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How did Khaadi become Pakistani fashion's biggest success story? Shamoon Sultan spills all

How did Khaadi become Pakistani fashion's biggest success story? Shamoon Sultan spills all

business plan of khaadi

Shamoon Sultan has always been hard to pin down.

His life moves at a hectic pace, with him scuttling from store visits to meetings to, what I imagine to be, massive masterminding sessions, where he devises new ways of ruling the high street. He doesn’t take days off, arrives diligently early everywhere and even confesses to working through weekends.

He’s been doing so for 22-odd years, punctilious to the core, weaving together his design acumen with his knack for business to build a passion project that is now Pakistani fashion’s biggest success story: Khaadi.

It’s admirable — although, on a personal note, it makes coordinating for an interview with him extremely difficult. In the past few months, however, there was a time when I was surprisingly able to reach out to Shamoon more easily, cornering him for an astute quote on the changing ways of the fashion world, or simply a candid phone conversation.

In those early weeks of a countrywide lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, when life as we knew it had come to a complete halt, I had laughingly told him that he was finally behaving like a star!

Shamoon, of course, is one of Pakistani fashion’s biggest stars. He can be credited for shaping the Pakistani high street to what it is today and in fashion schools, his particular take on design and business is put forward as a benchmark. Admired — and behind his back, envied — by his peers, Shamoon is right at the top of fashion’s most coveted A-list.

But you wouldn’t know it, if you were to see his regimented work ethic. Stuck at home due to the Covid-19 lockdown, he was finally living the celebrity lifestyle: waking up late, staying up late, maybe brooding a bit. He even ended up watching Netflix.

Shamoon Sultan’s love for challenges has made him one of Pakistani fashion’s biggest stars, with Khaadi right at the top of fashion’s most coveted A-list. But you wouldn’t know it if you were to see Shamoon’s regimented work ethic

“It was a very tough time for me. What kept me going was that just Khaadi wasn’t suffering, the whole world was,” he recalls.

Some months later, having weathered the initial months of the Covid-19-induced terror, life has returned to some semblance of normalcy, and Shamoon’s hectic routine too has resumed.

Malls are open, albeit in socially distanced ways, and Khaadi is launching new collections with great gusto: the usual seasonal line-ups and a special collaboration with Turkish actress Esra Bilgic, the very popular leading lady in the series Dirilis: Ertugrul.

The Esra connection

I ask him the first thing that comes to my mind: why collaborate with Esra when Khaadi has never taken the celebrity route before?

“This could be the beginning of more collaborations with celebrities,” he says. “We didn’t just opt for a famous face. We built an entire collection based on Esra’s personality, and invested a lot of effort into devising the marketing campaign. Working with her at this point in time made a lot of sense. People all over Pakistan have loved the Dirilis: Ertugrul series. The hype has been phenomenal, and even the Prime Minister extended his support to the show.”

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on Mar 22, 2015 at 11:21am PDT

The Esra x Khaadi collection has done very well and the actress looks beautiful, photographed against the backdrop of the Turkish landscape.

Nevertheless, doesn’t he think that the campaign has released a bit too late? The initial Ertugrul frenzy has subsided and, even though Khaadi is the only fashion brand that Esra is working with, she has already been seen multiple times endorsing other local products, including a mobile phone and a housing project.

“It isn’t too late,” he says, adding, “and this was the right time for us. We were creating a special collection dedicated to her and that takes time. Then, we wanted the images to be shot just right, and I could only allow our team to travel to Turkey once it was safe to do so.

“People have loved the collection,” he observes, and I’m inclined to agree. It’s a standout line; funky, young, worked with the ethnic details and vibrant colours that are quintessentially Khaadi.

However, I wonder if people are always telling Shamoon that his collections are fabulous, even when they are not quite as successful as Esra x Khaadi…

Being Sultan

“It doesn’t matter what people tell me because I’m always second-guessing myself,” he answers my question. “My team and I discuss everything at length and, when something does well, it only challenges me into figuring out how I can do it even better next time.

“Besides, we are all aware of our own flaws, regardless of what people tell us,” he points out.

So, despite being regarded as a paragon of success in Pakistani fashion, his ego hasn’t gotten bloated out of control?

“No, and there are so many times when I make mistakes, and have to make changes. There’s nothing wrong with making a mistake, as long as we realise it and fix it before things get worse.”

I’m curious about these mistakes made on Khaadi’s road to success, a path that seems to be fairly smooth from my vantage point. I try to guess: was putting an end to the Khaadi Man line of traditional kurtas a mistake?

“The menswear was always a niche product that particularly did well during Eid and wedding season, and halting production was a decision that made sense at that point in time. We had been working on a five-year expansion plan which would have been in motion had the coronavirus pandemic not come along.

