Class 6 History Chapter 3 Case Based Questions - In the Earliest Cities

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Case 1: The Discovery of Harappa

In the late 19th century, engineers working on railway lines in what is now Pakistan stumbled upon the ancient city of Harappa. Unaware of its historical significance, they used bricks from its buildings for railway construction, unknowingly destroying part of the city's heritage. It wasn't until about 80 years ago that archaeologists recognized Harappa as one of the oldest cities in the Indian subcontinent.

Q1: What event led to the accidental discovery of Harappa by engineers? Ans:   Engineers discovered Harappa while laying railway lines in the late 19th century. Q2: How did the use of bricks from Harappa's buildings impact its historical remains? Ans:   The use of Harappan bricks for railway construction resulted in the unintentional destruction of many ancient buildings. Q3: When did archaeologists identify Harappa as one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent? Ans:   Archaeologists identified Harappa as one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent about 80 years ago. Q4: What was the significance of the Great Bath in Mohenjodaro, another Harappan city? Ans: The Great Bath in Mohenjodaro was a special tank on the citadel, used for bathing and possibly rituals. Q5: Describe the common features of the Harappan cities, including their architectural characteristics. Ans: Harappan cities were known for well-baked brick walls and distinct citadel-lower town divisions.

Case 2: Life in Harappan Cities

Harappan cities were known for their advanced urban planning and infrastructure. The houses, drainage systems, and streets were meticulously designed. People in these cities engaged in various crafts, trade, and agriculture. Scribes played a vital role in preparing seals and possibly writing.

Q6: What were the key features of houses in Harappan cities, and how were they structured? Ans: Harappan houses were typically one or two stories high, with courtyards. Q7: Explain the significance of covered drains in Harappan cities. How were they maintained? Ans:   Covered drains were crucial for sanitation and connected to street drains. Q8: What roles did scribes play in Harappan society, and what might they have written on? Ans:   Scribes in Harappan cities likely prepared seals and possibly wrote on various materials. Q9: Describe the types of crafts that were practiced in Harappan cities. Ans: Crafts included metalwork, pottery, bead-making, and textile production. Q10: How did agriculture support the urban population of Harappan cities, and what crops were grown? Ans:   Agriculture supported the population with crops like wheat, barley, and more.

Case 3: Raw Materials and Trade

The Harappans relied on a variety of raw materials for their crafts and daily life. They used locally available resources and also engaged in long-distance trade to acquire materials like copper, tin, gold, silver, and precious stones.

Q11: What are raw materials, and why are they essential in early civilizations? Ans:   Raw materials are substances used naturally or processed to create finished goods. Q12: Explain the significance of copper, tin, gold, and silver in Harappan society. Ans:   Copper, tin, gold, silver, and precious stones were vital in Harappan society. Q13: Where might the Harappans have sourced these valuable raw materials? Ans:   Copper may have come from present-day Rajasthan and Oman, tin from Afghanistan and Iran, and gold from Karnataka. Q14: How did the acquisition of raw materials through trade contribute to the development of Harappan cities? Ans: Long-distance trade provided essential materials for crafts and daily life. Q15: What do the objects made from stone, shell, and metal reveal about the skills of Harappan craftspersons? Ans: Objects made of stone, shell, and metal showcase Harappan craftspersons' skills.

Case 4: Food Production in Harappan Cities

Harappan cities were supported by the agricultural activities of farmers and herders in the surrounding countryside. These people grew various crops and raised livestock to supply food to the urban population.

Q16: What crops were grown by the Harappans, and how did they use a new tool, the plough? Ans: The Harappans grew crops like wheat, barley, pulses, and sesame, using ploughs. Q17: Describe the role of cattle, sheep, goat, and buffalo in the Harappan diet and economy. Ans: Livestock, including cattle, sheep, goat, and buffalo, played a significant role in their diet and economy. Q18: How did the Harappans ensure a stable supply of water for their agricultural needs? Ans:   Irrigation and the use of ploughs ensured a stable water supply for agriculture. Q19: Explain the importance of the plough in Harappan agriculture. Ans: The plough was a crucial tool in Harappan agriculture. Q20: What other sources of food, besides crops and livestock, did the Harappans rely on? Ans: Besides crops and livestock, the Harappans collected fruits, caught fish, and hunted wild animals.

Case 5: The Decline of the Indus Valley Civilization

Around 3900 years ago, a significant transformation occurred in the Indus Valley Civilization. People stopped living in cities, abandoned writing, and experienced a decline in the use of certain raw materials. This period of change raised many questions about what led to the decline of this once-flourishing civilization.

Q21: What were the major changes that occurred around 3900 years ago in the Indus Valley Civilization? Ans:  Around 3900 years ago, people stopped living in cities, abandoned writing, and saw a decline in raw material usage. Q22: How did environmental factors like rivers and deforestation possibly contribute to the decline? Ans:   Environmental factors like river drying and deforestation possibly contributed to the decline. Q23: What are some indicators of the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization, as seen in Mohenjodaro? Ans:   Mohenjodaro showed signs of decline with garbage accumulation and deteriorating drainage systems. Q24: How did the loss of control by rulers impact the civilization's fate? Ans: The loss of control by rulers may have played a role in the civilization's decline. Q25: Where did people from abandoned areas in Sind and west Punjab move to, and what were the characteristics of these new settlements? Ans: People from abandoned areas in Sind and west Punjab moved to newer, smaller settlements to the east and south.

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NCERT Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 3 In the Earliest Cities


  • 7th June 2023

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 3 In the Earliest Cities contains answers to all the questions given in the exercise of the history book. These solutions have been created on the basis of NCERT Book Guidelines. The solutions are prepared in simple language by our subject experts to help students in their exam preparation.

Class 6 History Chapter 3 In the Earliest Cities Questions and Answers

Question 1: How do archaeologists know that cloth was used in the Harappan civilization?

Answer: Actual pieces of cloth have been found in Mohenjodaro, attached to the lid of a silver vase and some copper objects. Spindle whorls have also been discovered, which were used to spin thread. This indicates cloth was used in the Harappan civilisation.

Question 2: Match the columns

Precious StonesKarnataka
Precious StonesGujarat

Question 3: Why were metals, writing, the wheel and the plough important for the Harappans?

Answer: Metals – used for making tools, ornaments, vessels, weapons Writing – for communication purpose Wheel – for pottery and for making carts used for travelling. Plough – used for farming purpose.

Question 4: Make a list of all the terracotta toys shown in the lesson. Which do you think children would have enjoyed playing the most?

  • Many Terracota toys in the shape of different animals.

Question 5: Make a list of what the Harappans ate and put a tick mark against the things you eat today.

Answer: We can find a list of 9 different items.

