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Computer Science Master's Theses Collection


aBBRate: automating BBR congestion control attack exploration using a model-based approach.

Analysis of named entity recognition & entity linking in historical text

Annotating decision analyses using semantic web technologies

Applying EM to compute document relevance from crowdsourced pair preferences

Applying unsupervised grammar induction to OCR error correction

Argument mining for understanding media bias and misinformation

ARID: affinity representing instance descriptors.

Automated explanation of research informed consent by embodied conversational agents

Automated indexing of stories for conversational health intervention

Automating infant monitoring and biomedical image analysis with machine vision

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Computer Science Department

Computer Science Theses and Dissertations

This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Computer Science, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024


Approximation Algorithms for High Multiplicity Strip Packing, Thief Orienteering, and K-Median , Andrew Bloch-Hansen

A Target-Based and A Targetless Extrinsic Calibration Methods for Thermal Camera and 3D LiDAR , Farhad Dalirani

Efficient Algorithms and Parallel Implementations for Power Series Multiplication , Seyed Abdol Hamid Fathi

Understanding Protein Deep Learning Models through Explainability , Zahra Fazel

Using Driver Gaze and On-Road Driving Data for Predicting Driver Maneuvers in Advanced Driving Assistance Systems , Farzan Heidari

Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction , SeyedMohsen Hosseini


Investigating Tree- and Graph-based Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing Applications , Sudipta Singha Roy

Framework for Bug Inducing Commit Prediction Using Quality Metrics , Alireza Tavakkoli Barzoki

Knowledge-grounded Natural Language Understanding of Biomedical and Clinical Literature , Xindi Wang

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Classification of DDoS Attack with Machine Learning Architectures and Exploratory Analysis , Amreen Anbar

Multi-view Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Brain-Computer Interfaces , Sepehr Asgarian

Improved Protein Sequence Alignments Using Deep Learning , Seyed Sepehr Ashrafzadeh


Algorithms and Software for Oligonucleotide Design , Qin Dong

Framework for Assessing Information System Security Posture Risks , Syed Waqas Hamdani

De novo sequencing of multiple tandem mass spectra of peptide containing SILAC labeling , Fang Han

Local Model Agnostic XAI Methodologies Applied to Breast Cancer Malignancy Predictions , Heather Hartley

A Quantitative Analysis Between Software Quality Posture and Bug-fixing Commit , Rongji He

A Novel Method for Assessment of Batch Effect on single cell RNA sequencing data , Behnam Jabbarizadeh

Dynamically Finding Optimal Kernel Launch Parameters for CUDA Programs , Taabish Jeshani

Citation Polarity Identification From Scientific Articles Using Deep Learning Methods , Souvik Kundu

Denoising-Based Domain Adaptation Network for EEG Source Imaging , Runze Li

Decoy-Target Database Strategy and False Discovery Rate Analysis for Glycan Identification , Xiaoou Li


Developing A Smart Home Surveillance System Using Autonomous Drones , Chongju Mai

Look-Ahead Selective Plasticity for Continual Learning , Rouzbeh Meshkinnejad

The Two Visual Processing Streams Through The Lens Of Deep Neural Networks , Aidasadat Mirebrahimi Tafreshi

Source-free Domain Adaptation for Sleep Stage Classification , Yasmin Niknam

Data Heterogeneity and Its Implications for Fairness , Ghazaleh Noroozi

Enhancing Urban Life: A Policy-Based Autonomic Smart City Management System for Efficient, Sustainable, and Self-Adaptive Urban Environments , Elham Okhovat

Evaluating the Likelihood of Bug Inducing Commits Using Metrics Trend Analysis , Parul Parul

On Computing Optimal Repairs for Conditional Independence , Alireza Pirhadi

Open-Set Source-Free Domain Adaptation in Fundus Images Analysis , Masoud Pourreza

Migration in Edge Computing , Arshin Rezazadeh

A Modified Hopfield Network for the K-Median Problem , Cody Rossiter

Predicting Network Failures with AI Techniques , Chandrika Saha

Toward Building an Intelligent and Secure Network: An Internet Traffic Forecasting Perspective , Sajal Saha

