Yeast-Air Balloons

The purpose of any leavener is to produce the gas that makes bread rise. Yeast does this by feeding on the sugars in flour, and expelling carbon dioxide in the process.

While there are about 160 known species of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, commonly known as baker's yeast, is the one most often used in the kitchen. Yeast is tiny: Just one gram holds about 25 billion cells. That amount of fungi can churn out a significant amount of carbon dioxide, provided it has the simple sugars it uses as food. Fortunately, yeast can use its own enzymes to break down more complex sugars—like the granulated sugar in the activity below—into a form that it can consume.

Make a yeast-air balloon to get a better idea of what yeast can do.

yeast balloon

Did You Know?

What do i need.

1 packet of active dry yeast

1 cup very warm water (105° F-115° F)

2 tablespoons sugar

a large rubber balloon

a small (1-pint to 1-liter) empty water bottle

Kids, please don t try this at home without the help of an adult.

What do I do


Stretch out the balloon by blowing it up repeatedly, and then lay it aside.

Add the packet of yeast and the sugar to the cup of warm water and stir.

Once the yeast and sugar have dissolved, pour the mixture into the bottle. You ll notice the water bubbling as the yeast produces carbon dioxide.

Attach the balloon to the mouth of the bottle, and set both aside.

Step 5: After several minutes, you ll notice the balloon standing upright. If you don t see anything happen, keep waiting. Eventually, the balloon will inflate.

What's going on.

As the yeast feeds on the sugar, it produces carbon dioxide. With no place to go but up, this gas slowly fills the balloon.

A very similar process happens as bread rises. Carbon dioxide from yeast fills thousands of balloonlike bubbles in the dough. Once the bread has baked, this is what gives the loaf its airy texture.

What Else Can I Try?

Try the same experiment, but this time use about a tablespoon of baking powder instead of yeast, and leave out the sugar. What differences do you notice? Which leavener takes longer to fill up the balloon?

Also, try the same experiment using hotter and colder water. Use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water. At what temperature is the yeast most active? At what temperatures is it unable to blow up the balloon?

The Stem Laboratory

Inflate a Balloon with Yeast Experiment

Did you know that you can inflate a balloon WITHOUT blowing air into it? It’s true.

In this simple experiment , young scientists use yeast to magically inflate a balloon. How cool is that?!

Check out the simple step-by-step below and then snag our 30 Science Experiments that are kid-approved!

Inflate a Balloon with Yeast Experiment

Getting Ready

We headed into the kitchen to grab all of our supplies for this science experiment:

  • Clear plastic or glass bottle with a narrow neck (a water bottle or soda bottle work great)
  • 2 Tablespoons dry yeast
  • 1 Tablespoon sugar
  • 2-3 Tablespoons lukewarm water
  • Party balloon
  • Bowl or mug full of lukewarm water

Inflating a balloon with yeast is a wonderful experiment to do with preschool and kindergarten aged children because all of the materials are nontoxic. It’s nice when the kids can help measure out ingredients without worrying about what they are touching.

My kids helped me measure the yeast, sugar, and warm water into a cup.

They stirred the ingredients and then used a funnel to pour the brown mixture into the bottle. We added a little bit more water to help the yeast mixture get through the neck of the funnel.

Inflate a Balloon with Yeast Experiment

We quickly stretched a balloon over the mouth of the bottle.

After placing the bottle into a mug full of warm water, we sat back to observe.

Inflate a Balloon with Yeast Experiment

Inflate a Balloon with Yeast

Almost immediately, we observed bubbles in the yeast mixture.

Inflate a Balloon with Yeast Experiment

I explained to the kids that yeast is a microscopic fungus that converts sugar into carbon dioxide.

The bubbles they saw were tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide gas that the yeast was producing as it “ate” the sugar.

For yeast to be active, it needs to be warm and moist. That’s why we added lukewarm water and placed the bottle in more warm water.

We set our bottle of yeast on the table and watched it while we ate lunch and read books.

We checked in with our science experiment every 10 minutes or so to observe any changes. Every time we looked, we noticed that the balloon was getting bigger and bigger on top of the bottle! Why?

As the yeast continued to react, it converted more and more sugar into carbon dioxide gas.

This gas was trapped in the balloon, making it inflate as if by magic!

It took about an hour for our balloon to reach its maximum size.

The yeast bubbled up into the bottle quite a bit before it stopped reacting and shrank down again. Simple science at its best.

More Fun for Little Scientists

Grab our 30 Science Experiments in our shop – complete with a no prep journal to record results!

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Inflate a Balloon with Yeast Fermentation Experiment: Lab Explained

  • Inflate a Balloon with Yeast…


Yeasts are eukaryotic, single-celled microorganisms that belong to the fungal kingdom. When yeasts consume sugar and convert it to energy, they emit carbon dioxide, this is referred to as fermentation. The yeast will be more active and develop faster if there is more sugar present. While sugar and other sweets provide “food” for yeast, too much sugar can harm it by draining moisture from it and preventing it from growing. Too much sugar also delays the development of gluten. Increase the amount of yeast in the recipe or find a comparable recipe with less sugar.

Sweet yeast doughs will rise more slowly. Fermentation is sped up by a small amount of sugar, up to 3%. Warm water makes yeast grow, cold water has the reverse effect, and hot water kills yeast. Temperatures ranging from 0 to 47 degrees Celsius are suitable for yeast growth. Yeasts flourish in acidic settings with pH levels between 4.0 and 4.5. They can grow in lower pH environments than other bacteria, but not in alkaline environments. Yeasts are common in nature and can be found on grapes and other fruits. All yeast need food, moisture, and a controlled temperature environment in order to ferment. Its byproducts from food consumption include carbon dioxide, alcohol, and other organic molecules.

comparing yeast growth at various sugar concentrations.

  • 50ml of water
  • Two balloons

(funnel may be needed to safely transfer the ingredients into the water bottles)

  • A kettle was used to boil the water, then cold water was added to the boiling water to get lukewarm water.
  • 50ml of lukewarm water was added to each bottle.
  • ¼ teaspoon of table sugar was then added to the first water bottle, then ½ teaspoon of table sugar was added to the other water bottle.
  • ½ teaspoon of rapid-rise yeast was then added to each solution and mixed.
  • After mixing, a balloon was placed on each water bottle/ tube and sealed securely.
  • The contents were mixed periodically.

(N.B- A string may be used to seal the balloon placed on water bottles).


15 MIN (INITIAL)highlow
30 MINhighlow
45 MIN (FINAL)highlowest
15 MIN (INITIAL)11 cm6.1 cm
30 MIN15 cm10.3 cm
45 MIN (FINAL)19.4 cm12.5 cm

During the experiment, 500ml water bottles were used. Then 50ml of lukewarm water was added to each bottle, after that, ½ teaspoon of sugar was added to the 1 st bottle then ¼ teaspoon of sugar was added to the 2 nd bottle. Finally, ½ teaspoon of rapid-rise yeast was added to both bottles, then the balloons were placed on each tube and securely sealed. The balloons were checked at the time interval of 15min to observe any changes, when glancing at the balloons, it was noticed that the balloons were getting bigger and bigger every time on top of the water bottles. Warmth and moisture are necessary for yeast to function, that is why lukewarm water was added. Sugar was converted to carbon dioxide by yeast.

Some bubbles were also observed in the yeast mixture during the experiment, it was the small carbon dioxide gas bubbles produced by the yeast as it “ate” the sugar.

As the yeast continued to react, additional sugar was transformed into carbon dioxide gas. The balloons were filled with this gas, which caused them to inflate. It was also observed that the balloon on the water bottle that had ½ teaspoon of sugar was growing bigger at a faster rate than the one that had ¼ teaspoon of sugar.

This can show that glucose concentration increases fermentation production in yeast. The more sugar present, the more active the yeast becomes, and the faster it grows. The balloon on the bottle that had less sugar was growing at a slow rate compared to the other one, even had fewer bubbles visible. It was seen that the concentration of sugar plays a vital role in the rate of fermentation, the more sugar present, the more active the yeast becomes, and the faster it grows. This also showed why the fermentation rates of the sugars differ over time. Both balloons grew until they reached a point where they grew no more.

