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500 Words Excellent Essay On Myself For Students

About Myself essay writing example for students is written below for study, interview, and exam for preparation. It is a very important process. I hope you will find the following essay about my self very useful.

Table of Contents

Myself Essay | Brief Essay About Yourself For All Level Students

1. about my self introduction.

I, being a human, am a kind, loving, and caring human being. I belong to a middle-class family. My family is the real essence of my life.

about myself essay

I owe everything to my family, especially my parents, brothers, and sisters, who stood by me through thick and thin and supported me to achieve my goals.

Also Read: About Yourself Paragraph

2. Myself Essay Supporting Details

My father is a doctor who is very strict and always insists that the whole family take care of their health.

He is a doctor who advises us to be at home during the lock down. As the infection of COVID-19 is spreading by leaps and bounds, many cases have appeared in our city.

He asks us to wash our hands frequently and to wear face masks and cough in sleeves. My father goes to the hospital daily. When he returns from the clinic, he takes a shower in detail and applies hand sanitizer before touching anything.

I owe everything to my family because they didn’t only support me but taught me the benefits value of life. From my family, I learned the value of honesty, time, hard work, commitment, and sincerity.

I am the elder son of my parents. I have three younger brothers and two younger sisters. I love all my family members. They are all very near and dear to me. My parents asked me to do some of the outdoor chores around the house.

I am answerable and accountable to my parents. I, being an elder one, have to take care of my younger brothers and sisters and I have to do righteous deeds so that my brothers and sisters learn from me and follow me as I learned and followed my parents.

I have got a degree in Business Studies, I wish to set up my own business to excel in life. All the life long my parents have helped me and supported me, now it’s my turn to do something incredible and support my family members.

I do play games in my free time but due to lock-down and the spread of epidemic Coronavirus I hardly go out to play. Now I have made reading my hobby. I do reading different novels in my leisure time.

I prefer reading history and books related to business and administration. I am a business student so I often read the histories of all big businessmen throughout the world.

I try to learn lessons about how they succeeded in their business and reached milestones in their lives. I always try to inspire and motivate myself to follow their ways of success.

I like taking risks in life. My nature is entirely adventurous. I take risks and do not fear the circumstances.

I love traveling and exploring nature. I travel here and there to understand the different ways and experiences of people to start my own business.

I do think and contemplate my goals and plan different strategies to launch my business and start my career as a businessman. When I meet with my friends, I often inquire about business. They share their ideas with me. I try to learn about business from my friends.

The father of one of my friends is a businessman. I especially go and meet his father to learn something about business.

1. Myself Likes & Dislikes

Not only from friends but also strangers and unknown people, I learn and increase my knowledge. I have learned many skills and developed many innovative ideas from people. My parents always advise me to speak the truth. They ask me to never cheat or deceive anyone in life. They have always taught me to speak the truth, even if I get into trouble by spreading the truth.

I dislike telling lies because the person who starts telling lies can commit many other mistakes. I have many goals and dreams in life. My most absorbing goal in life is to have my own business. As we know, life without the desired goal is useless.

2. My Goals Of Life

When one sets a goal in life, he or she starts achieving goals. One plans how to reach the desired destination. One learns to do career planning by setting goals in life.

It is said that “hard work always pays off”. So, one must strive hard to achieve his or her desired goal. I also aim to create employment opportunities for many poor people.

When I have my own business, I will hire poor people. So I will create job opportunities for the poor so that they can earn their livelihood.

3. My Dreams

I believe that I can only materialize my dreams when I have the support of my parents because they are the backbone of my goals. Only my parents can do something impossible for me and lead me to my goal. I also believe that happiness lies in the service of others. One cannot enjoy true happiness without serving others.

I’ve learned that to live happily, I must first make others happy. I try to bring smiles to the faces of others because when I see someone smiling, I smile too.

I, being a human, try to help my fellow men. I never hesitate to help my neighbors because it is their right to be helped by being first.

Conclusion Sentences

God loves those who love his creation. I love all the people around me. Even I fear hurting animals because they too are the creation of God. As a man who is always in the state of learning, I have learned many life lessons. Life is both a bed of thorns and a bed of roses. I have experienced that time is the most precious thing in my life. One who is truthful and honest never faces any difficulty in life. One who aims to achieve goals should be honest in his dealings.

I have learned that determination, ambition, hard work, and inspiration are the keys to success in life.

FAQ About Yourself Essay

How do I write an essay about myself?

For writing an essay about yourself, fist of all start collecting ideas in your mind like, your hobbies, interests likes and dislikes. Now start writing your complete introduction. Then write your about your background, personalty, your goals, experience and achievements briefly. and at the end write conclusion of your essay like your future goals and resolution you want achieve in your life.

What is Self essay introduction?

A self-essay introduction is a paragraph that a student need to be write about himself. It might be required for various purpose like, for assignment, presentation or for thesis. In this essay a student describes about himself in brief. Follow our sample essay to write an introduction essay about yourself.

How can I introduce myself in English?

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Self-introduction for Students [With Sample Intros]

  • Published on Dec 25, 2017

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You would want to make a good impression on your friends when you introduce yourself on the first day in class at your school or college – or at some other gathering. Wouldn’t you?

A small note before we dive into thick of things: Self-introductions can be context-driven, implying that because of unique situation you’re in, you may have to customize some part of the introduction. So, feel free to add or subtract to what’s covered here.

What to include in self-introduction?

Is there a format (for the introduction) to follow? The organizer, for example, may ask to include your name, place you come from, and your hobbies in the introduction.

If there is a format, follow it, but feel free to venture into areas that aren’t included in the format if they provide a more complete picture of yours.

You may include following in your introduction:

1. The start

You can start with the obvious – your name.

But that’s a common start. You can be bit innovative by starting with an attention-grabber. Watch the beginning of this video on marketing to get a feel of what I’m saying (watch the first 15 seconds):

Neil didn’t start with his name. He started with things that will grab people’s attention immediately and came to his name later on.

You can follow the same strategy to stand out among your classmates, most of whom would be following the standard ‘name first’ approach. You can start with a unique experience or a peculiar fact about your city or your uncommon hobby. The first sample intro (later in the post) follows this strategy.

More resources on conversations and introductions:

  • How to introduce yourself in different settings?
  • How to say ‘thank you’?
  • How to respond when someone asks ‘how are you’?

2. Where are you from?

Mention the city you come from. You may add a sentence or two about the city as well if there is something interesting to talk about. Maybe the city is known for historic monuments. Maybe it’s known for natural resources.

And if you’ve lived in multiple cities, you may briefly mention the names and, as mentioned above, a sentence or two on the most interesting of them.

3. Where did you last attend the school?

If you recently moved to a new school (or college) and are introducing yourself there, you can briefly talk about your last school. Are there any interesting facts about your last school? If yes, mention them. Maybe it was established a long, long time ago. Maybe it has produced few famous alumni.

If you’re continuing in the same school, you may mention how many years you’ve been studying there.

4. Interests, hobbies, and achievements

What are your interests and hobbies?

Playing a sport? Traveling? Hiking? Reading? Kite flying? Or something unusual, say bull fighting?

Go into details if you’ve pursued the hobby with serious interest. For example, if you’re into reading, mention what genres you read, your favorite books, your favorite author, and how reading has affected you.

Don’t forget to mention your participation in extracurricular activities in school, if you did. Don’t forget to mention any significant achievements you’ve had?

5. Which stream/department/subject have you enrolled in?

You can briefly talk about which subjects (math, science, arts, commerce, biology, and so on) you’ve picked or you intend to pick in future. Optionally, you may also mention why you made the choice you have. Was it because you love it? Was it because it’ll help you achieve your career goals?

If you’re a college student, you can mention the department you’ve enrolled in. Are you in Arts, Commerce, Mechanical Engineering, Science, or Economics?

This doesn’t apply though if you’re introducing yourself to students who’re all from the same stream/department/subject.

6. Do you’ve clarity on interests/goals you want to pursue in future?

If you’re in K-12, you may not have seriously evaluated what career path you want to follow, and that’s fine. But if you’ve certain career aspiration and if you want to talk about it, you can. Some want to become engineer. Some, astronaut. Some, doctor. Some, model. Speak out what you aspire to become.

Most college students though have more concrete idea on post-college career. If you’ve decided the career path you want to pursue after college, you can share it with your classmates. You never know few of your classmates harboring same career aspirations may just approach you to be friends. You may also mention professional clubs you want to join to hone your skills.

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7. Where can you help others?

If you’ve a strength others in your class can benefit from, feel free to share it. For example, if you’re good in dancing, you can offer to teach the ropes to anyone interested. If you’re strong in a particular subject that is part of your syllabus, you can offer to help others in that subject.

If people know of your strengths, they’ll readily approach you when they need help. This is an easy way to make friends in college. And if you think helping others may be a time waster, you should remember that you too may need help in areas where others are stronger.

This is also a good stage – by offering help – to finish your intro. (See the first sample intro.)

Should I talk about my family?

Avoid it unless the format of the intro requires you to talk about your family as well. You need not go into what your parents do and which class your siblings study in.

Should I mention my last year’s grades?

You shouldn’t unless specifically asked to or others are mentioning it. Top grades can lend a snobbish air to your intro, even if you’re otherwise. Students may make an impression that you’re flaunting your grades, even if you aren’t.

Remember, the primary goal of your intro is to make friends, find people with shared interests.

Four do’s and don’ts when introducing yourself

1. listen to other intros.

Listen to intros that come before yours. If you can refer to someone else’s point or two seamlessly in your intro, you’ll impress people around.

2. Practice, but don’t cram

People often go blank on some of the points or get nervous when they stand up to speak. The best long-term way to overcome this is exposure to such speaking experiences . But in the immediate term, practice what you want to say few times (don’t cram though) to increase your odds of speaking with confidence.

3. Appear confident even if you’re not

After the presentations by executives and entrepreneurs (presumably confident speakers) as part of an executive program at Harvard University, Carmine Gallo , one of the judges, asked them how their presentations went. He heard following comments:

“I was so nervous. I was shaking.”

“I forgot what to say about a slide.”

“I stumbled over my words.”

“I totally lost my place.”

But, no one in the audience spotted those mistakes.

This phenomenon is called spotlight effect , which in nutshell means that people overestimate how much others are noticing their actions and appearance.

What’s the lesson?

If you’re nervous or you make few mistakes, don’t let them rattle you. Most won’t even notice them. Caroline Goyder captures this sentiment aptly in her book Find Your Voice: The Secret to Talking with Confidence in Any Situation :

When you dive into contribution [speaking], and move beyond the anxious competing, you realize that all the worry was such a waste of time. No one is ever judging you as harshly as you judge yourself. Because the truth is that most people are thinking about themselves.

But if you let nervousness and mistakes overpower you, you may make a mistake or display body language that will be noticed by all. And once you’re through the first few lines in your intro, your nerves will start easing.