An Exploration of Visual Analytic Techniques for XAI: Applications in Clinical Decision Support , Mozhgan Salimiparsa

Attention-based Multi-Source-Free Domain Adaptation for EEG Emotion Recognition , Amir Hesam Salimnia

Global Cyber Attack Forecast using AI Techniques , Nusrat Kabir Samia


A Computational Framework For Identifying Relevant Cell Types And Specific Regulatory Mechanisms In Schizophrenia Using Data Integration Methods , Kayvan Shabani

Weakly-Supervised Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos Based on Two-Stream I3D Convolution Network , Sareh Soltani Nejad

Smartphone Loss Prevention System Using BLE and GPS Technology , Noshin Tasnim

A Hybrid Continual Machine Learning Model for Efficient Hierarchical Classification of Domain-Specific Text in The Presence of Class Overlap (Case Study: IT Support Tickets) , Yasmen M. Wahba

Reducing Negative Transfer of Random Data in Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation , Anthony Wong

Deep Neural Methods for True/Pseudo- Invasion Classification in Colorectal Polyp Whole-Slide Images , Zhiyuan Yang

Developing a Relay-based Autonomous Drone Delivery System , Muhammad Zakar

Learning Mortality Risk for COVID-19 Using Machine Learning and Statistical Methods , Shaoshi Zhang

Machine Learning Techniques for Improved Functional Brain Parcellation , Da Zhi

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The Design and Implementation of a High-Performance Polynomial System Solver , Alexander Brandt

Defining Service Level Agreements in Serverless Computing , Mohamed Elsakhawy

Algorithms for Regular Chains of Dimension One , Juan P. Gonzalez Trochez

Towards a Novel and Intelligent e-commerce Framework for Smart-Shopping Applications , Susmitha Hanumanthu

Multi-Device Data Analysis for Fault Localization in Electrical Distribution Grids , Jacob D L Hunte

Towards Parking Lot Occupancy Assessment Using Aerial Imagery and Computer Vision , John Jewell

Potential of Vision Transformers for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems: An Evaluative Approach , Andrew Katoch

Psychological Understanding of Textual journals using Natural Language Processing approaches , Amirmohammad Kazemeinizadeh

Driver Behavior Analysis Based on Real On-Road Driving Data in the Design of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems , Nima Khairdoost

Solving Challenges in Deep Unsupervised Methods for Anomaly Detection , Vahid Reza Khazaie

Developing an Efficient Real-Time Terrestrial Infrastructure Inspection System Using Autonomous Drones and Deep Learning , Marlin Manka

Predictive Modelling For Topic Handling Of Natural Language Dialogue With Virtual Agents , Lareina Milambiling

Improving Deep Entity Resolution by Constraints , Soudeh Nilforoushan

Respiratory Pattern Analysis for COVID-19 Digital Screening Using AI Techniques , Annita Tahsin Priyoti

Extracting Microservice Dependencies Using Log Analysis , Andres O. Rodriguez Ishida

False Discovery Rate Analysis for Glycopeptide Identification , Shun Saito

Towards a Generalization of Fulton's Intersection Multiplicity Algorithm , Ryan Sandford

An Investigation Into Time Gazed At Traffic Objects By Drivers , Kolby R. Sarson

Exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques for Forecasting Network Traffic: Network QoS and Security Perspectives , Ibrahim Mohammed Sayem

A Unified Representation and Deep Learning Architecture for Persuasive Essays in English , Muhammad Tawsif Sazid

Towards the development of a cost-effective Image-Sensing-Smart-Parking Systems (ISenSmaP) , Aakriti Sharma

Advances in the Automatic Detection of Optimization Opportunities in Computer Programs , Delaram Talaashrafi

Reputation-Based Trust Assessment of Transacting Service Components , Konstantinos Tsiounis

Fully Autonomous UAV Exploration in Confined and Connectionless Environments , Kirk P. Vander Ploeg

Three Contributions to the Theory and Practice of Optimizing Compilers , Linxiao Wang

