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How to Write a Restaurant Review Essay

You’ve probably been to a restaurant, whether it was for dinner with family or friends or just because you were craving some delicious food. But have you ever stopped to think about what makes a great restaurant?

There are so many different things that can make or break your experience at a restaurant. It could be the ambiance, the food taste, or even how quickly it arrived at your table. And sometimes, you cannot know all these unless you read a restaurant review.

But even if you do not know how to write one, this article covers all you need to know about writing a restaurant review. Further, you will learn what makes a restaurant review stand out, be valuable, and score a high grade if asked to write one by your professor.

Generally, a restaurant review essay consists of three major parts; the introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section can be one or more paragraphs and has a distinctive role and information. Let’s see how these three parts play out and make the entire essay.

Major parts of a restaurant review essay

The introduction.

This is the first part of the review essay and gives a brief background on the spot. The information includes the name of the restaurant, location, and contact details in case you need to make reservations or get more information about the place before visiting it.

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Ideally, this is one paragraph, although sometimes it may be longer. However, aim for a concise section because it is a pacesetter to the review.

The body section is where you talk about what makes this place unique. You can start with an overview of the food served here by describing each item on their menu, followed by its price range.

Further, you can mention how good their service is compared to other restaurants in the city or state. You can also mention some interesting facts about this establishment, like whether they have won any awards from local authorities or not.

The Conclusion

The conclusion is the last part and sums up the entire review. It is also the section you restate your opinion and verdict about the joint.

How to Write an Effective Review

Even if it is your first time writing, or you have not perfected your art, these tips will help you to write an effective restaurant review essay

Choose a Restaurant

It is common knowledge the first step in writing an effective restaurant review essay is choosing a restaurant. However, your choice should be meticulous so that you do not find yourself lacking material to write about.

Ideally, you should choose one that has been around for some time, has received good reviews from others, or has received several awards from local newspapers or magazines. Further, look for an establishment offering different cuisines such as Chinese or Mexican. This way, you won’t be limited by only having one type of food to write on.

To find a restaurant, you can research the restaurant by visiting it, checking its website, or asking your friends if they have ever been there. You can also read online reviews from other customers who have visited this place. In addition, make sure that you check out each review carefully before deciding whether or not they are credible enough for you to use in your paper.

Start with a Draft

Now that you’ve chosen a restaurant, it’s time to write your review. You may be tempted to jump straight into it, but before writing anything down, take a few minutes to think about what you want to say.

What did you like and dislike about the food? How was their service? Did they have a great ambiance? Was it expensive or cheap? Write down these thoughts to be fresh in mind when writing your final draft.

If you’re unsure how many stars out of five this place deserves, just guess for now. Later, you can go over each section individually and decide exactly how many stars each rating should be worth.

Give background information about the restaurant

Spot reviews must have crucial details which help readers know where to find the place and what to expect.

Thus when writing a restaurant review, you’ll want to give your readers some background information about the restaurant. This includes;

  • The name of the restaurant
  • The location of the restaurant
  • What kind of food do they serve (e.g., Asian fusion)
  • How long they’ve been open and how popular they are

Clearly state your stand and view about the restaurant

If you have had a personal experience with the restaurant, it is recommended to express your viewpoint. But even if you have not, state it but be objective and professional by quoting other credible reviews.

To be perfect in this area, follow the following tips.

  • Be honest with your review.
  • Be fair with your review.
  • Be specific about what you liked and disliked.

Avoid Using the “I” Pronoun Constantly

Despite a review being about your experience, excessive use of “I” makes it appear subjective. This is because when writing a restaurant review essay, the goal is to focus on the restaurant itself, not necessarily your personal experience with it.

However, you can include brief comments on your personal feelings, but they should be limited and used only when relevant and helpful to the reader. Your primary focus should be on describing what happened at the restaurant and how it affected you rather than focusing on yourself as an individual.

Include pros and cons

Your review must be objective and not subjective, which is achieved if you give both sides of the story. If you don’t like something about the restaurant, don’t be afraid to say But if there are some things that are great about the restaurant, make sure you mention them too.

Furthermore, ensure your paragraphs are well-structured and easy for readers to understand. For example, if there are three reasons why people should visit this restaurant, explain them one by one instead of all at once.

