painting processes are used. Bodies are first dipped in cleaning baths to remove oil and other foreign matter. They then go through a succession of dip and spray cycles. Enamel and acrylic lacquer are both in common use. Electrodeposition of the sprayed paint , a process in which the paint spray is given an electrostatic charge and then attracted to the surface by a high voltage, helps assure that an even coat is applied and that hard-to-reach areas are covered. Ovens with conveyor lines are used to speed the drying process in the factory. Galvanized steel with a protective zinc coating and corrosion-resistant stainless steel are used in body areas that are more likely to corrode.

  • Essay On My Car

Essay on My Car

500 words essay on my car.

A car is an essential part of our life. We use the car to travel from one place to another. A car has an engine, four wheels, four doors, one boot, four windows, brakes, accelerators, headlights, etc. The car runs on various fossil fuels like petrol, diesel or CNG. But, today, many car companies are launching cars that run on electricity.

There are a lot of car companies that design cars with ultra-luxurious interiors and exteriors. Every year you get to hear about the launches of new cars, and each car is unique in its way. The car comes in automatic and manual modes, making travel more comfortable and safe. The invention of the car has made transport more accessible and more manageable. It also saves time because it reduces travelling time when compared to public transport systems.

Travelling in a car is always fun and memorable. It is always beneficial to have your own car, especially in emergencies. We don’t have to depend on others to take us to our destination. We can drive by ourselves and reach our destination. If we have our own car, we can explore new places and go for a long drive whenever we feel like it. Travelling in a car is always fun and memorable. It gives us an incredible feeling as we enjoy the ride sitting in the comfy seats, turning on the AC and listening to our favourite songs.

We all dream of buying our own car, but owning one becomes expensive. When we step out of our homes, we see many cars plying on the road. But there are many who can’t afford to buy one.

Memories with My Car

My father owns a KIA Sonata GT Line automatic. It is black in colour, and I love my car. I get excited when I hear that we are going out. Whenever we go out, I sit in the front seat as it gives access to the audio system. I change songs according to my wish and enjoy the drive. My car has ventilated seats in the front and a moonlight effect on the doors. The most exciting part of my car is the sunroof. I love to open the sunroof when I travel long distances to enjoy the scenic beauty.

Recently, I travelled to Ooty in a car. My father was driving the car, and I sat next to him. My mom and my grandparents sat at the backside of the car. It was a long journey, so we stopped in between for breakfast. We listened to songs during the entire trip and stopped in between to take pictures of nature. Once we reached Ooty, we checked into the hotel, and that day we took a rest as it was a hectic journey.

The following day, after we were done with our breakfast, we went sightseeing and clicked pictures for memories. On the third day of our stay, we went to Coonoor in our car. On the way to Coonoor, we clicked pictures near the tea gardens and took a halt for lunch. Coonoor is a place that one should visit without fail. It is a beautiful hill station located in Tamil Nadu. The scenic beauty of Coonoor is breathtaking. The roads go through the tea gardens, and the climate is also enjoyable.

After coming back from Coonoor, we stayed for one night in Ooty and the next morning, we started our journey to Bangalore. It was my first visit to Ooty in our new car, which is why it always remains close to my heart.

The trip from Ooty to Bangalore and vice-versa was comfortable and relaxing just because of our new car. Our car made the journey very smooth, and I never felt like travelling through those stiff, narrow, spiral roads.

Conclusion of Essay on My Car

I am delighted with my father’s choice in terms of the car. Even my mom and grandparents enjoyed the car ride. Not only me, but my father also loves his car and treats it like his second baby. He cleans it every day and is always careful while driving on the road. My car has all the requirements that we need during long travels.

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IELTS Academic Reading: Cambridge 2 Test 3 Reading passage 2; THE MOTOR CAR; with best solutions and best explanations

This Academic IELTS Reading post focuses on solutions to  IELTS Cambridge 4 Reading Test 3 Reading Passage 2 titled ‘ THE MOTOR CAR’ . This is a targeted post for IELTS candidates who have big problems finding out and understanding Reading Answers in the AC module. This post can guide you the best to understand every Reading answer without much trouble. Finding out IELTS Reading answers is a steady process, and this post will assist you in this respect.

IELTS Cambridge 2 Test 3: AC Reading Module

Reading Passage 2: Questions 14-26

The headline of the passage: THE MOTOR CAR

Questions 14-19: Identifying information

[This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D … .. ) in the answer sheet. Now, if the question is given in the very first part of the question set, I’d request you not to answer them. It’s mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. Rather, you should answer all the other questions first. And just like List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you find the answers, you need not read the middle part. If you don’t find answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph. Keywords will be a useful matter here.]

Question no. 14: a comparison of past and present transportation methods

Keywords for the question: comparison, past, present, transportation methods,

In paragraph C, the writer says in the beginning, “ Until a hundred years ago , most journeys were in the 20 km range, the distance conveniently accessible by horse. Heavy freight could only be carried by water or rail . .. .. .”

Here, Until a hundred years ago = past transportation methods,

Then, in lines 9-11, the writer says again, “ . .. .  Today about 90 per cent of inland freight in the United Kingdom is carried by road. .. .. .”

Here, Today = present transportation methods,

So, the answer is: C

Question no. 15: how driving habits contribute to road problems

Keywords for the question: driving habits, contribute, road problems,  

The answer can be found in paragraph F. Here, the writer says in lines 7-9, “ . . … .. Many people buy larger cars than they need for daily purposes or waste fuel by driving aggressively . .. .. ..”

Here, waste fuel = road problems, driving aggressively = driving habits,

So, the answer is: F

Question no. 16: the relative merits of cars and public transport

Keywords for the question: relative merits, cars, public transport,  

In paragraph E, the writer says, “A 1993 study by the European Federation for Transport and

Environment found that car transport is seven times as costly as rail travel in terms of the external social costs it entails such as congestion, accidents, pollution, loss of cropland and natural habitats, depletion of oil resources, and so on. Yet cars easily surpass trains or buses as a flexible and convenient mode of personal transport. .. .. . . .”

