Take Care of You: 5 Quick Ways to Practice Self-Care Right Now
effective self-care routine. If this is you- I have a great solution for you! The Self-Care Wheel, featuring 88 comprehensive self-care strategies, and its two trusted companions, the Self-Care Wheel Assessment and the Create-Your-Own Self-Care Wheel tools, open up a very natural, mindful, and engaging space for self-discovery and evaluation.
The Self-Care Wheel: Wellness Worksheets, Activities & PDF
Identify how you can progress each aspect of your self-care and complete the activities defined in step 1. Write it down in a plan. ReachOut provides a practical guide for developing a self-care plan along with a free downloadable template. Step 3 - Implement. A plan has no value unless acted upon. Schedule the actions that implement your ...
PDF Microsoft PowerPoint
How is Self-Care impacted during a pandemic • Diminished amount or quality of sleep. • Escalating societal anxiety and depression with the increased needs of family and friends. • Outlets for emotional connectivity have substantially been reduced (i.e. church community, social gatherings). • General perspective of 2020 is ALL NEGATIVE • Questions around where is GOD and what is he doing;
PDF Self-Care Workbook
work of care principles: 1.to care for and about others we must be aware of their needs, and have the resources to act in their best interest. 2. self-care is essential for individuals to sustainably practice caring for others. 3. modern life, our society, workplaces, and institutions, generally do not support an individual's well-being.
PDF How to Create an Individualized Self-Care Plan
Reflection on values and worldviews can directly affect our self-care, especially in the areas that include our ability to feel gratitude, our place in the natural world, and our acceptance of ourselves and others. Many people find solace and comfort in their deeper values, beliefs, and practices. The following series of questions is provided ...
PDF The Practice of Everyday Self-Care
The physical aspect of self-care involves making lifestyle choices that help you stay fit, healthy, and energized. 2. Mental This is about taking good care of your thoughts and feelings.Your inner dialog or self-talk play a big role in how you perceive ... Presentation title Author:
PDF Self-care is an important part of wellness. Take time and discover what
SELF-CARE 101 Self-care is an important part of wellness. Take time and discover what helps you to feel good and recharge. EAT We all need to refuel. But sometimes when we're stressed, our habits can change - maybe we eat junk food, or don't feel like eating at all. It is important to focus on eating foods that will provide you with the ...
PDF Self Care Guide
Basic Self Care •Get enough sleep -Not enough sleep can drain you emotionally and physically •Hydrate -In the morning before you caffeinate and throughout the day •Healthy eating - What kind of fuel supports your energy and growth? •Physical activity -Work this into your daily or weekly plan •Connection with others -People are the most
PDF Final Self-Care for Helping Professionals
Self Care For Helping Professionals Tesa Brody-Wrye, MPH, MSW, LCSW, LICSW Chloe Unger, BSW Student
PDF Self Care Presenter's Presentation
•They collect information from Jane's self-care book. •They create a treatment plan according to Jane's self-care book. •They comply with the treatment plan and watch for signs of improvement. 18 Practicing Self-Care: Get Informed When looking for self-care information, look for… • Information from a credible, medically-sound source.
effective self-care routine. If this is you- I have a great solution for you! The Self-Care Wheel, featuring 88 comprehensive self-care strategies, and its two trusted companions, the Self-Care Wheel Assessment and the Create-Your-Own Self-Care Wheel tools, open up a very natural, mindful, and engaging space for self-discovery and evaluation.
Identify how you can progress each aspect of your self-care and complete the activities defined in step 1. Write it down in a plan. ReachOut provides a practical guide for developing a self-care plan along with a free downloadable template. Step 3 - Implement. A plan has no value unless acted upon. Schedule the actions that implement your ...
How is Self-Care impacted during a pandemic • Diminished amount or quality of sleep. • Escalating societal anxiety and depression with the increased needs of family and friends. • Outlets for emotional connectivity have substantially been reduced (i.e. church community, social gatherings). • General perspective of 2020 is ALL NEGATIVE • Questions around where is GOD and what is he doing;
work of care principles: 1.to care for and about others we must be aware of their needs, and have the resources to act in their best interest. 2. self-care is essential for individuals to sustainably practice caring for others. 3. modern life, our society, workplaces, and institutions, generally do not support an individual's well-being.
Reflection on values and worldviews can directly affect our self-care, especially in the areas that include our ability to feel gratitude, our place in the natural world, and our acceptance of ourselves and others. Many people find solace and comfort in their deeper values, beliefs, and practices. The following series of questions is provided ...
The physical aspect of self-care involves making lifestyle choices that help you stay fit, healthy, and energized. 2. Mental This is about taking good care of your thoughts and feelings.Your inner dialog or self-talk play a big role in how you perceive ... Presentation title Author:
SELF-CARE 101 Self-care is an important part of wellness. Take time and discover what helps you to feel good and recharge. EAT We all need to refuel. But sometimes when we're stressed, our habits can change - maybe we eat junk food, or don't feel like eating at all. It is important to focus on eating foods that will provide you with the ...
Basic Self Care •Get enough sleep -Not enough sleep can drain you emotionally and physically •Hydrate -In the morning before you caffeinate and throughout the day •Healthy eating - What kind of fuel supports your energy and growth? •Physical activity -Work this into your daily or weekly plan •Connection with others -People are the most
Self Care For Helping Professionals Tesa Brody-Wrye, MPH, MSW, LCSW, LICSW Chloe Unger, BSW Student
•They collect information from Jane's self-care book. •They create a treatment plan according to Jane's self-care book. •They comply with the treatment plan and watch for signs of improvement. 18 Practicing Self-Care: Get Informed When looking for self-care information, look for… • Information from a credible, medically-sound source.