Spencer Lam English team

6大英文 DSE 格式 全攻略 卷二卷三通殺!【附5**範文】

Picture of Spencer Lam

Spencer Lam

Dse英文文章內容在此推介課程下:, dse - 皇牌考試技巧班.


  • 以 六大範疇全方位 提升學生的英文水平
  • 自備過千頁 獨家精讀筆記
  • 教授獨門 考試技巧 及 口訣

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DSE 格式 於DSE English Paper 2 & DSE English Paper 3都會用到。以下包含6大DSE 格式,並附上相應的5**範文。包括letter 格式、article 格式、speech 格式、report 格式、proposal 格式、blog entry 格式

DSE 格式 1: Letter

在說明 Letter 格式 之前,

想簡單介紹 letter (書信)的種類

letter (書信)形式主要分為兩種:

  • Formal Letter (例如 Letter to the editor)

參考題目:2012 English Paper 2 Q6 Learning English through Popular Culture (Write a letter to the editor…)

  • Informal Letter(例如Letter of advice)

參考題目:2012 English Paper 2 Q8 Learning English through Workplace Communication (Write an email to your friend…)

DSE English paper 2

Formal Letter 離不開公函或商業書信,其中最常見的是Letter to the editor。由於你不認識書寫對象,行文時要用有禮貌的語氣。因此,以下幾點同學們需要注意一下:

  • 如果不知道對方姓名,上款應以Dear Sir/Madam稱呼對方;如果知道對方身分卻不知道姓名,如對方是Editor,上款可以是Dear Editor;如果知道對方姓名,上款只需要寫對方姓氏就可以了,例如Dear Mr. Leung/Dear Miss Chan
  • 不要用縮寫,例如I’m, you’re, we’re等,這些都是對著朋友才會用
  • 下款有兩種情況,第一是知道對方姓名,那麼下款會用Yours sincerely。第二種情況是不認識對方,而且不知道對方姓名,那麼下款會用Yours faithfully

Formal Letter 寫作公式

DSE English Paper 2

  • I am writing to express my concerns about + n.(表達關注)
  • I am writing in reply to the letter on + 日期 about + n. (回信)
  • According to / Based on  + n., + SVO (根據)
  • In recent years, + SVO (最近幾年) Nowadays, + SVO (今時今日)
  • A recent report / study / survey + shows / suggests / reveals / demonstrates + that + SVO (報導 / 研究 / 調查  顯示…)
  • In this letter, I aim to + v. + 詳細資料
  • In this letter, I will + v. +詳細資料
  • Moreover,/Besides,/Also, + SVO (除此以外)
  • What is more,/More importantly, + SVO (更重要的是)
  • Last but not least,/Lastly, + SVO (最後一點是)
  • Concerning / Regarding / with regard to/As regards / As for + n., + SVO (就…而論)
  • n. + is a reason for / is one of the reasons for + n. (…是…的其中一個原因)
  • + is a cause of / is one of the causes of + n. (…是…的其中一個原因)
  • The reason + why + SVO+ is that + SVO (…的原因是…)
  • n. + engender/contribute to/ lead to/result in/bring about + n. (導致)
  • v. + ing / n. + be + good for/ advantageous to/beneficial to/conducive to/instrumental in 
  • + v. + ing / n. (有好處的)
  • v. + ing / n. improve /enhance/strengthen/ameliorate + n. (改善)
  • v. + ing / n. + be harmful to/detrimental to/deleterious to/injurious to + n. (有壞處的)
  • v. + ing / n. harm / endanger / compromise /jeopardize / undermine+ v. + ing / n.(危及)
  • v. + ing / n. hinder / impede/ hamper (妨礙) + n.
  • I think that / I believe that + SVO (我相信)
  • From my point of view, + SVO (依我看)
  • In my opinion, + SVO (按照我的看法)
  • As far as I am concerned, / As for me, + SVO (就我而言)
  • In the following, + I will suggest some ways to + v. (以下,我會提出幾個方法)
  • In the following, I will make some suggestions.
  • To tackle/ cure/deal with/ cope with + the problem of + n., + I will put forward some suggestions.
  • To tackle/ cure / deal with/ cope with the problem of + n., + I will put forward the following recommendations. (為了解決…問題,我會提出以下建議)
  • 序數詞, / 連接詞 + I suggest/advise/propose/recommend that + SVO. (我提議)
  • 序數詞, /  連接詞, + it is good / advantageous (for sbdy) to do sthg (…是有好處的)
  • By / Through + n. / v. + ing, + sbdy + can + do sthg

Sbdy + can + do sthg  by / through +  n. / v. + ing (通過)

  • In conclusion, / To conclude, + SVO (總括來說)
  • In sum, / To sum up, + SVO (總括來說)

Letter to the editor

letter to the editor 格式

正所謂主角永遠最後出場,所以受千呼萬喚、擁有極高人氣的重中之重 – Letter to the editor (給編輯的一封信) 就是今期要介紹的實用文寫作格式。相信各位DSE考生對 Letter to the editor 都不會陌生,因為它就是卷二和卷三的一位常客。今期筆者就會為大家詳細介紹及解釋在寫作 Letter to the editor – 給編輯的信時需要注意的地方,希望大家日後見到它的時候不在徬徨而是因為熟悉並感到快樂!!

letter to the editor 格式

DSE Letter to the Editor 格式

Letter to the Editor,名副其實是一封信,雖然不是指郵寄的那些信件但是 letter to the editor 格式 其實就是一封書信,所以自然包括上款、下款及內文。

Dear Editor,

  • 內文 (points + 過度段)

Yours faithfully,

Letter to the editor 格式 千篇一律,基本上都是一樣的,所以只要緊記格式就不需要另作改變,更不要另外自行創作!!!

DSE letter to the editor 寫作技巧

1. letter to the editor opening, step 1: 特別身份 + 目的.

  • As a regular reader of your column who takes heed of the prevalent trend in cosmetic surgery, I am writing to bring to the public’s attention the seriousness of such a phenomenon.
  • As a concerned member of society, I am writing to express my opinion on ⋯
  • As a parent myself, I am writing to draw the attention of the readers to…
  • another article, a survey, a report
  • While flicking through the newspapers, it is not uncommon that we are overwhelmed with the news about miserable little creatures being tortured by their wicked owners.
  • There is a diverse spectrum of opinions of 名詞.
  • The advocates cling to the idea … while critics point their fingers at  名詞
  • Divergent as people’s views on this issue in question may be, I am in favour of the idea because its benefits outweigh its drawbacks.

2. Letter to the editor 內文

主題句 + (               )

The first point that I would like to focus on is (that)+ sentence


  • Arguably, 句子
  • By minimizing public exposure to this surgery can such an obsession with plastic surgery be mitigated.
  • This exemplifies the loss of personal judgment for those who have an obsession with physical beauty.
  • It has long been acknowledged that 句子
  • In the same vein, undergoing plastic surgery is tantamount to exchanging our faces for banknotes.
  • Most of the activities, if not all, are confined to traditional ball games: basketball, volleyball, football badminton, just to name but a few
  • Many people tend to bury their heads in the sand when it comes to violence against animals.
  • Depressing yet common as it seems, many students put their heads down on desks and take a nap during lessons.
  • Will the lessons become more interesting and enlightening after waking up one hour later? The answer is an emphatic no. 

Solving the above problem/issue may appear to be a hollow talk. 

Having delved into the root of the problem, I have conjured up two concrete suggestions.

3. Letter to the editor 駁論 (視乎題目,不一定需要)

  • Critics put forth the idea that ___. However, I am certain that this is not the case
  • This argument may seem reasonable on the surface, but upon closer inspection, it does not hold.

4. Letter to the editor ending

I hope that this letter may shed some light on our dissatisfaction/our anger. 

It is earnest hope that our classmates’ opinions are taken into consideration so that our concerted efforts can make our campus more vibrant (動力).

So what do you prefer, gold or banknotes, inner beauty or physical beauty? Make your wise choice.

Informal Letter

在解說 Informal Letter 格式之前先解釋 Informal Letter 會用在哪裡,Informal Letter 通常是寫給朋友或認識的人。Letter of advice是比較常見的一種,行文語氣可以直接一點。

Informal Letter 格式


  • 上款可以直接寫收件人名字,例如Dear Michael/Dear Maggie
  • 可以用縮寫,例如I’m, you’re, we’re等
  • 下款比較多樣化,可以用Best regards/Regards/Take care/Best wishes等

Informal Letter Sample HKDSE English 2016 Q9

Learning English through Drama 

As a Form Six Student, you are considering educational opportunities after your HKDSE. One option you have selected is the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, as you want to take up an acting career. However, your parents would like you to pursue an academic subject at another institution.

As the deadline for submitting the application is approaching, write an email to your parents, who are now on an overseas trip, to convince them to support your choice.

Informal Letter 範文 上款

Dear Mom and Dad,

Informal Letter 範文 部份一

How are the two of you enjoying the trip to Japan ? 

Now is around the blooming season of cherry blossom and I bet the view is captivating and breathtaking . I wish I could be with you enjoying a moment of relaxation and tranquility and be away from the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong. 

The deadline for submitting the application for HKAPA is around the corner . Despite the countless conversation as to how I should further my studies we have had before, I still can’t help thinking about pursuing my all-time passion – acting .

Informal Letter 範文 部份二

Informal letter 範文 部份三, informal letter 範文 部份四, informal letter 範文 部份五, informal letter 範文 下款.

Best wishes,

DSE 格式 2: Article

明白到考DSE 都很可能需要寫專欄文章 (article) ,而其他文體都有他們既定的格式,例如:report, proposal, letter to the editor等等,因此,有些學生都會想學article 格式。不過,很殘酷的現實就是,專欄文章(article)基本上是無格式可言的。article只有一個小小的格式限制,就是要為article加上標題(title)。所以,記住有article,有title。那麼,究竟要如何寫好article呢?現在送你4大技巧!

Article 格式

如何寫好Article ?




e. g. 活動的宣傳文章 After reading all these features, aren’t you excited and interested in? If so, what are you waiting for? Sign in and join us !!!


相信每一個人都有試過在背好多深字深句,但寫作好像沒有進步過,那麼如何避免這種情況發生在改卷老師身上令自己的分數被扣減呢?答案就是開玩笑。在文章裏頭適當地加入一些小幽默可以令到文章更加生動與讀者產生互動。 例子: I guess no one hates sleeping in class, right?


e. g. Have you ever wondered … ? Do you know … ? Have you heard of … ?


e. g. What are the secrets behind the free collection?

you may wonder why / what are the secrets behind?


2020 DSE English Paper 2 5** Article 真跡

2020 writing 部分一:the city’s hottest restaurant.

Article 格式

Have you heard of Dim Sum One? Chances are, you have.

你聽說過Dim Sum One嗎?很有可能,你有。

Publicly endorsed by renowned food critic Choi Lan, the opening of the daring dim sum fusion restaurant has become the talk of the town.


Speaking of why I decided to book our family a table for Mother’s Day, I blamed all of my friends who kept on posting mouthwatering photos of their food on social media – we were all tired of drooling on our phones!

說到為什麼我決定為母親節預訂一張桌子,我責怪我所有的朋友,他們不斷在社交媒體上發佈令人垂涎的食物照片 – 我們都厭倦了在手機上流口水!

So, did Dim Sum One live up to its high expectations of meshing Eastern and Western culinary conventions? Read on to find out!


DSE 格式 3: Speech

不知不覺,我們已經來到了英文卷二卷三常見實用文寫作格式. 今期筆者將為大家分享另一個實用文格式 – speech 格式 。至於如何可以成功寫作一篇好的演講辭,贏得所有聽眾的歡心? 筆者就立刻為大家介紹寫作技巧及 speech 格式 的注意事項。

speech是一種涉及與聽眾交談或進行演示的交流。 總統講話是演講的一個例子。不過 DSE English paper 2/paper 3 不會那麼嚴肅的!但DSE英文卷二卷三已經較少表明要求學生寫speech,反而會轉另一字,例如:announcement in morning assembly。學生們要感受到DSE想大家寫類近speech的文體,當然DSE對 Speech 格式 都有少少要求,這個在其後向大家展示!

Speech 格式

Writing Speech 格式

Good morning principal, teachers and fellow students, 視乎有咩人起度

  • 內文 (points)

Speech 格式 千篇一律,基本上都是一樣的(debate speech 格式 會在這個基礎上增加一些格式條件),所以只要緊記格式就不需要另作改變,更不要另外自行創作!!!