During the experiment, when the balloons were growing bigger and bigger, using the time interval of 15 minutes, the circumferences of the balloons were measured. From the measurements, it can be safely concluded that the balloon on the water bottle with ½ teaspoon of sugar grew bigger and faster than the one on the water bottle with ¼ teaspoon of sugar. Another thing observed is that as time went by the fermentation rate of both the balloons started to decrease.

From what was observed during the practice of the experiment, it can be concluded that the more sugar there is, the more active the yeast will be and the faster its growth. THIS CAN BE APPLIED IN REAL LIFE: fermentation can be used to preserve food, preventing rotting or harmful microorganisms from growing in the food. Can also apply when baking bread.

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Blow up a balloon with yeast, you will need.

A packet of yeast (available in the grocery store) A small, clean, clear, plastic soda bottle (16 oz. or smaller) 1 teaspoon of sugar Some warm water A small balloon

1. Fill the bottle up with about one inch of warm water. ( When yeast is cold or dry the micro organisms are resting.) 2. Add all of the yeast packet and gently swirl the bottle a few seconds. (As the yeast dissolves, it becomes active – it comes to life! Don’t bother looking for movement, yeast is a microscopic fungus organism.) 3. Add the sugar and swirl it around some more. Like people, yeast needs energy (food) to be active, so we will give it sugar. Now the yeast is “eating!”

4. Blow up the balloon a few times to stretch it out then place the neck of the balloon over the neck of the bottle. 5. Let the bottle sit in a warm place for about 20 minutes If all goes well the balloon will begin to inflate!

How does it work?

As the yeast eats the sugar, it releases a gas called carbon dioxide. The gas fills the bottle and then fills the balloon as more gas is created. We all know that there are “holes” in bread, but how are they made? The answer sounds a little like the plot of a horror movie. Most breads are made using YEAST. Believe it or not, yeast is actually living microorganisms! When bread is made, the yeast becomes spread out in flour. Each bit of yeast makes tiny gas bubbles and that puts millions of bubbles (holes) in our bread before it gets baked. Naturalist’s note – The yeast used in this experiment are the related species and strains of Saccharomyces cervisiae. (I’m sure you were wondering about that.) Anyway, when the bread gets baked in the oven, the yeast dies and leaves all those bubbles (holes) in the bread. Yum.


The project above is a DEMONSTRATION. To make it a true experiment, you can try to answer these questions:

1. Does room temperature affect how much gas is created by the yeast? 2. Does the size of the container affect how much gas is created? 3. What water/room temperature helps the yeast create the most gas? 4. What “yeast food” helps the yeast create the most gas? (try sugar, syrup, honey, etc.)

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Blowing Up Balloons Respiration Style

June 18, 2012 By Emma Vanstone 5 Comments

We’ve talked about respiration before when we made bread and used yeast to make the dough rise. Blowing up a balloon with yeast is another very easy experiment to demonstrate respiration in action and is quicker than making bread if you are short of time.

Blown up purple balloon with the bottom attached to a small jar containing yeast and water

What is respiration?

Respiration is a chemical reaction which occurs in animal and plant cells. It releases energy from glucose. Aerobic respiration needs oxygen, but anaerobic respiration doesn’t need oxygen.

Anaerobic respiration produces less energy than aerobic respiration. It occurs in humans when not enough oxygen reaches muscle cells ( for example, during hard exercise ). Bacteria and other microorganisms can also use anaerobic respiration, and yeast actually carry out an anaerobic process called fermentation .

Respiration occurs in the mitochondria of cells. You can find out more about mitochondria by making a model of a cell .

Blow up a balloon with yeast

A small clear drinks bottle

A packet of dried yeast

1 teaspoon of sugar

sugar, bottle, jug, yeast and balloon for a respiration activity


1. Blow the balloon up a few times to give it some stretch. This just makes it easier for the experiment to work.

2. Fill the small bottle about 3cm full of warm water.

3. Add the yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar.

4. Place the balloon over the open top so no air can escape.

5 Over the next half an hour, watch what happens. (Obviously, do other stuff and come back, it may be a little boring to actually watch it for half an hour!)

Yeast and Respiration

Yeast is a living organism. In order for it to survive, it needs to make energy. In its dried form, the yeast is dormant, but as soon as you provide it with warmth, water and sugar (its food), it ‘wakens’ and becomes active. The yeast uses the sugar (glucose) and oxygen from the bottle to make water, energy and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas, and this is what you see filling the balloon.

Remember, yeast can respire anaerobically when there’s not enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.


Glucose -> ethanol and carbon dioxide + energy

Aerobic Respiration Equation

Glucose + Oxygen –> Carbon Dioxide + Water + energy

Balloon that has been blown up with carbon dioxide yeast respiring

The image is taken from Snackable Science which contains SEVENTY fun edible experiments and investigations!

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Last Updated on May 3, 2023 by Emma Vanstone

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Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

Reader Interactions

' src=

June 18, 2012 at 3:04 pm

Oooh I like this one a lot! I am storing them all up for rainy days but I’ll get to this one quite quickly!

' src=

June 18, 2012 at 6:32 pm

What a cool project! Do the balloons float, then, like helium?

' src=

June 21, 2012 at 3:21 am

That’s so cool! We love everything science! My kids will love this!

' src=

June 25, 2012 at 8:14 pm

Brilliant experiment!!!! The kids will love it!

Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!

Maggy & Alissa

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March 31, 2013 at 9:18 am

all the experiments simple and kids could easily understand the concepts behind it.

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Yeast Balloon Experiment

Updated: Sep 29, 2022 · This post may contain affiliate links.

Can you inflate a balloon with yeast? You sure can! Let's learn how with this simple and fun science experiment for kids.

my son holding up the yeast balloon

Yeast Balloon Experiment - Step by Step

What did we learn, expand the experiment, more stem activities for kids.

When you think of yeast, you probably think of baking. But this little ingredient makes for some great science experiments as well!

This yeast balloon experiment is:

  • A fun STEM activity for kids of all ages.
  • Simple to do with ingredients you probably already have!
  • Quick, easy and fun.

yeast balloon experiment with supplies

Start by filling a large mixing bowl with warm water. It only needs to be lukewarm - not very hot.

Next mix instant yeast, sugar, and warm water together in a glass bottle or flask with a narrow neck (like this Erlenmeyer Flask) . If you don't have one, you can use any bottle or container with a narrow neck. Even a disposable water bottle will work in a pinch. You need to be able to stretch the balloon over the opening!

Place the glass bottle into the bowl of warm water to keep it warm. Stretch the balloon over the opening of the bottle.

Sit back and watch what happens! You should see the balloon slowly begin to inflate. How long does it take for the balloon to inflate?

balloon inflated by a mixture of yeast and sugar

Yeast is a living organism! And it loves to eat sugar. As the yeast consumes the sugar in your mixture, it converts the sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide gas. The balloon inflates from the carbon dioxide gas!

This is the same process that is at work when you bake bread or other baked goods with yeast. The yeast consumes sugar, and releases carbon dioxide, which causes your dough to rise. Cool, huh?

my son holding up the balloon he inflated with yeast

Try the experiment a few more times, with varying amounts of sugar and yeast. What combination inflates the balloon to the largest size? Why do you think that happens?

Try again using cold water instead of warm water. Does the balloon still inflate? Why or why not?

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yeast balloon experiment

  • 2 tbsp instant dried yeast
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp warm water
  • additional warm water
  • large mixing bowl
  • glass flask or bottle with a narrow neck


Fill a large mixing bowl with warm water. Mix the instant yeast, sugar, and 2 tbsp warm water together in the glass bottle or flask. Place the glass bottle into the bowl of warm water to keep it warm. Stretch the balloon over the opening of the bottle. Wait and watch the balloon inflate!

The water should be warm enough to activate the yeast, but does not need to be very hot.

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Instant Dry Yeast

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Gilla: Dela:

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

  • 1 packet of active dry yeast
  • A 0.5 L (16.9 fl oz) or smaller plastic bottle
  • 1 teaspoon measuring spoon (5 mL)

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Short explanation

Long explanation.

