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  • Pollution and Its Effects Essay


Essay on Pollution and Its Effects

The term pollution is ubiquitous these days, even among children. The fact that pollution is rising continuously has become so prevalent that almost everyone acknowledges it. In pollution, we mean a substance that has been introduced uninvited into something. Various pollutants are contaminating the earth's natural resources when we talk about pollution. These effects are mainly caused by human activities that harm the environment in a number of ways. As a result, it is vital that this problem is addressed immediately. We need to recognize the effects of pollution and prevent its harm to our earth, which means we need to prevent these devastating effects. Here, we will look at what pollution is, how it occurs, and what we can do about it.

The Effects of Pollution

It is impossible to imagine how much pollution affects one's quality of life. The process occurs in mysterious ways, sometimes unobservable to the naked eye. Despite its enigmatic nature, it is profoundly present in the surrounding environment. Natural gases are present in the air even though you may not see them. Similar to the pollutants that are polluting the air and increasing carbon dioxide levels, pollutants pose a great threat to humans. Global warming is a consequence of increasing levels of carbon dioxide.

Additionally, the water will be polluted due to industrial development, religious practices and other practices leading to a shortage of drinking water. The need for water is essential to our existence. A waste dump that ends up in the soil eventually becomes toxic because of the way it is disposed of. In the future, we will no longer have fertile soil to grow crops on if the rate of land pollution continues. We must take immediate steps to reduce the level of land pollution.

What are the Best Ways to Reduce Pollution?

It is important to take action as soon as possible to prevent or reduce pollution after learning of the harmful effects of pollution. Taking public transportation or carpooling reduces vehicle emissions, hence reducing air pollution. Aside from reducing air and noise pollution, avoiding firecrackers at festivals and celebrations may also reduce air pollution. Recycling is essential to reducing air pollution in general. It pollutes the oceans and land when used plastic ends up in them.

After using these utensils, be sure to reuse them as long as you can, rather than throw them away after using them. As well as encouraging everyone to plant more trees, which absorb harmful gases and clean the air, we need to encourage everyone to plant more trees. At a national level, the government should limit fertilizer use to ensure the nutrient content of the soil. Further, pollution of oceans and rivers must be dealt with by preventing industries from dumping their waste into them.

The bottom line is that all pollutant types are hazardous and have serious consequences. Whether it is a personal initiative or an industry-wide initiative, everyone must take steps to change. It is necessary to join forces now since solving this problem will require a collective effort. Additionally, such human actions are causing the deaths of innocent animals. We must all take a stand and speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves in order to protect this planet from pollution. 

Short Essay 

The pollution problem in the world today is one of the most disturbing. We will talk about the extent of these effects and their harmful effects in this short paper on pollution and its effects in English. In this essay on pollution and its effects, the author aims to eradicate pollution from the earth. In this essay on pollution and its causes, we will discuss our responsibilities as citizens. The next generation has to learn how to fight pollution with proper equipment while reducing waste. 

Planting trees and taking care of our environment will help us prevent pollution levels from rising. The oil spills in the sea can be checked, and industrial wastes dumping into the water can be stopped to prevent pollution of the marine environment. To combat pollution and how serious its effects can be, we should not only take steps but also teach our children to do the same. 

Types of Pollution

  Air Pollution

Water Pollution

   Soil Pollution

The following paragraph provides some information about the effects of pollution on the environment which can help us to take measures against it to protect life on earth for future generations. In order to eradicate pollution and make the world a greener place, we must all take these steps. 


FAQs on Pollution and Its Effects Essay

1. What are the impacts of Air Pollution?

Elevated levels of air contamination can cause an expanded danger of coronary failure, wheezing, hacking, and breathing issues, and bothering of the eyes, nose, and throat. Air contamination can likewise cause declining in existing heart issues, asthma, and other lung confusions. Like people, creatures can experience the ill effects of various medical conditions because of air contamination, including birth abandons, regenerative disappointment, and illnesses. Corrosive downpour contains significant levels of nitric and sulfuric acids that are made by oxides and sulfur oxides delivered into the air by the consumption of non-renewable energy sources.

2. What are the effects of Water Pollution?

The impacts of water contamination rely upon which synthetics are being unloaded where. Waterways that are close to urbanized zones will, in general, be vigorously dirtied by dumbing of trash and synthetic compounds, both lawfully and illicitly, by modern plants, wellbeing focuses, and people. By a long shot, the greatest outcome of water contamination is the demise of amphibian animals, which can upset the whole natural way of life. Poisons, for example, cadmium, mercury, and lead are eaten by little oceanic life forms that are then eaten by fish and shellfish, getting more thought with each progression up the natural pecking order and causing major issues in people and untamed life. 

3. What are the effects of pollution?

Humans are affected by pollution on a daily basis. The air we breathe and almost every form of water we drink is degraded by it. Environmental degradation contributes to illness.

4. What can be done to reduce pollution?

To reduce pollution, each of us must take action. They should plant more trees, and they should decompose their waste more mindfully. Furthermore, it is a good idea to recycle where possible and make the environment cleaner.

5. How does water pollution affect us?

Depending on the type of synthetics being dumped where water contamination impacts are different. Those waterways near urbanized zones will, in general, be heavily polluted by humans, modern plants, and wellbeing centers, as well as by trash dumps and synthetic compounds lawfully and illegally. Water contamination is one of the major causes of amphibian demise, which affects natural ecosystems in a profound way. As the natural pecking order advances, poisons like mercury, cadmium, and lead get more and more concentrated as they are eaten by marine life, causing major health problems for people and the environment.

6. What is the importance of pollution prevention?

In addition to protecting the environment by conserving and protecting natural resources, pollution prevention improves economic growth by spreading more efficient production among industries and by reducing waste management requirements for households, businesses, and communities.

Essay On Environmental Pollution

environmental pollution and its effects essay

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. It is a major problem in today’s world and has a profound impact on both the natural world and human lives.

The sources of environmental pollution are numerous and varied, including industrial activities, transportation, and household waste. One of the most significant contributors to environmental pollution is the burning of fossil fuels, which releases toxic chemicals and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This not only contributes to air pollution, but it also has a significant impact on climate change, causing rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and melting of polar ice caps.

Another major source of environmental pollution is the disposal of hazardous waste. This includes chemicals, batteries, and electronic waste, which contain toxic substances that can contaminate soil and groundwater, leading to serious health problems for both humans and wildlife.

The effects of environmental pollution are far-reaching and often devastating. It can cause serious health problems for humans, including respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer. Additionally, environmental pollution can have a significant impact on wildlife, causing a decline in biodiversity and threatening species with extinction.

To address environmental pollution, it is essential that we take a multi-faceted approach, addressing both the causes and consequences of pollution. This may involve reducing the use of fossil fuels and implementing clean energy technologies, as well as improving waste management and increasing public awareness about the impact of pollution.

In conclusion, environmental pollution is a serious problem that has a profound impact on both the natural world and human lives. To address this problem, it is essential that we take a comprehensive approach, addressing the causes and consequences of pollution and working to reduce its impact on the environment. By taking action now, we can protect the future of our planet and ensure a healthy and sustainable future for generations to come.

Long Essay On Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution is one of the biggest threats to our planet today. It affects both the environment and human health, and it’s becoming more and more pervasive in our daily lives. In this essay, we’ll explore what environmental pollution is, how it affects us, and what the most effective solutions are to reduce its impact on people and the planet.


There are many different types of environmental pollution. Some of the most common include air pollution, water pollution, and soil contamination. Each type of pollution has different causes and effects. Air pollution is typically caused by emissions from factories and automobiles. These emissions can contain harmful chemicals that can cause respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer. Water pollution is often caused by sewage or agricultural runoff. This pollution can contaminate drinking water supplies and make people sick. Soil contamination can be caused by hazardous waste disposal or mining operations. This contamination can make crops unsafe to eat and cause health problems in people who come into contact with it.

