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IntelliJ IDEA Tips & Tricks: Presentations

IntelliJ IDEA Tips & Tricks: Presentations

Presentation Mode

Since IntelliJ IDEA 13, you can switch to Presentation Mode by clicking View → Enter Presentation Mode . The IDE switches to full screen and everything is hidden except for the main editor window. The font size is increased so it is better readable from a distance.

The font size in Presentation Mode can be configured in Settings under:

Distraction Free Mode

Distraction Free mode is another view mode you can use. It is similar to Presentation Mode at first glance but has several important distinctions.

It hides everything except the Editor window and centers it. All the toolbars and panels are gone. Unlike Presentation Mode, it does not increase the font size, but it rather keeps it unchanged. Additionally, it does not enter full screen, so you can use it even in a small window. That may be useful when having code editor on half of the screen and something else (like a browser window or terminal) in the other half.

As the name suggests, it is intended as a convenient way to hide all the visual clutter, when you need to focus just on some particular piece of code. After the Presentation mode was introduced, many were using it not only for presenting but also as a Distraction Free mode, which was later released as a separate feature in IDEA 14.1.

While the Distraction Free Mode was not originally intended for presentation purposes, there are situations, where it can be more appropriate that original Presentation Mode. Because the size of the font is not changed, you can see a much bigger portion of the code at the same time. This gives you the much better context that seeing just a small snippet of code at once without the surrounding code. This may not be suitable for regular presentations with one big screen and listeners, who may be too far away to read the code. However, it is much better for scenarios where each listener has their own screen and can read even the smaller font. Such situations would be for example video conferences with screen sharing or webinars. For this purpose, you should consider Distraction Free mode as a viable alternative to the regular Presentation Mode.

Note that Presentation and Distraction Free Mode are not mutually exclusive and can be active at the same time.

To enter this mode go to

UPDATE: Zen Mode (2020.1)

Idea 2020.1 introduced Zen Mode . It is just a convenience feature, which combines Distraction Free Mode and Fullscreen as these are often used together. Previously it was quite inconvenient to toggle them both. To enter Zen Mode go to:

Presentation Assistant Plugin

After you achieve a basic level of proficiency with your IDE and already know which features it offers, your next goal is to increase your productivity. That is, you want to use the tool you are already familiar with more effectively. A major part of that is using the keyboard as much as you can instead of the mouse. Using keyboard shortcuts where possible. Great way to learn IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts is to use Key Promoter plugin . Once you use mainly keyboard, you are much more productive. The problem is, using a lot of keyboard shortcuts is not exactly presentation friendly. Your audience can get quickly confused and lose track of the core topic you are presenting about while trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

Fortunately, there is a nice tool, which helps you exactly with this issue. It is Presentation Assistant Plugin ( GitHub ). Every time you trigger an action (no matter whether with the keyboard or mouse), it shows the action name and a keyboard shortcut associated with the action. What's more, it shows the shortcut both for Mac and Linux/Windows.

This is obviously very handy when having a presentation as the audience exactly knows which actions are you triggering using the keyboard and what shortcut is associated with them. Usually, this way they can learn not only about your main topic but also a handful of new and useful IDE features/keyboard shortcuts. And your talk is not constantly being interrupted by questions about actions and shortcuts you just used.

This is not only useful while presenting, but also when pair programming. This way your partner can keep track of your actions and maybe even learn a thing or two. Last but not least, using this plugin can help you to learn new shortcuts because it shows the shortcut info even for actions triggered by the mouse. That means that eventually, you will learn shortcuts for actions that you currently use only by mouse. However, you may consider using Key Promoter plugin for this scenario.

Keyboard shortcuts

Both the Presentation and Distraction free modes have no keyboard shortcuts associated by default. By default, they are only accessible from View → Enter Presentation Mode and View → Enter Distraction Mode . You can, however, assign custom shortcuts to these actions as usual.

Alternatively, you can use Quick Switch Theme action ( Ctrl + ` or ⌃ + ` on Mac) and Then press 4 (View Mode). From the subsequent popup menu, you can pick either Presentation or Distraction Free mode. This shortcut is also useful for quickly switching keyboard layouts, code styles, look and feel or color schemes.

Mouse wheel zoom

Sometimes your editor font size is just right, but you want to temporarily zoom in for specific detail or zoom out to see the big picture. IDEA offers similar functionality to browser zoom change. You can adjust font size in the Editor by Ctrl + Mouse Wheel.

This feature is not, however, enabled by default. You need to turn it on in Settings:

Then check the following checkbox to enable the zoom functionality:

The regular Presentation mode offers a good tool for presentations with one big screen. For webinars and other situations, where each viewer has their own screen, it may be better to use Distraction Free Mode, where the font size is not changed, therefore the viewers can see more code at once, so it offers more context. This way you are always ready for these two possibilities without the need to manually alter font size in the settings before each presentation. In either case, it is really handy to use Presentation Assistant plugin, which lets your viewers clearly see all the actions and keyboard shortcuts performed.

