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Student theses

  • 1 - 50 out of 297 results
  • Title (ascending)

Search results

“we are just at the beginning of this process.” an agency-level interrogation of women in u.s. counterterrorism efforts.

Supervisor: Jabri, V. (Supervisor)

Student thesis : Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy

“Soja Come, Soja Go”: military withdrawal from government in Nigeria (1999)

Supervisor: Mitton, K. (Supervisor) & Hiribarren, V. (Supervisor)

“Partners, Not Allies”: Understanding Alignment in China’s New Era of International Relations

Supervisor: Leveringhaus, N. A. (Supervisor) & Brown, K. (Supervisor)

“Determined to Fight Determined to Win”: The combat experience of the People’s Army of Vietnam at Điện Biên Phủ

Supervisor: Busch, P. (Supervisor)

‘Whatever it Takes’: How American Popular Culture Moderates and Diminishes Torture and its Consequences

Supervisor: Gow, J. (Supervisor) & Birchall, C. (Supervisor)

‘The Paradox Of U.S. Security In The 1990s: Trans-Border Challenges From Mexico In The Context Of Nafta’

Supervisor: Dandeker, C. (Supervisor), Hills, A. (Supervisor) & Philpott, W. J. (Supervisor)

‘Silence is like our mother tongue’: An ethnography of distress and care amongst Eritrean diasporic women in the UK

Supervisor: Kelly, A. (Supervisor) & Ansems De Vries, L. (Supervisor)

‘Scientifics’ and ‘Wycombites’: a study of the Quartermaster General’s Department of the British Army, 1799-1814

Supervisor: Davies, H. (Supervisor) & Lambert, A. (Supervisor)

‘More Bang for the Buck’: Examining the Determinants of Terrorist Adoption of New Weapons Technologies

Supervisor: Neumann, P. R. (Supervisor) & Bowen, W. Q. (Supervisor)

‘Listen to our thoughts’: counter-conduct, genealogy and the politics of democratic dissent

Supervisor: Bolt, N. (Supervisor) & Betz, D. (Supervisor)

Worlds of Military Targeting : Martial Epistemologies, Technologies and the Production of the Enemy

Supervisor: Hirst, A. (Supervisor) & Aradau, C. (Supervisor)

Women in UK and US Naval Communications and Intelligence during the Second World War: WRNS and WAVES and the Emergence of Modern Warfare

Supervisor: Maiolo, J. (Supervisor) & Easter, D. (Supervisor)

Who was Leading Whom?: Assessing the Organizational and Strategic Dynamics Between Al Qaeda Central and its Affiliates, 2004 - 2014

Supervisor: Gearson, J. (Supervisor) & Rainsborough, M. L. R. S. (Supervisor)

Who Are Anonymous? : A Study Of Online Activism

Supervisor: Rid, T. (Supervisor), Bolt, N. (Supervisor) & Betz, D. J. (Supervisor)

Where economy and security meet: How Chinese Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) have become a security threat in Europe (2016-2020)

Supervisor: Leveringhaus, N. A. (Supervisor) & Knoerich, J. M. (Supervisor)

When Rambo Meets the Red Cross: Exploring the civil-military relationship in fragile and low-intensity conflict affected areas

Supervisor: Betz, D. (Supervisor) & Chisholm, A. (Supervisor)

What impact did US Ballistic Missile Defence have on post-Cold War US-Russian Relations?

Supervisor: Deyermond, R. M. (Supervisor) & Bowen, W. Q. (Supervisor)

What Good are Alliances in Great Power Relations?: Explaining the Transformative Nature of Alliance Politics

Supervisor: Ladwig III, W. (Supervisor) & Patalano, A. (Supervisor)

What determines resilience in military Class 8B logistic systems, and knowing these determinants, how can we enhance Estonian military Class 8B logistic system resilience?

