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I've reviewed and screened thousands of resumes, and I am sharing my preferred resume format, free to download as a Word doc (along with my best resume advice).

Nearly everyday on Reddit, I address numerous postings for students and professionals who have applied to endless companies with no response. My answer is typically that they either have (1) a bad resume format; or (2) they have little to no experience, which means their resume format should be reworked - see (1).

To generally help the frustrated out there with poor formats, I decided to share a  downloadable and editable Google doc version in the hope that it helps those struggling with formatting issues. Hopefully many will find this useful.

P.S. As a long-time hiring manager and professional resume writer (Unfold Careers) who’s worked with many recruiters, this has been widely validated as readable and effective (and ATS friendly).

Most Common Resume Advice I Give:

Be More Precise. Too often resumes come to me with vague descriptions, like “Was top salesperson in SaaS group." While this may be true, push yourself to be more precise. What is the “top salesperson” denotation measured by? How many individuals are on the SaaS team? By what amount did you perform better than others on the team? For what period of time? Taking these into account, your description becomes something like: “Grossed highest sales in 25-member SaaS group for 2 years consecutively and improved SaaS team’s sales by 20%.” See the improvement? Don’t be afraid to bold the metrics throughout the resume.

Describe Your Impact. I see many critiques pushing for “achievements” in a resume, which is often confusing to many who don’t have metric-based roles or don’t quantify their responsibilities. Instead, focus on your impact . Describe how your work on a project significantly impacted the company, role, or the team. Add that you were Employee of the Year in 2015 for developing an algorithm for improving the efficiency of incoming customer service ticket sorting and organization. The awards and achievements can be a separate section in the resume or within experience descriptions, depending on the length and organization of your resume.

One Page. Enough said.

The 10 Second Refresh. A hiring manager will review your resume for approximately 10 seconds or less. When you do this, what do you see? Your resume needs to SCREAM whatever roles, skills, and experience is required by the role you want.

Bullet Points. I can't stress enough how hiring managers don't want to read huge blocks of text paragraphs on the resume. Break this up into manageable bites.

Explanations of Gaps. It is better to have something on your resume rather than a gap showing unemployment. For example, a stay at home mom with a five year gap could fill in that space with: "Starting in May 2013, I left [COMPANY] to work as a stay-at-home mom for my three children. During this time, I started my own local jewelry company, which became profitable after just 6 months, and I served as the lead planner for multiple charity events, raising over $75,000, for my children’s school.”

Remove Your Objective Summary. Usually, this doesn’t add anything to the resume, and a hiring manager usually skips it (we’re busy people and don’t have time to read 100 resume summaries). If you keep it, which I’d recommend to explain varied experience, a career change, or other non-standard circumstances, I’d recommend 2 brief phrases – no more than 2 or 3 lines. I would state the number of years of experience you have doing [usually your current role/type of practice], some of your top skills/achievements, and finally point out the role you are seeking to describe why your skills/current role make you perfect for the role. Also, avoid using the 1st person.

Poor Action Words. Reevaluate your descriptions. Read each one and think about what it REALLY means. For example, what does “Championed staff blogging” mean? Sometimes we get caught up using flowery language while losing the effect of the content. Often simplicity can drive stronger impressions because it’s understood what exactly you did. The hiring manager can then say – “oh, that’s exactly the skill I need for this position.”

Remove References. References should not be on the resume. They should be provided when asked. I’d recommend creating a separate document with a similar heading as your resumé with your references and their contact information laid out. Also make sure your references are prepared to be contacted in the event you haven’t spoken to them in a while.

Apologies in advance for the wordiness, but I hope this helps! Feel free to comment if you have further questions, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

The Top 10 Free Resume Builders of 2024 (That Are Actually Free)

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Is writing your resume giving you a headache? Let a free resume builder ease the pain and help you create a polished, professional resume in no time.

All you need to do is plug in your information. The resume builder takes care of the rest!

To get started, follow these four simple steps:

  • Choose a resume builder that suits your needs. Check out our list of the best free resume builder tools to find the perfect one for you.
  • Gather your materials . Make sure you have your current resume and the job description of the position you’re applying for on hand.
  • Follow the prompts provided by your chosen resume builder. Our ratings will help you gauge the level of effort each prompt requires.
  • Optimize your resume for ATS (applicant tracking systems) with Jobscan’s resume scanner .

The following resume builders are really free . We’ve even provided tips on how to use them without entering any credit card information. 

Give these builders a try and start crafting your winning resume today!

Table of Contents

The top 10 free resume builders of 2024, #1 – jobscan’s resume builder, #2 – cakeresume, #3 – resume genius, #4 – my perfect resume, #5 – indeed, #6 – zety, #7 –, #8 – novoresume, #9 – standard resume, #10 – canva.

Usability score: Extremely Easy

screenshot of jobscan's resume builder showing the licenses and certifications editor section

Why do we like it?

We have to admit, we’re a bit biased here! But we really like this resume builder. It’s incredibly easy to use and effortlessly guides job seekers through the process. 

Our favorite part is that it’s ATS-friendly . The templates are designed with applicant tracking systems in mind, ensuring that your resume stays optimized and has the best chance of getting past the initial screening process.

