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What is the difference between research papers and review papers?

What is the Difference Between Research Papers and Review Papers?

Researchers often have to write different types of articles, from review papers to review papers and more, each with its own purpose and structure. This makes it critical for students and researchers to understand the nuances of good writing and develop the skills required to write various kinds of academic text. With so many different types of academic writing to pursue – scholarly articles, commentaries, book reviews, case reports, clinical study reports – it is common for students and early career researchers to get confused. So in this article, we will explain what is a review paper and what is a research paper, while summarizing the similarities and difference between review papers and research papers.

Table of Contents

What is a Review Paper ?

A review paper offers an overview of previously published work and does not contain any new research findings. It evaluates and summarizes information or knowledge that is already available in various published formats like journals, books, or other publications, all of which is referred to as secondary literature. Well-written review papers play a crucial role in helping students and researchers understand existing knowledge in a specific field or a research topic they are interested in. By providing a comprehensive overview of previous studies, methodologies, findings, and trends, they help researchers identify gaps in a specific field of study opening up new avenues for future research.

What is a Research Paper ?

A research paper is based on original research and primary sources of data. Unlike review papers, researchers writing research papers need to report new findings derived from empirical research or experimentation. It requires the author to draw inferences or make assumptions based on experiments, surveys, interviews, or questionnaires employed to collect and analyze data. Research papers also typically follow the recommended IMRAD format, which includes an abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Through research papers, authors address a specific research question or hypothesis with the aim of contributing novel insights to the field.

Similarities between research papers and review papers

Research papers and review papers share several similarities, which makes it understandable that it is this pair of academic documents that are often most confused.

  • Research papers and review papers are written by scholars and intended for an academic audience; they’re written with the aim of contributing to the existing body of knowledge in a particular field and can be published in peer reviewed journals.
  • Both research papers and review papers require a comprehensive understanding of all the latest, relevant literature on a specific topic. This means authors must conduct a thorough review of existing studies, theories, and methodologies in their own subject and related areas to inform their own research or analysis.
  • Research papers and review papers both adhere to specific formatting and citation styles dictated by the target journal. This ensures consistency and allows readers to easily locate and reference the sources cited in the papers.

These similarities highlight the rigorous, scholarly nature of both research papers and review papers, which requires both research integrity and a commitment to further knowledge in a field. However, these two types of academic writing are more different than one would think.

Differences between research papers and review papers

Though often used interchangeably to refer to academic content, research papers and review papers are quite different. They have different purposes, specific structure and writing styles, and citation formats given that they aim to communicate different kinds of information. Here are four key differences between research papers and review papers:

  • Purpose: Review papers evaluate existing research, identify trends, and discuss the current state of knowledge on a specific topic; they are based on the study of previously published literature. On the other hand, research paperscontain original research work undertaken by the author, who is required to contribute new knowledge to the research field.
  • Structure: Research papers typically follow a structured format, including key sections like the introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. Meanwhile, review papers may have a more flexible structure, allowing authors to organize the content based on thematic or chronological approaches. However, they generally include an introduction, main body discussing various aspects of the topic, and a conclusion.
  • Methodology: Research papers involve the collection of data, experimentation, or analysis of existing data to answer specific research questions. However, review papers do not involve original data collection; instead, they extensively analyze and summarize existing studies, often using systematic literature review methods.
  • Citation style: Research papers rely on primary sources to support and justify their own findings, emphasizing recent and relevant research. Review papers incorporate a wide range of primary and secondary sources to present a comprehensive overview of the topic and support the evaluation and synthesis of existing literature.

In summary, it’s important to understand the key differences between research papers and review papers. By mastering the art of writing both research papers and review papers, students and researchers can make more meaningful contributions to their chosen disciplines. All the best!

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Review vs. Research Articles

How can you tell if you are looking at a research paper, review paper or a systematic review  examples and article characteristics are provided below to help you figure it out., research papers.

A research article describes a study that was performed by the article’s author(s). It explains the methodology of the study, such as how data was collected and analyzed, and clarifies what the results mean. Each step of the study is reported in detail so that other researchers can repeat the experiment.

To determine if a paper is a research article, examine its wording. Research articles describe actions taken by the researcher(s) during the experimental process. Look for statements like “we tested,” “I measured,” or “we investigated.” Research articles also describe the outcomes of studies. Check for phrases like “the study found” or “the results indicate.” Next, look closely at the formatting of the article. Research papers are divided into sections that occur in a particular order: abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references.

Let's take a closer look at this research paper by Bacon et al. published in the International Journal of Hypertension :


Review Papers

Review articles do not describe original research conducted by the author(s). Instead, they give an overview of a specific subject by examining previously published studies on the topic. The author searches for and selects studies on the subject and then tries to make sense of their findings. In particular, review articles look at whether the outcomes of the chosen studies are similar, and if they are not, attempt to explain the conflicting results. By interpreting the findings of previous studies, review articles are able to present the current knowledge and understanding of a specific topic.

Since review articles summarize the research on a particular topic, students should read them for background information before consulting detailed, technical research articles. Furthermore, review articles are a useful starting point for a research project because their reference lists can be used to find additional articles on the subject.

Let's take a closer look at this review paper by Bacon et al. published in Sports Medicine :


Systematic Review Papers

A systematic review is a type of review article that tries to limit the occurrence of bias. Traditional, non-systematic reviews can be biased because they do not include all of the available papers on the review’s topic; only certain studies are discussed by the author. No formal process is used to decide which articles to include in the review. Consequently, unpublished articles, older papers, works in foreign languages, manuscripts published in small journals, and studies that conflict with the author’s beliefs can be overlooked or excluded. Since traditional reviews do not have to explain the techniques used to select the studies, it can be difficult to determine if the author’s bias affected the review’s findings.

Systematic reviews were developed to address the problem of bias. Unlike traditional reviews, which cover a broad topic, systematic reviews focus on a single question, such as if a particular intervention successfully treats a medical condition. Systematic reviews then track down all of the available studies that address the question, choose some to include in the review, and critique them using predetermined criteria. The studies are found, selected, and evaluated using a formal, scientific methodology in order to minimize the effect of the author’s bias. The methodology is clearly explained in the systematic review so that readers can form opinions about the quality of the review.

Let's take a closer look this systematic review paper by Vigano et al. published in Lancet Oncology :


Finding Review and Research Papers in PubMed

Many databases have special features that allow the searcher to restrict results to articles that match specific criteria. In other words, only articles of a certain type will be displayed in the search results. These “limiters” can be useful when searching for research or review articles. PubMed has a limiter for article type, which is located on the left sidebar of the search results page. This limiter can filter the search results to show only review articles.

difference of review article and research paper

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Research Articles, Reviews, and Opinion Pieces

Scholarly or research articles are written for experts in their fields. They are often peer-reviewed or reviewed by other experts in the field prior to publication. They often have terminology or jargon that is field specific. They are generally lengthy articles. Social science and science scholarly articles have similar structures as do arts and humanities scholarly articles. Not all items in a scholarly journal are peer reviewed. For example, an editorial opinion items can be published in a scholarly journal but the article itself is not scholarly. Scholarly journals may include book reviews or other content that have not been peer reviewed.

Empirical Study: (Original or Primary) based on observation, experimentation, or study. Clinical trials, clinical case studies, and most meta-analyses are empirical studies.

Review Article: (Secondary Sources) Article that summarizes the research in a particular subject, area, or topic. They often include a summary, an literature reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses.

Clinical case study (Primary or Original sources): These articles provide real cases from medical or clinical practice. They often include symptoms and diagnosis.

Clinical trials ( Health Research): Th ese articles are often based on large groups of people. They often include methods and control studies. They tend to be lengthy articles.

Opinion Piece:  An opinion piece often includes personal thoughts, beliefs, or feelings or a judgement or conclusion based on facts. The goal may be to persuade or influence the reader that their position on this topic is the best.

Book review: Recent review of books in the field. They may be several pages but tend to be fairly short. 

Social Science and Science Research Articles

The majority of social science and physical science articles include

  • Journal Title and Author
  • Abstract 
  • Introduction with a hypothesis or thesis
  • Literature Review
  • Methods/Methodology
  • Results/Findings

Arts and Humanities Research Articles

In the Arts and Humanities, scholarly articles tend to be less formatted than in the social sciences and sciences. In the humanities, scholars are not conducting the same kinds of research experiments, but they are still using evidence to draw logical conclusions.  Common sections of these articles include:

  • an Introduction
  • Discussion/Conclusion
  • works cited/References/Bibliography

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Review Paper vs. Research Paper: Main Differences

Doing a paper is difficult, so learn the difference between a review paper vs. research paper, to determine which one is ideal for you.

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A research paper and a review paper are two very specific types of papers. They have different motives, goals, and prerequisites. The elements found in research papers and review papers differ. The research paper is based on originality, therefore the paper takes into consideration the author’s original research, whereas the review paper is founded on an existing collection of knowledge. 

This article will walk you through the main differences between a review paper vs. research paper, allowing you to correctly determine which one is ideal for your work.

What is a review paper?

A review paper project tries to provide readers with an overview of an existing collection of knowledge by reviewing a book or an article and examining its content, structure , style, and statements. Reviews, such as peer reviews, can be used to examine and assess the work of other authors, rating the work by comparing it to the work of others. A review article is frequently written for a large readership, which is why it is usually brief. 

Review papers can be classified into three types:

  • Narrative: a collection of and attempt to communicate all known information about a certain topic. It is based on research that has previously been completed and published. 
  • Meta-analysis: a method of comparing and combining the findings of past research studies. It is done routinely to evaluate the efficacy of a particular initiative or method of treatment.
  • Systematic : a search of all known scientific information on a topic to find a solution to a specific issue or problem. 

What is a research paper?

A research paper entails writing on research that has been performed by themselves, usually something new and done mostly from scratch since it has to be original research. It incorporates the research parameters, as well as the assessment, interpretation and important findings of the research. 

Writing a research paper involves several phases and different aspects, such as: selecting a topic, developing a hypothesis, conducting research, testing the hypothesis, drawing conclusions, and publishing a paper supporting or denying the hypothesis. 

Review paper vs. Research paper

Now that you have a basic understanding of both sorts of papers, it is time to compare and contrast the main differences between review paper vs. research paper.

A thorough examination of something with the goal of implementing change if appropriate. E.g. a review of an article or other published work.A methodical examination and analysis of materials and sources to establish facts and generate new findings.
The word limit is often around 3000 and 5000 words. Based on the journal, a lengthier or fairly shorter review paper may also be published.Normally runs between 3000 and 6000 words, depending on the journal requirement. The word limit for certain publications may potentially be increased to 12,000.
To collect and critically examine information about a certain subject.To present new information and findings.
Existing literature and other work sources.Raw data and original research.
The author will select a topic and then synthesize the existing sources of information for that topic by providing an overview of its current understanding.The researchers develop a research question, acquire raw data, then execute their own research. The research paper is then created utilizing the data analysis and interpretations.

These are the main differences, however, there may be others:

  • A research paper is usually more detailed and thorough than a review paper.
  • A research paper is usually peer-reviewed, but a review paper is not always.
  • In general, a research paper is more formal than a review paper.
  • A research paper’s tone is normally objective, but a review paper’s tone can be more subjective.
  • A research paper is normally written in APA style, however, a review paper may be written in a different format.

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Review Article vs Research Article

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Review Article vs Research Article

Review articles and Research Articles are two different types of scholarly publications that serve distinct purposes in the academic literature.

Research Articles

A Research Article is a primary source that presents original research findings based on a specific research question or hypothesis. These articles typically follow a standard format that includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion sections. Research articles often include detailed descriptions of the research design, data collection and analysis procedures, and the results of statistical tests. These articles are typically peer-reviewed to ensure that they meet rigorous scientific standards before publication.

Review Articles

A Review Article is a secondary source that summarizes and analyzes existing research on a particular topic or research question. These articles provide an overview of the current state of knowledge on a particular topic, including a critical analysis of the strengths and limitations of previous research. Review articles often include a meta-analysis of the existing literature, which involves combining and analyzing data from multiple studies to draw more general conclusions about the research question or topic. Review articles are also typically peer-reviewed to ensure that they are comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date.

Difference Between Review Article and Research Article

Here are some key differences between review articles and research articles:

AspectResearch ArticleReview Article
Present original research findings based on a research question or hypothesisSummarize and analyze existing research on a particular topic or research question
Standard sections including an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusionDepends on the journal and topic, but typically includes an introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion
Describe the research design, data collection and analysis procedures, and results of statistical testsDescribe the methodology used to identify and analyze the literature
Statistical analysis of dataMeta-analysis or systematic review of existing literature
Presents original data collected through researchDoes not present original data, but rather synthesizes and analyzes existing data
Based on the results of the research conductedBased on the analysis of existing literature
Peer-reviewed to ensure that they meet rigorous scientific standards before publicationPeer-reviewed to ensure that they are comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date

In summary, research articles and review articles serve different purposes in the academic literature. Research articles present original research findings based on a specific research question or hypothesis, while review articles summarize and analyze existing research on a particular topic or research question. Both types of articles are typically peer-reviewed to ensure that they meet high standards of scientific rigor and accuracy.

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Differences Between Review Paper and Research Paper

A research paper includes original work while a review paper includes the summary of existing work which explains or solves a specific problem. 

An integral part of a PhD dissertation or thesis is writing a research and review article, besides writing a thesis, proposal and synopsis. In addition, one also has to publish an article in a peer-reviewed journal which is indeed a tougher task, right!

Writing is an indispensable part of the doctorate degree and has significant value in honoring the same degree. A student when becoming a PhD candidate has to write a thesis statement, research proposal, synopsis of the doctorate, thesis, research article and review article, in chronological order.

If one fails to do so, they can’t get a degree. And that’s why writing is important. Nonetheless, students face problems while writing either research or review articles. 

Supportive evidence suggests that students actually don’t know the basic and major differences between either so fail to publish both article types. 

In the present piece of content, I will explain the importance of a review and research article as well as the differences between both. I am hoping that this article will add value to your knowledge and help you in your PhD. 

Stay tuned. 

difference of review article and research paper

What is a Review Paper? 

What is a research paper, review vs research paper: differences, research article vs review article- similarities:, wrapping up: .

A review chapter or review articles add value to the thesis as well as existing knowledge. Universities are usually recommended to write and publish it. From students’ perspectives, review writing frightens them. 

However, from a supervisors’ perspective, it should be precise, concise and nearly perfect. 

Review writing is a tedious, frustrating and time-consuming process that needs special attention. The reason why it should be nearly perfect is that it supports researchers’ original work. 

Technically, the review article comprises a summary of the existing research in a structured manner. Normally, it addresses the original research work and solves the existing problem by literature. 

However, it can’t solve any existing problem, it doesn’t need wet-lab experimentation. It only shows the existing state of understanding of a topic. Notedly, an expert of the subject, experienced person, professor and professional scientist can usually write a review. 

A research paper/article contributes original research or work of a researcher on the present topic, usually includes web lab work. Much like the review, a research article should be published in a peer-reviewed journal too. 

Research article writing takes too much time as it includes research work additionally. Comprehensive writing is required to explain the materials & methods section and results & outcomes while the elaborative explanation is sufficient to introduce a topic. 

Structurally a typical research article or paper has an introduction or background, Materials & Methods, Results & discussion and conclusion. 

Depending upon the requirement of the journal and the depth or concentration of the research, the length of the article may vary, however, ordinarily is between 2 to 8 pages. 

Much like the review article, an abstract and a list of references must be included in the article. 

In summary, the research paper provides new knowledge in the relevant field and solves an existing problem by it. 

Now quickly move to the important part of this article, what are the differences between the review and research paper? 

A review article is certainly a comprehensive, in-depth and extensively well-written piece of information covering summaries of already present knowledge. While the research article constitutes an elaborative introduction of the topic and an in-depth explanation of how the research was conducted. It contributes new knowledge.

A review is written based on the already existing information and so considered as a secondary source of information, while the research paper has original research work supported by already existing sources. 

In terms of length, a review article has an in-depth explanation and so are longer, normally, 10 to 20 pages whilst the research article has an elaborative explanation and to the point information on the problem, usually ranging from 2 to 8 pages.

The review article addresses the problem whilst the research article solves the problem, certainly. 

The conclusion of the review article supports the already present findings while the result of the research article is supported by the existing research work. 

The purpose of writing a research paper is to critically analyze already existing or previous work in the form of short summaries. And restricted to a specific topic. 

On the other side, the research article includes the author’s own work in detail

Structurally, the review article has a single heading or sometimes a conclusion at the end of the article whilst the research article has sections like an introduction to the topic, materials & methods, results, discussion and final interpretation. 

Steps in review article writing are,

  • Topic finding 
  • Searching relevant sources
  • Summarising each source 
  • Correlating them with the topic or problem
  • Concluding the research.

Steps in research article writing are,

  • Choosing a problem or gap in present findings
  • Sample collection, experimentation and wet lab work
  • Finding, collecting and organizing the data
  • Correlating it with the present knowledge
  • Stating results 
  • Final interpretation.

Normally, a subject expert or experienced person can write a review article while any student, or person having the original research work can write a research article.

The review article defines or clarifies a problem, explains it by compiling previous investigations and suggests problem-solving strategies or options. On the other hand, the research article has an original problem-solving statement supported by various chapters and previous research. 

So the review article suggests possible outcomes to fill the knowledge gap while the research article provides evidence and new knowledge on how to fill the gap. 


Do not have original work.Have author’s or researcher’s original work
Contains summaries of each relevant research work to address a problemContains original and new knowledge to solve a problem. 
It finds a gap or problem in already existing knowledge. It fills a gap or solves a problem with new knowledge. 
Including comprehensive writing and elaborative explanation of each research work.Including elaborative writing and comprehensive explanative of present research work. 
Address or suggest a solution. Provides a solution
Has discussions of each search work and conclusion. Has Introduction, Material & Methods, Results & discussion and conclusion.
Do not need web lab workNeeds extensive wet lab work
Said as secondary literature.Said as primary literature or research.
The result can’t be patented.The result can be patented.

Either document has been written for a different purpose which solves almost the same objective. Fortunately, there are several similarities in writing a research or review article. Hera re some,

Both have in-text citations, a references page, an abstract and contributors. Both also need a final conclusion too in order to address or solve a problem. 

Research or review articles can be submitted or published in peer-reviewed journals. 