Supervisor: Murphy, D. (External person) (Supervisor)

Student thesis : Master's Thesis › Master of Philosophy

WE SELF-CATEGORISE, THEREFORE WE THINK: The Chinese Government and IR Scholars’ Ways of Thinking concerning the Post-Cold War Japan-U.S. Alliance (1992-2012)

Supervisor: Pacheco Pardo, R. (Supervisor) & Patalano, A. (Supervisor)

Wearing the Red Cross: The relationship between military and civilian healthcare workers across aid, development and peacebuilding.

Supervisor: Sullivan, R. (Supervisor), Bricknell, M. (Supervisor) & Sullivan, R. (Supervisor)

Was the Dhofar War of 1965-1975 a British victory?

Supervisor: Ladwig III, W. (Supervisor) & Anglim, S. (Supervisor)

Wartime tactical adaptation and operational success: British and Japanese armies in Burma and India, 1941–45

Supervisor: Philpott, W. (Supervisor) & Betz, D. (Supervisor)

Warrior-Maverick Culture: The Evolution of Adaptability in the U.S. Marine Corps

Supervisor: Farrell, T. G. (Supervisor) & Stone, J. G. (Supervisor)

War on its Head: An Oral History of the Helmandi Conflict 1978-2012

Supervisor: Farrell, T. G. (Supervisor)

Wargaming in Military Education for Army Officers and Officer Cadets

Supervisor: Chin, W. A. (Supervisor) & Sabin, P. A. G. (Supervisor)

War at Home: Strategic Narratives of the War on Terrorism

Supervisor: Busch, P. E. (Supervisor) & Betz, D. J. (Supervisor)

Victory and Strategic Culture: The Marines, the Army and Vietnam; First Corps Tactical Zone 1965-1971

Supervisor: Holden Reid, B. T. (Supervisor) & Sabin, P. A. G. (Supervisor)

Variations in Organisational and Employee Responses to High-Impact, Low-Probability Events

Supervisor: Rogers, M. B. (Supervisor)

Understanding the impact of emotional stress on crisis decision making

Supervisor: Lebow, N. (Supervisor) & Dylan, H. (Supervisor)

Understanding Prejudice: Stigma, Self-Esteem and the Dynamics of Antisemitism & Islamophobia 

Supervisor: Lebow, N. (Supervisor) & Chaudhuri, R. (Supervisor)

Underlying dynamics of regional (dis-)integration in post-Soviet Central Asia

Supervisor: Kuhrt, N. C. (Supervisor) & Pacheco Pardo, R. (Supervisor)

Two Sides of the Same COIN? Compare and Contrast British Political Warfare in Southern Arabia from 1959 to 1977

Supervisor: Goodman, M. (Supervisor) & Easter, D. (Supervisor)

Trust and the Politics of Security Risk Management: The European Union’s Engagement of China in Africa

Supervisor: Patalano, A. (Supervisor) & Gower, J. (Supervisor)

Transnational Legal Feminism – Beyond Western Hegemonies in Crossborder Feminist Research and Practice in International Law

Supervisor: Zumbansen, P. (Supervisor) & Friedman, R. (Supervisor)


Supervisor: Stone, J. G. (Supervisor) & Hobbs, C. L. (Supervisor)

Too Baroque to Fix: The US Army's Future Combat Systems

Supervisor: Stone, J. G. (Supervisor) & Leenders, R. (Supervisor)

Three Generations of Leftist Political Parties in Iran: A History of Repression, Foreign Imperialism, and Khomeinist Manipulation

Supervisor: Kerr, M. (Supervisor)

The “lesser evil”: the evolution of Jabhat al-Nusra’s governance strategy in Syria

Supervisor: Maher, S. (Supervisor) & Neumann, P. (Supervisor)

The “Belt and Road Initiative” and China’s grand strategy making: how China transforms itself into the "Center of Production and Trade" and a "Norm-Maker"

Supervisor: Kuhrt, N. (Supervisor) & Bew, J. (Supervisor)

The Westminster Model Navy: Defining the Royal Navy, 1660-1749

Supervisor: James, A. M. (Supervisor) & Lambert, A. D. (Supervisor)

The Utility of Unmanned Combat Air Systems Gaining Control of the Air by 2040

Supervisor: Goulter, C. J. M. (Supervisor) & Sabin, P. A. G. (Supervisor)