Another feature of Jobscan’s resume builder is the split-screen format . 

The first section prompts you to input the information you want to include in your resume. As you fill in your details, you can see the builder formatting that information into the second section , which becomes your final product. 

It’s a seamless and intuitive process that helps you create a polished and professional resume in no time.

Is this resume builder really free? How do you use it?

Yes, it’s free! And it’s incredibly easy to use.

All you have to do is select one of our ATS-friendly resume templates . Then you can personalize the template for each job you’re applying for by filling out our simple forms. 

Once you’re finished, you can download, print, and submit your resume to potential employers with confidence.

Along with the free resume builder, Jobscan offers cover letter templates , resume writing guides , and more, making it easy for you to put together a stellar job application.

  • Offers a variety of ATS-friendly resume templates to choose from.
  • Split-screen format shows you what your input looks like in real-time. 
  • Completely free to use, with no hidden fees or charges.
  • Provides a resume score showing how well your resume matches the job description.
  • Provides additional resources such as cover letter templates and resume writing guides.
  • Jobscan has a limited scan history, so you can’t see all your previous resume scans.

Says "Proven Resume Templates" with images of templates.

CakeResume really is a piece of cake to use. Simply drag and drop pre-made sections, update your information, and voila! 

You also have the option to showcase your professional brand even further by creating a public profile and uploading your LinkedIn information. 

This gives hiring managers who visit CakeResume the opportunity to view your information and potentially consider you for job openings.

CakeResume allows you to create one free basic resume. We suggest using the free download to create a basic resume that you can edit and update for different jobs.

Once you’re ready to download, just click the PDF button in the upper left corner to save a free copy of your resume to your computer.

  • User-friendly interface with drag-and-drop pre-made sections.
  • Option to create a public profile.
  • Easy downloading in PDF format.
  • The limited free version allows you to only create one basic resume.
  • Can only download your resume in PDF format.
  • Not guaranteed to be ATS-friendly. 

When you’re done building your resume with CakeResume, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Says "The Genius Resume Builder" with an image of a resume.

Resume Genius is as easy as a resume builder gets. 

First, the builder guides you through a series of multiple-choice questions about your education and experience. This leaves only a few blanks for you to fill in with dates, roles, and other straightforward answers.

We especially like the “Add Pre-Written Bullet Points” feature. This time-saving tool allows you to select from a vast selection of pre-written bullet points that match your specific industry or job role.

This feature is an excellent way to streamline the resume-building process and to ensure that job responsibilities are written with precision and clarity.

When you’ve completed your resume, you’ll be directed to a pricing page that may seem to suggest that the most affordable option is a 14-day trial of Resume Genius for just $2.95, followed by a monthly subscription charge of $24.95. 

But there’s an alternate option that requires no credit card information. 

Simply click on this link , then log in again, and you’ll be taken to a page where you can see your saved resume. You can download it for free as a .txt file, which is a basic document that removes formatting. 

This is an excellent option for those seeking a budget-friendly and hassle-free solution to their resume-building needs.

  • User-friendly resume builder offers multiple-choice questions.
  • Option to add pre-written bullet points can save time. 
  • Allows you to download your resume for free as a .txt file.
  • Limited customization options compared to some other resume builders.
  • The .txt format lacks visual appeal.
  • No free option to download a PDF or Word doc.
  • Not guaranteed to be ATS-friendly.

When you’re done building your resume with Resume Genius, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Usability score : Medium

Says "Create Your Perfect Resume Today".

My Perfect Resume understands the importance of highlighting critical skills and relevant keywords . As our extensive research at Jobscan has demonstrated, these factors are crucial to the success of any job search. 

With My Perfect Resume, you have the ability to search for specific skills by job title and add them with just one click. 

The final step of the process allows you to add optional sections, such as awards, certifications , and volunteer work . This can be especially beneficial for those embarking on a career change or entering the job market for the first time. 

When you’re finished building your resume, do NOT click “save and next.” Instead, select “download” on the left toolbar (if you reach the plans page, you’ve gone too far). 

Then, choose “Plain Text (.txt)” from the pop-up window. Your online resume will be downloaded for free as a basic document without formatting. 

  • Highlights critical skills and relevant keywords.
  • Can add specific skills by job title with just one click.
  • Allows optional sections to be added.
  • Users have reported difficulty canceling their subscriptions.

When you’re done building your resume with My Perfect Resume, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

screenshot of indeed's resume builder

Indeed not only offers a lightning-fast resume builder, but it also allows you to automatically share your resume with potential employers on the site. 

This feature can vastly increase your resume’s visibility and help you stand out in a crowded job market.

Indeed’s resume builder also provides the option of uploading your current resume and automatically reformatting it, making the process even more efficient.

Indeed doesn’t hide the free options the way many of the other builders do. 

Simply sign up with your email and password, create your resume using the builder, and then download the finished product. 

What’s more, you’ll never be prompted to upgrade to a paid account at any point in the process.

  • Fast and efficient.
  • Your resume can be shared with potential employers on the site. 
  • Upload your existing resume to have it automatically reformatted.
  • No prompt to upgrade to a paid account during the process.
  • Format and design options are limited compared to other builders
  • No option to download a Word doc.