  • How does the water temperature affect how much carbon dioxide is formed?
  • How does the amount of sugar affect how much carbon dioxide is formed?
  • What type of yeast (find them in your grocery store) results in the most carbon dioxide?
Gilla: Dela:

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  • Fermentation, or how to blow up a balloon with yeast!

Fermentation,  or how to blow up a balloon with yeast!

image bt Ingenza Ltd

If you have ever baked bread, you probably have encountered yeast and used it to make the dough rise. But how does it work? The yeast you can buy in a shop is called Saccharomyces cerevisiae , or just baker’s yeast. Yeasts break down sugars and produce alcohol, which is used in alcoholic beverages, and carbon dioxide, which is a gas that makes bread dough rise.

You can see the fermentation process in a very easy way at home, by mixing some active dry yeast, sugar and warm water in an empty bottle and fit a balloon over the bottle top. Watch the balloon blow up magically!

Here is how you can do it: 

  • Packet of yeast
  • Empty Water Bottle
  • Funnel 

Use the funnel  to put a couple of spoonfuls of sugar in an empty water bottle. 

Fill half of the bottle with warm water.

Add a package of yeast. Yeast is activated when it gets wet. So, put the top on and shake the bottle. Open the bottle again and place the ballon over the bottle opening. 

Finally you wait for the magic to happen. It will take more than an hour to get the balloon really good and inflated.

But how does this work? Yeast  is a microscopic fungus. As the yeast eats the sugar, it releases a gas called carbon dioxide. The gas fills the bottle and then fills the balloon as more gas is created.

Tips for the experiment and food for thought:

  • Try to use clear bottles, so you can see the liquid bubbling!
  • Try repeating the experiment with cold water. Or, putting the bottles in a warm place like a sunny window sill. Does the temperature influence the activity of the yeast?
  • Try adding different amounts of sugar (or no sugar!) to the mixture. Which bottles grow the balloon most?
  • Can yeast use other sugars than sucrose (which is the sugar in household sugar)? How about using some fruit juice (with a lot of fructose) or milk (with lactose)?
  • When the balloons are all blown up, don’t forget to take a whiff before throwing it away! What does the smell remind you of? How do different bottles differ in their smell?

If you want to see a video with the experiment click here . 

The same process happens when we are making bread. Check this video to find out more.

By Daniel Sachs

Cool Science Experiments Headquarters

Making Science Fun, Easy to Teach and Exciting to Learn!

Science Experiments

Balloon Blow-up Science Experiment

Can you blow up a balloon without using your mouth? In this simple science experiment, we’re going to show you how to do it with only a few everyday items you probably already have in your home. It makes a great experiment for young children because the set-up is simple and it only takes a few minutes to get to the exciting finale.

In addition to a video demonstration and detailed printable instructions, we also have the scientific explanation of how this simple chemical reaction works making it perfect for older scientists too.

Balloon Blow Up Science Experiment

JUMP TO SECTION: Instructions | Video Tutorial | How it Works

Supplies Needed

  • Small Soda Bottle
  • Baking Soda

Balloon Blow-up Science Lab Kit – Only $5

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Use our easy Balloon Blow-up Science Lab Kit to grab your students’ attention without the stress of planning!

It’s everything you need to  make science easy for teachers and fun for students  — using inexpensive materials you probably already have in your storage closet!

Balloon Blow Up Science Experiment Instructions

Step 1 – Start with some questions: How do you blow up a balloon? What if I told you that you couldn’t blow air into it, do you think you could still inflate (blow-up) the balloon? Then observe the supplies for the experiments. Do you think they can be use to blow up the balloon? If so how? Write down your hypothesis (prediction).

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Step 2 – Using a funnel, pour about a third of a cup of vinegar into the bottle. We used Apple Cider Vinegar, but any type of vinegar will work.

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Step 3 – Then insert another funnel into the mouth of the balloon. We recommend using two different funnels. One funnel for filling the bottle with vinegar and one for the balloon. However, you can do the experiment with only one funnel. Just make sure you completely wash and dry the funnel after you add the vinegar and before you put it into the balloon. This is very important.

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Step 4 – Place two teaspoons of baking soda into the funnel so it falls into the balloon. When the balloon is filled with the baking soda, carefully remove it from the funnel. 

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Step 5 – Next, secure the mouth of the balloon over the mouth of the bottle. Take your time doing this and don’t let any of the baking soda fall out of the balloon and into the bottom of the bottle. Take a moment to make some observations. What will happen if we lift up the balloon? Write down your hypothesis (prediction) and then test to see if you were right!

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Step 6 – While holding the bottle, lift the end of the balloon and allow the baking soda to drop into the bottle. 

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Step 7 – What happens to the balloon? Was your hypothesis correct? Wondering what caused the balloon to inflate? Find out the answer in the how does this experiment work section below.

Video Tutorial

How Does the Science Experiment Work?

When baking soda (a base) and vinegar (an acid) are mixed together they create a chemical reaction that results in the formation of carbon dioxide gas. Gases do not have a specific shape or volume, rather they expand rapidly filling their container. Gases expand rapidly because their particles move at high speeds in all directions. As the carbon dioxide gas fills the bottle, it has nowhere else to go so it begins to fill the balloon. As the carbon dioxide gas fills the balloon, the balloon inflates. The more gas that is created, the larger the balloon will inflate.

The baking soda and vinegar chemical reaction will continue to inflate the balloon as long as there is still baking soda and vinegar to react. Once the reaction between baking soda and vinegar has stopped, the balloon will slowly begin to deflate.

An acid is a substance that tastes bitter, reacts with metals and carbonates, and turns blue litmus paper red. A base is a substance that tastes bitter, feels slippery, and turns red litmus paper blue.

Other Ideas to Try

Does changing the amount of baking soda and vinegar change the size of the balloon when it inflates? What would happen if you used another acid like lemon juice instead of the vinegar? Would it react the same with the baking soda?

I hope you enjoyed the experiment. Here are some printable instructions:

Balloon Blow-up Science Experiment


  • Using a funnel, pour about a third of a cup of vinegar into the bottle. Tip: I used Apple Cider Vinegar, but any kind of vinegar will work.
  • Then insert another funnel into the mouth of the balloon. Tip: It is best to have two funnels, one for filling the bottle with vinegar and one for the balloon. If you only have one funnel, it is important that you completely wash and dry the funnel after you add the vinegar and before you put it into the balloon.
  • Place two teaspoons of baking soda into the funnel so it falls into the balloon. Then remove the balloon from the funnel.
  • Next, secure the the mouth of the balloon over the top of the bottle. Tip: Don’t let any of the baking soda drop into the bottle…yet!
  • While holding the bottle, lift the end of the balloon allowing the baking soda to drop into the bottle.
  • Watch in amazement as the balloon magically inflates!

Balloon Blow-up Science Experiment Steps

Reader Interactions

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November 2, 2017 at 11:00 am

Yeah but don’t just eyeball the measurements of things because if you use to much baking soda it will make the baloon spring a leak and all sorts of stuff will fly out and make a big mess.

I speak form experience

Seriously, don’t do this

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April 21, 2018 at 10:26 am

I did this experiment and it is perfect!

You need to hold properly the bottle when you mix the baking soda into vinegar.

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May 22, 2019 at 8:57 am

We’re doing science experiments at school and this one is brilliant! I loved it a lot.

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June 22, 2020 at 11:15 am

I love this experiment! My balloon grew 6 inches!

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June 19, 2023 at 11:17 pm

I tried and it worked well – Exited to do such experiment

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yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

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Yeast-Inflated Balloons

Activity length, 30-40 mins., chemical reactions fungi, bacteria & viruses states of matter, activity type, exploration.

Students use yeast to explore CO 2  production by living organisms.

This is an excellent opportunity for students to design their own experiments to determine which variables affect the yeast’s ability to produce CO 2 .

Yeast is a fungal microorganism that feeds on sugar and produces carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) plus ethanol. As the yeast feeds on the sugar, it produces carbon dioxide gas. This process is known as fermentation. The trapped CO 2  accumulates inside the balloon, slowly inflating it.

