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What I Learned from My Internship Experience: Essay


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What I Learned from My Internship Experience: Essay

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What Things I’ve Learned from My Internship Experience?

  • October 28, 2023 October 30, 2023

Embarking on an internship is like opening a door to the professional world, allowing you to step in and explore your potential career path without committing to a long-term job. It’s a transformative experience that offers valuable insights, lessons, and tools, all of which can pave the way for a successful future in your chosen field. Throughout your internship, you learn, grow, and develop a host of skills and knowledge that are far beyond the scope of any classroom.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the profound takeaways from an internship, and the lessons that stay with you long after your tenure is over. It’s not just about making coffee runs or filing paperwork; it’s about becoming part of a dynamic professional environment , contributing meaningfully, and absorbing the wisdom of those around you.

From the acquisition of fresh and refined skills to the importance of building a professional network, and from understanding workplace culture to embracing constructive criticism, we’ll explore how internships can shape your professional identity and set you on the path to success . So, let’s dive into the invaluable lessons learned during an internship that can shape your career and personal growth.

Here are Some Important Takeaways from an Internship:

An internship presents the chance to explore a potential career path without making a long-term commitment. It offers valuable experiences , lessons, and tools that can pave the way for a future full-time job. This opportunity allows you to learn and grow before fully immersing yourself in the professional world.

Acquisition of Fresh and Enhanced Skills and Their Practical Application:

An internship offers a unique platform for not only acquiring new knowledge but also refining and practically applying existing skills, making it a pivotal phase in your professional development. Let’s illustrate this with an example: imagine you’re interning at a cutting-edge architectural firm.

During your internship, you not only gain insights into the latest design principles and construction techniques but also put them into practice through hands-on involvement in real projects.

This not only enhances your architectural acumen but also demonstrates your ability to apply your expertise in a real-world context. It’s an opportunity to bridge the gap between theory and practice, preparing you for a successful career in architecture or a related field.

Refinement of Professional Communication:

Entering the professional realm for the first time can indeed be a daunting experience, but it offers a valuable opportunity to develop essential skills for succeeding in the workplace. One of the most crucial aspects to master is effective professional communication , which often differs significantly from interactions with professors or peers. In this new environment, the stakes are higher, and precision in communication is vital.

 For instance, in a corporate setting, your written and verbal communication must be concise and tailored to your audience. You might need to draft clear, professional emails to superiors or clients, ensuring that your message is easily understood and free from jargon. This refinement in communication style is a hallmark of adapting to the professional world, where every interaction and message carries a degree of formality and purpose that sets it apart from academic or casual exchanges.

Networking Significance:

Recognizing the significance of networking is a pivotal aspect of any internship experience. It’s not a facet to be taken lightly, as your ability to connect with others can play a pivotal role in your career advancement. When undertaking an internship, it’s crucial to proactively seek opportunities to expand your professional network.

Engaging with fellow interns is just the beginning; these connections can transform into invaluable professional relationships over time. For example, through shared projects and tasks, you can collaborate and bond with colleagues who may become lifelong friends and future collaborators. In addition, seize the chance to engage with seasoned professionals within your organization .

Attend networking events or request informational interviews with your mentors or supervisors, as this can offer you insights, advice, and potential career opportunities that you might not have otherwise encountered. In essence, the web of contacts you establish during your internship can be a catalyst for your professional growth and is an asset that should not be underestimated.

Receptivity to Constructive Criticism:

An open and receptive attitude toward constructive criticism is an indispensable trait for personal and professional development. While it may sometimes be uncomfortable, embracing feedback is a significant step toward growth. During your internship, you will undoubtedly receive evaluations and feedback on your performance.

It’s important to understand that this feedback is a tool for improvement, not a reflection of your character. For instance, consider a scenario where you’re working on a project for your team, and your supervisor provides feedback on your presentation skills, suggesting areas for improvement.

 Instead of taking it personally, view it as an opportunity to refine your abilities. Constructive criticism is like a roadmap guiding you toward success, and it often comes from individuals who have a vested interest in your growth. By actively seeking and applying constructive feedback, you can transform your weaknesses into strengths and enhance your overall competence, making it an essential element of your professional journey.