When you’re done building your resume with Indeed, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Usability score : Easy

Says "Resume Templates" with an image of a resume template.

Zety is a resume builder that truly understands the importance of customization . 

With this builder, you’ll enjoy an unparalleled level of control over your resume’s appearance and formatting. Choose your preferred color scheme, font size , line spacing, and even the way your dates are formatted. 

And that’s just the beginning – with Zety, you can also add links to your social channels, such as LinkedIn (a must-have for all industries) and Twitter or Facebook (particularly valuable for social media marketing positions).

Plus, you’ll receive tips and examples to help you write a compelling summary statement that captures your unique value as a candidate. 

While Zety does not offer the option to download your resume for free, the platform does provide an easy workaround. 

To create a free link to your resume, simply navigate to the “Online Resume” option in the header once you’ve completed your build. From there, generate a link to your resume and open it in your browser. 

Once you have the link open, simply right-click and select “Save” to download the document to your device. 

With this clever trick, you can enjoy all the benefits of Zety’s powerful resume builder without having to pay a cent.

  • Control over your resume’s appearance and formatting.
  • Tips and examples to help you write a compelling summary statement.
  • Add links to your social media channels.
  • Offers a variety of professional templates to choose from.
  • Zety does not offer a free download option for your resume.
  • Must use a “trick” to get your free resume.

When you’re done building your resume with Zety, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Says "Build a Professional Resume for Free".

Unlike other builders that feel like a black box, is actually set up like a resume itself, which makes it easy to visualize the final product as you work your way through each section. 

This makes a great choice if you want to maintain control over the process and fine-tune every aspect of your resume. 

What’s more, offers a unique “Import LinkedIn” option, which allows you to seamlessly transfer information from your LinkedIn profile to the template with just a single click.

You can download your resume as a PDF, Word Document, Rtf, and Txt file for free, without any hidden fees or surprises.

  • See your resume come together in real-time as you work on each section.
  • Transfer your LinkedIn profile to the resume template.
  • Download your resume in multiple file formats for free.
  • Customization options are limited compared to other resume builders.
  • Some users report surprise charges or hidden fees after signing up.

When you’re done building your resume with, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

An image of a resume template for Novoresume.

When it comes to building your resume on Novoresume, simplicity is key. 

The interface is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy to navigate and create a polished resume in no time. 

After selecting your preferred resume format, simply fill in the necessary information and you’re good to go. 

There’s even the option to include additional sections like awards, certificates, foreign languages, volunteer experience, and more. You can easily remove sections that aren’t relevant to your specific needs.

If you’re using the Basic Account on this resume builder, you can download your resume for free, regardless of which template or features you choose to use.

  • User-friendly and intuitive interface.
  • Can easily add or remove sections as per your specific needs.
  • Basic account users can download their resumes for free.
  • Basic account offers limited functionality, features, and templates.  
  • Advanced customization options are not available.

When you’re done building your resume with Novoresume, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Says "Creative Modern Professional Simple" with an image of a resume template.

One of the best things about Standard Resume’s builder is that it allows you to easily import your information from LinkedIn , saving you valuable time. 

Another cool feature is the ability to edit your resume on the go from your smartphone . 

Finally, Standard Resume offers real-time suggestions and tips for improving your resume, so you can rest assured that your resume is as polished and effective as possible.

Once you’re finished building your resume, you simply download it as a PDF.

While there are paid plans available that offer additional features and functionality, the basic version of Standard Resume is completely free to use. 

Just sign up and start using it.

  • Easy import of information from LinkedIn, saving time.
  • Mobile app allows for on-the-go editing of your resume.
  • Real-time suggestions and tips for improving your resume.
  • Basic version is completely free to use.
  • Free version only offers one resume format.
  • No option to download in other file formats besides PDF.

When you’re done building your resume with Standard Resume, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

screenshot of canva's resume builder

Canva offers a wide variety of resume templates in different categories, so you’re sure to find one that fits your style and needs. 

Using Canva to create your resume is a breeze – simply choose a template you like, add your information, and download your resume for free. It’s that simple! 

With Canva, you can use as many free resume templates as you want – there’s no limit. 

All you need to do is sign up for a basic account and you’re ready to start creating a winning resume. 

  • Canva offers a wide variety of resume templates in different categories.
  • Can use numerous free resume templates, without any limits or restrictions.
  • Simple to use drag-and-drop interface.
  • Lots of additional design features, such as icons, graphics, and fonts.
  • While Canva’s basic account is free, users may need to pay for certain features or upgrades in order to access more advanced customization options or features.
  • Manual input is required for certain formatting elements like alignment, text size, and fonts.

When you’re done building your resume with Canva, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Remember, if you want to be 100 percent sure that your resume is ATS-friendly, try Jobscan’s resume builder .

Screenshot of Jobscan's resume builder.

  • 500 Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume Today
  • How to Create an AI Resume

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Simplify your Job Search with a Job Search Spreadsheet [Template + Free Tool]


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Updated to add new graphics and links

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Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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The 17 Best Free Resume Builders We've Ever Discovered

Caroline Forsey

Published: April 25, 2024

According to GetFive, only 30% of resumes are approved by applicant tracking systems (ATS). Once the resumes are approved, a hiring manager will only spend an average of six seconds reading each resume.

free resume builders

If those stats stress you out, I hear you. Writing a great resume that gets you noticed is tough — that’s why I’m here to encourage you to try a resume builder.