So, stay composed and carry on. Many in the audience in fact wouldn’t even be listening to most introductions, as they would be busy silently rehearsing their own lines.

4. Make eye contact and be enthusiastic

Make eye contact with other students while speaking. Don’t fix your eyes on a familiar section of the audience. Move your eyes around. And, last but important, your voice and body language should show enthusiasm.

Here are few sample self-introductions for you to get a hang of how they’re done:

Sample self-introductions

Introduction 1

I once spent an entire night in a dense forest with a friend. Well, this act was not to show off how brave I was, but it was forced on me… by my foolishness. During a trek in [name of the region], I and a friend got too adventurous and strayed from our regular route despite instructions to the contrary by our trek guide. We got lost. We survived somehow (that’s a story for another day), but I haven’t given up on my adventure streak and love for outdoors.

Friends, I’m [your first name] and I love outdoors. I’ve been to treks in Himalayas on multiple occasions. These outdoor expeditions have also forced me to learn basic cooking. Well, I don’t boast of cooking dishes you’ll relish, but yes when you’re dying of hunger in the middle of night, you can count on me. I also love cycling long distances – 20+ kilometers in a stretch – and I can manage singing which some may find intolerable.

I’m from [name of the city]. It’s not a big place, but it somehow exists on the map. I’m really excited to be here. I look forward to having some fun, making friends, and building myself up for college. If you’re organizing any outdoor event in future, you can always count on me for help.

Thanks for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself.

Introduction 2

My name is [your first name]. I’m from [name of the city] where I finished my schooling last year from [name of the school]. Is there anyone here from my city? (Changes tack to engage with the audience.) OK, few.

I like watching movies, at least once a month. I play basketball on weekends and chess whenever I get time. I’m into reading thriller novels as well, Dan Brown being my favorite novelist.

I’m happy to step into college life, which provides more freedom and where, finally, I don’t have to come in a uniform. Post-college, I aspire to work in consulting industry.

I’m particularly strong in Excel worksheets and creating well-designed banners and documents. If anyone requires support in these areas, I’ll be glad to help. I look forward to meeting each one of you in the coming days.

Thanks. Have a great day.

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Anil is the person behind this website. He writes on most aspects of English Language Skills. More about him here:


This really helped me… Thank you so so much.

Thank u….this is quite helpful to overcome my nervousness and get into action..Cheers🙂

Man, I was so nervous about my interview for school admission. But after reading this, I felt comfortable. Thanks, this was a great explanation.

It helped me a lot. Thank you so much. It was like I was the center of attraction. Thank you again.

Thanx…. It really helped on my first day of college.

Dude, this is another level. Thanks a lot.

Thanks a lot. It was useful. Now, I should be able to introduce my self without nerves 👌👍🙂🙂

Thank you. Now I get some ideas for self intro and thank you for your brief explanation.

I was a little nervous about my varsity first introduction and my confidence increased after watching it.

Intro 2 was like fire…. It helped me a lot, thanx!!

Thanks, dude!!!! I am a school-level student and the introduction part really helped me.

I have a virtual introduction meeting with my seniors in college. I am so nervous about it. This piece is so helpful. Thanks.

Excellent. I like this a lot. I searched for this type of introduction on many websites, but this post is so interesting and good enough to impress my teacher and classmates.

My name is Yeabkal Solomon. I’m a first year student at Arba minch University. It helped me when I was gave my oral presentation.

I was very scared. I was really scared. Thank you very much for helping with the interview. It was very helpful for me

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self introduction essay for university students

15 Tips for Writing a College Essay About Yourself

What’s covered:.

  • What is the Purpose of the College Essay?
  • How to Stand Out Without Showing Off
  • 15 Tips for Writing an Essay About Yourself
  • Where to Get Free Feedback on Your Essay

Most students who apply to top-tier colleges have exceptional grades, standardized test scores, and extracurricular activities. How do admissions officers decide which applicants to choose among all these stellar students? One way is on the strength of their college essay .

This personal statement, along with other qualitative factors like teacher recommendations, helps the admissions committee see who you really are—the person behind the transcript. So, it’s obviously important to write a great one.

What Is the Purpose of the College Essay? 

Your college essay helps you stand out in a pool of qualified candidates. If effective, it will also show the admissions committee more of your personality and allow them to get a sense of how you’ll fit in with and contribute to the student body and institution. Additionally, it will show the school that you can express yourself persuasively and clearly in writing, which is an important part of most careers, no matter where you end up. 

Typically, students must submit a personal statement (usually the Common App essay ) along with school-specific supplements. Some students are surprised to learn that essays typically count for around 25% of your entire application at the top 250 schools. That’s an enormous chunk, especially considering that, unlike your transcript and extracurriculars, it isn’t an assessment of your entire high school career.  

The purpose of the college essay is to paint a complete picture of yourself, showing admissions committees the person behind the grades and test scores. A strong college essay shows your unique experiences, personality, perspective, interests, and values—ultimately, what makes you unique. After all, people attend college, not their grades or test scores. The college essay also provides students with a considerable amount of agency in their application, empowering them to share their own stories.

How to Stand Out Without Showing Off 

It’s important to strike a balance between exploring your achievements and demonstrating humility. Your aim should be to focus on the meaning behind the experience and how it changed your outlook, not the accomplishment itself. 

Confidence without cockiness is the key here. Don’t simply catalog your achievements, there are other areas on your application to share them. Rather, mention your achievements when they’re critical to the story you’re telling. It’s helpful to think of achievements as compliments, not highlights, of your college essay.  

Take this essay excerpt , for example:

My parents’ separation allowed me the space to explore my own strengths and interests as each of them became individually busier. As early as middle school, I was riding the light rail train by myself, reading maps to get myself home, and applying to special academic programs without urging from my parents. Even as I took more initiatives on my own, my parents both continued to see me as somewhat immature. All of that changed three years ago, when I applied and was accepted to the SNYI-L summer exchange program in Morocco. I would be studying Arabic and learning my way around the city of Marrakesh. Although I think my parents were a little surprised when I told them my news, the addition of a fully-funded scholarship convinced them to let me go. 

Instead of saying “ I received this scholarship and participated in this prestigious program, ” the author tells a story, demonstrating their growth and initiative through specific actions (riding the train alone, applying academic programs on her own, etc.)—effectively showing rather than telling.

15 Tips for Writing an Essay About Yourself 

1. start early .

Leave yourself plenty of time to write your college essay—it’s stressful enough to compose a compelling essay without putting yourself under a deadline. Starting early on your essay also leaves you time to edit and refine your work, have others read your work (for example, your parents or a teacher), and carefully proofread.

2. Choose a topic that’s meaningful to you 

The foundation of a great essay is selecting a topic that has real meaning for you. If you’re passionate about the subject, the reader will feel it. Alternatively, choosing a topic you think the admissions committee is looking for, but isn’t all that important to you, won’t make for a compelling essay; it will be obvious that you’re not very invested in it.

3. Show your personality 

One of the main points of your college essay is to convey your personality. Admissions officers will see your transcript and read about the awards you’ve won, but the essay will help them get to know you as a person. Make sure your personality is evident in each part—if you are a jokester, incorporate some humor. Your friends should be able to pick your essay from an anonymous pile, read it, and recognize it as yours. In that same vein, someone who doesn’t know you at all should feel like they understand your personality after reading your essay. 

4. Write in your own voice 

In order to bring authenticity to your essay, you’ll need to write in your own voice. Don’t be overly formal (but don’t be too casual, either). Remember: you want the reader to get to know the real you, not a version of you that comes across as overly stiff or stilted. You should feel free to use contractions, incorporate dialogue, and employ vocabulary that comes naturally to you. 

5. Use specific examples 

Real, concrete stories and examples will help your essay come to life. They’ll add color to your narrative and make it more compelling for the reader. The goal, after all, is to engage your audience—the admissions committee. 

For example, instead of stating that you care about animals, you should tell us a story about how you took care of an injured stray cat. 

Consider this side-by-side comparison:

Example 1: I care deeply about animals and even once rescued a stray cat. The cat had an injured leg, and I helped nurse it back to health.

Example 2: I lost many nights of sleep trying to nurse the stray cat back to health. Its leg infection was extremely painful, and it meowed in distress up until the wee hours of the morning. I didn’t mind it though; what mattered was that the cat regained its strength. So, I stayed awake to administer its medicine and soothe it with loving ear rubs.

The second example helps us visualize this situation and is more illustrative of the writer’s personality. Because she stayed awake to care for the cat, we can infer that she is a compassionate person who cares about animals. We don’t get the same depth with the first example. 

6. Don’t be afraid to show off… 

You should always put your best foot forward—the whole point of your essay is to market yourself to colleges. This isn’t the time to be shy about your accomplishments, skills, or qualities. 

7. …While also maintaining humility 

But don’t brag. Demonstrate humility when discussing your achievements. In the example above, for instance, the author discusses her accomplishments while noting that her parents thought of her as immature. This is a great way to show humility while still highlighting that she was able to prove her parents wrong.

8. Be vulnerable 

Vulnerability goes hand in hand with humility and authenticity. Don’t shy away from exploring how your experience affected you and the feelings you experienced. This, too, will help your story come to life. 

Here’s an excerpt from a Common App essay that demonstrates vulnerability and allows us to connect with the writer:  

“You ruined my life!” After months of quiet anger, my brother finally confronted me. To my shame, I had been appallingly ignorant of his pain. 

Despite being twins, Max and I are profoundly different. Having intellectual interests from a young age that, well, interested very few of my peers, I often felt out of step in comparison with my highly-social brother. Everything appeared to come effortlessly for Max and, while we share an extremely tight bond, his frequent time away with friends left me feeling more and more alone as we grew older.

In this essay, the writer isn’t afraid to share his insecurities and feelings with us. He states that he had been “ appallingly ignorant ” of his brother’s pain, that he “ often felt out of step ” compared to his brother, and that he had felt “ more and more alone ” over time. These are all emotions that you may not necessarily share with someone you just met, but it’s exactly this vulnerability that makes the essay more raw and relatable. 

9. Don’t lie or hyperbolize 

This essay is about the authentic you. Lying or hyperbolizing to make yourself sound better will not only make your essay—and entire application—less genuine, but it will also weaken it. More than likely, it will be obvious that you’re exaggerating. Plus, if colleges later find out that you haven’t been truthful in any part of your application, it’s grounds for revoking your acceptance or even expulsion if you’ve already matriculated. 

10. Avoid cliches 

How the COVID-19 pandemic changed your life. A sports victory as a metaphor for your journey. How a pet death altered your entire outlook. Admissions officers have seen more essays on these topics than they can possibly count. Unless you have a truly unique angle, then it’s in your best interest to avoid them. Learn which topics are cliche and how to fix them . 

11. Proofread 

This is a critical step. Even a small error can break your essay, however amazing it is otherwise. Make sure you read it over carefully, and get another set of eyes (or two or three other sets of eyes), just in case.

