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  • Sports Science Personal Statement Examples

A degree in Sports Science is a popular choice for those with a passion for sports and an interest in the science behind athletic performance. 

Writing a sports science personal statement is an essential part of the UCAS application process , as it provides admissions selectors with an insight into your academic abilities, personal qualities, and career aspirations. 

We have collected a few Sports Science personal statement examples from successful applicants who have secured places at top universities. 

These examples will help you to understand what makes a good Sports Science personal statement and inspire you to write one.

Ever since my first encounter with Sports Science at the Advanced Level, I have been captivated by the intricate interplay of physicality, theory, and science, which has fueled my desire to pursue a sports-related career. As I delved into the subject, my passion for understanding the human body and its potential for athletic excellence grew exponentially, laying the foundation for my aspirations in this field.

In my academic journey, I have developed a particular interest in the science of nutrition and research. I am fascinated by how our bodies respond to different nutrients and how proper nourishment can optimise athletic performance. Through my studies, I aim to unlock the secrets of nutrition in sports, harnessing its power to give athletes a competitive edge. Furthermore, I am eager to contribute to the growing body of research in the field, as I believe that our understanding of sports science is continually evolving and has the potential to revolutionize the future of health and wellness.

My love for sports began in 2005 when I joined Leeds Athletics Club, where I discovered my talent and passion for throwing the javelin. This experience honed my athletic abilities and instilled a sense of discipline, resilience, and teamwork – values that have become integral to my character. As a Sports Science student, I am excited to combine my personal experiences and academic interests to deepen my understanding of the physical and mental aspects of sports, and ultimately apply this knowledge to help others achieve their full potential.

Apart from my intellectual pursuits, I am determined to make the most of my university experience by immersing myself in campus life. I am confident in my motivation and enthusiasm to take on new challenges, and I look forward to joining clubs, engaging in social events, and forging lasting connections with my peers. Additionally, I am passionate about maintaining my Portuguese language skills, travelling, and acquiring new skills. Despite a back injury from motor quad riding that has limited my physical activities to swimming and running, my love for sports remains undeterred, and I am eager to explore alternative ways to stay active and healthy.

The prospect of studying Sports Science at the university level fills me with immense excitement and anticipation. I am certain that this programme will provide me with the theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and professional network necessary to excel in a sports-related career. As I embark on this next chapter of my life, I am committed to pushing the boundaries of my understanding, exploring new frontiers in sports science, and ultimately making a lasting impact in the world of sports and beyond.

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Personal Statement Sports Science

From a young age, I have been fascinated by the science behind human movement and performance, and I am now eager to pursue this passion further by enrolling in a degree programme in sports science.

My academic background has prepared me well for the rigours of university-level study. I have excelled in science and mathematics courses, including biology, chemistry, physics, and calculus. In addition, I have taken several sports-related courses, such as physical education and sports psychology, which have given me a solid foundation in the principles of sports science. I believe that my strong academic record and interest in sports science make me an ideal candidate for your programme.

One of the main reasons I am drawn to sports science is its potential to make a real difference in people’s lives. I am particularly interested in the role that sports science can play in promoting health and well-being, both at the individual and community levels. I believe that by studying sports science, I will gain the knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on people’s lives, through developing and implementing exercise programmes, promoting physical activity, and researching new approaches to health and wellness.

I am also excited about the opportunity to conduct research in sports science. I am particularly interested in the areas of biomechanics and exercise physiology, and I am eager to explore the latest research in these fields. I believe that by conducting research, I will be able to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in sports science and help to improve our understanding of human movement and performance.

In addition to my academic interests, I have also been an active participant in sports throughout my life. I have competed in a variety of sports, including soccer, basketball, and track and field, and have always been interested in the science behind these activities. I believe that my practical experience in sports will be an asset in my studies, as I will be able to apply my knowledge to real-world situations.

I believe that studying sports science at university will provide me with the knowledge, skills, and experience to pursue a rewarding career in this field. I am excited about the prospect of continuing my education in this area, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your programme.

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Sports science degree courses: read the small print

Sport degrees come with many different titles and flavours, ranging from those that are very science-based, to those approaching sport from a cultural, development, or management angle. Such as, it’s important to give lots of thought to the kind of course that most closely meets your personal needs and expectations. Choose carefully, and focus your personal statement accordingly.

