Doctoral Completion Award (DCA)

An OISE Graduate at OISE Swag Day.

  • Introduction

Award Eligibility Requirements (Minimum)

Application procedure (all departments), application evaluation criteria.

The Doctoral Completion Award (DCA) aims to provide financial assistance support to full-time PhD students who are beyond the funded cohort and within the time limit for their degree. The DCA may be competitive. 

Students who have experienced a delay in their program due to unfortunate personal circumstances should refer to the OISE Bursary Program . 

The information on this webpage is for the 2024-2025 academic year and will be updated for 2025-2026 in the winter of 2025.  

Completion Award Value

Each graduate unit determines the DCA value, which may differ for every award holder. Students must be registered to receive award payments and will not receive any payments once degree requirements are completed. A student who withdraws mid-session is expected to return any award funds received in that session. The award is applied to tuition/outstanding fees first. 

For each session the award is held, recipients of the DCA must be:

  • Registered as a full-time PhD student (EdD and Flexible-time PhD students are ineligible).
  • Beyond the funded cohort: You are entering Year 5 or 6 during the 2024-2025 academic year.
  • Within the time limit for the degree. The average time limit is six years.  Students who are on approved program extensions are ineligible. Learn more about time limits in Graduate Studies . 
  • In good academic standing (i.e. achieved candidacy) and making satisfactory progress toward completing their degree requirements. Students with an approved extension to achieve candidacy are ineligible for DCA awards.  Students must comply with the general regulations for the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) and the degree regulations for their program and make satisfactory progress toward completing their degree to be in good academic standing. Learn more about educational requirements in Graduate Studies .

Please Note: Students who will defend, before or on the September 2024 deadline, PhD final oral examinations to graduate at Fall convocation are ineligible. The date is subject to change for each term. 

The following items should be included in your application and submitted using your departmental submission form. Please have all components of the DCA application package ready to upload before proceeding to Step 7. 

Submission Deadline: The DCA application submission deadline for 2024-2025 school year is June 3, 2024 .

1. Applicant Form

Completed and signed by the applicant.

  • Applied Psychology & Human Development Applicant Form
  • Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Applicant Form
  • Leadership, Higher & Adult Education Applicant Form
  • Social Justice Education Applicant Form

2. Supervisor Form

To be completed by your thesis supervisor.

  • Applied Psychology & Human Development Supervisor Form
  • Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Supervisor Form
  • Leadership, Higher & Adult Education Supervisor Form
  • Social Justice Education Supervisor Form

3. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Three-page maximum. 

4. ROSI/ACORN Unofficial Transcript

No official transcript is required.

5. Additional Supporting Documents

Supporting documents are department-specific. 

  • Copy of your most recent Annual Review Form.
  • Copy of your 2023/24 recent Doctoral Progress Form.

6. SGS Financial Need Assessment Form (OSOTF)

Completed and signed form.  If you have questions about how to fill out this form, please contact the School of Graduate Studies Financial Aid & Advising Office: Phone: 416-978-2839 Email:   [email protected]

7. Doctoral Completion Award Submission

Gather all required documents from steps one through six of the DCA  Application Procedure (All Departments) , and submit the content using your respective departments' DCA Submission Form by June 3, 2024; UTORID and password are required. Note: Late applications will not be accepted. 

  • Applied Psychology & Human Development DCA Submission Form
  • Curriculum, Teaching & Learning DCA Submission Form
  • Leadership, Higher & Adult Education DCA Submission Form
  • Social Justice Education DCA Submission Form

Please ensure all components of the DCA application package are ready for upload before proceeding. Detailed information about the DCA application package for each OISE department is included.

The DCA adjudication process will consider the following protocols and priorities.  Award recipients will be notified in late summer. 

  • The DCA award amount generally considered will be the value of tuition but may vary depending on the number of DCA applicants. Additional funds will be provided based on need and depending on the relative ranking of merit of the student being considered.
  • The maximum amount of funding awarded will be, at most, the value of tuition plus the value of a regular GA.
  • Students with major external awards can receive a DCA award if they can demonstrate good progress on their thesis and financial need even with the external funding.
  • One critical DCA criterion is that students devote 50% of their time to their thesis. Accordingly, students completing full-time internships are generally not eligible. However, students who have defended or submitted a complete thesis draft to their committee - by the time of the award decisions at the end of August - are eligible for the DCA as the criteria of devoting 50% of their time to their thesis are not applicable. Students who have defended their thesis and are on internship will still need to demonstrate financial need.
  • The application form will require the student to note if a full-time internship is scheduled.
  • International students are eligible for the DCA.
  • Students can apply for the DCA twice. Preference will be given to students applying to the DCA for the first time. Students who have previously received this award will be required to demonstrate their progress over the period of the last award.

Additional Notes

  • It is essential to be clear about the order of authorship and whether or not publications/presentations are refereed. The committee will assume that material is not refereed without specific indication.
  • In evaluating the quality of research, emphasis will be placed on the thesis's contribution to theory and/or policy and/or practice. The supervisor's letter must elaborate on this point for you.
  • The committee notes the level of enthusiasm reflected in the letter.
  • In the past, the Awards Committee has interpreted the purpose of this award as being to support students who are only part way through the thesis process. It is not meant to help students very close to scheduling the oral exam, except in cases where the student will be going on an internship.

The Awards Committee will be evaluating the applications based on the following criteria:

  • Academic merit and supervisor’s evaluation.
  • Financial resources available to support the student: preference should be given to students at risk of unduly delaying graduation because of lack of funding. We will look at other sources of income, other financial responsibilities (e.g. dependents) and if they have attempted to secure additional funding (without success/pending).  Note: Personal financial emergencies should not usually carry much weight since these may be eligible for the OISE Bursary Program . 
  • Expected time to complete the degree, including any unusual requirements of the research that needed extended time or unforeseen events in the research program that caused a delay, may be taken into account.  Obstacles might include difficulties obtaining ethics approval from external agencies, sudden unexpected changes to the subject pool, problems with supervisory access (change or illness or death of supervisor) etc.

Approximately 15% of the DCA funds are OSOTF-restricted   and must be awarded to students who demonstrate financial need.

Although the financial need form is not a requirement for international students, we ask that it be completed by all applicants to allow the department to determine the financial need of all applicants.

The CTL Award Committee members will not see your detailed financial need assessment forms but are provided with a score representing the level of financial need indicated by the applicant.

Students may hold a DCA for two successive years if they remain eligible. An application must be submitted each year to be included in the competition. Please note a subsequent application should demonstrate progress from the previous year.

  • Academic merit (including academic standing) and supervisor's evaluation
  • Financial need - All sources of income will be considered, including awards and graduate assistantships, as well as the resources available and the applicant’s attempts to secure funding through these channels (with or without success). Although preference is given to students at risk of unduly delaying graduation due to lack of funding, the DCA is not intended for extenuating personal circumstances (e.g. financial emergencies), which may be eligible for Emergency Grant support. The financial needs assessment form and supporting documents are not shared with the Committee.
  • Expected time to complete the degree. Any unusual research requirements that needed extended time or unforeseen events in the research program that caused a delay may be considered and should be included in the application. Obstacles might include difficulties obtaining ethics approval from external agencies; sudden unexpected changes to the subject pool; problems with supervisory access (change or illness or death of supervisor; etc.)

Additional Note:

Preference will be given to students applying to the DCA for the first time.  Students who have previously received this award may be considered (pending availability of funds) but will be required to demonstrate their progress over the time period of the last award.

Please confirm in your application that you have completed all pre-thesis requirements (completion of coursework, comprehensive exam, research proposal and thesis committee approval) by June 3, 2024, and that at least one chapter of the doctoral thesis has been written and approved by the supervisor by June 3, 2024.

Please note that students who have previously received this award will be required to demonstrate their progress over the time period of the last award. 