Causes of Environmental Pollution

There are many causes of environmental pollution. The most common cause is the release of harmful chemicals into the environment. These chemicals can come from factories, power plants, cars, and other sources. They can pollute the air, water, and soil. They can also cause health problems for people and animals.

Other causes of environmental pollution include sewage, agricultural runoff, and mining. Sewage can contain harmful bacteria and viruses that can pollute water supplies. Agricultural runoff can contain pesticides and fertilizers that can pollute rivers and lakes. Mining can release harmful metals and minerals into the environment.

Types of Pollutants and Their Impact on the Environment

There are many different types of pollutants that can have an adverse impact on the environment. Some of the most common pollutants include:

• Air pollution – This is one of the most visible forms of pollution and can cause a range of health problems, including respiratory illnesses.

• Water pollution – This can lead to contamination of drinking water supplies and also harm marine life.

• Soil pollution – This can contaminate crops and lead to soil erosion.

• Light pollution – This can disrupt the natural circadian rhythms of animals and cause light-sensitive species to suffer.

All of these pollutants can have a serious impact on the environment, both in terms of the immediate damage they cause and also the long-term effects. It is therefore important to be aware of the different types of pollutants and their potential impacts.

Effects Of Environmental Pollution

There are many effects of environmental pollution. Some of the most common include air pollution, water pollution, and soil contamination.

Air pollution is one of the most harmful forms of environmental pollution. It is a major contributor to respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer. Air pollution is also a leading cause of climate change.

Water pollution is another major problem caused by environmental pollution. It can contaminate drinking water supplies, damage aquatic ecosystems, and make recreation in waterways unsafe.

Soil contamination can occur when pollutants such as chemicals or oil spills enter the ground. This can make crops difficult to grow and can contaminate food supplies. Soil contamination can also cause health problems if people come into contact with contaminated soil or eat contaminated food.

Prevention and Control Measures

There are a number of things that individuals can do to help prevent and reduce environmental pollution. One of the most important things is to educate yourself and others about the issue and its causes. This can help raise awareness and create a demand for change. Another key prevention measure is to support businesses and industries that are working to reduce their pollution output. This includes voting with your wallet by patronizing companies that have green policies in place, and investing in cleaner energy sources. Finally, you can take action in your own life to reduce your impact on the environment. This includes conserving energy, recycling, driving less, and composting.

In conclusion, environmental pollution has become a major global concern and it is important for us to take proactive steps to reduce the amount of pollutants that are entering our environment. We can start by reducing our consumption of single-use products, switching to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power, and engaging in conscientious recycling habits. By taking these actions we can help protect our planet from further harm caused by environmental pollution.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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environmental pollution and its effects essay

Essay on Pollution: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words


  • Updated on  
  • Jun 20, 2024

Essay on Pollution

As the world embraced urbanization, mother nature witnessed the greener lands getting transformed into modern cities and metropolises. What followed is a trail of natural disasters signalling that something is wrong with the planet Earth. Pollution is increasingly asked under the writing section in school and college tests as well as competitive exams . This is because it is a relevant environmental issue today. This blog aims to help you with the necessary knowledge as well as tips and tricks to draft a well-written essay on pollution.

This Blog Includes:

What is pollution, types of pollution, causes and health effects of pollution, sample essay on pollution in 100 words, sample essay on pollution in 250-300 words, sample essay on pollution in 300-350 words, short essay on pollution in english.

Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These materials are called pollutants. They can be created by human activity like trash and nature like volcanic ash. Pollutants damage the quality of water, air and land. Pollution is a global problem. Air and water carry pollution into the ocean currents and migrating fish. Pollution is among the many things that harm our planet- once greener and healthier than it is now. Pollution is a dangerous phenomenon that is contributing to an array of health issues.

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In simple terms, pollution is defined as the contamination of the physical and biological constituents in the earth’s atmosphere. It affects human life and the natural environment to a very great extent. It degrades our natural resources, from the water we drink to the air we breathe. While writing an essay on Pollution, you must mention the major four types of pollution which are as follows:

  • Air Pollution : Air pollution is the contamination of air in the atmosphere when harmful or excessive quantities of substances such as smoke and harmful gases from industries, CFCs and oxides produced by automobiles, the burning of solid wastes, etc. are introduced into the environment.
  • Water Pollution : This refers to the contamination of natural resources of water, due to the addition of harmful chemical, biological or physical materials, which includes industrial wastes, oil spills, domestic and farm wastes, pesticides, as well as mining and agricultural wastes, to water resource which make it unusable.
  • Soil Pollution : Land/Soil Pollution occurs due to the degradation of the earth’s surface by different commercial, industrial, agricultural and domestic activities. Causes of soil pollution also include mining, deforestation, dumping of e-waste and other industrial wastes, usage of harmful chemicals such as insecticides, pesticides, etc.
  • Noise Pollution : Excess noise due to sounds created by machines, loudspeakers, microphones, loud music, noise from industries, construction and civil engineering works etc. lead to noise pollution.

You can include various causes and health effects in your essay on Pollution from the following table:-

AirLung cancer, heart disease, asthma and respiratory problemsLung cancer, heart diseases, asthma and respiratory problems
WaterOil spills, rapid urbanisation, improper sewage system, chemical and radioactive waste dumping.Cholera, Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Polio, Dysentery and Diarrhea
NoiseMan-made noises like construction, loudspeakers, etc. and natural noises like thunderstorms and animals.Headaches, high blood pressure, loss of hearing, problems with reasoning and behavioural changes
SoilWaste disposal, industrial and agricultural activities, excessive use of fertilisers and pesticides.Loss of fertility, cancer, damage to the nervous system and kidney and liver failure

Essay on Pollution

Pollution is the addition of unwanted substances which are incorporated into the environment that can damage our Earth. There are mainly four types of pollution, these include water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution. One should note that any form of pollution is the result of careless activity carried out by man. We, humans daily dump waste directly into water bodies which leads to water pollution.

Vehicle emissions of smoke into the atmosphere impede the ability of all living things to breathe, leading to air pollution. Our garbage is dumped into landfills directly, which results in soil pollution. Although it cannot be seen, noise pollution is a severe type of pollution that can harm our ears.

The biggest threat planet Earth is facing is pollution. Unwanted substances leave a negative impact once released into an environment. There are four types of pollution air, water, land, and noise. Pollution affects the quality of life more than any human can imagine.

Due to air pollution, even teenage kids have developed various respiratory diseases. Water pollution has led to diseases in children. The waste we humans dump on the land or chemical fertilisers which are put on the land for agricultural purposes causes land/ soil pollution.

If the soil quality deteriorates due to such practices, the soil will become infertile and no crops could be grown in future. The government has launched various schemes over the years to fight pollution but individual efforts can also play a vital role.

Start by replacing plastic bags for shopping with cloth bags, stopping littering on roads and stopping wasting water are some of the basic things to start with that can lead to big changes in the environment.

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One of the most critical threats faced by our planet in the present-day scenario. Environmental pollution is a global issue affecting people around the world. It is occurring in different forms, whether by affecting the air we breathe or the water resources we utilise for several purposes.

Air pollution came into being with an increase in the level of carbon dioxide, with the increase in pollutants which are contaminating the air and causing breathing discomfort as well as skin diseases to human beings. Talking about the other aspect, there is no life without water.

The water bodies are polluting and becoming unsafe for drinking or any other use because of industrial development, rapid urbanisation and various other reasons. Due to air pollution, diseases that can occur in human beings are asthma, various skin diseases, cancer, etc. Therefore, it is the essential need of the hour to take serious steps to reduce pollution to its core.

At a personal level, we can minimise environmental pollution by taking public transport or carpools to reduce vehicular smoke, avoiding firecrackers at festivals and celebrations can also cut down on air and noise pollution, and not using fertilisers and pesticides which can cause both water and soil pollution, and switching over to organic farming. The government can also bring strict rules and regulations to lessen industrial pollution.  