Both require educational, professional, informal and research writing skills. 

Importantly, both articles must be plagiarism-free, copying isn’t recommended. 

Every PhD student must have written at least a single review and research article during their research or doctoral tenure to get an award. Achieving a successful publication needs critical writing skills and original research or findings. 

The major difference between either is that the review article has summed information that directs one towards solving a problem and so does not include original work. 

Whilst the research article actually proposes a way to solve a problem and so has original work.  

Dr Tushar Chauhan

Dr. Tushar Chauhan is a Scientist, Blogger and Scientific-writer. He has completed PhD in Genetics. Dr. Chauhan is a PhD coach and tutor.

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Dr Tushar Chauhan

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Writing a Scientific Review Article: Comprehensive Insights for Beginners

Ayodeji amobonye.

1 Department of Biotechnology and Food Science, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Durban University of Technology, P.O. Box 1334, KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4000, South Africa

2 Writing Centre, Durban University of Technology, P.O. Box 1334 KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4000, South Africa

Japareng Lalung

3 School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Gelugor 11800, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Santhosh Pillai

Associated data.

The data and materials that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Review articles present comprehensive overview of relevant literature on specific themes and synthesise the studies related to these themes, with the aim of strengthening the foundation of knowledge and facilitating theory development. The significance of review articles in science is immeasurable as both students and researchers rely on these articles as the starting point for their research. Interestingly, many postgraduate students are expected to write review articles for journal publications as a way of demonstrating their ability to contribute to new knowledge in their respective fields. However, there is no comprehensive instructional framework to guide them on how to analyse and synthesise the literature in their niches into publishable review articles. The dearth of ample guidance or explicit training results in students having to learn all by themselves, usually by trial and error, which often leads to high rejection rates from publishing houses. Therefore, this article seeks to identify these challenges from a beginner's perspective and strives to plug the identified gaps and discrepancies. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to serve as a systematic guide for emerging scientists and to summarise the most important information on how to write and structure a publishable review article.

1. Introduction

Early scientists, spanning from the Ancient Egyptian civilization to the Scientific Revolution of the 16 th /17 th century, based their research on intuitions, personal observations, and personal insights. Thus, less time was spent on background reading as there was not much literature to refer to. This is well illustrated in the case of Sir Isaac Newton's apple tree and the theory of gravity, as well as Gregor Mendel's pea plants and the theory of inheritance. However, with the astronomical expansion in scientific knowledge and the emergence of the information age in the last century, new ideas are now being built on previously published works, thus the periodic need to appraise the huge amount of already published literature [ 1 ]. According to Birkle et al. [ 2 ], the Web of Science—an authoritative database of research publications and citations—covered more than 80 million scholarly materials. Hence, a critical review of prior and relevant literature is indispensable for any research endeavour as it provides the necessary framework needed for synthesising new knowledge and for highlighting new insights and perspectives [ 3 ].

Review papers are generally considered secondary research publications that sum up already existing works on a particular research topic or question and relate them to the current status of the topic. This makes review articles distinctly different from scientific research papers. While the primary aim of the latter is to develop new arguments by reporting original research, the former is focused on summarising and synthesising previous ideas, studies, and arguments, without adding new experimental contributions. Review articles basically describe the content and quality of knowledge that are currently available, with a special focus on the significance of the previous works. To this end, a review article cannot simply reiterate a subject matter, but it must contribute to the field of knowledge by synthesising available materials and offering a scholarly critique of theory [ 4 ]. Typically, these articles critically analyse both quantitative and qualitative studies by scrutinising experimental results, the discussion of the experimental data, and in some instances, previous review articles to propose new working theories. Thus, a review article is more than a mere exhaustive compilation of all that has been published on a topic; it must be a balanced, informative, perspective, and unbiased compendium of previous studies which may also include contrasting findings, inconsistencies, and conventional and current views on the subject [ 5 ].

Hence, the essence of a review article is measured by what is achieved, what is discovered, and how information is communicated to the reader [ 6 ]. According to Steward [ 7 ], a good literature review should be analytical, critical, comprehensive, selective, relevant, synthetic, and fully referenced. On the other hand, a review article is considered to be inadequate if it is lacking in focus or outcome, overgeneralised, opinionated, unbalanced, and uncritical [ 7 ]. Most review papers fail to meet these standards and thus can be viewed as mere summaries of previous works in a particular field of study. In one of the few studies that assessed the quality of review articles, none of the 50 papers that were analysed met the predefined criteria for a good review [ 8 ]. However, beginners must also realise that there is no bad writing in the true sense; there is only writing in evolution and under refinement. Literally, every piece of writing can be improved upon, right from the first draft until the final published manuscript. Hence, a paper can only be referred to as bad and unfixable when the author is not open to corrections or when the writer gives up on it.

According to Peat et al. [ 9 ], “everything is easy when you know how,” a maxim which applies to scientific writing in general and review writing in particular. In this regard, the authors emphasized that the writer should be open to learning and should also follow established rules instead of following a blind trial-and-error approach. In contrast to the popular belief that review articles should only be written by experienced scientists and researchers, recent trends have shown that many early-career scientists, especially postgraduate students, are currently expected to write review articles during the course of their studies. However, these scholars have little or no access to formal training on how to analyse and synthesise the research literature in their respective fields [ 10 ]. Consequently, students seeking guidance on how to write or improve their literature reviews are less likely to find published works on the subject, particularly in the science fields. Although various publications have dealt with the challenges of searching for literature, or writing literature reviews for dissertation/thesis purposes, there is little or no information on how to write a comprehensive review article for publication. In addition to the paucity of published information to guide the potential author, the lack of understanding of what constitutes a review paper compounds their challenges. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to serve as a guide for writing review papers for journal publishing. This work draws on the experience of the authors to assist early-career scientists/researchers in the “hard skill” of authoring review articles. Even though there is no single path to writing scientifically, or to writing reviews in particular, this paper attempts to simplify the process by looking at this subject from a beginner's perspective. Hence, this paper highlights the differences between the types of review articles in the sciences while also explaining the needs and purpose of writing review articles. Furthermore, it presents details on how to search for the literature as well as how to structure the manuscript to produce logical and coherent outputs. It is hoped that this work will ease prospective scientific writers into the challenging but rewarding art of writing review articles.

2. Benefits of Review Articles to the Author

Analysing literature gives an overview of the “WHs”: WHat has been reported in a particular field or topic, WHo the key writers are, WHat are the prevailing theories and hypotheses, WHat questions are being asked (and answered), and WHat methods and methodologies are appropriate and useful [ 11 ]. For new or aspiring researchers in a particular field, it can be quite challenging to get a comprehensive overview of their respective fields, especially the historical trends and what has been studied previously. As such, the importance of review articles to knowledge appraisal and contribution cannot be overemphasised, which is reflected in the constant demand for such articles in the research community. However, it is also important for the author, especially the first-time author, to recognise the importance of his/her investing time and effort into writing a quality review article.

Generally, literature reviews are undertaken for many reasons, mainly for publication and for dissertation purposes. The major purpose of literature reviews is to provide direction and information for the improvement of scientific knowledge. They also form a significant component in the research process and in academic assessment [ 12 ]. There may be, however, a thin line between a dissertation literature review and a published review article, given that with some modifications, a literature review can be transformed into a legitimate and publishable scholarly document. According to Gülpınar and Güçlü [ 6 ], the basic motivation for writing a review article is to make a comprehensive synthesis of the most appropriate literature on a specific research inquiry or topic. Thus, conducting a literature review assists in demonstrating the author's knowledge about a particular field of study, which may include but not be limited to its history, theories, key variables, vocabulary, phenomena, and methodologies [ 10 ]. Furthermore, publishing reviews is beneficial as it permits the researchers to examine different questions and, as a result, enhances the depth and diversity of their scientific reasoning [ 1 ]. In addition, writing review articles allows researchers to share insights with the scientific community while identifying knowledge gaps to be addressed in future research. The review writing process can also be a useful tool in training early-career scientists in leadership, coordination, project management, and other important soft skills necessary for success in the research world [ 13 ]. Another important reason for authoring reviews is that such publications have been observed to be remarkably influential, extending the reach of an author in multiple folds of what can be achieved by primary research papers [ 1 ]. The trend in science is for authors to receive more citations from their review articles than from their original research articles. According to Miranda and Garcia-Carpintero [ 14 ], review articles are, on average, three times more frequently cited than original research articles; they also asserted that a 20% increase in review authorship could result in a 40–80% increase in citations of the author. As a result, writing reviews can significantly impact a researcher's citation output and serve as a valuable channel to reach a wider scientific audience. In addition, the references cited in a review article also provide the reader with an opportunity to dig deeper into the topic of interest. Thus, review articles can serve as a valuable repository for consultation, increasing the visibility of the authors and resulting in more citations.

3. Types of Review Articles

The first step in writing a good literature review is to decide on the particular type of review to be written; hence, it is important to distinguish and understand the various types of review articles. Although scientific review articles have been classified according to various schemes, however, they are broadly categorised into narrative reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses [ 15 ]. It was observed that more authors—as well as publishers—were leaning towards systematic reviews and meta-analysis while downplaying narrative reviews; however, the three serve different aims and should all be considered equally important in science [ 1 ]. Bibliometric reviews and patent reviews, which are closely related to meta-analysis, have also gained significant attention recently. However, from another angle, a review could also be of two types. In the first class, authors could deal with a widely studied topic where there is already an accumulated body of knowledge that requires analysis and synthesis [ 3 ]. At the other end of the spectrum, the authors may have to address an emerging issue that would benefit from exposure to potential theoretical foundations; hence, their contribution would arise from the fresh theoretical foundations proposed in developing a conceptual model [ 3 ].

3.1. Narrative Reviews

Narrative reviewers are mainly focused on providing clarification and critical analysis on a particular topic or body of literature through interpretative synthesis, creativity, and expert judgement. According to Green et al. [ 16 ], a narrative review can be in the form of editorials, commentaries, and narrative overviews. However, editorials and commentaries are usually expert opinions; hence, a beginner is more likely to write a narrative overview, which is more general and is also referred to as an unsystematic narrative review. Similarly, the literature review section of most dissertations and empirical papers is typically narrative in nature. Typically, narrative reviews combine results from studies that may have different methodologies to address different questions or to formulate a broad theoretical formulation [ 1 ]. They are largely integrative as strong focus is placed on the assimilation and synthesis of various aspects in the review, which may involve comparing and contrasting research findings or deriving structured implications [ 17 ]. In addition, they are also qualitative studies because they do not follow strict selection processes; hence, choosing publications is relatively more subjective and unsystematic [ 18 ]. However, despite their popularity, there are concerns about their inherent subjectivity. In many instances, when the supporting data for narrative reviews are examined more closely, the evaluations provided by the author(s) become quite questionable [ 19 ]. Nevertheless, if the goal of the author is to formulate a new theory that connects diverse strands of research, a narrative method is most appropriate.

3.2. Systematic Reviews

In contrast to narrative reviews, which are generally descriptive, systematic reviews employ a systematic approach to summarise evidence on research questions. Hence, systematic reviews make use of precise and rigorous criteria to identify, evaluate, and subsequently synthesise all relevant literature on a particular topic [ 12 , 20 ]. As a result, systematic reviews are more likely to inspire research ideas by identifying knowledge gaps or inconsistencies, thus helping the researcher to clearly define the research hypotheses or questions [ 21 ]. Furthermore, systematic reviews may serve as independent research projects in their own right, as they follow a defined methodology to search and combine reliable results to synthesise a new database that can be used for a variety of purposes [ 22 ]. Typically, the peculiarities of the individual reviewer, different search engines, and information databases used all ensure that no two searches will yield the same systematic results even if the searches are conducted simultaneously and under identical criteria [ 11 ]. Hence, attempts are made at standardising the exercise via specific methods that would limit bias and chance effects, prevent duplications, and provide more accurate results upon which conclusions and decisions can be made.

The most established of these methods is the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines which objectively defined statements, guidelines, reporting checklists, and flowcharts for undertaking systematic reviews as well as meta-analysis [ 23 ]. Though mainly designed for research in medical sciences, the PRISMA approach has gained wide acceptance in other fields of science and is based on eight fundamental propositions. These include the explicit definition of the review question, an unambiguous outline of the study protocol, an objective and exhaustive systematic review of reputable literature, and an unambiguous identification of included literature based on defined selection criteria [ 24 ]. Other considerations include an unbiased appraisal of the quality of the selected studies (literature), organic synthesis of the evidence of the study, preparation of the manuscript based on the reporting guidelines, and periodic update of the review as new data emerge [ 24 ]. Other methods such as PRISMA-P (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis Protocols), MOOSE (Meta-analysis Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology), and ROSES (Reporting Standards for Systematic Evidence Syntheses) have since been developed for systematic reviews (and meta-analysis), with most of them being derived from PRISMA.

Consequently, systematic reviews—unlike narrative reviews—must contain a methodology section which in addition to all that was highlighted above must fully describe the precise criteria used in formulating the research question and setting the inclusion or exclusion criteria used in selecting/accessing the literature. Similarly, the criteria for evaluating the quality of the literature included in the review as well as for analysing, synthesising, and disseminating the findings must be fully described in the methodology section.

3.3. Meta-Analysis

Meta-analyses are considered as more specialised forms of systematic reviews. Generally, they combine the results of many studies that use similar or closely related methods to address the same question or share a common quantitative evaluation method [ 25 ]. However, meta-analyses are also a step higher than other systematic reviews as they are focused on numerical data and involve the use of statistics in evaluating different studies and synthesising new knowledge. The major advantage of this type of review is the increased statistical power leading to more reliable results for inferring modest associations and a more comprehensive understanding of the true impact of a research study [ 26 ]. Unlike in traditional systematic reviews, research topics covered in meta-analyses must be mature enough to allow the inclusion of sufficient homogeneous empirical research in terms of subjects, interventions, and outcomes [ 27 , 28 ].

Being an advanced form of systematic review, meta-analyses must also have a distinct methodology section; hence, the standard procedures involved in the traditional systematic review (especially PRISMA) also apply in meta-analyses [ 23 ]. In addition to the common steps in formulating systematic reviews, meta-analyses are required to describe how nested and missing data are handled, the effect observed in each study, the confidence interval associated with each synthesised effect, and any potential for bias presented within the sample(s) [ 17 ]. According to Paul and Barari [ 28 ], a meta-analysis must also detail the final sample, the meta-analytic model, and the overall analysis, moderator analysis, and software employed. While the overall analysis involves the statistical characterization of the relationships between variables in the meta-analytic framework and their significance, the moderator analysis defines the different variables that may affect variations in the original studies [ 28 , 29 ]. It must also be noted that the accuracy and reliability of meta-analyses have both been significantly enhanced by the incorporation of statistical approaches such as Bayesian analysis [ 30 ], network analysis [ 31 ], and more recently, machine learning [ 32 ].

3.4. Bibliometric Review

A bibliometric review, commonly referred to as bibliometric analysis, is a systematic evaluation of published works within a specific field or discipline [ 33 ]. This bibliometric methodology involves the use of quantitative methods to analyse bibliometric data such as the characteristics and numbers of publications, units of citations, authorship, co-authorship, and journal impact factors [ 34 ]. Academics use bibliometric analysis with different objectives in mind, which includes uncovering emerging trends in article and journal performance, elaborating collaboration patterns and research constituents, evaluating the impact and influence of particular authors, publications, or research groups, and highlighting the intellectual framework of a certain field [ 35 ]. It is also used to inform policy and decision-making. Similarly to meta-analysis, bibliometric reviews rely upon quantitative techniques, thus avoiding the interpretation bias that could arise from the qualitative techniques of other types of reviews [ 36 ]. However, while bibliometric analysis synthesises the bibliometric and intellectual structure of a field by examining the social and structural linkages between various research parts, meta-analysis focuses on summarising empirical evidence by probing the direction and strength of effects and relationships among variables, especially in open research questions [ 37 , 38 ]. However, similarly to systematic review and meta-analysis, a bibliometric review also requires a well-detailed methodology section. The amount of data to be analysed in bibliometric analysis is quite massive, running to hundreds and tens of thousands in some cases. Although the data are objective in nature (e.g., number of citations and publications and occurrences of keywords and topics), the interpretation is usually carried out through both objective (e.g., performance analysis) and subjective (e.g., thematic analysis) evaluations [ 35 ]. However, the invention and availability of bibliometric software such as BibExcel, Gephi, Leximancer, and VOSviewer and scientific databases such as Dimensions, Web of Science, and Scopus have made this type of analysis more feasible.

3.5. Patent Review

Patent reviews provide a comprehensive analysis and critique of a specific patent or a group of related patents, thus presenting a concise understanding of the technology or innovation that is covered by the patent [ 39 ]. This type of article is useful for researchers as it also enhances their understanding of the legal, technical, and commercial aspects of an intellectual property/innovation; in addition, it is also important for stakeholders outside the research community including IP (intellectual property) specialists, legal professionals, and technology-transfer officers [ 40 ]. Typically, patent reviews encompass the scope, background, claims, legal implications, technical specifications, and potential commercial applications of the patent(s). The article may also include a discussion of the patent's strengths and weaknesses, as well as its potential impact on the industry or field in which it operates. Most times, reviews are time specified, they may be regionalised, and the data are usually retrieved via patent searches on databases such as that of the European Patent Office ( ), United States Patent and Trademark Office ( ), the World Intellectual Property Organization's PATENTSCOPE ( ), Google Patent ( ), and China National Intellectual Property Administration ( ). According to Cerimi et al. [ 41 ], the retrieved data and analysed may include the patent number, patent status, filing date, application date, grant dates, inventor, assignee, and pending applications. While data analysis is usually carried out by general data software such as Microsoft Excel, an intelligence software solely dedicated to patent research and analysis, Orbit Intelligence has been found to be more efficient [ 39 ]. It is also mandatory to include a methodology section in a patent review, and this should be explicit, thorough, and precise to allow a clear understanding of how the analysis was carried out and how the conclusions were arrived at.

