English Compositions

Short Essay on Gender Equality [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF 

In this lesson today, you will learn how you can actually write short essays on Gender Equality. I will write three sets of sample essays here that will cover different word limits. 

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Short Essay on Gender Equality in 100 Words

In our society, for thousands of years, men have had the upper hand and women have been viewed as a gender inferior to men. Even until recent times, women were restricted to their houses, were denied education and didn’t have the right to vote. Women are still paid less than their male counterparts in many fields of work.

This discriminatory attitude towards women is unfair and unjust and needs to be changed. Women are not inferior to men. Men and women may be built differently in biological terms but that does not mean one is lesser than the other. Only when everyone gets equal opportunities and rights irrespective of their gender, will our society grow and develop healthily. 

Short Essay on Gender Equality in 200 Words

Gender equality is the state where every human being has equal access to opportunities and resources as well as equal rights in society, irrespective of their gender or sex. For thousands of years, men have held a position superior to women in society. Traditionally, men were given the role of doing outdoor work while women managed household chores and focused on raising children.

However, this setup gave men all the power and limited the rights and freedom of women, creating a patriarchal society. Women couldn’t participate in decision-making, own property, work outside their homes or live lives the way they wanted. For the majority of women, even the decisions concerning their own lives, like marriage and career, were not in their own hands. 

Today, society is changing and more and more people are realising that this system has been unfair and unjust towards women. With this realization, people are asking for equal rights, resources and opportunities for all. Today, women have access to many opportunities that were previously only reserved for men, like higher studies, various jobs and even the right to vote.

However, a huge number of women still cannot exercise their rights because of family and societal pressure. Many women still don’t have a voice and are suffering because of gender inequality. It is on us to bring a change in our society and make gender equality a reality for everyone. 

Equality is when everyone has equal opportunities and rights and there is no discrimination amongst people based on their caste, creed, religion or gender. Thus, gender equality is the state where every human being has equal access to opportunities and resources as well as equal rights in society, irrespective of their gender or sex.

For thousands of years, men have held a position superior to women in society. Traditionally, men were given the role of doing outdoor work while women managed household chores and focused on raising children.

However, even now, although women have stepped into the outside world and have established themselves, they are still discriminated against. They are denied powerful positions at their jobs, they aren’t allowed to make important decisions for their families, and they are paid less than their male counterparts in many fields of work.

A huge number of women in small towns and villages do not know their rights and even if they are aware, they still cannot exercise their rights because of family and societal pressures. Many women still don’t have a voice and are being forced to live a life controlled by others. 

Gender equality can only become a reality for everyone when we all work together to bring about a change in our society. We need to educate women about their rights and give them the confidence to fight for themselves.

We should also lend our voices to those who are unable to stand for themselves and stand with those who are being discriminated against. For our society to grow and develop in a healthy way, men and women need to work together and for that to happen, we need gender equality. The right to equality is also a basic human right and it shouldn’t be denied. 

Hopefully, after going through this session, you have understood all aspects of this topic and will be able to write such short essays on your own. If you still have any doubts regarding this context, kindly let me know through the comment section below. Keep browsing our website to read more such essays on various other important topics. 

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Essay on gender equality (100, 200, 300, & 500 Words)

Gender equality is a fundamental human right that promotes fairness and equal opportunities for individuals regardless of their gender. It encompasses the belief that everyone should have equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities, regardless of their gender identity or expression. While significant strides have been made towards achieving gender equality, there is still a long way to go. This essay aims to address the importance of gender equality, its challenges, and strategies to promote it.

Essay on Gender Equality (100 Words)

Gender equality means treating everyone the same, no matter if they are a boy or a girl. It’s important because sometimes girls and boys are treated differently, and that’s not fair. For example, everyone should have the same chances to go to school, get a good job, and be happy. It’s wrong to think that boys are better at some things and girls are better at others. We should all be given the same chances to show what we can do. When everyone is treated equally, it’s good for the whole world.

