101 Planners

Homework Planner

Our free homework planner printable will keep you organized and on top of your homework assignments. We also offer a digital version if you prefer. Both are free.

Homework planner

Homework Planner Template

Our free homework planner printable will keep you organized and on top of your homework assignments. If you prefer a digital version, you can open the PDF homework trackers on an iPad and write on them with a note-taking app and stylus (see digital planner ).

Select any homework planner template from the selection below. Select a format that you think will work best for you.

Homework Calendar

When I was a student, I personally loved using a homework calendar. It helped me see the bigger picture and take all of my obligations into account. You can use the homework calendar template as is or you can edit it to suit your needs. Add your list of assignments below. Add each assignment to the calendar on the due date. This is a blank calendar that you can use for any month.

Homework Calendar

Word | Editable PDF | Image

The following homework schedule is similar to the one above but it doesn’t have a list of assignments.

Homework Calendar Template

Add your list of assignments or homework on the due date. Mark each one once you have completed it.

Daily Homework Planner

This daily homework planner will help you keep track of assignments received and due.

Homework Planner

Word | Editable PDF | Image | Excel

Homeword Planner

Editable PDF | Image

Weekly Homework Planner

This weekly school planner will keep track of the assignments and homework you received all week and when each one is due. There is also a checkbox to mark it when it is complete.

Homeword tracker

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

Homework Tracker

Thursday and Friday

Homework Planner Template

Homework Checklist

Homework Checklist

If you select the Excel version, then there is a dropdown list to select the subject, priority, and status. You can edit the list of subjects under the “subjects” tab. Each subject is automatically assigned a color code . All assignments that are due the next day are colored red. Assignments due that week are orange and those that are due that month are yellow.

Word | Editable PDF | Excel | PNG

This homework tracker can track your homework assignments, the subjects, due dates, and the status of each assignment. There is a dropdown list to select the subject and each subject will be marked with a different color. To change the list of subjects, go to the subject tab and list each subject. The priority can be either urgent, high, normal, or low. The status is either “to do” or “done”. You can change the priority or the status in the tabs.

Assignment Tracker

This Excel spreadsheet keeps track of assignments, who is responsible for each, and when each assignment is due. The color of each assignment changes according to the due date. When the assignment is due it will turn yellow. You can also open this spreadsheet on Google Sheets.

Assignment tracker

What is a homework planner?

This is a planner to track your homework and assignments to ensure that you prepare and submit everything on time. An assignment planner can keep track of all your assignments and is a great tool for priority management. However, if you have other obligations such as tests, social and family gatherings, etc, it might be better to prepare a planner that takes all your obligations into account. If you have a family gathering the day before a test, then you will know you will need to start studying one day earlier than you would have. If you don’t keep track of deadlines and everything you need to do, you might find yourself stressed or too late to get everything done. Planning will take the stress out of school and help you be more productive and organized.

How to use an assignment tracker?

Learning how to manage your time is an essential skill that will be needed later on in life as well. Time management is something that sets efficient people apart from those who do not manage their time well and get little done or even fall apart when stressed. Our job as parents is to give our children the skills and tools to manage their time well and get things done, even when they have a lot on their plate.

Start helping your kids to get organized when they are young. Help them write their assignments in their planner. Help them organize their time and schedule. The younger they are, the less they have on their plate. This is the time to help them acquire the skills they will need when they are older and obligations start to become more overwhelming. Remind your kids to review their planner regularly until it becomes a habit. By the time they are older, in high school or college, they will be able to manage their time efficiently.

It isn’t enough to write assignments and homework in a planner when you receive them. In order for a planner to be efficient, you will need to review it regularly. Start a daily habit where you check your homework calendar daily to see what needs to be done. This should be part of your child’s daily routine. If it isn’t feasible to check daily, then it should happen at least once or twice a week. If that doesn’t work, then try setting reminders on your phone.

How to make a homework planner?

Choose whether you want a weekly assignment planner or a daily or monthly planner. Whatever works for you. Scan the templates on this page and see which one you think will be the most helpful. If you like it as-is then download the PDF version. If you prefer to edit it to meet your specific needs then select the Microsoft Word version and edit as you please. Make it work for you.

If you feel comfortable using a spreadsheet then try the assignment deadline spreadsheet template above.

If you are a college student, then you might want a comprehensive student planner that includes a homework tracker:

  • College Student Planner (our free student planner includes a class schedule and all other tools you will need during the school year)
  • Best Planners for College Students
  • School Calendar Template

Photo of Nicole

2 thoughts on “Homework Planner”

amazing resources for students- thank you.

Thank you for your wonderful collaboration with these material 🙂

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Homework To Do List Template

Homework To Do List Template

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Students often dislike thinking about homework assignments, especially, if the requirements are not clear due to poor record keeping. But homework doesn’t have to be frightening! A well organized list of what needs to get done after school makes a big difference. To help corral your scholastic activities, we offer a Homework To Do List template with priority settings, status tracking, and more.

Template Contents

Below are the worksheets included in this template.

(Homework) Start and Due Dates

A homework To Do list with columns for:

  • assignments,
  • priority setting,
  • start date,
  • status tracking,

A status summary is also available at the top right of the page.

(Homework) Completion Dates

This worksheet includes everything on the homework “Start and Due Dates” worksheet, plus an assignment “Completion” date column.

Using the Template

Personalize it.

Enter your student information (where applicable) - Term, Assigned to, and Period. You can also add a personal touch to the spreadsheet title, which comes with a standard title - “HOMEWORK TO DO LIST.” Type directly into the cell containing the standard title to overwrite it with your new title.

Homework To Do List title

If there is any other information you’d like to enter at the top of the To Do list, simply insert a new row to create a new category, as shown below.

Homework To Do List add row

Tip: For consistency, use the “Format Painter” tool to copy the format from the rows above.

To view a how-to example, please see this short video:


If you prefer to enter your homework To Do list by hand, delete any example assignments, and hit print - our worksheets are already formatted to print on one page.

Managing the List

Each worksheet has space for up to 50 assignments. For each assignment, you have the option to set a priority, start date, end date, completion date, and status, as well as make any notes.

Example. First 3 assignments entered.

Homework To Do List assignments entered

Priority settings range from high to low. Each cell in the priority column has a dropdown list where you can choose the priority setting.

Homework To Do List priority column

Note: If you type in an invalid entry, you will receive an error message.

Start Date and Due Date

Enter a start date and due date for each assignment. This feature of the homework To Do list will help make sure that you don’t miss any assignments, as you hold yourself accountable to complete them.

If you selected the worksheet with “Completion” date, enter the date you completed the assignment as a chronological reference.

Status tracking is another useful tool to keep focused and motivated to get assignments completed. Status options include Not Started, In Progress, Incomplete, and Complete. Make sure to use one of these 4 options from the dropdown list in each cell, in order for results to flow into the “Status Summary.”

Homework To Do List status

Status Summary

The “Status Summary” shows total progress to give you a rough idea of whether or not you are on track on all your assignments.

Homework To Do List Status Summary

Note: In order for an assignment to be accounted for in the status summary, it must have a status option listed in the “Status” column. We suggest pre-populating a “Not Started” status for any new assignments on the list.

Freeze Panes

By the time you scroll down to assignment #19, your column headings will disappear. To avoid this issue, use the Freeze Panes option to keep your column headings in place no matter how far down you scroll.

Homework To Do List Freeze Panes

To freeze your column headings, click into a cell under the row displaying column headings. Next, go to the “View” menu and select the first option under the “Freeze Panes” dropdown.

Note: You must be in either “Normal” or “Page Break Preview” view to freeze panes.

To view a how-to example, see this tutorial:


New Lists and Historical Records

You might want to have a separate homework To Do list for each subject, or you might want to save old To Do lists for reference. You can organize separate To Do lists on multiple worksheets in one file by duplicating worksheets. To duplicate a previous list, right-click on your preferred To Do list worksheet and select “Move or Copy” from the pop up menu. Next, select “Create a copy” and click “OK.”

Homework To Do List create copy

Finally, rename new worksheets and edit, as needed.

Expand the List

The overachiever may have more than 50 assignments to tackle. In that case, expand the To Do list! Copy (Ctrl + C) the last row and “Insert Copied Cells” to create more space for the extra assignments.

Note: The print area will surpass one page once new rows are inserted.

insert copied cells

To view a how-to example, check out this short video:


Change Color Scheme

You can modify the color schemes of your homework To Do List worksheets. To change the background color, highlight all relevant cells and use the “Fill Color” tool to select a color. To change text color, repeat these steps and use the “Font Color” tool.