Developing Intelligent Routing Algorithm over SDN: Reusable Reinforcement Learning Approach , Wumian Wang

Predicting and Modifying Memorability of Images , Mohammad Younesi

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Generating Effective Sentence Representations: Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Approaches , Mahtab Ahmed

A Physical Layer Framework for a Smart City Using Accumulative Bayesian Machine Learning , Razan E. AlFar

Load Balancing and Resource Allocation in Smart Cities using Reinforcement Learning , Aseel AlOrbani

Contrastive Learning of Auditory Representations , Haider Al-Tahan

Cache-Friendly, Modular and Parallel Schemes For Computing Subresultant Chains , Mohammadali Asadi

Protein Interaction Sites Prediction using Deep Learning , Sourajit Basak

Predicting Stock Market Sector Sentiment Through News Article Based Textual Analysis , William A. Beldman

Improving Reader Motivation with Machine Learning , Tanner A. Bohn

A Black-box Approach for Containerized Microservice Monitoring in Fog Computing , Shi Chang

Visualization and Interpretation of Protein Interactions , Dipanjan Chatterjee

A Framework for Characterising Performance in Multi-Class Classification Problems with Applications in Cancer Single Cell RNA Sequencing , Erik R. Christensen

Exploratory Search with Archetype-based Language Models , Brent D. Davis

Evolutionary Design of Search and Triage Interfaces for Large Document Sets , Jonathan A. Demelo

Building Effective Network Security Frameworks using Deep Transfer Learning Techniques , Harsh Dhillon

A Deep Topical N-gram Model and Topic Discovery on COVID-19 News and Research Manuscripts , Yuan Du

Automatic extraction of requirements-related information from regulatory documents cited in the project contract , Sara Fotouhi

Developing a Resource and Energy Efficient Real-time Delivery Scheduling Framework for a Network of Autonomous Drones , Gopi Gugan

A Visual Analytics System for Rapid Sensemaking of Scientific Documents , Amirreza Haghverdiloo Barzegar

Calibration Between Eye Tracker and Stereoscopic Vision System Employing a Linear Closed-Form Perspective-n-Point (PNP) Algorithm , Mohammad Karami

Fuzzy and Probabilistic Rule-Based Approaches to Identify Fault Prone Files , Piyush Kumar Korlepara

Parallel Arbitrary-precision Integer Arithmetic , Davood Mohajerani

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Home > School, College, or Department > MCECS > Computer Science > Dissertations and Theses

Computer Science Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

A Deep Learning Framework for Blockage Mitigation in mmWave Wireless , Ahmed Hazaa Almutairi (Dissertation)

Design and Test of Asynchronous Systems Using the Link and Joint Model , Ebelechukwu Esimai (Dissertation)

Automatic Measurement of Dialogue Engagingness in Multilingual Settings , Amila Ferron (Thesis)

Resource-constrained 2D Scene Recovery with Single-Photon Cameras , Daphne Ariadne Kurzenhauser (Thesis)

MmWave RAT Optimization: MAC Layer Initial Access Design and Transport Layer Integration , Suresh Srinivasan (Dissertation)

Designing for Deployable, Secure, and Generic Machine Learning Systems , Li-Yun Wang (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Seeing in the Dark: Towards Robust Pedestrian Detection at Nighttime , Afnan Althoupety (Dissertation)

A Deep Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder for World Models in Complex Reinforcement Learning Environments , Sriharshitha Ayyalasomayajula (Thesis)

Toward Efficient Rendering: A Neural Network Approach , Qiqi Hou (Dissertation)

Energy Auction with Non-Relational Persistence , Michael Ramez Howard (Thesis)

Implementing a Functional Logic Programming Language via the Fair Scheme , Andrew Michael Jost (Dissertation)

Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Radiation Localization , Benjamin Scott Totten (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Using Intrinsically-Typed Definitional Interpreters to Verify Compiler Optimizations in a Monadic Intermediate Language , Dani Barrack (Thesis)

An Automated Zoom Class Session Analysis Tool to Improve Education , Jack Arlo Cannon II (Thesis)