Question 6: Do you think that the life of farmers and herders who supplied food to the Harappan cities was different from that of the farmers and herders you read about in Chapter 2? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: Some points of difference between the lives of farmers and herders who supplied food to the Harappan cities, and those of the previous chapter:

(i) Tools: Harappan farmers and herders used a wooden tool called plough which was used for turning the soil and planting seeds. The earlier farmers and herder used mortars and pestle for grinding grain. Their tools were also made of bone.

(ii) Irrigation: Harappan farmers and herders used irrigation for better productivity while the earlier ones did not.

(iii) Storage: The Harappan farmers stored food in well-built granaries and not in clay pots, baskets, etc.

(iv) Residence: Harappan farmers lived on the outskirts of cities, whereas there were no settled cities in the time of the farmers and herders.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food

October 2, 2019 by phani

NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Social Science History Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food

1. Why do people who grow crops have to stay in the same place for a long time? Answer:

  • People who grow crops have to stay in the same place for a long time to look after plants-protecting them from birds, animals and their other fellows so that they could grow and crops or seeds could-ripen safely.
  • Settled life is useful and essential to lead a civilized life.
  • People grow crops to meet their daily food and some other needs.

2. Look at the table on page 25 of the textbook/ If Neinuo wanted to eat rice, which are the places she would have visited? Answer: Neinuo would have visited these places if she wanted to eat rice: (i) Koldihwa in present-day Uttar Pradesh, and (ii) Mahagara in present-day Uttar Pradesh.

3. Why do archaeologists think that many people who lived in Mehrgarh were hunters to start with and that herding became more important later? Answer: On excavation, archaeologists have found bones of wild animals in the lowermost levels. On upper levels, they found cattle bones. This means that hunting wild animals was important much before herding was.

4. State whether true or false? (a) Millets have been found at Hallur. (b) People in Burzahom lived in rectangular houses. (c) Chirand is a site in Kashmir. (d) Jadeite, found in Daojali Hading, may have been brought from China Answer:  (a) True, (b) False, (c) False, (d) True.

5. List three ways in which the lives of farmers and herders would have been different from that of hunter-gatherers. Answer: The lives of farmers and herders had been different in the following ways:

  • They started leading a settled life instead of a nomadic life, like that of hunter-gatherers.
  • They became food producers instead of food gatherers. The domestication of plants and animals became part and parcel of the people of the Neolithic stage.
  • Different types of houses were built by farmers and herders. They used tools of different forms from the earlier Palaeolithic stage people. These include tools that were polished to give a fine cutting edge and mortars and pestles used for grinding grain and other plant produce.
  • Generally, farmers ate cooked and well-prepared foods, while on the other hand hunter-gatherers ate uncooked and raw food.

6. Make a list of all the animals mentioned in the table on page 25 of the textbook. For each one, describe what they may have been used for. Answer: 

  • Sheep might have been used for meat, milk, and wool.
  • Goat might have been used for meat and milk.
  • Buffalo for meat and milk.
  • Ox for drawing cart, chariot, and plough.
  • Pig for meat.
  • Dog was domesticated for safety and taking his help in hunting some of the wild animals.
  • Other animals like horse, ox, camel, donkey, etc., were called packed animals because they were used for carrying load/carts with people.

7. List the cereals that you eat. Answer: Some cereals eaten by us are listed below :

8. Do you grow the cereals you have listed in answer no. 7? If yes, draw a chart to show the stages in growing them. If not, draw a chart to show how these cereals reach you from the farmers who grow them Answer: I. Yes, we live in a village and we grow some of the cereals. Chart showing the stages in growing:

  • We prepare the ground.
  • We sow the seeds.
  • We look after the growing plants.
  • We water them by a tube-well.
  • We harvest the grain.
  • We thresh and separate husk.
  • We grind some grain, such as wheat and barley.

II. We live in a big city. We do not grow grain. We get the grains indirectly from the farmers.

  • Farmers bring their produce to market.
  • The grain traders buy cereals.
  • We as customers go and purchase cereals.

I. Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct option to complete the statements given below:

(i) The first animal to be tamed was ……………….. (a)the goat as we know today (b) the dog as we know today (c) the dog’s wild ancestor (d) the goat’s wild ancestor.

(ii) Which of these Is the correct order of what early man did? (a) hunter → gatherers skilled → gatherers → herders (b) herders → skilled → gatherers → hunter→ gatherers (c) skilled-gatherers → herders → hunter → gatherers (d) skilled-gatherers → hunter → gatherers → herders.

(iii) Which was not a way of storing grains in the early days? (a) boxes (b) woven baskets (c) clay pots (d) pits in the ground.

(iv) Grains like wheat and barley have been found in …………………… (a) Koldihwa (b) Mahagara (c) Mehrgarh (d) Hallur.

(v) A site in present-day Andhra Pradesh is ………………… (a) Hallur (b) Mahagara (c) Mehrgarh (d) Burzahom.

(vi) Pit-houses were made in ………………. (a) Burzahom (b) Mehrgarh (c) Mahagara (d) Hallur.

(vii) Archaeologists have found levels having ……………….. A. Bones of wild animals B. Cattle bones C. Bones of sheep and goat What order do these levels indicate of what happened first and what happened later? (a) A B C (b) A C B (c) C B A (d) B C A.

(viii) The dead people in Mehrgarh were buried with …………………. (a) Cows (b) Buffaloes (c) Goats (d) Dogs.

Answer: (i)—(c), (ii)—(d), (iii)—(a), (iv )—(c), (v)—(a), (vi)—(a), (vii)—(b), (viii)—(c).

II. Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete each sentence:

  • Jadeite is a…………, probably brought from China.
  • Ancient wood that has hardened into stone is called………………………..
  • Bolan Pass is an important route into ……………….
  • Remains of square or rectangular houses have been found in ………..
  • ……… and ……….  lived in groups called tribes.
  • Rice requires ………..  water than wheat and barley, (more/less)
  • Grain was used as ………….., ………, and ………….
  • Animals were a source of……………. and meat.
  • fossil wood
  • Farmers,  herders
  • seed, food,  gift

III. True/False

State whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

  • Daojali Hading is located close to the route to Iran.
  • Sheep and goat are more comfortable in dry, hilly environments than cattle are.
  • Hunter-gatherers made and used pots.
  • Upper levels found by archaeologists reveal older objects.
  • Palaeolithic tools were still made and used in the Neolithic Age.
  • Paiyampalli is a Neolithic site in Madhya Pradesh.
  • Levels found in Mehrgarh indicate hunting came after herding.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food Matching Skills

V. Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. Why do farmers grow some crops in some areas / and not in other areas? Answer: Farmers do this because different plants grow in different conditions.

2.Which was the first animal to be tamed? Answer: The first animal to be tamed was the wild ancestor of the dog.

3. Which animals were considered relatively gentle? Answer: Sheep, goat, cattle, and pig were considered relatively gentle.

