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Nord Anglia Education

The Benefits of Schools Uniforms and Why Schools Have Them

The Benefits of School Uniforms, and Why Schools Have Them | Nord Anglia Education - The Benefits of Schools Uniforms and Why Schools Have Them

School uniforms are a key way of developing a sense of togetherness among students and staff, but the topic is still one of the most widely debated outside of schools.

From dress codes to improved safety, in this article we’ll discuss the wide-ranging benefits of wearing school uniforms. 

13 Advantages to Wearing School Uniforms

Put these 13 factors together and it’s easy to see why school uniforms are important to creating a team of united students and staff.

1. Create cohesion

When students all wear the same clothing every day at school, it levels out the playing field. Any expectations on what to wear are removed and children develop a greater sense of equality.

Children of all socioeconomic backgrounds begin from the same starting point. Without uniforms, children from poorer backgrounds could feel isolated if their parents are unable to afford the latest styles of clothing.

Creating a standard promotes the idea that we are all the same. Children come together from different backgrounds and can immediately identify a fellow member of their team from the clothes that they wear, breeding a sense of cohesion and commonality that is lost when school uniforms are removed.

2. Reduce the potential for bullying

Without school uniforms, the potential for children to tease and make fun of one another is increased. People use clothing to express themselves; children are no different in this regard. Sadly, when a child expresses themselves in a different way to everyone else, it can create a point of difference between one child and another. Again, these differences can be amplified by socioeconomic disparities between one child’s family and another.

Rather than build a sense of community and equality with a school uniform, allowing children to wear what they like can create divisions between them.

3. Improve study ethic

If a child feels like they don’t fit in, or they don’t have the latest and best clothing, it can be damaging to their confidence. A lack of confidence can be one of the most significant barriers to academic growth. Introducing a school uniform removes this possibility, meaning your child has less to worry about and more reason to be confident in class.

4. Increase safety

There are significant safety concerns to not adopting a uniform in school. With their school colours on, children can immediately be recognised at a distance as a member of that school. In a situation where someone who isn’t a member of the school is on-site, they can be easily identified as not part of the school by their lack of uniform.

This can be extended to days outside of school grounds. On day trips away, children can easily be spotted among crowds thanks to their uniform. This can be especially helpful when making school trips at the same time as other schools, where large crowds of children mix with one another.

5. Fairer dress codes

When a school adopts a uniform, it creates a simple and standardised dress code. When children are allowed to wear what they like, innumerable variations mean schools must adopt a long list of dos and don’ts to formulate their dress code. These dress codes are often harsher on girls too, making for an unfair and unequal community.

By bringing in a uniform, schools can avoid complicated issues around modesty, offensive symbols, and text, and remove any need for teachers to monitor what children are wearing against this dress code.

6. Remove peer pressure

Children are often under some form of peer pressure but adopting a school uniform can remove one form of it. Without a uniform, children can develop expectations about what should be worn to fit into a certain group. Children divide themselves into cliques and the sense of togetherness that a uniform brings is lost.

7. Prepare for the outside world

School uniforms prepare children for formal scenarios that we all encounter in our lives. Depending on the situation, we’re expected to dress and look a certain way. Job interviews are a good example. Dressing professionally in working environments is expected in adulthood, and this is something your child will understand thanks to a school uniform.

8. Easy mornings for students and parents

As any parent knows, weekday mornings can be chaotic. It can be tricky enough to get yourself ready for work without having to worry about how your child is getting on too. That problem is amplified if your child doesn’t have a school uniform to put on each morning, as they take their time to decide what to wear. In the end, it could take away from what is important – your child’s studies.

Uniforms remove one more thing from the ‘to-do’ list of mums and dads every day.

9. Encourage professionalism

Some people believe that school uniforms contribute positively to a child’s behaviour in school. Their uniform develops an affinity with learning. Once they put it on, their purpose is to work hard at their studies. A sense of professionalism develops within each child, leading to more focus in the classroom.

10. Reduce Distractions

Uniforms make for one less distraction during school. By wearing what they like, children can become more focused on their school status rather than their studies. Fashion trends and owning the latest styles become the priority, and it could lead to a downturn in that child’s progress at school.

11. Focus on character

Without a uniform, what they wear can end up defining your child rather than the content of their character. Children should be prioritising the development of their personality, having the confidence to be who they are and not be defined by material things like the clothes they wear.

With a school uniform, your child can express themselves in more meaningful ways, which helps to develop their creativity.

12. Easier economics for parents

Children can be demanding when they notice their friends have something they don’t. Without a uniform, the potential for this to happen with clothing increases. Children may put their parents under pressure to buy them a new wardrobe every season or capitalise on every new trend that sweeps through the school.

With school uniforms, economics is made easier for parents. You know exactly what to buy and when to buy it, and often uniform can be used for more than one school year. School uniforms are robust and designed for longevity. They’ll last much longer than your child’s other clothing, helping you save money by not having to replace them as often.

13. Enjoy weekend style

We should still make some attempt to allow children to express themselves with their clothing. It feels good to wear something we like, helping to build confidence in who we are. After wearing their uniform five days a week, children can develop a greater sense of appreciation for their other clothes that they can wear on weekends and evenings.

At Nord Anglia Education, we strive to create togetherness and belonging among all our students in ways that stretch far beyond the clothes your child wears every day. To find out more about us and our outstanding academic programmes, find a Nord Anglia Education school near you.

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Expert Commentary

School uniforms: Do they really improve student achievement, behavior?

This updated collection of research looks at how mandatory school uniforms impact student achievement, attendance and behavior as well as the presence of gangs in public schools.

Students wearing school uniforms

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by Denise-Marie Ordway, The Journalist's Resource April 20, 2018

This <a target="_blank" href="https://journalistsresource.org/education/school-uniforms-research-achievement/">article</a> first appeared on <a target="_blank" href="https://journalistsresource.org">The Journalist's Resource</a> and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.<img src="https://journalistsresource.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-jr-favicon-150x150.png" style="width:1em;height:1em;margin-left:10px;">

Decades ago, uniforms were mostly worn by students who went to private or parochial schools. But as local school boards have focused more on improving standardized test scores and campus safety, a growing number have begun requiring school uniforms — typically, a polo shirt of a particular color paired with navy or khaki pants, skirts or shorts. Nearly 22 percent of public schools in the United States required uniforms in 2015-16 — up from almost 12 percent in 1999-2000, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Proponents argue that students will pay more attention to their classwork if they aren’t preoccupied with fashion, and that they’ll be better behaved. Meanwhile, school administrators say uniforms help eliminate gang-related styles and logos. They also make it easier to spot a stranger on campus.

Despite their reported benefits, mandatory uniforms are controversial because a lot of parents and students don’t like the idea of forcing children to dress alike, which they say suppresses freedom of expression. Some families complain about the financial burden of purchasing uniforms in addition to their kids’ other clothing. Years ago, parents also complained that it was difficult to find uniforms, but that ceased to be an issue after large chain stores like Target and Wal-Mart began selling them.

As public schools debate the merits of uniforms — some school boards have been bouncing the idea around for years — it’s important for journalists to know what the research says on this topic. School officials do not always consult academic research before they put a plan on the table.

To help journalists ground their reporting and fact-check claims, Journalist’s Resource has rounded up several academic studies worth reviewing. Reporters may also want to examine reports on uniform use from the NCES, which collects and reports data related to school uniforms, dress codes and book bags in public schools.