Scaling EPA-RIMM with Multicore System Management Interrupt Handlers , Alexander K. Freed (Thesis)

Unpaired Style Transfer Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Scanned Document Generation , David Jonathan Hawbaker (Thesis)

Toward Analyzing the Diversity of Extractive Summaries , Aaron David Hudson (Thesis)

Making Curry with Rice: An Optimizing Curry Compiler , Steven Libby (Dissertation)

Domain Knowledge as Motion-Aware Inductive Bias for Deep Video Synthesis: Two Case Studies , Long Mai (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Efficient Neuromorphic Algorithms for Gamma-Ray Spectrum Denoising and Radionuclide Identification , Merlin Phillip Carson (Thesis)

Storing Intermediate Results in Space and Time: SQL Graphs and Block Referencing , Basem Ibrahim Elazzabi (Dissertation)

Automated Test Generation for Validating SystemC Designs , Bin Lin (Dissertation)

Forecasting Optimal Parameters of the Broken Wing Butterfly Option Strategy Using Differential Evolution , David Munoz Constantine (Thesis)

Situate: An Agent-Based System for Situation Recognition , Max Henry Quinn (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Multiple Diagram Navigation , Hisham Benotman (Dissertation)

Smart Contract Vulnerabilities on the Ethereum Blockchain: a Current Perspective , Daniel Steven Connelly (Thesis)

Extensible Performance-Aware Runtime Integrity Measurement , Brian G. Delgado (Dissertation)

Novel View Synthesis - a Neural Network Approach , Hoang Le (Dissertation)

Exploring the Potential of Sparse Coding for Machine Learning , Sheng Yang Lundquist (Dissertation)

Workflow Critical Path: a Data-Oriented Path Metric for Holistic HPC Workflows , Daniel D. Nguyen (Thesis)

Novel View Synthesis in Time and Space , Simon Niklaus (Dissertation)

Balancing Security, Performance and Deployability in Encrypted Search , David Joel Pouliot (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

A Secure Anti-Counterfeiting System using Near Field Communication, Public Key Cryptography, Blockchain, and Bayesian Games , Naif Saeed Alzahrani (Dissertation)

Spectral Clustering for Electrical Phase Identification Using Advanced Metering Infrastructure Voltage Time Series , Logan Blakely (Thesis)

Local Radiance , Scott Peter Britell (Dissertation)

Correct-by-Construction Typechecking with Scope Graphs , Katherine Imhoff Casamento (Thesis)

Versatile Binary-level Concolic Testing , Bo Chen (Dissertation)

Crumpled and Abraded Encryption: Implementation and Provably Secure Construction , Scott Sherlock Griffy (Thesis)

Knowing Without Knowing: Real-Time Usage Identification of Computer Systems , Leila Mohammed Hawana (Thesis)

Design and Experimental Evaluation of DeepMarket: an Edge Computing Marketplace with Distributed TensorFlow Execution Capability , Soyoung Kim (Thesis)

Localizing Little Landmarks with Transfer Learning , Sharad Kumar (Thesis)

Context-Aware Wi-Fi Infrastructure-based Indoor Positioning Systems , Huy Phuong Tran (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Bounding Box Improvement with Reinforcement Learning , Andrew Lewis Cleland (Thesis)

Sensing Building Structure Using UWB Radios for Disaster Recovery , Jeong Eun Lee (Dissertation)

Annotation-Enabled Interpretation and Analysis of Time-Series Data , Niveditha Venugopal (Thesis)

EPA-RIMM-V: Efficient Rootkit Detection for Virtualized Environments , Tejaswini Ajay Vibhute (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Improved Scoring Models for Semantic Image Retrieval Using Scene Graphs , Erik Timothy Conser (Thesis)

Refining Bounding-Box Regression for Object Localization , Naomi Lynn Dickerson (Thesis)

Fully Generic Programming Over Closed Universes of Inductive-Recursive Types , Larry Diehl (Dissertation)

Communicating at Terahertz Frequencies , Farnoosh Moshirfatemi (Dissertation)