Here, car transport is seven times as costly as rail travel = merit of rail travel (public transport),

cars easily surpass trains or buses = merit of cars,

So, the answer is: E

Question no. 17: the writer’s own prediction of future solutions

Keywords for the question: writer’s own prediction, future solutions,  

Paragraph H says, “ A more likely scenario seems to be a combination of mass transit systems for travel into and around cities, with small ‘low emission’ cars for urban use and larger hybrid or lean burn cars for use elsewhere. Electronically tolled highways might be used to ensure that drivers pay charges geared to actual road use. Better integration of transport systems is also highly desirable – . .. .”

Here, A more likely scenario seems to be = writer’s prediction of future solutions,

might be used & highly desirable = future solutions,

So, the answer is: H

Question no. 18: the increasing use of motor vehicles

Keywords for the question: increasing use, motor vehicles,

The very first lines of paragraph A says, “There are now over 700 million motor vehicles in the world – and the number is rising by more than 40 million each year . .. .. .”

Here, the number is rising by more than 40 million each year = increasing use of motor vehicles,

So, the answer is: A

Question no. 19: the impact of the car on city development

Keywords for the question: impact of the car, city development,  

The answer lies in paragraph D as the writer says here in the beginning, “In Europe most cities are still designed for the old modes of transport. Adaptation to the motor car has involved adding ring roads, one-way systems and parking lots . .. .. .”

Here, Adaptation to the motor car = impact of the car, adding ring roads, one-way systems and parking lots = city development,

So, the answer is: D

Questions 20-26: YES, NO, NOT GIVEN

In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question matches with the claim of the writer in the text- YES The statement in the question contradicts with the claim of the writer in the text- NO The statement in the question has no clear connection with the account in the text- NOT GIVEN

[TIPS: For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question no. 20: Vehicle pollution is worse in European cities than anywhere else.

Keywords for the question: vehicle pollution, worse, European cities, than anywhere else,     

We find about ‘vehicle pollution’ in paragraph B. However, there is NO INFORMATION on whether vehicle pollution is better or worse in European cities than anywhere else.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question no. 21: Transport by horse would be a useful alternative to motor vehicles.

Keywords for the question: transport by horse, useful alternative, motor vehicles,  

Take a close look at Paragraph C. First, the writer says, “Until a hundred years ago, most journeys were in the 20 km range, the distance conveniently accessible by horse. . . … .”

Here, the writer says that people in the past could travel only 20 kilometres by horse.

Then, take a look at lines 11-13, “. . . .. Clearly the world cannot revert to the horse-drawn wagon . .. .. ..”

Here, these lines suggest that transport by horse can NEVER be a useful alternative to motor vehicles.

So, the answer is: NO

Question no. 22: Nowadays freight is not carried by water in the United Kingdom.

Keywords for the question: Nowadays, freight, not carried by water, United Kingdom,  

We find discussion about ‘freight use in the United Kingdom’ in paragraph C. However, there is NO INFORMATION regarding the present use of ‘water freight’ here.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN  

Question no. 23: Most European cities were still designed for the old modes of transport.

Keywords for the question: Most European cities, not designed, motor vehicles,  

The first lines in paragraph D says, “ In Europe most cities are still designed for the old modes of transport . . .. … .”

Here, In Europe most cities = Most European cities, still designed for the old modes of transport = still designed for the old modes of transport,

So, the answer is: YES

Question no. 24: Technology alone cannot solve the problem of vehicle pollution.

Keywords for the question: technology alone, cannot solve, vehicle pollution,   

The first half of paragraph F says, “Technical solutions can reduce the pollution problem and increase the fuel efficiency of engines. But fuel consumption and exhaust emissions depend on which cars are preferred by customers and how they are driven. .. .. ..”

Here, these lines suggest that technology can solve the vehicle pollution but if driving habits do not change among car users, the problem cannot be solved .

Questions no. 25: People’s choice of car and attitude to driving is a factor in the pollution problem.

Keywords for the question: people’s choice of car, attitudes to driving, factor, pollution problem,    

Again, take a look at paragraph F where the writer says, “ . . …  .. But fuel consumption and exhaust emissions depend on which cars are preferred by customers and how they are driven . Many people buy larger cars than they need for daily purposes or waste fuel by driving aggressively . .. .. .”

Here, Many people buy larger cars than they need = people’s choice of car, driving aggressively = attitude to driving, waste fuel = pollution problem,

Questions no. 26: Redesigning cities would be a short-term solution.

Keywords for the question: redesigning cities, would be, short-term solution,  

In paragraph G, take a look again at the first few lines, “One solution that has been put forward is the long-term solution of designing cities and neighbourhoods so that car journeys are not necessary . .. ..”

Here, designing cities and neighbourhoods so that car journeys are not necessary = redesigning cities,

Click here for solutions to Cambridge 2 Test 3 Reading passage 1

Click here for solutions to Cambridge 2 Test 3 Reading passage 3


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Essay on Vehicle Pollution for Students and Children

500 words essay on vehicle pollution.

Vehicles have become a necessary need for a human being. Moreover, every work needs a vehicle for transportation. Without them, our work would be very difficult. It saves us time and also reduces our energy consumption in traveling from one place to another.

Essay on Vehicle Pollution

A vehicle needs fuel which is of two types- Diesel and petrol. These are the fossil fuels that are extracted from within the earth. Though a vehicle has so many benefits it is a major threat to the environment. Because it creates pollution which is increasing. And that is because of the increase in the number of vehicles.

Main Causes of Vehicle Pollution

The fuel on which a vehicle runs gets burned inside the engine which in turn emits various harmful gases. The gases that vehicle emits are carbon monoxide, Nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur Oxide. All these gases are harmful to the environment.

Furthermore, it hampers the health of a person to a dangerous extent. Carbon monoxide is poisonous. Due to which suffocation can occur in the lungs followed by difficulty in breathing. Also, these gases cause global warming. That is a major problem in this era. Furthermore, it causes the ozone layer depletion. Due to which ultraviolet rays can enter into our environment and can cause skin cancer.

Apart from all the hazardous effects of vehicle pollution, the number of vehicles is increasing day by day. According to an estimation, there is an average of 2 vehicles in a single house. Some of the families have more than that. This is the root cause of the increase in the pollution of the vehicle.