Author: Vojtech Ruzicka

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Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA

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Marit van Dijk is a Software Developer, Java Champion and Developer Advocate at JetBrains. With 20 years of software development experience in different roles and companies, Marit loves building awesome ... Learn more

In this article, we will take a look at ways to level up your presentation skills with IntelliJ IDEA.

Presentation Assistant plugin

Our first tip is to use the Presentation Assistant plugin. The Presentation Assistant plugin will show which shortcuts are being used.

Presentation Assistant plugin example

To install the plugin, open Preferences using ⌘, (on Mac) or Ctrl+Alt+S (on Windows/Linux). Go to Plugins and search for "Presentation assistant" on the Marketplace tab. Click Install and when it's done, click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog or click Apply to keep the dialog open.

Installing the Presentation Assistant plugin in IntelliJ IDEA Preferences

To configure the Presentation Assistant plugin, go back to Preferences and go to Appearance & Behavior > Presentation Assistant .

enter presentation mode idea

Here we can configure font size, duration, alignment, and which keymaps to show. We are using macOS, with Windows as the alternative keymap. We have also configured the Presentation Assistant plugin to show the shortcuts at the top of the screen.

Presentation Mode

When presenting, you can use Presentation Mode . The IDE switches to full screen and everything is hidden except for the main editor window. The font size is increased, so it is easier to read from a distance.

Presentation Mode in IntelliJ IDEA

You can switch to Presentation Mode by clicking View > Appearance > Enter Presentation Mode .

Enter Presentation Mode using the menu in IntelliJ IDEA

Exit Presentation Mode by clicking View > Appearance > Exit Presentation Mode .

Exit Presentation Mode using the menu in IntelliJ IDEA

If needed, the font size in Presentation Mode can be configured in Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > Appearance . Scroll down to Presentation Mode , and font size and set the font size you want. Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog or click Apply to keep the dialog open. Click Cancel to discard the changes and close the dialog.

Configuring Presentation Mode Font Size in IntelliJ IDEA Preferences

We can also open Presentation Mode using short-cuts. Open the Quick Switch Scheme using ⌃ BackTick (on Mac) or Ctrl+BackTick (on Windows/Linux). Use the arrows to select View Mode and then select Enter Presentation Mode .

Switch to View Mode in Quick Switch Scheme

We can use Quick Switch Scheme again to Exit Presentation Mode .

Exit Presentation Mode in Quick Switch Scheme

To enable mouse zoom, you need to turn it on explicitly. Go to Preferences > Editor > General and select Change font size with Command+Mouse Wheel (on Mac) or Change font size with Control+Mouse (on Windows/Linux). Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog or click Apply to keep the dialog open.

Enable Mouse Zoom in IntelliJ IDEA Preferences

Now we can use Command+Mouse Wheel (on Mac) or Control+Mouse Wheel (on Windows/Linux) to zoom in or out. While we are using mouse zoom, a popup appears containing the current font size on the left and a link to reset to the original font size on the right. Click the link to reset the font size.

Reset font size

To configure font and font size, go to Preferences > Editor > Font . We can select the font we want to use, and set the font size.

Configuring font and font size in IntelliJ IDEA Preferences

When presenting in person, make sure the font can be read from a distance. If possible, check out the room where you'll be speaking, do your setup before your talk, and walk to the back of the room to check if the code is readable.

By default, IntelliJ IDEA uses the Darcula theme. To change it, go to Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > Appearance .

Select the UI theme from the Theme list:

  • IntelliJ Light is a traditional light theme for IntelliJ-based IDEs
  • macOS Light or Windows 10 Light is an OS-specific light theme available as a bundled plugin
  • Darcula is the default dark theme that we're using here
  • High contrast is a theme designed for users with color vision deficiency

Selecting a Theme in IntelliJ IDEA Preferences

Which theme to use depends on your personal preference. When presenting in front of an audience, you may want to take into account how light or dark the room is. If possible, try different themes and walk to the back of the room to see which one works best before your presentation. When sharing your screen during an online meeting, you may also want to check with teammates which theme works best.

Tool windows

We recommend closing all unused windows so we can focus on the code we're looking at. Use Command + Shift + F12 (on Mac) or Control+Shift+F12 (on Windows/Linux) to hide all tool windows.

Hide all windows in IntelliJ IDEA

We can always reopen them using shortcuts. Here are the shortcuts to some of the most used windows:

  • To open or close the Project Tool Window use ⌘1 (on Mac) or Alt+1 (on Windows/Linux)
  • To open or close the Commit Tool Window use ⌘0 (on Mac) or Alt+0 (on Windows/Linux)
  • To open or close the Terminal Tool Window use Alt+F12
  • To open or close the Git Tool Window use ⌘9 ( on Mac) or Alt+4 (on Windows/Linux)
  • To open or close the Run Tool Window use ⌘4 ( on Mac) or Alt+4 (on Windows/Linux)
  • To open or close the Debug Tool Window use ⌘5 ( on Mac) or Alt+5 (on Windows/Linux)

You can also use keyboard shortcuts to stretch the active window. Go to the relevant window, and use ⌃ ⌥ ← or ⌃ ⌥ → (on Mac) or Control+Alt+Shift+Left or Control+Alt+Shift+Right (on Windows/Linux) to stretch the window left or right. This also works with the tool windows at the bottom, using the up or down arrows to stretch the window up or down.