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Dissertation Completion Fellowships

Types of fellowships, eligibility, selection criteria, award amount, how to apply, application guidelines.

Dissertation Completion Fellowships support final-year doctoral students. These non-service fellowships allow students to focus exclusively on their research and writing without service obligations. Fellows are expected to defend their dissertation by the end of the academic year.

Submit Application »

General Dissertation Completion Fellowships

  • Non-service fellowship
  • Supports dissertation research and writing

Royster Society of Fellows (SOF) Dissertation Completion Fellowships

  • Supports interdisciplinary learning and engagement
  • Opportunities for mentoring, leadership, and professional development

Royster SOF Dissertation Completion Fellowships are endowed through the generous gifts of many friends of the University, most notably Dr. Thomas S. and Mrs. Caroline Royster Jr.

Royster SOF Special Purpose Dissertation Completion Fellowships:

  • Membership in the Royster Society of Fellows
  • Includes the Jessie Ball duPont Fellowship for Adolescent Studies

Submit only one application. Select the fellowship(s) you are interested in being considered for on the application form and submit the required supporting materials as appropriate. You will be considered for all fellowships that you select on your application.

Eligibility criteria apply to all Dissertation Completion Fellowships. You may not combine the Dissertation Completion Fellowship with other funding without permission from The Graduate School.

You are eligible if:

  • You are a fully-enrolled, degree-seeking doctoral student in a residential program administered by The Graduate School.
  • You are engaged full-time with writing your dissertation.
  • You are able to complete your dissertation within the fellowship term.

Royster SOF 5-Year Fellows are NOT eligible to apply for continued support through a Dissertation Completion Fellowship.

Before applying, you must:

  • Complete course requirements
  • Pass written and oral preliminary exams
  • Have your Dissertation Prospectus formally approved

You cannot apply for both a Dissertation Completion Fellowship and an Off-Campus Dissertation Research Fellowship at the same time.

Your application will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • You have a strong graduate academic record.
  • Your application materials are understandable to a general audience outside of your field.
  • Your research design is clearly outlined and appropriate.
  • Your research will contribute to and advance the scholarship within your field.
  • There is confidence you will be able to complete your dissertation by the end of the fellowship term.
  • Your program has minimal resources to support you during the fellowship term.
  • You will be an involved and contributing member of the Royster Society of Fellows (for Royster SOF applicants only).

View an in-depth description of the review and selection process.

The fellowship provides a stipend, tuition, fees, and health insurance for one academic year (fall and spring semesters only). Royster SOF fellowships may also provide funds for professional travel.

  General Society of Fellows (SOF)
Stipend $22,000 $28,000
Tuition Full tuition (campus rate only; does not include school-based tuition) for 3 credits of 994 only
Fees Mandatory fees included
Health insurance Enrollment in Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan included
Length of support One 9-month academic year (fall and spring)  
TA/RA position No service appointment, fellowship, scholarship or outside employment may be held during the award period without prior approval from the Graduate School.
Travel funds Not included $1,000

Depending on funding, this award may change from year to year.

Each program may nominate up to three students for consideration.

Deadline The nomination deadline each year is in late February . -->

Check with your department for an internal deadline. You must submit your application early enough for your department to submit their nomination to The Graduate School by the nomination deadline. Deadlines are posted on the funding deadlines calendar.

  • View Frequently Asked Questions about the online award application .
  • Prepare an abstract, research description, research workplan, statement of research significance, and curriculum vitae . If appropriate, prepare a Royster SOF interest statement . Arrange for a letter of recommendation from your dissertation advisor. Be sure to follow the application guidelines .
  • Before submitting your application, we suggest you get feedback on your materials from a person outside of your field.
  • Submit your materials to The Graduate School Award Online Application .
  • Once you submit your application, your recommender will receive an email notice to submit a letter of recommendation through the online system.
  • Once your letter of recommendation is submitted, the fellowship and award approver(s) for your department will receive an email notifying them that your application is eligible for nomination.
  • Your department must nominate you to The Graduate School by the deadline .
  • We will notify awardees in April.

We will not consider your application if you exceed any of the page limits and/or you do not follow the proper format.

In addition to the online application, a complete application includes the following:

Format: No more than ½ page. Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, numbered pages, your name on each page.

  • Briefly summarize your research

Research Description

Briefly describe your dissertation research and your progress toward completion.

Address your research description to an audience of intelligent reviewers who may not be familiar with your field. Clearly explain the importance of your research to a lay audience. Do not use jargon or technical, field-specific terminology.

Format: No more than 3 pages. Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, numbered pages, your name on each page.

Depending on your field of study, include:

  • A summary of key literature
  • General concepts
  • Frame of reference for your study
  • Your research questions
  • Description of the data or other materials which will be/have been collected and analyzed
  • Methods of collection and analysis
  • Design considerations
  • Description of any necessary approvals, such as Human Subjects Review

Research Progress, Work Plan, and Timetable:

Format: No more than 1 page. Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, numbered pages, your name on each page.

  • Describe your research progress to date and your planned sequence of tasks to be completed, with estimated timetable.

Significance of your Research:

  • Explain the significance of your research to your field of study

Curriculum Vitae

Format: No more than 2 pages. 12-point font, 1-inch margins, numbered pages, and your name on each page.

  • Include recent professional activities, awards, honors, courses you have taught, and research publications/presentations.
  • Departmental funding received
  • External funding (please note if received or pending)
  • Because University funding is limited, we encourage you to apply for external funding, and such efforts will be viewed positively by the reviewers.

Citations (optional):

  • May be included for important references
  • Can be either footnotes or endnotes
  • Can be single-spaced
  • Must be within the three-page limit of the Research Description

Royster Society of Fellows Interest Statement:

*Required only if you are interested in being considered for the Royster Society of Fellows*

  • Include a statement addressing your interest and ability to contribute as an active member of the Society of Fellows.

Letter of Recommendation from your Dissertation Advisor

Indicate the email address of your recommender in your application. Please note that only a single recommendation letter will be accepted. If you have joint advisors, they must submit a joint letter of recommendation.

Once you submit your application, your advisor will receive an email notice to submit the letter of recommendation. We can only accept letters of recommendation through the online system. Recommenders cannot submit letters directly to The Graduate School or to your department.

Instructions for recommenders: Each letter of recommendation should be no more than 4,000 characters (spaces included), which is approximately 600 words or one single-spaced page.

Address the letter of recommendation “To the Fellowship Committee.” Include:

  • The quality of the student's research
  • A rating of the student’s overall ability and potential based on the your knowledge of other students in the field
  • The likelihood that the student will complete the dissertation during the award period
  • The likely contributions of the student's research to the field
  • Jessie Ball duPont Fellowship for Adolescent Studies

Graduate School Fellowships Office [email protected]

Dissertation Completion Fellowships

Dissertation completion fellowships provide advanced doctoral students in the humanities and social sciences with an academic year of support to write and complete their dissertation.

  • Dissertation
  • External Fellowships
  • Instructions for Dissertation Completion Fellowships
  • Fellowships from Harvard Research Centers
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Eligible students in the humanities and social sciences are guaranteed a dissertation completion fellowship (DCF) between the G4 and G7 years and must apply for the DCF in advance of the dissertation completion year.

Before applying, students should:

  • review DCF opportunities offered by Harvard research centers (see below) and search the CARAT database for DCFs offered by non-Harvard agencies
  • review dissertation completion fellowships policy
  • follow the instructions for dissertation completion fellowships and apply by February 9, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.

Award description and confirmation typically occurs in early May.

While there is no guarantee of a DCF beyond the G7 year, requests will be considered upon recommendation of the faculty advisor.

Instructions for departments can be found on the instructions for dissertation completion fellowships page.

Harvard Research Centers

Other dissertation completion fellowships are available through the Harvard research centers.

  • Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History Dissertation Completion Grants
  • Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies Dissertation Completion Fellowships
  • Edmond J. Safra Graduate Fellowships in Ethics
  • Mahindra Humanities Center Mellon Interdisciplinary Dissertation Completion Fellowship
  • Center for European Study Dissertation Completion Fellowship
  • Radcliffe Dissertation Completion Fellowships
  • Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Canada Program Dissertation Research and Writing Fellowships
  • Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Dissertation-Writing Grants

External Dissertation Completion Fellowships 

Search the CARAT database for dissertation completion fellowships offered by non-Harvard agencies.​ Here are a couple of examples:

  • American Association of University Women Dissertation Fellowship
  • Charlotte W. Newcombe Fellowship

Please contact the Academic Programs office with any questions.

Fellowships & Writing Center

Academic programs, share this page, explore events, related news.

Lehman Hall, GSAS Student Center, through trees beginning to change colors

Notes From a Writer's Desk: Meet the Writing Specialists!

The Fellowships & Writing Center is excited to introduce its cohort of postdoctoral fellows for the 2024–25 academic year. We welcome three new and two returning members to our team of specialists from across the disciplinary and geographical landscapes of the University. 

Notes From a Writer's Desk: Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of August

August in New England signals the height of summer heat, and with it, the tendency to move at a slower pace. But for those of us who live by the academic calendar, the laziness of August quickly yields to a bubbling sense of urgency as the fall term approaches.

ocean tide washing away the word "Summer" written into the beach sand

Notes From a Writer's Desk: Summer by the Charles

A few hours in a kayak on the Charles is, for me, a uniquely refreshing summer activity. Between instinctual stroke after stroke on the tranquil waters, my mind can relax, thoughts meander, and ideas flow. 

view from the Charles River passing under Weeks footbridge

Notes From a Writer's Desk: Summer Writing & Research Plans

Summer is a time to exhale and refresh our minds before evaluating and resetting our goals. After the hustle and bustle of the academic year, what kinds of projects might you tackle over the summer and how might you move forward with them?

pile of old books on a table, with sunglasses on top and a beach in the background


  • The Graduate School
  • Funding & Fellowships

PhD Dissertation Completion Awards

MSU PhD students who will be in their final term of PhD research and dissertation writing can apply for a PhD Dissertation Completion Award. The expectation is that recipients of this award will graduate at the end of the term of the award. The application for a Fall 2024 award is open from June 1st to July 15th 2024.

The award consists of a graduate research assistantship (GRA) for one term and includes a stipend of $10,375/semester and an additional payment of $1,160 per semester, as well as a tuition waiver for three to six (3-6) credits. University fees and other fees are not included. As a GRA, the student will be represented by the Graduate Employee Organization (GEO).


  • The application is open to PhD candidates in any department at MSU-Bozeman.
  • Applicants must have completed all requirements for the PhD except the dissertation.
  • Applicants must have submitted an Application to Graduate for the term of the award. 
  • Graduate students who hold teaching or research assistantships or who are employed by MSU in any capacity during the same time period.
  • Graduate students who have previously received a PhD Dissertation Completion Award.

Evaluation Criteria

  • The impact that this award will have for the student and the degree to which it will assist the student in completing his/her PhD.
  • Regular POS committee meetings.
  • The student’s committee chair and the members of the committee will provide input on how close the student is to completing the degree.
  • The amount of funding available to the research advisor (per a check run by the Office of Sponsored Programs). Depending on available funding, the application may not be awarded or advisors may be asked to contribute up to three-quarters of the amount of the award.

If awarded, it is expected that:

  • The recipient will meet with the Assistant Dean of The Graduate School to discuss plans for completing the dissertation
  • The recipient will participate in writing coaching and peer accountability or review sessions run by the Writing Center.


Applications are here .

The Graduate School has limited funding for these awards and will consider all applications submitted by the application deadline (listed above).

Application Process:

After the Application is submitted, the student's academic status will be confirmed by The Graduate School and then the application will be routed to the student's advisor for input and signature. The Graduate School will not process the application until after the application deadline.

The document has sections for

  • A statement from the student on where they are in completing their dissertation, what research remains to be done, and what writing remains to be done
  • Dates of recent PoS committee meetings
  • Names and emails of their academic department head, as well as their committee chair and committee members who will provide input on how close the student is to completing the degree.

For further information, contact the Graduate School at [email protected] or (406) 994-4145.

The Graduate School Montana State University P.O. Box 172580 Bozeman, MT 59717-2580

Tel: (406) 994-4145 Toll Free: 1-800-255-7962 Fax: (406) 994-4733 E-mail:  [email protected] Location: 104 Montana Hall

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Dean of the Graduate School and Associate Vice-President of Research Dr. Craig Ogilvie

School of Graduate Studies

Completion awards, cags/proquest- distinguished dissertation awards & john leyerle-cifar prize for interdisciplinary research.

The CAGS/ProQuest and Leyerle-CIFAR awards both recognize Canadian doctoral dissertations that make significant, original contributions to both the academic community and to Canadian society.

The CAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards annually present two awards: 1) arts, humanities and social sciences; and 2) engineering, medical sciences and natural sciences. The Awards are granted by the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS) and are sponsored by ProQuest.

The John Leyerle-CIFAR Prize for Interdisciplinary Research was established to honour John Leyerle, the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) in the late 1970’s, who played an instrumental role in founding the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research ( CIFAR ) in 1978. This prize recognizes an excellent student who is clearly performing outstanding interdisciplinary research.

CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards

The CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards recognize Canadian doctoral dissertations that represent original work, making an unusually significant contribution to their disciplines. Two awards are given annually in rotating fields of study. Both methodological and substantive quality of the dissertation will be judged.

Two awards are given annually in two different broad areas (mathematics, physical sciences and engineering; and social sciences; and the biological sciences; and humanities and fine arts).

The 2023 fields of competition are:

  • Biology and Life Sciences
  • Humanities and Fine Arts

Doctoral Completion Award (DCA)

The School of Graduate Studies created the Doctoral Completion Award (DCA) in 2010 to provide financial assistance for full-time PhD and SJD students in the final stage of their program. DCA funds are made available to graduate faculties to support eligible students who are beyond the funded cohort but still within the time limit for the degree. The DCA is managed locally by the graduate faculty/unit.

Graduate students experiencing a disruption in their program and/or otherwise impacted trajectory should inquire about supports and services through the Registrar’s Office  or  Graduate Unit.  More information is available on the SGS Research and Academic Resiliency and Adaptation Tool Kit webpage.

Governor General’s Gold Medals

The Office of the Governor General annually awards Gold Academic Medals to students who achieve the highest academic standing at the graduate level. The assessment of highest academic standing includes an examination of the following:

  • Academic performance in degree courses (first class average);
  • Evaluation of the thesis and the thesis defense; and
  • Originality and significance of the research.

Three (3) gold medals are available at the University of Toronto.

One medal will be awarded to a candidate from Division I or II; one medal will be awarded to a candidate from Division III or IV; the third medal will be awarded to an outstanding candidate from any division.  The recipients will receive a Gold Academic Medal and personalized certificate signed by the Governor General of Canada

REVISED : All nominees for the GG Gold Medals will automatically be assessed for eligibility by the Graduate Awards Office, with recipients/nominees also being selected by the SGS Awards Committee for the following awards:

  • Updated: Chorafas Prize – two awards of $10,000 to graduating doctoral students, age 32 or under, whose research benefits humanity in the following areas: Life Sciences & Medicine, Physics, Chemistry (incl. nanotechnology), Mathematics, Informatics/Computer Science, and Engineering of Finance & Risk Management.
  • CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards – two nominees to Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) for two $2,000 prizes for doctoral dissertations that represent original work and make an unusually significant contribution to the fields of Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering, and Social Sciences. Fields of study awarded rotate every other year.
  • NAGS Master’s Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Awards – two nominees to Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools (NAGS) for $1,000 prize for outstanding master’s thesis (Agricultural, Biological & Health Sciences field for Jan. 2025 submission) or doctoral dissertations (Arts & Humanities field for Jan. 2025 submission). Fields of study awarded rotate every five years.
  • CANCELLED: Donna Hayden Memorial Fellowship – the award has been discontinued.

