1. PPT

    html img role presentation

  2. PPT

    html img role presentation

  3. What Is HTML? A Beginner’s Guide

    html img role presentation

  4. HTML Role Presentation: Enhancing Accessibility on Web Pages

    html img role presentation

  5. Roles & Responsibilities PowerPoint Template Slides

    html img role presentation

  6. PPT

    html img role presentation


  1. EP 73 Lumen Gentium

  2. 7/8 Interview with Tom Fuentes(Fr.FBI Assist.Director): Dems against fair election; corp.w/ Hungary

  3. Unlock the Secrets of Public Speaking: Proven Tips & Solutions Inside!

  4. Bonde Da Stronda Eu Só Queria (Letra) na descrição

  5. చంద్రబాబుకు అదృష్టం..జగన్ కి శాపం... : Mahaa Vamsi Analysis On Chandrababu Key Role In NDA

  6. From Overseas to On-Campus


  1. ARIA: img role

    Description. Any set of content that should be consumed as a single image (which could include images, video, audio, code snippets, emojis, or other content) can be identified using role="img". You shouldn't count on the alt text of individual images for conveying context to assistive technologies; most screen readers will consider the element ...

  2. ARIA: presentation role

    ARIA: presentation role. The presentation role and its synonym none remove an element's implicit ARIA semantics from being exposed to the accessibility tree. The content of the element will still be available to assistive technologies; it is only the semantics of the container — and in some instance, required associated descendants — which ...

  3. role="presentation" or aria-hidden="true" for decorative images?

    1. semantically, the right answer is aria-hidden=true. WCAG 1.1.1 indicate all images must have an alt text, purely decorative images are not a exception, but text alternative must be void, alt="", theoretically this must to be enough but certain assistive technologies still can reach the image and label it as image, so It'll not be hidden ...

  4. Decorative Images

    Where possible, decorative images should be provided using CSS background images instead. Page Contents. Example 1: Image used as part of page design. Example 2: Decorative image as part of a text link. Example 3: Image with adjacent text alternative. Example 4: Image used for ambiance (eye-candy)

  5. The Difference Between role="presentation" and aria-hidden="true"

    The aria-hidden attribute has two states: true and false and they correspond to an element's state within the accessibility tree. aria-hidden="true" means the element is removed from the tree, and aria-hidden="false" means the element is present in the tree; the default state for an element is "false". Elements can be added or removed in ...

  6. Presentation Role Examples

    When role presentation is applied to an image, the image is completely hidden from assistive technologies. In fact, in the case of image, role="presentation" is equivalent to aria-hidden="true". On the other hand, when a heading is presentational, the heading semantic is removed and the inner text of the heading is exposed as plain text.

  7. WAI-ARIA: role=presentation

    Consequently, using role="presentation" or role="none" on an HTML img is equivalent to using aria-hidden="true". In order to make the image contents accessible, authors can embed the object using an object or iframe element, or use inline SVG code, and follow the accessibility guidelines for the image content.

  8. Hiding Semantics with the presentation Role

    Common Uses of Role presentation. Three common uses of role presentation are: Hiding a decorative image; it is equivalent to giving the image null alt text. Suppressing table semantics of tables used for layout in circumstances where the table semantics do not convey meaningful relationships.

  9. WAI-ARIA Roles

    The following are the reference pages covering the WAI-ARIA roles discussed on MDN.. ARIA: alert role. The alert role is for important, and usually time-sensitive, information. The alert is a type of status processed as an atomic live region.. ARIA: alertdialog role. The alertdialog role is to be used on modal alert dialogs that interrupt a user's workflow to communicate an important message ...

  10. Introduction to ARIA

    Roles. Roles define what an element is or does. Most HTML elements have a default role that is presented to assistive technology. For example, <button> has a default role of "button" and <form> has a default role of "form". ARIA can define roles that are not available in HTML, and can also override the default roles of HTML elements (see Rule #2 above).

  11. Application and Presentation Roles

    There are a couple of intended exceptions where the presentation role will not remove default semantics: When role="presentation" is not applied to elements that have tab focus, such as links, form elements, and elements that have tabindex defined, or; Where an element has been modified with any of the 21 global states or properties

  12. Images

    An informative image is an image that conveys a simple concept, idea, or emotion. Types of informative images include photos of real-world objects, essential icons, simple drawings, and images of text. If your image is informative, you should include programmatic alternative text describing the purpose of the image.

  13. Accessibility Role, Name and Value

    An accordion is considered a custom component. There is no standard HTML element to use here. Each accordion header should be a <button> or role="button": Good. It has the role of a button. It also has a name, the content of the div. To give this button a value, we need to tell assistive technologies that it is closed.

  14. RoleAttribute

    Proposal for a "role" attribute for HTML5 Role Attribute Original Limited Proposal. source: Gregory J. Rosmaita, post to w3c-wai-pf (2008-08-13) Recently, the "curly brackets" hack of identifying a graphical image by its use or type by inserting a generic identifier / descriptor in curly braces as the @alt value for an IMG, has been added to ...

  15. html

    Authors SHOULD NOT provide meaningful alternative text (for example, use alt="" in HTML4) when the presentation role is applied to an image. Since we're already having an alt tag on the image, I would say that it's redundant to use a role="presentation" as well, and would leave that for the <figure>. That is, if you even wish to use it, because ...

  16. Accessibility Meaningful & Decorative Images

    Search icon. Coffee. Jacket. 1 year badge. Gold badge. The only decorative image here is the search icon. This is decorative because of the text Search Products. If the icon for open search had been stand-alone, it would have been a meaningful image. As with decorative images, we have several methods for coding meaning images.

  17. Using ARIA

    When aria-label or aria-labelledby are on interactive roles (such as a link or button) or an img role, they override the contents of the div or span. Other roles besides Landmarks (discussed above) are ignored. aria-describedby on a span or div will be ignored by NVDA and VoiceOver unless given an interactive role, an image or landmark role ...

  18. ARIA: figure role

    A figure is a perceivable section of content that typically contains a graphical document, images, code snippets, or example text. The parts of a figure MAY be user-navigable. Any content that should be grouped together and consumed as a figure (which could include images, video, audio, code snippets, or other content) can be identified as a figure using role="figure".

  19. Meaningful Image

    Expected Baseline Result. FAIL. The image in the code sample provides an ALT attribute with a value that provides an equivalent text alternative description of the image. However, the image also includes role="presentation", which would prompt Assistive Technologies to ignore the image and its text alternative description.

  20. Image has non-empty accessible name

    This rule applies to HTML img elements and HTML elements that are a semantic img, except if the element is programmatically hidden. Expectation. Each target element has an accessible name that is not empty (""), or has a semantic role of none or presentation. Assumptions. There are no assumptions. Accessibility Support

  21. SVG Accessibility/ARIA roles for graphics

    A basic geometric shape. The main purpose of this role, as distinct from img or icon, is so that accessibility tools can communicate what type of shape it is. A new ARIA property would allow the author to convey the shape type separately from the label and description. Children are presentational.