Amazing Tips & Themes For Your Magical Wedding

50 Hysterical Lines To Make Your Maid Of Honor Speech As Funny As Possible

Cracking Up the Crowd: 80+ Funny Lines for Your Maid of Honor Speech

Being a Maid Of Honor can be such a blessing, but it is also a big responsibility.

You’ll be walking with her down the aisle, helping with bridal party duties, and of course, you have the Maid Of Honor speech.

With this guide, you can get some inspiration and guidance of what to say in your Maid Of Honor speech to absolutely kill it!

How To Structure Your Maid Of Honor Speech

If you want to knock your maid of honor speech out of the park, then you’ll need to plan it well.

First off, start with a little bit about yourself to just introduce yourself, but remember this is not about you.

You can talk a little bit about your life with the bride before she found the person of her dreams.

Talk about how they complement each other, and how they bring out the best in one another. 

However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t just be telling stories and reminiscing about your time with the bride, the anecdotes should be linked to an overall theme about her personality, and you can loop it back to that to get the crowd smiling or laughing.

Then, you can make a toast as the conclusion, and wish the happy couple all of the best for the future. 

Funny Maid of Honor Introductory Lines

Funny lines about the bride, funny advice for the groom, maid of honor speech jokes, funny maid of honor toasts, romantic maid of honor lines, how to write your maid of honor speech.

For instance, when it comes to writing the speech, this is not something you’ll want to do the week before the wedding. 

You should also avoid using cliche lines such as Bride is such a wonderful person and a great friend, unless you have an anecdote that relates to this.

For instance, think about who’s speech is before or after yours, so that there is no similarity, or you don’t end up telling the same stories.

Try to remember that while this is a moment for you to stand up and say something, it is not about you. It should be focused around the bride and groom, so you should not be the one shining through the speech. 

Top Tips For Your Maid Of Honor Speech

To summarize, being a Maid Of Honor is exactly that- it’s an honor. You get to support the bride through one of the most important and memorable moments in her life, and be an essential part of the big day.

With this guide, you’ll have plenty of inspiration, funny quotes and an easy to follow structure, so you know what to say, what to do, and what not to say during the big moment. 

Just remember that it’s not a chance for you to berate or embarrass the bride and groom, it’s a chance to have a little bit of fun, tell some stories about the happy couple and wish them well for their future together.

Lisa Plaitt

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Our Kind of Crazy

100 Funny Maid Of Honor Speech Examples To Steal- {Bridesmaids Too!}

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Freaking out about having to write a Funny Maid of Honor Speech ? Fear not, we have brought in a stand up comic who is sharing her best examples of quotes to add in to your speech.

pin reads "funny maid of honor speech ideas" with picture of bridesmaids and bride laughing.

It is a great honor to be chosen as the maid of honor for your best friend’s wedding day. You’ve known each other for years, and it makes sense that you would want to stand with her on her big day. But now the pressure is on! It’s up to you to write a speech that will get everyone laughing, crying and celebrating!

You may not know what story or words you might want to say just yet, but don’t worry! We’re here to help.

Our advice? Be yourself, share your memories, and most importantly: don’t screw up!

Tips For Writing Winning Bridesmaid Speeches

The maid of honor speech is an important part of any wedding because it’s a time for the maid of honor to tell a few jokes and share some light-hearted memories about how she feels about the bride.

A maid of honor speech can be great if you’re funny, but it can also turn out less than desired if you’re really not that comical…be sure to know your audience, and don’t force anything so its not awkward.

● Choose your humor style wisely : Be careful to choose something that matches your personality. If you are not that funny, don’t attempt some sort of stand up comedy routine on stage when all eyes are on you. You’ll only end up making everyone else uncomfortable and embarrassed for you.

● Keep it short : This is not a time to tell old stories about how you two met 10 years ago. This is a time to tell the bride and groom how much they mean to you, why they should marry each other (if for no other reason than love) and how happy you are for the both of them.

● Don’t be afraid to get personal : While people will expect light-hearted jokes and funny stories, they’ll also want to hear about the person standing up there and not just some comedian pretending to be funny. Tell the bride how close you are, tell her why you feel she deserves someone like him that will love her as much as he does, and try not to cry while saying all of this.

● Don’t make it about you : You’re not the star of this show so try not to talk too much about yourself and your own feelings for the bride. This is a time for her, make sure she hears how happy you are for her no matter what happens in the future with her and her new husband.

● Don’t be offensive : If you have any jokes that you think may be a little on the edgy side, make sure they are appropriate for your audience. Don’t tell any jokes about race or sexual orientation at a wedding and if you do have to go there, remember who is likely going to laugh; you.

● Practice : Make sure you practice your maid of honor speech in front of someone you trust because you’ll want to see how others will react to your humor. If it’s not funny, scrap it and be prepared to tell the bride how much she means to you in a different way.

● Be comfortable : When it comes time for the maid of honor speech, be sure that you are in a place where you feel completely comfortable like at home or some place in your home town where you’re comfortable and not nervous because everyone around you knows how funny you are. If that’s not the case, then make sure to get there early with a glass of water or a calming beverage so you can be ready by the time it is your turn.

● Memorize it : If you feel comfortable doing so, try memorizing your maid of honor speech. This will also help you get rid of any jitters that you may be feeling as well!

● Give it a rest : If this is your first time speaking in front of people, don’t go overboard. Limit yourself to just one or two maid of honor jokes and then save the rest for a time when you’re more comfortable being the center of attention.

● Talk loud enough : No matter what size crowd or how big the room is, try to make sure that they can all hear you with ease. This means speaking up loud and clear so everyone’s attention isn’t on your voice but your actual words.

● Don’t forget about the groom : While it may be easy to just focus on the bride, don’t forget that there is a groom there that you may have to talk about as well. Make sure that he hears how great of a guy he is and all the things that you know he’ll be good at in the future.

● Don’t be nervous : While it’s great that you care about giving a good maid of honor speech, don’t let it get to you too much because if you are really nervous then your speech will reflect that as well.

● Don’t be a downer : If you know something about the bride and groom, keep it to yourself. Nobody wants to hear anything bad about their newlywed friends so try your best not to say something that’s going to make people feel sad or even worse; upset with you! Just give all the positives and leave it at that.

● Be yourself : If you are a funny maid of honor, then be funny! If you’re not, then just go with what feels natural to you because if the bride and groom love you for who you are, everyone else will too.

● Don’t take it so seriously : This is your friend’s big day but don’t worry about it too much because if you do, you may end up putting too much pressure on yourself and then your maid of honor speech will suffer because of it.

● Don’t overdo the brag : If the bride is your best friend, then she already knows all the amazing things that you have done and how proud you are of her. When it comes to the maid of honor speech, save your bragging for other times when it will be appropriate and not in this case when the bride has just gotten married!

● Skip the drama : It’s not a big deal if you accidentally forget someone’s name or get nervous when you’re up on stage giving your speech. The bride and groom will not only understand but they’ll also love you a lot more for it because everyone gets nervous, especially on the big day!

● Don’t talk badly about others : Nope, you don’t want to do this because nobody likes that type of person. Even if someone in the bridal party or even the bride and groom aren’t your favorite people, just skip their names in your speech.

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three women laughing and toasting wine glasses.

Funny Maid of Honor Speech Examples From A Stand Up Comic

**Warning…Kerry is a stand up comic, so some of these we probably wouldn’t say out loud, but take these examples and make them your own…maybe a little more appropriate for the big day! ha!

Without further ado, here is our stand up comic friend Kerry, to help you out!

I remember hearing about someone’s maid of honor speech and how funny it was. I think it had to do with not being at all surprised that the bride picked her best friend! It wasn’t exactly what most people would say, but it had all of us in stitches.

I’m sure you want your maid of honor speech to be perfect, so take a few moments to jot down some ideas on paper first. That way you can revise the speech until you are completely satisfied! Just remember – there is no right way to be funny. There is only your own way, which might not even involve a pun or punchline.

Funny Maid of Honor Quotes

  • I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who helped out with planning the Bachelorette Party. And I extra want to thank everyone who lied and told the groom we were scrapbooking.
  • I still remember when the bride would throw on makeup and fix here hair before going out in public with the groom. He must be thrilled that she is now comfortable wearing jammies and a pony tail on their date nights.
  • When the bride and groom first met, she asked if I thought he was too good looking for her. Silly, right? He’s not even good looking.
  • I know the groom loves the bride for being so laid back and accommodating. He has no idea that she’s going to toss out his childhood action figures by this time next week.
  • I am thrilled that my dear friend chose such an amazing man. You should’ve seen the cast of characters that came before him!
  • The bride once told me that she loved how the groom was confident and didn’t let her boss him around. Don’t worry, groom, she’ll get there.
  • I knew he was the one for her when she told me he was a school teacher. He must be pretty amazing for her to marry a man with that salary.
  • It seems like only yesterday that the bride was out partying and dancing with a man in a fireman’s uniform. Wait, that was yesterday. That whole Bachelorette party is already a blur. 
  • May the bride have a long happy marriage where she never wears any of the lingerie she received at her shower.
  • I would love to be the first person to ask when you’ll be having a baby, but I’m pretty sure at least two people did so when the bride was still walking down the aisle.
  • I have never known the bride to love anyone as much as she loves the groom. OK, maybe she has, but those guys thought she was bonkers. 
  • From this day forward, you will never have to get another bikini wax. 
  • The dear bride has a wonderful sense of humor. She said the funniest thing recently. What was it? Oh yeah, “You’ll wear that dress again one day.”
  • I know the bride will love the groom in sickness and in health. Even if health means he becomes obsessed with CrossFit.
  • It has been my honor to carry Kleenex, lip gloss, and an extra tampon for you today as you join your life with the man you love.
  • The bride is the type of woman who’d drop everything to bail someone out of jail. You should all have her on speed dial. But not tonight. She’s busy.
  • I know the bride loves you to the moon and back, but when you become parents, she’s gonna love that kid all the way to Mars.
  • These two are so in love that they didn’t even consider a prenuptial agreement. But what would be the point anyway with all their student loan debt.
  • I’m not saying that the bride changes her mind a lot, but I am going to hang on to the receipt for their wedding gift. 
  • They like to tell people they met at work, but really they met on Farmers Only. Turns out the groom was entirely misinformed on what he thought a “backhoe” was.

bride laughing with her bridesmaids.

  • I am a tad nervous to speak in front of a crowd, so I’m picturing everyone in their underpants. On that note, check out the groom! Hubba hubba!
  • The bride has always been like a sister to me. Look out, groom, she’s going to borrow all of your nicest heels.
  • When these two first met on Tinder, she didn’t even mean to swipe right. She accidently sneezed when browsing the app. I, for one, am so happy she ordered extra black pepper on her lunch that day.
  • I would do anything for the bride. I’m just glad that she now has a husband who can do most of it, though, so I can sleep in on weekends.
  • I wanted to share the story about how much nicer the groom is than her last fiancé, but this morning she told me the groom didn’t know about him.
  • I have seen this gal do a keg stand at a frat party and talk back to a cop. Congratulations, groom, on choosing her to be the mother of your children.
  • It’s not that you’ll never be right again, groom, it’s that you’ll never be able to admit it.
  • I have seen the bride at her worst, and I love her anyway. I can teach you how to do that too, groom, because it’s a comin’.
  • This woman has always been my partner in crime. I’d love to share more stories but can’t on the advice of counsel.
  • I will always be a sister to you. Unlike your actual sister who is already vomiting in the ladies’ room.
  • I am beyond thrilled to be the one you chose to lift your dress so you can pee.
  • When she first asked me to be her maid of honor, I said no. I didn’t think they were a good fit. So, um, yeah. Cheers.
  • It is a rare occurrence that someone’s one night stand turns into a happy marriage. Hopefully not too rare.
  • They say not to bring up exes in a maid of honor speech, but how else can I tell the groom what a vast improvement he is over those losers?
  • For those who may not know me, no, I am not the bride’s good-looking sister. I’m her super good-looking best friend.
  • The two of us have stuck together through thick and thin. After today, she has the groom to stick with her through thick.
  • The groom is so wonderful that I didn’t even have to threaten him by saying, “If you hurt her, you’ll have me to deal with!”. I mean, yeah, I did threaten him. I just didn’t have to.
  • I want to thank the bride for including me today. And for inviting her hot cousin who’s on leave from the Marine Corps. Save me a dance, sergeant?
  • When she asked me to be her maid of honor, how could I say no? I mean, there’s an open bar. 
  • Thank you for allowing me to say a few words. Most weddings don’t have a maid of honor speech, so that’s a little preview to who is in charge around here.

hands raised in the air toasting glasses at a wedding.

  • The bride once said she wanted 5 kids. Not sure how many the groom wants. If 10 years from now they have 5 kids, we’ll know who wears the pants in this marriage: No one. 
  • I know the two of you will never have to worry about finances because she’s never going to let you drop $500 on a PS5.
  • The bride is strong-willed and won’t take flak from anyone. After all, I’m the one who told her not to marry this clown, yet here we are today.
  • It’s odd to see the bride sipping water instead of her usual red wine. If you guys want to think it’s because she doesn’t want to stain her dress, then I won’t elaborate.
  • There really is someone out there for everyone. I mean, if this guy can land a hottie like the bride, then there’s hope for the rest of you uggos.
  • I’m so sorry for getting a little choked up. I always get this way after doing body shots out of a groomsmen’s navel.
  • I’ve been given a long list of things that I am not to bring up during this toast. On that note, cheers.
  • This has been such an amazing reception even though I didn’t get any of the bacon-wrapped shrimp.
  • A word of advice: You never need to go to bed angry. Especially in this day and age when you can legally purchase edibles in most states.
  • I promise I will make this short and sweet. I can tell the groom is looking for a good excuse to empty another glass.
  • Some men find it important to marry a woman who takes good care of the home and does the cooking. Some men.
  • I love the bride because she doesn’t care what anyone thinks as evidenced by her wearing white today.
  • I knew the bride was really into this guy when she stopped taking her birth control by the second date.
  • The bride is an amazing woman. When you drink yourself sick, she’ll make sure you’ve had some Gatorade before she laughs at you.
  • At first, I thought the bride just wanted to throw a wedding. Then when I learned that the groom was unemployed, I knew she was doing this for love.
  • It’s sweet to hear everyone wish you happiness today as if you won’t both be at each other’s throats once you have kids.
  • The two of us have so many fond memories together. I’m so happy that she found the person who will hold her hair back after a night of partying for the rest of her life.
  • I lived with the bride back in college. That’s how I know she’ll be a great wife. She won’t get on your case for not cleaning because she is an absolute slob.
  • It is my duty as the maid of honor to ask that gal in the back who wore a white dress, “Who the heck do you think you are?”

bridesmaids kissing brides cheek while holding wine glasses.

  • From this day on, the bride will never have to hide her feelings about how much time the groom spends playing Call of Duty.
  • These two agree on so many things. If they can just figure out whose method of loading dishes is correct, then there’s nothing they can’t achieve.
  • Before we toast, I want to remind everyone who hasn’t gotten them a gift yet that these two were too polite to ask for cash. But I’m not. So yeah, get them cash.
  • The bride has never been one to back away from a challenge. That’s why she married a guy who needs so much work.
  • Your wedding day may seem like the end of a journey, but the truth is your journey is just beginning. Planning the wedding was the easy part.
  • I tried to talk them into running away to marry in Vegas, but these two really wanted to waste a ton of money on overcooked pork medallions. 
  • Today marks the day that the both of you realize all those little annoying quirks you each have are here to stay.
  • From now on, the bride will never have to laugh at the groom’s lame dad jokes. She can roll her eyes with the rest of the world.
  • I pray that years from now, the two of you have a good laugh when you look at the China you never used and remember the argument you had when choosing it.
  • Your marriage marks the day when you finally understand why couples get so excited about weekend trips to Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
  • It takes some nerve for a bride to choose an old college roommate as her maid of honor.
  • I appreciate the couple’s desire to keep costs down, but an outdoor wedding in Phoenix in June is pushing it. 
  • This wedding is a long time coming. They had hoped to marry during the peak of Covid so that they could keep the headcount low.
  • I know the bride just adores the groom. She is marrying him even after meeting his crazy mother.
  • I was a tad nervous to give this toast today, but when I saw that the groom’s dad brought his new 25-year-old girlfriend as his date, I figures there’s nothing I could do to make this more awkward.
  • I want to start by saying that the bride will not be doing a bouquet toss today. She doesn’t want any of you to have to plan a wedding during an international pandemic.
  • The bride looks like an absolute princess today. I sure hope she doesn’t bail by midnight and leave behind one of her expensive shoes.
  • Sorry for the late start today. The bride was not feeling well. She totally wasn’t in the restroom saying “I can’t go through with this” while her mother cried.
  • As most of you know, it is my duty as maid of honor to collect money for those making bets against how long it’ll be before they’re sleeping in separate beds. Over/under is 6 months. 
  • I always knew these two would end up taking that walk down the aisle. Most people thought he’d never propose to the woman who drank herself sick on their first date.

champagne being poured into 3 glasses.

  • The bride and groom are such a great fit. As you can tell by the decorations today, these two are both very, very frugal.
  • Just remember, groom, that you think her little quirks are adorable. You forfeit the right to complain about them when they inevitably get on your nerves.
  • I’m delighted to be here today as the maid of honor. After all, I’m the one who convinced her to go out with the groom in the first place. 
  • I knew it was true love when she learned he was a Steelers fan and wanted to marry him anyway.
  • Irregardless of what the bride told you, me has always been a good public talker.
  • I never thought I’d be here celebrating this marriage. After all, the night they first met, she’d been eyeballing his roommate.
  • When the bride told me she was getting married, I assumed it was because she wanted to throw a party using all those great tips from Pinterest. After meeting the groom, I think I’m right.
  • I am so happy that these two married for love because considering how much time they spend in the sun, their looks will not last.
  • Before we raise our glasses, I promised the groom’s Aunt Pat that I’d announce that she didn’t get any of the sausage-stuffed dates.
  • I want to make sure that everyone has a drink in their hand before I get started. Because if you guys aren’t drunk, then I won’t seem very funny.
  • I know the groom dearly loves the bride because he saw those pictures of her before she lost the weight, and it didn’t scare him off.
  • Most women say they’d love their husbands even if he was chubby and balding. I know that’s true for the bride because he already is.
  • I can’t wait to call you two up in 78 days to tell you that your marriage has outlasted most of the Kardashians’. 
  • When these two first got together, they bought the most adorable dog. I hope I’m on the short list to take him in when they have kids and can’t stand him any longer. 
  • I don’t know the groom that well, but based on his taste in women, he must enjoy Harry Potter and stories about what her cat did this weekend.
  • I’d like all the groom’s friends to know how much the bride enjoys spending time with you. Remember that when he flakes on plans and blames her.
  • I have so enjoyed celebrating with these two today, but I would like to announce that I am busy on whichever weekend you choose to have a gender reveal party.
  • I just know that the groom will make a wonderful father. He already has a terrible sense of humor. 
  • What a lucky man the groom is! He leaves here today with my fantastic friend as his wife. She leaves here today with some flowers that will be dead by morning.
  • These two are such a progressive couple who don’t believe in gender roles. That’s why he does all the cooking and not because she doesn’t even know how to turn on the stove.

No matter what, remember to never embarrass the bride or groom, and keep it about them. Know your audience, so you aren’t left with awkward silences and feeling stupid. The Maid of Honor speech is an honor to give, just make sure the humor matches the tone of the wedding and the audience.

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Sara, a seasoned expert in wedding planning and date ideas, brings a wealth of experience to our couples blog. With a background in the television industry and hands-on involvement in a dozen weddings, including working as a wedding assistant on "My Fair Wedding with David Tutera," Sara has an innate understanding of the magic that makes weddings truly special. Growing up with four sisters has given her unique insights into the dating world, making her a go-to source for practical and heartfelt dating advice. Her knowledge and enthusiasm make her the perfect guide for couples seeking to infuse their relationships with creativity and love.

10 Hilarious Tips for a Maid of Honor Funny Speech That Shines

Get ready to nail your maid of honor speech with humor! Discover tips and tricks to make your "maid of honor funny" speech unforgettable and engaging.

By Juan C Olamendy · Updated: July 8, 2024

10 Hilarious Tips for a Maid of Honor Funny Speech That Shines

Imagine this: the wedding ceremony has just concluded, and the reception is in full swing. The guests are mingling, the drinks are flowing, and the atmosphere is electric with joy. Then, it's time for the speeches. As the maid of honor, you step up to the microphone. This is your moment to shine, and a funny speech can make it unforgettable.

Why does humor matter in a maid of honor speech? Because it lightens the mood and keeps the audience engaged. A well-timed joke or a hilarious anecdote can break the ice and make everyone feel more relaxed. By the time you finish reading this article, you'll know how to craft a speech that not only entertains but also sets the perfect tone for the rest of the celebration. Ready to make them laugh? Let's dive in!

Maid of Honor Funny

Introduction, the importance of humor in a maid of honor speech, why a funny speech matters.

Humor in a maid of honor speech is crucial because it lightens the mood and keeps the audience engaged. A well-timed joke or a funny anecdote can break the ice and make everyone feel more relaxed. It also sets the tone for the rest of the celebration, ensuring that the evening is filled with laughter and joy.

Setting the Tone for the Celebration

A funny maid of honor speech does more than just entertain; it sets the tone for the entire celebration. When you start with humor, you create an atmosphere of fun and excitement. Guests are more likely to let loose and enjoy themselves when they're laughing. Plus, a funny speech can make the bride and groom feel more at ease, knowing that their special day is being celebrated with joy and laughter.

If you're looking for inspiration, check out some Funny Wedding Readings on Pinterest. These can give you ideas for incorporating humor into your speech in a way that feels natural and genuine.

How to Structure Funny Bridesmaid Speeches

Share how you know the couple, personal anecdotes.

When crafting a funny bridesmaid speech, start by sharing how you know the couple. Personal anecdotes are a great way to connect with the audience and add a touch of humor. Think about the first time you met the bride or groom. Was there something funny or memorable about that encounter? Share that story to give everyone a glimpse into your relationship with the couple.

Memorable Moments

Memorable moments are another goldmine for humor. Recall a time when the bride did something hilarious or when the groom made everyone laugh. These stories not only entertain but also highlight the unique personalities of the couple. For example, you might remember a time when the bride tried to cook a fancy dinner and ended up setting off the smoke alarm. These moments are relatable and can make your speech more engaging.

Compliments and Praise

Highlighting the bride's qualities.

While humor is essential, don't forget to compliment and praise the bride. Highlight her qualities in a way that is both sincere and funny. For instance, you could say, "The bride is not only beautiful and kind but also has a unique talent for turning any situation into a comedy show." This balances humor with heartfelt admiration.

Acknowledging the Groom

Don't leave the groom out of the fun. Acknowledge his qualities and add a humorous twist. You might say, "The groom is incredibly patient, especially when it comes to the bride's endless shopping sprees." This light-hearted teasing shows your affection for both the bride and groom.

Share a Bit About Their Loving Journey as a Couple

Funny stories from their relationship.

Sharing funny stories from the couple's relationship can add depth to your speech. Think about the quirky habits they have or the funny situations they've found themselves in. For example, you might share a story about how they got lost on their first road trip together and ended up having the time of their lives.

Sweet and Humorous Observations

Sweet and humorous observations can also make your speech more engaging. Talk about the little things that make their relationship special. Maybe the bride always laughs at the groom's terrible jokes, or the groom has a knack for making the bride smile even on her worst days. These observations add a personal touch and make your speech more relatable.

Examples of Funny Lines for Maid of Honor Speech

One-liners are a great way to inject humor into your speech. Here are a few examples:

  • "Marriage is like a walk in the park... Jurassic Park."
  • "Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener."
  • "The secret to a happy marriage remains a secret."

Short Jokes

Short jokes can also be effective. Consider these:

  • "Why do married people live longer? Because they can't argue when they're dead."
  • "Marriage is when a man and woman become one. The trouble starts when they try to decide which one."

Funny Quotes for Maid of Honor Speech

Famous quotes.

Famous quotes can add a touch of humor and wisdom to your speech. Here are a few to consider:

  • "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." - Mignon McLaughlin
  • "Marriage is not just spiritual communion; it is also remembering to take out the trash." - Joyce Brothers

Personalized Quotes

Personalized quotes can make your speech more unique. For example, you might say, "As the bride always says, 'A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.'" This adds a personal touch and makes your speech more memorable.

101 Funny Maid of Honor Speech Examples

Real-life examples, speech 1: best friend's wedding.