Find action

If you want to do something, but don't remember the shortcut or menu option, use Find Action . Press ⇧⌘A (on Mac) or Control+Shift+A (on Windows/Linux) to open the Find Action dialog. Search for the action you want, and select the relevant action.

Find Action in IntelliJ IDEA

For example, let's use Find Action to apply soft-wrap.

When using a file that has long lines, we can prevent horizontal scrolling by using soft-wrap. Let's use Find Action to enable soft-wrap. Press ⇧⌘A (on Mac) or Control+Shift+A (on Windows/Linux) to open the Find Action dialog, and search for "soft-wrap".

Find Action soft-wrap in IntelliJ IDEA

We get the option to turn on soft-wrap, which will be for this file only. You can click this option to turn soft-wrap on or off.

Find Action and turn soft-wrap ON in IntelliJ IDEA

Alternatively, we can configure soft-wrap. Let's select " Soft wrap these files ", which will soft-wrap several types of text files. Click OK to apply the changes and close the Preferences dialog.

Configure soft-wrap in IntelliJ IDEA Preferences

We recommend using shortcuts as much as possible when presenting. This is easier to do during a presentation than using a mouse or trackpad, especially if you get nervous and your hands might get slippery. There are several ways to learn shortcuts.

  • Find Action lets you search for commands and settings across all menus and tools.
  • Key Promoter X is a plugin that shows a popup notification with the corresponding keyboard shortcut whenever a command is executed using the mouse. It also suggests creating a shortcut for commands that are executed frequently.
  • If you are using one of the predefined keymaps, you can print the default keymap reference card and keep it on your desk to consult it if necessary. This cheat sheet is also available under Help > Keyboard Shortcuts PDF .
  • To print a non-default or customized keymap, use the Keymap exporter plugin .

Let's take a look at some shortcuts for navigation.

We can use several shortcuts to navigate around a project:

We can Find a class using ⌘ O (on Mac) or Ctrl+N (on Windows/Linux).

Find Class in IntelliJ IDEA

We can move the caret to a method and use ⌘ B (on Mac) or Ctrl+B (on Windows/Linux) to go to the declaration or usages.

Find Usages in IntelliJ IDEA

We can also navigate backwards by using ⌘ [ (on Mac) or Ctrl+Alt+Left (on Windows/Linux), or navigate forward: ⌘ ] (on Mac) or Ctrl+Alt+Right (on Windows/Linux).

Use ⇧ ⌘ E (on Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+E (on Windows/Linux) to find Recent Locations .

Recent Locations in IntelliJ IDEA

Or find Last edited location with ⇧ ⌘ ⌫ (on Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+Backspace (on Windows/Linux).

Finally, we can find Recent Files using ⌘ E (on Mac) or Ctrl+E (on Windows/Linux).

Recent Files in IntelliJ IDEA

Another way to navigate through code, is to use bookmarks. Press F3 (on Mac) or F11 (on Windows/Linux) to create an anonymous line bookmark.

Anonymous Line Bookmark in IntelliJ IDEA

To add a mnemonic line bookmark, press ⌥ F3 (on Mac) or Control+F11 (on Windows/Linux). In the popup that opens, select a number or a letter that you want to use as an identifier for this bookmark. Press ⏎ (on Mac) or Enter (on Windows/Linux) to save the bookmark. To bookmark files, packages, folders, and modules, right-click the item you want to bookmark in the Project Tool Window , and add an anonymous bookmark ( F3 (on Mac) or F11 (on Windows/Linux)), or a mnemonic bookmark ( ⌥ F3 (on Mac) or Control+F11 (on Windows/Linux)).

Add Mnemonic Bookmark in IntelliJ IDEA

There are several ways to navigate between bookmarks. Press ⌘ F3 (on Mac) or Control+F11 (on Windows/Linux) to open a popup showing bookmarks and select the desired bookmark with the keyboard and press ⏎ , or select the corresponding digit or letter for a mnemonic bookmark.

Bookmarks in IntelliJ IDEA

To jump straight to a mnemonic bookmark, hold ^ (on Mac) or Control (on Windows/Linux) and press the mnemonic digit or letter on the keyboard.

Summary and Shortcuts

Now we know several tricks that will level up our presentation skills with IntelliJ IDEA.

IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts Used

Here are the IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts that we used.