Because each member of the family is traveling alone on a two-seater or four-seater vehicle. Thus the consumption of the fuel becomes double. There are various measures by which there can be a reduction of vehicle pollution

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Measures to Reduce Vehicle Pollution

Foremost, vehicle pollution can get reduced by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels. Moreover, passengers should do bike and carpool. So that the passengers can reach the same destination by less consumption of fuel. Also, it will save energy as they can drive the car or bike in shifts.

Furthermore, the person should turn off the ignition on the red signals. This, in turn, will save fuel and money. At the same time, minor changes in driving like- driving the vehicle on economic speed, apply fewer brakes, reducing quick acceleration can save your fuel and your vehicle will also remain in good condition. Quality checks of the vehicles can also reduce fuel consumption and increase performance.

Above all, the government is taking some major steps to minimize pollution. Electric buses and trains run in the entire city to reduce the use of diesel buses as public transport. Furthermore, the installation of CNG( Compressed Natural Gas) engines is mandatory. This would reduce the cost of transportation and will not be harmful to the environment.

Recently, electric cars and bikes came into the market. This will reduce fuel consumption for personal transport and will be environment-friendly. These were all the measures that will significantly help in the reduction of vehicle pollution.

FAQs on Vehicle Pollution

Q1. What are the main pollutants emitted by a vehicle?

A1. The main pollutants emitted by a vehicle are Carbon Monoxide, Sulphur Oxide. Nitrogen dioxide. These are responsible for environment degradation. Also causing various health issues in a human.

Q2. How can we reduce vehicle pollution?

A2 . There can be a reduction in vehicle pollution by reducing the consumption of fuel. Car and bike pooling can reduce the consumption of fuel. Also, the use of electric public transport can help in a remarkable manner.

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Essay on Car for Children and Students in English

Shaili Contractor

  • Key Points To Remember When Writing an Essay On Car
  • 10 Lines On Car
  • Paragraph On Car
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  • Long Essay On Car

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cars

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What Will Your Child Learn From the Essay on Car?

Cars are an essential mode of transportation used for leisure activities, work, or travelling purposes. Each new model of a car and its specific feature can determine its driving experience. Cars can be a safe way to commute to avoid close contact with the general public during pandemic situations. A car at home can be very beneficial in case of family health emergencies. Cars offer flexibility in travel and help maintain punctuality. However, since cars are expensive to buy and maintain, not everyone can afford one.   

Children are taught how to write an essay on cars in English for classes 1, 2 and 3 kids at the school. It improves vocabulary, intelligence, and research skills and cultivates knowledge in different niche areas. Essay writing is a creative art that develops critical thinking and self-expression. It can help us understand more about environment-friendly fuels and the continuous developments in the automotive industry.  

Key Points To Remember When Writing an Essay On Car  

There are more keys to writing a good essay than inspiration alone. There is no definite convention for writing an English essay on cars, as every assignment differs. Here are some steps to remember while understanding how to write an essay on a car for lower primary classes:  

  • Read and understand the topic well.  
  • Research cars and organise your ideas well.  
  • Craft the basic structure, including the introduction, main body, and conclusion.  
  • Write the draft first before writing the main car essay.  

10 Lines On Car  

Students need some help writing an essay on a car for classes 1 and 2. Cars require maintenance to last a long time. Here are a few lines on cars that can illuminate their benefits in our daily lives.  

  • A car is a four-wheeled vehicle that runs on an engine and motor.
  • Individuals or families use cars to travel for happy occasions, business purposes, and emergencies.
  • Cars can be of varied sizes, shapes, and colours.
  • A small car can accommodate up to five people.
  • The car protects us from rain, heat, and strong winds.
  • For driving a car, a driving license is a must.
  • Children under the age of 18 are not allowed to drive a car in India.
  • A car generally has windows, an air conditioner, and headlights.
  • Racing cars are known as sports cars.
  • A car is a land transport vehicle, also known as an automobile.

10 Line On Car - Infographics

Paragraph On Car  

Writing a car essay is a fun way for young students to express their thoughts about their favourite vehicles. This example will help you create an exciting and informative paragraph about cars!  

Cars are remarkable devices that enable us to travel from one destination to another. They are available in a wide array of colours, shapes, and sizes, and some can travel at remarkable speeds. Cars have four wheels and are propelled by machines known as engines. The interior of a car typically features comfortable seats and, in specific models, even audio entertainment systems. Families frequently use cars for excursions, social visits, or shopping errands. Some vehicles are designed to operate on electricity, which contributes to maintaining clean air. In summary, cars have become integral to our lives, providing convenience and enhancing our experiences.  

Short Essay On Car  

The technology boom has resulted in the development of cars. A short essay on my car can get new-age kids interested in this topic and help them to excel in any examination or essay writing competition. Here is a paragraph on a car that can encourage you to explore more about this vehicle:  

A car is a basic need of every person in today’s world. Cars have different designs based on their manufacturing companies. This personal-use vehicle provides the maximum amount of comfort compared to other vehicles. A car has one engine, four tyres, windows, a steering wheel, headlights, taillights, and boot space. The speed of a car is dependent on the power of its engine. Whether travelling a short or long distance, a car saves time and keeps us safe. Notable car manufacturing companies are Maruti, Hyundai, Mercedes, and Audi. Today, most cars have features like AC, music system, airbags, sunroof, GPS navigation system, and USB charging outlets that enhance the driving experience and ensure our safety. Cars run on fuels like petrol, diesel, and CNG. Electrically charged cars have also become popular in recent times. Driving a car without proper experience can lead to fatal road accidents.  


Long Essay On Car 

Cars can be used to reduce travel distance and time and can range from simple to the most luxurious ones. Here is an essay for class 3 that can get kids fascinated with cars:  

A car is an automobile with four wheels that runs on the road. It is a large, rectangular, or oblong-shaped machine with a platform known as the chassis. Many mechanics and engineers manufacture cars in big factories. The parts of a vehicle come from various factories and are made of steel, iron, rubber, fibreglass, and canvas.  

The chaises have two headlamps and two tail lamps. The accelerator, brake, and clutch pedal are situated near the car’s floor. Cars are an integral part of our modern lifestyle, whether we travel within the city or across a continent. The registration number is fixed on the front and back of the car. Cars have four wheels, carry up to five passengers, and are moved by a motor or engine.  