12. Abstain from using AI

There are a handful of good reasons to avoid using artificial intelligence (AI) to write your college essay. Most importantly, it’s dishonest and likely to be not very good; AI-generated essays are generally formulaic, generic, and boring—everything you’re trying to avoid being.   The purpose of the college essay is to share what makes you unique and highlight your personal experiences and perspectives, something that AI can’t capture.

13. Use parents as advisors, not editors

The voice of an adult is different from that of a high schooler and admissions committees are experts at spotting the writing of parents. Parents can play a valuable role in creating your college essay—advising, proofreading, and providing encouragement during those stressful moments. However, they should not write or edit your college essay with their words.

14. Have a hook

Admissions committees have a lot of essays to read and getting their attention is essential for standing out among a crowded field of applicants. A great hook captures your reader’s imagination and encourages them to keep reading your essay. Start strong, first impressions are everything!

15. Give them something to remember

The ending of your college essay is just as important as the beginning. Give your reader something to remember by composing an engaging and punchy paragraph or line—called a kicker in journalism—that ties everything you’ve written above together.

Where to Get Free Feedback on Your College Essay 

Before you send off your application, make sure you get feedback from a trusted source on your essay. CollegeVine’s free peer essay review will give you the support you need to ensure you’ve effectively presented your personality and accomplishments. Our expert essay review pairs you with an advisor to help you refine your writing, submit your best work, and boost your chances of getting into your dream school. Find the right advisor for you and get started on honing a winning essay.

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self introduction essay for university students

Student Self Introduction: Benefits, Ti…

Student Self Introduction: Benefits, Tips, and What to Avoid [+5 Examples]

Hi everyone,

My name is [my name] and I write informative and well-researched content for Erudera. I have [number] years of experience when it comes to educational content, university studies, and anything related to writing. My experience has allowed me to be well-equipped to help students when it comes to their university-related concerns.

My hobbies include reading, writing, and researching. So, when I am outside of work (where I read, write, and research) I still read, write, and research! Since I have turned my passion into my work, it gives me great pleasure to compile helpful guides for people who have questions to ask.

Thank you for considering Erudera when it comes to questions related to education!

Here’s everything you need to know about student self introduction:

The Importance of a Good Student Self Introduction

A student self introduction is an opportunity for you to talk about yourself, your personality, highlight your strengths, hobbies, skills, and experience, clearly and confidently. Whether you are introducing yourself to the university admissions committee, your classroom, your instructors, or anyone else, really, a self introduction gives you the chance to help people see who you are as well as understand your goals and ambitions.

A few benefits of a good student self introduction include:

  • You allow a good first impression. A powerful self introduction gives you a say in people’s first impression on you. If you are able to describe yourself and your personality clearly, people will create a good impression, which can open many doors in the academic, professional, or social scene.
  • You highlight your best qualities. A bold student self introduction will allow you to highlight your best qualities. You will tell people about your strengths and your values. You will be able to talk about hobbies and interests, which will create the impression that you know yourself and what you want, and are willing to work for it.
  • You convey self-confidence. Self confidence is important in any sphere of life. A good self introduction will help you convey this confidence to others. By highlighting all the important aspects of your personality, including how you overcame any failures or downfalls, you will convey that you are confident enough to tackle any obstacles, in any setting or situation.
  • You pique curiosity. This goes without saying. A bold and powerful self introduction will pique curiosity. From your personality to your ambitions, people will want to know more about what you can offer. At the end of the day, confident individuals who can express themselves clearly will often pique people’s interest.

Quite interesting, huh? Keep reading to learn more on how to write a powerful student self introduction that conveys confidence and attracts curiosity.

How to Prepare a Good Student Self Introduction

Talking about oneself can be challenging, mostly because you do not know where to focus, which characteristics to highlight, and what exactly makes a, so called, impressive self introduction. Let’s get on it.

Here are a few tips on how to prepare a good self introduction as a student:

Always Greet and Smile Before Starting

A simple greeting and a warm smile will show good manners, a positive attitude, and respect. Showing respect is the key to a good first impression. Regardless of how good your self-introduction is, you will not leave a good impression if you are rude and inconsiderate.

Begin With Demographic Information

Yes, you should begin with your name, age, origin, education, and/or employment status. You will talk about these aspects of your life briefly but clearly. These will set the stage for what follows and will allow the audience to better understand your background and relate it to your hobbies, interests, and ambitions.

Talk About Skills and Experience

Talking about your skills is important because you want to let the audience know how and what you learned from your previous education and experience. This could include skills you learned during university studies, any internships, volunteer work, or employment experience you might have, it does not matter what or how long — what matters is the skills you gained.

Include Hobbies and Interests

Now, you want to continue with your hobbies and interests. Make sure you do not take too long talking about either, because you do not want the conversation/essay to focus solely on one aspect of your life — it will get boring. Talking about hobbies will give the audience an insight into your way of thinking and reasoning. It will also show a unique aspect of your personality.

For example, if you like reading, talk about reasons you like reading and the books you like to read. Similarly, if you like writing, talk about reasons you like writing and whether you like to write prose or poetry, fiction or nonfiction, and similar details like these ones. If you like sports, include the reasons you like sports and the types of sports you practice.

Discuss Achievements

Your achievements could be anything, from grades, awards, competitive results, honors, contributions to the community, perfect attendance, etc. Your achievements are not simply certificates and titles, they highlight the aspect of yourself that is committed, dedicated, and hard-working.

Remember to include these into the conversation, not in a boastful manner but rather to build up on your skills, values, and determination.

Mention Strengths and Weaknesses

Talking about your strengths and weaknesses lets the audience know how self-aware you are. You should begin talking about your strengths by mentioning something related to the university program you’re applying for. You want to mention something that makes you reliable and trustworthy when it comes to success in the field you have chosen to study.

When it comes to weaknesses, you want to be honest but strategic. However, not too honest in the sense that it will make the audience doubt your position/ability. You want to go with something unrelated to your area of interest. For example, you could mention that you struggle with, let’s say, flexibility — as in you have difficulty adapting to changes in plans.

Whatever you mention in terms of weaknesses, make sure you specify that you are working to improve them. List the steps you think will help you turn your weakness into a strength.

Show Your Unique Qualities

Do not be afraid to talk about what makes you stand out. If you’re a creative person, mention that you are creative. If you have emotional intelligence or empathy, mention this to the audience. Make sure to highlight how these unique qualities have helped you succeed up until now and why you think they are important.

Make Connections

Whatever you decide to mention in your student self-introduction, make sure to make a connection to the university/program. You can research the university’s mission, vision, and values and try to make a connection to how your strengths and values align with those of the university.

Provide Insights Into Your Likes

There are many things you can mention that will allow the audience to better understand you and your likes/dislikes. For example, some other things you could also include are:

  • People who inspire you. You can talk about a person who inspires you. Someone who is your role model. Mention why they are important to you and the reasons why their ideals align with yours.
  • Favorite books/movies/artists. By doing this, you have the chance to mention something that you like and give the audience an insight into your personality and your way of thinking and reasoning.

After completing your introduction, thank the audience for taking the time to listen to you. Make sure to give them the chance to ask any questions they might have.

Student Self Introduction: What to Avoid

Try to avoid the following during your self-introduction:

  • Avoid being too casual/informal. Although feeling comfortable while doing your self-introduction is important, you should avoid using slang or informal language.
  • Avoid being disrespectful. Be mindful of any comment that might come off as rude or disrespectful. This could also include body language. You should face the audience with an open body language, mind your tone, and avoid any comment that might be perceived as negative.
  • Avoid repeating the contents of your CV. You should mention your experience and accomplishments, of course, but do not make the introduction only a repetition of your CV. Try to include extra details that connect your experience/skills/values to your university/area of interest. Provide context regarding how you gained your skills and why they are important to you.
  • Avoid sharing too much personal information. While sharing your hobbies is relevant, you do not want to go on too long about it, especially if what you’re detailing is not relevant to the context of your area of interest.
  • Avoid a super lengthy introduction. You do not want your introduction to sound like rambling. Be brief about anything you mention, from the experience to the hobbies. The ideal duration of a self introduction should be less than two minutes. So be mindful of what you include and how much time you allocate to each detail.

Practicing Student Self Introduction

Practice makes perfect, right? It really does. A self-introduction that you scribbled down quickly and did not practice will not be of lesser value than one you spent time preparing and practicing.

A few ways to practice your self-introduction include:

  • Write it down in detail. Write your introduction down, either on paper or on your laptop. This will help you keep your introduction tidy and concise.
  • Stand in front of a mirror and practice the contents of your introduction. By practicing your introduction out loud, you will see how long it’s taking, and you will have a chance to either shorten it or lengthen it.
  • Record yourself. You can always record yourself to analyze your tone and delivery.
  • Get a different perspective. You can ask someone you trust to listen to you and give you feedback. Someone else’s point of view can make you see things differently because one can get lost in all the writing and practicing. A fresh perspective can always help, especially in such cases.

Student Self Introduction: Three Examples

Example 1: college interview student self introduction.

My name is [your name], I was born and raised in [your hometown/country], and I am currently a senior at [your high school]. I am interested in pursuing a degree in [preferred major] at [university name]. Initially, thank you for allowing me to introduce myself.

During my high school years, I took an interest in [your academic area of interest]. In fact, I continuously took classes in this subject area because I wanted to challenge myself and learn more. In addition, I have gained skills such as problem-solving, time management, and leadership from extracurricular activities, such as [insert extracurricular activities]. I value these skills because I strongly believe they will help me be successful in my academic pursuits in [your preferred subject area].

I used my time management skills to also work on my hobbies and interests. Some of my hobbies include [your hobbies]. When I am not involved in my academic responsibilities, I am usually [your hobby] or [your other hobby]. What is especially interesting about these hobbies is that they help develop my soft skills, such as critical thinking and creativity.

I want to mention that creativity* and critical thinking* are two of my greatest strengths, which I can use both in real life as well in professional or academic settings. Up until now, they have been a great help to my accomplishments. One weakness I’d like to mention is flexibility*. I need some time to adjust to abrupt changes in plans. However, I am working hard to turn this weakness into a strength, by exposing myself to situations where I need to adapt quickly.

I am thrilled to continue my academic interests at [university name]. I am also certain that my skills, enthusiasm, and work ethic will make me a strong candidate for [preferred major]. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me and for considering my application. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have.

*hypothetical examples. you can easily adapt them to your self-introduction.

Example 2: Classroom Student Self Introduction

My name is [your name], and I come from [your hometown/country]. I am [your age], and I look forward to being a part of this classroom.

I am interested in [your hobbies], so when I am outside of the classroom and not engaged in academic activities, I usually engage in [your hobby] or [your hobby].

My favorite subjects in school are [your favorite subjects] and my favorite extracurricular activities include [insert extracurricular activities].

I am excited to be here with you and can’t wait for us to learn together. Please feel free to approach me with any questions you might have.