Don’t judge a course just by its title either, because there are often distinct differences between courses with the same name. Even courses with the word ‘science’ in the title will vary considerably in the level of scientific knowledge they expect.

Sports science personal statement pointers

Durham University's website has a really helpful checklist for students applying for its sport, exercise, and physical activity degree, and suggests focusing your statement around questions such as:

  • Why do you want to study it?
  • What specifically interests or excites you about the subject?
  • What have you read, seen, or heard about recently that intrigues you about the subject?
  • What current issues do you want to learn more about?
  • Is there a specific part of the course that interests you?
  • What are your own achievements and ambitions?
  • What relevant experience, skills, or qualities can you offer?

The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences says that the qualities graduates find most helpful in their subsequent careers are time management, communication, organisation, negotiation, and presentation skills – so, if you can demonstrate any of those, all the better.

But don't waste space quoting famous sports stars who have inspired you. As Bournemouth University’s admissions tutor said: 'I’m really fed up of Muhammad Ali quotes.'

Show your personality in your sports science statement

Admissions tutors Tom Webb and Jo Corbett at the University of Portsmouth really want to hear your voice and personality come through in your statement. Think about some of these questions:

  • What makes you different?
  • What part does sport play in your life, and why is it important to you?
  • Do you know where you want to be in five years’ time? If so, don’t be afraid to say.
  • What experience of sport do you have?
  • Is your personality running through your personal statement? Studying and working in sport is often about interacting with people and being a 'people person.'

Remember – don't overlook that this is also a science course. You'll need to demonstrate your awareness of this, particularly if you’re applying for a sport degree that involves rigorous scientific study

All sport and no science won’t impress

We also had some great advice from the Sport and Exercise Science degree at University of Bath, which they themselves stressed is very much ‘a science course in which sport is just the context in which you study science.’ Their advice once again is that your statement needs to focus around the specific courses you’re applying for, and to answer the question: ‘Why do I want to study this subject further at degree level?’

So while you might be very tempted to write several paragraphs about all your sporting achievements, you’ve got to ask yourself if it’s relevant. As far as this particular course at Bath is concerned, all sport and no science won’t impress.

Some of your sporting successes could also be covered in your reference, saving precious space in your personal statement to talk more about science. Another approach might be to write about scientific issues that relate to your own performance.

Bath also gave us a tip for applicants who might want to apply for two or more different types of sport course within your five choices. Their advice is ‘can you write a personal statement that covers them all? It’s perfectly possible to do this. The secret is not to write 50% on one course and 50% on the other, but to blend your content in a way that makes 100% of your statement highly relevant to both courses.’

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Sports science personal statements

Sportsman running some tests

On this page you'll find a collection of real personal statements written by students applying to study sports science and related courses at university.

These personal statements are written by real students - don't expect them all to be perfect! But by reading through a few of these samples, you'll be able to get some ideas and inspiration for your own personal statement. 

Sports science personal statement examples

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Sports Science Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Sports Scientists
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

Personal Statement Example Links

  • Personal Statement Example 1
  • Personal Statement Example 2
  • Personal Statement Example 3
  • Personal Statement Example 4
  • Personal Statement Example 5

Ever wondered about the science behind athletic performance? Fascinated by how the human body responds to exercise and training?

If so, a degree in Sports Science could be your perfect pathway. This dynamic field will immerse you in the study of human movement, performance, and health, providing you with the skills to enhance athletic performance and promote physical well-being.

Sports science is a rapidly growing field that combines the study of physical activity, exercise, and health. It encompasses a variety of disciplines, including physiology, biomechanics, nutrition, psychology, and sociology. It is a multidisciplinary field that seeks to understand the physical, mental, and social aspects of sport and physical activity.

Sports science courses are offered at many universities and colleges. These courses typically cover topics such as anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, nutrition, psychology, and sociology. Students will learn about the science behind physical activity and exercise, as well as the psychological and social aspects of sport. They will also gain an understanding of how to use this knowledge to improve performance and health.