 “School Discipline, School Uniforms and Academic Performance” Baumann, Chris; Krskova, Hana. International Journal of Educational Management , 2016. DOI: 10.1108/IJEM-09-2015-0118.

Summary: This study examines test scores and student behavior in the United States, Canada and 37 other countries to determine whether uniforms affect student discipline. The researchers found that the highest-performing students are the most disciplined. In addition, “for countries where students wear school uniforms, our study found that students listen significantly better, there are lower noise levels, and lower teaching waiting times with classes starting on time.”

“Dressed for Success? The Effect of School Uniforms on Student Achievement and Behavior” Gentile, Elizabetta; Imberman, Scott A. Journal of Urban Economics , 2012, Vol. 71. doi: 10.1016/j.jue.2011.10.002.

Abstract: “Uniform use in public schools is rising, but we know little about how they affect students. Using a unique dataset from a large urban school district in the southwest United States, we assess how uniforms affect behavior, achievement and other outcomes. Each school in the district determines adoption independently, providing variation over schools and time. By including student and school fixed-effects we find evidence that uniform adoption improves attendance in secondary grades, while in elementary schools they generate large increases in teacher retention.”

“Uniforms in the Middle School: Student Opinions, Discipline Data, and School Police Data” Sanchez, Jafeth E.; Yoxsimer, Andrew; Hill, George C. Journal of School Violence , 2012. DOI: 10.1080/15388220.2012.706873.

Summary: Researchers asked students at an urban middle school in Nevada what they thought of having to wear uniforms. Their public school had adopted a uniform policy after staff members became frustrated with the earlier dress code policy, which resulted in girls wearing revealing clothing and boys wearing shirts with inappropriate messages and images. The study’s main takeaway: The vast majority of students said they dislike uniforms, although some agreed there were benefits. “For example, in reference to gender, more than expected females than males indicated students treated them better with uniforms. Also, fewer females than males got detention for not wearing a uniform or for wearing a uniform inappropriately.”

“Are School Uniforms a Good Fit? Results from the ECLS-K and the NELS” Yeung, Ryan. Educational Policy , 2009, Vol. 23. doi: 10.1177/0895904808330170.

Abstract: “One of the most common proposals put forth for reform of the American system of education is to require school uniforms. Proponents argue that uniforms can make schools safer and also improve school attendance and increase student achievement. Opponents contend that uniforms have not been proven to work and may be an infringement on the freedom of speech of young people. Within an econometric framework, this study examines the effect of school uniforms on student achievement. It tackles methodological challenges through the use of a value-added functional form and the use of multiple data sets. The results do not suggest any significant association between school uniform policies and achievement. Although the results do not definitely support or reject either side of the uniform argument, they do strongly intimate that uniforms are not the solution to all of American education’s ills.”

“Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance, Behavior Problems, Substance Use, and Academic Achievement” Brunsma, David L.; Rockquemore, Kerry A. The Journal of Educational Research , 1998, Vol. 92. doi: 10.1080/00220679809597575.

Abstract: “Mandatory uniform policies have been the focus of recent discourse on public school reform. Proponents of such reform measures emphasize the benefits of student uniforms on specific behavioral and academic outcomes. Tenth-grade data from The National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988 was used to test empirically the claims made by uniform advocates. The findings indicate that student uniforms have no direct effect on substance use, behavioral problems, or attendance. Contrary to current discourse, the authors found a negative effect of uniforms on student academic achievement. Uniform policies may indirectly affect school environment and student outcomes by providing a visible and public symbol of commitment to school improvement and reform.”

“School Uniforms, Academic Achievement, and Uses of Research” Bodine, Ann. The Journal of Educational Research , 2003, Vol. 97. doi: 10.1080/00220670309597509.

Abstract: “School uniforms are being advocated for a range of social, educational, economic, and familial reasons. In 1998, The Journal of Educational Research (The JER) published an article by D. Brunsma and K. Rockquemore that claims that uniforms correlate negatively with academic achievement, but data presented in this article actually show positive correlation between uniforms and achievement for the total sample, and for all but 1 school sector. Examination of structure of argument reveals that the erroneous claim results from misleading use of sector analysis. Simultaneous with The JER article, and on the basis of the same National Education Longitudinal Study: 1988 database, an Educational Testing Service article reported that no correlation exists between uniforms and achievement. The two articles are contrasted in this study. The effect of new communication technology in amplifying political uses of academic research is discussed.”

“Public School Uniforms: Effect on Perceptions of Gang Presence, School Climate, and Student Self-Perceptions” Wade, Kathleen Kiley; Stafford, Mary E. Education and Urban Society , 2003, Vol. 35. doi: 10.1177/0013124503255002.

Abstract: “This study attempts to clarify the relationships between public school uniforms and some of their intended results: student self-worth and student and staff perceptions of gang presence and school climate. The instruments used in the study included a questionnaire on gang presence and identity, the National Association of School Principals Comprehensive Assessment of School Environments, and the Harter Self-Perception Profile for Children. Participants consisted of 415 urban public middle school students and 83 teachers. Findings indicate that, although perceptions did not vary for students across uniform policy, teachers from schools with uniform policies perceived lower levels of gang presence. Although the effect size was small, students from schools without uniforms reported higher self-perception scores than students from schools with uniform policies. Student and teacher perceptions of school climate did not vary across uniform policy.”

“The Effect of Uniforms on Nonuniform Apparel Expenditures” Norum, Pamela S.; Weagley, Robert O.; Norton, Marjorie J. Family & Consumer Sciences , 1998. doi: 10.1177/1077727X980263001.

Abstract: “The uniform industry has grown steadily the past 20 years with increased attention from employers trying to create a professional image among workers as well as school administrators considering uniforms to curtail school violence. Although an important part of human dress for centuries, uniforms have received little attention from researchers of the clothing market. This study examines the impact of uniform purchases on household expenditures for selected nonuniform apparel subcategories based on an economic model of conditional demand. Expenditure equations are estimated using the 1990-1991 Consumer Expenditure Survey. The results suggest that, on average, consumers do not substitute uniforms for other apparel purchases. Rather, uniforms and nonuniform apparel appear to be complements in consumers’ purchases, resulting in greater household expenditures on nonuniform apparel. These results are a first step in understanding the economic effect that uniform purchases, mandated by employers, schools, or others, have on household clothing expenditures.”

Looking for more research on student achievement? Check out our write-ups on how teacher salaries , school vouchers and school shootings impact learning.   

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Denise-Marie Ordway

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School Uniforms Essay

School Uniforms Essay | Short and Long Essays, Importance and Benefits of School Uniforms

School Uniforms Essay: School uniforms should be utilized in educational systems. Uniforms are both as useful for schools just as for the pupils. Wearing outfits will help construct a feeling of solidarity inside the school. Rather than everybody as a different group, everybody will be in a similar group. Wearing regalia will help free pupils of the pressure of what to wear in the first part of the day. Wearing school outfits will help improve understudy distinction and improve their confidence. To start with, wearing coordinating outfits can cause pupils to feel equivalent. Helpless pupils would at this point don’t feel rejected on the grounds that they are not wearing name-brand garments like the more extravagant children.

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What is a School Uniform?