To sum up, any type of pollution is harmful to the environment with serious consequences like global warming, uneven climatic changes, etc. Due to our greediness and illegal human activities, the innocent lives of animals are lost. The time has come to join hands and work towards preserving and protecting the environment for the present as well as future generations.

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Find a sample of a short essay on pollution below:

Esssay on Pollution

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Nikita is a creative writer and editor, who is always ready to learn new skills. She has great knowledge about study abroad universities, researching and writing blogs about them. Being a perfectionist, she has a habit of keeping her tasks complete on time before the OCD hits her. When Nikita is not busy working, you can find her eating while binge-watching The office. Also, she breathes music. She has done her bachelor's from Delhi University and her master's from Jamia Millia Islamia.

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Essay on Environmental Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solution

Profile image of Nagaraj Shervegar N

Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of harmful pollutants into the environment. The major types of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, soil pollution and light pollution. Deforestation and hazardous gaseous emissions also leads to environmental pollution. During the last 10 years, the world has witnessed severe rise in environmental pollution. We all live on planet earth, which is the only planet known to have an environment, where air and water are two basic things that sustain life. Without air and water the earth would be like the other planets – no man, no animals, no plants. The biosphere in which living beings have their sustenance has oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon and water vapor. All these are well balanced to ensure and help a healthy growth of life in the animal world. This balance does not only help the life-cycles of animals and plants, but it also creates the perennial sources of minerals and energies without which the human civilization of today could not be built. It is for this balance that the human life and other forms of existence have flourished on earth for so many thousands of years. But man, as the most intelligent animal, never stopped being inquisitive, nor was he content with the bounties of nature. His quest for knowledge and search for security succeeded in exploring newer and wider avenues of mysteries that remained baffling so long. Man's excursions into the darkest regions of mysteries laid foundations for the stupendous civilization, for the conquests of men had ensured their domination in their world and gave them a key to control all the forces in nature. With the dawn of the age of science and technology, there has been huge growth and development of human potentials. And, it is here that man first began losing control and became prisoner of his own creations. Sources and Causes The sources and causes of environmental pollution includes the following: • Industrial activities: The industries all over the world that brought prosperity and affluence, made inroads in the biosphere and disturbed the ecological

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Environment Pollution is one of the greatest problems today which is increasing with every passing year and causing crucial and severe damage to the earth. It has become a real problem since the beginning of the industrial revolution. It is the contamination of physical and biological components of the Earth / atmosphere system to such an extent that normal environmental processes are harmed. Pollution of the environment consists of five main types of pollution, namely air, water, soil, noise and light. Development activities such as construction, transport and manufacturing not only deplete natural resources, but also produce large quantities of waste which leads to air pollution, water, soil and the oceans; global warming and acid rain. This paper provides the insight view about the affects of environment pollution in the perspective of air pollution, water and land/ soil waste pollution on human and also provide the ways to save the environment with all these pollution.

Earth is the only known planet which supports life. The environment of earth has made the existence, growth and development of all living beings possible. The word "environment" means surroundings. The environment is polluted in various ways. The dictionary explains pollutions as "The presence dictionary explains pollutions as "The presence in or introduction into the environment of substance which has harmful or poisonous effect." Pollution is the effect of undesirable changes in our surroundings that have harmful effects on plants, animals and human beings. This occurs when only short-term economic gains are made at the cost of the long-term ecological benefits for humanity. No natural phenomenon has led to greater ecological changes than have been made by mankind. During the last few decades we have contaminated our air, water and land on which life itself depends with a variety of waste products. Pollutants: include solid, liquid or gaseous substances present in greater than natural abundance produced due to human activity, which have a detrimental effect on our environment. The nature and concentration of a pollutant determines the severity of detrimental effects on human health. An average human requires about 12 kg of air each day, which is nearly 12 to15 times greater than the amount of food we eat. Thus even a small concentration of pollutants in the air becomes more significant in comparison to the similar levels present in food. Pollutants that enter water have the ability to spread to distant places especially in the marine ecosystem.

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The environment is everything that surrounds us. The environment is subject to constant changes that can be caused by natural factors such as soil erosion, earthquakes, floods, fires, and anthropogenic factors such as urbanization, industry, traffic, population growth, the accumulation of waste, and others. Due to the ubiquitous interaction of man in the environment, most often without respecting the natural rhythm in nature, man changes the environment with a harmful effect on biological and landscape diversity and often with negative consequences for human health and quality of life. By neglecting the environment in favor of economic growth and development, man has changed the environment more than any other biological species in a relatively short time with such irresponsible behavior. The consequences of such actions are unsustainable and call into question the future of that same environment. Therefore, protecting and preserving the environment in all spheres of life and work on the basis of sustainability becomes the biggest challenge for modern man and society as a whole.


Developmental activities such as construction, transportation and manufacturing not only deplete the natural resources but also produce large amount of wastes that leads to pollution of air, water, soil, and oceans, global warming and acid rains. Untreated or improperly treated waste is a major cause of pollution of rivers and environmental degradation causing ill health and loss of crop productivity. In this research paper a study is undertaken about the major causes of pollution, their effects on our environment and the various measures that can be taken to control such pollutions

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Environmental Pollution Essay

The essay on environmental pollution explains how the earth and its natural resources are under the ever-increasing threat of pollution. All life on earth is threatened by this vicious process initiated by human intervention. The pollutants released from all kinds of human activity, including industrial processes, have had devastating effects on the delicate balance of nature. The most common forms of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. Environmental pollution has to be addressed as the most pressing problem facing humanity now, and solutions have to be implemented before it is too late. Pollution has been causing damage to natural resources in every corner of the world for decades, but it seems that we have been running away from taking any positive measures to mitigate its impact on the environment. This environmental pollution essay in English will help children realise these factors and instruct them to conserve the environment and handle natural resources with the care they deserve.

Environmental Pollution Essay

Reasons for Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution is a significant problem in the world today. Some industries release chemicals into the air, which cause harm to the ozone layer that shields us from UV radiation. Some industries release harmful chemicals into water resources. These emissions will be carried by wind and rain and deposited on land or ocean surfaces.

Overpopulation is one of the primary reasons for massive environmental pollution. Besides, it has resulted due to improper waste disposal, hazardous chemical emissions, an increase in the number of factories, and overuse of natural resources.

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Measures to Avoid Environmental Pollution

With the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, it is possible to limit global warming and reduce pollution at the same time. One of the leading causes of environmental pollution is the production, transportation and disposal of electronic waste. Companies should install recycling systems for computers and cell phones to reduce their need for landfills.

One of the measures to avoid pollution is to reduce the use of plastics. This includes using fewer disposable containers, choosing reusable bags, and reducing the use of plastics. Another way to avoid pollution is by recycling and disposing of waste responsibly.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Pollution — Combating Environmental Pollution: Key Causes and Solutions


Combating Environmental Pollution: Key Causes and Solutions

  • Categories: Pollution Urbanization

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Words: 698 |

Published: Jun 13, 2024

Words: 698 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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Industrial emissions and chemical wastes, vehicular emissions and urbanization, agricultural practices and pesticides, deforestation and habitat destruction.

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environmental pollution and its effects essay

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environmental pollution and its effects essay

air pollution , release into the atmosphere of various gases , finely divided solids, or finely dispersed liquid aerosols at rates that exceed the natural capacity of the environment to dissipate and dilute or absorb them. These substances may reach concentrations in the air that cause undesirable health, economic, or aesthetic effects.

Major air pollutants

Criteria pollutants.

Clean, dry air consists primarily of nitrogen and oxygen —78 percent and 21 percent respectively, by volume. The remaining 1 percent is a mixture of other gases, mostly argon (0.9 percent), along with trace (very small) amounts of carbon dioxide , methane , hydrogen , helium , and more. Water vapour is also a normal, though quite variable, component of the atmosphere, normally ranging from 0.01 to 4 percent by volume; under very humid conditions the moisture content of air may be as high as 5 percent.