DSE English Speech 寫作技巧

1. speech 引言, step 1: 打招呼.

Good morning Principal, teachers and my fellow schoolmates,

Step 2: 表明身份

As __________________ , I am honoured to extend a warm welcome to you all. I would like to share with you about 名詞.

Step 3: 進入主題

Without further ado ( 廢話少數) , let’s dive right into it. In today’s speech, I’d like to highlight 3 major points, including A, B and C.

2. Speech 內文

Step 1 主題句 , step 2 rice , step 3: 搶分位.

If we violate school rules, we will receive punishment like staying after school while teachers meet our parents. Do you want to spend your precious time  staying in a vacant classroom to wait for the end of your punishment or playing basketball happily with your friends on the basketball court (情景)? It is important for us to follow the school rules in order to have an enjoyable school life. 

As a former student at ABC College, I’m quite sure you haven’t pondered over these benefits but I think we will be more confident and when gaining peer recognition and acceptance, won’t we?

Our school doesn’t allow using mobile phones during lessons. Following the school rules can lead us to success. Imagine when you are concentrating in class, some annoying sound from a mobile phone distracts you.

You can imagine the joy of hanging out with friends; you can imagine the joy of working hard together; you can imagine the joy of achieving common goals. 

Step 1: Picture this scene : a group of naughty students are eating when the teacher is talking; some classmates are using their phones while others are conducting an experiment in the laboratory; several boys are using foul languages when chatting. What do you think? Would  you like to study in such a school? Do you want your schoolmates to be one of them?  

Step 2: Great, I see that many of you are shaking your heads.

  • Have you wondered why 句子? 
  • What would you do if you were me?
  • Just go for it!
  • Stay tuned! 
  • Don’t waver.
  • I bet all of you share a similar experience.
  • At this point, you probably wonder 名詞
  • You may wonder why 句子

Step 4: 總結句

  • As you can see, 句子
  • To wrap up, 句子

3. Speech 結論

Step 1: In a nutshell, 句子

Step 2: the motion must (not) stand

DSE Writing Speech 3大原則

相信大家都不會陌生了,又是我們的老朋友 – 語境意識。由於是演講辭,一般而言它的作用在於向一群聽眾發表演說,所以它所採取的為informal的格式,不會在用詞或寫作上過份認真和深究。可以說,它其中的一個目的報求令到演講者能夠成功傳達訊息外,聽眾也不會睡著。 當然演講辭也有機會被用作一個嚴肅莊嚴的場合所以寫作時也不能過份輕鬆,必先留意題目給予的角色再作定論。

無錯,大家無聽錯就是搞笑。基於演講辭不是一篇formal的寫作,而且需要吸引既定聽眾的注意力,所以不會有更好的方法能夠達成目標,除了搞笑。不過要切記,這裏所提及的搞笑並不是你現實生活中所開的玩笑,畢竟你在寫作的時候,你身處於一個考試之中,所以你必須考慮你所寫的這個玩笑,改卷老師是否能看懂。因此最佳的建議狀況,是寫作一些並不好笑但輕鬆易明的玩笑,務求向改卷老師展現你有寫作演講辭的寫作技巧而且他不會誤會你。例如在玩笑過後加上一句 “Just kidding”這樣便可以萬無一失了。


  • Have you heard of …?
  • Do you know..? 
  • Have you ever thought of …?


DSE English Speech Sample

2021 dse writing part a 5** speech 範文, 2021 dse writing part a 部份一.

Good morning, Principal, teachers and fellow students.

2021 DSE Writing Part A 部份二

If I were to ask you what the large tragedy of 2020 was, what would you say? Perhaps the unfortunate cancellation of the annual school fair last year? Well, if that’s the case, fear not, as I am incredibly proud to announce that our annual school fair will be making a comeback on 29th May 2021 from 12 pm to 4 pm! So, why should you go? Listen on to find out! 

2021 DSE Writing Part A 部份三

The day will start with a “bang” at the food stalls, so forget lunch and come stuff yourself silly instead! Our Home Economic club has been teasing us with utterly delectable Takoyaki balls, filled to the brim with fresh octopus, covered with a truly decadent mozzarella and goat cheese sauce. Be careful, or else you might find yourself literally speechless and tongue-tied by octopus tentacle – that’s just how fresh they are (just kidding)! Have an insatiable sweet tooth? Check out the dessert booth and be on the lookout for the chocolate custard tarts, with a scrumptious core of white chocolate. Bon appetit! 

2021 DSE Writing Part A 部份四

The next activity worth stopping by to at least watch is the alumni football match. Did you know that Hong Kong’s rising super star, Keung To is an alumni of our school? Sign up for the match, and you might be able to play with, or against him! We also have no shortage of teachers who also happen to have studied here, and are trembling in excitement to relive and reminisce on their youth, filled with laughter and merriment. If you are interested in seeing if your football skills measure up to our staff, do come and join us. Each match will be a 30-minute mini match, with seven people on each team, and as a twist, two footballs! What an amazing way to burn excess calories from the food stalls, don’t you think so?

2021 DSE Writing Part A 部份五

Unfortunately, for the above can become reality, we need your help. We couldn’t have made each school fair a success without help from our student volunteers and this year isn’t going to be an exception either. Before you think that you’re an untalented potato who would be more harm than help, I’ll have you know that everyone can do something to help! For you, artistic talented people, who I have no idea how you transform paint into masterpieces, lend us a hand with the decorations! You know I can’t draw a flower even if my life depended on it. If you’re so persuasive that nobody has ever been able to refuse to share their treasured snakes with you, go and bring in the largest crowd Banyan School has ever seen in history to the school fair! Make sure that everyone shows up! Lastly, for all of you glitters including me, who live to eat and tail in pursuit of gastronomic delight, do go and help out in the Home Economics Club’s kitchen. After all, taste-testing is what makes a great chef!

2021 DSE Writing Part A 部份六

“So Chris, how do I sign up?” For a measly $10, you can buy a ticket. Everyone, including all past and present pupils, teachers, friends, and family are welcome, so invite your friends from other schools, so you can show off your good fortune of attending this school. If you would like to volunteer, or have any questions, do contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to seeing all of you! Thank you!

DSE 格式 4: Report

明白到考DSE 都可能需要寫報告 (Report) 。大多時候大家都沒有留意到答題過程中其實有很多陷阱位與得分位。有見及此,今天筆者會分期為大家整理DSE英文卷2及卷3中各款常見寫作格式:report writing 格式。而且還會教你3大技巧寫好report!

Report 格式

英文 report 格式

Step 1:suitable title.


  • A Report on ___________
  • An Investigation into ___________
  • An Analysis of ___________

  “簡單就是美” 不必花巧,能夠得分便是真理,只要緊記務必在題目要求下加上標題即可。

This has set the backdrop of ….. 

Prior to our study, the definition of 名詞 will first be explored: 句子…….

Given that 句子, this report aims to explore the reasons…, and propose measures …..

The majority / minority of the respondents expressed approval / disapproval of ___

This fact illustrates / indicates that ___

With a view to

In hopes of

For the sake of

For the purpose of

In an attempt to

Nothing short of a pressure cooker (正正就是)

It is crystal clear that

Conceivably, 句子

In the hope of fostering a more compassionate and inclusive society for young people in Hong Kong, there are several crucial stakeholders responsible for ironing out this problem.

  • On the whole, ___
  • The main conclusion that can be drawn is that, ___
  • On the basis of the survey findings mentioned above, it would seem that ___

DSE 格式 5: Proposal

proposal 格式

除了報告 (Report), 建議書(proposal)是另一款寫作的常見格式,而且它的格式與報告其實十分相似。有見及此,今次小編會為大家指出在書寫建議書時有什麼值得注意的地方及需要留意的得分位、及陷阱位。

DSE Proposal 格式

proposal 格式

Proposal 格式 1. 標題

與報告 (Report) 一樣,大多數時候都要為建議書加上一個合適的標題,所以考生只需要緊貼題目內容,為建議書配上一個簡單易明的標題即可,不建議追求精美及花巧,以免弄巧成拙。

Proposal for …….

Proposal 格式 2. 內容結構

與報告 (Report) 一樣

  • Introduction


Proposal 格式 3. 小標題

建議書,顧名思義向某人提出建議以尋求改善問題,所以文章的內容結構應該整潔簡短,不宜出現“長氣”的情況,在proposal 格式 上,各位都可以善用小標題。例如:

  • Backgrounds
  • Recommendations 
  • Conclusions

DSE Proposal 寫作技巧

1. proposal 引言.

  • In hopes of addressing/ alleviating the recent issue of X,
  • As part of our school’s recent initiative to encourage more students to read,

• In anticipation of / in advance of the launch of X,

  • [解釋] This proposal aims / seeks / strives to (努力) explain in detail the 名詞
  • [介紹] This proposal outlines / sets out / provides a blueprint that 句子

• The primary / main / central aim of this proposal is to show / illustrate / adumbrate (預示) our vision for名詞

  • We will, first of all, cover the core design, before then considering, both the budget and the parties involved [Level 4]
  • Included within this proposal is an in-depth walkthrough of our project execution plan, our budget, and our timeline for implementation. [名詞] [Level 5+]

• Our proposal leaves no stone unturned (不遺餘力) and provides you with an in-depth walkthrough, in terms of X (e.g. venues), Y (e.g. sponsors), and Z (e.g. ticketing). [Level 5**]

2. Proposal 內文

Problem (問題).

[Recent Issue]

  • It is observed by X that the vast majority of students are lazy 
  • The particular issue (that) we are facing involves / centres around 名詞
  • The issue of X is a hurdle / problem / pitfall that must be swiftly overcome / navigated.
  • In the light of this / In recognition of this, the Student Union proposes to roll out / introduce / devise the plan [名詞]
  • To cater for / accommodate the needs of X, we are now proposing to implement measure Y.

Details / Activities (活動詳情)

  • The activity will comprise / be constituted of three parts: A (am), B (noon) and C (pm).
  • Students engage in      ongoing / recurrent / open-ended series of monthly sports weekends.
  • According to our proposal, Area X will be transformed into / revamped as a new Y.
  • We envisage the event will take place over the course of two days, preferably be held during weekends.
  • The first edition of the newsletter will be sent out on the August 4, 2024, and then on the final [day] of each month subsequent to that.
  • The pilot scheme (              ) will be trialed in our school laboratory over the 2021-2022 school year
  • The [venue, e.g. local youth centre] has been chosen as the venue for the inaugural / first / initial event.
  • Of all the available venues, 地方 would appear to be the most suitable for the proposed event.

Our proposed event / plan is designed in a way  intended

  • to bridge the gap between X and Y
  • to encourage / incentivize / spur on ( 激勵 ) you to do something
  • to nurture a more harmonious relationship between

3. proposal 結論

  • We are positive that this proposed measure will provide an  antidote (n. 解毒劑 ) to the problem
  • This proposal will be the first step toward unlocking the full potential of 名詞 (e.g. our team / firm) and will assuredly lead to more synergetic        outcomes for years to come
  • Our proposal is radical / provocative, but we have every        confidence/ reason to believe that it will improve X for the better.

Step 2. 對象/背景

  • We would be grateful if you could kindly consider our proposal
  • Any favourable consideration of our proposal would be much appreciated

We would appreciate it if you could give our proposal some thought and grant it your approval.

DSE Proposal 語境意識



DSE Proposal 生子表



Related to

pertaining to



put forward the following proposal






revolve around


I suggest

It is proposed that










Not straightforward

far from straightforward

In the light of this / In recognition of this



with utmost expediency (n. 權宜之計)


DSE Proposal 範文

Learning English through Social Issues

Many people say that Hong Kong’s education system stifles creativity and they argue that this may pose a danger to our city’s development. Write a proposal to the Secretary of Education recommending three activities or programmes the schools in the territory can run to make education creative.

Proposal Sample 部分一

Proposal for Creative Education for Schools

Proposal Sample 部分二

Creativity is valuable as it synthesizes innovations and brings improvements and changes to society. Nevertheless, Hong Kong’s education system has come under fire for throttling creativity and some are concerned about the dangers this may pose to the development of this international metropolis. Indeed, the curriculum is more practical than romantic. Many students emphasize memorization, repetitive practices and examination skills in a bid to become high flyers. Seldom are students willing to take the risk of thinking out of the box as high marks are not guaranteed.