4. Searching Literature

One of the most challenging tasks in writing a review article on a subject is the search for relevant literature to populate the manuscript as the author is required to garner information from an endless number of sources. This is even more challenging as research outputs have been increasing astronomically, especially in the last decade, with thousands of new articles published annually in various fields. It is therefore imperative that the author must not only be aware of the overall trajectory in a field of investigation but must also be cognizant of recent studies so as not to publish outdated research or review articles. Basically, the search for the literature involves a coherent conceptual structuring of the topic itself and a thorough collation of evidence under the common themes which might reflect the histories, conflicts, standoffs, revolutions, and/or evolutions in the field [ 7 ]. To start the search process, the author must carefully identify and select broad keywords relevant to the subject; subsequently, the keywords should be developed to refine the search into specific subheadings that would facilitate the structure of the review.

Two main tactics have been identified for searching the literature, namely, systematic and snowballing [ 42 ]. The systematic approach involves searching literature with specific keywords (for example, cancer, antioxidant, and nanoparticles), which leads to an almost unmanageable and overwhelming list of possible sources [ 43 ]. The snowballing approach, however, involves the identification of a particular publication, followed by the compilation of a bibliography of articles based on the reference list of the identified publication [ 44 ]. Many times, it might be necessary to combine both approaches, but irrespective, the author must keep an accurate track and record of papers cited in the search. A simple and efficient strategy for populating the bibliography of review articles is to go through the abstract (and sometimes the conclusion) of a paper; if the abstract is related to the topic of discourse, the author might go ahead and read the entire article; otherwise, he/she is advised to move on [ 45 ]. Winchester and Salji [ 5 ] noted that to learn the background of the subject/topic to be reviewed, starting literature searches with academic textbooks or published review articles is imperative, especially for beginners. Furthermore, it would also assist in compiling the list of keywords, identifying areas of further exploration, and providing a glimpse of the current state of the research. However, past reviews ideally are not to serve as the foundation of a new review as they are written from someone else's viewpoint, which might have been tainted with some bias. Fortunately, the accessibility and search for the literature have been made relatively easier than they were a few decades ago as the current information age has placed an enormous volume of knowledge right at our fingertips [ 46 ]. Nevertheless, when gathering the literature from the Internet, authors should exercise utmost caution as much of the information may not be verified or peer-reviewed and thus may be unregulated and unreliable. For instance, Wikipedia, despite being a large repository of information with more than 6.7 million articles in the English language alone, is considered unreliable for scientific literature reviews, due to its openness to public editing [ 47 ]. However, in addition to peer-reviewed journal publications—which are most ideal—reviews can also be drawn from a wide range of other sources such as technical documents, in-house reports, conference abstracts, and conference proceedings. Similarly, “Google Scholar”—as against “Google” and other general search engines—is more appropriate as its searches are restricted to only academic articles produced by scholarly societies or/and publishers [ 48 ]. Furthermore, the various electronic databases, such as ScienceDirect, Web of Science, PubMed, and MEDLINE, many of which focus on specific fields of research, are also ideal options [ 49 ]. Advancement in computer indexing has remarkably expanded the ease and ability to search large databases for every potentially relevant article. In addition to searching by topic, literature search can be modified by time; however, there must be a balance between old papers and recent ones. The general consensus in science is that publications less than five years old are considered recent.

It is important, especially in systematic reviews and meta-analyses, that the specific method of running the computer searches be properly documented as there is the need to include this in the method (methodology) section of such papers. Typically, the method details the keywords, databases explored, search terms used, and the inclusion/exclusion criteria applied in the selection of data and any other specific decision/criteria. All of these will ensure the reproducibility and thoroughness of the search and the selection procedure. However, Randolph [ 10 ] noted that Internet searches might not give the exhaustive list of articles needed for a review article; hence, it is advised that authors search through the reference lists of articles that were obtained initially from the Internet search. After determining the relevant articles from the list, the author should read through the references of these articles and repeat the cycle until saturation is reached [ 10 ]. After populating the articles needed for the literature review, the next step is to analyse them individually and in their whole entirety. A systematic approach to this is to identify the key information within the papers, examine them in depth, and synthesise original perspectives by integrating the information and making inferences based on the findings. In this regard, it is imperative to link one source to the other in a logical manner, for instance, taking note of studies with similar methodologies, papers that agree, or results that are contradictory [ 42 ].

5. Structuring the Review Article

The title and abstract are the main selling points of a review article, as most readers will only peruse these two elements and usually go on to read the full paper if they are drawn in by either or both of the two. Tullu [ 50 ] recommends that the title of a scientific paper “should be descriptive, direct, accurate, appropriate, interesting, concise, precise, unique, and not be misleading.” In addition to providing “just enough details” to entice the reader, words in the titles are also used by electronic databases, journal websites, and search engines to index and retrieve a particular paper during a search [ 51 ]. Titles are of different types and must be chosen according to the topic under review. They are generally classified as descriptive, declarative, or interrogative and can also be grouped into compound, nominal, or full-sentence titles [ 50 ]. The subject of these categorisations has been extensively discussed in many articles; however, the reader must also be aware of the compound titles, which usually contain a main title and a subtitle. Typically, subtitles provide additional context—to the main title—and they may specify the geographic scope of the research, research methodology, or sample size [ 52 ].

Just like primary research articles, there are many debates about the optimum length of a review article's title. However, the general consensus is to keep the title as brief as possible while not being too general. A title length between 10 and 15 words is recommended, since longer titles can be more challenging to comprehend. Paiva et al. [ 53 ] observed that articles which contain 95 characters or less get more views and citations. However, emphasis must be placed on conciseness as the audience will be more satisfied if they can understand what exactly the review has contributed to the field, rather than just a hint about the general topic area. Authors should also endeavour to stick to the journal's specific requirements, especially regarding the length of the title and what they should or should not contain [ 9 ]. Thus, avoidance of filler words such as “a review on/of,” “an observation of,” or “a study of” is a very simple way to limit title length. In addition, abbreviations or acronyms should be avoided in the title, except the standard or commonly interpreted ones such as AIDS, DNA, HIV, and RNA. In summary, to write an effective title, the authors should consider the following points. What is the paper about? What was the methodology used? What were the highlights and major conclusions? Subsequently, the author should list all the keywords from these answers, construct a sentence from these keywords, and finally delete all redundant words from the sentence title. It is also possible to gain some ideas by scanning indices and article titles in major journals in the field. It is important to emphasise that a title is not chosen and set in stone, and the title is most likely to be continually revised and adjusted until the end of the writing process.

5.2. Abstract

The abstract, also referred to as the synopsis, is a summary of the full research paper; it is typically independent and can stand alone. For most readers, a publication does not exist beyond the abstract, partly because abstracts are often the only section of a paper that is made available to the readers at no cost, whereas the full paper may attract a payment or subscription [ 54 ]. Thus, the abstract is supposed to set the tone for the few readers who wish to read the rest of the paper. It has also been noted that the abstract gives the first impression of a research work to journal editors, conference scientific committees, or referees, who might outright reject the paper if the abstract is poorly written or inadequate [ 50 ]. Hence, it is imperative that the abstract succinctly represents the entire paper and projects it positively. Just like the title, abstracts have to be balanced, comprehensive, concise, functional, independent, precise, scholarly, and unbiased and not be misleading [ 55 ]. Basically, the abstract should be formulated using keywords from all the sections of the main manuscript. Thus, it is pertinent that the abstract conveys the focus, key message, rationale, and novelty of the paper without any compromise or exaggeration. Furthermore, the abstract must be consistent with the rest of the paper; as basic as this instruction might sound, it is not to be taken for granted. For example, a study by Vrijhoef and Steuten [ 56 ] revealed that 18–68% of 264 abstracts from some scientific journals contained information that was inconsistent with the main body of the publications.

Abstracts can either be structured or unstructured; in addition, they can further be classified as either descriptive or informative. Unstructured abstracts, which are used by many scientific journals, are free flowing with no predefined subheadings, while structured abstracts have specific subheadings/subsections under which the abstract needs to be composed. Structured abstracts have been noted to be more informative and are usually divided into subsections which include the study background/introduction, objectives, methodology design, results, and conclusions [ 57 ]. No matter the style chosen, the author must carefully conform to the instructions provided by the potential journal of submission, which may include but are not limited to the format, font size/style, word limit, and subheadings [ 58 ]. The word limit for abstracts in most scientific journals is typically between 150 and 300 words. It is also a general rule that abstracts do not contain any references whatsoever.

Typically, an abstract should be written in the active voice, and there is no such thing as a perfect abstract as it could always be improved on. It is advised that the author first makes an initial draft which would contain all the essential parts of the paper, which could then be polished subsequently. The draft should begin with a brief background which would lead to the research questions. It might also include a general overview of the methodology used (if applicable) and importantly, the major results/observations/highlights of the review paper. The abstract should end with one or few sentences about any implications, perspectives, or future research that may be developed from the review exercise. Finally, the authors should eliminate redundant words and edit the abstract to the correct word count permitted by the journal [ 59 ]. It is always beneficial to read previous abstracts published in the intended journal, related topics/subjects from other journals, and other reputable sources. Furthermore, the author should endeavour to get feedback on the abstract especially from peers and co-authors. As the abstract is the face of the whole paper, it is best that it is the last section to be finalised, as by this time, the author would have developed a clearer understanding of the findings and conclusions of the entire paper.

5.3. Graphical Abstracts

Since the mid-2000s, an increasing number of journals now require authors to provide a graphical abstract (GA) in addition to the traditional written abstract, to increase the accessibility of scientific publications to readers [ 60 ]. A study showed that publications with GA performed better than those without it, when the abstract views, total citations, and downloads were compared [ 61 ]. However, the GA should provide “a single, concise pictorial, and visual summary of the main findings of an article” [ 62 ]. Although they are meant to be a stand-alone summary of the whole paper, it has been noted that they are not so easily comprehensible without having read through the traditionally written abstract [ 63 ]. It is important to note that, like traditional abstracts, many reputable journals require GAs to adhere to certain specifications such as colour, dimension, quality, file size, and file format (usually JPEG/JPG, PDF, PNG, or TIFF). In addition, it is imperative to use engaging and accurate figures, all of which must be synthesised in order to accurately reflect the key message of the paper. Currently, there are various online or downloadable graphical tools that can be used for creating GAs, such as Microsoft Paint or PowerPoint, Mindthegraph, ChemDraw, CorelDraw, and BioRender.

5.4. Keywords

As a standard practice, journals require authors to select 4–8 keywords (or phrases), which are typically listed below the abstract. A good set of keywords will enable indexers and search engines to find relevant papers more easily and can be considered as a very concise abstract [ 64 ]. According to Dewan and Gupta [ 51 ], the selection of appropriate keywords will significantly enhance the retrieval, accession, and consequently, the citation of the review paper. Ideally, keywords can be variants of the terms/phrases used in the title, the abstract, and the main text, but they should ideally not be the exact words in the main title. Choosing the most appropriate keywords for a review article involves listing down the key terms and phrases in the article, including abbreviations. Subsequently, a quick review of the glossary/vocabulary/term list or indexing standard in the specific discipline will assist in selecting the best and most precise keywords that match those used in the databases from the list drawn. In addition, the keywords should not be broad or general terms (e.g., DNA, biology, and enzymes) but must be specific to the field or subfield of study as well as to the particular paper [ 65 ].

5.5. Introduction

The introduction of an article is the first major section of the manuscript, and it presents basic information to the reader without compelling them to study past publications. In addition, the introduction directs the reader to the main arguments and points developed in the main body of the article while clarifying the current state of knowledge in that particular area of research [ 12 ]. The introduction part of a review article is usually sectionalised into background information, a description of the main topic and finally a statement of the main purpose of the review [ 66 ]. Authors may begin the introduction with brief general statements—which provide background knowledge on the subject matter—that lead to more specific ones [ 67 ]. It is at this point that the reader's attention must be caught as the background knowledge must highlight the importance and justification for the subject being discussed, while also identifying the major problem to be addressed [ 68 ]. In addition, the background should be broad enough to attract even nonspecialists in the field to maximise the impact and widen the reach of the article. All of these should be done in the light of current literature; however, old references may also be used for historical purposes. A very important aspect of the introduction is clearly stating and establishing the research problem(s) and how a review of the particular topic contributes to those problem(s). Thus, the research gap which the paper intends to fill, the limitations of previous works and past reviews, if available, and the new knowledge to be contributed must all be highlighted. Inadequate information and the inability to clarify the problem will keep readers (who have the desire to obtain new information) from reading beyond the introduction [ 69 ]. It is also pertinent that the author establishes the purpose of reviewing the literature and defines the scope as well as the major synthesised point of view. Furthermore, a brief insight into the criteria used to select, evaluate, and analyse the literature, as well as the outline or sequence of the review, should be provided in the introduction. Subsequently, the specific objectives of the review article must be presented. The last part of the “introduction” section should focus on the solution, the way forward, the recommendations, and the further areas of research as deduced from the whole review process. According to DeMaria [ 70 ], clearly expressed or recommended solutions to an explicitly revealed problem are very important for the wholesomeness of the “introduction” section. It is believed that following these steps will give readers the opportunity to track the problems and the corresponding solution from their own perspective in the light of current literature. As against some suggestions that the introduction should be written only in present tenses, it is also believed that it could be done with other tenses in addition to the present tense. In this regard, general facts should be written in the present tense, specific research/work should be in the past tense, while the concluding statement should be in the past perfect or simple past. Furthermore, many of the abbreviations to be used in the rest of the manuscript and their explanations should be defined in this section.

5.6. Methodology

Writing a review article is equivalent to conducting a research study, with the information gathered by the author (reviewer) representing the data. Like all major studies, it involves conceptualisation, planning, implementation, and dissemination [ 71 ], all of which may be detailed in a methodology section, if necessary. Hence, the methodological section of a review paper (which can also be referred to as the review protocol) details how the relevant literature was selected and how it was analysed as well as summarised. The selection details may include, but are not limited to, the database consulted and the specific search terms used together with the inclusion/exclusion criteria. As earlier highlighted in Section 3 , a description of the methodology is required for all types of reviews except for narrative reviews. This is partly because unlike narrative reviews, all other review articles follow systematic approaches which must ensure significant reproducibility [ 72 ]. Therefore, where necessary, the methods of data extraction from the literature and data synthesis must also be highlighted as well. In some cases, it is important to show how data were combined by highlighting the statistical methods used, measures of effect, and tests performed, as well as demonstrating heterogeneity and publication bias [ 73 ].

The methodology should also detail the major databases consulted during the literature search, e.g., Dimensions, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, MEDLINE, and PubMed. For meta-analysis, it is imperative to highlight the software and/or package used, which could include Comprehensive Meta-Analysis, OpenMEE, Review Manager (RevMan), Stata, SAS, and R Studio. It is also necessary to state the mathematical methods used for the analysis; examples of these include the Bayesian analysis, the Mantel–Haenszel method, and the inverse variance method. The methodology should also state the number of authors that carried out the initial review stage of the study, as it has been recommended that at least two reviews should be done blindly and in parallel, especially when it comes to the acquisition and synthesis of data [ 74 ]. Finally, the quality and validity assessment of the publication used in the review must be stated and well clarified [ 73 ].

5.7. Main Body of the Review

Ideally, the main body of a publishable review should answer these questions: What is new (contribution)? Why so (logic)? So what (impact)? How well it is done (thoroughness)? The flow of the main body of a review article must be well organised to adequately maintain the attention of the readers as well as guide them through the section. It is recommended that the author should consider drawing a conceptual scheme of the main body first, using methods such as mind-mapping. This will help create a logical flow of thought and presentation, while also linking the various sections of the manuscript together. According to Moreira [ 75 ], “reports do not simply yield their findings, rather reviewers make them yield,” and thus, it is the author's responsibility to transform “resistant” texts into “docile” texts. Hence, after the search for the literature, the essential themes and key concepts of the review paper must be identified and synthesised together. This synthesis primarily involves creating hypotheses about the relationships between the concepts with the aim of increasing the understanding of the topic being reviewed. The important information from the various sources should not only be summarised, but the significance of studies must be related back to the initial question(s) posed by the review article. Furthermore, MacLure [ 76 ] stated that data are not just to be plainly “extracted intact” and “used exactly as extracted,” but must be modified, reconfigured, transformed, transposed, converted, tabulated, graphed, or manipulated to enable synthesis, combination, and comparison. Therefore, different pieces of information must be extracted from the reports in which they were previously deposited and then refined into the body of the new article [ 75 ]. To this end, adequate comparison and combination might require that “qualitative data be quantified” or/and “quantitative data may be qualitized” [ 77 ]. In order to accomplish all of these goals, the author may have to transform, paraphrase, generalize, specify, and reorder the text [ 78 ]. For comprehensiveness, the body paragraphs should be arranged in a similar order as it was initially stated in the abstract or/and introduction. Thus, the main body could be divided into thematic areas, each of which could be independently comprehensive and treated as a mini review. Similarly, the sections can also be arranged chronologically depending on the focus of the review. Furthermore, the abstractions should proceed from a wider general view of the literature being reviewed and then be narrowed down to the specifics. In the process, deep insights should also be provided between the topic of the review and the wider subject area, e.g., fungal enzymes and enzymes in general. The abstractions must also be discussed in more detail by presenting more specific information from the identified sources (with proper citations of course!). For example, it is important to identify and highlight contrary findings and rival interpretations as well as to point out areas of agreement or debate among different bodies of literature. Often, there are previous reviews on the same topic/concept; however, this does not prevent a new author from writing one on the same topic, especially if the previous reviews were written many years ago. However, it is important that the body of the new manuscript be written from a new angle that was not adequately covered in the past reviews and should also incorporate new studies that have accumulated since the last review(s). In addition, the new review might also highlight the approaches, limitations, and conclusions of the past studies. But the authors must not be excessively critical of the past reviews as this is regarded by many authors as a sign of poor professionalism [ 3 , 79 ]. Daft [ 79 ] emphasized that it is more important for a reviewer to state how their research builds on previous work instead of outright claiming that previous works are incompetent and inadequate. However, if a series of related papers on one topic have a common error or research flaw that needs rectification, the reviewer must point this out with the aim of moving the field forward [ 3 ]. Like every other scientific paper, the main body of a review article also needs to be consistent in style, for example, in the choice of passive vs. active voice and present vs. past tense. It is also important to note that tables and figures can serve as a powerful tool for highlighting key points in the body of the review, and they are now considered core elements of reviews. For more guidance and insights into what should make up the contents of a good review article, readers are also advised to get familiarised with the Boote and Beile [ 80 ] literature review scoring rubric as well as the review article checklist of Short [ 81 ].