There are six major air pollutants that have been designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as “criteria” pollutants — criteria meaning that the concentrations of these pollutants in the atmosphere are useful as indicators of overall air quality. The sources, acceptable concentrations, and effects of the criteria pollutants are summarized in the table.

Criteria air pollutants
pollutant common sources maximum acceptable concentration in the atmosphere environmental risks human health risks
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
carbon monoxide (CO) automobile emissions, fires, industrial processes 35 ppm (1-hour period); 9 ppm (8-hour period) contributes to smog formation exacerbates symptoms of heart disease, such as chest pain; may cause vision problems and reduce physical and mental capabilities in healthy people
nitrogen oxides (NO and NO ) automobile emissions, electricity generation, industrial processes 0.053 ppm (1-year period) damage to foliage; contributes to smog formation inflammation and irritation of breathing passages
sulfur dioxide (SO ) electricity generation, fossil-fuel combustion, industrial processes, automobile emissions 0.03 ppm (1-year period); 0.14 ppm (24-hour period) major cause of haze; contributes to acid rain formation, which subsequently damages foliage, buildings, and monuments; reacts to form particulate matter breathing difficulties, particularly for people with asthma and heart disease
ozone (O ) nitrogen oxides (NO ) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from industrial and automobile emissions, gasoline vapours, chemical solvents, and electrical utilities 0.075 ppm (8-hour period) interferes with the ability of certain plants to respire, leading to increased susceptibility to other environmental stressors (e.g., disease, harsh weather) reduced lung function; irritation and inflammation of breathing passages
particulate matter sources of primary particles include fires, smokestacks, construction sites, and unpaved roads; sources of secondary particles include reactions between gaseous chemicals emitted by power plants and automobiles 150 μg/m (24-hour period for particles <10 μm); 35 μg/m (24-hour period for particles <2.5 μm) contributes to formation of haze as well as acid rain, which changes the pH balance of waterways and damages foliage, buildings, and monuments irritation of breathing passages, aggravation of asthma, irregular heartbeat
lead (Pb) metal processing, waste incineration, fossil-fuel combustion 0.15 μg/m (rolling three-month average); 1.5 μg/m (quarterly average) loss of biodiversity, decreased reproduction, neurological problems in vertebrates adverse effects upon multiple bodily systems; may contribute to learning disabilities when young children are exposed; cardiovascular effects in adults

The gaseous criteria air pollutants of primary concern in urban settings include sulfur dioxide , nitrogen dioxide , and carbon monoxide ; these are emitted directly into the air from fossil fuels such as fuel oil , gasoline , and natural gas that are burned in power plants, automobiles, and other combustion sources. Ozone (a key component of smog ) is also a gaseous pollutant; it forms in the atmosphere via complex chemical reactions occurring between nitrogen dioxide and various volatile organic compounds (e.g., gasoline vapours).

How is air quality measured?

Airborne suspensions of extremely small solid or liquid particles called “particulates” (e.g., soot, dust, smokes, fumes, mists), especially those less than 10 micrometres (μm; millionths of a metre) in size, are significant air pollutants because of their very harmful effects on human health. They are emitted by various industrial processes, coal- or oil-burning power plants, residential heating systems, and automobiles. Lead fumes (airborne particulates less than 0.5 μm in size) are particularly toxic and are an important pollutant of many diesel fuels .

Except for lead, criteria pollutants are emitted in industrialized countries at very high rates, typically measured in millions of tons per year. All except ozone are discharged directly into the atmosphere from a wide variety of sources. They are regulated primarily by establishing ambient air quality standards, which are maximum acceptable concentrations of each criteria pollutant in the atmosphere, regardless of its origin. The six criteria pollutants are described in turn below.

Environmental Pollution and Human Health Essay

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Understanding where and how individuals are exposed to environmental toxins is essential. The essay compares and contrasts five different articles that relate to the environment. However, the articles differ because Pohanka et al.’s article focuses on the environmental impacts on health. Some people rely on vehicles, increasing air pollution, while others do not (Pohanka, 2004). In contrast, Segedy’s article emphasizes how car dependency impacts people negatively, mainly how some individuals depend on cars when traveling, which later ruins their health, while others do not depend on cars. Nations should establish various laws and strategies to lessen Sprawl impacts and overdependence on cars to prevent several grave health issues and fatalities.

Urban sprawl has been a major problem impacting various nations. The effects of sprawl on health workers are discussed in the article by Pohanka. The problem of urban sprawl, which affects the entire country, will be around for a while. Sprawl can have various adverse effects on one’s health, ranging from minor to severe (Pohanka, 2004). Frumkin’s article explores the connection between sprawl and health (Frumkin, 2002).

Environmental influences include air contamination, heat, corporeal activity patterns, traffic accidents, fatalities and injuries, water amount and quality, mental well-being, and social investment. People are not equally affected by sprawl, and those most impacted need special consideration (Frumkin, 2002). The development of policies must take health into account. It is similarly essential to take social justice and fairness into account because the effects of sprawl on population health are unevenly distributed. Workers cannot be isolated from the potential consequences of pollutants in their surroundings as they travel to and from work. Therefore, occupational health nurses must address these issues at work and in their communities.

Owen praises the incredible density of urban areas like Manhattan for their “greenness” in the article “Green Manhattan.” According to him, New York is the greenest biosphere’s largest metropolises and the greenest neighborhood in the United States. Due to the city’s densely populated, New Yorkers mostly use public transportation, consume fewer fossil fuels, and rely on skyscrapers, which require less energy to heat and cool each square foot of internal space than houses (Owen, 2004). Owen’s use of the word “density” makes it possible to imagine Seoul as a “green” location. Seoul produces fewer greenhouse gasses, is more energy conserved, and has less garbage per capita than suburban areas, resembling numerous qualities of Manhattan that Owen lists.

The overreliance on automobiles is a topic covered in Segedy’s article, “Baby Boomers Aging in a Car-Dependent World.” Humans started reorienting our towns and communities around the car much earlier than that, even though this shift to an engine society is typically seen as occurring after World War II (Segedy, 2018). There was almost one car for every American home, even in 1930, at the start of the Great Depression. Our surroundings will not be the same again because the genie was released from the bottle.

The goal of Zipper’s article, “The Incredibly Obvious Way to Reduce Road Deaths That Goes Ignored,” is to lessen the number of people who die on the roads due to collisions. For various reasons, taking public transportation is generally safer than operating a vehicle. The exclusive right of way given to trains (and occasionally buses) reduces the likelihood of collisions (Zipper, 2022). In comparison to automobiles, buses and trains are pretty hefty; “you are effectively in a steel suit,” as Savage put it; this provides passengers with more safety (Zipper, 2022). Another problem is the comparatively slow speed of city buses; when horrible things happen, they usually are not all that bad.

In conclusion, several people worldwide die yearly due to living or working conditions, such as environmental conditions that eventually cause death and overdependence on cars, which eventually exposes people to accidents and hence death. Heart disease, lymphoma, and respiratory conditions can all be made worse by environmental contaminants. People with lower incomes are more likely to live in polluted areas and have exposure to polluted water. Additionally, children and pregnant individuals are more in danger of pollution-related medical conditions.

Frumkin, H. (2002). Urban sprawl and public health. Public Health Reports , 117 (3), 201. Web.

Owen, D. (2004). Green Manhattan . New Yorker . Web.

Pohanka, M., & Fitzgerald, S. (2004). Urban sprawl and you: How sprawl adversely affects worker health. AAOHN Journal , 52 (6), 242–246. Web.

Segedy, J. (2018). Baby boomers are aging in a car-dependent world . The American Conservative . Web.

Zipper, D. (2022). The incredibly obvious way to reduce road deaths that goes ignored . Slate. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 6). Environmental Pollution and Human Health.