In the light of all these problems, I would like to recommend three programmes that schools can run to stimulate students’ creativity and make education more creative.

Proposal Sample 部分三:Putting up a creativity wall

To commence with, I suggest that schools should build a large wall for students to write or draw freely on.

Depending on the campus’ design, the wall, or simply a very gigantic white board, can be located where most students gather, be it near the playground, beside the basketball court or next to the tuck shop. Markers and post-it in different colours will be provided. Every week, the school can propose a new topic or area of discussion to stimulate students’ thinking. “What else is in the universe?”, “Create a new season for the earth!”, “What will the world be like in 1000 years?” are all appealing topics that students can respond to creatively either by words, poetry, or drawing. By the end of every week, representatives from a designated class can give a presentation in the assembly on what ideas fascinate their class the most. 

Not only will the “Creativity Wall” spark off ideas for individuals, but it will also encourage students to discuss creative ideas among themselves as well through interactive process of reading others’ thoughts and responding. It is within our anticipation that numerous innovative ideas can be generated by the students.

Proposal Sample 部分四:Running a lyric rewriting and singing contest

Furthermore, it would be advisable for schools to organize a lyric rewriting contest. 

In the contest, students can select a melody from a repertoire of pop songs and rewrite the lyrics under such themes as love, friendship and nature. Students who have talent in composing could even create the melody. It should be noted that not only are lyrics a reflection of culture, they are also a form of literature as well. Students, for instance, need to think how to add spice and sparks to the lyrics, during which their writing skills can be honed. Rewriting the lyrics, however, is not all. Students are further required to, either individually or in groups, perform the songs they write and upload a video onto social networking sites like Facebook and Youtube.

It is noteworthy that music brings hope and merriment to us and many teenagers are captivated by its power. The “likes” they can get reflect their efforts and serve as an encouragement and an incentive for them to write creatively and sing beautifully. The video with the greatest number of “likes” will win the competition. Students, who will both be the contestants and the judges, will definitely find the contest appealing.

Proposal Sample 部分五:Holding a video skit-writing competition

Last but not least, schools are recommended to hold skit-writing competitions annually.

From creating a story line to laying out the setting and designing the costumes; from shooting from an appropriate angle to acting the script out; from selecting the background music going along with the plot to editing the videos with special effects – these are all creative techniques a video skit-writing competition requires students to possess. 

In the skit-writing competition, it is of paramount significance for students to cooperate and discuss with other students in the process, meaning that their inter-personal skills could be sharpened. This is in line with the very principle of all-round education. Besides, to make the competition more enticing, the winning pieces can be put on the website of the schools as an encouragement to students. With a view to capturing students’ interest, social media can also be utilized as a platform for judging and sharing as well, and its benefits are mentioned in the previous section. All in all, students can benefit enormously from this activity.

Proposal Sample 部分六:

Not only can the above-mentioned activities stimulate creativity, they can also encourage interactive discussions and raise students’ interest in different topics, which can further inspire ideas. 

Students are humans, not robots. Sad to say, hardly can Hong Kong students think innovatively despite their brilliant scores in international examinations. Failing to overhaul the ossified education system today, our city will merely produce diligent workers working for innovative leaders of foreign companies.

Thank you very much for your kind attention and I hope that schools can consider my simple and effective suggestions, making education and learning more creative and fascinating. The beneficiaries will no doubt be our students, and most importantly, Hong Kong.

希望這部分可以幫助你了解 proposal 格式 以及寫好proposal的技巧!

DSE 格式 6: 網誌 ( Blog entry)

application letter sample dse








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HKDSE English exam: tips on how to ace the writing assessment

  • Make sure to choose the right tone and watch out for common mistakes, such as subject pronouns.
  • Review formats such as letters to the editor, proposals, reports, personal letters, speeches and business/formal letters.

application letter sample dse

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application letter sample dse

The writing portion of the English HKDSE exam, Paper 2, counts for a full 25 per cent of the entire grade. Young Post spoke to Patrick Chan of Beacon College, Alan Chan of King’s Glory Education and Eric So from Modern Education for their tips and tricks on writing well.

One common point that all three tutors emphasise is to be aware of the tone you need to take and the target audience of the piece of writing. 

They all say you need to adjust your level of formality depending on the purpose of the piece. In addition, you also need to keep the tone consistent through the text. 

Study tips for the DSE chemistry exam

For example, a report or proposal would require a formal tone, while a personal letter would be casual, and a speech is somewhere in the middle.

Alan Chan suggests revising six formats: letters to the editor, proposals, reports, personal letters, speeches and business/formal letters. “Those six are high-value topics and knowing them will help in other papers as well, such as the listening exam,” he says.

“Some students think there is no point revising for the writing paper because you can’t improve. I think it is the best paper to study for improvement. You can study the format.”

How to ace the DSE Chinese exam

Remembering who you are writing for is also essential. “For example, writing for the school magazine is not the same as giving a formal speech. That would dictate whether you write about pop culture or refer to current affairs,” he says. 

In Part B, students must answer one of eight questions, each based on one of the three (or more) elective modules they studied. But Chan says to consider all the questions, and not just those covering “your” modules. 

“Don’t limit yourself. Look at all of the options. It’s not about which one you feel comfortable doing, it’s about getting a good grade.”

Remember who you're writing for: should your tone be formal or informal? So lists several common mistakes students make in their exams, calling them “old problems”. These are: subject pronouns – he, she, it – and pluralisation; parts of speech: nouns, verbs and adjectives; writing run-on sentences, and using too many commas. 

“Unlike in Chinese, you also need to use conjunctions, ” he says. 

So says it is also very important to write content that matches the question. “For example, in 2019, it was listed very clearly what you had to do. If it says ‘explain’ or ‘elaborate’, make sure you do that.” 

Liberal Studies exam tips from a pro tutor 

Patrick Chan advises students to spend 50 minutes on Part A and 70 minutes on Part B. “Remember this includes proofreading,” he adds.“You must read the questions carefully and look at keywords to understand your role and the purpose of the writing,” Chan says. “Speeches are quite likely this year.”

Using a speech given by the chairman of a school’s parent-teacher association as an example, he explains the key things to keep in mind.

“First is your role. You are a parent giving a speech to other parents, not a student or teacher, so use that tone. Give yourself a role, as a father or mother of children, to make it more convincing.”

Why reading the news is the best way to prepare for exams 

A good speech is interactive, he says, not like a letter. “You can use rhetorical questions and pretend you are observing the response of the audience,” he advises. “For example, you can say ‘I see X in the audience’, where ‘X’ would be most of you nodding or shaking your heads or raising your hands.” 

A more formal piece of writing like an opinion piece or a proposal will require more formal word choices. Chan suggests some useful phrases to remember for formal writing are “it is suggested that”, “it is proposed that”, or “with a view to”.

Finally, check your spelling!

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港大 9A 狀元 Ms Priscilla


2021 DSE English Paper 2 題目、5** 答案【狀元 5** 範文】

​2021 dse english paper 2 part a, question 1 (short task).

2021 DSE English Paper 2 Part B

Question 5 (範文更新中)

Question 7 (+5**範文)

​DSE 作文 常見樽頸位?如何解決?

訂閱 電子報 ( 免費 接收 5** DSE 範文)

了解 DSE 備考課程 (7 科 5** 狀元之選)

2022 dse english paper 2

You are helping your school organise the annual school fair. You have been asked to make an announcement about the event during the morning assembly.

Use the poster below to help you write your announcement. In your announcement:

Introduce the event.

Describe some of the activities that will take place.

Let students know how they can help out.

dse english writing

​2021 DSE English Paper 2 Part B

Choose ONE question and write about 400 words.

Learning English through Social Issues

Although studies show electric cars are more environmentally friendly than petrol cars, less than 3% of all vehicles sold in 2020 worldwide were electric.

Write a letter to editor of Hong Kong Post .

Discuss why sales of electric vehicles are so low.

Suggest what can be done to attract more people to drive these vehicles.

Learning English through Workplace Communication

You work in the sales department at Fast Fashion, an online company that sells clothes. Recently, you have received a number of complaints from customers about the company’s no-exchange/no-refund policy.

Write an email to the sales manager.

Explain why you think this policy should be changed.

Suggest what changes could be made.

Discuss ways to prevent customers from taking advantage of the new policy.

Learning English through Sports Communication

You are a professional athlete looking for a career change. You have seen the job vacancy shown below and would like to apply for the position of Assistant Coach.

Write a job application letter to the Human Resources Manager.

Introduce yourself and your athletic history.

Explain your interest and suitability for the job.

Learning English through Debating

A social media influencer is a person who is paid by a company to promote goods and services through their social media networks.

Surveys show that a majority of millennials trust the advice of social media influencer over traditional media advertisements.

Write an argumentative essay.

Discuss whether social media influencers are more trustworthy than traditional media advertisements.

Give reasons to support your point of view.

Learning English through Popular Culture

You took part in a social media challenge called ‘The 21-day Gratitude Challenge’. For three weeks, you kept a journal about the things you were thankful for on a daily basis.

After completing the challenge, participants are invited to share their experience on the 21-day Gratitude Challenge website.

Write a blog post.

Explain why you accepted this challenge and what you hoped to achieve.

Reflect on the 21 days and whether taking on this challenge has changed you in any way.

Learning English through Short Stories

You are joining a short story contest organised by a book shop.

Write a scary story about a security guard on duty one night.

Use the pictures to help you write your story. You can use the pictures in any order.

dse english writing

The hours passed by uneventfully, and boredom started to creep in. Fred couldn't help but stifle a yawn while Dave fought against the drowsiness threatening to overpower him. Just as the monotony reached its peak, an alarm pierced through the silence, jolting them both from their slumber-like state.

Fred, wide-eyed and alert, sprang into action. "Dave! Wake up! We've got an alarm!" he shouted, nudging his sleep-addled colleague.

Dave blinked groggily, rubbing his eyes. "What? Alarm? What's going on?"

Fred sighed impatiently. "We have to check it out, Dave. Stay awake!"

Grabbing their walkie-talkies, they prepared to venture out into the unknown. Fred glanced at Dave's tired face and added, "You stay here, Dave. Keep an eye on the screens. I'll go investigate."

With a nod, Dave replied, "Alright, be careful out there, Fred."

As Fred stepped into the dimly lit corridor, he clutched his walkie-talkie tightly. The flickering lights overhead created eerie shadows, causing him to shiver involuntarily. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves, but just then, the walkie-talkie emitted an ear-piercing scream.

Startled, Fred almost dropped the device. "What in the world? Who's there? Can you hear me?" he exclaimed, holding the walkie-talkie close to his ear.

Amidst the piercing screams, a frightened voice managed to break through the chaos. "Help... please... something... can't..." a girl desperately cried.

Fred's heart raced as he strained to decipher the terrified pleas. "Hold on! I'm coming! Just stay on the line!" He shouted, his voice filled with urgency.

As he followed his hunch and walked toward the end of the corridor, Fred's mind raced with concern for the girl on the other end of the walkie-talkie. "Almost there." he muttered to himself.

Finally, he reached a metallic exit door, his hand trembling as he pushed it open. The screaming stopped all of a sudden. And to his surprise, he discovered a walkie-talkie lying on the floor, abandoned and silent. His brows furrowed in confusion as he scanned the empty room.

"Anyone?" Fred called out, his voice echoing through the eerie silence. But there was no response, only the chilling emptiness of the room.

An unsettling feeling settled over Fred as he pondered the disappearance of the screaming girl. "Where did she go? How did she vanish into thin air?" he wondered.

Fred were baffled with more questions than answers. With a heavy heart, he picked up the walkie-talkie on floor and retraced his steps back to the security room.

To this day, the story of the girl's disappearance remains a haunting mystery within the government headquarters. And whenever Fred walks those dark corridors, he can't help but feel a chill down his spine, a constant reminder that some secrets are meant to remain shrouded in darkness.


Learning English through Poems and Songs

You read this poem in class and your teacher has asked you to write an essay on the theme of friendship.

New Friends and Old Friends

Make new friends, but keep the old.

One is silver, the other is gold.

Friendships that have stood the test –

Time and change – are surely best.

Cherish friendship in your breast –

New is good but old is best.