5.8. Tables and Figures

An ideal review article should be logically structured and efficiently utilise illustrations, in the form of tables and figures, to convey the key findings and relationships in the study. According to Tay [ 13 ], illustrations often take a secondary role in review papers when compared to primary research papers which are focused on illustrations. However, illustrations are very important in review articles as they can serve as succinct means of communicating major findings and insights. Franzblau and Chung [ 82 ] pointed out that illustrations serve three major purposes in a scientific article: they simplify complex data and relationships for better understanding, they minimise reading time by summarising and bringing to focus on the key findings (or trends), and last, they help to reduce the overall word count. Hence, inserting and constructing illustrations in a review article is as meticulous as it is important. However, important decisions should be made on whether the charts, figures, or tables to be potentially inserted in the manuscript are indeed needed and how best to design them [ 83 ]. Illustrations should enhance the text while providing necessary information; thus, the information described in illustrations should not contradict that in the main text and should also not be a repetition of texts [ 84 ]. Furthermore, illustrations must be autonomous, meaning they ought to be intelligible without having to read the text portion of the manuscript; thus, the reader does not have to flip back and forth between the illustration and the main text in order to understand it [ 85 ]. It should be noted that tables or figures that directly reiterate the main text or contain extraneous information will only make a mess of the manuscript and discourage readers [ 86 ].

Kotz and Cals [ 87 ] recommend that the layout of tables and figures should be carefully designed in a clear manner with suitable layouts, which will allow them to be referred to logically and chronologically in the text. In addition, illustrations should only contain simple text, as lengthy details would contradict their initial objective, which was to provide simple examples or an overview. Furthermore, the use of abbreviations in illustrations, especially tables, should be avoided if possible. If not, the abbreviations should be defined explicitly in the footnotes or legends of the illustration [ 88 ]. Similarly, numerical values in tables and graphs should also be correctly approximated [ 84 ]. It is recommended that the number of tables and figures in the manuscript should not exceed the target journal's specification. According to Saver [ 89 ], they ideally should not account for more than one-third of the manuscript. Finally, the author(s) must seek permission and give credits for using an already published illustration when necessary. However, none of these are needed if the graphic is originally created by the author, but if it is a reproduced or an adapted illustration, the author must obtain permission from the copyright owner and include the necessary credit. One of the very important tools for designing illustrations is Creative Commons, a platform that provides a wide range of creative works which are available to the public for use and modification.

5.9. Conclusion/Future Perspectives

It has been observed that many reviews end abruptly with a short conclusion; however, a lot more can be included in this section in addition to what has been said in the major sections of the paper. Basically, the conclusion section of a review article should provide a summary of key findings from the main body of the manuscript. In this section, the author needs to revisit the critical points of the paper as well as highlight the accuracy, validity, and relevance of the inferences drawn in the article review. A good conclusion should highlight the relationship between the major points and the author's hypothesis as well as the relationship between the hypothesis and the broader discussion to demonstrate the significance of the review article in a larger context. In addition to giving a concise summary of the important findings that describe current knowledge, the conclusion must also offer a rationale for conducting future research [ 12 ]. Knowledge gaps should be identified, and themes should be logically developed in order to construct conceptual frameworks as well as present a way forward for future research in the field of study [ 11 ].

Furthermore, the author may have to justify the propositions made earlier in the manuscript, demonstrate how the paper extends past research works, and also suggest ways that the expounded theories can be empirically examined [ 3 ]. Unlike experimental studies which can only draw either a positive conclusion or ambiguous failure to reject the null hypothesis, four possible conclusions can be drawn from review articles [ 1 ]. First, the theory/hypothesis propounded may be correct after being proven from current evidence; second, the hypothesis may not be explicitly proven but is most probably the best guess. The third conclusion is that the currently available evidence does not permit a confident conclusion or a best guess, while the last conclusion is that the theory or hypothesis is false [ 1 ]. It is important not to present new information in the conclusion section which has link whatsoever with the rest of the manuscript. According to Harris et al. [ 90 ], the conclusions should, in essence, answer the question: if a reader were to remember one thing about the review, what would it be?

5.10. References

As it has been noted in different parts of this paper, authors must give the required credit to any work or source(s) of information that was included in the review article. This must include the in-text citations in the main body of the paper and the corresponding entries in the reference list. Ideally, this full bibliographical list is the last part of the review article, and it should contain all the books, book chapters, journal articles, reports, and other media, which were utilised in the manuscript. It has been noted that most journals and publishers have their own specific referencing styles which are all derived from the more popular styles such as the American Psychological Association (APA), Chicago, Harvard, Modern Language Association (MLA), and Vancouver styles. However, all these styles may be categorised into either the parenthetical or numerical referencing style. Although a few journals do not have strict referencing rules, it is the responsibility of the author to reference according to the style and instructions of the journal. Omissions and errors must be avoided at all costs, and this can be easily achieved by going over the references many times for due diligence [ 11 ]. According to Cronin et al. [ 12 ], a separate file for references can be created, and any work used in the manuscript can be added to this list immediately after being cited in the text [ 12 ]. In recent times, the emergence of various referencing management software applications such as Endnote, RefWorks, Mendeley, and Zotero has even made referencing easier. The majority of these software applications require little technical expertise, and many of them are free to use, while others may require a subscription. It is imperative, however, that even after using these software packages, the author must manually curate the references during the final draft, in order to avoid any errors, since these programs are not impervious to errors, particularly formatting errors.

6. Concluding Remarks

Writing a review article is a skill that needs to be learned; it is a rigorous but rewarding endeavour as it can provide a useful platform to project the emerging researcher or postgraduate student into the gratifying world of publishing. Thus, the reviewer must develop the ability to think critically, spot patterns in a large volume of information, and must be invested in writing without tiring. The prospective author must also be inspired and dedicated to the successful completion of the article while also ensuring that the review article is not just a mere list or summary of previous research. It is also important that the review process must be focused on the literature and not on the authors; thus, overt criticism of existing research and personal aspersions must be avoided at all costs. All ideas, sentences, words, and illustrations should be constructed in a way to avoid plagiarism; basically, this can be achieved by paraphrasing, summarising, and giving the necessary acknowledgments. Currently, there are many tools to track and detect plagiarism in manuscripts, ensuring that they fall within a reasonable similarity index (which is typically 15% or lower for most journals). Although the more popular of these tools, such as Turnitin and iThenticate, are subscription-based, there are many freely available web-based options as well. An ideal review article is supposed to motivate the research topic and describe its key concepts while delineating the boundaries of research. In this regard, experience-based information on how to methodologically develop acceptable and impactful review articles has been detailed in this paper. Furthermore, for a beginner, this guide has detailed “the why” and “the how” of authoring a good scientific review article. However, the information in this paper may as a whole or in parts be also applicable to other fields of research and to other writing endeavours such as writing literature review in theses, dissertations, and primary research articles. Finally, the intending authors must put all the basic rules of scientific writing and writing in general into cognizance. A comprehensive study of the articles cited within this paper and other related articles focused on scientific writing will further enhance the ability of the motivated beginner to deliver a good review article.


This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of South Africa under grant number UID 138097. The authors would like to thank the Durban University of Technology for funding the postdoctoral fellowship of the first author, Dr. Ayodeji Amobonye.

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Conflicts of interest.

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

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Answered By: Sarah Naomi Campbell Last Updated: Sep 07, 2018     Views: 215991

Watch this short video to learn about types of scholarly articles, including research articles and literature reviews!

Not in the mood for a video? Read on!

What's the difference between a research article and a review article?

Research articles , sometimes referred to as empirical  or primary sources , report on original research. They will typically include sections such as an introduction, methods, results, and discussion.

Here is a more detailed explanation of research articles .

Review articles , sometimes called literature reviews  or secondary sources , synthesize or analyze research already conducted in primary sources. They generally summarize the current state of research on a given topic.

Here is a more detailed explanation of review articles .

The video above was created by the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries .

The defintions, and the linked detailed explanations, are paraphrased from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association , 6th ed .

The linked explanations are provided by the Mohawk Valley Community College Libraries .

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Research Paper Vs Review Paper | 50 Differences

50 Differences Between Research Article and a Review Article


A research paper is a piece of writing that reports facts, data, and other information on a specific topic. It is usually longer than a review paper and includes a detailed evaluation of the research. Whereas, a review paper is a shorter piece of writing that summarizes and evaluates the research on a specific topic. It is usually shorter than a research paper and does not include a detailed evaluation of the research. In this article, we have listed the 50 important differences between a review paper vs research article.

  • A research paper is typically much longer than a review paper.
  • A research paper is typically more detailed and comprehensive than a review paper.
  • A research paper is typically more focused on a specific topic than a review paper.
  • A research paper is typically more analytical and critical than a review paper.
  • A research paper is typically more objective than a review paper.
  • A research paper is typically written by one or more authors, while a review paper may be written by a single author.
  • A research paper is typically peer-reviewed, while a review paper may not be.
  • A research paper is typically published in a scholarly journal, while a review paper may be published in a variety of different publications.
  • The audience for a research paper is typically other scholars, while the audience for a review paper may be the general public.
  • The purpose of a research paper is typically to contribute to the scholarly literature, while the purpose of a review paper may be to provide an overview of the literature or to evaluate a particular research study.
  • The structure of a research paper is typically more complex than the structure of a review paper.
  • A research paper typically includes an abstract, while a review paper may not.
  • A research paper typically includes a literature review, while a review paper may not.
  • A research paper typically includes a methodology section, while a review paper may not.
  • A research paper typically includes results and discussion sections, while a review paper may not.
  • A research paper typically includes a conclusion, while a review paper may not.
  • A research paper is typically organized around a central research question , while a review paper may be organized around a central theme.
  • A research paper typically uses primary sources, while a review paper may use both primary and secondary sources.
  • A research paper is typically based on empirical research, while a review paper may be based on either empirical or non-empirical research.
  • A research paper is typically more formal than a review paper.
  • A research paper is typically written in the third person, while a review paper may be written in the first person.
  • A research paper typically uses formal language, while a review paper may use more informal language.
  • A research paper is typically objective in tone, while a review paper may be more subjective in tone.
  • A research paper typically uses APA style, while a review paper may use a different style.
  • A research paper typically includes a title page, while a review paper may not.
  • A research paper typically includes an abstract on the title page, while a review paper may not.
  • A research paper typically includes keywords on the title page, while a review paper may not.
  • A research paper typically includes an author note, while a review paper may not.
  • A research paper is typically organized around a central research question, while a review paper may be organized around a central theme.
  • A research paper is typically longer than a review paper.

I hope, this article would help you to know the differences between Research Paper and a Review Paper.

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Characteristics of a Primary Research Article

  • Goal is to present the result of original research that makes a new contribution to the body of knowledge
  • Sometimes referred to as an empirical research article
  • Typically organized into sections that include:  Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion, and References.

Example of a Primary Research Article:

Flockhart, D.T.T., Fitz-gerald, B., Brower, L.P., Derbyshire, R., Altizer, S., Hobson, K.A., … Norris, D.R., (2017). Migration distance as a selective episode for wing morphology in a migratory insect. Movement Ecology , 5(1), 1-9. doi:

Characteristics of a Review Article

  • Goal is to summarize important research on a particular topic and to represent the current body of knowledge about that topic.
  • Not intended to provide original research but to help draw connections between research studies that have previously been published.  
  • Help the reader understand how current understanding of a topic has developed over time and identify gaps or inconsistencies that need further exploration.

Example of a Review Article:

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Difference between Research Paper and Review Paper

A research paper is written by students in which they have to conduct research on a given topic and then write the content. A review paper consists of reviews related to different articles that are already published. In this article, we will discuss the difference between a research paper and a review paper.

Research Paper

A research paper is an academic writing in which students have to collect information related to a given topic. They have to make an organized report regarding the subject which can include the research they have conducted or the research already done by other students. A peer review has to be conducted before publishing.

Steps to Write a Research Paper

Students have to follow the steps below to write a perfect research paper. These steps are discussed here.

The given assignment should be perfectly understood

Choose a topic, look for the sources of information.

  • The thesis statement should be developed
  • An outline of the research paper should be created

Write the first draft

Write the paragraphs properly, write the introduction, body text should be compelling, conclude the research paper, revise the research paper.

Before writing a research paper you have to understand the given assignment and then decide the specific tasks that you have to do to complete it. Here are the things that you need to do −

  • Read the assignment and look for the topics that can create confusion
  • Decide the length of the paper along with the options of formatting
  • Make a bulleted list of all headings that you will add and then write about them
  • Consider the deadline and decide the length of the research paper

Choose a topic about which you can get a large amount of content. The topic should be of your interest. You can do your own research or take help from research done by other people.

The next thing that you have to do is look for the sources from where you can get the information about the topic. Some of these sources can be discussions, books, journals, and websites. Look for the following −

  • Heated debates
  • Unique ideas
  • Recent developments
  • Overlooked but important topics

All these things will help you in devising questions related to your research topic.

Thesis statement should be developed

The next step is to develop a thesis statement which is an answer to the research question. Your answer should be supported by reasoning and pieces of evidence. The length of the thesis statement should be short and summarized.

Outline of the research paper should be created

Create an outline for the research which should include key topics, evidence, and arguments. They should be further divided into headings. This division will be helpful in writing the paper efficiently.

Write the first draft of the research paper with proper order and formatting. Your ideas should be clearly described and paragraphs should be ordered logically. You can start with the easiest or the most difficult topic. There can be situations where you have written a large amount of content for a topic. Rather than deleting it, take some part of it and paste it into another document which can be used later.

The paragraphs should be properly organized and it is better if you write each idea in a small and single paragraph. Each paragraph should not be more than three to four lines.

Now the time has come to write the introduction which should answer three questions related to your topics and these questions are what, why, and how.

This is the major part of your research paper and you may face difficulties in writing it. If you have created an outline, writing will be easy. The body text should be compelling so that the reader gets engaged in reading.

Write the conclusion of your research paper which should give a final touch to the content. Readers should understand the ways that you have used to write the paper. You can also include questions which your readers can try to answer.

Read the whole research paper and find if there is any spelling, grammatical, or factual mistakes. Check the structure of the paragraph and sentences. If there is a very long sentence, try to break it as it may become confusing for the readers.

Length of the Research Paper

The length of the research paper can be between 4,000 to 8,000 words. The minimum word count can be 2,000 and the maximum can go beyond 10,000 depending on the topic.

Review Papers

A review paper is an article which consists of surveys of the articles that are already published. No new experimental results are included in these articles. Other names of the review paper are literature review or review of literature. New conclusions can be drawn from the existing article. Review articles can explore new areas of research from the existing studies.

Steps to Write a Review Paper

Here are the steps that you have to follow to write a review paper.

Look for the aim of the article for which the review is to be written

Scope should be defined, look for the sources, choose title and keywords, topic should be introduced, critical discussion should be included, conclude the review paper.

Read the article and know about the aim and scope. All the articles do not accept reviews so you need to be very careful while choosing the article for which the review is to be written.

Find the research question and answer it with the aim of adding something new to the topic. The review should neither be too small nor too large. It should be managed easily.

You can look for the sources through search engines, books, and others. The search engines will provide a lot of sources which you can use to write the review.

Choose a proper title for your review article along with the keywords. The title will help to improve the number of views online. It will get more views if the correct readers view your article. The title should be concise, clear, and accurate and provide good information.

Write the introduction about the topic giving the reason for providing the review. The introduction should reach a large number of people which should also include non-specialists.

A critical discussion should also be included in the review paper. If the research topic is contradictory, a debate can also be included which should consist of arguments from both sides. The review paper should have the ability of resolving the conflict between contradictory studies.

A conclusion should be included at the end of the review paper. This should include the things that you have understood after studying the topic for which the review has been written.

Difference between Research paper and Review Paper

There are many differences between a research paper and a review paper and the table below includes them −

Research Paper Review Paper
The length of a research paper is large. The length of the review paper is comparatively small.
Information is available in detail. It is less comprehensive.
A research paper is written by one or more authors. It is written by a single author.
A peer review is needed for the research paper. No peer review is needed.
Publication of research papers is done in scholarly journals. It can be published anywhere.
Scholars are the general audience of the research paper. A review paper can be read by the general public.
A research paper is written to contribute to the literature. A review paper is written to review the research.
The structure is complex. The structure is comparatively easy.
It includes discussions and results. These sections may not be included
It is organized around a central question. It is organized around a central theme.

Shirjeel Yunus

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What is the difference between a review paper and a research paper?

I have been working on a review paper. After publication, how will it add on my academic research profile? When I will apply for MS or PHD admission, will it count as publication?

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  • review-articles

Wrzlprmft's user avatar

5 Answers 5

A review paper is likely also known as a "survey paper", where you read (i.e. survey) related works in the field and then comment on them. Usually, a review paper should be able to contribute a small amount of knowledge in its own right to the field by providing a taxonomy of work.

Another type of paper that reviews extensively related work but isn't actually a review paper is a "systematic review paper" in which you usually ask a meta-question about the field.

If it appears in a refereed, peer-reviewed journal, then yes, it is a publication. In fact, if done well, these works can often have pretty high impact and can be cited very frequently. However, as already noted, since they don't usually involve substantial original research they need to be augmented with traditional research papers. If a graduate student has only survey papers or systematic review papers, I'd wonder as a search committee reviewer if this student did nothing but read related work rather than working on research.

With respect to MS or PhD applications, I'd think that the fact that you have a publication at all is already a bonus point for you. Most students who apply to these programs don't have publications.

Irwin's user avatar

One important distinction should be made between papers in the humanities and the sciences. In the sciences, it would be much more important to have "original research" papers where new ground is broken. In the humanities, by contrast, the act of studying the existing literature and critically evaluating it may, in and of itself, be considered an act of research. (Similarly, in medicine, "meta-studies" in which the reports of various experiments are synthesized to produce overall results and recommendations may also be considered very important, although they augment direct clinical research, rather than substitute for it.)

aeismail's user avatar

I have limited experience regarding since I am still a graduate student but from what I understand, a review paper is also a research paper. However, unlike a piece of research, where you study the existing literature, develop research questions and hypotheses, collect data, run experiments/analysis and make inferences which accept or reject your hypotheses, a review article is a summarization and collation of existing articles in a given, specific research topic.

There has been some semi-formal writings on this already namely, this and this . The consensus, so far, seems to be that review articles make fine additions to your publication record but not as fine as articles where you actually did your own research.