When researching sports science courses, it is important to consider the curriculum and the type of degree offered. Some courses may focus more heavily on the scientific aspects of sport and physical activity, while others may emphasize the social and psychological aspects.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

A degree in sports science can lead to a variety of career opportunities. Sports science graduates can pursue a career in the sports industry, such as coaching, sports performance, sports nutrition, sports psychology, sports marketing, and sports management.

Coaching: Coaches are responsible for the development and implementation of training programs for athletes. They provide instruction and guidance to athletes in order to help them reach their maximum potential.

Sports Performance: Sports performance professionals are responsible for helping athletes improve their physical and mental performance. They design and implement training programs to help athletes reach their goals.

Sports Nutrition: Sports nutritionists help athletes optimize their nutrition in order to improve their performance. They provide advice on nutrition, hydration, and supplementation to help athletes reach their goals.

Sports Psychology: Sports psychologists help athletes understand and manage their mental and emotional states. They provide counseling and guidance to athletes in order to help them reach their goals.

Sports Marketing: Sports marketers are responsible for promoting and marketing sports teams, athletes, and events. They create campaigns and strategies to increase awareness and interest in sports.

Sports Management: Sports managers are responsible for the day-to-day operations of sports teams and organizations. They are responsible for personnel management, budgeting, and scheduling.

In addition to the sports industry, sports science graduates can pursue careers in the health and fitness industry. They can become personal trainers, physical therapists, exercise physiologists, health promotion officers, or rehabilitation specialists, leveraging their knowledge of human movement, nutrition, and exercise physiology to promote health and wellness.

UK Admission Requirements

The University of Kent requires applicants to have a minimum of a 2:2 honours degree in a relevant subject, such as Sports Science, Physical Education, or Exercise Science.

Applicants must also have obtained a minimum of grade C in GCSE Maths and English.

The University of Kent also requires applicants to provide a personal statement and two references.

The entry criteria for the University of Kent’s Sports Science course is similar to other universities in the UK. Most universities require a minimum of a 2:2 honours degree in a relevant subject, as well as a minimum of grade C in GCSE Maths and English. Additionally, many universities require personal statements and references.

UK Earnings Potential For Sports Scientists

The average earnings for someone with a degree in Sports Science in the UK can vary widely depending on the job role and the employer. According to the National Careers Service, the median salary for a Sports Scientist is £27,000 a year. However, those with more experience and qualifications can earn up to £50,000 a year.

The job market for Sports Scientists is growing, with the demand for qualified professionals increasing as the sports industry continues to expand. There is also a growing demand for Sports Scientists in the fitness and health sectors, as well as in research and teaching roles.

Overall, the job market for Sports Scientists is very promising, with salaries continuing to rise as the industry grows.

Similar Courses in UK

Other university courses related to Sports Science include Exercise and Sport Science, Exercise Physiology, Exercise Science, and Sports Medicine .

Exercise and Sport Science focuses on the study of physical activity, exercise, and sport and its effects on the body. It covers topics such as anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and nutrition.

Exercise Physiology focuses on the study of how the body responds to physical activity and exercise. It covers topics such as metabolism, nutrition, and the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Exercise Science is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on the study of physical activity, exercise, and sport. It covers topics such as biomechanics, motor control, exercise physiology, and nutrition.

Sports Medicine is a field that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries related to physical activity and sports. It covers topics such as anatomy, physiology, and nutrition.

The key differences between these courses are the topics they focus on. Exercise and Sport Science focuses on physical activity, exercise, and sport and its effects on the body, Exercise Physiology focuses on how the body responds to physical activity and exercise, Exercise Science focuses on the study of physical activity, exercise, and sport, and Sports Medicine focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries related to physical activity and sports.

UK Curriculum

The key topics and modules covered in a Sports Science course typically include:

  • Anatomy and Physiology: This module covers the structure and function of the human body, including the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems.
  • Biomechanics: This module covers the analysis of movement, and how forces are applied to the body during physical activity.
  • Exercise Physiology: This module covers the physiological responses to exercise, such as energy metabolism, and the effects of exercise on the body.
  • Exercise Psychology: This module covers the psychological aspects of exercise, such as motivation, behaviour, and performance.
  • Nutrition: This module covers the role of nutrition in physical activity, and how different nutrients affect the body.
  • Sports Injury: This module covers the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sports injuries.
  • Sports Coaching: This module covers the principles of coaching and how to effectively manage a team.
  • Sport and Society: This module covers the social and cultural aspects of sport, including its impact on society.