“Now, though, I realise that we missed out on a chunk of our market by ending the menswear. The women who come to our stores used to buy clothes for themselves and then, often, they would end up making purchases for their children or the men in their homes. We need to capture that market again.”

Has it been a mistake to open so many colossal stores across Pakistan as well as internationally? The huge rents must make breaking even difficult at times.

“No, I don’t consider it a mistake at all,” says Shamoon. Referring to the 22,000 square feet store in Karachi’s Dolmen City Mall, which opened back in 2016, followed by many more huge retail points, he says, “With that store, we changed the retail experience in Pakistan. Everything cannot be measured in terms of profit and the Khaadi stores have been instrumental in building a brand image.

“Customers come to us not just to shop but also because they identify with the same décor and ambience implemented in every Khaadi store. Even with our international branches, I have never believed in compromising on the location or interiors. We have about 15 or 16 international stores, and I would one day love to add a ‘zero’ to these numbers.”

We didn’t just opt for a famous face. We built an entire collection based on Esra’s personality, and invested a lot of effort into devising the marketing campaign. Working with her at this point in time made a lot of sense. People all over Pakistan have loved the Dirilis: Ertugrul series. The hype has been phenomenal.”

There are 62 Khaadi stores across Pakistan right now. Is he planning to open more?

“Of course, it’s my dream that there should be a Khaadi store in every city in Pakistan. When the coronavirus lockdown took place, 12 Khaadi stores were in the process of getting built in different parts of the country.”

And does this expansion make sense even if demand is low in a certain area?

“A single store is never perceived as a major earner,” Shamoon points out. “The business should be doing well, overall. We can’t really make decisions based on the profits generated in a year or two. In the long run, properly planned out retail outlets are essential for growth, as well as for brand equity.

“The one thing that I’m focusing on right now is to have greater control over the infrastructure of e-retail,” he continues. “The Covid-19 lockdown particularly highlighted how e-commerce is growing in Pakistan, and a significant customer base is now inclined towards shopping online.

“We rely on technology partners to sustain the heavy traffic we get on our e-store and the next step for us is to make the online delivery process more efficient. If food can be ordered online and delivered promptly, then a purchase from Khaadi should also be deliverable within two hours. Our staff should be able to access the Khaadi store nearest to where the online customer is living, identify the products purchased and send them out. From this perspective, the big stores make even more sense, since they are our ‘fulfillment centres’, not just for physical customers but also for those who are online.”

A particularly huge Khaadi store that is opening soon is going to be in the Dolmen City Mall in Karachi, relocating from one extensive retail space to an even larger one.

“We’re hoping to reinvent the wheel with this new store. Every brand has started imitating the classic Khaadi interior, to the point that sometimes I’m unable to tell the difference if I walk into a random store. So now, we’re simply changing our own look, creating a completely different customer experience. I’m very excited about it. In fact, the store would have opened by now had it not been for the coronavirus.”

Weathering the Covid-19 storm

The coronavirus pandemic, of course, put a spanner in the works of most businesses, including the business of fashion. Did Shamoon make changes in stock, reducing certain product lines in order to break even during the initial weeks of lockdown?

“I decided that we needed to concentrate on our core strengths — women’s unstitched fabric and ready-to-wear — in order to survive. The other product lines, from Khaadi Kids to Chapter 2, Khaadi Home, Khaadi Khaas and Kanteen, were put on the backburner until we fully recovered, or at least had greater clarity on how things would be in the future. Now that things are better, we’ll be building up on the other lines again.”

“It’s not like we hadn’t been through difficult times before,” he observes. “We faced setbacks when the world economy collapsed in 2008, and we endured the political turmoil of Benzair Bhutto’s death in 2007, but we were just a bigger business this time with extensive plans in motion, and at the brink of entering the summer season. So much of our stock was ready, a lot more had been ordered and we had festive collections lined up for Eid.”

Despite the setbacks in the initial months of lockdown, I recall that there were long queues of shoppers outside Khaadi once the market finally opened. Many of Shamoon’s competitors announced sales in order to entice customers but Khaadi, even without an ongoing sale, had crowds lining up.

“It gave me a huge confidence boost and I really had needed one at the time,” he admits.

“It was tempting to announce a sale because we had inventory piled up and there were cash constraints. Even malls were encouraging it because they felt that it would boost customers’ confidence to begin shopping again. However, I felt that it would be too risky for customers, as well as my own staff, if the stores got too crowded.”

What made customers come in droves, then?

“Maybe it was just that shops were allowed to open for just a limited time. Instead of window shopping through different brands before making a purchase, customers simply went and shopped at stores that they trusted.”

