How to Write a CIPD Level 5 Assignment(with Examples)

Student writing a CIPD level 5 assignment

  • October 28, 2023
  • 4 Mins Read

Writing a CIPD Level 5 project may be a pleasant and demanding experience for both HR professionals and students. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Level 5 qualification is intended to help individuals advance their knowledge of HR and L&D. It is critical to grasp how to produce good assignments in order to succeed in this program. We will walk you through the process of creating a CIPD Level 5 assignment in this blog article, including examples and recommendations to help you succeed.

Table of Contents

Recognizing the Assignment Brief

It is critical that you properly comprehend the assignment brief before beginning to write your assignment. Identifying the important needs, such as word count, submission standards, and assessment criteria, is part of this. Consider the following assignment brief:

“Analyse the impact of employee engagement strategies on organizational performance in a case study company of your choosing.” Discuss the relevant theories and make suggestions for improvement. Your task should not be longer than 2,500 words.”

In this case, you must guarantee that your assignment is no more than 2,500 words long, that it focuses on employee engagement techniques and organizational success, and that it incorporates relevant ideas and recommendations.

Information Gathering and Research

Gather pertinent information and study materials next. This could contain academic articles, textbooks, industry reports, and case studies for a Level 5 assignment. Make certain that the sources you utilize are reliable and up-to-date. Here’s an example of how you could organize your research:

Review Academic Literature on Employee Engagement

Begin by studying academic literature on employee engagement and its impact on organizational performance. Cite applicable ideas and models, for example, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs or Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory.

Choose a real-world company to serve as your case study. Collect information on their employee engagement strategies, such as surveys, policies, or success stories.

Interviews or Surveys

If possible, conduct interviews or surveys to collect primary data about the employee engagement activities of the case study company.

Organizing Your Assignment

A well-organized assignment is easy to read and evaluate. Consider the framework below for your CIPD Level 5 assignment:

Introduction (About 10% of Total Word Count)

Introduce the topic briefly and clarify the goal of the task.

Give a summary of the case study company and its significance.

Review of Literature (About 30% of Total Word Count)

Discuss pertinent theories and models concerning employee engagement and its impact.

Examine major discoveries from scholarly sources.

Methodology (About 10% of Total Word Count)

Describe your research methodologies, such as data gathering and analysis.

Justify your case study and research tools selection.

Case Study Analysis (About 30% of the Total Word Count)

Give a thorough examination of the case study company’s employee engagement practices.

Highlight their strengths and limitations in reference to the evaluated literature.

Recommendations (About 15% of the Total Word Count)

Provide ideas for the case study company to improve their employee engagement initiatives based on your investigation.

  • Make sure your suggestions are practical and actionable.
  • Conclusion (about 5% of total word count):
  • Summarise the most important aspects of your assignment.
  • Highlight the importance of your results and recommendations.

Use the appropriate referencing style (e.g., Harvard, APA, or Chicago) to cite all sources. Some tips that will help you;

Learn the Citation Style: Become acquainted with the citation style required by your discipline or institution. APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and other styles are common. Get a style guide or use internet resources to learn about the rules and conventions of your preferred style.

Citation Management Software: Use citation management software such as EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley, or RefWorks. These tools let you automatically organize and cite your references, saving you time and eliminating errors.

Regular Practice

The more you practice referring, the better you’ll get. To hone your skills, create sample references and citations. It is advisable to practice with authentic materials such as articles, books, and websites.

When in doubt, consult style guidelines or instructions pertaining to your preferred citation style. These manuals contain detailed instructions on how to format references, in-text citations, and other aspects.

Use Online Reference Generators: Online reference generators can assist you in swiftly creating properly styled citations. Citation generators, such as Citation Machine and BibMe, can generate citations depending on the information you provide.

Check Your References: Before submitting your work, double-check your references to confirm they are correct. Author names, publication dates, page numbers, and URLs should all be double-checked. Errors can result in misunderstandings or lower grades.

Cite as You Write: Don’t wait until the end of your paper to add all of your sources. In order to keep your writing flowing, provide in-text citations as you write. This also aids in keeping track of your sources.

Examples to Consider

Some of the examples that I came across while working with CIPD level 5 assignment help are as under;

“Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory suggests that both hygiene factors and motivators are critical for understanding employee satisfaction and performance (Herzberg, 1959).”

“According to a Gallup report, organizations with highly engaged employees experience 21% higher profitability (Gallup, 2020).”

“We conducted semi-structured interviews with 10 employees at XYZ Company to gain insights into their perceptions of the company’s engagement initiatives.”

“Based on our analysis, XYZ Company should consider implementing regular feedback mechanisms, such as quarterly surveys, to ensure ongoing employee engagement.”

“CIPD Report (2023) showed that you get the best input from the employees when they are adequately rewarded in a transparent way”.

A CIPD Level 5 assignment needs careful planning, extensive research, and excellent organization. You may design an engaging assignment that showcases your HR and L&D knowledge by comprehending the assignment brief, completing rigorous research, and adhering to a defined framework. Remember that real-world examples, case studies, and current research can help you create an impressive CIPD Level 5 project. Best wishes for your studies!

What is the Difference Between CIPD Level 5 Certificate & Diploma?

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5CO01: Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice

  • AC 1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Two Types of Organisation Structures
  • AC 1.2 Connections Between Organisational Strategy, Products, Services and Customers
  • AC 1.3 External Factors and Trends and their Influence on Organisational Priorities
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  • AC 2.1 Theory/Model of Organisational Culture and Theory/Model of Human Behaviour
  • AC 2.3 Different Approaches to Managing Change
  • AC 2.4 Models for how Change is Experienced
  • AC 2.5 Importance of Wellbeing and Factors that Impact Wellbeing
  • AC 3.1 Links between Employee Lifecycle and Different People Practice Roles
  • AC 3.2 Connection of People Practice and With Other Areas of an Organisation
  • AC 3.3 Processes for Consulting and Engaging with Internal Customers to Understand their Needs

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cipd level 5 assignment examples

A Comprehensive Guide to CIPD Level 5 Assignments Examples


Embark on a journey to excellence with this guide on CIPD Level 5 assignments examples. Uncover valuable insights and expert tips for success.


Embarking on CIPD Level 5 assignments can be both challenging and rewarding. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of these assignments, providing you with valuable examples, expert advice, and a roadmap to success.

CIPD Level 5 Assignments Examples: A Closer Look

Understanding cipd level 5 assignments.