NAGS Master’s Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Awards

The Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools (NAGS) annually recognizes one outstanding master’s thesis and one outstanding doctoral dissertation at one of its member institutions. Each institution may nominate one candidate per category.

Rhodes Scholarship

The Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards supporting exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Oxford. The oldest and perhaps the most prestigious international scholarship program in the world, the Rhodes aims to nurture public-spirited leaders for the world’s future. The scholarships cover all University of Oxford fees along with a stipend for living expenses and airfare

Full application procedures and guidelines can be found through the University Registrar’s Office .

​SGS Master’s Completion Bursary (MCB)

The Master’s Completion Bursary (MCB) is a financial aid program that serves to assist master’s students who have experienced a delay in their program due to unanticipated factors beyond their control, and must therefore register as a full-time student beyond the program length to complete a small or minimal amount of work in order to graduate. 

COVID-19 related delays: Students who were registered during or before the Winter 2020 session and whose academic progress has been significantly impeded due to COVID-19 related disruptions may be eligible for an SGS Tuition Fee Exemption. More information is available here:  

Graduate School home

Outstanding Dissertation Award

The Outstanding Dissertation Award was established in 1979 by the Graduate School to recognize exceptional work by doctoral students and to encourage the highest levels of scholarship, research, and writing.

The Michael H. Granof Award will be given in 2024 to recognize the University’s top dissertation. The recipient of this year’s award will be selected from one of the three dissertation winners. The Granof Award is considered the top graduate student award. All prizes will be announced in spring of 2024.

Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) chairpersons nominate one doctoral student from their programs for the award. Winners are selected in three categories:

  • Area A — Humanities and Fine Arts
  • Area B — Social Sciences, Business and Education
  • Area C — Mathematics, Engineering, Physical Sciences, and Biological and Life Sciences

A dissertation may be considered in only one competition category. Select the category most appropriate to the topic and methodology of the nominated dissertation.

Professional & Student Awards

Awards Open: November 1, 2023 Awards Close: February 16, 2024

If you have questions, email  Brianna Smallman .


To be eligible for the 2024 award, the dissertation must meet one of the following criteria:

  • It will be submitted in final form to the Graduate School by April 26, 2024 for a degree to be awarded in May 2024.
  • It was submitted for a degree awarded in August 2023 or December 2023.
  • It was submitted after April 1, 2023, for a degree awarded in May 2023.


The graduate school's online awards system.

Nominees for the award must be submitted through the Graduate School's dedicated online awards system. The application process entails the nominator filling out the application with the necessary details about the nominee.

To successfully complete the online application, please gather the following documents:

  • Nomination Letter : A letter from the chairperson of the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) that succinctly outlines the reasons for selecting the dissertation as the program's nominee.
  • The dissertation supervisor
  • The graduate adviser
  • The department chair
  • A committee member
  • Dissertation Copy : Include one copy of the complete dissertation, along with the abstract.

Ensure all components are compiled and submitted through the Graduate School's online awards system to facilitate a thorough and efficient nomination process.

The faculty review committees will consider both the methodological and substantive aspects of the dissertations, including the:

  • Importance/impact of the subject;
  • Originality/creativity of the work;
  • Quality of the scholarship;
  • Potential for publishing;
  • Organization of the dissertation;
  • Quality of the writing; and
  • Other appropriate factors that denote excellence.

Individuals writing letters of support should be encouraged to keep these criteria in mind as they comment on the significance/major contribution of the dissertation and the particular aspects of the dissertation that distinguish it.

2024 Award Recipients

Faith Deckard headshot

Faith Deckard

Michael H. Granof Award winner Program: Sociology Dissertation Title: Bonded: Bail Agents, Families, and the Management of Risk

Jiaqi Gu headshot

Program: Electrical & Computer Engineering Dissertation Title: Light-AI Interaction: Bridging Photonics and Artificial Intelligence via Cross-Layer Hardware/Software Co-Design

Melissa Santillana headshot

Melissa Santillana

Program: Radio-Television-Film Dissertation Title: Destrúyelo todo: The Women behind the Mexican Feminist Spring

2023 Michael H. Granof Award Winner Will Burg

New Technologies with a Twist: Engineering Alumnus Wins Top Dissertation Prize

Graduate School

  • Financial Support
  • Award Recipients

2023 - 2024 Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowship Recipients

Farzad Abbasnezhad Oskooei Business Administration
Harsshit Agrawaal Chemistry
Samantha Barker Animal Sciences
Gabriela Betancourt Barszcz Animal Sciences
Colin Brown Fine Arts
Joshua Cloudy Media and Communication
Meghalee Das Technical Communication and Rhetoric
Himel Das Gupta Computer Science
Patricia Douglass Media and Communication
Syed Fuad Agricultural and Applied Economics
Diksha Gambhir Biology
Nicholas Garcia Experimental Psychology
Kristianne Gatto Media and Communication
Saroj Gopali Computer Science
John Green Geosciences
Minghao Guo Biology
Amanda Guzman Couple, Marriage, and Family Therapy
Oleksandra Hanchukova Hospitality and Retail Management
Cristina Hernandez Oliver Spanish
Farzana Hossain Environmental Toxicology
Johnathan Hruska Biology
Md Nayeem Hasan Kashem Chemical Engineering
Hyoseon Kim Exercise Physiology
Maeve Kirk English
Max Kirschenbaum English
Konrad Kork Schmitt Electrical Engineering
Cole Lemaster Counseling Psychology
Kristina Lewis English
Yunze Li Industrial Engineering
Hafij Al Mahmud Biology
Mousumi Mary Biology
Abdullah Al Masud Mechanical Engineering
Jessica McDonald Geosciences
Fateme Molajafari Chemical Engineering
Derek Morgan Human Development and Family Sciences
Natnael Negash Mechanical Engineering
Shadab Nejat Nutritional Sciences
Redowan Niloy Mechanical Engineering
Zachary Ostraff English
Nicolas Peralta Ortega Mechanical Engineering
Bhawana Pillai English
Lucas Ramos Cardoso Tinoco Cortez Industrial Engineering
Jennifer Robertson English
Daniel Roman Zuniga Spanish
Sophia Sagala Chemistry
Aqeela Sehrish Plant and Soil Science
Natasha Strydhorst Media and Communication
Nusrat Tabassum Mathematics
Shuangmei Tian Environmental Toxicology
Olivia Villanueva Chemistry
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Forms and policies for students

The Graduate School uses DocuSign Powerforms for all forms that require signatures, and web forms (Formstack) for all forms that do not require signatures.

With one exception only, the Application to Pursue Graduate Degree , we do not accept PDF or printed submissions.  If a printed and/or handwritten form is submitted, it will be returned and delay your approval process.

DocuSign automates the routing and collection of digital signatures. For each form linked below, a pdf version is provided solely as an instructional template for preparing the DocuSign version, not as an alternative form of submission. If you are new to using Powerforms, please read through the DocuSign instructions to understand how to initiate and complete your form. If you have questions about the process or encounter issues with our forms, please contact (775) 784-6869 or email  [email protected] .

DocuSign instructions and FAQ [PDF]  |  DocuSign instructions [PDF]

Forms are organized in alphabetical order within the four sections below:

  • Admissions - Applicable to all graduate students applying to the Graduate School
  • General - Forms applicable to all graduate students within the Graduate School
  • Doctoral  - Forms and information specific to doctoral programs
  • Master's - Forms and information pertaining only to master's programs

Please note that faculty/program director forms are located under faculty forms .  If you need assistance or cannot access a form, please contact the Graduate School office at (775) 784-6869 .