The fashion side to the business

The coronavirus pandemic also stalled Shamoon’s plans for fashion shows in 2019. Chapter 2 by Khaadi was scheduled to be part of the designer line-up for Hum Showcase, and the brand was also planning to put out its first ever solo show.

Why had he wanted to fly solo?

“We just wanted to plan out a show that would have Khaadi’s distinctive identity. I think that brands all over the world plan out solos for this reason. They want to showcase not just the clothes, but also their brand image. At fashion weeks, it is always good to be part of a show that features exciting designer names but, lately, there just seems to be no criteria as to who will be featured in the line-up.”

PFDC Fashion Week 2019

Many of his recent shows have been centered around Chapter 2, the spin-off that launched under the Khaadi umbrella about three years ago, bringing back the hand-woven fabric that had once formed the very essence of the brand. With its minimalistic trendy approach and relatively higher price points, due to the use of hand-woven fabric, how has the brand been faring compared to the much more commercial Khaadi?

“Chapter 2 will never be for the masses. It has its market but we need to work on it a lot more. The aim is to build a wider understanding and appreciation amongst customers for fabric that is created painstakingly on a handloom.

“I also want to get more creative with Chapter 2, build more diverse lines,” he continues.

I believe that he will be able to do so. In its fledgling years, the niche brand has already won its share of awards and has a loyal clientele. And Shamoon, as he had told me earlier, loves a challenge.

Sometime, in the course of our conversation, he also commented that figuring out how to make the business survive during the coronavirus lockdown had given him ‘one of the best experiences’ of his life.

Why did you not go to Turkey to shoot with Esra Bilgic, I ask him. Many of his contemporaries who had recently worked in collaboration with the Ertugrul actors for fashion shoots had made it a point to travel abroad to meet them — and had taken plenty of selfies in the process!

“I believe in delegating and have a lot of faith in my team,” he says. “One of the rules to business is that you don’t have to get involved unless there’s a crisis, or you need to be a part of strategising.”

There are many more rules to the business of fashion that I have come to know through my successive interviews with Shamoon Sultan over the years. There have been times when I have tried to steer him in other directions — his personal life, likes, dislikes — and yet, somehow, we have always ended up analysing the market, design, the nitty-gritties instead.

He’s passionate about it all but there has also always been a method to his madness, building Khaadi into the behemoth that it is today. Twenty-two years down the line, he’s still raring to go.

Published in Dawn, ICON, January 3rd, 2021

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How To Start Khadi Business In India? [Step-by-step Guide]

Table of Contents:

1. Khadi Business In India

2. khadi business model, 3. khadi business plan structure, 4. kvic scheme for khadi business model, 5. kvic loan, 6. khadi gram udyog business list, 7. products under khadi gram udyog business list.

The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) was curated under the Ministry of MSME, Government of India during Khadi and Village Industry’s program provide franchises to stock and market Khadi and Village Industries products. The Khadi franchise comes in the name and style of “ Khadi India Outlets ”. In this blog, we'll look at the steps involved in setting up a Khadi Business In India franchise in detail.

Khadi is a handspun, handstitched and skin-friendly cloth material. The KVIC is a legal body originated by an Act of the Indian Parliament. The KVIC is in charge of the advertising, planning, industry, and implementation of curricula for Khadi Business Plan development and other village industries in the rural areas.

Khadi is a hand-spun and stiched natural fibre cloth coined in 1918 by Mahatma Gandhi during the freedom struggle of the Indian subcontinent, 'Khadi' term was used everywhere in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The first piece of hand-woven cloth was produced in the Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad during the year 1917-18. The crudity of the cloth led Gandhi to call it Khadi. The cloth is usually hand-spun and woven of cotton cloth. However, it can also include silk or wool, which are all twirled into yarn on a spinning wheel known as Charkha .

business plan of khaadi

Khadi is a varied fabric, cool in summer and warm in winter. To enhance its looks, khaddar is sometimes added to give it a thicker feel. It's widely endured in various fashion circles. Stylish dresses are made using khadi cloth such as-

  • Handloom Sarees such as Puttapaka Saree, Kotpad Handloom fabrics, Chamba Rumal, Tussar silk etc.