A very similar process happens as bread rises. Carbon dioxide from yeast fills thousands of balloon-like bubbles in the dough. This is what gives baked bread its airy texture.

Since yeast also produces alcohol as it feeds, it is an important ingredient in beer & wine production.

Determine variables used in an experiment of their own design.

Create a hypothesis

Describe one of the by products of respiration.

Describe the properties of gases.

Per Pair of Students: 1 tbsp (15 ml) active dry yeast (not fast-acting) 1 teaspoon (5 ml) sugar 1 cup (250 ml) very warm water (41–46°C or 105–115°F ) funnel balloon measuring tape (flexible kind) spot near a heat source (like a radiator or a sunny window)

Key Questions

  • What special characteristic of yeast made the balloon inflate?
  • Why was the sugar added?
  • Why did we need to put the balloon in a warm place?
  • Would you get the same results if the balloon was untied?
  • Measure the length and circumference of your balloon. Record the results.

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar into the balloon using the funnel.
  • Slowly add the cup of very warm water.
  • Remove the funnel from the balloon and tie it closed.
  • Place the balloon in a warm place.
  • Measure the length and circumference of the balloon every 15 minutes for an hour. Record the results.

​Teacher Tip: Try fast-acting yeast if you need the yeast to work within a shorter period of time.

  • Design an experiment to explore one of the following questions:
  • Which sugar/food combination helps the yeast produce the most gas?
  • Try different foods for the yeast to ferment, e.g. brown sugar, syrup, honey, candy, salt. At what temperature is the yeast most active? At what temperatures is it unable to blow up the balloon?
  • Try varying the water temperature, using a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water.

Other Resources

Science World Resources | Ballon gonflé par les levures | French version of this resource

About the sticker

Artist: Jeff Kulak

Jeff is a senior graphic designer at Science World. His illustration work has been published in the Walrus, The National Post, Reader’s Digest and Chickadee Magazine. He loves to make music, ride bikes, and spend time in the forest.

Comet Crisp

T-Rex and Baby

Artist: Michelle Yong

Michelle is a designer with a focus on creating joyful digital experiences! She enjoys exploring the potential forms that an idea can express itself in and helping then take shape.

Buddy the T-Rex

Science Buddies

Artist: Ty Dale

From Canada, Ty was born in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1993. From his chaotic workspace he draws in several different illustrative styles with thick outlines, bold colours and quirky-child like drawings. Ty distils the world around him into its basic geometry, prompting us to look at the mundane in a different way.

Western Dinosaur

Time-Travel T-Rex

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yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

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yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

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Yeast Balloon Experiment

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Check out this super cool experiment that uses the expanding power of yeast to inflate a balloon! You and your kids will love doing this Yeast Balloon Experiment together.

Get more amazing Balloon Science Experiments here!

Yeast in a bottle inflates a balloon

This is a mind-blowing (and balloon blowing) way to learn about the common reaction of yeast, sugar, and water!

Table of Contents

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Supplies Needed:

  • A Plastic Bottle

Materials to make a balloon inflate with yeast

How to Inflate a Balloon With Yeast

  • Fill a plastic bottle with about 1 inch of warm water.
  • Pour in about 1 tablespoon of yeast and gently shake the bottle up a little bit.
  • Add a teaspoon of sugar and swirl the bottle around a little more.
  • Slide the neck of the balloon over the opening of the bottle.
  • Let the yeast work its magic for about 15-20 minutes. The balloon should slowly start to inflate!

Step 1: Pour Warm Water Into a Plastic Bottle

I prefer to use a clear plastic bottle for this so that you can see the reaction of the rising yeast inside, but you really can use any type of small empty water bottle for this.

The important part is to pour enough warm water into the bottle so that that the water is about an inch deep inside the bottle.

Pour warm water into a bottle

If you bake with yeast often, then you will already know that the water needs to be warm, but not too warm or it will kill the yeast (I had to learn this from my wife who does the baking in our family).

Step 2: Add Some Yeast Into The Bottle

If you have the small little packets of yeast, you can dump one of those into the bottle, or you can measure and pour about 1 tablespoon of yeast from a large packet of yeast.

Add some yeast to the bottle

Using a funnel will make this a little easier and a little less messy to get the yeast inside the bottle.

Step 3: Add Some Sugar

Measure and pour about 1 teaspoon of sugar into your bottle of yeast and warm water. Again, using a funnel will help you get less sugar on the counter and more sugar into the bottle.

Add a spoon of sugar to the bottle

Step 4: Attach The Balloon to The Bottle

Quickly, but carefully connect a large balloon to the opening of the bottle. It may help to inflate and then deflate the balloon first just to stretch it out a little bit.

Connect the balloon to the bottle

Then slide the mouth of the balloon over the opening of the bottle. Make sure the balloon is snug and sealed onto the bottle to prevent any air from escaping between the bottle and the balloon.

Give the bottle a little swirl or shake to mix the warm water, yeast, and sugar together. This should start the classic yeast reaction that we need for this experiment!

Shake the yeast, water, and sugar in the bottle

Step 5: Wait Patiently For The Reaction to Inflate The Balloon

The hardest part of this experiment is waiting 15-20 minutes for the reaction to happen and inflate the balloon…but I promise it will be worth it!

So set the balloon and bottle in a safe and secure place, go grab a snack and come back in a few minutes to check on it.

Set the experiment down and wait a few minutes

You can also try doing what I did and setting up your phone or camera for a time-lapse video of the reaction. It’s super fun to go back and watch the reaction inflate the balloon with the time-lapse.

After a good 15 or 20 minutes, the yeast, water and sugar should have reacted and expanded inside the bottle, and the balloon will inflated too!

The yeast reaction will inflate the balloon

Yeast Balloon Experiment Conclusion

The science behind this yeast balloon experiment is related to the same reason yeast is used in many bread, dough, and baking recipes!

Yeast is a single-celled organism described as a “sugar-eating fungus”. Yeast needs food, warmth, and moisture to thrive and grow.

As the yeast grows and converts the sugar into energy, it releases Carbon Dioxide gas in a process called fermentation .

The tiny little carbon dioxide (CO2) gas bubbles get trapped in bread dough as it bakes and is what makes bread so soft and spongy!

Now in our experiment, the warm water in the bottle provides warmth and moisture for the yeast, while the sugar provides the food for the yeast to grow and expand.

The addition of carbon dioxide in the bottle increases the air pressure in the bottle, which pushes air into the balloon and inflates it!

This Baking Soda and Vinegar Balloon Experiment is also another fun way to inflate a balloon if can’t find any yeast in your kitchen cabinets!


Carbon dioxide from the yeast inflates the balloon

More Fun Experiments For Kids:

  • Dancing Grapes Experiment
  • How to Make a Bottle Gun
  • Cloud in a Bottle Experiment With Rubbing Alcohol

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Happy Brown House

Sugar & Yeast Balloon Experiment

By: Author Sara McClure

Posted on Published: February 5, 2018  - Last updated: May 31, 2018

Categories Homeschool , Kids Activities , Science

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Simple Science: Sugar and Yeast Balloon Experiment, Yellow inflated balloon attached to a plastic water bottle in front of a black background

Did you know that you can blow up a balloon without using your mouth or a helium tank? You totally can. This super fun Sugar & Yeast Balloon Experiment will have kids wondering how it works. Much like our magic light bulb balloon experiment , this balloon experiment is easy to do. This is one of those experiments where the kids can do most if not all of the work. The only thing they might need help with is putting the balloon over the bottle opening. Everything else is easy-peasy. This is a great preschool or kindergarten science experiment and would even be a good balloon science fair project.

Simple Science: Sugar and Yeast Balloon Experiment, Yellow inflated balloon attached to a plastic water bottle in front of a black background

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  • Packet of yeast (We used Rapid Rise Yeast, but it doesn't matter.)
  • Empty Water Bottle

How To Blow Up a Balloon with Yeast

For the yeast balloon experiment, put a couple of spoonfuls of sugar in the bottom of the empty water bottle . You can use the funnel to make this a little easier.

child\'s hand holding a spoonful of sugar over a white funnel in a clear plastic water bottle

Fill the bottle  about half full with warm water.