This separation helps readers understand each reason clearly without confusion or distraction from other points made in the paragraph before or after.

Restate your Stance in the Conclusion

The final paragraph of a restaurant review essay should restate your opinion and provide readers with a summary of the strengths and weaknesses you have identified. The last sentence of this paragraph should clearly state whether or not you would recommend this restaurant to friends and family.

Further, restating your stance is helpful because it helps you to reinforce your point. The reader will likely be able to recall what you have said in the beginning and then apply it to what you have said later on in this paragraph.

We hope this article has given you a better understanding of how to write a restaurant review essay. Remember that it’s always important to have an open mind when reviewing any business to give accurate information about your experience.

However, remember you can always revise your essay after you have completed it to add any other information or opinions that may have come up since you wrote the first draft. That way, by turning in your paper, your essay will read as though a restaurant connoisseur and chief critic wrote it.

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

46 good spm english model essays / free essay samples for o-level, ielts, toefl & muet writing.

46 Model Essay Samples for SPM English, O-level, IELTS, TOEFL & MUET Writing

        descriptive essays.

  • My Best Friend
  • Describe an afternoon at the bus station
  • A Horrifying Swim
  • A Prominent Malaysian Leader
  • A Demonic Gold
  • My Favourite TV Programme
  • The Night Market

Narrative Essays

  • A Horror / Tragic Story
  • Finally, A Voice Message
  • That is the reward for my patience and hardwork
  • A Holiday I Would Never Forget
  • Couple Foils Robbery Attempt
  • Write a story starting with: “The widow had to work hard to bring up her little son alone...”
  • My Most Embarrassing Situation
  • A Road Accident
  • Autumn on Sugarbush Street
  • Of Bombs and Ice-Cream

Argumentative / Persuasive Essays

  • Haze: A Danger to Health
  • Cell phones - One of Our Greatest Technologies Misused
  • Importance of Studying English

Reflective Essays

  • Are undergraduates ready for the real world?
  • Does School Prepare Us for Life
  • What would you do if you had a lot of money

Factual Essays

  • Social Networking Website

Directed Writing

  • Anti-Smoking Campaign Speech
  • Informal Letter
  • Informal Letter Sample
  • Formal Letter: Letter of Application
  • Formal Letter: Letter of Complain
  • Complain Report About School Canteen
  • Book Report
  • Police Report on Accident

contoh essay bi review restaurant


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contoh essay bi review restaurant

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contoh essay bi review restaurant

Vera is a Senior Content Writer at a Singaporean lifestyle publication, ConfirmGood where she covers stories on all things food, lifestyle, and perspectives.

Throughout my career as a content writer at various lifestyle publications in Singapore , many a time have I been tasked to write a review for a restaurant .

A review of a restaurant is incredibly important to the business. Given that 94% of diners refer to reviews before making a decision to eat somewhere, the power reviews have to sway the consumer’s decision is immense.

Having been in this profession for a while now, I can safely say that I’ve seen my fair share of good and bad examples of restaurant reviews. And boy, do I have something to say!

But before I go into the details, let’s start with the basics. How should you structure your restaurant review article?

Restaurant review format

1) lay the table.

Just as how you’d set up the table in preparation for every meal, you need to set up your article in preparation for your readers’ eyes.

Provide some background information about the restaurant, its owner(s), and what it specializes in. Check out the opening paragraph of our Carne Burgers Singapore Review : 

The introduction of a restaurant review of carne burgers singapore.

The reader is immediately hit with some key facts that establishes the restaurant as a reputable business. If a sustainability-focused restaurant run by a Michelin star chef doesn’t entice you, I don’t know what does.

A well-written introduction is essential as a hook to capture your reader’s attention right from the being and keep them engaged til the end of your review.

2) Start serving your mains

Now that you’ve invited your readers to the table, it’s time to show them what the restaurant has to offer.

A majority of the body of your restaurant review should showcase the best dishes the establishment has to offer. Check out what we showcased in our Seoul Garden a la carte menu review .

We featured the best dishes in our seoul garden restaurant review.

As a buffet restaurant, Seoul Garden has a wide selection of cooked and uncooked food items on its menu. But we only featured the most popular and best-looking items. And these are the Wagyu Picanha and Salmon slices.