Navigating the landscape of CIPD Level 5 assignments requires a solid understanding of the fundamentals. Let’s explore the key concepts and intricacies involved.

Importance of CIPD Level 5 Assignments

Uncover why CIPD Level 5 assignments hold paramount importance in advancing your career in HR. Explore real-world scenarios and success stories.

Crafting Engaging Content: A Skillful Approach

Master the art of crafting engaging content for your CIPD Level 5 assignments. Learn from examples that showcase creativity and professionalism.

Leveraging LSI Keywords: A Strategic Guide

Unlock the power of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Keywords in your assignments. Discover how strategic use enhances the visibility and relevance of your work.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Addressing challenges is integral to success. Explore common hurdles faced in CIPD Level 5 assignments and gain insights on overcoming them.

Personalizing Your Approach

One size does not fit all. Tailor your assignments to reflect your unique perspective and insights. Learn how personalization adds a distinct touch to your work.

Incorporating Real-world Experiences

Infuse authenticity into your assignments by drawing from real-world experiences. Understand the impact of firsthand knowledge on the quality of your work.

Expert Tips for Excelling in CIPD Level 5 Assignments

Strategic time management.

Efficiently manage your time to navigate the demands of CIPD Level 5 assignments. Learn proven strategies for optimizing your productivity.

Balancing Theory and Practice

Strike the right balance between theoretical concepts and practical application. Explore examples that illustrate the seamless integration of theory into real-world scenarios.

Utilizing External Resources

Tap into external resources to enrich your assignments. Discover credible sources and learn how to seamlessly integrate them into your work.

The Power of Networking

Build a network that complements your CIPD Level 5 journey. Leverage connections for valuable insights and collaborative opportunities.

CIPD Level 5 Assignments Examples: Showcasing Excellence

Example 1: strategic hr planning.

Delve into a detailed example of a strategic HR planning assignment. Explore the thought process, methodology, and key takeaways.

Example 2: Employee Relations Case Study

Uncover the intricacies of an employee relations case study. Gain valuable insights into conflict resolution and fostering positive workplace relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How crucial are CIPD Level 5 assignments for career growth?

Career growth is intricately linked to successful completion of CIPD Level 5 assignments. These assignments showcase your expertise and contribute significantly to professional development.

  • How can I personalize my CIPD Level 5 assignments?

Personalization involves infusing your unique perspective and experiences into your work. Tailor your assignments to reflect your individual style and approach.

  • Is it advisable to seek external help for CIPD Level 5 assignments?

While external resources can be beneficial, ensure they complement your understanding. Use them strategically to enhance the quality of your work.

  • What challenges are commonly faced in CIPD Level 5 assignments?

Common challenges include time management, balancing theory and practice, and incorporating real-world experiences. Recognizing and addressing these hurdles is key to success.

  • How can networking contribute to success in CIPD Level 5 assignments?

Networking opens doors to valuable insights and collaborative opportunities. Building a strong professional network enriches your CIPD Level 5 journey.

Embark on your CIPD Level 5 journey with confidence, armed with expert insights and real-world examples. Success awaits those who approach assignments with dedication, creativity, and a commitment to excellence.


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CIPD Level 5

  • October 20, 2022
  • Posted by: Fletcher Samuel
  • Category: CIPD Level 5

CIPD Level 5

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Level 5 qualification is a professional-level human resource (HR) or learning and development (L&D) qualification. It is designed for individuals who want to develop their knowledge and expertise in HR and L&D and progress to more senior roles within their organisations. The CIPD Level 5 qualification covers various topics, including talent management, employee engagement, HR strategy, and L&D design and delivery. It combines theoretical and practical learning, combining academic study with workplace application. The qualification is awarded at two levels, either as a Level 5 Diploma or a Level 5 Advanced Diploma, depending on the depth and breadth of study. The Diploma focuses on the core knowledge and skills required for effective HR and L&D, while the Advanced Diploma provides more in-depth coverage of specialised areas. Holding a CIPD Level 5 qualification is widely recognised as a benchmark of professional competence in HR and L&D and demonstrates a commitment to professional development. It is also a requirement for many senior HR and L&D roles and can be valuable for individuals seeking to progress in their careers. Overall, the CIPD Level 5 qualification is an excellent investment for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of HR and L&D and advance their career in these fields.

Here are some examples of CIPD Level 5 units.

7 None
6 None
5 None
6 5DER or 5CER
6 5RST or 5RTP
6 5RMT or 5RWM
6 5EML or 5ELW
6 5DBS
6 None
6 None
6 None
6 None
6 None
  • 5CO02 Assignment Example
  • 5HRO1 Assignment Example
  • 5HR02 Assignment Example
  • 5LD01 Supporting Self-Directed and Social Learning
  • 5LD02 Learning and Development Design to Create Value
  • 5LD03 Facilitate Personalised and Performance Focused Learning

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CIPD L5 HR - 5CO03 - Professional Behaviours & Valuing People


Martin | 0 Posts

15 Jan, 2023 14:31

Help! I'm studying the L5 HR CIPD with ICS Learn and I'm really struggling with the first module (5CO03 - Professional Behaviours & Valuing People). I've read all of the module content and have taken notes for all my additional reading but I'm struggling with how to structure the answers to my assessment questions. Can anyone that has studied this help? I would really appreciate anything! Thanks - M.

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Khaled | 0 Posts

16 Jan, 2023 21:44

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Neha | 0 Posts

17 Jan, 2023 13:16


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18 Jan, 2023 15:15

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19 Jan, 2023 10:00

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26 Jan, 2023 18:36

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18 Mar, 2023 09:11

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18 Mar, 2023 11:16

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4 Apr, 2023 13:56


Olamide | 0 Posts

15 Apr, 2023 13:20

Hi all, I’m in the same boat and wondering if I could also be added to this group?

17 Apr, 2023 12:28

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Level 5 CIPD Assignment Samples

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Level 5 qualifications are designed for HR practitioners looking to enhance their skills and knowledge in the field of human resource management. These qualifications focus on developing HR professionals who can provide strategic leadership, drive change, and support the organization’s goals and objectives.

The Level 5 CIPD assignments are typically more complex and challenging than the Level 3 and Level 4 assignments, as they require candidates to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the concepts and theories of HRM. These assignments are designed to assess a candidate’s ability to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world situations and provide evidence of their learning and development.

Some sample Level 5 CIPD assignments may include topics such as:                   

Managing and Coordinating the HR Function: This assignment may require candidates to demonstrate their understanding of the key responsibilities of the HR function, such as talent management, employee engagement, and workforce planning.