Change Color Scheme

Example. Change the standard green and white color scheme to purple.

Homework To Do List purple color scheme

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Daily To Do List Planner With Holidays

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WTO / Education / Charts / 22 Free Printable Homework Planners (Templates)

22 Free Printable Homework Planners (Templates)

A homework planner serves as an essential tool, similar to a journal, that enables students to keep track of their assignments and deadlines.

Utilizing this planner ensures you remain up-to-date with all your homework and assignments, along with their respective due dates.

Employing this planner minimizes the chances of overlooking deadlines, helping you stay organized and focused throughout your academic journey.

As a student, possessing such a planner is crucial in managing your school work efficiently and avoiding last-minute scrambles. This tool allows you to stay informed about upcoming tasks and prioritize your homework based on deadlines and task complexity.

Regardless of whether you choose a physical notebook or a digital planner, having a planner simplifies school life management. By utilising a template to create your personalised planner for homework, you can effectively organise your tasks and time, allowing for a more relaxed mental state.

Editable Templates

Free Printable Homework Planner Template 01 for Word File

Why Keep a Homework Planner? 

You can get many benefits as a student if you choose to keep a planner for your homework and assignments. With it, you will be able to improve your productivity, especially if you have a part-time job . It would be best if you have this planner to ensure that you dedicate enough time to each task and complete them all successfully. This way, you will increase your productivity and, hence, achieve better and higher-quality output.

This planner will help you plan your time properly . With a planner, you can manage your time wisely, which will help you meet your deadlines and avoid any stress. In addition, a planner will help you improve your organisational skills. That means you will be a more organized student with fewer instances of forgetfulness and confusion. You will learn how to keep your commitments and meet your deadlines.

Another important aspect of the planner is that you will be able to track your achievements and goals. Making a list of your assignments, homework, and to-do lists in your planner will help you track what you have completed and what is still pending. This planner will also make you more responsible. This means, with a planner, you are more likely to develop a sense of responsibility that will ensure you remain focused on your school tasks and achieve all your goals as planned. 

How to Create a Homework Planner?

You need to know how to create this planner because having one is important and beneficial. You can use any of the ways mentioned below to create your own planner according to your requirements.

Explained below are the five ways you can create your planner:  

Method 1: Design your own homework planner

  • Choose all the planning sheets you will need in your planner. This may include a monthly calendar, a weekly planning sheet, and a daily to-do list . You can use sticky notes to add information to your calendar or choose to use sticky notes to add important details to specific dates.
  • The next step is to download free templates for different kinds of sheets that you have chosen for your homework planner and then print them. You can use notebook paper, blank printing paper, or other printed papers for printing, depending on your style and planning design.
  • You should then organize your papers in a way that you want them to appear in your planner. You can start with the monthly sheets, then the weekly ones, and finally the daily papers. Because school schedules are usually divided into weeks rather than months, having separate sheets for weeks and days ensures continuity in planning even if the month changes midweek. 
  • The next step is to create sections for your planner by using color-coded sheets, dividers, tape, or post-notes to mark the presence of two sections or mark important sections.
  • After that, you can creatively design your planner cover by drawing and painting it, decorating it with your favorite stickers, or designing and printing out a cover on the computer.
  • Since you already have the sections divided, you need to decide what each section will include. You can categorize your planner sections according to subjects. Monthly, weekly, and daily categories can be created within the sections.
  • The final step in designing your own planner is to bind the papers together and put a cover. You can choose to either glue or staple the papers together. Your planner is now ready for you to add information about your assignments and homework. You can use your planner for assignments from one class or different classes. Make sure to highlight each task using a different color of ink.

Method 2: Use a standard notebook

  • The first step is to choose a planner notebook based on what you need and the number of assignments and homework you might receive for each class, from the various homework planners available. 
  • The next step is to decorate your notebook, a journal, or a composition book. Be creative and either draw or glue decorations on your notebook. Decorating your planner will help you stay motivated when using a planner.
  • Then, you should divide your notebook into sections like the ones mentioned earlier: the monthly sections, weekly sections, and daily to-do list. You can count the number of sheets you need for each section and divide them using dividers, folding corners of the papers, and using tape or coloured sheets.
  • Ensure that you label all the sections that you have created in your planner to make it easier to indicate the right information in the right place. You can create the label by writing, drawing, or using stickers.
  • The next step is to draw your calendars so that you can plan your month based on the information in your planner. You should make a calendar by drawing a large box, dividing it into four columns and seven rows, naming the days of the week on top of each column, naming the months, and including the correct dates.
  • Ensure that you create your weekly planning sheets since these are the ones you will use the most. Most of your homework and your assignment will be included in the weekly sections. You will need to divide it into eight columns, seven for the days of the week and one extra column for notes.
  • The final step of using a standard notebook to create your planner includes the required assignments and homework. Ensure you organize your tasks based on deadlines to ensure you meet all your deadlines.

Method 3: Use a binder

  • Choose a binder that will fit all the necessary papers that you need to include in your planner. This includes the assignments sections, the calendars, and the weekly planners. Try to minimize the number of papers in the binder so that you can easily access information about your assignments.
  • The next step is to decide how you want to organize your planner for your homework. You should include the monthly calendar, weekly sections, and daily to-do lists. Using a binder will make it easier to add more sections and papers in the future when needed. That means you do not have to focus much on the number of papers for each section.
  • The next step is to print out your planning sheets, including blank calendars and blank weekly planning sheets. You can edit and download customized homework planning sheet templates and then print them for use. After printing, insert these planning sheets into your binder.
  • The fourth step will be to divide your planning sheets using dividers so that you can separate and access each section easily. You should also label these sections appropriately. Finally, you should open your binder rings and insert the to-do list, the weekly sections, the calendar, and a special index page to help you with arranging the pages.
  • The final step is to include your homework and assignments sections. At this point, the binder is ready to be used as a homework planner, and you can start planning and organizing your schoolwork.

Method 4: Use a digital planner

  • Select a digital planner that can be used on your laptop, iPad, or smartphone. For example, you can use note-taking or other calendar apps as your digital planner for your homework.
  • The next step is to either take notes or design a custom planner meant to organize your school homework and assignments directly into the apps.
  • Finally when including details about your assignment, ensure you focus on these three important times; new semester, new year or new season, Sundays, and classes.
  • For the upcoming semester (year or season), you can include all the set dates for important activities like tests and deadlines. The apps help you update your weekly sections on Sundays, as they mark the start of the new week. Finally, in class, you can use the app to update information in your planner for to-do lists, key dates, lengthy assignments, projects, tests, and final exams.

Method 5: Use a template

You can also choose to use a template to prepare your planner for homework. A template is the easiest method to use since you will be required to download a premade planner and customize it to suit your homework needs.

You can easily edit a template and fill in the required information. Also, you can choose to download and print it, then paste it in your notebook to use as your daily planner. Whatever method you choose, the template for homework planner is not time-consuming and guarantees you less stress during the preparation process.

Free Customizable Homework Calendar Template as Word File

In the case of a to-do list, you do not have to mention every single thing you intend or plan to do during the day. This will be difficult if something unexpected occurs or you decide to do something other than what you planned. As a student, the best way is to organize the tasks you need to complete immediately, the tasks you will complete in a couple of hours, and the tasks you will do on another day. It is about which assignment or homework is the most important.

What to Include in a Homework Planner

The information in this section will help you create a comprehensive planner that will assist you in organizing your homework and assignments.

Here is what you need to include in your planner once you have created it using any of the methods mentioned above:

Regular times for homework

You need to include a regular block of homework time. This is the time that you have dedicated to doing your homework. Setting regular times for homework is important, as it will help you plan for extra study and other school work you may have.

Due dates of homework assignments

The deadlines and due dates for your homework and assignments should also be included in the planner. This will help you remember what you need to do and when to ensure you submit your work on time.

Dates of tests

Your planner should include information about your homework and the test dates. You need to plan and organize your time to study and prepare for your tests. Including this information will help you stay informed about the upcoming tests.

Any special events to attend

In case you need to attend a dance, party, celebration, or any other special event, you should include it in your planner. This is important, as you will not have time for your homework if you have not planned it properly in your schedule.  

Deadlines for signing up for standardized tests

Standardized tests like the SATs are important tests for you as a student. If you are interested in taking such exams, you need to note the deadlines for registering for these standardised tests in your homework planner. That way, you can prepare for the tests and stay alert about applying.

Your planner should also have information about your school fee due date. You have to remind your parents or guardians about paying your school fees, and that is why it is important to include this information in your planner.