Add a package of yeast .

child\'s hand holding a yellow packet of Fleischmann\'s RapidRise instant yeast, clear plastic water bottle sitting on a brown speckled countertop in the background

Swirl the bottle  around or put the top on and shake the bottle to get the yeast wet to activate it.

Place the balloon over the bottle opening.

Clear plastic water bottle with a mixture of sugar and yeast bubbling inside, yellow deflated balloon is attached to the top of the water bottle

Now you wait for the magic to happen. This will take a while. I'd say we left ours for over an hour to let our balloon get really good and inflated.

It will slowly get bigger...

Clear water bottle full of a bubbling mixture of sugar and yeast that has created a reaction to inflate the yellow balloon attached to the bottle

and bigger...

Inflated yellow balloon attached to the top of a clear water bottle with a bubbling mixture of sugar and yeast inside

How does the yeast balloon experiment work?

Yeast is a microscopic fungus. As the yeast eats the sugar , it releases a gas called carbon dioxide. The gas fills the bottle and then fills the balloon as more gas is created.

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Thursday 31st of May 2018

[…] 26. Blow up a balloon with sugar and yeast […]

Vinegar and Baking Soda Balloon Experiment | Happy Brown House

Monday 12th of February 2018

[…] excitement. Trust me, they’ll want to do this experiment over and over again! Much like our Yeast Balloon Science Experiment, kids will learn how to blow up a balloon with vinegar and baking soda and learn a little chemistry […]

Blow-up balloon

If a chemical reaction produces a gas, you might not notice it, unless the gas has a colour or a smell. This activity will show how you can capture the gas produced in a chemical reaction in a visually exciting way.

Printable downloads

Follow these steps….

You will need: a reusable plastic bottle, baking soda, balloon, teaspoon, vinegar and a funnel (this can be made from a rolled-up sheet of A4 paper).

Think and talk about…

  • What can you see happening in the bottle?
  • What is making the balloon inflate?
  • Is it blowing up faster or slower than when you use your mouth??


  • What happens if you use more baking soda? Or more vinegar?
  • Time how long it takes to inflate and then repeat the experiment. Were the times similar?
  • Try using a different size balloon and see what effect it has.
  • What happens if you use a bigger or smaller bottle?

Did you know?

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Natural sources include volcanoes, decomposing vegetation and respiration from living organisms. Human sources include the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

What’s the science?

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Because the balloon forms a seal around the bottle, the gas produced cannot escape, so it fills up the balloon.

Science in your world

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

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Blow up a balloon using yeast

Do it yourself.

Imagine baker’s yeast would occasionally go to parties with other types of fungi. Maybe the porcini mushroom, the stinkhorn and the mold might find themselves on the guest list for such a fungal get-together. Before the party starts, the yeast would have to prepare a few things for its guests, of course. As you might already know, baking pizza and cakes is not a problem for yeast. But can it also blow up balloons?

Sure, fungi rarely celebrate parties (except maybe the mold in the lunch box that was forgotten in your backpack over the summer holidays), but a yeast cube from the grocery store can actually inflate balloons! Don't believe us? With the following experiment you can easily put this to the test. Also, find out why fungi don’t belong to the kingdom of plants.

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

What are mushrooms and what else can you do with yeast?

What happens during our little experiment? How can yeast be used in the kitchen and is it still alive after baking? And why are mushrooms no plants? Here you can go directly to our background knowledge and learn more about these topics!

Suitable for age group: children at the age of 6 to 12 under adult supervision

Especially interesting for : friends of fungi, young researchers and budding chefs

Duration: 1 hour

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

A cube of yeast or two 2 packets of dried yeast

A party balloon

A glass bottle (250 - 500ml) with a narrow neck

One teaspoon of sugar

A funnel (optional)

Step 1: Prepare the balloon

Blow up the balloon once and let the air out again so that the balloon is stretched a little.

Step 2: Put yeast and sugar into the bottle

If you have a cube of yeast, crumble it with your fingers and put the yeast crumbs into the bottle. If you have packets of dried yeast you can simply pour it from the sachet into the bottle.

Now add a teaspoon of sugar to the yeast. Using a funnel makes it easier to fill the bottle.

Step 3: Add warm water and swirl

Next, add lukewarm water into the bottle until it is filled to one third of its height. Yeast doesn't like hot water. As a rule of thumb, the water should be about the same temperature that you would use when bathing or washing your hands. Carefully swirl the bottle with the lid open in order to dissolve the yeast and sugar.

Step 4: Put the balloon on the bottle

Now all you have to do is to pull the balloon over the bottleneck. The balloon opening should tightly cover the opening.

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Step 5: Wait and watch

From now on you just have to wait a little while (approx. 30 - 45 minutes) until the balloon fills up.

The yeast will feel particularly comfortable and speed up the process if you put it close to a heater.

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Have fun experimenting!

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Learn more!

It is exciting to see how the yeast manages to inflate the balloon. But how does it do that anyway? We explain it to you here! In addition we have some interesting facts about fungi and yeast!

What is going on?

The yeast digests the sugar and creates a gas as waste product. This gas is called carbon dioxide (CO2) - it’s the same gas that is responsible for the fizzy bubbles in your lemonade. Since the gas carbon dioxide takes up more space in the bottle than the solid sugar, the balloon expands.

You might be wondering where this carbon dioxide is coming from. The gas originated from the sugar and parts of the oxygen. Oxygen is in the air around you and every human needs it to breathe.

However, since there was only little oxygen in the bottle, the yeast formed carbon dioxide mainly by fermentation instead of forming it by respiration. Yeast is pretty good at fermentation - much better than us humans. This special ability of yeast is used in the process of brewing beer, as alcohol is a waste product of fermentation.

Yeast has two survival strategies: either it lives with oxygen (aerobic) or without oxygen through fermentation (anaerobic). Carbon dioxide is produced during both processes.

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Fungi don’t belong to the kingdom of plants

Plants need carbon dioxide, water, nutrients and sunlight (energy) to grow. So they use the gas, which humans, animals and also fungi constantly emit, as food. This creates a cycle consisting of plants producing oxygen and animals and fungi producing carbon dioxide. Therefore, the diet of fungi is more comparable to that of animals. Fungi  are neither animals nor plants and form their own incredibly diverse kingdom in nature.

Perhaps it’s easier to realize if you think of the following: Plants are mostly green as they harvest solar energy with the help of the green pigment chlorophyll. Green fungi are rare as fungi don't have the ability to use sunlight as a source of energy. Plants have to do this job for them - just like for animals, too. However, one should not exclusively  rely on the characteristic “green color” as a criteria for the ability of using sunlight as a source of energy. There are for example green animals (tree frogs, grasshoppers ...), which -despite of their green color -  do not belong to the kingdom of plants.

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Research questions:

  • Under which conditions is baker’s yeast particularly active?
  • Take a look at a recipe for dough made with yeast and think about the purpose of the single steps. What’s the balloon envelope in a yeast dough? Why is it important to knead the dough for quite a while and why should it become elastic? Why do you always add a little sugar to the dough? And why is it important to place the kneaded dough at a warm place?
  • Is the yeast still alive after he baking process?
  • How could you prove that carbon dioxide was produced  during the experimet- and not for example oxygen?A little hint: not only organisms need oxygen ...

Related Links

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Fungi for Future

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Peter and the killer fungi

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Checker Tobi: The Mushroom Check

Checker Tobi tracks down mushrooms. These very special creatures are found in thousands of colors and shapes. Some look like a giant ball, others look like black ink dripping out of them. They grow in the forest, under trees - and even on food, as molds. [In German]


yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Klexikon: Mushrooms

Fungi are living beings. They consist of individual cells with a cell nucleus. In biology they form their own realm next to animals and plants. They are more similar to plants, because they cannot move themselves. In contrast to plants, however, fungi do not need the light of the sun to live. [In German]

Book recommendations

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

From the fungi we see on supermarket shelves to fungi like penicillium that have shaped human history, this is the definitive introduction to what fungi are and just how vital they are to the world's ecosystem. Created in collaboration with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

© Templar Publishing , 2020

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Fantastic Fungi

Viewed in over 100 countries and selling hundreds of thousands of tickets on the way to finishing 2019 with a rare 100% Tomato meter rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Schwartzberg’s documentary Fantastic Fungi has brought the mycological revolution to the world stage. This is the film’s official companion book, that expands on the documentary’s message: that mushrooms and fungi will change your life– and save the planet. 