Joseph Parry (1841 – 1903)

Use these questions to help you write your essay:

What is the difference between old and new friendships?

Do you agree that older friendships are better than new ones?

application letter sample dse

Learning English through Drama

You want to be a screenwriter and have an idea of a TV drama series about three generations of a family.

Write a letter to the production manager at TV-Station X.

Introduce the characters, plot and setting of your TV drama.

Explain why you think this idea would be popular with viewers.

dse english writing


針對學生英文作文時的各類痛處,以下收輯了 Ms Priscilla 學習心得和解決方法,切忌錯過!

即學「DSE 寫作格式大全」


?​ 即學「狀元百搭寫法」

即學「掌握 Proofreading 技巧」



2022 dse english paper 2

【DSE Eng Paper 2】DSE English Writing 英文作文技巧、寫作格式、提示詞 #附範例

2022 DSE English Paper 2 題目、5** 答案【狀元 5** 範文】

2023 DSE English Paper 2 題目、5** 答案【狀元 5** 範文】

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Complete collection of hkdse english language paper 2 writing topics (2012 – 2023).

For question 1, write about 200 words.

1. You are a famous news reporter for Hong Kong News . Your old secondary school has asked you to write a feature article about yourself for the next edition of the school magazine. Use the following three headings to write the article. Add one heading of your own.

  • The best part of my job
  • The biggest challenge I have ever faced in my job
  • My school days 

For questions 2 – 9, choose one question and write about 400 words.

2. Learning English through Sports Communication (DSE 2012)

You have been following an online debate in Health and Fitness eMag about the value of doing virtual sports (such as those played on a Wii) versus real sports. Write your view on the topic and post it on the online forum.

3. Learning English through Drama (DSE 2012)

You have been surfing a website on the use of drama techniques in education. You have seen the following topic on an online forum and are now writing your response .

Many teachers incorporate drama into their lessons as they feel it has various educational benefits. However, some parents are against this as they feel that learning cannot take place through drama. What is your opinion? Please share your experience of learning through drama with us!

4. Learning English through Poems and Songs (DSE 2012)

You are the lead singer in a band. Last week, you held your first performance at a music festival in Victoria Park. Write on your blog describing the performance, including how you felt, the atmosphere and the things you could have done better.

5. Learning English through Debating (DSE 2012)

You are trying to recruit more people to join the school debating club. Write a speech to give at the next school assembly explaining the activities the debating club organises, the benefits of being in the club and also the importance in life of being a good debater.

6. Learning English through Popular Culture (DSE 2012)

The human desire to look attractive is universal and because of this, cosmetic surgery is now a multi-million dollar industry. Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Express about the obsession with physical beauty.

7. Learning English through Short Stories (DSE 2012)

Your creative writing teacher has given your class the following task and she would like you to use it to write a short story. The stories will be displayed in school during Creativity in Learning Week .

You were walking by the Peninsula Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui when you spotted your brother driving an expensive sports car. The last time you spoke to him, he was looking for a job.

Write a story about how you found out the truth.

(Credit: ewhoknow.com)

8. Learning English through Workplace Communication (DSE 2012)

You are an intern at Hong Kong Correctional Services. The government has launched a campaign called Second Chance to encourage employers to recruit reformed criminals or drug addicts. Write a letter to all Hong Kong businesses outlining the new project, explaining the benefits and persuading them to join the scheme.

9. Learning English through Social Issues (DSE 2012)

Your school magazine is going to include a special feature on mental health. Recently, one of your friends was suffering from depression. Write an article for the school magazine about your friend's depression and how he/she overcame it. Give advice to others on how to help fight depression.

For question 1, write about 100 words for each photo.

1. You are taking part in a photo exhibition called 'My Memories'. As part of the photo exhibition, you have presented two photos. Now you need to give a title to each and a brief explanation of why these photos are meaningful to you.

(Credit: Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority)

2. Learning English through Sports Communication (DSE 2013)

You have been asked by Ms Chan, the teacher in charge of Campus TV, to produce a 30-minute programme about a local Hong Kong sporting event. You need to write an email to Ms Chan. In this email, suggest a sporting event, explain what would be included in the programme and outline how you will make the programme interesting to your schoolmates.

3. Learning English through Drama (DSE 2013)

You are reading Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare for drama class. In the play, Brutus betrayed his best friend, Julius Caesar, for the good of the country. Your homework is to write a diary entry about a situation when you betrayed your best friend.

4. Learning English through Social Issues (DSE 2013)

Many people say that private school bus service operators do not follow proper safety procedures when dealing with young children and they argue that this may pose a danger. Write a letter to the Bus Operators Association of Hong Kong to express your concerns and give three recommendations for how private school bus services can be improved.

5. Learning English through Debating (DSE 2013)

Recently you have heard several people making complaints which you thought were unreasonable. Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Post about this. In your letter, describe the situation which some people complained about, outline the point of view of the complainants, and indicate why you think those people are unreasonable.

6. Learning English through Workplace Communication (DSE 2013)

You are a human resources assistant. Your boss has observed that many people are leaving the office very late. He has asked you to write an article for the company newsletter describing the situation and discussing the negative effects . You have also been asked to give two suggestions to improve the situation. Provide a suitable title for your article.

7. Learning English through Popular Culture (DSE 2013)

Asian singers and movie stars are gaining popularity all over the world and are no longer appealing only to Asian audiences. Write an article for your school newspaper explaining why Asian stars are gaining popularity in Western countries. Give a title to your article.

8. Learning English through Poems and Songs (DSE 2013)

You are the President of the Students' Union. You are giving a speech to the graduating classes. The inspiration for the speech comes from the following popular song about how time can slip away if you don't make good use of it.

Write your speech.

9. Learning English through Short Stories (DSE 2013)

You are entering the 'Detective Story Competition' and have been given the following situation:

Write the story.

1. The Local History Newsletter is a newsletter about the history of Hong Kong. Every month, it prints short articles about special places in Hong Kong. You have been asked to write an article about an old village called Lucky Village. Write your article using the three headings provided. You can use the headings in any order.

  • Life in Lucky Village 40 years ago
  • An event that changed Lucky Village
  • What Lucky Village is famous for

2. Learning English through Sports Communication (DSE 2014)

A local fitness centre is being renovated. As the chairperson of your school's Sports Club, write a letter to ask the fitness centre to donate some of their old equipment to your school. In your letter, describe how the donation could benefit your school and the fitness centre.

3. Learning English through Drama (DSE 2014)

Your school has received a complaint from City Hall about the poor behaviour of a group of your Drama Club members who attended a drama performance last week. You are the chairperson of your school's Drama Club and you have been asked by your teacher to write an email to your Club members regarding the complaint. Write the email to your Club members.

4. Learning English through Social Issues (DSE 2014)

Some people believe that filming movies in the city centre should not be allowed. Others support it. Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily giving your opinions. Provide three reasons to support your point of view.

5. Learning English through Debating (DSE 2014)

Currently, only a small number of students in your school have access to school lockers. As the chairperson of the Student Union of your school, you have collected the views of students from different classes on this issue. Write a letter to Ms Lee, your school principal , to persuade her to change the policy on lockers.

6. Learning English through Workplace Communication (DSE 2014)

The Hong Kong Daily is asking students to submit an article about their summer job experiences. You were employed as a costumed character performer in one of the local theme parks last summer. In your article, write about your typical working day, and the good things and bad things about your job. Write the article.

7. Learning English through Popular Culture (DSE 2014)

You recently attended a stand-up comedy show and you were impressed by the performance. Write an article for your school magazine describing the show, discussing the challenges such performers might face and how students at school can benefit from watching such a performance.

8. Learning English through Poems and Songs (DSE 2014)

You took part in the Hong Kong Schools Poetry Festival. You have been asked by your teacher to write an article for your school magazine about how you prepared for the competition and what you learned from this experience.

9. Learning English through Short Stories (DSE 2014)

You are taking a creative writing workshop and you have to submit the following assignment:

Imagine you are a university student living in a student hall. Your roommate has suddenly decided to leave. Write a short story describing the events that led up to your roommate's sudden departure.

1. A recent article in the Young Post suggested that an 8:00 am start to the school day makes students feel tired and sleepy. Write to the editor of the Young Post expressing your views on the following :

  • why students feel tired; and
  • whether or not a 9:00 am start will solve the problem.

2. Learning English through Sports Communication (DSE 2015)

A number of your classmates have expressed their disappointment about physical education (PE) lessons at school, saying that the lessons are not interesting. As the chairperson of the Class Association, you have decided to reflect your classmates' opinions about this to your principal, Ms Chan.

Write a letter to Ms Chan explaining why your classmates are unhappy about existing PE lessons. You should then suggest two new activities that could be introduced in future PE lessons and explain why students would prefer such activities.

3. Learning English through Drama (DSE 2015)

The Hong Kong Drama Association is planning to organise a drama competition for secondary school students. The theme is 'You are never too old to live your dreams'. Students are invited to submit stories. The winning story will later be turned into a play by the Association. Your story should be about the elderly realising their dreams.

Write your story.

4. Learning English through Social Issues (DSE 2015)

Many parents in Hong Kong are sending their children to other countries to complete their schooling. Write an article for your school magazine examining two reasons for this phenomenon. You should also discuss the impact of this on local schools and on children who leave to study overseas.

5. Learning English through Debating (DSE 2015)

Many parts of Hong Kong's harbour front are still undeveloped. Some suggest using these areas for housing and commercial use, while others argue that such areas should be left as open space for public use. Write to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily stating your opinion either for or against leaving these areas open for public use. Justify your point of view with three reasons.

6. Learning English through Workplace Communication (DSE 2015)

You are a summer intern working in Hong Kong Mobile's customer services department. Your job is to handle complaints about your company's products and services. As part of your duties, you are required to inform your manager about complaints received and outline possible solutions. Write an email to Jackie Lee, the manager of the customer services department, summarising details of a recent complaint and suggesting three possible actions that could be taken to deal with this complaint.

7. Learning English through Popular Culture (DSE 2015)

You are working on a project entitled 'Cinemas in Hong Kong' for the Learning English through Popular Culture module and have found that fewer people go to cinemas than before. Write a report to explain why this is happening and to suggest what could be done to increase the number of moviegoers. Give reasons to support your suggestions.

8. Learning English through Poems and Songs (DSE 2015)

The Hong Kong Central Library is holding a language arts festival during the summer break to enhance students' interest in learning English. Secondary schools have been asked to submit their suggestions for activities at the festival.

As the chairperson of the school's Poetry Club, your teacher has asked you to write a letter to the Central Library suggesting two interesting activities. You should also explain how these activities would increase students' interest in learning English.

9. Learning English through Short Stories (DSE 2015)

The Reading Club at your school is planning to hold a reading week to promote students' interest in reading and to improve their English. One planned event is a 'Meet the Author' evening, when students get to meet a famous author.

As the chairperson of the Club, you have been asked to choose one author to invite for the event. Write an email to Ms Li, the English teacher in charge of the Reading Club, mentioning your choice of author. Explain why you have selected that author, and suggest activities the author can lead or help with.

1. You are the President of the Students' Union at your school. You are preparing a speech to welcome new students on the first day of school. In order to help new students achieve success and have an enjoyable school life, you want to talk about the following in your speech:

  • importance of following school rules; and
  • importance of interpersonal relationships.

The first part of the speech has been written for you. Finish the speech.

Good morning Principal, teachers and fellow students,

On behalf of the Students' Union, I'd like to welcome all of you to our school. I'm sure we all want to achieve success and have an enjoyable school life, so this morning I'd like to give you some advice .

2. Learning English through Sports Communication (DSE 2016)

Because of the lack of sports facilities, some people in your community have suggested that schools should allow the public to use their sports facilities after school hours.

Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily stating your opinion. Support your opinion with three reasons.

3. Learning English through Workplace Communication (DSE 2016)

Many Hong Kong graduates complain about the lack of employment opportunities in the city. It has been suggested that graduates who fail to find a job in Hong Kong could look for opportunities in other cities in Asia. Do you support this suggestion?

Write an article for your school magazine expressing your views. Give three reasons to support your views. Provide an appropriate title for your article.

4. Learning English through Debating (DSE 2016)

It has recently been reported that some parents in Asian countries are installing apps on their children's mobile phones that monitor their activities to ensure that they use these devices responsibly.

Write a letter to the Young Post stating whether you agree with these parents' actions or not. Justify your position with three reasons.