"Environmental Pollution and Human Health." IvyPanda , 6 Dec. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Environmental Pollution and Human Health'. 6 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Environmental Pollution and Human Health." December 6, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Environmental Pollution and Human Health." December 6, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Environmental Pollution and Human Health." December 6, 2023.

Human Impacts on the Environment

Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. These negative impacts can affect human behavior and can prompt mass migrations or battles over clean water.

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Earth Science, Geology, Geography, Physical Geography

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Essay on Pollution and its Effects in English for Children, Students and Others

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Essay on Pollution and its Effects: Pollution is the existence of contaminants in the environment that cause adverse changes in the environment. It can take the form of heat, light or noise. It can occur naturally or can be caused due to human activities.

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Industrial revolution is the major cause of pollution in the environment. The pollutants caused due to human activities such as construction, burning of coal and wood, agriculture, mining and warfare contribute largely to pollution.

Long and Short Essay on Pollution and Its Effects in English

Here are essay on Pollution and its Effects of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Pollution and its Effects essay as per your need:

Essay on Pollution and Its Effects on the Ecosystem – Essay 1 (200 words)

Pollution is the introduction of harmful and toxic chemical substances in the natural environment. It can be naturally occurring contaminants or foreign substances. With industrialization and growth in population there has been increase in pollution in the atmosphere. The air, water and soil have been severely polluted by human activities. Our ecosystem is affected by pollution in number of ways.

Effects of Pollution on Ecosystem

Ecosystem is the natural system made of diverse species in its physical environment. The natural ecosystem is highly diverse and complex in nature. The toxic chemicals in the atmosphere spread widely throughout the ecosystem. It affects the soil, plants and other organisms, both directly and indirectly.

Ozone hinders the process of photosynthesis in plant species. Ozone gets dissolved in plants and reacts with chemicals that cause number of problems. The process of photosynthesis slows down which results in slower plant growth. The primary ecosystem function such as plant growth and biogeochemical cycling is affected by contaminants in the natural environment which affects the ecosystem services.

Ecosystem refers to the interaction between various organisms, plants, animals, fungi and bacteria. They form the entire food web where each depends on the one below it in the food chain. When the ecosystem gets polluted the natural balance in the ecosystem gets disrupted which effects different organisms in different ways. The pollutants like oil, nitrogen, detergents and phosphate can have negative impact on ecosystem especially if the water gets polluted. It can damage the ecological balance by adversely affecting the marine life. Thus, pollution hinders the natural cycle of ecosystem.

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Essay On Pollution And Its Effects – Essay 2 (300 words)


The presence of that substance in the environment which has harmful and toxic effect on it is called pollution. Environmental pollution can be caused by natural events such as volcanoes and forest fires but it largely occurs due to the pollutants caused by human activities. With growth in population and rapid spread of industrialization pollution has become a global issue. The awareness for the need to protect environment from pollution has developed among the people.

Effects of Pollution:

  • The greenhouse gas emission in the atmosphere increases the temperature of the earth. The climate change causes catastrophic change in weather.
  • The harmful gases in the atmosphere cause irritation in the throat and eyes, asthma as well as other respiratory problems and diseases such as lung cancer. Increased level of radiation increases the risk of skin cancer. It can also have adverse effects on cardiovascular system.
  • Use of fertilizers such as insecticides and pesticides reduce the soil fertility that results in reduction of crop production. This may result in famine and malnutrition.
  • Polluted water affects the sea organisms and aquatic life. The contaminated water when consumed by humans causes various diseases such as typhoid, cholera, and jaundice.
  • The excessive exposure to noise pollution can result in impaired hearing or cause deafness in human beings. It might also result in high blood pressure and coronary diseases.
  • Wild life is also adversely affected due to air and noise pollution. Toxic soils and water channels can kill several plants and animals. It may cause neurological damage, cancer and failure to reproduce in animals.

Pollution has several adverse effects on animals, plants, environment, ecosystem and human beings. It is a global issue and people are now being more aware of the need to prevent this problem. It is vital to control pollution to prevent its adverse effects on our environment and life in general.

Essay On Pollution And Its Effects On Environment – Essay 3 (400 words)

Pollution is the presence of contaminants in natural environment that adversely affect all living things. The components of pollution can be either naturally occurring components or foreign substances. The major forms of pollution include; air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, plastic pollution, soil contamination, thermal pollution and light pollution.

Effects of Pollution on Environment

Environment includes all the living and non-living components. Plants, animals and other living creatures are important part of environment but environment also includes, air, water and land. Pollution in the environment affects it negatively. Given below are the adverse effects of pollution on environment:

  • Air pollution : Pollution pollutes the air that we breathe. It may cause harm to the living organisms such as animals, plants and other living organisms that are important part of our environment. It also damages our natural environment and degrades the quality of the air. The pollutants can occur naturally or can be manmade.
  • Ocean acidification : Emission of carbon dioxide causes ocean acidification. It is the decrease in the pH of the earth oceans by increase in the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere getting dissolved in the oceans.
  • Global warming : The emission of greenhouse gasses in the environment leads to Global warming which affects the ecosystem significantly.
  • Soil contamination : The quality of soil can degrade and it may become infertile and inappropriate for plants. This also affects the organisms in the natural food cycle. Nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide can cause acid rains which reduce the pH value of soil and can have harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals and infrastructure.
  • Decrease in biodiversity : Invasive species can surpass native species and can decrease biodiversity.
  • Plants : Smog and haze can lessen the amount of sunlight received by plants to carry out the process of photosynthesis.
  • Water : Pollution of water channels can reduce the oxygen levels and the diversity of species.
  • Biological magnification : It is the increase in concentration of toxins that may pass through tropic levels. It refers to the build-up of toxins in the food web. Predators accumulate more toxins than prey in the food chain.

Thus, pollution in the environment contaminates and reduces the quality of air water and land. Humans, animals, plants and other living organisms are a vital part of environment that gets effected due to pollution. Pollution is a global issue and needs serious attention. Various measures need to be taken to prevent pollution in the environment.

Essay On Pollution And Its Effects Human Life – Essay 4 (500 words)

Pollution is the presence of toxic substances in the natural environment that cause adverse effects. It can take the form of energy such as heat, light or noise. The chief forms of pollution include noise pollution, light pollution, air pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, water pollution and thermal pollution. Every living species shares the natural resources on this planet. What happens in the environment affects all the living species and the planet as a whole. Pollution has several negative effects on human life.

Effects of Pollution on Human Life

The greenhouse gas emission in the atmosphere causes rise in the temperature of earth that adversely affects the human life. Humans are chiefly responsible for creating pollution in the atmosphere. While human activities are a major cause of pollution in the atmosphere, pollution in the atmosphere has direct impact on them. Let us have a look at the effects of pollution on human life in detail below:

  • The poor quality of air can kill many organisms including human beings. Pollution can cause several diseases like throat inflammation, asthma, congestion, cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases. It damages the immune system, reproductive system and the endocrine system of humans. Older people are more vulnerable to diseases caused by air pollution. Those with lung and heart disorder are at further risk.
  • The toxic chemicals in the air settle in to water and plant resources and the poison travels up the food web.
  • Drinking contaminated water may cause several ailments and digestive problems in humans. The ailments such as typhoid and amoebiasis are caused by drinking polluted water.
  • Contamination of drinking water is majorly responsible for causing deaths in developing countries. It is estimated that approximately 14,000 deaths are caused per day due to water pollution.
  • Water pollution adversely affects marine life which is one of the chief sources of food for humans.
  • Chemical and radioactive substances in air can cause chronic diseases such as cancer and may also cause birth defects.
  • Soil pollution, deforestation and improper waste disposal put plant and animal life in danger. Contaminated soil by chemicals becomes infertile and inappropriate for crops and other plant life. This hinders the production of food and can lead to malnourishment. Toxic soil may produce contaminated food and may adversely affect the health of one who consumes it.
  • Noise pollution can damage physiological and psychological health of humans. It can cause disturbance in many day to day activities of humans such as sleeping, studying, meditation, etc. Excessive exposure to noise pollution can lead to hearing problem, permanent hear loss, hypertension, stress, high blood pressure and cardiovascular effects. Children and old age people are more prone to such problems. It may also interfere with learning, concentration and behaviour of children.