The Use and Utility of Ultimata

Supervisor: Deyermond, R. (Supervisor) & Honig, J. (Supervisor)

The United States, Britain and Japan in the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1967-1974: the competing claims of the Cold War and oil

Supervisor: Kandiah, M. (Supervisor) & Patalano, A. (Supervisor)

The Transition from the Military to Civilian Life: Becoming a Private Security Contractor after Military Service for US and UK Service leavers

Supervisor: Kinsey, C. P. (Supervisor) & Dandeker, C. (Supervisor)

The terrorist image: a mixed-methods exploration of Islamic State photo-propaganda

Supervisor: Neumann, P. (Supervisor) & Bolt, N. (Supervisor)

The Taliban’s emirate: negotiations, norms and state-building

Supervisor: Lieven, A. (Supervisor) & Bew, J. (Supervisor)

The Stem from which Flowers Bloom: Motivations and Constraints shaping the Reforger Exercises, 1969-1992

Supervisor: Ladwig III, W. (Supervisor)

The Soviet Security Service and its Treatment of Novelists During the 1930s

Supervisor: Goodman, M. (Supervisor)

The socio-political factor in great power politics: analysis of the Weimar Republic and post-Soviet Russia's political discourse towards the Baltic states

Supervisor: Kuhrt, N. (Supervisor) & Greene, S. (Supervisor)

How can I deposit my thesis?

Currently postgraduate research students are not required to deposit a print copy of their awarded thesis to the library.

You just need to deposit an electronic version of your research thesis, via email, to the library at [email protected] , copying in [email protected] .

For guidance on requesting a restriction of access for your research thesis, please complete the form on the Research Degrees webpage .

If you have any questions, consult our Research Support webpages .

  • Last Updated Aug 22, 2023
  • Answered By Pete Garner

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King's Guide to Referencing 2020

  • Getting Started with Referencing
  • Choosing the right software
  • King's Author-Date (APA 7th)
  • King's Footnotes (Chicago 17th)
  • King's Numbered (Vancouver)
  • Legal Footnotes (OSCOLA 4th)
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Author-Date? Footnotes? What does this mean?

These terms refer to how and where a citation appears in your work. Author-Date means the citation appears as a surname and year, Footnotes means the citation appears in a footnote at the end of the page, linked to your work by a small superscript number, and Numbered means that citations appear sequentially through the text.

Author-Date (often called Harvard), Footnotes and Numbered both encompass many hundreds of styles in use throughout Academia. They could be seen as 'genres' rather than styles in their own right.

At King's we have chosen three, one from each genre:

  • Our Author-Date style is  APA 
  • Our Footnotes style is  Chicago 
  • Our Numbered style is Vancouver

We also have a Footnotes style specifically for Law:

  • Our Footnotes style for Law is Oscola

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Referencing

King's has produced new student guidance on the use of generative AI tools. Students are not expected to reference generative AI but are expected to acknowledge its use through a statement. Please see the central Student Guidance for details. 

Which one should you use?

Check with your tutors and departments if you aren't sure which referencing style you're expected to use when writing your academic assignments.

Every referencing style in use at King's can be found as standard in almost every piece of referencing software available, and they're kept up to date by their respective organisations.

Use the tabs on the left to see more about each referencing style in use at King's.

Aren't using referencing software just yet? Click on the Choosing the right software tab on the left to get started.

Need to know more about the Author-Date, Footnotes and Numbered styles?

You can find videos to learn more about the styles in use and some quizzes you can take to make sure you know what you need to do, on KLaSS:

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  • Next: Choosing the right software >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 3, 2024 9:17 AM
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Example of KCL Thesis format

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King's College London

Approved by publishing and review experts on SciSpace, this template is built as per for KCL Thesis formatting guidelines as mentioned in King's College London author instructions. The current version was created on and has been used by 983 authors to write and format their manuscripts to this journal.

Biochimie template (Elsevier)

SciSpace is a very innovative solution to the formatting problem and existing providers, such as Mendeley or Word did not really evolve in recent years.