When I first met the bride, we were in college, and she was the life of every party. One night, she decided to show off her dance moves, which ended with her tripping over a table and landing in a punch bowl. That was the moment I knew we would be best friends. And now, she's found someone who loves her just as much as I do, even with her clumsy dance moves.

Speech 2: Sister's Wedding

Growing up with the bride was like living in a sitcom. She always had a knack for getting into hilarious situations. Like the time she tried to bake a cake for our parents' anniversary and ended up setting the kitchen on fire. But through all the laughter and chaos, she's always been my rock. And now, she's found her perfect match, someone who can keep up with her antics and love her unconditionally.

Fictional Examples

Speech 3: cousin's wedding.

When my cousin told me she was getting married, I knew it would be an adventure. She's always been the one to take risks and live life to the fullest. Like the time she decided to go bungee jumping on a whim and ended up losing her shoe mid-jump. But that's what makes her so special. And now, she's found someone who loves her adventurous spirit and is ready to join her on this wild ride.

Speech 4: Bridal Party Member

Being a part of this bridal party has been an absolute blast. The bride has a way of making every moment fun and memorable. Like the time we went on a road trip and she insisted on singing karaoke the entire way. Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious, and I'm so happy she's found someone who appreciates her zest for life.

Analysis of What Makes These Speeches Funny

Timing and delivery.

Timing and delivery are crucial for a funny maid of honor speech. Pause for laughter after delivering a punchline, and make sure to maintain eye contact with the audience. This helps to create a connection and makes your jokes more impactful.

Content and Context

The content and context of your speech also play a significant role. Choose stories and jokes that are relevant to the couple and the occasion. Avoid inside jokes that only a few people will understand. Instead, opt for humor that is relatable and inclusive.

Funny Maid of Honor One Liners

Classic one liners, timeless jokes.

Classic one-liners never go out of style. Here are a few timeless jokes to consider:

  • "Marriage is a workshop... where the husband works and the wife shops."
  • "A good marriage is like a casserole: only those responsible for it really know what goes in it."

Crowd Favorites

Crowd favorites are always a hit. Try these:

Modern One Liners

Contemporary humor.

Modern one-liners can add a fresh twist to your speech. Consider these:

  • "Marriage is like a Wi-Fi connection. Sometimes you have to reconnect to keep the signal strong."
  • "Love is sharing your popcorn. Marriage is sharing your Netflix password."

Pop Culture References

Pop culture references can also be a hit. Try these:

  • "Marriage is like Game of Thrones. You win or you die... just kidding!"
  • "Love is like a Taylor Swift song. Sometimes it's a hit, sometimes it's a miss, but it's always memorable."

Maid of Honor Jokes to Crack on the Wedding Day

Light-hearted jokes, playful teasing.

Light-hearted jokes and playful teasing can add a fun element to your speech. For example, you might say, "The bride has always been a bit of a control freak. So, it's no surprise she planned every detail of this wedding down to the last flower petal."

Gentle Ribbing

Gentle ribbing can also be effective. Consider this: "The groom is a brave man. Not only did he propose to the bride, but he also agreed to let her plan the entire wedding. That's true love!"

Edgy but Safe Jokes

Pushing boundaries.

Edgy but safe jokes can add a bit of spice to your speech. For example, you might say, "Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade."

Staying Respectful

While it's fun to push boundaries, it's essential to stay respectful. Avoid jokes that could be offensive or hurtful. Instead, focus on humor that celebrates the couple and their love.

Maid of Honor Funny Toast

Crafting the perfect toast, structure and flow.

Crafting the perfect toast involves structure and flow. Start with a funny anecdote or joke to grab everyone's attention. Then, move on to heartfelt compliments and praise. Finally, end with a humorous and memorable toast.

Balancing Humor and Sentiment

Balancing humor and sentiment is key. While it's important to make people laugh, don't forget to express your genuine love and admiration for the couple. This balance makes your toast more impactful and memorable.

Examples of Funny Toasts

Real-life toasts.

Here's an example of a real-life toast: "To the bride and groom! May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever. Cheers!"

Fictional Toasts

And here's a fictional toast: "To the happy couple! May your love be like fine wine, getting better with age, and may your arguments be like a fine wine, rare and brief. Cheers!"

Tips for Writing and Delivering a Funny Wedding Toast

Writing tips, avoiding inside jokes.

When writing a funny wedding toast, avoid inside jokes. While they might be hilarious to a select few, they can leave the rest of the audience feeling left out. Instead, opt for humor that everyone can appreciate.

Balancing Humor and Seriousness

Balancing humor and seriousness is crucial. While it's important to make people laugh, don't forget to include heartfelt sentiments. This balance makes your toast more meaningful and memorable.

Delivery Tips

Practicing your speech.

Practicing your speech is essential for a successful delivery. Rehearse in front of a mirror or with a friend to get comfortable with your timing and delivery. This practice helps you feel more confident and ensures that your jokes land well.

Engaging the Audience

Engaging the audience is key to a successful toast. Make eye contact, smile, and use gestures to emphasize your points. This connection makes your speech more engaging and enjoyable for everyone.

Sweet & Funny Ways to End a Maid of Honor Speech

Heartfelt endings, emotional closures.

Ending your speech on a heartfelt note can leave a lasting impression. Consider saying something like, "To the bride and groom, may your love continue to grow and bring you endless joy and laughter."

Sentimental Quotes

Sentimental quotes can also be effective. For example, you might say, "As the great poet Rumi once said, 'Love is the bridge between you and everything.' May your love be the bridge to a lifetime of happiness."

Humorous Endings

Funny anecdotes.

Ending with a funny anecdote can leave everyone laughing. For example, you might say, "And finally, to the bride and groom, may your life together be as fun and adventurous as that time we got lost on our road trip and ended up at a llama farm."

Light-Hearted Farewells

Light-hearted farewells can also be effective. Consider saying, "To the happy couple, may your love be like a fine wine, getting better with age, and may your arguments be like a fine wine, rare and brief. Cheers!"

FAQs on Funny Maid of Honor Speeches

How can i make my maid of honor speech funny.

To make your maid of honor speech funny, incorporate personal anecdotes, one-liners, and light-hearted jokes. Balance humor with heartfelt sentiments to keep the audience engaged and entertained.

What Are Some Good Jokes for a Maid of Honor Speech?

Good jokes for a maid of honor speech include classic one-liners, short jokes, and pop culture references. For example, "Marriage is like a Wi-Fi connection. Sometimes you have to reconnect to keep the signal strong."

How Long Should a Funny Maid of Honor Speech Be?

A funny maid of honor speech should be around 5-7 minutes long. This length is enough to share your stories and jokes without losing the audience's attention.

What Should I Avoid in a Funny Maid of Honor Speech?

Avoid inside jokes, offensive humor, and overly personal stories in your speech. Focus on humor that is inclusive, respectful, and celebrates the couple's love.

Useful Links

  • Funny Wedding Readings
  • Hilarious Maid of Honor Speeches
  • Maid of Honor Speech Quotes
  • Wedding Reading Poem
  • How to Write a Funny Wedding Speech
  • 10 Best Man Template Tips for Crafting an Unforgettable Speech
  • 10 Heartfelt Big Sister Wedding Speech Examples to Inspire You
  • 5 Tips for Crafting a Heartfelt Christian Maid of Honor Speech
  • 10 Benefits of Using Fill in the Blank Wedding Vows for Your Big Day
  • 10 Heartfelt Little Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech Examples
  • 10 Hilarious Tips for a Maid of Honor Speech for Best Friend Funny
  • 5 Essential Tips for a Perfect Maid of Honor Speech Format
  • 10 Hilarious Maid of Honor Speeches for Best Friend
  • 10 Heartfelt Romantic Wedding Vows Examples to Inspire Your Big Day
  • 10 Heartfelt Short Sweet Wedding Vows for a Memorable Ceremony
  • 5 Heartfelt Speeches for Sister's Wedding
  • 5 Tips for Crafting a Memorable and Heartfelt Wedding Welcome Toast

A funny maid of honor speech is a powerful tool that can elevate the entire wedding celebration. By incorporating humor, you not only engage the audience but also create a relaxed and joyful atmosphere. Key takeaways include the importance of timing, the value of personal anecdotes, and the ability to connect with the audience through shared laughter. Remember, a well-crafted, funny speech can make the event memorable for everyone involved.

In conclusion, being the maid of honor is a significant role, and delivering a funny speech can make it even more special. Your humor can set the tone for the evening, ensuring that the celebration is filled with smiles and laughter. So, embrace the opportunity to bring joy and light-heartedness to the occasion. With the right mix of wit and sincerity, your speech will be a highlight of the wedding day.

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

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120 Maid of Honor Jokes for Speech (Funny Examples)

  • by Marisa Jenkins
  • October 29, 2023
  • 35 shares 35

Everyone in the bridal party, be it a bridesmaid or maid of honor , has a crucial role to play in the wedding. They are there to assist the couple in everything wedding-related: planning, celebrating, and everything in between.

As a maid of honor, one of your most meaningful tasks is to give a speech at the reception. There are plenty of directions you can go with your speech — sentimental, hopeful, witty, and so on. If you want to write a funny speech , below are some jokes to make it even more humorous. 

Maid of Honor Jokes for Speech to Make Everyone Giggle

Maid of honor jokes about memories and misadventures.

As the bride’s maid of honor, you most likely have an arsenal of funny, awkward, or downright embarrassing memories. You can incorporate a few anecdotes into your speech for the reception to get some laughs out of the newlyweds and your guests.

  • “When [the couple’s names] asked me to prepare a speech for the reception, they specifically asked me not to tell any humiliating stories. So I thought, ‘Why should I bother writing a speech, then?’ That’s all I have for you all, have a great night!”
  • “[Bride’s name] told me at the last minute to remove anything embarrassing or inappropriate in my speech, so here goes. I can’t talk about her exes, or that one time she got black-out drunk in Ibiza, or that time she hit on our college professor…”
  • “Remember the time she cut her own bangs before picture day? Let’s just say she was way ahead of the DIY trend! Thank God she decided to splurge on a wonderful hair and makeup team for today…”
  • “We used to play house a lot as kids. Now she gets to play house for real with a slightly bigger budget!”
  • “She was the only kid who thought cooties were a type of cookie. And she wondered why boys kept running away!”
  • “Our childhood lemonade stand was a flop, but look at her now, turning lemons into champagne!”
  • “Remember our attempts at a rock band? [Bride’s name] is still the only person I know who can play air guitar out of tune.”
  • “She’s always been a trendsetter. She wore mismatched socks before it was cool… or maybe she just couldn’t find the matching ones. I don’t know. Let’s ask her mom about it.”
  • “I remember when she was three years old, she thought her shadow was a ghost. She’s a born entertainer!”
  • “She believed she could talk to squirrels. That was an interesting phase. Now, she’s found someone who speaks her language. Congrats to both of you!”
  • “Remember the time she mistook a Halloween party for a formal event? She still rocked that vampire costume! That felt like a true Mean Girls moment.”
  • “I remember when we had a slumber party with our cousins. Her attempt at a surprise breakfast in bed turned into a fire alarm test. But hey, the firefighters were nice! And at least we learned the fire alarm worked!”
  • “Our newlyweds are so adventurous they decided to take us on a road trip without a map… or cell service. At least we didn’t wither away in the outback! And we found the best tacos in town!”
  • “Remember our ski trip a few years back? We didn’t end up doing much skiing, but we sure had a lot of snowball fights. I swear I still shiver because of those!”
  • “[Bride’s name] loves throwing surprise parties. One time, she booked an Airbnb so she could surprise me. Turns out, she decorated and invited everyone to the wrong unit! Even the homeowners were surprised!”
  • “Our last camping trip was cut short because we needed to find the nearest hospital. Someone, I’m not naming names, decided not to believe me when I said the plant was poison ivy, not regular ivy.”

Jokes About Wedding Planning and the Wedding Day

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

As a bridal party member, you likely had some involvement in the wedding planning process. Your maid of honor speech during the reception can include some insight into the entire process and the resulting magical day. Laughing about the stress can be a great way to look back on the months you spent pouring over details and technicalities!

  • “Everyone, please raise your glasses for a toast. We need to recognize the people who made this amazing night possible. Please give a warm round of applause to the lovely bartenders at the open bar! You guys have changed my life for the better.”
  • “The bride has been planning this wedding since she was five. The groom has been planning it since she found out the engagement ring price!”
  • “Figuring out the seating chart was more complicated than a high school math problem. But don’t worry, there won’t be a quiz later!”
  • “Where would [ the couple’s names ] be without the magical and effervescent Pinterest? It is truly the pillar of every engaged couple’s dreams. If you can only see how many wedding-related boards [ bride’s name ] has on her account.”
  • “The bride’s been on a strict wedding diet of Pinterest, bridal magazines, and cake tastings !”
  • “Invitations are the only part of the wedding where you can tell people where to go and what to do without offending anyone!”
  • “They say marriages are made in heaven but so is thunder and lightning. Just kidding! The real storm was the RSVP list. I know which of y’all didn’t respond until the very last minute…”
  • “I know I speak for [ the couple’s names ] when I say that “wedding budget” is just code for “how to spend a down payment on a house in 24 hours”!
  • “[ The couple’s names ] wanted a small, intimate wedding, but they both have big, loud families . Good luck to the DJ tonight!
  • “The wedding dress is beautiful, the flowers are stunning, the venue is picturesque, and the couple is… punctual! That’s a first for you guys! Let’s give them a round of applause!”
  • “They say rain on your wedding day is good luck, but what about a bird flying into the reception hall? Extra good luck?”
  • “Today is the happiest day of our lovely newlyweds’ lives… until they get the catering bill! Or until something inevitably goes wrong! Or both!”
  • “I’ve heard of getting cold feet… but the groom seemed to be wearing snow boots when he walked down the aisle! Care to explain, [ groom’s name ]?”
  • “The bride and groom are like a pair of scissors—effective together but dangerous if separated. Especially when it comes to the wedding cake!”
  • “The real heroes of tonight are definitely the catering team. Where would we be without the delicious appetizers or the scrumptious meal? We’d all be hangry!”
  • “Wedding planning: where the “I do” turns into “What have we done?” real quick!”
  • “The couple’s love is never-ending, much like the endless group texts about wedding planning details.”
  • “Today is the day the bride and groom will remember forever, and it’s also the day their bank account would like to forget!”
  • “I never knew the bride was fluent in a second language until wedding planning began. It turns out she’s fluent in ‘Bridal-ese.’”
  • “They say it takes a village to raise a child, but it takes an entire wedding party to hide the bride’s Pinterest from the groom.”
  • “Wedding planning is where you learn your dream wedding and your wallet aren’t on speaking terms.”
  • “Marriage is all about compromise. For instance, the bride wanted a gold wedding theme, and the groom preferred silver, so they compromised on platinum!”
  • “Today, we raise a toast to the beautiful beginning of a lifetime of happy “we do’s” and even happier ‘yes, dear’s!”
  • “Here’s to [ the couple’s names ]’s gorgeous wedding day: a brief reminder that eating, drinking, and dancing are all socially acceptable ways to cope with emotions!

Maid of Honor Jokes for Reception Speech About the Future and Married Life

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Mark this once-in-a-lifetime moment with a playful jest about married life and the future that lies ahead of the newlyweds. A tasteful and well-executed joke in a maid of honor’s speech will balance out all the sentimentality and emotions of the day.

  • “May your children have loving, kind, and, most importantly, rich parents. They deserve nothing less.”
  • “I hope you cherish this wonderful wedding weekend you spent the last 10 months of your life planning. Tonight will be one of your last opportunities to party all night and ignore your responsibilities. Congratulations, though!”
  • “They say married life is like a rollercoaster: there are highs, lows, and the occasional loop-the-loops. However, my biggest wish for you two is that all your ups and downs be isolated in the bedroom.”
  • “Welcome to marriage, where the line that separates ‘soulmates’ and ‘cellmates’ is so blurred some people don’t even know it’s there.”
  • “Getting married is like agreeing to an update for an app on your laptop without reading the terms and conditions. You’re essentially going in blind. But I know you two are adventurous, so congratulations on this one, guys!”
  • “May God give you as many kids as you want. I don’t really understand why anyone would want to have kids, but I guess they are cute sometimes.”
  • “They say a man stays incomplete until he finds the love of his life to marry. Once married, though, he is finished. Done for . Good luck, [ the groom’s name ]! I sincerely wish you the best.”
  • “May “I do” not be the last thing you two agree on. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. [ the couple’s last name ]!
  • “Once you start having kids, do know that I will ask you every day if I can borrow them. Your kids are going to be so spoiled by the best aunt to grace this world. Hey, I already have ideas for TikTok handles we can use for your babies. Let’s talk later, okay?”
  • “I saw this quote from Eddie Cantor: Marriage is an attempt to solve problems together which you didn’t even have when you were on your own. I’d like to add to dear Eddie’s words: Marriage is also constantly attempting to solve problems of your own making.”
  • “I heard that marriage kind of like a walk in the park… if that park had no paved paths, dog poop everywhere, and ticks waiting to bite you.”
  • “I will end with this quote from the iconic Socrates: By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy. If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.”
  • “I once heard that marriage is full of surprises. Maybe one day, you’ll find out your spouse has a talent that they’ve hidden from everyone. Maybe one day, you’ll find a skeleton in their closet. You just have to take everything in stride.”
  • “Today marks the end of their solo adventures and the beginning of their joint venture. And I don’t just mean a joint bank account!”
  • “They say marriage is all about compromise. For instance, if [ bride’s name ] wants to watch a romantic comedy and [ groom’s name ] wants to watch an action film, they compromise and watch the romantic comedy.
  • “Marriage is when a man and woman become one; the trouble starts when they try to decide which one.”
  • “Remember: the most effective way to remember your wedding anniversary is to forget it once!”
  • “The secret to a happy marriage… well, it remains a secret. I’m sure you’ll be fine, though!”
  • “The future is bright for these two, much like [ groom’s name ]’s head under the spotlight! Just kidding.”
  • “Their future is as sweet as the bride’s love for chocolate. And let’s just say, that’s a LOT of sweetness.”
  • “Here’s to their journey into the future, may your love grow stronger with every passing argument over who left the lights on!”

Jokes About the Bride or the Groom and Their Dynamic

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Before entering a relationship, the bride and groom were individuals with their own personalities and quirks. You can playfully and jokingly point these out in your wedding reception speech as a maid of honor.

  • “Just remember: you should probably not question your partner’s choices. After all, they chose to marry you. Think about that for a moment.”
  • “As Rita Rudner once said: marriage is so great because you have finally found that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.”
  • “I have one last thing to say to our dapper groom, [ the groom’s name ]. I’d be careful of what you say to my sister if I were you. Only I am allowed to bully her and make her cry, do you understand? I’ve been training karate for years, so do not cross me.”
  • “Being with you two every step of the way while you plan your wedding was a real eye-opener. I’ve seen both of you get hangry on separate occasions. I know it’s real love because not once did you rip each other’s throats when the other is being grumpy.”
  • “I hope we have a historian here with us tonight because someone needs to get this moment in the history books. It’s the first time [ the couple’s names ] ever refused a drink from an open bar. I’m getting emotional just thinking about it.”
  • “Oh, gosh. I don’t even know how to begin. [ The bride’s name ] has been my best friend , my sister from another mother, for almost two decades. She is such a loving, caring, kind, gorgeous, talented, generous — wait, that’s not true, why did you include that here?”
  • “Hey, [ the bride’s name ], good call marrying an archaeologist! You can sleep well at night knowing the older you get, the more interested [ the groom’s name ] will be in you.”
  • “The bride looks absolutely stunning today, and the groom looks absolutely stunned!”
  • “I heard [ bride’s father’s name ] describe [ bride’s name ] as someone who lights up the room. I completely agree! She does it by flicking a switch… because she’s absolutely afraid of the dark.”
  • “She’s always been environmentally conscious, especially when it comes to recycling… her wardrobe for every date night!”
  • “She believes in a balanced diet… a cupcake in each hand!”
  • “She’s a planner. She had their wedding day planned out before the groom even proposed. Talk about foresight!”
  • “Our groom is a man of few words… but he sure does have a lot of opinions on football.”
  • “[ Groom’s name ] is as romantic as a love song, just one performed by a heavy metal band. So there’s a lot of screaming involved, too.”
  • “They say opposites attract. [ Bride’s name ]’s a morning person; [ groom’s name ]’s not a person until morning!”
  • “Mr. and Mrs. [ couple’s last names ], you complement each other perfectly. [ Bride’s name ], you’re the brains of the operation, and [ groom’s name ]… well, you’re really good with remote controls!”
  • “They’re like a fine wine and cheese pairing, classy separately but a little cheesy together.”
  • “They complete each other’s sentences, usually because one of them can’t remember what they were going to say. Some signs of aging we’re having, huh?”
  • “They’re the modern-day Romeo and Juliet, only their families actually get along, and they both don’t die a tragic death in the end!”

Maid of Honor Jokes for Speech With Funny Advice

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

A wedding reception speech—whether or not you are a maid of honor—is a wonderful opportunity to share some advice for the newlyweds. You can add humor to the wording and your delivery; doing so will uplift the mood of your guests and the couple.

  • “Having a short memory is a double-edged sword. Sometimes, it’ll make your life the absolute worst: overlooking a chore, putting your keys somewhere that is not your key holder, and whatnot. But sometimes, having a short memory is essential. Maybe it’s best to forget that one disagreement or that one fight. My point is to use your memory wisely.”
  • “A lot of people say that for a happy marriage, all you need is love. I disagree. You also need patience, a great sense of humor, and a bottle of wine every now and then.”
  • “Remember the golden rule of marriage: own up to your mistakes and shut up when you’re right.”
  • “[ The groom’s name ], once you accept that [ the bride’s name ] is always right, I guarantee you will have a long, happy, and conflict-free marriage.”
  • “Ruth Bader Ginsberg once said, ‘In every good marriage, it pays sometimes to be a little deaf.’ In my opinion, I think it also pays to be a little mute sometimes, or blind — actually, it pays to shut off at least one of your senses sometimes.”
  • “Marriage is equal parts give and take. You either give something to each other after asking for it multiple times or just take it without the other’s permission.”
  • “Marriage is like a deck of cards, but you only start with two hearts and a diamond. As time goes by, you’ll find yourself looking for clubs and spades.”
  • “Never go to bed angry. Stay up and plot your revenge. Just kidding!”
  • “Never underestimate the power of telling your spouse, ‘You’re right, I’m sorry.’”
  • “For a happy marriage, have a shared checking account and an undisclosed chocolate stash. Or any midnight snack of choice. Trust me, you’ll need it.
  • “A successful and healthy marriage requires falling in love with each other many times—always with the same person, of course! Don’t fall in love with someone else, that’ll be bad.”
  • “Marriage is like fine wine, it gets better with age… most of the time. Sometimes, old wine just makes you dizzy. I’m praying that your marriage is the good type of old wine, though!”
  • “Always hold each other’s hands, even if it’s just a romantic walk to the fridge at midnight.”
  • “Keep the spark alive. One idea: do the dishes even when it’s not your turn! Revolutionary, I know!”

Self-Centric Maid of Honor Jokes for Your Reception Speech

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Being chosen as a maid of honor is a fantastic feeling. However, it also entails a lot of responsibility and, unfortunately, stress. The reception is your chance to poke fun at or uplift yourself for your role.