Name macOS Shortcut Windows / Linux Shortcut
Open Quick Switch Scheme
Hide all windows
Open / Close
Open / Close [Commit Tool Window]
Open / Close [Terminal Tool Window]
Open / Close
Open / Close
Open / Close [Debug Tool Window]
Stretch to Left
Stretch to Right
Stretch to Top
Stretch to Bottom
Find Action
Find a class
Go to declaration or usages
Navigate backward
Navigate forward
Recent Locations
Last Edited Location
Recent Files
Anonymous Bookmark
Mnemonic Bookmark
Save Mnemonic Bookmark

Related Links

  • (video) JetBrains - Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA
  • (docs) JetBrains - Settings/Preferences
  • (docs) JetBrains - Install plugins
  • (marketplace) JetBrains - Presentation Assistant plugin
  • (docs) JetBrains - IDE viewing modes
  • (docs) JetBrains - IntelliJ IDEA keyboard shortcuts
  • (pdf) IntelliJ IDEA reference card
  • (docs) JetBrains - Configure keyboard shortcuts
  • (docs) JetBrains - Creating custom shortcuts
  • (marketplace) JetBrains - Key Promoter X plugin
  • (marketplace) JetBrains - Keymap exporter plugin
  • (docs) JetBrains - Navigation and search
  • (docs) JetBrains - Source code navigation
  • (docs) JetBrains - Bookmarks

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Marit van Dijk

Software Developer

Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA

In this screencast we’re going to look at some ways to level up your presentation skills with IntelliJ IDEA.

00:00 – Intro 00:11 – Presentation Assistant plugin 00:57 – Presentation Mode 02:06 – Mouse Zoom 02:43 – Font 03:11 – Theme 03:48 – Tool windows 05:13 – Find Action & Soft-wrap 05:58 – Shortcuts & Navigation

• IDE viewing modes: https://jb.gg/erihcm • IntelliJ IDEA keyboard shortcuts: https://jb.gg/z9pxdd • IntelliJ IDEA reference card: https://jb.gg/2jyfzi • Configure keyboard shortcuts: https://jb.gg/a81689 • Creating custom shortcuts: https://jb.gg/sn3pk1 • Source code navigation: https://jb.gg/4jpnu4 • Example code: https://jb.gg/zr7v7h

enter presentation mode idea

Amara Graham

Heiko W. Rupp

Heiko W. Rupp

IntelliJ IDEA has a presentation mode (View->Enter presentation mode), that makes the IDE full screen, increases font sizes and hides unneeded inspectors and other stuff that is normally in use when programming.

Heiko W. Rupp

Written by Heiko W. Rupp

Long time Open Source developer, currently working at Red Hat. Find me also at https://mastodon.social/@pilhuhn

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Show editor tabs in Presentation mode

When I am in a presentation mode I want have Editor Tabs enabled. Now they are disabled, so when I enter presentation mode I cannot move tabs right or to the opposite group. Is there a possibility to enable them?

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Humberd's user avatar

  • No: youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-165833 . –  CrazyCoder Commented Jul 19, 2018 at 9:10
  • 1 Related, having tabs in presentation mode: youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-120266/… –  Webber Commented Aug 1, 2022 at 12:07
  • @Humberd this is now possible, I've added an answer. –  Webber Commented Jul 10 at 13:35

Manually inserting the setting

This is now possible by manually inserting the registry key in a file that your editor picks up.

Find the config directory for your IDE:

Go to ~/.config/JetBrains/ , then open the folder for your <product><version> .

Example: ~/.config/JetBrains/WebStorm2024.1

Go to %AppData%\JetBrains , then open the folder for your <product><version> .

Example: C:\Users\Webber\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\WebStorm2024.1 .

Go to ~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains then open the folder for your <product><version> .

Example: ~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/WebStorm2024.1

In that folder, create a file called idea.properties with the following contents:

Restart your IDE and go to presentation mode

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enter presentation mode idea

How to switch to a editor tab in Presentation mode?


I have seen other posts here of folks who have problems with tabs and tools being closed upon returning from Presentation mode. I don't have that problem. Everything is in the same place after exiting Presentation mode.

However, what I *would* like to do is to switch to a different editor tab while in Presentation mode. The key to move to the next or previous tab (Alt-left, Alt-right) do nothing. I have to exit from Presentation mode, go to the next tab I need to present, and then re-enter Presentation mode.

Is this a bug? Is this expected behavior?

I am using PhpStorm, build #PS-171.4694.2 with Linux Mint 18.1.


A possible workaround would be using Switcher (Ctrl+E). However I think it's fair to say that this is a bug - the tabs switching keys should work in the Presentation mode as well. Please submit a bug:  https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/newIssue?project=IDEA

Thanks for your response. I have submitted the bug .