Thank you for listening to me!

Example 3: Student Self Introduction Letter to Teacher

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I am writing this letter to introduce myself since I am one of your students this year.

My name is [your name], I come from [your hometown/country], and I am [your age]. I look forward to being in your class because I am always enthusiastic about learning more and curious about what your class has to offer.

I am a dedicated student who enjoys challenges. Some of my hobbies include [your hobbies]. Outside the classroom and when I am not involved in academic activities, I like to [your hobby] or [your hobby].

I also like being involved in extracurricular activities. Currently I have joined [your extracurricular activity] and [another extracurricular activity]. These activities help me get exposure to different areas of interest.

One of my strengths is curiosity* and hard work*. However, I would say one of my weaknesses is public speaking*. Nevertheless, I am working towards transforming this weakness into a strength, by staying more organized, practicing, and focusing on myself rather than the public. I believe I will overcome this in no time.

Thank you! I am excited for the year to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Take a look at these frequently asked questions when it comes to student self introduction.

How Do I Start My Self Introduction?

Always start by introducing yourself. If you have not greeted the audience yet, start with a simple greeting then proceed to tell your name, surname, hometown, and age.

What Is the Best Self Introduction?

The best self introduction is one that is cohesive, radiates confidence, comfort, positivity. There is no one answer when it comes to a good self introduction. Just make sure to keep it brief, informative, and concise because you do not want to “bore” the audience.

However, you should not keep it too short, in that it feels like you’re rushing through it. Find a perfect balance according to the instructions in this article.

How Can I Introduce Myself in 10 Lines in English?

You can easily introduce yourself in 10 lines in English. Here’s how:

  • In the first line , talk about your name, hometown, and age.
  • In the second line , talk about the purpose of your self introduction.
  • In the third line , talk about your experience and skills.
  • In the fourth line , elaborate on these skills and show how they relate to the context.
  • In the fifth line , talk about your hobbies and interests.
  • In the sixth line , elaborate on these hobbies and show why you like your hobbies.
  • In the seventh line , talk about your strengths.
  • In the eighth line , talk about your weaknesses.
  • In the ninth line, talk about what you’re doing to overcome your weaknesses.
  • In the tenth line, conclude your introduction.

How Can I Introduce Myself More Confidently?

To sound more confident, you need to believe the things you are saying. This is one thing. Here are some other things to keep in mind when it comes to sounding more confident:

  • Speak slowly and clearly.
  • Have an open body language.
  • Avoid filler words.
  • Keep a friendly eye contact.
  • Practice your self introduction.

Is 4 Minutes Too Long for ‘Tell Me About Yourself’?

It is recommended to complete your introduction in less than two minutes. However, this depends on several factors, such as how relevant the details you are including are, and whether or not the introduction is engaging.

How Do You Introduce Yourself Before Speech as a Student? [Example 4]

If you want to introduce yourself before a speech, as a student, here’s how you should do it:

  • Greet the audience.
  • Say your name, surname, and where you are from.
  • Mention your skills and interests (to show credibility when it comes to the speech).
  • Provide a short summary of what you will be talking about.
  • Show you are open to taking questions (during/after the speech).

How Do You Introduce Yourself Online as a Student? [Example 5]

If you’re attending an online course and want to introduce yourself to your class, make sure to keep it brief and clear.

For example:

Hi everyone! My name is [your name]. I live in [city/country] but I am originally from [hometown]. It’s my first time attending an online course but I am sure we’ll have a great time together! I’m looking forward to learning and socializing with you. I wish you all good luck!

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5 Steps To Write An Essay About Yourself

self introduction essay for university students

Writing essays and academic papers are two such responsibilities for which students often face challenges throughout their academic life.

In fact, self-introduction essays are among the most typical assignments students confront among the many other essays.

Writing an essay about yourself necessitates you to possess excellent writing and storytelling abilities.

To produce a great personal essay, students must devote time, patience, and work. This article will educate you on how to write an essay on yourself, your family, a personal experience, and so on.

However, if you are time-pressed and unable to compose an essay, there are services that write same-day essays for students too.

When Might You Need to Write About Yourself?

Self-introduction essays or writing an essay about yourself is required during various circumstances of your academic and professional life.

Aside from the obvious cases, such as a personal statement or self-evaluations/appraisals, here are other situations where you’ll be required to write an essay about yourself:

  • For graduation school applications
  • When writing biographies
  • For career advancement opportunities
  • In cover letters and resumes
  • Seeking internship opportunities
  • In grant proposals

Most people think that writing an essay about yourself is one of the easiest tasks to do. Nonetheless, that may not be the case for most students.

One must possess good college writing skills to put their best foot forward and impress the reader to stand out among their peers. And here’s how you can do it correctly and confidently.

What Must the Self-Introduction Essay Include?

Writing an essay about yourself is a perfect opportunity to write about your strengths, achievements, and unique characteristics that provide an insight into yourself.

You may be confused about what exactly to write or express in your self-introduction essay. So, in this post, we will explain what you can write about yourself that will help you score brownie points and stand out amidst the competition.

Also, check out these examples and samples on self-introductory essays .

For instance, when writing about yourself, consider your path and the things that have shaped you into the person you are. You can also write about various things such as:

  • Your hobbies
  • Your aspirations and dreams
  • The things you want to learn
  • The things you are best at

How to Write an Essay

Before composing an essay, understand the basic structure and prepare an outline to avoid any mistakes down the road.

So if you are wondering how to structure an essay, remember that all essays follow a basic structure – introduction, the body, and conclusion.


This is the first part of the essay, and it must pique the reader’s interest. You must add a ‘hook’ here to keep the reader glued.

You must provide a thesis statement at the beginning of your writing that exhibits the main idea of your essay.

Overall, the introduction must provide a brief overview of the entire essay in an engaging way.

The section contains a minimum of three paragraphs that explain the major themes or story of the essay. Ensure that each paragraph connects smoothly with the next. It is best to write in chronological order to avoid confusion.

This is the last paragraph or last section of the essay, and it must logically conclude your story. Here you can highlight the lesson you’ve gained throughout your experience. It is better to keep this section short.

Essay Structure

This is the basic structure that one must follow when writing an essay. Once you understand the essay format, create an outline that includes:

  • An introduction about yourself
  • Your most significant professional experience
  • Noteworthy awards or personal accomplishments
  • Relevant information about your personal life

Note: Make sure you use an appropriate tone if it is not mentioned. While an informal tone is used when writing about personal experiences, remember not to use any ‘slang’ words that might look unprofessional.

Steps to Writing an Effective Essay

self introduction essay for university students

Use particular anecdotes to highlight your accomplishments and traits without appearing pretentious.

You can also write about difficulties you’ve encountered or mistakes you’ve made to demonstrate vulnerability and personal progress.

1. Self-Reflection

The first step is to reflect on the topic before you begin writing to determine what you want to include in your essay.

Having a thorough brainstorming session can help a lot. However, here are a few starter questions that can help you:

  • What has influenced your hobbies or future ambitions?
  • What are you most pleased with?
  • Why do you look up to someone in particular?
  • Consider how your values and aspirations mirror your target university’s program and culture as you self-reflect. Develop tales that highlight the fit between the two.

2. Write Something Extraordinary

Using the questions above, pick an incident or some strong point about yourself to elucidate.

Remember that you must write about a single incident or quality that makes you stand out. Avoid talking about two qualities or two incidents.

3. Define the Goal

Read the essay guidelines and align your writing with that. The goal of your essay must reflect well in your words.

4. Know Your Audience

Think about your audience’s expectations and interests. It is critical to capture their attention and keep them reading your work until the finish.

5. Detailed Outline

The outline must be detailed and include all significant points.

Once the outline is ready, you can expand it into a full-fledged essay using the vital points. After completing the essay, proofread for typos and grammatical errors to ensure there are no mistakes.

These are the steps that college students can follow when writing self-introduction essays.

The first step to writing a successful essay is selecting an incident or quality that you want to write about.

It is recommended that you brainstorm the ideas and create an outline to avoid mishaps later.

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self introduction essay for university students

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How to Write a Great College Essay Introduction | Examples

Published on October 4, 2021 by Meredith Testa . Revised on August 14, 2023 by Kirsten Courault.

Admissions officers read thousands of essays each application season, and they may devote as little as five minutes to reviewing a student’s entire application. That means it’s critical to have a well-structured essay with a compelling introduction. As you write and revise your essay , look for opportunities to make your introduction more engaging.

There’s one golden rule for a great introduction: don’t give too much away . Your reader shouldn’t be able to guess the entire trajectory of the essay after reading the first sentence. A striking or unexpected opening captures the reader’s attention, raises questions, and makes them want to keep reading to the end .

Table of contents

Start with a surprise, start with a vivid, specific image, avoid clichés, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

A great introduction often has an element of mystery. Consider the following opening statement.

This opener is unexpected, even bizarre—what could this student be getting at? How can you be bad at breathing?

The student goes on to describe her experience with asthma and how it has affected her life. It’s not a strange topic, but the introduction is certainly intriguing. This sentence keeps the admissions officer reading, giving the student more of an opportunity to keep their attention and make her point.

In a sea of essays with standard openings such as “One life-changing experience for me was …” or “I overcame an obstacle when …,” this introduction stands out. The student could have used either of those more generic introductions, but neither would have been as successful.

This type of introduction is a true “hook”—it’s highly attention-grabbing, and the reader has to keep reading to understand.

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If your topic doesn’t lend itself to such a surprising opener, you can also start with a vivid, specific description.

Many essays focus on a particular experience, and describing one moment from that experience can draw the reader in. You could focus on small details of what you could see and feel, or drop the reader right into the middle of the story with dialogue or action.

Some students choose to write more broadly about themselves and use some sort of object or metaphor as the focus. If that’s the type of essay you’d like to write, you can describe that object in vivid detail, encouraging the reader to imagine it.

Cliché essay introductions express ideas that are stereotypical or generally thought of as conventional wisdom. Ideas like “My family made me who I am today” or “I accomplished my goals through hard work and determination” may genuinely reflect your life experience, but they aren’t unique or particularly insightful.

Unoriginal essay introductions are easily forgotten and don’t demonstrate a high level of creative thinking. A college essay is intended to give insight into the personality and background of an applicant, so a standard, one-size-fits-all introduction may lead admissions officers to think they are dealing with a standard, unremarkable applicant.

Quotes can often fall into the category of cliché essay openers. There are some circumstances in which using a quote might make sense—for example, you could quote an important piece of advice or insight from someone important in your life. But for most essays, quotes aren’t necessary, and they may make your essay seem uninspired.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

The introduction of your college essay is the first thing admissions officers will read and therefore your most important opportunity to stand out. An excellent introduction will keep admissions officers reading, allowing you to tell them what you want them to know.

The key to a strong college essay introduction is not to give too much away. Try to start with a surprising statement or image that raises questions and compels the reader to find out more.