  • “A huge reason why [ the bride’s name ] and I are best friends is because we have the same sense of humor. We’re essentially 13-year-old boys in adult women’s bodies. So if you don’t find my jokes funny, you’re also saying [ the bride’s name ] isn’t funny. You wouldn’t insult a bride on her wedding day, would you? So you’re all morally obligated to laugh at my jokes.”
  • “[ The bride’s name ] gave me several months to write a heartwarming and sentimental speech. I hope it isn’t obvious that I wrote my speech at the very last minute.”
  • “When [ the bride’s name ] first asked me to give a speech at her wedding, I thought, wow! It would be an honor. Now that I’m standing in front of you all tonight, here at this lovely venue, I would say the honor is yours because I look absolutely stunning in this dress!”
  • “[ The bride’s name ] and [ the groom’s name ], I want to congratulate you two for a lovely, majestic, and unforgettable wedding ceremony. Do know, however, that it will only get more incredible because of my speech.”
  • “I heard that the majority of wedding speeches give advice to the newlyweds about married life. All I can give you are motivational quotes I see on Pinterest because I’m single, ready to mingle, and thus completely clueless about what it’s like to be married.”
  • “To the people at the back, can you hear me? Well, actually, who am I kidding? Half of you probably don’t care about what I have to say, anyway. At least have the courtesy not to care in the back where you can’t hurt my feelings.”
  • “People say two is better than one. Maybe they’re referring to marriage, about how couples can complete each other. But I don’t know, they might be talking about two maids of honor , am I right, [ the second maid of honor’s name ]? We’re definitely the highlight tonight.”
  • “When I asked [ the bride’s name ] for advice about giving a speech, she told me to just be myself. But I thought that was such a bad piece of advice. I mean, we wouldn’t want everyone here to fall in love with me, would we?”
  • “Last week, [ the bride’s name ] told me to try not to make the speech all about myself. And I was like, damn it! I had to rewrite my entire speech. So, thanks for that, [ the bride’s name ].”
  • “Our lovely newlyweds wanted to go over my speech yesterday just so they can make sure that what I’ll be saying is appropriate. I thought, well, where’s the fun in that? So maybe I hid one or two pages from them yesterday… gotta keep them on their toes, am I right?”
  • “Before I begin the wonderful speech that I totally did not write yesterday, I want you all to know that if you don’t want to clap or clink your glasses , I also accept cash and online transfers. My Venmo is written on the program.”
  • “Watching you two get married earlier, I couldn’t help but wonder, “What’s so good about signing a piece of paper that binds you to another person for the rest of your life?” But then I look at my wallet on payday, and I understand just how happy a piece of paper can make you.”
  • “Now that the ceremony is over, I’ve finally accomplished my most important role as the maid of honor: changing [ the bride’s name ]’s relationship status on Facebook to “Married.” You better get on that, [ the best man’s name ].”
  • “Be a maid of honor, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. Try peeing in a floor-length dress!”
  • “Everyone tells you how big of an honor it is to be chosen as a maid of honor. What no one tells you is how many stress dreams you get of the big day.”
  • “I never knew I had a hidden talent for arts and crafts until I was up at 3 a.m. gluing tiny bows on bachelorette party favors.”

Word Play and Witty Maid of Honor Jokes for Speech

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Sometimes, a good old pun can make your great speech even better. Feel free to add dad jokes and other witty plays on words to add humor and personality to your speech. These will get a laugh from everyone—from your youngest nieces and nephews to the uncles and grandfathers in your audience. 

  • “You know it’s been an emotional day when even the wedding cake is in tiers.”
  • “Before I start with my speech, I want to share a little anecdote. I don’t know if many of you are aware, but our lovely [the couple’s names] found it difficult to get someone to speak at the reception.They said they called their funniest friend first, but they rejected the offer. Afterward, they asked their most charismatic friend, knowing they could really engage a crowd. That friend also said no. Their third call was to their most attractive friend, who said no, too.Finally, they called me. I felt bad for rejecting them three times already, and I figured, “Well, I’ve got nothing to lose, anyway.” And now, here I am.”
  • “If marriage is the answer, what the hell was the question? Because it sure isn’t, ‘How do I save money for the future?’”
  • “[ Groom’s name ] accidentally booked a romantic getaway for their first anniversary… in a haunted hotel. Thank you for at least not ghosting [ bride’s name ].”
  • “Thanks a lot for hyphenating your last names! Now I can’t use any of those “she stole his last name” jokes…”
  • “Marriage is a workshop… one works, and one shops!”
  • “Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution? Just kidding, here’s to [ couple’s names ], may your marriage be as sweet as your wedding cake!”
  • “Here’s to Mr. and Mrs. [ couple’s last names ], a picture-perfect couple… just don’t try to picture their credit card bills after this beautiful day!”
  • “When [ bride’s name ] texted me if I can be her maid of honor… do you want to know what I said? I told her, ‘Aisle be there!’”
  • “They say marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering. But with these two, it’s nothing but endless marry-ment!”

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, what is essential is that you write your speech from the heart. Be genuine with what you say. If there is a maid of honor joke for a speech above that you find funny — and the newlyweds will appreciate — then feel free to include it in your speech.

However, be mindful that some jokes might be inappropriate because of several factors. For instance, there might be children in attendance , or the guests are more conservative. Starting from the ceremony, observe the crowd then make adjustments if necessary.

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Marisa Jenkins

Marisa Jenkins is a wedding planner and event coordinator. Her main goal for is to simplify the wedding planning process by sharing her years of expertise in the industry.

Speak 2 Impress

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How to End a Maid of Honor Speech: 10 Inspiring Examples

Navigating the perfect way to conclude a maid of honor speech can feel pretty daunting. Trust me, I understand the pressure of searching for those closing words that will resonate with everyone in the room.

After diving into both research and drawing from my own moments holding that mic, I’ve found ending on a toast isn’t just traditional—it’s downright impactful. This article is your roadmap to crafting an end note that sparkles with inspiration , complete with 10 ready-to-use examples.

Let’s elevate your speech from memorable to unforgettable, shall we?

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Use humor to make the ending of your maid of honor speech memorable. Share a funny story or joke about the couple that makes everyone laugh.
  • Show deep love and appreciation for the couple in your speech. Talk about special moments you’ve shared, and wish them happiness in their future.
  • Include meaningful quotes or readings that capture your feelings for the couple’s love story, adding depth to your message.
  • Stay true to yourself when giving your maid of honor speech. Speak from the heart, making sure to mention both partners as you wish them well.
  • Practice your speech many times before the big day. This will help you feel more confident and ensure you can deliver it smoothly.

The Importance of Ending Your Maid of Honor Speech Strongly

A strong ending to your maid of honor speech is key. It brings everything together and leaves a lasting memory . Your final words offer support and love for the couple’s future. Think of it as leaving them with your best wishes as they start their new life together.

This moment is powerful.

Ending with a toast is both traditional and heartfelt . It shows respect for wedding traditions while giving you a chance to express genuine happiness for the bride and groom. Your closing remarks are not just words; they’re a gift of good vibes to the newlyweds’ journey ahead.

Make sure these last sentences shine with sincerity, hope, and excitement for what’s to come.

Funny and Lighthearted Ways to End Your Speech

Wrap up your speech by sharing a funny memory or joke. Make the couple and guests smile with a humorous anecdote.

Using jokes and anecdotes

When it comes to using jokes and anecdotes, consider sharing a funny memory about the bride or couple. This will bring laughter and joy to the audience. Additionally, cracking a light-hearted joke can leave a lasting impression and make the speech memorable for everyone involved.

Remember, ending with humor can uplift the atmosphere and add a touch of lightheartedness to your maid of honor speech without overshadowing its heartfelt nature.

Unlock the secrets of adding humor to your maid of honor speech by incorporating amusing anecdotes or teasing good-natured jokes that celebrate the unique bond you share with the bride and groom.

Bringing up humorous memories

When injecting humor into your maid of honor speech, remember to keep it light and entertaining, and one great way to do this is by bringing up humorous memories . Share a funny or heartwarming moment you’ve had with the bride that shows her fun-loving personality.

Use an amusing anecdote that will have the audience laughing and create a joyful atmosphere at the wedding reception. This light-hearted touch not only makes for an engaging ending but also leaves everyone with a smile on their faces as they remember the laughter shared during your speech.

Teasing the couple with good-natured jokes

As we move from bringing up humorous memories to teasing the couple with good-natured jokes , it’s essential to balance the humor with kindness. Consider sharing light-hearted and funny moments about the couple that will bring a smile to everyone’s faces.

Keep in mind that these jokes should uplift and celebrate the couple rather than embarrass them. Using gentle teasing can create a warm and cheerful atmosphere , leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Incorporating amusing anecdotes can add joy to your maid of honor speech while honoring the bond you share with the bride and groom.

Heartfelt and Sincere Ways to End Your Speech

Conclude your speech by expressing genuine love and gratitude for the couple, sharing personal stories and meaningful moments that exemplify your bond with them. For more inspiring examples on how to wrap up a maid of honor speech, read the full blog!

Expressing love and appreciation for the couple

It’s crucial to express genuine love and appreciation for the couple. Share heartfelt compliments , recalling touching moments spent with them. Use simple words of affection and convey your joy in witnessing their union while wishing them lasting happiness.

Remember, sincerity is key; let it shine through your words. Do use relevant keywords from KEYWORDS such as “Maid of honor speech wishes for the couple” to emphasize well-wishes and positivity .

Craft a warm ending that reflects the unique bond between you and the bride while highlighting the love shared by the newlyweds. Show gratitude for being part of their special day using phrases that resonate with authenticity and affection without overdoing it or sounding insincere.

Sharing personal stories and meaningful moments

When expressing love and appreciation for the couple, delve into personal stories or shared memories that showcase their bond. Highlighting meaningful moments between you and the bride can add a heartfelt touch to your speech.

Use anecdotes or experiences that reflect the couple’s journey and emphasize your genuine connection with them. By weaving these personal elements into your maid of honor speech, you can create an emotional and memorable conclusion that resonates with the audience.

Crafting a maid of honor speech involves speaking from the heart about cherished times shared with both the bride and groom. Adding these intimate moments ensures a touching conclusion while allowing your authenticity to shine through in front of your audience.

Concluding with a well-known quote or reading

Concluding with a well-known quote or reading can add depth and resonance to your maid of honor speech. Choose a quote that reflects the couple’s love story, invokes shared values , or offers timeless wisdom for their future together.

Keep it brief and impactful, allowing the sentiment to linger in the hearts of your audience.

Crafting a powerful ending through an inspiring quote sets the stage for genuine connection and leaves an enduring impression on your listeners. It’s about sharing words that encapsulate the essence of love, partnership, and commitment – leaving everyone feeling uplifted as you gracefully transition from speaking to raising your glass in honor of the happy couple.

Helpful Tips for Crafting the Perfect Ending

Craft the perfect ending by being authentic and true to yourself. Remember to mention the partner in your speech for a heartfelt touch.

Be authentic and true to yourself

When ending a maid of honor speech, it’s crucial to be genuine and stay true to who you are . Express your thoughts and emotions sincerely, allowing your personality to shine through.

Remember that the couple chose you for a reason, so embrace your unique bond with them as you craft the conclusion of your speech. Ensure that the final words come straight from your heart , leaving an authentic and meaningful impression on both the bride and groom as well as the wedding guests.

As I navigated my fear of public speaking during graduate school in New York City, I learned that authenticity is key . The same applies when delivering a maid of honor speech – be yourself! This approach not only aligns with current public speaking tips but also underpins the heartfelt nature required for such an emotional moment at a wedding celebration Keywords: True to yourself, Unique bond, Meaningful impression.

Remember to mention the partner

When concluding your maid of honor speech, it’s crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the bride’s partner . Sharing a heartfelt wish for their happiness adds depth to your speech. By mentioning the partner, you further emphasize the significance of their relationship, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Crafting a genuine connection with both individuals elevates the sentiment of your speech while ensuring that both parties feel valued and celebrated . This helps create an atmosphere of love and unity during this special occasion, making your closing remarks impactful.

Ultimately, recognizing and including the partner in your speech contributes to a meaningful conclusion that resonates with everyone present.

Practice and deliver your speech with confidence

Finding the perfect words to end a maid of honor speech can make all the difference. It’s that final note that leaves everyone feeling inspired and uplifted. Here are ten inspiring examples to guide you.

Start with humor if it feels right. Crack a joke or share a funny memory about your adventures with the bride. This can lighten the mood and add joy to the celebration.

Express your genuine love and happiness for the couple. Tell them how much they mean to you and share your best wishes for their future together.

Include quotes or readings that resonate with you and fit well with your speech’s theme. Sometimes, someone else’s words can perfectly encapsulate what we feel.

Authenticity is key when crafting your ending. Speak from the heart, making sure to acknowledge both partners in this new journey they’re embarking on together.

Practicing will boost your confidence, helping you deliver those closing remarks effortlessly on the wedding day.

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Ryan Nelson is the founder of Speak2Impress, a platform dedicated to helping individuals master the art of public speaking. Despite having a crippling fear of public speaking for many years, Ryan overcame his anxiety through diligent practice and active participation in Toastmasters. Now residing in New York City, he is passionate about sharing his journey and techniques to empower others to speak with confidence and clarity.

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how to end a maid of honor speech funny

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting a Funny Maid of Honor Speech in 2024

Maid of honor.

June 3, 2024

Crafting a Hilarious Maid of Honor Speech: Your Ultimate Guide

  • Founder of Bridesmaid for Hire
  • Creator of the #1 Speech & Vow Writing Tools
  • Author of Always a Bridesmaid (for Hire)
  • Creator of 1-800-Bridesmaid

Hi! I'm Jen Glantz

Hi, Friend! Jen Glantz here. Let’s talk about how to write a funny maid of honor speech.

I’m a bestselling author and the first ever bridesmaid for hire.

I’ve been a hired bridesmaid for strangers now for a decade.

I’ve given a lot of maid of honor speeches and I’ve listened to even more.

From experience, I know that it’s a big task to write a maid of honor speech  that’s not only heartfelt but also hilarious enough to keep the guests laughing and engaged.

But there is a strategy behind adding jokes into your speech that seem effortless to say and get the audience laughing, even if you’re not a comedian.

The most common tone people want for their maid of honor speech is sentimental and funny.

So if crafting a funny maid of honor speech seems daunting, I’ve got your back.

In this ultimate guide , we’ll walk you through the steps to create a speech that strikes the perfect balance between humor and sentimentality, ensuring you leave a lasting impression on the happy couple and all their guests.

maid of honor speech generator

  • Need help? Try out maid of honor speech writing tool . It turns your stories into a well-written maid of honor speech.
  • Looking for inspo? Eyeball our maid of honor speech examples blog for some inspiration.
  • Want guaranteed laughs? Book a 1:1 speech delivery session . We’ll coach you on how to make your jokes land and be your practice buddy.

Ready to add humor to your maid of honor speech ? Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

  • Tailor the humor to the bride’s personality, quirks, and interests
  • Hook the audience with a witty, charming opening line
  • Sprinkle in one-liners, self-deprecating humor, and pop culture references
  • Keep the speech concise and practice for impeccable delivery
  • Remember, a funny maid of honor speech creates lasting memories
  • Ready to start your maid of honor speech and make it funny? Our maid of honor speech generator can help!

Understand the Bride’s Personality and Sense of Humor

Think of the bride as a unique individual with her own set of characteristics that you need to understand. Tailoring your humor to suit her personality is essential. Reflect on who she is, her quirks, and what truly makes her laugh to create a memorable and enjoyable speech.

So how the heck do you do that? Start here:

Analyze Her Quirks and Interests

Maybe she’s obsessed with kitschy knick-knacks, giving you ample material for lighthearted jabs. Or perhaps she’s a die-hard fan of The Office —cue the Michael Scott quotes! The key is those little quirks only her inner circle appreciates. By going personal, you generate laughs and showcase your awesome bond. For example, “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from [Bride], it’s that you can never have too many gnomes in your garden. And as Michael Scott would say, ‘I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.'”

Pro tip: Don’t say anything offensive or super embarrassing to the bride. This isn’t a Comedy Central roast. It’s her wedding and you’re up there to honor her. There’s a fine line between funny and “noooo, don’t say that!!” Double check that with close friends if you’re not sure or ask our maid of honor speech tool . It will tell you the honest truth and suggest a better joke instead.

bride laughing uncontrollably as her maid of honor roasts her quirky interests]

Reflect on Shared Experiences and Memories

Nothing says comedic gold like the hilarious inside jokes and mishaps you’ve shared over the years. I gave a speech a few years ago for a (real) friend of mine that I traveled to Europe with. Here’s a joke directly from that speech that encompassed our travels together.

“I’ll never forget my first evening in Cortona, Italy. Michelle, being her adventurous self, took charge of the wheel as we navigated the steep, winding roads of this picturesque Tuscan city. Despite her confident assurances of knowing the way, we inevitably found ourselves at a random Italian family’s dinner table, greeted with both surprise and warmth. What was meant to be a lost moment turned into an evening of laughter, broken Italian, and an impromptu dance party with our newfound friends. It’s moments like these that make me grateful for Michelle’s knack for turning mishaps into memorable adventures!”

These shared experiences create a bond and add a unique flavor to your speech. Talk about those impromptu dance parties, late-night talks, and even the time you both thought it was a great idea to try karaoke in a language you didn’t speak.

Recount the time you both epically failed at baking her friend’s wedding cake, leaving the kitchen covered in flour. These personal anecdotes entertain while reinforcing your unique bond.

Identify Humorous Moments and Mishaps

Think back to all the embarrassing, laugh-till-you-cry situations you’ve found yourselves in. Maybe the surprise birthday party you planned for her totally backfired when the “surprise” guest showed up early, and she was still in her pajamas. Facepalm. These awkward, humorous moments are pure gold for your speech.

Like the time you both decided to take a spontaneous road trip, only to end up with a flat tire in the middle of nowhere, relying on your non-existent car repair skills and a very patient local farmer. Or when you thought it would be a great idea to try a new workout class, only to find out it was an advanced level and you both ended up in a tangled mess on the floor, laughing so hard you couldn’t breathe.

Remember that trip to the amusement park where you convinced her to go on the biggest roller coaster, only to spend the entire ride screaming your heads off and clutching each other for dear life? Or the cooking class where you accidentally set a dish towel on fire and had to be rescued by the instructor, who from then on referred to you both as the “kitchen hazards”?

These moments not only highlight the fun and adventurous spirit of your friendship but also showcase your ability to laugh at yourselves and find joy in every situation. Sharing these stories will not only entertain the guests but also remind your best friend of all the wonderful, crazy times you’ve had together.

Last week, a maid of honor used our speech writing tool . She wanted to incorporate how her and the bride did a salsa dancing class together. She wasn’t sure how to phrase the story or make it funny. Here’s what the tool wrote for her: 

“Remember that time we thought it would be a brilliant idea to take up salsa dancing? Let’s just say our ‘moves’ were more like a chaotic tango with the floor. We ended up stepping on each other’s toes so many times, we considered starting a new dance craze called the ‘Toe-Tangle Tango.’ Thank goodness for our sense of humor; otherwise, we might have had to rename it the ‘Foot-Fiasco Foxtrot!'”

maid of honor speech generator

Craft a Memorable Opening

Now that you’ve got a handle on the bride’s sense of humor, it’s time to kick off with an opening line that grabs the audience’s attention. Picture yourself up there, nerves in check, ready to deliver a witty remark that sets the tone for an engaging speech. A good opening line can let the audience feel at ease and excited about the rest of your speech.

Here are some example opening lines.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I see some faces here that are almost as anxious as mine when I first realized I had to give this speech!” Score – you just turned those nerves into comedic gold.

Another great opener might be , “Good evening, everyone! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], and for those who do, please keep your heckling to a minimum until the end of my speech!”

Or try, “Hi everyone! I’m [Your Name], the maid of honor and, as of five minutes ago, an expert on public speaking. So please, lower your expectations accordingly!”

If you’re feeling bold, you could go with, “Hello everyone! If you’re wondering why I look a little nervous, it’s because this is the first time I’ve given a speech where the guests are sober. So, bear with me!”

For a crowd that loves a good laugh, “Ladies and gentlemen, I stand here today with two goals: to make you laugh and to make sure I don’t trip over my own feet. Let’s hope I achieve at least one of them!”

These openings not only set a light-hearted tone but also show your self-awareness and ability to connect with the audience. By acknowledging the nerves and injecting humor, you immediately create a relaxed and engaging atmosphere, making everyone eager to hear more.

A maid of honor knocking her opening line out of the park as the audience erupts in laughter]

Hook the Audience with Wit and Charm

Your opening is like a spellbinding trick that captivates the audience, leaving them eager for what’s to come. Consider poking fun at the groom’s unique style choices or the bride’s love for reality TV. This line not only sets the stage for your entire speech but also instantly puts everyone at ease, signaling a fun and entertaining experience ahead.

I asked our maid of honor speechwriting tool to come up with a funny and engaging opening line. I pretended to be a maid of honor with a big personality who often talks a lot and is known to blabber. Here’s what the tool came up with for the speech:

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Give the tool a try here.

Incorporate Humor Throughout Your Maid of Honor Speech

Crafting a captivating maid of honor speech goes beyond heartfelt sentiments; it’s about striking the perfect balance between sincerity and entertainment. To ensure your speech leaves a lasting impact, consider incorporating humor strategically throughout. Here are some invaluable tips and examples to help you masterfully sprinkle humor into your speech, creating moments that resonate with the audience and keep them thoroughly entertained from start to finish.

adding humor to your maid of honor speech

Relatable Anecdotes

Share stories that everyone can relate to, but with a funny twist. Here’s an example from a real maid of honor speech submitted by Jessica from Wyoming.

“Michelle and I have been friends since college. Back then, our biggest worries were passing exams and avoiding cafeteria food. Now, Michelle’s biggest worry is making sure the DJ doesn’t play ‘YMCA’ at the reception. How times have changed!”

Playful Teasing

Light-hearted teasing shows your close bond and adds a fun element. Keep this extremely light-hearted and stray away from anything offensive. Here’s an example from a real maid of honor speech from Laura in Florida.

“Cara is the kind of friend who would drop everything to help you in a crisis. Like that time I called her in the middle of the night because I thought there was a burglar in my apartment. Turns out, it was just my Roomba. But Cara showed up with a baseball bat, ready to take on the ‘intruder.’ That’s friendship!”

Unexpected Twists

Build up to a punchline with an unexpected twist. It builds anticipation. Here’s an example from a real maid of honor speech from Ariel in Arizona.

“I remember when Fran first told me about Brad. She said, ‘I met this amazing guy.’ Naturally, I asked, ‘What’s wrong with him?’ She said, ‘Nothing, he’s perfect.’ I was skeptical, but after meeting Brad, I have to admit, she was right. He’s perfect… for putting up with Fran’s Netflix addiction!”

Funny Observations

Point out humorous observations about the couple or the wedding. Here’s an example from a real maid of honor speech from Jo in NYC.

“As I look around, I see so many happy faces, and it’s not just because there’s an open bar. Weddings are a time for celebration, joy, and in my case, trying not to trip in these heels.”

Embarrassing Moments

Recounting funny, embarrassing moments can be a hit. Make these bigger than small inside jokes so the audience isn’t isolated. Here’s an example from a real maid of honor speech from Brandi in D.C.

“Lisa and I once tried to bake a cake together. It was supposed to be a simple recipe, but it ended with us setting off the smoke alarm and ordering takeout. Let’s just say, Lisa found her true calling in the office, not the kitchen.”

Poking Fun at Yourself

Self-deprecating humor makes you more relatable. Double check this humor is appropriate and doesn’t offend anyone. You can double check the joke using our maid of honor speech tool here .

“Writing this speech was a bit like Gina trying to parallel park – a lot of effort, a few close calls, and some very confused onlookers. But here we are, and I promise, I’ll keep it brief…ish.”

Involve the Groom

Include the groom in your humor to show your support for their relationship. This is a great route if you have a good relationship with the person your friend is marrying.

“Brad, you should know that Mona’s idea of a perfect Saturday involves pajamas, a true crime documentary, and a gallon of ice cream. If you can handle that, you’re definitely her perfect match.”

Wrap Up with a Laugh

End on a humorous note to leave a lasting impression.

“In all seriousness, Michelle and Brad, you two are perfect together. May your life be filled with laughter, love, and as little housework as possible. Cheers to the happy couple!”

The key is striking a balance – too many inside references and you’ll lose people. But a few well-placed pop culture nods add a modern, relatable touch.

Keep It Concise and Engaging

We’ve nailed understanding the bride’s humor, crafting an epic opener, and incorporating laugh-out-loud moments throughout. But here’s the deal – even the funniest speech can fizzle if it drags on forever. According to , it’s best to avoid using too many jokes in your maid of honor speech.

Nobody wants to be the person rambling for 30-minutes while the audience stares at the dance floor. Keep your maid of honor speech under five-minutes long. But since we’re talking about humor, here are some ways to make the ending of your maid of honor speech extra funny.