We live in the ecosystem where everything is interrelated. We have severely polluted the environment since decades and are facing its repercussions now. We are now very well aware of the adverse effects of pollution. It is vital to make efforts towards green and clean environment to bring positive changes.

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Essay on Pollution and Its Effects on Environment, Human Life, Animal Life – Essay 5 (600 Words)

Pollution occurs when the pollutants contaminate the natural environment that affects life on earth adversely. With urbanization and development in our lives pollution has reached its heights giving rise to global warming. Due to global warming human beings, animals and our environment are adversely affected. Environment, humans as well as animals are severely affected by pollution. Here is a look at the adverse effects of pollution:

Effects of Pollution on Human’s Life

  • Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases, increased risk of heart attack, asthma, and lung complications. It can also worsen the existing diseases.
  • Smog can damage the lungs and cause irritation in throat and eyes. People who already suffer from asthma are prone to have asthma attacks.
  • Dioxins present in the air can damage the liver, and also harm the nervous, immune and endocrine system and reproductive function in humans.
  • The toxic components from traffic and wildfire such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PAHs in huge amounts can cause lung and eye irritation, liver issues and cancer.
  • Greenhouse gas emission in the atmosphere leads to warmer temperatures. Climate change leads to several issues like extreme weather, heat-related deaths, rising sea levels, acid rains and increasing number of diseases.
  • Noise pollution can damage the physical and mental health. Exposure to excessive noise pollution can cause stress, hypertension, sleep disturbance, rise in blood pressure, hear-loss and other adverse effects.

Effects of Pollution on Animal’s Life

  • Pollution causes threat to the habitat of animals and death in some events. There are several species that have also been pushed to extinction. Animals are affected by both direct and indirect pollution.
  • Oil spills affect marine life instantly causing large number of deaths. It causes immediate death of animals due to toxicity of oil, besides deaths caused, there are several other animals affected by oil spills. The oil pollutes marine and plant life which impacts animal life in number of ways such as decreased or impaired reproduction, neurological damage, and vulnerability to disease are common effects for long period even after the oil spills have been cleaned.
  • Water is polluted due to acid rain as the rain water drains towards lakes, ponds, streams and other water channels causing death of fish population. The decrease in fish population affects other wildlife that depends on fish for food.
  • Nutrient pollution leads to the dead zone areas in water channels with very little or no oxygen where it becomes difficult for marine life to survive.
  • Noise pollution can have severe effect on wildlife increasing the risk of death by disrupting the balance in predator or prey detection and disturbing the sound in communication. Over exposure to excessive sound can lead to hearing issues or permanent hear loss. It can also lead to change of usual habitat.

Effects of Pollution on Environment:

  • The toxic pollutants that enter in environment are consumed by the organisms through food and water or directly absorption through their skin. These toxins pass to the animals higher in the food chain and so on. Top predators are more vulnerable to experience various diseases, genetic mutations, birth defects, etc.
  • Ocean acidification is caused as the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide in the air gets dissolved in water resulting in the decrease of pH of the earth’s oceans.
  • Acid rains caused by pollution damage the forests, water channels and lands.
  • The population and diversity of birds and animals has shown decline or change of habitat to excessive noise pollution. Noise pollution also disrupts the communication and mating of certain species.
  • Sounds produced by military sonar, shipping traffic create rise in levels of underwater sound that disrupts the communication, hunting and mating of the marine species.

Hence, pollution has several adverse effects on the environment, human and animal life. Everything on earth is interrelated and depends on each other for effective functioning. As humans we need to stop harming nature and take steps towards prevention of pollution.

More Information on Pollution

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Environment Pollution: Classification, Causes and Its Types 

Environmental Pollution

What is Environmental Pollution?

Environmental Pollution refers to any addition of unwanted material in the environment due to human activities that lead to undesirable changes in the environment and ecology. For example, sewage water being released in clean water sources like tanks, rivers, etc. is an example of water pollution.

What are Pollutants?

The different agents that cause environmental pollution are called pollutants . Pollutants can be chemicals, biological materials, or physical things that get added into the environment by accident that are directly or indirectly harmful to people and other living things.

Classification of the Pollution

– They persist in the form in which they are added to the environment e.g. DDT, plastic.

– Formed by interaction among the primary pollutants e.g. is formed by interaction of and .
– Occur in and become when concentration reaches beyond a threshold level. E.g. .

– These are man-made and do not occur in nature. E.g. fungicides, herbicides, DDT etc.
– Waste products or the pollutants which are decomposed/ degraded by natural processes microbial action. E.g. sewage.

– The pollutants which don’t decompose naturally or decompose slowly e.g. DDT, Aluminium cans.

– These pollutants are released during natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions, forest fires, grass fires, etc.

– These pollutants are released during anthropogenic activities, such as CO emission from the burning of fossil fuels.

Effects of Environmental Pollution

  • Pollution affects the very factors which support life on the ear, such as the air we breathe, the water we drink and, at large, the ecosystems we depend upon. Thus, it poses a threat to life on the earth. 
  • Pollution poses one of the greatest challenges to the health of humans and other living beings .
  • Though it affects the overall well-being of the entire society, vulnerable sections like the poor, the children, the women etc are affected disproportionately by it. 
  • Pollution has its negative impacts on the economy as well. For example, as per a study, water pollution would cause a loss of around 6% of India’s GDP by 2050 due to loss in sectors like fishing, agriculture, water intensive industries etc. 
  • Other socio-economic impacts of pollution include food insecurity due to decreased agricultural yield, forced migration due to water crisis etc. 

Causes of Environmental Pollution

  • Rapid increase in human population has increased anthropogenic activities by manifold. Most of these activities, in some way or the other, add some unwanted things to the environment. 
  • Rapid urbanization in recent times has led to increased construction activities. This, in turn, is causing environmental pollution through different ways, such as release of dust in air, generation of waste materials etc. 
  • Increased population and urbanization have meant increased transportation activities. This, in itself, is a major source of pollution. 
  • An increased focus on industrialization of late is leading to rapid generation of industrial wastes and emissions, and hence environmental pollution. 
  • Some agricultural activities also lead to environmental pollution. For example, excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides not only pollutes the soil but also nearby water bodies due to spill over. 
  • There are many other causes of environmental pollution, such as Burning of fossil fuels, increased use of chemicals, etc.

Types of Pollution

Depending on the source as well as destination of the pollutants, there are various types of pollution. Some major of them can be seen as follows:

Air Pollution

  • As per WHO, Air Pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere.
  • According to WHO data , 99 percent of the world’s population breathes air that contains high levels of pollutants and exceeds WHO guideline limits, with low and middle-income countries experiencing the highest exposures.

Causes of Air Pollution

  • Industrial emissions, household emissions , motor vehicles emissions,  forest fires etc are some common sources of air pollution.
  • Pollutants of major public health concern include Particulate Matter, Carbon Monoxide, Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Sulphur Dioxide .

Measures Taken to Control Air Pollution

  • The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1981
  • National Clean Air Programme (NCAP)
  • Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System (CAAQMS )
  • Green Crackers developed by CSIR-NEERI
  • The Great Green Wall of Aravalli 
  • Some states like Delhi has built Smog Towers to tackle air pollution.

Water Pollution

Water pollution refers to release of unwanted substances into subsurface groundwater or into water bodies like lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, and oceans to a level which negatively impacts the beneficial use of the water or natural functioning of ecosystems.

When harmful chemicals or microorganisms contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other body of water, the water’s quality deteriorates and it becomes toxic for both humans and the environment.