Graduate School admissions forms

Application for graduate school admission.

Applicants are required to create an account. You will use this username and password every time to protect your account information.

Online Application for Graduate School Admission

Application to Pursue an Accelerated Degree Program

An accelerated bachelor's/master's program allows outstanding University of Nevada, Reno students to obtain both a baccalaureate and a master's degree in an accelerated timeframe.

Students in College of Engineering programs:

Application to Pursue an Accelerated Engineering Degree Program [DocuSign] Application to Pursue an Accelerated Engineering Degree Program [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Students in all other programs:

Application to Pursue an Accelerated Degree Program [DocuSign] Application to Pursue an Accelerated Degree Program [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Application to Pursue Graduate Degree

Administrative and Academic faculty interested in pursuing a graduate degree through the University of Nevada, Reno are required to submit an "Application to Pursue a Graduate Degree" form when applying to their program of choice.

Application to Pursue Graduate Degree [PDF]

Declaration or Removal of Certificate

Graduate students admitted to a degree program can add or remove a graduate certificate with this form.

Declaration or Removal of Certificate [Docusign] Declaration or Removal of Certificate [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

General Course Catalog

The University of Nevada, Reno General Course Catalog.

Online General Course Catalog

Graduate Credit Transfer Evaluation Request

Use this form when requesting a transfer of credits from other institutions.

Graduate Credit Transfer Evaluation Request [DocuSign] Graduate Credit Transfer Evaluation Request [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Graduate Special Application

Use the same application portal as undergraduate students to complete the Graduate Special Application for non-degree seeking students.

Online Graduate Special Application

Notice of Reinstatement to Graduate Standing

This form is to be completed by the student requesting reinstatement to their graduate program after an unapproved leave. Once completed, the program will return this form to the Graduate School for final approval.

Notice of Reinstatement to Graduate Standing [DocuSign] Notice of Reinstatement to Graduate Standing [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Undergraduate Request for Graduate Study

A scholastically eligible undergraduate student at the University who is within 30 credits of completing the requirements for the bachelor's degree may enroll in graduate-level courses for graduate credit, provided that such credit is requested by the student and approved by the current undergraduate advisor and Graduate Dean.

Undergraduate Request for Graduate Study [DocuSign] Undergraduate Request for Graduate Study [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

General forms

Advanced degree certificate graduation application deadline appeal.

Appeals to the application deadline for certificate programs are accepted at the Graduate School until the last day of the graduation term.

Advanced Degree Certificate Graduation Application Deadline Appeal [DocuSign] Advanced Degree Certificate Graduation Application Deadline Appeal [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Advanced Degree Graduation Application Deadline Appeal

Appeals to the application deadline for degree programs are accepted at the Graduate School until the last day of the graduation term.

Advanced Degree Graduation Application Deadline Appeal [DocuSign] Advanced Degree Graduation Application Deadline Appeal [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Change in Program of Study

Add or remove courses from your program of study.

Change in Program of Study [DocuSign] Change in Program of Study [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Change of Advisory Committee

Use this form if you need to make a change to the personnel on your advisory committee.

Change of Advisory Committee [DocuSign] Change of Advisory Committee [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Declaration of Advisor/Major Advisor/Committee Chair

This form initial agreement between a student and their advisor/committee chair. For master's students, the Declaration of Advisor form must be submitted to the Graduate School by the end of the student's second semester. For doctoral and MFA students, the completed Declaration of Advisor form must be submitted to the Graduate School by the end of the student's third semester.

Declaration of Advisor/Major Advisor/Committee Chair [DocuSign] Declaration of Advisor/Major Advisor/Committee Chair [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Doctoral/M.F.A. Commencement Participation Request

Doctoral/M.F.A. Commencement Participation Request [Docusign] Doctoral/M.F.A. Commencement Participation Request [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Exit Survey

Students that have graduated may be asked to complete an exit survey by their program providing valuable program-specific and high-level feedback to the Graduate School about their experience. 

Exit Survey [Formstack]

Graduation Application

Every candidate for a degree must formally apply for graduation through MyNevada  by the applicable deadline:

  • May graduation: March 1
  • August graduation: June 1
  • December graduation: October 1

Within 3-8 weeks of applying for graduation, you will receive an email outlining any additional graduation requirements. As a candidate for graduation, it is your responsibility to confirm with your advisor that the list of requirements emailed to you is comprehensive and includes all applicable final-semester requirements necessary to graduate on your desired date.

Application instructions:

  • Log into MyNevada   using your NetID and password.
  • Select the Academic Records tile.
  • Select Apply for Graduation from the menu and complete the steps.

Graduation Application in MyNevada

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence is a temporary cessation of study and may be granted for up to one year. Students requesting a leave of absence must be in good academic standing and submit the completed form before the period of leave begins. Time spent on an approved leave is included in the time allowed to complete the degree, i.e. six calendar years for the master’s degree and eight calendar years for the doctoral degree.

Leave of Absence [DocuSign] Leave of Absence [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Program of Study

The program of study specifies the courses and credits required to satisfy the requirements for the degree and documents the approval of the chair and members of the student’s duly constituted advisory committee. The program of study must receive final approval by the Graduate Dean. For master's degree students, the completed Program of Study form must be submitted to the Graduate School by the end of the student's third semester. For MFA and doctoral students, the completed Program of Study form must be submitted to the Graduate School by the end of the student's fourth semester.

Program of Study [DocuSign] Program of Study [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Program Change of Degree/En Route Request

Requests to declare a master’s en route to the Ph.D., change a sub-plan, or change degree levels must be approved by the student’s major advisor and graduate program director.

Program Change of Degree/En Route Request [DocuSign] Program Change of Degree/En Route Request [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Doctoral student forms

Dissertation defense calendar event.

Use this link to add your dissertation defense to the University's event calendar.

Dissertation Defense Calendar Event [Formstack]

Dissertation Filing Guidelines

Filing your dissertation at the Graduate Division is one of the final steps leading to the award of your graduate degree. This link will provide you a comprehensive overview, as well as several forms required to file your dissertation.

Dissertation Filing Guidelines Webpage

Dissertation filing templates, samples and Survey of Earned Doctorates

  • Committee Approval page  for 5-member committee (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page  for  5-member committee with co-advisor (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page  for 6-member committee (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page  for 6 -member committee with co-advisor (TEMPLATE)

Sample pages

  • Dissertation Title page (SAMPLE)
  • Dissertation Copyright page (SAMPLE)
  • Dissertation Committee approval page (SAMPLE)

Survey of Earned Doctorates

  • Survey of Earned Doctorates  - The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) is an annual census conducted since 1957 of all individuals receiving a research doctorate from an accredited U.S. institution in a given academic year. The SED is sponsored by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) and by three other federal agencies: the National Institutes of Health, Department of Education, and National Endowment for the Humanities. The SED collects information on the doctoral recipient's educational history, demographic characteristics, and postgraduation plans. Results are used to assess characteristics of the doctoral population and trends in doctoral education and degrees. Read more about the purpose and methods of the SED .

Dissertation Final Review Approval

Obtain signoff on your dissertation from your advisory committee chair.

Dissertation Final Review Approval DocuSign Powerform Dissertation Final Review Approval [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Dissertation Title

Submit the title of your dissertation and the name of your advisor to the Graduate School.

Submit Dissertation Title Online

Doctoral Degree Admissions to Candidacy

This is a status for those who have completed every requirement except for the dissertation.

Doctoral Degree Admission to Candidacy [DocuSign] Doctoral Degree Admissions to Candidacy [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Notice of Completion: Doctoral Degree

This is a generic form that every student must complete in their graduating semester which relates to the cumulative project (dissertation, professional paper, comprehensive exam). Fill out the sections that apply to your requirements. The advisory committee listed on the program of study signs the form. The notice of completion must be submitted by established deadlines for graduation.