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Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Windows  

Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Windows

Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Windows

Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Windows

How to Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Windows When giving a presentation, you may want to turn on presentation mode. While presentation mode is turned on, your computer stays awake, system notifications are turned off, and your presentation settings for screen saver, volume, and desktop background are applied. In addition, the presentation settings . icon will show on the taskbar notification area to indicate it is currently turned on. This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off presentation mode for your account when giving a presentation in Windows 7 , Windows 8 , and Windows 10 . In Windows 7 , Presentation Settings and presentation mode is only available in the Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise editions. In Windows 8 , Presentation Settings and presentation mode is only available in the RT, Pro, and Enterprise editions. In Windows 10 , Presentation Settings and presentation mode is only available in the Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions .  CONTENTS: Option One: Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Windows Mobility Center Option Two: Turn Off Presentation Mode from Presentation Settings Notification Area Icon Option Three: Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Presentation Settings Option Four: Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Command Prompt OPTION ONE Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Windows Mobility Center 1. Open the Windows Mobility Center (mblctr.exe). 2. Click/tap on the available Turn on or Turn off button for Presentation Settings . (see screenshots below) 3. When finished, you can close the Windows Mobility Center if you like. OPTION TWO Turn Off Presentation Mode from Presentation Settings Notification Area Icon 1. Click on, right click, or press and hold on the presentation settings icon on the taskbar notification area, and click/tap on Stop Presentation . (see screenshot below) OPTION THREE Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Presentation Settings 1. Open Presentation Settings (PresentationSettings.exe). 2. Check (on) or uncheck (off) the I am currently giving a presentation box for what you want, and click/tap on OK . (see screenshot below) OPTION FOUR Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Command Prompt 1. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe). 2. Copy and paste the command below you want to use into the command prompt, and press Enter . (see screenshots below) (Turn on presentation mode) PresentationSettings.exe /start OR (Turn off presentation mode) PresentationSettings.exe /stop 3. When finished, you can close the command prompt if you like. That's it, Shawn Related Tutorials How to Enable or Disable Presentation Settings in Windows How to Add Presentation Settings to Desktop Context Menu in Windows How to Enable Windows Mobility Center on a Desktop Windows PC How to Open Windows Mobility Center in Windows 10 Windows 11 Tutorials

Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Windows

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IntelliJ IDEA 之 呈现模式(Viewing Modes)

写在前面 IntelliJ Idea 为用户提供了多种呈现模式,在某些情况下,默认呈现方式有可能无法满足你的需求。例如上线之前会有一个代码评审的环节,Idea 默认展现出来的代码看上去会不舒服,因为 Idea 还会呈现除代码之外的内容:菜单栏、工具栏、导航栏等。
题外话 我是沂蒙山区的孩子,像音频里说的一样,现在乡下已经无法听到 “卖小鸡吆,卖小鸡吆” 的吆喝声了,连养鸡的农村人也越来越少了。

+ Idea 用户界面介绍

+ Idea 全屏模式

+ Idea 演示模式

+ Idea 集中模式

演示环境 ,介绍本次远程调试所依赖的软件环境。

+ IntelliJ IDEA :2018.2.4 (Ultimate Edition) 

+ Windows 10 家庭中文版

IntelliJ 用户界面介绍

Intellij Idea 主界面中包含几个重要的组件,例如菜单栏、状态栏、工具栏等,认识这些组件及其功能会帮助你更好的了解 Idea 的更多功能。






Idea  全屏模式(Full Screen)


Idea  演示模式(Presentation Mode)

演示模式下,Idea 会隐藏掉除编辑器之外的所有的组件,而且会放大代码字体,这样子整个屏幕上均是你的代码,看上去会舒服很多。

Idea  集中模式(Distraction-free Mode)


附件和注意,包括上述 Gif 图片中的配置信息和测试代码片段,若有任何未提及到的内容,请联系我。



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Full Screen for all platforms and Presentation Mode with PhpStorm 7

Maarten Balliauw

We’re continuously working on making the IDE distract developers less when they need focus. Next to better readability with improved syntax coloring , PhpStorm 7 comes with a Full Screen mode on all platforms which removes window borders and the top menu. And the new Presentation mode helps you show off your coding skills to an audience.

This functionality is available in IntelliJ IDEA , PyCharm , WebStorm , PhpStorm , RubyMine and AppCode .

This functionality is available in IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, PhpStorm, RubyMine and AppCode.

Mac OS X users have been enjoying native Full Screen mode for quite a while. From now on it’s available for all other platforms supported by PhpStorm. It can be activated from the View | Enter Full Screen menu. To maximize the editor area, the Toolbar, Status Bar and Navigation bar can be hidden so we can focus just on our code. Here’s a blatantly big screenshot demonstrating we get a lot of editor on our screen if we want:

Full-screen mode (click to enarge)

Always wanted to show family and friends your coding skills on the living room TV? Or are you presenting at conferences and user groups or doing classroom trainings? Having difficulties reading someone’s code when looking over their shoulder? The answer to making code work for an audience is PhpStorm 7’s Presentation Mode.