End with a Punch

To wrap up your speech on a high note, you need a funny and memorable conclusion. Here are some ideas on how to end a maid of honor speech with a laugh:

  • Tie Back to an Earlier Joke: “So, here’s to Michelle and Brad – may your life together be filled with love, laughter, and fewer kitchen disasters than we’ve experienced together. Cheers!”
  • Use a Funny Quote: “As the great philosopher Dr. Seuss once said, ‘You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.’ But seriously, let’s hope tonight you both get some sleep because the rest of us have weddings to plan after this!”
  • Make a Humorous Prediction: “I predict that Michelle and Brad will have a long, happy marriage. Mostly because Michelle’s already trained Brad to put the toilet seat down and we all know that’s the secret to marital bliss. Cheers to the happy couple!”
  • Incorporate a Prop: Pull out a tiny, funny gift. “Brad, here’s a small token of our friendship – a whistle. You might need it to get Michelle’s attention during her next Netflix binge. Use it wisely!”
  • Create a Playful Challenge: “To the newlyweds, may you always find joy in the little things. And Brad, may you always remember that ‘yes dear’ is a magical phrase. Let’s raise our glasses to a lifetime of happiness and a never-ending supply of inside jokes. Cheers!”
  • End with a Playful Toast: “So let’s all raise a glass to Michelle and Brad. May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever. And may your life together be less like my cooking and more like Michelle’s favorite rom-com – filled with happy endings and lots of laughter. Cheers!”

By ending with a funny and memorable note, you leave the audience laughing and ensure your speech is a hit. Remember, keep it concise, engaging, and heartfelt, and you’ll deliver an unforgettable maid of honor speech.

maid of honor making the audience laugh

Brevity is Key

Think of your speech like a delicious dessert – you want to leave people craving one more bite, not stuffed and regretting that last forkful. Keep it short, punchy, and focused. Resist rambling on with a million funny tales. Your goal? Leaving the audience wanting more zingers, not tuning out.

Practice for Impeccable Delivery

Even comedy gold can bomb with sloppy delivery. Practice makes perfect, so treat this like a Broadway debut. Recite it in front of a mirror, record yourself, or enlist a friend for honest feedback. The more you rehearse, the more natural and confident you’ll be, ensuring every punchline lands flawlessly.

Quick Maid of Honor Resources:

  • Try out maid of honor speech writing tool . It turns your stories into a well-written maid of honor speech.
  • Book a 1:1 speech delivery session . We’ll coach you on how to make your jokes land and be your practice buddy.

30 Jokes from Real Maid of Honor Speeches

Sprinkling your maid of honor speech with jokes or funny one-liners isn’t easy. It’s a bit of a gamble. What if a joke doesn’t land? What if it’s only funny to you and the bride? To help you add in some fool-proof jokes into your maid of honor speech, I sourced 30 real jokes from maids of honor all over the world. These people landed laughs with these jokes. Use them in your speech!

Ps. If you have a few other jokes you want to include, ask our maid of honor speech tool to assess whether they are funny or let the tool rewrite the jokes for you instead. Here’s an example. I asked the tool to tell me if this joke was funny:

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Below is what the tool replied with! The best part is that it basically told me that my joke was outdated but gave me amazing suggestions instead.

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Give it a try yourself here

Let’s take a look at the 30 real jokes for your maid of honor speech:.

– Marriage is like a walk in the park. Jurassic Park, that is! – They say marriage is all about compromise. I hope [Bride] has her compromise shoes on tonight! – [Bride] finally found someone who can handle her… and the five alarms she sets every morning! – Here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after. And to [Groom], who now knows what he’s gotten himself into! – Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you’re looking for a club and a spade! – They say love is blind. I guess that’s why [Groom] never saw [Bride]’s Amazon cart! – Welcome to married life, [Groom]. The good news is you can keep the remote control. The bad news is, it won’t work on [Bride]! – [Bride] and [Groom] are like peanut butter and jelly. Perfectly matched, a little bit sticky, but oh so sweet together! – Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life. Congratulations on finding your one special person, [Bride]! – Here’s to love and laughter and a happily ever after. And to [Groom], who’s just happy [Bride] didn’t swipe left! – They say opposites attract, and I guess it’s true. [Groom] loves sports and [Bride]… well, she loves not watching sports! – May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever. And may [Groom] always remember to put the toilet seat down! – Here’s to the couple who knows that marriage means never having to say, “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. I was watching the game!”

real maid of honor speech jokes

– To [Groom], who’s about to learn that a happy wife means a happy life. And to [Bride], who’s about to learn that sometimes, he’s just not going to listen! – May your love be like a fine wine—better with age, but never fully understood by men! – Here’s to [Bride] and [Groom], who are proof that opposites do attract. I mean, he likes pineapple on pizza, and she doesn’t! – [Bride] and [Groom] are the perfect match. She loves shopping, and he loves watching her shop! – Here’s to the newlyweds. May they always find humor in their love, even when the Wi-Fi is down! – To [Bride] and [Groom], may you grow old together on one pillow, and may [Groom] learn that no, he can’t just put his dirty clothes anywhere! – They say behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. Congratulations, [Groom], you’ve found your eye-roller! – Marriage is about finding that special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. [Bride], you’ve found your person!

– Here’s to love and laughter, and the first happy chapter of their ever after. And to [Groom], who has officially traded his Xbox for a jewelry box! – To [Bride] and [Groom], who prove that love is patient, love is kind, and love means never having to go to bed angry… unless he forgets to take out the trash! – May your love be like Wi-Fi—strong and free, but don’t forget to reset it once in a while! – They say marriage is an adventure, and with [Bride] and [Groom], it’s sure to be a thrilling one. Especially when it comes to deciding what’s for dinner! – To the bride and groom: May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever. And may [Groom] always remember to put down the toilet seat! – They say the key to a successful marriage is communication and honesty. And [Groom], just remember, “Yes dear” is always a good answer! – Here’s to [Bride] and [Groom]. May they always find joy in each other’s company, even when the TV remote is nowhere to be found! – To [Bride] and [Groom]: May your love be like the perfect playlist—full of favorite songs, a few surprises, and always worth repeating! – Marriage is about finding someone who will put up with your quirks. [Bride], you’ve found your perfect match!

30 Funny Maid of Honor Speech Examples

funny maid of honor speech examples

1. The Childhood Best Friend

Good evening, everyone! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of being [Bride’s Name]’s best friend since we were in diapers. I’ve watched her grow from a mischievous little girl who loved to play pranks on me to the beautiful, accomplished woman she is today. And now, she’s found her perfect match in [Groom’s Name], who not only puts up with her quirks but actually finds them endearing. I couldn’t be happier for you both, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Just remember, [Bride’s Name], if you ever need someone to help you hide the bodies, I’m just a phone call away!

2. The College Roommate

Hi, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I had the unique experience of being [Bride’s Name]’s college roommate. Let me tell you, living with this woman was never boring. From the late-night study sessions fueled by caffeine and junk food to the impromptu dance parties in our dorm room, we’ve shared so many unforgettable moments together. [Groom’s Name], you’re a lucky man. Not only are you getting a gorgeous, intelligent wife, but you’re also inheriting a lifetime supply of [Bride’s Name]’s famous homemade cookies. Just be warned: she’s a covers hog, so invest in a good comforter!

3. The Sister

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], [Bride’s Name]’s little sister. Growing up, I always looked up to my big sis. She was my role model, my confidante, and occasionally, my partner in crime. [Bride’s Name], you’ve always been there for me, through thick and thin, and I’m so grateful to have you as my sister and my best friend. [Groom’s Name], welcome to the family. You’ve passed the ultimate test by surviving our family’s crazy holiday dinners. I know you’ll make my sister incredibly happy, and I can’t wait to see you both navigate the ups and downs of married life together. Just remember, [Bride’s Name], if he ever gets out of line, I’ve got plenty of embarrassing stories to keep him in check!

4. The Coworker

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the privilege of working alongside [Bride’s Name] for the past few years. When she first told me about [Groom’s Name], I knew he must be someone special because her face lit up every time she mentioned his name. [Bride’s Name], you’re not just an amazing friend and colleague; you’re also an inspiration. Your dedication, kindness, and wicked sense of humor make you an absolute joy to be around. [Groom’s Name], you’re one lucky guy. Just remember, if you ever need help deciphering her office jargon, I’m just a cubicle away!

5. The Childhood Neighbor

Hi, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I grew up just down the street from [Bride’s Name]. We spent countless summers riding bikes, having sleepovers, and dreaming about our future weddings. Well, [Bride’s Name], your dream has come true, and I couldn’t be happier for you and [Groom’s Name]. You two are perfect together, and I know you’ll create a lifetime of beautiful memories. Just remember, if you ever need someone to help you wrangle your future kids, I’m just a hop, skip, and a jump away. After all, I’ve got plenty of experience dealing with [Bride’s Name]’s stubborn streak!

6. The Former Roommate

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I had the pleasure of being [Bride’s Name]’s roommate after college. Let me tell you, living with this woman was an adventure. From the impromptu karaoke sessions to the late-night heart-to-hearts over a pint of ice cream, we’ve shared so many incredible memories together. [Groom’s Name], you’re getting an amazing wife who can make even the most mundane tasks feel like a party. Just be warned: she has a tendency to hoard novelty mugs, so make sure you have plenty of cabinet space!

7. The High School Bestie

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve been [Bride’s Name]’s best friend since high school. We’ve been through it all together: the awkward teenage years, the heartbreaks, and the triumphs. [Bride’s Name], you’ve always been the yin to my yang, the peanut butter to my jelly, and the Thelma to my Louise. [Groom’s Name], you’re getting an incredible partner who will stand by your side through every twist and turn life throws your way. Just remember, if you ever need a break from her constant singing in the shower, you can always crash at my place!

8. The College Study Buddy

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I had the privilege of being [Bride’s Name]’s study buddy in college. We spent countless hours in the library, poring over textbooks and fueling our brains with copious amounts of coffee. [Bride’s Name], your determination and intelligence never ceased to amaze me. [Groom’s Name], you’re getting a wife who not only has beauty and wit but also the brains to match. Just be prepared for the occasional late-night study session, even long after graduation!

9. The Sorority Sister

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I had the honor of being [Bride’s Name]’s sorority sister. From the philanthropic events to the sisterhood bonding activities, we’ve shared so many unforgettable moments together. [Bride’s Name], your kindness, compassion, and infectious laughter made you an incredible addition to our sorority family. [Groom’s Name], you’re getting a wife who not only looks stunning in Greek letters but also has a heart of gold. Just remember, if you ever need a group of women to help you keep her in line, you’ve got an entire sorority behind you!

10. The Cousin

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], [Bride’s Name]’s favorite cousin. Growing up, we were inseparable. From the family vacations to the holiday gatherings, we’ve shared so many wonderful memories together. [Bride’s Name], you’ve always been more than just a cousin to me; you’re my confidante, my partner in crime, and my best friend. [Groom’s Name], welcome to the family. You’re getting a wife who not only has an incredible sense of humor but also the loyalty and love of our entire crazy clan. Just remember, if you ever need backup during a family feud, you’ve got me in your corner!

11. The Work Wife

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of being [Bride’s Name]’s “work wife” for the past few years. We’ve navigated the ups and downs of the corporate world together, celebrating each other’s successes and supporting each other through the challenges. [Bride’s Name], your dedication, creativity, and ability to make even the most stressful days feel manageable have made you an incredible colleague and friend. [Groom’s Name], you’re getting a wife who not only excels in the boardroom but also has a heart of gold. Just remember, if you ever need someone to commiserate with about her workaholic tendencies, I’m just a cubicle away!

12. The Childhood Dance Partner

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the privilege of being [Bride’s Name]’s dance partner since we were little girls. From the ballet recitals to the tap performances, we’ve shared countless hours in the studio, perfecting our moves and creating lasting memories. [Bride’s Name], your grace, poise, and incredible talent have always been an inspiration to me. [Groom’s Name], you’re getting a wife who not only looks stunning on the dance floor but also has the ability to make every moment feel like a beautiful performance. Just remember, if you ever need a dance lesson or two, I’m just a pirouette away!

13. The Travel Buddy

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of being [Bride’s Name]’s travel buddy for the past few years. From the sandy beaches of the Caribbean to the bustling streets of Europe, we’ve explored the world together, creating unforgettable memories along the way. [Bride’s Name], your adventurous spirit, infectious laughter, and ability to make even the most challenging travel moments feel like a breeze have made you an incredible companion. [Groom’s Name], you’re getting a wife who not only has a passion for exploring new places but also has the ability to make every day feel like a grand adventure. Just remember, if you ever need someone to help you navigate a foreign city or decipher a menu in a different language, I’m just a passport stamp away!

funny maid of honor speech examples

14. The Book Club Bestie

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the joy of being [Bride’s Name]’s book club bestie for the past few years. We’ve spent countless hours discussing our favorite novels, debating plot twists, and bonding over our shared love of literature. [Bride’s Name], your intelligence, insightfulness, and ability to find beauty in even the most complex stories have made you an incredible friend and reading companion. [Groom’s Name], you’re getting a wife who not only has a brilliant mind but also a heart full of love and compassion. Just remember, if you ever need someone to help you escape into a good book or discuss the latest bestseller, I’m just a page-turn away!

15. The Yoga Buddy

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of being [Bride’s Name]’s yoga buddy for the past few years. We’ve stretched, balanced, and found inner peace together, creating a bond that goes beyond the mat. [Bride’s Name], your dedication, flexibility (both in yoga and in life), and ability to find calm in even the most challenging poses have made you an incredible friend and yogi. [Groom’s Name], you’re getting a wife who not only has a strong and graceful body but also a mind full of wisdom and a soul full of love. Just remember, if you ever need someone to help you find your center or perfect your downward dog, I’m just a sun salutation away!

16. Funny and Heartfelt

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the honor of being [Bride’s Name]’s best friend for as long as I can remember. From the moment we met on the playground, sharing our dreams and secrets, I knew that our friendship was something special. [Bride’s Name], you have been my rock, my confidante, and my partner in crime through all of life’s ups and downs. Your unwavering loyalty, infectious laughter, and kind heart have made you an incredible friend and an even more amazing person. [Groom’s Name], you are truly blessed to have found someone as wonderful as [Bride’s Name]. Your love story is one for the ages, filled with laughter, adventure, and an unbreakable bond. I know that together, you will create a lifetime of beautiful memories and overcome any challenges that come your way. [Bride’s Name], as you embark on this new chapter in your life, always remember that you have a friend who loves you, supports you, and will be there for you, no matter what. And [Groom’s Name], welcome to the family. You’ve gained not only a stunning wife but also a crazy bunch of friends who will always have your back. Cheers to the happy couple!

17. Funny and Nostalgic

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of growing up alongside [Bride’s Name]. From the days of playing dress-up and having tea parties with our stuffed animals to the late-night conversations about our hopes and dreams, we’ve shared so many wonderful memories together. [Bride’s Name], as I look back on our childhood, I can’t help but smile at the incredible person you’ve become. Your kindness, creativity, and zest for life have always been an inspiration to me. [Groom’s Name], you are one lucky man. You’re getting a wife who not only has a heart of gold but also the ability to make even the most ordinary moments feel magical. As you two embark on this new adventure together, I know that you will create a life filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities. And [Bride’s Name], whenever you need a reminder of the carefree days of our youth, just give me a call, and we’ll break out the old photo albums and reminisce about the good old days. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness and love!

18. Funny and Emotional

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the honor of being by [Bride’s Name]’s side through some of the most important moments in her life. From the tears we shed over heartbreaks to the uncontrollable laughter we shared during our inside jokes, our friendship has been a constant source of strength and joy. [Bride’s Name], as I stand here today, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. Watching you find your soulmate in [Groom’s Name] and seeing the love you two share has been one of the greatest privileges of my life. Your relationship is a testament to the power of love, the importance of laughter, and the beauty of two hearts becoming one. [Groom’s Name], you have gained not only a remarkable wife but also a friend who will stand by your side through thick and thin. And [Bride’s Name], as you begin this new chapter in your life, know that you have a friend who will always be there to celebrate your triumphs, comfort you in your sorrows, and laugh with you until we cry. I love you both so much, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Cheers to a love that will last a lifetime!

19. Funny and Inspirational

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing [Bride’s Name]’s incredible journey firsthand. From the moment we met, I knew that she was destined for greatness. Her passion, determination, and unwavering spirit have been an inspiration to everyone around her. [Bride’s Name], you have overcome obstacles, chased your dreams, and made a difference in the lives of so many people. And now, as you stand beside [Groom’s Name], ready to begin a new chapter in your life, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride and admiration. [Groom’s Name], you have found a partner who will not only love you unconditionally but also inspire you to be the best version of yourself. Together, you two are a force to be reckoned with, and I know that you will achieve great things and make the world a better place. And [Bride’s Name], as you embark on this new adventure, remember that you have a friend who believes in you, supports you, and will always be your biggest cheerleader. Keep chasing your dreams, spreading your light, and making us all proud. Cheers to a future filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities!

20. Funny and Grateful

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the incredible privilege of being a part of [Bride’s Name]’s life for as long as I can remember. From the early days of our friendship, filled with sleepovers, secret handshakes, and pinky promises, to the more recent years of supporting each other through life’s ups and downs, [Bride’s Name] has been a constant source of love, laughter, and unwavering support. As I stand here today, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the role she has played in my life. [Bride’s Name], you have been more than just a friend; you have been a sister, a confidante, and a true blessing. Your kindness, generosity, and infectious spirit have touched the lives of everyone around you, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. [Groom’s Name], you are one lucky man. You have found a partner who will love you fiercely, support you unconditionally, and make every day an adventure. And [Bride’s Name], as you begin this new chapter in your life, I want to thank you for being the extraordinary person you are. Thank you for the late-night conversations, the belly laughs, and the memories we’ve shared. Thank you for being my best friend and for making my life so much richer. I love you both so much, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Cheers to a lifetime of love, laughter, and gratitude!

21. Funny and Playful

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of being [Bride’s Name]’s partner in crime, confidante, and occasional therapist for as long as I can remember. From the days of playing dress-up and having dance parties in our living rooms to the more recent years of navigating the ups and downs of adulthood, [Bride’s Name] has been a constant source of laughter, mischief, and unwavering friendship. [Bride’s Name], as I stand here today, I can’t help but think back on all the crazy adventures we’ve had together. Like the time we decided to dye our hair bright colors and ended up looking like a pack of Skittles, or the time we got lost on a road trip and ended up discovering the best ice cream shop in the middle of nowhere. Through it all, your infectious laughter, wild imagination, and fearless spirit have made every moment unforgettable. [Groom’s Name], you are one brave man. You’ve taken on the challenge of being [Bride’s Name]’s partner in life, which means you’ll never have a dull moment. Get ready for impromptu dance parties, midnight baking sessions, and a lifetime of laughter and love. And [Bride’s Name], as you embark on this new adventure, remember that you have a friend who will always be ready to join in on the fun, no matter how crazy the idea may be. Keep spreading your joy, embracing your quirks, and making the world a brighter place. Cheers to a lifetime of love, laughter, and unforgettable memories!

22. Funny and Sentimental

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the honor of standing by [Bride’s Name]’s side through all of life’s moments, both big and small. From the days of playing with dolls and dreaming about our future weddings to the more recent years of supporting each other through the ups and downs of adulthood, [Bride’s Name] has been a constant source of love, laughter, and unwavering friendship. As I stand here today, I can’t help but feel a mix of emotions – joy, gratitude, and a bittersweet realization that our lives are changing in the most beautiful way possible. [Bride’s Name], you have been more than just a friend to me; you have been a sister, a confidante, and a true soulmate. Your kindness, empathy, and infectious laughter have touched the lives of everyone around you, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. [Groom’s Name], you are one lucky man. You have found a partner who will love you deeply, support you unconditionally, and make every day an adventure. And [Bride’s Name], as you begin this new chapter in your life, I want you to know that no matter where life takes you, you will always have a piece of my heart with you. Thank you for the memories we’ve shared, the laughter we’ve enjoyed, and the love you’ve given me. I am so excited to watch you and [Groom’s Name] build a beautiful life together, and I promise to always be here for you, through the good times and the bad. Cheers to a lifetime of love, happiness, and endless adventures!

23. Funny and Proud

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the incredible privilege of watching [Bride’s Name] grow into the remarkable woman she is today. From the early days of playing pretend and dreaming about the future to the more recent years of chasing her dreams and making a difference in the world, [Bride’s Name] has been a constant source of inspiration, determination, and unwavering spirit. As I stand here today, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of pride for the person she has become and the incredible journey she has taken to get here. [Bride’s Name], you have faced challenges head-on, overcome obstacles, and never lost sight of who you are and what you believe in. Your passion, integrity, and kind heart have touched the lives of so many people, and I am so proud to call you my friend. [Groom’s Name], you are one lucky man. You have found a partner who will not only love you unconditionally but also inspire you to be the best version of yourself. Together, you two are a force to be reckoned with, and I know that you will achieve great things and make the world a better place. And [Bride’s Name], as you embark on this new adventure, remember that you have a friend who will always be your biggest cheerleader, your loudest supporter, and your most loyal companion. Keep chasing your dreams, spreading your light, and making us all proud. Cheers to a future filled with love, success, and endless possibilities!

24. Funny and Thankful

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the incredible honor of being a part of [Bride’s Name]’s life for as long as I can remember. From the early days of our friendship, filled with inside jokes, late-night conversations, and pinky promises, to the more recent years of supporting each other through life’s ups and downs, [Bride’s Name] has been a constant source of love, laughter, and unwavering support. As I stand here today, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the role she has played in my life and the incredible person she is. [Bride’s Name], you have been more than just a friend; you have been a true blessing, a confidante, and a shining light in my life. Your kindness, generosity, and infectious spirit have touched the lives of everyone around you, and I am so thankful to have you in my life. [Groom’s Name], you are one lucky man. You have found a partner who will love you fiercely, support you unconditionally, and make every day an adventure. And [Bride’s Name], as you begin this new chapter in your life, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the extraordinary person you are. Thank you for the memories we’ve shared, the laughter we’ve enjoyed, and the love you’ve given me. Thank you for being my best friend, my sister, and my rock. I love you both so much, and I am so grateful to be a part of your special day. Cheers to a lifetime of love, happiness, and endless gratitude!

25. Funny and Encouraging

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of being [Bride’s Name]’s cheerleader, confidante, and occasional voice of reason for as long as I can remember. From the early days of our friendship, filled with big dreams, bold plans, and a healthy dose of mischief, to the more recent years of navigating the ups and downs of adulthood, [Bride’s Name] has been a constant source of inspiration, determination, and unwavering spirit. As I stand here today, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of excitement for the incredible journey that lies ahead for [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. [Bride’s Name], you have always been a force to be reckoned with – a true trailblazer, a dreamer, and a doer. Your passion, creativity, and kind heart have touched the lives of everyone around you, and I know that you will continue to make a difference in this world. [Groom’s Name], you are one lucky man. You have found a partner who will not only love you unconditionally but also inspire you to chase your dreams and be the best version of yourself. Together, you two are unstoppable, and I know that you will create a life filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures. And [Bride’s Name], as you embark on this new chapter in your life, remember that you have a friend who will always be here to cheer you on, lift you up, and remind you of just how incredible you are. Keep dreaming big, taking risks, and making the world a brighter place. Cheers to a future filled with love, success, and endless possibilities!

26. Funny and Joyful

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the absolute joy of being [Bride’s Name]’s partner in crime, laughter, and all things fabulous for as long as I can remember. From the early days of our friendship, filled with impromptu dance parties, karaoke sessions, and a never-ending supply of inside jokes, to the more recent years of celebrating each other’s successes and supporting each other through life’s challenges, [Bride’s Name] has been a constant source of happiness, positivity, and infectious energy. As I stand here today, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy and excitement for the incredible love story that has brought us all together. [Bride’s Name], you have always been a shining light in this world – a true beacon of joy, kindness, and unwavering spirit. Your ability to find the silver lining in every situation, to make everyone around you feel loved and valued, and to spread laughter wherever you go is truly remarkable. [Groom’s Name], you are one lucky man. You have found a partner who will fill your life with love, laughter, and endless adventures. Together, you two are a match made in heaven, and I know that your love story will be one for the ages. And [Bride’s Name], as you begin this new chapter in your life, remember that you have a friend who will always be here to celebrate with you, laugh with you, and dance the night away by your side. Keep spreading your joy, embracing life’s wonderful moments, and making the world a brighter place. Cheers to a lifetime of love, laughter, and endless happiness!

27. Funny and Supportive

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the incredible privilege of being [Bride’s Name]’s confidante, cheerleader, and occasional therapist for as long as I can remember. From the early days of our friendship, filled with long conversations, shared secrets, and a bond that could withstand anything, to the more recent years of supporting each other through life’s ups and downs, [Bride’s Name] has been a constant source of love, strength, and unwavering friendship. As I stand here today, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of pride and admiration for the person she has become and the incredible journey she has taken to get here. [Bride’s Name], you have faced challenges with grace, overcome obstacles with determination, and never lost sight of the kind, compassionate, and loving person you are. Your ability to be there for others, to listen without judgment, and to offer support and encouragement in even the toughest of times is truly remarkable. [Groom’s Name], you are one lucky man. You have found a partner who will stand by your side through thick and thin, who will be your rock in times of trouble, and who will love you unconditionally. Together, you two are an unstoppable team, and I know that you will face life’s challenges and celebrate its joys hand in hand. And [Bride’s Name], as you embark on this new chapter in your life, remember that you have a friend who will always be here to support you, to listen to you, and to remind you of just how incredible you are. Keep being the amazing person you are, keep loving with all your heart, and keep leaning on those who love you. Cheers to a future filled with love, strength, and unwavering support!