Diligence Regardless of Task Size:

Maintaining unwavering diligence, regardless of the scale or apparent significance of your assigned tasks, is a core principle for establishing a strong professional reputation. The value of your work ethic extends far beyond the task at hand. Consider, for instance, a situation where you’re asked to compile a routine report that may seem mundane at first glance.

Despite its perceived insignificance, approaching it with dedication and precision can yield unexpected benefits . Accurate, timely, and diligent execution of even the smallest tasks showcases your commitment and attention to detail.

This consistency doesn’t go unnoticed; it speaks volumes about your character and work ethic. In the long run, it contributes to your professional reputation, making you a trusted and dependable asset in the eyes of your colleagues and superiors. So, regardless of the task’s size, always approach it with the same level of diligence and commitment, as it can be a defining factor in your career trajectory.


Cultivating self-reliance is an essential attribute in the realm of professional growth. While the allure of having information spoon-fed to you may seem tempting, it’s the ability to work independently that truly sets you apart. Your internship journey serves as an excellent training ground for this purpose, teaching you to make sound decisions and execute tasks autonomously.

For instance, let’s say you’re assigned a project with minimal initial guidance. It’s your opportunity to demonstrate self-reliance by conducting research, formulating a plan, and taking the necessary steps to complete the project successfully. This ability to be self-sufficient not only eases the burden on your supervisors but also showcases your capability to handle challenges proactively.

 In the professional world, self-reliance is highly prized, as it signifies an individual who can navigate uncertainties, adapt to changing circumstances, and drive projects to fruition independently. Thus, your internship is a valuable platform to foster this skill, which will serve you well throughout your career.

Establishing Connections:

In addition to laying the groundwork for potential future references, it’s crucial to emphasize the art of establishing meaningful connections during your internship. This extends to cultivating relationships with a wide spectrum of individuals, including senior colleagues, clients, fellow interns, and others you encounter in your professional environment.

These connections are not just superficial interactions; they can evolve into valuable partnerships offering guidance, mentorship, and assistance when embarking on future job searches. For example, suppose you’re working on a project alongside a senior colleague. By proactively seeking their advice, sharing your insights, and showing a genuine interest in their expertise, you can develop a strong rapport.

This connection could translate into invaluable mentorship, helping you navigate your career path and gain insights you might not acquire through conventional training. The network you build during your internship can be an essential resource that extends far beyond your time at the organization, making it a fundamental aspect of your professional development.

Recognizing Your Value:

Understanding and embracing your worth in the professional landscape is pivotal, even when positioned as an intern at the bottom of the career hierarchy. It’s essential to realize that your contributions, no matter how seemingly small, are integral and genuinely appreciated within the organization. An internship may present challenges, but it’s a priceless opportunity to not only gain practical experience but also to nurture relationships and foster personal growth.

Consider, for instance, a scenario where you’re tasked with conducting market research for a marketing team during your internship. Your research, though a single piece of a larger puzzle, can significantly influence the decisions made by the team, impacting the organization’s success. By working diligently and demonstrating a strong work ethic, you not only contribute positively to the team’s efforts but also elevate your own learning experience.

In essence, an internship serves as a transformative stepping stone toward your future career, affording you the chance to develop essential skills, refine your professional demeanor, expand your professional network, build self-reliance, and, most importantly, recognize your undeniable significance in the workplace.


Your Internship experience has been a transformative journey, providing you with practical applications for your knowledge and skills in the business and marketing field. You’ve come to appreciate the immense value of networking, the nuances of workplace culture, and the importance of enthusiasm and open-mindedness in a professional setting.

Keeping a journal to track your personal growth and recognizing the pivotal role of effective communication have been vital takeaways. Additionally, you‡ve learned that embracing feedback, both positive and constructive, is crucial for personal and career development. These lessons have not only enriched my understanding of the professional world but have also equipped me with invaluable tools for future success in my chosen field.


Essay on My Internship Experience

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Internship Experience in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Internship Experience


My internship was a valuable experience that helped me grow professionally and personally. It was an opportunity to apply what I learned in school to real-world situations.

Learning Experience

Teamwork and collaboration.

I also learned the importance of teamwork. Working with diverse individuals helped me understand different perspectives and improved my problem-solving skills.