In straightforward words, we comprehend that the Uniform or material which is recommended by the school for pupils to wear in school is called school uniform. Generally in all schools uniform is mandatory.The Uniform gives balance and comparability between the pupils, everything being equal. These days, all schools keep the principles of wearing a normalized uniform for all pupils.

How to Write a School Uniform Essay?

To write an essay students should know the proper format. Also, they should be well aware of the topic on which they have to write the essay. Writing an essay on school uniforms requires the knowledge of the merits and demerits of wearing a school uniform. Students should list down the advantages of uniforms in schools.

Remember these points while writing the essay on school uniform:

  • Give introduction on school uniform in the first paragraph
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a school uniform
  • Explain how wearing a uniform brings changes in students
  • Conclude the essay in the last paragraph

Short Essay on School Uniform 150 Words in English

School uniforms are the solitary most apparent fundamental components of any school. We can distinguish the understudy by assessing their regalia.

It is said that, in the sixteenth century, Christ’s Hospital School originally utilized the school uniform. There has been a discussion everywhere in the world on whether the subject of school uniforms is positive or negative. Common liberties activists say that school uniforms are removing their opportunity of wearing anything. In guard, the School Committee says they give a school uniform to instruct them in order and solidarity.

School uniforms can build the pay of a custom-fitted local area. And furthermore, a business organization can bring in cash by creating school regalia. School uniforms are a conventional clothing standard including a shirt and full gasp for young men and pullovers and creased skirts for young ladies. School dress can lessen fabric harassment.

Yet in addition, these days youngsters are more cognizant about their design sense and sexual direction, so they don’t prefer to wear a similar unisex clothing standard. However, after every one of those contentions and dubious speculations, we can say, school regalia are as a matter of fact pride for an understudy.

Benefits of School Uniforms

Long Essay on School Uniform 650 Words

Schools are instructive establishments where kids go not exclusively to learn course readings however to develop as a general person. Schools likewise have the assignment of showing youngsters the desire for garments and mention to them what is proper for what event. School outfits are a basic type of garments for pupils during their visit at school during school hours, and outside during true school exercises. A school uniform is normal in a large portion of the schools. They have direct requests to wear the school uniform as a matter of course.

The necessity of School Uniform

Initially, school is where we all progress at an extremely youthful age. In a single word, life starts at school. It’s schooling, as well as school, gives us the stage to sustain our confidence, feelings in the beginning phase of life. The significance of making companions, functioning as a group we get familiar with every one of these in school. What’s more, wearing a similar dress unquestionably brings a feeling of solidarity among pupils. In each school, there are pupils from various foundations yet with the school uniform everybody becomes one-the lone character rules at that point is every one of them is the delegate of a similar school. This is an incredible inclination of harmony. This likewise assists kids with defeating the inadequacy (or predominance) complex which here and their kids have due to the climate they have been raised in. School outfits streak out a large portion of the drops of social contentions.

As school makes our crucial nuts and bolts of the future it is critical to cause one to feel as a piece of the school. A youngster with a specific school uniform constantly feels that he has a place with the school. It makes the youngster more cognizant about his distinction which thus helps to build fearlessness. A kid would be more thoughtful to his kindred cohort who has a similar uniform as his. As referenced before there would be consistently a blended group in each school. Some of them are rich, some have a place with the upper working class and some lower than that-this distinction remains all over, aside from those 8 hours in school due to the school uniform. The supposed status cognizance doesn’t exist with this.

Benefits of School Uniform

Another admirable sentiment comes up while examining the benefits of school uniform is younger students go through two most significant progress times of life in school-they burn through 12 long a long time in school-from adolescence to teen, from adolescent to youth-the school observer the progressions ( both physical and mental) happen inside one. During these changes, somebody barely thinks often about the world. That time there is a propensity among us all to disrupt the norm which should be managed cautiously and strategically.

Now wearing school regalia assumes a quiet yet urgent part in our lives. It ingrains a profound established feeling of control in the psyche mind. Subsequently, typically even the riskiest formally dressed understudy wonders whether or not to do any underhandedness outside the school as the moment suspected plays to him that he will let down his school with his activity. School uniform assists an understudy with focusing on his necessities-where school and scholastics start things out.

Even after some elegantly composed diagrams of papers on school uniforms, the contention on whether a school uniform abuses the pupils’ privilege of articulation will stay a ceaseless conversation. Be that as it may, truly, wearing of regalia should all rely upon the conditions and the picture a given school is attempting to depict. In any case, the significance of school uniforms appears to win the day today even as I compose this end and surprisingly after so many school uniform articles have been composed. On the last note, we should attempt to discover perpetual methods of tackling the developing issues looked at by pupils. We ought not to depend on school regalia to swipe the issues away from view, this does the pupils nothing but bad.

Importance of School Uniform

The uniform is a necessary piece of our life. The dress is a character of somebody. Through the dress, we become acquainted with which school the understudy is. The educator has a crucial part in picking a dress. He chooses the school uniform by taking a gander at all the classes. Uniform symbols, alongside schooling, order, and decorum help in altering the state and course of society.

Wearing legitimate clothing expands our trust in the public arena since it positively affects our work and thinking. These days, our local area has gotten a matter of rivalry for our kids. It appears to be that their dress is influencing them every day.

The wearing of our kids has additionally become an essential factor somewhat for the criminal occurrences occurring in the public eye. In an understudy’s life, the educator and parent are the types of God. School dress is viewed as a recipe for equity.

Advantages of School Uniform

  • School uniforms are a need in many schools to achieve consistency in pupils.
  • School uniform binds together all pupils, paying little heed to their social, strict, and monetary foundation.
  • It imparts a feeling of having a place in the pupils.
  • It assists with restraining pupils and keeps everything under control since they are not occupied by their special garments.
  • pupils don’t have to object about what to wear each day in the event that they have school regalia.
  • It is hard for low-pay families to purchase school regalia each spending year, and it might make a strain in their financial plan.
  • School outfits force consistency and consequently make pupils a mass of anonymous kids and with no singularity.
  • It is hard for pupils to check their friend’s monetary condition in the event that they are wearing school dresses.
  • pupils can be not kidding about their examinations and figure out how to endeavor to be deserving of the custom.
  • School dress can make pupils unoriginal.

FAQ’s on Schools Uniforms Essay

Question 1. What students should wear uniforms in school?

Answer: Uniforms are both as useful for schools just as for the pupils. Wearing uniforms will help fabricate a feeling of loneliness inside the school. To start with, wearing coordinating uniforms can cause pupils to feel equivalent. Helpless pupils would presently don’t feel barred in light of the fact that they are not wearing name-brand garments like the more extravagant children.

Question 2. How to write an essay on a school uniform?

Answer: Start with an introduction, discuss the debate going on school uniforms by students, write the cons and pros of school uniforms. Explains the advantages and changes that wearing a school uniform can bring in students. End the essay with a conclusion.

Question 3. What is good about school uniforms?

Answer: School uniforms have been demonstrated to raise test scores, support confidence, diminish savagery and wrongdoing, and make a feeling of freshly discovered pride in pupils. They assist youngsters with zeroing in on learning and homework, not on the thing every other person is wearing or whether they fit in. Outfits are not the answer for the entirety of the issues that adolescents, instructors, and schools face today, however, examination and insights propose that they might be a positive development.