Designing In-Headset Authoring Tools for Virtual Reality Video , Cuong Nguyen (Dissertation)

Certifying Loop Pipelining Transformations in Behavioral Synthesis , Disha Puri (Dissertation)

Power-Aware Datacenter Networking and Optimization , Qing Yi (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Identifying Relationships between Scientific Datasets , Abdussalam Alawini (Dissertation)

Information Representation and Computation of Spike Trains in Reservoir Computing Systems with Spiking Neurons and Analog Neurons , Amin Almassian (Thesis)

Investigations of an "Objectness" Measure for Object Localization , Lewis Richard James Coates (Thesis)

Image Stitching: Handling Parallax, Stereopsis, and Video , Fan Zhang (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Novel Methods for Learning and Adaptation in Chemical Reaction Networks , Peter Banda (Dissertation)

Post-silicon Functional Validation with Virtual Prototypes , Kai Cong (Dissertation)

Novel Cryptographic Primitives and Protocols for Censorship Resistance , Kevin Patrick Dyer (Dissertation)

Hardware/Software Interface Assurance with Conformance Checking , Li Lei (Dissertation)

Leveraging Contextual Relationships Between Objects for Localization , Clinton Leif Olson (Thesis)

The Performance of Random Prototypes in Hierarchical Models of Vision , Kendall Lee Stewart (Thesis)

Tweakable Ciphers: Constructions and Applications , Robert Seth Terashima (Dissertation)

Scalable Equivalence Checking for Behavioral Synthesis , Zhenkun Yang (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Nax Language: Unifying Functional Programming and Logical Reasoning in a Language based on Mendler-style Recursion Schemes and Term-indexed Types , Ki Yung Ahn (Dissertation)

Using Spammers' Computing Resources for Volunteer Computing , Thai Le Quy Bui (Thesis)

Towards Constructing Interactive Virtual Worlds , Francis Chang (Dissertation)

System-wide Performance Analysis for Virtualization , Deron Eugene Jensen (Thesis)

Advances in Piecewise Smooth Image Reconstruction , Ralf Juengling (Dissertation)

Interpretable Machine Learning and Sparse Coding for Computer Vision , Will Landecker (Dissertation)

Optimizing Data Movement in Hybrid Analytic Systems , Patrick Michael Leyshock (Dissertation)

Ranked Similarity Search of Scientific Datasets: An Information Retrieval Approach , Veronika Margaret Megler (Dissertation)

Using GIST Features to Constrain Search in Object Detection , Joanna Browne Solmon (Thesis)

The Role of Prototype Learning in Hierarchical Models of Vision , Michael David Thomure (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Object Detection and Recognition in Natural Settings , George William Dittmar (Thesis)

Trust-but-Verify: Guaranteeing the Integrity of User-generated Content in Online Applications , Akshay Dua (Dissertation)

Equivalence Checking for High-Assurance Behavioral Synthesis , Kecheng Hao (Dissertation)

Type Classes and Instance Chains: A Relational Approach , John Garrett Morris (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Using Dataflow Optimization Techniques with a Monadic Intermediate Language , Justin George Bailey (Thesis)

A Survey and Analysis of Solutions to the Oblivious Memory Access Problem , Erin Elizabeth Chapman (Thesis)

A Data-Descriptive Feedback Framework for Data Stream Management Systems , Rafael J. Fernández Moctezuma (Dissertation)

Extending Relativistic Programming to Multiple Writers , Philip William Howard (Dissertation)

The Basic Scheme for the Evaluation of Functional Logic Programs , Arthur Peters (Thesis)

The Link Between Image Segmentation and Image Recognition , Karan Sharma (Thesis)

Relativistic Causal Ordering A Memory Model for Scalable Concurrent Data Structures , Josh Triplett (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Conceptual Modeling of Data with Provenance , David William Archer (Dissertation)

Low-latency Estimates for Window-Aggregate Queries over Data Streams , Amit Bhat (Thesis)

Information Processing in Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata , Martin Cenek (Dissertation)

Scalable and Efficient Tasking for Dynamic Sensor Networks , Thanh Xuan Dang (Dissertation)