Hands-on experience and practical work are also an important part of a Sports Science course. Students may have the opportunity to take part in field trips, laboratory experiments, and practical sessions, which will help them to gain a better understanding of the topics covered in the course.

Alumni Network

One notable alumni from the course in Sports Science is Dr. Bill Moreau, who is the Managing Director of Sports Medicine and Science for the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee. He is responsible for overseeing the medical and scientific services for the US Olympic and Paralympic teams, and he is also a professor of Sports Medicine at the University of Utah.

Dr. Moreau has been instrumental in developing and implementing the USOPC’s Sports Science and Medicine Program, which is designed to provide athletes with the best possible care and performance optimization.

The University of Utah also offers a number of alumni events and networking opportunities for Sports Science alumni. These include the annual Sports Science Alumni Reception, which is held each year during the US Olympic and Paralympic Trials, as well as the Sports Science Alumni Networking Event, which is held each year in conjunction with the US Olympic and Paralympic Team Selection Camp.

Additionally, the University of Utah hosts an annual Sports Science Symposium, which provides alumni with the opportunity to network and learn about the latest developments in Sports Science.

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  • Personal Statements
  • Sport Science Personal Statement

Sport Science Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

From an early age I enjoyed an active, outdoor lifestyle and have always been involved in various sports teams. Starting at the age of seven I have been a member of our local football team, moving up the age categories and helping the team become one of the best in the area.

Although football is my main interest I am also a member of other local sports teams including cricket and rugby. When I am not playing team sports I am a regular runner and swimmer, and have recently become interested in weight training and body building.

Throughout my school career I was an active player in the school football, rugby, tennis, and athletics teams, working with the other team members and our coaches to achieve many prizes and trophies.

Sport has had a major impact on my life and I understand the dedication and hard work it takes to become a top sportsman. Many of the great sportsmen and women have inspired me from childhood including David Beckham, Paula Radcliffe, and American athlete Dick Fosbury.

Outside of school I combine my sporting activities with working part-time in my local supermarket. This role has helped me to further develop my teamwork skills, as well as teaching me the value of good communication and being able to use my own initiative.

During Year 10 I completed a work experience placement at my local primary school where I gained hands-on experience of what working with young child is really like. It was this work experience, and my time spent being a voluntary coach for my local under 11’s football team, that prompted my decision to become a Physical Education teacher.

I feel that my achievements and dedication in my own preferred sports can help inspire a younger generation to be passionate about sport and encourage them to have an active lifestyle.

I hope that studying Sports Science to degree level will help me develop my skills and give me a better understanding of the human body. I then aim to complete a PGCE course and become a teacher.

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Sports Science Personal Statements to Inspire You

Table of Contents

Aspiring sports scientists can learn a lot from reading through the personal statements of successful applicants to graduate programs in sports science. This article collects some of the best samples and offers advice on how to write your own statement. So, if you need an example of a good  personal statement about sports , this is the article for you.

How to Craft a Good Personal Statement About Sports

The personal statement might be the most important document you submit as an applicant to a graduate program in sports science. This document is your opportunity to introduce yourself, explain why you want to study sports science , and share your experiences and qualifications. A strong personal statement can make the difference between being accepted into a program or not.

Understand What the Admissions Committee Wants

The first step in writing a good personal statement is understanding what the admission committee is looking for. Most committees are interested in learning about your academic background, research experience, and professional goals. In addition, they want to know how studying sports science will help you achieve these goals. It’s also helpful to discuss any relevant volunteer or work experience you have with sports-related organizations. 

Explain Your Passion for Sports Science

When drafting your statement, be sure to focus on explaining why you are passionate about studying sports science. You should be able to convince them that you are passionate about sports science. If you’ve done something related to sports before, indicate it.

man on running field

Highlight Your Skills

Highlight any unique sports-related skills or experiences that make you stand out from other applicants. Be specific when describing how your previous academic training and/or work has prepared you for pursuing a career in this field. Finally, it’s imperative that you conclude your personal statement by demonstrating your commitment to completing the program. Discuss what you plan to research when you enroll.