→ Download Now: 12 Resume Templates [Free Download]

In this post, I've compiled a list of the best free resume builders that will help you create a personalized professional resume that passes ATS, stands out to the hiring manager, and helps you land your next job interview.

Why use a resume builder?

Writing a polished resume is second nature for some job applicants. But for others (and maybe most of us), creating a strong resume can be a struggle.

If you're one of the many people who need a little extra support, here are a few ways I think a resume builder can help out.

Resume builders offer templates, clean designs, and tips that speed up resume writing. They also make the process less stressful.

Offers Writing Tips

It takes a lot of work to promote yourself. And even if you enjoy self-promotion, writing isn't a skill everyone has. A resume builder can help you use the best words and phrases to show your experience and knowledge.

Improves Design

Each industry has different expectations for what a great resume looks like. If you're not familiar with design skills or tools, resume builders offer free templates to make your resume look as good as it sounds.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Recruiters often use ATS systems to scan resumes. And a good resume builder will help with formatting to make sure that your resume is easy for these systems to read.

Best Free Resume Builders

  • Zety: Best for Expert Resume Creation Tips
  • Resume Genius: Best for Easy and Fast Resume Creation
  • Wepik: Best for Customizing Pre-Made Resumes
  • My Perfect Resume: Best for Guided Resume Creation Help
  • Standard Resume: Best for Active LinkedIn Users
  • Kickresume: Best for Quick and AI-Assisted Resume Creation
  • Canva: Best for Design Creativity and Expression
  • Pixpa: Best for Creating Online Resume Websites
  • Indeed: Best for In-Platform Job Seekers
  • Best for Minimalist Resume Creation
  • Novoresume: Best for ATS-Friendly Resume Building
  • VisualCV: Best for Multimedia Resumes
  • CakeResume: Best for Resumes With an Online Portfolio
  • Resume Now: Best for Time-Saving Resume Creation
  • ResumeNerd: Best for Resume Writing Help
  • Jofibo: Best for Comprehensive Guides
  • Hloom: Best for Resume Templates

We’ve discovered the best free resume builders on the market. These resume builders are great for all jobseekers, from entry-level to executive level.

Each free resume builder has a simple interface, customization options, and templates that help you create the perfect resume for your next job.

Featured Resource : HubSpot Resume Templates

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12 Free Customizable Resume Templates

Fill out this form to access your free professionally-designed templates, available on:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Docs
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Google Slides

Download Free

All fields are required.

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

2. Resume Genius : Best for Easy and Fast Resume Creation

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Career Sidekick

10 Best Free Resume Builders

By Biron Clark

Published: February 15, 2024

Resume/CV | Reviews

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

There are quite a few free online resume sites, but some are MUCH better than others.

Some also appear to be free but will make you pay at the very end or you won’t be able to download your newly-created resume.

So in this article, I’m going to review the 10 best resume sites that offer completely free resume builders.

These are the websites that offer the best resume templates, best building software and user experience, and don’t charge you to download a printable resume.

Top 10 Free Online Resume Builders

1. cultivated culture.

Cultivated Culture provides free tools and information to job seekers. It’s run by Austin Belcak, who’s spent his recent career developing formulas for crafting effective resumes, writing engaging cover letters, and landing high-paying jobs at some of the world’s top companies.

His free resume builder includes eight resume templates that are ATS friendly , full design customization, and expert advice throughout the process to help you craft the perfect resume.

The tool is user-friendly and makes writing a resume simple. Here’s how it works:

  • Choose your resume template.
  • Select a color scheme.
  • Create your resume. You’ll be able to add information to the various sections of your resume , including personal information, experience, education, and skills . You can remove and add sections as needed.
  • Once you’re happy with your resume click “Finalize.” Here you’ll be able to adjust the font size, line spacing, and margins.
  • Download your resume as a PDF or Word file, or save it to your Google Drive.

You can use this tool to build an unlimited number of resumes.

Cultivated Culture also offers two other free tools that will help you develop a more professional resume. They have a scanner that offers suggestions and keywords based on your desired role and also provides a feature to help you write more effective bullet points.

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2. NovoResume

NovoResume is an online resume builder that offers eight free templates to choose from, a content optimizer, pre-written resume samples, a cover letter builder, and templates for your cover letter.

After you choose one of their resume template options you’re taken straight into their resume builder. You have to sign up for a free account before continuing, but this just takes a moment.

The free version of NovoResume allows you to build one single-page resume. Click on any of the resume sections to edit and customize it however you like. You can also change the font, template, design, or layout throughout the process if you’re not happy with the way it’s looking. 

If you want a little more flexibility you can upgrade to the premium resume builder, which lets you create unlimited resumes and gives you access to additional fonts, templates, and various customization options.

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3. LiveCareer

LiveCareer offers a free resume builder designed by certified resume writers. They also offer example resumes, templates, a cover letter builder, cover letter templates, and everything else you need to build an eye-catching resume.