© Earth Aware Editions, 2020

yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures

Created by our Lab Pilot Monika

Naturkundemuseum Bayern Botanisches Institut Menzinger Str. 67 80638 München, Germany



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yeast carbon dioxide balloon experiment

April 3, 2014

Single-Celled Science: Yeasty Beasties

A fun fungal activity from Science Buddies 

By Science Buddies

Key concepts Biology Microorganisms Microscopic Metabolism Carbon dioxide   Introduction Did you know that dry yeast is actually alive ? Add the right ingredients, and presto, the mixture becomes a bubbly, oozing mess of life. But just what are the conditions required for this to happen? What does that yeast need to become active and thrive? Try this science activity to find out for yourself!     Background Yeasts are tiny, microscopic organisms—or microorganisms—that are actually a type of fungus. This means that they are more closely related to a mushroom than to plants and animals or bacteria (the latter of which are also microorganisms). These little critters might sound strange and different, but people have been using them for thousands of years to make bread rise. How does this work? It has to do with the metabolism of the yeasts, or, in other words, what they eat and what they turn that food into.   Like us, yeasts must get their food from their surrounding environment to grow and reproduce—that is, to make more yeast. What do they eat? Yeasts feed on sugars and starches, which are abundant in bread dough! They turn this food into energy and release carbon dioxide gas as a result. This process is known as fermentation. The carbon dioxide gas made during fermentation is what makes a slice of bread so soft and spongy. The pockets of gas are produced by yeasts when the dough is allowed to rise before baking. Materials

Three plastic two-liter bottles

Measuring tablespoon

White table sugar

Salt, baking soda or vinegar

Permanent marker (optional)

Measuring cups

Warm tap water

One medium-sized pot or bowl, at least two quarts in size

Six packets of dry yeast or an equivalent amount from a jar

Three standard-sized latex balloons

Clock or timer


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Rinse each bottle thoroughly with water and remove any labels.

Add two tablespoons of sugar to two of the three bottles. How do you think the sugar will affect the activity of the yeast?

To one of the bottles that you added sugar to, also add two tablespoons of salt, baking soda or vinegar. How do you think adding salt, baking soda or vinegar will affect the activity of the yeast?

Throughout the experiment, keep track of what you added to each bottle. If needed, you can label the bottles with a permanent marker.


Fill the medium-sized pot or bowl with at least eight cups of very warm tap water. Adjust the temperature of the hot water coming from the tap until it is almost too hot to hold your hands under. Use this temperature of water to fill the pot.

Using the warm water from the pot, fill each bottle with about two and one-half cups (or about one-third full). Put the lid back on to each bottle and shake them each thoroughly to dissolve all of the ingredients.

To each bottle, add two packets of dry yeast (or an equivalent amount from a jar). Put the lid back on to each bottle and shake each one gently to mix in the yeast.

Remove each lid and stretch a balloon completely over the opening of the bottle (over all of the ridges). Why do you think it is important to form a tight seal with the balloon on the bottle’s opening?

Leave the bottles to rest in a warm location for 45 minutes. Keep the balloons out of direct sunlight. How do the balloons change over time?

After 45 minutes, examine the bottles and the balloons. Which balloons have become inflated? How big are they compared to each other? Do you notice any differences in the contents of the bottles?

In which environment did the yeast make the most carbon dioxide? What does this tell you about the conditions needed for yeast fermentation to take place? 

Extra: You could quantify your results from this activity by using a water displacement test. To do this, you could fill a large pot completely full with water, place it in a larger tray, pan, or pot. Quickly tie off the balloon you would like to measure without letting gas escape, and then submerge the balloon in the water. You can measure how much water overflowed from the pot into the tray to determine how much water the balloon displaced, and consequently the volume of the carbon dioxide gas inside the balloon. If you quantify your results, exactly how different are the sizes of the balloons?

Extra: Another environmental condition that can affect the activity of yeast and the process of fermentation is temperature. You could explore this by preparing several bottles using the same conditions, and then placing each bottle in a different place with a different temperature. After 45 minutes, how do the balloons vary in size?

Extra: You could try this activity again, but next time just focus on how using different types and sources of sugars affect the carbon dioxide production. How do the sugars from different juices or other sources affect how much carbon dioxide is produced ?

  Observations and results Did the balloon on the bottle with only yeast and water remain un-inflated? Did the balloon on the bottle with only sugar added inflate the most?   When yeasts eat sugar and turn it into energy, they also produce carbon dioxide. This process is known as fermentation. In this activity, the balloons on the bottles should have captured carbon dioxide produced by the yeasts during fermentation. In the bottle that contained yeasts but not sugar, the yeasts did not have food (i.e., sugar) so the balloon should not have inflated. In the bottle that contained yeasts and sugar (but not salt, baking soda or vinegar), the yeasts should have thrived and made a lot of carbon dioxide, clearly inflating the balloon. When salt, baking soda or vinegar was added, the yeasts should have made less carbon dioxide, inflating the balloon less than when only sugar was used. This is because the addition of these substances changed the environment and made it less ideal for the yeasts. Specifically, adding salt increased the salinity of the environment, and adding baking soda or vinegar changed the pH of the environment, making it more basic or acidic, respectively, compared to the neutral environment provided by the plain water.   Cleanup When you are done with this activity, dispose of the yeasts by composting them or (with permission) dumping them outside somewhere. Do not pour the yeasts down the drain without diluting them with water, as they may damage pipes when they expand.   More to explore Fun Facts About Fungi: Fermentation , from Utah State University Experiments with Acids and Bases , from Fun Science Gallery Fun, Science Activities for You and Your Family , from Science Buddies Yeasty Beasties , from Science Buddies  

This activity brought to you in partnership with Science Buddies

Incorporate STEM journalism in your classroom

  • Exercise type: Activity
  • Topic: Microbes

Fermentation and Pasteurization in the classroom

  • Download Student Worksheet

Purpose: Students will learn about pasteurization by performing an experiment that involves calculating and interpreting results.

Procedural overview: Students will annotate and analyze “ Louis Pasteur’s devotion to truth transformed what we know about health and disease ” from Science News online. After learning about Pasteur’s discoveries and how he developed the pasteurization process, students will do a hands-on experiment. In this experiment, yeast solutions will be prepared at different temperatures and then monitored for gas production. Students will collect data on gas production by measuring how big the gas makes a balloon and will approximate the volume of gas produced. The data will be graphed and interpreted by students to identify the temperature that pasteurization occurs. As an optional activity, students will further study the importance of pasteurization in food production and in the prevention of foodborne illness.

Approximate class time: 2 class periods

Bunsen burner



Yeast (Make all packets the same brand)

Scale (Alternative: tablespoon or disposable plastic spoon)


Plastic bottles of the same size, (1 liter or 1.25-liter bottles recommended)

Round balloons

Tape measures (Alternative: rulers and string/yarn)

Student worksheet

Directions for teachers:

Before the start of class, set up the experiment. Around the lab, set up stations with a Bunsen burner, a beaker to heat water, a funnel, a bottle, a thermometer, a yeast packet, a stopwatch, a tape measure and a balloon. Have one or two weighing stations where students can weigh sugar and yeast.

In class, have students read the introduction and the section call “How Pasteur developed pasteurization” in “ Louis Pasteur’s devotion to truth transformed what we know about health and disease .” This article appeared in the November 19, 2022, print edition of Science News with the title “Louis Pasteur’s Long Legacy.” Ask students to annotate the article as they read and identify any new vocabulary and concepts.

Article analysis

After students have read and done their annotations, have them answer the following questions.

1. Who was Louis Pasteur?

Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and biologist, who was born in 1822.