Essay on Gender Equality (200 Words)

Gender equality is the idea that all people, whether they are boys or girls, should be treated the same. This is important because many times, girls and women are not given the same chances as boys and men. This is not fair and it needs to change. In many places, girls are not allowed to go to school or get good jobs. They are also paid less money for doing the same work.

But gender equality is not just a problem for girls and women. Boys and men are also hurt when we don’t have gender equality. Sometimes they are told they can’t do certain things because it’s not “manly.”

People can do many things to help make gender equality happen. Schools can teach kids that all people are equal and should be treated the same. Employers can make sure they give the same chances to everybody, no matter if they are male or female. Everyone can help by speaking up when they see something that is not fair.

Essay on Gender Equality (300 Words)

Gender equality is the idea that everyone should have the same rights, opportunities, and treatment, no matter if they are a man or a woman. It’s a basic human right, but it’s not the reality for many people around the world. Women often face more challenges and discrimination just because they are women. This includes less pay for the same job, less access to education, and less representation in government.

But gender equality is also good for men. Sometimes men are pressured to act tough or hide their feelings because that’s what society expects from them. This can be hard and unhealthy.

Changing this problem starts with education. Schools should teach children that all genders are equal and deserve the same chances in life. This education should continue into adulthood, in the workplace and the community.

Governments can also help by making laws that protect equal rights for everyone, no matter their gender. This can include things like equal pay for equal work, and making sure that both men and women have the same opportunities for education and jobs.

Even everyday actions can make a difference. If you see someone being treated unfairly because of their gender, speak up. Support companies that treat all employees fairly, and avoid those that don’t. Listen to people who have different experiences than you, and learn from them.

The fight for gender equality is a fight for basic human rights. It benefits everyone, not just women. And it’s a fight that involves all of us. By working together, we can create a world where everyone is treated fairly, no matter their gender.

Understanding Gender Equality

Defining gender.

Gender refers to the social roles, behaviors, and expectations associated with being male or female, as determined by society. It is distinct from biological sex, which is determined by physical attributes such as reproductive organs and chromosomes. Gender is a societal construct that perpetuates stereotypes, discrimination, and unequal power dynamics between sexes.

The Significance of Gender Equality

Gender equality is crucial for the overall development and wellbeing of individuals, communities, and nations. It ensures that everyone, regardless of their gender, has equal access to opportunities in education, employment, healthcare, and political participation. Gender equality fosters social justice, reduces poverty, and enhances economic growth. It empowers individuals to reach their full potential, contributing to a more inclusive and prosperous society.

Challenges to Gender Equality

Despite the increasing awareness and efforts towards achieving gender equality, several challenges persist. Understanding these challenges is essential to formulate effective strategies to address them.

Gender Stereotypes and Discrimination

Societal norms often perpetuate gender stereotypes, ascribing certain qualities, roles, and behaviors to males and females. These stereotypes limit individual choices and opportunities, reinforcing gender discrimination. For example, the notion that women are primarily responsible for childcare and housework often hinders their career advancement. Similarly, men may face discrimination when pursuing careers traditionally associated with women, such as nursing or teaching.

Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual harassment, and assault, remains a significant barrier to gender equality. Such violence affects individuals across all gender identities but disproportionately affects women and girls. It creates a climate of fear and insecurity, limiting their freedom, mobility, and access to education and employment opportunities.

Gender Pay Gap

The gender pay gap is another critical issue hindering gender equality. Women, on average, earn less than men for performing the same work. This pay disparity stems from various factors, including occupational segregation, bias in hiring and promotion practices, and the undervaluation of female-dominated professions. The gender pay gap perpetuates economic inequality and limits women’s financial independence and decision-making power.

Strategies to Promote Gender Equality

Addressing the challenges to gender equality requires a multi-faceted approach involving individuals, communities, governments, and organizations. The following strategies can help promote gender equality:

Education and Awareness

Promoting gender equality begins with education and awareness. Educational institutions should include gender equality in their curricula to challenge stereotypes and promote understanding. Providing comprehensive sex education can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their bodies and relationships. Furthermore, awareness campaigns can challenge societal norms and attitudes that perpetuate gender discrimination.