Gajam Anjaiah, an Indian artist handloom designer and a Padma Shri recipient, is known for his modernisation and development of different tie-dye handloom products along with the Telia Rumal technique of weaving merchandise with the Ikat process. We can promote them by-

  • Administering exhibitions, signing various corporate MoUs
  • Including a 'Khadi Mark' on products
  • By Supplying Khadi to government authorities and PSUs
  • Vividly capturing the international market and opening new outlets are some other drives taken by KVIC to encourage the use of Khadi and advance the Khadi Business Plan market

The Indian government has been granting loans to unemployed youth for promoting Khadi and Village Industries, by executing a credit-linked subsidy scheme i.e Prime Minister's Employment Generation Program (PMEGP) since the year 2008-09, for setting up of new micro-enterprises (SMEs) and to generate more employment opportunities with Khadi Business Model .

business plan of khaadi

The headquarters of KVIC is situated in New Delhi, and its 6 Zonal Offices are present in a few main cities of India which are: New Delhi, Guwahati, Bhopal, Mumbai, Kolkata & Bengaluru. Other than these offices, there are 29 additional offices in several states to supervise the implementation of various programs in arrangement with the commission’s aims.

There are multiple schemes under the KVIC scheme list intended at accomplishing the goals set for the commission.

  • KVIC PMEGP: The PMEGP scheme was launched in place of Pradhan Mantri Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) and The Rural Employment Generation Program (REGP) by the MSME Ministry. The PMEGP or Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Program is a credit-linked support program intended for creating employment opportunities across all areas of India.
  • Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC): The ISEC is designed to be a major source for all KVIC Projects concerning the organisations that are registered with Khadi Business Plan ( KVIC ). It enlists funds from the banking systems to link the funding gap about budget allocations.
  • Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI): The SFURTI Scheme under KVIC aims to encourage crowd development involving all Khadi and Village Industry products. The main agency for implementing this scheme is KVIC.
  • Market Promotion Development Assistance (MPDA): MPDA intends to increase the income of local Indian artisans. The distribution of compensation is in the following ratio of- Artisans (40%), Producer (40%), & for Sellers (20%)
  • Khadi Reform & Development Program (KRDP): The principal objective of the KRDP scheme is generating employment and enhancing the earning of local artisans. It helps in repositioning the Khadi in order with the current demands.

business plan of khaadi

The loans under the commission are routed through and governed by PMEGP guidelines . The financial assistance is based on various criteria related primarily to MSME specifications as under:

  • Income Ceiling
  • Margin Money
  • KVIC Loan tenure (3 to 7 years)
  • Funding Pattern (Urban, General, & Special Category)
  • Per capita investment cap
  • Quantum of Loan

Eligibility Criteria For KVIC Loan

PMEGP loans are distributed to both organizations and individuals that meet the eligibility norms.

  • Individuals above 18 years of age and have passed minimum 8th Standard: Manufacturing Unit: 10 Lakhs Rupees & Service Unit: 5 Lakh Rupees.
  • Self Help Groups granted they haven't taken any other loans.
  • Enrolled Societies.
  • Producer Co-operative Societies.
  • Other Charitable Trusts.
  • Loan Eligible Sectors- As per the norms of the KVIC scheme , the loan is extended to only a few sectors as under:
  • Food processing (Agro-based)
  • Service and textiles
  • Biotechnology
  • Forest products
  • Mineral Products
  • Hand-made fibres and paper
  • Polymer & chemical products
  • Rural engineering

Documents Needed For KVIC Loan

There are multiple lists of documents that are fundamental for the KVIC online application .

  • Different KYC documents of the borrowers.
  • Caste or community certificate to determine eligibility in any of the specific categories.
  • Subsidy claim as per eligibility.
  • Certified copy by-laws of the society or association.
  • Copy of rent or lease deed for the premises or shed which isn't older than 3 years.
  • The project report that'll specify the cost with the break-up of capital expenditure and working capital requirement for 1 cycle.
  • If there is no need for working capital, a certificate to that effect from the controlling office of the bank.

Khadi Gram Udyog is the marketing department of KVIC (Khadi and Village Industries Commission) which markets all types of produced commodities in the rural companies under the KVIC agency. You can start the Khadi Udyog based company for a successful Khadi Business In India by applying the PMEGP (Prime Minister Employee Grantee Program). Under the PMRGY (Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Guarantee Yojana) , you will also be eligible for a 15% subsidy for General Category and if you belong to OBC, SC, ST, or Ex Armed force then you can get the subsidy of around 25% of the total amount. For an urban or metropolitan area, 25% subsidy is available for general categories and 35% for Special categories.

The various schemes started by Khadi Gram Udyog Business List to boost the rural handicraft industry are:

  • Raw Material Assistance
  • Rural Craftsmen Training (Training to artisans)
  • Spinning Subsidy
  • Rebate on Khadi Cloth Products
  • Integrated Cluster Development Programme
  • Marketing Assistance
  • Technical Training To Board Staff

The products that are compiled under Khadi Gram Udyog Business List are as follows:

  • Tribal Paintings
  • Metal craft
  • Bamboo craft
  • Leather craft
  • Papier Mache

business plan of khaadi

1) Business License In India 2) Manufacturing Companies in India 3) Clothing Manufacturers In India 4) Clothing Franchises In India

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Q. How can I open a Khadi shop?