On the Effect of Topology on Learning and Generalization in Random Automata Networks , Alireza Goudarzi (Thesis)

HOLCF '11: A Definitional Domain Theory for Verifying Functional Programs , Brian Charles Huffman (Dissertation)

A Functional Approach to Memory-Safe Operating Systems , Rebekah Leslie (Dissertation)

Factoring Semiprimes Using PG2N Prime Graph Multiagent Search , Keith Eirik Wilson (Thesis)

High Speed Wireless Networking for 60GHz , Candy Yiu (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Extensible Scheduling in a Haskell-based Operating System , Kenneth William Graunke (Thesis)

Addressing Automated Adversaries of Network Applications , Edward Leo Kaiser (Dissertation)

An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Hardware/Software Co-verification , Juncao Li (Dissertation)

Practical Type Inference for the GADT Type System , Chuan-kai Lin (Dissertation)

Scalable event tracking on high-end parallel systems , Kathryn Marie Mohror (Dissertation)

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  • Computer Networking

Computer Networking: A Survey

  • September 2015

Deepa Balasubramaniam at Sri Krishna Arts and Science College,Coimbatore

  • Sri Krishna Arts and Science College,Coimbatore

Abstract and Figures

Fig: 4 LAN with BUS topology

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paper cover thumbnail

Campus Network Planning and Design

Profile image of Mckleen Jeff Aroco

With the rapid development of computer network, the construction of campus network is the inevitable choice of the development of information network. The campus network system is a very large and complicated system. It is not only for modern teaching, integrated information management and offi ce automation series of applications to provide basic operating platform, but also to provide a variety of application services, so that information can be timely and accurate delivery. The campus network construction in the application of network technology is the important branch of LAN technology to build and management. This paper introduces the goal of campus network design and the selection of network technology, network equipment selection and so on, and gives the concrete network topology diagram through the example of the campus network design and construction process. The study also explains how to plan the formation of campus network effi ciently and safely.

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This paper discusses the technical aspects of the campus network which was undertaken at Kuvempu University under UGC-Infonet Digital Library e-consortium programme. The UGC-Infonet programme in the campus is explained. Further, how the university library is taken up the task to complete campus network programme is highlighted. The various issues needed in the campus network is also discussed in this paper such as LAN, WLAN, WAN, Anti-virus server, Web server, Mail Server, security arrangements, etc. The prerequisites in designing LAN under campus network in Kuvempu University explained such as three layer level approach, etc. The optimum and effective utilization of the UGC-Infonet programme under the campus network is also discussed. The study also highlights the challenges, expansion and future plans of the campus network in Kuvempu University.

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Computer network in the recent time has continued to evolve and has gone beyond just a collection of interconnected devices. Networking is a process of connecting computers, printers, routers etc. over a medium for the purpose of sharing information/resources. It is a very viable tool in the day-to-day running of an organisation. Research in data communication and networking has resulted in new technologies in which the goal is to be able to exchange data such as text, audio, video etc. Recently, no good establishment can effectively and efficiently work without a good computer network or internet. In Nigeria, virtually every establishment has got one but how these networks are managed, the quality of service and the general performances of these networks are questionable. In this paper, we present; plan, design and simulation of computer network, a case study of Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO). The result of the work clearly showed that the simulated network has an edge over the existing real time network in reliability. Approximately 96% of data sent were received successfully on the simulated network and only about 4% were lost. In the existing real time network about 67% packets were received successfully while about 33% got lost on transit. This paper when implemented will solve problems we have identified with the university network.

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Duhok University has two main campuses. The first is the Malta campus located at the western part of the city and consists of seven colleges. The second one is the Duhok center which is located in the city center, it comprises six colleges in addition to the university chancellor office. This research paper proposes a network design for Duhok University to enable student and academic staff exchanges their academic and administrative information efficiently. The proposed IP Network design is made of three layers of which the core layer consists of two Cisco SONET 12012 which is connected by dual links. One of the SONETs is assigned to the Malta Campus and the other to Duhok center campus. The minimum spanning tree is calculated for the proposed IP network by using real distances between university colleges. At the distribution layer, a hierarchical topology is used to connect the college campus to its nearest main campus. The network is attached to the two ain FTP and HTTP servers. T...