Presentation Mode moves all toolbars out of the way and increases the size of everything in the IDE, making it easier to show our code and coding process. That’s right: it’s presentation mode, not read-only mode. If you want to demonstrate live coding, try it from the View | Enter Presentation Mode menu:

Presentation mode in action

Not only editor fonts are increased in size: everything gets bigger! Want to show the Rename refactoring? Everyone will be able to read what’s on screen:

Presentation mode increases all sizes

Try it out yourself and share your feedback in the issue tracker , through the comments below or in our forums !

Develop with pleasure! – JetBrains PhpStorm Team

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PhpStorm Now Supports PHP 8.3

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enter presentation mode idea

多年总结IDEA 使用技巧 (建议收藏!)

很长一段时间没有更新了,前段时间转测试了,浪费了一些时间,终于可以写文章了,今天来写一下之前自己开发的一些习惯,因为自己本身自己是一个极简主义所以 开发喜欢这样:。


我们可以使用【Presentation Mode】,将IDEA弄到最大,可以让你只关注一个类里面的代码,进行毫无干扰的coding。

可以使用Alt+V快捷键,弹出View视图,然后选择Enter Presentation Mode。效果如下:


鼠标移上去就会这样显示时间, 是不是很酷,移开就是全屏




屏幕太多了,一直用鼠标也比较麻烦,这里我们可以直接 Ctrl+E 进行页面切换





当我们要输出某一段内容的时候,很多人习惯想到 sout + Tab 这是我们IDEA 的输出快捷键 ,但是其实开源更简单 ,大家可以, 输出一段字符,在点 sout,这样就直接输出啦



有时候我们想要定义一个成员变量,怎么办,通常都是直接把光标移入到 全局作用域的地方 ,输入我们要定义的变量名, 然后在 输出 ,有了下面的方式就好啦



快速的开发常见操作 :补全、判空、循环、取反


循环 ,这里的循环,我换一种操作,定一个容器,集合、数组都行,我们来试试, 然后 .fori






还是一样,字符串,这回,咱们换个快捷键,输入 Ctrl+Alt+C 抽取静态变量


知道套路,咱们 就只说快捷键和效果,就省略,那些重复的图啦!




这个也是最重要的核心,咱们再来讲讲 ,内容过多,抽取方法


还是字符串,输入 Ctrl+Alt+M ,就会自动抽取成方法


编辑 代码块 ,进行一个常用的操作


下面我们来看IDEA 中那些神奇的提示操作, 除了最基本的代码提示功能,IDEA 还提供更加智能的代码提示功能,该功能可以基于上下文环境,智能帮你过滤可以使用方法,推导出最适合的方法。该快捷键为 Ctrl+Shift+Space。





Postfix Code

这个模式可以在编写代码时减少向后插入符号跳转。我们可以在变量后面直接跟上 if、for 等表达式,IDEA 会直接转换成相应的语句。

Live Template

我们有时候会保存一些代码片段,然后在需要的时候直接粘贴。而 IDEA Live Template 就可以帮我们保存这个代码片段,且可以自定义关键字,需要的时候只需要输入关键字,就可以直接输出代码。而且 IDEA 也已经定义很多,我们可以直接上手使用。


输入 psvm,快速生成 main 方法。


开发的时候我们会去查看类的源码,有时我们只知道类的名字,却不知道具体包的位置,这个时候IDEA 强大的搜索功能可以帮我们迅速的找到。



还有的时候我们可能只记得类中的某个关键字,那上面的方法就无效。但是没关系,IDEA 还可以帮你用关键字去搜索找到 我们只要输入 Ctrl+Alt+F 快捷键。




当我们打开的标签页多了的时候,默认的会隐藏在右侧,当我们需要的时候在右侧找到后再打开。IDEA是支持多行显示的,这样在大屏幕的显示器上也不用总去点击右侧的去找刚才打开过的文件了 File - Settings - Editor - General - Editor Tabs


IDEA 自带快捷地址

为什么这个点,要单独写一个标题来讲呢,因为,很多人没有注意到这个细节,IDEA,大家都知道我们安装了IDEA 是这个 样子的

enter presentation mode idea

打开之后,我们 再来看下


  • 这么干净的快捷键列表,是不是很整齐,大家都疏忽了这么这么一份 IDEA的宝典



enter presentation mode idea

JetBrains Rider 2024.2 Help

Ide viewing modes.

JetBrains Rider lets you switch between several viewing modes for different usage styles and scenarios. For example, when you need to focus on the code or present to an audience.

JetBrains Rider expands the main window to occupy the entire screen. On macOS, all operating system controls are hidden, but you can access the main menu if you hover over the top of the screen.

The editor occupies the entire main window with the source code centered. All other elements of the UI are hidden (tool windows, toolbars, and editor tabs) to help you focus on the source code of the current file. You can still use shortcuts to open tool windows, navigate, and perform other actions.