Playing with cars, whether a remote-controlled car or any other toy car, helps develop a child’s motor skills. Kids develop hand-eye coordination and dexterity as they lift, throw, carry, push, or pull toy cars.   

A car can have many designs and colours. It offers maximum comfort and privacy, making it a smart and beneficial choice. AC, windscreens, and comfortable seats ensure that passengers can travel long distances and enjoy every season. A sunroof, safety belts, airbags, and GPS are other interesting car features that provide passengers safety and enhance their driving experience.  

The continuous development of technology has led to the invention of cars. Cars can also transport humans and lightweight materials. Cars require maintenance and can be costlier than travelling by bus. One must drive a car carefully, avoid fast driving, and obey traffic rules.  

History Of Cars  

In 1769, Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot from France invented the automobile with three wheels. It was heavy in size and used a steam engine. Later, Nikolaus Otto from Germany developed a four-stroke gas engine in 1876, which was more reliable than other varieties. In 1896, Henry Ford developed his first car.  

With the establishment of other companies in the 21st century, there was faster innovation in car production. However, ‘hybrid’ cars were most preferred as they run on gasoline and electric power. Consequently, new car advancements have led to several unique features and more safety gadgets to prevent the risk of damage in a car crash. Even the government plans to shift to electric cars that cause less environmental harm.

Types & Features Of Cars

While the classification of cars is mainly based on their body types, here are some of the commonly used varieties of cars in the world.

1. Hatchback 

Considered the most common type of car in the world, hatchbacks are suitable for the country’s congested roads. Some brands include the Volkswagen Golf , Ford Fiesta , Toyota Yaris , and Honda Fit .  

A hatchback is a small car with four doors and a boot. They are designed to accommodate around five people. They are fuel-efficient, comfortable, small, and light and can provide better mileage than other cars.

A Sedan has more space to meet the requirements of families. It ensures adequate space for all requirements. Examples include the Toyota Camry , Honda Accord , BMW 3 Series , and Mercedes-Benz C-Class .  

Like a hatchback, a sedan has four doors for passengers and a large boot space that accommodates luggage of varying sizes. Luxury sedans look classy, stylish, and more comfortable.

An SUV or sport-utility vehicle looks stylish and is impeccably strong. Toyota Fortuner, Hyundai Creta, Ford Explorer, Toyota RAV4, Jeep Grand Cherokee, and Nissan X-Trail .  

SUV cars are extremely spacious, have large legroom, and are ideal for a large family of seven or eight. It also carries a great volume of luggage.

A car provides maximum comfort with air conditioning and can take you on a long, beautiful journey. It is sturdy enough to protect you against small-impact accidents. New cars using green energy can save the environment.  

A car can always get stuck on minor roads and in traffic jams, making your journey dull. Moreover, parking a car can be a problem on a busy road. Cars burning fuel causes air pollution.  

 Interesting Facts About Cars For Kids

  • Every year, around 60 million cars are manufactured.
  • In 1902, the first speeding ticket was issued in the world.
  • The first-ever car accident happened in 1891.
  • Over 30,000 unique parts are used in a car.

Writing an essay about cars for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders offers numerous educational benefits. It enhances their vocabulary, critical thinking, and research skills as they learn to express their thoughts clearly and creatively. Through this exercise, children learn about cars, including their functions, types, and the importance of transportation in daily life. They also explore environmental considerations, such as the shift towards electric vehicles and eco-friendly fuels. This foundational writing practice helps them structure their ideas and fosters a sense of self-expression and understanding of the world around them.  

1. What if I don’t know much about cars?

You can research by asking adults, reading books, or looking up information online. You can also write about what you see around you, like cars on the road or in your neighbourhood.  

2. Can I write about car safety?

Yes! Writing about car safety is a great idea. You can include points about wearing seat belts, the importance of following traffic rules, and how cars protect us during travel.  

Crafting an engaging essay on cars for children and students involves simplifying complex concepts, using relatable language, and incorporating fun facts to spark interest. By following these guidelines, young writers can effectively communicate their thoughts and foster a deeper understanding of automobiles.  

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The Motor Car IELTS Reading Answers

Janice Thompson

Updated On Aug 14, 2024


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The motor car.

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The Academic passage ‘ The Motor Car’  is a reading passage that appeared in an IELTS Test. Try to find the answers to get an idea of the difficulty level of the passages in the actual reading test. If you want more passages to solve, try taking one of our  IELTS reading practice tests .