Legal Reforms

Legislation plays a crucial role in promoting gender equality. Governments should enact and enforce laws that protect individuals from gender-based violence, ensure equal pay for equal work, and promote women’s political representation. Legal reforms can create an enabling environment for gender equality and hold accountable those who perpetuate discrimination.

Empowering Women

Empowering women is a key component of achieving gender equality. This can be achieved through initiatives that provide equal access to education, skill-building opportunities, and support for entrepreneurship. Encouraging women’s leadership and participation in decision-making processes is essential to challenge existing power imbalances.

Engaging Men and Boys

Promoting gender equality requires engaging men and boys as allies. Men can contribute to dismantling patriarchal norms by challenging traditional gender roles, promoting equality within their families and communities, and speaking out against gender-based violence. By involving men and boys in gender equality initiatives, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all genders.

Corporate Responsibility

Companies and organizations should demonstrate a commitment to gender equality through their policies and practices. This includes promoting diversity and inclusion, implementing fair hiring and promotion processes, and providing family-friendly workplace policies such as parental leave and flexible working arrangements. By addressing gender biases within the workplace, organizations can foster a more equitable and inclusive environment.

Gender equality is a fundamental human right that benefits individuals, communities, and societies as a whole. Achieving gender equality requires collective efforts to challenge stereotypes, address discrimination, and promote equal opportunities. By implementing comprehensive strategies that encompass education, legal reforms, empowerment, and engagement of all genders, we can create a more just and inclusive world. It is our responsibility to work towards a society where everyone, regardless of their gender, can enjoy equal rights and opportunities.

1. What is gender equality?

Gender equality refers to the belief that everyone should have equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities, regardless of their gender identity or expression.

2. Why is gender equality important?

Gender equality is important because it promotes fairness and equal opportunities for individuals, contributing to their overall development and well-being. It ensures that everyone, regardless of their gender, has equal access to education, employment, healthcare, and political participation, fostering social justice and reducing poverty.

3. What are the challenges to gender equality?

Some of the challenges to gender equality include gender stereotypes and discrimination, which limit individual choices and opportunities. Additionally, gender-based violence, such as domestic violence and sexual harassment, remains a significant barrier to achieving gender equality.

4. Who does gender-based violence disproportionately affect?

Gender-based violence disproportionately affects women and girls, although it can affect individuals across all gender identities.

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  • Gender Equality Essay


Introduction to Gender Equality

In a society, everyone has the right to lead his/her life accordingly without any discrimination. When this state is achieved where all individuals are considered to be equal irrespective of their caste, gender, colour, profession, and status, we call it equality. Equality can also be defined as the situation where every individual has the same rights and equal opportunity to grow and prosper. 

Every individual of society dreams for equal rights and access to resources available at their disposal, but there is a lot of discrimination. This discrimination can be due to cultural differences, geographical differences, the colour of the individual, social status and even gender. The most prevalent discrimination is gender inequality. It is not a localised issue and is limited to only certain spheres of life but is prevalent across the globe. Even in progressive societies and top organisations, we can see many examples of gender bias. 

Gender equality can only be achieved when both male and female individuals are treated similarly. But discrimination is a social menace that creates division. We stop being together and stand together to tackle our problems. This social stigma has been creeping into the underbelly of all of society for many centuries. This has also been witnessed in gender-based cases. Gender inequality is the thing of the past as both men and women are creating history in all segments together.

Gender Equality builds a Nation

In this century, women and men enjoy the same privileges. The perception is changing slowly but steadily. People are now becoming more aware of their rights and what they can do in a free society. It has been found that when women and men hold the same position and participate equally, society progresses exclusively and creates a landmark. When a community reaches gender equality, everyone enjoys the same privileges and gets similar scopes in education, health, occupation, and political aspect. Even in the family, when both male and female members are treated in the same way, it is the best place to grow, learn, and add great value.