Dates of school holidays

Since you will be checking your planner for information about your homework, assignments, and tests, the planner is a good place to indicate the dates of any upcoming school holidays. This will help you remember to do all that is required before the school holiday.

Best Practices to Follow

When creating and filling your  planner, there are tips that you should remember. These tips are some of the best practices you need to adapt and follow for effective homework planning.

Some of these best practices include the following:  

1. Choose the right planner for you

It is important to choose the right planner for your homework and assignment needs. Your planner is meant to help with your school life by organizing your schoolwork. That means choosing your planner is the first and most important thing you should do. Choose what is most suitable for you, whether it is a notebook or a digital planner.

2. Set weekly goals

You need to include your weekly goals in your planner. Apart from your homework and assignments, you can also include your weekly goals in the planner. An example of a weekly goal can be studying for about 45 minutes to improve your grades.

3. Keep track of upcoming assignments

For the planner to be beneficial, remember that it is not enough to note your homework and assignment details. As a student, you must track those assignments that are due soon. It will not be beneficial to have a homework planner and still forget to complete assignments on time.

4. Practice time management

When creating and filling in your planner, you need to practice time management. As a student, managing school and your personal life requires you to learn how to manage your time. Ensure you allocate appropriate time for each school task, homework, and assignment. That way, you can have more time to indulge in other activities.

5. Keep it positive 

Ensure to include positive information in your planner. You can congratulate yourself by adding positive notes in the planner every time you complete your work and school assignments. This will encourage you to stay focused on adhering to the planner.  

Final Thoughts

As a student, you need to have a method to organise your school work and your personal time. You might feel overburdened or even forget to complete some of these tasks as you balance your homework, assignments, and other schoolwork. That is why you need a homework planner. You can easily make a planner to ensure you stay organized and responsible, and always remember to complete your homework. Use our customized templates to create your planner today.

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Madison Edgar

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  • Student Planner Templates

Homework Tracker With Checklist Template

homework to do template


To do well with homework, you need to be well organized and be good at managing your time. With Homework Checklists, you can check all available assignments and follow the progress of their implementation.

Sections available in this template:

  • Task Title;

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Lots of templates available with some specialized styles. I've been hooked for a while now!

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homework to do template

I love it. It’s so organized and helpful.

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Make sure you log into Etsy to download load. However the planner is very customisable and easy to use once on the Kindle. Transferring to the kindle from your device is simple via the kindle app.

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Very useful. A little difficult to navigate, but once you figure it out there is so much to choose from.

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  • TOP Priorities
  • Start Time / End Time / Task
  • Breaks / Details

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  • Semester Goal №1
  • Semester Goal №2
  • Semester Goal №3
  • Other Semester Priorities
  • All-in-One Access
  • 2024 Calendars
  • Kindle Scribe
  • Christmas Planning
  • For Teachers
  • For Students
  • Digital Planners
  • Happy Planner
  • Traveler's Notebook
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  • Lined Paper
  • Graph Paper
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  • Cornell Notes
  • Daily Calendars
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  • Photo Calendars
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  • Daily Task List Templates
  • Daily Timetable Templates
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  • Week at a Glance
  • Weekly Hourly Planners
  • Weekly with To Do List
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  • Weekly Goals Templates
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  • Weekly Undated
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  • Monthly Budget
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Free Printable Homework Planner Templates [Excel, PDF, Word] Cute

Almost everyone has felt the pressure at one point of feeling like they don’t have enough time. So much so, in fact, that it has a pervasively negative impact on your life. Your social life suffers, your hobbies get neglected, and you can’t even find the energy to do work for your classes. It’s not a fun place to be in.

But it doesn’t have to stay that way! By keeping track of your homework schedule and to-do lists in an organized fashion, you can make sure all of your responsibilities are accounted for and stay on top of things.

Table of Contents

Homework Planner Templates

Best Daily Homework Planner

Homework Planner Templates are practical tools designed to help students organize and manage their academic assignments effectively. These templates provide a structured format for planning and tracking homework tasks, ensuring that students stay on top of their assignments, meet deadlines, and maintain a balanced approach to their studies. Homework Planner Templates help students develop good time management skills, prioritize tasks, and enhance productivity.

Homework Planner Templates provide students with a structured and organized approach to managing their academic workload. By utilizing these templates, students can plan their homework assignments, allocate time effectively, and stay on track with their studies. This promotes better time management, reduces stress, and enhances overall academic performance . Whether used by individual students or in educational settings, Homework Planner Templates support students in developing important organizational skills and fostering a proactive approach to their learning journey.

What Is a Homework Planner?

Homework Planner

A homework planner is a notebook where you keep track of all your assignments, due dates, and other information related to your studies. This includes things like:

  • Lists of material you need to read or study for each class
  • When assignments are due (including which classes)
  • How long it takes to complete each assignment
  • How much time each class requires for preparation or review

What should be included in a homework planner?

The planner should include the following information:

Dates of assignments, tests, and quizzes

You should write down the date that each assignment is due as soon as possible after receiving it from your teacher(s). If you need to make up an assignment later in the semester, then put a star next to it so that you remember not to forget about it!

Homework schedule for every week

Your homework schedule should include the days you have homework or tests during that week. Include all subjects in this schedule (except maybe art or music). This way, if there are any conflicts between subjects, they can be taken care of before they happen!

Schedule time for studying, reading, and reviewing material for classes. Your study time should be scheduled at the same time each day so that it becomes a habit, like brushing your teeth or taking a shower.

Meeting notes

If you have weekly meetings with your teacher or team members, make sure to write them down on your planner so that you remember them.

Social events

If any social events are coming up at school or after-school activities, make sure to add them to your planner so that you remember them!

Tips for creating your own homework planner

The following tips can help you create your own homework planner that works for you:

  • Make it personal. Homework planners don’t have to be bland. Get creative and decorate it with stickers, drawings, or photos.
  • Use different colors to represent different subjects. For example, if you are taking three classes, use different colors for each subject; this will make it easier for you to find the subject that needs attention when checking off completed assignments.
  • Use a calendar format with blocks of time dedicated to each subject. You should also include blocks of time dedicated specifically for studying so that you can get ahead on your work instead of having an overwhelming amount all at once at the end of the semester or school year.You could also include blocks of time when it’s okay to take breaks (like during lunch) and blocks of time dedicated specifically for breaks as well (like after supper).
  • Make sure you include all of your assignments, even if they still need to be timed or have due dates. This way, you can plan ahead and make sure there is time available when they do come up.
  • Break up assignments into smaller chunks. For example, if you have an essay due on Monday night at midnight, break it up into smaller steps so that it doesn’t feel so overwhelming. Start writing on Sunday nights at 9 p.m., proofread it every morning from 7-8 a.m., revise it during lunch from 12-1 p.m., etc. Breaking up your work into small chunks like this will help you stay organized and keep track of everything that needs to be done!
  • Make note of holidays, breaks, and summer vacations so they stay on your fingers! You want to know what’s due when school starts again before coming home from spring break.

Using a notebook or binder for your homework planner

If you’re a student, chances are you have to do lots of writing. Writing is one of the most time-consuming and challenging parts of any subject, whether it’s a book report or an essay.

But if you use a planner as your homework planner, you can save yourself hours of work by planning out your assignments ahead of time.

Planning saves time because it allows you to tackle one assignment at a time in the best way possible.

You don’t have to worry about forgetting an assignment or losing it because if it’s written down in your planner, you won’t forget it.

You also don’t have to worry about running out of time for your assignments because if they’re written down in your planner, then you’ll know precisely when each assignment is due and how much time you have left to complete it!

Using a notebook or binder as your homework planner is a simple solution that will save you time and stress while ensuring that every assignment is completed on time!

How to Use Your Homework Planner

You can use your Homework Planner in many ways.

Here are some ideas:

Select the right type of planner

The first thing to do is decide what kind of planner best suits your needs. Many different options are available on the market today, including digital versions and paper planners. For example, if you need something that’s portable and easy to carry around with you throughout the day, then a digital version would work best. However, if you prefer getting lost in your thoughts while writing by hand, then a traditional paper planner might be more suitable for you.

Name your planner

Naming your planner helps keep your thoughts organized and makes it easier to find things when you need them most. If you’re going to use multiple planners throughout the year, make sure each one has a unique name, so you don’t confuse them!

Incorporate the planner into your daily routine.

The best way to use your planner is to incorporate it into your daily routine. This means that you should write down assignments as soon as they are assigned (or, even better, before!) so that you remember them. It also means that you should use the planner daily, even if there is little to write down. If there’s no homework on a given day, then write in “Homework” or something similar and leave it at that.