Notice of Completion: Doctoral Degree [DocuSign] Notice of Completion: Doctoral Degree [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Master's student forms

Notice of completion: master's degree.

This is a generic form that every student must complete in their graduating semester which relates to the cumulative project (thesis, professional paper, comprehensive exam). Fill out the sections that apply to your requirements. The advisory committee listed on the program of study signs the form. The notice of completion must be submitted by established deadlines for graduation.

Notice of Completion: Master's Degree [DocuSign] Notice of Completion: Master's Degree [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Thesis Filing Guidelines

Filing your thesis at the Graduate Division is one of the final steps leading to the award of your graduate degree. This link will provide you a comprehensive overview, as well as several forms required to file your thesis. The Docusign form will require you to enter your advisory committee chair's name and email address. Upon submission, the form will be routed to your advisory committee chair for final approval.

Thesis Filing Guidelines Webpage

Thesis Final Review Approval [DocuSign] Thesis Final Review Approval [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Thesis filing templates and samples

  • Committee Approval page for 3-member committee (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page for 3-member committee with co-advisor (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page for 4-member committee (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page for 4-member committee with co-advisor (TEMPLATE)
  • Thesis Title page (SAMPLE)
  • Thesis Copyright page (SAMPLE)
  • Thesis Committee approval page (SAMPLE)

Thesis Final Review Approval

The Docusign form will require you to enter your advisory committee chair's name and email address. Upon submission, the form will be routed to your advisory committee chair for final approval.

Search NYU Steinhardt


Doctoral Funding, Awards, and Grants

Doctoral studies, funding packages for full-time nyu steinhardt phd students.

Full-time NYU Steinhardt PhD students are eligible for a generous five-year funding package that includes an annual stipend, scholarship coverage, and health insurance.

The Steinhardt Fellows Program

The standard full-time PhD funding package includes an annual stipend, tuition coverage for required course work, and student health insurance through the fifth year. The 2024-2025 stipend is expected to be $33,867. Complete details are provided with each offer of admission. 

Research Assistantships

Some doctoral students may be appointed to a Research Assistantship. Research Assistants are funded by external grants and work with a principal investigator on a funded research project. Unlike Steinhardt Fellows, Research Assistants agree to work 20 hours per week on an ongoing research project, typically with a team of faculty and other students. For the duration of the assistantship, Research Assistants receive funding that includes tuition remission for required course work, student health insurance, and a semi-monthly stipend. The 2024-2025 Research Assistant salary is expected to be $33,764. Research Assistants may not perform additional work assignments such as teaching or grading during their appointment period (September - May). 

Awards and Grants

Doctoral research and travel grant.

This grant is for fully matriculated Steinhardt doctoral students and provides a maximum of $1,500 for travel and other expenses associated with field research, presenting papers at scholarly and professional conferences, as well as expenses for creative projects directly related to doctoral study or professional development. Requests are considered as funds are available. Preference is given to first time awardees. The deadlines are February 1 (spring), May 1 (summer) and October 1 (fall). Apply for the Fall 2024 grant .

Mitchell Leaska Dissertation Research Award

This award honors the legacy of Mitchell Leaska, a distinguished professor who taught English and Humanities at NYU Steinhardt for almost 40 years. The award is available to students nearing completion of their dissertation whose doctoral programs are in applied psychology (counseling, developmental, PSI), educational sociology, social studies education, mathematics education, or science education. A $5,000 stipend will be awarded to two recipients per year. The deadline is March 1.  The 2024-2025 application will be available in Spring 2024.

Outstanding Doctoral Student Teaching Award

This award honors doctoral students for their contribution to the creation and delivery of exceptional learning environments. All Steinhardt doctoral students who have taught at least one credit-bearing course, either as a teaching assistant or instructor of record, and who are nearing completion of their degree requirements are eligible this award. Nominees must be in good academic standing, as determined by their department and school regulations. Recipients of the award receive $1,500. The deadline is March 1.  The 2024-2024 application will be available in Spring 2025.

Steinhardt Dissertation Finishing Award

This award supports doctoral students working toward the completion of their dissertations. $10,000 awards will be granted in Steinhardt’s areas of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Steinhardt PhD candidates whose degrees will be conferred in 2024 (January 2024, May 2024, or September 2024) are eligible. Final oral examinations must be completed during the Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or the Summer 2024 semester. Steinhardt's Senior Leadership Team will serve as the review committee and will evaluate applicants based on their evidence of outstanding scholarship and their ability to complete the degree requirements within the 2023-2024 academic year. Apply for the 2024-2025 award by October 15. 

Outstanding Dissertation Award

Steinhardt's Outstanding Dissertation Award honors one student each year based on the recommendation of the Doctoral Affairs Committee. Steinhardt doctoral students who graduated or will graduate during the current academic year (September, January, or May) are eligible. Nominations must be submitted by the candidate’s dissertation committee chairperson with the endorsement of the entire final oral commission.  Download the Outstanding Dissertation Award Nomination Form (Faculty Use Only) .

Selected List of Funding Opportunities External to Steinhardt

  • NYU's Summer Dissertation Writing Program
  • Cross-NYU Urban Doctoral Fellowship Program
  • National Endowment for the Humanities
  • National Science Foundation
  • National Institutes of Health
  • Institute of Education Sciences
  • Social Innovation Fund
  • Microsoft Research
  • Student Scholarship Database
  • Unigo Directory of Scholarships
  • Institute of International Education
  • International Education Financial Aid
  • ExpandEd Schools - Find Funding
  • Grant Forward
  • Penn Hill Group Federal Grant Opportunities
  • PeopleSoft HR
  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions
  • PeopleSoft Financials
  • Business Ops
  • Cardinal Careers

University of Louisville

  • Undergraduate
  • International
  • Online Learning

Graduate School

  • Apply for Admission
  • Find Your Degree Program
  • Application Directions
  • International Applicants
  • Funding Opportunities
  • Recruitment
  • Living in Louisville
  • Orientation
  • Graduate School Student Emergency Grant Fund
  • Commencement
  • Electronic Thesis/Dissertation Signature Pages
  • Policies, Procedures and Forms
  • Thesis/Dissertation Information
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA)
  • PLAN Professional Development
  • Graduate Student Council
  • Graduate Student Recognition
  • Dissertation Completion Award Nomination Form
  • MentorCenter
  • Calendar for Awards Deadlines
  • Directors of Graduate Studies
  • Graduate Advising
  • Funding Opportunities for Graduate Students
  • Faculty Awards
  • Programming
  • The Advocate Newsletter
  • Emergency Grant Fund for Graduate Students
  • / Faculty & Staff
  • / Directors of Graduate Studies
  • / Fall 2018
  • / Doctoral Dissertation Completion Award

Doctoral Dissertation Completion Award

PDF document icon

The University of Louisville is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC). For more information –

University of Louisville


Office Hours

M-F 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

No holiday hours

Main (502)852-6495

Fax (502)852-3111

[email protected]