4. Mention the two purposes for which grains had to be stored. Answer: Grains had to be stored for food and seed.

5. What did people do to store grains? Answer: People made large clay pots or wove baskets, or dug pits into the ground.

6. Name some important sites where archaeologists have found evidence of farmers and herders. Answer:  These sites can be found in the north-west, in present-day Kashmir and in east and South India.

7. How do scientists help in finding out whether the discovered sites were settlements of farmers and herders? Answer: Scientists study evidence of plants and animal bones, in order to find out whether the discovered sites were settlements of farmers and herders.

8. Name two sites found in Andhra Pradesh. Answer:  Two sites found in Andhra Pradesh are : (i) Paiyampalli                                                  (ii) Hallur.

9. What were pit-houses and where have they been found? Answer:  Pit-houses were built by people by digging into the ground, with steps leading into them. They have been found in Burzahom.

10. Name two Neolithic tools which are used to grind grain even today. Answer: Mortars and pestles are Neolithic tools used even today for grinding grain.

11. What are ‘tribes’ in the context of farmers and herders? Answer: Farmers and herders usually lived in groups and these groups are called tribes.

12. Give one feature houses in Mehrgarh. Answer: Houses at Mehrgarh were usually square or rectangular.

13. Why were people buried with animals, like goats? Answer: Dead people were buried with goats, which were supposed to serve as food after death.

VI. Short Answer Type Questions 

1. How did people become farmers? [V. Imp.] Answer: When the climate of the world was changing, people observed places where edible plants are found, about seeds, plants, etc. They started growing their own plants. And thus, they became farmers.

2. How did people become herders? Answer: People saw that they could attract and tame animals by leaving food for them. The first animal to be tamed was the ancestor of the dog. They started rearing sheep, goats, cattle, etc. People often protected these animals from attacks by other wild animals. This is how people became herders.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food SAQ Q3

4.Describe tools used by farmers and herders. [V. Imp.] Answer:  Stone tools have been found from many sites. They are often different from the Palaeolithic tools and are called ‘Neolithic’. There were tools that were polished so as to give a fine cutting edge, and mortars and pestles were used for grinding grain and other plant produce. However, Palaeolithic tools were still used for some purposes. Some tools were also made of bone.

VII. Long Answer Type Questions

1. How did the changing climate affect the life of humans? [V. Imp.] Answer: The climate of the world had major changes around 12,000 years ago. There was a shift to relatively warm conditions. Grasslands developed in many areas. Plants and animals also developed in the meantime. Humans observed the places where edible plants were found, they wondered how seed broke off stalks, fell on the ground, and new plants sprouted from them. They became farmers due to these changes.

They also learned how to get the attention of animals by taming them and providing them food. People tamed the wild ancestor of the dog. They also started rearing sheep, goats, cattle, etc. and this made them herders. Grasslands had allowed many animals which lived on the grass to grow in number.

2. Describe the site of Mehrgarh. Answer: Mehrgarh is a site located in a fertile plain, near the Bolan Pass, one of the most important routes into Iran. It was one of the first places where people grew barley and wheat and reared sheep, and goat. In fact, it is one of the earliest known villages.

Archaeologists have found evidence of animal bones here on excavation. They have found remains of houses here. Most houses were square or rectangular. They usually had four or more compartments, some of which may have been used for storage. Several burial sites have also been found in Mehrgarh.

VIII. Map Skills

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food Map Skills Q1

NCERT Solutions

Ncert solutions for class 6 social science – history.

  • Chapter 1 What, Where, How and When?
  • Chapter 2 On The Trial of the Earliest People
  • Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food
  • Chapter 4 In the Earliest Cities
  • Chapter 5 What Books and Burials Tell Us
  • Chapter 6 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic
  • Chapter 7 New Questions and Ideas
  • Chapter 8 Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War
  • Chapter 9 Vital Villages, Thriving Towns
  • Chapter 10 Traders, Kings and Pilgrims
  • Chapter 11 New Empires and Kingdoms
  • Chapter 12 Buildings, Paintings, and Books

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Master the Class 6 history for the academic year 2024-25. Download Vedantu's FREE NCERT Solutions PDF and conquer the subject! Our expert-crafted explanations break down complex concepts, making learning clear and efficient. Gain a deep understanding of key topics and concepts. Download now and ace your Social Science exams!


NCERT Solutions Class 6 Social Science is prepared by Vedantu Master Teachers according to the updated CBSE Class 6 Social Science Syllabus , which ensures that you understand the important concepts and cover everything you need to know.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter-wise Links - Download the FREE PDF

NCERT Solutions Class 6 History Chapter-wise Links

Chapter 3:  In the Earliest Cities

Chapter 7:  From a Kingdom to an Empire


The following Chapters have been removed from History NCERT class 6 for the Academic year 2024-25:

Ashoka The Emperor Who Gave Up War

Vital Villages, Thriving Towns

Traders Kings and Pilgrims

From a Kingdom to an Empire

The Newly added chapters from class 6 history NCERT for the Academic year 2024-25:

Villages, Towns and Trade

Below is the pictorial representation of the class 6 NCERT history syllabus for better understanding.

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Quick Overview of NCERT Solutions Class 6 History

NCERT Solutions for class 6 history covers all the chapters and solutions from Chapters 1 to 10.

Using class 6 history question answers to practice textbook questions can assist students in assessing their level of preparation and comprehension of concepts.

The solutions for class 6 NCERT history are prepared according to the revised academic year 2024-25 syllabus.

It provides a detailed explanation of all the fundamental concepts covered in class 6 history NCERT.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History: Chapter Details and Concepts

Chapter 1: introduction: what, where, how and when.

NCERT Solutions class 6 history for Chapter 1 lays a strong foundation for appreciating the importance of history, encourages to learn about the past, and: 

This chapter tells us about our past and what things are required to explore more about our past. 

We can find various information about people and the History of ancient times. It discusses how we can learn about our past. 

This chapter explains places, books, and dates and their historical significance. 

This teaches us about various aspects of people's lifestyles during those times. 

These are significant for our future developments too. We can learn a lot from our history.

Important Topics Covered in Chapter 1: Introduction: What, Where, How And When?

Finding out what happened

What can we know about the past?

Where did people live?

Important  Study Material Links for Chapter 1: Introduction: What, Where, How, and When?

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Important Study Material Links for Chapter 1 Introduction: What, Where, How And When?



Chapter 2: From Hunting – Gathering To Growing Food

Indulge and understand the concepts in NCERT History Class 6 Solutions for Chapter 2. This chapter helps to:

Chapter 2 starts with Tushar’s train journey, where he learns from his uncle that trains were first used about 150 years ago. 

People began using buses a few decades later. 

Then a question arises in his mind about how people travelled in the past. 

Did they spend their entire lives wherever they were born? 

This chapter answers these questions by explaining the topics in detail.