Jot down the information ASAP.

As soon as you’re assigned a new assignment, make sure that you write it down immediately in your planner so that you don’t forget about it! It’s also important to keep track of everything else going on in your life — from parties to meetings — so that your schedule stays organized and balanced. Don’t forget about those extracurricular activities either; after all, they can often lead to fantastic opportunities for college admissions!

Learn how to use backward planning

This is an essential part of any homework planner and should be used daily. Backward planning helps you anticipate what’s coming up in the future so that you can prepare accordingly. Let’s say you have an essay due next week. You should start thinking about this essay at least two weeks in advance so that when it gets closer to its due date, you won’t find yourself scrambling for ideas and having to work on it at the last minute.

Color-coding systems work wonders

If you want to keep track of what assignments need attention each day, color code them to stand out from other tasks on your schedule . This way, if any tasks require immediate attention (or need to be completed by a specific time), they will stand out from everything else on your calendar.

Include everything in your homework planner.

Make sure that your homework planner has all of the information you need. Include every subject with homework, and make sure that any assignments are listed by date. You don’t want to forget an assignment because it’s not in your planner. Also, ensure that your planner includes any upcoming tests or quizzes so you can prepare for them accordingly.

Use tabs and flags

If you have multiple classes with different subjects, use tabs in your planner to separate each class from one another. Similarly, if certain types of assignments require special attention (such as long-term projects), use flags so you can spot them quickly and ensure they’re completed on time without fail!

Keep the old pages and sheets in a separate file.

If you have been using your planner for several years , keep all of them together in one file so you can refer back to them later on. This is especially useful if you want to see how much workload has increased over time or if you want to compare different subjects against each other.

Congratulate yourself on creating an organizational system!

It’s easy to get behind on homework due to other commitments like after-school sports or part-time jobs — but with your homework planner, it will be easier!

Whether you’re a high school student or a college student, there will come a point where you’ll have tons of homework and projects piled up that you’ll need to start working on. Printable Homework Planners are the answer to this problem. They give students an overview of their homework and when they’ll have to work on it.

These planners also help students break down their significant assignments into smaller tasks so that they can complete them in short periods and ensure that they get their whole night’s rest and have time for fun activities.

How do you make a homework planner?

Use a calendar, spreadsheet, or written template to track assignments. Record the class, project name, due date, and estimated time to complete each task. Review and update it every day. Planners can be made as simple tables or binders with detailed project breakdowns – customize it to fit your needs. Prioritize bigger items and block off time.

How do you make a homework diary?

Use a notebook or digital doc to create dated journal-style entries for each homework session. Log the date, assignments worked on, time spent, tasks completed, and any issues. Keep all homework documentation in this singular place for easy reference. Hours can be tallied to review effort.

How do you organize an academic planner?

Use monthly and weekly calendar views to plot tests, project due dates, and daily homework. Include a subject index with color coding. Schedule review and study blocks first, then add other activities around them. Mark priority tasks for each day. Create sections for class notes, resource materials, and progress trackers. Review your plan each morning.

What do you write in a homework planner?

A homework planner should include:

  • Class subject, unit or project name
  • Detailed assignment description
  • Estimated time to complete
  • Checkboxes to mark progress
  • Space for notes like resources needed
  • Schedule time blocks for study/prep

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Betina Jessen

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homework to do template

  • Free Templates
  • Google Sheets

Homework To-Do List Spreadsheet Template

Free Homework To Do List Template Homework To-Do List Spreadsheet Template

August 11, 2023 in 

Introducing our Homework To-Do List Spreadsheet Template – your ultimate companion for academic success. Streamline your tasks and boost productivity with this user-friendly Excel template. Effortlessly organize assignments, deadlines, and priorities, ensuring you never miss a beat. With intuitive features and customizable sections, managing your homework has never been easier. Say goodbye to last-minute stress and hello to a well-structured study routine. 

Elevate your productivity, meet deadlines, and achieve your best with the Homework To-Do List Spreadsheet Template . Experience the difference first hand. Your academic journey just got a whole lot smoother.  Download below

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homework to do template

Free To-Do List Templates

22 free to-do list templates for all types of tasks. Download, customize, and print them out in a couple of clicks.

Word • PDF • Excel • Google Docs

Timesheet templates (daily, weekly, monthly)

To-Do List Templates

To-Do List Templates are designed to help you keep track of all your tasks: work projects, school assignments, but also grocery lists and daily chores around the house.

The To-Do List Templates in Excel are perfect if you want to customize the templates further. With them, you can also easily carry out various formulas meant to help you track the priority level and progress status of your tasks, as well as the number of tasks you've managed to complete thus far.

  • If you're looking for free printable To-Do List Templates, download these templates in PDF format, and then print them out.
  • If you're working together with a partner or a team at work, make a copy of the Google Docs files - they're perfect for real-time collaboration and automatic syncing.
  • If you wish to tackle your to-dos offline, download the Word files.

Simple To‑Do List Templates Periodical To‑Do List Templates Advanced To‑Do List Templates Business To‑Do List Templates To‑Do List Templates for Students Project and Team To‑Do List Templates Prioritized To‑Do List Templates Personal To‑Do List Templates

Free Simple To-Do List Templates

01 • Free Simple To-Do List Templates

Pocket To-Do List

What's it about?

This is the simplest type of Task List Templates out there. You can easily print it out and put it in your pocket. As you finish each item in your list, you can put a checkmark next to it, or cross it out with a pen.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for grocery shopping, or running other errands. Also, great when you have several priority tasks at work you really want to focus on.

Download: Word • PDF • Google Docs

preview of Pocket To-Do List

02 • Free Simple To-Do List Templates

To-Do List with Deadlines

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Add your tasks
  • Add a deadline for each task
  • Mark the progress status of the task you're currently working on ("In Progress", "Done", or "Discarded")
  • Indicate whether the task was finished before the deadline (YES/NO)

The Excel and Google Sheets Templates allow you to track how many "In Progress", "Done", and "Discarded" tasks you currently have. In addition, you can also track how many tasks you managed to finish before the deadline.

Great for working people who have a lot of tasks to tackle - and who have a strict deadline for each task. The progress status option is perfect for people who like to know how well they are progressing with their tasks at any moment.

Download: Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

preview of To-Do List with Deadlines

03 • Free Simple To-Do List Templates

"To"... List

  • Add people you need to email or call
  • Add projects you need to finish and emails or documents you need to send
  • Add other specific tasks you need to do (such as proofread various documents)

This template encourages you to add these tasks in separate columns, to better keep track of them.

Great for people who want to separate, group, and organize different types of tasks they have to perform.

preview of to do list

04 • Free Simple To-Do List Templates

To-Do List with Progress Status

  • Track the progress status of each task

The Excel and Google Sheets Templates allow you to track how many "In Progress", "Done", and "Discarded" tasks you currently have.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can mark the status of a project if you double click on the bullet point next to "In Progress", "Done", or "Discarded".

Then, right-click on it, and mark it as current.

The progress status option is perfect for people who like to focus on how well they are progressing with their tasks at any moment - and how much they still have left to do on each task.

preview of To-Do List with Progress Status

05 • Free Simple To-Do List Templates

To-Do List with a Checklist

  • Checkmark each task when you're done with it

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many tasks you've check-marked thus far.

Great for people who want to keep track of how many tasks they've managed to finish thus far - and how many they have yet to tackle.

preview of To-Do List with a Checklist

Free Periodical To-Do List Templates

06 • Free Periodical To-Do List Templates

Daily and Weekly To-Do List Template

  • Add your priority tasks for each day of the week

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many tasks you've checkmarked for each day, but also, in total for the whole week.

Great for people who need to plan and organize different, possibly related, tasks across the entire week. Alternatively, you can print out the template and cut out the to-do list for each day as you need it.

preview of Daily and Weekly To-Do List Template

Free Advanced To-Do List Templates

07 • Free Advanced To-Do List Templates

Multi-Step Task List Template

  • Add your priority tasks
  • Add up to 5 steps for each task
  • Mark each task and its steps (sub-tasks) as complete when done

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many steps you've completed for each task - you can also track whether you've fully completed a task or not.

Great for people who want to parse their tasks into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks.

preview of Multi-Step Task List Template

08 • Free Advanced To-Do List Templates

Master To-Do List

  • Add up to 100 tasks
  • Mark each task as complete when done

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many tasks you've completed in total.