Understanding Organizational Culture and Change: This assignment may require candidates to explore the role of HR in facilitating organizational change and how to create a culture that supports the organization’s goals and objectives.

Developing Leadership and Management Skills: This assignment may require candidates to demonstrate their understanding of the different leadership styles and how to develop and implement effective management strategies.

Reward Management:

This assignment may require candidates to evaluate different approaches to reward management, such as performance-based pay, bonuses, and benefits.

To successfully complete these assignments, candidates will need to conduct research, analyze data, and apply critical thinking skills. They will also need to demonstrate effective communication skills and be able to present their findings in a clear and concise manner.

In conclusion, the Level 5 CIPD assignments are challenging and require candidates to demonstrate a deep understanding of the concepts and theories of HRM. However, by successfully completing these assignments, candidates can enhance their skills and knowledge in the field of HR and advance their careers.

What is Level 5 Assignment Samples Modules Covered

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Level 5 qualification is designed for HR professionals looking to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of human resource management. The Level 5 CIPD assignment samples are typically more challenging than the Level 3 and Level 4 assignments as they require a deeper understanding of HRM concepts and theories. Here are some modules covered in the Level 5 CIPD assignment samples.

Managing and Coordinating the HR Function: This module is designed to provide an understanding of the key responsibilities of the HR function such as talent management, employee engagement, and workforce planning. The module helps learners to develop their skills and knowledge to manage the HR function effectively.

Understanding Organizational Culture and Change:

This module focuses on the role of HR in creating a culture that supports the organization’s goals and objectives. It covers topics such as organizational culture, change management models, and the role of HR in change management.

Developing Leadership and Management Skills:

This module provides an understanding of different leadership styles and management approaches. It aims to help learners develop and implement effective management strategies in organizations. Topics covered include leadership theory, management models, and team-building strategies.

This module covers the different approaches to reward management such as performance-based pay, bonuses, and benefits. It aims to help learners develop and implement effective reward management strategies that align with the organization’s goals and objectives.

Employment Law:

This module covers the key principles of employment law such as discrimination law, employment contracts, and termination of employment. The aim of this module is to provide learners with an understanding of the legal framework that governs the employment relationship and how to apply it in practice.

Organizational Design and Development:

This module covers the process of designing and developing organizations that are fit for purpose and align with the organization’s goals and objectives. Topics covered include organizational structure, design models, and change management.

Employee Relations:

This module focuses on the management of employee relations including the resolution of workplace disputes, employee engagement, and the development of effective employee relations policies and procedures.

Investigating a Business Issue from an HR Perspective: This module requires learners to conduct an independent research project on a business issue of their choice and present their findings in a written report. This module provides learners with an opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge to a real-world business issue.

In summary, the Level 5 CIPD assignment samples cover various modules that provide learners with the skills and knowledge they need to manage the HR function effectively. These modules cover areas such as organizational culture and change, leadership and management, reward management, employment law, organizational design and development, employee relations, and investigating a business issue from an HR perspective. To successfully complete the Level 5 CIPD assignments, learners need to apply their skills and knowledge to real-world situations, conduct research, analyze data, and develop evidence-based recommendations. Effective communication skills are also essential, as learners need to present their findings in a clear and concise manner. Overall, completing the Level 5 CIPD assignments can help HR professionals advance their careers by enhancing their skills and knowledge in the field of human resource management.

CIPD Level 5  Assignment samples  along with other Level Examples for Reference

·   5CO01 CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5CO02 CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5UIN CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5CHR CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5ODG CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5ODT CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5DVP CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5HRF CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   3CO02 CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   3CO03CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5HR01 CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

You can refer our cipd assignment examples and check our quality. If you need any CIPD assignment help , please contact us on WhatsApp +1-646-948-8918 or submit your request  here .

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5CO01 Assignment Example

  • February 8, 2022
  • Posted by: admin
  • Category: CIPD Level 5

5co01 Assignment Example

Task One – Strategic Planning Meeting Report

1.1 Examine the advantages and disadvantages of different types of organizational structures, including the reasons for their existence. Y Documentation from the strategic planning meeting. See page 4.
1.2 Identify the links between organizational strategy, revenue generation, products, services, and customers. Y Documentation from the strategic planning meeting. See page 6.
1.3 Assess the impact of external factors and trends on organizations. Y Documentation from the strategic planning meeting. See page 8.
1.4 Analyze the current priorities of the organization and the issues they cause. Y Documentation from the strategic planning meeting. See page 9.
1.5 Analyze how people practices affect the systems and structures of an organization. Y Documentation from the strategic planning meeting. See page 11.
1.6 An assessment of the role of technology within organizations and how it affects the workplace. Y Documentation from the strategic planning meeting. See page 12.
3.3 Identify and describe critical themes that shape the work of a specific area of people practice and how these impact the delivery of people solutions. Y Documentation from the strategic planning meeting. See page 9.

Assessment criteria for Task Two – Presentation Pack

2.1 Identify and interpret theories and models that examine human and organizational behavior. Y The presentation pack. See slide 2, page 16.
2.2 Determine the significant drivers of change and basic models for how these changes are experienced. Y The presentation pack. Slide 3 page 18
172.3 To cultivate a positive work environment, explain how to incorporate diversity and inclusion. Y The presentation pack. Slide 4 page 20
2.4 Assessment of the impact people practices have on organization culture and behaviour. Y The presentation pack. Slide 5 page 21
2.5 Analyze the factors influencing well-being in the workplace and determine the importance of employee well-being. Y The presentation pack. Slide 6 page 22
3.1 Take a close look at the relationship between employee lifecycles and your work. Y The presentation pack. Slide 7 page 23
3.2 Analyze the connections between people practices and other areas of an organization and how they contribute to people and organizational strategies. Y The presentation pack. Slide 8 page 25
3.4 Examine how to consult and engage internal customers to determine their needs. Y The presentation pack. Slide 9 page 26
3.5 Outline the key components of planning strategies in order to ensure that projects are delivered according to customer requirements Y The presentation pack. Slide 10 page 27

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  • 5CO01 Assignment Guideline Task Two
  • 5C001 Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice

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cipd level 5 assignment examples

CIPD Assignment Help

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5CO02 Assignment Example

  • December 19, 2021
  • Posted by: Harry King
  • Category: CIPD Level 5

5CO02 Assignment Example

Task One: Briefing Paper

You have been asked to prepare a briefing paper that is to be given to people practitioners at a regional event, to share insights and good practice. The paper needs to provide understanding of approaches that can be taken to support effective critical thinking and decision-making within the HR remit.