Shion's user avatar

I have little experience, because I am still an undergraduate student but from what I understand:

  • Research paper: A paper in which results and discussion are derived from an experiment.
  • Review paper: A paper in which results and discussion are not described.

Muhammad Ibrahim's user avatar

  • 4 Welcome to Academia SE. I have to disagree with your definitions. A research paper does not need to be based on an experiment (e.g., many mathematical papers). Also, a paper which does not describe (or derive) its results and discussions is just a very bad paper – this has nothing to do with the paper being a research or review paper. –  Wrzlprmft ♦ Commented Nov 26, 2014 at 15:19

I would describe a review paper as different from a research paper. A research paper is one's original work that may be researched scientifically or otherwise, but a review paper is where someone goes through work already done/researched and gives suggestions as per that field of research. The suggestions would be if the objective, goal, problem were met by the researcher. Whether the research is of value now or in future, solutions to the problem, what is interesting, etc.

mhwombat's user avatar

  • Welcome to Academia SE. You seem to be confusing a review paper with a peer review. The downvotes you are receiving are likely due to this, i.e., to indicate that your answer is wrong. Do not take them personally. –  Wrzlprmft ♦ Commented Oct 21, 2015 at 11:27

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Difference between Research Paper and Review Paper

Scholarly literature can be of different types. Many of them require researchers to perform an original study, whereas others are based on previously published research. Amateur researchers have quite a confusion understanding each type of scholarly literature and the difference between them.

Research Paper

When researchers partake in an original study or investigation of a unique topic, for example, a study of the prevalence of substance abuse in a specific community or geographical area, the findings of that study are presented as a research paper. The most essential component of a research paper is the analysis of the topic, evidence to support the study and the conclusion of the study. It can comprise of the answer to the reach question and may include a hypothesis, the resource requirement for the study and the method followed to reach the conclusion. The formatting of a research paper is fairly similar across all subjects and institutions, though it can vary from one region to another depending upon the pattern laid down by the publishing and educational bodies. This scholarly work is unique and bears no similarity to any other published work. Analysis of the data can vary from the use of software to authentic experiments.

Review Paper

Review papers are universal and can be focused upon a wide range of mediums, including articles in journals, books, magazines, and software. A review paper refers to the study and survey of a recently published Research paper on a specific topic or subject. For instance, climate change due to industrial waste has many scholarly Research paper. these papers can be reviewed by any other number of scholars for its merits. In order to write a review paper successfully, one needs to have knowledge of what other scholars have written on the subject and their thoughts on the subject, particularly in recent times. the reach papers act as a reference and source material for these review papers. These can be stimulating and extremely exhaustive with the intent for undertaking research by introducing challenging materials and facts. It should act as a summary of the original research paper with all its relevant literature on the topic.

Key differences between the Research paper and Review paper are given in the table below:

Attributes Research Paper Review Paper
Purpose Its purpose is to report a detailed description of the original research study that is unique and specific to a subject Its purpose is to critic and analyze a published literature on a specific topic.
Basis It must always be based on original research work and must be the primary reference source on the topic it must always be based upon published scholarly literature and contain no new information on the topic
Contents The contents of this paper must be based on analysis and interpretation of original data from the research study These contain simple and compact summary of the original research paper and should act as an overview on the topic.
Report It reports every step undertaken for the study and include an abstract, well crafted hypothesis, its background studies, all methodology, conclusion and explanation of the findings It reports commonalities among various research on the topic and the discrepancies with reasons for conflicting or varying results.
Length More often it depends upon the journal publishing or educational authorities, but it can range from 3000 to 6000 words. These generally have a limit of 3000 to 5000 words, but depending upon the merits of the paper it can be shorter.

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Empirical Articles vs Review Articles

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Empirical articles are written to share the results of original research. Their authors will share their findings, including results, data, and ideas for future research. This will allow other researchers to learn more and conduct further studies.

Review articles are written to compare and discuss the results of multiple articles. They may be structured similarly to original research articles, but they are synthesizing what others have written about, rather than reporting on their own research.

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Difference Between Research Paper and Review Paper? 

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A research paper and a review paper writing are two different types of documents. They have different purposes, purposes, and requirements.  Research papers and review papers contain different information. The r esearch paper contains original research work by the author, while the review paper is based on an existing source of knowledge. 

In this blog, let’s discuss the differences between research and review paper writing . 

What are Research Papers?  

A research paper is a type of essay where the main purpose is that it should present new ideas and information to the audience. The author of the research paper must provide facts, figures, graphs, and other types of written information that can support his/her argument(s).  

Research papers can be written on any topic, but they must be connected with one or more disciplines. 

A good example is when science students write their research papers on cell division or DNA synthesis.  

What are Review Papers?  

A review paper writing aims to provide readers with an overview of an article or book by reviewing its content, structure, style, and arguments. Reviews can be used to evaluate other people’s work or to assess one’s own work by comparing it with another’s work (i.e., peer reviews). Review papers are usually shorter than research papers because they are intended for wider audiences. 

Understanding the Main Difference:  

Research papers and review papers are two different types of writing assignments you will encounter in your academic career. 

Research paper writing: The research paper is a written piece that is required to answer the question, “What do we know about this topic?” 

Review paper writing : The review paper is a written piece that is required to answer the question, “What do we not know about this topic?” 

review paper writing

More about Research Papers:  

  • Research papers present essential information that has been gathered from many sources. 
  • The writer must cite his sources for all ideas used in this article. This can be done by using bibliographies or footnotes at the end of each page of your paper. 
  • A bibliography is a list of all sources used within your article; it should be placed at the end of your work or on an appendix page in the principal body.
  • Footnotes cite specific puotes or references not found within the text itself. 
  • They should also be placed at the end of your work. Or on an appendix page if used as part of your principal body. 

More about Review Papers : 

  • Review papers have a special role in scientific literature. They are one of the most common papers and are often used to measure an individual’s scientific contributions. It provides a summary of current knowledge on the subject while identifying gaps in that knowledge, and it may also offer suggestions for future research. 
  • Review papers are most often written by scientists publishing in peer-reviewed journals, although they can be written by anyone with access to relevant information about the subject matter.  
  • Review papers usually include an introduction and background information about their topic. It is related to other subjects, discussion of previous work on the subject, and research methods used to gather data from studies.  
  • Usually conducted by others who have studied the same thing, conclusions are supported by evidence from these studies and any additional information needed to understand their findings and draw conclusions from them. 


What is a Literature Review? Is it similar to Review Papers?  

A literature review is a scholarly document that discusses the current state of knowledge on a topic. It may evaluate existing research quality and determine which works should be included in an analysis or synthesis. 

  • A literature review can be conducted by anyone interested in a particular topic area. But it is usually performed by someone with some knowledge or training.
  • The primary purpose of a literature review is to provide background information about a topic. So that the author can develop the ideas for a research paper or report. For this to happen, you need to know what your audience wants. You also need to understand what your audience wants from you. 
  • A literature review is a critique of current literature. A literature review is similar to a research paper , but it is not as long and detailed.  

The main difference is that a literature review typically focuses on only one or two specific topics. Whereas a research paper can be more broadly focused and may include multiple sections. 

How does a Review Paper help form a Research Paper?  

A review paper is a summary of previous research on a topic. It can be either an objective or subjective analysis.  

The purpose of the review is to summarize the findings of previous research. Also to determine whether the results are valid and reliable.   

Review paper writing

This can be done by examining the research methods used in the studies and their design, measurement and statistical analysis. 

In addition to presenting information about a subject in its own right. Reviews also provide a context for future research by identifying areas that need to be addressed. Checks may be critical in identifying areas that require further investigation or discussion. They also help researchers focus their efforts on those areas that are most important to address.   

Tips for Writing Research paper and Review paper:  

A review paper has to be written. First, it includes the citations you might require while developing your research paper.  

While writing a research paper , you should inquire about every question that comes to your mind. And follow through with them appropriately. 

A review paper is not your final paper; it requires constant research and a table of contents, commonly known as the bibliography. With the help of a bibliography, you will have a clear list of items you need in-depth research. It will prevent you from getting confused and haphazard with your findings and research.  

A research paper is a piece of writing that tries to answer a specific question. A review paper is typically shorter than a research paper and focuses on one main point or idea.

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Literature Review vs Research Paper: What’s the Difference?

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by  Antony W

June 26, 2024

literature review vs research paper

This is a complete student’s guide to understanding literature review vs research paper.

We’ll teach you what they’re, explain why they’re important, state the difference between the two, and link you to our comprehensive guide on how to write them.

Literature Review Writing Help

Writing a literature review for a thesis, a research paper, or as a standalone assignment takes time. Much of your time will go into research, not to mention you have other assignments to complete. 

If you find writing in college or university overwhelming, get in touch with our literature review writers for hire at 25% discounts and enjoy the flexibility and convenience that comes with professional writing help. We’ll help you do everything, from research and outlining to custom writing and proofreading.

What is a Literature Review?

A literature review document is a secondary source of information that provides an overview of existing knowledge, which you can use to identify gaps or flaws in existing research. In literature review writing, students have to find and read existing publications such as journal articles, analyze the information, and then state their findings.

literature review steps

Credit: Pubrica

You’ll write a literature review to demonstrate your understanding on the topic, show gaps in existing research, and develop an effective methodology and a theoretical framework for your research project.

Your instructor may ask you to write a literature review as a standalone assignment. Even if that’s the case, the rules for writing a review paper don’t change.

In other words, you’ll still focus on evaluating the current research and find gaps around the topic.

Types of Literature Reviews

There are three types of review papers and they’re a follows:

 1. Meta-analysis

In meta-analysis review paper, you combine and compare answers from already published studies on a given subject.

2. Narrative Review

A narrative review paper looks into existing information or research already conducted on a given topic.

3. Systematic Review

You need to do three things if asked to write a systematic review paper.

First, read and understand the question asked. Second, look into research already conducted on the topic. Third, search for the answer to the question from the established research you just read.

What’s a Research Paper?

A research paper is an assignment in which you present your own argument, evaluation, or interpretation of an issue based on independent research.

research paper steps

In a research paper project, you’ll draw some conclusions from what experts have already done, find gaps in their studies, and then draw your own conclusions.

While a research paper is like an academic essay, it tends to be longer and more detailed.

Since they require extended research and attention to details, research papers can take a lot of time to write.

If well researched, your research paper can demonstrate your knowledge about a topic, your ability to engage with multiple sources, and your willingness to contribute original thoughts to an ongoing debate.

Types of Research Papers

 There are two types of research papers and they’re as follows:

 1. Analytical Research Papers

 Similar to analytical essay , and usually in the form of a question, an analytical research paper looks at an issue from a neutral point and gives a clear analysis of the issue.

Your goal is to make the reader understand both sides of the issue in question and leave it to them to decide what side of the analysis to accept.

Unlike an argumentative research paper, an analytical research paper doesn’t include counterarguments. And you can only draw your conclusion based on the information stretched out all through the analysis.

2. Argumentative Research Papers

In an argumentative research paper, you state the subject under study, look into both sides of an issue, pick a stance, and then use solid evidence and objective reasons to defend your position.

In   argumentative writing, your goal isn’t to persuade your audience to take an action. 

Rather, it’s to convince them that your position on the research question is more accurate than the opposing point of views.

Regardless of the type of research paper that you write, you’ll have to follow the standard outline for the assignment to be acceptable for review and marking.

Also, all research paper, regardless of the research question under investigation must include a literature review.

Literature Review vs Research Paper

The table below shows the differences between a literature review (review paper) and a research paper. 

. Read it to learn how you can structure your review paper.

. Read it to learn how to write your research project.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. is there a literature review in a research paper.

A research paper assignment must include a literature review immediately after the introduction chapter.

The chapter is significant because your research work would otherwise be incomplete without knowledge of existing literature. 

2. How Many Literature Review Should Be in Research Paper?

Your research paper  should have only one literature review. Make sure you write the review based on the instructions from your teacher.

Before you start, check the required length, number of sources to summarize, and the format to use. Doing so will help you score top grades for the assignment. 

3. What is the Difference Between Research and Literature?

Whereas literature focuses on gathering, reading, and summarizing information on already established studies, original research involves coming up with new concepts, theories, and ideas that might fill existing gaps in the available literature.

4. How Long is a Literature Review?

How long a literature review should be will depend on several factors, including the level of education, the length of the assignment, the target audience, and the purpose of the review.

For example, a 150-page dissertation can have a literature review of 40 pages on average.

Make sure you talk to your instructor to determine the required length of the assignment.

5. How Does a Literature Review Look Like?

Your literature review shouldn’t be a focus on original research or new information. Rather, it should give a clear overview of the already existing work on the selected topic.

The information to review can come from various sources, including scholarly journal articles , government reports, credible websites, and academic-based books. 

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.


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difference of review article and research paper

  • Sep 14, 2021

What's the difference between a research article and a review article-The hidden secrets?

Are you getting more confused on what is review article and research article and what are their major differences? Here we have provided a clear idea to make you feel understand in a better way. Let’s see each one of the them more in detail.

What is a research article?

The research articles, occasionally termed to as primary sources or empirical paper which rely on original research report. They consist of the sections namely abstract, introduction, literature review, research methodology, results & discussion and conclusion. Primary or Empirical research studies report original research, highlighting the diverse steps involved in the research process.

The structure of an empirical paper is explained in detail as under:

Abstract : The abstract is the first and foremost section of the empirical paper and the content should be well written in a precise manner. The following key points are important for abstract formulation

It delivers a description of the research problem being examined

includes the contributors and relevant characteristics of those contributors

defines the research methodology of the study

précises the basic findings of the research study

contains the implications or applications and conclusions of the research study's findings.

Introduction: Traces the way the research problem that is being studied has developed and provides the determination for the examination.

Research Methodology : Specifies how the examination was conducted; what measures were used.

Results : intelligences the findings and analyses of the research study

Discussion : summarizes, infers and discusses the implications of the examination results

Conclusion : Concludes the research study and its outcomes in a precise manner.

What is a review article ?

The review article is also sometimes called as survey article or literature reviews or secondary sources , synthesize or analyze research previously conducted in primary sources. The review articles usually summarize the current state of research on a given research topic.

The review articles critically evaluate the previously published research articles. The organization, combination of the previously published material, and evaluation of this material provide an understanding of the progress of research in clarifying a research problem. The Literature reviews provides the following key points:

gives a clear definition and explanation of the research problem

provides a summary of earlier research to inform the reader of what the research status is

identifies relationships, contradictions, problem gaps and discrepancies in the material

makes suggestions in the upcoming step to solve the problem.

The structure of a review paper is detailed as under:

Abstract: Notifies about the main objectives and result of each review article taken for development

Introduction: Provides information about the background, specifies the motivation for the review, describes the focus, the research question and describes the text structure.

Detailed literature survey and frame a Comparative table: In this section, we need to summarize each referred article in terms of author(s) name, year of publication, findings of the particular research article, advantages and limitations of the study

Future scope of the work (if applicable)

Below table gives you a clear understanding of the major difference between a review and a research article.

difference of review article and research paper

Hope this article is useful for the research aspirants and the scholars who are planning to publish their articles in journal

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Research shows our bodies go through rapid changes in our 40s and our 60s

For many people, reaching their mid-40s may bring unpleasant signs the body isn’t working as well as it once did. Injuries seem to happen more frequently. Muscles may feel weaker.

A new study, published Wednesday in Nature Aging , shows what may be causing the physical decline. Researchers have found that molecules and microorganisms both inside and outside our bodies are going through dramatic changes, first at about age 44 and then again when we hit 60. Those alterations may be causing significant differences in cardiovascular health and immune function.

The findings come from Stanford scientists who analyzed blood and other biological samples of 108 volunteers ages 25 to 75, who continued to donate samples for several years. 

“While it’s obvious that you’re aging throughout your entire life, there are two big periods where things really shift,” said the study’s senior author, Michael Snyder, a professor of genetics and director of the Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine at Stanford Medicine. For example, “there’s a big shift in the metabolism of lipids when people are in their 40s and in the metabolism of carbohydrates when people are in their 60s.”

Lipids are fatty substances, including LDL, HDL and triglycerides, that perform a host of functions in the body, but they can be harmful if they build up in the blood.

The scientists tracked many kinds of molecules in the samples, including RNA and proteins, as well as the participants’ microbiomes.

The metabolic changes the researchers discovered indicate not that people in their 40s are burning calories more slowly but rather that the body is breaking food down differently. The scientists aren’t sure exactly what impact those changes have on health.

Previous research showed that resting energy use, or metabolic rate , didn’t change from ages 20 to 60. The new study’s findings don't contradict that.

The changes in metabolism affect how the body reacts to alcohol or caffeine, although the health consequences aren’t yet clear. In the case of caffeine, it may result in higher sensitivity. 

It’s also not known yet whether the shifts could be linked to lifestyle or behavioral factors. For example, the changes in alcohol metabolism might be because people are drinking more in their mid-40s, Snyder said.

For now, Snyder suggests people in their 40s keep a close eye on their lipids, especially LDL cholesterol.

“If they start going up, people might want to think about taking statins if that’s what their doctor recommends,” he said. Moreover, “knowing there’s a shift in the molecules that affect muscles and skin, you might want to warm up more before exercising so you don’t hurt yourself.”

Until we know better what those changes mean, the best way to deal with them would be to eat healthy foods and to exercise regularly, Snyder said.Dr. Josef Coresh, founding director of the Optimal Aging Institute at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, compared the new findings to the invention of the microscope.

“The beauty of this type of paper is the level of detail we can see in molecular changes,” said Coresh, a professor of medicine at the school. “But it will take time to sort out what individual changes mean and how we can tailor medications to those changes. We do know that the origins of many diseases happen in midlife when people are in their 40s, though the disease may occur decades later.”

The new study “is an important step forward,” said Dr. Lori Zeltser, a professor of pathology and cell biology at the Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. While we don’t know what the consequences of those metabolic changes are yet, “right now, we have to acknowledge that we metabolize food differently in our 40s, and that is something really new.”

The shifts the researchers found might help explain numerous age-related health changes, such as muscle loss, because “your body is breaking down food differently,” Zeltser said.

Linda Carroll is a regular health contributor to NBC News. She is coauthor of "The Concussion Crisis: Anatomy of a Silent Epidemic" and "Out of the Clouds: The Unlikely Horseman and the Unwanted Colt Who Conquered the Sport of Kings." 