The first thing you’ll notice about their resume builder is the number of templates they offer. There are over 30 templates to choose from, which gives you the freedom to create a resume that suits you. They’ll also recommend templates for you, based on your level of experience and the job title you’re applying for.

Once you choose one of their templates you have the choice of starting from scratch or uploading your current resume for LiveCareer to reformat. 

When creating a new resume, the resume builder will walk you through each section one at a time and ask you to provide the required information. During the resume-building process, LiveCareer will suggest bullet points that are related to the job titles you list in your work experience.

They’ll even provide a pre-written summary for you based on all the information you provide (although you also have the option to write your own summary if you like).

After you’re done you can download your resume to your computer in a PDF, Word document, or plain text. 

With LiveCareer’s free resume builder, you can make multiple resumes and download them in plain text format. However, if you want unlimited downloads in Word or PDF you’ll need to upgrade to one of their premium options. While there isn’t a free 30-day trial, for just $2.95 you can try it for 14 days. However, after 14 days, the plan auto-renews at $23.95, billed every 4 weeks, unless you cancel it .

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Zety offers all the tools you need to build a resume that will catch an employer’s attention. In addition to their online resume builder, they give you access to over 20 resume templates, writing tips, pre-written examples, a cover letter builder, templates for your cover letters, and more. 

Once you select one of their resume templates, you can choose to start a resume from scratch or build off of an existing document (Zety will reformat it for you).

You’ll find Zety and LiveCareer’s resume builders are virtually identical (they seem to be built on the same platform), and they have all the same features and download options. Zety also has the same payment structure, where to download multiple resumes or gain access to their more advanced tool options, you’ll need to purchase a premium subscription.

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5. USA Jobs

USA Jobs provides the best resume builder software when applying for government jobs.

Their online resume builder is geared toward the exact application process and requirements of the typical government role.

(And those requirements are quite overwhelming if you haven’t applied to many government jobs in the past, so it’s fantastic that their software helps.)

You’ll need to set up an account with USA Jobs to get started, but it’s well worth it.

After joining, follow these steps to start creating a resume for government jobs:

  • Sign into your account.
  • Go to your Documents.
  • Click “Upload” if you want to edit an existing resume or “Build Resume” if you want to create a new one.

From here, you can add text to the various sections of your resume (work experience, previous job title, education, references, etc.). There’s also a section where you can add additional information, like job training, languages, and affiliations. Once you finish your resume you’ll be able to access it in your documents list and can use it to apply to various government positions.

The big difference between USA Jobs’s resume builder and other similar tools is the amount of information it asks you to include. For example, federal government recruiters review, audit, and score a wide variety of information, and this builder ensures you don’t omit anything that the recruiters require for you to be considered.

I found out about this tool through a colleague on LinkedIn, and here’s how they explained it:

USA jobs - best resume builder software for government jobs

So, if you’re applying to any government jobs, this is THE resume builder to use .

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6. My Perfect Resume

My Perfect Resume offers free resume builder software and over 30 proven resume templates to help you get started. They also provide a resume optimizer, cover letter builder, cover letter templates, and several different customization options to help you land your dream job.

This resume builder uses the same platform as LiveCareer and Zety. You start by indicating how long you’ve been working and based on that My Perfect Resume will recommend a few templates for you. Then they’ll walk you through each section so you can fill in the correct information. They’ll offer suggestions along the way and will even write your bullets for you if you wish.

Once you’ve completed the process you can download your resume as a PDF, Word document, or plain text file. To enjoy unlimited downloads in Word or PDF, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid account. There is no free trial, but a 14-day full access for $2.95. After two weeks, the subscription auto-renews at $23.95 billed every 4 weeks, unless you cancel it.

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7. is a completely free resume builder. They also offer information on how to write an effective cover letter, career advice for job seekers, and more.

Their resume builder is simple to use:

  • Enter the type of job you want to apply for.
  • Choose a resume template. offers 15 different templates.
  • Click on each section of the template to edit it. Tips are provided for each section to help you craft the perfect resume.
  • When you’re finished, you can choose to print or download your resume as a PDF or text file.

In addition to resume building, partnered with Indeed. You’ll use a single account for both platforms. By creating a resume, you agree to create a public resume on Indeed and to receive job opportunities from employers. However, you can change this at any point.

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JobScan is known mainly for its flagship software that allows you to match your resume up to the job description before applying (also known as tailoring a resume ).

However, they recently launched a free resume builder that’s among one of the best we’ve seen. It features great resume templates and design options, and it also offers writing guides, cover letter templates, and more.

I’d certainly put this among the free best resume-making sites available right now.

Once you begin, their resume builder gives you the option of building a resume from scratch or editing an existing file. You can even download your LinkedIn profile as a PDF and parse it as an “existing resume.”

If you choose to create a new resume you’ll start by picking one of the three resume templates they have to offer. Then you’ll simply fill in the required information for each section of the resume. Additionally, unlike other resume builders, Jobscan offers 15 Google Docs resume templates, designed by their team.

JobScan provides labeled fields for all the details you need to provide for every section, and a number of these fields are required to ensure you don’t miss anything.