Your Briefing Paper needs to:

  • provide an evaluation of the concept of evidence-based practice and assess how evidence- based practice approaches can be used to support sound decision-making and judgments for people practitioners across a range of people practices and organisational issues. (1.1)
  • evaluate two micro and two macro analysis tools or methods that can be used in people practice to explore an organisation’s micro and macro environment, and how those identified might be applied to diagnose future issues, challenges and opportunities. (1.2)
  • explain the principles of critical thinking and give examples of how you apply these yourself when relating to your own and others’ ideas, to assist objective and rationale debate. (1.3)
  • assess at least two different ethical theories and perspectives and explain how an understanding of these can be used to inform and influence effective decision-making. (1.4)
  • explain a range of decision-making approaches that could be used to identify possible solutions to a specific issue relating to people practice. (2.3)
  • as a worked example to illustrate the points made in 2.3, take this same people practice issue, explain the relevant evidence that you have reviewed, and use one or more decision- making tools to determine a recommended course of action, explaining the rationale for that decision and identifying the benefits, risks and financial implications of the suggested solution. (2.2 & 4)
  • compare and contrast a range of different ways and approaches that are used to measure financial and non-financial performance within organisations. (3.1)

It is essential that you refer to academic concepts, theories and professional practice for the tasks to ensure that your work is supported by analysis. Please ensure that any references and sources drawn upon are acknowledged correctly and supported by a bibliography.

Task two: Data analysis and review

In preparing for the forthcoming department heads meeting your manager has asked you to prepare a range of information and interpretations for use at the meeting. Below are two sets of data that have been collected by a 360-degree review for Department ‘A’. Table 1, is the feedback that has been elicited from employees on their line-managers and table 2 is from the customers that use the services and goods from Department A.

Use one analytical tool to review the two data sets to reveal any themes, patterns and trends (2.1).

  • From this analysis, graphically present your findings using three or more different methods (3.3).
  • Identify the key systems and data used within effective people practices, to give insights by measuring work and people performance (3.2)
  • Explain how people practices add value in an organisation and identify methods that might be used to measure the impact of people practices (3.4)

The annual performance reviews for Department ‘A’ last year were scored using a ratings scale from 6 = high performer to 1= low performer.

Any employee scoring 4 and above received a £400.00 bonus in their monthly pay. The budget allocation per department for bonuses last year was £75,000.

Figures from Department ‘A’ for last year were:

  • 112 employees received a score of 6
  • 98 employees received a score of 5
  • 35 employees received a score of 4
  • 43 employees received a score of 3 or below  
  • Using a variety of measurement tools and techniques and the data provided in tables 1, 2 & 3, explain the likely impact and value of these aspects of people practice currently in place in Department ‘A’. What other people practice measures might usefully be employed in Department ‘A’? (3.4)

AC 1.1 provide an evaluation of the concept of evidence-based practice.

Evidence-based HR practice involves making a better decision and informing actions that have the desired outcome (Young, 2020). The concept of evidence-based practice entails finding solutions and approaches to dealing with people management practice based on a strong empirical basis. It is the process through which a decision is evaluated against data in an organisation. The evidence-based approach utilises critical thinking skills and the available evidence to decide on specific HR issues. According to Young (2020), a good decision-making process is based on critical thinking and drawing from the available evidence. Evidence-based decisions are more likely to result in the desired outcomes that will have a long-term impact on organisations practices.

Evidence-based practice also utilises different models of the decision-making process, such as the rational model. This model involves the use of factual information and step by step procedures to arrive at a decision (Uzonwanne, 2016). The figure below summarises the rational decision-making model.


How evidence-based approaches can be used to support sound decision-making and judgments

Evidence-based approaches are essential for supporting sound decision making because they reduce errors caused by judgements. Biased and unreliable management decisions are common in the absence of evidence. Managers are susceptible to bias and errors in their decision making when they base the decisions on previous experiences or popular management decisions. In an article published at the Center for Evidence-Based Management (CEBM), all individuals at all employment levels need to use the best available evidence when making decisions. Using evidence-based decisions is considered to be morally right (Rousseau et al., 2004).

An evidence-based approach can also be used to support sound decision making and judgement at an organisational level by increasing the accountability levels. Most of the decision made by managers have a positive or negative impact on the general organisational performance. Assessing the reliability and validity of evidence not only benefits individuals but also the organisation. This approach ensures that a manager takes the best available decision and can support the decisions with organisational data, professional expertise or insights from scientific research when called to justify the decision.

AC 1.2 Evaluate micro and macro analysis tools that can be used in people practice to explore an organisation’s micro and macro environment and how those identified might be applied to diagnose future issues, challenges and opportunities.

All organisations are affected by either internal or external factors. These factors are part of the general organisational environment, and they should be analysed to establish their impacts on the business. There is a range of tools used in people practice, and they include strategic reviews, future states analysis, SWOT analysis, Ansoff matrix, Fishbone analysis, among others. Analysis methods that can be used to assess an organisation’s micro and macro environments include observations, interviews, job analysis, work sampling and use of questionnaires.

An organisation’s micro-environment refers to the immediate factors or environment that comprises suppliers, customers, competitors and stakeholders (Summer, 2019). They are internal factors that are likely to impact an organisation. Micro-environments can be assessed using the microanalysis tools such as porter’s five forces analytical tool. Macro-environment, on the other side, refers to the more general factors influencing businesses (Summer, 2019). Macro- environments are external factors that impact an organisation’s activities and productivity, but that organisation has no control over it. The macro-environment factors include economic issues, political forces, technological advancements, natural and physical occurrences, and legal factors. An example of a tool used for the analysis of macro-environment factor is the PESTLE analysis tool.

The SWOT analysis tool evaluates both internal and external factors that can influence an organisation. SWOT stands for strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. While strengths and weaknesses focus on internal organisational aspects, threats and opportunities focus on external issues that can impact an organisation. The SWOT tool is simple to use and can be used in organisations making an entrance into new markets.

Porter’s five analysis tool was developed by Michael Porter to assess and evaluate the competitive strength of a business (Bruijl, 2018). The model is built on five principles that can be used to assess microenvironments within an organisation. Michael Porter described the five forces: Buyers bargaining power, the threat of entry, suppliers bargaining power, competition from rivalries, and threats by substitutes. Figure 1 below gives a summary of the five forces.