Great for people who like to keep all of their to-do tasks in one giant list. You can use this template as your sole To-Do List, or use it to simply brainstorm your tasks before you schedule them in more specific To-Do List Templates.

preview of Master To-Do List

09 • Free Advanced To-Do List Templates

Get Things Done To-Do List

  • Write and organize your daily schedule in 1-hour time blocks
  • Add and keep track of your top 5 priority tasks
  • Add and keep track of your daily exercise routine
  • Plan your daily menu (breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner)

Great for people who like to use the Get Things Done time management technique - you can plan, schedule, and keep track of the progress you're making with your entire day, not just your work tasks.

preview of Get Things Done To-Do List

Free Business To-Do List Templates

10 • Free Business To-Do List Templates

Business Trip To-Do Checklist

  • Go through a pre-made list of business trip essentials to help you better plan your business travels
  • Mark each item as complete when done

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many business trip tasks you've completed in total.

Great for people who often travel for business, but have a tendency to forget their passport at home.

preview of Business Trip To-Do Checklist

Free To-Do List Templates for Students

11 • Free To-Do List Templates for Students

Homework To-Do List

  • Add your school assignments (grouped by subject)
  • Mark the status of your assignments ("Incomplete", "In Progress", "Complete")
  • Mark the level of priority of your assignments ("Low", "Medium", "High")
  • Add due dates for assignments

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many homework assignments are "Incomplete", "In Progress", and "Complete".

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete. You can also indicate the progress status and priority level of an assignment in the same way.

Great to help students organize and track their homework assignments.

preview of Homework To-Do List

12 • Free To-Do List Templates for Students

Free Advanced Student Planner Template

  • Add weekly tasks for each subject
  • Mark them as complete when done

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many assignments you've completed thus far.

Great for planning a whole week's worth of homework assignments and study time.

preview of Free Advanced Student Planner Template

Free Project and Team To-Do List Templates

13 • Free Project and Team To-Do List Templates

Action Time To-Do List

  • Mark the priority levels for each task
  • Add assignee for each task
  • Add the date when the task was assigned
  • Add the due date for task completion
  • Mark the progress status of each task

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many assignments you've completed thus far. You can also track how many of your tasks are "Low", "Medium", or "High" in priority level.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete. You can also use this technique to indicate the progress status and priority level of each task.

Great for teams who want to handle all of their tasks in one to-do list - all while keeping an eye on task priority, deadlines, and progress status.

preview of Action Time To-Do List

14 • Free Project and Team To-Do List Templates

Project Task To-Do List

  • Define projects and tasks you're working on
  • Assign people to tasks
  • Define the priority levels of your tasks
  • Keep track of the progress status of your tasks
  • Mark tasks as done when completed

In addition, you can also define the budget for your tasks, as well as the estimated time you think you'll spend on tasks and the actual hours you tracked on the said tasks in reality.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete or currently valid.

Great for teams who have multiple projects and tasks of various priority levels they have to work on - and who wish to track their start dates, deadlines, progress status, task budget, as well as the estimated and the actual hours spent on tasks. And all that in one sheet.

preview of Project Task To-Do List

Free Prioritized To-Do List Templates

15 • Free Prioritized To-Do List Templates

Top 5 Tasks List

  • Add and focus only on 5 top priority tasks per day
  • Mark each as done when complete

Great for people who want to focus only on a couple of priority tasks per day.

preview of Top 5 Tasks List

16 • Free Prioritized To-Do List Printable Templates

Priority To-Do List (with goal dates)

  • Define your top 3 priority tasks you want to focus on
  • Add up to 10 secondary tasks you wish to work on when you're done deadline with priority tasks
  • Order tasks based on their goal dates - closest goal dates goes on top
  • Mark all done when complete

Great for people who want to focus on their priority tasks, without losing sight of their less important, but likely still vital secondary tasks.

preview of Priority To-Do List (with goal dates)

17• Free Prioritized To-Do List Printable Templates

Priority 2-Day To-Do List (with goal dates)

This is a To-Do List Template you can fill out in a similar fashion to the "Priority To-Do List Template (with goal dates)" - So, you can add your top 3 priority tasks, up to 10 secondary tasks, order them by goal dates, and mark all as complete when done.

The difference is that you can track your tasks and their goal dates for today, and then plan and organize them in advance for tomorrow.

Great for people who want to keep track of their priority and secondary tasks and then schedule other related tasks for tomorrow.

preview of Priority 2-Day To-Do List (with goal dates)

18 • Free Prioritized To-Do List Printable Templates

Priority 3-Day To-Do List (with goal dates)

This is a To-Do List Template you can fill out in a similar fashion to the "Priority To-Do List Template (with goal dates)" and "Priority 2-Day To-Do List Template (with goal dates)" - So, you can add your top 3 priority tasks, up to 10 secondary tasks, order them by goal dates, and mark all as complete when done.

The difference is that you can track your tasks and their goal dates for today, and then plan and organize them two days in advance.

Great for people who want to keep track of their priority and secondary tasks and then schedule related tasks two days in advance.

preview of Priority 3-Day To-Do List (with goal dates)

Free Personal To-Do List Templates

19 • Free Personal To-Do List Templates

Family To-Do List Template

  • Define tasks each family member has to complete
  • Define tasks anyone or everyone from the family can complete
  • Mark all as done when complete

Family members can also indicate whether they have finished all of their tasks, in one click.

If you're using the template in Excel or Google Sheets, each family member can indicate whether they have finished their assigned tasks.

Great for families who are planning a family event or aiming to divide and conquer house chores, all while tracking everyone's progress in one To-Do template.

preview of Family To-Do List Template

20 • Free Personal To-Do List Templates

Decluttering To-Do Checklist

This is a To-Do List Template you can:

  • Go through a pre-made list of house tasks meant to help you declutter your home (throw away old magazines and newspapers, put dirty laundry in the hamper, etc.)
  • Pick areas you want to declutter (your Bedroom, Living Room, Bathroom, etc.)

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many decluttering tasks you've completed per area, and in total.

Great for people who want to declutter their homes from time to time.

preview of Decluttering To-Do Checklist

21 • Free Personal To-Do List Templates

Daily Chores To-Do Checklist

  • Checkmark a pre-made list of items representing daily house chores

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many daily chores you've completed that day.

Great for people who have trouble building up the patience to perform the same set of daily chores, day, after day, after day.

preview of Daily Chores To-Do Checklist

22 • Free Personal To-Do List Templates

Weekly Cleaning To-Do Checklist

This is a To-Do List template where you can:

  • Checkmark a pre-made list of items representing your weekly cleaning chores, grouped by house room

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many weekly cleaning chores you've completed that week.

Great for people worried they'll fall behind with their weekly cleaning around the house.

preview of Weekly Cleaning To-Do Checklist

Track time spent on tasks with Clockify

Writing down your tasks in a To-Do List is only as efficient as the time you actually spend on the said tasks.

Do you think you spend too much time on your daily house chores? Or that you tend to spend too much time tweaking work tasks to perfection - an action that results in many missed project deadlines?

Then try Clockify , free time tracking software that lets you track time on all the types of tasks you need, down to a second.

Each time you start working on a task from any of your To-Do List Templates, simply start the timer in the app. Later on, when you checkmark your task as completed in a To-Do List Templates, stop the timer.

You can create a separate project for each type of task, and then store your time tracking results for each type of task separately.

You can track the time you spend on tasks wherever you go - Clockify is available for all popular devices. And, no matter how many devices you use, all the time you track on tasks automatically syncs in your Clockify Web Account.

Apps available for: Mac | Windows | Linux | iOS | Android | Chrome | Firefox

Your Clockify Web Account even offers a visual breakdown of the time you spend on tasks - in the form of several types of visual Reports you can export and then use to analyze how and where you can improve your task time.

Start tracking time with Clockify

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Printable To Do Lists

To Do Lists

455 printable To Do List templates that you can print for free .

There's no need to make To Do lists from scratch — we've done it for you. Choose from Basic To Do Lists or Complex To Do Lists, Numbered To Do Lists or Checklist To Do Lists. There are even Pocket-Sized To Do Lists you can take with you. Every form on this site was created by me and my little team exclusively for this site — you won't find them anywhere else on the web.

Here are the 15 most popular To Do Lists:

Checklist To Do List

Checklist To Do List

Blank Checklist

Blank Checklist

My To Do List

My To Do List

Numbered Checklist 100

Numbered Checklist 100

Weekly Everything To Do List

Weekly Everything To Do List

Things To Do Today

Things To Do Today

6 Blank Checklists

6 Blank Checklists

Decluttering Checklist

Decluttering Checklist

Priority Matrix

Priority Matrix

Day Planner

Day Planner

Weekly Cleaning Checklist

Weekly Cleaning Checklist

15 Minute Time Tracker

15 Minute Time Tracker

To Do List Weekly Color

To Do List Weekly Color

Pocket To Do List

Pocket To Do List

Tasks To Do List

Tasks To Do List

Copyright © 2009-2024.