A nation needs to value every gender equally to progress at the right place. A society attains better development in all aspects when both genders are entitled to similar opportunities. Equal rights in decision making, health, politics, infrastructure, profession, etc will surely advance our society to a new level. The social stigma of women staying inside the house has changed. Nowadays, girls are equally competing with boys in school. They are also creating landmark development in their respective profession. Women are now seeking economic independence before they get married. It gives them the confidence to stand against oppression and make better decisions for themselves.

The age-old social structure dictated that women need to stay inside the home taking care of all when men go out to earn bread and butter. This has been practised for ages when the world outside was not safe. Now that the time has changed and we have successfully made our environment quite safer, women can step forward, get educated, pursue their passion, bring economic balance in their families, and share the weight of a family with men. This, in a cumulative way, will also make a country’s economy progress faster and better.

Methods to measure Gender Equality

Gender equality can be measured and a country’s growth can be traced by using the following methods.

Gender Development Index (GDI) is a gender-based calculation done similar to the Human Development Index. 

Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) is a detailed calculation method of the percentage of female members in decision-making roles. 

Gender Equity Index (GEI) considers economic participation, education, and empowerment.

Global Gender Gap Index assesses the level of gender inequality present on the basis of four criteria: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, political empowerment, health and survival .

According to the Gender Gap Index (GGI), India ranks 140 among 156 participating countries. This denotes that the performance of India has fallen from the previous years, denoting negative growth in terms of closing the gender gap. In the current environment where equality and equal opportunities are considered supreme, this makes India be at a significant disadvantage.

Roadblocks to Gender Equality  

Indian society is still wrecked by such stigmas that dictate that women are meant to manage the home and stay indoors. This is being done for ages, leading to neglect of women in areas like education, health, wealth, and socio-economic fields. 

In addition to that, the dowry system is further crippling society. This ill practice had led to numerous female feticides. It has created a notion that girls are a burden on a family, which is one of the primary reasons a girl child cannot continue her education. Even if they excel in education and become independent, most of them are forced to quit their job as their income is considered a backup source, which is not fair. New-age women are not only independent, but they are confident too. The only thing they demand from society is support, which we should provide them.  

Along with dowry, there is one more burning issue that has a profound impact on women's growth. It is prevalent in all kinds of society and is known as violence. Violence against women is present in one or another form in public and private spaces. Sometimes, violence is accompanied by other burning issues such as exploitation, harassment, and trafficking, making the world unsafe for women. We must take steps to stop this and ensure a safe and healthy place for women.  

Poverty is also one of the major roadblocks towards gender equality. It has led to other malpractices such as child marriage, sale of children, trafficking and child labour, to name a few. Providing equal job opportunities and upliftment of people below the poverty line can help bring some checks onto this.

Initiative Towards Gender Equality

Any kind of discrimination acts as a roadblock in any nation’s growth, and a nation can only prosper when all its citizens have equal rights. Most of the developed countries has comparatively less gender discrimination and provide equal opportunity to both genders. Even the Indian government is taking multiple initiatives to cut down gender discrimination. 

They have initiated a social campaign called “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana” to encourage the education of girl children. Besides this, the government runs multiple other schemes, such as the Women Helpline Scheme, UJJAWALA, National Mission for Empowerment of Women, etc., to generate awareness among the people. Moreover, as responsible citizens, it is our responsibility to spread knowledge on gender discrimination to create a beautiful world for wome n [1] [2] .


FAQs on Gender Equality Essay

1. What Makes Women Unequal to Men?

The social stigmas and beliefs that have been running deeply in the veins of all families make women unequal to men. Women are considered to be a burden by many families and are not provided with the same rights men enjoy in society. We are ill-informed regarding women’s rights and tend to continue age-old practices. This is made worse with social menaces such as the dowry system, child labor, child marriage, etc. Women can gather knowledge, get educated, and compete with men. This is sometimes quite threatening to the false patriarchal society.

2. How can We Promote Gender Equality?

Education is the prime measure to be taken to make society free from such menaces. When we teach our new generation regarding the best social practices and gender equal rights, we can eradicate such menaces aptly. Our society is ill-informed regarding gender equality and rights. Many policies have been designed and implemented by the government. As our country holds the second position in terms of population, it is hard to tackle these gender-based problems. It can only be erased from the deepest point by using education as the prime weapon.