As the acronym suggests, the PESTLE analysis analyses the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors (Downey, 2007). Trade regulations and policies, and diplomatic tensions are some of the political factors likely to impact an organisation’s performance. It is essential to understand that organisations in the UK are governed by policies and regulations formulated by trade unions and other regulatory bodies. Therefore, the HR department must ensure that an organisation is compliant with all the regulations. HR should also be constantly updated on changes in regulations that are likely to impact an organisation.

One of the biggest external influences for any business is the state of the economy. HR should monitor the shifts in economic trends resulting from changes in global financial status. Economic factors such as inflation, demand and supply, interest rates and exchange rates have direct impacts on organisations. HR should notify the management of the existing economic trends to prepare them for any economic changes. Socially, an organisations performance can be affected by the availability of the workforce. It is HR’s responsibility to come up with a recruiting strategy that will attract the best talent to perform organisational duties. Technological factors include impacts of acquiring new technology, which may result in downsizing or recruiting a skilled workforce. HR is responsible for advising the management on the necessary changes that would make the technological changes beneficial to the organisation and retain a workforce that has adequate knowledge of the technological changes.

Legal factors comprise rules and regulations impacting people practice. HR practitioners should ensure that the organisation is compliant and the existing policies and procedures are compliant with the country’s regulatory standards (Friedman, 2013). The last ‘E’ of the PESTLE tool represents environmental factors, which refer to an all-natural occurring element that may influence people practice. The global market is stimulated to align with the sustainable development goals. It is the HR’s duty to ensure that the organisation is compliant and has environmental sustainability policies incorporated in its daily operations.

AC 1.3. Explain the principles of critical thinking and give examples of how you apply these yourself when relating to your own and others’ ideas to assist objective and rational debate.

Critical thinking is a skill that enables people to think well and reflect on ideas, opinions and arguments objectively (Howlett and Coburn, 2019). It involves objectively analysing and evaluating people practice issues to form a judgement. Based on the definition, various critical thinking principles are based on rational, unbiased analysis evaluation of factual information and sceptical analysis. Objective, rational thinking relates to being logically correct. This principle allows for the differentiation between issues and statements that are logically true or false. Walters adds that rational, objective thinking utilises logic and other cognitive acts such as imagination, creativity, and insights.

In people practice, various principles of critical thinking can be applied to different situations. When applying critical thinking to the decision-making process, HR practitioners must ensure that they understand the issue and differentiate between facts and opinions. Evidence-based decisions are based on the critical thinking principle of validity of evidence to eliminate bias.

AC 1.4 Assess at least two different ethical theories and perspectives.

Utilitarianism ethical theory is used to determine right from wrong by focusing on the outcome (Driver, 2009). It is one of the most commonly used persuasive methods to normative ethics. This theory is based on the consequence, and it suggests that the most ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good. This theory can be used to inform and influence effective decision making when the decision made will result in a positive outcome for most employees or organisation at large. To illustrate this, Covid 19 pandemic has impacted many organisations and thus necessitated cheap labour. HR practitioners are faced with the dilemma of laying off employees and employees new employees at a cheaper cost. While this may not be ethically right, it will benefit organisational sustainability, especially for businesses affected by the pandemic.  This theory does not account for justice or any individual rights.

Kantianism or Kant’s moral theory, on the other hand, believes that certain actions are prohibited even if the consequence is happiness. It is an example of a deontological moral theory whose principle is not on the consequence of the action but on individual moral duty (Anscombe, 2005). The theory is based on an individual’s ability to act according to the categorical moral imperatives, which are universal. This theory suggests that decisions should be made based on the moral obligation to individuals and society. Thus the decision will be ethically correct (Chonko, 2012).

Use of Theories to inform and influence effective decision-making.

The decision making theories have a significant influence on the decision-making process. Sound ethical decisions need to be sensitive to good ethical practices. While the theories are divided into three frameworks, HR should be responsible for most ethical obligations in an organisation. The ethical frameworks built around ethical theories include the consequentialist framework, the duty framework and the virtue framework. Using the three frameworks to analyse a situation before making a decision allows the decision-maker to have a clearer perspective of the issue and thus come up with a sound decision sensitive to ethical implications and parties involved (Bonde and Firenze, 2011). The figure below gives a summary of different ethical theories, including their advantages and disadvantages.


AC 2.3 Explain a range of decision-making approaches that could be used to identify possible solutions to a specific issue relating to people practice

HR practitioners play a critical role in the decision-making process of an organisation. Based on HR practitioners’ different functions, different decision-making approaches could be used to find possible solutions for various problems. Some of the decision making processes used by HR include the best fit, future pacing, problem-outcome frame, action learning approaches and de Bono (Six Thinking hats). While one process can be used to solve various HR problems, different issues may require different decision-making approaches.

De Bono (six thinking hats) is a decision-making approach that Edward De Bono developed in 1985. It is a good decision-making approach for group discussions and personal thinking because it involves a combined parallel process. Each of the six hats is metaphors for six different ways of thinking. Mentally wearing different thinking hats results in people looking at problems differently and coming up with different solutions—the six different mind frames as elaborated by Edwards different shapes of the hat and different colours. The white colour represents decisions based on facts. The red colour represents decisions based on emotions. Black represents judgmental decisions, yellow positive view or decisions based on a positive perspective, green decisions based on creativity and blue are thinking decisions (Mulder, 2019). Managers and HR practitioners can switch from one hat to another during a decision making process. The thinking hats are essential for helping people think more deeply concerning specific issues and come up with informed decisions.

Framing problems and outcome is another decision-making approach that can be used to identify the various solution to people specific problems. Framing comprises a schema of interpretations that different individuals depend on to understand and respond to situations. Different diagnosis and framing of problems may result in difficulties when solving the problems. It is essential for HR practitioners to frame their organisational problems to achieve the desired outcome accurately. For example, turnover in an organisation may be framed as an individual problem, an HR problem or a management problem, depending on how it is evaluated.

AC 2.4 As a worked example to illustrate the points made in 2.3, take the same people to practice issues, explain the relevant evidence that you have reviewed and use one or more decision-making tools

Decision making in people practice is continuous throughout the employees’ lifecycle in an organisation. One issue in people practice that requires effective decision making is compensation. Increasing employee compensation is a decision that should be thought through because there are various factors that influence the decision. While performance analysis is essential for determining compensation, other factors such as minimum wage, external markets and industrial payment rates are other factors that should be considered.