- Andreas Frutiger, Researcher, ETH Zurich, Institute for Biomedical Engineering

(Before submission check for plagiarism via Turnitin)

What to expect from SciSpace?

Speed and accuracy over ms word.

With SciSpace, you do not need a word template for KCL Thesis.

It automatically formats your research paper to King's College London formatting guidelines and citation style.

You can download a submission ready research paper in pdf, LaTeX and docx formats.

Time comparison

Time taken to format a paper and Compliance with guidelines

Plagiarism Reports via Turnitin

SciSpace has partnered with Turnitin, the leading provider of Plagiarism Check software.

Using this service, researchers can compare submissions against more than 170 million scholarly articles, a database of 70+ billion current and archived web pages. How Turnitin Integration works?

Turnitin Stats

Freedom from formatting guidelines

One editor, 100K journal formats – world's largest collection of journal templates

With such a huge verified library, what you need is already there.


Easy support from all your favorite tools

Automatically format and order your citations and bibliography in a click.

SciSpace allows imports from all reference managers like Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, Google Scholar etc.

Frequently asked questions

1. can i write kcl thesis in latex.

Absolutely not! Our tool has been designed to help you focus on writing. You can write your entire paper as per the KCL Thesis guidelines and auto format it.

2. Do you follow the KCL Thesis guidelines?

Yes, the template is compliant with the KCL Thesis guidelines. Our experts at SciSpace ensure that. If there are any changes to the journal's guidelines, we'll change our algorithm accordingly.

3. Can I cite my article in multiple styles in KCL Thesis?

Of course! We support all the top citation styles, such as APA style, MLA style, Vancouver style, Harvard style, and Chicago style. For example, when you write your paper and hit autoformat, our system will automatically update your article as per the KCL Thesis citation style.

4. Can I use the KCL Thesis templates for free?

Sign up for our free trial, and you'll be able to use all our features for seven days. You'll see how helpful they are and how inexpensive they are compared to other options, Especially for KCL Thesis.

5. Can I use a manuscript in KCL Thesis that I have written in MS Word?

Yes. You can choose the right template, copy-paste the contents from the word document, and click on auto-format. Once you're done, you'll have a publish-ready paper KCL Thesis that you can download at the end.

6. How long does it usually take you to format my papers in KCL Thesis?

It only takes a matter of seconds to edit your manuscript. Besides that, our intuitive editor saves you from writing and formatting it in KCL Thesis.

7. Where can I find the template for the KCL Thesis?

It is possible to find the Word template for any journal on Google. However, why use a template when you can write your entire manuscript on SciSpace , auto format it as per KCL Thesis's guidelines and download the same in Word, PDF and LaTeX formats? Give us a try!.

8. Can I reformat my paper to fit the KCL Thesis's guidelines?

Of course! You can do this using our intuitive editor. It's very easy. If you need help, our support team is always ready to assist you.

9. KCL Thesis an online tool or is there a desktop version?

SciSpace's KCL Thesis is currently available as an online tool. We're developing a desktop version, too. You can request (or upvote) any features that you think would be helpful for you and other researchers in the "feature request" section of your account once you've signed up with us.

10. I cannot find my template in your gallery. Can you create it for me like KCL Thesis?

Sure. You can request any template and we'll have it setup within a few days. You can find the request box in Journal Gallery on the right side bar under the heading, "Couldn't find the format you were looking for like KCL Thesis?”

11. What is the output that I would get after using KCL Thesis?

After writing your paper autoformatting in KCL Thesis, you can download it in multiple formats, viz., PDF, Docx, and LaTeX.

12. Is KCL Thesis's impact factor high enough that I should try publishing my article there?

To be honest, the answer is no. The impact factor is one of the many elements that determine the quality of a journal. Few of these factors include review board, rejection rates, frequency of inclusion in indexes, and Eigenfactor. You need to assess all these factors before you make your final call.