You should always feature the best items that the owner wants to feature and take good pictures of them ot feature in your restaurant review. The first impression always counts 👀

Some things that should be in in this part of your review include what the dishes are, why you ordered them, and what makes them great. Describe the sight , smell , flavours , and texture of the dishes you’re reviewing. You’ll be surprised by how effective these descriptive paragraphs can be in selling the restaurant.

Example of how you describe food in a restaurant review.

Quick tip 💡 Prepare an arsenal of words you can use to describe food so you can easily pull them out to use in your article.

3) Wrapping things up

End off by summarizing why you enjoyed (or did not enjoy) the food. I’d strongly recommend adding some quirky final thoughts to leave your readers with a cute aftertaste. 

You can look at what I wrote for my review on Restaurant Salt.

contoh essay bi review restaurant

Tips on writing great restaurant reviews

1) learn from the best restaurant review sites.

As with learning any new skill, look at what others have already done. 

A great source of restaurant reviews are lifestyle publications. They are generally divided into different sections like travel, finance, and food. ConfirmGood’s food blog showcases some of the best places to it in Singapore.

Check out the various articles we’ve put out to learn how to write great restaurant reviews. Learn the vocabulary, structure, and writing style.

2) Look at Tripadvisor and Google restaurant reviews

This one may come as a surprise to some of you. Why would you want to refer to reviews left behind by random people? After all, these aren’t professional food writers . What’s there to learn from?

If you take a look at the list of reviews you see on such sites, you’ll notice that some of these reviews are exceptionally well written. You can pick up pretty useful vocabulary from them. I guess some people really take writing reviews on Google really seriously 🤣

A tripadvisor restaurant review example.

Another reason why you should look at restaurant reviews is because you get to learn about what is important to a customer. Perhaps being led to the table properly is important to some. To others, it’s really just the quality of the food. See what pops up most often and take note of it.

If a restaurant hires you to write a review about them, you should include these factors in your article when promoting the business.

3) Take the best photos

A photo of carne burger used in our restaurant review article.

Taking great pictures of the food you are reviewing is absolutely necessary. Words alone cannot do the job of convincing your readers to eat at a particular restaurant. 

Humans are visual creatures and well-taken shots of the restaurants’ best dishes can help sway your readers’ decision.


Expand your food vocabulary.

If you want to write great restaurant reviews, you can’t describe that flaky pastry that oozes creamy custard fulling as delicious.

You aren’t doing the melt-in-your-mouth tender steak any justice by calling it amazing.

So just stop ❌

Again, refer to the article I listed above for some good examples of words and phrases you can use to describe food.

5) Include the restaurant’s story

A restaurant is more than its menu.

It’s also about its history, its owners’ histories, culture, and even purpose.

Establishing the restaurant’s story in the introduction of your review can help pique your readers’ interest in the place.

6) Pay attention to cultural nuances

To add to my previous point, you should always be mindful when writing about food.

Do not refer to dishes as ‘ethnic’, ‘exotic’, or worse, ‘oriental’.

Food carries with them the long history of struggle and achievements of the culture which they are from. You need to be respectful of that.

7) It’s ok to not like the food

You don’t have to lie when writing restaurant reviews.

This may even cause the restaurant to receive harsher negative reviews as they were overhyped by your article. So don’t be afraid to be honest about how you find their food. Just don’t trash them unnecessarily. 

You’re all set to start writing an awesome restaurant review !

Those are my top 7 restaurant review writing tips. I hope you’ve found them useful. Becoming a food writer is not going to be easy. But this article is a great start for you!

To get more writing tips to help improve your writing, check out Writing Wildly’s amazing writing blog !

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SPM Essay Writing Guide – Format, Examples

SPM Essay Writing Guide, Format, Examples for All Types

The SPM exam is a challenging time for Malaysian students. It’s an opportunity to showcase their knowledge and skills, but it can also be confusing as the requirements are constantly changing. For example, this year there is no essay marking scheme provided by the Ministry of Education or any other official source on how essays should be assessed. This blog post will guide how to write an engaging essay that is sure to impress your teacher and get you top marks.

What is SPM?

The Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), or the Malaysian Certificate of Education, is a national examination taken by all fifth-form secondary school students in Malaysia. It was created to test what they have been learning over their course of study and aspires them for higher education opportunities abroad.