Ans- To open a Khadi Business In India you need to have all your Agreement and Term Details in order. To officially nominate the applicant as a Franchisee for Khadi India Outlets, a contract agreement would be signed by the Khadi and Village Industries Commission . After receiving this agreement, the new businessperson can start selling the Khadi and Village Industries Products officially.

Q. Is Khadi a government of India?

Ans- Yes, the KVIC or Khadi and Village Industries Commission was formed in India under the Act of Parliament, 'Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act of 1956' in April 1957.

Q. Is Khadi Indian brand?

Ans- Yes, Khadi is an Indian brand that was created during the Indian independence struggle. It is handspun and handwoven using a Charkha and is now marketed all around the international market for global outreach.

Q. How to Apply for Khadi Udyog business?

Ans- You can apply for the Khadi Udyog via the Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme. You need to verify your Aadhar number and other business-related items. Post the application process, the government body will authenticate your business details and approve the same if they find your application valid and suitable for the khadi Udyog.

Q. What is KVIC?

Ans- The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) was curated under the Ministry of MSME, Government of India during Khadi and Village Industry’s program provide franchises to stock and market Khadi and Village Industries products.

Q. What is KVIC Terminology?

Ans- The KVIC Terminology is entirely based on its production varieties. A few terms which are used for a detailed understanding of the entire KVIC scheme are:

  • Khadi- A Symbol of the political weapon since the Swadeshi Movement
  • Cotton- Abundantly produced in Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & West Bengal
  • Silk- Recognized in West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha & North Eastern States
  • Wool- Recognized in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir
  • Poly- Known majorly in Gujarat & Rajasthan

Sukanya Mukherjee

Sukanya Mukherjee

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A Comprehensive Marketing Plan for Khaadi, Islamabad

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How to Open Khadi India Franchise Shop Business

  • by Next What Business Research Team
  • Business Ideas
  • October 24, 2023

Khadi is an emblem of India’s rich heritage and a symbol of self-reliance. It has gained a renewed sense of importance in recent times. The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), under the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, is promoting Khadi and village industries for socio-economic development. Opening a Khadi India franchise shop not only supports this mission but also provides an excellent entrepreneurial opportunity. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to open a Khadi India franchise shop.

Table of Contents

Understanding Khadi and Village Industries

Before diving into the franchise process, it’s essential to comprehend the significance of Khadi and village industries:

Khadi is hand-spun, handwoven cotton fabric that carries a deep historical and cultural legacy in India. It represents self-sufficiency, non-violence, and sustainable living. Khadi products range from clothing to accessories and home decor.

b) Village Industries

Village industries encompass a wide array of traditional, artisanal, and rural-based activities. These can include manufacturing handcrafted products, processing raw materials, or providing services like pottery, honey production, and more.

Benefits of Opening a Khadi India Franchise Shop

Starting a Khadi India franchise shop offers various advantages:

  • Established Brand: Khadi India is a well-known brand with a loyal customer base. Associating with this brand provides credibility and trust.
  • Government Support: The KVIC is a government organization committed to promoting Khadi and village industries. As a franchisee, you benefit from their support and guidance.
  • Ethical Business: Promoting Khadi aligns with sustainable and eco-friendly practices, making it an ethical business choice.
  • Product Variety: Khadi India offers a wide range of products, from clothing to cosmetics, ensuring a diverse customer base.
  • Employment Opportunities: By opening a Khadi franchise, you contribute to rural employment and empowerment.

Steps to Open a Khadi India Franchise Shop

Here is a step-by-step guide to get started:

1. Research and Feasibility

Begin with market research to understand the demand for Khadi products in your chosen location. Evaluate the feasibility of opening a Khadi shop.

2. Contact KVIC

Reach out to the Khadi and Village Industries Commission through their official website (https://www.kviconline.gov.in/). Express your interest in starting a franchise and request the necessary information.

3. Business Plan

Create a comprehensive business plan that includes details on the shop’s location, size, interior design, and marketing strategy. Present this plan to KVIC.

4. Location and Space

Find a suitable location for your Khadi India franchise shop. Ensure that it complies with KVIC’s requirements in terms of size and accessibility. The minimum area requirement to open a Khadi India outlet is 350 sq. ft. You need to own or have a lease contract of the space for a minimum of 5 years.

5. Legal Formalities

Register your business and acquire the necessary licenses and permits. Check with local authorities for any additional requirements.