2. How was tartaric acid important to Pasteur’s career?

Pasteur’s work on tartaric acid and wine got him started on work that eventually led to discoveries about microbes and diseases.

3. Why was it important that Pasteur showed yeast are living things?

Until Pasteur’s work, most scientists thought that fermentation was a “natural nonbiological chemical process.” Demonstrating that yeast are living organisms changed how scientists thought about fermentation.

4. Microorganisms are living things too small to see with the naked eye and include fungi and bacteria. What kind of microbe is a yeast?

Pasteur thought yeast was a “small plant,” but it really is a kind of microscopic fungus.

5. What do yeast do with sugar, and what is the process called?

Yeast can convert sugar to alcohol in a process called fermentation.

6. Why do yeast ferment?

Fermentation is how yeast meet their nutritional (energy) needs.

7. People use fermentation to make wine, beer and other products. But sometimes those products can become spoiled or get contaminated with microbes that are harmful. What method of food and beverage protection did Pasteur develop, and how does it work?

Pasteur created pasteurization, a method of heating that kills microorganisms that can spoil food items or cause disease.

8. What questions do you have about the fermentation process? What might you want to investigate about pasteurization?

Student answers will vary. When you make yogurt, how much can you change the flavor by changing the bacteria you add to the milk? I would like to do an experiment with raw milk. My question: If you start with raw milk, and it starts to sour because of the microbes that are present, can you reverse or minimize the souring by pasteurizing the sour milk?

Preparing to do the experiment

Review fermentation and introduce the chemistry behind it. Include any of the following information that you find useful.

Pasteur thought yeast was a “small plant,” but today we know that it is really a microscopic fungus. However, Pasteur was right in thinking that yeast metabolizes sugar in a process called fermentation. In this process, yeast consumes sugar to produce carbon dioxide, ethanol and energy (in the form of ATP).

C 6 H 12 O 6 –> 2C 2 H 5 OH + 2CO 2 + 2ATP

Sugar –> ethanol (alcohol) + carbon dioxide + energy

Humans have used yeast to ferment food items for thousands of years. Because yeast creates ethanol, a type of alcohol, it is used to make alcoholic beverages like beer and wine. Yeast is also important in breadmaking. When the yeast in bread dough ferments, carbon dioxide is produced. The carbon dioxide helps the bread rise.

In this experiment, students will determine the temperature at which pasteurization occurs for a yeast solution. Pasteurization occurs when the yeast have died. Ideally, you should not give the students hints about the temperature at which pasteurization occurs.

Before starting the experiment, discuss the concept of a control in a science experiment and what might be possible options for a control in this study. Remind students of the importance of multiple trials; ask that each group test at the control temperature and one of the other nine temperatures. Also, they should do at least two trials at each of their temperatures, if there are enough materials and time. Two separate student groups could also test at the same temperature.

Cover lab safety. At the highest temperatures, the students could burn themselves if they do not pour carefully.

After mixing yeast, water and sugar together in a bottle, the students will top the bottle’s opening with a balloon to capture any gas produced. The water used in the bottles will be varied in temperature so students can find out for themselves at what temperature yeast cells die and pasteurization occurs.

Students will need it to calculate the volume of gas produced during fermentation. Review this volume formula, where c is circumference, V=(c 3 )/(6π 2 )  and note that the unit students will use is cubic centimeters cm 3 .

The amount of information you give students can vary depending on the time available. However, students will feel more ownership over their experiment and their findings if they help decide how to set up the experiment.

Use the following questions to guide students in setting up the lab and determining experimental variables.

1. Yeast produces carbon dioxide, a gas, as it ferments sugar. What do you expect will happen to the balloons?

The balloons will inflate with carbon dioxide as the yeast cells break down the sugar into carbon dioxide, alcohol and energy.

2. How do you think the water temperature will affect gas production?

Initially, as the temperature increases, the amount of gas produced will also increase. Once the temperature is hot enough for pasteurization to occur, gas production will begin to decrease or will stop entirely as the yeast cells die.

3. The data you collect in this experiment will be graphed. What units will you use on the x axis and the y axis?

The x axis will show temperature in degrees C. Depending on how students are measuring the gas produced, the y axis will show the amount of carbon dioxide, indicated by either the circumference or volume of the balloon.

4. What temperatures should the class test (starting at room temperature, approximately 22° C)? (Note that each group should run trials at the control temperature and one other temperature.)

Student answers will vary. We should test at 22° C, 28° C, 34° C, 40° C, 46° C, 52° C, 58 ° C, 64° C,  70° C and 76° C.

5. What should the control group be in this experiment?

A bottle with water, sugar and no yeast at room temperature; a bottle with water, no sugar and no yeast at room temperature; or a bottle with water, yeast and no sugar at room temperature.

6. What should be the length of time for each trial? Twenty minutes.

7. If time permits, how many trials should ideally be run at each temperature?

Two or three trials.

8. How can we measure the amount of gas produced, and what scientific unit could we use?

Student answers will vary. We could figure out the amount of gas produced after measuring the balloon’s volume. To get to volume, we will need to know the circumference of the balloon to put into the volume formula. The unit to use is cubic centimeters (cm 3 ).

Fermentation experiment

Ask the class to decide what temperatures they want to test. Try to have the students evenly space the temperatures. For example, temperatures could increase in 6-degree increments: 22° C, 28° C, 34° C, 40° C, 46° C, 52° C, 58° C, 64° C, 70° C and 76° C. Temperatures should not go above 80° C.

The students also must agree on how much sugar, yeast and water they want to use in their bottles and in what order they want to combine their materials, or you could suggest 250 ml of water, 40 grams (3 tablespoons) of sugar and the contents of one yeast packet. All yeast packets should be the same brand and at room temperature. Whatever the students decide, please emphasize that each group should use the same amount of sugar, yeast and water. Only the control will have different amounts of sugar and/or yeast.

Have the students form groups. Each group would ideally do multiple trials on the control temperature and one other temperature. In setting up, each group should put the sugar and yeast in the bottle, and then heat their water beaker over the Bunsen burner. As the water heats, carefully check the temperature. When the water reaches the group’s study temperature, students should carefully pour 250 ml of water through a funnel into their bottle, screw on the bottle’s lid and shake the bottle to mix the water, yeast and sugar. The temperature of the water might cool during its transfer into the bottle. This could result in some experimental groups showing carbon dioxide production when the yeast should have been killed by pasteurization.

Once the bottle’s contents are combined, students should unscrew the bottle, place a balloon on the top of the bottle and start a 20-minute timer. As each group’s timer ends, the group should measure the circumference of their balloon at the widest point using a tape measure and record the circumference on their worksheet and on the board. Then use the formula V=(c 3 )/(6π 2 ) , to calculate the volume of carbon dioxide produced and graph the volume of gas produced using metric units for the volume and degrees Celsius for the temperature.

Ask the students to answer the following questions about their experimental results.

1. Measure the circumference of your group’s balloon and record it in your chart and on the board. Calculate the volume of your group’s balloon and add the data to the chart using the formula: V=(c 3 )/(6π 2 ) , where c represents the circumference. Continue to fill in the chart as other groups add their data to the board. (Students will use the chart in the student worksheet.)

Student answers will vary, but should follow this trend: Circumference and volume should go up for 28 ° C and 34° C. For high temperatures, circumference and volume should trend downward.

2. Graph the volumes from each group. Remember to label your graph and axes. (The graph is available in the student worksheet.)

Graphs will vary. The x axis should be for temperature in degrees Celsius; the y axis is for volume of carbon dioxide in cubic centimeters. Temperature should be marked every six spaces; the line on the graph climbs until about 34 degrees or a little higher, and then moves steadily downward until the volume of carbon dioxide tapers to zero. A possible label for the chart could be “Volume of Carbon Dioxide Produced from Yeast Fermentation.”

3. Why is it important to record what happens with the control group?

If the control group shows that gas has been produced, then there might be other microorganisms that could skew the data.

4. What is the relationship between gas volume and temperature?

Initially, the volume of carbon dioxide produced increases as temperature increases. However, eventually the volume of carbon dioxide produced begins to decrease.