This paper is in the following e-collection/theme issue:

Published on 23.8.2024 in Vol 26 (2024)

Provenance Information for Biomedical Data and Workflows: Scoping Review

Authors of this article:

Author Orcid Image

Kerstin Gierend   1 , Dipl-Inf(FH) ;   Frank Krüger   2, 3 , Dr.-Ing. ;   Sascha Genehr   3 , MSc ;   Francisca Hartmann   1 , MSc ;   Fabian Siegel   1 , Dr. med. ;   Dagmar Waltemath   4 , Dr.-Ing. ;   Thomas Ganslandt   5 * , Dr. med. habil. ;   Atinkut Alamirrew Zeleke   4 * , Dr. rer. medic.

1 Department of Biomedical Informatics, Mannheim Institute for intelligent Systems in Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany

2 Faculty of Engineering, Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Wismar, Germany

3 Institute of Communications Engineering, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany

4 Department of Medical Informatics, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany

5 Chair of Medical Informatics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany

*these authors contributed equally

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Fact-checking warnings from Democrats about Project 2025 and Donald Trump

This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact .

Project 2025 has a starring role in this week’s Democratic National Convention.

And it was front and center on Night 1.

WATCH: Hauling large copy of Project 2025, Michigan state Sen. McMorrow speaks at 2024 DNC

“This is Project 2025,” Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, D-Royal Oak, said as she laid a hardbound copy of the 900-page document on the lectern. “Over the next four nights, you are going to hear a lot about what is in this 900-page document. Why? Because this is the Republican blueprint for a second Trump term.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has warned Americans about “Trump’s Project 2025” agenda — even though former President Donald Trump doesn’t claim the conservative presidential transition document.

“Donald Trump wants to take our country backward,” Harris said July 23 in Milwaukee. “He and his extreme Project 2025 agenda will weaken the middle class. Like, we know we got to take this seriously, and can you believe they put that thing in writing?”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate, has joined in on the talking point.

“Don’t believe (Trump) when he’s playing dumb about this Project 2025. He knows exactly what it’ll do,” Walz said Aug. 9 in Glendale, Arizona.

Trump’s campaign has worked to build distance from the project, which the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, led with contributions from dozens of conservative groups.

Much of the plan calls for extensive executive-branch overhauls and draws on both long-standing conservative principles, such as tax cuts, and more recent culture war issues. It lays out recommendations for disbanding the Commerce and Education departments, eliminating certain climate protections and consolidating more power to the president.

Project 2025 offers a sweeping vision for a Republican-led executive branch, and some of its policies mirror Trump’s 2024 agenda, But Harris and her presidential campaign have at times gone too far in describing what the project calls for and how closely the plans overlap with Trump’s campaign.

PolitiFact researched Harris’ warnings about how the plan would affect reproductive rights, federal entitlement programs and education, just as we did for President Joe Biden’s Project 2025 rhetoric. Here’s what the project does and doesn’t call for, and how it squares with Trump’s positions.

Are Trump and Project 2025 connected?

To distance himself from Project 2025 amid the Democratic attacks, Trump wrote on Truth Social that he “knows nothing” about it and has “no idea” who is in charge of it. (CNN identified at least 140 former advisers from the Trump administration who have been involved.)

The Heritage Foundation sought contributions from more than 100 conservative organizations for its policy vision for the next Republican presidency, which was published in 2023.

Project 2025 is now winding down some of its policy operations, and director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, is stepping down, The Washington Post reported July 30. Trump campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita denounced the document.

WATCH: A look at the Project 2025 plan to reshape government and Trump’s links to its authors

However, Project 2025 contributors include a number of high-ranking officials from Trump’s first administration, including former White House adviser Peter Navarro and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

A recently released recording of Russell Vought, a Project 2025 author and the former director of Trump’s Office of Management and Budget, showed Vought saying Trump’s “very supportive of what we do.” He said Trump was only distancing himself because Democrats were making a bogeyman out of the document.

Project 2025 wouldn’t ban abortion outright, but would curtail access

The Harris campaign shared a graphic on X that claimed “Trump’s Project 2025 plan for workers” would “go after birth control and ban abortion nationwide.”

The plan doesn’t call to ban abortion nationwide, though its recommendations could curtail some contraceptives and limit abortion access.

What’s known about Trump’s abortion agenda neither lines up with Harris’ description nor Project 2025’s wish list.

Project 2025 says the Department of Health and Human Services Department should “return to being known as the Department of Life by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care.”

It recommends that the Food and Drug Administration reverse its 2000 approval of mifepristone, the first pill taken in a two-drug regimen for a medication abortion. Medication is the most common form of abortion in the U.S. — accounting for around 63 percent in 2023.

If mifepristone were to remain approved, Project 2025 recommends new rules, such as cutting its use from 10 weeks into pregnancy to seven. It would have to be provided to patients in person — part of the group’s efforts to limit access to the drug by mail. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a legal challenge to mifepristone’s FDA approval over procedural grounds.

WATCH: Trump’s plans for health care and reproductive rights if he returns to White House The manual also calls for the Justice Department to enforce the 1873 Comstock Act on mifepristone, which bans the mailing of “obscene” materials. Abortion access supporters fear that a strict interpretation of the law could go further to ban mailing the materials used in procedural abortions, such as surgical instruments and equipment.

The plan proposes withholding federal money from states that don’t report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention how many abortions take place within their borders. The plan also would prohibit abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, from receiving Medicaid funds. It also calls for the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that the training of medical professionals, including doctors and nurses, omits abortion training.

The document says some forms of emergency contraception — particularly Ella, a pill that can be taken within five days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy — should be excluded from no-cost coverage. The Affordable Care Act requires most private health insurers to cover recommended preventive services, which involves a range of birth control methods, including emergency contraception.

Trump has recently said states should decide abortion regulations and that he wouldn’t block access to contraceptives. Trump said during his June 27 debate with Biden that he wouldn’t ban mifepristone after the Supreme Court “approved” it. But the court rejected the lawsuit based on standing, not the case’s merits. He has not weighed in on the Comstock Act or said whether he supports it being used to block abortion medication, or other kinds of abortions.

Project 2025 doesn’t call for cutting Social Security, but proposes some changes to Medicare

“When you read (Project 2025),” Harris told a crowd July 23 in Wisconsin, “you will see, Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

The Project 2025 document does not call for Social Security cuts. None of its 10 references to Social Security addresses plans for cutting the program.

Harris also misleads about Trump’s Social Security views.

In his earlier campaigns and before he was a politician, Trump said about a half-dozen times that he’s open to major overhauls of Social Security, including cuts and privatization. More recently, in a March 2024 CNBC interview, Trump said of entitlement programs such as Social Security, “There’s a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting.” However, he quickly walked that statement back, and his CNBC comment stands at odds with essentially everything else Trump has said during the 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump’s campaign website says that not “a single penny” should be cut from Social Security. We rated Harris’ claim that Trump intends to cut Social Security Mostly False.

Project 2025 does propose changes to Medicare, including making Medicare Advantage, the private insurance offering in Medicare, the “default” enrollment option. Unlike Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans have provider networks and can also require prior authorization, meaning that the plan can approve or deny certain services. Original Medicare plans don’t have prior authorization requirements.

The manual also calls for repealing health policies enacted under Biden, such as the Inflation Reduction Act. The law enabled Medicare to negotiate with drugmakers for the first time in history, and recently resulted in an agreement with drug companies to lower the prices of 10 expensive prescriptions for Medicare enrollees.

Trump, however, has said repeatedly during the 2024 presidential campaign that he will not cut Medicare.

Project 2025 would eliminate the Education Department, which Trump supports

The Harris campaign said Project 2025 would “eliminate the U.S. Department of Education” — and that’s accurate. Project 2025 says federal education policy “should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.” The plan scales back the federal government’s role in education policy and devolves the functions that remain to other agencies.

Aside from eliminating the department, the project also proposes scrapping the Biden administration’s Title IX revision, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It also would let states opt out of federal education programs and calls for passing a federal parents’ bill of rights similar to ones passed in some Republican-led state legislatures.

Republicans, including Trump, have pledged to close the department, which gained its status in 1979 within Democratic President Jimmy Carter’s presidential Cabinet.

In one of his Agenda 47 policy videos, Trump promised to close the department and “to send all education work and needs back to the states.” Eliminating the department would have to go through Congress.

What Project 2025, Trump would do on overtime pay

In the graphic, the Harris campaign says Project 2025 allows “employers to stop paying workers for overtime work.”

The plan doesn’t call for banning overtime wages. It recommends changes to some Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, regulations and to overtime rules. Some changes, if enacted, could result in some people losing overtime protections, experts told us.

The document proposes that the Labor Department maintain an overtime threshold “that does not punish businesses in lower-cost regions (e.g., the southeast United States).” This threshold is the amount of money executive, administrative or professional employees need to make for an employer to exempt them from overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

In 2019, the Trump’s administration finalized a rule that expanded overtime pay eligibility to most salaried workers earning less than about $35,568, which it said made about 1.3 million more workers eligible for overtime pay. The Trump-era threshold is high enough to cover most line workers in lower-cost regions, Project 2025 said.

The Biden administration raised that threshold to $43,888 beginning July 1, and that will rise to $58,656 on Jan. 1, 2025. That would grant overtime eligibility to about 4 million workers, the Labor Department said.

It’s unclear how many workers Project 2025’s proposal to return to the Trump-era overtime threshold in some parts of the country would affect, but experts said some would presumably lose the right to overtime wages.

Other overtime proposals in Project 2025’s plan include allowing some workers to choose to accumulate paid time off instead of overtime pay, or to work more hours in one week and fewer in the next, rather than receive overtime.

Trump’s past with overtime pay is complicated. In 2016, the Obama administration said it would raise the overtime to salaried workers earning less than $47,476 a year, about double the exemption level set in 2004 of $23,660 a year.

But when a judge blocked the Obama rule, the Trump administration didn’t challenge the court ruling. Instead it set its own overtime threshold, which raised the amount, but by less than Obama.

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  • Review Article
  • Open access
  • Published: 22 August 2024

Metallic coatings in offshore wind sector—a mini review

  • Berenika Syrek-Gerstenkorn   ORCID: 1 &
  • Shiladitya Paul   ORCID: 2 , 3  

npj Materials Degradation volume  8 , Article number:  86 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

128 Accesses

Metrics details

  • Wind energy

Offshore wind energy is pivotal for achieving global renewable energy targets. As of 2022, 12% of global electricity is derived from wind and solar power, with an imperative to reach 90% renewable energy by 2050. The offshore wind industry, constituting 7.1% of global wind power, plays a central role in meeting these goals. The Global Wind Energy Alliance envisions reaching 380 GW by 2030 and 2000 GW by 2050. This paper addresses corrosion challenges in the offshore environment, emphasising sacrificial coatings as an effective mitigation strategy. By critically evaluating the latest revisions of widely used international standards such as Norsok M-501, ISO 12944, and VGBE-S-021, the study focuses on zinc- and aluminium-rich coatings that form a galvanic couple with steel, providing cathodic protection. Liquid coatings, thermally sprayed coatings, and hot-dip galvanised coatings are examined for their applicability with discussion on the advantages and limitations of these systems. Considerations of cost, environmental impact, and testing methods are crucial in selecting corrosion mitigation strategies. The review alludes to these requirements and highlights the significance of durable solutions, such as sacrificial coatings, in ensuring the long-term integrity of offshore wind structures amid the sector’s rapid expansion. Further collaborative research, involving industry and academia, is recommended to refine testing regimes and explore innovative coating solutions.

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Investing in renewable energy whilst decreasing energy production from fossil fuels is a key action to tackle the problem of climate change contributed by anthropogenic CO 2 emissions. In 2022, solar and wind power accounted for 12% of global electricity generation 1 . It is predicted that to keep the temperature rise target below 1.5 °C, the efforts should be taken to reach 90% of global electricity generation from renewable energy sources with wind and solar accounting for nearly 70% 1 . Energy generated from the offshore wind sector plays an important role in meeting the set targets. At the end of 2022, a total of 64.3 GW of wind capacity was in operation worldwide, which accounted for 7.1% of global wind power installation 2 . This was the second-best year for the global offshore industry, despite the obstacles, such as high inflation or supply chain constrains, associated with the global energy crisis triggered by war in Europe and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Undoubtedly, offshore wind will continue to play a key role in supplying the energy demand. The Global Offshore Wind Alliance (GOWA) created in 2022, set a plan to achieve a global offshore wind capacity of at least 380 GW by 2030 and 2000 GW by 2050, with 35 GW being deployed on average each year through the 2020 s and a minimum of 70 GW annually from 2030 2 .

The shift towards offshore wind is driven by the need for larger capacities, favourable wind conditions, and reduced visual impact compared to onshore wind farms. However, the harsh offshore environment is very corrosive to the structural components of the offshore wind turbines and therefore suitable corrosion mitigation methods must be implemented. Structural steel (typically EN 10025 S355) is a material of choice for the offshore wind structures due to its strength, toughness, cost, and weldability 3 . However, this type of steel is prone to corrosion attack when exposed to salty water.

Environment surrounding the offshore structure can be divided into 4 main zones (atmospheric, splash/tidal, immersed and buried), which determine the suitability of application of different corrosion mitigation strategies. Figure 1 shows the 4 zones as described and categorised in ISO 12944-2 4 and ISO 12944-9 5 as well as 4 stress zones in accordance with VGBE-S-021-01 6 standard.

figure 1

Schematic of offshore wind turbine showing classification of operating zones and corrosivity categories applicable to offshore wind structures in accordance with ISO 12944-2, 12944-9 and corrosion stress zones in accordance with VGB 021. Schematic reproduced from VGB 021-1.

Parts operating in atmospheric zone are usually protected by protective coatings (e.g., epoxies finished with a layer of polyurethane). Parts constantly immersed in seawater are protected by cathodic protection (CP) very often in combination with organic coatings. Splash zone is the most challenging environment with the highest corrosion rates, and it usually requires combination of CP, coatings and corrosion allowance. Selection of the appropriate corrosion mitigation strategy is not straightforward, and all the above methods have their pros and cons, which are shown in Fig. 2 .

figure 2

Advantages and limitations of different corrosion mitigation strategies. ICCP impressed current cathodic protection; CP cathodic protection.

Since offshore wind sector is constantly growing and larger turbines are needed to be deployed in deeper seas, the necessity for robust corrosion mitigation strategies requiring minimum maintenance is of a paramount importance. Offshore repairs are not only very costly but also dangerous and challenging to perform. Therefore, the deployed corrosion mitigation strategies need to be able to provide protection for at least 30 years.

This paper focuses on corrosion mitigation properties provided by sacrificial coatings with a particular focus on the latest revisions of the three main standards commonly used to design coating systems in the offshore wind sector, namely: Norsok M-501 (ed.7: 2022) 7 , ISO 12944 (mainly part 5 8 and 9 5 ) and VGBE-S-021 (ed.2023) 6 , 9 , 10 .

Classification of sacrificial coatings

Sacrificial coatings refer to a group of coatings capable of providing protection to the steel substrate via preferential dissolution triggered by the difference in electrochemical potential. Those coatings are either made of, or contain, high levels of zinc or aluminium. The principle of the corrosion protection provided by the coatings is the same as galvanic anodes. When two dissimilar metals are connected to each other in the presence of a conductive electrolyte a galvanic couple is established. The metal which is less noble (is located lower in the Galvanic series) becomes an anode (Zn or Al) whereas the other metal (in this case steel) becomes a cathode. This mechanism of protection is also called cathodic protection (since the structure to be protected becomes a cathode in the electrochemical circuit).

Those metal-containing, sacrificial coatings can be divided into three main groups, namely: liquid coatings (paints), thermally sprayed (TS) coatings and hot-dip galvanised (HDG) coatings, as shown in Fig. 3 and the main differences are depicted in Fig. 4 .

figure 3

Classification of sacrificial coatings in offshore wind sector.

figure 4

Schematic representation of different Zn coatings.

Liquid coatings

Zn-rich liquid coatings can be categories based on the type of the binder used to produce the coating: inorganic or organic. Inorganic Zn-rich coatings usually consist of silicate type binders whereas organic Zn-rich coatings can consist of variety of polymeric materials, such as epoxies, polyurethanes, alkyds among others. For the liquid coating to be able to provide cathodic protection, the Zn particles must be present in a sufficiently high concentration (typically above 80–90% 11 ) to ensure electrical conductivity in the dry film. However, excessively high zinc content could lead to issues with weak adhesion, poor mechanical properties and difficulties in application 11 , 12 . Therefore, research efforts have been made to improve cathodic protection properties of Zn-rich coatings by incorporating electrically conductive materials such as: Al nanoparticles 13 , zinc fibres 14 , conductive polymers 14 , 15 , conductive pigments 16 , stainless steel flakes 17 or carbon-based materials 18 , 19 .

Nevertheless, the corrosion protection mechanism of zinc-rich coatings does not rely solely on cathodic protection properties. When the zinc particles oxidise, zinc corrosion products such as zinc carbonates, zinc sulphates and zinc hydroxides are formed. These particles fill the pores and provide barrier properties for a certain period, as schematically shown in Fig. 5 .

figure 5

Mechanism of corrosion protection provided by Zn-rich paints. Schematic inspired by ref. 59 .

Thermally sprayed coatings

The two most widely used methods for the deposition of metallic coatings via thermal spraying for corrosion mitigation purposes are electric arc and flame spraying. Both methods rely on melting of the feedstock material (in the form of wire or powder) and projecting the molten droplets towards the substrate as schematically shown in Fig. 6 . The molten droplets rapidly solidify upon impact and a uniform metallic coating is deposited on the substrate. The primary bonding mechanism for thermally sprayed coatings is mechanical interlocking and therefore, the quality of the substrate surface preparation is crucial for the application.

figure 6

Schematic of thermal spray process for deposition of sacrificial coatings.

In the offshore sector, the most common coatings applied via thermal spraying methods are thermally sprayed aluminium (TSA) – pure or alloyed with 5% Mg; thermally sprayed zinc (TSZ) and thermally sprayed zinc-aluminium (85–15%, TSZA). Recommended thicknesses for TS coatings with life to first maintenance greater than 20 years are shown in Tables 1 and 2 . Only the values for zones applicable to offshore wind sector were extracted from the ISO 2063-1 20 standard.