6. Financial Investment

Prepare a budget that includes expenses like shop setup, initial inventory, and operating costs. Be ready to invest the required capital. If the application is considered for Franchise, a Registration fee of Rs.11, 800/- (Rs.10,000/- registration fee + GST @ 18%) is to be deposited along with the security deposit of Rs.50,000.00 (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) before signing of the agreement. In case the applicant withdraws from establishing the Franchise after sanction (before setting up), then 50% of Registration Charges (Rs.5,000/-) may be refunded.

7. Inventory and Stocking

Once you receive approval from KVIC, stock your shop with a range of Khadi products, from clothing to cosmetics, and home furnishings.

8. Staff Recruitment

Hire staff who are knowledgeable about Khadi products and provide excellent customer service.

9. Marketing and Promotion

Create a marketing strategy that includes both offline and online promotion. Utilize social media and other marketing channels to reach a broader audience.

Read:   Best Retail Franchise Business in India

10. Inauguration and Launch

Plan a grand opening to attract customers to your Khadi India franchise shop. Consider collaborating with KVIC for a successful launch.

The store comes in the name and style of “Khadi India Outlets”. Interested individuals or proprietorships or Private Limited Companies or Limited Companies can apply in the prescribed format to the Director (marketing) KVIC.

Eligibility for Khadi Franchise Opportunity

  • You must be an Income Tax payee for at least 3 years.
  • Additionally, you must have a sound financial condition.
  • The authority will give the preference to those who have their own air-conditioned showroom /rented showroom of the minimum size of 1000 Sq, Ft. Additionally, who have the retail space in a prominent place.
  • It is better to have experience in marketing apparel/readymade garments/dress material etc.
  • Selected parties will agree with the KVIC for 5 years to sell Khadi & Village Industries products.
  • The first step to show your interest is to submit the application form duly filled up with a non-refundable tender fee of Rs. 5000/- +18% GST to the authority. You can get the application form, and details of the terms and conditions of the Agreement at the Website of KVIC at http://www.kvic.org.in/kvicres/index.html

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Challenges and Considerations

While opening a Khadi India franchise shop offers numerous benefits, it comes with certain challenges. These include competition from other retail stores, the need for effective marketing, and staying updated on the latest Khadi trends.

Conclusion: Opening a Khadi India franchise shop is not only a potentially lucrative business but also a way to support traditional Indian craftsmanship, rural artisans, and sustainable living. It’s a noble endeavour that aligns with the vision of a self-reliant and prosperous India. By following the steps mentioned above, you can embark on your entrepreneurial journey and become part of the Khadi India legacy.

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Khaadi assignment

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“GAURANG” personifies elegance and captivating the beauty of traditional handlooms and weaves, created using Jamdani technique with pure zari on cottons and silks. Traditional motifs, inspired by the sculptures of South Indian temples, floral and geometrics drawn from the nature are the hallmark of the creations. Immense care is taken to preserve and accentuate the aesthetic appeal of its beautiful textures. Gaurang took up the challenge of reviving the traditional handlooms and bringing them back in vogue. It took two painstaking years to regain the popularity for the handlooms. GAURANG supports around 500 handlooms across India in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh etc. reviving the traditional weaving technique of “Jamdani”. Jamdani is a brocaded fabric woven with discontinuous extra weft yarns. The age old horizontal tapestry technique is imbibed in creating our Jamdanis so that like the tapestries we get the exact effect of a drawing on fabric. GAURANG is an avid exponent of varied textures and rich borders in the weaves. Be it cotton saris with a silk border or a muga tussar border with a khadi body, the creations are an enchanting fusion of tradition and craftsmanship. GAURANG has transformed the total outlook of a khadi sari in terms of texture, designs, color and finish using jamdani weave, bringing it at par with international design standards which appeals even to the younger generation. The analysis of the study brought some new insights to the research. It states the love of indigenous weaves in always there in the crowd of intellectual people and he believes that bringing back happiness in the weaver communities is the true fabric of culture and revival of tradition.The research aims in deducing Gaurang Shah’s efforts and endeavor in contemporizing Jamdani which has become his U.S.P, his passion of working with weavers to sustain their craft in a better way. The research includes few research tool of observation, interviews, field visits and audio visual interactions. The research will help in archiving Gaurang’s contribution towards the survival of these craft and analyse his U.S.P for further future outcomes.

The relevance of khadi fabric-the fabric of ages ; to Indian textiles and the fashion system is indisputable. The review paper explores three core aspects of khadi as the iconic Indian brand, the sustainable brand-classic case of slow fashion and a fashion brand with a glocal appeal. This paper presents core brand values for Khadi reinforced in an acronym RUSHI : responsible, unique, sustainable, handmade, Indian –Swadeshi (economic self reliance).Its essential to position the hand-spun and hand-woven khadi fabric as artisanal luxury with a unique texture.