5. Learning English through Social Issues (DSE 2016)

The Hong Kong Daily is holding an essay competition for secondary school students on the theme 'Hong Kong's Disappearing Street Life'. The aim is to promote youth awareness of the need to preserve unique aspects of Hong Kong culture. Entries must focus on one aspect of local street life or culture that is fast disappearing and suggest why it is worth preserving.

Write your essay.

6. Learning English through Short Stories (DSE 2016)

One of the planned activities for the Creative Writing Week at your school is a short story writing competition. The theme for this year's competition is 'Revenge is Sweet'.

7. Learning English through Popular Culture (DSE 2016)

The Hong Kong Youth Association is organising a Youth Festival to showcase popular youth trends in Hong Kong. Write a proposal for the Festival suggesting one or two trends popular with young people. You should explain how you would present these trends at the festival and justify the way you plan to present your ideas.

8. Learning English through Poems and Songs (DSE 2016)

A famous songwriter once said, 'Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power'.

How important is it for us to acknowledge the challenges we face and find ways to cope with them? Write an essay explaining your opinion with relevant examples from your personal experience.

9. Learning English through Drama (DSE 2016)

As a Form Six student, you are considering educational opportunities after your HKDSE. One option you have selected is the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, as you want to take up an acting career. However, your parents would like you to pursue an academic subject at another institution.

As the deadline for submitting the application is approaching, write an email to your parents, who are now on an overseas trip, to convince them to support your choice.

1. You are the chairperson of the Social Service Club in your school. The school would like to develop closer links with the community. Write a letter to your principal, Ms Lee, proposing a new community project that the school can carry out with a home for the elderly in your district.

In your letter, persuade your principal to accept your project by

(i) describing one activity that could be carried out, and (ii) identifying the benefits for the elderly home.

Sign your letter Chris Wong.

2. Learning English through Poems and Songs (DSE 2017)

You have just heard this song about opportunities.

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

You have been inspired to share your feelings about opportunities on your online blog. In your blog, write about one opportunity that you missed and one opportunity that you took.

3. Learning English through Short Stories (DSE 2017)

You are entering a short story competition on the topic of 'Wildlife'. Your story should describe the events leading up to the image below.

(Credit: )

4. Learning English through Drama (DSE 2017)

In your drama lessons, you have been looking at plays about romantic love. Your essay assignment from your drama teacher is to answer the question: Is Romantic Love Necessary for a Happy Marriage?

5. Learning English through Popular Culture (DSE 2017)

Recently the Hong Kong Government published a list of intangible cultural heritage items that the city should protect. The following were on the list:

traditional egg tarts
(Credit: )
(Credit: RTHK)

Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily supporting the Government's choice of these two features of Hong Kong culture, suggesting why they are worth protecting and how they can be protected.

6. Learning English through Debating (DSE 2017)

As captain of the debate team, you have been asked to write a debate speech. The task is to argue that 'Watching TV Makes Us Smarter'.

In your speech, you should include three reasons to support the statement.

7. Learning English through Social Issues (DSE 2017)

You are working on a project entitled 'Hong Kong's NEETs'. NEETs are young people who are not in education, employment or training. Many of these young people spend their time at home playing video games or surfing the Internet.

Write a report to explain why the number of NEETs in Hong Kong is rising and suggest what can be done to help these youths. Give reasons to support your suggestions.

8. Learning English through Sports Communication (DSE 2017)

Unlike swimmers or basketball players, dancers are not traditionally thought of as athletes. As a member of your school's dance team, you have been asked to write an article for your school magazine. Use the title and headings below to support the idea of dancers as athletes.

Dancers Are Athletes

  • Physical Strength & Skills
  • Self-discipline & Training

9. Learning English through Workplace Communication (DSE 2017)

It has recently been claimed that in the workplace, many Hong Kong fresh university graduates are less hard-working and less willing to face challenges compared to those in the past.

You strongly disagree with this opinion. Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily disagreeing with this opinion. Support your view with three reasons and/or examples.

1. You are Chris Wong, the class teacher of 6A. You will be taking your class on a school trip next month to sky100, shown in the poster below.

Write a letter to parents, giving them the necessary information about the trip. You may use the mind map to help you write your letter.

(Credit: )
mind map
(Credit: Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority)

2. Learning English through Sports Communication (DSE 2018)

You recently ran the Hong Kong Marathon for the first time.

Write a blog to be posted on the Hong Kong Marathon's website to encourage other young people to take part in the next marathon.

3. Learning English through Workplace Communication (DSE 2018)

You are the boss of Reboot Online Company and you have recently received complaints from some staff about the number of work-related emails and text messages received out of office.

Write a letter to staff addressing their complaints.

4. Learning English through Social Issues (DSE 2018)

You write an advice column for Teen magazine and you have received the following letter:

I've been thinking about my future. I love animals and I've always wanted to be a vet. But when I told my parents, the first thing they said was 'No'. I feel really frustrated. What should I do? – J.C., 16 years old

Write a letter of advice.

5. Learning English through Debating (DSE 2018)

You are representing your school at an inter-school debating competition. The motion is: 'The policy of reporting students' class position should be abolished'.

Write a debate speech arguing for or against the motion.

6. Learning English through Popular Culture (DSE 2018)

'Athleisure' is currently one of the biggest trends in the fashion industry. This is a term for clothes that can be worn both for exercise and as everyday wear.

Write an article for the local newspaper, explaining possible reasons for the rise in popularity of athleisure.

7. Learning English through Drama (DSE 2018)

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) wants to encourage more people to watch stage plays. To do this, they want to show video-recordings of live drama performances from theatres all over the world.

You have just watched one of these recordings. Write an article for Showbiz magazine, discussing whether these recordings are a good way to attract more people to watch stage plays.

8. Learning English through Poems and Songs (DSE 2018)

Poetry House is offering a scholarship for ten young writers to attend their summer poetry workshop. The workshop will promote the art and craft of poetry in a creative environment and participants will have a chance to discuss their work with guest poets from around the world.

Write an application letter, explaining your interest in poetry and why you should be selected to take part in this workshop.

9. Learning English through Short Stories (DSE 2018)

Imagine you are a pet bird in a cage. One day your owner left your bird cage open.

Write a story from the bird's point of view.

1. The Yearbook Committee is putting together a book for all graduating students. The yearbook is a collection of photos and comments about school life, written and submitted by students. When read several years later, the yearbook will remind students of their time at secondary school.

You are a student in Class 6C at Kowloon Secondary School. The committee has asked you to complete the following yearbook entry.

1.1: ACADEMIC LIFE Write about one subject that you enjoyed studying or found challenging.

1.2: STUDENT LIFE Write about what you will miss most about being a student in Class 6C.

2. Learning English through Social Issues (DSE 2019)

The following excerpt appeared in an article in the Hong Kong Daily Press : 

To participate in today's global economy, companies hire individuals whose skills and talent meet standards of excellence. One hundred years ago, people were hired from within the local community but today the best individuals are hired from around the world.

  • Write an essay for your English teacher.
  • Explain some of the benefits and challenges international talent brings to Hong Kong society and ways to ensure that people from the local community are not neglected.
  • Include a title for your essay.

3. Learning English through Debating (DSE 2019)

The Hong Kong Daily Press invites readers to submit their views on the following topic:

Do social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter encourage or stifle public debate? When first created, social media was thought to be a place where rational debate and logic would thrive. However, as time has shown, this is not always the case.

Write an argumentative essay.

  • Choose one side of the argument and state your position, giving reasons and evidence to support your view.

4. Learning English through Sports Communication (DSE 2019)

You are a reporter for the sports section of the Young Post . You were attending the final game of the season between rivals St. George's School and Royal College when something unexpected happened during the game.

  • Write a news report.
  • Describe the incident and what happened afterwards. Include thoughts and opinions from different people involved.
  • Give your report a headline.

5. Learning English through Popular Culture (DSE 2019)

This week's question in the Young Post 's 'Over to You' column is:

Where do you get information about the latest trends in pop culture? Do you turn to newspapers and magazines or do you prefer blogs and videos on social media?

  • Write an article for the 'Over to You' column.
  • Choose one or two areas of pop culture from the chart below and tell readers where you like to get information about the latest trends. Provide the name of the sources you recommend.
  • Give your article a title.

6. Learning English through Drama (DSE 2019)

You are a reporter for the entertainment section of the Young Post . You have been asked to review a new film called Cinderella , which is based on the comic series Princesses of Power .

  • Write a review for the film.
  • Include a brief description of the plot, how the characters are portrayed in this new version of Cinderella and why the director wanted to make this film.
  • Give your review a title.

7. Learning English through Poems and Songs (DSE 2019)

Taylor Swift is an award-winning singer-songwriter. In an interview with Parade magazine, she said:

"I wrote the song 'Mean' about a critic who kept giving me really bad reviews. I get that, no matter what, people will criticise what you do. But there are different ways to criticise someone ... and there's a line that you cross when you just start to attack everything about a person."

You lead an after-school arts club. You would like to instruct members on how to review each other's work.

  • Write a speech to be delivered to club members.
  • Discuss what a critic does, how to give criticism and ways to respond to criticism.
  • Give your speech a title.

8. Learning English through Workplace Communication (DSE 2019)

You are a volunteer in your local district council office. You have been asked to design a campaign poster for Ricky Kwan, a candidate who will be running in the upcoming council election. You have finished two designs (A and B) and are working on a third (C).

  • Write an email to the council election committee.
  • Explain the ideas behind designs A and B and how they would make a good campaign theme.
  • Share the ideas you have for your third design.
  • Include a subject heading for the email.

9. Learning English through Short Stories (DSE 2019)

Cosmo bookshop is organising a short story contest. The details are below:

In the tale The Tortoise and the Hare , two animals challenge each other to a race to prove who is the fastest. Mid-race, the hare lies down to rest, certain that it will win. The tortoise, though slow, never gives up and crosses the finishing line ahead of the hare. Slow and steady wins the race, as the message of the story goes.

  • Rewrite this story.
  • Use the same characters but imagine that the tortoise and the hare team up to race against other contestants.
  • Express a message through the telling of the story.
  • Give your story a title.

You finally got the chance to eat at Hong Kong's hottest new restaurant, Dim Sum One. Write a review for Eat & Drink , an online food guide that allows users to write their own reviews.

  • Write about what you liked, what you didn't like and if you would recommend this restaurant.
  • You can choose to write about any of the following in your review.

2. Learning English through Popular Culture (DSE 2020)

Some of Hong Kong's housing estates have become extremely popular places to take Instagram photos.

Choi Hung Estate, Wong Tai Sin
(Credit: )
Choi Hung Estate, Wong Tai Sin
(Unknown Source)
Yik Cheong Building, Quarry Bay
(Credit:  )
Yik Cheong Building, Quarry Bay
(Credit: )

As part of a class assignment, you interviewed Instagrammers and residents at a housing estate which has been listed as one of the top 10 places in Hong Kong to take Instagram photos.

  • Write an essay for your assignment.
  • Explain what attracts Instagrammers to Hong Kong's housing estates and how residents feel about this.

3. Learning English through Social Issues (DSE 2020)

In recent years, the number of small independent stationery shops in Hong Kong has fallen.

  • Write a news report for the Hong Kong Post .
  • Explain this trend and discuss whether independent stationery shops can survive.

4. Learning English through Workplace Communication (DSE 2020)

You work for the Park Hotel in Hong Kong. You would like to apply for a work transfer to the Shanghai branch of the hotel.

(Credit:  )
  • Write a letter to Mr Wong, your manager.
  • Highlight your work experience , why you would like to transfer and how your transfer will benefit the organisation.

5. Learning English through Sports Communication (DSE 2020)

Some people think that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) should include a greater variety of sports in the Olympic Games. However, for a sport to be considered a new Olympic event, it must meet the following criteria: 1) appeal to young people; 2) promote gender equality; 3) attract media coverage.

The IOC is inviting the public to suggest sports to be included in future Olympics. You would like to propose Dragon Boat Racing.

  • Write a letter to the President of the IOC.
  • Give reasons to support your opinion.

6. Learning English through Debating (DSE 2020)

To raise public awareness of healthy eating, some countries now legally require food manufacturers to put warning labels on foods that are high in sugar, saturated fat and salt.

  • Argue either for or against the effectiveness of food warning labels in changing people's eating habits.