If you already have a resume you’re reasonably happy with you can upload it to the resume builder and JobScan will reformat it and fill in your information based on what’s provided in your resume.

Once you’re done building your professional resume you’ll have the option to scan it based on the job you’re applying for.

JobScan will give your resume a grade ( match rate score) that’s judged on several factors, including skills match, education match, ATS tips, keywords, word count, and more. Based on these results, you’ll be able to build a resume that’s perfectly suited to the job you’re applying for.

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9. Kickresume

Kickresume is one of the best resume builders I was able to find while researching. You’ll have to create an account before using it, however, this process only takes a moment.

Once you’re inside the resume builder you have the option of starting a resume from scratch, importing your resume from your LinkedIn profile, using one of their example resumes, or creating a new resume with AI.

Click on the different sections and fill in the fields to make your resume. You can also add and remove sections to personalize the document.

Click “Customization” along the left-hand side to change the colors, format, font, and template. There’s also an option to have it proofread by a professional, although there is a charge for this service.

When you’re happy with your resume, click “Download” to export it as a PDF file or Word doc, email it to yourself, or save it to Dropbox.

Kickresume also has a premium option. The free option should be good enough for most, as it allows you to build unlimited resumes and gives you access to plenty of resume examples and pre-written phrases for you to use.

But if you want access to all the resume templates and tools you might want to consider the premium option. You can choose a monthly, quarterly, or yearly plan. While they don’t have a free trial they do offer a 14-day money-back guarantee.

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Indeed is known mostly as a job search tool to find employment opportunities in your local area. However, the company also offers a free resume builder to help job seekers perfect their resume before applying for postings.

Once you choose one of their eight different templates you’re taken to the resume builder where you can edit the document. You can switch templates at any time, adjust the color scheme, and add or remove sections. Once you’re satisfied with what you created about can download your resume as a PDF file.

While there are better resume builders out there, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to create a resume, this one is a good choice.

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Caution: Before Using ANY Online Resume Builder

There’s one more piece of information you should know before acting on ANY of the online resume builder reviews above.

In my experience, too many job seekers focus on an eye-catching resume design when applying for jobs or emailing recruiters , but they don’t put enough focus on writing great content and information that will appeal to the reader. So no matter which of these top 10 resume builders you choose, focus mostly on the text and information you add, not the design.

In fact, I still recommend a single-column layout.

And the truth is, if I were creating my own resume today, I’d use a regular Word template, not any online software or tool.

I discussed this with a colleague on LinkedIn here:

resume building websites vs writing your own resume

Microsoft Office has good templates available , and Hloom is another good site for templates.

I can understand if you don’t want to tinker with resume formatting , spacing, etc., and everything that comes with creating it in a Word doc, but that’s what I’d personally do.

Just keep this in mind when choosing any drag-and-drop software above; you should always pick a design that lets you focus on the content and info because that’s what employers want to see. Don’t choose a format that doesn’t give much space to describe your recent work, accomplishments, etc.

Because the FIRST place I look as a recruiter is your work history, under your one or two most recent roles.

I’d also never recommend a resume layout that doesn’t begin with your employment history on the top half of page 1.

Employment experience is often the first thing hiring managers look for (unless you’re an entry-level job seeker), and you should never make them scroll far down the page (or look on page 2) to find it.

Conclusion: Choosing the Best Online Resume Site for You

There isn’t one single best resume builder for all people in all industries, but the 10 choices above provide good, basic options that are user-friendly and will impress hiring managers.

I recommend visiting a few of the sites above and seeing which builder and templates look best to you. Each site offers different features/options, so you’ll want to get a sense of which one feels best to you before creating and downloading a resume.

And if you read my “Caution” statement above and decide to build your own resume in a document rather than in an online app, I have many free resources to help you here.

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

More Resume Tips & Guides

Crafting the perfect resume for teens (template & expert advice), how to beat applicant tracking systems with your resume, what do recruiters look for in a resume, what happens when you lie on your resume 10 risks, don’t say you’re a quick learner on your resume, guide to resume sections, titles, and headings, 12 resume formatting tips from a professional, how artificial intelligence (ai) is changing resume writing, 22 resume bullet point examples that get interviews, are resume writers worth it.

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More From Forbes

5 ai resume builders you should try in 2024.

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A resume builder should not be used as a magic wand, but it can certainly reduce anxiety in the job ... [+] search process and help you process your thoughts, skills and experiences in a way that will resonate with the recruiting team

In your quest to create the perfect resume, no doubt you've encountered several AI (artificial intelligence) applications all supposedly guaranteeing the same promise: to be able to save you time, worry, and stress, and generate a shiny new document that will get you past the gatekeepers and secure an initial interview.

If you've never used a generative AI tool before, you might be concerned and initially apprehensive.

And you should be.

After all, you don't want to take any chances and wreck an entire application that has already taken considerable painstaking effort.

With the plethora of options you have to choose from, it might be overwhelming to know which resume builders are worth your money (if you do need to pay anything at all) and which ones have the highest chances of success.