The Motor Car - 0001

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1 C Paragraph C explains that (past), most journeys were in the 20 km range, the . . The and made possible over a much wider area. Today (present) about . So, from this paragraph we can find the comparison between the different modes of transportation in the past and at present. Hence, the answer is C.
2 F Paragraph F states that which cars are preferred by customers and (driving habits). Many people buy larger cars than they need for daily purposes or l by . Therefore, the manner and choice of the customers or drivers results in road problems like fuel wastage, exhaust emissions and can also lead to accidents. Hence, the answer is F.
3 E Paragraph E brings out the fact that a 1993 study by the European Federation for Transport and Environment found that in terms of the external social costs it entails such as . Public transport causes less of the above mentioned problems and is less costly and these are the merits of public transport. Yet which are modes of public transport, as a (merits of cars). Hence, the answer is E.
4 H Paragraph H mentions some solutions that can be employed to deal with the drawbacks of cars as a means of transport. It is said that a , with small for urban use and . might be used to ensure that drivers pay charges geared to actual road use. is also highly desirable – and . Hence, the answer is H.
5 A Paragraph A lets out the fact that there are – and the . So, these increasing numbers prove that use of motor vehicles is continuously increasing. Hence, the answer is A.
6 D Paragraph D informs that has involved . So, due to the increasing number of cars, more roads and parking lots are being added which cause changes in city development. Hence, the answer is D.
7 NOT GIVEN In paragraph A, it is noted that the average distance driven by car users is growing too – from 8 km a day per person in in 1965 to 25 km a day in 1995. In the first sentence of paragraph D, it is given that, in are still designed for the old modes of transport. In both these references, there are no mentions of vehicle pollution. Hence, the answer is NOT GIVEN.
8 NO Paragraph C indicates that today about 90 percent of inland freight in the United Kingdom is carried by road. As a result, it is clear that the (go back to using) to the . As the statement contradicts the information, the answer is NO.
9 NOT GIVEN  In paragraph C, the author tells us that today about 90 per cent of inland freight in the United Kingdom is carried by road. But there is neither any information on whether waterways are used to carry freight nor how the remaining 10 percent of freight is carried. Hence, the answer is NOT GIVEN.
10 YES Paragraph D communicates that, in are still and not planned for motor cars.  As the statement agrees with the information, the answer is YES.
11 YES Paragraph F points out that (technology) can reduce the pollution problem and increase the fuel efficiency of engines. But . So, the manner and choices of car owners also accounts for vehicle pollution and they have to be changed to reduce pollution. As the statement agrees with the information, the answer is YES.
12 YES Paragraph F declares that f depend on (people’s choice of car) and (attitude). Many people or (which leads to pollution as well as destruction of natural resources) by (attitude). People’s choice of car and attitude to driving is a factor in the pollution problem. Besides, is the which technology is now making possible. As a result, excessive use of fuel and inefficient ways of driving cars results in pollution. As the statement agrees with the information, the answer is YES.
13 NO The first sentence of paragraph G suggests that one solution related to the misuse of cars that has been put forward is the so that car journeys are not necessary – all essential services being located within walking distance or easily accessible by public transport. This proves that the solution of redesigning cities is not considered as short term and it has to be long term because it requires a lot of planning and the result is almost permanent settlements. As the statement contradicts the information, the answer is NO.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Electric Car Speech: the Future of Sustainable Transportation

How it works

So, we’re kinda at this big turning point with cars right now. Electric cars are at the front of this change. They’re not just about ditching gasoline; they’re about changing how we think about getting around. In this essay, I’ll look at the good stuff, the tough stuff, and what’s next for electric cars. Trust me, they’re a big part of our future if we wanna keep things green.

  • 1 The Environmental Imperative
  • 2 Technological Advancements and Economic Benefits
  • 3 Challenges and the Road Ahead
  • 4 Conclusion

The Environmental Imperative

First off, why should we care about electric cars? Well, they’re a lot better for the environment than the old gas-guzzlers.

Regular cars pump out a ton of CO2 and other nasty stuff, messing up our air and heating up the planet. Electric cars, on the other hand, don’t spit out emissions while driving. Sure, the electricity they use might come from plants that emit CO2, but overall, they’re still way better. Especially as we get more renewable energy in the mix.

Plus, switching to electric cars fits right in with global goals to fight climate change. Countries all over are setting big targets to cut down on greenhouse gases, and transportation is a big part of that. For example, the EU wants new cars to emit 37.5% less CO2 by 2030 compared to 2021. Some places, like the UK and France, even plan to ban new gas and diesel cars by 2040. So yeah, electric cars aren’t just a cool idea—they’re kinda necessary.

Technological Advancements and Economic Benefits

The tech behind electric cars has come a long way, too. Batteries are getting better, which means more energy, faster charging, and longer drives. Some electric cars can now go over 300 miles on a single charge. That’s pretty solid for both daily commutes and road trips. And things like regenerative braking, which saves energy that’d usually be lost, make them even more efficient.

Money-wise, electric cars have some perks. They might cost more upfront, but they can be cheaper in the long run. They have fewer moving parts, so there’s less that can break. No oil changes needed, and brakes last longer because of that regenerative braking thing. Plus, electricity is usually cheaper than gas, so you save money there over time.

Governments are also sweetening the deal with incentives. You can get tax credits, rebates, and sometimes access to carpool lanes. In some cities, you might even get free or cheaper parking. All these perks make electric cars more affordable and show a commitment to greener transportation.

Challenges and the Road Ahead

But it’s not all smooth sailing. One big issue is the availability of charging stations. There are more popping up, but we still need a lot more, especially in rural areas. A lot of people worry about running out of juice before finding a station—this “range anxiety” is a real thing.

There’s also the environmental impact of making and getting rid of batteries. Mining for materials like lithium, cobalt, and nickel can be pretty harmful to the environment and communities. Plus, figuring out how to dispose of old batteries is a headache. However, better recycling methods and more sustainable materials are giving us some hope.

To tackle these issues, everyone needs to pitch in—governments, car makers, and us, the consumers. We need more investments in charging infrastructure, better battery tech, and policies that support sustainable practices. People also need to know more about the benefits of electric cars and why sustainable transportation matters.

Looking ahead, things are looking good for electric cars. With continued innovation and support, they could become the norm. The car industry is already shifting, with big names like Tesla, Nissan, and Chevy leading the way. Even traditional makers like Ford and GM are jumping on the electric bandwagon.

So, to wrap it up, electric cars are a big step towards a greener future. They cut down on emissions, have cool tech, and can save you money in the long run. Sure, there are challenges, but with everyone working together, we can overcome them. The road to widespread electric car adoption might be long, but it’s a journey worth taking for our planet and future generations.


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PapersOwl.com. (2024). Electric Car Speech: The Future of Sustainable Transportation . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/electric-car-speech-the-future-of-sustainable-transportation/ [Accessed: 17 Sep. 2024]

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Flying Cars: Necessity or Entertainment? Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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Advantages of technology development

Disadvantages of technology development, reference list.

The idea of flying cars is not new. It can be traced back to the early twentieth century, when the Wright Brother first discovered the aircraft and people realised that they could fly, ever since they have been chasing the dream of a flying cars. Flying cars, also known as road able aircrafts, is an airplane which would not necessarily be drivable on the roads but also in the airspace. Several different efforts have been made to sum the merits of a vertical takeoff and landing craft with that of a high-speed and responsive craft. Even in the eightieth century there was an effort to build a gliding horse cart, which, however did not succeed. In United States Patent and Trademark Office, there are almost eighty patents that have been filed for the several forms of flying cars. Some of these have in reality taken off, but many did or have not.