3. Why should Women be Equal to Men?

Women might not be similar to men in terms of physical strength and physiological traits. Both are differently built biologically but they have the same brain and organs to function. Women these days are creating milestones that are changing society. They have traveled to space, running companies, creating history, and making everyone proud. Women are showing their capabilities in every phase and hence, they should be equal to men in all aspects.

4. Mention a few initiatives started by the Indian Government to enable gender equality.

The Indian government has initiated a social campaign called “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana” to encourage girls’ education. Besides this, the government runs multiple other schemes, such as the  Women Helpline Scheme, UJJAWALA, National Mission for Empowerment of Women, etc., to generate awareness among the people.

Human Rights Careers

5 Powerful Essays Advocating for Gender Equality

Gender equality – which becomes reality when all genders are treated fairly and allowed equal opportunities –  is a complicated human rights issue for every country in the world. Recent statistics are sobering. According to the World Economic Forum, it will take 108 years to achieve gender parity . The biggest gaps are found in political empowerment and economics. Also, there are currently just six countries that give women and men equal legal work rights. Generally, women are only given ¾ of the rights given to men. To learn more about how gender equality is measured, how it affects both women and men, and what can be done, here are five essays making a fair point.

Take a free course on Gender Equality offered by top universities!

“Countries With Less Gender Equity Have More Women In STEM — Huh?” – Adam Mastroianni and Dakota McCoy

This essay from two Harvard PhD candidates (Mastroianni in psychology and McCoy in biology) takes a closer look at a recent study that showed that in countries with lower gender equity, more women are in STEM. The study’s researchers suggested that this is because women are actually especially interested in STEM fields, and because they are given more choice in Western countries, they go with different careers. Mastroianni and McCoy disagree.

They argue the research actually shows that cultural attitudes and discrimination are impacting women’s interests, and that bias and discrimination is present even in countries with better gender equality. The problem may lie in the Gender Gap Index (GGI), which tracks factors like wage disparity and government representation. To learn why there’s more women in STEM from countries with less gender equality, a more nuanced and complex approach is needed.

“Men’s health is better, too, in countries with more gender equality” – Liz Plank

When it comes to discussions about gender equality, it isn’t uncommon for someone in the room to say, “What about the men?” Achieving gender equality has been difficult because of the underlying belief that giving women more rights and freedom somehow takes rights away from men. The reality, however, is that gender equality is good for everyone. In Liz Plank’s essay, which is an adaption from her book For the Love of Men: A Vision for Mindful Masculinity, she explores how in Iceland, the #1 ranked country for gender equality, men live longer. Plank lays out the research for why this is, revealing that men who hold “traditional” ideas about masculinity are more likely to die by suicide and suffer worse health. Anxiety about being the only financial provider plays a big role in this, so in countries where women are allowed education and equal earning power, men don’t shoulder the burden alone.

Liz Plank is an author and award-winning journalist with Vox, where she works as a senior producer and political correspondent. In 2015, Forbes named her one of their “30 Under 30” in the Media category. She’s focused on feminist issues throughout her career.

“China’s #MeToo Moment” –  Jiayang Fan

Some of the most visible examples of gender inequality and discrimination comes from “Me Too” stories. Women are coming forward in huge numbers relating how they’ve been harassed and abused by men who have power over them. Most of the time, established systems protect these men from accountability. In this article from Jiayang Fan, a New Yorker staff writer, we get a look at what’s happening in China.

The essay opens with a story from a PhD student inspired by the United States’ Me Too movement to open up about her experience with an academic adviser. Her story led to more accusations against the adviser, and he was eventually dismissed. This is a rare victory, because as Fan says, China employs a more rigid system of patriarchy and hierarchy. There aren’t clear definitions or laws surrounding sexual harassment. Activists are charting unfamiliar territory, which this essay explores.