JetBrains Rider expands the editor to occupy the entire screen and increases the font size to make it easier for your audience to see what you are doing. Other elements of the UI are hidden, but you can bring them up with corresponding shortcuts or using the main menu if you hover over the top of the screen.

JetBrains Rider combines the Full Screen and Distraction-free modes, so the main window expands leaving only the editor with the source code for you to focus on programming.

If you work on a smaller screen, you can enable the compact mode. In this mode, the IDE has the reduced heights for toolbars and tool window headers, scaled-down spacings and paddings, and smaller icons and buttons.

By default, the editor text in the Distraction-free and Zen viewing modes is centered vertically and the text column width corresponds to the Hard wrap at option on the Editor | Code Style page of settings  Ctrl+Alt+S . This means that if your code will be centered when formatted properly , but if there are long unwrapped lines, the text might go beyond the viewport while there is a large margin on the left. In such cases, you may want to decrease the left margin using the Left margin in distraction free mode option on the Advanced Settings page of settings  Ctrl+Alt+S .

Toggle viewing modes on and off

In the main menu, go to View | Appearance and select Enter <viewing mode> or Exit <viewing mode> .

Use the quick switcher:

In the main menu, go to View | Quick Switch Scheme (or press Ctrl+` ).

In the Switch popup, select View Mode and then select Enter <viewing mode> or Exit <viewing mode> .

Quick switcher for viewing modes

Use Find Action : press Ctrl+Shift+A , and start typing the name of the viewing mode. Then select Enter <viewing mode> or Exit <viewing mode> from the list and press Enter .

Map actions that toggle viewing modes on and off to your preferred key combinations .

By default, only Toggle Full Screen mode is mapped to ⌘ ⌃ F in the Visual Studio keymap .


  1. Using Presentation Mode

    enter presentation mode idea

  2. Enter Presentation Bundle

    enter presentation mode idea

  3. How to Make the Most Out of Presentation Mode

    enter presentation mode idea

  4. Using Presentation Mode

    enter presentation mode idea

  5. Using Presentation Mode

    enter presentation mode idea

  6. Enter Presentation

    enter presentation mode idea


  1. This is a great feature to start your next PowerPoint Presentation || S. J. INSTITUTION

  2. PB95 New game mode idea

  3. where my student⁉️... (dark side mode) idea:@Musashi_ace#fpe #fundamentalpapereducation #oc #edit

  4. IntelliJ IDEA Tips & Tricks #10: Use "Presentation Assistant" to Display Keys Pressed

  5. New mode Idea!

  6. Create Custom Outlines: Simplify Your Presentations with STORYD


  1. Using Presentation Mode

    Scroll down to Presentation Mode, and font size and set the font size you want. Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog or click Apply to keep the dialog open. Click Cancel to discard the changes and close the dialog. We can also open Presentation Mode using short-cuts. Open the Quick Switch Scheme using ⌃` (macOS) / Ctrl+ ...

  2. IDE viewing modes

    In the main menu, go to View | Appearance and select Enter <viewing mode> or Exit <viewing mode>. In the main menu, go to View | Quick Switch Scheme (or press Ctrl 0`). In the Switch popup, select View Mode and then select Enter <viewing mode> or Exit <viewing mode>. Use Find Action: press Ctrl Shift 0A, and start typing the name of the viewing ...

  3. Presentation Mode

    Select Enter Presentation Mode or Exit Presentation Mode using the arrow keys or the number keys. See Also (documentation) IntelliJ IDEA Help - IDE viewing modes (guide) IntelliJ IDEA Guide - Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA; Using Presentation Mode (video) Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA; Related Resources.

  4. IntelliJ IDEA Tips & Tricks: Presentations

    Presentation Mode. Since IntelliJ IDEA 13, you can switch to Presentation Mode by clicking View → Enter Presentation Mode. The IDE switches to full screen and everything is hidden except for the main editor window. The font size is increased so it is better readable from a distance. The font size in Presentation Mode can be configured in ...

  5. UI Secrets: Customize the Appearance of IntelliJ IDEA

    Now highlight the Enter Presentation Mode action and press Alt + Enter. Then press some key combination to use as a shortcut, such as Ctrl + F12. Make sure IntelliJ IDEA doesn't show any conflicts with existing shortcuts and click OK. Now when you are at a conference and need to present your code to an audience, just press the assigned shortcut.

  6. Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA

    Scroll down to Presentation Mode, and font size and set the font size you want. Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog or click Apply to keep the dialog open. Click Cancel to discard the changes and close the dialog. We can also open Presentation Mode using short-cuts. Open the Quick Switch Scheme using ⌃ BackTick (on Mac) or Ctrl ...

  7. Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA

    In this screencast we're going to look at some ways to level up your presentation skills with IntelliJ IDEA. Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA. Chapters: 00:00 - Intro. 00:11 - Presentation Assistant plugin. 00:57 - Presentation Mode. 02:06 - Mouse Zoom.

