TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable in JavaScript


Last updated: Mar 2, 2024 Reading time · 3 min


# TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable in JavaScript

The "Assignment to constant variable" error occurs when trying to reassign or redeclare a variable declared using the const keyword.

When a variable is declared using const , it cannot be reassigned or redeclared.

assignment to constant variable

Here is an example of how the error occurs.

type error assignment to constant variable

# Declare the variable using let instead of const

To solve the "TypeError: Assignment to constant variable" error, declare the variable using the let keyword instead of using const .

Variables declared using the let keyword can be reassigned.

We used the let keyword to declare the variable in the example.

Variables declared using let can be reassigned, as opposed to variables declared using const .

You can also use the var keyword in a similar way. However, using var in newer projects is discouraged.

# Pick a different name for the variable

Alternatively, you can declare a new variable using the const keyword and use a different name.

pick different name for the variable

We declared a variable with a different name to resolve the issue.

The two variables no longer clash, so the "assignment to constant" variable error is no longer raised.

# Declaring a const variable with the same name in a different scope

You can also declare a const variable with the same name in a different scope, e.g. in a function or an if block.

declaring const variable with the same name in different scope

The if statement and the function have different scopes, so we can declare a variable with the same name in all 3 scopes.

However, this prevents us from accessing the variable from the outer scope.

# The const keyword doesn't make objects immutable

Note that the const keyword prevents us from reassigning or redeclaring a variable, but it doesn't make objects or arrays immutable.

const keyword does not make objects immutable

We declared an obj variable using the const keyword. The variable stores an object.

Notice that we are able to directly change the value of the name property even though the variable was declared using const .

The behavior is the same when working with arrays.

Even though we declared the arr variable using the const keyword, we are able to directly change the values of the array elements.

The const keyword prevents us from reassigning the variable, but it doesn't make objects and arrays immutable.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

  • SyntaxError: Unterminated string constant in JavaScript
  • TypeError (intermediate value)(...) is not a function in JS

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TypeError: Assignment to constant variable when using React useState hook

Abstract: Learn about the common error 'TypeError: Assignment to constant variable' that occurs when using the React useState hook in JavaScript. Understand the cause of the error and how to resolve it effectively.

If you are a React developer, you have probably come across the useState hook, which is a powerful feature that allows you to manage state in functional components. However, there may be times when you encounter a TypeError: Assignment to constant variable error while using the useState hook. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and how to resolve it.

Understanding the Error

The TypeError: Assignment to constant variable error occurs when you attempt to update the value of a constant variable that is declared using the const keyword. In React, when you use the useState hook, it returns an array with two elements: the current state value and a function to update the state value. If you mistakenly try to assign a new value to the state variable directly, you will encounter this error.

Common Causes

There are a few common causes for this error:

  • Forgetting to invoke the state update function: When using the useState hook, you need to call the state update function to update the state value. For example, instead of stateVariable = newValue , you should use setStateVariable(newValue) . Forgetting to invoke the function will result in the TypeError: Assignment to constant variable error.
  • Using the wrong state update function: If you have multiple state variables in your component, make sure you are using the correct state update function for each variable. Mixing up the state update functions can lead to this error.
  • Declaring the state variable inside a loop or conditional statement: If you declare the state variable inside a loop or conditional statement, it will be re-initialized on each iteration or when the condition changes. This can cause the TypeError: Assignment to constant variable error if you try to update the state value.

Resolving the Error

To resolve the TypeError: Assignment to constant variable error, you need to ensure that you are using the state update function correctly and that you are not re-declaring the state variable inside a loop or conditional statement.

If you are forgetting to invoke the state update function, make sure to add parentheses after the function name when updating the state value. For example, change stateVariable = newValue to setStateVariable(newValue) .

If you have multiple state variables, double-check that you are using the correct state update function for each variable. Using the wrong function can result in the error. Make sure to match the state variable name with the corresponding update function.