Examples of Personal Statements About Sports

Read through the examples here to find a great personal statement about sports you can use.

As a university student, I am in the middle of my life’s journey. Each year is packed with new opportunities and challenges. This year, I have decided to explore the field of sports science. 

Sports science has always been an area of interest for me because it intersects both my academic and athletic interests. In particular, I find biomechanics fascinating; understanding how our bodies move and how we can improve performance fascinates me. Furthermore, as someone who loves being active, studying sports psychology intrigues me. Learning about what motivates athletes and helping them achieve their goals is definitely something that appeals to me.

As I begin my fourth year of university, I am confident that the time has come for me to declare a major. After much deliberation, I have decided that sports science is the best fit for me. This career path will allow me to merge my two favorite things: sports and science. 

Since I was young, I have been interested in both athletics and understanding how the body works. Sports science encompasses all aspects of athletic performance, from biomechanics to physiology to nutrition. By pursuing this major, I will be able to work with athletes and also help regular people stay healthy and active throughout their lives. 

I believe that universities offer an excellent opportunity for students to explore different majors before deciding on what they want to do. As someone who loves change and new experiences, declaring this major was one of the easiest decisions that I have made thus far.

Personal statements allow you to put yourself out there and explain what you can do . How you write your personal statement is ultimately your decision, just as long as it relates to sports. For example, you may want to cite your baseball skills and show how they relate to science. In another instance, you may choose to highlight your strong leadership skills.

Sports Science Personal Statements to Inspire You

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Sports science personal statement example (first page)

  • Reading time: 3 minutes
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  • Published: 9th July 2023
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Sport has always played a central role in my life, both as a source of personal enjoyment and as a means to understand the human body’s remarkable capabilities. It is with great enthusiasm that I have chosen to pursue a degree in Sport Science, as it combines my passion for sports with my keen interest in the science behind human performance. Through this course, I aim to deepen my knowledge of the physiological, biomechanical, and psychological aspects of sports, ultimately paving the way for a fulfilling career in the field.

What excites me the most about Sport Science is the opportunity to explore the intricate relationship between the human body and physical performance. The subject encompasses a diverse range of disciplines, including physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, and psychology . I am eager to delve into topics such as exercise physiology, sports nutrition, and performance analysis, to gain a comprehensive understanding of how the body responds and adapts to physical activity. The prospect of using scientific principles to optimize athletic performance and prevent injuries fascinates me, and I am excited to contribute to the advancement of sports science through my studies.

Throughout my academic journey, I have consistently sought to merge my passion for sports with my education. As an active participant in various sports teams, I have gained firsthand experience of the physical demands and challenges athletes face. Moreover, I have been fortunate enough to work alongside sports coaches and trainers, observing their methodologies and witnessing the impact they have on athletes’ performance and well-being. These experiences have reinforced my belief in the power of science-based approaches in optimizing athletic potential, motivating me to pursue a career in Sport Science.

My academic background in biology , chemistry , and physics has provided me with a strong foundation in the sciences. These subjects have nurtured my analytical thinking, attention to detail, and critical reasoning skills, all of which are essential in the study of Sport Science. Additionally, my current studies in psychology have given me valuable insights into the cognitive and emotional factors that influence athletic performance, further expanding my interdisciplinary understanding of the subject.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I have actively sought out work experiences that have deepened my practical understanding of Sport Science. Last summer, I secured an internship at a renowned sports performance center, where I had the opportunity to work with professional athletes and assist in physiological testing, biomechanical analysis, and exercise prescription. Collaborating with the sports science team, I witnessed the practical application of scientific principles in enhancing athletes’ performance and preventing injuries. This hands-on experience not only solidified my interest in Sport Science but also honed my practical skills in data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

Beyond my academic and work experiences, I have had several life experiences that have further shaped my passion for Sport Science. As a dedicated athlete, I have faced my fair share of challenges and setbacks, which have fueled my determination to understand the science behind athletic performance and contribute to the development of evidence-based training methods. Furthermore, my involvement in sports outreach programs, where I mentored young athletes and organized workshops on injury prevention and performance enhancement, has allowed me to share my knowledge and positively impact the sporting community.