7. Learning English through Poems and Songs (DSE 2020)

You are a reporter for Do-Re-Mi , a music magazine. You interviewed Zoe Kwan, who has just won 'Best New Artist' at the HKTV Music Awards.

  • Write a feature article based on your interview.
  • Report on Zoe's sudden rise to fame and where the ideas behind her songs came from.

8. Learning English through Short Stories (DSE 2020)

Sci-Fi magazine is organising a First Chapter Competition. The competition involves writing the first chapter of a story based on the following scenario.

A journalist is sent to investigate a research station in the Arctic after staff begin to mysteriously disappear one by one.

  • You would like to enter the competition.
  • Write only the first chapter of your story.

9. Learning English through Drama (DSE 2020)

You are visiting Hong Kong. Last night, a friend took you to the new Xiqu Centre in West Kowloon Cultural District to watch Chinese Opera. You didn't think you would like it, but after watching the performance, you changed your mind.

  • Write a blog post for World Passport , a travel blog about different places and cultures.
  • Describe your experience and the impact it had on you.

1. You are helping your school organise the annual school fair. You have been asked to make an announcement about the event during the morning assembly.

Use the poster below to help you write your announcement. In your announcement:

  • Introduce the event.
  • Describe some of the activities that will take place.
  • Let students know how they can help out.

2. Learning English through Social Issues (DSE 2021)

Although studies show electric cars are more environmentally friendly than petrol cars, less than 3% of all vehicles sold in 2020 worldwide were electric.

Write a letter to the editor of Hong Kong Post .

  • Discuss why sales of electric vehicles are so low.
  • Suggest what can be done to attract more people to drive these vehicles.

3. Learning English through Workplace Communication (DSE 2021)

You work in the sales department at Fast Fashion, an online company that sells clothes. Recently, you have received a number of complaints from customers about the company's no-exchange/no-refund policy.

Write an email to the sales manager.

  • Explain why you think this policy should be changed.
  • Suggest what changes could be made.
  • Discuss ways to prevent customers from taking advantage of the new policy.

4. Learning English through Sports Communication (DSE 2021)

You are a professional athlete looking for a career change. You have seen the job vacancy shown below and would like to apply for the position of Assistant Coach.

Hong Kong Sports Foundation is hiring Assistant Coaches

Main duties:

- to design training programmes for elite athletes - to organise international sporting competitions - to identify and support local talent

Write a job application letter to the Human Resources Manager.

  • Introduce yourself and your athletic history.
  • Explain your interest and suitability for the job.

5. Learning English through Debating (DSE 2021)

A social media influencer is a person who is paid by a company to promote goods and services through their social media networks.

Surveys show that a majority of millennials trust the advice of social media influencers over traditional media advertisements.

  • Discuss whether social media influencers are more trustworthy than traditional media advertisements.
  • Give reasons to support your point of view.

6. Learning English through Popular Culture (DSE 2021)

You took part in a social media challenge called 'The 21-day Gratitude Challenge'. For three weeks, you kept a journal about the things you were thankful for on a daily basis.

After completing the challenge, participants are invited to share their experience on the 21-day Gratitude Challenge website.

(Credit: Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority)

Write a blog post.

  • Explain why you accepted this challenge and what you hoped to achieve.
  • Reflect on the 21 days and whether taking on this challenge has changed you in any way.

7. Learning English through Short Stories (DSE 2021)

You are joining a short story contest organised by a bookshop.

  • Write a scary story about a security guard on duty one night.
  • Use the pictures to help you write your story. You can use the pictures in any order.

8. Learning English through Poems and Songs (DSE 2021)

You read this poem in class and your teacher has asked you to write an essay on the theme of friendship.

New Friends and Old Friends

Use these questions to help you write your essay:

  • What is the difference between old and new friendships?
  • Do you agree that older friendships are better than new ones?

9. Learning English through Drama (DSE 2021)

You want to be a screenwriter and have an idea for a TV drama series about three generations of a family.

Write a letter to the production manager at TV-Station X.

  • Introduce the characters, plot and setting of your TV drama.
  • Explain why you think this idea would be popular with viewers.

You work at the Visitor Information Centre at Hong Kong Adventure Farm. Use the map and headings below to help you complete a guide for first-time visitors.

  • About Hong Kong Adventure Farm (Write about 50 words.)
  • Top three things to see and do (Write about 150 words.)

For questions 2 – 9, choose one question and write about 400 words.

2. Learning English through Popular Culture (DSE 2022)

You are the host of 'Teen Chat', a YouTube channel that explores a wide range of topics from a teenage perspective. Write an article for Teen Magazine about why you started this channel and what you have learned in the process.

3. Learning English through Workplace Communication (DSE 2022)

You write an advice column for Jobs Online magazine. A reader submitted the following question:

My dream is to open a café with a few friends, but I've just been offered a promotion at my company. The pay is good, but I'm not that interested in the work. Should I leave now or wait a few years?  —Kam Chai, 25 years old

Write a reply to Kam Chai offering your advice.

4. Learning English through Sports Communication (DSE 2022)

You are the captain of the school's basketball team. Your team made it to the inter-school championship final but came second.

Write a speech to be delivered to the team at the end-of-season dinner celebration.

5. Learning English through Social Issues (DSE 2022)

The following comment appeared in the editorial of Hong Kong Post :

Young people today lack interest in traditional art forms such as lion dance, calligraphy or the art of tea drinking.

You are the chairperson of your school's Heritage Club. Express your views by writing a letter to the editor of Hong Kong Post .

6. Learning English through Poems and Songs (DSE 2022)

The musical group Nine Dragons has asked you to help promote them by writing a bio for their website.

The bio should include background information about the group, style of music and plans for the future.

7. Learning English through Drama (DSE 2022)

As part of your drama class, you played the role of the hero and the villain in different plays.

Write an entry in your drama journal. Reflect on which role you preferred playing and why.

8. Learning English through Short Stories (DSE 2022)

You entered the 'Stories of Survival' short story competition. The theme of this year's competition is 'Nature: friend or enemy?'

Write a story about a hiker who gets caught in a storm while hiking in the mountains.

9. Learning English through Debating (DSE 2022)

The School Management is considering a four-day school week. Students would only need to attend school four days a week instead of five, but the length of each day would be increased by one hour.

You are a member of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). Write a letter to the President of the PTA stating your opinion either for or against a four-day school week. Give reasons to support your view.

(Credit: Moumita Bhattacharjee)

You work for Planet Smart, a company that sells eco-friendly products. Your company wants to set up a pop-up shop inside a shopping centre for three months to promote your products to new customers.

A pop-up shop
(Credit: )

Complete the application form below.

2. Learning English through Sports Communication (DSE 2023)

While tai chi is a popular activity in Hong Kong, it is less known in some parts of the world.

Write an article for International Travel magazine, introducing the benefits of tai chi to tourists.

3. Learning English through Popular Culture (DSE 2023)

Anime Expo, Hong Kong's biggest anime, manga and video game exhibition, was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre last weekend. As a school reporter, you attended the event and interviewed some people dressed in cosplay.

Write an article for your school magazine.

4. Learning English through Debating (DSE 2023)

The following topic was discussed at a debate workshop:

Some employers use cameras and computer software to monitor what employees are doing in the workplace. How do you think this affects productivity and job satisfaction?

Write an essay about the pros and cons of monitoring employees in the workplace.

5. Learning English through Short Stories (DSE 2023)

Fairy tales and fables teach us how to find love, survive family conflicts, defeat the rich and powerful and live happily ever after.

Write an essay to explain how reading these kinds of stories has taught you important lessons about life.

6. Learning English through Drama (DSE 2023)

In your drama class, you and your classmates had to perform a 10-minute comedy sketch without a script or any preparation time. It was your first time doing improvisation.

Write a diary entry about this experience.

7. Learning English through Social Issues (DSE 2023)

A survey found that the majority of Hong Kong people in their 60s would like to have the option to work past the retirement age of 65. In contrast, there is a growing number of young people whose goal is to retire in their 30s or 40s.

Write a news article for the Hong Kong Daily about these different views towards retirement.

8. Learning English through Poems and Songs (DSE 2023)

Contestants in a song-writing competition complained when a song created by artificial intelligence (AI) software won first prize.

Write a letter to the editor on whether computer-generated songs should be allowed to compete in such competitions.

9. Learning English through Workplace Communication (DSE 2023)

You work for Restaurant Business magazine. You interviewed a restaurant owner about his/her experiences of running a business during the pandemic.

Write a feature article for the magazine.

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If you believe that an image on my site has been improperly credited, or if you hold the copyright to an image and would prefer that it not be used, please contact me directly through my contact form . I am committed to rectifying any attribution errors and will promptly address any concerns regarding image use.

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DSE English – Paper 2 Exam Analysis

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperInter-school debating contestReport for school newsletter
• Describe the topic for debate
• How the team performed
• Which team won the competition
• What the prize was
Data unavailable
Practice paper“Nuclear power is the best source of energy for the future”Debate speechData unavailable
2012Recruiting school debating club membersSpeech in the school assembly
• Explain the activities the debating club organizes
• Benefits of being in the club
• Importance in life of being a good debater
8.5% (24.56)
2013People making unreasonable complaintsLetter to the editor
• Describe the situation which some people complained about
• Outline the point of view of the complainants
• Indicate why they are unreasonable
6.3% (22.66)
2014Limited access to school lockersFormal letter to the school Principal
• Persuade her to change the policy on lockers as the chairperson of the SU
34% (18)
2015Land use of undeveloped harbor front areaLetter to the editor
• State the opinion either for or against leaving the area open for public use
• Give three reasons
7.1% (24.69)
2016Parents installing apps on children’s mobile phones that monitor their activitiesLetter to the editor
• State whether you agree with the parents' actions
• Give three reasons
20.6% (22.6)
2017“Watching TV makes us smarter”Debate speech
• Give three reasons
12.0% (21.46)
2018“The policy of reporting students’ class position should be abolished”Debate speech
• Argue either for or against the motion
9% (26.1)
2019“Do social media platforms encourage or stifle public debate?”Argumentative essay
• Choose one side of the argument and state your position
• Give reasons and evidence
9.4% (23.3)
2020Warning labels on foods that are high in sugar, saturated fat and saltArgumentative essay
• Argue either for or against the effectiveness of food warning labels in changing people’s eating habits
20% (24.9)
2021Social media influencersArgumentative essay
• Discuss whether social media influencers are more trustworthy than traditional media advertisements
12% (23.3)
Four-day school week
Letter to the President of the PTA (Parent-Teacher Association)
• State your opinion either for or against a four-day school week
• Give reasons to support your view 
Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperDisastrous school play performanceReview
• Describe what the play was about
• Explain what went wrong on the night
Data unavailable
Practice paperDrama rehearsalDiary entry
• Describe what happened at the rehearsal
• Whether it was a success
• What you need to improve before the next rehearsal
Data unavailable
2012Incorporating drama into English lessonsForum post
• Explain the (lack of) educational benefits of the use of drama
• Share experience of learning through drama
7.8% (19.14)
2013Betraying best friendDiary entry
• Describe an instance of betrayal
• Make reference to the plot of Julius Caesar
2.7% (15.31)
2014Poor behaviour during a drama performanceFormal email to Drama Club members
• Describe the complaint received
• Explain what behaviour is prohibited/encouraged and reasons
3.9% (12.92)
2015Elderly realizing their dreamsStory
• Describe the elderly realizing their dreams
6.5% (17.78)
2016Studying at HKAPAPersonal email
• Convince parents to support the decision to study at HKAPA instead of another institution
7.3% (19.5)
2017Romantic love and happy marriageEssay
• Define romantic love and happy marriage
• Explain why romantic love is (not) necessary for a happy marriage
1.6% (19.09)
2018Showing video-recordings of live drama performancesMagazine feature article
• Explain why the video-recordings are (not) a good way to attract more people to watch stage plays
2% (18.4)
2019New CinderellaFilm review
• Brief description of the plot
• How the characters are portrayed
• Why the director wanted to make this film
4.3% (20.5)
2020Chinese OperaBlog post
• Describe your experience watching Chinese Opera in the new Xiqu Centre in West Kowloon Cultural District
• Describe the impact it had on you
6% (17.4)
2021A new TV drama series about three generations of a familyFormal letter to the production manager
• Introduce the characters, plot and setting
• Explain why the idea would be popular with viewers
1.5% (16.9)
The hero and the villain
Journal entry
• Reflect on which role you preferred playing
• Explain the reasons 