Lastly, if you have declared the state variable inside a loop or conditional statement, consider moving the declaration outside of the loop or conditional statement. This ensures that the state variable is not re-initialized on each iteration or when the condition changes.

The TypeError: Assignment to constant variable error is a common mistake when using the useState hook in React. By understanding the causes of this error and following the suggested resolutions, you can overcome this issue and effectively manage state in your React applications.

[1] React Documentation:
[2] MDN Web Docs:

Tags: :  javascript reactjs react-state

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React Tutorial

React hooks, react exercises, react es6 variables.

Before ES6 there was only one way of defining your variables: with the var keyword. If you did not define them, they would be assigned to the global object. Unless you were in strict mode, then you would get an error if your variables were undefined.

Now, with ES6, there are three ways of defining your variables: var , let , and const .

If you use var outside of a function, it belongs to the global scope.

If you use var inside of a function, it belongs to that function.

If you use var inside of a block, i.e. a for loop, the variable is still available outside of that block.

var has a function scope, not a block scope.

let is the block scoped version of var , and is limited to the block (or expression) where it is defined.

If you use let inside of a block, i.e. a for loop, the variable is only available inside of that loop.

let has a block scope.

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const is a variable that once it has been created, its value can never change.

const has a block scope.

The keyword const is a bit misleading.

It does not define a constant value. It defines a constant reference to a value.

Because of this you can NOT:

  • Reassign a constant value
  • Reassign a constant array
  • Reassign a constant object

But you CAN:

  • Change the elements of constant array
  • Change the properties of constant object

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To declare a constant that can be accessed in a React class component, there are multiple approaches that could be efficiently implemented such that constant is accessible class-wide. Constants can be declared in the following two ways:

  • Create a getter method in the class for getting the constant when required.
  • Assign the class constant after the declaration of the class. 

Create a sample project with the following command:

Now move to the constantDemo folder using the following command:

The Project Structure will look like the following:

react js assignment to constant variable

Filename: App.js Now open the App.js file and paste the following code in it:

Now run the project using the following command:

Output : 

react js assignment to constant variable

Another way of declaring the constants is shown below. Paste down the following code in the App.js file.

Filename: App.js

react js assignment to constant variable

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How to define constants in React?

In this article, we explain how to define and use constants in React to make your code more maintainable and reusable.

In React, you can define constants using the const keyword. For example:

This creates a constant named MY_CONSTANT with the value "hello". Constants are like variables, except that their value cannot be changed once they are assigned.

You can use constants in React to store values that don't change, such as configuration options or static data that you want to reference in your code.

Here's an example of how you might use a constant in a React component:

In this example, the constant API_ENDPOINT is used to store the URL of an API endpoint. This constant is then used in the fetch call to retrieve data from the API.

It's important to note that constants in React are only available within the scope in which they are defined. In the example above, the MY_CONSTANT constant would only be available within the MyComponent function. If you want to use a constant in multiple components, you would need to define it in a separate file and import it into the components that need it.

Overall, constants can be a useful tool for organizing and managing your code in React. They can help you avoid hardcoding values and make your code more maintainable and reusable.

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The const declaration declares block-scoped local variables. The value of a constant can't be changed through reassignment using the assignment operator , but if a constant is an object , its properties can be added, updated, or removed.

The name of the variable to declare. Each must be a legal JavaScript identifier or a destructuring binding pattern .

Initial value of the variable. It can be any legal expression.


The const declaration is very similar to let :

  • const declarations are scoped to blocks as well as functions.
  • const declarations can only be accessed after the place of declaration is reached (see temporal dead zone ). For this reason, const declarations are commonly regarded as non-hoisted .
  • const declarations do not create properties on globalThis when declared at the top level of a script.
  • const declarations cannot be redeclared by any other declaration in the same scope.
  • const begins declarations , not statements . That means you cannot use a lone const declaration as the body of a block (which makes sense, since there's no way to access the variable). js if ( true ) const a = 1 ; // SyntaxError: Lexical declaration cannot appear in a single-statement context

An initializer for a constant is required. You must specify its value in the same declaration. (This makes sense, given that it can't be changed later.)