Malaysians take the SPM exam that is set and examined by a Malaysian Examinations Syndicate. This Syndicate is also known as Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia. The education system in Malaysia can be completed after passing this test, which is equivalent to O-levels at the secondary school level. It’s compulsory for those seeking tertiary education before taking it; only then will they have an idea of what field of study suits them best. The age for completion of this public examination is 18 years old and students must pass it to be eligible for higher education.

The syndicate has made Bahasa Malaysia, English (Bahasa inggeris), Islamic studies, moral studies, history, and mathematical reading a compulsion for the students.

The Islamic studies subject is a compulsion for Muslim candidates. And moral studies are compulsory for non-Muslim candidates. The science coursework is common and compulsion to all students, but you can choose your elective subjects from these core courses below:

  • Arts And Health- Music education, visual arts education, and sports science knowledge.
  • Language And Literature- Malay literature, English literature, Chinese language, Arabic language(advanced), Chinese, Tamil, Iban, Arabic language for communication, English for science and technology, Chinese literature, Tamil literature, French language, and Punjabi language.
  • Technical And Vocational- Agricultural science, home economics, engineering drawing, mechanical engineering studies, invention, food management, fashion design, engineering technology, domestic constructions, automobile servicing, etc.
  • Science and Mathematics- additional Mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, additional science, information and communication, and applied science.
  • Social Science And Religion- Business, entrepreneurial studies, principles of accounting, basic economics, Islamic worldviews, AL-Quran and As-Sunnah education, bible knowledge, etc.

SPM Essay Format

SPM essay writing is divided into two parts, part A and part B

Part A- This section is where you’ll be writing an essay, a report, or a letter. You’re given 45 minutes to answer this and it’s compulsory for you as only one question will bring in 35 marks- so make sure not to skip over the questions! Your examiner may award 3/35 points for your format, 12/35 points on content, and 20 out of 35 if they think that your language (grammar) is good enough.

Part B – This is the section where you apply all your knowledge of writing skills. It’s also a place to study grammar rules and how they work. Take some time now before we dive in so that by taking this bird’s eye view of it, you’ll know what to expect from this portion of our coursework.

  • You will be given five options and you have to opt for only one.
  • 60 minutes will be given to students to read all the questions thoroughly and plan key points for the same.
  • This part carries 50 marks.

How to Write SPM Essay

Introductory paragraph:.

  • Always write general information to write an introductory paragraph.
  • Write at least 6-7 sentences.
  • Use proper grammar, punctuation, and correct spelling.

Body Paragraph:

  • Write at least the main idea
  • 3-4 supporting details
  • One conclusion paragraph
  • Write 40-50 words
  • Use correct grammar, correct spellings, and punctuation marks

Concluding Paragraph:

  • Restate all the main ideas in a brief
  • Write synonyms to restate your idea

SPM Essay Writing Tips

  • Read all the questions wisely, some students make mistakes while selecting the question and later regret that they could have handled the other questions with much ease.
  • Must choose a topic you are familiar with.
  • Plan your essay like outline/ideas/thoughts/supporting points etc.
  • Write sentences of different lengths a short sentence looks better after the long one.
  • Always write neat and clean must use bullet points etc.
  • Pay strict attention to the length of an essay, you have to write no less than 350 words if you write less than that, then you will be penalized, also never write extend your essay from 600- to 1000 words the more you write, the more the mistakes will happen.
  • Always spare 10 minutes to proofread and edit an essay.
  • After opting for a topic for an essay you can either write descriptive, narrative, reflective, descriptive, argumentative/persuasive, or factual/expository), but according to my suggestion always choose a narrative essay because another one requires a lot of knowledge of current issues.