Poems & Songs

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperA poem advertising a restaurantPersonal letter
• Comment on the things you like best about his poem
• What could be improved to make the advertisement more effective
Data unavailable
Practice paperFoul language in songs and freedom of speechLetter to the editor
• Explain why songs which contain foul language do not have a negative influence on society
• Explain how songs are just a means of expressions under freedom of speech
Data unavailable
2012First performance at a music festivalBlog post
• Describe the performance
• How you felt
• The atmosphere
• The things you could have done better
8.8% (16.3)
• Explain how time can slip away if you don’t make good use of it
• Explain how to make good use of time
• Need to refer to the song
4.7% (20.76)
2014Hong Kong Schools Poetry FestivalSchool magazine feature article
• How you prepared for the competition
• What you learned from this experience
3.3% (16.04)
2015Language arts festivalFormal letter to the Central Library
• Suggest two interesting activities
• Explain how these activities would increase students’ interest in learning English
2.5% (15.68)
• Explain how importance it is for us to acknowledge the challenges we face and find ways to cope with them
• Need to use relevant personal examples
• Need to refer to the quote
2.4% (21.7)
2017OpportunitiesBlog post
• Write about one opportunity that you missed
• One opportunity that you took
• Need to refer to the song
3.1% (21.23)
2018Summer poetry workshopLetter of application
• Explain why you are interested in participating in the workshop
• Why you should be selected to take part in this workshop
1% (10.7)
• Discuss what a critic does
• How to give criticism
• Ways to respond to criticism
• Need to refer to the quote
3.7% (23.6)
2020Best New ArtistFeature article in a magazine
• Report on Zoe’s sudden rise to fame
• Report on where the ideas behind her songs came from
5% (24.1)
2021New friends and old friendsEssay
• What is the difference between old and new friendships?
• Are older friendships better than new ones?
4.5% (17.3)
Bio for a musical group
Artist biography
•Background information about the group
•Style of music
•Plans for the future

Popular Culture

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperPlanning a special birthday event for one of your parents on a reality showPersonal letter
• Describe the event was organized
• How your parent felt about it being shown on TV
Data unavailable
Practice paperProposing a reality TV show for school TV networkProposal
• Theme and content of the show
• Why this would be popular with students
• How to make it appealing to viewers
Data unavailable
2012Cosmetic surgery and obsession with physical beautyLetter to the editor7.3% (26.28)
2013Popularity of Asian stars in Western countriesArticle for school newspaper
• Reasons for the rise
16.0% (20.78)
2014Stand-up comedy showArticle for school magazine
• Describe the show
• Discuss the challenges performers might face
• How students can benefit from watching it
4.4% (18.92)
2015Fewer people going to cinemas than beforeReport
• Reasons
• Suggestions
5.9% (22.46)
2016Proposing a Youth Festival to showcase youth trends in Hong KongProposal
• Suggest 1 or 2 trends
• Ways to present
3.1% (13.2)
2017Protecting intangible cultural heritage (traditional egg tarts or mahjong)Letter to the editor
• Reasons why we should protect
• Ways to protect
20.1% (19.42)
2018Trend of athleisureArticle for local newspaper
• Reasons for the rise
9% (23.6)
2019Getting information about the latest trends in pop cultureArticle for Young Post
• Sources of information about the latest trends
27.5% (21.1)
2020Hong Kong’s housing estates becoming Instagram spotsEssay
• What attracts Instagrammers to Hong Kong’s housing estates
• How residents feel about this
22% (22.3)
2021The 21-day Gratitude ChallengeBlog post
• Why you accepted this challenge
• What you hoped to achieve
• Reflect on the 21 days and whether taking on this challenge has changed you
11% (24.6)
YouTube channel from a teenage perspective
Article for Teen Magazine
•Why you started this channel
•What you have learned in the process

Short Stories

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperChanges in Hong KongPersonal letter
• Describe the changes in Hong Kong
• How you feel about them
Data unavailable
Practice paperWhat makes a good short storySchool magazine article
• Explain why you found the talk interesting
• What you learnt
Data unavailable
2012Poor brother driving an expensive sports carShort story
• Explain how you found out the truth
10.9% (17.9)
2013Vandals hit museumShort story
• Explain why the masterpieces were damaged
3.2% (19.62)
2014Roommate’s sudden departureShort story
• Describe the events that led to your roommate’s sudden departure
• Explain why your roommate suddenly left the hall
6.8% (17.01)
2015Meet the authorFormal email to a teacher
• Explain why you have selected the author
• Suggest activities the author can either lead or help with
2.8% (15.01)
2016Revenge is sweetShort story
• Explain why the protagonist took revenge
4.0% (17.1)
2017WildlifeShort story
• Describe the events leading to a lion climbing up a kitchen stove
5.3% (18.34)
2018Open bird cageShort story
• Describe the events leading to the open bird cage
• Describe the events that take place afterwards
11% (18.7)
2019The New Tortoise and the HareShort story
• Describe the race
• Include the ending that the two characters team up to race against other contestants and win
• Include a message for the story
11.6% (16.7)
2020Disappearing staff in a research stationShort story
• Write the first chapter only of a story based on the scenario
4% (23.6)
2021Scary story about a security guard on duty at nightShort story
• Write a scary story based on four pictures provided: two people in the security room, a security guard falling asleep, alarm ringing, security guard patrolling (in any order)
9% (19)
Story about survival in nature
Short story
•Write a story about a hiker who got caught in a storm while hiking in the mountains

Social Issues

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperAbusing petsFormal letter to SPCA
• Show concern
• Give details of any incidents of abuse
• Suggest some measure to ensure the welfare of the pets and say why they are urgent
Data unavailable
Practice paperThe joys of being a teenager in Hong KongSpeech for a conferenceData unavailable
2012Mental healthMagazine feature article
• Describe the friend’s depression
• How he/she overcame it
• Give advice on how to help fight depression
31.4% (24.84)
2013Private school bus service operators not following proper safety proceduresFormal letter to the Bus Operators Association
• Express concerns
• Give three recommendations for how private school bus services can be improved
17.7% (20.92)
2014Filming movies in the city centreLetter to the editor
• Give opinion
• Give three reasons
19.8% (20.74)
2015Sending children to other countries to complete schoolingSchool magazine article
• Examine two reasons for the phenomenon
• Discuss the impact of this on local schools and on children who leave to study overseas
42.9% (22.05)
2016“Hong Kong’s Disappearing Street Life”Essay
• Focus on one aspect of local street life or culture that is fast disappearing
• Suggest why it is worth preserving
5.2% (18.7)
2017Hong Kong NEETsReport
• Explain why the number of NEETs in HK is rising
• Suggest what can be done to help these youths
• Give reasons to support suggestions
39.9% (22.2)
2018Parental intervention in choosing careerLetter of advice for a teen magazine52.3% (22)
2019Hiring international talentsEssay
• Explain some benefits and challenges international talent brings to HK
• Ways to ensure that people from local community are not neglected
28% (24.2)
2020Small independent stationery shops in Hong Kong closingNews report
• Explain the trend
• Discuss whether independent stationery shops can survive
22% (23.4)
2021Low sales of electric darsLetter to the editor
• Discuss why sales of electric vehicles are so low
• Suggest what can be done to attract more people to drive these vehicles
44% (24.0)
Young people's lack of interest in traditional art forms
Letter to the editor

Sports Communication

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperTaking up motorbike racing as a hobbyInformal letter
• Explain why you are worried about the hobby
• Persuade him to take up a different sport
• Give reasons for the recommendation
Data unavailable
Practice paperremoving PE lessons from the curriculumFormal letter to the Secretary of Education
• Express your views
Data unavailable
2012Doing virtual sports versus real sportsOnline post in a health e-magazine
• Write your views
14.1% (19.3)
2013Producing a program about a local HK sporting eventFormal email to a teacher
• Suggest a sporting event
• Explain what would be included in the program
• Outline how to make the program interesting to schoolmates
17.4% (12.23)
2014Requesting donation of old equipment from a fitness centreFormal letter to a fitness centre
• Describe how the donation could benefit the school and the fitness centre
14% (17.33)
2015Disappointing PE lessonsFormal letter to the Principal
• Explain why the classmates are unhappy about existing PE lessons
• Suggest some activities that could be introduced in the future PE lessons
• Explain why students would prefer them
26.8% (17.36)
2016Using sports facilities after school hoursLetter to the editor
• State the opinion
• Give three reasons
34.1% (19.5)
2017Dancers are athletesSchool magazine article
• as a member of the dancing team
• Write about physical strength and skills
• Self-discipline and training
7.4% (16.9)
2018Hong Kong MarathonBlog entry (on HK Marathon website)
• Encourage other young people to take part in the next marathon
23% (20.8)
2019Unexpected incidence during the final game of the seasonNews report
• Describe the incident and what happened afterwards
• Include thoughts and opinions from different people involved
9.5% (18.4)
2020Proposing Dragon Boat Racing in future OlympicsFormal letter to the International Olympic Committee
• Explain how it appeals to young people
• Explain how it promotes gender equality
• Explain how it attracts media coverage
8% (20.7)
2021Professional athlete looking for a career changeJob application letter
• Introduce yourself and your athletic history
• Explain your interest and suitability for the job
8% (19.4)
Being second in the inter-school championship

Workplace Communication

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperWork experience programSchool magazine article
• Describe the experience during the “Working Week”
• The feeling about the chosen job
Data unavailable
Practice paperJob interviewPersonal email
• Offer advice on how to prepare for the interview
• What to do during the interview
Data unavailable
2012A campaign about recruiting criminals or drug addictsFormal letter
• Outline the new project
• Explain the benefits
• Persuade the businesses to join the scheme
11.1% (20.5)
2013Many people leaving the office lateCompany newsletter article
• Describe the situation
• Discuss the negative effects
• Give two suggestions to improve the situation
31.0% (22.10)
2014Summer job experiences as a costumed character performerNewspaper article
• Describe the typical working day
• The good things and bad things about the job
34% (18)
2015Handling complaints about the companyEmail to the manager
• Summarize details of a recent complaint
• Suggest three possible actions
5.0% (17.96)
2016Graduates finding a job in other cities in AsiaEssay
• Discuss your views on this suggestion
• Give three reasons
22.6% (21.7)
2017Graduates being less hard-working and less willing to face challengesLetter to the editor
• Disagree with the issue
• Give three reasons and / or examples
10.0% (20.18)
2018Complaints about work-related emails and text messages received out of officeLetter to staff
• Address the complaints
2% (20.1)
2019Designing campaign poster for a candidate running in the district council electionEmail to the council election committee
• Explain the ideas behind the designs and how they would make a good campaign theme
• Share the idea for a new design
5.3% (21.97)
2020Applying for a work transferEmail to manager
• Highlight your work experience
• Highlight why you would like to transfer
• Highlight how your transfer will benefit the organisation
13% (19.6)
2021Advocating for the cancellation of the no-exchange/no-refund policyEmail to sales manager
• Explain why the policy should be changed
• Suggest what changes could be made
• Discuss ways to prevent customers from taking advantage of the new policy
10% (21.7)
Opening a café vs. accepting a promotion at current company
Letter of advice for a job magazine

Trends in text types

Genre Specific text type Frequency Year & Question number
Expositionfeature article18SPQ8, PPQ3, 12Q1, 12Q9, 13Q6, 13Q7, 14Q1, 14Q6, 14Q7, 14Q8, 15Q4, 16Q3, 17Q8, 18Q6, 18Q7, 19Q5, 20Q7, 22Q2
Expositionformal letter14SPQ9, PPQ6, 12Q8, 13Q4, 14Q2, 14Q5, 15Q2, 15Q8, 17Q1, 18Q3, 20Q4, 20Q5, 21Q9, 22Q9
Expositionletter to the editor12PPQ4, 12Q6, 13Q5, 14Q4, 15Q1, 15Q5, 16Q2, 16Q4, 17Q5, 17Q9, 21Q2, 22Q5
Expositionspeech7PPQ9, 12Q5, 13Q8, 16Q1, 19Q7, 21Q1, 22Q4
Expositionformal email613Q2, 14Q3, 15Q6, 15Q9, 19Q8, 21Q3
16Q5, 16Q8, 17Q4, 19Q2, 20Q2, 21Q8
Expositionletter of advice4SPQ2, PPQ8, 18Q4, 22Q3
Expositiondebate speech3PPQ7, 17Q6, 18Q5
Expositionpersonal letter3SPQ4, SPQ6, SPQ7
Expositionreview3SPQ3, 19Q6, 20Q1
Expositionargumentative essay319Q3, 20Q6, 21Q5
Expositionproposal2PPQ5, 16Q7
Expositionreport215Q7, 17Q7
Expositionforum post212Q2, 12Q3
Expositionletter of application218Q8, 21Q4
Expositioninformation poster1PPQ1
Expositionpersonal email116Q9
Expositionparents’ letter118Q1
Expositionnews report120Q3
Artist biography
Narrativeshort story1112Q7, 13Q9, 14Q9, 15Q3, 16Q6, 17Q3, 18Q9, 19Q9, 20Q8, 21Q7, 22Q8
travel guide
Recountblog post512Q4, 17Q2, 18Q2, 20Q9, 21Q6
Recountnews report3SPQ1, SPQ5, 19Q4
Recountdiary/journal entry3
PPQ2, 13Q3, 22Q7
Recountphoto descriptions113Q1
Recountyearbook entry119Q1

Average Score of Different Electives

Property 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average
Social Issues24.8420.9220.7422.0518.722.22224.223.42422.3
Popular Culture26.2820.7818.9222.4613.219.4223.621.122.324.621.3
Workplace Communication20.522.11817.9621.720.1820.121.9719.621.720.4
Poems & Songs16.320.7616.0415.6821.721.2310.723.624.117.318.7
Short Stories17.919.6217.0115.0117.118.3418.716.723.61918.3
Sports Communication19.312.2317.3317.3619.516.920.818.420.719.418.2

English language & literature

2018 dse english writing question 2 (sample).