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How To Write A Business Plan (2024 Guide)

Julia Rittenberg

Updated: Apr 17, 2024, 11:59am

How To Write A Business Plan (2024 Guide)

Table of Contents

Brainstorm an executive summary, create a company description, brainstorm your business goals, describe your services or products, conduct market research, create financial plans, bottom line, frequently asked questions.

Every business starts with a vision, which is distilled and communicated through a business plan. In addition to your high-level hopes and dreams, a strong business plan outlines short-term and long-term goals, budget and whatever else you might need to get started. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to write a business plan that you can stick to and help guide your operations as you get started.

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Drafting the Summary

An executive summary is an extremely important first step in your business. You have to be able to put the basic facts of your business in an elevator pitch-style sentence to grab investors’ attention and keep their interest. This should communicate your business’s name, what the products or services you’re selling are and what marketplace you’re entering.

Ask for Help

When drafting the executive summary, you should have a few different options. Enlist a few thought partners to review your executive summary possibilities to determine which one is best.

After you have the executive summary in place, you can work on the company description, which contains more specific information. In the description, you’ll need to include your business’s registered name , your business address and any key employees involved in the business. 

The business description should also include the structure of your business, such as sole proprietorship , limited liability company (LLC) , partnership or corporation. This is the time to specify how much of an ownership stake everyone has in the company. Finally, include a section that outlines the history of the company and how it has evolved over time.

Wherever you are on the business journey, you return to your goals and assess where you are in meeting your in-progress targets and setting new goals to work toward.

Numbers-based Goals

Goals can cover a variety of sections of your business. Financial and profit goals are a given for when you’re establishing your business, but there are other goals to take into account as well with regard to brand awareness and growth. For example, you might want to hit a certain number of followers across social channels or raise your engagement rates.

Another goal could be to attract new investors or find grants if you’re a nonprofit business. If you’re looking to grow, you’ll want to set revenue targets to make that happen as well.

Intangible Goals

Goals unrelated to traceable numbers are important as well. These can include seeing your business’s advertisement reach the general public or receiving a terrific client review. These goals are important for the direction you take your business and the direction you want it to go in the future.

The business plan should have a section that explains the services or products that you’re offering. This is the part where you can also describe how they fit in the current market or are providing something necessary or entirely new. If you have any patents or trademarks, this is where you can include those too.

If you have any visual aids, they should be included here as well. This would also be a good place to include pricing strategy and explain your materials.

This is the part of the business plan where you can explain your expertise and different approach in greater depth. Show how what you’re offering is vital to the market and fills an important gap.

You can also situate your business in your industry and compare it to other ones and how you have a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Other than financial goals, you want to have a budget and set your planned weekly, monthly and annual spending. There are several different costs to consider, such as operational costs.

Business Operations Costs

Rent for your business is the first big cost to factor into your budget. If your business is remote, the cost that replaces rent will be the software that maintains your virtual operations.

Marketing and sales costs should be next on your list. Devoting money to making sure people know about your business is as important as making sure it functions.

Other Costs

Although you can’t anticipate disasters, there are likely to be unanticipated costs that come up at some point in your business’s existence. It’s important to factor these possible costs into your financial plans so you’re not caught totally unaware.

Business plans are important for businesses of all sizes so that you can define where your business is and where you want it to go. Growing your business requires a vision, and giving yourself a roadmap in the form of a business plan will set you up for success.

How do I write a simple business plan?

When you’re working on a business plan, make sure you have as much information as possible so that you can simplify it to the most relevant information. A simple business plan still needs all of the parts included in this article, but you can be very clear and direct.

What are some common mistakes in a business plan?

The most common mistakes in a business plan are common writing issues like grammar errors or misspellings. It’s important to be clear in your sentence structure and proofread your business plan before sending it to any investors or partners.

What basic items should be included in a business plan?

When writing out a business plan, you want to make sure that you cover everything related to your concept for the business,  an analysis of the industry―including potential customers and an overview of the market for your goods or services―how you plan to execute your vision for the business, how you plan to grow the business if it becomes successful and all financial data around the business, including current cash on hand, potential investors and budget plans for the next few years.

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Reporting by Nandita Bose and Gabriella Borter; Additional reporting by Jim Oliphant; Editing by Scott Malone, Heather Timmons and Alistair Bell

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Gabriella Borter is a reporter on the U.S. National Affairs team, covering cultural and political issues as well as breaking news. She has won two Front Page Awards from the Newswomen’s Club of New York - in 2020 for her beat reporting on healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in 2019 for her spot story on the firing of the police officer who killed Eric Garner. The latter was also a Deadline Club Awards finalist. She holds a B.A. in English from Yale University and joined Reuters in 2017.