Question 4. Should students wear school uniforms?

Answer: Yes, all students should wear school uniforms since it represents discipline and equality among students in school.


22 Advantages and Disadvantages of School Uniforms

It’s a common tradition to take a photograph of the kids as they leave for their first day of school. In many school districts around the world, that means taking a picture of a child that is dressed in a school uniform.

The history of school uniforms has a somewhat checkered past. The tradition originated in the 16th century with charity schools, supporting children who were orphans, living in poverty, or had nowhere else to go. Although uniforms have moved from pom-poms and starched aprons to polos and jumpers, the reasons why uniforms are either supported or criticized have remained relatively the same for over 400 years.

Here are the key advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms to think about.

What Are the Advantages of School Uniforms?

1. School uniforms reduce clothing-related peer pressure. A uniform mandate makes every student wear either the exact same outfit or piece together a uniform based on certain acceptable standards. Because every student is essentially wearing the same thing, there is a reduced level of peer pressure to wear certain fashion styles or purchase specific clothes brands. This makes it possible for students to build more relationships through genuine networking skills instead of through popularity.

2. It creates uniformity between socioeconomic classes within a school district. Since students are wearing the same uniform, there is less of a socioeconomic distinction that can be made between students. Although different brands might be worn in some districts, some that may be associated with the wealthy class, the overall appearance of each student is similar. This reduces the barriers that poverty and wealth naturally create.

3. School uniforms tend to cost less than traditional youth clothing. Branded jeans for kids may cost more than $40. For the same cost, it is possible to purchase two modern school polos and two pairs of uniform pants, skirts, jumpers, or skirt-short combinations. Many families can purchase a week’s worth of school uniform clothing for less than $100. For name-brand fashion items, that might purchase 4-5 items of clothing instead.

4. It can create an environment where discipline is emphasized. Meeting a school uniform code requires a certain level of discipline from the student. It also requires parental discipline to ensure their child is meeting expectations. When discipline is practiced, it can be applied to other aspects of life. Children in school uniforms may find it easier to stay focused on their studies, complete homework after school, build friendships, or prepare themselves for a vocational career.

5. It may take students less time to get ready for school each morning. Students who are in districts with a school uniform code always know what they’ll need to wear in the morning. Instead of standing in front of their closet, trying to decide which look to wear that day, the uniform can be put on and the morning routine can be completed. Some students may save up to 30 minutes each morning simply because the expectations of how they should look have been laid out for them in advance.

6. Schools can identify intruders quickly because they aren’t in the needed uniform. Because there are appearance standards in place for a school uniform policy, teachers and administrators can quickly identify individuals on campus who should not be present. That can create extra time to initiate a lockdown of the school property or take other preventative safety measures which can keep students safe.

7. School uniforms are easy to hand down to others year after year. It is true that school uniforms can take a beating over the course of a 9-month or 12-month school year. It’s also true that with proactive care, school uniforms can be handed down to others each year. For a family of four, it is possible to get by with only purchasing one set of uniforms because each previous uniform set can be handed down to the next child.

8. It can increase student attendance. Students can feign illnesses or be impacted by stress-related ailments because of inequalities that they see with their clothing and fashion compared to others. Because student uniforms reduce this impact, it is possible for student attendance to increase. School districts in the southern US have seen attendance increases of over 20% in the first 5 years of implementing school uniform policies.

9. Uniforms could help students focus more attention onto their studies than their fashion. This advantage comes back to the discipline that is generated by maintaining the expectations of a certain look. By eliminating the need to find popularity through fashion or accessories, it becomes possible for students to focus on other aspects of the learning environment. That means a student can stay focused on their lessons, retaining the information learned, and that can lead to better overall grades.

10. It can stop cliques or gangs from forming on a school campus. Students of a certain age will almost always rebel against something. For those who are poor, that rebellion might focus on those who are rich and have more than them. For those who are wealthy, the rebellion might focus on “unfair” school policies, school costs, or other financial burdens that may not apply to other students. Because uniforms put the focus on equality instead of inequality, these policies work to prevent some of the common reasons why students target one another or the school district.

What Are the Disadvantages of School Uniforms?

1. It reduces the individuality of the student population within a school district. Students who are in a district with a strict uniform policy lose their ability to express their individuality through fashion. In some regards, school uniforms teach students that it is more important to think and act like a group instead of thinking and acting like an individual. Although there are many influences that can shape mob thinking patterns, this type of policy can be a foundational element of it if the uniform policies are not carefully introduced and monitored.

2. Uniforms do not prevent students from expressing themselves. Students will always find a way of rebelling against the rules. They will look for any gap in the codes or regulations that govern school uniforms and exploit them. That might mean wearing expensive jewelry, wearing certain shoes, or styling their hair in a way that allows them to express their own personality. The school uniform might create a fashion balance, but it also creates a natural rebellion against group thinking.

3. It may limit the concept of diversity to the student body. School uniforms, by design, limit diversity within the learning environment. In today’s world, we have numerous cultures, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Instead of pretending to be equal by creating an outward visual aesthetic, it would be more effective to emphasize true equality within the society at large. If diversity is established in the classroom, students can learn how to interact with other groups and then innovate ways to establish future policies that can lead to real equality.

4. New school uniforms can be more expensive than traditional clothing. Many families who live near the poverty line find themselves shopping at thrift stores, discount stores, and other low-cost locations. Even shopping at a store like Walmart, where a t-shirt could be $3, is less expensive than purchasing a school uniform polo shirt there, which is typically $7-$10. For families that must purchase multiple uniform sets for their children, the cost could be several hundred dollars higher.

5. Public schools that require student uniforms could use taxpayer funds to purchase them. There is already a debate in the US involving the fact that property taxes help to pay for public schooling costs. Some households which do not have children wonder why they need to pay taxes in the first place. When the cost of school uniforms is added to that conversation, it can be easy to wonder why taxpayers should subsidize the cost of uniforms. If that argument wins out, then parents are forced to pay an additional “tax” on the uniform purchase unless they can move their student to a different school or district.

6. Removing students from class because of an inability to afford a school uniform reinforces socioeconomic stereotypes. Despite community involvement, charitable giving, and other forms of economic balancing, there are always families which struggle to put their children into school uniforms. Punishing a student by removing them from a school because of an inability to afford a uniform goes against the principals of equal learning opportunities. Even if charitable outreach can provide students with uniforms, a negative stigma can be placed on that student or family because they had to have their uniforms given to them.

7. Children in school uniforms still experience bullying. Bullying happens in schools with uniform policies. Students who attend schools with uniform policies may find themselves being bullied by others who don’t go to such a school. Although uniforms can create a sense of community and equality, children aren’t stupid. They know who is rich and who is poor. They know who is smart and who is “not.” Those perceptions are enough to set the stage for bullying to occur. It may be better to teach students how to handle a bully and protect themselves than to stick them into a specific outfit.

8. School uniforms can be uncomfortable. Many school uniforms are designed to replicate the idea of dressing up in one’s “Sunday best.” Compared to a t-shirt and shorts, a polo shirt and slacks can be quite uncomfortable, especially when the temperatures are warm outside. Uniforms may also dictate what clothing can be worn inside, which could require students to take coats or jackets off while outside to adhere to the code. The actual clothing required of a uniform may also be uncomfortable. Wearing a coat and tie, as some uniforms may require, can place more pressure around the neck than casual clothing.