One of my proudest achievements thus far has been representing my school in national-level athletics competitions. Through rigorous training and unwavering dedication, I managed to achieve personal bests in various events, demonstrating my ability to set and strive for ambitious goals. This achievement taught me the value of discipline, perseverance, and resilience – qualities that I believe are crucial not only in sports but also in pursuing a successful career in Sport Science.

In addition to my athletic achievements, I possess a range of skills that make me well-suited for a degree in Sport Science. I am highly organized, capable of managing training schedules, data collection, and laboratory work efficiently. My strong interpersonal skills enable me to collaborate effectively with athletes, coaches, and fellow researchers, fostering a supportive and productive working environment. Moreover, I am a keen problem solver, capable of analyzing complex data and identifying meaningful patterns, a skill that will be invaluable in conducting research and driving innovation in the field of Sport Science.

Looking ahead, my plans and ambitions for the future revolve around the integration of research, practical application, and education in Sport Science. I aim to pursue postgraduate studies, specializing in exercise physiology, with a focus on optimizing performance in elite athletes. I aspire to contribute to the scientific literature by conducting research that directly informs training methodologies and injury prevention strategies. Furthermore, I envision myself working closely with sports organizations and governing bodies, sharing my expertise and promoting evidence-based practices that enhance athletes’ well-being and performance.

In conclusion, my unwavering passion for sports, coupled with my academic achievements, work experiences, and personal qualities, make me an ideal candidate for the Sport Science BSc (Hons) program. I am ready to immerse myself in the dynamic and ever-evolving field of sports science, to apply my knowledge and skills to enhance athletic performance and contribute to the well-being of athletes. I am excited to embark on this transformative journey and am confident that the program will provide me with the necessary tools to achieve my goals and make a meaningful impact in the world of sports science.

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Sport Science

Applied in: winter 2013, university offers: bath, exeter, loughborough, hertfordshire.

The field of Sport Science with Management has increasingly become my clear choice of university study. I have been passionate about sport since a young age and it has been an extensive part of my life. At age fifteen, I took advantage of the option to study intensive sport for an additional three hours per week. This enabled me to try out different activities such as athletics and badminton. I succeeded well in badminton and was selected to represent my region in competitions. Furthermore, this subject included an hour per week studying sport theory, which focused on the technical rules and regulations of various sports. In addition to my passion for sport I am also interested in the science of the underlying functioning of the human body and its responses to aerobic and anaerobic exercise. I chose to study the scientific option of the French Baccalaureate, which includes components of biology, maths, physics and chemistry. I am eager to gain a greater understanding of the science of the body’s physiological reactions during sport and how this can be supported and enhanced by specific techniques, equipment or clothing.

Apart from my sporting studies at school, I was a member of a tennis club from age seven, playing well enough to become captain of the squad five years later. This role gave me first-hand experience of what it means to be responsible for others, understanding team-mates’ needs, learning how to motivate individuals and deciding on team strategies. I understood that it is essential to set an example and be a role model for younger tennis players. I was happy to take on these extra responsibilities. As I wanted to get more involved in tennis, I applied to be a ball boy at Roland Garros when I was fourteen. The Paris-based championship has a very thorough and competitive selection process and I was proud to be successful, thanks in part to my strong commitment during the selection week. I really appreciated the opportunity to help the world’s greatest tennis players, which gave me a further taste for responsibilities and discipline.

I have already had experience of living in an English-speaking country; from the ages of one to seven I lived in New York, where I learnt English at the French American School of New York in Larchmont, USA. Arriving in London with my family from France in August 2012 I enrolled into my schools’ badminton club. I participated in numerous tournaments, which led to me being selected to represent our school at the ISSA international competition in Lisbon. I have been informed me that I will be invited to represent my school once again in this tournament in the coming year.

My educational experience this year at the Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle has opened my eyes to how powerful sport can be and to the important and integral role it can play, not only in health and education, but also in society in general. Living in London during the 2012 London Olympic Games helped me gain an understanding of the link between sport and commerce. I have been inspired by the lasting and positive impact the Olympic Games has had on the British economy. During my work experience in a sailing school in Brittany when I was sixteen, I had a first taste of the commerce of sport, not only teaching children to sail, but also assisting in the management of the school. This involved organising the timetable of the lessons and being responsible for the enrolment of the children. I also had the opportunity of work experience in a hotel where I was able to observe many aspects of the running of it, from reception to the management of the restaurants.