Social Media

Graduate School

  • Resources to Prepare for Graduate School
  • Adonara Mucek, Ph.D. Geology '17
  • Adriana Mendoza, Ph.D. Mathematics '14
  • Andrew Olsen
  • Becca Maher ('21, Ph.D.)
  • Bryan Lynn, Ph.D. Integrative Biology
  • Celeste Frazier Barthel, Ph.D. Education '21
  • Diane Brandt
  • Francesca Germano, Toxicology, M.S.
  • Garrett Rogers
  • Jafra Thomas
  • Jen Hayes, Horticulture, PhD
  • Jordan Jimmie
  • Jordan Spradlin, Public Health, MPH
  • Kalina Fahey, Psychology, Ph.D.
  • Katie Stelling, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Ph.D.
  • Kelsey Contreras
  • Layla Ghazi
  • Marie Tosa, Ph.D. Wildlife Sciences
  • Sara Letton
  • Tiara Walz, Ph.D. Public Health
  • Glossary of Terms
  • Master's Students
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  • Graduate School Orientation 2024
  • Graduate Teaching Orientation 2024
  • Do I Qualify to Attend Graduate Summer Step?
  • Orientation for Winter, Spring and Summer Terms
  • Co-sponsorships
  • Your Graduate Committee
  • Student Resources
  • Grad Research Photo Competition
  • Tips for Scheduling Committee Meetings
  • Program of Study
  • Formatting a Thesis or Dissertation
  • Pretext Pages Templates
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  • Grad Inspire
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  • Request a Workshop
  • Earning Concurrent Degrees or Pursuing a Dual Major
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  • Grad Writing Group Challenge
  • Graduate Writing Center Online
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  • GRAD 420 - Graduate School Preparation
  • GRAD 512 - Current Issues in Higher Education
  • GRAD 513 - Professional Development in College and University Teaching
  • GRAD 516 - Graduate Teaching Seminar
  • GRAD 520 - Responsible Conduct of Research
  • GRAD 521 - Research Data Management
  • GRAD 542 - The Inclusive College Classroom
  • GRAD 543 - Dialogue Facilitation in Professional Contexts: Skills and Practice for Graduate Students
  • GRAD 550 - Introduction to Online Course Development and Facilitation
  • GRAD 560 - Theories of Teaching and Learning
  • GRAD 561 - Course Design and Methods
  • GRAD 599 - Creating Happiness
  • GRAD 599 - Cultivating Productive and Positive Academic Relationships for Graduate Success
  • WR 599 - Graduate Writing for English Language Learners
  • WR 599 - Scientific and Technical Research Writing
  • WR 599 - Writing Workshop for Thesis and Dissertation Writers
  • OSU Grad Advantage
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  • Policy updates
  • Holistic Admissions
  • Defining the Graduate Mentor
  • The Importance of Mentors
  • Apprenticeship and Mentoring
  • Mentor and Mentee Pairing
  • Maintaining and Evaluating Mentoring
  • Suggestions for Mentoring Programs
  • Handbooks, Manuals, and Guides
  • Mentoring Bibliography
  • Communication Items
  • Detailed Considerations for a Joint Degree Program
  • MOU Outline for Creating a Joint Program
  • College and Program Recruitment Representatives
  • Graduate Recruitment Tips
  • Helpful Recruitment Links
  • Shared Graduate Recruitment Schedule
  • Leave of Absence and Family Medical Leave Eligibility
  • Mentor Training for Faculty
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  • June 2024 Newsletter
  • March 2024 Newsletter
  • May 2024 Newsletter
  • Strategic Plan
  • Request Info
  • Current Students
  • Faculty Resources

You are here

  • Thesis Completion Award

The Graduate School is pleased to offer the Thesis Completion Award to support outstanding domestic or international master’s students who are in the final stages of their theses. This award is offered on a quarterly basis, and is available only in situations where (1) graduate assistantship opportunities do not exist or where grant funding is insufficient to fund the student’s final term, and (2) the nominee has a very strong likelihood of successfully defending during the award period. This award is not intended to provide stopgap funding or to fund students whose completion timeline is uncertain or tentative at the time of nomination.

The award also aligns with and supports development in the OSU Grad Advantage core competencies for graduate students. Nominees are encouraged to complete the OSU Grad Advantage Self-Assessment Tool at the time of their nomination, or in the case of prospective students after they have been formally admitted to gauge their ongoing professional development.

There are two versions of this award: the Thesis Completion Award (for master’s students) and the Dissertation Completion Award (for doctoral students).

Award Details

The Graduate School anticipates awarding 4-6 Thesis Completion Awards each term. Awards cover the cost of three graduate credits of tuition at the student’s tuition rate and mandatory fees for one academic term only. This tuition-only award does not include a health insurance subsidy of any kind.

This award may not accompany a graduate assistantship, fellowship, or any tuition support from the college, academic unit, or external training grant.

Awards are made with the condition that the awardee successfully defend their thesis and complete all Graduate School degree completion steps during the award period. In cases where the awardee does not successfully defend their thesis and complete all Graduate School degree completion steps within the award period, the Graduate School may restrict or exclude the nominating unit from submitting future nominations for this award.


To be eligible, nominees must:

  • Be a master’s student in the final year of their degree and completing a thesis 
  • Be making satisfactory academic progress, as determined by their graduate program
  • Have completed all coursework requirements
  • Have passed written (if required) and oral preliminary exams (if required)
  • Be able to successfully defend the thesis and complete all Graduate School degree completion steps within the award period

Nominees are ineligible for funding if:

  • They have any type of tuition support available to them from the college, academic unit, or external training grant during their final academic term specifically intended to cover the cost of tuition
  • They have previously received Graduate School Thesis Completion Award funds
  • They have not successfully defended their thesis and are preparing for a re-defense
  • They will not be enrolled in at least three graduate credits during the term for which the funds were requested
  • Their degree completion timeline is uncertain or tentative at the time of the nomination

Evaluation Criteria

  • Quality of the letter of nomination
  • Impact and quality of the nominee’s research including its likelihood of contributing to the field of study or discipline
  • Please note: Nominees who have formally scheduled exams with the Graduate School demonstrate a greater likelihood that they will be able to successfully defend during the award period. Nominees who have not submitted an  Exam Scheduling Form  with the Graduate School are encouraged to do so prior to the submission of this nomination. 
  • Quality of the nominee’s résumé or curriculum vitae

Nomination Periods

  • Fall 2024: Open 07/08/24 to 08/12/24
  • Winter 2025: Open 11/04/24 to 12/02/24
  • Spring 2025: Open 01/27/25 to 02/24/25
  • Summer 2025: Open 04/14/25 to 05/12/25

Nomination Procedure

Nominations may be submitted by the nominee's graduate program director or unit chair/head. Students may not apply directly for this award. Each unit (as defined by university major code ) may nominate no more than one  nominee (total) per award cycle. 

In the online nomination form, nominators will be required to prepare/upload the following materials as  one PDF document  using the following file name convention: "Nominee's Last Name_Department_TCompletion.pdf" , and upload it through the nomination form.

  • the nominee’s research, including its quality and likely contributions to the field of study or discipline.
  • the nominee’s timeline for completion of the thesis including the likelihood the nominee will successfully defend the thesis and complete all Graduate School degree completion steps within the award period.
  • how the award will assist them in their final term and why the funds are necessary for degree completion.
  • the status of their thesis including their proposed timeline for completing their degree during the award period. 
  • A copy of the nominee’s résumé or curriculum vitae.
  • Abstract of the nominee’s thesis or dissertation.
  • Optional: a copy of the nominee's Exam Scheduling Form . 

Nomination Form

Submit a nomination

Nomination form overview

For questions about this award or any Graduate School administered awards, please contact our  Graduate Scholarships and Fellowships team

  • Graduate Assistantships
  • Graduate Fellowships
  • ARCS Foundation Scholar Awards
  • CGS/ProQuest Award
  • Delson Bridge to the Future
  • Dissertation Completion Award
  • Ecampus Financial Hardship Grant
  • Excellence in Graduate Mentoring Award
  • Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring by a Graduate Student Award
  • Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring by a Postdoc Award
  • Financial Impact Hardship Award
  • Flyfisher's Graduate Scholarship
  • Frolander Award for Outstanding GTA
  • Graduate Dean’s Catalyst Fellowship
  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study
  • Jesse M. Bell Memorial Loan
  • Laurels Block Grant Program
  • Lenore Bayley Scholarship
  • Oregon Lottery Scholarship
  • Oregon Sylff Fellowship for International Research
  • PNNL-OSU Distinguished Graduate Research Program
  • Prestigious Diversity Fellowship
  • Professional Development Award
  • Promising Scholar Fellowship
  • Provost's Distinguished Graduate Awards
  • Scholarly Presentation Award
  • Thurgood Marshall Award
  • WAGS/ProQuest Awards
  • Yerex Graduate Scholarship
  • Tuition Support Programs
  • Scholar Incentive Program