  • Dissolved oxygen (DO) levels drop, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) rises, aquatic species perish, eutrophication occurs, etc. as a result of water pollution.

Causes of Water Pollution

  • Agriculture is one of the primary sources of water pollution. Animal waste from farms and livestock operations, pesticides, and fertilizers wash nutrients and pathogens like bacteria and viruses into our waterways.
  • More than 80 percent of the world’s wastewater flows back into the environment without being treated or reused, according to the United Nations.
  • Nearly half of the estimated 1 million tons of oil spills over into marine environments.
  • Radioactive substances generated by uranium mining, nuclear power plants and the hospitals that use radioactive materials for research and medicine. These waste can persist in the environment for thousands of years, making disposal a major challenge.

Measures Taken to Control Water Pollution

International measures to tackle water pollution.

  • International Conventions to Mitigate Marine Pollution 
  • Convention on Dumping Wastes at Sea or London Convention (1972)
  • The 1972 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by the Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, also known as “LC ’72” or the “London Convention,”
  • United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLoS).

Measures Taken in India to Tackle Water Pollution

  • Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974:
  • Initiatives to rejuvenate rivers, like Ganga Action Plan, Yamuna Action Plan etc. 
  • Initiatives taken by the Central Pollution Control Board to tackle contamination and over-exploitation of groundwater.

Noise Pollution

  • Noise Pollution is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as noise that is louder than 65 decibels (dB).  
  • Precisely speaking, noise becomes harmful above 75 dB and painful above 120 dB Thus, it is advised to keep noise level below 65 dB during the day. 
  • An ambient noise level advisable for the nighttime is 30 dBas restful sleep cannot be achieved with noise levels above this. 
  • The current status of noise pollution all over the world can be seen through the United Nations Environment Programme’s report titled ‘Frontiers 2022: Noise, Blazes and Mismatches’ which enlist the noisiest cities in the world.
5Ho Chi Minh CityVietnam103dB

Suggested Measures to Control Noise Pollution

  • Suppression of noise at the source
  • Acoustic zoning
  • Sound insulation at construction sites
  • Planting trees
  • Strict legislative measures.

Soil Pollution

  • The contamination of soil with abnormally high concentrations of toxic substances is referred to as soil pollution .
  • Given the numerous health risks it contains, it is a serious environmental concern. For instance, exposure to soil with high Benzene concentrations increases the risk of developing Leukaemia.

Causes of Soil Pollution

  • Phenomena such as loss of organic carbon, erosion, increased salt content, acidification, compacting, and chemical pollution are the major causes of current soil degradation .

Suggested Measures to Tackle Soil Pollution

  • Promote eco-friendly practices in business, agriculture , and stock breeding and other sectors of the economy.
  • Ensure an efficient transportation and treatment of wastewater through proper urban planning. 
  • Increase topsoil conservation, landscape restoration,
  • Mining waste management .

Radioactive Pollution

  • When radioactive elements are accidentally present in the environment or atmosphere and pose a risk to the ecosystem owing to radioactive decay , this is known as radioactive pollution .
  • The radioactive materials create damage by releasing potentially harmful ionizing radiation into the environment, such as Alpha or Beta particles , gamma rays , or neutrons.

Causes of Radioactive Pollution

  • Nuclear Accidents from Nuclear Energy Generation Plants
  • Use of Nuclear Weapons as Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
  • Use of Radioisotopes in Health and other sectors.
  • Mining 
  • Spillage of Radioactive Chemicals
  • Cosmic Rays and Other Natural Sources
  • Nuclear Waste Handling and Disposal

Light Pollution

  • Light pollution is the presence of inappropriate, unwanted and excessive artificial lighting .
  • Too much light pollution has negative impacts on the environment and human health, obstructs astronomical research , disturbs ecosystems, and wastes energy.
  • Specific categories of light pollution include light clutter, light trespass, over-illumination, glare and sky glow . 
  • To overcome these challenges , use of Led lights, reduce the use of decorative lighting, minimise the use of light etc.

Nitrogen Pollution

  • Nitrogen pollution results from an overabundance of nitrogen compounds, such as ammonia and nitrous oxide . Sometimes, the usage of synthetic fertilizers causes this pollution. 
  • Another possible cause is the breakdown of large quantities of animal manures and slurry , which are frequently present in intensive livestock units.
  • It may have detrimental effects on our climate, the ecosystem , and  health .

Suggested Measures to Tackle Nitrogen Pollution

  • Use climate and nature-friendly growing methods and avoid using synthetic fertilisers.
  • Support organic and agro-ecological farmers in order to promote farmers to transition to a future with less nitrogen.

Thus, various types of pollutions being caused by different anthropogenic activities have the potential to cause damage to the existence of life on the earth. India and the world must adopt a “green vision” as part of the development agenda. The time has come to add “clean environment” to the list of basic necessities – “roti-kapada-makaan”. 

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  • DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1390780
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Knowledge, attitudes and practices about air pollution and its health effects in 6th to 11th-grade students in Colombia: a cross-sectional study

  • D. Marín , Nicolás Calle , +7 authors Z. Rueda
  • Published in Frontiers in Public Health 19 June 2024
  • Environmental Science, Medicine, Education

49 References

Knowledge, attitudes, and practices (kap) of the relationship between air pollution and children’s respiratory health in shanghai, china, knowledge and perceptions of air pollution in ningbo, china, knowledge, attitudes, practices and information demand in relation to haze in china: a cross-sectional study, outdoor air quality awareness, perceptions, and behaviors among u.s. children aged 12-17 years, 2015-2018., improving knowledge about children’s environmental health in northwest china, air quality awareness and behaviors of u.s. adolescents with and without asthma., exposure to air pollution and self-reported effects on chinese students: a case study of 13 megacities, air pollution: the knowledge and ideas of students in tehran-iran, and a comparison with other countries., the link between knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to atmospheric haze pollution in peninsular malaysia, impacts of social and environmental perceptions on preparedness and knowledge of air pollution risk: a study of adolescent males in an urbanized, high-density city, related papers.

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How Education Systems Respond to Extreme Climate and Environmental Events


Exterior of Arahama Elementary School

South Asia has experienced unprecedented heatwaves this year, with temperatures soaring well above the usual seasonal highs, prompting school closures across the region . These incidents are emblematic of a growing global trend : educational institutions are having to adapt to the increasing frequency and intensity of climate and environmental crises. 

Nearly a billion children live in countries highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Environmental shocks and long-term climate shifts impact children's wellbeing, yet our understanding of how education systems interact with these events is limited. South Asia in particular is susceptible to such shocks, and governments frequently mandate school closures in response to extreme heat and inclement weather. In this blog we examine past trends of educational responses to such events in the region.

1. Education systems often don’t respond to shocks, but when they do, they usually close schools

We recorded 532 shocks (including floods, heat and cold waves, periods of droughts, high pollution events, cyclones, earthquakes, avalanches, and tornadoes) and corresponding responses from education systems in the region from 2000 to 2022. Often schools don’t react to these events at all. When they do take action—it is to shut down. Other response categories we documented included adaptation measures (such as setting up temporary learning centres, providing remote or hybrid learning, and installing disaster-resilient infrastructure), and in-kind or cash support.  

Figure 1: Number of events that resulted in an education system response, by response type over time, for South Asian countries

environmental pollution and its effects essay

Note: The analysis uses publicly available online reports on climate change events and resulting actions, which means there is a high possibility that some instances are missed. Coverage is also thus lower for earlier years than for more recent periods.

The literature on school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic shows that they have severe and persistent effects on learning levels and human capital accumulation. Learning losses are higher for students from lower socio-economic backgrounds , which increases educational inequality . Especially for students in South Asia—where the most common remote learning support provided during COVID-19 closures was via low-tech, asynchronous modalities with limited reach and access for students—it is important for systems to consider how best to deliver education more effectively when schools must close to keep children safe. 