28. Funny and Sweet

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the absolute pleasure of being [Bride’s Name]’s partner in all things sweet, sentimental, and downright adorable for as long as I can remember. From the early days of our friendship, filled with heart-to-heart conversations, shared pints of ice cream, and a mutual love for all things romantic, to the more recent years of celebrating each other’s milestones and gushing over the perfect love story, [Bride’s Name] has been a constant source of warmth, kindness, and unwavering sweetness. As I stand here today, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and gratitude for the beautiful love story that has brought us all together. [Bride’s Name], you have always been a true romantic at heart – a believer in soulmates, happily ever afters, and the power of true love. Your ability to see the beauty in the little things, to cherish the special moments, and to love with all your heart is truly inspiring. [Groom’s Name], you are one lucky man. You have found a partner who will fill your life with love, sweetness, and endless romance. Together, you two are a real-life fairy tale, and I know that your love story will be one for the ages. And [Bride’s Name], as you begin this new chapter in your life, remember that you have a friend who will always be here to swoon over your adorable moments, to celebrate your love, and to remind you of just how special your bond is. Keep cherishing the little things, keep believing in the power of love, and keep being the sweet, wonderful person you are. Cheers to a lifetime of love, happiness, and endless sweetness!

29. Funny and Adventurous

Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the incredible joy of being [Bride’s Name]’s partner in adventure, mischief, and all things wild and wonderful for as long as I can remember. From the early days of our friendship, filled with spontaneous road trips, adrenaline-fueled activities, and a never-ending thirst for new experiences, to the more recent years of tackling life’s challenges and celebrating its victories together, [Bride’s Name] has been a constant source of excitement, courage, and unwavering spirit. As I stand here today, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of excitement and anticipation for the incredible journey that lies ahead for [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. [Bride’s Name], you have always been a true adventurer at heart – a fearless explorer, a risk-taker, and a seeker of all things extraordinary. Your ability to embrace life’s challenges, to push past your comfort zone, and to find joy in every moment is truly remarkable. [Groom’s Name], you are one lucky man. You have found a partner who will fill your life with excitement, adventure, and endless possibilities. Together, you two are a force to be reckoned with, and I know that your journey together will be filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable experiences. And [Bride’s Name], as you embark on this new chapter in your life, remember that you have a friend who will always be here to join you on your adventures, to cheer you on as you tackle new challenges, and to remind you of just how incredible you are. Keep embracing life’s wild and wonderful moments, keep seeking out new horizons, and keep being the amazing, adventurous person you are. Cheers to a lifetime of love, excitement, and endless adventures!

30. Funny and Resilient

Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the absolute honor of being [Bride’s Name]’s confidante, support system, and occasional partner in getting through life’s toughest moments for as long as I can remember. From the early days of our friendship, filled with long conversations, shared tears, and an unbreakable bond, to the more recent years of navigating life’s challenges and celebrating its triumphs together, [Bride’s Name] has been a constant source of strength, resilience, and unwavering friendship. As I stand here today, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of admiration and respect for the person she has become and the incredible journey she has taken to get here. [Bride’s Name], you have faced adversity with courage, overcome obstacles with grace, and never lost sight of the strong, amazing, and resilient person you are. Your ability to pick yourself up after a setback, to find hope in the darkest of times, and to keep moving forward no matter what life throws your way is truly inspiring. [Groom’s Name], you are one lucky man. You have found a partner who will stand by your side through life’s ups and downs, who will be your rock in times of trouble, and who will love you fiercely and unconditionally. Together, you two are an unbreakable team, and I know that you will face life’s challenges and celebrate its joys hand in hand. And [Bride’s Name], as you embark on this new chapter in your life, remember that you have a friend who will always be here to support you, to lift you up, and to remind you of just how incredible and resilient you are. Keep being the strong, amazing person you are, keep facing life’s challenges with courage and grace, and keep leaning on those who love you. Cheers to a future filled with love, strength, and unwavering resilience!

Let’s Summarize

We’ve covered a lot, from understanding the bride’s sense of humor to adding pop culture references. You’re now ready to ace the maid of honor speech. But before we raise a glass, let’s recap the key points:

First, tailor your humor to the bride’s personality. This ensures your speech resonates with her and the audience. Second, nail that opening line. It’s your chance to grab everyone’s attention and set the tone.

Include clever one-liners, self-deprecating humor, and relatable references throughout to keep the laughs coming. But remember, moderation is key. You want punchy jokes, not a never-ending roast.

Lastly, practice is crucial. Rehearse your speech until it’s smooth and your delivery is spot on. This way, your punchlines will hit just right, ensuring everyone enjoys your speech.

Final Thoughts

Well, there you have it – everything you need to go from a bundle of nerves to a world-class maid of honor speech-giver! But before you go, let me leave you with one last thought…

A truly funny maid of honor speech isn’t just about landing jokes – it’s about creating a lasting memory. Years from now, your speech will be one of the highlights the bride and groom reminisce over with friends and family.

So, aim not just for laughs, but to capture the essence of your friendship, the love between the newlyweds, and the joy of the celebration. Craft a performance that has everyone laughing, shedding happy tears, and cherishing the moment for years to come.

And if you ever need a little extra support, remember that Bridesmaid for Hire has got your back. We’re all about creating unforgettable maid of honor memories! Now go forth and work your magic.

Quick Maid of Honor Resources

100% custom maid of honor speech

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The Ultimate Guide: 100 Maid of Honor Speech Quotes to Inspire Your Perfect Wedding Toast


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Hey! I'm Jen Glantz

I started Bridesmaid for Hire 10-years-ago after being a bridesmaid for lots of friends. I’m a nonfiction author and content creator who lives in Brooklyn with Goofy (the dog), Gemma (the baby), and Adam (the husband). I love to share: advice & tips, secrets with strangers, and pizza. I eat a lot of pizza.

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101 Funny Maid of Honor Speeches to Make the Most Amusing Toasts

Check out hilarious maid-of-honor speeches to create the most amusing and heartwarming toasts. Add laughter and joy to the celebration with our tips and tricks.

Aastha Pahadia

How to Structure Funny Bridesmaid Speeches?

Introduction, share how you know the couple.

  • Compliments And Praise 

Share a Bit About Their Loving Journey as a Couple

101 funny maid of honor speech examples.

When it comes to wedding speeches, the key is striking a perfect balance between heartfelt and humorous toasts. While the heartfelt parts should draw from your own cherished memories and emotions about the couple, crafting witty zingers may not be everyone's forte. Fear not! We're here to lend a hand in the humor division, as we've gathered a delightful selection of funny maid of honor speeches to add laughter and joy to give well-wishes to the couple. Whether you're in search of inspiration to craft your personalized speeches or looking for lines to bring a joyful atmosphere to the wedding reception, these witty speeches are sure to charm and delight all the guests. Additionally, we also jot down valuable tips on crafting and delivering a humorous speech that maintains its charm without turning into a roast.

While each Maid of Honor speech may differ in style, having a structured approach is essential to ensure you don't lose track. Given your close relationship with the bride and groom, a well-thought-out framework will help you deliver a heartfelt and memorable speech that celebrates their love and leaves a positive impact on the hearts of guests, and convey your blessings for a happy married life . Here's a suggested speech outline that will help you to create a hilarious and memorable bridesmaid speech. But before starting, make sure to keep the speech concise. The duration of the same must be about 3-5 minutes.

Start with a captivating opening that grabs the audience's attention. Introduce yourself and your relationship with the bride , mentioning your role as a bridesmaid. Don’t take too long in this phase and remember this part is not for you.

Share a funny and light-hearted story about the bride or the couple. It could be an amusing incident or a humorous memory you both share. While doing this, ensure to keep the story relatable and appropriate for all guests.

Compliments And Praise 

Shower the bride with compliments and words of praise, highlighting her wonderful qualities, accomplishments, and how she positively impacts your life . Talk about your friendship and share some moments from your life with the bride before she found her one and only. To write the outstanding maid of honor funny toasts, learn how to fluently transform your lines. From this point, take a beautiful transition into describing how her soulmate has positively transformed her life and the significant role they have played in this wonderful journey together.

Talk about the experiences, milestones, and special moments that the bride and groom have shared throughout their relationship. It involves narrating the story of how they met, their early days as a couple, how their love grew, and any significant events or adventures they have had along the way. Highlight the couple's bond and the depth of their affection for each other.

  • The Closing And Toast

Incorporate funny anecdotes about the bride and groom throughout the speech to add a delightful touch of humor and light-heartedness. These amusing stories should be tasteful and relevant, making the audience smile and creating a warm atmosphere as they celebrate the couple's special day. In the closing moments of the speech, it's essential to summarize and celebrate the couple's beautiful relationship and the happiness they share.

Emphasize the love, support, and understanding they have for each other, acknowledging the special bond they have formed. Then, to end the maid of honor speech, raise your glass and propose a toast to the couple. Use a clever and humorous line to wish them happiness , love, and laughter in their marriage.

Examples of Funny Lines for Maid of Honor Speech

1. Hi folks, it’s me, the Maid of Honor — not quite as beautiful as the bride but she asked me anyway so here I am!

2. “Love is like a rollercoaster…you may scream…you may throw up…but you’ll always want to ride again.”

3. I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who helped out with planning the Bachelorette Party . And I extra want to thank everyone who lied and told the groom we were scrapbooking.

4. As we all know, being the Maid of Honor is a great privilege – especially when it means that I get to embarrass you in front of everyone!

5. I still remember when the bride would throw on makeup and fix her hair before going out in public with the groom. He must be thrilled that she is now comfortable wearing jammies and a ponytail on their date nights.

6. Today we are gathered here to witness a magical, life-changing event…my speech. The wedding wasn’t so bad either! 

7. We can all agree that it’s been a beautiful day. Unfortunately, that ends here with my speech!

8. "May you never lie, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie with each other. And if you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink with us. Cheers to the newlyweds!"

9. I’m going to enjoy giving this speech because it is the only 5 minutes of the day that (bride’s name) didn’t get to plan (trust me…she tried!).

10. Now, let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple. I actually like both of you—do you have any idea how rare that is?

11. Today marks a momentous occasion in all our lives – because finally, this couple is tying the knot after years of playing hide-and-seek with true love!

12. The happy couple asked that I don’t tell any embarrassing stories during this speech. So, that’s all from me, folks. Thanks for listening. 

13. (Bride’s name)…put your left hand on the table. (Groom’s name)…put your hand on top of hers. (Groom’s name)…enjoy this moment, because this is the last time that you will have the upper hand in this relationship!

14. When the bride and groom first met, she asked if I thought he was too good-looking for her. Silly, right? He’s not even good-looking.

15. Today, we honor not just one person but two – after all, they both deserve recognition for finding each other in this crazy world!

16. To be honest, I kinda have to thank myself as well – after all, I’m the one who introduced them to each other right?!

17. I know the groom loves the bride for being so laid back and accommodating. He has no idea that she’s going to toss out his childhood action figures by this time next week.

18. I am thrilled that my dear friend chose such an amazing man. You should’ve seen the cast of characters that came before him!

19. It’s time for me to take the reins and let you all in on why this couple is so special – after all, I’m the only one who knows their secrets, right?

20. The bride once told me that she loved how the groom was confident and didn’t let her boss him around. Don’t worry, groom, she’ll get there.

Funny Maid of Honor One Liners

21. May all of your ups and downs be only in the bedroom.

22. Being the Maid of Honor is like being the bride's personal stand-up comedian. So, brace yourselves for some laughter tonight!"

23. They say marriage is a roller coaster ride, but with these two, it's more like a laughter-filled roller derby!

24. I'm here to reveal all the embarrassing secrets but don't worry, I've signed a non-disclosure agreement... just kidding!

25. I've known the bride for so long that I could write a book about her. But don't worry, I'll keep it to a short comedy special.

26. Raise your glass if you agree that the bride's choice in partners has improved significantly since our high school days!

27.  Let's raise a toast to the couple who found love, and to all of us who found free drinks tonight!

28. I always knew my best friend had great taste, but marrying [Groom's Name]? Now that's a whole new level!

29. They say a successful marriage is about compromise. Well, I guess the groom's fashion sense was the first compromise!

30. To the couple who truly proves that love is blind. Especially when it comes to seeing each other's quirky habits!

31. They say love is patient, but I'm not sure how patient [Bride's Name] was when she had to wait for her prince charming!

32. Marriage is like a roller coaster – full of ups, downs, and moments where you just want to scream! But it's one heck of a ride!

33. The groom may be the one putting a ring on it, but I'm just happy to see [Bride's Name] finally got a free upgrade!

34. I've seen [Bride's Name] in all sorts of situations, but nothing compares to the sheer happiness she has with [Groom's Name].

35. To the couple who can finish each other's sentences and sandwiches – now that's a match made in heaven!

36. They say love is blind, but we all know [Bride's Name] has a perfect vision when it comes to choosing her partner!

37. I always knew [Bride's Name] was destined for greatness – now she's just added 'marrying the love of her life' to the list!

38. Let's all raise a glass to the newlyweds and wish them a lifetime of love, laughter, and lots of inside jokes!

39. To [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], may your love be as endless as the bar tab tonight!

40. As the Maids of Honor, I have the honor of telling you all just how lucky the groom is to have married my best friend!

41. Cheers, to love, laughter, and to the couple who found each other despite all the questionable dating choices along the way!

Maid of Honor Jokes to Crack on the Wedding Day

42. I knew he was the one for her when she told me he was a schoolteacher. It must be pretty amazing for her to marry a man with that salary.

43. When I first heard that my best friend was getting married, I had one immediate thought: finally, someone who can handle her sass better than me!

44. It seems like only yesterday that the bride was out partying and dancing with a man in a fireman’s uniform. Wait, that was yesterday. That whole Bachelorette party is already a blur. 

45. I’d like to thank everyone for being here today, especially those of you who are on the same team as me in our ongoing prank war against the bride-to-be!

46. May the bride have a long happy marriage where she never wears any of the lingerie she received at her shower.

47. Now she can finally cross off “buy a wedding dress” from her to-do list for the year.

48. I would love to be the first person to ask when you’ll be having a baby, but I’m pretty sure at least two people did so when the bride was still walking down the aisle.

49. She always said she’d never settle for anything less than the perfect man, and gosh, it seems like she barely made it!

50. I have never known the bride to love anyone as much as she loves the groom. OK, maybe she has, but those guys thought she was bonkers. 

51. I’m not saying ‘Bride’ changes her mind too much, but I have still got the receipt for the wedding gift!

52. From this day forward, you will never have to get another bikini wax. 

53. If you want to find out more about the bride, I’m sure Google will be very happy to help!

54. The dear bride has a wonderful sense of humor. She said the funniest thing recently. What was it? Oh yeah, “You’ll wear that dress again one day.”

55. As a friend, I would do anything for ‘Bride’, but now you’re married, ‘Groom’ can do it for you!

56. I know the bride will love the groom in sickness and in health. Even if health means he becomes obsessed with CrossFit.

57. I want to thank the Bride for choosing me to be part of her big day. And ‘Groom’ for having such handsome groomsmen! How you doin’? 

58. It has been my honor to carry Kleenex, lip gloss, and an extra tampon for you today as you join your life with the man you love.

59. ‘Bride’ has been so excited to be a wife, for so many reasons, but mainly because she can eat what she wants now, and will never have to shave her legs again!

60. The bride is the type of woman who’d drop everything to bail someone out of jail. You should all have her on speed dial. But not tonight. She’s busy.

61. ‘Bride’ has never been the type to back down from a challenge. That’s why she married ‘Groom’. 

62. I know the bride loves you to the moon and back, but when you become parents, she’s gonna love that kid all the way to Mars.

Funny Quotes for Maid of Honor Speech

63. "Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience." - Oscar Wilde

64. "Love is sharing your popcorn." - Charles Schultz

65. "Marriage is like a walk in the park... Jurassic Park!" - Unknown

66. "I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." - Rita Rudner

67. "By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." - Socrates

68. "Love is a lot like a toothache; it doesn't show up on X-rays, but you know it's there." - George Burns

69. "The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they're too old to do it." - Ann Bancroft

70. "Marriage is not just spiritual communion; it is also remembering to take out the trash." - Joyce Brothers

71. "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." - Mignon McLaughlin

72. "Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade." - Unknown

73. "Marriage is the only war in which you sleep with the enemy." - Gary Busey

74. "To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you're wrong, admit it; whenever you're right, shut up." - Ogden Nash

75. "I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you can be annoyed with for the rest of your life." - Rita Rudner

76. "A man is incomplete until he's married. After that, he's finished." - Zsa Zsa Gabor

77. "Marriage is when a man and woman become one. The trouble starts when they try to decide which one." - Unknown

78. "My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way." - Henny Youngman

79. "Love is a lot like dancing; you just surrender to the music." - Pierce Brosnan

80. "Marriage is like a phone call in the night: first, the ring, and then you wake up." - Evelyn Hendrickson

81. "Marriage is all about finding that one person you can bug for the rest of your life." - Unknown

82. "Love is not having to hold in your stomach anymore." - Unknown

Maid of Honor Funny Toast

83. Here's to the bride and groom, may their love be as eternal as the 'unsubscribe' button on spam emails!

84. To the couple who found love in a hopeless place, we raise our glasses and hope they find the remote control too!

85. Let's all toast to the couple who proved that love is blind – especially when it comes to each other's annoying habits!

86. To [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], may your love be as strong as the Wi-Fi signal on your honeymoon!

87. May your love be as unstoppable as your group chat notifications!

88. Here's to the newlyweds - the only couple who will be able to argue about how to load the dishwasher for the rest of their lives!

89. Cheers to the couple who found their lobster – their person to annoy for the rest of their lives!

90. Let's raise our glasses to the couple who prove that happiness is being married to your best friend and personal comedian!

91. To [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], may your love be as endless as the guest list for the wedding!

92. Cheers to love, laughter, and a lifetime of saying 'I'm sorry, you're right, I was wrong!

93. May your love for each other be as unbreakable as your Netflix password!

94. To [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], may your love be as strong as your WiFi connection – full bars and no buffering!

95. Here's to the couple who found their happily ever after, and now get to deal with each other's weird quirks forever!

96. To the couple who proves that 'happily ever after' really does exist – even after the toilet seat debate!

97. Let's raise our glasses to the couple who found love and proved that soulmates can also be each other's best partners in crime!

98. Here's to the couple who found love, even after all those times they claimed they were 'never dating anyone ever again!

99. To [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], may your love be as unconditional as your love for pizza – with extra cheese!

100. Cheers to the couple who found love, despite all the terrible first date stories they'll hopefully never have to tell again!

101. May your love be as epic as a viral cat video, and may your happiness be as never-ending as a bottomless mimosa!

Tips for Writing Hilarious Maid of Honor Speeches for Sister, Best Friend, Bridal Party, Or Cousins

- Make sure to start with a Bang. Beginning with a captivating and humorous opening line grabs the audience's attention from the start. A funny quote, anecdote, or witty remark can set the tone for your speech.

- While telling funny stories and humor is great, avoid sharing embarrassing stories that might make the bride or wedding guests uncomfortable. Keep the anecdotes light and affectionate. Make sure to make everyone comfortable with light juggling or words and try to engage the audience by asking funny one-liners about marriage. Lastly, don’t forget to encourage them to participate in a toast or reaction to your jokes.

- Avoid being overly emotional and incorporate witty one-liners or punchlines from time to time that will land well with the audience. Humorous quotes or puns can add charm to your speech. While focusing on humor, remember to express your love and admiration for the bride and balance funny moments with heartfelt sentiments.

- Pay attention to the timing and delivery of your jokes. Practice your speech to ensure that your humor flows naturally and isn't rushed. Try to keep your maid of honor speech opening lines funny but don’t overdo it. Stop crossing lines and avoid jargon in your language. Choose simple words that are understandable.

- Aim for a speech that is around 3-5 minutes long. Short and sweet speeches often have a greater impact. Also, try to keep your attention on the amazing couple and not only the bride. Remember, it's their day. Also, ditch using too many personal jokes as the guests won’t be able to understand them.

- Try to use visual aids while delivering your funny speech for your sister's wedding. If appropriate, consider using old photos or props to add humor and engage the audience. You can use a slideshow or create a collage to showcase their journey as a couple or amusing moments you've shared together. Ensure the photos are appropriate and won't cause any discomfort.

- Focus on engaging the audience by telling a story. This is a fantastic way to captivate their attention and keep them entertained throughout your speech. Consider sharing a funny and heartwarming narrative that revolves around the bride and groom. It could be a humorous incident, a sweet moment, or a memorable adventure you all experienced together. As you narrate the story, use descriptive language and vivid details to paint a clear picture for the audience.

- Avoid mentioning exes or past relationships of the bride or groom in your speech. Bringing up past romantic connections can be uncomfortable, and awkward, and may detract from the joyous atmosphere of the wedding celebration. Focus on celebrating the love and happiness of the couple's present and future together, while leaving any references to past relationships out of the speech.

- Ensure your speech remains positive, respectful, and centered on the couple's beautiful journey as they begin their new life together.

With an abundance of the above-mentioned laughter-inducing gems, you can make your funny maid-of-honor speeches truly memorable. These light-hearted and witty speeches are sure to ignite joy and camaraderie among your audience, wishing your blessings to the couple for a happy life.  You can also draw inspiration from the tips mentioned above to craft your speeches that have the perfect blend of humor and sincerity. Using these creative inspirations, you're well on your way to becoming the ultimate Maid of Honor toastmaster. Also, feel free to mix and match these speeches according to your requirements—after all, the ultimate aim is to craft a speech that is thoughtful and leaves an everlasting impression on the hearts of the happy couple and all the attendees.

ALSO READ:   How to Write a Best Man Speech: Tips And Examples

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on relationships.

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on relationships. As a professional writer, Aastha believes that her content will create a positive change in the lives of people who search solutions for to their everyday problems on the internet. Leaning towards a positive and joyful approach is what makes her content more relatable to her readers.

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Crafting a Memorable Maid of Honor Speech: Tips and Inspiration

Natalia Bayeva


Crafting a memorable maid of honor speech can be both an honor and a daunting task. It’s a chance to celebrate the bride in a heartfelt way while engaging the audience. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or feeling the nerves, this guide will walk you through simple and effective steps to create a speech that will leave everyone touched and smiling. Remember, the key to a great speech lies in authenticity and personal anecdotes – sharing genuine stories and emotions will make your words resonate with everyone present.

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Maid Of Honor Speech Examples

Matron of honor speech.

In the realm of weddings, the roles of Maid of Honor and Matron of Honor are distinct yet equally significant. While the Maid of Honor is typically an unmarried woman, the Matron of Honor is a married woman, often a close friend or relative of the bride. The Matron of Honor’s speech is a cherished moment during the wedding reception, filled with heartfelt memories and well-wishes.

Difference between Maid of Honor and Matron of Honor:

  • Maid of Honor: Unmarried woman chosen for her close relationship with the bride.
  • Matron of Honor: Married woman, offering a unique perspective on married life and advice for the couple.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], the Matron of Honor and [Bride’s Name]’s older sister/best friend. It’s an incredible honor to stand here today beside my beautiful sister/best friend on this special day. Growing up, [Bride’s Name] and I shared countless memories—sleepovers filled with secrets, endless laughter, and a bond that only sisters/best friends can understand. From the moment she met [Groom’s Name], I saw a light in her eyes that was new and wonderful. Seeing her so happy and in love filled my heart with joy. As someone who has been married for a few years, I’ve learned that marriage is a journey filled with beautiful highs and challenging lows. [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], you two have a love that is strong and resilient. Cherish each other, communicate openly, and never stop laughing together. [Bride’s Name], you are my confidante, my rock, and my inspiration. [Groom’s Name], thank you for loving her the way she deserves. I’m excited to watch you two build a life filled with love and happiness. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and endless joy. Congratulations, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]!
Hello everyone! For those who might not know me, I’m [Your Name], the Matron of Honor and [Bride’s Name]’s college roommate/best friend. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing [Bride’s Name] for [number] years, and I must say, standing here today is an absolute joy. When [Bride’s Name] told me about [Groom’s Name], she couldn’t stop smiling. In fact, she smiled so much that I thought she had taken up a new hobby—face exercises! But in all seriousness, from the first time I met [Groom’s Name], I knew he was the one. The way they look at each other, with so much love and understanding, is something truly special. Now, as someone who has been through the ups and downs of marriage, I want to offer a bit of advice: always remember to keep the humor alive. Laugh together, especially during the tough times. It’s amazing how a little laughter can ease even the most stressful moments. [Bride’s Name], you’ve been my partner in crime, my cheerleader, and my voice of reason. [Groom’s Name], you’re incredibly lucky to have her, and I know she’s just as lucky to have you. So, here’s to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]—may your life together be filled with love, laughter, and lots of happy memories. Cheers!