The main benefits of using thermally deposited coatings, in comparison to liquid coatings, is the lack of curing time, higher resistance to mechanical damage, and a more effective cathodic protection due to the lack of binder material.

Hot dip galvanised (HDG) coatings

Hot dip galvanised (HDG) coatings are obtained by immersing steel components into a bath of molten zinc (approximately 450 °C). During this process, metallurgical interactions occur between the surface of steel and molten zinc to create a coating that consist of layers of zinc-iron alloys 21 . Hot dip galvanising process comprises several steps including surface preparation (degreasing, picking, fluxing), dipping in molten zinc, and optional post treatment.

HDG coatings are a proven technology for corrosion mitigation of steel. However, it should be borne in mind that this technology also has some limitations. One of the limitations with this process is the coating thickness. When the coating is too thick, the stresses developed within the coating during the cooling period can lead to flaking of the coating. Furthermore, if the thickness of the component to be coated is very small, the component can exhibit distortion upon dipping in the hot zinc bath. This technology is also restricted to coating relatively small components, such as handrails, bolts, or gratings. Whereas liquid coatings or thermal spray can be used to coat very large structures, such as offshore wind towers.

Metallic coatings on offshore wind turbines

Coatings for atmospheric zone.

Unlike splash zone, atmospheric zone is not directly exposed to splashing seawater, but the parts located in this zone suffer from marine aerosols containing salts. Maximum corrosion attack that can be expected in the external (CX) and internal (C4/C5) parts of the offshore structure are provided by ISO 9224 22 and are shown in Table 3 . It should be noted that the latest revision of VGB-021 specifies C3 corrosivity category when the area is air-conditioned, and the relative humidity (RH) is maintained below 60%. However, in authors opinion, even if the conditions are maintained during the operational time of the structure (except for upset conditions), much more severe conditions will be present during both transportation and installation periods. Therefore, this corrosion category is not included in this review.

The most common corrosion mitigation method in the atmospheric zone is the use of coatings. Table 4 summarises coatings for this zone applicable to offshore wind structures according to three main standards, namely: ISO 12944 5 , 8 , Norsok M-501 7 and VGB-021 6 , 9 , 10 . The durability of the coating systems refers to the time until the first major maintenance. Due to the need for long-lasting coating solutions, only very high (VH) durability (i.e., greater than 25 years - as specified in ISO 12944-1) coatings were selected from ISO 12944-5 8 standard. It should be noted that both Norsok M-501 7 and ISO 12944-9 5 provide solutions for high durability (H) (i.e., 15-25 years - as specified in ISO 12944-1) coatings, whereas the latest edition of VGB-021 6 , 9 , 10 describes solutions for VH durability.

It can be noticed that all three standards recommend systems containing sacrificial layers, either in the form of Zn-rich primers, HDG or TS coatings. The benefit of using Zn-rich primers was demonstrated in various studies 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 . It was also observed that, the presence of Zn-rich layer is beneficial for minimising corrosion creep.

Various long-term studies of thermally sprayed coatings were conducted over the years to test their corrosion performance in marine atmosphere (e.g., 19-year test conducted by the American Welding Society 27 , 18-year Japanese test 28 ) which showed that both Zn and Al-based coatings can provide long term protection to steel. However, the mechanism and level of protection are not the same. Aluminium is a very reactive metal, which passivates quickly in air. This passive layer is amphoteric in nature and acts as an electrical insulator, which explains the very low dissolution rate of aluminium in aqueous media in the pH range 5–8. For the sacrificial protection to be activated, aluminium needs a favourable environment containing ions capable of breaking the passive film, such as chlorides (Cl − ) in seawater. Therefore, in the atmospheric zone, TSA provides mainly barrier type protection to the underlying steel.

Zinc, on the other hand, does not form a continuous insulating layer. Upon exposure to the atmosphere, a layer of mainly zinc hydroxide is initially formed, which is then transformed into other corrosion products containing carbonates, sulphates, and chlorides. Since zinc coatings dissolve with a steady rate, the coating thickness loss can be accurately predicted. It has been reported, that thermally sprayed coating made of ZnAl (85–15%) are the most effective in protecting of steel in marine atmosphere due to combined benefits of the two metals 29 . The microstructure of the coating consists of Zn-rich and Al-rich phases which corrode at a different rate. Not only the addition of aluminium gives rise to a slower corrosion rate, but also the corrosion products which are produced are much denser and provide protection to the underlying metal.

Coatings for Splash/Tidal Zone

Splash and tidal zones are the most challenging from the corrosion protection point of view for several reasons. Corrosion rates detected in those zones are the highest (between 0.4 and 1.2 mm/year for carbon steel 30 ), due to the combined effect of alternating drying and wetting of the surfaces, high level of salts, UV radiation and highly oxygenated electrolyte. According to DNV-RP-0416 31 , minimum values that should be considered during the design of primary structural parts located in the splash zone should be 0.3 mm/year for external parts and 0.1 mm/year for internal parts of the structure when temperature of seawater does not exceed 12 °C. For subtropical and tropical climate, the values are higher: 0.4 mm/year (external surfaces) and 0.2 mm/year (internal surfaces).

Moreover, parts located below the mean water line (MWL) can benefit from CP systems. Therefore, the coating system design for the splash zone must be resilient to cathodic disbondment but also must perform well under atmospheric conditions. Furthermore, coating systems protecting the surfaces in the splash/tidal zone should be resilient to mechanical damages and collisions with objects e.g., drifting ice, floating debris etc.

Table 5 shows coating systems recommended by ISO 12944 5 , Norsok M-501 7 ed.7 and VGB-021 6 , 9 , 10 ed.2023 for splash zone applications. It can be noticed that coatings with sacrificial capabilities include Zn-rich primers and TSA. However, it should be mentioned that ISO 24656:2022 32 does not recommend Zn-rich primers for use in the immersed, tidal and splash zones. Additionally, it should be mentioned that Norsok M-501 recommnends TSA for areas exposed to high temperatures (> +80 °C to +595 °C). Nontheless, this standard also states that this system may also be used at lower temperatures (below 80 °C).

Several field tests showed that TSA can be an effective long-term corrosion mitigation solution for splash/tidal zone 27 , 28 , 33 . It can be noticed that Norsok M-501 7 recommends the use of sealer for TSA coatings. It has been reported that excessive overcoating of aluminium with organic coatings can lead to development of blisters and therefore, only a thin layer of sealant (less than 40 µm) is recommended to seal the pores within the coating and to decrease the corrosion rate of the aluminium layer 34 . Ideally, the sealant should reside within the roughness “troughs” of the coating or penetrate the surface-connected pores to give no or minimal measurable thickness. The sealer might also be used when a required colour is needed, for example transition piece should be coated in “traffic yellow” RAL 1023 colour. However, it should be pointed out that, even though the application of thick organic coating can be detrimental to the performance of the TSA, ISO 2063-1 still provides recommendations regarding coating thicknesses when TSA is to be applied as a system comprising of TSA, sealer and organic coating (Table 1 ).

Coatings for submerged zone

According to DNV-RP-0416 31 , external surfaces of the structure exposed to submerged zone must be cathodically protected and the use of coatings is optional for this zone. Coatings can be used to reduce the CP demand. For the internal part, however, either CP or corrosion allowance is specified with or without coatings.

Table 6 shows coating systems recommended by ISO 12944 5 , Norsok M-501 7 ed.7 and VGB-021 6 , 9 , 10 ed.2023 for submerged zone applications. TSA is specified by Norsok M-501 7 for protection of components exposed to high temperatures during service conditions. However, as mentioned previously, this standard also allows the use of TSA with two-component epoxy sealer for operating temperatures below 80 °C. Moreover, ISO 2063 20 specifies not only TSA (with or without sealer) for immersed conditions (Table 1 ) but it also allows the use of TSZ and TSZA as a duplex system (with sealer and organic top coat) (Table 2 ). The mechanism of protection provided by TSA coatings under full seawater immersion was studied by several researchers 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 and it is fairly well understood. When the coating is intact, it provides mainly barrier type protection to the underlying steel. This effective long-term protection is achieved due to formation of corrosion products and calcareous deposits on the surface as well as within the pores of the coating. The formation of the deposits leads to blocking of the pathways for corrosive species to penetrate the pore network and reach the steel substrate and provides an additional protective barrier to TSA.

When there is a damage in the coating, a galvanic couple is established between the aluminium coating and the steel substrate (due to potential difference between the two metals). Since the potential of aluminium is more active than steel, TSA becomes an anode and steel a cathode which triggers dissolution of Al:

and cathodic reactions are:

The production of OH - ions leads to local increase of pH which in turn triggers the precipitation of calcareous deposits rich in Mg (Mg(OH) 2 ) and Ca (CaCO 3 ):

Depending on the conditions, such as temperature, and consequently morphology of formed films, those deposits could provide barrier properties to the exposed steel and decrease the CP demand from the anodic coating 34 . Recent research focusing on the damage tolerance of TSA coatings showed very encouraging results 41 . It was estimated that even in the presence of a large defect (~18%) or several smaller defects, the corrosion rate of TSA after 3 months of immersion in artificial seawater (ASTM D1141) at 25 °C was below 0.01 mm/year which was further extrapolated to a long-term corrosion rate values below 0.005 mm/year. These low values of corrosion rates are likely linked to the formation of protective corrosion products and calcareous deposits.

Another work focusing on damages in TSA coatings revealed a very important feature of the coating 42 . It was shown that TSA is not only capable of providing cathodic protection when a damage occurs before the coating is exposed to the seawater, but it is also able to activate its surface after the damage occurs when immersed and when the coating is already covered with corrosion products and other deposits. This indicates that TSA should be able to protect the surface of steel regardless if the damage in the coating appeared during transportation, installation or at the operational stage. However, it should be noted that both the above-mentioned studies were conducted in controlled laboratory conditions at relatively warm temperatures in stagnant artificial seawater. More research is needed to understand the mechanisms under more representative offshore service conditions, taking into account parameters such as temperature of the seawater, flow rate etc.

Several studies have been conducted to investigate the performance of TSA in subsea mud. Tests performed on silicone sealed TSA in environment typical to Gulf of Mexico revealed that 0.01 inch (254 µm) coating with a damage up to 5% area could provide protection for longer than 25 years 43 . Two other studies focused on TSA in combination with CP 44 , 45 . It was found that when the polarisation was not excessive (−1.1 V vs Ag/AgCl) the corrosion rate of TSA was below 10 µm/year after 230-day exposure at 10 °C and likely to decrease with time. It was suggested that a typical TSA coating of 200–400 µm should operate for longer than 20 years even at elevated temperatures (60 and 95 °C).

All the discussed standards provide guidance regarding coating selection based on their corrosion and mechanical performance. However, cost is also a very important factor that should be taken into account when selecting the corrosion mitigation strategy. It is estimated that operations and maintenance (O&M) costs of an offshore wind farm can account for 23% 46 –30% 30 of the total investment costs. To reduce O&M costs, durable corrosion mitigation must be applied. In 2013, Goodwin 47 conducted a Life Cycle Cost estimation of two corrosion protection systems applied on a tower of an offshore wind turbine (3.6 MW).

The first system consisted of a duplex system consisting of TSZ coating and the second one was a paint-only system. Assuming a 20-year operating time, the average equivalent annual cost (AEAC) was calculated as $97,000 for the duplex system and $337,000 for the paint only systems. Those cost estimates are probably not precise today. Nevertheless, they give a good indication that the use of metallic coatings, despite the increased initial costs, can also significantly reduce the overall costs especially taking into account the current 30-year operating time requirement.

Recently the use of TSA was specified as a stand-alone corrosion protection method for monopiles in the Baltic Sea 34 , 48 . Since no galvanic anodes or thick organic coatings were needed, this probably also had an influence on overall costs. However, no information was found regarding cost estimates of this technology in comparison to the conventional solutions.

Since more and more wind turbines will be deployed in the seas, considerations regarding potential pollutions from the corrosion protection systems started to surface in the recent years 48 , 49 , 50 . Galvanic anodes are a common corrosion mitigation method for offshore structures. The most common anodes are Al-based with small addition of other metals, such as Zn and In, to avoid formation of the passive layer. Some level of impurities can also be present (such as Cd, Mn, Fe, Si, Pb, Cu) 48 . To reduce the dissolution of the metallic anodes, organic coatings are often applied to the underwater zone of the structure. However, there are some concerns regarding pollution with microplastic 51 , 52 and bisphenol A 53 .

The use of TSA coatings is suggested as a good alternative to sacrificial anodes and organic coatings. Not only the dissolution rate of pure aluminium is slower, due to lack of Zn and In, but also the need of a thick organic coat is eliminated. To predict durability and corrosion performance of coatings, accelerated tests are often used. Tables 7 – 9 show the pre-qualification test included in Norsok M-501 7 , ISO 12944 (mainly part 9 5 , but also part 6 54 was included for the atmospheric zone) and VGB-S-021 9 . It can be noticed that for the atmospheric zone cycling ageing tests of at least 4200 h is specified by all the three standards. Moreover, continuous salt spray test and condensation test is included in the ISO 12944-5 8 (for zones C2-C5) and in VGB-S-021-02 9 .

The usefulness of continuous salt spray test for testing of coatings has been questioned for some time now in the scientific community. The main reason for this is due to the lack of good correlation between results from the accelerated tests and field tests 24 , 55 , 56 . Recent research focusing on comparing results from cycling ageing testing with field test data to assess rust creep growth around a scribe also did not show a satisfactory outcome 24 , 57 . The accelerated test failed to predict the filiform-like mechanism observed in the field test. Moreover, it was observed that the accelerated test generates significantly harsher conditions, which potentially leads to incorrect prediction of the degradation mechanism 57 . Additionally, in the study conducted by ref. 24 it was observed that the cycling ageing test fails to show a difference between corrosion creep performance of systems with and without Zn-rich primers.

A test performed by ref. 58 however, showed no correlation between the cycling aging test and the stationary field test, but some correlation was found with samples exposed on top of a moving ship. A question should be asked why the standards rely on testing in 5% NaCl, especially when testing systems containing Zn-rich primers. Natural seawater not only contains Na + and Cl − , but also mixture of different constituents such as for example Mg 2+ , Ca 2+ and SO 4 2− . Those ions play an important role during cathodic protection provided by Zn-rich layers, as they participate in formation of calcareous deposits (Mg 2+ , Ca 2+ ) and corrosion products.

For coating systems operating in splash and tidal zones, additional testing is required. Norsok M-501 7 and VGB-S-021-02 9 specify the assessment of the coating performance via impact test. Cathodic disbonding test is also required by all the three standards whereas water vapour diffusion test is only specified by VGB-S-021-02 9 . The most demanding testing regime for coating systems for submerged zone is provided by the VGB-S-021-02 9 standard, where either immersion testing or salt spray testing is required as well as cathodic disbond testing and water vapour diffusion testing. Norsok M-501, on the other hand, only asks for the cathodic disbonding test.

The primary function of the sacrificial metallic coatings used in offshore wind sectors is to provide cathodic protection to the underlying steel. However, when selecting a coating system, one should also consider other aspects such as mechanical performance, durability, ease of application and repairs, achievable coating thickness etc. Significant research efforts have been dedicated to optimising the performance of Zn-rich paints due to concerns related to environmental pollution, inadequate mechanical properties of high zinc-loaded paints, application difficulties, limited cathodic protection capabilities and high zinc price. Various modifications, such as addition of conductive or non-conductive pigments and polymers have been tested to improve the performance of the coatings. However, it should be noted that coating durability is also strongly dependent on the surface preparation and the quality of application of the product. In fact, a great number of coating failures occur due to insufficient/incorrect surface preparation, incorrect environmental control, or incorrect specification for given operating zone or application.

It is clear that sacrificial coatings will continue to play an important role in corrosion mitigation strategies for offshore wind structures. Since the renewable energy sources are predicted to account for over 90% of global electricity capacity over the next decade, the offshore wind sector will play an important role in delivering green energy demand. More and more wind farms will be built in deeper seas and durable and reliable corrosion mitigation methods will play a key role. This review showed that thermally sprayed metallic coatings, Zn-rich primers as well as HDG have a potential to provide long-term protection for steel structures operating in harsh marine conditions. However, it seems the cycling aging test specified by the main standards might not be the best approach for predicting the performance of the coating under service conditions. Further research is required to find a suitable testing regime for coatings. Academia and industry should work together to ensure that innovative coatings solutions can be successfully tested in accelerated tests without inadvertently altering the corrosion mechanism.

Data availability

The data presented in this study are available in the public domain and have been listed in the reference section of the paper.

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Syrek-Gerstenkorn, B., Paul, S. Metallic coatings in offshore wind sector—a mini review. npj Mater Degrad 8 , 86 (2024).

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Received : 31 December 2023

Accepted : 23 May 2024

Published : 22 August 2024


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  • Diagnostic error in mental health: a review
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  • Andrea Bradford 1 , 2 ,
  • Ashley N D Meyer 1 , 2 ,
  • Sundas Khan 2 ,
  • Traber D Giardina 1 , 2 ,
  • Hardeep Singh 1 , 2
  • 1 Department of Medicine , Baylor College of Medicine , Houston , TX , USA
  • 2 Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety , Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center and Baylor College of Medicine , Houston , Texas , USA
  • Correspondence to Dr Andrea Bradford, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA; Andrea.Bradford{at}

Diagnostic errors are associated with patient harm and suboptimal outcomes. Despite national scientific efforts to advance definition, measurement and interventions for diagnostic error, diagnosis in mental health is not well represented in this ongoing work. We aimed to summarise the current state of research on diagnostic errors in mental health and identify opportunities to align future research with the emerging science of diagnostic safety. We review conceptual considerations for defining and measuring diagnostic error, the application of these concepts to mental health settings, and the methods and subject matter focus of recent studies of diagnostic error in mental health. We found that diagnostic error is well understood to be a problem in mental healthcare. Although few studies used clear definitions or frameworks for understanding diagnostic error in mental health, several studies of missed, wrong, delayed and disparate diagnosis of common mental disorders have identified various avenues for future research and development. Nevertheless, a lack of clear consensus on how to conceptualise, define and measure errors in diagnosis will pose a barrier to advancement. Further research should focus on identifying preventable missed opportunities in the diagnosis of mental disorders, which may uncover generalisable opportunities for improvement.