13. What is Sherpa RoMEO Archiving Policy for KCL Thesis?


Green Can archive pre-print post-print or publisher's version/PDF
Blue Can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) or publisher's version/PDF
Yellow Can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
White Archiving not formally supported
  • Pre-prints as being the version of the paper before peer review and
  • Post-prints as being the version of the paper after peer-review, with revisions having been made.

14. What are the most common citation types In KCL Thesis?

1. Author Year
2. Numbered
3. Numbered (Superscripted)
4. Author Year (Cited Pages)
5. Footnote

15. How do I submit my article to the KCL Thesis?

16. can i download kcl thesis in endnote format.

Yes, SciSpace provides this functionality. After signing up, you would need to import your existing references from Word or Bib file to SciSpace. Then SciSpace would allow you to download your references in KCL Thesis Endnote style according to Elsevier guidelines.

with KCL Thesis format applied

Fast and reliable, built for complaince.

Instant formatting to 100% publisher guidelines on - SciSpace.

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No word template required

Typset automatically formats your research paper to KCL Thesis formatting guidelines and citation style.

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Verifed journal formats

One editor, 100K journal formats. With the largest collection of verified journal formats, what you need is already there.

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Trusted by academicians

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I spent hours with MS word for reformatting. It was frustrating - plain and simple. With SciSpace, I can draft my manuscripts and once it is finished I can just submit. In case, I have to submit to another journal it is really just a button click instead of an afternoon of reformatting.

dissertation thesis kcl


Library Services


Here we explain how to access copies of research theses that UCL Library Services holds. There is also an increasing number of open access thesis repositories available online.

Theses held in UCL Library

Open access repositories containing the full text of selected research theses.

  • Indexes of completed theses

Obtaining copies of research theses

  • Open Access for Thesis: how to deposit

University of London theses

The Library holds a copy of most research degree theses completed by students registered at UCL and awarded by the UoL, including many from students at Schools and Institutes prior to merger with UCL. Theses are listed by author on the Library catalogue, Explore : they are shelved in our off-campus Store and may be retrieved for consultation (24-hour notice required) by completing the store request form or via the request link on Explore. Theses are not available for loan, either to individuals or via interlibrary loan.

Some UoL research degree theses submitted by UCL students in the areas of classical, Germanic, Latin American studies; history and law are not held: check the UoL School of Advanced Study catalogue for availability.

UCL started to award its own degrees to students registering from 2007/2008. Print copies of research theses are catalogued by author in Explore and shelved in Store; electronic versions are in many cases available on open access in UCL Discovery .

If you wish to access a thesis recorded in UCL Discovery for which the full text is subject to an access restriction or not present, it is best to contact the author directly to request a copy privately.  If this is not possible, please contact the UCL Open Access Team .

If a thesis is not available via UCL Discovery or EThOS (see below) then it might be possible to obtain a copy from our interlibrary loan service via your home university interlibrary loan department. Please contact your university library and ask them to enquire about this service with UCL's Interlibrary Loan service; e-mail [email protected] for more information.

The Library does not normally hold print copies of any theses in the following categories:

  • MA, MSc, MRes, LLM theses.
  • Diploma theses.
  • Undergraduate dissertations.
  • Theses submitted at other universities or colleges.

Further information is available in the Support for dissertations and research projects LibGuide .

A growing number of open access thesis repositories is becoming available including:

  • ProQuest , holds many full text theses. You can search for dissertations and theses there.
  • UCL Discovery , UCL's open access research repository, includes theses alongside other UCL publications. You can search for theses, or browse a list.
  • EThOS , a database run by the British Library that aims to record all UK doctoral theses, with links to access an electronic version of the full text where available. The digitisation of theses that only exist in print form can often be requested, depending on the awarding institution and for a fee: UCL supports this process for UCL-held theses.
  • The DART-Europe E-theses Portal , holds details of open access electronic theses stored in repositories across Europe.
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations , includes links to a number of international search tools and portals.

Video - Using PhD theses in research: EThOS 

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Indexes of completed theses (access available to members of UCL only)

Proquest dissertations & theses global (pqdt global).

PQDT Global contains over a million full-text dissertations and theses from 1861 onwards that are available for download in PDF format. The collection includes PQDT UK and Ireland content.