Tips for Writing a Matron of Honor Speech:

  • Start with a Personal Anecdote: Share a meaningful memory or story that highlights your relationship with the bride.
  • Express Genuine Emotions: Speak from the heart, expressing your happiness and love for the couple.
  • Offer Words of Wisdom: As a married woman, provide thoughtful advice and encouragement for their journey ahead.
  • Keep it Concise: Aim for a speech that is heartfelt but brief, typically around 3-5 minutes.
  • Practice: Rehearse your speech to ensure a smooth delivery and to manage any nerves.

Best Friend Maid Of Honor Speech

After years of helping Maids of Honor deliver awesome speeches, founder of Speechy and author of ‘The Modern Couple’s Guide to Wedding Speeches’, Heidi Ellert-McDermott, shares her tips. The first three-fifths of the speech should include revealing, entertaining stories that give an insight into the bride and your relationship with her. Don’t be shy of some affectionate teasing.

We’ve made a research and after surveying over 50,000 brides, the maid of honor choice was crystal clear: more than 51% of them chose their best friend as their maid of honor. This role isn’t just about tradition—it’s about an unbreakable bond. A best friend’s speech resonates deeply, filled with shared memories and heartfelt wishes.

“If you haven’t had the chance to meet me yet, my name is X. (Bride) and I have been best friends for about 10 years. We met in high school gym class, and we couldn’t stand each other at first. As you can see, things eventually changed for the better. When (Bride) first asked me to be her Maid of Honor I felt flattered. But as the big day approached, she also told me to give a speech and a toast. I’m kind of the shy type and tried my best to get out of it. But, as (Groom) can tell you, it’s almost impossible to tell (Bride) No and get away with it. I wanted to tell you both how absolutely spectacular you look today. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better-looking couple (except for maybe my boyfriend and I). And I hope you’re all having a lovely evening and I’d like to I wish you two all the love and happiness in the world. How blessed you are to celebrate your love on this beautiful day. I know there are many happy years ahead for you. Let’s all raise our glasses to the bride and groom, and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness!”
“I never had a sister, but (Bride) has been like a sister to me for all these years. We have similar tastes, we like similar clothes… I knew (Bride) had found the one when (Groom) walked into her life. Well, I’m fine with that – she saw him first! Actually, you could see that it was love at first, second, and third sight. He is her Prince Charming and it seems to me he gives her all she needs – a strong arm, a sympathetic ear, and his credit card.”
“I met (Bride) 6 years ago, as we tried to survive in the concrete jungle of NY. To thrive there, your tribe is essential. We are quite protective of each other, so I was a bit skeptical of (Groom) when he first came into the picture. But as time goes by, I can’t imagine anyone else but him to be her one and only. They say that anyone can be passionate, but it takes a real pair of lovers to be silly. Well, together, (Bride) and (Groom) are two of the goofiest people I know.”
“Hello everyone, my name is X, and by my dress, you can tell that I am the Maid of Honor today. For many years, we have been through thick and thin, and we have shared many memories. Today is another great day to add to our collection of sweet memories, so I’m really looking forward to the cake! I know you will have challenges as all relationships do. But you know what’s great about love and relationships and marriages? It is learning to grow together. Caring and sharing, and lots of tenderness. And maybe a bit of patience, or maybe even a lot. So let’s raise our glasses to the power of love, that makes all these wonderful things happen! Today you start a completely new chapter of your lives. What can I say? Never forget the two most important replies: ‘you’re right, dear’ and ‘okay, buy it’. Love and cherish each other! These two are a rare find in today’s world. Here’s to the groom who has a bride so fair, and here’s to the bride with a groom who is so rare.”

Check out this touching maid of honor speech to get inspired!

How to write a maid of honor speech for best friend?

  • Introduction: Begin by introducing yourself and expressing how honored you are to be the maid of honor for your best friend.
  • Fond Memories: Share special and cherished memories you’ve shared together, highlighting the bond you both share.
  • Praise and Qualities: Speak about your best friend’s wonderful qualities, accomplishments, and the ways they have positively impacted your life and the lives of others.
  • The Friendship: Emphasize the strength and significance of your friendship, and how it has grown over the years.
  • Love and Support: Show appreciation for the bride’s partner and express your excitement about their journey together.
  • Gratitude: Thank the guests for being a part of this special day and acknowledge the couple’s families.
  • Toast: Raise a toast to your best friend and their partner, wishing them a lifetime of love, joy, and happiness together.

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Sister maid of honor speech.

According to our research, the second most popular choice for the maid of honor role is the bride’s sister. While tradition often places the best friend in the spotlight, a sister brings a unique depth to the role. Their shared history, growing up together, and the intrinsic bond make a sister’s speech incredibly touching. With a wealth of childhood memories and a deep understanding of the bride, a sister’s words carry immense emotional weight. When delivering the speech, draw upon this shared journey, express genuine emotions, and celebrate the love that binds not only siblings but also the newlyweds.

“As you may know, I am the bride’s younger sister. As we were growing up, I always wanted to be like her. Do the things she did, have the things she had –  I was probably a bit annoying, I always wanted to tag along. She taught me how to care, how to share, and how to try to reach for the stars. And as I grew up I wanted to be just as beautiful, caring, smart, and successful as her. (Bride) has always set an example for me to follow. Over the years she has shown me how to love and care. Today she shows me how to find a best friend, a partner, and a true lover, all in one person. I hope that I am just as lucky someday. It’s a great happiness to find someone who loves you as much as (Groom) loves my sister. Today, I want to thank both of you for being a part of my life, and to celebrate the love you both share. Like many sisters, we weren’t always best friends. I remember fights, screaming, and door-slamming, but I couldn’t have picked a better sister and a friend. Now that we are older, I can finally admit how happy I am to have grown up with such a great sister. Having a sister is one of the greatest things in life. Having a little sister is even better because I liked to be bossy. (Bride) always wanted to be a bit more like me… But actually, there is so much that I admire about her! I have watched her grow into the gorgeous woman that she is. It is a great honor for me to be her big sister!”
“First of all, I want to thank you all for being here with us today. As most of you know I am (Bride’s) sister. As we grew, we were as close as can be. We were always in trouble and I remember wondering if there will be a guy brave enough for someone as wild as my sister is. Well, here he is!My sis has just tied the knot. And I do believe that (Groom) is her perfect match. And today I realize that all she needs is a guy who will love her just the way she is, with all her craziness. Their commitment to each other inspires all of us because that’s what we call true love. So let’s raise our glasses to this amazing couple!”
“I want you to know that it took me 3 weeks to write this speech over and over again. And I couldn’t think of anything perfect enough to describe just how much I love you. I couldn’t find words to define the kind of sister you are to me. This is your big day and there is so much I want to say… I Googled a lot of maid of honor speech examples. The one piece of advice I kept finding over and over again was to start off with a quote. I did some research and I think their love is best described by Dr. Seuss: “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because the reality is finally better than your dreams.”
“Love, be true to her; Life, be dear to her; Health, stay close to her; Joy, draw near to her; Fortune, find what you can do for her, Search your treasure house through and through for her, Follow her footsteps the wide world over – And keep her husband always her lover. – By Anna Lewis, from “To the Bride”

How to write a maid of honor speech for sister?

  • Introduction: Start by introducing yourself and your relationship with the bride, emphasizing your sisterly bond.
  • Anecdotes: Share heartfelt and funny stories that highlight your sister’s qualities, achievements, or memorable moments you’ve shared together.
  • Praise the bride: Compliment her personality, kindness, and the positive impact she has on others.
  • Address the groom: Welcome him into the family and share a warm message about their relationship.
  • Express gratitude: Thank the guests for attending and acknowledge your parents and other family members.
  • Toast: Raise a glass and propose a heartfelt toast to the newlyweds and their future happiness together.

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Funny Maid Of Honor Speech

As a close friend of the bride, you would have a lot of material for wedding speeches bridesmaids, you just need to know how to put them all together. A few sample wedding speeches would give you the right kind of inspiration to get you on your way.

“Well, for those of you who I haven’t had the chance to meet yet, my name is [NAME]. [BRIDE] and I have been best friends for around the last 10 years. We first met at work one day, when she stole my carrot cake out of the fridge in the lunchroom and I threw away her pineapple yogurt cartons in revenge. I never had a sister, but [BRIDE] has been my stand-in sister for all these years. You could say we are even closer than sisters. We don’t fight like sisters, but we do wear each other’s clothes. Somehow she can still fit into my clothes but I can’t fit into hers anymore. I’m sure that is just because her dryer must be shrinking them. I knew [BRIDE] had found the one when [GROOM] walked into her life. Sure, she dated a few guys…after I was done torturing them. But [GROOM] was different. Unlike those jerks, he was kind and thoughtful. And he had a job. You could see that it was love at first, second, and third sight. Clearly [GROOM] is charming and it seems to me he offers her what she needs – a strong arm, a kind ear, and an American Express Black Card. I trust [BRIDE] and [GROOM] completely. I remember the time I asked them to watch my dog Benji when I went skiing in Europe. They were so nice to help out. I got back and Benji was so happy to see me. He was 40 pounds lighter and now he sees a therapist twice a week. Of course, we are having fun today. The test of this relationship will be over the long term. Will she still love [GROOM] when he leaves his underwear on the floor and cuts his toenails at the dinner table? The answer is no. God, please, disgusting. No, seriously, I know they will have challenges as all relationships do. And [GROOM] will learn what all men learn eventually. Keep your wife happy! Happy wife, happy life. No, really, what’s great about love and relationships and marriage is learning to grow together. The communication it takes to keep a marriage going is massive. But half the fun is working things out, talking, communicating, and launching kitchen appliances at each other – real love. Today has been a great day. Family and friends are here, the sun is shining and the champagne is flowing. And we’ll need it to get through this chicken dinner.”

Sometimes the hardest part of being a maid of honor to your bestie might be writing the wedding speech. Speaking with your friend face to face is always easy, however, making toasts or speeches in front of a group of people would be totally different and not as easy. This is why anecdotes and funny wedding speeches maid of honor could help you cruise through your speech while giving the wedding guests a laugh at the same time.

Funny Lines For Maid Of Honor Speech

  • “I did some research on how to give the perfect maid of honor speech, and the first tip I found was to imagine everyone in their underwear. So, here we are, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my nightmare!”
  • “Being the maid of honor is like being a ninja. You have to be quick on your feet, prepared for anything, and ready to attack at a moment’s notice. But instead of throwing shurikens, I’m armed with embarrassing stories about the bride.”
  • “As the maid of honor, I’ve been given the responsibility of keeping the bride calm and relaxed throughout the wedding planning process. Which is why I’ve been slipping her Xanax in her coffee every morning.”
  • “When the bride asked me to be her maid of honor, I was thrilled. But then I realized it meant I had to give a speech in front of all these people. So if I faint halfway through, just drag me off stage and make it look like part of the act.”

Bridesmaid Wedding Speech

A list of example wedding speeches maid of honor could act as a template of sorts, helping you figure out just how to structure your bridesmaid speech.

Some of the best wedding speeches maid of honor, shine a light on the friendship between the bride and her maid of honor, as well as the beautiful personality of the bride. Most introductions begin with the story of meeting the groom for the first time. The intro is usually a good time to inject a funny quote, poem, or actual occurrence.

“Hi everyone, I am one of the bridesmaids at this wedding and I just wanted to say how happy and lucky I am to be here to celebrate [bride] and [groom’s] wedding with everyone. Today, everything looks effortless. From the beautiful wedding ceremony to the food, music, and decorations at this venue, every little detail was planned by [bride] and [groom.] And lots of time was spent shopping for dresses and doing fittings. When you get to peek behind the scenes, you see how much work really gets put into planning a wedding. There were a lot of late nights and hours spent working on this wedding and I have to say that it all turned out quite beautifully. Let’s all give a round of applause for [bride] and [groom.] [Bride] and [groom,] thank you for such a wonderful day. I raise my glass to the two of you and wish you nothing but the best in your life together. May each day be full of love and laughter between the two of you.”

Speeches are generally not as difficult as we imagine. So, you can relax, go through these samples, and create one of the best wedding toast speeches made of honor.

Short Maid Of Honor Speech Examples

“Greetings to all of you. I’m [Name], the maid of honor. I would like to express a few words about the lovely bride and groom. [Bride] has always been a wonderful friend to me, and it’s an honor to be her maid of honor today. And [Groom], I am delighted that you are joining our family. You two are a perfect match, and I wish you all the happiness and love in the world. Let’s raise a glass to the happy couple!”
“Hello, everyone. I’m [Name], the maid of honor. [Bride], you look breathtakingly beautiful today, and I feel grateful to be a part of your extraordinary day. [Groom], you’re a fortunate man! [Bride] is intelligent, gorgeous, and has a heart of gold. I am confident that you both will have a lifetime of love and happiness together. Congratulations on your special day!”
“Good evening, all. I’m [Name], the maid of honor, and for those who don’t know me, it’s lovely to meet you. I have known [Bride] for several years, and I have never seen her as happy as she is with [Groom]. You two bring out the best in each other, and it’s evident that you are destined to be together. It’s an honor to stand here today as a witness to your love and commitment. Congratulations to the joyful couple!”
“Hello everyone, I’m [Name], the maid of honor. [Bride], you’re my best friend and I couldn’t be happier to see you marry [Groom]. You two are perfect for each other and I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. Congratulations!”
“Good evening, all. I’m [Name], the maid of honor, and I’m honored to celebrate [Bride] and [Groom]’s special day. [Bride], you’re my best friend and I’m so happy to see you with someone as wonderful as [Groom]. Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness. Congratulations!”
“Hi everyone, I’m [Name], the maid of honor, and I’m thrilled to celebrate my best friend [Bride] and her groom [Groom]. [Bride], I’m so proud of you and I know that [Groom] is the perfect partner for you. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness and love. Congratulations!”
“Good evening, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], and I have the incredible honor of standing by [Bride’s Name]’s side today as her maid of honor. First and foremost, I want to say how breathtakingly beautiful she looks tonight. As I stand here, I can’t help but reflect on the journey that led us to this moment. [Bride’s Name] and I have been inseparable since childhood, and I am beyond grateful for the memories we’ve created together. We’ve laughed together, cried together, and supported each other through life’s ups and downs. And now, as I watch her embark on this new chapter with [Groom’s Name], my heart overflows with joy. I’ve witnessed the love between them grow and flourish, and it’s truly something special. [Groom’s Name], thank you for making my best friend the happiest she’s ever been. To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your love continue to blossom and may your journey together be filled with laughter, love, and adventure. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness. Cheers!”
“Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I have the honor of being [Bride’s Name]’s slightly crazy, but totally awesome, maid of honor! When [Bride’s Name] asked me to take on this role, I knew it would be an adventure. From choosing the perfect dress to planning wild bachelorette parties, we’ve had our fair share of laughs and tears. And let’s not forget about all the emergency wedding dress fittings! But in all seriousness, I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. [Bride’s Name] is compassionate, hilarious, and always there to lend a helping hand. She lights up every room she enters, and I know that [Groom’s Name] feels incredibly lucky to have her as his partner in crime. [Groom’s Name], welcome to the family! We’ve all been waiting for someone to take on the challenge of dealing with [Bride’s Name]’s terrible dance moves, and it looks like you’re up for it. To the happy couple, may your love be as endless as the dance floor at the reception. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness, laughter, and love. Cheers!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and most importantly, the beautiful couple of the day, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. I’m [Your Name], and I have the privilege of being [Bride’s Name]’s maid of honor. Today, I stand here with a heart full of emotions, for I’ve had the honor of witnessing the love between [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] blossom into something truly extraordinary. Their love is like a gentle breeze, calming our souls and reminding us of the beauty in life. [Bride’s Name], you’ve always been the ray of sunshine in my life. Your kindness, grace, and unwavering love inspire all who know you. And now, as you embark on this new journey with [Groom’s Name], I know that you’ll be a guiding light in his life as well. [Groom’s Name], thank you for cherishing and loving [Bride’s Name] with all your heart. Your dedication to making her happy is evident in every glance you share. Let us all raise our glasses to the newlyweds. May your love continue to grow, like the mighty oak standing tall through the changing seasons. May your days be filled with laughter, and your hearts forever intertwined. Congratulations, and here’s to a lifetime of happiness and love!”

When delivering a speech, remember to speak from the heart, keep it concise, and maintain a positive tone. Make sure to customize the speech to fit your relationship with the couple and the overall vibe of the wedding.

How to write a short wedding speech?

  • Start by introducing yourself and briefly mentioning your relationship with the bride. This will help the audience understand your perspective and why you were chosen to be the maid of honor.
  • Take a moment to express your gratitude for being a part of the special day and your well wishes for the newlyweds.
  • Say a few words about the bride and groom, highlighting their qualities and how they complement each other. You can talk about their journey as a couple and your hopes for their future together.
  • End your speech by raising a toast to the newlyweds.

Maid Of Honor Toasts

One of the tips for giving good wedding speeches – to use a good toast. A toast is basically well wished to the newlyweds and their family, followed by a signal for guests to raise their glasses.

If you are unsure what exactly to say, here are some beautiful maid of honor toast examples to inspire you.

  • “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight. – Philippians 1:9”
  • “Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. – Ephesians 4:32”
  • “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Here’s to love, laughter and happily ever after. – Romans 12:10″
  • “As (Groom) and (Bride) start their new life together, Let’s toast to the new husband and wife!”
  • “Here’s to the husband And here’s to the wife; May they remain Lovers for life.”
  • “Here’s to the health of the happy pair; may good luck follow them everywhere; And may each day of wedded bliss be always as sweet and joyous as this.”
  • “May you grow old on one pillow. May their joy be as bright as the morning, and their sorrows be shadows that fade in the sunlight of love.”
  • “Let’s drink to love, which is nothing—unless it’s divided into two with someone you love. May your joys be as sweet as spring flowers that grow.”
  • “As bright as a fire when winter winds blow; As countless as leaves that float down in the fall; And as serene as the love that keeps watching over us all.”

As the maid of honor, you need to find the one speech, that is short and sweet, and resonates with you! Great Maid of Honor wedding speeches often includes great quotes . Famous quotes have a way of painting a picture that our own words can’t seem to do on their own.

The Maid Of Honor Speech Template


INFO maid of honor speech template new 16112023

The biggest worry that most maids of honor have is freezing and forgetting the speech. A great solution is breaking your speech into sections and writing them down on cards that you carry with you. As you practice your speech it will be easier to memorize, and having all the words with you will keep you from panicking.

To get you started, stick to our basic Maid Of Honor Speech Outline:

  • Introduce yourself (your name, your relationship to the bride, and how long you’ve known each other)
  • Thank everyone involved in the wedding planning for their hard work
  • Talk about the bride (why she’s a good person and friend, share a story to illustrate it)
  • Tell the love story (The most romantic version of how the bride and groom met)
  • Talk about the groom (Compliment him, why he’s great for your friend, what he does for her etc)
  • Celebrate the couple (Why they’re so good together)
  • Wish the newlyweds wonderful things for the future You could also insert a quote or a poem.
  • Toast to the bride and groom – Raise your glass, say: “Here’s to the happy couple”, take and sip and voila! You’ve nailed it!

How To Write The Best Maid Of Honor Speech Ever

We’ve all seen when speeches go wrong, so how you do you get it right? After years of helping Maids of Honor deliver awesome speeches, founder of Speechy , Heidi Ellert-McDermott, shares her tips.

  • Introduce yourself & explain how you know the bride.
  • Include humor throughout. Yes, your speech should be a loving tribute to a true friend, but it’s also meant to entertain a crowd.
  • Once you’ve written your speech, try to edit it in half. Promise, your speech will be better the punchier it is. No one ever wished a speech was longer!
  • Pay tribute to the bride’s partner with than a cursory platitude. Prove you genuinely know and like them!
  • Rehearse as often as you can but use notes on the day. Delivering the speech shouldn’t be a memory test.
  • Remember to smile throughout your delivery. It’s a powerful (and infectious) communication tool.


  • Resort to cheesy cliches about love and friendship.
  • Google gags.
  • Thank anyone. It’s not your job.
  • Take up more than 10 mins mic time.
  • Pretend the bride is perfect. Instead cherish the crazy character she truly is, with all her quirks and eccentricities.
  • Talk over laughter when you deliver your speech. If you’ve written a funny line, leave a pause after you’ve said it to allow your audience to get the joke and respond. Don’t start talking till the last giggle has died down.
  • Drink more than a glass of bubbles prior to your speech. Alcohol actually increases the stress hormone.

How to Get Started Maid of Honor Wedding Speech

  • Know Your Audience: Consider the bride and groom’s personalities, the formality of the event, and the sensibilities of the guests. Tailor your speech to the audience.
  • Start Early: Begin writing your speech well in advance. This allows time for revisions and practice. Don’t wait until the last minute.
  • Personalize It: Share anecdotes and stories that reflect your relationship with the bride. Highlight special moments and inside jokes.

Examples of How to Get Started:

  • Opening with a Quote: Start with an inspiring or humorous quote related to love or marriage. For instance,

“Maya Angelou once said, ‘Love recognizes no barriers.’ Today, we’re here to celebrate a love that knows no bounds.”

  • Anecdotal Introduction: Begin with a personal story about your friendship with the bride.

“As I stand here today, I can’t help but think back to the time we met in kindergarten. Who would’ve thought that our friendship would lead us to this beautiful wedding?”

  • Express Your Gratitude: Begin by expressing your gratitude for being chosen as the maid of honor.

“First and foremost, I want to thank [bride’s name] for giving me the honor of standing by her side today as her maid of honor.” Remember, the key to a memorable maid of honor speech is sincerity and a touch of humor, sprinkled with personal anecdotes that capture the essence of your relationship with the bride.

How To End A Maid Of Honor Speech

When figuring out how to write a maid of honor speech, keep in mind that the latter part of the speech should be where you talk about the couple. In that vein, it’s also important to know how to end the speech flawlessly. Here are a few tips.

  • Keep it short and sweet. While you might have a lot to say, there are time slots for each speech, so keeping things short would be best.
  • Use sentimental wedding quotes. You might have a maid of honor speech template you follow but adding inspirational quotes to your speech is a great way to wrap things up.
  • Finish with a toast. At the very end, it is customary to raise a toast to the happy couple.

10 Maid Of Honor Speech Tips

After years of helping Maids of Honor deliver awesome speeches, founder of Speechy and author of ‘The Modern Couple’s Guide to Wedding Speeches’, Heidi Ellert-McDermott, shares her tips.

Planning Your Speech

  • Think of the speechwriting process as writing a dissertation (only this time, don’t leave it till the night before your deadline!).
  • Firstly, jot down all your ideas and favourite stories and then construct a central idea (narrative theme) that you stick to through. It could be that your friend is always right, or maybe the newlyweds prove that opposites really do attract. Whatever it is, make sure your speech flows from one idea to the next, rather than being a list of random thoughts.

Speech Structure

  • Remember to introduce yourself and how you know the bride at the start of the speech and try to include humor within the first 30 seconds. Resist the urge to include any of those tired googled-wedding-gags and ensure your line is original and relates to the couple themselves or the surroundings you find yourself in.
  • The first three-fifths of the speech should include revealing, entertaining stories that give an insight into the bride and your relationship with her. Don’t be shy of some affectionate teasing.
  • Towards the latter half of the speech, introduce her partner and explain why the couple are suited. Again, make sure to include some good-natured humour here.
  • The final fifth of your speech could be a full-on love-bomb of a tribute to your friend. Make sure you avoid the usual cliches and platitudes about friendship and instead, try to nail the bride’s individual characteristics and quirks that make you love her.