But as long as you follow these guidelines to make your resume with AI, you'll be on the right track:

How To Find A Good Resume Builder

When looking for a resume builder, you will need to carefully weigh up several factors including:

  • Ease of navigation and user experience
  • Your budget and pricing options available—including any free trials or free plans you might be able to take advantage of
  • Trustpilot and Product Hunt reviews, Reddit discussions and reviews, and even asking your professional connections on LinkedIn
  • Value for the price
  • Comparison of features and customization options—customization is extremely important for your resume to be effective
  • ATS compatibility

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A note on ATS compatibility: Applicant tracking systems are becoming more modernized, and as such, some features that would have been rendered unreadable and disqualify you from a position (such as double columns) are now accessible thanks to updated parsing technology, according to an Enhancv study .

However, it's worth bearing in mind that according to the study, a resume built with Canva or Microsoft Word tends to fare better overall without double columns—a 93% success rate compared to an 86% success rate for double columns.

At the same time, using a different software such as Google Docs yields an impressive 99% success rate, regardless of whether the resume was created with a single or double column.

5 AI-Powered Resume Builders

Below are five positively-reviewed AI-powered resume builder tools you can use to make your application truly stand out to hiring managers. Some, such as Enhancv, are tested against ATS software (applicant tracking systems that recruiters use to help screen candidate resumes) to ensure full compatibility:

  • Resumaker AI

How To Use A Resume Builder

Whichever resume builder you decide to use from the list above, it's essential to understand that AI is not a quick fix. While it certainly provides much needed assistance as you figure out how to make a resume that truly stands out to employers, you will need to ensure that you double check the final output for grammatical issues, spelling mistakes, inconsistencies, needless repetitions, and a lack of human flow in the writing style—all of which can be obvious tell-tale signs that your resume was written by AI.

Additionally, while AI can help with formatting and readability, you need to ensure that the final document reflects who you really are and is one that you are personally happy and comfortable with.

Using a resume builder doesn't take away from the fact that you need to sell yourself effectively. AI will only provide impetus to what you already have. An AI-powered resume builder won't do the selling for you. This means quantifying your achievements where possible and using this data to feed the resume builder.

Resume builders will also help you identify keywords to help you beat ATS—but you'll need to check over these to ensure they apply to you, and look out for any other resume keywords which are familiar terms in your industry so you can highlight the right keywords to catch the attention of recruiters.

Finally, it's essential to note that resume builders will not take away the necessity for mental effort. You still need to closely study job descriptions and highlight relevant experience, education, skills (including soft skills) and certificates that you possess, so that you can input these into the tool.

This is because resume builders may sometimes include skills that are not relevant to you, in an effort to match with the job description for the role you wish to apply for, so you'll need to ensure that you review these for accuracy. Also, some may only focus on your last role, so you'll need to add extra experiences to bulk up your resume and provide deeper context into your skills and experience.

Resume builders offer incredible features such as customization options, free trials, and assistance ... [+] with keywords.

Overall, crafting the perfect resume that actually gets you hired comes down to a combination of your personal input and self-belief in your abilities, and the complementary augmentation of artificial intelligence tools. Job searching can be an exhausting process, so utilize these resume builders to make your efforts easier and give you greater piece of mind—edging you closer to your dream job.

Rachel Wells

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  4. AITA for leaving without explanation after MIL pretended not to hear me: Reading Reddit Stories

  5. AITA for "Underdressing" at a Party: Reading Reddit Stories

  6. ነጻ የካናዳ CV/ RESUME ማዘጋጃ Website (100% FREE)


  1. Can anyone recommend a good FREE resume builder? : r/jobs

    Also, don't discount your own skills. I've written resumes for many of my friends. They've landed junior professional all the way to low-level executive roles using my resumes. I'm a software engineer, not a pro resume writer. I make this service available only to my close friends (of course, free of charge).

  2. Anyone had success with any of the AI resume tools?

    Teal and Huntr for tracking jobs (I like Teal better, has some AI tools built in) CareeredAI to write cover letters. PowerDreamer for resume writing specific to the job you're applying to. I personally input my whole resume, and just picked and choose which lines to add.

  3. Any good free resume builder tools? : r/resumes

    Proud-Ad-133. •. This doesn't work I've found out that it only saves personal information and else you have to pay to make a full resume!! Reply reply. Careful-Mistake-4758. •. Well that's not true at all. And PDF download is also free. Reply reply More repliesMore replies.

  4. Are Professional Resume Writing Services Legit and Worth It ...

    Seeking guidance: I've been exploring resume writing services after a layoff from the tech sector in August. Despite being a standout performer, securing interviews for senior-level roles remains challenging, especially in high-cost living areas. Considering investing $500 in resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn services with Stanley Houffman.

  5. A free and open source resume builder, now on v3!

    Hello, r/selfhosted ! The free and open-source resume builder app you all know and love is now on version 3.0, almost two years since its initial release, and it's out there! Without dwelling into the details too much at once, here are the links of interest: / Docs / GitHub. This new update comes with a lot of new features:

  6. Resumes

    Posting links to free/paid services (i.e., resume writer, builders etc.,) Posting a link to questionable and/or unrelated websites Naming other services or writers in a post or comment

  7. I've reviewed and screened thousands of resumes, and I am ...

    P.S. As a long-time hiring manager and professional resume writer (Unfold Careers) who's worked with many recruiters, this has been widely validated as readable and effective (and ATS friendly). Most Common Resume Advice I Give: Be More Precise. Too often resumes come to me with vague descriptions, like "Was top salesperson in SaaS group."