These experiences allowed me to be directly exposed to management and to understand the importance of the commercial, marketing and accounting functions involved in running a successful business. Applying the knowledge I would gain through studying the science of sport in a business context combined with my passion for this field, is a very exciting prospect for me.

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Sport and Exercise Science Personal Statement

I have always immersed myself fully in the world of sport , whether that be through playing it myself or keeping up to date with developments, results and inquests through news articles. The sporting world is an exciting yet demanding aspect of today's society, with the ability to unite nations by providing a global language which everyone can understand, regardless of nationality, ethnicity or religious beliefs. Its importance can be appreciated through observing its valuable contribution to communities and the economy, as well as to the individuals who participate. Sports science has the capacity to push an athlete's body to the limit both physically and through the use of technology.

My interest in the science of sport started at a young age when I became intrigued by how the body works during exercise. My A-Level subjects of Biology, Physical Education and Business Studies have further fuelled my interest in this area, allowing me to extend my scientific understanding of how body systems operate, as well as introducing me to the commercialisation involved, and the relationship between the media and sport.

Studying PE has allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the theoretical underpinning of sport, ranging from sports psychology, to the biomechanics of musculoskeletal movement. Biology has allowed me to become more confident with practical laboratory work and mathematical skills, as I have gained experience of devising and carrying out investigations and using statistical analysis to assess the significance of my results. Many of the areas covered over both of these courses intertwine with one another, meaning I've been able to reinforce my knowledge in areas such as the anatomy of the human body and physiological processes, such as those involved in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In particular I enjoyed investigating ways in which the human body responds to exercise and ways in which injuries can be prevented or rehabilitated.

I have been involved in a host of sporting activities ranging from an inter-school downhill skiing event, club football, and school rugby matches, which I have played competitively for 5 years. After studying the muscular system at A Level, I took up weight training to aid my performance in my main sports, which are rugby and football. I am determined to pursue them further in the future and I am looking forward to playing sport at a higher level at university. I have always believed sport to be a positive challenge and a chance to socialise and meet new people as well as the chance to be part of a team. With rugby being my chosen sport in PE, I have been involved in a volunteering programme at my school. This has allowed me to work alongside teachers to enthuse and encourage young children in the hope that they too will share the same passion for sport. This experience has developed my leadership skills and I am often required to demonstrate the correct technique for certain movements.

I have assisted in developing a programme in order progressively to build on their confidence when performing and to educate them on the rules of rugby. This has allowed me to advance my communication skills and understand the importance of simplifying key ideas into smaller components to aid understanding. I have developed my teamwork skills through decision making and problem-solving in group situations. With this in mind, I feel I can positively contribute to lab work and discussions surrounding sport. I am also a self-motivated person with an ability to persevere without necessarily needing encouragement from others. The way the Olympics has united countries and their motto- 'citius, altius, fortius' or 'faster, higher, stronger'- has encouraged people to strive for their full potential. I look forward to studying and researching ways to drive athletes to achieve their maximum performance.

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Sports and exercise science personal statement example.

Having always been surrounded by a variety of different sports, whether I was watching from home, attending Sheffield United FC matches, or taking part myself, ignited my interest in physiotherapy and helping people. To be given the opportunity to pursue this as a career, where I would be working with different people and where each day would involve new interactions and challenges, is my ultimate goal.

Studying Health and Social Care has taught me the importance of effective communication within healthcare settings. This is because communication builds strong relationships, and improves teamwork and productivity. Communication is key in the role of a physiotherapist. Without listening skills I would not be able to fully understand the needs of the patient. This course has also taught me how to communicate clearly and concisely through a variety of formats, including coursework, presentations, and interactions. Studying Business has helped me improve my leadership skills as I have led presentations covering a range of different topics, including market research methods and legal factors. It was important for me to ensure that all participants took part and understood their responsibilities so that the group was able to reach their full potential. This has helped me to improve my interpersonal skills, such as confidence and communication, as well as my teamwork, research, and presentation skills. From the process, the most important lesson I learned was how hard it can be to manage a team of people, but also how rewarding it is when you are successful. Studying Criminology has helped me improve my analytical skills which I use to evaluate and assess a variety of criminological theories and case studies. This course has also taught me the importance of organisation and time management. All of this are transferrable skills which will further support me in my degree and in the future as a physiotherapist. During the two 8-hour exams, which both require a lot of content to be covered, meaning I must stay organised and manage my time correctly to have the best chance of getting high marks, I remain focused and on task.