Overall, my internship was a rewarding experience. It gave me a glimpse of the professional world and helped me understand my career interests better.

250 Words Essay on My Internship Experience

Learning and growth.

The internship offered an excellent opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. I was exposed to various facets of the industry, which allowed me to understand the intricacies of my field. This hands-on experience was instrumental in strengthening my problem-solving abilities and enhancing my adaptability.

Challenges and Overcoming Them

Every internship comes with its share of challenges. I faced my share of hurdles, from understanding complex processes to meeting tight deadlines. However, these challenges were integral to my growth. They pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me the importance of resilience and perseverance.

Networking and Collaboration

One of the most valuable aspects of my internship was the opportunity to network. I interacted with professionals from diverse backgrounds, which enriched my understanding of the industry. Collaborating with them on various projects improved my teamwork skills and taught me the value of different perspectives.

In conclusion, my internship experience was a journey of learning, growth, and self-discovery. It was a stepping stone that equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge, preparing me for my future career. It was an invaluable experience that has left an indelible impact on my professional development.

500 Words Essay on My Internship Experience

Internships are instrumental in bridging the gap between academic knowledge and practical experience. They provide a unique opportunity to apply theoretical concepts in a professional setting, enhancing understanding and cultivating essential skills for future careers. My internship experience was a transformative journey that broadened my perspective, honed my skills, and affirmed my career choice.

Acquiring Practical Skills

Professional growth and networking.

The internship was a fertile ground for professional growth. I had the opportunity to work closely with industry veterans and learn from their wealth of experience. The interactions and discussions with these professionals enabled me to grasp the nuances of the industry, which textbooks cannot encapsulate. Moreover, I was able to build a robust professional network, which is crucial for career advancement.

Real-world Application of Academic Knowledge

One of the most rewarding aspects of the internship was the ability to apply the theoretical knowledge I had acquired over the years. I was involved in a project where I had to implement machine learning algorithms to optimize the performance of a system. The hands-on experience offered a deeper understanding of the subject and its practical implications.

Despite the numerous benefits, the internship was not devoid of challenges. The steep learning curve, coupled with the pressure to deliver results within tight deadlines, was daunting. However, I learned to view these challenges as opportunities for growth. I sought guidance from my mentors, took online courses to supplement my knowledge, and worked diligently to meet the expectations. These experiences taught me resilience and adaptability, qualities that are invaluable in any career.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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what i learned from my internship experience essay

Internship Essay: Example & Complete Writing Guide [2024]

Writing an internship essay is a challenging task that plenty of people have to endure. It is essential for gaining useful experience and learning the ins and outs of a given industry. You have probably heard about the “Why do you want this internship?” essay. However, it’s not the only question that you might have to answer.

There are two situations in which you might need internship paper examples and tips:

  • if you are applying for an internship program;
  • if you have already completed one.

In the first case, you will be asked what you expect from this internship. For this, you should write an application essay. In the second, an internship report or a reflection paper.

Our experts will present helpful tips for both cases. Find them and illustrative internship essay examples in the article.

✔️ If You Have Already Completed an Internship Program

Congratulations! This was an essential step towards your career. Now you have a chance to get the job of your dreams. However, right now, you have to write an essay on your internship and talk about yours.

Internship Report Points

Such an end-of-internship essay will include the following points:

  • Place of your internship.
  • Responsibilities you had.
  • Difficulties you faced during your internship.
  • An overall impression of this experience.
  • Self-evaluation of your performance.
  • Appendix with deliverables you created during your internship.

Internship Report Sample

Check out this short internship essay example:

  • As a business administration student at the University of Collegetown, I participated in a three-month summer internship at Internet & More, an IT company based in Collegetown.
  • I was interning at the company’s marketing department, and I primarily interacted with the Internet & More’s content creation and social media marketing specialists.
  • The main task of my internship was to create a LinkedIn marketing strategy for the company, basing my recommendations on extensive market research and using LinkedIn as a promotional tool for both customers and potential employees.

This brief introduction achieves three goals:

  • establishes that this report is an internship experience essay;
  • it introduces the company and department where the internship took place;
  • it describes the intern’s primary task.