The const declaration creates an immutable reference to a value. It does not mean the value it holds is immutable — just that the variable identifier cannot be reassigned. For instance, in the case where the content is an object, this means the object's contents (e.g., its properties) can be altered. You should understand const declarations as "create a variable whose identity remains constant", not "whose value remains constant" — or, "create immutable bindings ", not "immutable values".

Many style guides (including MDN's ) recommend using const over let whenever a variable is not reassigned in its scope. This makes the intent clear that a variable's type (or value, in the case of a primitive) can never change. Others may prefer let for non-primitives that are mutated.

The list that follows the const keyword is called a binding list and is separated by commas, where the commas are not comma operators and the = signs are not assignment operators . Initializers of later variables can refer to earlier variables in the list.

Basic const usage

Constants can be declared with uppercase or lowercase, but a common convention is to use all-uppercase letters, especially for primitives because they are truly immutable.

Block scoping

It's important to note the nature of block scoping.

const in objects and arrays

const also works on objects and arrays. Attempting to overwrite the object throws an error "Assignment to constant variable".

However, object keys are not protected, so the following statement is executed without problem.

You would need to use Object.freeze() to make an object immutable.

The same applies to arrays. Assigning a new array to the variable throws an error "Assignment to constant variable".

Still, it's possible to push items into the array and thus mutate it.

Declaration with destructuring

The left-hand side of each = can also be a binding pattern. This allows creating multiple variables at once.

For more information, see Destructuring assignment .



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How come, we can modify the const variable in react but not in vanilla js ?

We use const variables in react and can easily modify the value. While same thing in vanilla js throws error. Why ?

Edit: I'm talking about useState hook. sorry, if am not even asking the right question.

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error Assignment to constant variable. #2350


rajak9930 commented Feb 19, 2024 • edited Loading

I'm getting a 'resign' error while using 'useRef'. The issue seems to be related to this code: ref={slider => (sliderRef = slider)}

import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";


akiran commented Feb 19, 2024 • edited Loading

use instead of for declaring ref

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Typeerror assignment to constant variable

Doesn’t know how to solve the “Typeerror assignment to constant variable” error in Javascript?

Don’t worry because this article will help you to solve that problem

In this article, we will discuss the Typeerror assignment to constant variable , provide the possible causes of this error, and give solutions to resolve the error.

What is Typeerror assignment to constant variable?

“Typeerror assignment to constant variable” is an error message that can occur in JavaScript code.

It means that you have tried to modify the value of a variable that has been declared as a constant.

When we try to reassign greeting to a different value (“Hi”) , we will get the error:

because we are trying to change the value of a constant variable.

How does Typeerror assignment to constant variable occurs ?

In JavaScript, constants are variables whose values cannot be changed once they have been assigned.

Here is an example :

In this example, we declared a constant variable age and assigned it the value 30 .

If you declare an object using the const keyword, you can still modify the properties of the object.

For example:

In this example, we declared a constant object person with two properties ( name and age ).

In this example, we declared a constant variable name and assigned it the value John .

Now let’s fix this error.

Typeerror assignment to constant variable – Solutions

Solution 1: declare the variable using the let or var keyword:.

If you need to modify the value of a variable, you should declare it using the let or var keyword instead of const .

Just like the example below:

Solution 2: Use an object or array instead of a constant variable:

If you need to modify the properties of a variable, you can use an object or array instead of a constant variable.

Solution 3: Declare the variable outside of strict mode:

Solution 4: use the const keyword and use a different name :, solution 5: declare a const variable with the same name in a different scope :.

But with a different value, without modifying the original constant variable.

You can create a new constant variable with the same name, without modifying the original constant variable.