  • Diagnostic errors
  • Mental health
  • Medical error, measurement/epidemiology

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Timely and appropriate diagnosis in mental health is an essential first step towards effective treatment. Missed, delayed or wrong diagnosis of mental disorders can lead to poorer patient outcomes and can waste time and resources. For example, delayed diagnosis of bipolar disorder has been linked to more frequent relapse and hospitalisations. 1 2 In a large registry study of over 1000 patients with narcolepsy, over one-quarter of the sample reported having consulted five or more clinicians before receiving the diagnosis. 3 Missed and delayed diagnosis can also result in a lack of functional improvement, delayed remission, and delayed or unnecessary treatments. 4

Mental disorders are largely clinical diagnoses that seldom have specific objective findings that can be detected through laboratory testing, physical examination or imaging. As such, history taking, behavioural observation and data gathering from collateral sources (eg, family members, teachers) are essential to the diagnosis. Despite the importance of effective data gathering and synthesis, time pressures, competing priorities and various cognitive biases can interfere with this process. 4–6 Validated psychological tests and symptom reporting scales can help with the data gathering process, but these can lead to inaccurate diagnostic impressions if they are interpreted without sufficient context or not followed with an appropriate diagnostic interview. 7 8 Finally, evolving (and in some cases, expanding) diagnostic criteria for mental disorders have prompted concerns that clinicians could inadvertently pathologise normal experiences. 9 10

Despite these and other concerns about the quality of psychiatric diagnosis, most discussion of diagnostic error in mental health has been disconnected from the broader national conversation on diagnostic error and diagnostic excellence. As a stark example, while the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine’s (NASEM) landmark report Improving Diagnosis in Health Care 4 describes mental health diagnosis as ‘particularly challenging’ (p. 52), there is otherwise little explicit mention of mental health in this 472-page report. In turn, the NASEM report is only sparsely cited in the mental health literature. 11 12 The NASEM report and contemporary research on diagnostic errors has stimulated major private (eg, Moore Foundation) and public (eg, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) funding initiatives to study and improve diagnostic safety. Again, however, mental health has been scarcely represented in the various projects funded under these initiatives. This is a significant gap given the high prevalence of mental disorders in the USA and worldwide.

As definitions and methods for studying diagnostic safety advance, it is important that these concepts can be applied to mental health. In this narrative review, we aim to summarise the current state of research on diagnostic error in mental health and identify opportunities to align future research with the emerging science of diagnostic safety. Specifically, we review (1) how diagnostic error in mental health has been conceptualised and measured; (2) evidence for diagnosis-specific pitfalls in common mental disorders; and (3) evidence to inform interventions to reduce diagnostic errors. Although diagnostic overshadowing (the attribution of symptoms to an existing diagnosis rather than a potential comorbid condition 13 ) in people with mental disorders is an important problem, 13–16 this is reviewed elsewhere 17 18 and is outside the scope of this review. We also do not cover the topic of overdiagnosis (when a condition is diagnosed that would not otherwise be consequential to the patient’s health or well-being 4 19 ), as the term is used inconsistently in this literature and is usually conflated with related concepts such as false positives, overtreatment and misdiagnosis. 20

Conceptualising and measuring diagnostic errors

Explicit definitions of diagnostic error seldom appear in the mental health literature, making it difficult to compare findings across studies. A definition in a major psychiatry textbook, acknowledging the work of Cullen et al , 21 focuses on diagnostic accuracy: ‘Diagnostic errors are not only inappropriate psychiatric diagnosis, but also mistaking a physical illness for a psychiatric condition or vice versa.’ 22 Similarly, studies of diagnostic error in mental health have implicitly or explicitly conceptualised diagnostic error as a discrepancy between a previously assigned clinical diagnosis (or lack thereof) and subsequent reappraisal. For example, in a youth community mental health sample, Jensen-Doss and colleagues compared clinician-generated diagnoses with the diagnoses generated by team consensus based on a structured diagnostic interview, medical record review and diagnostic impressions from team members. In this study, most discrepancies between clinician and team consensus diagnoses were attributable to missed diagnoses (ie, diagnoses not noted by the original clinician but subsequently assigned by team consensus). 23

Studies use similar approaches to reappraising prior mental disorder diagnoses with the aid of structured diagnostic interviews such as the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), 24–26 Mini Neuropsychiatric Inventory (MINI), 2 , 7–32 Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders (SCID), 33–36 or population-specific 37 or disorder-specific 38 interviews. Others report re-review of medical records to confirm diagnostic criteria. 39–41 However, there are several potential pitfalls of using diagnostic reappraisal to identify errors, including hindsight bias, failure to consider the disorder’s timing of onset, natural history or circumstances that might have complicated a previous diagnostic evaluation. 42 Moreover, methodological inconsistencies prevent comparisons across studies. For instance, whereas some studies of diagnostic discrepancies use structured interviews and other standardised methods for diagnostic assessment, others have inferred a previously ‘missed’ diagnosis solely based on a positive screening test without a more thorough assessment of diagnostic criteria. 43–47 Table 1 summarises recent approaches to identifying diagnostic error and recommendations for future studies.

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Empirical approaches for studying diagnostic error in mental health

More detailed conceptual and operational definitions for diagnostic errors are needed to measure and learn from these events. The NASEM report defines diagnostic error in terms of not only accuracy but also timeliness and communication: ‘the failure to (a) establish an accurate and timely explanation of the patient’s health problem(s) or (b) communicate that explanation to the patient.’ 4 Other recent definitions emphasise similar concepts and also introduce a component of preventability (‘missed opportunities’). 48 49 An acceptable or normative diagnostic interval is difficult to specify and must be balanced against unrealistic expectations that could invite hasty or overaggressive pursuit of diagnosis. 42 However, factors that are systematically associated with diagnostic accuracy or delays may point to missed opportunities. Such variation can also be examined in the context of health disparities ( table 1 ).

Importantly, conceptual models for understanding diagnostic error emphasise diagnosis as a process that unfolds within a complex system, sometimes across providers and locations. For example, the diagnostic process model in the NASEM report 4 ( figure 1 ), as well as the related Safer Dx framework, 50 describe five data gathering and interpretation processes: clinical history and interview, physical examination (including observation of appearance and behaviour), referral and consultation, diagnostic testing, and (in the latter) patient-related factors. Identifying process failures 51 (eg, did the clinician gather sufficient information to rule out an alternative diagnosis?), rather than focusing solely on the end result (eg, was the clinician’s original diagnosis correct?) enables more precise measurement of errors even when the ‘correct’ or final diagnosis cannot be confirmed, and allows for targeted improvements in the diagnostic process. Clinic-based studies are needed to better understand clinical reasoning and other diagnostic processes in practice. However, complementary evidence about clinical reasoning comes from vignette-based studies that experimentally manipulate patient characteristics, symptom presentation and specific instructions for diagnostic reasoning. 52–58 In a separate section below, we discuss further details of potential interventions to enhance the diagnostic process.

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The diagnostic process model from the National Academies of Science, Medicine and Engineering report Improving Diagnosis in Health Care 4 (reprinted with permission) emphasises data gathering and synthesis, as depicted in the circular portion of the diagram. To better describe the context of missed and delayed diagnosis in mental health, we suggest an elaboration of this model (depicted in the upper portion) that describes the steps and potential delays involved in seeking and accessing mental health services (adapted from Andersen et al 64 ).

Applying diagnostic process models to mental health

While formal concepts and definitions have potential to advance understanding of diagnostic error, it is important to ensure that they reflect the context of mental disorder diagnosis. For instance, while the NASEM model includes the initial steps of experiencing a health problem and engaging with the healthcare system, the model places less emphasis on these initial steps as compared with data gathering. This is an important limitation because patient knowledge and attitudes, stigma and structural barriers play a considerable role in mental healthcare delays. 59–61 A few studies of delayed diagnosis in mental health have defined the diagnostic process in terms of key clinical milestones (eg, first symptoms, first time seeking professional help and time of final, accurate diagnosis), altogether constituting the duration of untreated illness. For example, two studies depicted the evolution of a bipolar disorder diagnosis 62 63 in the form of a graph showing the total diagnostic timeline and the time elapsed between milestones. Other process-oriented models cited in this literature emphasise potential barriers and facilitators to care seeking (eg, Andersen’s behavioural model of health services 64 65 and the cascade of care model 66 ). To better account for the total delay in diagnosing mental disorders, elaboration of the NASEM model may be appropriate. The extension of the NASEM model shown in figure 1 is similar to depictions of the diagnostic pathway for other diseases such as cancer. 67 68

Evidence of diagnosis-specific pitfalls and process breakdowns

Studies have brought to light several pitfalls in the diagnosis of common mental disorders, which may inform further studies to identify and mitigate diagnostic errors. While not an exhaustive list, below is a summary of the some of the most frequently studied conditions in this literature. The degrees of both prevalence and interest in these conditions make them strong candidates for further research and development of improvement strategies:

Anxiety disorders. Despite the high prevalence of anxiety disorders (eg, generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias), few studies focus on this category of disorders. The available data point to underdetection and misdiagnosis as common problems. In a study of children and adolescents, 18% of anxiety disorder diagnoses were missed by clinicians compared with 1% that were false positives. 23 A clinic-based study of adults found that 29% of major depressive disorder (MDD) diagnoses were not supported by findings on structured interview, and in about half of these cases, an anxiety disorder was a more appropriate diagnosis. 28 In a sample of 61 US veterans with a diagnosis of ‘anxiety disorder not otherwise specified,’ a more specific diagnosis was justified in 77% of cases, a meaningful finding given that patients with non-specific diagnoses were less likely to receive treatment. 35

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A systematic literature review on diagnostic error in children and adolescents did not identify a clear pattern or underdetection versus overdetection of ADHD. 69 However, US-based research has identified evidence of racial and ethnic disparities in ADHD diagnosis. For instance, even after adjusting for demographic and behavioural risk factors, white children are consistently more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than their Black, Hispanic/Latino and Asian peers. 70–73 There is some evidence that diagnostic disparities between white and Black children has narrowed over time, but disparities in treatment have not narrowed in turn. 74 Additionally, a study of 685 children found evidence that ADHD was underdetected in children with neurological disorders, suggestive of diagnostic overshadowing. 75

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Older age at diagnosis is considered a marker of delayed identification, which may indicate missed opportunities in diagnosis. Children who are higher functioning and have less severe or atypical symptoms are at risk for later diagnosis. 65 76 77 Later diagnosis of ASD has also been associated with female gender, 78 79 lower family education and socioeconomic status, 76 77 79 80 less reliable access to healthcare, 65 66 history of adverse childhood experiences 81 and prior diagnosis of ADHD. 82 Racial and ethnic disparities in the diagnosis of ASD have been documented, 83 84 although findings are inconsistent across studies. 85 86

Mood disorders. Research suggests a variety of potential problems in the diagnosis of MDD. A self-reported clinical diagnosis of ‘depression’ had a 62% false-positive rate in a study of over 5000 US adults. 24 In a UK study of 441 people with a recent (past 5 years) diagnosis of MDD, 15% did not meet criteria for MDD or any mood disorder and 30% had undetected bipolar disorder (type I or II). 25 Studies performed outside of the USA and UK document care delays in MDD, 87 88 and a study from Israel found that underdetection occurred more frequently than false-positive diagnosis. 89 Missed and delayed diagnoses are consistently documented in bipolar disorder. 90 Patients with bipolar disorder often experience depressive episodes before (hypo)manic mood symptoms emerge, and thus a diagnostic journey from MDD to bipolar disorder can be expected in many cases. However, failure to assess previous episodes of elevated mood in a depressed patient is a source of diagnostic error. For example, in the aforementioned UK study, among patients with bipolar disorder who were first diagnosed with MDD, about half reported elevated mood symptoms even before their first MDD diagnosis. 25 Additional studies suggest possible missed opportunities to assess manic symptoms at the time of a mood disorder diagnosis, with a significant proportion of major depressive disorder diagnoses converted to bipolar disorder on re-evaluation. 29 91–94 Other studies suggest that bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed initially as a psychotic disorder. 95 96

Schizophrenia is a challenging diagnosis, especially in the early stage of the disorder. Several studies suggest that an initial diagnosis of schizophrenia changes after further assessment within a short-term interval in 36–51% of patients. 40 97 98 However, it is unclear to what extent these initial incorrect diagnoses reflect ‘missed opportunities’ versus other diagnostic challenges. Another concerning signal for missed opportunities comes from studies of racial disparities, which show that Black patients are more likely than white patients to be diagnosed with schizophrenia even when adjusting for clinical and demographic risk factors. 99–101

To better understand these diagnostic pitfalls and translate them into preventive strategies, it will be important to clarify common diagnostic process breakdowns. Research on diagnostic error in other fields of medicine has identified both general and disease-specific pitfalls that can inform improvements to clinical training and practice. 102 Adaptation of existing frameworks to classify diagnostic process breakdown frameworks 51 103 for use in mental health settings may help facilitate future efforts. For instance, Fletcher et al ’s adaptation of a checklist to assess missed opportunities in diagnosis yielded good reviewer agreement on presence/absence of diagnostic errors in a review of 103 records of US veterans with anxiety disorder diagnoses. 11

Potential interventions to reduce diagnostic error in mental health

Although existing studies of diagnostic error have highlighted potential intervention targets, few studies have tested specific strategies to improve diagnostic decision-making and reduce error in psychiatric diagnosis. We are aware of only two publications that evaluated individual-level interventions to facilitate clinician cognition in ‘real time.’ In a randomised study of 475 clinicians who assigned diagnoses based on vignettes, use of checklists to facilitate assessment (vs no checklists) resulted in fewer false-positive diagnoses of MDD, generalised anxiety disorder and borderline personality disorder. However, checklist use also led to underdetection of MDD. 57 Another study randomised 137 mental health professionals to receive brief education about paediatric bipolar disorder, versus education about cognitive biases and corrective strategies, prior to evaluating four vignettes. Participants in the ‘de-biasing’ condition gave more accurate diagnostic impressions and made fewer errors. 54 Although both studies were conducted within low-fidelity simulations, they join a larger body of work suggesting that cognitive interventions may improve clinicians’ diagnostic performance. 104

Distributing the work of diagnosis among team members is another potential avenue for intervention that emerges from the literature. In a randomised trial, 296 new psychiatric outpatients were randomised to receive usual care vs the addition of a structured clinical interview (SCID) conducted by a psychiatric nurse within 2 weeks of the patient’s intake visit. Results of the interview were provided to the psychiatrist. Within 90 days, the diagnosis changed in 73% of the interview group vs 16% of patients assigned to usual care. 105 In primary care settings, where a large proportion of mental disorder diagnoses are identified, the integration of behavioural health professionals as team members may facilitate screening and diagnosis of mental disorders. 106 107 Integration of mental health services is supported by position statements from the American College of Physicians 108 and the American Academy of Family Physicians. 109 Further studies should evaluate how error in the diagnosis of mental disorders is conceptualised in primary care versus specialty mental health settings.

Interventions to reduce diagnostic errors in mental health need further development. Batstra et al advocated for a conservative ‘stepped diagnosis’ approach that allows for diagnostic evolution within an episode of care without delaying treatment. 110 Suggested interventions that have appeared in the diagnostic error literature, including second opinions, decision support tools and patient engagement strategies, are promising avenues for further investigation in mental health settings. 111 112

We aimed to summarise the state of current research on diagnostic error in mental disorders. The volume of literature on this topic indicates that diagnostic error is well understood to be a problem. However, an obstacle to progress is a lack of clear consensus on how to conceptualise, define and measure errors in mental health diagnosis. Formal definitions for diagnostic errors, if they are cited at all, are used inconsistently in the mental health literature and are not always consistent with definitions used elsewhere in the literature on diagnostic quality and safety. Without a useful way to conceptualise diagnostic errors, it will be difficult to gain insight into how best to prevent them.

Another limitation of much of the literature is that it is difficult to distinguish preventable diagnostic error from other possible causes of diagnostic delays or discrepancies. Very few studies use methods to assess whether sufficient information was available to make an earlier, correct diagnosis. Because variation in diagnosis is subject to many influences, some outside of the clinician’s control, future research should focus on identifying preventable missed opportunities. Fortunately, recent evidence suggests that strategies to identify missed diagnostic opportunities in record review can be adapted to mental health settings. 11 Framing diagnostic errors as learning opportunities is consistent with a culture of safety and improvement and can help break down barriers to open acknowledgement and discussion of this important issue. 113–115

Advancing concepts and measurement strategies will yield better estimates of diagnostic errors and help identify ways to prevent them. However, it is not necessary to quantify these with precision before working towards tools and interventions to reduce errors. Development of measurement methods and interventions can and should occur in parallel. Bridging the gap between the mental health field and the emerging field of diagnostic safety promises to enhance both fields and advance the science of improving patient care. Given the increasingly large share of the population who seek care for mental health problems, 116 117 even modest improvements in diagnostic quality have potential to translate to meaningful gains in patients’ health and quality of life.

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X @abradfordphd, @TDGiardina, @HardeepSinghMD

Correction notice This aritcle has been corrected since it was first published online. The funding statement has been updated. In addition, the author Ashley N D Meyer was incorrectly listed as Ashley Mayer. This has now been updated.

Contributors AB and HS contributed to the conception and design of the study. AB, AM, SK and TDG participated in data collection, data analysis and data interpretation. AB wrote the initial draft of the manuscript and revised the manuscript after peer review. AM, SK, TDG and HS critically reviewed the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the final version.

Funding This project was funded under contract number HHSP233201500022I/75P00119F37006 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Drs. Bradford, Giardina, Meyer, and Singh are partially supported by the Houston VA Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness, and Safety (CIN13-413). Dr. Meyer is additionally supported by a U.S. Veterans Administration (VA) HSR&D Career Development Award (CDA-17-167); Dr. Giardina is additionally supported by AHRQ (K01-HS025474); and Dr. Singh is additionally supported by AHRQ (R01HS028595 and R18HS029347).

Competing interests None declared.

Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

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    I have limited experience regarding since I am still a graduate student but from what I understand, a review paper is also a research paper. However, unlike a piece of research, where you study the existing literature, develop research questions and hypotheses, collect data, run experiments/analysis and make inferences which accept or reject your hypotheses, a review article is a summarization ...

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    A research paper and a review paper writing are two different types of documents. They have different purposes, purposes, and requirements. Research papers and review papers contain different information. The r esearch paper contains original research work by the author, while the review paper is based on an existing source of knowledge.

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