Learning English through Workplace Communication

You are the boss of Reboot Online Company and you have recently received complaints from some staff about the number of work-related emails and text messages received out of office.

Write a letter to staff addressing their complaints.

Dear fellow staff,

I am writing in response to the complaints lodged by some staff about the number of work-related emails and text messages received out of office. After looking into the matter, I would like to address the problem as follows.

It is a general practice that staff ought not to take on further workload when they are out of office. “Out of office” refers to two conditions. First, you are physically not in the office outside office hours. Second, you are on annual leave or sick leave during office hours. Under these two circumstances, you are not supposed to carry out any job duties. If you are receiving job instructions out of office, that means you are working overtime. As a general policy, overtime work should be limited to urgent work, heavy workloads or emergencies only so that staff can maintain work-life balance and a healthy life. 

However, the recent situation has changed. In view of business expansion in the emerging markets, the demand for our technology service has grown a great deal. Clients become more demanding and the business environment in these markets is very competitive and challenging. As a result, we are expected to deliver our service much faster than usual. Therefore, you are receiving work-related emails and messages delegated by your supervisors when you are out of office.  

It is understandable that too much overtime work will pose a threat to staff’s health and lower their productivity. To prevent our staff from being overloaded, there will be a special arrangement for out-of-office job instructions. First, supervisors should decide whether the tasks are really urgent before delegating to their subordinates. Second, staff whose grade is below supervisory level can communicate to their seniors whether they still have capacity for the assigned work. Third, an overtime timesheet system will be brought in to keep the overtime that staff spends on their tasks or job duties each day. If staff keeps working overtime for an unreasonable amount of time, they should report to their seniors with their timesheets. For example, if a staff member is sick and gets off work on time, he should report to his supervisors that he is unable to do any more tasks out of office. Or, if a staff member is already very busy with his current tasks, he should report to his supervisors that he does not have any further capacity for any duties out of office. It is hoped that close communication between seniors and subordinates can help staff make a balance between work and life.

It is always our company’s principle that our staff and employees are the most valuable asset and that they can achieve a healthy work-life balance. Frequent and excessive overtime work out of office at the expense of employees’ health should not be allowed. The new measures should alleviate the worst condition. 

As the business environment continues to be challenging, I sincerely hope that we can work things out together and endure hard times hand in hand.  

Yours faithfully, 

#dse #sample

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  • DSE英文卷四說話 Tips
  • Tenses 英文時態詳解
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【DSE 英文】Proposal格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

【DSE 英文】Proposal格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

DSE 英文 – 寫Proposal要注意什麼?

  • Write a title
  • Know who you’re writing to
  • Keep it formal
  • Don’t exaggerate
  • Get specific
  • Be methodical
  • Show the counter-view (briefly!)
  • Use sequencers
  • Use headings
  • Use ‘would’, not ‘will’

DSE 英文作文體材 – Proposal 題目 1-5

  • A former student from your school has just donated $100,000 ‘for any worthy educational project the school wishes to provide’. Your head teacher has asked students to give their input on what the money should be spent on.  Write a proposal to your head teacher giving your ideas. 
  • Your local council is thinking of creating a national holiday in the name of ‘an exceptional member of the Hong Kong community’ and would like residents to nominate someone who is worthy of this honour. Write a proposal suggesting someone and giving reasons why they deserve it.
  • Your school student union is organising its annual charity event, but has not yet decided which charity to donate the money to. Write a proposal suggesting a worthy cause that you believe deserves the money
  • Your school librarian has been given some money to redesign the library and would like student input. Write a proposal saying what you think could be done to improve the library.
  • The government is thinking of cutting money to sports facilities for primary school children. However, you believe that the government should be investing more money into these, not less.  Write a proposal suggesting new programs or facilities the government could provide.

DSE 英文作文體材 – Proposal 題目 6-10

  • Nowadays more and more students aspire to go to university. However, you do not think that they receive adequate preparation.  Write a proposal to your head teacher giving suggestions about how your school could better prepare students for university application and life.
  • The management of a major theme park in Hong Kong are looking do develop some of its facilities and are asking members of the public for their suggestions. Write a proposal giving your ideas about the new development.
  • Your school radio station is asking students to suggest new programs for its lunchtime slot. Write a proposal giving your ideas for a new program.
  • Your school is currently raising money for a new sports pitch and is asking students to suggest some innovative fund-raising methods. Write a proposal for the school Accounts Committee, suggesting some ways to raise money.
  • You are working as an intern for Green Cities , a company that aims to encourage environmentally friendly business practice. However, you have noticed that the Green Cities offices need to be made more environmentally friendly.  Write a proposal to your manager suggesting steps the company could take.

DSE 英文作文 Proposal 實用開頭句子

  • It will have escaped no-one’s notice that [truancy] has been on the rise in recent years
  • Nowadays, it’s widely accepted that there’s a problem with…
  • In this proposal, I call on x to provide funds for…
  • We propose that…

DSE 英文作文 Proposal 實用提供建議句子

  • The advantages of the trip would be incalculable for…
  • It would be interesting to see…
  • The organisers of the trip could consider…
  • Time / funds permitting, we could…
  • It would be to our advantage to…
  • We would all benefit from…
  • I suggest that we…
  • I recommend that we…

【DSE 英文】其他作文格式

【DSE English Writing Paper 2】Editorial格式

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Home Business Letter of Intent School Graduate MBA

MBA Letter of Intent Template

Highlight your commitment to pursuing an MBA by crafting a standout letter of intent using our straightforward template.

MBA Letter of Intent Template

Updated August 2, 2024 Written by Yassin Qanbar | Reviewed by Susan Chai, Esq.

An MBA (Master of Business Administration) letter of intent is a crucial document in your business school application, outlining your motivations, career goals, and fit for the program.

Not all MBA programs require a letter of intent, but for those who do, it’s a crucial part of the application process. Similar to a cover letter, it plays a significant role in making a strong first impression on the admissions committee.

Tips to Enhance Your MBA Application

  • Networking: Connect with alumni and current students to gain insights into the program and strengthen your application.
  • Visits and Info Sessions: Attend campus visits, information sessions, and virtual events to demonstrate your interest and gather firsthand information.
  • Extracurriculars: Highlight leadership roles in extracurricular activities that showcase teamwork and community involvement.
  • Continuing Education: Consider taking courses or certifications that bolster any weak areas in your academic or professional background.
  • Admissions Consultants: If needed, consider working with admissions consultants who can provide personalized guidance and feedback on your application materials.

MBA Application Process Overview

Key components of an mba letter of intent, mba letter of intent sample, 1. research and self-assessment:.

  • Research Programs: Explore different programs to find ones that best suit you and align with your career goals and learning style.
  • Self-Assessment: Reflect on your career trajectory, strengths, weaknesses, and what you hope to achieve with an MBA.

2. GMAT/GRE Preparation:

  • Standardized Tests: Most MBA programs require either the GMAT or GRE . To prepare, consider taking preparatory courses or using study materials.
  • Highlight Achievements: Emphasize leadership experience, quantifiable achievements, and career progression.
  • Tailor: Adjust your resume to emphasize skills and experiences relevant to business school.

3. Letters of Recommendation :

  • Choose Wisely: Select recommenders who know you well and can speak to your strengths and potential for success in an MBA program.
  • Prepare Recommenders: Provide them with your resume, career goals, and any specific points you’d like them to address.

4. Essays and Personal Statement:

  • Craft Your Story: Use essays to articulate your career goals and how the specific program fits into your plans. This is your chance to tell more about yourself, including your personality, and highlight things that can’t be seen in your application or resume.
  • Show Fit: Demonstrate your understanding of the program’s strengths and how you can contribute to its community.

5. Interview Preparation:

  • Practice Interviews: Prepare responses to common questions about your background, goals, and why you want to attend that specific program.
  • Research the School: Understand the program’s culture, strengths, and recent developments.

6. Submit Your Application:

  • Early Preparation: Aim to submit your application before deadlines to avoid a last-minute rush and ensure all materials are complete.
  • Double-check: Review your application thoroughly for any errors or inconsistencies.

Step 1 – Introduction and Purpose

  • Compelling Opening: Start with a strong statement that captures the reader’s attention and aligns with the program’s values.
  • Brief Background: Introduce yourself and your interest in the MBA program.

Example: “I am excited to apply for the MBA program at [University Name], renowned for its cutting-edge business curriculum and esteemed faculty. My name is John Doe, and with a background in business development at a leading tech firm and a track record of driving strategic initiatives, I am eager to leverage an MBA to accelerate my career and lead impactful business transformations.”

Step 2 – Academic and Professional Background

  • Highlight Achievements: Detail your accomplishments, focusing on leadership roles and significant projects.
  • Quantify Impact: Use metrics to showcase your achievements.

Example: “At ABC Tech, I spearheaded the launch of a new product line that generated $5 million in revenue within its first year. I also led a cross-functional team in optimizing supply chain operations, resulting in a 15% cost reduction.”

Step 3 – Goals and Objectives

  • Short-Term Goals: Outline your immediate career objectives post-MBA.
  • Long-Term Vision: Describe your long-term career aspirations and how the MBA aligns with them.

Example: “Post-MBA, I aim to transition into a senior management role within the technology sector, focusing on innovation and international market expansion. Ultimately, I aspire to lead a global business unit, driving growth and fostering a culture of innovation.”

Step 4 – Why This MBA Program?

  • Program Fit: Explain why you’ve chosen this specific program, highlighting unique features.
  • Contribution: Discuss how your background and skills will enrich the program.

Example: “I am particularly drawn to [University Name] ‘s MBA program for its strong emphasis on entrepreneurship and global business strategy. The opportunity to learn from industry leaders like Professor Jane Smith, whose expertise in tech entrepreneurship is unparalleled, is invaluable. I look forward to contributing my entrepreneurial insights and strategic acumen to class discussions and collaborative projects.”

Step 5 – Conclusion

  • Recap and Enthusiasm: Summarize your letter of intent and express enthusiasm for the program.
  • Gratitude: Thank the admissions committee and express eagerness for a positive response.

Example: “In summary, my background in driving strategic initiatives combined with my aspirations for leadership in technology makes me a strong candidate for your MBA program. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of refining my skills at [University Name] and contributing to its dynamic community. Thank you for considering my application—I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to and learn from [University Name] ‘s renowned MBA program.”

MBA Letter of Intent vs. MBA Statement of Purpose

While the statement of purpose is a broad admissions essay, the letter of intent is a detailed document that specifically outlines your motivations for pursuing an MBA at your chosen institution.

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MBA Letter of Intent Template

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MBA Letter of Intent Template

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