Internship Report: Your Impression

The essay continues like this:

  • Overall, the experience proved to be both enjoyable and rewarding. I found the marketing concepts and frameworks that I learned in class to be relevant and useful when working on my practical, real-world assignments.
  • I did, however, encounter some difficulties working on the task. Namely, as an undergraduate student , I was used to receiving very detailed, step-by-step instructions, whereas I was given more flexibility and autonomy during my internship.
  • Secondly, I needed to take some time to familiarize myself with the world of LinkedIn marketing because we never dealt with it in my university classes.

Internship Report Conclusion

This is great:

This part of the internship essay example accomplishes two things. It gives the writer’s overall impression of the internship and discusses its advantages and challenges.

  • During my internship, I was able to generate a 5,000-follower base for the company’s LinkedIn page, which allowed the Internet & More to expand their list of prospects significantly.
  • Moreover, the company was able to fill two vacant positions within a matter of two days, having received over 400 resumes from highly qualified applicants.
  • Thus, I was able to successfully achieve the goals set for me at the beginning of my internship. Attached, you can find the strategy development and implementation report I have created for the Internet & More.

This is the perfect internship essay conclusion!

The student provides a self-evaluation most appropriately: not merely saying that he did a great job, but by demonstrating and even quantifying how he contributed to its goals and development.

Equally crucial, the student offers an opportunity for the reader to examine his work.

Not sure whether you can write such an impressive internship reflection essay? Our writers have mastered the art of internship report writing and will be happy to assist you.

🗺️ If You Are Trying to Get an Internship

If you are applying to an internship program, we also have to congratulate you!

You are on the right path to the career of your dreams. An internship will help you gain additional knowledge and skills , and you will also get to know a lot about your future job’s specifics.

But many students feel lost because they don’t know how to write an essay for an internship.

Internship Application: Main Purpose

Writing internship essays is very similar to writing any other application essay. Your primary purpose is to demonstrate your outstanding talents and prove that you deserve this opportunity. Besides, you should state, “Why do you want this internship”? in an essay.

Before you get down to work, find and look through some samples . You can also read our internship essay example below to learn some specific strategies.

Tips for a Succesful Internship Application

Here are more tips on how to write a successful internship essay:

  • You may start with a bit of information about yourself , but make sure it relates to the internship.
  • Talk about your previous education and experiences. What college did you attend? What was your major? What particular courses did you like the most?
  • Describe your future goals and explain how this internship will benefit you in your essay.
  • Finally, give reasons why you are the perfect candidate for this program. In this part of the internship essay, you can tell about your talents and positive characteristics.

Essentially, the two most critical questions you need to answer in your internship essay are “Why do you want this internship?” and “What do you hope to gain from this internship experience?”

Internship Application Sample

Let’s check out the internship essay example that helped our example student land his internship at Internet & More:

  • I am writing to you regarding the marketing internship opportunity at your company Internet & More. I learned of this opening from your company representatives who attended the job fair at the University of Collegetown.
  • I am a third-year student at the University of Collegetown, majoring in Business Administration with a specialization in Marketing and Digital Communications.
  • My professional interests include content creation and social media marketing and optimization, so this opportunity naturally attracted my attention. I believe that the knowledge I gained from my Marketing Strategy and Social Media Marketing classes will be particularly beneficial for this internship.

This is fantastic:

In a very concise and modest manner , this student explains his interest in the training. He confidently establishes why he makes a great candidate for this position.

What’s next?

Internship Application: Your Career Goals

  • My professional goal is to become a social media marketing specialist so I can help businesses grow their online presence. I believe that this internship is the perfect opportunity for me to apply my skills and knowledge to help a company achieve its strategic goals.
  • I am also particularly excited to immerse myself in the business world and work alongside leading industry experts.
  • My past qualifications and experiences make me a suitable candidate for this position, and I am looking forward to helping the Internet & More grow their LinkedIn presence and visibility.

Don’t you just want to hire this student right away?

He managed to combine professionalism and just the right amount of flattery in his internship application letter. He also did not forget to mention his career goals and objectives. You should say how this internship will benefit you in your essay.

Don’t you feel more confident about your application now that you know how to write an internship essay?

That’s it! Follow these tips, and who knows? Maybe your next internship will be with Google !

Good luck with your internship essay writing! Be sure to check out our blog for more writing wisdom and share the page with your peers.