Cliché openers in a college essay introduction are usually general and applicable to many students and situations. Most successful introductions are specific: they only work for the unique essay that follows.

In most cases, quoting other people isn’t a good way to start your college essay . Admissions officers want to hear your thoughts about yourself, and quotes often don’t achieve that. Unless a quote truly adds something important to your essay that it otherwise wouldn’t have, you probably shouldn’t include it.

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Testa, M. (2023, August 14). How to Write a Great College Essay Introduction | Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from

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How To Introduce Yourself in An Essay: with proven tips and examples

Sometimes, you may be required to introduce yourself in an essay, like in a college admission essay or as a first-year student. This is a tricky assignment; generally, most people are uncomfortable sharing their achievements. Additionally, knowing what you need to share and what you need to hold back is difficult. Keep reading to learn how to introduce yourself in an essay.

Self-introduction Essay Outline

A basic self-introduction essay should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Most of your description should lie within the body paragraphs. So, what should you include in your college self-introduction essay?

self introduction essay for university students


This is the first section of your self-introduction essay. First, include a brief statement about what you will write in the body of your essay. The introduction will set the tone for the rest of your essay.  

Example 1: In this essay, I will tell you the story of how I became the most prolific cheerleader at Lake Tahoe Junior High School.

Example 2: My name is Peter Lake, and I am a sophomore at Washington Heights and on a mission to become the first college graduate in our family.

Describe yourself physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Also, include your strengths and weaknesses in this section. You should also share your achievements, unique attributes, and personal experiences.  

Your conclusion should reiterate the main points from your essay. Restate the information you want the reader to retain about you. Finally, summarize your essay and share your best attributes to leave a lasting impression.

Example: Now that you have gotten to know me, I hope you can consider letting me join your institution of higher learning. Not only am I a driven individual, but I am also resilient and a trailblazer. And I am confident that joining XYZ University will help me build my knowledge base and capabilities.

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Tips to Write a Memorable Self-introduction Essay

Follow these tips to craft the best self-introductory essay you have ever written;

Start with self-reflection

Before you start writing, spend some time reflecting to identify your values and qualities. Next, note down all points you wish to include in your essay. Then, you can start drafting your essay and include words used to describe you as they form a basis for justifying how you perceive yourself. Do not forget to list your future goals as well.

Example: While others may describe me as a free spirit, I think I am a force of nature. I pride myself on being a go-getter with a tremendous ability to mobilize people to join my cause.

Share what you have learned

Include your failure or mistakes in your essay and the lesson learned. This will help showcase how you handle life experiences and let them mold you positively. Give in-depth details of each mistake and then add your response to the situation. Think of it as sharing a life lesson.

Example: I lost the challenge, but it was not for nothing. That day I learned that preparation is the key to success and pride always goes before a fall. So, I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and set my sights on my next big challenge.

Write about your achievements

Always include your strengths in a self-introductory essay. But in a way, that does not sound like you are bragging. Or rather, make it sound like a humble brag. Do not state your achievements in list form. Instead, incorporate them into the story or mention them in passing while sharing other details about yourself.

Example: In 2021, I decided to try out for different sports, and shortly after, I was drafted into our High school’s football team. We won the mayor’s cup that year because I could outrun all the linebackers.

READ ALSO: What is a Hook in an Essay, and How Can You Write a Captivating One?

Write about your challenges and mistakes

Including your life’s low moments creates authenticity and an emotional bond with the reader. However, restrain from oversharing every detail about the difficulties you have endured to prevent your essay from feeling like a sob story. The point is to show how everything you have been through has made you who you are.

Example: Growing up in the projects has taught me to take it one day at a time. Which is a great way to avoid being stressed or overwhelmed in life. I have also learned to be grateful for the little.

Be vulnerable

This is where personal reflections come in. Do not hesitate to share your opinions, emotions, and life knowledge. This will not only make your essay interesting, but it will also give a real personality bias.

Example: I believe that we all have a right or expression. But when your words cause more harm than good, perhaps you are better off keeping them to yourself. This discernment capability is something most people lack these days. But fortunately, it can be learned with age from life experiences.

Use stories to prove your qualities

Share details of your academic successes and extra-curricular activities to give a perspective of your qualities even if your school grades aren’t high. In addition, sharing details of your academic journey may offer insight into your personality.

Example: Sport has never been my strong suit, but I strongly excel in creative arts and music. As the lead Accapela singer of our band, I was part of the team that went to nationals to represent our high school.

Write about your experiences

Think about anything you have experienced that most people can only dream or hear about. These stories will give your essay a unique twist and make you sound more interesting.

Example: Coming face to face with a mountain lion that day was definitely not something I was expecting to happen. But it was certainly the near-death experience I needed to have. I purposed to live intentionally and make the most of my life from that day henceforth.

Don’t overshare

Be prudent and avoid oversharing extremely personal experiences and mistakes. Keep it professional, and do not use slang. Write your self-introductory essay as if you are answering the question ‘Tell me about yourself’ in an interview.

Note: Proofread your essay before submission to ensure it does not have spelling or grammar mistakes. Spelling errors can leave a lasting impression and take away from your self-description.

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How to Introduce Yourself in College (as a Student)

Starting college can be exciting, overwhelming—and scary. Meeting and getting to know new people on campus is one of the best ways to feel more comfortable and at ease from the first day. People who make new friends in college report having an easier time adjusting to campus life and are also more likely to still be around in their second year. [ 1 , 2 ]

Whether you are moving into a dorm, commuting to college, or taking online classes, this article can help you figure out how to introduce yourself to people in college and become part of the social scene on campus.

1. Assume you’re not the only new student

Your first day of classes can feel a lot like being the “new kid” in school who doesn’t know how to get to their homeroom class or who to sit with at lunch. It can be daunting when you don’t know anyone in your new school, but most people you meet on your first day are also new students. This means that most will be just as eager (and nervous) to meet new people as you are, which makes it easier to figure out how to approach people and make friends .

2. Craft an intro speech

Because there’s a good chance that you will get asked to introduce yourself many times in your first days in college—for example, in some of your classes—you may want to craft a brief introduction speech.

Good intros provide basic information about who you are, where you are from, and what your goals are for college, as well as providing an interesting detail or two that people can remember you by.

Here is an example of a good intro to use when first meeting other students or professors:

“Hi, my name is Carrie, and I’m originally from Wisconsin. I’m a military kid, so I’ve lived all over the US and Europe. I’m hoping to major in finance and also to study abroad.”

Practicing some words to say in specific situations can be particularly useful for transfer students. If you are one of them, take a look at this article on how to make friends as a transfer student .

3. Make a positive, intentional impression

People form first impressions of others within seconds of meeting them, with or without their knowledge. Being intentional about the impression you make helps you take advantage of these first opportunities to meet people at college.

Here are some tips on how to start a self-introduction:

  • Intention : Your “goal;” what you hope to achieve by introducing yourself.

Example: Set yourself the goal of sharing more about your major (e.g., “I’m majoring in finance and would love to meet others in my department!”).

  • Impression : Something you want others to remember about you.

Example: Consider making a memorable impression by sharing something interesting about yourself (e.g., “A fun fact about me is that I’m fluent in Russian”).

  • Inside information : “Inside information” is what you want others to know about you.

It should give others important clues to who you are and what you are looking for in your college experience. Example: “I am from Hawaii, so this is my first time on the mainland and it’s really different! I’m still adjusting to the weather.”

4. Initiate 1:1 conversations

It can be overwhelming to introduce yourself to a class or large group of people, and it can also be difficult to form personal connections this way. Try to approach people who seem like they have things in common with you, as friendships are more likely to develop among people who are similar to each other. [ 5 ] Start by walking up, saying hello, and introducing yourself. If they seem open to talking, you can also start a more in-depth conversation by asking them questions about where they are from or how they are settling in.

5. Connect with suitemates before school starts

Being on-campus gives you a big advantage because it makes it easier to adjust and adapt to college life and also provides more natural opportunities to meet people and make friends. [ 4 ]

If you are moving into on-campus housing, consider reaching out to your suitemates before school starts by searching for them on social media or using contact information provided to you by the college.

This way, you can both go to college knowing at least one other person, which can make the first days easier. Also, connecting on social media ahead of time has been proven to make your first interactions with housemates less awkward. [ 2 ]

6. Learn people’s names

Make a point to remember the names of people you meet and talk to, and try to use their names aloud in a conversation with them. This simple trick is a proven way to help you remember names and also helps you make a positive impression on people. [ 6 ] When you know their name, it’s also easier to say hello or start conversations with them when you see them in class or around campus.

7. Talk about common struggles

Inconveniences are a part of the adjustment process to college life but also provide opportunities to naturally connect and relate to people. For example, saying, “I’ve been there!” to someone who looks lost on campus, is rushing to class, or just got a parking ticket can be a great “in” to introduce yourself. By being observant of other people, you can often find opportunities to use this approach and even offer a helping hand to someone.

8. Be active in your classes

Being active in your classes is one of the best ways to get to know your classmates while also getting to know your professors. Speaking up and sharing your input and opinions in class will help your classmates get to know you while also helping you form a good relationship with instructors. Good relationships with your professors can help open doors in your academic and professional life, as well as helping you adjust to college. [ 3 ]

9. Develop an on-campus social media presence

Research has shown that connecting with new college friends on social media can help new students build a new social life. Students who are socially connected with other students also have an easier time transitioning to college and are also more likely to still be enrolled in college the next year. [ 1 , 2 ]

You can work on building your social media presence at college by:

  • Cleaning up your social media profiles by making sure pictures and posts are up-to-date and reflect the content you want others to see.
  • Join social media groups with other students at your college.
  • Stay up-to-date on current events and activities on campus by subscribing for updates or following university social media accounts.
  • Connect 1:1 with classmates, friends, and people at your dorm on social media to message and connect directly with them.

10. Get involved in your college’s social scene

If you stay cooped up in your dorm and only come out for classes and bathroom breaks, you will have a hard time adjusting to college life. Going to on-campus events is a proven way to help students adjust, adapt, and develop an active social life in college. [ 3 , 7 ]

There are many ways to get more active and involved in on-campus activities, including:

  • Consider the Greek life : Research different sororities and fraternities at your school, and consider attending a recruitment event.
  • Attend campus events and socials : Attend events and socials on campus to meet new people and get oriented to campus life.
  • Join a club, sport, or activity : If you have a hobby or interest, consider joining an existing club, sport, or activity at your school to meet people with similar interests.

11. Invite people out

Asking people to hang out can be difficult and intimidating but gets easier with practice. The key is to keep the invitation casual by saying something like, “Here’s my number. We should study together sometime” or, “I was thinking of going for coffee later if you feel like joining?” By taking this first step, you are showing interest in people, being friendly, and creating a chance to connect with them more personally.

12. Ask good questions

When people are nervous, they often ramble or talk too much about themselves, but one of the best ways to make conversation is to ask good questions. Asking questions is a great way to show interest in other people, which is proven to make you more likable. [ 6 ] Asking questions can also be a great way to keep a conversation going or to go deeper in a conversation and find things in common with someone .

