‘I Think I’m Gonna Cry’ : 15 Best College Student Memes for the Ferociously Stressed Out Crowd Studying for Finals

Let's face it, being a College student sucks. You spend most of your day with your face crinkled, your mouth sprawled into a thin frown, and your eyes bloodshot from squinting intensely at your computer screen all day. You work hard at trying to make sense of life, but jokes on you, because in College you come to realize that nothing makes sense, especially life. 

Trust me, I know your pain, and understand the deep desire to procrastinate and pretend like deadlines don't exist until the last minute (That's what I'm here for, eh?). Nobody prepares you for the back pain, the amount of zeros in the bank, and the forehead lines you get from said frowning and squinting (Thanks to College, I'm getting Botox ten years early).

Whether you have an assignment due or you have to study for exams, I've created a list of memes that will help you smile through your tears. If you've finished your degree (Ignore my stink eye), you'll be able to relate. And if you haven't finished your degree (sending a virtual hug), let's go cry together, shall we? There's nothing like the mutual understanding of pain between College students. Scroll down and check 'em out.

For further procrastination, check out these hilarious shower thoughts.

Font - Veedy @Veedyyy "What's your major in college?" "stress"

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Forehead - *What's your Major?* *How are Finals going?* *What are you doing after you graduate?* Me:

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40 College Memes Current And Former Students Will Relate To This Semester


It’s hard to believe how fast summer is flying by which can only mean one thing. students are gearing up for another (or their first) year at college . Once the semester kicks into full gear, college students everywhere will feel the unique blend of excitement, stress, and caffeine that defines their academic lives. To add a touch of humor to the grind, we’ve compiled a list of 40 college memes that both current and former students will find hilariously relatable.

From the inevitable all-nighters before exams and the mountainous stacks of required readings to the joy of finding a free table in the library and the mixed feelings about group projects, these memes encapsulate the highs and lows of college life .

Whether you’re a freshman navigating your first semester or a seasoned senior counting down the days until graduation, these memes are a light-hearted reminder that you are not alone in this journey. So take a break from your studies, have a laugh, and remember: we’ve all been there.

university assignment memes

Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at natecomedy.com.


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