Contact Info

Graduate School Heckart Lodge 2900 SW Jefferson Way Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-1102

Phone: 541-737-4881 Fax: 541-737-3313

  • Programs - Majors, minors and certificates
  • Academic Progress
  • Student Success
  • Faculty Support
  • Staff Directory
  • Graduate Catalog


  1. Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award 2019

    doctoral thesis completion award

  2. Outstanding Dissertation Award 2022

    doctoral thesis completion award

  3. (PDF) Thesis Award 2021

    doctoral thesis completion award


    doctoral thesis completion award

  5. Outstanding Doctoral Thesis award

    doctoral thesis completion award

  6. Fillable Online Doctoral Thesis Completion Award Fax Email Print

    doctoral thesis completion award


  1. Introducing our Post-Doctoral Scholarship

  2. 39th IDA Documentary Awards

  3. Best thesis award |IISc Bangalore|

  4. Alumni Feature: Elias Pirayesh

  5. The Visionary Academy Award Winner

  6. Focus on the legal deposit of doctoral theses


  1. Doctoral Thesis Completion Awards

    Award type: Scholarships. Award description: A limited number of awards are available each academic term to support doctoral students who are within the last two terms of program completion (term of award plus one additional term). The intention is to assist highly qualified, full-time doctoral students to complete their thesis writing and defence.

  2. Doctoral Thesis Completion Award Application

    Doctoral Thesis Completion Award Application (PDF) Use this form to: apply for a doctoral thesis completion award; A limited number of awards are available each academic term to support doctoral students who are within the last two terms of program completion (term of award plus one additional term). The intention is to assist highly qualified ...

  3. Doctoral Completion Award (DCA)

    The Doctoral Completion Award (DCA) aims to provide financial assistance support to full-time PhD students who are beyond the funded cohort and within the time limit for their degree. ... Please confirm in your application that you have completed all pre-thesis requirements (completion of coursework, comprehensive exam, research proposal and ...

  4. Dissertation Completion Fellowships

    Dissertation Completion Fellowships support final-year doctoral students. These non-service fellowships allow students to focus exclusively on their research and writing without service obligations. Fellows are expected to defend their dissertation by the end of the academic year.

  5. Dissertation Completion Fellowships

    Dissertation completion fellowships provide advanced doctoral students in the humanities and social sciences with an academic year of support to write and complete their dissertation. ... Award description and confirmation typically occurs in early May.

  6. PDF Doctoral Dissertation Completion Award: Frequently Asked Questions

    The Doctoral Dissertation Completion Award is intended to support students in the final semester prior to graduation ; applicants should be in the final phases of dissertation writing (six months or fewer from graduation). We ask your faculty advisor to affirm you are in the final phases of

  7. PDF Dissertation Completion Award

    The Graduate School is pleased to offer the Dissertation Completion Award to support outstanding domestic or international doctoral students who are in the final stages of their dissertations. This award is offered on a quarterly basis, and is useful in situations where graduate assistantship opportunities do not exist or where

  8. PhD Dissertation Completion Awards

    MSU PhD students who will be in their final term of PhD research and dissertation writing can apply for a PhD Dissertation Completion Award. The expectation is that recipients of this award will graduate at the end of the term of the award. The application for a Fall 2024 award is open from June 1st to July 15th 2024.

  9. Completion Awards

    The School of Graduate Studies created the Doctoral Completion Award (DCA) in 2010 to provide financial assistance for full-time PhD and SJD students in the final stage of their program. ... NAGS Master's Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Awards - two nominees to Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools (NAGS) for $1,000 prize for ...

  10. Outstanding Dissertation Award

    Outstanding Dissertation Award. The Outstanding Dissertation Award was established in 1979 by the Graduate School to recognize exceptional work by doctoral students and to encourage the highest levels of scholarship, research, and writing. The Michael H. Granof Award will be given in 2024 to recognize the University's top dissertation.

  11. Oregon State University

    Dissertation Completion Award This award supports outstanding doctoral students who are in the final stages of their dissertations by offering an award to cover the cost of three graduate credits of tuition and mandatory fees for one academic term. Cost of three graduate credits of tuition and mandatory fees for one academic term

  12. Doctoral Thesis Completion Award application

    Doctoral Thesis Completion Award application (PDF) Use this form to: apply for a doctoral thesis completion award. A limited number of awards are available each academic term to support doctoral students who are within the last two terms of program completion (term of award plus one additional term). The intention is to assist highly qualified ...

  13. Dissertation Completion Award

    The Graduate School anticipates awarding 4-7 Dissertation Completion Awards each term. Awards cover the cost of three graduate credits of tuition at the student's tuition rate and mandatory fees for one academic term only. This tuition-only award does not include a health insurance subsidy of any kind. This award may not accompany a graduate ...

  14. Faculty of Arts Doctoral Thesis Completion Award application

    apply for a Faculty of Arts doctoral thesis completion award; A limited number of awards are available this academic term to support doctoral students who are within the last two-three terms of program completion (term of award plus two additional terms). These awards are made possible with funds provided by the Vice-President, Academic and ...

  15. Doctoral Fellowships

    Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowships. These awards are designed to increase the completion rate of Ph.D. students and to enhance recruitment of new students. Recipients must be advanced to candidacy for the Ph.D. by the beginning of the fellowship award period, be scheduled to be employed on an assistantship (RA, TA, or GPTI) for the ...

  16. Dissertation Completion Award Nomination Form

    Dissertation Completion Award Nomination Form. Please provide information on the person you are nominating in the form below. The submitted nominations will undergo an evaluation process. Successful applicants will be contacted for further nomination support information. Nominations must be made by either the Department Chair or the Director of ...

  17. Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowship Recipients

    Address Administration Building 328, Texas Tech University, 2625 Memorial Circle, Lubbock, TX 79409-1030 Phone 806.742.2787

  18. Thesis Completion Awards

    These awards are offered in recognition of outstanding theses at the master's and doctoral level. Students must have completed, or are nearing completion of their graduate degree program. Governor General's Gold Medal. CAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards. WAGS/ProQuest Innovation and Technology Awards.

  19. PDF Doctoral Thesis Completion Award Form

    May 2023 - Faculty of Arts Graduate Studies 1 of 2 Faculty of Arts Doctoral Thesis Completion Award . application . Use this form to: • Apply for the Faculty of Arts Doctoral Thesis Completion Award. Instructions: 1. The student completes sections 1-2, reviews section 3 for application completeness, then reads and signs section 4. 2.

  20. Graduate School Forms

    Your center for all Graduate School forms, including Program of Study, Leave of Absence and a link to the application portal.

  21. Doctoral Studies Funding, Awards, and Grants

    The award is available to students nearing completion of their dissertation whose doctoral programs are in applied psychology (counseling, developmental, PSI), educational sociology, social studies education, mathematics education, or science education. A $5,000 stipend will be awarded to two recipients per year. The deadline is March 1.

  22. PDF Doctoral Thesis Completion Award application

    Doctoral Thesis Completion Award . application . Use this form to: • Apply for the Doctoral Thesis Completion Award. Instructions: 1. The student completes sections 1-2, reviews section 3 for application completeness, then reads and signs section 4. 2. The student obtains their supervisor's confirmation and signature in section 5.

  23. Doctoral Dissertation Completion Award

    Doctoral Dissertation Completion Award Doctoral Dissertation Completion Awards.pdf — PDF document, 98 KB (101023 bytes)

  24. Thesis Completion Award

    The Graduate School anticipates awarding 4-6 Thesis Completion Awards each term. Awards cover the cost of three graduate credits of tuition at the student's tuition rate and mandatory fees for one academic term only. This tuition-only award does not include a health insurance subsidy of any kind. This award may not accompany a graduate ...