So those are the alternative solutions that you can use to fix the TypeError.

In conclusion, in this article, we discussed   “Typeerror assignment to constant variable” , provided its causes and give solutions that resolve the error.

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React - assignment to constant variable using useState()

react js assignment to constant variable

I am trying to increment slideIndex  (which is inside useState() hook) on click event but React throws the following error in the console:

I've tried to change useState() from  const to let in my code and it works but I don't think it should be like that:

The problem is that you are trying to increment slideIndex using ++ operator ( ++slideIndex ).

Change  ++slideIndex  to the slideIndex + 1 and it should work.

Your code should look like this:

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react js assignment to constant variable

【React】TypeError: Assignment to constant variableの対処法

下記ソースを実行したときに、TypeError: Assignment to constant variableが発生してしまいました。 翻訳すると、「TypeError: 定数変数への代入」という内容でした。

定数に対して再度値を代入しようとしていたため、起きていたようです。 useEffect内で代入せず、useStateやuseReduverで値を管理するとよさそうです。

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Mobile app development, nodejs typeerror: assignment to constant variable.

Published By: Divya Mahi

Published On: November 17, 2023

Published In: Development

Grasping and Fixing the 'NodeJS TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable' Issue


Node.js, a powerful platform for building server-side applications, is not immune to errors and exceptions. Among the common issues developers encounter is the “NodeJS TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable.” This error can be a source of frustration, especially for those new to JavaScript’s nuances in Node.js. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what this error means, its typical causes, and how to effectively resolve it.

Understanding the Error

In Node.js, the “TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable” occurs when there’s an attempt to reassign a value to a variable declared with the const keyword. In JavaScript, const is used to declare a variable that cannot be reassigned after its initial assignment. This error is a safeguard in the language to ensure the immutability of variables declared as constants.

Diving Deeper

This TypeError is part of JavaScript’s efforts to help developers write more predictable code. Immutable variables can prevent bugs that are hard to trace, as they ensure that once a value is set, it cannot be inadvertently changed. However, it’s important to distinguish between reassigning a variable and modifying an object’s properties. The latter is allowed even with variables declared with const.

Common Scenarios and Fixes

Example 1: reassigning a constant variable.


Fix: Use let if you need to reassign the variable.

Example 2: Modifying an Object's Properties

Fix: Modify the property instead of reassigning the object.

Example 3: Array Reassignment

Fix: Modify the array’s contents without reassigning it.

Example 4: Within a Function Scope

Fix: Declare a new variable or use let if reassignment is needed.

Example 5: In Loops

Fix: Use let for variables that change within loops.

Example 6: Constant Function Parameters

Fix: Avoid reassigning function parameters directly; use another variable.

Example 7: Constants in Conditional Blocks

Fix: Use let if the variable needs to change.

Example 8: Reassigning Properties of a Constant Object

Fix: Modify only the properties of the object.

Strategies to Prevent Errors

Understand const vs let: Familiarize yourself with the differences between const and let. Use const for variables that should not be reassigned and let for those that might change.

Code Reviews: Regular code reviews can catch these issues before they make it into production. Peer reviews encourage adherence to best practices.

Linter Usage: Tools like ESLint can automatically detect attempts to reassign constants. Incorporating a linter into your development process can prevent such errors.

Best Practices

Immutability where Possible: Favor immutability in your code to reduce side effects and bugs. Normally use const to declare variables, and use let only if you need to change their values later .

Descriptive Variable Names: Use clear and descriptive names for your variables. This practice makes it easier to understand when a variable should be immutable.

Keep Functions Pure: Avoid reassigning or modifying function arguments. Keeping functions pure (not causing side effects) leads to more predictable and testable code.

The “NodeJS TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable” error, while common, is easily avoidable. By understanding JavaScript’s variable declaration nuances and adopting coding practices that embrace immutability, developers can write more robust and maintainable Node.js applications. Remember, consistent coding standards and thorough code reviews are your best defense against common errors like these.