9. Creating consistent rules about school uniforms can be difficult. Trying to apply the rules consistency across an entire student body can be almost impossible for administrators. Just going outside to play during recess might cause the clothing to become stained with grass, dirt, or mud, which could go against the school uniform regulations. Many schools enforce uniform codes that require brands to not be displayed to create more equality, but some items of clothing always display their branding and that can’t be helped. Unless the exact same uniform from the exact same brand is mandated for everyone, consistency isn’t going to be present.

10. Intruders can easily blend in when assumptions are made about them. If administrators or teachers are looking for strangers based on their lack of compliance with the school uniform code, then it becomes easy to blend into that environment. An intruder would simply need to find out what the uniform policy was and then follow it. That would allow them to move about the school property freely. For that reason, a check-in procedure, an entry airlock, or other security measures are often required at school districts in addition to the mandated school uniform.

11. Research indicates no connection between uniforms and better learning. Virginia Draa, who is an Assistant Professor at Youngstown State University, concluded that there is too much variation in curriculum, instructional methods, and other complicating factors of school attendance to make such a connection. There is evidence that suspension rates, attendance rates, and graduation rates are improved, which can lead to the claim of better learning, but no direct correlation to individual grades.

12. School uniform policies can create barriers between students and teachers Many school districts that enforce student school uniform policies have no such policies when it comes to the clothing that teachers wear. Some districts do have dress codes in place, but may not require specific clothing items to be worn like the students are required to wear. That further increases the gap teachers experience between their students because they may get to dress more casually than their students.

The advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms show us that there is the potential in such a policy to improve grades, attendance, and graduation rates by focusing on discipline and equality. It also shows us that to do so, there may be sacrifices to diversity and social learning that could hamper a student later on in life. What we do know is this: the pressure is mounting throughout the world to provide meaningful and affordable educational opportunities to everyone. Implementing school uniform policies is just one way to approach that need.

Do uniforms make schools better?

by: Marian Wilde | Updated: March 1, 2024

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Do uniforms make schools better?

Schools, parents, and students frequently clash over the issue of regulating what students may and may not wear to school. These controversies often pegged to the culture war of the moment touch on everything from gender and sexuality to politics, race, and religion. In 2021, a group of about 50 students in Georgia protested their middle school’s dress code for being discriminatory against BIPOC girls by wearing t-shirts every Friday emblazoned with the words “sexist,” “racist,” and “classist.” In 2022, a fight between students, staff, and police officers broke out at a Pennsylvania high school when hats and hoodies were banned as part of a revision by the school board to the school’s dress code. And in 2023, two Michigan middle schoolers, via their mother, sued their school district after they were banned from wearing “Let’s Go Brandon” sweatshirts.

Are school uniforms the best solution to this contentious debate? If every student is wearing the same outfit, will a host of campus problems be solved? Researchers are divided over how much of an impact — if any — dress policies have on student learning. There are multiple studies with conflicting conclusions, plus books such as 2018’s The Debate About School Uniforms , but the argument wears on, with a list of pros and cons on each side.

Why do some public schools have uniforms?

In the 1980s, public schools were often compared unfavorably to Catholic schools. Noting the perceived benefit that uniforms conferred upon Catholic schools, some public schools decided to adopt a school uniform policy.

President Clinton provided momentum to the school uniform movement when he said in his 1996 State of the Union speech, “If it means teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms.”

The pros and cons of school uniforms

According to proponents, school uniforms:.

  • Help prevent gangs from forming on campus

  • Encourage discipline

  • Help students resist peer pressure to buy trendy clothes

  • Help identify intruders in the school

  • Diminish economic and social barriers between students

  • Increase a sense of belonging and school pride

  • Improve attendance

Opponents contend that school uniforms:

  • Violate a student’s right to freedom of expression

  • Are simply a Band-Aid on the issue of school violence

  • Make students a target for bullies from other schools

  • Are a financial burden for poor families

  • Are an unfair additional expense for parents who pay taxes for a free public education

  • Are difficult to enforce in public schools

Uniforms vs. dress codes

Schools and districts vary widely in how closely they adhere to the concept of uniformity.

What’s a dress code?

Generally, dress codes are more relaxed than uniform policies. Sometimes, however, dress codes are quite strict with requirements that are potentially viewed as biased based on race or gender. In 2020, two Black male students in Texas, cousins with West Indian heritage, were suspended for wearing dreadlocks in supposed violation of the district’s hair and grooming policy, part of the dress code. The elder one, a senior, was told he couldn’t attend prom or graduation until his dreads were trimmed. In 2022, girls on the track team at an Albany, NY high school were sent home for wearing sports bras at practice.

Uniforms are certainly easier for administrators to enforce than dress codes, largely because the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) can be depended upon to protect a student’s “right to express themselves.” The ACLU believes dress codes are often used to, “shame girls, force students to conform to gender stereotypes… punish students who wear political and countercultural messages. Such policies can be used as cover for racial discrimination… Dress codes can also infringe on a student’s religious rights…” To successfully enforce a dress code, insists the ACLU, the school must prove the student’s attire, “is disruptive to school activities.”

The ACLU’s dress code stance is regularly supported by federal courts , like the 2023 lower court ruling in North Carolina that ended a charter school decree that girls couldn’t wear pants to school. ACLU lawyers claimed this violated Title IX because the dress code “discriminated against female students by limiting their ability to fully participate in school activities, such as using the playground.” The U.S. Supreme Court later declined to take up a case challenging the lower court’s ruling.

Check with your school to see what the dress code is, as they can be fairly specific. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, for example, the dress code prohibits :

  • Symbols, mottoes, words or acronyms that convey crude, vulgar, profane, violent, death-oriented, gang-related, sexually explicit, or sexually suggestive messages.
  • Symbols, mottoes, words or acronyms advertising tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia.
  • Symbols, mottoes, words or acronyms identifying a student as a member of a secret or overtly antisocial group or gang or that identifies a student as a member of an organization that professes violence or hatred toward one’s fellow man.
  • Visible and permanent tattoos/brands incompatible with the standards set forth herein shall be covered to prohibit their display.
  • Excessively large or baggy clothes

What’s a uniform?

School uniforms worldwide can widely range from nondescript to bizarre. (Extreme examples from China, Australia, and the UK on this YouTube video ) Most public school outfits in the USA are quite casual, with a “ common type ” for boys often a polo shirt in a solid color, with pants in khaki, black, or navy blue. A girl’s uniform is often a skirt and a white buttoned-up shirt. Dress shoes are frequently required for both genders.

In the United States, low-income families spend an average of $249 on a child’s school uniform annually, far less than the typical Australian student’s $578. But still, the cost is sometimes viewed as unfair because public education is intended to be free, paid by tax dollars, not “a stress for families on lower incomes.” The ACLU believes that public schools should provide free school uniforms , because the expense is unconstitutional, and it increases wealth inequity.

What research says about school uniforms

In 2006, Virginia Draa, professor at Youngstown State University, reviewed the impact of school uniforms at 64 public high schools that had larger percentages of economically disadvantaged and minority students than other urban schools. Her conclusion surprised her: “I really went into this thinking uniforms don’t make a difference, but I came away seeing that they do… I was absolutely floored.” Her analysis determined that the schools with uniforms improved their students attendance, and graduation rates rose an average almost 11 percent.