5. At what temperature did the most fermentation occur? How could you tell?

Student answers will vary. For example, the temperature at which most fermentation occurred was 34 ° C because the largest volume of carbon dioxide was produced at 34 ° C.

6. At what temperature did yeast stop fermentation and gas production? How could you tell?

Student answers will vary. I think fermentation started slowing down when temperatures got into the 60s. As temperatures went higher and higher, there was less carbon dioxide produced. The highest temperatures killed the yeast, preventing them from fermenting the sugar and producing carbon dioxide. There was less carbon dioxide in the balloons at higher temperatures.

7. How might we know that the yeast died due to pasteurization?

Student answers will vary. We know that carbon dioxide is produced during fermentation. As temperatures rise, there will come a point when fermentation slows as yeast cells die. If the balloon does not inflate much, it suggests that carbon dioxide production is declining and that yeast are likely dying. Assuming nothing went wrong with the experiment, pasteurization probably occurred if the balloon does not inflate at all.

8. How has learning about Pasteur’s discoveries influenced your views about what you eat?

Student answers will vary. I am more aware of how important pasteurization is for protecting our food supply.

9. What other question would you like to answer about microorganisms in food?

Student answers will vary. Do different microorganisms get killed through pasteurization at different temperatures?

Activity extension: After students perform the experiment, you can ask them to learn about foodborne illnesses that can be prevented by pasteurization and to create a poster explaining how pasteurization protects people from these illnesses.

The following questions can serve as prompts. If students want to, they can ask their own questions.

1. What is a foodborne illness?

A foodborne illness is a disease that is spread by the consumption of contaminated food.

2. Name a foodborne illness that can be caused by drinking contaminated milk.

Student answers will vary. Listeriosis and tuberculosis are two diseases that can be spread in unpasteurized milk.

3. What are the symptoms of this disease?

Student answers will vary. Listeriosis can cause fever, muscle aches, loss of balance and seizures.

4. Have there been any recent outbreaks of this disease? If so, what food products caused this outbreak?

Student answers will vary. In 2022, people developed listeriosis after eating deli meats and cheeses and ice cream contaminated with Listeria .

5. Even pasteurized food can cause foodborne illnesses. Why is this the case?

Microorganisms could be introduced after the food was pasteurized or the disease was caused by a microorganism that was not killed by pasteurization.

6. Create a poster that shows how pasteurization protects people from your foodborne illness.

Student products will vary but should all mention pasteurization.

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David Keith sitting on a folding chair with his hands clasped.

buying time

This Scientist Has a Risky Plan to Cool Earth. There’s Growing Interest.

David Keith wants to spray a pollutant into the sky to block some sunlight. He says the benefits would outweigh the danger.

David Keith leads the Climate Systems Engineering Initiative at the University of Chicago. Credit... Mustafa Hussain for The New York Times

Supported by

David Gelles

By David Gelles

Gelles reported this article from Chicago and Cambridge, Mass.

  • Published Aug. 1, 2024 Updated Aug. 2, 2024

David Keith was a graduate student in 1991 when a volcano erupted in the Philippines, sending a cloud of ash toward the edge of space.

Listen to this article with reporter commentary

Seventeen million tons of sulfur dioxide released from Mount Pinatubo spread across the stratosphere, reflecting some of the sun’s energy away from Earth. The result was a drop in average temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere by roughly one degree Fahrenheit in the year that followed.

Today, Dr. Keith cites that event as validation of an idea that has become his life’s work: He believes that by intentionally releasing sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, it would be possible to lower temperatures worldwide, blunting global warming.

Such radical interventions are increasingly being taken seriously as the effects of climate change grow more intense. Global temperatures have hit record highs for 13 months in a row, unleashing violent weather, deadly heat waves and raising sea levels. Scientists expect the heat to keep climbing for decades. The main driver of the warming, the burning of fossil fuels, continues more or less unabated.

Against this backdrop, there is growing interest in efforts to intentionally alter the Earth’s climate, a field known as geoengineering.

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  6. Yeast Balloon Experiment

    The balloon inflates from the carbon dioxide gas! This is the same process that is at work when you bake bread or other baked goods with yeast. The yeast consumes sugar, and releases carbon dioxide, which causes your dough to rise. ... If you love this yeast balloon experiment, check out these other fun activities for kids: Microwave Ivory Soap ...

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    When yeast eats sugar, the gas carbon dioxide is released. The carbon dioxide takes up a lot of space and stretches the bottle and the balloon. It also appears as bubbles in the liquid. Long explanation Yeast is actually a fungus. The reason it does not resemble fungi as we normally know it, is because it is unicellular, just like bacteria.

  8. PDF Blow Up a Balloon with Cellular Respiration

    reaction and accelerates it. As yeast grows it expands and gets bubbly. By being "bubbly" the yeast gives off carbon dioxide, the same gas that your body produces when you breathe, and the gas inflates the balloon. The yeast also produces ethanol. Respiration provides organisms with the energy to do cellular work that helps them grow ...

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    just repeat the experiment Yeast under a microscope There are five yeast cells here. Some are bigger than others, that is ... The gas that has filled your balloon is called carbon dioxide. It's the same gas that you breathe out. Now try some more yeast investigations, here are some ideas but you can design your own! Does the amount of sugar ...

  10. Fermentation, or how to blow up a balloon with yeast!

    Balloon. Use the funnel to put a couple of spoonfuls of sugar in an empty water bottle. Fill half of the bottle with warm water. Add a package of yeast. Yeast is activated when it gets wet. So, put the top on and shake the bottle. Open the bottle again and place the ballon over the bottle opening. Finally you wait for the magic to happen.

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    You have probably used yeast for baking homemade goodies, but have you ever tried to use it to inflate a balloon!?That's right! This cool science experiment ...

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  14. Yeast-Inflated Balloons

    Students use yeast to explore CO 2 production by living organisms.. This is an excellent opportunity for students to design their own experiments to determine which variables affect the yeast's ability to produce CO 2.. Yeast is a fungal microorganism that feeds on sugar and produces carbon dioxide (CO 2) plus ethanol.As the yeast feeds on the sugar, it produces carbon dioxide gas.

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    And as they eat the sugar and break it down for food, they release carbon dioxide, which fills up the balloon. Yeast is actually a type of fungus related to mushrooms. The type of yeast used for ...

  18. Yeast Balloon Experiment

    Fill a plastic bottle with about 1 inch of warm water. Pour in about 1 tablespoon of yeast and gently shake the bottle up a little bit. Add a teaspoon of sugar and swirl the bottle around a little more. Slide the neck of the balloon over the opening of the bottle. Let the yeast work its magic for about 15-20 minutes.

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    How does the yeast balloon experiment work? Yeast is a microscopic fungus. As the yeast eats the sugar, it releases a gas called carbon dioxide. The gas fills the bottle and then fills the balloon as more gas is created. More fun science experiments for kids you might like: Moon Crater Experiment Simple Science: Observing Worms

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    Follow these steps…. Half fill the bottle with vinegar. Using a funnel, half fill the balloon with baking soda. It helps if you've pre-stretched the balloon by blowing it up. You can make a funnel by rolling up a piece of paper. Carefully place the balloon over the neck of the bottle and allow it to droop over to the side, making sure none ...

  21. Lab@Home: Hefeballon (EN)

    The yeast digests the sugar and creates a gas as waste product. This gas is called carbon dioxide (CO2) - it's the same gas that is responsible for the fizzy bubbles in your lemonade. Since the gas carbon dioxide takes up more space in the bottle than the solid sugar, the balloon expands.

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    Warm tap water. One medium-sized pot or bowl, at least two quarts in size. Six packets of dry yeast or an equivalent amount from a jar. Three standard-sized latex balloons. Clock or timer ...

  23. Fermentation and Pasteurization in the classroom

    However, Pasteur was right in thinking that yeast metabolizes sugar in a process called fermentation. In this process, yeast consumes sugar to produce carbon dioxide, ethanol and energy (in the ...

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    Others are working on efforts to make oceans and plants absorb more carbon dioxide. But of all these ideas, it is stratospheric solar geoengineering that elicits the greatest hope and the greatest ...