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Assignment to constant variable

I try to read the user input and send it as a email. But when I run this code it gives me this error: Assignment to constant variable.

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I would think the latter option is better, at least stylistically.

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    In this blog post, we'll explore how to use these new types of variables in your React.js projects. ... // This works fine b = 5; // This also works c = 6; // Error: Assignment to constant variable

  6. TypeError: Assignment to constant variable when using React useState hook

    TypeError: Assignment to constant variable when using React useState hook If you are a React developer, you have probably come across the useState hook, which is a powerful feature that allows you to manage state in functional components.

  7. React ES6 Variables

    It does not define a constant value. It defines a constant reference to a value. Because of this you can NOT: Reassign a constant value; Reassign a constant array; Reassign a constant object; But you CAN: Change the elements of constant array; Change the properties of constant object

  8. How to declare constant in react class

    In JavaScript, you can declare a constant variable using the const keyword. The const keyword is used to create variables whose values should not be reassigned once they are initially set. Example: Here, pi is a constant variable, and its value is set to 3.14. Once a value is assigned to a constant variable using const, you cannot change that value

  9. How to define constants in React?

    In React, you can define constants using the const keyword. For example: const MY_CONSTANT = "hello"; This creates a constant named MY_CONSTANT with the value "hello". Constants are like variables, except that their value cannot be changed once they are assigned. You can use constants in React to store values that don't change, such as ...

  10. TypeError: Assignment to constant variable. #16211

    TypeError: Assignment to constant variable. System: OSX npm: 6.10.2 node: v10.13. react: 16.8.6. Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? bug What is the current behavior? TypeError: Assignment to constant variable. System: OSX npm: 6.10.2 node: v10.13. react: 16.8.6 ... false in uglify js compress object.

  11. const

    The const declaration creates an immutable reference to a value. It does not mean the value it holds is immutable — just that the variable identifier cannot be reassigned. For instance, in the case where the content is an object, this means the object's contents (e.g., its properties) can be altered. You should understand const declarations as "create a variable whose identity remains ...

  12. How come, we can modify the const variable in react but not in vanilla js

    React is Javacript, same rules apply. If you attempt. const [val, setVal] = useState(1); val = 3; you get an error, because val is const. - "But I can modify val by calling setVal!" No. By calling setVal you can modify the value stored inside the state (kept inside React, tied to your React component). But you are not changing '' val ' (the ...

  13. error Assignment to constant variable. · Issue #2350 · akiran/react

    import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; import Slider from "react-slick"; const CustomersAry = [ { id: "01", title: ` Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida.

  14. Typeerror assignment to constant variable [SOLVED]

    You can create a new constant variable with the same name, without modifying the original constant variable. By declaring a constant variable with the same name in a different scope. This can be useful when you need to use the same variable name in multiple scopes without causing conflicts or errors.

  15. React

    React - assignment to constant variable using useState() 1 answers. 0 points. Asked by: christa ... at onClick (Slider.js:107:1) at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react-dom.development.js:4165:1) at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.development.js:4213:1) at invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.development.js:4278:1) at ...

  16. 【React】TypeError: Assignment to constant variableの対処法

    症状. 下記ソースを実行したときに、TypeError: Assignment to constant variableが発生してしまいました。 翻訳すると、「TypeError: 定数変数への代入」という内容でした。

  17. NodeJS TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable

    In Node.js, the "TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable" occurs when there's an attempt to reassign a value to a variable declared with the const keyword. In JavaScript, const is used to declare a variable that cannot be reassigned after its initial assignment.

  18. How to define constants in ReactJS

    What is the best practice in react.js to use a constants value in a component. 0. How to make a variable constant name in React. Hot Network Questions Can a star that initially started with less energy output than the sun (when it was young) evolve to be as luminous as the sun in the same time period

  19. node.js

    Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.