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News Analysis

Harris Now Has an Economic Plan. Can It Best Trump’s Promises?

A central question in the final stretch of the election is if Vice President Kamala Harris’s proposals will cohere into an economic argument that can top former President Donald J. Trump’s.

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Vice President Kamala Harris, wearing a black suit and a gold necklace, speaks from behind a lectern.

By Andrew Duehren and Jim Tankersley

Reporting from Washington

Vice President Kamala Harris has a plan for the economy: a glossy, 82-page booklet detailing proposals on housing, taxes and health care that her campaign handed out to supporters gathered at a campaign event in Pittsburgh this week.

Former President Donald J. Trump has nothing so detailed. The issues section of his campaign website is spare. He has coughed up a string of four- or five-word slogans promising tax cuts, some of which even his advisers cannot fully explain. He has toyed with a tariff as high as 20 percent on every good imported into the United States, promised to deport millions of immigrants to reduce the demand for housing and boasted that he can halve energy prices in a year.

Even with such an improvisational, loosely defined agenda, he is still leading Ms. Harris on the economy in polls, though his advantage is shrinking in some surveys. Many economists have warned that Mr. Trump’s promises , if turned into concrete policy, could slow growth, raise consumer prices and balloon the federal deficit.

But many voters find Mr. Trump’s punchy promises easy to grasp. His basic message of lower taxes, less regulation and less trade with other countries helped carry him to the White House once before. A majority of Americans fondly remember the economy in the first three years of his administration, before the pandemic and years of elevated inflation.

A central question in the final stretch of the presidential race is if Ms. Harris’s more detailed — but in many cases still not fully formed — stack of policy proposals will cohere into an economic argument that can top that.

To a remarkable degree in a deeply polarized country, Ms. Harris and Mr. Trump have many of the same stated goals for the economy. Lower costs. Reduce regulations. Cut taxes for the middle class. Incentivize corporations to build their products in the United States.

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We welcome the country’s most talented designers and aspiring corporate leaders, for whom uncompromising quality and attention to detail is a priority. We pride ourselves on nurturing and developing the country’s most talented designers and corporate leaders whose commitment to quality and needle like focus on details has taken Khaadi from strength to strength.

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  3. At A Glance

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  6. PDF 1. Rating Analysis Khaadi Pakistan (SMC-Pvt) Limited 2 ...

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    The KVIC is in charge of the advertising, planning, industry, and implementation of curricula for Khadi Business Plan development and other village industries in the rural areas. Khadi is a hand-spun and stiched natural fibre cloth coined in 1918 by Mahatma Gandhi during the freedom struggle of the Indian subcontinent, 'Khadi' term was used ...

  8. Khaadi Corporation

    Khaadi Corporation | 288,598 followers on LinkedIn. Weaves Corporation Limited, formerly known as Khaadi Corporation Limited, officially changed its name on 29 August, 2024. This rebranding marks the company's commitment to unifying its global identity and creating memorable experiences across diverse industries. The new name pays homage to the company's origins in handwoven textiles ...

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    Vision . To make a global Pakistani organisation creating experiences beyond fashion. Mission . Passionately drive growth by constantly designing and innovating products and experiences for the ever-evolving human needs and aspirations.

  13. Khaadi

    Discover clothing for women at Khaadi online. Find the latest fashion pieces in new arrivals, fabrics and ready to wear.

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    Business Plan. Create a comprehensive business plan that includes details on the shop's location, size, interior design, and marketing strategy. Present this plan to KVIC. 4. Location and Space. Find a suitable location for your Khadi India franchise shop. Ensure that it complies with KVIC's requirements in terms of size and accessibility.

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    COMPANY. Khaadi Corporation Pvt. Limited is the parent company of retail brands Khaadi, Chapter 2 and Kanteen. We are present in 5 countries and cater to the aesthetically astute customer who appreciates designs inspired by global cultures.

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    A central question in the final stretch of the election is if Vice President Kamala Harris's proposals will cohere into an economic argument that can top former President Donald J. Trump's.

  22. Values

    Values - KHAADI. Breaking down barriers by creating synergy across teams, motivating people to consistently over-deliver and develop people through empowerment and mentorship. Dreaming fearlessly and boldly by anticipating changes in the business environment and taking initiatives to create a step-change in the company's performance.

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    We welcome the country's most talented designers and aspiring corporate leaders, for whom uncompromising quality and attention to detail is a priority. We pride ourselves on nurturing and developing the country's most talented designers and corporate leaders whose commitment to quality and needle like focus on details has taken Khaadi from ...