Further reading:

  • How to Make a Resume: Secrets Your Employer Won’t Tell You
  • College Grad Job Market: 50+ Employment Statistics
  • Top Free Online Courses from the Best Universities
  • Tips for Public Speaking: Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety
  • The New York Times Guide to Article Writing and Useful Tips
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Thanks for the help, the tips are really helpful.

Thank you so much for the help and mostly samples… I just applied for my first Internship, and I’m having high hopes ,,, thank you once again.

These tips are helpful to make an essay. Thank you for helping to write an essay!

These tips are really good and educative. Thanks!

Thanks for the help. Really appreciate.

The tips are helpful… Bravo

It is a real talent to include some many helpful tips in such a short article! This is a real help with my essay on internship. Thanks!

I believe that your post on internship essay writing is invaluable to any student who is working on this academic assignment! Thanks a lot for such help!

Reflecting about your experience

what i learned from my internship experience essay

Reflections and learning from an internship experience

In experiential learning and internships, the real learning comes after the work term when you have an opportunity to think about what you saw and experienced.  Reflecting back about the experience is a key to learning and it is definitely not a new idea. In fact, a famous lesson from Confucius around 450 B.C. illuminates the importance of active engagement and real time experiences in learning:


It is through reflecting about the actions at work and the concrete experiences that will lead you to recognizing that the experience has forged a new way of thinking about the classroom theory. An abstract concept worked through in a real situation, as an immediate need, will change the participants.

Below is a diagram of how one contemporary experiential learning theorist, David Kolb, explains how interns learn from experience. Kolb's experiential learning style theory is typically represented by a four stage learning cycle in which the learner 'touches all the bases': [Source: Simply ]

what i learned from my internship experience essay

  • Concrete Experience   A new experience or situation, or a reinterpretation of existing experience, is encountered.
  • Reflective Observation  of the new experience. Of particular importance are any inconsistencies between experience and understanding.
  • Abstract Conceptualization   Reflection gives rise to a new idea, or to a modification of an existing abstract concept.
  • Active Experimentation   The learner applies new ideas to the world around them to see what results.

Importance of a mentor or faculty guide to the reflection

Your reflection process is best led by a workplace guide such as a supervisor, mentor, or a faculty member after the experience.  This post-experience reflection with a guide gives you another voice that can ask questions and draw comparisons to abstract ideas that are now more completely understood.  Lessons learned can become internalized and put to use in future work opportunities.

In addition, almost everyone has experienced a less than 100% positive work experience at one time or another in their work lives.  As an intern, at the beginning of your career experiences and career path, you will almost always learn something that will inform you at any future work setting.  A guide to your reflection activities will point out both the positives of what you learned as well as the learning that you can take from the absence of an obvious achievement.  Both sides can be extremely powerful and transformational as you approach next steps in career development.

Below are just a few reflection questions to stimulate your thinking and learning about the internship work experience.

  • What do you think was your most significant accomplishment while you were working?
  • Are there any new skills that you developed while you were at the worksite and what are they?
  • Describe what you believe the ideal supervisor will be like at work now that you have work experience in your field of study?

Be able to talk about your experience

Communication is one of the most important professional skills you can develop. The process of seeking an internship, the work experience itself, and reflecting afterward, will all contribute to the growth of your communication skills.  As you reflect on your internship, practice speakiing succinctly and precisely about your experience. Use key words. Most listeners will pay attention to shorter answers. You should be able to describe an internship experience in two minutes.  Use action-oriented and positive words. 

Guide to talking about your internship in two minutes: Use the following as a guide to practice describing your internship:

  • 30 Seconds – Tell your first and last name, year in school, institution, and major.  Give the name of the employer (organization) and site location.  Share one point of interest about the organization.  For example, XYZ is “a major producer of carpet and other types of flooring in the United States.”
  • 60 Seconds – Give your title and role at the organization; describe your main responsibilities. Talk about technical and professionalism skills you learned and/or developed.  Highlight one main accomplishment you had during the internship.
  • 30 Seconds – Focus on your main learning from the experience and how this might impact you professionally and as you make future career decisions.

Be able to write about your experience

Internships are first professional experiences in the field and each will become a stepping stone to the next work assignment. In order to leverage internship experience to move forward in your career, it is important to be able to write about your experience in a professional way.