Here are some questions to introduce yourself and find things in common with people:

  • “What did you think about class today?”
  • “Where are you from originally?”
  • “What are you majoring in?”
  • “How are you adjusting?”
  • “What kinds of things do you like doing outside of class?”

13. Hone your online introduction

If you are in an online class, it’s a good idea to customize your profile in ways that help your professor and classmates get to know you. Add a photo and brief message to your profile for online classes. Also, introduce yourself to individual classmates by responding directly to their posts, messages, or online introductions. This can provide them with some validation while also giving you an easy ‘in’ to start future conversations with them.

14. Get people to come to you

You don’t have to do all of the work to introduce yourself and start conversations with people, especially if you know how to get people to come to you. According to research, being friendly, showing interest in others, and giving people your undivided attention go a long way towards making a good impression. [ 6 ] Being open and participating in classes also helps to attract people to you who share similar interests, ideas, and goals.

You can create easy opportunities for people to approach you by:

  • Coming to class a few minutes early or taking your time leaving
  • Studying in public areas of campus
  • Attending more on-campus events
  • Responding to comments of other students in classes
  • Talking about your interests and opinions in classes

15. Develop an inside-out approach

People will feel more comfortable talking to you and can relate to you better when you take an ‘inside-out’ approach, letting more of your true thoughts, feelings, and personality show. [ 6 ] Often, being nervous causes people to hide their true self or put on a front or persona, but being more authentic is proven to lead to more genuine and meaningful interactions. [ 8 ]

Final thoughts

Introducing yourself is often the hardest and scariest part of your first day at college, but also one of the most important. Don’t miss out on early opportunities in classes and on-campus events to begin meeting people. The more you put yourself out there, start conversations, and show interest in others, the easier it will be to adapt to college life. [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]

  • Gray, R., Vitak, J., Easton, E. W., & Ellison, N. B. (2013). Examining social adjustment to college in the age of social media: Factors influencing successful transitions and persistence. Computers & Education , 67 , 193-207.
  • Yang, C. C., & Lee, Y. (2020). Interactants and activities on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: Associations between social media use and social adjustment to college. Applied Developmental Science , 24 (1), 62-78.
  • Terenzini, P. T., Rendon, L. I., Upcraft, M. L., Millar, S. B., Allison, K. W., Gregg, P. L., & Jalomo, R. (1994). The transition to college: Diverse students, diverse stories. Research in higher education , 35 (1), 57-73.
  • Buote, V. M., Pancer, S. M., Pratt, M. W., Adams, G., Birnie-Lefcovitch, S., Polivy, J., & Wintre, M. G. (2007). The Importance of Friends: Friendship and Adjustment Among 1st-Year University Students . Journal of Adolescent Research, 22 (6), 665–689.
  • Van Duijn, M. A., Zeggelink, E. P., Huisman, M., Stokman, F. N., & Wasseur, F. W. (2003). Evolution of sociology freshmen into a friendship network. Journal of Mathematical Sociology , 27 (2-3), 153-191.
  • Bradberry, T. (2017). 13 habits of exceptionally likable people . HuffPost .
  • Bohnert, A. M., Aikins, J. W., & Edidin, J. (2007). The Role of Organized Activities in Facilitating Social Adaptation Across the Transition to College . Journal of Adolescent Research, 22 (2), 189–208.
  • Rodebaugh, T. L. (2009). Hiding the self and social anxiety: The core extrusion schema measure. Cognitive Therapy and Research , 33 (1), 90.

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self introduction essay for university students

  •    How to Write an About Myself Essay With Example

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How to write an about myself essay with example.

  • Chloe Daniel
  • Published On: July 09 ,2021

How to Write an About Myself Essay With Example

Getting Started

When you may have to write about yourself.

  • Career advancement opportunities
  • Internship inquiry letters
  • Biographies
  • Graduate school applications
  • Cover letters
  • Grant proposals

How to Write an Essay About Myself?

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Make sure to include your most important professional experience.
  • Talk about significant awards or personal achievements.
  • Introduce details about your personal life.
  • Use a friendly and casual tone unless stated otherwise. 

What Else Do You Need to Include in Your Self Introduction Essay? 

  • The things you want to learn.
  • Your aspirations and dreams.
  • The things you are good at.
  • Your hobbies.

A Sample About Myself Essay

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Myself — About Myself

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Essay Examples About Myself

Engaging prompts for your essay about myself.

Prompt 1: Describe a moment in your life that significantly influenced your personal development. How did it shape the person you are today?

Prompt 2: What are your major achievements, and why do you consider them as such? Discuss what these achievements reveal about your character and values.

Prompt 3: Reflect on a challenge you've faced. How did you overcome it, and what did you learn about yourself in the process?

Brainstorming and Choosing a Unique Essay About Myself Topic

Brainstorming is crucial for uncovering unique aspects of your story. Reflect on memorable experiences, achievements, and lessons learned to find a central theme or unique angle for your essay.

Unique Essay Topics Beyond the Common Narratives

  • The Intersection of Personal Adversity and Academic Pursuit
  • From Hobby to Purpose
  • Cultural Heritage and Identity
  • Innovation in Solitude
  • Navigating the World as a Neurodiverse Individual

Inspirational Writing Samples for Your Essay About Myself

"Facing the mountain, I felt an unprecedented mix of fear and exhilaration. Climbing had always been a metaphor for my life's challenges. Each step upward mirrored my journey of overcoming [specific challenge], teaching me resilience, focus, and the importance of trust. Through this experience, I discovered that perseverance, even in the face of uncertainty, is the key to surmounting obstacles."

Phrases for Inspiration:

  • "Transforming setbacks into comebacks, I learned..."
  • "In the crucible of [experience], I forged..."
  • "Navigating the intricate tapestry of [situation] revealed to me..."
  • "The confluence of [event] and my response to it underscored the importance of..."
  • "Drawing from the well of my experiences, I find strength in..."

The Story of My Life

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  • Personal Goals
  • Personal Strengths
  • Self Assessment
  • Self Reflection
  • Personal Beliefs
  • Why I Want To Be A Nurse
  • Helping Others

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Self-Introduction Essay As A Way To Present Yourself

By: Henrique Bertulino

Self-Introduction Essay As A Way To Present Yourself

"Tell me something about yourself" - is this question familiar to you?

Why Do You Need a Self-Introduction Essay?

Self-introduction: what is it, present your running status, summarize your professional experience and achievements, tell about your hobby, killer feature, complete the purpose of your essay, a few more tips:.

  • A Sample Essay About Myself (For Employment)

Consult The Experts

How do we feel at this moment? Confused, anxious, panicked, or, on the contrary, confident, determined, and relaxed? It all depends on how ready we are for this question.

Read this article to the end, and presenting yourself in an essay or orally in any situation will no longer be stressful for you. You will consider every opportunity to tell about yourself a great chance to win the favor of the admission's committee or to get a new job.

Situations where self-introduction is required:

  • A story about yourself in a cover letter during the college application process.
  • Presentation-story about yourself in front of the client when we present our product or service.
  • Self-introduction during the speech to the audience.
  • A short story about yourself during the acquaintance.
  • Story about yourself in the job interview.
  • Myself essay can be one of the college assignment.

If you are a high school graduate who aims to make a positive impression when entering college, you just have to delve into all the intricacies of personal essays.

If you are a candidate for the position in the company of your dreams, you simply do not have the right to fail a job interview, so you must learn to speak clearly about yourself.

If you have set a higher career goal , you will also have to learn to describe yourself, your achievements, and aspirations - this information will be interesting to your future employee.

As you can see, you have many reasons to learn how to write a self-introduction essay. So, let's get down to business!

Self-introduction is our story about ourselves to another person or group of people in order to get to know each other better and achieve other goals. In particular, with such a story, we can add credibility, make a positive impression, interest, or be remembered.

How To Present Yourself In An Essay Skillfully


It seems that telling something about yourself is a very easy task. After all, we already know everything about ourselves; we just need to say something. But we know too much. And when we are asked "What do you do?" or "Tell us something about yourself", then in two seconds, we go through all our biography and try to choose what is worth telling.

We may have a stupor under such an influx of uncertainties, and the description of ourselves will be poor, both in content and presentation.

Therefore, we propose to make an approximate template of a high-quality story about yourself and include in it all the potentially important points and chips.

Your first sentence should look something like this:

"My name is Anna Johnson, I'm a graphic designer - I make logos that everyone remembers. I'm looking for a job in a company that will value my skills and accept me into its team."

As you can see, you need to give your name and job title. You can specify the position you want to hold, as well as the college you graduated from and your educational degree.

Make a list of abstracts about your experience, skills, achievements, as well as think about cases that you can tell.

Try to answer the following questions:

  • How long have you been in this field?
  • What special skills and abilities have you acquired?
  • What achievements are you especially proud of?
  • What interesting things did you manage to develop/come up with/advertise, etc.?

In this block, it is worth talking about what you are really competent in and what you do.

It is better not to embellish something too much or appropriate more achievements than you have. Prepare the details for your story in case of additional questions.

For example, if you are a businessman, you need to be prepared to explain what kind of business it is, what the indicators are, what are the features of its conduct.

Write about your hobbies. This point can show what really sets you apart as a candidate. Habits, inclinations, hobbies, interests outside the profession, life experience, cultural background, professional associations, and hangouts - this is not a complete list of what will reveal your potential.

For example, an interesting story about yourself may contain answers to the following questions:

  • What have you been doing since early childhood, including hobbies and activities?
  • What were you interested in at school?
  • Where did you study after school? What did you learn there, what did you like, what did you do?
  • What occupations and interests do you enjoy now?

This is what sets us apart, makes our story brighter and more memorable. You can use interesting ideas, humor, self-irony, find some connection to the situation around or the event in which the meeting takes place. A person who sees us for the first time should remember us thanks to such a killer feature. Then it will be an example of a successful self-introduction.

For example: I am an accountant with 10 years of experience - I keep accounts so that no tax will find flaws.

Self-presentation text is aimed at a specific goal. An example of such a "target" is an open vacancy, a promotion, or a useful acquaintance.

In order to achieve our goals, we must take into account the goals of the person to whom we present ourselves. This person usually has a very simple point: to determine what he or she can take from us, either professionally or personally.

Therefore, the main rule of self-introduction is to focus not on our characteristics and regalia but on what we can be useful to a person.

Conclude your essay with a sentence that will lead you to your goal. For example, if your aim is to get a job, the essay should end like this: "I'm sure I have enough skills and experience to fill a vacancy. Your company will only benefit by hiring me."