Early experiments of the flying car can be traced back in the 1910s, a decade after the Wright Brothers’ first flight. The first functioning (although still argued) road able aircraft, called the Curtiss Auto plane, was developed in 1917 by Glenn Curtis, who is considered the father of the flying car. It was a small plane with three wings, which spanned about twenty seven feet and could carry a load of 710 pounds and used the vehicle’s motor to drive a four-bladed propeller attached at the back of the vehicle. At that time, the thought of a car with wings was an exciting advancement, and Curtiss had a dream of making it the best personal mode transport of everyone who could pay a price for it. However, the Aerobile never actually took off though it made a few hops (Duller, 1982).

In 1933, the U.S. Air Commerce Bureau made a call to airplane makers to develop an airplane model, which could be sold for lesser than US$700. The Flivver competition, as it was known, managed to produce several flying car models, among them was the Aerobile developed Waldo Waterman, who was a naval aviator on North Island, San Diego Bay. The funny-looking three wheeled vehicle performed better than a vehicle and than its predecessor, with a typical 100-horsepower Studebaker engine motor below the top, steering wheel in the cockpit and propeller at the back car. Unfortunately, since it was initiated at the time of the Great Depression, the Aerobile was met with many challenges, although it could take off, it never wedged on. Nevertheless, Waterman worked on and improved the model, but it never got flight certifications. (Anufriyev, 2008)

In the 1946, Robert Fulton built the Airphibian basing his idea on adapting a plane for the road rather than adapting a car for flying. The plane could be easily converted to a car by removing the wings and tail hood of the plane to fit on the road and the propellers could be kept in the craft’s fuselage. The Airphibian was the first flying car to get a certification by the Civil Aviation Authority, the antecedent of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). It featured a 150 hp, six-cylinder engine, lightweight fibreglass body, four passenger seats, four removable wings and tail and flew at 120 mph and drive at 50 mph. Although the model was the best then, the maker was faced with financial constraints and some technicalities.

Then in 1947 Consolidated-Vultee built the Convaircar that was featured with a detachable airplane unit, lightweight fibreglass shell and could accommodate four people. The flying car offered one hour of flight and a gas mileage of 45 miles/gallon.

In 1949, Molt Taylor, inspired by the Airphibian and Robert Fulton, designed the Aerocar perhaps the most famous road able aircraft car. The Aerocar was designed to drive, fly and then drive again with consistency. The car had a fibreglass body, a 3 meter long drive shaft connected with the engine to the propellers. It cruised at 120 m/h in the air and was the second and last flying car to get the FAA’s certification. In fact in 1970, Ford Motor Co. made efforts to market the car but its plans were disrupted by the then looming oil crises.

Ever since several models have been put to test including the Advanced Vehicle Engineers (AVE) Mizar, The Moller Skycar, with the latest one being the Terrafugia Transition. The Terrafugia is featured with a two seating capacity and folding wings. The makers plan to release its batch in the market by 2011. Although, these pioneers did not actually manage to build a viable road able aircraft, and some even died testing their ideas, they showed to the world that a vehicle could be developed to fly and enthused a new group of flying car enthusiasts. “With advances in lightweight material, computer modelling and computer-aided airplane, the dream is almost realised”.

More developments have been done in areas of technology fields whereby machines have been developed that are used to assist humans. The discovery of airplanes brought a great impact in the transport industry as the stake holders were able to define the best mechanisms of dealing with different transport issues that arose as time went by. As a result of technology, mass aircraft-car production was experienced as aircraft–car production machines were automated meaning limited time would be used to come up with high production. This high production translated to faster economic growth and made a country more stable economically. It is this that led European countries and the USA to start rivaling one another as a way of trying to be seen in the face of the whole world as being more developed than the other.

In addition computers have made transport gadgets more convenient with the incorporation of the internet and other sophisticated communication gadgets. A bulk of information is loaded into a computer and compressed into a smaller unit then stored where it can be retrieved easily for use at a convenient time. More so they are used in programming by various transportation programmes making it easier to follow an outlined series of events without the need of manual guidance. Communication gadgets also have reduced communication distance between different transport agencies as one can deliver a message to a distance person within a very short period of time. (Bourne, 1995)

Vehicle- aircrafts and other automobile machines have made transport faster and the same time saving time and energy that would have been used while travelling by road. The development of e-learning has improved the system of education greatly as learners grow to have the skills and experience on how to use the flying car while incorporating modern technology and at the same time relieving them the burden of carrying books. As a result, globalization is being encouraged worldwide for all countries to be members in the project, and the main driving force behind the achievement of this goal is technology. This sees the entire nation working together on the economic market to improve their transportation sector.

As much as it holds credit in the lives of many people, technology has had a great negative impact. The most outstanding of all this is the resulting of unemployment to many people as machines have taken over what used to be done by humans leaving them jobless. This has contributed to a rise in poverty as only few people who are experienced are the ones able to secure employment to work with the machines. Another thing to note is the increase in mortality as a result of accidents from the automobile machines; also some people have been reported to have lost their lives in factories while working with the flying car project. Global warming is as a result of technology as emissions which are harmful to environment are released into the ecosystem untreated.

In addition long exposure to the radioactive materials or fossil fuels used in the manufacture of the automobiles when not well regulated has led to eye problems which are long term. Maintenance of the automobiles machines and all other machines are very expensive thereby placing a financial burden on people when they break down.

In conclusion road able aircrafts is an idea whose time has come, it may have been little more of a dream for the past century, things may be turning around, which will see the invention to be realised. Being a technological advancement like no other, there are pros and cons, but it is evident that they are more of an advantage and efforts should be made to see the idea come to pass. The main challenges to road able aircrafts have technically been the weight of the materials, the controllability, and the lack of infrastructure to sustain the many vehicles flying around (Franklin)

Because of new, lighter, stronger materials, the challenges about weight have been greatly reduced. And because of computer modelling and computer-aided systems that can automate a large part of the flight, that challenge has been addressed. However, infrastructure has not been put in place which can sustain everyone to fly rather than drive. For now, treating flying cars as aircrafts which can also be driven may seem to be the way out. Pilots will still require a license to drive them, and the cars will have to be subjected to the same FAA considerations as small aircrafts.

Anufriyev, A. (2008) Flying Car . Moscow: Aleksandr Anufriyev.