Types of SPM Essays

The types of essays in SPM are:-

  • Narrative essay- To write an interesting narrative essay often needs the right ingredients – just as cooking up a plate of curry masala does. The first thing about writing such essays is one’s creative imagination; so long as they are imaginative enough and think out of their box, then any story becomes more exciting than ever.
  • Descriptive essay- a descriptive essay is an essay that aims to describe one’s viewpoint of the world through observations and feelings. The goal of this type of essay is to provide a vivid portrayal of the subject to get readers excited about what they are reading.
  • Factual Essay- A factual essay is a non-fiction form of writing that is typically used when discussing some point relating to science or history. Factual essays are very similar to research papers in structure and format; however, they both vary in the use of citations and footnotes.
  • Reflective Essay- A reflective essay is a personal essay that focuses on the writer’s reflection about an event, experience, or topic. The goal of this type of essay is typically to think critically and deeply about something which has been experienced by the writer.
  • Persuasive Essay- Persuasive essays are a common way to voice opinions and sway readers. Readers will often disagree, which is why writers need to present their point of view as persuasively as possible with evidence from research or arguments that the reader can’t refute.

Topics for SPM Essay

  • Illustrate an adventurous activity that has been done recently. Describe the preparation you have done before that and how was your experience?
  • Describe your College reunion of yours; explain how memorable for you it was?
  • Describe the project conducted at your school and you have played the most important role, what was your experience with that?
  • Should parents give freedom to children? Discuss
  • Write a story about a neighbour who is very popular in your neighbourhood. Discuss the reasons that make the neighbour popular and what other residents think of the popular neighbour.
  • Write a story about a young successful farmer who is very generous. End your story with: “My friends and I learned a lot, especially the meaning of generosity.”

SPM Essay Example for Malaysian Students

Schools and universities have turned to online classes during this pandemic. Your teacher asked about your experience with online classes.

In the wake of an infectious disease outbreak, Malaysia has had to change how its students are getting educated. The COVID-19 virus is spreading rapidly in schools and villages across Asia; as a result, many Malaysian children have been forced into remote learning for fear that they will come into contact with someone infected by this highly contagious pathogen. These changes force educators all over the world to switch from traditional teaching methods– instructing pupils face-to-face or via webcam–to online coursework where the distance between teacher and student is not just social but physical too. Some Malaysian kids accept these new conditions readily while others may be struggling with adapting because it’s difficult adjusting without close human interaction on a day today.

I reap the benefits of Online education, first of all, you will spend less than in traditional classrooms, you can easily communicate with your teacher, you will gain new technical skills, you can gain better self-motivation, and enjoy a broader perspective.

The demerits of Online learning are that it can cause social isolation, it also needs strong self-motivation and time management skills, lack of communication skills, preventing mischievous activity can be complicated, teacher-focused only on theoretical knowledge, not on practical, E-learning lack face to face communication.

With the unprecedented virus covid-19, safe to say that online learning is the best alternative we have now. In the future, I would opt for classroom learning it has various plus points that E-learning cannot replace.

Buy SPM Well-written Essay from Reliable Essay Helpers

Hope you have completely understood the guide to the SPM essay.

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30+ Good Restaurant Review Examples to Copy & Paste

Having good restaurant reviews is crucial these days. It is not just making our decision to pick one easier, it is also helping the restaurant be more successful. You can quickly copy and paste these good restaurant review examples, publish them on Facebook , Yelp or other rating platform and help the restaurant get higher ratings and more customers.

good restaurant review examples

When the online review system was introduced, restaurants and other businesses as well improved their quality and service in order to gain more positive feedbacks from guests. Restaurant owners are now going an extra mile to satisfy their clients. By adding free dessert, “on the house” drink, and extra politeness are some of the new features that are helping them get good reviews for their restaurant. We always try our best not to forget to write review, especially when we are satisfied from the service and food in a small family owned restaurant , but sometimes can be a pressure. So, we decided to make this list with good restaurant review examples that you can copy and paste to help you speed up the process and help their business.

Good Restaurant Review Examples

LEGEND for Good restaurant review examples: – Restaurant name – ( RN ) – City name – ( CN ) – Food name – ( FN )

1. This cozy restaurant has left the best impressions! Hospitable hosts, delicious dishes, beautiful presentation, wide wine list and wonderful dessert. I recommend to everyone! I would like to come back here again and again.

3 . It’s a great experience. The ambiance is very welcoming and charming. Amazing wines, food and service. Staff are extremely knowledgeable and make great recommendations.

4 . This place is great! Atmosphere is chill and cool but the staff is also really friendly. They know what they’re doing and what they’re talking about, and you can tell making the customers happy is their main priority. Food is pretty good, some italian classics and some twists, and for their prices it’s 100% worth it.