In 2022, Ohio State University and University of Pennsylvania researchers reached a contrary opinion in their report titled “ School Uniforms and Students Behavior: Is There a Link? ” Their view was that, in general, evidence that school uniforms improve social skills in the students was “inconclusive.” The solitary praise they provided to uniform-wearing was noting there was “some indication that low-income students in schools that required uniforms demonstrated better school attendance than low-income students in schools that did not.”

What to believe? Jury is still out.

What do students think about uniforms?

A student discussion: pros and cons of uniforms

Editor’s note: This video is part of our high school milestones series about communication skills. The students in this video discuss the pros and cons of school uniforms.

A University of Nevada, Reno, survey of 1,848 middle school students, published in 2022, revealed that 90 percent did not like wearing a uniform to school . Only 30 percent believed the uniforms “might reduce discipline issues, a mere 17 percent thought the uniform helped them focus at school, 34 percent believed their school was safer due to the uniforms and 37 percent said, “I worry less about my appearance” due to the uniform requirement.”

An earlier study, also in Nevada, displayed similar unpopularity with newly instituted uniforms among middle school students. However, when the researchers looked into school discipline and local police records and compared them to the prior year’s data, discipline referrals were down 10 percent, there were 63 percent fewer police log reports, and incidences of graffiti, fights, and gang-related activity were all down.

It’s a big issue

A new trend is the mounting pressure to establish dress codes for teachers. Apparently, the same casual mindset toward revealing outfits is cropping up in the ranks of our teachers.

The debate over uniforms in public schools encompasses many larger issues than simply what children should wear to school. It touches on issues of school improvement, freedom of expression, and hot-button culture wars. It’s no wonder the debate rages on.

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School Uniform Essay | Essay on School Uniform for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

School Uniform Essay: People have long debated over the fact if school uniform is necessary. Many educational institutions impose the necessity of wearing school uniforms which has its benefits and disadvantages. Since both the advantages and disadvantages are based on solid ground, the debate on the necessity of school uniform is ongoing. We will discuss both the points, and you can assess if there is a solution to it.

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Long and Short Essays on School Uniform for Students and Kids in English

We are providing children and students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short piece of 150 words on the topic “School Uniform” for reference.

Long Essay on School Uniform 500 Words in English

Long Essay on School Uniform is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

School uniforms are a tradition which has been going on for decades. There are continuous debates about the positive and the negative effects of schools imposing uniformity of clothes.

Schools are educational institutions where children go not only to learn textbooks but to grow as an overall human being. Schools also have the task of teaching children about the taste in clothes and tell them what is appropriate for what occasion.

School uniforms are a simple form of clothes for students during their stay at school during the school hours, and outside during official school activities. A school uniform is common in most of the schools. They have direct orders to wear the school uniform without fail.

School uniforms bring a certain beauty to the school students. Uniforms are practical since students do not need to fret about what to wear each new day. Besides, school uniform makes each student a part of the school. They are unified under their school name.

Other practicalities of school uniforms are things like it is easy to spot a child in their uniform. Hence, it is difficult for students to bunk school without being spotted by others in the street. Many students do not realize the practicality of school uniforms, and there are many.

Scientists believe that with school uniforms, children learn to appreciate and respect it as a part of the tradition and strive to uphold its sanctity. It helps students to be more organized and not get distracted from their lessons. Hence, it helps to increase their overall academic achievement.

School uniforms also instil a sense of belonging to their school and unite students. It helps to discipline students and maintain order. It is because they are not distracted by their unique clothing. It helps students to behave seriously within the walls of the institution as well as outside since they are aware that people will recognize their school uniform.

However, some people believe that there is no link between school uniform and academic achievement. Again, they argue that school uniforms impose uniformity and hence make students a mass of faceless children and without any individuality. Some also say that uniforms make children unimaginative since they cannot express themselves through their clothes.

You can now access Essay Writing on the topic School Uniform and many more topics.

On the other hand, school uniforms help to reduce conflicts between students which result from differences in their social status and class. It is difficult for students to gauge their peer’s financial condition if they are wearing school uniforms. But the other group maintains that students belonging to wealthy families try to show their status by wearing expensive accessories like watches, pens, etc. or perfumes, and such other things. In this case, the school uniform has no purpose.

It is difficult for low-income families to buy school uniforms every passing year, and it may create a strain in their budget. Hence, school uniforms are not cheap and can feel unnecessarily expensive for low-income families.

Hence, it isn’t easy to choose a side when it comes to the practicality of school uniforms. But, in my opinion, I cannot imagine my school without any uniform. Even though we may not have liked it when we were in school, looking back, it brings back nostalgic memories.

Short Essay on School Uniform 150 Words in English

Short Essay on School Uniform is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

School uniform is a part of our school culture. School uniform aims to unify all students regardless of their cultural, religious, and financial background. Most of the schools in our country have school uniforms.

The tradition of school uniform can be dated back to a few centuries and hence holds traditional values. The uniform brings a sense of belonging in the students and unites them as fellow alumni.

People debate about the fact that school uniforms create a financial strain for families coming from poor backgrounds. Since children grow physically year after year, they have to buy new uniforms. It creates unnecessary hardships for them.

People write thousands and thousands of articles about the necessity of school uniform without any solution. Both sides have strong arguments, and it might be unnecessary to select one. If people don’t believe in school uniforms, they can put their children in schools which do not implement it and vice verse. It is a question of faith, and there is no right or wrong in it.

10 Lines on School Uniform Essay in English

1. School uniforms are a necessity in most schools to bring about uniformity in students. 2. School uniform unifies all students, regardless of their cultural, religious, and financial background. 3. It instils a sense of belonging in the students. 4. It helps to discipline students and maintain order since they are not distracted by their unique clothes. 5. Students do not need to fuss about what to wear every morning if they have school uniforms. 6. It is difficult for low-income families to buy school uniforms every passing year, and it may create a strain in their budget. 7. School uniforms impose uniformity and hence make students a mass of faceless children and without any individuality. 8. It is difficult for students to gauge their peer’s financial condition if they are wearing school uniforms. 9. Students can be serious about their studies and learn to strive to be worthy of the tradition. 10. School uniforms can make students unimaginative.

FAQ’s on School Uniform Essay

Question 1. What is the utility of school uniforms?

Answer: School uniforms help to unify students regardless of their religion, class or caste. It makes students serious about their academic achievements.

Question 2. What are the negative effects of school uniforms?

Answer: Poor families may find it difficult to buy school uniforms, and it also restricts their creativity.

Question 3. What tradition does school uniform uphold?

Answer: The tradition of school uniform has been going on for decades and hence, students learn to respect their uniform and their school.

Question 4. Which is better, having a school uniform or not having one?

Answer: It is a highly debatable topic, and there is no clear conclusion to it. It all comes down to personal preference.

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Uniforms in Public Schools: Benefits and Drawbacks Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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Although pros and cons of public schools implementing uniforms are contentious, their benefits outweigh their drawbacks as when students wear similar clothes, disparities among them are minimized, and they effectively focus on learning. In the US, school uniforms have increasingly been adopted by learning institutions countrywide (Baumann and Krskova 1010).