“Men built this system. No wonder gender equality remains as far off as ever.” – Ellie Mae O’Hagan

Freelance journalist Ellie Mae O’Hagan (whose book The New Normal is scheduled for a May 2020 release) is discouraged that gender equality is so many years away. She argues that it’s because the global system of power at its core is broken.  Even when women are in power, which is proportionally rare on a global scale, they deal with a system built by the patriarchy. O’Hagan’s essay lays out ideas for how to fix what’s fundamentally flawed, so gender equality can become a reality.

Ideas include investing in welfare; reducing gender-based violence (which is mostly men committing violence against women); and strengthening trade unions and improving work conditions. With a system that’s not designed to put women down, the world can finally achieve gender equality.

“Invisibility of Race in Gender Pay Gap Discussions” – Bonnie Chu

The gender pay gap has been a pressing issue for many years in the United States, but most discussions miss the factor of race. In this concise essay, Senior Contributor Bonnie Chu examines the reality, writing that within the gender pay gap, there’s other gaps when it comes to black, Native American, and Latina women. Asian-American women, on the other hand, are paid 85 cents for every dollar. This data is extremely important and should be present in discussions about the gender pay gap. It reminds us that when it comes to gender equality, there’s other factors at play, like racism.

Bonnie Chu is a gender equality advocate and a Forbes 30 Under 30 social entrepreneur. She’s the founder and CEO of Lensational, which empowers women through photography, and the Managing Director of The Social Investment Consultancy.

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Gender Equality Essay

500+ words gender equality essay.

Every citizen has the right to live their life according to their wish without any discrimination. It can be achieved when all individuals are considered equal irrespective of caste, religion, language, colour, profession, status and sex. The most prominent discrimination that we observe is gender inequality. Even in many developed countries, we see several examples of gender bias, which need to be urgently addressed. Gender equality can only be achieved when both males and females are treated equally. With the help of this essay on Gender Equality, students will know what gender equality is and how it can be achieved in society. This essay will also provide an overview of the different types of problems women face due to gender discrimination.

Gender Equality

Gender equality refers to equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities for both women and men. It implies that the interests, needs and priorities of both women and men are taken into consideration, recognizing the diversity of different groups of women and men. Worldwide, women’s fundamental rights continue to be violated, and they face discrimination in access to education, work, social protection, inheritance, economic assets, productive resources, and participation in decision-making and society. Women spend two to ten times more time on unpaid work than men, which is one of the main obstacles to economic and political empowerment.

Persistent differences and disparities between men and women have negative implications for society as a whole. Women represent half the resources and half the potential in any society. This potential remains unrealized when women are constrained by inequality and discrimination. Many gender disparities emerge in early childhood and intensify in adolescence. Girls are deprived of access to health care or proper nutrition, leading to a higher mortality rate. As they move into the age of adolescence, gender disparities widen. Child marriage affects girls far more than boys. Globally, nearly 15 million girls under age 18 are married every year. It’s difficult for them to access education. Girls still face barriers to entry into primary and secondary school. The lack of education provided limits access to skills and jobs in good organisations and at reputed posts.

How to Achieve Gender Equality in India?

Women’s and girls’ education is a vital component that helps in gender equality. By obtaining proper education, the door to many new opportunities will open up for women. They get skilled and can easily find employment. Employment will empower them and give them financial independence, alternative sources of social identity, and exposure to power structures independent of kin networks. It will give them the independence to make decisions of their own choice. The path of gender equality can be further reduced at work by reducing the gender pay, earnings and pension gaps.

Another crucial step towards gender equality is eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls in public and private spheres. Apart from it, it is essential to eliminate all harmful practices by society, such as early and forced marriage, the dowry system, etc. We should try to make our environment and surroundings more safe and healthy for women and girls.

Women should try to come into power through leadership roles in all sectors. This will increase the presence of women in different fields and motivate other women and girls. Power in the hands of women will ensure their full and effective participation at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. Women’s equal rights to economic resources also promote gender rquality. They get access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance, and natural resources through this right.