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The impact of network services failures can have a significant effect on the functionality of education. The construc tion of a campus network has played a crucial role in advancing educational systems and creating optimal learning environments. Therefore, it is essential to ensure a high level of network availability to guarantee timely access to resources. This research paper introduces a campus network design which incorporates a hierarchical structure with dual single-homed internet access to enhance reliability. Emphasizing the importance of reliability and security, the paper applies the CISCO methodology to address the specific challenges of campus network design using the GNS3 simulator. The resulting topology ensures robust security, scalability, and high availability through the implementation of redundancy mechanisms and the dynamic operation of DHCP, HSRP, and STP protocols.

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Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) is the broadband network access architecture that uses the existing telecommunication infrastructures to provide the Internet service. The architectures in general are the dedicated active optical network (AON) and distributed passive optical network (PON). The fairness in cost of using the service, fastness in data transmission and the extensibility of fiber access network are the main reasons the FTTH are becoming more popular day by day. The Implementation of a mini FTTH for TU (Loikaw) Campus Network was done through the partial researches: Study on FTTH, Study on Fiber Transmissions, TCP/IP Configurations and Network Design using Switches and Routers. The main aim of this research paper is to be effectively carried out high performance of fiber transmission for a FTTH by both theoretical and practical approaches. To design FTTH network in this university, fiber mainly serves as a transmission medium. Wide bandwidth signal transmission with low delay is a key requirement in present FTTH. Optical fibers provide enormous and unsurpassed transmission bandwidth with negligible latency, and are now the transmission medium of choice for long distance and high data rate transmission in telecommunication networks. To be a perfect fiber link infrastructure, splicing, good performance connector must be considered and take care of component handling. The implementation of fibre link is emphasized on active optical network (AON). For transmission link in AON, the signal degradation is not an issue for this university campus FTTH.

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Technological innovations have not only brought benefits to business sector but significant changes in higher education system especially at universities and colleges level. The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has provided an integrated platform for three main categories of users-students, teachers and researchers to create, share and dissemination information in the form of knowledge. The introduction of Internet and its allied technologies have revolutionised the whole education system in terms of wider and convenient accessibility of information, reduced cost and less managerial efforts as compared to legacy educational technologies. In this paper an attempt is made to analyse various issues involved in designing a conceptual framework to interconnect all teaching departments and administrative blocks of Himachal Pradesh University. The major technical and managerial issues observed during research were bureaucratic delays, unawareness at users' end, fluctuatio...

Flower Angel

—Salahaddin University is the oldest and the biggest university in Kurdistan region. It involves 14 colleges and 3 academic centers. The new university campus that will be established on an area of 10km 2 provides a challenge of designing, efficient and robust networking infrastructure due to increased demand on data and data processing applications like FTP (File Transfer Protocol) which is a vital protocol in an academic environment. At access layer (college level) Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is employed to provide Wi-Fi to the end user for ultimate mobility. At backbone level four scenarios have been proposed and tested for a proposed university campus. These scenarios used to connect each college Wi-Fi router to Cisco core switch (6509). The first scenario uses optical fiber cable 1000Base-LX (Gigabit-Ethernet), while in the second scenario the Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) based core switch is used to connect (Gigabit-Ethernet) cables. The third scenario uses FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) technology. In the fourth scenario, a combination of the VLAN based core switch and FDDI is presented. In the four scenarios, the core switch is connected to the main router Cisco (7507) which connects the campus network to the cloud. The network performance and behavior have been studied by calculating network load throughput and delay. The system has been implemented using OPNET (Optimized Network Engineering Tool) simulator modular 14.5. The simulation results show that the fourth scenario gives minimum delay while maximum data transfer (throughput) is achieved by the fourth scenario. Keywords—Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI); Optimized Network Engineering Tool (OPNET); File Transfer Protocol (FTP); Virtual Local Area Networks (VLAN); campus network

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