  • First, your killer feature should be mentioned in the essay, but only in one sentence. All other information should relate to your professional experience and the qualities required to hold the position you are applying for.
  • Second, you will talk about your successes and achievements in previous work or classes. It is important to explain, thanks to what knowledge, qualities, and traits of character you reached them. Because the admission committee is not interested in how good a student you used to be, but in what you can do for college with your knowledge. And a good self-presentation at an interview is an example of what you can be useful for.
  • Third, prepare a story about the accomplishments you are most proud of because you are more likely to be asked about them.
  • Fourth, if you do not have the experience, tell a story or several about how quickly you learned and developed the skills needed in the position.

A Sample Essay About Myself (For Employment)

My name is Anna Johnson, and I am 19.

I deal with software. I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 2020, and I have a BS in Computer Science.

I think my school gave me a good base. Despite the fact that I do not have a great professional path, I have experience in communicating with both large corporations and individual clients. While studying at the university, I had the opportunity to become a team member to develop a control system for access to documents of one of the leading libraries in our city.

My strengths - I like to solve problems, I am self-disciplined, and attentive to details. I learn quickly and can become both a great member of a great team and its leader.

My goal is to develop a career in database programming that can store billions of terms of information and become the cause of your company's success.

Thank you for the opportunity to tell me about yourself.

Writing essays about yourself is only a seemingly easy task. In fact, many college students may not know what is best to tell about themselves. Self-introduction is also a good tool for achieving your goals. Present yourself confidently and gracefully to touch your personality, interest the right people, and be remembered.

If you feel insecure about self-introduction, it is better to contact the writing service. We can help you write a unique and interesting story about yourself. Thanks to a professional team that will work on your essay, you will definitely achieve your goals.

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Self introduction in front of a group of people is the most daunting task for me. I often can’t systematically arrange my thoughts. However, I always knew writing could help me thoroughly prepare before any interview. Essays have the power to channelize our thoughts. Now, I understand why some of my colleagues practice self-introduction as a full-proof preparation. I can sort my strengths and introduce myself more clearly with these tips. I loved the ‘killer feature’ tip. I think it is the USP of any person. Overall, fantastic insights to follow.

Thank you, Henrique, for advising me to how I can talk better of myself in public or write a creative essay on myself. As insignificant as the skill seems, it could determine whether you are going to land that dream job. Or whether you are going to connect better with influential people. From the start to the end, the article gave a step-by-step guide of introducing oneself to people in a way they keep remembering you. This article has been really helpful!

I know I'm an excellent English student, and I pride myself on my good writing skills. I never figured there were so many things needed to write an introductory essay. I eagerly look forward to implementing a few of the tips I've read here.

Emmanuel N.

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Self Introduction for Students: Examples, Tips, Things to Avoid

Pallavi Pradeep Purbey Image

Pallavi Pradeep Purbey ,

Aug 2, 2024

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Self-introduction is the first impression that lasts forever in a person’s mind. It provides insights into the personality of a person, their strengths, and their weaknesses.

Self Introduction for Students: Examples, Tips, Things to Avoid

Self Introduction for Students: A self-introduction is a brief statement or speech in which an individual introduces himself to others. It is a way to share crucial information about yourself, such as your name, background, interests, and ambitions. A self-introduction is often used in various contexts, including social gatherings, interviews, schools, and professional networking events.

A self-introduction is intended to provide others with a concise explanation of who you are while also establishing a connection or relationship. It helps others understand you better and serves as an icebreaker when starting a conversation or interaction.

Table of Contents

What is Self Introduction?

Importance of a strong self introduction for students, key elements of self introduction for students.

  • Examples of Self Introduction for Students 

Steps to Draft a Good Self Introduction for Students

  • Important Tips for Self Introduction for Students

Best Practices for Self Introduction

Books for enhanced english.

A Self Introduction is a way of introducing oneself to others. It is a brief statement that gives an overview of who you are, where are you from, what you do, and other highlights required.

A person needs to introduce themselves when they are anchoring an event, starting a new job, joining an organization, or meeting new people in social gatherings. A Self Introduction typically includes one's name, profession, education, or field of study and a brief overview of their background and forum-based interests. 

Self Introduction for students means introducing and describing themselves in a justified manner while highlighting all their unique attributes. It is a good practice to be confident and clear enough while introducing themselves to others. A good Self Introduction for students must include the following:

  • Start with a smile on your face and greet the person or audience to whom you are introducing yourself.
  • Begin with your 'Name and Place' after the greeting. And if necessary, add family details to the introduction.
  • Be brief about educational details, from sharing areas of interest and hobbies to ideas and inspiration.
  • Share your prior experience (if any) and recreational activities.
  • Give details about the skills.
  • Share past experiences, and finally, express your gratitude.

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A good self introduction for students creates an everlasting impression, and people might be urged to listen to or talk to the person introducing themselves. It builds confidence and enhances one's ability to meet new people and present themselves well.

Moreover, a good self introduction helps make the atmosphere contended and comfortable to have a conversation. This, in turn, makes a good impression on others.

Knowing how to introduce ourselves helps "break the ice" when meeting new people in any place or situation. Only an individual can know who they are, and it is essential to convey the same to let others know about themselves.

By knowing ourselves, one might build enough confidence to face the world in any situation. Thus, one can work solely on producing a masterpiece and develop a positive approach to life.

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Advantages of Self Introduction

Self Introduction for students helps build a persona and creates an impactful impression on the people one addresses. Students can grab attention and pique interest with a strong introduction. Below are the advantages of self introduction for students: 

  • Helps build connections
  • Enhances self-confidence
  • Sharpens presentation skills
  • Builds a favourable impression
  • Enhances the ability to meet people
  • Deep understanding
  • Positive thinking
  • Generates motivation
  • Enhances communication skills
  • One could learn and improve through Self Introduction

The students must note the key elements to be addressed while introducing themselves. The pointers are as follows:

  • The students will have to mention their full names. 
  • They have to mention their educational qualification and the institution in which it was pursued.
  • If the student is introducing themselves during an interview, they will have to mention their short-term and long-term goals (one each).
  • Practice short 1-minute self introductions to be more concise. 
  • The students must conclude by being polite and summarizing a good word or two about the introduction experience.

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Examples of Self Introduction for Students

Self Introduction for students is essential to have clear communication. The students should be able to communicate freely and make an effort to address the audience smartly. Below are the best self introduction example for students:

Example 1: Self Introduction for students during a college interview

Example 2: Self Introduction for students to a team

Example 3: Classroom Self Introduction for students

Example 1: Self Introduction for Students during a College interview

Good morning Sir/Ma'am,

I am Amogh, born and brought up in Bandra. Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself. I scored 77% in my school at Little Flowers Montessori English Medium High School. I scored 77.7% at SSWN Junior College.

I believe my strength is my attitude, and I like to take up challenges and think to accept both success and failure in a balanced way to move forward. I want to say that I don't leave any questions altogether as I believe in myself and my work.

My short-term goal is to find my area of interest in various clubs that the college organized. And my long-term goal is to get placed in a high-paying position and a holistic work environment that allows me to learn and implement my ideas. That's all about me, sir.

Thank you for providing me with such an excellent opportunity to introduce myself.

self introduction essay for university students

Example 2: Self Introduction for Students to a Team 

Good morning Ma'am/Sir,

I'm Shree, and it's my pleasure to introduce myself. I was born in Himachal Pradesh and grew up in Anandpur. I did my schooling at Little Flower Montessori English Medium High School and am now pursuing my B.Tech from CBT.

My strength is that I am always ready to take up new challenges and strive for excellence. This is because I believe success and failures are the best way to sculpt ourselves to reach our goals. And I believe in myself and my hard work and want fulfilment in everything.

My short-term goal is to achieve excellence in the skills I'm mastering. However, my long-term goal is to be a renowned Technical Engineer. That's all about me, sir. Thanks for allowing me to introduce myself.

self introduction essay for university students

Example 3: Classroom Self Introduction for Students

Hi everyone,

My name is Akhil, and I come from Anna Nagar, Chennai. I am 12 years old, and I look forward to being a part of this classroom. I am interested in coin collecting and collecting different-sized and shaped leaves, so when I am outside of the classroom and not engaged in academic activities, I usually engage in my hobby.

My favorite subjects in school are History and my favorite extracurricular activities include painting and pencil sketching.

I am excited to be here with you and can't wait for us to learn together. Please feel free to approach me with any questions you might have. Thank you for listening to me!

self introduction essay for university students

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The students can get to know how to draft a good self introduction using the step-by-step guide given below:

  • Step 1: Create an outline of the self introduction

The students must create a synopsis or outline of the self introduction with the crux of what points they are going to include in their self introduction. It will help them decide on what is worth saying and what is not.

  • Where the student is from?
  • Educational background (degree or class with the institution's name)
  • Interests or Hobbies / Life goals (short and long-term)
  • Why did the student choose to be there that day?
  • Exciting call to action
  • Ending greetings
  • Step 2: Two points for each header in the outline

The students can write two points in different formats under each header mentioned in the outline. This practice will help them understand which format works better for them. The formats could be formal informal or semi-formal.

  • Step 3: Selecting the points from each header

Once the students select the format (formal, informal, or semi-formal) they'll have to go with the same throughout the self introduction. It is important to stay on track to have an effective and good self introduction for students to make a confident first impression.

  • Step 4: Check the tone of voice and grammar

The students ought to check their tone of voice since it will decide their image and personality in the long run. The self introduction has to be polite and attention-worthy. They can also use free online tools to check the grammar of the content to be spoken out. 

  • Step 5: Speak it out loud

The students’ last step is to speak the self introduction out loud to decide on the timings, the sentence formation, the order of the points spoken during the self introduction etc. Speaking it out loud will help the students to add or remove points to make the self introduction more attractive.

Also Read: Top 10 Most Effective Stress Management Techniques for Students

Important Tips for Self Introduction for Students 

The self introduction for students must be impactful. The points expressed while giving the self introduction must be precise and clear.

It is not necessary to include every trivial information to fill in the gaps in the conversation. Find the list of points and tips for a self introduction for students to make an excellent first impression:

  • Always greet: By wishing good morning or good evening, a person initiates a conversation and grabs the listeners' attention. It would be better if a student looked confident while starting a conversation.
  • Have a purpose: It is necessary to have a better understanding of the motive behind the conversation. Always try to make the conversation impactful and engaging.
  • Provide a name: Start by telling your name in a lively voice to make them remember the following words spoken by a particular person.
  • Profession: Tell about your work experience, career, or anything related to work. Sometimes it's okay to exclude work experience in the self introduction for students. However, if there are any internships or part-time jobs, students can include those too.
  • Location: Speak about your background and area of residence. One may include a native place and tell about its speciality to help them remember the site.
  • Hobbies: One may tell them about hobbies, areas of interest, and activities one gets involved in. This can help to know about nature and lifestyle.
  • Aims: Mention the objective of life and give a detailed description.
  • Discuss achievements: Include one's achievements in the introduction, and mention what one has achieved till now. Besides, give 3-5 descriptive achievements in the introduction to make it look impactful.
  • Favourite or ideal persons: Include one's perfect person in the introduction, and talk about the reason why they motivate you.
  • Favourite things, colours, and movies: If the introduction is casual, students may feel free to tell their favourite movies and other favourite places, colours, etc.
  • Strengths and weaknesses: Mention strengths and weaknesses in a self introduction. Mmake sure not to include major flaws, and give a detailed description of the strengths possessed. Remember not to hide your weaknesses and do not boast your strengths.
  • Discuss likes and dislikes: One may include their personal preferences or dislikes in the introduction.
  • Any life-changing point: Students may include life-changing moments if students want the listeners to engage in their talk.
  • Differentiation: In one's introduction, students should speak about their uniqueness and what makes them stand out, which is the essential aspect of self introduction.
  • Conclusion: In conclusion, offers an unforgettable answer to the question the spectators possibly will have when they listen to a public speech: what's in it for me? Describe how different life experiences molded your personality, which will be the perfect ending of the self introduction for students.
  • Greeting: Say thank you and exit.