Simple To Do Lists

Complex To Do Lists

Multiple To Do Lists

Informal To Do Lists

Event and Holiday To Do Lists

Newest Additions

Homework List Templates

Find and start using the best homework list templates in google docs and word or google sheets and excel formats all examples on this page are editable and printable. download, customize, and fill out a free blank with a suitable bright, cute, aesthetic, or another design..

Light Homework List Template

Light Homework List

Green Cool Homework List Template

Green Cool Homework List

Bright Homework List

Green Homework List

Weekly Homework List

Colorful Homework List

Cute Homework List

Blue Homework List

Fabulous Green Homework Lists

Discover our collection of homework list templates - simple yet effective planners that help students stay organized and manage their assignments. Utilize our editable blanks to outline all the tasks that you need to complete for homework. Ensure that you keep track of all school assignments and complete them on time.

Free Homework To-Do List Template

Free Homework To-Do List Template in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages

Free Download this Homework To-Do List Template Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

Got a lot of homework on your plate? Use our Free to Use, High-Quality Homework To-Do List Template to be organized. Input your Assignments in our In-Website Editing Tool, prioritize them, and Add Notes and Comments to assist you as you complete them. Once that's done, Make a Printed copy.

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  • To Do List & Checklist Templates

27 Printable To Do List & Checklist Templates (Excel, Word, PDF)

A to-do list template is a document used to help organize or complete certain tasks. If you struggle with prioritizing your daily activities, following your own to-do- list templates could solve all your problems.

Writing down our goals helps us to clarify, commit, and strategize, and it motivates us to set out what we want to achieve. It can also increase productivity by having set plans and eliminating any distractions.

Table of Contents

  • 1 To Do List Templates
  • 2 What Is a To-Do List Template?
  • 3 What Are Some Different Types of To-Do Lists
  • 4 Task List Templates
  • 5 How To Prepare a To-Do List Template
  • 6 Why Are To-Do Lists Important?
  • 7 Daily Checklist Templates
  • 8 10 Tips For a Better To-Do List
  • 9 Cute To Do List Templates
  • 10 How To Create a Free Printable To-Do List
  • 11 Conclusion

To-do lists also serve as a memory aid and allow us to visualize our tasks in order of importance.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of to-do lists and how to implement them in your day-to-day life.

To Do List Templates

Free Monthly To Do List Template

What Is a To-Do List Template?

A to-do list template is a document highlighting what you want or need to do over a certain period. The structure of a to-do list template is designed in advance and ready for you to use.

With to-do list templates, you can list the tasks you need to complete, with the most important tasks at the start of the list and the least important tasks at the bottom.

By keeping a list like this, you can ensure that all of your tasks are recorded in one location and that you don’t forget anything important. Additionally, you can organize the order in which you’ll complete your daily chores and tasks and determine what needs immediate attention and what can wait.

Thanks to technology, we can now create to-do lists using various tools. This includes Word documents, PowerPoint, spreadsheet templates, google docs, Microsoft, and many others.

To-do lists that are well-thought-out can be useful in business and your personal life. They are a necessary and helpful tool in just about any circumstance.

What Are Some Different Types of To-Do Lists

You can create a variety of to-do lists (and, in some cases, sub-lists) to help structure your life. You can do this while also maintaining a sharp focus on your future goals, whether they be for your personal or professional life.

Here are a few possible to-do list templates you could create to keep your life organized:

  • Back-to-school to-do list template.
  • Camping/traveling checklists for family members.
  • Home inventory template.
  • Weekly planners template
  • Moving list template .
  • Personal Improvement template.
  • Homework assignments or work projects template.
  • Shopping list template.
  • Weekly tasks for home cleaning
  • Weekly schedule for each family member.

Task List Templates

Free Wedding To Do List Template

How To Prepare a To-Do List Template

These days, we rely on lists for productivity more than ever before. To-do lists, grocery shopping lists , reminders, event planning, and calendars are all examples of productivity-based lists that we use to help us stop procrastinating.

Preparing the perfect task list template depends on what you intend to use it for. In this section, we’ll go through 6 steps to creating the best to-do task list template ever.

  • Step 1: Choose between paper or digital Paper to-do lists are mobile, and you can simply take them out of your pocket anywhere you go. However, they lack a few distinctive elements that computerized to-do lists have. Using a free digital to-do list allows you to edit your list and move or shift tasks as you wish. Online apps also provide you with reminder functions that are not available on paper. In addition, these free apps can store your data on a cloud with unlimited access from any device wherever you go.
  • Step 2: Gather All Your “To-Dos” In this step, you don’t need to worry about adhering to a set pattern or setting priorities. Simply write (or type) all of the tasks that come to mind. The task organization can be left until later. Consider this your master task list, the one sheet in which you’ll include every chore you can think of.
  • Step 3: Categorize the list in order The next step is to group your tasks into categories in the master list. You might, for instance, have different to-do lists for your home and work. You can concentrate on one set of tasks or chores at a time by making separate lists with each category.
  • Step 4: Calculate your time wisely Be honest with yourself when building your list regarding how much you can get done in a day. Highlight the chores that require your immediate attention and keep these at the top of your list. Then you’ll need to estimate how long it will take you to finish each task. Whether you’re creating a daily or monthly to-do list, consider the time you’ll need between each task to avoid falling behind. This could range from 15 minutes to an entire day.
  • Step 5: Set deadlines for each task Having due dates next to each task on your master doc will help you to stay focused. With due dates, you can plan your daily tasks a lot easier by focusing on what needs to be done first. That said, you should examine the list carefully each day to see if any due dates are coming up and plan your lists accordingly.
  • Step 6: Start ticking As you complete tasks on your daily lists, you can start ticking them off or putting a strike through them. After completing your daily lists’ tasks, you’ll be able to also tick the tasks off your master list.

Why Are To-Do Lists Important?

Having to-do lists helps us to organize our lives and makes activities seem a lot more doable. With a printable to-do list full of things that need to be done or are already done, we can shift our focus and concentrate on tasks a lot easier.

Tasks that are written down in a list provide us with more mental room and inspire more original thinking. Remind yourself to check items off the list as you do them to feel accomplished and make progress. This will encourage you and help you move forward.

Here are some of the top advantages of using to-do lists: 

  • Improves and assists memory To-do lists act as an external memory assistant. You can only maintain a small amount of knowledge in your head at once, but you can keep track of much more using a to-do list. Additionally, it serves as a reminder, reducing the likelihood that you’ll forget to do something.
  • Improves productivity You won’t waste time on less important chores because you can prioritize each item on your to-do list. You’ll be more productive and able to maintain concentration on your most important tasks.
  • Boosts Motivation A task list might help you define your objectives. Long-term objectives can be broken down into smaller, more manageable ones. As you finish these tasks and reach your goals, you can check them off, which boosts your confidence and motivation.
  • Promotes Growth There will inevitably be a few hiccups when jumping into something new. While these issues lead some individuals to give up on to-do lists altogether, some see them as an opportunity to advance. Every new task presents an opportunity to develop and learn. People can fall into a variety of traps while using to-do lists, but dealing with them allows us to grow, learn, and get better. Remember that you can only genuinely fail if you give up and refuse to take anything positive away from the experience.