Important Topics Covered in Chapter 2: From Hunting – Gathering To Growing Food

The earliest people: why were they on the move?

How do we know about these people?

Choosing a place to live in

Finding out about the fire

Important Study Material Links for Chapter 2: From Hunting – Gathering to Growing Food

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Important  Study Material Links for Chapter 2: From Hunting – Gathering to Growing Food



Chapter 3: In The Earliest Cities

This chapter delves into:

The story of Harappa. Later it describes the houses, drains, and streets of Harappa. 

This chapter discusses the various crafts, art, food, raw materials, etc., during those times. 

Fortunately, we have such old evidence to study people's lifestyles during those times. 

People's lives were pretty good, and various aspects, like city planning, holy rituals, baths, trade, etc., were discussed. 

This teaches us a lot about human evolution. The little inventions done during those times are significant as they tell about the needs of people's lifestyles. 

We learn about their food, irrigation, farming habits, etc. The chapter also describes the Harappan towns in Gujarat and how the mystery ended the Harappan civilisation.

Important Topics Covered in Chapter 3: In The Earliest Cities

The story of Harappa

What was special about these cities?

Houses, drains, and streets

New crafts in the city

Important Study Material Links for Chapter 3: In The Earliest Cities

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Important Study Material Links for Chapter 3 In the Earliest Cities



Chapter 4: What Books and Burials Tell Us

Chapter 4 of history class 6 focuses on:

Vedas and their description. It explains how historians study Rigveda. 

The chapter also describes megaliths and also about Inamgaon. 

This chapter explains Rigveda using incidents of chariots, horses, cattle, and different groups of people. 

This is significant in understanding the beliefs of people during those times.

 What aspects do they consider right and wrong, what daily habits do they adopt, and what rituals do they follow? 

Rigveda has historical significance and is still studied by historians and professionals to learn more about people from those early times.

Important Topics Covered in Chapter 4: What Books and Burials Tell Us

One of the oldest literary sources in the world

How historians study the Rigveda 

Cattle, horses, and chariots

Words to describe people

Important Study Material Links for Chapter 4: What Books and Burials Tell Us

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Important Study Material Links for Chapter 4: What Books and Burials Tell Us



Chapter 5: Kingdoms, Kings, and Early Republic

NCERT Solutions Of Class 6 History Chapter 5 offers insights into the Kingdoms and kings. Here are the key topics covered in this chapter:

It tells how some men became rulers. It describes Janapadas, Mahajanapadas, taxes, and changes in agriculture. 

This chapter explains how Magadha became the most important mahajanapadas during those times. 

This chapter also explains the traditions and customs that followed during those times. 

How kingdoms were passed on to others by Kings and Queens during those times, wars and politics, etc. are covered in this chapter. 

This again gives us insights into people's lives during those times like agriculture, taxes, etc.

Important Topics Covered in Chapter 5: Kingdoms, Kings, And Early Republic

How some men became rulers


Changes in agriculture

Important Study Material Links for Chapter 5: Kingdoms, Kings, and Early Republic

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Important Study Material Links for Chapter 5: Kingdoms, Kings, and Early Republic



Chapter 6: New Questions and Ideas 

NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 6 delves into the fascinating world of new implementation, questions, and ideas. This Chapter explores:

The chapter starts with the story of the Buddha and explains the Upanishads, Jainism, The Sangha, and monasteries in detail. 

The exercise contains 8 questions, and students can find answers in the solutions.

The chapter commences with the story of Buddha. It later explains the Upanishads, Jainism, and The sangha in detail.

Important Topics Covered in Chapter 6: New Questions And Ideas

The Story of the Buddha

Important Study Material Links for Chapter 6: New Questions and Ideas

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Important Study Material Links for Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas



Chapter 7: From A Kingdom to An Empire

NCERT Class 6 History Solutions for Chapter 7 ensure the concepts related to the kingdom and the empire. Here are the key topics covered in this chapter:

In Chapter 7, students will learn about Emperor Ashoka and his empire. 

The chapter further explains how empires were different from kingdoms. 

It describes how Ashoka was a unique ruler, Ashoka’s war in Kalinga, and Ashoka’s dhamma.

Here, students will learn about the Ashoka empire. The chapter explains how empires were different from kingdoms.

Important Topics Covered in Chapter 7: From A Kingdom To An Empire

Ruling the empire

Ashoka, a unique ruler

Ashoka’s War in Kalinga

What was Ashoka’s dhamma?

Important Study Material Links for Chapter 7: From A Kingdom to an Empire

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Important Study Material Links for Chapter 7: From A Kingdom to an Empire



Chapter 8: Villages, Towns, and Trade

Class 6 NCERT History Solutions for Chapter 8 deals with the villages and towns. Here are the key topics covered in this chapter:

This chapter explains iron tools and agriculture, steps to increase production, and the lifestyle of village people. 

Students will also learn about the stories, travels, sculptures, and archaeology of cities. 

By reading this chapter, they will understand that wealth was measured in terms of coins. The chapter ends with a closer look at Arikamedu.

Chapter 8 helps in understanding the trade and traders, new kingdoms along the coasts, the story of the Silk Route, the spread of Buddhism, the pilgrims' quest, and the beginning of Bhakti.

Important Topics Covered in Chapter 8: Villages, Towns, and Trade

Iron tools and agriculture

Who lived in the villages? 

Cities with many functions

Crafts and craftspersons

A closer look — Arikamedu

Trade and traders

Important Study Material Links for Chapter 8: Villages, Towns, and Trade

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Important Study Material Links for Chapter 8: Villages, Towns, and Trade


Class 6 Villages, Towns, and Trade Important Questions


Class 6 Villages, Towns, and Trade Revision Notes

Chapter 9: New Empires and Kingdoms

Class 6 History solutions deal with new empires and kingdoms to build the foundation for understanding the empire's history. Chapter 9 covers the following topics:

This chapter teaches us about Samudragupta’s prashasti, Harshavardhana, and Harshacharita and how these kingdoms were administered.

In this chapter, students will learn about Samudragupta’s Prashasti, Genealogies, Harshavardhana and the Harshacharita, the Pallavas, Chalukyas and Pulakeshin’s Prashasti kingdom. 

The chapter also explains how these kingdoms were administered, assemblies in the southern kingdoms, and ordinary people in the kingdoms.

Important Topics Covered in Chapter 9: New Empires and Kingdoms

Prashastis and what they tell us

Samudragupta’s prashasti


Harshavardhana and the Harshacharita 

The Pallavas, Chalukyas, and Pulakeshin’s prashasti

How were these kingdoms administered?

A new kind of army

Assemblies in the southern kingdoms  

Important Study Material Links for Chapter 9: New Empires and Kingdoms

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Important Study Material Links for Chapter 9 New Empires and Kingdoms



Chapter 10: Buildings, Paintings, And Books

NCERT Solutions for History Class 6 Chapter 10 delves into the world of paintings and explores the buildings and different books. Here’s what you’ll learn:

The last chapter deals with ancient buildings, paintings, and books. 