However, some schools disagree with the need for learners to wear uniforms and, in their place, choose to encourage a dress code while others allow students to dress in clothes of their choice provided that they look decent. Arguments in support of school uniforms affirm that they generate a favorable learning environment, symbolize discipline, and instill pride regarding the institution while people in their disfavor believe that they interfere with learners’ creativity and comfort hence they should not be implemented.

There are numerous challenges that learning institutions experience in modern times. Some of the problems include violence, learners’ constant worry about failure to fit in a given group, and loss of focus on learning, the principal objective of being in school. When many learners concentrate on what they should wear the next day instead of their studies and assigned homework, the quality of education will be negatively affected.

Peer pressure, monetary struggle, fear of not being as expensively dressed as others in the school, and daily fashion fights are some of the factors that affect the overall concentration that students have on learning. Not only do learners worry about fitting in, but also do parents feel concerned about their children. Eradication of the need to keep purchasing new fashions each season for learners will act as a monetary relief and a solution to psychological disturbances (Baumann and Krskova 1016).

If all students wear similar clothes, there is a high likelihood of reducing stealing because uniform clothing and accessories would not be as envious as when there is no standardization. In countries that value freedom of expression, the actual liberty to learn might be established in the implementation of school uniforms. Uniforms assist in dealing with most of the problems experienced by learning institutions and students thus should be implemented by all public schools.

Public learning institutions should not implement school uniforms since clothing does not generally interrupt learning. Therefore, all students should be given the freedom to select their outfits. Learners only use clothes as a means of self-expression and an element of their identity. Despite school uniforms being effective in some way, compelling all the students to wear them has a negative influence on academic performance as learners will feel unsupported in their choices (Edwards and Marshall 12).

The implementation of school uniforms in public schools is not helpful to students’ educational achievements and only seeks to withhold learners’ opportunity to become creative, which would start with their choice of outfits. However, pros outshine cons since without school uniforms, students do not feel like part of a team. Additionally, learners from less fortunate families feel inferior as they cannot afford to dress as expensively as their counterparts from rich families. Over and above enlarging such disparities, lack of school uniforms interferes with effective learning as students will take much of their time thinking about what to wear.

Arguments for the implementation of school uniforms affirm that they generate a positive learning environment while the ones in disfavor believe that they restrict learners’ creativity. Though pros and cons of schools implementing uniforms are debatable, their advantages overshadow their shortcomings. Uniforms help in addressing most of the problems experienced in school thus should be implemented by every public school.

Works Cited

Baumann, Chris, and Hana Krskova. “School Discipline, School Uniforms and Academic Performance.” International Journal of Educational Management, vol. 30, no. 6, 2016, pp. 1003-1029.

Edwards, Torrie, and Catherine Marshall. “Undressing Policy: A Critical Analysis of North Carolina (USA) Public School Dress Codes.” Gender and Education, vol. 1, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1-19.

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IvyPanda. (2021, June 29). Uniforms in Public Schools: Benefits and Drawbacks. https://ivypanda.com/essays/uniforms-in-public-schools-benefits-and-drawbacks/

"Uniforms in Public Schools: Benefits and Drawbacks." IvyPanda , 29 June 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/uniforms-in-public-schools-benefits-and-drawbacks/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Uniforms in Public Schools: Benefits and Drawbacks'. 29 June.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Uniforms in Public Schools: Benefits and Drawbacks." June 29, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/uniforms-in-public-schools-benefits-and-drawbacks/.

1. IvyPanda . "Uniforms in Public Schools: Benefits and Drawbacks." June 29, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/uniforms-in-public-schools-benefits-and-drawbacks/.


IvyPanda . "Uniforms in Public Schools: Benefits and Drawbacks." June 29, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/uniforms-in-public-schools-benefits-and-drawbacks/.

Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms: A Thoughtful Exploration with 9 Reasons, Studies and Statistics

At the core of the anti-uniform stance is the belief in the importance of individuality and personal growth during the formative years of schooling. Uniforms, often seen as a tool for homogenization, can stifle the self-expression and creativity that are essential in nurturing young minds. By enforcing a standard mode of dress, schools may inadvertently suppress the diversity and individuality that should be celebrated within educational environments. Moreover, the imposition of uniforms can raise significant financial burdens for families, create unnecessary resistance to authority, and overlook important cultural and religious considerations.

I am seething about this poor young girl who has been put in isolation because she’s not wearing a school uniform bought from the right place, school uniforms are far too expensive for a lot of people in this country in the most ridiculous you can get just as good from supermarke — James Whale (@THEJamesWhale) September 17, 2023

Uniforms in Education: Educator and Industry Expert Perspectives

Teachers and educational experts are increasingly questioning the rising trend of school uniforms in U.S. public schools. While the period from 1999-2000 to 2017-18 saw an increase from 12% to 20% in schools adopting uniforms, there’s growing concern about their impact on student individuality and expression. In 2015-2016, uniform policies were enforced in 25% of public primary schools, 20% of middle schools, and 12% of high schools, with a notable prevalence in urban and high-poverty schools . Experts argue that such policies, while aiming for uniformity, might inadvertently suppress student creativity and self-identity, vital for holistic educational development.

“I completely disagree with uniforms on every level. Supporters of uniforms say that they reduce bullying with regards to fashion, but there is a great deal of evidence that says it just pushes that bullying underground. Instead of being bullied about something superficial like the shirt you are wearing, bullies just go to the tried and true body image shaming. Glass? Overweight? Acne? Too many freckles? Hair colour? Too tall? Too short? What school administrators see is a surface level reduction in bullying, followed by them patting themselves on the back and ignoring the problem completely.” — Scooter Campbell , assistant language teacher
“While uniforms are supposed to build a sense of community, they may have the opposite effect. Fashion is one way that students express themselves, and that may be an important part of the school experience. When students can’t show their individuality, they may not feel like they belong as much. School uniforms may not be the most effective way to improve student behavior and engagement.” — Arya Ansari, assistant professor of human sciences at The Ohio State University
“I really don’t care whether or not a student’s shirt is tucked in, as long as they are learning. I don’t care whether or not a student has on the right belt, as long as I can’t see their underwear. I don’t care if a boy has earrings, facial hair, or painted nails, as long as he’s not painting them in my class. I don’t care if a girl has bright pink hair, a tank top, and ripped jeans, as long as bosoms and butt cheeks are covered and secure. I don’t like hoodies on heads in my classroom because it makes it too easy to hide Airpods, but I don’t care if the sweatshirt has a hood. As long as it’s not a top hat or sombrero that blocks the view of the students behind them, I don’t care if my students wear hats or beanies in my class.” — New Orleans Mom Guest Author

The video below explores the debate on the impact of school uniforms on academic performance. It delves into whether mandating uniforms in schools truly enhances students’ learning and overall academic success.

9 Reasons Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms

1. expression of individuality, 2. financial burden, 3. comfort and practicality.

The issue of comfort and practicality is a significant concern in the debate against mandatory school uniforms. Students spend a substantial part of their day in school, and their attire plays a crucial role in their overall comfort and ability to engage effectively in various school activities.

In essence, prioritizing comfort and practicality in student attire is not only a matter of convenience but also impacts their academic engagement and well-being. Allowing students to wear clothing that is comfortable, suited to a variety of activities, and appropriate for the weather can enhance their school experience, making them more receptive to learning and participating in school life.