Daily Checklist Templates

Free Duties Checklist Template

10 Tips For a Better To-Do List

  • Take note of everything Taking notes allows you to document your thoughts and use the information at a later stage. Sometimes the best brainstorming ideas come to us when we’re not ready to write them down. However, if we forget to write them down, we might forget about them completely. Simply add it to your list of to-do’s and rearrange it by order of importance at a later stage.
  • Create numerous lists To-do lists consist of an assortment of everything, which is one of the reasons they may become complicated. Consider creating templates of many lists to break down and manage your master to-do list. Make sure to separate each task on your master doc into their own separate lists. This way you can focus clearly on the tasks at hand by opening one page of the to-do list that pertains to the work you’re currently wanting to perform.
  • Start with an action word In addition to making sure that each task is actionable, start the beginning of your to-do list titles with a verb. While this is not an important requirement, it can assist you in understanding what each task entails. Here are a few examples: Design a new to-do list template. Create a master checklist. Prioritize daily to-do list. You can see what’s on your plate at a glance by using to-do lists with verb titles.
  • Set priorities for your tasks Knowing which tasks on your to-do list are the most crucial can help you to complete the work on time. Ensure you have insight into your more important work, so you don’t miss anything. You can do this by prioritizing action items on your to-do list or using custom tags on any free to-do list template to indicate priority. This doesn’t mean that you need to complete your most important tasks first. Sometimes the best way to start your productive day is to knock a few quick tasks off your to-do list. That said, make sure you’ve familiarized yourself with everything that needs to be done before the day is done so that you’re not missing high-priority tasks.
  • Dividing large tasks into smaller ones One of the biggest challenges in effectively completing your to-do list is realizing that something due tomorrow is a week’s worth of work. Consider segmenting your jobs into smaller projects or subtasks. Even though your assignment may not be due until Friday, it might take several days to complete. The success of your project that entire week will depend on how well you can divide that entire week of work into tasks that you can finish earlier in the week.
  • Group duties that are related Working with different groups not only helps you complete your tasks but also boosts productivity. Your brain will need time to adjust and recalibrate whenever you switch jobs or start a new task. Watch out in particular for daily tasks that you can batch and streamline. You probably don’t even consider how much time you spend on tasks that you perform every day, but that time mounts up quickly. If you have daily obligations, keep track of how long it takes you to complete them. Then, check your weekly to-do list to see if you can use them more effectively. Ask yourself if you can automate or batch them together. By eliminating this job, you not only streamline your to-do list but also increase your productivity and time management skills.
  • Acknowledge your accomplishments It’s important to recognize and appreciate your minor victories along the way. Recognizing these small victories activates our brain’s reward circuits. This produces chemicals that make us feel happy and proud, motivating us to work harder to reach our goal dates.
  • Review your to-do list everyday Organize your new chores the night before so that when you wake up, you’re aware of everything on the agenda, saving you from wasting half of your morning going through your to-do list. You can make sure you’re prepared to face the day right away the next morning by setting aside five to ten minutes the previous evening.
  • Keep track of the tasks you skip When you move from one task to the next and find a task you could leave until later, don’t forget to write down the tasks you skip. You can then change the priority of the task or, if necessary, leave it for another day. Keeping track of your tasks can help you gain control over them and complete your more important activities before moving on to your secondary tasks.
  • Watch out for lone wolves We all have tasks that we were meant to do last week but still haven’t gotten around to. However, if these tasks come up, consider why they haven’t been completed. Are you avoiding them? Do you need to assign them to someone else or rearrange your priorities? Is there a part of the task you don’t comprehend and is therefore preventing you from moving forward? Knowing your reasons for putting something off can make you more productive and catch those stragglers early.

Cute To Do List Templates

Free Cute To Do List Template

How To Create a Free Printable To-Do List

There are thousands of free, printable templates for to-do lists online. To access these free to-do list templates, browse the web for free printable templates and find the one that works for you.

However, if you can’t find planner templates you like, you can create your own professionally designed templates using free online tools. This includes Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. Once you’re done, you can download it in a pdf format or save it as a printable pdf file.

The most effective tool for increasing productivity is a to-do list . This tool can be used in several different ways. Additionally, it examines our beliefs and methods of operation in greater detail.

A to-do list’s flexibility enables us to utilize a variety of strategies and building blocks to transform it into a tool that can help us advance and complete a lot of work.

By the time you’re done reading, we hope you’ll give it a shot and discover just how much to-do list templates can improve your life.

Rita Akekelwa

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homework to do template

What is a Notion template?

A Notion template is any publicly shared page in Notion that can be duplicated. They allow you to share your favorite workflows with the community, or duplicate other workflows that you want to use.

How do I use a template?

Once you identify the template(s) you’d like to use, click the Start with this template or Get Template button. If you’re already signed into Notion, the template will automatically be added to your workspace in the Private section of your sidebar. If you’re logged out or don’t have a Notion account, you’ll be prompted to sign in or create an account first.

How do I make a Notion template?

You can make any Notion page a template by clicking Share in the top right, select the Publish tab, and click the Publish to web button. Make sure the Allow duplicate as template is toggled on. To share, use the public-facing URL or click the Copy web link button in the Publish tab.

How do I submit my template to the Notion Template Gallery?

To submit a template to the gallery, go to notion.so/templates and click the Submit a template button in the upper right corner or visit notion.so/submit-a-template . Fill out the form (including your public template link, template name, template descriptions, and template category) to share your template with the Notion community!

How can I customize the template?

Once you’ve added a template into your workspace, you have endless options for what you can change, edit, or update to fit your needs. Templates are just a starting point to help you create your ideal workspace.

Here are a few common updates and changes that you can make once duplicating a template:

Pages — Update the page cover photo, add/change an icon, and change the page title.

Text — Add formatting, like bold, italics, text color, and background color. Change heading levels, add bullet or numbered lists, and move sections around.

Blocks — Add blocks like callouts, toggle lists, or tables. Remove blocks that you don’t need to reduce clutter or make space for extra blocks.

Databases — Change property names, types, and icons, or add/remove properties that don’t fit your needs. Add new database views, like boards, lists, calendars, timelines, or galleries.

Free To Do List Template

Download our free To Do List template to help you , your team , your family , or your organization . This template is already set up for auto filtering so that you can group the tasks by date, priority, status, etc. You also use the auto sort buttons to list the tasks in order by date, priority, etc. It is easy to print , so it's nice for people who like to check off or scribble out tasks by hand.

You can also use this to do list for a team project . For example, you can use the Owner column for assigning a specific person a task, and then email the spreadsheet, or use it collaboratively to keep track of your tasks and due dates.

To Do List Template

To Do List Template

"No installation, no macros - just a simple spreadsheet" - by Jon Wittwer

Other Versions

To Do List for Excel 2003

License : Private Use (for for resale or distribution)


This printable To-Do List helps you get organized. It is highly customizable and requires only basic spreadsheet knowledge to edit or customize. It can be adapted for your personal use or used collaboratively in a team environment.

Update 1/9/17 : When you select "Completed" from the Status column, a conditional formatting rule makes the font color in that row change to gray.

Related To-Do List Templates

Thumbnail - Homework To Do List

Help Using the To Do List Template

The Vertex42™ To Do List template allows you the flexibility to use whatever codes, scales, or abbreviations you want for each of the columns. You can also delete one or more of the columns if you do not need it.

How to Use Autofilter and Sort in Excel

To edit the conditional formatting rules in this worksheet, go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules and select "This Worksheet" from the drop-down. Learn more about conditional formatting .

In version 1.1.0, I added a few dynamic ranges that are used to populate the customizable drop down lists used for the Status and Priority columns. You can customize the items shown in those columns of the To Do List by editing the values in the Lists or Ref worksheet.

Status: You can enter values such as "Completed" or "In Progress" or abbreviations that you define yourself. You might also use this column to enter the percentage complete such as "50%" or "75%." Note: If you change "Completed" to something else, you may also want to edit the conditional formatting rule in the table.

Priority: You might want to use a 3-, 5-, or 10-point numeric scale for this column, where 1 is the highest priority. Currently, the Priority column uses conditional formatting to highlight "High" red and "Low" blue.

PICK: This is an acronym that stands for Possible, Implement, Challenge, or Kill. See the PICK Chart page for more information about this useful lean six sigma technique. If you don't need this column, just delete it.

Due Date: Enter values in date format. If the due date is earlier than today's date, the conditional formatting condition will make the date red and display a red dot icon. If the due date is today, a yellow warning icon is shown. If you'd like the yellow warning icon to show up if a task is due within 3 days (including today), you can update the rule for the icons by going to Home > Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules. Choose the Icon Set rule and click on Edit Rule. Change the formula for the Green dot to =TODAY()+2.

Owner: The person assigned to this task, or the person responsible for seeing that this task is completed.

Project/Task: A short description of the task to be completed.

Notes: Add notes for more clarity or special instructions, comments about sub-tasks completed, problems, etc.

More To Do List Templates

  • Gantt Chart Template by Vertex42.com - For larger, more complicated projects, a gantt chart can be a great tool for creating a task-based project schedule.
  • To Do List Templates by Vertex42.com - Make sure to check out our other to do lists.

Share This To Do List Spreadsheet

This to do list template is not a complicated spreadsheet, but if you find it useful and want to share it with your friends or coworkers, please point them to this page using the following URL:


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What is the Meme Generator?

It's a free online image maker that lets you add custom resizable text, images, and much more to templates. People often use the generator to customize established memes , such as those found in Imgflip's collection of Meme Templates . However, you can also upload your own templates or start from scratch with empty templates.