7 . I have to say, I enjoyed every single bite of the meal in ( RN ). I had a 3 course meal, with a couple of beers. Considering the quality, the price is reasonable. Ideal for those who want a romantic night out. There was also plenty of room for bigger groups.

8 . Excellent food. Menu is extensive and seasonal to a particularly high standard. Definitely fine dining. It can be expensive but worth it and they do different deals on different nights so it’s worth checking them out before you book. Highly recommended.

More Good Restaurant Review Examples on the next page

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From the traditional to the modern, fine dining destinations in Moscow celebrate the best that Russian cuisine has to offer.

By Elite Traveler

With many of the best restaurants in Moscow also doubling as bars and clubs, the atmosphere is nearly always one step away from a party, and many of the city’s elite come dressed to impress. Of course, there are still many elegant and family friendly restaurants for those who prefer a quieter evening. With such a large selection available, Elite Traveler has compiled a suitable list for diners of all persuasions.

Café Pushkin

Designed to recreate the feel of a 19th century aristocrat’s house, Café Pushkin has become one of the most popular restaurants in Moscow, thanks to the quality of its food, impeccable service and the excellent vodka selection. The atmosphere of pre-Revolution Russia is delightfully charming, from the flowery script of the menu to aristocratic country house décor. Pushkin is the ideal destination if you want to be treated like Russian nobility and dine like a Tsar – but book ahead, the restaurant’s popularity requires reservation well in advance.

Lavishly decked out with chandeliers and hand-painted furniture, the menu selection may come as a surprise to first-time guests, with options ranging from Pi Pa duck with melon and truffle to beefsteak with foie gras. Turandot puts a French spin on pan-Asian cuisine, and does so with incredible style and boldness. Whilst the interior décor is certainly to be marvelled at, it is the thoughtfully conceptualized and perfectly executed menu options that make for an incredible dining experience.

contoh essay bi review restaurant

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When the Ginza Project, a company that owns some of the finest restaurants in Moscow, announced that they would be opening a restaurant on the 29th floor of Radisson Royal Hotel, the excitement and anticipation was palpable.

The company has a reputation for the high quality of its restaurants that grace the streets of the capital, and Buono is no exception. The views from Buono are unashamedly spectacular, while the décor is elegant, with soft creams complementing the fine views on offer. The food is classical Italian; Chef William Lamberti is well known throughout Europe and has created an excellent menu. It’s always best to book ahead at Buono, as the window seats that offer the finest views over the city are quickly taken.

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Italian for ‘small’, Piccolino is a cozy, homely restaurant – something of a rarity in Moscow.

Serving typical Italian food, the family friendly establishment is laid back, but this doesn’t compromise the quality of the food: good, hearty portions that are exceptionally tasty. The interior of Piccolino has been designed to replicate that of a large country house, and the décor is entirely fitting with the atmosphere of the restaurant. In a city where many of the establishments value the names of their guests over the quality of their dishes, Piccolino is the place to come if your preference is quality of food rather than famous faces.

Twin Gardens

With two tasting menus and an à la carte option, the Twin Gardens at the heart of Moscow caters to any palette. With the restaurant concept based on the symbiosis of science and nature, their Vegetables set menu explores all manner of produce from seedling to peeling, delicately plated in a tasteful homage to the natural life cycle of wild plants and flowers. For more adventurous types, their Rediscover Russia menu offers a culinary tour of various local specialties found in provinces across the vast continent. They also have a wide selection of Russian wines.


Located in an elegant 19th century mansion, CDL is one of the most sophisticated restaurants in Moscow.

The interior has been gorgeously designed to recreate the grandeur of the Silver Age of Russian culture, with antique balustrades and bas-reliefs throughout the Oak Hall main room. The staircase in the Oak Hall is a particular masterpiece; it was built without a single nail or screw. The fireplace is equally impressive and has been used as a meeting room by President Dmitry Medvedev. Guests can also hire additional rooms such as the Cigar Room and the Cabinet Room. A menu of authentic Russian cuisine has been created by top chef Alexander Popov, with organic dishes bursting with flavor and a splendor to match the opulent surroundings. With so much luxury and class on display, it’s little wonder that former US Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush have chosen to dine here. Situated in the center of the city between Bolshaya Nikitskaya 53 and Povarskaya Ulitsa 50, it’s worth booking ahead to avoid disappointment.