Attracting and retaining talent is a people specific area that may face various challenges. Competition for the most talented and qualified employees is evident in both public and private industries. Recruiting a sustainable workforce is essential for effective organisational performance and sustainability. However, competitive wages and rewards may influence turnover and the loss of the best talent pool. The HR is tasked with tough decisions on the best approaches to enhance retention and attract the best talent pool during recruitment. The framing-outcome approach of decision making can be utilised to solve retention and recruitment challenges. The HR can identify specific issues causing turnover, ranging from salaries and wages, organisational culture to the need for career growth. Framing the cause of the problem will enable HR to develop a solution that will result in the desired outcome.

AC 3.1 Appraise different ways organisations measure financial and non-financial performance.

Good performance management is critical for an organisation’s success (Gifford, 2020). Performance management aims at monitoring, maintaining and improving employee performance and aligning them to organisational objectives. However, there are different ways through which organisations can measure their performance. Monitoring performance is essential for the decision-making process as it forms part of the evidence-based practice in people management.

Performance in an organisation can be measured by the use of financial and non-financial indicators. Financial indicators include revenues, gross and net profits, cash flows, return on investments, and productivity. Gross and net profit margins are profitability ratios used to identify a company’s profitability. The working capital is the measure of the available operating liquidity used to fund the daily operations. Cash flow is a financial indicator that indicates the amount of money a business has as a result of its operations. Operating cash flow is often found in the cash flow statements.

Non-financial performance indicators include customer feedback, legal compliance, sector ratings, employee feedback, among others. Customer feedback and customer retention are essential non-financial performance indicators because they directly impact customer retention. Customer retention is as necessary as customer attraction. Retention is essential for establishing the number of customers that are satisfied with a particular product or service, while feedback enables an organisation to identify areas for improvement. Human capital can also be used to measure organisational performance. Based on the employee survey, an organisation can establish its performance based on the skilled employees’ ratio against unskilled labour.

The primary advantage of using non-financial measures is that they result in better compliance with long-term corporate strategy. Non-financial measures take into account different intangible assets and provide adequate information on various operations’ effectiveness (Ahrens and Chapman, 2007). The disadvantages of no-financial measures are that they are expensive to conduct and can consume a lot of time. The advantages of using financial measures are that they are accurate and can be easily monitored. The disadvantage is that they are short –term in nature and are not effective for long term strategic planning.


AC 2.1 Use one analytical tool to review the two data sets to reveal any themes, patterns and trends.

There are various HR analytical tools that can be used to assess and evaluate data. This section utilised Microsoft excel to conduct a data analysis of the provided information. Graph 1 below is a summary of feedback obtained from employees on their line managers. Of the 256 respondents 250 disagreed that line managers delegated authority, 245 were of the opinion that line managers do not communicate reasons for change and decisions. Two hundred nineteen respondents said that the line managers were not approachable. The three categories mentioned above had the highest numbers of respondents giving a negative review concerning their line managers. As indicated in graph 1 below, the highest number of respondents disagreed with the most positive attributes that were accorded to their line managers.

cipd level 5 assignment examples

A pie chart representation of data is a circular graph, as shown above. The slices of the pie represent variables that, when combined, should produce the total number. For example, the total number of employees who responded to questions was 256. On the issue of support by line managers, 156 employees disagreed, and 100 agreed. The graph above provides a visual representation of this information in percentile. Pie charts are easy to read and understand. They also visually represent data as part a fractional part of the whole.

Analysis of Employee Feedback

Of the 145 responses from customers, 143 respondents agreed that the products’ packaging was good and acceptable in protecting the goods. One hundred forty-two customers had issues with how their initial enquiries were handled; 114 felt that the range of goods and products was insufficient to meet their needs

cipd level 5 assignment examples

The general trend implied by the data collected indicates a performance gap between employees and their line managers. The gap impacts performance, as evidenced by customer feedback. Based on the findings, line managers need to incorporate employees in their decision-making process. Line managers should also promote a positive organisational culture where employees feel valued and appreciated.

AC 3.2 Identify the critical systems and data used within effective people practices to give insights by measuring work and people performance.

According to CIPD (2020), people data and analytics can help HR and other managers in an organisation to solve business problems and make decisions. There are different types of data that are effective for measuring and giving insight into people practice. Qualitative data contains information on the human observation of behaviours, habits, skills and other employee factors that may influence performance. This data offers an in-depth understanding of issues and descriptive information using words to express various issues. Qualitative data can be used to measure work and people performance by utilising tools such as brainstorming, surveys and interviews. Qualitative data on employee turnover can be obtained in brainstorming sessions or through exit interviews.

Quantitative data, on the other hand, uses numbers and figures to illustrate performance. While quantitative data may be more specific and dependable, it is short term in nature. Quantitative data can be used to establish and keep records of weekly work hours, retention rates, number of employees and their age.  This data can be collected by various HR analytical software’s that analyse the information.

AC 3.4 Explain how people practices add value in an organisation and identify methods that might be used to measure the impact of people practices.

The creation of value in an organisation may be influenced by the need to grow and expand, return on investment, or satisfy customer’s needs (Payal Sondhi, 2018). Creating value can be achieved by effectively utilising human potential. The primary objective of good people management practices is to create value for the organisation and its employees as well as the surrounding community. Value creation can be based on income earned or the development of a sense of purpose for the employees. The value created for the society could be attained as sustainability and high-quality life. Organisations capture the value they would like to attain in the organisations mission and strategy.  Real business value is captured in drivers that impact an organisation’s business objectives (Brugman and Dijk, 2020).

Other than 360 feedback, some other methods and tools can be used to measure the impact and value of people practice. Measuring value and impact is essential for ensuring that business objectives are being achieved. It can also ensure that there are people who practice contribution in an organisation, justify spending on various functions of HR, continuously improve people practice and identify organisational needs and gaps left to enable informed business decisions.

The cost-benefit analysis tool is essential for analysing the decision that should be implemented and should be foregone. It is the process that sums up potential rewards expected from an action then subtracts the total cost associated with that action (Hayes And Anderson, 2021). For example, all employees whose performance was considered high received a bonus of £400.00. According to the statistical data provided, a total of 245 employees are entitled to bonus payments. Therefore, the total amount of money that the company would spend on bonus is £ 98,000.00. However, the allocated budget was £75,000.00. If all employees received the bonus, the organisation would have spent £23,000.00 more than the intended amount.