You know the importance of the resume in the job search process. Resumes are also used in applying to graduate school, for scholarships, and in nominations to civic boards and other leadership opportunities. Your ability to write about your internship experience on your resume is incredibly important. Accuracy and representing yourself and your work in a positive manner are critical.

Practice, in writing, describing what you did during the internship, including skills and equipment used to manage your work tasks. Look back at your job offer and your job description to find keywords that describe your experience.  Learning objectives that you established for your internship might also highlight skills that you developed, and equipment and software that you used. Future prospective employers also read your resume to see what accomplishments you achieved during the internship, and if your work had an impact on your employer’s efficiency and/or bottom line. The following is one way to brainstorm about your internship experience to develop an accomplishment statement to use on your resume.

The PROBLEM, ACTION, RESULT formula to capture accomplishment statements

Problem:  What was a problem or task that you were assigned at work?

Action:  What action did you take to solve the problem and complete the task?

Result: After your action, what was the end result for your employer organization? Can you quantify this in some way by using a percentage, a number, or other measure? For example, did it increase efficiencies or production? And if so, by how much?

On the resume under your internship description, try to list at least one accomplishment statement for every professional experience.

Leave off the problem, and begin writing using a past tense action verb, followed by a quantified result.

Below are a few examples of accomplishment statements. They usually appear as bulleted items under the internship description.

  • Developed a software application that increased company production by 10% each month.
  • Managed a project team that completed five successful special events during spring 2016.
  • Researched and submitted a grant proposal that brought in 10K to the organization.

Internship central

> Internship basics

> Finding internships

> Applying

>  Maintaining student status

> Preparing

> Maximizing

> Reflecting

> Telling your story

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Essay Samples on Internship

An internship serves as a bridge between academic learning and real-world application. It allows you to put theory into practice, giving you a taste of what it’s like to work in a specific field or industry. Through internships, you can explore different career paths, discover your strengths and interests, and make informed decisions about your future.

How to Write an Internship Essay

When writing an internship essay sample, it’s crucial to showcase the skills and experiences you gained during your internship. Here are some useful tips you can consider to write a compelling internship essay example:

  • Start by describing the organization or company where you interned, emphasizing its reputation and influence within the industry.
  • Discuss the specific projects or tasks you were involved in, highlighting the value they brought to the organization and your personal growth.
  • Provide examples of challenges you encountered during your internship and how you overcame them.
  • Reflect on the skills you developed, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, and explain how these skills are transferable to future professional endeavors.
  • In addition to personal experiences, consider incorporating research and industry trends into your essay.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the field and discuss how your internship experience aligns with broader industry developments. This will showcase your ability to contextualize your internship within a larger professional framework.

For those seeking inspiration, we offer a range of internship essay examples to guide you in structuring your own essay effectively. These examples can provide insights into different writing styles, organization techniques, and the overall flow of an internship essay.

Internship Experience in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

I had the opportunity of interning with the central bank of our country – The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for my summers. Let me first take you through the selection process. So the whole process began in the first week of September 2018 wherein...

Internship Report: What I Learned From This Experience

Experience in my eyes is a very valuable things in life which give us value because it is not something that we can simply create, but needed us to be brave in taking risks and undergo through it to obtain. By doing my internship in...

  • Personal Experience

Accounting Education: Reflection on Personal Internship Experience

Nowadays Accounting has become a degree and diploma level education. There are various global institutions which gives a nutritional education on Accounting and offer students degrees and other types of qualifications. This has been commercialized in the modern world. As I have attended the course...

Importance Of Internship Practice In Students' Life

Gaining experience is crucial for students to explore their desired careers so they can gain valuable knowledge related to the job and industry as well as identify different career paths and opportunities suitable for their specific interests and skillset. An internship can provide that experience...

My Internship Experience In The National Security Agency

The internship that I will be applying for is hosted within the National Security Agency (NSA), the intelligence center for the United States Department of Defense. Responsible for the cybersecurity, data collection, monitoring, and protection of networks or information systems. The company has a wide...

  • National Security

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Contribution of Internship to Student Development

Dr. Michael Aamodt, an Industrial-Organizational psychologist, has defined internship as “a situation in which a student works for an organization, either for a pay or as a volunteer, to receive practical work experience.” An internship experience can help students make the connection between their academic...