India ranks 112 in the Global Gender Gap index among 153 countries. Due to this, the Government has also taken various steps to promote Gender Equality. They launch various women empowerment schemes such as Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme, One Stop Centre Scheme, Women Helpline Scheme, UJJAWALA, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, National Mission for Empowerment of Women etc.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Gender Equality Essay

What are the main indexes to measure gender inequality.

According to the World Health Organization, the Gender Inequality Index indicates disparities in three main aspects as given below: 1. Reproductive health: The health dimension is measured by the maternal mortality ratio and the adolescent fertility rate.

2. Empowerment: The empowerment dimension is measured by the share of parliamentary seats held by each gender, and by secondary and higher education attainment levels.

3. Labour market: The labour dimension is measured by women’s participation in the workforce.

How can we improve gender equality?

1. Educate girls: The government should take steps to ensure that girls get equal opportunities in the education system. This can be done by giving scholarships, sensitising parents, ensuring amenities like toilets, etc.

2. Allow women to have equal economic rights: Women should be given equal pay for equal work in the employment sector.

3. Avoid violence and sexual harassment against women: Laws should be enacted and strictly enforced to prevent violence and sexual harassment against women

4. Spread awareness about child marriage: Social evils like child marriage can be eradicated from society by raising awareness about their ill effects on the social, physical and emotional well-being of girls.

How to help children understand this issue?

Awareness programmes and campaigns can be organised to sensitise society about the negative effects of gender inequality. After all, no society can progress by ignoring the rights of half of its population, which is made up of women. Governments should ensure that boys and girls are treated equally in schools. Students must be taught how to mutually respect each other.

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Gender Equality Essay | Essay on Gender Equality for Students and Children in English

March 22, 2023 by Prasanna

Gender Equality Essay: Humans have often contorted religious texts and misinterpreted them to meet their selfish desires. In such misdeeds, lies the misfortune of women of India. Women – the originator of life who deserved respect and rights were subject of numerous atrocities, right from the medieval era. Evil practices like sati and female infanticide trace to their origins to those pages of history. Unfortunately, though progress was made virtually in every sphere, as a nation we are still struggling with the problem of gender equality.

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Long and Short Essays on Gender Equality for Students and Kids in English

A Long Essay on the topic of Essay on Gender Equality A Myth or Reality is provided; it is of 450-500 words. A Short Essay of 100-150 words is also given below. The extended articles are popular among students of Classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. On the other hand, students in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 can refer to short essays.

Essay on Gender Equality

Long Essay on Gender Equality 600 Words in English

Long Essay on Gender Equality is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Gender equality seems like an ideal concept. A concept which we have seen being materialized in other nations but remains a mirage in a culturally rich nation like ours. It is a concept which emphasis on abilities of individual, rather than discriminating on the basis of gender. Our society promotes the concept of male domination by giving preference to boys right from childhood. We are yet struggling to shake off the concept of male being the breadwinner of family.

In families, riddled with economic constraints, having both girl and boy child, it is still prevalent to stress on education of the boy. The mobility from the rural regions is still limited. While the boy is easily sent to larger towns by parents, most parents are protective about sending their girl child to look for employment in bigger cities. They are confined to household chores or duties in the farms. The equality or even the notion of it is blown to winds.

The effort to bring about equality between rights and privileges to be enjoyed by genders meets stiff resistance from the societal set up. The prevalence of the dowry system is a major hurdle in efforts to bring this equality. Parents keep the girl devoid of any privileges, including investment in her education, as they plan for savings to be given at her time of marriage. This neglect in her own family is de-motivating and leads to a reduced levels of self confidence in the woman. Her potential is snubbed in all these formative years and ability to think freely and contribute ideas dwindle in an authoritarian male biased environment.

Times have changed tremendously whereby the progress of our nation is analyzed in backdrop of economy or growth. But we still remain rooted to past when representation is demanded by women. It has never been about ability but about chance, which was denied to potential performers in all fields which required ,the women to move out of the closets. The alarming figures of female mortality rate and female foeticide can shake off the mask of globalization we demonstrate. These obnoxious acts are not confined to remotest of villages either where every malady can be blamed on lack of education. Surveys demonstrate that such acts are carried out vigorously in hearts of progressive metros of the nation with affluent and “modern” culprits.