How to make a meme

  • Add customizations. Add text, images, stickers, drawings, and spacing using the buttons beside your meme canvas.
  • Create and share. Hit "Generate Meme" and then choose how to share and save your meme. You can share to social apps or through your phone, or share a link, or download to your device. You can also share with one of Imgflip's many meme communities.

How can I customize my meme?

  • You can add special image effects like posterize, jpeg artifacts, blur, sharpen, and color filters like grayscale, sepia, invert, and brightness.
  • You can remove our subtle imgflip.com watermark (as well as remove ads and supercharge your image creation abilities) using Imgflip Pro or Imgflip Pro Basic .

Can I use the generator for more than just memes?

Yes! The Meme Generator is a flexible tool for many purposes. By uploading custom images and using all the customizations, you can design many creative works including posters, banners, advertisements, and other custom graphics.

Can I make animated or video memes?

Yes! Animated meme templates will show up when you search in the Meme Generator above (try "party parrot"). If you don't find the meme you want, browse all the GIF Templates or upload and save your own animated template using the GIF Maker .

Do you have a wacky AI that can write memes for me?

Funny you ask. Why yes, we do. Here you go: imgflip.com/ai-meme (warning, may contain vulgarity)

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AI creation tools No
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Max Total Resolution (Frames × Width × Height) 12M
Max Video Segment Length 24 Seconds
Sound on GIFs No
Max frames per GIF Unlimited Unlimited
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  2. Homework To Do List Editable Printable Template Homework

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  5. 37 Printable Homework Planners (Only the BEST) ᐅ TemplateLab

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  1. Math Homework Problems

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  3. Do Your Homework

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  1. FREE Printable Homework Planner Template

    Homework Planner Template. Our free homework planner printable will keep you organized and on top of your homework assignments. If you prefer a digital version, you can open the PDF homework trackers on an iPad and write on them with a note-taking app and stylus (see digital planner).. Select any homework planner template from the selection below.

  2. 15 Printable Homework Planners (PDF, Word, Excel)

    Standard notebook. Select a notebook to use. Although using a homework planner printable is very convenient, decorating a notebook and using it for your planner is an excellent way for you to express yourself. Decorate the notebook by starting with the cover. Use paint, stickers, and other craft supplies to do this.

  3. Homework To Do List Template

    Homework To Do List. A spreadsheet can be a useful tool for tracking your homework assignments, due dates, and completion status. The homework list template on this page was designed based on my original To Do List Template for Excel. I simplified it a bit for and modified it specifically for tracking homework assignments.

  4. Free Homework Planner Templates

    Explore the collection of free homework planner templates! Our editable and printable planners will help track homework for different subjects, assignments to complete, timeframes, and other important details. Get perfect grades and stay organized with ready-made options in Google Docs, Excel, Google Sheets, and Word formats. All Templates.

  5. Homework To Do List Template » The Spreadsheet Page

    But homework doesn't have to be frightening! A well organized list of what needs to get done after school makes a big difference. To help corral your scholastic activities, we offer a Homework To Do List template with priority settings, status tracking, and more. Template Contents. Below are the worksheets included in this template.

  6. 22 Free Printable Homework Planners (Templates)

    Method 2: Use a standard notebook. The first step is to choose a planner notebook based on what you need and the number of assignments and homework you might receive for each class, from the various homework planners available. The next step is to decorate your notebook, a journal, or a composition book.

  7. Homework To Do List

    Homework To Do List. Students will enjoy this simple homework tracker that can be categorized by class. This To Do List is free to download and print. Download DOC Version (free) Download PDF Version (free) Downloaded > 6,000 times.

  8. Homework Planner Template

    Customize the template: Using Excel or Word, enter your class names on the left and your typical weekly schedule. For example, use the schedule to highlight the times for each of your classes, your extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, etc. 2. Print blank copies: After customizing the template, you can print as many of these planner pages ...

  9. Homework Tracker With Checklist Template

    To get the "Homework Tracker With Checklist Template"", please proceed to checkout. To do well with homework, you need to be well organized and be good at managing your time. With Homework Checklists, you can check all available assignments and follow the progress of their implementation. Sections available in this template: Date,; Subject ...

  10. Free Printable Homework Planner Templates [Excel, PDF, Word] Cute

    Homework Planner Templates provide students with a structured and organized approach to managing their academic workload. By utilizing these templates, students can plan their homework assignments, allocate time effectively, and stay on track with their studies. This promotes better time management, reduces stress, and enhances overall academic ...

  11. Homework To-Do List Spreadsheet Template

    August 11, 2023 in. Introducing our Homework To-Do List Spreadsheet Template - your ultimate companion for academic success. Streamline your tasks and boost productivity with this user-friendly Excel template. Effortlessly organize assignments, deadlines, and priorities, ensuring you never miss a beat. With intuitive features and customizable ...

  12. Free To-Do List Templates

    To-Do List Templates. To-Do List Templates are designed to help you keep track of all your tasks: work projects, school assignments, but also grocery lists and daily chores around the house. The To-Do List Templates in Excel are perfect if you want to customize the templates further. With them, you can also easily carry out various formulas ...

  13. 20+ Printable To Do Lists and Task List Templates

    A printable to do list for highlighting your three most important tasks. Also available in 2-column and 3-column formats. Prioritized: 2-Up Bi-fold. The two-column version in portrait orientation. Prioritized: 3-Up Tri-fold. The three-column version in landscape orientation. To Do List with Goal Dates (3-Up)

  14. To Do Lists

    455 printable To Do List templates that you can print for free. There's no need to make To Do lists from scratch — we've done it for you. Choose from Basic To Do Lists or Complex To Do Lists, Numbered To Do Lists or Checklist To Do Lists. There are even Pocket-Sized To Do Lists you can take with you. Every form on this site was created by me ...

  15. Homework List Templates

    Fabulous Green Homework Lists. Stay organized and motivated with our Fabulous Green Homework Lists Template. The green color scheme and stylish layout transform mundane tasks into a visually pleasing and inspiring experience. Take advantage of free printable homework list templates. Get editable blanks in Google Docs, Sheets, Word, and Excel.

  16. Homework To-Do List Template in Word, PDF, Google Docs, Pages

    Use our Free to Use, High-Quality Homework To-Do List Template to be organized. Input your Assignments in our In-Website Editing Tool, prioritize them, and Add Notes and Comments to assist you as you complete them. Once that's done, Make a Printed copy. Free Download Free Template. Word.

  17. 27 Printable To Do List & Checklist Templates (Excel, Word, PDF)

    In this section, we'll go through 6 steps to creating the best to-do task list template ever. Step 1: Choose between paper or digital. Paper to-do lists are mobile, and you can simply take them out of your pocket anywhere you go. However, they lack a few distinctive elements that computerized to-do lists have.

  18. Printable To-Do List Collection: Organize for Free (2024)

    Check out my extensive collection of free printable to-do list templates- and even other checklist templates to get things done! Different to-do list layouts to help you- get daily, weekly & monthly to-do lists plus a kid-friendly to-do list, homework to-do list, and more. Download template now- all my to do lists are in PDF format and at the ...

  19. MyStudyLife

    Transform your study habits and get better grades with MyStudyLife's game-changing student planner. Organize your schedule, track homework and achieve success . Revolutionize the way you tackle your academic journey with MyStudyLife, the ultimate high school or college schedule planner and online organizer rolled into one. Seamlessly integrate your academic life with this comprehensive tool ...

  20. To-Do List Template

    If you want to print out two lists on one page on your Mac, here's how: Open up your printable PDF file on Preview. Go to the "File" menu and select "Print.". Select the "Copies per page" option and choose two (2) pages per sheet. Click "Print," and your two to-do lists will print out on one page.

  21. Best To-Do Lists Templates from Notion

    To-Do Lists templates. Transform your productivity with Notion's To-Do Lists templates. Designed for daily tasks, project milestones, and everything in between, our lists keep you organized and on track. Perfect for individuals and teams looking to streamline their priorities and boost efficiency. Get Notion free. Notion + creators. Free + paid.

  22. Free To Do List Template for Excel

    Free Customizable Spreadsheet for Microsoft Excel® and Google Sheets - Updated 8/24/2021. Download our free To Do List template to help you, your team, your family, or your organization. This template is already set up for auto filtering so that you can group the tasks by date, priority, status, etc. You also use the auto sort buttons to list ...

  23. Destiny 2 hunter homework Meme Generator

    Choose a template. You can use one of the popular templates, search through more than 1 million user-uploaded templates using the search input, or hit "Upload new template" to upload your own template from your device or from a url. For designing from scratch, try searching "empty" or "blank" templates. Add customizations.