Responses besides school closures are usually implemented by NGO or donor organisations. Within countries, Indian national and sub-national governments were more likely than NGOs or donors to be the ones pursuing policies that are not school closures, while in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, over 70 percent of these policies are pursued by NGOs or donors (more details in the background note ). 

2. There is wide variation in responses by different jurisdictions to the same shock

1. air pollution.

Air quality is internationally recognized as being hazardous when air quality index (AQI) reaches levels above 100. We find that when schools closed in the region because of pollution, air quality index almost always had to reach levels considered very unhealthy (201-300). 

However, across regions there were different frequencies of responses to these high pollution events – Kolkata (India), Dhaka (Bangladesh) and Peshawar (Pakistan), even when reaching this threshold, didn’t order school closures due to pollution. New Delhi (India) and Lahore (Pakistan) responded to about a third and a half of these events with school closures, respectively (see Figure 2). Given these differences in response rates both across and within countries, it does not appear that governments have nationally or internationally coordinated response systems triggered by extreme events.

Figure 2: Number of periods with AQI levels between 201-300 per city and resulting policies

environmental pollution and its effects essay

2. Extreme temperatures

Thresholds, when defined, tend to be localised: heatwaves, for instance, are usually defined by different temperature levels for each country, and often within countries. Further, not all events have clearly defined indicators of health risk (e.g. floods do not). Even for the same event, we find that different areas were affected but they did not all respond similarly.

For example, a heatwave in June 2019 caused schools to close (or delayed reopening after summer vacations) in Delhi, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, but also affected Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharashtra, where schools did not close in response to the high temperatures. All three states reported deaths due to the heatwave and temperatures above 47 degrees Celsius, the threshold above which heatwaves are considered extreme by the India Meteorological Department. Similarly, a cold wave and snowfall in Pakistan in January 2020 led to extended winter vacations in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, but no education system response was recorded in three other provinces, where a total of over 100 deaths due to cold weather were reported.

3. Extreme events often affect the same regions repeatedly

Another concern for policymakers designing education system responses is the fact that extreme events often affect the same places over and over again (although these patterns are also becoming less predictable). Students and schools that are repeatedly affected by shocks are less able to develop resilience and implement adaptation plans. Climate shocks can not only be frequent, but also overlapping , deepening child deprivation and increasing inequality, and raising chances that education is stopped for good. Our analysis finds that specific provinces tend to be affected more often than others, based on data from the last ten years (see the example from India in Figure 3 below). 

Understanding which regions are most affected by climate or environment shocks is essential for effective governance, risk reduction, and ensuring the safety and well-being of children at school. It enables policymakers to make informed decisions, allocate resources efficiently, and minimize the negative impacts of natural disasters, and to develop targeted strategies to boost resilience of systems and students to respond to these shocks.

Figure 3: Number of times students were affected by extreme events (2013-2023)

4. estimations of number of students affected by these shocks are important but difficult to get right.

It is remarkably hard to estimate the scale of impact from a natural disaster.  Not all disasters are equal, and not all those affected are impacted equally. Children are particularly affected when exposed to shocks that disrupt their normal way of life, and those in more impoverished households or communities are worse off than their peers. 

Although useful from a policy and political perspective to ascribe a number to the impact on children from a particular shock or event, it is equally important that this number not be generic or overstated. Unsurprisingly, the precision and reliability of publicly available information (such as from national statistics, NGO or government reports, and news articles) varies widely. 

To achieve a credible estimate, we categorise the estimation of students affected by each shock by confidence level 1, 2 and 3, from least to most conservative. We then add weights smaller or equal to 1 for each and construct three estimates of the total number of students affected per year from least to most conservative. In the case of Bangladesh (depicted in Figure 4 below), applying these reliability weights results in a difference of nearly 700,000 children affected by extreme events in 2022. 

Figure 4: Estimates of number of children affected by climate and environment shocks in Bangladesh, based on 3 scenarios. 

environmental pollution and its effects essay

Note: Check the background note for more details on the methodology.

Reliable estimates of the number of students affected by climate shocks are essential for immediate response, long-term planning, and ensuring the well-being and continuity of education for those affected. These estimates guide resource allocation, inform policies, and promote resilience in the face of a changing climate. Overstating the impact may contribute to public skepticism about the severity of the situation, making it harder to garner support and resources in an already constrained space. 

What the trends tell us

Responses to shocks vary greatly within countries and regions, and there is no clear international standard prescribed or followed. With ever increasing events of high heat and pollution across the region, prompting school closures more frequently than before, education stakeholders must reconsider the suite of available policies, look for ways to standardize responses across regions, and consider questions of policy scalability and cost-effectiveness across affected regions and in response to multiple events. Further analysis of the scope of shocks and responses can help researchers, policymakers and donors better support the education systems most affected by climate and environment events, and design climate-smart education and social protection systems that can foster schools’ and students’ resilience and adaptability.

CGD blog posts reflect the views of the authors, drawing on prior research and experience in their areas of expertise. CGD is a nonpartisan, independent organization and does not take institutional positions.

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Deadly and growing impact of air pollution laid bare in new UNICEF-backed report

In Karachi, Pakistan, a woman burns trash to cook food causing air pollution.

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The State of Global Air (SoGA) report published in partnership with the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warns on Wednesday that air pollution is increasingly impacting human health - and is now the second leading global risk factor for premature death.

The fifth edition of the report, released by the Health Effects Institute (HEI), revealed that air pollution caused 8.1 million deaths worldwide in 2021 and many millions are dealing with debilitating chronic diseases , leaving healthcare systems, economies, and societies.

Further, it found that children under five are particularly vulnerable to air pollution, leaving over 700,000 in this age group dead in 2021.

‘Accurate predictor’

The SoGA report found that pollutants like outdoor fine particulate matter (PM2.5) - which comes from burning fossil fuels and biomass in sectors like transportation, residential homes, wildfires, and more - caused more than 90 per cent of global air pollution deaths and were found to be the “most consistent and accurate predictor of poor health outcomes around the world .”

Other pollutants like household air pollution, ozone (O3), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) - which can be found in traffic exhaust - also contribute to the global deterioration of human health.

 HEI President Dr. Elena Craft said she hopes the information in the report will inspire change.

 “Air pollution has enormous implications for health. We know that improving air quality and global public health is practical and achievable ,” she said.

 In addition to affecting people’s health, pollutants like PM2.5 add to greenhouse gases that are warming the planet. As the earth warms, regions with high levels of NO2 will experience great levels of ozone, which can result in greater health effects.

 Dr. Pallavi Pant, HEI’s Head of Global Health said, “This new report offers a stark reminder of the significant impacts air pollution has on human health, with far too much of the burden borne by young children, older populations, and low- and middle-income countries .”

 She continued, “This points sharply at an opportunity for cities and countries to consider air quality and air pollution as high-risk factors when developing health policies and other noncommunicable disease prevention and control programmes.”

Children ‘uniquely vulnerable’

The report reveals that children are “uniquely vulnerable” to air pollution and effects can begin in the womb . It states that young children’s exposure to air pollution has resulted in one in five deaths globally, pneumonia and asthma and affects children with inequities more than it does those in high-income countries.

Air pollution, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels, is a serious problem in Indian cities.

UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Kitty van der Heijden said that nearly 2,000 children under five die every day due to the effects of air pollution .

‘The global urgency is undeniable ,” she said. “It is imperative governments and businesses consider these estimates and locally available data and use it to inform meaningful, child-focused action to reduce air pollution and protect children’s health.”

Progress made

In addition to sharing details on the negative effects of air pollution on human health, the SoGA report also claims that there has been better awareness about the harms of being exposed to household air pollution and a 53 per cent decrease in the death rate of children under five since 2000 due to increased access to clean energy for cooking.

Also, regions experiencing the highest levels of air pollution have begun to address the issue by installing air pollution monitoring networks, implementing stricter air quality policies and more - particularly in Africa, Latin America and Asia.

  • air pollution

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