White Rabbit

With a domed window inviting soaring views of the Moscow cityscape, White Rabbit has recently undergone extensive renovations, to both its interior and its menu. Renowned architect Natalia Belonogova has transformed the restaurant into an airy, modern space, perfected by the addition of a summer veranda. To connect the dining options with the new interior, head chef Vladimir Mukhin has created a new menu, Metamorphoses, to reflect the lifecycle of the mayfly butterfly.

Delight your palette with scallop, strawberries and blackcurrant or, for dessert, dandelion honey with melted cottage cheese. This summerlike and refreshing menu has its roots in Russian soil and its head in the clouds above Moscow’s skyline.


One of the best places to see and be seen, the O2 Lounge is half stylish seafood restaurant and half trendy pre-club hangout.

The food on offer is delicious Japanese fare, with sumptuous sushi prepared in front of diners by the team of talented chefs led by Nicholas Courtois. Located on the 12th floor of the Ritz-Carlton hotel, the restaurant has spectacular panoramic views over Red Square and The Kremlin. After dark the restaurant becomes one of the coolest bars in town, with award-winning cocktails and a selective wine list.

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Moscow Restaurants 2024

Top 20 restaurants you should definitelly visit during your stay in Moscow.

Looking for the best restaurants in Moscow? Checkout our latest list of the top places to eat in the capital of Russia.

Most of the trendiest restaurants are located around the famous Patriarch Ponds neighborhood, also known as the main gourmet center of Moscow and the neighboring Bolshaya Nikitskaya street. (our picks include Gvidon, Pino and Loro restaurants)

The list also includes a number of the beloved classics like Pushkin and White Rabbit that was awarded a Michelin star in 2022.

1 . Pushkin Restaurant

Pushkin Restaurant

Pushkin restaurant is located in a 19th century mansion in the heart of the city. One of the best places to experience Russian cuisine. During summer they open summer verandah located on top of the restaurant's building and overlooks Pushkin Boulevard.

2 . Erwin Restaurant

Erwin Restaurant

Erwin is a seafood restaurant that occupies 2 floors of the building located at the bank of the Moscow River in close proximity to the Radisson Royal Hotel. Erwin's menu features an extensive selection of crabs that includes king crab, snow crab, frog crab, blue king crab, spiky crab and hairy crab.

3 . Dr Zhivago Restaurant

Dr Zhivago Restaurant

Dr. Zhivago is located in the heart of Moscow, just one block away from the Red Square and Kremlin. It occupies the ground floor of the legendary Hotel National built in 1902. The restaurant carries the name of the legendary novel, as well as creates its own intriguing story line.

4 . White Rabbit Restaurant

White Rabbit Restaurant

In October of 2021 White Rabbit received it's Michelin star. The restaurant represents the so called “new Russian cuisine”. At White Rabbit they use local products to cook traditional Russian dishes with a modern touch.

5 . Sixty Restaurant

Sixty Restaurant

The Sixty restaurant, located on the Federation Tower's 62nd floor, offers stunning panoramic views and stands as one of Europe's highest dining spots.

6 . Novikov Restaurant & Bar

Novikov Restaurant & Bar

Novikov Restaurant & Bar is located on the first floor of the Ritz-Carlton hotel on the central Tverskaya street. The menu is focused mostly on PanAsian dishes.

7 . Gvidon Restaurant

Gvidon Restaurant

Gvidon restaurant is located in a restored mansion of the pre-revolutionary era. The historic building with large windows resembles old Moscow architecture. The extensive multi-page menu is divided into 3 sections that include seasonal dishes, raw bar, and main menu.

8 . Savva Restaurant

Savva Restaurant

Savva restaurant is located inside the famous 5 star Metropole hotel right across from the Bolshoi Theater and TSUM department store.

Savva’s menu was compiled by chef Andrey Shmakov with a primary focus on Russian cuisine. Although you’ll find some French and Italian items in the menu as well. The menu also includes Raw Bar.

9 . Pino Restaurant

Pino Restaurant

Pino is an Italian restaurant located in the heart of the trendy Patriarch Ponds area in the central part of Moscow. Pino’s extensive international menu has a dedicated section with dishes that can be shared among all guests at the table. Checkout their breakfasts served daily from 8:00 to 12:00.