Based on the cost-benefit analysis of the situation, the bonus amount should be reduced to fit the set budget. Alternatively, other reward packages, both intrinsic and extrinsic, can be used to reward high performing employees. The company can also enhance its performance by rewarding employees with a high five and six score. By doing so, employees with a score of five might enhance their performance, which influences organisational performance.

Return on investment is a measuring tool that can be used to measure the probability of gaining a return from a particular investment. ROI is a ratio that compares gains and losses in relation to cost. ROI is used for the evaluation of potential returns from an investment. In the case above, the return would be a loss because the allocated budget was exceeded. ROI is expressed as a percentage because it becomes easier to understand.

Ahrens, T. and Chapman, C.S. (2007) Management accounting as practice. Accounting, Organizations and Society , 32(1-2), pp.1–27.

Anscombe, E. (2005) Kantian Ethics . [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2021].

Bonde, S. and Firenze, P. (2011) A Framework for Making Ethical Decisions | Science and Technology Studies . [online] Brown University. Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2021].

Brugman, T. and Dijk, R. van (2020) Creating Value With Fact-Based HR . [online] AIHR Analytics. Available at: [Accessed 11 Apr. 2021].

Bruijl, G.H.Th. (2018) The Relevance of Porter’s Five Forces in Today’s Innovative and Changing Business Environment. SSRN Electronic Journal , [online] 1(1). Available at:’s_Five_Forces_in_Today’s_Innovative_and_Changing_Business_Environment [Accessed 9 Apr. 2021].

Chonko, L. (2012). Ethical Theories . [online] . Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2021].

CIPD (2020) People Data & Scientific Evidence . [online] CIPD. Available at: [Accessed 11 Apr. 2021].

Downey, J. (2007) Strategic Analysis Tools Topic Gateway Series Strategic Analysis Tools Topic Gateway Series No. 34 . [online] . Available at: [Accessed 9 Apr. 2021].

Driver, J. (2009) The History of Utilitarianism . [online] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2021].

Friedman, E. (2019) 4 External Factors That Affect Human Resource Management . [online] Workology. Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2021].

Gifford, J. (2020) Performance Management | Factsheets . [online] CIPD. Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2021].

Hayes, A. and Anderson, S. (2021) Cost Benefit Analysis | Better Evaluation . [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Apr. 2021].

Howlett, W. and Coburn, T. (2019) Critical thinking | Podcast . [online] CIPD. Available at: [Accessed 9 Apr. 2021]. (2019) Rational Decision Making vs. Other Types of Decision Making | Principles of Management . [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2021].

Mulder, P. (2019) Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono, a decision making tool | ToolsHero . [online] ToolsHero. Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2021].

Payal Sondhi (2018) 5 Important Guidelines to Increase HR Values In Your Organization . [online] Entrepreneur. Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2021].

Rousseau, D., Bantz, C., Garman, A., Goodman, P., Griffin, R., Hinings, B., Hirsch, P., Mccarthy, S., Rynes, S., Weingart, L. and Zanardelli, J. (2004) Academy of Management Review. Walshe & Rundall , [online] 31(2), pp.256–269. Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2021].

Summer (2019) Understanding Of Micro And Macro Factors That Affect Your Business . [online] Mageplaza. Available at: [Accessed 9 Apr. 2021].

Uzonwanne, F.C. (2016) Rational Model of Decision Making. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance , pp.1–6. (2020). Ethical Theories . [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Apr. 2021].

Young, J. (2020) Evidence-based Practice for Effective Decision-Making | Factsheets . [online] CIPD. Available at: [Accessed 11 Mar. 2021].


Armstrong, M. (2020) Armstrong’s handbook of strategic human resource management. 7th ed. London: Kogan Page.

Walters, Kerry (1994) Re-Thinking Reason. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 181–98.

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What is cipd.

CIPD is the professional body for Human Resources and people development. It’s for people who looking to transition into Human resources or advance the career in HR.  CIPD professional body has over 150,000 members around the world. CIPD is a recognized professional certificate in different parts of the world. 

Having the title CIPD in your resume makes you very competitive in the job market.  The good thing about CIPD is that you can join even if you don’t have any experience in Human resource management.

7 Stages Where You Can Join the CIPD Program

  • CIPD Student Member – Joining as a student member gives you access to materials that help you with your studies. 
  • Foundation Member – This is when you start from the very bottom because you don’t have any experience, and you have never worked in Human resources. At this level, you are exposed to the foundation knowledge and skill you need to have to be an HR professional. 
  • CIPD Associate Member – This is for people who are approaching mid-level HR professionals. This level is for people who already have foundation knowledge, and have worked in the lower level, for example, HR assistants, HR coordinators, and HR administrators. A CIPD associate member is ideal for someone who has had some entry-level experience for 2-3 years.
  • CIPD Chartered Membership – This is a more seasoned HR profession. You need to have upwards of 5 years of experience working in HR. 
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  • Affiliate Member – This is for members who do lots of research and study on Human Resources. 


Cipd level 3 assignments examples.

  • CIPD 3CO01 Business, culture, and cha nge in context
  • CIPD 3CO02 Principles of analytics
  • CIPD 3CO03 Core behaviors for people professionals
  • CIPD 3CO04 Essentials of people practice

CIPD Level 5 Assignments Examples

  • CIPD 5CO01 Organizational performance and culture in practice
  • CIPD 5CO02 Evidence-based practice
  • CIPD 5CO03 Professional behaviors and valuing people
  • CIPD 5HR01 Employment relationship management
  • CIPD 5HR02 Talent management and workforce planning
  • CIPD 5HR03 The reward for performance and contribution
  • CIPD 5LD01: Supporting Self-Directed and Social Learning
  • CIPD 5LD02 Learning and Development Design  
  • CIPD 5LD03 Facilitate personalized and performance-focused learning
  • CIPD 5OS01 Specialist employment law
  • CIPD 5OS02 advances in digital learning and development
  • CIPD 5OSO3 Learning and Development Essentials
  • CIPD 5OSO4 People management in an international context
  • CIPD ‎5OS05 Diversity and inclusion
  • CIPD 5OS06 Leadership and management development
  • CIPD 5OS07 Well being at Work | CIPD Level 5 Assignment Help