  8. The Top 10 Free Resume Builders of 2024 (That Are Actually Free)

    Zety is a resume builder that truly understands the importance of customization . With this builder, you'll enjoy an unparalleled level of control over your resume's appearance and formatting. Choose your preferred color scheme, font size, line spacing, and even the way your dates are formatted.

  9. The 17 Best Free Resume Builders We've Ever Discovered

    VisualCV: Best for Multimedia Resumes. CakeResume: Best for Resumes With an Online Portfolio. Resume Now: Best for Time-Saving Resume Creation. ResumeNerd: Best for Resume Writing Help. Jofibo: Best for Comprehensive Guides. Hloom: Best for Resume Templates. We've discovered the best free resume builders on the market.

  10. 10 Best Free Resume Builders

    While there isn't a free 30-day trial, for just $2.95 you can try it for 14 days. However, after 14 days, the plan auto-renews at $23.95, billed every 4 weeks, unless you cancel it. 4. Zety. Zety offers all the tools you need to build a resume that will catch an employer's attention.

  11. Reactive Resume

    Reactive Resume is a free and open-source project crafted mostly by me, and your support would be greatly appreciated. If you're inclined to contribute, and only if you can afford to, consider making a donation through any of the listed platforms. Additionally, donations to Reactive Resume through Open Collective are tax-exempt, as the project ...

  12. Free Resume Builder

    With Canva's free resume builder, applying for your dream job is easy and fast. Choose from hundreds of free, designer-made templates and customize them within a few clicks. Forget spending hours formatting your resume, or choosing complimentary fonts for your cover letter. Creating a resume online with Canva's free resume builder will give ...

  13. Free Resume Builder

    Online resume builder. Only 2% of resumes make it past the first round. Be in the top 2%. Use professional field-tested resume templates that follow the exact 'resume rules' employers look for. Easy to use and done within minutes - try now for free! Create My Resume. 26,955.

  14. Free Online Resume Builder

    Jump start your resume with resume templates. Don't create your resume from scratch. Use one of our proven resume templates and kick start your search from the beginning. Create your resume in minutes with Indeed's free resume builder. Download it to your computer or use it to apply for any job on Indeed.

  15. Rezi

    Rezi is the only resume platform that uses leading AI to automate every aspect of creating a hirable resume—writing, editing, formatting, and optimizing. Get Started—It's free. New feature: ATS Hack Mode. Charles Bloomberg. Seoul, South Korea. [email protected]. (621) 799-5548.

  16. Resume Builder for 2024

    Yes, Novorésumé is a 100% free resume builder. If you're on a budget, you can use it to create your resume completely free of charge. And no, unlike some other resume builders out there, we don't hit you with a paywall once you've completed your resume. If you use any of our premium features, the software will let you know about it.

  17. FlowCV

    01 Resume Builder 02 Cover Letter Builder 03 Personal Website 04 Email Signature 05 Job Tracker 06 AI Resume Writer. ... I was stuck in a dead-end fast-food job, using a self-made resume. [...] I discovered FlowCV on Reddit. [...] Unlike other "free" builders that hold your resume hostage, FlowCV delivered results. Thanks to FlowCV, I secured ...

  18. Online Resume builder to help you land the job (try for free)

    Join over 37,953,000 users worldwide. Start for free — try our resume builder now. Create My Resume. Build professional resumes in only 5 minutes with our easy to use Resume Builder 500+ examples & templates get hired faster using the best career tools.

  19. Creddle

    Easy in, easy out. Share it on the web. Embed it on your own website. Print it out and hand it to a person. Print it as a .pdf file. Automatic One-Page Fit. Add and change information and your Creddle résumé will change with you, while keeping relative font sizes consistent. Save time from constantly tweaking font sizes to fit.

  20. 5 AI Resume Builders You Should Try In 2024

    Below are five positively-reviewed AI-powered resume builder tools you can use to make your application truly stand out to hiring managers. Some, such as Enhancv, are tested against ATS software ...

  21. 10 Best Resume Builders of : Top Free and Paid Sites

    VisualCV - Best for Ready-to-go Resumes. - Best for Additional Features. Enhancv - Best for Job Suggestions. CakeResume - Best for Networking. Adobe Express - Best for Free. The best resume builders of 2023, including Zety (Best for Resume Review), Canva (Best for Customization) and Adobe Express (Best for Free).

  22. Free Resume Generator with AI-Driven Expertise

    Résumé Generator. Power up your job hunt with a tailored résumé, instant résumé feedback and interview questions in minutes. Completely FREE to use. We value your privacy. Your information is secure with us. We Generate More Than Just a Resume. Our App Helps Tell Your Story. Transform your résumé from a mere document into a compelling ...

  23. Free Resume Templates From Multiple Sources to Try

    1. Westminster, a Free Resume Template from ResumeGenius. This free resume template boasts a uniquely creative font combination: the elegant script-like headings create a powerful contrast with the friendly but businesslike body font. It's available in 6 dazzling colors and two formats: Microsoft Word and Google Docs.