Edit Your Speech

  • When you’ve finished writing your speech, try to edit it in half. You may not achieve it but once you get editing, you’ll be surprised by the amount of needless waffle that’s in there.
  • Remember, a speech is better punchy, so be brutal. A good maid of honour speech is generally between 700 and 1,100 words. No more than 10 minutes airtime!

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Choosing Maid of Honor Speech Quotes

True love is not about perfection. It’s hidden in flaws and imperfections. It’s about two people who see the best in each other, no matter what. Unknown

Talking about love and trying to sum up a friendship can be hard. Luckily, some clever people have already done it, and we can all exploit their genius! While plagiarism isn’t ever cool, finding the perfect quote to supercharge your speech is a great idea.

For the best maid of honor speeches, consider incorporating heartfelt quotes that resonate with the couple’s journey. If you’re aiming for unique maid of honor speeches, blend personal anecdotes with these quotes to create a memorable and touching tribute.

Founder of Speechy (the bespoke speechwriting service), Heidi Ellert-McDermott, shares her tips for hunting the perfect quote to honour your bestie.

How to Use Quotes

  • Don’t resort to a generic ‘marriage advice’ quote. They’re over-used.
  • Don’t overload your speech with quotes. One, maximum two.
  • Quote recognisable names – or at least provide some context. Don’t quote someone you need to Google or someone who’s a random ‘relationship coach’.
  • Once you add the perfect quote to your speech, script a comedy back ref or put it into the context of the couple’s real-life relationship.
  • Remember, quotes can be used to add the necessary humor, as well as the sentiment.

Where to Find Quotes

  • Don’t just search for ‘wedding quotes’ on Pinterest.
  • Quotes become more meaningful if they come from somewhere that means something to the couple. Could the quote come from the bride’s favourite book, her partner’s favourite film, or maybe it’s from that song you play when you’ve both had a few too many dirty martinis.
  • Quotes can be found everywhere from children’s books to rom-coms, from hip-hop classics to the great philosophers, from historical icons to classic sitcoms so enjoy the search!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the maid of honor have to give a speech.

It’s definitely customary for the maid of honor to give a toast to the newlyweds at the reception, but usually, she gave a sweet speech.

How long should a maid of honor speech be?

A maid of honor speech should ideally be around 3 to 5 minutes in length. This timeframe allows you to convey your message effectively without losing the audience’s attention or making other speeches feel rushed.

What should be avoided in maid of honor speeches?

When delivering a maid of honor speech, there are a few things to avoid to ensure it is memorable for the right reasons:

  • Avoid embarrassing or offensive stories: You shouldn’t share anything that may make the bride uncomfortable or might be inappropriate for the audience.
  • Steer clear of inside jokes: Inside jokes may exclude or confuse other guests who are not familiar with the context. Keep your speech inclusive and relatable for everyone present.
  • Don’t overshadow the couple: Avoid making the speech all about yourself or unrelated topics that detract from the celebration of the couple’s special day.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can impair your ability to deliver a coherent and meaningful message.
  • Don’t go on for too long: Avoid rambling or dragging out the speech, as it may lose the interest of the audience.

Remember, the moh speech is an opportunity to celebrate the couple and express your love and support for them.

We hope that now you have everything you need for your perfect maid of honor speech. So just keep all of this in mind as you prepare and deliver your maid of honor speech, and you will be amazing. Make the bride proud she chose you!

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Speech Savvy

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How to write a funny maid of honor speech + 55 creative one-liners you can steal.

When it comes to wedding speeches , the Maid of Honor holds a special place – she's not only the bride's closest friend but also the one tasked with creating a memorable and entertaining speech. Infusing humor into your maid of honor speech can be a brilliant way to celebrate the couple's love and bring smiles to everyone's faces. In this guide, we'll show you how to write a funny maid of honor speech that will leave a lasting impression. Plus, we've got a treasure trove of 50+ funny quotes that you can steal to sprinkle that extra laughter!

Funny bridesmaid and funny maid of honor

Set the Tone: Warmth and Laughter

Begin your speech with a warm welcome and a touch of nostalgia. Recall heartwarming anecdotes that showcase your bond with the bride and her journey to find her perfect partner. Transition smoothly into humor by sharing light-hearted stories that highlight the bride's quirks or funny moments you've shared together.

Bride and Maid of Honor share a funny moment during speeches

Timing is Everything: Pace Out the Humor

Humor in your speech should be balanced and well-timed. Mix in funny anecdotes between heartfelt moments to maintain a good flow. Remember, you're celebrating love, so keep the humor light, and avoid jokes that could be misinterpreted or offensive.

Funny bridesmaids laugh with bride before wedding reception

Personal Stories: Highlight Fun Quirks

Share stories that bring out the bride's unique characteristics or the couple's funny experiences. Perhaps the time the bride got lost in her own hometown or when the couple's cooking experiments turned into hilarious disasters. These relatable anecdotes will have the audience laughing and nodding in agreement.

Playful Bride and Groom Tease each other on wedding day

Teasing the Groom: Good-Natured Jabs

Gently teasing the groom can be a hit, as long as it's all in good fun. Highlight endearing qualities or quirks that make him the perfect match for the bride. Remember, the goal is to make everyone smile, including the groom!

Maid of Honor Speech

Be Yourself: Authenticity Matters

While it's great to gather inspiration from quotes and tips, your speech should reflect your genuine feelings and relationship with the bride. Inject your personality into the speech, and don't be afraid to share your own heartfelt wishes for the couple's future.

Funny Bride laughs and smiles before wedding speeches

Quotes to Steal: Example One-Liners to Pump Up Your Punchline!

Injecting well-chosen quotes into your speech can be a game-changer. Here are a few gems you can use:

  • "Marriage: where 'I do' turns into 'What do you mean you don't?'"
  • "They say marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffer-ring!"
  • "I've known the bride since we were kids, and let's just say, she's upgraded her partner, but not her taste in snacks."
  • "To the bride and groom: May your love be as endless as the open bar."
  • "It's no secret why the bride picked me as her maid of honor – I'm the keeper of all her embarrassing stories! But since I've promised not to exploit them... See me afterwards for all the dirty details!"
  • "Marriage is all about compromise – like the groom's decision to let the bride pick the wedding colors."
  • "Today we celebrate two people who have found their 'weird' in each other. Congrats!"
  • "To the couple: Remember, a successful marriage is just two forgivers living under one roof."
  • "They say opposites attract. In this case, it's the bride's love for Netflix and the groom's obsession with the gym."
  • "Marriage is like a deck of cards – it all starts with a heart and a diamond but ends up needing a club and a spade."
  • "The bride and groom are a match made in heaven. By that, I mean they both never answer their phones!"
  • "As the maid of honor, it's my duty to remind the groom that the bride is always right – even when she's wrong."
  • "To the couple: May your love be like Wi-Fi, strong and never failing!"
  • "Today we're not losing a friend, we're gaining a live-in therapist for the groom!"
  • "Marriage is like a walk in the park – Jurassic Park, that is."
  • "May your love be as everlasting as the wedding leftovers in my fridge."
  • "The bride once told me she'd marry for money. Well, here's hoping she found it!"
  • "Love is sharing your popcorn." - Charles Schultz
  • "A toast to the newlyweds: May your love be like fine wine – improving with age and causing no hangovers."
  • "Marriage advice: Keep your spouse happy and your wine glass full."
  • "To the groom: Remember, happy wife, happy life. And the wife's happiness is directly proportional to the size of the diamond!"
  • "If the couple can survive wedding planning, they can survive anything – even assembling IKEA furniture together."
  • "Here's to love: the only thing stronger than the bride's opinion on the wedding cake."
  • "Today we celebrate the couple's love story – a tale of two people who said they were 'just friends' until they realized Netflix counted as a third wheel."
  • "The bride and groom have shown us that true love is sharing the TV remote without complaint."
  • "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." - Mignon McLaughlin
  • "Let's raise our glasses to the groom: thanks for convincing the bride that 'organized chaos' is a decorating style!"
  • "Marriage is like a walk in the rain – wet, unexpected, and sometimes you step on something squishy."
  • "The bride and groom are so in love, they even finish each other's… leftovers!"
  • "Marriage is finding that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." - Rita Rudner
  • "Here's to love: the only force that can make the groom stop playing video games."
  • "To my bestie: I've always known you're the star of your own rom-com, and today, the sequel begins!"
  • "To the couple: May your love be like a smartphone – always charged and never disconnected!"
  • "To the groom: Congrats on officially getting a lifetime subscription to my best friend's quirks!"
  • "Today we celebrate the couple's love – a bond stronger than the groom's urge to leave his socks everywhere!"
  • "A toast to the couple: May your marriage be as long and joyous as the wait for the cake to be served!"
  • "Marriage is like a roller coaster ride – sometimes thrilling, sometimes terrifying, but always better when you're holding hands."
  • "Here's to the bride: a woman who finally found someone to laugh at her jokes!"
  • "To the groom: They say a man is incomplete without a wife – and you're about to be totally complete!"
  • "To the bride: You're not just gaining a husband, you're gaining a permanent roommate who will finally understand why your closet needs three sections!"
  • "To the couple: May your love be as endless as the list of chores the groom has yet to learn!"
  • "Marriage is like a garden – you need to water it, nurture it, and occasionally pull out the weeds (or socks)!"
  • "Today we celebrate the union of two people who are as perfect together as peanut butter and jelly – and just as messy!"
  • "Cheers to my partner in crime: I've seen your relationship from day one, and let's just say, I've got some stories that would make great blackmail material!"
  • "They say that behind every great man is a great woman. In this case, the bride is just hoping the groom remembers to take out the trash!"
  • "To the bride: You've always had a knack for finding the perfect accessory – now you've just added a groom to your collection!"
  • "They say best friends share everything – and today, my secrets about you are officially shared with the groom!"
  • "Here's to the bride: May she be as happy with the groom as she is with her online shopping orders!"
  • "Marriage is like a box of chocolates – sweet at first, but sometimes you get the one filled with nuts!"
  • "To my bestie: Today, we're not just celebrating your marriage, we're celebrating the fact that someone else will now have to deal with your indecisiveness!"
  • "The bride and groom are like the perfect cup of coffee – strong, warm, and occasionally keeping each other up all night!"
  • "To the groom: They say love is blind, but I think you're in for a real eye-opener!"
  • "To the bride: You're about to enter a new chapter where 'His and Hers' become 'Ours and Ours' – especially when it comes to closet space!"
  • "To the bride: May your marriage be as strong as your love for pizza!"
  • "To the groom: Welcome to a lifetime of deciphering the intricate codes of my best friend's shopping wish list!"

Writing a funny maid of honor speech requires a delicate balance of wit, charm, and heartfelt sentiment. By incorporating carefully chosen quotes and personal anecdotes, you can craft a speech that leaves the audience in stitches while celebrating the love story before them. Remember, a smile might be the best gift you can give the newlyweds, and your funny maid of honor speech will surely create cherished memories for years to come.

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

Maid of Honor Speech [What to Say + Outline + Template]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

Giving a maid of honor speech is an honor – and also a responsibility.

If you’re invited to be maid of honor at a family member or friend’s wedding, you have a huge role in the wedding ceremony. Writing the perfect wedding toast or speech can often seem like the hardest part.

maid of honor speech

Coming up with the perfect toast for this special day is much easier when you have sample speeches to be inspired by. We’ve compiled an essential list of maid of honor speech examples, from roast to religious.

Read on for our step-by-step guide to writing a maid of honor speech, and then watch the examples below. Now you’re ready to prepare a great speech with confidence.

In this article:

How to Write a Maid of Honor Speech

Maid of honor speech topics blueprint, maid of honor speech outline, maid of honor speech examples.

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

The Maid of Honor, sometimes also called the Bridesmaid or even the Matron of Honor, speaks after the Best Man. Remember, the audience has to listen to lots of speeches before and after you.

So, my tip number one is: Keep it brief and simple; for your own utility and the convenience of the guests.

Maid of honor speeches can take many different forms. They might be funny or sweet, creative or traditional . Often, the speech will incorporate different elements, like humor and nostalgia, to hit all the right notes. Most speeches are 5 to 10 minutes long, but wedding speeches can also take many shapes, from short toasts to extended performances.

These simple tips will help you write a maid of honor speech that’s a perfect fit for the wedding day.

Begin Early

When you need to write a maid of honor speech, you’ll want to start early.

Begin the brainstorming process as soon as you’re asked to be maid of honor or bridesmaid. This might involve jotting down fun memories or an embarrassing story you’ve shared with the bride. You can also consider talking about the groom, the bride and groom’s relationship, or how they met.

Write down some ideas early on and then take a few days or weeks to let them percolate. When you come back to your ideas, the speech outline will start to become more clear.

Try a Quote

A great way to start or end your speech can be with a beautiful quote that has meaning for the wedding day. It can be funny, emotional, or poignant. Just make sure it’s something that has meaning for the newlyweds and that wedding guests can resonate with as well.

Tell Stories

The best speeches combine quotes or big ideas about love with real stories. Stories are fun for guests to listen to, and give your speech a solid foundation.

Choosing the right stories about the bride, or the bride and groom, is important. Do you want your speech to be funny, inspiring, or touching? The stories you tell will help set the tone. Think about details: the sights, sounds, or sensations you remember will keep the audience’s attention. Just don’t let it get too long – most speeches should be 10 minutes or less.

Be Prepared

Your speech will go much better if you’ve practiced ahead of time – more than once. The more you practice, the more confident you will feel when the big day comes.

Practice reading your speech, and time yourself to make sure it’s the length you want. Keep in mind that at the wedding ceremony or reception there will be pauses for laughter or applause, which will make your speech a few minutes longer.

You might want to videotape yourself practicing, or even practice in front of a friend or family member to get some feedback on your delivery. Just make sure not to give it to the bride ahead of time – your speech should come as a surprise on the wedding day.

Don’t forget to bring notes, too. Even if you never actually look at them, they will help you feel more comfortable when you take the microphone, and can save you if you draw a blank when it’s time to start.

A heartfelt speech is better than a perfect one.

Don’t be afraid that you’re going to stumble over a word or mess up somehow. If you’ve practiced ahead of time and drafted your speech early, you’ve done all the preparation you need.

Take the stage with confidence, knowing that little mistakes and imperfections can sometimes make a speech that much more meaningful because it’s genuine. If you laugh or cry, the wedding guests are probably going to laugh or cry with you. Keep your sense of humor if the mic cuts out or you stumble over a word. Enjoy the moment!

Here are our maid of honor speech tips in a sample template plus the speaking do’s and don’ts in a matrimonial ceremony based on their complimentary life styles. You are invited and do not know what to say?

Use our template for outlining thoughts, ideas and facts about the bridal couple. I will show you what you should mention and what the text should focus on. If you are not an experienced talker: relax, you do not have to say much, less is more is often said and well put!

But always: public speeches should be from the heart! Be enthusiastic and sincere, but do not exaggerate.

Maid Of Honor Speech Template


  • Tell who you are for the ones who don’t know.
  • Thank your friend for asking you to be in this wedding.
  • How long have you known the bride and groom?
  • Why were you selected to accept the honor giving the oral?
  • Why did you accept the invitation?
  • How did the two of them met?
  • What did you think when you saw their friendship became more serious? Reflect on their complimentary life styles. Approach this from the female side. Be tasteful. The best man is at the grooms’ side … so his job is to cover that part, not you 🙂
  • Can you come up with a funny story that illustrates the personality of the wedding couple? Think about characterizing sweet, inspiring, exciting or just average daily events or moments.
  • Can you come up with a hilarious anecdote based on a real life situation?
  • Conclude this part of this special wedding address with letting them know that’s why you were so happy when they announced their wedding. As I said before: keep it short. Stick to one funny story. Ask others if they really like it, if it’s funny enough to share.


  • Stress the importance of the matrimonial ceremony. Give your personal view.
  • Use a famous quote about marriage, love or the future.
  • Relate a short poem to the couple. Quotes and poems are a good starting point for inspiration.
  • Wish the bride and groom a long and happy life.
  • Express your love and best wishes for the future.
  • If they have had hard times, then mention it briefly in one poetic sentence. Not more. Focus on this happy day!
  • You can thank and toast to the bride and groom on behalf of the bride, but only if she asked you to do so.

Do’s And Don’ts

  • Bring notes, know what you want to say. Too much improvisation can lead to babbling, stumbling or a too long maid of honor speech.
  • Do not get too personal. Ask others if the stories you want to tell will not embarrass the bride and groom or the guests. Check double check is the motto.
  • Do not come up with negative or depressing speech topics. Kee it nice and friendly for all.
  • Avoid sexual tinted expressions, political engagement or religion issues and hold back your horses when you want to mention actual news or political stories.
  • Read a draft out loud in front of somenone else and ask for opinions. Alter with the recommendations in mind.

Although maid of honor speeches can take many forms, having a classic speech outline will help you get started. If you’re not sure what to write, follow these simple steps and you’ll be able to write a beautiful, traditional speech.

1. Introduce Yourself

You can’t count on all the wedding guests knowing who you are or how you know the bride. Make time early in your speech to mention your name, what your relationship to the bride is, and how long you’ve known each other.

2. Thank People

Weddings can be expensive, stressful, and difficult to plan. It’s good to take a moment in your speech to thank the parents and other notable guests who helped make the wedding day happen.

3. Tell Stories

Next, you can launch into a story of your choice. There are many different directions you can take this part of the speech. An embarrassing story you share with the bride can get guests laughing, while a touching anecdote about the newlywed couple’s relationship might make happy tears flow.

4. Add a Quote

You can add a meaningful quote anywhere in your speech. The quotes you choose should have meaning to both you and the bride (and maybe the groom as well), and also be relatable to the other guests in attendance. If it’s an inside joke or an obscure reference that not many people will get, you may want to leave it out.

5. Give Heartfelt Emotion

Even the funniest roasts of the bride often have a moment when the speech becomes touching. No matter what the tone of your speech is, it doesn’t hurt to take a moment and recognize the beauty of the day. The best speeches often aren’t all funny or all sentimental – they’re a mix of both.

6. Finish Strong

Your ending will be the part of the speech guests are most likely to remember. Give a strong ending, whether it’s a quote, a final story, or proposing a toast to the bride and groom.

Sister Maid of Honor Speech

This sister wedding speech celebrates all of the fun of watching your family get married. The bride’s sister starts out with humor, telling family memories through a funny lens. However, she quickly gets emotional as she recounts how much her sister means to her.

“You’ve been a great mentor. You’ve been a beautiful impact on my life, and you taught me that there’s beauty in everyone no matter what they do.”

Best Friend Matron of Honor Speech

The best friend of the bride for over 10 years, this matron of honor has nothing but praise for the bride. She recounts how she approved right away upon meeting the groom, and how excited she was upon learning of their engagement.

“You have really, truly become like my sister. I knew I’d be telling you how beautiful you looked, but seeing you next to your handsome groom, you really are absolutely breathtaking.”

Short Matron of Honor Speech

This short speech starts with a funny memory of the bride talking about the groom years before their engagement. In just a minute and a half, the matron of honor brings both laughter and heartfelt emotion to her speech.

“Speaking from experience, marriage is a wild ride. But when you find that right partner, you never want the ride to end.”

Maid of Honor Toast

In a fun, beautiful toast to the bride, this bride’s sister thanks guests for coming, and then launches into memories of growing up together. She shouts out to both the bride and the groom for being important parts of her life.

“Katie is so much more than a big sister to me  – she’s my best friend, my mentor, and the unfailing reminder that sometimes being a sister is even better than being a princess.”

Matron of Honor Speech

This matron of honor gets guests laughing by pulling out a scroll to read from at the beginning of her speech. She recounts the embarrassing story of how the bride stole her spot on the varsity team when they first met. However, their friendship quickly blossomed, and the matron of honor touches on many of the fun things they did together as kids.

“I had the time of my life growing up with you.”

Funny Maid of Honor Speech

In a funny, lighthearted speech, this maid of honor recounts growing up with the bride, and even planning her wedding as little girls. The maid of honor also turns to the groom and thanks him for being the perfect partner for her friend. She fills the speech with memories, from embarrassing to sweet, and ends with a song for a truly memorable wedding moment.

“You’re all the things I hoped for my best friend and more, and I’m so grateful you found her and that you love her the way she really deserves.”

Roast Speech

This maid of honor kept guests laughing with her deadpan delivery of jokes in this short speech. Her stand-up comedy is perfect for the occasion, and she pokes fun at everyone from the bride to the groom to herself.

“When I first sat down and started thinking about what I want to say here tonight, I kept thinking to myself, ‘I can’t believe Erin’s getting married…in less than an hour. No, I’m kidding, I had it written before breakfast.”

Christian Maid of Honor Speech

A sweet speech from the bride’s best friend hits the right notes in a short amount of time. She compares the couple’s love to being like the love of Christ because it is so strong and so beautiful.

“The love that these two share is so strong, it doesn’t need a thousand stories, it doesn’t need a thousand words; it just radiates from these two.”

Creative Maid of Honor Speech

This fun maid of honor speech starts with the bride’s sister recalling dancing to pop songs as a kid with her mom, who was pregnant with the bride. Then, she uses a musical interlude to tell the story of the bride’s life from a sister’s perspective. In a mashup of pop music covers, the maid of honor gives a great performance that gets the wedding guests clapping in time.

“[My mom and I] danced around the house to Cyndi Lauper’s ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. And lo and behold, 9:30 am on day 9…DeeDee arrives. Apparently she also just wanted to have fun.”

Bridesmaid Speech

In this genuine, sweet speech, the bridesmaid’s excitement about the happy couple’s new marriage is truly evident. Her fun while holding the microphone is contagious to all the guests.

“I’m just so excited to be here, to witness the true love that is so evident between Taylor and Niko.”

Touching Maid of Honor Speech

This heartfelt, emotional maid of honor speech was given by a college friend of both the bride and the groom. She recounts the story of how she first met the bride, and then tells the bride and groom’s love story as she saw it unfold.

“It was obvious there was something truly amazing between the two of them. Four months of courting and a very, very, very confused Mark later, Mara finally accepted his proposal to be boyfriend and girlfriend – and the rest is history.”

Bridesmaid Toast

These bridesmaids toast the bride in song form. They celebrate the happy couple in their own words, and then shout out to notable wedding guests, keeping everyone entertained the entire time.

“Love is the reason we’re all here – that’s what you toasted for.”

Maid of Honor Speech

The maid of honor speech can be just as hilarious and emotional as the best man speech . Amusing, creative speeches like this one might get a standing ovation. The maid of honor uses a numerical countdown to format her speech, ending with the number one which is, of course, the bride.

“At the end of the day, you’re always gonna have that one person who’s in your corner, who’s your personal cheerleader.”

200+ Good Impromptu Speech Topics

Best Man Speech Outline [Examples + Template]

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Maid of honor speech examples

Two unique maid of honor speeches to help you prepare a perfect maid of honor speech of your own

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 10-06-2023

What's the best way to share the happy couple's love story at the wedding reception on their big day?

The bride's your great friend, an amazing person. You love her to pieces which is why you said 'yes' when she asked you to speak on her wedding day.

However, maybe this is the first time you've given a maid of honor toast. Perhaps, in addition, you find public speaking, talking in front of a crowd and making eye contact as you do, a little bit nerve wracking.

You're in the right place. The goal of this article is to empower and enable you to write and deliver the best maid of honor speech you can. Begin by reading the speeches!

What's on this page

  • 2 unique maid of honor speech examples - a heartfelt maid of honor speech - a light-hearted maid of honor speech
  • how to begin - suggestions for getting started on your own MOH speech
  • a link to ' How to end a Maid of Honor speech: 20 examples '
  • a link to a maid of honor speech template
  • how to test and rehearse your speech
  • links to other resources to help you give the best maid of honor speech you can

Collage: 5 photos of different women with their best friends

A heartfelt Maid of Honor speech example

This example is written from the point of view of a childhood friend: someone who's shared the best and most difficult of times with the bride. The friendship between them is enduring and the speech is sincerely heartfelt: full of personal stories everybody will relate to.

Said aloud, it is approximately 5- 6 minutes long. 

Maria's MOH speech at Sonja & Mark's wedding

"Some one very wise, and obviously someone who knew Sonja and Mark said, “Don't marry a person you can live with. Marry somebody you can't live without."

That's what we're witnessing today – the union of two people who belong together. A perfect match!

My name is Maria and I'm delighted to be the Maid of Honor for my very dear friend Sonja.

We've been close friends since we were little girls and, as we are hitting our 30s, it feels like forever. I can scarcely remember life without her.

Sonja and me, we've gone from crayons to perfume together, with stops in between for learning to read and write, ride a bike, play with dolls, dress up, climb trees, scrape our knees... We’ve done our high school homework, got into trouble for staying out late, turned 21 together… And now here we are, all grown up.