I am a very independent person who doesn't like to rely on others to do things for me, which would help me to adapt quickly to life at university. However, I know that if I ever needed help, I would know to reach out to those that could. Being a young carer for my Mum with Alzheimer's disease since I was 10, has helped me to become more resilient and mature, which isn't something usually seen in people my age. This difficult situation has helped me to navigate through the challenges that we are faced with in life, and also means that I can handle stressful situations and adapt to changes when needed to do so.

Having cared for my Mum who has faced many challenges with her condition, I have learnt the importance of being patient and showing compassion and empathy. Through this, I have realised my love for helping people. This would help me with my ideal career path as a physiotherapist because it is important to create a supportive and understanding environment for patients.

For the last nine years, I have also been a member of a swim team, which has given me the chance to teach and help the younger swimmers. This has helped to further develop my leadership skills and shows my dedication and reliability to commit to something I enjoy. Throughout my time in Secondary and Sixth Form Education, I have taken part in various Open Evenings where I have helped set up, welcomed parents and students, provided tours, or spoken about the subjects I take. The interpersonal skills that I have developed as part of this fully support my chosen course and being a physiotherapist.

I am thoroughly looking forward to being given the opportunity to start this new challenge and believe that I have the skills and qualities needed to complete the course successfully.

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    Examples of UCAS undefined Personal Statements, to help you write your personal statement. Home; Method. Start; Guidelines; Top Tips; Examples. By Subject; By University; Send your PS; Sport Science. Sport Science - 2013 (Bath, Exeter, Loughborough, Hertfordshire) ... Personal Statement Examples 2021 - V3 ...

  17. Sport Science BSc (Hons) personal statement

    I am highly organized, capable of managing training schedules, data collection, and laboratory work efficiently. My strong interpersonal skills enable me to collaborate effectively with athletes, coaches, and fellow researchers, fostering a supportive and productive working environment. Moreover, I am a keen problem solver, capable of analyzing ...

  18. Sport and Exercise Science Personal Statement Example

    This personal statement is unrated. I am currently a student at UWE Bristol studying geography achieving a 2:2 in this first year. However,during the past year it has become clear that sports science is the direction I wish to pursue, whilst I enjoy my current degree my passion lies in the field of Sports and Exercise Science, reflected by ...

  19. Sport Science

    Applying the knowledge I would gain through studying the science of sport in a business context combined with my passion for this field, is a very exciting prospect for me. UCAS free and trustworthy example of a Sport Science personal statement that received offers from Bath, Exeter, Loughborough, Hertfordshire.

  20. Sport and Exercise Science Personal Statement

    Sport and Exercise Science Personal Statement. Submitted by Edward. I have always immersed myself fully in the world of sport, whether that be through playing it myself or keeping up to date with developments, results and inquests through news articles. The sporting world is an exciting yet demanding aspect of today's society, with the ability ...

  21. Sports and Exercise Science Personal Statement Example

    Be kind but honest. Thanks in advance. This personal statement is unrated. From a very early age i had a profound interest in sports, participating in teams such as the school football team and the local Sunday league team. I also enjoyed swimming and Tae Kwon Do, achieving gold in swimming and black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

  22. The Impact of Sports Participation in College: Personal Statement

    Sports participation in college has been instrumental in shaping my personal development and academic journey. From the early days of freshman orientation to the final matches of senior year, my involvement in various athletic activities has not only contributed to my physical fitness but has also facilitated significant growth in areas such as time management, teamwork, and leadership.

  23. Sports and Exercise Science Personal Statement Example

    I am currently a student at UWE Bristol studying geography achieving a 2:2 in this first year. However,during the past year it has become clear that sports science is the direction I wish to pursue, whilst I enjoy my current degree my passion lies in the field of Sports and Exercise Science, reflected by achieving a distinction in BTEC Sport...