Also Read: 10 Tips for Staying Focused and Productive as A Student

Things to Avoid During Self Introduction for Students 

The students must know the things to avoid during self introduction to be projected for confidence and make a good first impression. Here’s a list of things to avoid during self introduction for students:

  • Avoid being too casual or informal while being self introduction. 
  • Avoid being disrespectful to the person opposite you. 
  • Avoid a super lengthy introduction instead try a 1-minute self introduction. 
  • Avoid repeating the contents of your CV or resume.
  • Avoid sharing too much personal information.
  • Avoid fidgeting while sitting or standing during self introduction.

The students must practice pointers before self-introducing in a public forum. These pointers and tips will help the students to be more conscious during their self introduction:

  • Practice and prepare ahead of time before the actual self-introducing event.
  • Pay attention to your body language and tone of voice during self introduction.
  • Use simple and clear language while introducing yourself.
  • Keep practising until you perfect the speech in front of the mirror to be more self-aware. 
  • Keep eye contact with the group while introducing yourself. 
  • Keep a timer while practising your self introduction and cut short the speech if necessary.

Also Read: 10 Healthy Habits for Students to Excel in Studies

To speak an impactful self introduction for students, they must utilize some resources. Students can always refer to and practice with books to improve their language skills. Below is the list of books for enhanced English:

Books for Enhanced English

How I Learnt to Speak in English

Neetu Sugandh

The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking

Dale Carnegie

Spoken English

Vikram Khanna

How to Write and Speak Effective, Powerful, and Fluent English

Raj Bapna

Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis

Everyday English for Grown-Ups

Michelle Finlay

Eats, Shoots, and Leaves

Lynne Truss

Usage and Abusage

Eric Partridge

Perks of Being a Wallflower

Stephen Chbosky

Deal Breaker

Harlan Coben

A Thousand Splendid Suns

Khaled Hosseini

Treasure Island Robert

Louis Stevenson

Also Read: Smarter Study Tips for Students to Ace Their Management Exams

Q: What is the time limit for self introduction for students?

Q: How many points does a self introduction for students require?

Q: What is the importance of self introduction for students?

Q: What should be avoided in self introduction?

Q: How to end a self introduction for students?


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self introduction essay for university students


Self Introduction Essay for Students

Self introduction essay generator for students.

self introduction essay for university students


Hello and welcome to a small chapter of my story. I am [Your Name], currently a student at [Your School/College]. Born and raised in [Your Birthplace], I am shaped by the values and culture of my hometown. This essay is a canvas where I paint a picture of who I am, my interests, achievements, and my dreams for the future.

Background and Personal Values:

My journey began in [Your Birthplace], a place that has imbued in me values like [list values, e.g., determination, community spirit, curiosity]. These values were further nurtured by my family, a [describe your family, e.g., supportive, diverse] unit that has always encouraged me to pursue my passions and learn from my experiences.

Educational Path and Interests:

In the realm of education, my interests have always been diverse, ranging from [Your Academic Interests, e.g., science, literature, arts]. My time at [Your School/College] has been a blend of academic pursuits and extracurricular activities. A significant milestone in my academic journey so far has been [mention a notable academic achievement or project], which has been both challenging and rewarding.

Personal Traits and Strengths:

I am often described as [list your personal qualities, e.g., creative, analytical, compassionate]. These traits have guided me in both my academic and personal life, helping me to tackle challenges, build strong relationships, and maintain a balanced perspective.

Hobbies and Extracurricular Activities:

Beyond academics, my interests include [Your Hobbies/Interests, e.g., playing sports, engaging in arts, volunteering]. These activities not only provide me with enjoyment but also contribute to my personal growth, teaching me skills like teamwork, time management, and resilience.

Life Experiences and Insights:

My journey so far has been filled with various experiences that have shaped me. From [mention significant life experiences, like moving to a new city, overcoming a personal challenge], I have learned valuable lessons such as [list important lessons learned], which continue to influence my daily life.

Future Aspirations:

Looking forward, I am excited about [mention your future goals or aspirations]. I am particularly passionate about [describe your passions and how they align with your goals], and I aim to use my education and experiences to contribute positively in [mention the specific field or area you are interested in].


In conclusion, I am a student with a love for learning, a passion for exploration, and a dream to make a meaningful impact. My journey is an ongoing process of discovery, growth, and development. Through this essay, I hope to have given you a glimpse into my world and the person I am becoming. I eagerly anticipate the adventures and learning that lie ahead in my educational journey.


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How to Pick a College Essay Topic, According to an Admission Expert

A student in a USC hoodie writes in a notebook outdoors. (USC Photo/Philip Channing)

The personal essay is one of the most crucial parts of a college application. While your transcripts and test scores highlight your achievement, they’re ultimately just stats and figures.

That’s where the college essay comes in: It helps colleges determine who you are. You can let your personality shine through and also show off your biggest wins — and explain away any potential shortcomings.

Of course, not everyone loves to write. And even if you do, it’s not always easy to figure out what to say. After all, most college essay prompts are quite vague. Where do you even start?

We spoke with Dan Phan, the academic program manager for USC Bovard Scholars , to learn how to pick the perfect college essay topic.

What Should a College Essay Focus On?

First things first: You need to determine what your dream school is asking for. Some will ask for just one essay, which is in response to several possible prompts. Usually, these prompts have to do with your background, your ambitions, challenging or formative times in your life or your personal beliefs. Other schools, however, will require you to write a personal statement, in addition to answering several shorter supplementary essay questions.

So, different universities have different application requirements. However, the essay’s goal remains the same, regardless of the prompt or format.

“The main personal statement should be introspective and shed light on the student’s core values, experiences that shaped them and aspirations for the future. Who is this student? Where have they been

Where do they hope to go?” Phan said.

What are Some Examples of College Essay Themes?

Many people use the college essay to reflect on hurdles in their lives. These difficulties could be related to academics or personal struggles. The idea is to show how you handle adversity. Essays can also focus on a personal turning point, to illustrate your personal growth or how you adapt to change.

Other applicants focus on topics related to identity and diversity, diving into their cultural background or family history to explore how their heritage and upbringing have shaped them into who they are today.

Some students write about their passions, hobbies or community involvement, showing what they have to offer besides good grades. It’s also a way to paint a picture of how they could participate in campus culture. After all, the goal is for the university to want you to be there and bring your personal touch to campus!

Phan’s favorite college essay themes?

“I love reading stories about the movers and shakers of the world, young adults that I can envision in the college setting, wherever that may be, and making a big difference once there,” she said.

And while Phan sees plenty of stories about family, culture, personal obstacles and achievements, she’s also read some “beautifully written essays” that she “remembers vividly to this day.”

The topics of these essays were wide-ranging and, often, highly personal.

“Playing music with symbrachydactyly (a hand anomaly characterized by missing fingers),” Phan recalled. “Visiting the neighborhood wig shop after school to chat with cancer patients. Defying gender stereotypes. Living close to the state prison and getting involved in prison-to-school pipeline programs. Car rides listening to NPR. Peach dumplings. Natural hair. Treasure maps.”

So, don’t be afraid to get creative. While your college essay should express who you are, there are many different ways to do so.

How Do You Choose a College Essay Topic?

When faced with vague prompts and open-ended suggestions, it can be hard to think of one story that summarizes who you are. Unfortunately, you can’t write about everything that makes you unique. Instead, narrow it down to a specific thesis.

Phan recommends that students think about the top four things a stranger would need to know to get acquainted with them.

“I encourage students to be vulnerable, to build connections and to think about some of their most formative or meaningful experiences, whether that involves family, identity, culture, extracurricular activities or interests,” Phan said.

Ask yourself what your strengths are. What are the skills and qualities that separate you from others? Then, consider the stories in your life that illustrate these traits.

Maybe you’re proud of your resilience. What’s a time in your life that it was tested? Or perhaps you have a passion for improving your community. What led you to that? What are some times you’ve demonstrated that dedication?

Once you consider what you want the essay to reveal about you, it’s easier to determine what examples in your life illustrate that.

“The most compelling essays are not only well written but have rich details that humanize the student’s experiences,” Phan said.

What Not to Write in Your College Essay

While you have plenty of options for your college essay, there are also some topics you don’t want to write about. For example, Phan advises applicants to avoid writing about grades or academic performance. Your transcript already covers that.

Another common pitfall? Not writing about yourself.

“Sometimes, students make the mistake of bringing in another person like a family member, friend or leader they admire, and the essay ceases to be about the student but rather about how incredible the other person is — which completely misses the point,” Phan explained.

Similarly, keep in mind that you’re writing about yourself now. That means you should be discussing who you are as a prospective college student, not who you were in kindergarten. While stories from your youth may help explain who you’ve become, the focus should always be on personal growth and development.

Some essay topics are so overused that they’ve become clichéd, such as teenage heartbreak, mission trip experiences or winning a sports game, Phan said: “Considering how admissions committees may be reading tens of thousands of applications each application cycle, admissions readers want to read unique college essays with fresh perspectives and angularity.”

Should Someone Proofread Your College Essay?

Applying for college is a process with many steps, and most students ask for help confirming they’ve done each part correctly. The same goes for your college essay!

Once you’ve selected the topic, it’s normal to ask for feedback to ensure you’re on the right track. Your college counselor or a teacher would be the right people to ask.

Similarly, it’s a good idea to ask them for help refining the essay once it’s done. They can help you deliver your thesis in the most compelling way possible. Remember, even the most talented writers need a copy editor to check that their work is free of misspellings and grammatical errors.

However, don’t have too many people read your essay.

“I’ve seen essays become so disjointed because there were too many voices in the essays,” Phan said. “Additionally, working with multiple people can pull students in different directions, resulting in a bit of Frankenstein of an essay and the student’s original voice being completely lost.”

So, trust your gut! With enough preparation, hard work and proofreading, you can write a solid college essay that makes you stand out to potential schools.

Learn more about USC Summer and Online Pre-College Programs today.

Author: Becca van Sambeck


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