A big night these days is a glass of wine, staying in and watching Netflix together.

From the time we were 13 and had to run to escape a mad, snarling, barking dog I knew Sonja was truly there for me. I was slower than her but she did not leave me behind. And she's been there to pick me up ever since.

Two young girls lying on the floor making rings around their eyes with their fingers

Like when I've misplaced my confidence and haven't been able to find it. (Is it under the sofa? No! Behind the kitchen door? No!)

Or when I’ve needed someone to talk to about a personal life situation, for instance, another crappy boyfriend.

Over the years Sonja has been my touchstone, my wise go-to sister, and although there have been times when we have been physically apart that has never been true of our hearts. She is part of my identity, of who I am.

So when she asked me to be her Maid of Honor, the honor was all mine. Naturally I said yes.

Another “yes”, a previous and much more important one, is the reason we're here today.

Mark, that was one you received.

All Sonja's family members and friends, like me, take her best interests to heart. They look out for her, and I know, that like me, they are delighted that you and she have agreed to live your lives together.

Mark, your care, and love of Sonja over the last few years has demonstrated to us all you are indeed the right man, who was in the right place, at the right time. We've seen the good times you've shared together but most importantly we've also witnessed how you handled the tough ones.

You were there to shelter, cherish and nurture her through the period when her Father passed. And I know that meant everything to her. I feel certain not only he but also her brother, Matthew, would willingly give their blessing to your union from up above.

As for me, you definitely had my wholehearted approval when you asked one of my “ boyfriends”, (now very much past tense), aside for a man-to-man chat about respect and loyalty. From that time, I knew I have gained a brother.

In Sonja you have a hard-working, forgiving, loving big-hearted woman. As her friend, her sister, I am grateful you see, appreciate and know that.

I searched for a special gift of wisdom to pass on and found this – a recipe for love and marriage. It makes sense to me, and I hope it does to you too.

"As you walk through life together remember even though you both share many qualities that are very much the same, you are each unique, and it is your differences that helped bring you together.

Give your love openly and honestly. Always respect and accept what the other has to say, even when you do not agree. Take time to enjoy everyday and share together, and remember that each day is a new beginning."

Sonja, I am looking forward to all the celebrations we're going to have together down the years because although we no longer live on the same street, our roots are very deep.

Please make a note that I intend to speak at your 50th anniversary!

Cheers to the newly weds! Best wishes! I love you guys!"

A light hearted Maid of Honor speech example

To be successful this maid of honor speech relies heavily on its delivery.

Along with stories establishing the depth and importance of the relationship between the bride and her Maid of Honor it includes a good natured, gentle 'roast' of the groom.

The MOH has taken it upon herself to poll guests and family members on his suitability for the bride. She is now making the results public.

Although the groom is being teased we know he's respected, admired and loved by those who know the couple well, which includes the person delivering the speech, the bride's best friend.

The speech will take between 5-6 minutes to deliver.

Felicity's MOH speech at Sarah & Sam's wedding

Once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.

That's what we're celebrating today: a story of true love, a dream come true, the union of two people who belong together.

My name is Felicity and it's my privilege to be Sarah’s Maid of Honor.

Sarah is my Best Friend. I know it's a cliché. However clichés become clichés for a very good reason, because they're true. She's my BFF: Best Friend Forever.

For her I would wear the gaudiest, frothiest taffeta maid of honor dress possible and still smile. Fortunately I don't have to.

Through Sarah I've learned that being a best friend isn't a competition between those who have been in your life the longest.

Neither is it about regular daily contact. Or about talking, Or being under the same sky, in the same city. Or even sharing the same tastes.

But it is definitely about sharing the same heart space.

Two young women laughing together. Text: Sarah is my best friend. I know it's a cliché. However clichés become clichés for a very good reason, because they are true.

Over the years she's been my touchstone, always encouraging me to be the best of myself: a work still in progress. I look forward to checking off the score card with her when we're much, much older.

We've seen each other through all those milestones of growing up: the ones we want to remember, as well as the ones we'd prefer to forget but don't. Amongst them are memories I'll always cherish: going on a bike tour of Paris in the rain, getting completely soaked and laughing about it, gorging ourselves on gastronomic delights in Greece. And ticking off the typical tourist “when in Rome” items: walking up the Spanish Steps and tossing coins in the Trevi fountain together.

Sarah you know, and see me clearly. Just like I know and see you. And today you've changed the course of your life forever with two words: I do.

Sam, you'll have understood by now just how much this woman is loved, not just by me but by all of us here. Inevitably that means when a suitor comes along they have to pass not just one test, but multiple ones.

There's the initial hurdle, getting her on your side. Once that's safely over there's more and these, as anyone married knows, can be quite formidable.

Friends, mothers, fathers, family, don't share quite the same blinkered infatuation. We stand back. We watch, and yes, we judge.

We have a “not-so-little” check list and we want every point on it passed, with honors.

Now I'd done a comprehensive survey of the interested parties and tallied the scores. They read like this.

On the “always has her back “ index you did extremely well. This one was a very important indicator. Knowledge of what it is “to have someone's back” is paramount. You passed with flying colors on the sub-set, “has spine” too.

Availability. The question behind this point had two parts, both equally weighted. Are you there for Sarah when she needs you? We looked at physically, as well as emotionally, present. Again, top marks.

Positive influence. Does this man extend and enhance the best in Sarah?

Now this one was a little trickier. Separating the vested interests and keeping ourselves honest is a challenge when so much is at stake. Change can be confronting even if it is for the better. But yes, we agreed, that Sam definitely brought Sarah more of all that is good. His presence enables her to grow.

Health. Really? Need we go there? Look at them! They eat so well, exercise so well – we're thinking of setting up a charity to donate the excess health they generate to those who need it. These two are the ultimate King and Queen of eating green. Their example inspires!

Our last was “laughter”.  Does this man make this woman smile, make her laugh with joy and share her humor? Sam, no one makes Sarah laugh the way you do.

In conclusion, you are quite simply, the best. We thank you for understanding, valuing and loving her as we do.

I want to acknowledge someone else in the line up looking out for Sarah, someone very dear to her who, although not physically present, is here in our hearts: Betty, Bette, her grandmother. I'm sure she would approve too.

And now a toast. Please raise your glasses.

To Sarah and Sam, and a lifetime of love! May your happily ever after begin here.

Content suggestions for your own MOH speech

Often the hardest part of preparing a speech is getting started.  These prompts will help you find the right words to say about the bride and her new husband on their special day.

Grab a piece of paper and answer the questions as quickly as you can. Let you mind go. Don't stop to edit, to check your spelling or to write full sentences. You can do all of that later.

Focus, for now, on generating ideas.

Maid of Honor speech writing prompts

  • When, and how, did you first meet the bride?
  • When did she become a close friend?
  • What makes her a good person?
  • What 3 or 4 words best describe her character?
  • When did you realize (the groom's name) was the love of her life? What was your first impression of him?
  • What hobbies or interests do they share as a couple?
  • What do you admire about them as a couple? What makes them unique or special?
  • What challenges or hardships have they faced and overcome?
  • What funny moment or funny stories can you share about them?
  • What do you want to say to wish them a happy future together? Is there a quote you'd like to use as a toast? A line from a song? A verse from a poem?  

What NOT to put into your speech

Before you go ahead in the writing process check the content you've generated.

Remove any:

  • stories that would embarrass the bride and anyone listening: eg. tales about past relationships, wild nights out, participating in illegal activities of any sort...
  • inside jokes or references that only a few people will understand
  • comments or stories that make yourself the principal focus of attention. The most important people are the bride and groom.
  • references to money or the costs involved in the wedding
  • critical comments about the wedding planning, the people involved with that, and any of the lead up activities
  • language or crudity (for instance, off-color jokes or sexual innuendo) that may offend the wedding guests
  • strings of clichés. For example: she's most beautiful bride in the whole wide world. The groom swept her off her feet. It was true love at first sight and now they will live happily ever after...

How to get from notes to speech

Click the link for: a 5 part maid of honor speech outline, with examples, step-by-step guidelines and a complete maid of honor speech for a sister.

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

How to end a Maid of Honor speech

If you find yourself stuck, not knowing how to conclude your speech have a look here: how to end a Maid of Honor speech .

There are twenty example endings of varying types. Some are funny. Some use Biblical and other quotations and some are straight from the heart.

Find one you like, and then adapt it for your own use.

how to end a maid of honor speech funny

Test and rehearse your speech

It's vital to allow enough time to thoroughly test and rehearse your speech before you deliver it: that's about three weeks.

How to test your speech

Testing has two parts.

The first part is making sure the content covers all you think it should and flows easily from one segment to the next. This is where another pair of ears are very useful. Sometimes what we think we're saying and what we actually are is quite different. Get the opinion of someone whose judgment you trust.

The second part is testing your speech for timing. Set a timer and say it out loud at about the pace you would use if you were delivering it for real. Ideally you want it between 3 - 6 minutes long. If it's too long, look for places to cut it.

For more about how many words in a 3 minute, 4 minute, 5 minute, 6 minute...speech and speech rate .

Rehearse your speech

Image: girl wearing angel wings levitating. Text: How to rehearse a speech properly and do so much more than wing it.

Once you have the words sorted, it's time to work on how you'll deliver them.

Delivery makes all the difference between an average, ordinary performance, and an extraordinary one. Please make the time to rehearse.

Trying to 'wing it' without preparation leaves you wide open for all sorts of unnecessary glitches to suddenly pop up and throw you sideways. Don't tempt it! How to rehearse a speech well: 7 steps to brilliance! ☺

More resources

Quote surrounded by old fashioned roses: our happily ever after begins here

Classic wedding poems and readings : find a segment of a poem or a quote to use

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Funny Maid of Honor Speeches That’ll Have Your Guests in Splits

Maid of honor speeches have to be written with a lot of care and thought. People are always waiting for the speech by the maid of honor as they are the most entertaining speeches.

Funny Maid of Honor Speeches

Maid of honor speeches are very difficult to pen. You need to think carefully and make them interesting with responsibility. You can write an emotional or funny speech; a funny speech will lighten up the atmosphere, one that is already charged up with an array of emotions.

There are many maid of honor speech ideas that you can come up with. You are the most special friend of the bride, as you are chosen to be her maid of honor. Thus, your speech has to be likable and memorable. You need to add emotion to the speech, yet make it funny and entertaining for the audience. Here’s more on how to draft the speech, after which are listed a few ideas.

How to Write a Maid of Honor Speech?

You need to begin by introducing yourself to the ones who don’t know you. Thank your friend for selecting you as her maid of honor. Talk about how long you have known the bride and groom, and the reason for expecting the invitation.

Speak about the importance of the institution of marriage and give your point of view on it. Begin with a short poem or a quote on weddings, love, or the future.

Focus on the couple in your next paragraph. Speak about how the couple met and say it with a dash of humor. Speak how their friendship turned serious and how opposites attract (if that is the case). Try to make the events as funny as you can without compromising on the actual intention.

Add a funny story related to the couple. This will add to the entertainment part of your speech. Make sure the speech is funny and doesn’t cause any embarrassment to the bride or groom.

Add a hilarious anecdote that is related to the couples real life. Conclude your maid of honor wedding speech explaining how happy you are for them. Keep the speech short and simple.

Wish the couple a happy married life together and express your love and best wishes. End the speech on a happy note and a thank you.

You can raise a toast to the bride and groom on behalf of the bride, only if asked to do so by the bride herself.

Your focus should be the bride as the best man speech will focus on the groom.

Humorous Maid of Honor Speech Examples

“Never forget the two most important replies: ‘you’re right, dear’ and ‘okay, buy it’. Never be afraid that Maggie will leave you, she has spent years training you and she won’t give that up lightly.”

“It is said that before marriage a man will lay awake thinking about something you said, after marriage he’ll fall asleep before you have finished saying it. I can see many nodding heads that proves some of you out there can relate to this statement.”

“Maggie just glows when she talks about John. She obviously hasn’t asked him to take out the garbage yet!”

“John, always remember the famous quote by Zsa Zsa Gabor – “A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he’s finished.”

“John and Maggie have set the ground rules for their marriage; he won’t try to run her life and he won’t attempt to run his own life either!”

“When Maggie first asked me to be her bridesmaid I felt delighted. As the big day approached, I was asked to give a speech and a toast. I fall into the shy and retiring category, so I obviously tried to think of ways to get out of it. But have you ever tried saying no to Maggie and succeed?”

Make a sincere effort and try to keep the speech genuine and heartfelt. You can always take help of someone you know who is good at humor. A simple play of words will help you make memorable and well-appreciated speech.

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8 Ideas For Your Maid Of Honor Speech

Cheerful pretty multiracial young ladies friends wear silk robes having fun hold glasses with champa...

Often the hardest part of writing a maid of honor speech for a wedding is figuring out just how to start your speech. You know what not to say in a wedding toast (like mentioning exes, embarrassing stories, or drunken debacles), but knowing what to say about a great friend and her new spouse can leave even the best of public speakers a bit overwhelmed. There is so much to say in just two to three minutes! Thankfully, there are a few tried and true ways to start a speech that will help get your creative juices flowing in no time. Your friend or family member asked you to give a speech for a reason, so don't worry — you got this.

The list below lays out eight intro ideas for your maid of honor speech, but you can also use them to write your whole entire speech. Simply pick one idea to start your speech, or follow numbers one to eight to write your entire speech. Either way, once you start brainstorming a few different intros, you're likely to stumble on a gem of an idea and find your maid-of-honor-speech-writing stride before you know it. So take a deep breath, grab a glass of wine (preferably poured into one of those big goblet glasses), and let your maid of honor awesomeness flow! After all, who could do this better than you? Literally nobody , obviously.

1. Tell who you are

It's always a good idea to start your speech by letting the crowd know who you are, and how you know the bride. Otherwise, they may be asking the people around them, "Who is she?" right as you're getting to the best part of your speech, and they might not be fully engaged in the rest of it.

2. Give thanks

Since everyone knows weddings are expensive and require a lot of time and energy to plan, it's a good idea to recognize the parents who helped contribute to make the celebration possible. Particularly if the parents are hosting the wedding reception, or have hosted any of the wedding festivities, now is an appropriate time to thank them, and it gives everyone else the opportunity to clap and show their appreciation as well.

3. Tell a story about the bride

You can start off by telling a story about the bride, or by telling the story of how you and the bride first met. Just remember to leave exes, drunken shenanigans, and unflattering stories of the bride out. This is definitely a situation where the "whole truth and nothing but the truth" is not applicable.

4. Tell a story about the first time you met the groom

Beginning your speech with a funny story about how you met the groom for the first time can be a good way to get people laughing. Were you at a concert with your friend when this random guy (a.k.a. the groom) tripped and spilled a drink on her? Did she try on 15 different outfits before he came to your shared post-college apartment to pick her up for their first date? Any fun stories about your first impressions can make for a good laugh, and provide a window into the couple's first days together for the rest of the guests.

5. Tell a story about the couple

Telling a story about the couple is always a great segue into saying "That was the time I knew it was true love..." You can start by saying you remember that time they went to a baseball game together, or camping for the weekend, or out to lunch at that corner cafe, and that's when you saw a change in your friend. Something was different after that one time, and it would never be the same again (in a really good way).

6. Use a prop

Using a prop for a wedding speech is something that can go fantastically well if it ties into the main idea of the speech. Some good props can be old photos, slideshows, or an unexpected item like a childhood toy. This is not something that you want to force into your speech by any means, but if you happen to think of a prop that would work well, it can absolutely make a good wedding speech all that more amazing and memorable.

7. Share a love quote

A good way to start (or end) a speech is with a powerful quote about love that will resonate with the couple and the guests. Something meaningful that gives guests something to think about is always a safe bet.

8. Ask the audience a question

A good way to pick up everyone's energy is to bring an interactive component to your speech, like asking the audience a question. If done at the start of your speech, you may use a question like "Raise your hand if..." and "How many people here..." and then insert something funny about the couple. If you're going this route, it's a good idea to have a few shills in the audience who can get the audience going and encourage others to respond to the question. A question at the end of the speech can be something simple that will leave guests cheering like "Who is ready to celebrate this couple with an awesome party?" (and who doesn't like a good cheer after a speech!?).

Just remember to keep it short, keep it sweet, and keep it about the couple. As long as you speak from your heart, the couple will love it no matter what — and that's all that really counts.

Images: Giphy

how to end a maid of honor speech funny


  1. Funny Maid of Honor Speeches That'll Have Your Guests in Splits

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  2. How to end a maid of honor speech 100 examples

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  3. Maid of Honour Speech Template Wedding Speech Checklist Wedding Bridal

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  4. 100 Funny Maid Of Honor Speech Examples To Steal- {Bridesmaids Too!}

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  5. Funny Maid Of Honor Speeches Examples

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  6. Cracking Up the Crowd: 80+ Funny Lines for Your Maid of Honor Speech

    how to end a maid of honor speech funny


  1. Cracking Up the Crowd: 80+ Funny Lines for Your Maid of Honor Speech

    Let's raise a glass to the bride and groom, I wish you nothing but happiness in your life together. May each day be filled with love and laughter. I hope each day of wedded bliss is as joyous, and magical as today has been. I hope 'for better or worse' ends up being far better than worse.

  2. 100 Funny Maid Of Honor Speech Examples To Steal- {Bridesmaids Too!}

    A maid of honor speech can be great if you're funny, but it can also turn out less than desired if you're really not that comical…be sure to know your audience, and don't force anything so its not awkward. Choose your humor style wisely: Be careful to choose something that matches your personality. If you are not that funny, don't ...

  3. How to end a maid of honor speech

    Here are twenty sample endings for a maid of honor speech to help you write an effective one for yourself. Find one you like. Take the style, take the tone and, adapt the content to make it your own. 5 humorous or funny conclusions. 6 religious endings highlighting values and beliefs. 4 finishes using quotations.

  4. How To End A Maid of Honor Speech (100 Examples)

    There are over 100 examples of how to end your Maid of Honor speech below. Here are a few tips for how to end a Maid of Honor speech: Keep it short: The ending of your speech should be brief and to the point. Avoid dragging it out. You want to keep the attention of the guests until the very end.

  5. 65 Funny Lines For Your Maid Of Honor Speech

    Funny Quotes for Maid of Honor Speech. If you're looking for a way to make your speech amusing, throwing in a funny quote or two can't hurt. Here are some of the best love-related quotes sure to make your audience chuckle. "Men wear the pants in the relationship, but women control the zipper.". — Unknown. "A man is already halfway ...

  6. Funny and Short Maid of Honor Speeches (With Examples)

    The Champagne toast can be initiated by any of the people giving a speech, which includes the maid of honor. Length of Maid of Honor Speeches. A good rule of thumb would be to not let your short maid of honor speech exceed three minutes. Anything over three minutes is too long, and the guests may end up not listening to what you have to say.

  7. 10 Hilarious Tips for a Maid of Honor Funny Speech That Shines

    To make your maid of honor speech funny, incorporate personal anecdotes, one-liners, and light-hearted jokes. Balance humor with heartfelt sentiments to keep the audience engaged and entertained. What Are Some Good Jokes for a Maid of Honor Speech? Good jokes for a maid of honor speech include classic one-liners, short jokes, and pop culture ...

  8. 120 Maid of Honor Jokes for Speech (Funny Examples)

    Try peeing in a floor-length dress!". "Everyone tells you how big of an honor it is to be chosen as a maid of honor. What no one tells you is how many stress dreams you get of the big day.". "I never knew I had a hidden talent for arts and crafts until I was up at 3 a.m. gluing tiny bows on bachelorette party favors.".

  9. How to End a Maid of Honor Speech: 10 Inspiring Examples

    Key Takeaways. Use humor to make the ending of your maid of honor speech memorable. Share a funny story or joke about the couple that makes everyone laugh. Show deep love and appreciation for the couple in your speech. Talk about special moments you've shared, and wish them happiness in their future. Include meaningful quotes or readings that ...

  10. Maid of Honor Speech Examples: Tips for a Heartfelt Toast

    Funny Maid of Honor Speech Examples The Comedic Charmer "Alright, alright, settle down, folks! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Sarah, the maid of honor and the resident troublemaker in Rachel's life. Seriously though, I've known Rachel since we were rocking pigtails and trading Lisa Frank stickers in the playground. ...

  11. Here's How to Nail Your Maid of Honor Speech (Examples Included!)

    Here's a CliffsNotes version of how your Maid of Honor speech should be structured. Introduce yourself and your relationship to the bride. "Hi, I'm [Your Name], [Bride's Name]'s sister and lifelong partner in mischief.". Recall fond memories or anecdotes about the bride or both of you together.

  12. How to Write a Funny Maid of Honor Speech in 2024

    You're now ready to ace the maid of honor speech. But before we raise a glass, let's recap the key points: First, tailor your humor to the bride's personality. This ensures your speech resonates with her and the audience. Second, nail that opening line. It's your chance to grab everyone's attention and set the tone.

  13. A Step-by-Step Guide to Nailing Your Maid of Honor Speech

    Funny Maid of Honor Speech. Hello! For those of you who haven't had the chance to meet me yet, my name is [Your Name]. [Newlywed's Name] and I have been best friends since high school, which means we've been on each other's top eight friends list for a while. That's for my old Myspace users out there.

  14. 101 Funny Maid of Honor Speeches to Make the Most Amusing Toasts

    Examples of Funny Lines for Maid of Honor Speech. 1. Hi folks, it's me, the Maid of Honor — not quite as beautiful as the bride but she asked me anyway so here I am! Advertisement. 2. "Love ...

  15. 100 Best Maid of Honor Speech Quotes (Funny Bridesmaid)

    5.) Jerry Maguire: "You complete me.". Here is an example of this great quote being used in a Maid of Honor speech to a best friend: "As I stand here today alongside my beautiful best friend (Bride's Name), I am reminded of a quote from the movie Jerry Maguire. You know the quote…"You complete me.".

  16. Maid of Honor Speech: Expert Tips with Inspiring Examples

    Funny Maid Of Honor Speech. As a close friend of the bride, you would have a lot of material for wedding speeches bridesmaids, you just need to know how to put them all together. ... End your speech by raising a toast to the newlyweds. Maid Of Honor Toasts. One of the tips for giving good wedding speeches - to use a good toast. A toast is ...

  17. 38 Funny Wedding Toasts to Literally Make Your Guests LOL

    Funny Wedding Toast Quotes from Famous People. Sometimes celebrities can have wise words to provide the masses. Use one of these famous quotes for your funny wedding toast. 31. "The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret." - Henny Youngman (British-American comedian) 32.

  18. How to Write a Funny Maid of Honor Speech

    Writing a funny maid of honor speech requires a delicate balance of wit, charm, and heartfelt sentiment. By incorporating carefully chosen quotes and personal anecdotes, you can craft a speech that leaves the audience in stitches while celebrating the love story before them. Remember, a smile might be the best gift you can give the newlyweds ...

  19. Maid of Honor Speech [What to Say + Outline + Template]

    IN THE END. Wish the bride and groom a long and happy life. Express your love and best wishes for the future. ... Funny Maid of Honor Speech. In a funny, lighthearted speech, this maid of honor recounts growing up with the bride, and even planning her wedding as little girls. The maid of honor also turns to the groom and thanks him for being ...

  20. Maid of honor speech examples [ + a MOH speech template]

    How to end a Maid of Honor speech. If you find yourself stuck, not knowing how to conclude your speech have a look here: how to end a Maid of Honor speech. There are twenty example endings of varying types. Some are funny. Some use Biblical and other quotations and some are straight from the heart. Find one you like, and then adapt it for your ...

  21. Funny Maid of Honor Speeches That'll Have Your Guests in Splits

    Conclude your maid of honor wedding speech explaining how happy you are for them. Keep the speech short and simple. Wish the couple a happy married life together and express your love and best wishes. End the speech on a happy note and a thank you. You can raise a toast to the bride and groom on behalf of the bride, only if asked to do so by ...

  22. 50+ Best Maid of Honor Speech Examples (Video Samples)

    Example 1. "Good evening everyone! For those of you who may not know me, I'm (your name)… (bride's name)'s proud sister and maid of honor. I'd like to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you who have gathered here today to celebrate the love between (bride's name) and (groom's name).".

  23. 8 Maid Of Honor Speech Ideas That Are Sweet, Funny, And Will Leave

    1. Tell who you are. It's always a good idea to start your speech by letting the crowd know who you are, and how you know the bride. Otherwise, they may be asking the people around them, "Who is ...