  8. Use IntelliJ In Presentation Mode To Increase Focus While Code

    In this article, we will explore how IntelliJ's Presentation mode can assist us in writing code with less distraction and achieving better focus. In Fig. 1, we can observe various… Open in app

  9. Shortcuts for view modes in IntelliJ IDEA

    17. i would like to add to the existing answer, that there is indeed an indirect keyboard shortcut to change view mode. ctrl+` > 4 > 1 (for presentation mode) ctrl+` > 4 > 2 (for distraction free mode) tested on intellij idea v18.1.4 ultimate edition. answered Jun 17, 2018 at 16:05.

  10. Project view / file navigation while in presentation mode

    The same keyboard shortcuts work in the presentation mode, so Alt + 1 (Mac ⌘ + 1) will show the Project View. You can also use Alt + Alt (hold) (Mac ⌘ + ⌘) shortcut to temporarily display tool window buttons and activate any tool window with a mouse. Manipulating the Tool Windows.

  11. Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA.

    Tips & tricks to level up your presentation skills with IntelliJ IDEA. Using the Presentation Assistant plugin to show shortcuts. How to enter and exit Presentation Mode. How to enable mouse zoom. Configuring font and font size. Selecting a theme. Using tool windows with shortcuts.

  12. IntelliJ IDEA has a presentation mode (View->Enter presentation mode

    IntelliJ IDEA has a presentation mode (View->Enter presentation mode), that makes the IDE full screen, increases font sizes and hides unneeded inspectors and other stuff that is normally in use when…

  13. intellij idea

    Step 3. Restart your IDE and go to presentation mode. edited Jul 10 at 13:33. answered Jul 10 at 13:28. Webber. 5,298 4 35 42.

  14. How to switch to a editor tab in Presentation mode?

    Everything is in the same place after exiting Presentation mode. However, what I *would* like to do is to switch to a different editor tab while in Presentation mode. The key to move to the next or previous tab (Alt-left, Alt-right) do nothing. I have to exit from Presentation mode, go to the next tab I need to present, and then re-enter ...

  15. What's the reasoning behind leaving "Presentation Mode" not restoring

    In any case, remedy: Recorded a macro where I "Enter Presentation Mode" and then "Enter Distraction Free Mode" (which is actually just toggling the respective feature), called it "toggle PMode, toggle DFMode". Behavior is as if Presentation Mode would work properly (scnr), including the font size and absence of vertical indent lines.

  16. Introduction to Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA

    Tips & tricks to level up your presentation skills with IntelliJ IDEA. Marit van Dijk. 2022-10-03. In this tutorial, we will take a look at ways to level up your presentation skills with IntelliJ IDEA. We will take a look at the following: Presentation Assistant plugin. Presentation Mode. Mouse Zoom. Font.

  17. Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Windows

    Turn On or Off Presentation Mode in Windows Mobility Center. 1. Open the Windows Mobility Center (mblctr.exe). 2. Click/tap on the available Turn on or Turn off button for Presentation Settings. (see screenshots below) 3. When finished, you can close the Windows Mobility Center if you like. OPTION TWO.

  18. IntelliJ IDEA 之 呈现模式(Viewing Modes)

    Idea 演示模式(Presentation Mode). 演示模式下,Idea 会隐藏掉除编辑器之外的所有的组件,而且会放大代码字体,这样子整个屏幕上均是你的代码,看上去会舒服很多。. Idea 演示模式(Presentation Mode). Idea 集中模式(Distraction-free Mode). 集中模式下,编辑中的代码 ...

  19. Full Screen for all platforms and Presentation Mode with PhpStorm 7

    Next to better readability with improved syntax coloring, PhpStorm 7 comes with a Full Screen mode on all platforms which removes window borders and the top menu. And the new Presentation mode helps you show off your coding skills to an audience. This functionality is available in IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, PhpStorm, RubyMine and AppCode ...

  20. Presentation Mode

    Make it easier for the audience to see what you're doing. Whenever you're presenting at conferences or company events, use the Presentation mode which makes it easier for the audience to see what's going on in the editor ⌃` (macOS) / Ctrl+` (Windows/Linux) and View Mode | Enter/Exit Presentation Mode.

  21. 多年总结idea 使用技巧 (建议收藏!)

    全屏显示. 我们可以使用【Presentation Mode】,将IDEA弄到最大,可以让你只关注一个类里面的代码,进行毫无干扰的coding。. 可以使用Alt+V快捷键,弹出View视图,然后选择Enter Presentation Mode。. 效果如下:. 鼠标移上去就会这样显示时间, 是不是很酷,移开就是全屏 ...

  22. IDE viewing modes

    In the Switch popup, select View Mode and then select Enter <viewing mode> or Exit <viewing mode>. Use Find Action: press Ctrl 0Q, and start typing the name of the viewing mode. Then select Enter <viewing mode> or Exit <viewing mode> from the list and press Enter. Map actions that toggle viewing modes on and off to your preferred key combinations.