Bourne, JR. (1995). The influence of technology on engineering education . Florida: CRC Press.

Duller, HJ. (1982). Development technology: International library of anthropology . London: Routledge.

Franklin, U. “Real World of Technology “. House of Anansi Press. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, March 18). Flying Cars: Necessity or Entertainment? https://ivypanda.com/essays/flying-cars-necessity-or-entertainment/

"Flying Cars: Necessity or Entertainment?" IvyPanda , 18 Mar. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/flying-cars-necessity-or-entertainment/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Flying Cars: Necessity or Entertainment'. 18 March.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Flying Cars: Necessity or Entertainment?" March 18, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/flying-cars-necessity-or-entertainment/.

1. IvyPanda . "Flying Cars: Necessity or Entertainment?" March 18, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/flying-cars-necessity-or-entertainment/.


IvyPanda . "Flying Cars: Necessity or Entertainment?" March 18, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/flying-cars-necessity-or-entertainment/.

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'A crazy four years': Two lawsuits and three IndyCar titles, Alex Palou's storybook career

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – His 9-month-old daughter, Lucia, still is too young for bedtime stories, but Alex Palou believes his own career would be quite the fairy tale to share with her someday.

An unknown racer bursts into IndyCar and turns enough heads to join a powerhouse organization in his second season.

He stunningly wins in his debut on the way to becoming the first Spanish champion in series history. Less than a year later, he is embroiled in a contractual mess and vows to leave the team .

He returns for an apparent farewell year but wins a second title with a virtually perfect season and decides to stay (which triggers a lawsuit from a rival team). He then becomes the first repeat IndyCar champion in more than a decade.

IndyCar news: Alex Palou, McLaren to enter mediation in $30 million lawsuit in October

It’s easy to see the reason team owner Chip Ganassi has proclaimed Palou’s career to be “a storybook unlike any other,” and why Palou still can’t get over his surreal odyssey.

“If you look back, we have had a crazy four years,” Palou told the IndyStar over a plate of scrambled eggs and avocado at the downtown Renaissance Hotel on the morning after claiming his third IndyCar championship in four seasons. “And I'm just glad that everything worked out for us.

“We’ve had a lot of drama. It’s like everything was amazing -- you win the first championship -- and then everything goes to hell. And then suddenly it's all even better than when it started.”

As he ends his fifth season in IndyCar, life is better than ever for Palou.

He and wife Esther are building a house in Indianapolis that should be finished by December when they will make a Christmas visit to their native Spain for the first time in nearly a year.

“This is our home,” Palou said. “One of the goals Esther and I had was to live at some point in America. We like the culture; it just fits our lifestyle.”

And the series’ second-youngest three-time champion is settling in at the track, too. Palou, 27, increasingly was outspoken during his fifth season.

He expressed disappointment on NASCAR beating IndyCar to Mexico City (“Everybody is overtaking us left, right, left, right.”). He has targeted weekend scheduling as his top pet peeve (Palou wants more practice and a mandatory three days of on-track activity, noting that a two-day cram session at Nashville was “pretty bad”).

But there is a limit to how much Palou will embrace the champion’s megaphone. He tends to prefer remaining outside the spotlight despite his eye-popping results.

Hours after Sunday’s season finale at Nashville Superspeedway, video surfaced on social media after midnight of Will Power (the only driver who entered the race with a shot of beating Palou for the title) sitting in on the drums with a honky tank band at Tootsie’s on Broadway.

We’ve got @12WillPower on the drums as we all let off some steam at Tootsies in Nashville! pic.twitter.com/kxl8usIk2Z — Kevin Lee (@KevinLee23) September 16, 2024

After a few celebratory pizzas and beers with family and friends at his trackside bus, Palou was in bed by 10:45 p.m.

But it would be inaccurate to label him a shrinking violet.

“A side of him that a lot of people don't see is he’s got a great sense of humor,” Ganassi said. “Alex is as serious as they get as a race driver. I can tell you he has a good, sharp wit. I like that a lot about him.”

Though revealing occasional glimpses of his deadpan (he wryly pleaded ignorance of further championship obligations after Sunday night’s title ceremony), Palou is selective about his more outgoing side.

He knows that hurts his potential popularity relative to charismatic stars such as Pato O’Ward, but he doesn’t begrudge the choice to sacrifice some appeal for performance.

 “There's a lot of drivers that they allow everybody to see that side, and I'm not that kind of guy, at least now,” Palou said. “With the people that work with me, I joke a lot. But when I'm racing, it's my time to be focused and not to be joking around. For me, it doesn't work to be joking with other people before driver intros or joking with fans.

 “I get it’s super important, and I know that would bring me a lot of other good stuff, but I know I wouldn't perform as well on track, and that’s not me, either. It would be a fake me. But when I work with my team, I joke all the time.”

 The team often jokes back because “they have to keep up with me somehow,” Palou said with a laugh. “We have a ton of fun.”

 That includes mechanics lobbing daily “dad jokes” at a driver who still is figuring out that concept in his first year of fatherhood.

“Sometimes dad jokes are tough for me,” Palou said. “Because it's a reference to some English- or American-specific word, and I'm like, ‘What do you mean?’ so by the time they explain, it's not funny anymore. But the dad jokes still are fun. Maybe I'll start getting into it.”

It’s somewhat astounding the team can laugh at all given how ugly things got in midseason 2022. Palou signed with Arrow McLaren, and Ganassi took him to court in a contract dispute that last months.

Palou recalled being ostracized by Ganassi and teammate Scott Dixon at an awkward team dinner in Nashville before the Music City Grand Prix two years ago.

“I'm not proud about it, but I'm proud about our comeback, which didn't take five years,” Palou said. “It took one year. It was quite easy to just say, ‘Hey, just like we lost one year in ‘22 with distractions, let's not lose another one,’ and everything started working since. And this year it's been 2021 when I had nothing to worry about.”

Said Ganassi: “I think the biggest change that he's gone through is having a daughter. I think that's brought him even more focus on his career and his life, his family. There's a lot of speed in that.”

Speed is a family affair for Palou. He celebrates his racing accomplishments on a WhatsApp chain with 20 relatives, many of whom were present at his fifth birthday party when he jumped in a go-kart (his big present) for the first time on April 1, 2002.