CIPD Level 7 Assignments Examples

  • CIPD 7OS03 Learning and Development Essentials
  • CIPD 7OSO4 People management in an international context
  • CIPD ‎7OS05 Diversity and inclusion
  • CIPD 7OS06 Leadership and management development
  • CIPD 7OS07 Well being at Work | CIPD Level 5 Assignment Help
  • CIPD 7CO01  Work and working lives in a changing business environment
  • CIPD 7CO02 People management and development strategies for performance
  • CIPD 7CO03 Personal effectiveness, ethics, and business acumen
  • CIPD 7CO04 Business Research In People Practice
  • CIPD 7HR01 Strategic employment relations
  • CIPD 7HR02 Resourcing and talent management to sustain success
  • CIPD 7HR03 Strategic reward management
  • CIPD 7LD01 Organizational design and development
  • CIPD 7OS01 Advanced employment law in practice
  • CIPD 7LMD Leadership and Management Development
  • CIPD 7OS03 Technology-enhanced learning
  • CIPD 7OS04 Advanced diversity and inclusion
  • CIPD 5OS04 Managing people in an international context
  • CIPD 7OS06 Well Being at Work | CIPD Level 7 Examples

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    CPD. An academic essay is a piece of writing in a formal style which answers the question or statement posed in the essay title. The essay will be based on your research and, possibly, your own experience. You'll need to reflect on your findings and present your ideas in an analytical or critical style. The essay marker will be looking for ...

  13. CIPD 5CO01 Assignment Example

    Get Custom CIPD Assignment from Reliable Writers that Offer CIPD level 3 Assignment help. ... CIPD 5CO01 Assignment Example | Organizational Performance and Culture in Practice. September 17, 2023 December 8, 2022 by Junior Hinman. CIPD 5CO01 Assignment Example | Organizational Performance and Culture in Practice.

  14. Level 5 CIPD Assignment Samples

    The Level 5 CIPD assignment samples are typically more challenging than the Level 3 and Level 4 assignments as they require a deeper understanding of HRM concepts and theories. Here are some modules covered in the Level 5 CIPD assignment samples. Managing and Coordinating the HR Function: This module is designed to provide an understanding of ...

  15. PDF Associate Diploma in People Management

    Centres will be required to mark the assignments and internally moderate the marks. The CIPD will conduct moderation sampling and validate centre marking before the release of results to learners. Assessment focus Assessment for the CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management is employer-driven and

  16. 5CO03 Assignment Example

    Identify at least two examples that highlight your approach to working inclusively, plus how you have built positive working relationships with others. Your reflections need to focus on what you did, and the skills and behaviours demonstrated. (2.4) Activity 4 - assessing the impact of your learning and CPD.

  17. 5CO01 Assignment Example

    Calculate the price of your order. Type of paper needed: Designing Learning and Development Activities (3DES) Pages: 275 words. You will get a personal manager and a discount. ILM CMI CIPD LEVEL 3 CIPD LEVEL 5 CIPD LEVEL 7. CIPD Level 5 HR Experts will find the 5co01 Assignment Example greatly helpful in tackling this assignment.

  18. 5OS01 Assignment Example

    Every employee over the age of 18 should be given at least three types of breaks per week: rest breaks at the workplace, a daily break, and a weekly rest. An unpaid 20-minute break is granted to workers who put in more than six hours of work per day ("Contracts of employment and working hours - GOV.UK", n.d.).

  19. 5CO02 Assignment Example

    De Bono (six thinking hats) is a decision-making approach that Edward De Bono developed in 1985. It is a good decision-making approach for group discussions and personal thinking because it involves a combined parallel process. Each of the six hats is metaphors for six different ways of thinking.

  20. CIPD Assignment Examples For Level 3, 5 & 7 Samples

    This is the right place for you to instantly get free CIPD assignment examples with references for all CIPD Level 3, 5, & 7 assignments. We also provide the best online CIPD assignment writing service in UK by professional writers at cheap price. Order Now !

  21. CIPD Level 5 assignment, CIPD level 5 l&d assignment example

    The CIPD Level 5 Assignment diploma equips you with in-depth knowledge and skills across various HR disciplines, enabling you to tackle complex HR challenges confidently. You will gain insights ...

  22. CIPD Level 5 Assignments Examples

    CIPD 5RST Assignment Examples: Resourcing and Talent Planning Answers, UK. Resourcing and Talent Planning (5RST) is the unit of the CIPD Level 5 that provides an understanding of the HR function to enhance workforce mobilisation. This unit focuses on ensuring that HR profess. Read More >>.

Agreed that they were positively supported by their line manager in the role that they perform.100Disagreed that they were positively supported by their line manager in the role that they perform.156
Agreed that performance targets set by their line manager were achievable.45Disagreed that performance targets set by their line manager were achievable.211
Agreed that the amount of learning and development that they received helped them achieve current and future working practices.95Disagreed that the amount of learning and development that they received helped them achieve current and future working practices.161
Agreed that their line manager was empathetic to my work/life balance.112Disagreed that their line manager was empathetic to my work/life balance.144
Agreed that their line manager actively promotes their self- development and career progression.68Disagreed that their line manager actively promotes their self- development and career progression.188
Agreed that the line manager is approachable.37Agreed that the line manager is approachable.219
Agreed that their line manager avoids bias in attitude and treatment of people86Disagreed that their line manager avoids bias in attitude and treatment of people170
Agrees that their line manager resolves conflict amongst team members.102Disagreed that their line manager resolves conflict amongst team members.154
Agrees that their line manager delegates authority and independence.6Disagreed that their line manager delegates authority and independence.250
Agrees that their line manager communicates reasons for changes and decisions.11Disagreed that their line manager communicates reasons for changes and decisions.245
Agreed that the goods and services on offer were value for money101Disagreed that the goods and services on offer were value for money44
Agreed that delivery of products and services were timely from point of sale to delivery.45Disagreed that delivery of products and services were timely from point of sale to delivery.100
Agreed that the quality of goods and services were acceptable114Disagreed that the quality of goods and services were acceptable31
Agreed that customer services were assessable and responsive to all calls.34Disagreed that customer services were assessable and responsive to all calls.111
Agreed that all complaints were dealt with in. a timely and professional manner54Disagreed that all complaints were dealt with in. a timely and professional manner91
Agreed that they the after sales services were good.27Disagreed that they the after sales services were good.118
Agreed that their initial enquiry was handled in a timely and professional manner.3Disagreed that their initial enquiry was handled in a timely and professional manner.142
Agreed that on receipt of goods that packaging was acceptable in protecting the goods.143Disagreed that on receipt of goods that packaging was acceptable in protecting the goods.2
Agreed that they would recommend the company to a friend or business98Disagreed that they would recommend the company to a friend or business47
Agreed that the range of products and services was sufficient to satisfy their requirements.31Disagreed that the range of products and services was sufficient to satisfy their requirements.114