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My First Experience In The Kitchen (Essay Sample)

As a young girl, I was always fascinated by my mothers cooking skills. I was also very fond of all the cooking programs that played on the television. On top of that, I loved to eat all kinds of foods and was desperate to try out new recipes. In short, I was a foodie since young, however, the kitchen always had an invisible stop sign placed somewhere by my mother and aunts. My family did not want me in the kitchen at such a young age and for obvious reasons. Since one day when my mother finally allowed me to enter the prohibited area handed me a knife, turned on the flame, and allowed me to learn and explore. In this essay, I will describe my first cooking experience under my mother’s supervision.

Table of Contents

My First Experience In The Kitchen Essay – 700 Word Long Essay


I was always fond of trying out new recipes and eating all kinds of food from a very young age. I was a proper foodie and always insisted to my mother on more and better food. I was always fascinated to see my mother’s cooking skills and how she prepared excellent food in minutes. I also loved watching cooking shows and all the chefs were like celebrities to me. Despite all my love for food, the kitchen was like a prohibited area for me for obvious reasons. My family never allowed me to enter the kitchen since one day the ban was lifted and I was allowed to have an experience of a lifetime. I was finally allowed to cook food for the first time in my life. In this essay, I will describe how my first experience in the kitchen felt like.

It was a fine Sunday morning. I woke up early and started insisting to my mother to let me prepare breakfast but my mother didn’t allow me. I became very upset because of this and refused to eat breakfast until my mother said “you can cook lunch with me if you eat your breakfast”. The words felt like magic and I quickly ate my breakfast. My mother asked me to promise her that I will be careful with everything and then I was allowed to enter the kitchen. When I entered at first it felt like I now had a responsibility on my shoulders. I looked at the different ingredients and thought that I could either ruin these ingredients or make something delicious with them. I quickly recalled all the cooking programs I saw and the first-hand experience I had watching my mother cook food. My experience watching food being cooked as well as my emotional bond with the food-filled me with confidence.

My mother asked me to prepare rice for today’s lunch. I became super excited and finally, the cooking started. My mother turned on the flame for me and placed the cooking pot on the flame. My mother then handed the knife to me and asked me to finely slice the onions. I knew how to do it but it felt difficult when I tried it. My mother gave me a demonstration and then grabbed my hand while chopping the onions. I chopped the onions, tomatoes, and ginger and poured them into the cooking pot. While the food was preparing I crushed some garlic to make a garlic paste and added it into the pot as well. My mother gave me all the spices to add in there and I also added some soy sauce and salt to the pot. Just like a chef in a restaurant, I added all the ingredients and waited for the food to become well cooked. Once I did all that I felt more confident and in the meantime, my mom and my aunt kept on motivating me more.


While I prepared the rice my mother also started preparing chicken curry to complete the menu for the lunch. While she was busy I tried to put all the rice into the cooking pot and some rice fell directly onto the flame and some fell on the ground. The flame quickly rose as some water splashed onto it and my mother quickly pushed me away from the flame. I was startled by all this but mom told me to relax a bit. She told me that while you work in a kitchen you have to be very cautious of your environment, she also told me that fire is a good servant but a bad master.  I realized my mistake and we went on preparing the food.

Once all the food was ready I quickly called my sister, grandmother, little brother, and aunt to come and eat the food. I proudly told everyone that I prepared the rice myself and my mother was kind enough to let me take all the credit. All of them ate the food and appreciated my cooking skills. That was a very proud moment for me as I felt great hearing all the compliments. At night when my dad returned home for dinner, he brought a cake for me as an appreciation of my work. for me and then He then tasted the food then hugged me and felt proud of my achievement. I will remember my first cooking experience for my whole life as it was one of the most memorable days for me. 

In conclusion, the time I spent in the kitchen taught me that with passion, love, hard work, and a little assistance everything can be achieved in life. I also realized that we have to be creative and determined to turn raw material into something meaningful. So this was all about my first experience in the kitchen. I hope you all also achieve anything that you love in your life.

Short Essay On My First Cooking Experience – 200 Word Short Essay


While I was still young I had the ambition to become a chef one day. I always dreamt of working in the kitchen preparing food, desserts, and cuisines. I was also fascinated by my mothers cooking skills and I was used to seeing all the cooking shows. In the age when kids only watched cartoons to admire animated characters, I admired all the chefs as celebrities and superheroes. My mother knew about my passion for cooking but she never allowed me to enter the kitchen. No matter how much I insisted she never admitted me into the kitchen until one day when she asked me to cook lunch. In this essay, I will share my first cooking experience to let you know how it all felt like.

It just felt magical to enter the kitchen with my mother to learn cooking. It was time I put all my cooking knowledge to the test. My mother asked me to prepare rice as my first dish. My mother turned on the flame and I put the stove onto that flame. My mother taught me how to use the knife and I started slicing onions and tomatoes. I started cooking the food by putting in all the ingredients along with soy sauce, salt, and other spices. I started following the recipe and waited until the onions turned brown. I then tried to add the rice to the stove but accidentally some rice fell onto the open flame as they were quite heavy for me to carry. The flame quickly rose and I screamed; my mother rushed in and pushed me away from the flame. However, it was not a very big deal and my mother calmed me and helped me relax.

Once all the food was prepared I asked my parents and siblings to come and taste the food. They all ate the rice I prepared and loved the taste. I felt out of this world and became proud of my achievement as it was the first time I prepared a proper dish for anyone. Preparing a complex dish taught me that with passion, love, and determination we can achieve anything in life. No matter how hard it looks we can achieve our ambitions even at a young age like I was at that time. I hope to visit the whole world to prepare and taste all kinds of food that I can in my life.

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FAQ About My First Attempt In Cooking Essay

How to write an essay about food.

To write an essay about food you first have to state what kind of food you like and why you like that food. In the body state your ambition about food whether you are a chef or a person who travels to taste food and end it with what you have learned from all this. 

How To Write A Descriptive Essay On My First Cooking Experience?

To write a descriptive essay about your first cooking experience, start with when and why it happened. In the body paragraph, add details about how you felt while cooking and end it by sharing life lessons about your cooking experience.

essay about cooking experience

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Culinary Journey: Reflecting on My Cooking Experience

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