Many UK universities now decline to lend research theses. You may visit the awarding university or, increasingly, obtain an electronic version either from the university itself or from EThOS (see above).

Theses awarded by universities worldwide may be requested via UCL Library Services Interlending and Document Supply service . The normal charge for this service applies. Please note that theses are never available for loan: they must be consulted on Library premises only.

Open access for theses: how to deposit

Candidates for UCL research degrees are required to deposit an electronic copy of their final thesis in UCL's Research Publications Service (RPS), to be made open access in UCL's institutional repository, UCL Discovery . Theses are amongst the most highly-downloaded items in UCL Discovery . Making your thesis open access will mean that it is accessible worldwide, to anyone who wants to read it.

It is also possible, but not mandatory, to submit a print copy of your thesis to the Library for storage and preservation if you wish. We recommend submitting the print copy in cases where the electronic copy cannot be made openly available online in UCL Discovery, but you wish the print copy to be accessible to members of the Library.

Please refer to our guidance on how to deposit  for further information on the submission procedures.


  1. Find Student theses

    Effectiveness of Iron Therapy During Pregnancy and Early Childhood on Infant Developmental Outcomes. Author: Stelle, I., 1 May 2024. Supervisor: Moore, S. E. (Supervisor) & Edmond, K. M. (Supervisor) Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy. File. Politics in Concrete. The case of Bafra's Casino Resorts.

  2. King's College London

    Word limits. PhD - not to exceed 100,000 words; MPhil - not to exceed 60,000 words; MD(Res) - not to exceed 50,000 words MPhilStud - not to exceed 30,000 words; Professional Doctorates - at least 25,000 words and not to exceed 55,000 words; Thesis word limit inclusions and exclusions The thesis word count includes everything from the start of chapter 1 up to the end of the last chapter.

  3. King's College London

    [email protected] and [email protected] Along with the final e-thesis students are required to complete an e-thesis declaration form which can be found here: e-thesis declaration form . Please note the e-thesis declaration form is only to be completed when submitting your final thesis to the library and does not need to be submitted for the ...

  4. Managing your master's dissertation

    A clear plan of action can help you feel in control. King's Academic Skills for Learning on KEATS has tips to for studying smarter and managing your time and your studies. You can also book one-to-one online sessions with Academic Skills Tutors. Research shows that we can only concentrate for 30 - 45 minutes at a time.

  5. King's College London

    Supervisor: Welch, E. (Supervisor) & Gowing, L. (Supervisor) Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy. "When My Mind Hurts, My Body Hurts": A Qualitative Study Exploring the Factors Contributing to the Relationship Between Complex PTSD and Chronic Physical Health Conditions. Author: Blackett, L., 1 Oct 2023.

  6. Find Student theses

    In vitro studies combining [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE with metronomic chemotherapy to improve neuroendocrine tumour therapy. Author: Cheng, J., 1 May 2024. Supervisor: Terry, S. Y. A. (Supervisor) & Livieratos, L. (Supervisor) Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy.

  7. PhD etheses

    PhD etheses. Writing your PhD/research degree thesis. The College provides you with a dedicated range of digital courses to help you with your writing. The courses are accessible via the King's Learning and Skills Service platform (KLaSS) The Library can assist you with identifying the right referencing style for your work, finding a suitable ...

  8. Managing your master's dissertation

    King's Academy runs online workshops and one-to-one sessions on study skills for master's students. From narrowing down your research area through to writing and proofreading, they can support you during every step of the dissertation process. Putting pen to paper can feel intimidating, especially if you have been researching for a long time.

  9. Digital Humanities

    Heritage and Digital learning: understanding how communities learn about Cultural Heritage from online content and how it can be embedded in traditional education. Author: Gandolfi, E., 1 Jan 2022. Supervisor: Earl, G. (Supervisor) Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy.