Internship as a Way to Develop Your Career

Steve Jobs once said, “Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people”. I couldn't agree more, especially after observing the hard work I saw during my internship. During the writer’s research they have discovered that over...

  • Personal Development Planning

The Account of One's Internship Experience

In the field of engineering courses, it is very essential that students not only learn and hone their skills within the four pillars of their classrooms through the theory-based lectures of professors but also acquire experiential learning as well. Engineering requires or demands a lot...

  • Engineering

The Path of Internship: Exploring the Challenges and Outcomes

Students can put what they have learned in class into practice and see what it is like in the real world through the internship because it is one thing to sit in the classroom learning but it is another to be actually doing that. It...

Best topics on Internship

1. Internship Experience in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

2. Internship Report: What I Learned From This Experience

3. Accounting Education: Reflection on Personal Internship Experience

4. Importance Of Internship Practice In Students’ Life

5. My Internship Experience In The National Security Agency

6. Contribution of Internship to Student Development

7. Internship as a Way to Develop Your Career

8. The Account of One’s Internship Experience

9. The Path of Internship: Exploring the Challenges and Outcomes

  • Firefighter
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Police Officer

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7 things you'll learn from doing an internship

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At UOW, we focus on teaching not just specialist knowledge, but also the skills needed to embrace change and solve tomorrow's challenges. That's why practical experience, like an internship, is incorporated into every degree. UOW student Shahira Mohseni explains the top seven things you'll learn from doing an internship.

1. How to put my knowledge and skills into practice

From conducting comprehensive competitor analysis research, to designing a marketing and communication plan, my knowledge of business and marketing theories was transformed into a series of practical techniques and skills that I can now implement in real-life business scenarios, all thanks to my internship.

2. The benefits of networking

During my internship, I learned how to communicate and build relationships with the people I worked with. I learned how to introduce myself, talk about my interests, knowledge and skills with entrepreneurs and business owners, as well as how to ask questions and gain a better understanding of businesses not only in the co-working space, but also others in the market. This process overall helped me develop my professional network and emphasised the importance of creating these connections. I also connected with most of them via LinkedIn, which is obviously a great networking platform for professionals.

3. Understanding workplace culture

Culture influences communication, and as an international student, I learned that every company or organisation has its own culture. It’s essential to observe others and learn how they engage and interact with co-workers, or help them with projects and tasks. I quickly learned that whenever something is unclear for me, or I don’t understand, it’s fine to ask for clarification.

4. Enthusiasm is invaluable

As an intern, I discovered it’s essential to be enthusiastic and open to learning new skills, asking for more work and being curious to learn and ask questions. This attitude will show that you enjoy being part of the team and that you're keen to help. Having curiosity and enthusiasm also means that, as an intern, you get a lot out of what you’re doing, which opens lots of opportunities.

5. Keeping a journal is great for personal growth

During my internship, I had a journal and took notes every day about new things I learned, feedback I was given by my manager, strengths and weaknesses I noticed, and things I wanted to research and learn more about. This helped me understand myself more and identify the areas that I needed to improve in.

6. How important good communication is

Communication is the key to success in a professional environment. I learned that it’s important to communicate with my manager via phone, email or SMS if I have questions or if I don’t know how to work on a task. Asking for help and clarification is better than pretending you’ve understood what you need to do, no matter what. However, I also found that if you can Google something, then do. Avoiding asking questions if you can find answers elsewhere is part of being a good communicator – keep in mind that everyone’s time is valuable. As an intern, good communication will help with productivity, efficiency, engagement and growth.

7. The benefits of taking on feedback

Asking for and receiving professional feedback is very important. It is essential to take note of both the positive and negative points for the future, so you can grow and excel in your career. I learned that sometimes asking for feedback or receiving feedback is difficult to hear, but it will have a significant impact on your future career and success.

I am really grateful to have had the opportunity to do an internship and have received so much value from what I learned.

All story credit goes to Shahira Mohseni.

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Self Reflection / My Summer Internship: A Reflection Paper

My Summer Internship: A Reflection Paper

  • Category: Profession , Life
  • Topic: Internship , Self Reflection

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