Easy availability of diagnostic facilities to unravel the gender of the child have been grossly misused in cities to carry out sex selective abortion by the rich and educated citizens of our nation. It boils down to the dark mindset behind those garish masks of modernity. Strict monitoring of such illegal centres and proper implementation of PNDT Act has also been lacking. Recent cases of sati from a village or reports of dowry deaths continue to plague the concept of gender equality.

Efen in other spheres, though participation of women has increased, they have met increasing resistance from male dominated society. In politics, the women reservation bill is yet to see the light of the day in parliament. It has already generated much debate and controversy over an issue which women deserve as a right. Unless women are represented in sheer numbers in forums of influence, sensitivity towards the cause of women empowerment in policies, programs would be lacking. Male mindsets have been rigid and have blocked attempts by women to shackle the chains of subservience.

Lack of proper education still poses a challenge for the women in our nation. Though schools have been opened in villages and encouragement is being given through schemes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Mid Day Meal scheme, the enrolment ratio of girls still needs to pick up. More than the schemes, a proactive participation at Panchayat level and awareness of an educated girl child need to be stressed on. Reservation has ensured that a woman candidate gets elected from such seat but on the ground level, her voice is still stifled by the member of her own household. As a pawn, her name is used to win election and her voice of empowerment is silenced thereafter.

She would hardly be seen in village meetings or in active decision making forums, which continue to be the male bastions. This situation needs legal and policy level support to deliver the real ethos behind such reservations. Several steps have been taken through policies and programmes of government. We have moved in right direction but achieving gender equality is still a distant goal. The Domestic Violence Act is a step in right direction to empower women. Active programmes with incentives need to be introduced, especially in villages, to promote education amongst girls. Higher education avenues must be started in remote place to enable girls realize their potentials.

The institution of marriage must also be approached in slightly Unconventional manner by the Indian society. There is need to move on from the traditional way of allocating fixed roles to the individuals entering this arrangement. The talented individuals must maintain their professional identity and need not sacrifice their potential to make this institution work. As partners, they must work out the most convenient manner of balancing family and work. Often, a sabbatical taken in default by the woman during child birth marks the end of her professional journey. This arrangement needs to change by adopting a flexible and adjusting approach, which gives space for both individuals to realize their fullest potential.

Short Essay on Gender Equality 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Gender Equality is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Even in cities, the society needs to evolve and create space for women on an equal platform. Incidents of violence against women in major cities highlight that the problem lies in correcting the male mindset than any other variable. This must be inculcated through sustained moral teaching of a male child in his formative years’in the family. Also zero tolerance for crime against women should be brought in as measure of deterrence in the society. The offenders who get away with light or no punishment in such cases are emboldened and become threats to repeat such heinous and shameless acts. For gender equality to become a reality, effective implementation of harsh laws has to be done with zero tolerance for violation for a sustained period in a fire fighting manner.

Women have a crucial role to play in development of nation. In an era, when Kiran Desai, Sania Mirza and Joshna Chinappa are winning laurels for our country and leaders like Sheikh Hasina and Bachelette are running nations, gender equality needs to be imbibed in a practical manner. Gender equality may not be a reality in practice but it is a goal worth chasing. Every small step in this direction would be a milestone in empowering women with their due. Each small success would be a liberating and enriching experience-both for the individual and the nation. There is no dearth of policies, only willingness is needed on a national level to rise above petty and myopic notions, and implement them for an empowering cause. It is time for our nation to count for contributors in its quest for development and not allow gender inequality be a hurdle in the mission.

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Home / Essay Samples / Social Issues / Women's Rights / Gender Equality

Gender Equality Essay Examples

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About Gender Equality

Gender equality, also known as sexual equality is the state in which access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by gender.

Women spend up to 5 more hours on unpaid domestic work than men each day In most countries, women only earn between 60 and 75% of men’s wages - for the same work. Women spend up to 5 more hours on unpaid domestic work than men each day One in four girls around the world was married before her 18th birthday

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