His dad and a few others were in attendance Sunday at Nashville.

“As a family, we’re all very close, and we all started in my racing together,” Palou said. “We’ve had a lot of emotions in a very short period of time that we never thought we would have because everybody is part of it.

“We never thought that we would have an opportunity just to live my dream of being in IndyCar. And now you win your third championship and it's like, ‘What just happened?’ It’s very cool.”

You even might say it’s storybook.

Man killed in Syracuse after car hits illegal motor bike near Salina St

by Lane Russell

(File photo)

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — A man is dead after being hit by a car near the intersection of South Salina St and West Fayette St. on Saturday, September 14.

The accident happened around 2:45 a.m., when Syracuse Police Officers arrived at the scene they found 20-year-old Dante Sloma injured. Police say he was riding an illegal motor bike when he was hit by a car making a left-hand turn onto W. Fayette St.

Sloma was taken to the hospital, where he died the next day.

The next day, a vigil was held as friends came together to remember Sloma. His obituary recalls him as loving sports like lacrosse, snowboarding, and riding anything recreational with a motor.

No tickets have been issued so far, and Syracuse Police are investigating the incident. They ask anyone with information about the accident to contact them at 315-442-5130.

  • Drivers / Teams

37 Cars on NASCAR Cup Series Bristol Night Race Entry List

Toby christie | 23 hours ago.

Sep 16, 2023; Bristol, Tennessee, USA; A NASCAR official watches during the Bass Pro Shops Night Race at Bristol Motor Speedway. Mandatory Credit: Randy Sartin-Imagn Images

On Monday, NASCAR released the preliminary entry list for Saturday's NASCAR Cup Series Bass Pro Shops Night Race at Bristol Motor Speedway, which will serve as the final race of the Round of 16 of the NASCAR Cup Series Playoffs.

In all, 37 cars will make the trek to The World's Fastest Half-Mile. There aren't many surprises among the entries. Kaz Grala will return to the No. 15 Rick Ware Racing entry, while AJ Allmendinger will pilot the No. 16 Kaulig Racing car. Josh Bilicki will drive for the No. 66 MBM Motorsports team, which will be the lone non-chartered, or "open" car in the field.

Chris Buescher, who won last weekend's race at Watkins Glen , was the 2022 NASCAR Cup Series Bristol Night race winner.



Ross Chastain

Trackhouse Racing



Austin Cindric (P)

Team Penske



Austin Dillon

Richard Childress Racing



Josh Berry #

Stewart-Haas Racing



Kyle Larson (P)

Hendrick Motorsports



Brad Keselowski (P)

RFK Racing



Corey LaJoie

Spire Motorsports



Kyle Busch

Richard Childress Racing



Chase Elliott (P)

Hendrick Motorsports



Noah Gragson

Stewart-Haas Racing



Denny Hamlin (P)

Joe Gibbs Racing



Ryan Blaney (P)

Team Penske



Chase Briscoe (P)

Stewart-Haas Racing



Kaz Grala #

Rick Ware Racing



AJ Allmendinger (i)

Kaulig Racing



Chris Buescher

RFK Racing



Martin Truex Jr. (P)

Joe Gibbs Racing



Christopher Bell (P)

Joe Gibbs Racing



Harrison Burton (P)

Wood Brothers Racing



Joey Logano (P)

Team Penske



Bubba Wallace

23XI Racing



William Byron (P)

Hendrick Motorsports



Daniel Hemric

Kaulig Racing



Michael McDowell

Front Row Motorsports



Todd Gilliland

Front Row Motorsports



Ryan Preece

Stewart-Haas Racing



John Hunter Nemechek




Erik Jones




Tyler Reddick (P)

23XI Racing



Ricky Stenhouse Jr.

JTG Daugherty Racing



Alex Bowman (P)

Hendrick Motorsports



Justin Haley

Rick Ware Racing



Ty Gibbs (P)

Joe Gibbs Racing



Josh Bilicki (i)

MBM Motorsports



Zane Smith #

Spire Motorsports



Carson Hocevar #

Spire Motorsports



Daniel Suarez (P)

Trackhouse Racing

(P) indicates drivers in the Playoffs # indicates Rookie of the Year contenders (i) indicates drivers ineligible to score points in the NASCAR Cup Series

Toby Christie



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    2 how driving habits contribute to road problems. Answer: F. 3 the relative merits of cars and public transport. Answer: E. 4 the writer's own prediction of future solutions. Answer: H. 5 the increasing use of motor vehicles. Answer: A. 6 the impact of the car on city development.

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    Hence, the answer is A. 6. D. Paragraph D informs that adaptation to the motor car has involved adding ring roads, one-way systems and parking lots. So, due to the increasing number of cars, more roads and parking lots are being added which cause changes in city development. Hence, the answer is D. 7. NOT GIVEN.

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    Champ Car last raced in Mexico in 2007. Formula One has an annual stop there and NASCAR recently announced a Mexico race. O'Ward plans to drive in a support race at F1's event next month in Mexico ...

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    The car had a fibreglass body, a 3 meter long drive shaft connected with the engine to the propellers. It cruised at 120 m/h in the air and was the second and last flying car to get the FAA's certification. In fact in 1970, Ford Motor Co. made efforts to market the car but its plans were disrupted by the then looming oil crises.

  27. IndyCar: How Alex Palou won three titles in four years

    He expressed disappointment on NASCAR beating IndyCar to Mexico City ("Everybody is overtaking us left, right, left, right."). He has targeted weekend scheduling as his top pet peeve (Palou ...

  28. Man killed in Syracuse after car hits illegal motor bike near ...

    SYRACUSE, N.Y. — A man is dead after being hit by a car near the intersection of South Salina St and West Fayette St. on Saturday, September 14. The accident happened around 2:45 a.m., when ...

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  30. 37 Cars on NASCAR Cup Series Bristol Night Race Entry List

    In all, 37 cars will make the trek to The World's Fastest Half-Mile. There aren't many surprises among the entries. ... LEGACY MOTOR CLUB. 28. 43. Erik Jones. LEGACY MOTOR CLUB. 29. 45. Tyler ...