10 . Bolshoi Restaurant

Bolshoi Restaurant

Bolshoi restaurant is located in the heart of Moscow next to the world famous Bolshoi Theater and TSUM department store. Local menu includes culinary classics from around the world. There are items from traditional Russian and Soviet era cuisine that are mixed with select Italian and French dishes.

11 . Sakhalin Restaurant

Sakhalin Restaurant

The Sakhalin restaurant is located on the 22nd floor of the AZIMUT City Hotel Smolenskaya that offers a 360-degree panoramic views of Moscow.

The restaurant’s menu features one of the best selection of seafood dishes in the city including crabs, shrimps, a variety of shells and fish brought directly from the Far East of Russia.

12 . Butcher Restaurant

Butcher Restaurant

Butcher on Tsvetnoy Boulevard is a premium steak house located on the first floor of the modern business center minutes away from the TSUM department store. Butcher specializes in premium meat from Argentina, Uruguay and Russia, so its a good place to have one of the classic steaks.

13 . La Bottega Siciliana

La Bottega Siciliana

La Bottega Siciliana is a premium Italian restaurant located in the same building as the Four Seasons Hotel. The menu at La Bottega Siciliana listed on many pages is huge. It has all varieties of Italian dishes as well as some original items compiled by the chef Claudio Pirovano.

14 . Turandot Restaurant

Turandot Restaurant

Turandot is a premium pan-Asian restaurant located on Tverskoy Boulevard in the center of Moscow. The restaurant was created by the same restaurateur who created Pushkin restaurant located in the same building.

15 . Ivanka Restaurant

Ivanka Restaurant

The Ivanka restaurant is located in the Neva Towers skyscraper in the Moscow City district. The main menu reflects the personal view of chef Ivan Negutarov on Mediterranean gastronomy with a primary focus on Italy. Checkout the menu’s dedicated “Carpaccio”, “Tartare”, “Crudo”, “On Ice” and “Caviar” sections!

16 . Le Pigeon Restaurant

Le Pigeon Restaurant

Le Pigeon is a restaurant that specializes in Parisian cuisine where traditional French dishes are served with some creative modern twists. For those that are just starting their acquaintance with French cuisine, the chefs recommend trying some snails in white wine.

17 . Boston Seafood & Bar

Boston Seafood & Bar

Boston Seafood & Bar has 2 major advantages that make it stand out among other restaurants in Moscow also serving seafood. The first advantage is pricing policy that is extremely attractive considering high quality of their food.

18 . Aist Restaurant

Aist Restaurant

Aist restaurant is located in the trendy Patriarch Ponds area in the center of Moscow. The restaurant is mainly focused on European cuisine but also has some signature Asian dishes. The restaurant is located in its own 3 story building and has one of the best summer verandahs in Moscow.

19 . Loro Restaurant

Loro Restaurant

Loro was originally opened in the winter of 2019 and became famous for its fresh Moscow take on Italian classics. The menu consists of just one sheet and six sections. There is a raw section that has oysters, sea urchins, several kinds of carpaccio and tartare. The desert menu has all Italian classics like Tiramisu, Pistachio ice cream and Crème Brûlée.

20 . Yug 22 Restaurant

Yug 22 Restaurant

Yug 22 restaurant’s name is translated from Russian as “south” and the number refers to the building’s address. The restaurant is located on Bolshaya Nikitskaya street, famous for its restaurant scene and pedestrian area.

The front door of the restaurant is decorated with yellowish tones. You will definitely like the restaurant’s floor to ceiling windows that they open during warm summer months.


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    Twin Gardens. With two tasting menus and an à la carte option, the Twin Gardens at the heart of Moscow caters to any palette. With the restaurant concept based on the symbiosis of science and nature, their Vegetables set menu explores all manner of produce from seedling to peeling, delicately plated in a tasteful homage to the natural life cycle of wild plants and flowers.

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    3.6 (392) Italian. Pino is an Italian restaurant located in the heart of the trendy Patriarch Ponds area in the central part of Moscow. Pino's extensive international menu has a dedicated section with dishes that can be shared among all guests at the table. Checkout their breakfasts served daily from 8:00 to 12:00.