In this chapter, students will learn about the iron pillar, buildings, brick and stone, stupas and temples, paintings, and books. 

The exercise contains 8 questions, and answers to all are provided in the solutions.

This chapter deals with the buildings and paintings of ancient times.

Important Topics Covered in Chapter 10: Buildings, Paintings, And Books

The iron pillar 

Buildings in brick and stone

How were stupas and temples built?

The world of books

Recording and preserving old stories

Important Study Material Links for Chapter 10: Buildings, Paintings, and Books

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Important Study Material Links for Chapter 10 Buildings, Paintings, and Books



Benefits of Referring to Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions For Class 6 History

Vedantu’s NCERT solutions class 6 history, available in convenient PDFs, offers numerous student benefits. These solutions are prepared to enhance comprehension and help in effective exam preparation. Here are some of the key advantages:

The experts have skilfully segmented the NCERT solutions for class 6 history chapter-wise to provide separate files for easier comprehension. 

They will learn many new historical facts about people, cities, and eras, along with the development of human civilisation. 

Students can download the answers to the history questions in class 6 according to their needs and make their preparation sessions more productive.

The answers given in the class 6 NCERT history solutions can be studied to follow how the fundamental questions have been attempted to be solved by the experts. 

You can also resolve doubts by following the NCERT solutions when you know the history of class 6 NCERT and all chapter Names.

Download the solutions for specific chapters according to your academic curriculum. Develop your fundamental concepts so that you can easily compile answers to questions such as What is history class 6 Our Past? Follow the answering formats of the solutions to learn how to attempt such questions and score more in the exams. Revise the chapters using these solutions and stay ahead of the competition.

Related Important Links for Class 6 History

Along with this, students can also download additional study materials provided by Vedantu for CBSE Class 6 History –

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Important Links for Class 6 History






FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History 2024-25

1. Which is the best online platform to refer to class 6 history question answers?

Vedantu, being the best platform to teach students about the subject concepts. Merely going through NCERT solutions Class 6 History and mugging up the answers is however not appreciated as it does not focus on the clearing of concepts. Vedantu plays its best role in clearing the root concepts. Vedantu also prepares study material for students, question paper, sample paper to make sure students have a practice of every type of question that is on a higher chance to occur in exams. Vedantu also helps the student in exploring more of new and interesting topics of NCERT for Class 6 Social Science History.

2. How do I get access to all solutions of NCERT Class 6 SST History in downloadable PDF format?

History notes are vital for the students to get an overview of the Class 6 SST History - what each chapter is conveying us and how to get solutions to the chapters. Vedantu provides all required study materials for the students to get help during exam preparation. Students can refer to the History Of Our Past Class 6 PDF to get a better understanding while solving the questions. The main aim of Vedantu is to assist students as they have covered all questions in PDF form of NCERT solutions for Class 6 History. This is by far the best resource for the students to prepare for the exams.

3. Where can I find the chapter-wise solutions to NCERT Class 6 History?

Students can access the chapter-wise solutions to NCERT Class 6 History from the links provided on the official website of Vedantu. All the study materials are present in an organized manner and it is accessible for free from anywhere. These solutions can be utilized while solving questions in the NCERT textbook, and during revision. These solutions are framed by experts and are highly reliable.

4. How can I utilize the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History to score high in my exams?

It is very important for you to choose the right study materials for your preparations. Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 6 history is among the best study materials available. Once you are reading a chapter from your NCERT textbook, solve all the questions at the end of the chapter. While solving these questions, refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 history and check if you can answer correctly. If you get stuck at any question, try understanding it from the Solutions. Even if you can answer correctly, try looking for points that can enhance your answers and help you to score more in the exams. 

5. Which are the crucial chapters in the Class 6 History textbook?

There are 12 chapters in total in your NCERT Class 6 History textbook. Wholesome chapters have more weightage than other chapters, you can consult your concerned teacher regarding the same. This can help you improvise your score. Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History encourages a concept-based learning approach and teaches you to present your answer in the best possible way. 

6. Which chapters of Class 6 Social Science History “Our Past” are important from the exam’s point of view?

All chapters of Class 6 Social Science History “Our Past” are important. Students should thoroughly read and understand the concepts given in different chapters of Class 6 Social Science History to score high marks in the final exams. Students can also refer to the NCERT Solutions of Class 6 Social Science History “Our Past” on Vedantu. All NCERT Solutions are available in simple language to help students understand the chapters easily. 

7. Where can I find chapter-wise solutions for Class 6 Social Science History "Our Past"?

Students can find chapter-wise solutions for Class 6 Social Science History our past on Vedantu. They can visit the website and they can find links to download the NCERT Solutions for all chapters. They can download the solutions of each chapter on their computers and can study from the solutions to prepare for the exams. All solutions are prepared by expert and professional Social Science teachers and they are most relevant to prepare for the exam. 

8. Why is History important for Class 6 students?

History is an important subject for Class 6 students. It helps students to learn about the past. It helps students to learn about the culture of our country. NCERT Solutions Class 6 Social Science can help students understand the concept better. These solutions are prepared by experts and are 100% accurate. Students can download Vedantu’s NCERT solutions for Class 6 Social Science from  Vedantu’s website  or the Vedantu app. These solutions are free of cost and can help students to learn and understand the chapters easily. 

9. What are the benefits of preparing Class 6 Social Science History from NCERT Solutions given on Vedantu?

Students of Class 6 can prepare for the final exams from the NCERT Solutions given on Vedantu because the solutions are easy to understand. NCERT Solutions can help students to make short notes for the exams and revise all important concepts quickly before the exams. NCERT solutions given on Vedantu are the most relevant because expert teachers use different sources to prepare the study material for Class 6 students' Social Science History.

10. How many chapters are there in Class 6 Social Science History?

There are a total of 11 chapters in Class 6 Social Science History. Students can find a detailed explanation of all the chapters of Class 6 Social Science History on Vedantu. Students can download the NCERT Solutions chapter-wise to prepare for Social Science Class 6. NCERT Solutions given on Vedantu for Class 6 Social Science History are given in simple language so that students can understand the solutions and can prepare easily for the exam. 


Cbse class 6 study materials.

case study questions for class 6 history chapter 3

Important Questions for Class 6 History with Answers

CBSE Class 6 History Important Questions with answers is one of the best resources to help you prepare for the Social Science paper. All these questions are prepared by our expert teachers and easily downloadable in PDF format. CBSE Class 6 History Important Questions include questions that may probably be asked in the exam again and cover the major concepts from all chapters of the subject.

Students can solve these important questions for practice and revise the subject thoroughly for the exam. To be able to excel in the subject and get excellent marks in the CBSE Board exams, download free PDF for Class 6 History important questions.

Chapter wise CBSE Class 6 Social Science – History Important Questions

  • Chapter 1 What, Where, How and When?
  • Chapter 2 From Gathering to Growing Food
  • Chapter 3 In the Earliest Cities
  • Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us
  • Chapter 5 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic
  • Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas
  • Chapter 7 Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War
  • Chapter 8 Vital Villages, Thriving Towns
  • Chapter 9 Traders, Kings and Pilgrims
  • Chapter 10 New Empires and Kingdoms
  • Chapter 11 Buildings, Paintings, and Books

Important Questions for Class 6 History CBSE Board

The chapter of history Class 6 textbook are vast. There are various questions provided at the end of the chapter however their numbers are limited and didn’t cover the whole text of the chapter. Thus, various important questions which are important for the examination are left up. But you don’t have to worry as we have got you covered. Here we provided all the  important questions for Class 6 history  which are important for the purpose of the examination. 

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Landforms and Life

case study questions for class 6 history chapter 3

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Landforms and Life updated and modified for academic session 2024-25. The question answers of Class 6 Social Science Exploring Society – India and Beyond India Beyond Geography Chapter 3 is given here based on NEP 2020.

Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Landforms and Life Question Answers

  • Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Solutions
  • Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 NCERT
  • Class 6 Social Science NCERT Solutions
  • Class 6 all Subject’s NCERT Solutions

Landforms are natural features on Earth’s surface that vary greatly from place to place. The three main types of landforms are mountains, plateaus, and plains. These landforms are formed over millions of years and have a significant impact on the environment and the way people live. As you travel across different regions, such as from Jharkhand to Uttarakhand in India, you’ll notice changes in the landscape due to the presence of these landforms. Each landform has its unique climate, vegetation, and animal life, and humans have adapted to live in all these different environments.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3

Mountains: The Majestic Heights Mountains are towering landforms with steep slopes and a narrow peak. They are often found in long chains or ranges, such as the Himalayas in Asia or the Andes in South America. Mountains can be covered in snow at high altitudes, which melts in the summer to feed rivers. Some of the world’s tallest mountains, like Mount Everest and Mount Kanchenjunga, are part of the Himalayan range. Mountains are rich in natural resources and are home to a variety of wildlife, including animals like the snow leopard and the yak. People living in mountainous regions often rely on activities like farming, herding, and tourism for their livelihood.

Living in the mountains comes with its challenges. The rugged terrain and steep slopes make farming difficult, but people have found ways to cultivate the land by creating terraces on the slopes. Many mountain communities also depend on tourism, as visitors are drawn to the fresh air, scenic views, and opportunities for outdoor activities like skiing and mountaineering. However, mountain life can be dangerous due to natural hazards like landslides, avalanches, and flash floods. Despite these challenges, many people continue to live in the mountains, adapting to the harsh conditions with resilience and ingenuity.

Plateaus: Elevated Plains Plateaus are flat, elevated areas of land that rise sharply above the surrounding landscape. Some plateaus, like the Tibetan Plateau, are known as the “Roof of the World” because of their high elevation. Others, like the Deccan Plateau in India, are rich in minerals and have been formed through volcanic activity. Plateaus are important sources of minerals like coal, iron, and gold, making mining a major economic activity in these regions. However, the rocky soil of plateaus often makes them less suitable for farming, except for volcanic plateaus, which have fertile black soil.

While plateaus may not be as fertile as plains, they still support a variety of human activities. In addition to mining, people on plateaus often engage in farming and herding. Some plateaus are also famous for their stunning waterfalls, such as the Victoria Falls in Africa and the Jog Falls in India. The diverse landscapes of plateaus offer opportunities for tourism as well. However, the harsh climate and rocky terrain can make life on plateaus challenging, and people living in these regions must adapt to these conditions.

Plains: The Fertile Lands Plains are vast, flat areas of land that are usually very fertile, making them ideal for agriculture. Many of the world’s earliest civilizations developed in the fertile plains around rivers, where the soil was rich and suitable for growing crops. In India, the Ganga Plain supports a large population and is known for its agricultural productivity. People in the plains grow a variety of crops, including rice, wheat, and cotton, and the plains are also home to diverse wildlife. The flat terrain of plains makes them ideal for transportation and trade, further contributing to their importance in human society.

The Earth’s surface is made up of a complex variety of landforms, each offering different challenges and opportunities for human life. From the towering mountains to the elevated plateaus and the fertile plains, each landform has shaped the way people live, work, and interact with their environment. Understanding these landforms helps us appreciate the diversity of life on Earth and the ways in which humans have adapted to their surroundings. Whether it’s the resilience of mountain communities or the agricultural productivity of the plains, the connection between landforms and life is a fundamental aspect of our world.

Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Landforms and Life

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Case Study Questions for Class 6 Social Science

  • Last modified on: 12 months ago
  • Reading Time: 7 Minutes

Case Study Questions for Class 6 Social Science

Table of Contents

Here in this article, we are providing Case Study Questions for Class 6 Social Science. In case study or passage-based questions, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ Questions based on it will be asked. For Social Science Subjects, there would be 5 case-based sub-parts questions, wherein a student has to attempt 4 sub-part questions.

Social Science Class 6 Chapter List

Latest chapter list (2023-24), cbse class 6 history chapters.

Chapter 1What, Where, How and When? Case Study Questions
Chapter 2From Hunting – Gathering to Growing Food Case Study Questions
Chapter 3In the Earliest Cities Case Study Questions
Chapter 4What Books and Burials Tell Us Case Study Questions
Chapter 5Kingdoms, Kings and the Early Republic Case Study Questions
Chapter 6New Questions and Ideas Case Study Questions
Chapter 7From a Kingdom to an Empire Case Study Questions
Chapter 8Villages, Towns and Trade Case Study Questions
Chapter 9New Empires and Kingdoms Case Study Questions
Chapter 10Buildings, Paintings and Books Case Study Questions

CBSE Class 6 Social & Political Life Chapters

Chapter 1Diversity Case Study Questions
Chapter 2Diversity and Discrimination Case Study Questions
Chapter 3Government Case Study Questions
Chapter 4Local Government and Administration Case Study Questions
Chapter 5Rural Administration Case Study Questions
Chapter 6Urban Administration Case Study Questions
Chapter 7Rural Livelihoods Case Study Questions
Chapter 8Urban Livelihoods Case Study Questions

CBSE Class 6 Geography Chapters – The Earth: Our Habitat

Chapter 1The Earth in the Solar System Case Study Questions
Chapter 2Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes Case Study Questions
Chapter 3Motions of the Earth Case Study Questions
Chapter 4Maps
Chapter 5Major Domains of the Earth Case Study Questions
Chapter 6Our Country: India Case Study Questions

Old Chapter List

Class 6 Social Science Geography: The Earth – Our Habitat

Chapter 1 The Earth in the Solar System Chapter 2 Globe Latitudes and Longitudes Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth Chapter 4 Maps Chapter 5 Major Domains of the Earth Chapter 6 Major Landforms of the Earth Chapter 7 Our Country India Chapter 8 India Climate Vegetation and Wildlife

Class 6 Social Science History: Our Pasts – I

Chapter 1 What, Where, How and When? Chapter 2 On The Trial of the Earliest People Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food Chapter 4 In the Earliest Cities Chapter 5 What Books and Burials Tell Us Chapter 6 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Chapter 7 New Questions and Ideas Chapter 8 Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War Chapter 9 Vital Villages, Thriving Towns Chapter 10 Traders, Kings and Pilgrims Chapter 11 New Empires and Kingdoms Chapter 12 Buildings, Paintings, and Books

Class 6 Social Science Civics: Social and Political Life – I

Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination Chapter 3 What is Government Chapter 4 Key Elements of a Democratic Government Chapter 5 Panchayati raj Chapter 6 Rural Administration Chapter 7 Urban Administration Chapter 8 Rural Livelihoods Chapter 9 Urban Livelihoods

What is Case Study Question in Class 6 Social Science?

Case study questions typically present a specific scenario or case related to a historical event, geographical issue, or social problem. Students are expected to read and understand the details of the case and then answer a set of questions based on their understanding and knowledge of the subject matter.

Case study questions can be an effective way to assess students’ understanding and ability to apply social science concepts to practical situations. They also encourage students to think critically, analyze information, and draw informed conclusions – skills that are valuable both inside and outside the classroom.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History

Ncert solutions for class 6 history our pasts-i – free pdf download.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History are interesting and comprise a major part of CBSE Class 6 Social Science. Studying History requires patience and a deep understanding of the concepts. One of the best ways for the students to prepare for Class 6 History is to get acquainted with the perfect solutions of NCERT . Often students consider history as a monotonous subject, which is mugged up even without clearing the queries. To solve the textbook questions effortlessly, students have to make use of a proper reference guide which contains authentic answers.

Learning these NCERT Solutions will help students build a proper foundation of the subject by clearing any doubts they may have. Since NCERT Solutions for Class 6 covers all the questions from the NCERT textbooks that are prescribed for the class, they are the best resources for students to study for the exams.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Social Science

At BYJU’S, the highly experienced faculty design the NCERT Solutions based on the latest syllabus of the CBSE board. Referring to these solutions while answering the textbook questions will enable students with the ability to create accurate answers as per the questions that would come up in the exams. History contains a lot of events and dates which are important to remember. We, at BYJU’S, provide short-cut tips and tricks which can be used to remember the dates with ease.

The main aim of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History from the CBSE textbook is to help students perform well in the exams. We have also provided the PDF download options for the respective chapters from the links given below.

Please note: According to the NCERT Class 6 Social Science textbook 2023-24, Chapter 7 – ‘Ashoka, The King Who Gave Up War’ has been renamed as ‘From a Kingdom to an Empire’; Chapters 8 and 9 have been merged as ‘Chapter 8 – Villages, Towns and Trade’.

Here, we are providing the solutions to all the Chapters of NCERT Class 6 Textbook of Social Science for the students. By clicking on the links given above, students can view the solutions for each chapter on History. Students can score better marks by referring to these solutions while preparing for the exams.

NCERT Solutions Class 6 History Chapters Overview

Chapter 1: what, where, how and when.

In Chapter 1, students will understand the ways through which we can study our past. The chapter further explains that by observing the places, dates, and books, we can find out a variety of information about our history and the lifestyle of the people in ancient times.

Chapter 2: From Hunting – Gathering to Growing Food

Chapter 2 starts with Tushar’s train journey, where he gets to know from his uncle that trains were first used about 150 years ago. People began using buses a few decades later. Then a question arises in his mind as to how people travelled in the past. Did they spend their entire lives wherever they were born? This chapter provides the answers to these questions by explaining the topics in detail.

Chapter 3: In the Earliest Cities

This chapter starts with the story of Harappa. It describes the houses, drains and streets of Harappa. It further explains the Harappan city, new crafts, raw materials and food for the people in the city. In the end, the chapter describes the Harappan towns in Gujarat and the mystery that led to the end of the Harappan civilisation.

Chapter 4: What Books and Burials Tell Us

The chapter begins with the types of Vedas we have and their descriptions. It explains in detail how historians study Rigveda. It uses the incident of the cattle, horses, chariots and different groups of people to know about Rigveda. The chapter further describes the story of the megaliths and, in the end, about Inamgaon.

Chapter 5: Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic

The chapter helps students understand how some men became rulers. The chapter describes in detail janapadas, mahajanapadas, taxes, changes in agriculture around the time of mahajanapadas, how Magadha became the most important mahajanapada and, in the end, a close look at the Vajji.

Chapter 6: New Questions and Ideas

The chapter starts with the story of the Buddha and goes on to explain the Upanishads, Jainism, The Sangha, and monasteries in detail. The exercise contains 8 questions, and students can find the answers to all of them in the solutions.

Chapter 7: Ashoka The Emperor Who Gave Up War

In Chapter 7, students will learn about Emperor Ashoka and his empire. The chapter further explains how empires were different from kingdoms. It describes how Ashoka was a unique ruler, Ashoka’s war in Kalinga and Ashoka’s dhamma.

Chapter 8: Vital Villages, Thriving Towns

This chapter explains iron tools and agriculture, steps to increase production, and the lifestyle of the people living in villages. Students will also know the stories, travellers, sculptures and archaeology of cities. By reading this chapter, they will understand that wealth was measured in terms of coins. The chapter ends with a closer look at Arikamedu.

Chapter 9: Traders Kings and Pilgrims

Chapter 9 helps in understanding the trade and traders, new kingdoms along the coasts, the story of the Silk Route, the spread of Buddhism, the quest of the pilgrims and the beginning of Bhakti. The exercise contains 8 questions, and the answers to them are provided in the solutions PDF.

Chapter 10: New Empires and Kingdoms

In this chapter, students will learn about Samudragupta’s Prashasti, Genealogies, Harshavardhana and the Harshacharita, the Pallavas, Chalukyas and Pulakeshin’s Prashasti kingdom. The chapter also explains how these kingdoms were administered, assemblies in the southern kingdoms and ordinary people in the kingdoms.

Chapter 11: Buildings, Paints and Books

The last chapter deals with the building, paintings and books of the ancient time. In this chapter, students will learn about the iron pillar, buildings, brick and stone, stupas and temples, paintings and books. The exercise contains 8 questions, and answers to all are provided in the solutions.

Apart from the solutions, there are other NCERT resources for the students, which will help them prepare better for the exam. These resources include CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 , syllabus and more. Students can refer to the following materials on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science at BYJU’S.

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Geography
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics 

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History

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Case Study Questions Class 6 History New Empires and Kingdoms

Case study questions class 6 history chapter 9 new empires and kingdoms.

CBSE Class 6 Case Study Questions History New Empires and Kingdoms. Important Case Study Questions for Class 6 Board Exam Students. Here we have arranged some Important Case Base Questions for students who are searching for Paragraph Based Questions New Empires and Kingdoms.

CBSE Case Study Questions Class 6 History New Empires and Kingdoms

1.) Name the ruler mentioned in (1).

2.) Where are the inscriptions of Samudragupta inscribed?

4.) What were these inscriptions known as ?

2.) To which gana did Samudragupta’s mother belong?

Ans. Chandragupta II was the son of Samudragupta. We know about him from inscriptions and coins. He led an expedition to western india, where he overcame the last of the shakas. According to later belief his court was full of wise people.

Case Study 3

2.) Name the Chinese Piligrim who was also in Harsha’s court.

Ans. After the death of Harsha’s father and brother, Harsha became the ruler of Thanesar.

Ans. The two dynasties mentioned are The Pallavas and the Chalukyas.

2.) What was the capital of the Pallava dynasty?

2.) Who was the court poet of Pulakeshin II?

4.) Where did the Pallava king take shelter after Pulakeshin attacked him?

3.) What were the important men that had a say in the administration?

2.) What was the job of the military leaders?

Ans. The revenue from the land was used to maintain soldiers and horses and provide equipment for warfare.

3.) What was the assembly of non-brahmin landowners called?

Case Study 9

Also See: Previous Chapter Villages Towns and Trade Case Based Questions

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    Dipen. 7th June 2023. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 3 In the Earliest Cities contains answers to all the questions given in the exercise of the history book. These solutions have been created on the basis of NCERT Book Guidelines. The solutions are prepared in simple language by our subject experts to help students ...

  10. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 3 From

    Chapter 2 On The Trial of the Earliest People. Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food. Chapter 4 In the Earliest Cities. Chapter 5 What Books and Burials Tell Us. Chapter 6 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic. Chapter 7 New Questions and Ideas. Chapter 8 Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War.

  11. In the Earliest Cities Extra Questions Chapter 3 Class 6 History

    In this page, you will find Chapter 3 In the Earliest Cities Extra Questions that will involve variety of questions like VSAQs, SAQs, and LAQs which will be very beneficial during the preparation of the examinations. Chapter 3 Class 6 History Extra Questions will improve your knowledge and answering the questions effectively in the exams.

  12. Notes of Ch 3 In the Earliest Cities| Class 6th History

    Notes of Chapter 3 In the Earliest Cities Class 6th History. The story of Harappa. • Harappa is in modern day Pakistan. • This site was accidentally discovered when the East India Company was doing the construction of railway lines in 1856. • Initially, the construction workers thought the ruins to be of some ordinary old city.

  13. Extra Questions for Class 6 History with Answers

    Chapter 1 What, Where, How and When? Chapter 2 From Gathering to Growing Food. Chapter 3 In the Earliest Cities. Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us. Chapter 5 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic. Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas. Chapter 7 Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War. Chapter 8 Vital Villages, Thriving Towns.

  14. Case Study Questions Class 6 History New Questions and Ideas

    CBSE Case Study Questions Class 6 History New Questions and Ideas. Case study 1. Siddhartha, also known as (1), the founder of (2) was born about 2500 years ago. This was a time of rapid change in the lives of people. Some kings in the _____ were growing more powerful. New cities were developing, and life was changing in the villages as well.

  15. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 3 In The Earliest Cities

    The History Class 6 Chapter 3 Question Answer contains clear and exact solutions for History Class 6 questions. These solutions help understand complex subjects and study effectively for exams. Check out the revised CBSE Class 6 Social Science Syllabus and start with Vedantu for your academic excellence.

  16. Case Study Based Questions Answers Class 6 sst/ In the ...

    case study based questions answers class 6 history chapter 3source based questions answers class 6 sstsource based mcqs#casestudy , #class6, #mcq , #history ...

  17. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History 2024-25

    NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 6 delves into the fascinating world of new implementation, questions, and ideas. This Chapter explores: ... Vedantu also prepares study material for students, question paper, sample paper to make sure students have a practice of every type of question that is on a higher chance to occur in exams. Vedantu also helps ...

  18. NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 3 In The Earliest Cities Extra Questions

    Class 6 History Chapter 3 Extra Question with Answer - In The Earliest Cities. History Chapter 3 In The Earliest Cities Class 6 Inside 5 Marks, 3 marks, 2 Marks & And 1 Marks Important Questions and Answers. MCQ Type Extra Questions And Answers (1.) The impression of a seal is known as a (a) Sealing (b) Seal (c) Pressed (d) stamp. Ans:- (a ...

  19. CBSE Notes Class 6 History Chapter 3

    CBSE Notes Class 6 History Chapter 3 - In the Earliest Cities. CBSE Notes Class 6 History Chapter 3 - In the Earliest Cities, describes the story of the Harappa civilization and Harappan cities. The chapter ends with the mystery of how the Harappa civilization got destroyed. Go through the notes to know the complete story of the Harappa.

  20. Important Questions for Class 6 History with Answers

    Chapter 1 What, Where, How and When? Chapter 2 From Gathering to Growing Food. Chapter 3 In the Earliest Cities. Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us. Chapter 5 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic. Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas. Chapter 7 Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War. Chapter 8 Vital Villages, Thriving Towns.

  21. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Landforms and Life

    NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Landforms and Life updated and modified for academic session 2024-25. The question answers of Class 6 Social Science Exploring Society - India and Beyond India Beyond Geography Chapter 3 is given here based on NEP 2020.

  22. Case Study Questions for Class 6 Social Science

    Old Chapter List. Class 6 Social Science Geography: The Earth - Our Habitat. Chapter 1 The Earth in the Solar System. Chapter 2 Globe Latitudes and Longitudes. Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth. Chapter 4 Maps. Chapter 5 Major Domains of the Earth. Chapter 6 Major Landforms of the Earth. Chapter 7 Our Country India.

  23. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History

    All the answers are created keeping in mind the understanding capacity of Class 6 students. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History contains important chapters and topics of History from NCERT books for Class 6. Students can access 2023-24 solutions for all the questions in PDF format and solve them for free.

  24. Case Study Questions Class 6 History New Empires and Kingdoms

    CBSE Case Study Questions Class 6 History New Empires and Kingdoms. Case Study 1. (1) was a famous ruler of a dynasty known as the Guptas. We know about (1) from a long inscription, inscribed on the (2) at Allahabad. It was composed as a Kavya by (3) who was a poet and a minister at the court of (1) This inscription is of a special kind known ...