4. Lack of Preparation for Real World

5. equality issues, 6. resistance to authority, 7. cultural and religious concerns, 8. psychological impact, 9. not environmentally friendly, addressing opposing perspectives on school uniforms, 1. uniforms save time, 2. uniforms improve attendance and discipline, 3. improving safety and security, useful resources, leave a comment cancel reply.

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Pro and Con: School Uniforms

Diverse elementary school children wearing school uniforms running outside of school. Boys girls

To access extended pro and con arguments, sources, and discussion questions about whether students should have to wear school uniforms, go to ProCon.org .

Traditionally favored by private and parochial institutions, school uniforms are being adopted by US public schools in increasing numbers. According to a 2020 report, the percentage of public schools that required school uniforms jumped from 12% in the 1999-2000 school year to 20% in the 2017-18 school year. School uniforms were most frequently required by elementary schools (23%), followed by middle (18%), and high schools (10%).

The first recorded use of standardized dress in education may have been in England in 1222, when the Archbishop of Canterbury mandated that students wear a robe-like outfit called the “cappa clausa.” The origin of the modern school uniform can be traced to 16th Century England, when the impoverished “charity children” attending the Christ’s Hospital boarding school wore blue cloaks reminiscent of the cassocks worn by clergy, along with yellow stockings. As of Sep. 2014, students at Christ’s Hospital were still wearing the same uniform, and according to the school it is the oldest school uniform still in use. When Christ’s Hospital surveyed its students in 2011, 95% voted to keep the traditional uniforms.

School uniforms in the United States followed the traditional use of uniforms established in England and were generally limited to private and parochial schools. One exception was found in government-run boarding schools for Native American children, first established in the late 1800s, where the children, who had been removed from their families, were dressed in military-style uniforms.

According to figures released in 2018 by the National Center for Education Statistics, the total number of public schools nationwide requiring students to wear school uniforms increased from 12% during the 1999-2000 school year to 21% during the 2015-2016 school year. In 2015-2016, 25% of public primary schools enforced a uniform policy, as did 20% of public middle schools and 12% of public high schools. A higher proportion of schools located in cities had mandatory uniforms in 2015-2016 than schools in suburban, town, and rural areas. Mandatory uniforms were far more prevalent in “high-poverty” schools (in which 76% of students were eligible for reduced-cost or free lunch programs) than in “low-poverty” schools.

Among the US cities with the highest use of school uniforms in public schools are Philadelphia (100% of schools), New Orleans (95%), Cleveland (85%), Chicago (80%), Boston (65%), and Miami (60%). The number of schools with “strict dress codes” has also increased, from 47% in 2000 to 57% in 2010.

  • School uniforms may deter crime and increase student safety.
  • School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes.
  • School uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying.
  • Wearing uniforms enhances school pride, unity, and community spirit.
  • School uniforms may improve attendance and discipline.
  • Uniform policies save valuable class time because they are easier to enforce than a standard dress code.
  • School uniforms prevent the display of gang colors and insignia.
  • School uniforms make getting ready for school easier, which can improve punctuality.
  • School uniforms can save parents money.
  • Most parents and educators support mandatory school uniforms.
  • Students’ legal right to free expression remains intact even with mandatory school uniforms.
  • Students dressed in uniform are better perceived by teachers and peers.
  • Students can express their individuality in school uniforms by introducing variations and adding accessories.
  • School uniforms restrict students’ freedom of expression.
  • School uniforms promote conformity over individuality.
  • School uniforms do not stop bullying and may increase violent attacks.
  • School uniforms do not improve attendance, academic preparedness, or exam results.
  • The key findings used to tout the benefits of uniforms are questionable.
  • School uniforms emphasize the socio-economic divisions they are supposed to eliminate.
  • Students oppose school uniforms.
  • Uniforms may have a detrimental effect on students’ self-image.
  • Focusing on uniforms takes attention away from finding genuine solutions to problems in education.
  • The push for school uniforms is driven by commercial interests rather than educational ones.
  • Parents should be free to choose their children’s clothes without government interference.
  • School uniforms in public schools undermine the promise of a free education by imposing an extra expense on families.
  • School uniforms may delay the transition into adulthood.

This article was published on May 3, 2021, at Britannica’s ProCon.org , a nonpartisan issue-information source.


Essay on Importance of School Uniform

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of School Uniform in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of School Uniform

Uniforms: a symbol of equality.

Uniforms are crucial in schools as they represent equality. No student is richer or poorer when everyone dresses the same. It helps in reducing social gaps.

Boosting Discipline and Respect

Uniforms instill a sense of discipline and respect. They prepare students for future workplaces where formal attire is often required.

Enhancing School Spirit

Uniforms boost school spirit. When students wear the same attire, they feel a sense of unity and pride towards their institution.

Safety and Identification

Uniforms ensure safety, as they make students easily identifiable within the school premises.

250 Words Essay on Importance of School Uniform

The symbolism of uniformity, discipline and focus.

Uniforms instill discipline, a crucial virtue for personal and academic growth. They also reduce distractions, enabling students to concentrate on their studies. By eliminating the need to decide what to wear each day, uniforms allow students to focus their mental energy on more important tasks.

Identity and Representation

A school uniform is more than just clothing; it’s an emblem of the institution’s values and ethos. It instills a sense of pride in students, inspiring them to uphold the school’s reputation. This sense of identity can motivate students to perform better acadically and behave responsibly.

Safety and Security

Uniforms enhance safety within the school premises. They make it easier to identify outsiders, thus preventing unauthorized access. In case of emergencies, students can be quickly recognized and accounted for due to their uniforms.

Economic Implications

Uniforms can help families save money. Instead of spending on fashionable and expensive clothes, parents can invest in a few sets of uniforms that last throughout the year.

In conclusion, school uniforms play a significant role in shaping a conducive learning environment. They foster unity, discipline, and focus, while also promoting safety and economic efficiency. Despite the occasional debates over their necessity, the importance of school uniforms in the educational sphere is undeniable.

500 Words Essay on Importance of School Uniform

Introduction, uniforms as a leveler.

One of the primary roles of a school uniform is to promote equality. By wearing the same attire, students are less likely to judge each other based on clothing style, brand, or cost. In this way, uniforms help mitigate socio-economic disparities, reducing instances of bullying or peer pressure related to fashion trends or perceived wealth. This fosters an environment where students can focus more on their studies and less on their wardrobes.

Instilling Discipline and Responsibility

School uniforms are not just about maintaining a dress code; they also serve as a tool for instilling discipline and responsibility. Wearing a uniform is a daily reminder of the rules and standards that students are expected to uphold. It encourages students to take pride in their appearance, fostering personal responsibility and self-discipline.

Contributing to School Identity and Unity

Reducing distractions.

Uniforms can also reduce distractions in the classroom. Rather than focusing on the latest fashion trends or comparing outfits, students can concentrate on their studies. This leads to a more productive and focused learning environment, which can ultimately contribute to improved academic performance.

Enhancing Safety

Finally, school uniforms can enhance safety. They make it easier to identify students, preventing unauthorized individuals from entering the school premises unnoticed. In the event of a school trip or an emergency, uniforms allow for easy identification and account of students.

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the benefits of uniform essay


  1. The Benefits of School Uniforms: [Essay Example], 585 words

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  16. Essay on Importance of School Uniform

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  20. The Benefits Of School Specific Uniform

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