  10. Laws

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy. File. The effect of the 'war on organised crime' on the Mexican federal judiciary: a comparative case study of judicial decision-making Author: Cardenas Gonzalez De Cosio, A., 2016. Supervisor: Bowling, B. (Supervisor) & Green, P. J. (Supervisor)

  11. King's College London

    Student FAQs. When should I submit my RD1 - examination entry form Where should I submit my RD1 - examination entry form to Am I bound by the expected date of submission given on my. RD1 - examination entry form How do I apply for an extension on my thesis submission What happens if I miss my submission deadline Who nominates my examiners. When ...

  12. History

    The rise and fall of the "redundant church": urban church closure and the Church of England from 1833 to 2011 Author: Saxby, S., 1 Oct 2020 Supervisor: Burns, A. (Supervisor) & Jacob, D. W. (External person) (Supervisor) Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy

  13. It's Dissertation Time(line)!

    The dissertation. Whether you're an undergraduate or postgraduate student at King's, it's something you have to go through as part of your degree. You might consider it one of the most important challenges of your academic career. Or it's just one of those things you know you have to get done. Most students start off with a great deal ...

  14. War Studies

    Student theses. 1 - 50 out of 297 results. Title (descending) "We are just at the beginning of this process.". An agency-level interrogation of women in U.S. counterterrorism efforts. Author: Cook, J., 1 Apr 2018. Supervisor: Jabri, V. (Supervisor) Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy. File.

  15. How can I deposit my thesis?

    Currently postgraduate research students are not required to deposit a print copy of their awarded thesis to the library. ... copying in [email protected]. For guidance on requesting a restriction of access for your research thesis, please complete the form on the Research Degrees webpage. If you have any questions, consult our Research Support ...

  16. King's Outstanding Thesis Prize 2021

    03/08/2021 / Jo Stephenson. Congratulations to all the winners of the 2021 King's Outstanding Thesis Prize! Twenty awards are given across the year to celebrate truly outstanding research and theses completed by King's doctoral students. The prizes are nominated by the external examiners and are judged by a panel consisting of the College ...

  17. PDF Impact of Covid-19 restrictions on Postgraduate Research (PGR) Studies

    research may merit explanation in the thesis. Examiners should consider the student's . Covid - 19 impact statement. in relation to the scope and volume of the research student's work whilst always uphold the ingacademic requirements for a research degree award (see the . KCL Academic Regulations for the criteria for thesis and award .

  18. Getting Started with Referencing

    These terms refer to how and where a citation appears in your work. Author-Date means the citation appears as a surname and year, Footnotes means the citation appears in a footnote at the end of the page, linked to your work by a small superscript number, and Numbered means that citations appear sequentially through the text.

  19. KCL Thesis Template

    Approved by publishing and review experts on SciSpace, this template is built as per for KCL Thesis formatting guidelines as mentioned in King's College London author instructions. The current version was created on and has been used by 983 authors to write and format their manuscripts to this journal. SciSpace is a very innovative solution to ...

  20. 2122 King's Outstanding Thesis Prize (Round 1)

    Full list of winners from the first round of the 2122 King's Outstanding Thesis Prize: Dr Giles Masters. Musicology, A&H. Dr Harriet Cook. Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, A&H. Dr Rafael Lubner. English Literature, A&H. Dr Rana Alkattan. Dental Materials for Operative and Restorative Dentistry, FoDOC.

  21. Announcing the first round of winners of the 22/23 King's Outstanding

    Thanks also to the members of the KCL Fair Pay for GTAs campaign and all the PhDs, GTAs, and other students and staff who attended various meetings and events related to the campaign - it was a privilege to work and learn in your company over the last few years. ... Her PhD thesis - entitled 'Disease, Dysfunction and the Brain ...

  22. Applying for a PhD in Culture, Media & Creative Industries

    Briefly, completing a PhD involves researching and writing an original research thesis of up to 100,000 words on a topic which makes a new contribution to knowledge either by presenting significant new facts or by interpreting existing information in an important new way. It's written in English, must be entirely your own work and be ...

  23. Theses

    Undergraduate dissertations. Theses submitted at other universities or colleges. Further information is available in the Support for dissertations and research projects LibGuide. Open access repositories containing the full text of selected research theses. A growing number of open access thesis repositories is becoming available including: