why do you need to do homework

What is homework backwards: Krowemoh - a Latin word or a popular scam? Read this article to find out

why do you need to do homework

What is homework spelled backwards

There’s a popular idea that homework spelled backwards, krowemoh, means child abuse in Latin. But this idea doesn’t hold any water since the Latin alphabet doesn’t even contain the letter W.

It’s easy for students to come up with ludicrous ideas to get rid of the guilt of not doing homework. But the facts are different. Krowemoh is not a word in Latin, and it has nothing to do with child abuse. For that matter, it doesn’t even sound like a Latin word. German, maybe, but definitely not Latin.

Surely, students are not keen on the idea of doing homework every day. This is why they come up with these rumors and spread them among their peers. But in reality, homework is a useful way of assessing students’ knowledge. It’s tedious and hard for learners to do it every day, especially after a whole day of classes. But unfortunately, a better way of testing students’ knowledge hasn’t been invented yet. Whether it’s for written or oral examination, students still have to dedicate a lot of time to education at home.

In this article, we will try to change your opinion on homework by presenting you with some facts on its use in real life, as well as tips for making it easier on you.

How did the popular myth start?

It’s hard to trace back the origin of any myth, especially nowadays. Myths, rumors and ideas spread like wildfire these days. But most of them originate online. The same has most likely happened here. The most popular idea of this myth’s conception is that it originated as a joke. It probably started as a meme or a joke on  some school’s forum and took off from there.

The thing about the internet is that, unfortunately, many people believe everything they see as long as they agree with it. If a young student sees a post on social media that says that homework is a form of child abuse, they are highly likely to believe it and start spreading this information. The reference to latin makes it that much more believable. Yet, this is a valuable lesson that we should all learn from. The internet is full of misinformation, and it’s paramount that you check your facts. The more sources you use the better. Just like with academic writing.

The truth is, homework is good for you. It gives you the opportunity to look at the facts presented during class from your own perspective. You research other sources, find more in-depth information and get acquainted with the topic on a deeper level. This leads to more profound and long-term learning.

Homework backwards: Does it actually mean anything?

Homework backwards is krowemoh. Krowemoh in Latin is not even a word. First of all, the Latin alphabet doesn’t use the letter ‘W.’ Homework in Latin is congue. This word also can mean loan depending on the context. By a long  shot, this may even mean that doing homework will help you pay out your student loans.

Not that ancient Romans predicted education would be so expensive, you need to take a huge loan and pay it off for your entire life, but still. Doing homework, studying well and graduating will help you in the future. It may be hard to believe, but some companies still do care about your diploma. And those companies are the ones that pay the best.

In the English language, krowemoh meaning homework backwards doesn’t stand for anything but a bunch of gibberish. And it definitely does not mean child abuse, not in Latin or any other language. Even though it may not seem like it, homework is actually good for you.

Arguments against homework

Surely, most students are deeply opposed to doing homework. It takes a bunch of time, professors get stricter and more demanding every year, and the topics of those pesky essays seem to take you 40 years in the past sometimes.

For most people, the last thing they want to do after coming home from school is doing more school assignments. If you want to learn more about why homework should be banned , you should check out this article.

Luckily, modern students came up with many solutions to this issue. Some resort to AI tools to help them craft an outline for an essay. Unfortunately, the screws got pretty tight on using AI for homework help as soon as students started actively using it. Still, using AI for drafting a structure for your essay is not a crime. And it’s much easier to write once you have an outline.

Also, you can outsource your entire paper or some of its sections to professional services like Studyfy. A professional writer who you choose yourself will not use AI. Instead, they will use their expertise and years of experience to craft a custom paper just for you.

Need a hand with your assignments? Our expert assistance ensures you meet deadlines and achieve top grades. Get personalized support in any subject and excel in your studies!

Why homework is good and we have 10 reasons why students should have homework

Why is homework important ? Homework is so far the best way to assess your knowledge, independence and critical thinking skills. Sure, you can use the internet while at home and research all the topics you don’t understand. But research is also an important skill that doing homework regularly teaches you.

Tests during classes are another means of assessing students’ knowledge. But the drawback is that they take quite a bit of time, and you can’t do them too often. Since if you would, the teacher would have no time to actually teach you new topics.

10 Benefits of Homework:

  • Homework teaches students about time management.
  • Homework teaches students how to set priorities.
  • Homework helps teachers determine how well the lessons are being understood by their students.
  • Homework teaches students how to problem solve.
  • Homework gives student another opportunity to review class material.
  • Homework gives parents a chance to see what is being learned in school.
  • Homework teaches students how to take responsibility for their part in the educational process.
  • Homework teaches students that they may have to do things—even if they don’t want to.
  • Homework teaches students to work independently.
  • Homework teaches students the importance of planning, staying organized, and taking action.

Skills that homework develops

Homework is not just a torture device. Students learn a lot of valuable skills from doing their homework.

The first one is self-education. During higher education, like college or university, a lot more emphasis is placed on self education. Students are given part of the material is class, but the majority of the topic they are to learn independently. This is a very valuable skill that students will use way beyond campus.

Independence goes hand in hand with self-education. Independence in doing research, thinking critically, making decisions, like which approach to choose for a particular study, or even which assignment to tackle first, is very important for a student. You learn to prioritize, make executive decisions and solve problems.

Homework also teaches you consequences of actions. Sure, this may sound a bit childish, but there’s no better way to learn the value of prioritization than during a class for which you didn’t prepare. At least once, every student will decide to go out rather than do homework, and greatly regret it the next day. Forgetting about a test or an oral examination is a classic event that every student will go through. But after it happens once, you will check your homework assignments and schedules more carefully, right?

Struggling with homework? Get the support you need to succeed! Our resources and tips will help you manage your time, stay focused, and tackle challenging tasks with confidence. Let’s make learning easier together.

Wrapping up

Homework in latin does not mean child abuse. This myth must be debunked and forgotten. What started as a joke has gone a bit too far, in our opinion. This should be a good lesson for students to not believe everything they see or hear online. The internet is full of misinformation and a lot of these false facts and propaganda are meant to cause a reaction. Don’t feed into this cycle.

Homework is a great device to test students’ aptitude in the topics they study. Usually, when professors give homework, they want to see how you work independently. They want you to show your critical thinking skills, your interpretation of the class materials and evidence of your independent research. This is not a torture device. But if you see it as one, it may surely feel like it. If you ever feel overwhelmed, remember that asking for help, like searching for ‘ do my homework ’ services, can provide the support you need to succeed.

But as soon as you change your perspective from ‘this professor just wants me to suffer,’ to ‘this professor wants me to learn deeper,’ doing homework will become easier. It’s not there to make you miserable. Instead, doing homework will help you do better in your classes. And in turn, it will help you secure a good job with a stable paycheck.

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I’m a teacher – 10 easy tips to prepare your kids for back to school

Victoria hearn shares the advice all parents need to know (including why you should never use the word ‘homework’).

why do you need to do homework

As both a teacher and a parent, Victoria Hearn is more than familiar with the trials and tribulations of the back to school season. Now the headteacher across Girton Glebe Primary School , Impington Village College (East Anglia’s top comprehensive, according to the Parent Power List 2024), and sixth form Impington International College , she is familiar with the best tricks – and most common mistakes – all parents should know, no matter what age their children are.

So, as the summer holidays draw to a close, Hearn shares her advice for those preparing their kids for the new academic year, whether that is to school for the very first time or transitioning to secondary and sixth form.

Primary school

Do a dress rehearsal.

Ofsted told to stop using ‘reductive’ one-word ratings in shake-up of school inspections

Ofsted told to stop using ‘reductive’ one-word ratings in school inspections shake-up

With the school term beginning next week, now is the time to get your child practising the morning routine they will have to be doing during term time.

Think of it as a dress rehearsal; for the very final few days of the holidays get your child up , dressed, fed and out of the door in plenty of time, so it isn’t such a shock to their system on the first day.

To help avoid the chaos of the school morning rush, get as much ready as you can the night before with your child’s help.

This will help them to develop healthy habits as they progress throughout their learning journey.

Help them to recognise their name

If your child is attending school for the very first time, spend some time to help them recognise their name. This will help to build their confidence when they need to identify it during the school day and will help them to pick the right tray, bookbag, peg, jumper, and more.

Reminisce about your own school days

Although there are plenty of children who approach school with excitement, some may be nervous or worried, and that’s okay.

It is important to have positive conversations with your child about some of your own favourite memories of school, the friends you made, or the interesting things you learned; all of this will help your child to associate school with positivity.

Secondary school

Reflect on learning.

Whether your child is first starting at secondary school or is going into their final year, encourage them to reflect on what they have learned and their understanding of what is being taught.

It is important that students can identify and communicate which areas they are confident in and which they feel less confident in. Getting into the habit of communicating their strengths and passions will help them when it is time to make their subject choices in Year 9 and for the Sixth Form .

Portrait of a happy teenage girl going to school - lifestyle concepts

Encourage after-school clubs

Most secondary schools are much larger than primary schools, so it is natural for your child to be nervous about making new friends if they are attending secondary school for the first time; particularly if they have been separated from their primary school friends . A good way for your child to make friends at secondary school is to attend lots of extra-curricular activities and clubs. This will help them to meet peers with similar interests.

Create a dedicated learning space

One of the biggest differences between primary and secondary school is the increase in homework; getting your child to be excited about homework is no mean feat. So, consider creating a special study place in the house to help make learning more fun and motivate your child to get the work done. Most importantly, make sure that this space is outside of the bedroom so there is clear separation between work and relaxation.

Switch ‘homework’ to ‘home learning’

I’ve also changed the language that we use in Impington surrounding homework and we now call it home learning. This has helped to remove the stigma around completing work outside of school a nd it gives a clear purpose to the tasks they are completing at home.

Get organised with diaries or apps

It is no secret that with sixth form comes a significantly increased workload for students, which can be challenging, but is made so much easier with good organisation. No child is the same and each will have different ways to organise themselves, so encourage continuation of habits and methods that have worked well in previous years.

I always recommend sixth-form students keep an up-to-date diary or organiser app so they can keep track of deadlines and academic priorities, as well as use different notebooks and folders for each subject they are studying. This will help them to easily reference back to their notes when learning independently.

why do you need to do homework

Practise independence

When your child reaches sixth form, as scary as it is for parents, they are young adults. At college, they will be trusted to work more independently, which can be a huge adjustment.

Independence can be practised outside of sixth form in many ways – whether it be to cook dinner one night a week, be responsible for a household chore, or to have a part time job. If it works around their college work, I would recommend they embrace their independence. It will encourage them to manage their time effectively and develop other skills that will transfer across to their academic learning .

Talk about the future

Your child’s sixth form years are formative and will prepare them for their next steps in life, whether that be university, apprenticeships, employment, or travel. However, it can be a daunting experience to think about life after sixth form – especially with so many options to consider. So, have open conversations with your child about their interests, hobbies, and academic passions. This will help them to shape their goals and ambitions and will make sure that they get the most out of their time at Sixth Form.

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Does it matter if students do tests on computers or on paper?

why do you need to do homework

Adjunct Lecturer, School of Education, Murdoch University

why do you need to do homework

Senior Lecturer in Literacy, Edith Cowan University

why do you need to do homework

Lecturer in Education Psychology, Murdoch University

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Anabela Malpique receives funding from The Ian Potter Foundation

James Pengelley and Nina Rovis-Hermann do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

Edith Cowan University and Murdoch University provide funding as members of The Conversation AU.

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Australian students are increasingly taking tests on computers . This includes major tests used to check national progress on literacy and numeracy.

The idea is this prepares students “for the future”, because “technology is everywhere”.

But as our two recent studies suggest, the way students respond to test questions on computers may not be the same as on paper.

This is a particular issue amid concern over the latest round of NAPLAN results , which appear to show too many Australian students are not learning basic skills in English and maths. NAPLAN (for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9) has been fully online for two years.

Our research

In our recent study , we reviewed 43 studies comparing tests on computer and paper. This included research from 18 different countries (including Australia, the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom). Fourteen of these studies focused on school-aged children.

In general, the studies showed for younger school students (who had less computer skills), test scores tended to be higher when done on paper. This effect dropped off as students got older.

We also found when it came to computer testing, scores were worst when students needed to answer complex questions involving multiple steps.

This is due to the demands placed on working memory (the part of your thinking that allows you to hold onto multiple pieces of information at one time – for example, a list of names and coffee orders). When working memory has too many pieces of information at once, we experience “high cognitive load”.

Students may experience this if they are unfamiliar with using a particular computer or particular program, testing platform or browser.

Students may also experience high cognitive load when the questions they answer become more complex. Not only are they working out the answer, but they are working out how to use the computer (or reminding themselves how to use it) at the same time.

A side view of school students working in a row on desktop computers.

Comparing students on paper and on a computer

We also saw this phenomenon at work in our own 2023 study , even when students were well into high school and familiar with the computers used in a science test.

We compared the differences in test scores for computer and paper-based tests with Year 9 students. This study involved 263 science students from two schools in Perth, where students learn using their own devices. Within this sample, there were 14 individual classes taught by seven different teachers.

Students completed one test on their own computer and another (featuring very similar questions) on paper. We categorised the questions in each test as “easy” or “hard”.

When students answered easy questions, they achieved higher scores (by about 7%) on the computer-based assessment. When students completed hard questions, they performed better (by about 12%) on paper-based assessment.

This suggests the computer mode adds to the cognitive load students experience when answering questions. This is a bit like the way a computer’s memory might become overloaded if you run too many programs at the same time, and it slows down and doesn’t perform as well.

This finding is similar to that of a 2018 study that looked at the verbal skills of a group of children aged between four and 11.

Read more: Our research shows children produce better pieces of writing by hand. But they need keyboard skills too

What about working memory capacity?

In our study on Year 9 students, we also tested students’ working memory capacity, by giving them increasingly long lists of numbers to remember.

We then controlled for this using statistics. This allowed us to compare the computer and paper test scores while assuming all students had the same working memory capacity. Under these conditions, we found there was no difference in test scores between paper and computer.

This suggests students with lower working memory capacities are most disadvantaged by computer-based tests. People with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are one group that particularly struggle with working memory . We know there will typically be one or two students per classroom who have ADHD.

What can we do differently?

Computers of course have an important role to play in education, and are powerful learning tools. But our research shows taking a test on a computer is not the same as taking the same test on paper. Schools should consider:

giving students extra working time when completing complex tasks or tests on a computer

teaching students word processing skills from an early age to increase their ability to type and navigate computer programs

minimising any digital distractions , either during tests or during class work. This includes pop-ups, multiple tabs and online games.

Additionally, families should think about providing everday opportunities at home for younger children to learn to type (such as emails, messages and shopping lists). This will help to build their skills and confidence with keyboards and computers.

Peter Whipp also contributed to the research on which this article is based.

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Welcome to r/school! It’s school, class is in session! (Mushroom foraging class is bi weekly on Fridays)

Why do teachers/schools find it necessary to assign homework on breaks (ex. Weekends) that were literally made to distance from school and time from family?

Just got done crying my eyes out so I decided to post this. Currently I have a list of the things stressing me out right now

Winter Break Project for Language Arts/English


At least 3 missing assignments

I need to walk my ungrateful ass dog who deems it necessary to pull on me

Notice how I bolded the first two because they're the shittiest . This is a point I want to make. Winter Break and basically almost all other breaks off from school were made almost explicitly to NOT DO WORK ANYMORE. But what do teachers do? Assign homework. Also keep in mind, the original version of homework was just unfinished work you take home, now they pile work MEANT to take home on top of that, and expect you to keep a stable mental state. Although it is possible, it's practically impossible. I know from experience and reading what other people have said over the internet. Anyway, does anybody know WHY they do this?

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Don’t Want To Do Homework: When you don’t feel Like Doing it

Don’t Want To Do Homework: When you don’t feel Like Doing it

Don’t Want To Do Homework

Don’t Want To Do Homework

Homework can be boring, but you still have to do it to keep your school grades up. Therefore, you need to keep focus by making a good plan so that you can finish your homework in time.  Without a doubt, homework and other class assignments are part of your academic journey that you cannot avoid.

However, the fact remains that most students are overwhelmed with homework hence they are unable to complete it and beat the deadline.

why do you need to do homework

Without proper planning, students find it difficult to finish even the simplest of assignments. With reasons ranging from distractions to lack of concentration and procrastination, you can still find yourself in a last-minute situation to submit your homework.

Incomplete or undone assignments are not good for your academic voyage. Apart from missing marks, you can end up missing a crucial grade which can dent your final score.

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What to Do When You Do Not Want to Do Your Homework?

can't do homework

If you are in this kind of situation, the best solution is to motivate yourself. If you organize your assignment properly, the work can be done within the right time.

Below are steps that can keep you motivated if you do not feel like doing your homework:

1. Work in a Group   

Working in a group helps to inspire, motivate and encourage you. Homework group is good especially for students who are struggling in a particular subject or topic.

You can ask each other questions and also seek the help of your tutor collectively. In the company of the same group, you can still hang out together after the homework. 

2. Reward yourself                                                                                    

This can be easy if you involve your parent or friends. Set up a reward price for yourself if you complete your homework. The small prizes you set can be for a particular question that you tackle successfully or every homework assignment you manage to complete.

A chat with a friend, 5 minutes use of phone and a walk around the house are some of the helpful rewards that can motivate you.

3. Break down the Homework into Small Chunks

When you view your homework as a whole, there are high possibilities that it will look boring. A better inspiration is to break it down into chunks so that you tackle one section at a time.

Have small sections that will not take more than 45 minutes. This can be very helpful especially for long holiday homework.

4. Limit Distractions

Distractions are the number one enemy to your homework achievement goals. In many ways, they will make you lose focus . A student doing homework in the midst of distractions is likely to take long or simply be unable to finish the homework.

homework distractions

Scrolling through social media, phone calls, movies and a noisy environment are simply not good for you when you are doing your homework. 

Look for a noise-free environment and switch off your television and phone when doing your homework.

5. Avoid Procrastination     

Postponement of homework will obviously lead to last minute approaches when the deadline is almost due. It is important to start working on your assignment as early as possible. In this way, you can manage the homework task in time.

6. Outline your Homework

Long holiday or weekend homework assignments are broad. If you come up with a proper outline, you can know the time you need to spend on each task. Simply create a list of all the work that you are going to tackle. As such, you will avoid spending too much time on one assignment. 

With a clear outline, you will skip difficult assignments and handle them later.

7. Have all Materials you Need at Once

Apart from being in a good and peaceful environment, it is good to ensure you have everything you need before doing your homework. Items such as books, pens and calculators should be ready.

You will be able to avoid frequent movements that can distract your concentration. Having all items and a good environment will help you to do your homework fast and easily.

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Reasons Why Students Don’t Feel Like Doing Homework

being lazy

  If you are lazy , there is no way you will find it easy to handle homework assignments. It is even worse if the homework involves a topic that you did not understand while in class.

Not Understanding the Assignment

As a student, you need to understand all directions and basics of an assignment topic so as to tackle it. Most tutors or teachers give basic introduction to a topic and expect students to learn something new from it.

For instance, if you did not understand a math concept in class, doing the homework will be difficult. As such, the level of work and instructions need to be clear to the students. It is advisable to seek clarifications from your teacher if you do not fully comprehend the homework directions.

Not Understanding the Purpose of Homework

Homework assignments are very significant in your academic journey. If you do not understand the significance, you will not be compelled to finish your homework. As a student, if you are not aware of the important role of homework in your academics, you are likely to rebel it.

Teachers have the obligation of informing students the significance of homework assignments.

Unavailability of the Right Materials/Equipment      

There are basic materials you will need to do your homework. Rulers, calculators and a computer are some of them. If an assignment needs equipment that you do not have, you are likely to be demoralized.

It takes Students Time

Most students feel homework takes the time they need to do other activities. After busy classwork in school, students often feel like being at home is their ideal time to play, socialize with friends and have time for family bonding.

However, if there is proper planning, you can still have time for all these activities and still do your homework.

Lack of Appropriate Environment

Some students live in peaceful environments while others have to deal with chaotic surroundings. Such students do not have a peaceful place where they can sit and do their homework. If this is the case, you can go to a public library or remain at school for an extra hour or two in order to complete your assignment.

What to Do If You Physically Can’t Do Your Homework

manage your time

If you are a student, there are a number of sacrifices you have to make in order to achieve your academic goals.

Generally, most college and university students have accepted exhaustion as part of their academic journey. Sleeping less in order to complete your homework is part of this sacrifice.

Apart from the recommended 8 hours a student should sleep, you can dedicate 2 hours to complete an assignment and sleep for 6 hours. Sometimes, it is a reasonable sacrifice that pays towards the end of your course.

Hire a Writer  

You can alternatively opt to hire a writer to do your homework. However, ensure that you go for good writers who will understand your assignment and all the guidelines. Fortunately, there are good writers who can complete your homework excellently within the deadline.

If you are completely unable to do your homework, external writers can provide unique and high quality work quickly.

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As the debate on homework for students gathers momentum in different countries , its significance cannot be overlooked. Through homework, a parent can be able to know what the child is learning in school.

Far from that, homework teaches a student to take full responsibility for their free time.  You will know how to carry on with your studies independently when you are away from the teacher.

Josh Jasen

When not handling complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

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Why should i do my homework assignment: advice from a professional.

There are many reasons why it is important to do your homework assignment. It shouldn’t ever be a question of whether you are going to do the assignment. It should be when you are going to do it. The first thing you need to learn is that you need to do your homework because it was assigned to you. You will always have things in life that you have to do when you are out in the real world. This is what you have to do while you are a student. Here are some other reasons why you should do your assignments.

  • It is always a good idea to reinforce what you learn in school. Many times a concept that you are learning doesn’t always sink in the first time you hear it. It is times like this that you need extra help to make sure you get a good grasp on the material.
  • Sometimes homework is where you learn, especially if the teacher didn’t do a good job of explaining it. Some teachers just don’t explain things well or they can’t relate the correct way to the students. Some students also learn in different ways and the teacher can’t reach all students.
  • What you are asked to do for homework is usually what is important and will end up on a test. Teachers give you homework on the important topics to be sure you know them. Once you know that, you have a clue as to what the test will be on and you know what to concentrate on.
  • It makes you prepared and relaxed going into class the next day. You learn much better if you are relaxed. If you have your work done, you will be happy going into class and proud of yourself.
  • You may actually learn more than you bargained for. It teaches you time management which is an extremely valuable life-long skill. You also learn discipline because you are doing what is supposed to be done. It also builds self-confidence because you completed a task.

Homework is a way of life and does teach many skills that you will take with you into adulthood. It may seem silly or boring but you will feel better about yourself if you do what is expected and you may surprise yourself and even learn something you didn’t expect to learn.

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Inspired Together Teachers

why do you need to do homework

10 Reasons Why Students Don’t Do Homework

January 18, 2019 by Inspired Together Teachers 3 Comments

why do you need to do homework

Though the issue of homework is complicated and often involves a debate of whether or not homework is actually beneficial, the fact remains that most teachers still assign homework and some students will not do their homework.

If we can understand why students don’t do their homework, we have a better chance of both assigning homework that students will do and in doing what we can to create the motivation for them to do it. At the very least, understanding that there are many reasons that students don’t do homework can help teachers to realize that it isn’t personal. Students often don’t do homework for reasons that aren’t even about you, your teaching, or your subject matter.

Here is a list of 10 reasons that students don’t do homework, aligned with suggestions that may help to alleviate the problem.

They don’t know how to do the assignment. 

In order to do their work, students need to understand the directions and have the basic skills need in order to complete the task. This usually means that students have been introduced to a topic, have had some instruction and are not trying to learn something new and difficult on their own. The material also needs to be at the students’ instructional or independent level. Be sure your directions are clear and specific and that the level of the work is appropriate for the students.

They don’t understand the purpose for the assignment.

When students understand the importance of something they are learning, they are more likely to feel compelled to do it. We want to know and do things that are going to help us in our lives. When students perceive an assignment as busywork, they often rebel. If a student can do ten math problems correctly, doing one hundred math problems is overkill and perceived as busywork. So is spending hours using a dictionary to define words. Make sure that students know how the homework will help them. Help them to connect the content to real world tasks.

Students are overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.

We’ve all had experiences where we have felt overloaded with too much to do. As adults, we have also figured out ways to break down tasks. Students are still learning to manage large tasks. Help them to break down large assignments into smaller parts. Instead of assigning a large project due in three weeks, help students to break down the project into smaller chunks and then assign smaller chunks for homework in the days leading up to the due date for a big project.

Assignments are based on low level tasks.

Basic recall gets boring quickly. An assignment such as giving students fifty sentences and having them underline the noun once and the verb twice is drudgery and doesn’t engage them. How much more fun would it be to have a contest to see who could correctly incorporate the most verbs in a sentence?  Consider homework that require higher thinking levels such as application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Students have too many assignments. 

This is a particular danger in middle and high school when students have many different teachers. At this level, teachers often don’t know what other teachers are assigning. You may think that homework will only take them thirty minutes. But if they have seven subjects and every teacher gives them thirty minutes of homework, the student is facing three to four hours of homework. Good teaching teams often discuss homework assignments and try to balance the load so that students don’t have many big assignments due at the same time.

Students don’t have time.

Many students are involved in many extracurricular activities. This is positive and those activities often help students to be engaged with school. When you add practices or games into the mix, it often becomes impossible to do hours of homework on any given night. Older students may have jobs or other responsibilities. Consider giving students assignments ahead of time so they can work on them throughout the week rather than assigning everything to be due the next day.

Students don’t get feedback on their work .

When a student turns in an assignment, they expect feedback. They may get a grade, but they also want comments, especially on written work. Homework should be an opportunity for learning. Students need feedback in order to learn. Teachers can read student work and provide feedback, or use homework in classroom discussions and activities in ways that allow students to get feedback or use their work for a purposeful activity.

Sometimes, the reason that students don’t do work is not related to you or your content. These are more difficult to control, but there are usually positive things you can do to help with the situation.

Students don’t have an appropriate environment to do work at home .

Let’s face it, some students live in chaotic environments. They may not have a quiet place to work or the tools they need in order to do homework. Having a one-on-one conversation with students can help. Talk about what they need in order to do their work and how they might get it. Could they stay at school and extra hour and work in a quiet room? Could they go to the public library? Could they carve a quiet corner of their home?

The student’s family is not supportive of education.

As much as we wish it weren’t true, some students come from families that do not value education. The student is not then likely to get the support or encouragement to do homework. Other families value education, but parents are absent or unable to help their children with homework. Your first instinct might be to “fix” the family. An easier route is to work with the student. Be their encourager. Let them know that you think they can succeed. Let them know how valuable a good education might be to them. We know of a first grader whose parent would not read with him. The teacher made a deal that the student could read to his baby brother, his dog, or even a stuffed animal. If he did that, he could sign his own name on the form that parents usually signed stating that they read together.

The student is rebelling against a parent.

If a parent cares about a student’s grades and a student is trying to rebel, often a quick way to do so is to stop doing homework. This usually gets the parent’s attention quickly. This is particularly true in cases where parents are very demanding and very controlling. Sometimes, the only way an adolescent knows how to rebel is to refuse to do something. This causes grief for both parties. Guiding the parent and student to compromise can be successful.  Essentially, help them to negotiate trade. For example, if the student agrees to do homework each night when he chooses to do it, the parent gives up the demand that it be done immediately when the student gets home from school. Both parties can even sign a contract.

If you suspect a student is rebelling, see if you can find out why. That will also help you see possible solutions. Don’t hesitate to get help and support from a guidance counselor, instructional coach or administrator.

These are some of the most common reasons students don’t complete homework. There are undoubtedly many more possible reasons. Though you can’t control all things, you can try to identify why students aren’t doing the homework and then see if there are ways to fix the problem. If we keep our eye on the goal, which is learning, it is less likely that we will fall into the “blame and punish” game that many teachers engage in. Blaming and punishing don’t usually result in more learning!

What are some of the effective strategies you have used to increase homework completion? We would love to hear your ideas in the comments below.

Paula and Michele

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October 3, 2022 at 11:41 pm

For me, I struggled to do homework as a child because my attention needs were not met. I had no friends in school and spent the whole day wishing to be with family who loved me, only to be forced into isolation again for an hour of homework that I couldn’t always do alone and made me feel inferior and hopeless about myself and the future. Meanwhile, everyone else, in my mind, was doing something fun together while that was happening and I felt like I was being punished.

In adulthood, work has taken the place of homework and I am even more unhappy, isolated and have no life outside work that makes up for it. Luckily, I am not the type to become addicted to substances.

So, don’t let you child’s fate be like mine. Make sure your child’s needs for love are met, and that way they will have the internal strength to do an unfun task, and each one thereafter.

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October 5, 2022 at 2:59 pm

Hi Christine, Thank you for sharing your experiences. You are not alone in your struggles either as a child or now as an adult. I hope that you are getting help for your depression. You can get better! There are ways to shift your mindset and to discover ways to be happier. No one has a perfect life, but we can all find ways to enjoy life. I hope you can find someone to talk to who can help you through your struggles. You are worth it!

[…] you know that one of the top 10 reasons kids don’t do their homework is lack of an appropriate space to do assignments at […]

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why do you need to do homework


Is Homework Helpful? 10 Reasons Why Do We Have To Do Homework

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We’ve seen many students ask if homework is useful or a waste of time because we’re linked with thousands of students. We noticed that many students debate about whether homework is beneficial or not. As a result, we decided to help students feel at ease when performing homework. So let us start with the topic of why do we have to do homework. Here, a group of professionals who have assisted students in completing various assignments will discuss the top ten reasons we must complete homework.

Why Do We Have To Do Homework? 

Table of Contents

Is homework helpful? This question is popular because several students don’t find homework fun things to do. Doing your homework guides you in working and studying individually because you discover how to use various resources, like book chapters, texts, libraries, and even websites. But sometimes students have less time to complete their assignments so we are here to provide you best assignment help service. Some of them are:

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When students face challenges, they know how to successfully overcome them. You comprehended everything in the lecture, no matter how smart you are. There will always be periods during the day when you have homework issues.

Homework pushes kids to look beyond their classroom. You will learn how to finish assignments using examples from books and teachers. Homework is crucial and required in all subjects.

It helps you notice a lot of ideas on a fresh day and teaches you how to use all references. We’ve listed some of the reasons why we need to do homework and how it will benefit us in the future.

Why Do We Have To Do Homework

For what reason is Homework Important and Why Do We Have To Do Homework? 

Now is homework helpful for students or not? To give this answer we have given some of the reasons. The case spread out above may appear to do what needs to be done in the discussion, as it gives actual arguments.

Yet realities and analyses are rare when the instructive framework changes the nation over as much as it does. In any case, there are numerous reachable parts of homework that are usually investigated in the talk against the work.

Here are 10 reasons why do we have to do homework:

  • It helps you become responsible.  

Some present trendy phrases and expressions in the educational network are all about making you responsible and taking responsibility for learning. Schoolwork assists kids with doing only that since they figure out how to take responsibility for their activities. At the point when they are completed with their work, they get the prize of gaining a passing mark.

  • Creates a hard-working attitude from the beginning. 

Kids need to know the estimation of tough work and to frame the commitment and self-guideline to focus on their projects and see them. All things considered, schoolwork can assist students with shaping a solid hard-working attitude that they will take with them to school and beyond.

  • Improves time management.  

From junior to senior year, children face challenges to maintain time and priorities. For young kids, parents manage these tasks to manage children improve this important skill.

The main purpose for high school seniors means ultimately learning how to handle various tasks to fit them into their schedule. And it also helps to plan which task will take longer to finish or shorter depending on the level of their skill, strengths, or weaknesses.

  • It gives students confidence. 

This is another reason why do we have to do homework because it gives students confidence. Sometimes students require to try problems or activities on their own and understand that failure is an essential part of the learning process.

suppose you are solving a maths problem and you are not able to solve it on the first attempt but on the next attempt you solved it. It is because you didn’t give up at first. 

  • Improves self-esteem.

Once students gain self-confidence that they can create an assignment or do a skill individually, they develop healthy self-esteem. Which is essential to many features of everyday life.

  • Teaches study practices.  

Students don’t join junior schools already knowing how to study. Many children still fight with study habits when they start high school. Regular study can help children understand the value of practice, particularly if their teachers give timely feedback and offer work. This is directly linked to the unit tests or examinations.

  • It can give helpful feedback.  

When practiced perfectly in the classroom, home tasks can result in meaningful classroom conversations or discussions. Teachers can meet one-on-one with students to explain comments about progress or use whole-class feedback to give students pieces of advice on how to develop.

  • Prepares learners for professional work.  

While most jobs don’t need workers to take work home. There are certain deadlines in the real world. Home tasks can help students develop them for the real world by training them to meet their commitments on time.

  • The connection between homework and graded test performance.

On the basis of current studies, there is a simple positive link between students. Who successfully finished work and progress on state graded tests.

When practiced further, it’s not difficult to understand that students take their tasks seriously and consider their education. Generally do better on not only state testing, but in classwork as well.

Benefits of Homework

Here are the top 14 reasons why Homework is Helpful and Why Do We Have To Do Homework.

  • It increases students thinking and memory
  • It improves children in developing their positive learning skills and attitudes that will help them well throughout life.
  • Homework helps students to use their time intelligently.
  • It helps students to work independently
  • Homework prepares students to take responsibility for their work.
  • It enables students to review and study what has been taught during the class.
  • Homework encourages students to get prepared for the next day’s class.
  • It helps students to learn how to use resources, such as books, reference materials, and computer Web sites to find knowledge.
  • Homework helps students to examine subjects more thoroughly than classroom time grants.
  • Likewise, it supports students to increase learning by using skills in new situations
  • Homework encourages students to combine learning by utilizing several different skills for a particular task, such as book reports or science projects.
  • It helps parents understand more about what their kid is learning in school
  • Homework enables parents to talk about what he or she is learning.
  • It helps parents to spark their child’s passion.

How does homework help students Improve their Knowledge?

It’s not the number of work that you are doing that defines your grades. Its in-depth knowledge of materials that you obtain because of that.

Pushing students to give more time to work won’t produce the wanted effect. They should like getting to be prepared to give more time on their homework. And be more likely to get an in-depth knowledge of academic subjects.

Teachers should guarantee that work will not include anything new. It should provide learners with a big opportunity to review their class notes and study the subjects that they acquire in the classroom to increase their knowledge.

Also, there are many powerful ways to accomplish this goal. Some of the powerful ways are playing special educational games, socializing, and learning, but adding new topics to work is counterproductive.

Sometimes Homework Is Bad

Homework is beneficial since it may help you improve your grades, learn new stuff, and prepare for examinations. However, it is not always advantageous. Homework can sometimes cause more harm than good. Here are five examples of how homework may be disadvantageous:

  • It would be beneficial to take a break from a subject to avoid becoming burned out or losing interest. Taking a break is beneficial to your learning.
  • A lot of homework might lead to plagiarism and dishonesty.
  • Homework that serves no purpose A unfavorable image of a subject might result from busy work (not to mention a teacher).
  • It takes time away from your family, friends, career, and other interests.
  • Homework may be bad for your GPA. It puts you in a no-win scenario by forcing you to make time management judgments. Do you spend your time completing assignments, studying topics, or working on another subject? Even if you ace the examinations and understand the material, you may suffer academically if you don’t have time to study.

As you have seen in this article how important homework is in every student’s life. You have also seen why do we have to do homework . Work is an essential time to make relationships and consider; individuals, family, friends, new or familiar knowledge, and the world beyond. What you give to your learners will discover the heights they will rise to proceed to keep their academic achievement .

Homework encourages students to see beyond the range of their class. In all classes, work is critically necessary. It benefits you to see many ideas on a new day and teaches you how all reference works in general.

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Within a given deadline feel free to contact our experts.

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Why do we do homework?

User Avatar

Homework is practice for the work at school. Unless you have a photographic memory and can memorize everything after you read it once, you need to practice these skills. They will help you in later life - you'll need to use math and science and reading every day. They help you to get a good job because you'll know how to do the things for that job. They'll help you graduate.

Yes, should you like a good job when you are older, completing your homework and handing it in on time should make your life easier.

I think you should because then you get good grades at report cards.

Doing your homework gives you practice for the things you are learning. Unless you have a photographic memory and can remember every single thing you read, you need to practice your skills so you can use them in real life, so you can pass your school, and so you can get on with the fun stuff in your life. You always feel really good about yourself when you get your homework done early. Also, you'd be surprised how caught up you are in class the next day. If you do your homework, your grades will slowly increase. Since you've already done all of the practice, the amount of time you need to spend studying decreases to almost nothing.

The thing that I use to motivate me is that i think of something i would rather be doing. If i finish all of my homework, i get to do it. Also, set a timer for each subject with a reasonable amount of time. It really helps you get it done quickly since you feel some sort of pressure. To reinforce what you have learned in class.

To practice what you have learned in class.

To do work by yourself, your own research, your own thinking.

We do homework to reinforce what we have learned in school, outside of the usual study zone. Assignments work as projects that require a number of skills in different subjects to complete. Projects or any homework for that matter may require resources that cannot be obtained at school eg. a brochure about your local lake. In this case you must travel to a place which produces these brochures and you must collect one to study and analyse it. Therefore it can only be done outside of school.

Homework can also be categorized as unfinished school work.

Homework is important for the memory of young people and children. By doing homework it is easier to re-cap the past work you have been doing, catch-up on missed-out school work and more. Even though it's a pain, you have to do homework...

Homework shouldn't be abandoned because it makes your thinking and mental improves. It is also helpful to kids who need education.

because the teachers want the kids to learn hard and pass the test

and be smart

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Home > Blog > Tips for Online Students > The Pros and Cons of Homework

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The Pros and Cons of Homework

why do you need to do homework

Updated: July 16, 2024

Published: January 23, 2020


Remember those nights when you’d find yourself staring at a mountain of homework, eyes drooping, wondering if you’d ever see the light at the end of the tunnel? The debate over homework’s role in education is as old as time. Is it a crucial tool for reinforcing learning or just an unnecessary burden?

For college students, this question takes on new dimensions. Juggling homework with the endless amount of classes, part-time jobs, and social lives can feel like walking on thin ice. The pressure to maintain grades, meet deadlines, and still find time for friends and relaxation can be overwhelming. So, is homework a friend or foe?

A college student completely swamped with homework.

Photo by  energepic.com  from  Pexels

The homework dilemma.

A large amount of college students report feeling overwhelmed by their academic workload, leading to high levels of stress and anxiety. According to Research.com , 45% of college students in the U.S. experience “more than average” stress, with 36.5% citing stress as a major impediment to their academic performance. This stress often stems directly from the homework load, leading to symptoms like headaches, exhaustion, and difficulty sleeping. The intense pressure to manage homework alongside other responsibilities makes us question the true impact of homework on students’ overall well-being.

And then there’s the digital twist. A whopping 89% of students confessed to using AI tools like ChatGPT for their assignments. While these tools can be a godsend for quick answers and assistance, they can also undermine the personal effort and critical thinking necessary to truly understand the material.

On the brighter side, homework can be a powerful ally. According to Inside Higher Ed , structured assignments can actually help reduce stress by providing a clear learning roadmap and keeping students engaged with the material. But where’s the balance between helpful and harmful? 

With these perspectives in mind, let’s dive into the pros and cons of homework for college students. By understanding both sides, we can find a middle ground that maximizes learning while keeping stress at bay.

The Pros of Homework

When thoughtfully assigned, homework can be a valuable tool in a student’s educational journey . Let’s explore how homework can be a beneficial companion to your studies:

Enhances Critical Thinking

Homework isn’t just busywork; it’s an opportunity to stretch your mental muscles. Those late-night problem sets and essays can actually encourage deeper understanding and application of concepts. Think of homework as a mental gym; each assignment is a new exercise, pushing you to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information in ways that strengthen your critical thinking skills .

Time Management Skills

Do you ever juggle multiple deadlines and wonder how to keep it all together? Regular homework assignments can be a crash course in time management . They teach you to prioritize tasks, manage your schedule, and balance academic responsibilities with personal commitments. The ability to juggle various tasks is a skill that will serve you well beyond your college years.

Reinforcement of Learning

There’s a reason why practice makes perfect. Homework reinforces what you’ve learned in class, helping to cement concepts and theories in your mind. Understanding a concept during a lecture is one thing, but applying it through homework can deepen your comprehension and retention. 

Preparation for Exams

Think of homework as a sound check and warm-up for exams. Regular assignments keep you engaged with the material, making it easier to review and prepare when exam time rolls around. By consistently working through problems and writing essays, you build a solid foundation that can make the difference between cramming and confident exam performance.

Encourages Independent Learning

Homework promotes a sense of responsibility and independence. It pushes you to tackle assignments on your own, encouraging problem-solving and self-discipline. This independence prepares you for the academic challenges ahead and the autonomy required in your professional and personal life.

A female student who doesn’t want to do homework.

The Cons of Homework

Despite its potential benefits, homework can also have significant downsides. Let’s examine the challenges and drawbacks of homework:

Impact on Mental Health

Homework can be a double-edged sword when it comes to mental health . While it’s meant to reinforce learning, the sheer volume of assignments can lead to stress and anxiety. The constant pressure to meet deadlines and the fear of falling behind can create a relentless cycle of stress. Many students become overwhelmed, leading to burnout and negatively impacting their overall well-being. 

Limited Time for Other Activities

College isn’t just about hitting the books. It’s also a time for personal growth, exploring new interests, and building social connections. Excessive homework can eat into the time you might otherwise spend on extracurricular activities, hobbies, or simply hanging out with friends. This lack of balance can lead to a less fulfilling college experience. Shouldn’t education be about more than just academics?

Quality Over Quantity

When it comes to homework, more isn’t always better. Piling on assignments can lead to diminished returns on learning. Instead of diving deep into a subject and gaining a thorough understanding, students might rush through tasks just to get them done. This focus on quantity over quality can undermine the educational value of homework. 

Inequity in Education

Homework can sometimes exacerbate educational inequalities. Not all students can access the same resources and support systems at home. While some might have a quiet space and access to the internet, others might struggle with distractions and lack of resources. This disparity can put certain students at a disadvantage, making homework more of a burden than a learning tool. 

Dependence on AI Tools

With the advent of AI tools like ChatGPT , homework has taken on a new dimension. While these tools can provide quick answers and assistance, they also pose the risk of students becoming overly reliant on technology. This dependence can take away from the actual learning process, as students might bypass the critical thinking and effort needed to truly understand the material. Is convenience worth the potential loss in learning?

Finding the Balance

Finding the right balance with homework means tackling assignments that challenge and support you. Instead of drowning in a sea of tasks, focus on quality over quantity. Choose projects that spark your critical thinking and connect to real-world situations. Flexibility is key here. Recognize that your circumstances are unique, and adjusting your approach can help reduce stress and create a more inclusive learning environment. Constructive feedback makes homework more than just a chore; it turns it into a tool for growth and improvement.

It’s also about living a well-rounded college life. Don’t let homework overshadow other important parts of your life, like extracurricular activities or personal downtime. Emphasize independent learning and use technology wisely to prepare for future challenges. By balancing thoughtful assignments with your personal needs, homework can shift from being a burden to becoming a helpful companion on your educational journey, enriching your academic and personal growth.

Homework has its pros and cons, especially for college students. It can enhance critical thinking, time management, and learning, but it also brings stress, impacts mental health, and can become overwhelming. Finding the right balance is key. 

Focus on quality assignments, maintain flexibility, and make sure your homework complements rather than dominates your life. With a thoughtful approach, homework can support your educational journey, fostering both academic success and personal growth.

How can I manage my time effectively to balance homework and other activities?

Create a schedule that allocates specific times for homework, classes, and personal activities. Use planners or digital calendars to keep track of deadlines and prioritize tasks. Don’t forget to include breaks to avoid burnout.

How can I reduce the stress associated with homework?

To manage stress, practice mindfulness techniques like meditation or deep breathing exercises. Break assignments into smaller, manageable tasks and tackle them one at a time. If needed, seek support from classmates, tutors, or mental health professionals.

Is using AI tools for homework cheating?

While AI tools like ChatGPT can be helpful for quick assistance, relying on them too much can hinder your learning process. Use them as a supplement rather than a replacement for your own effort and critical thinking.

How can teachers make homework more equitable?

Teachers can offer flexible deadlines, provide resources for students who lack them, and design assignments that account for different learning styles and home environments. Open communication between students and teachers can also help address individual challenges.

What are some strategies to make homework more meaningful?

Focus on quality over quantity by designing assignments that encourage deep thinking and application of knowledge. Integrate real-world problems to make homework more relevant and engaging. Provide constructive feedback to help students learn and grow from their assignments.

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Why is it Important to Do your Homework in Time?

why do you need to do homework

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It happens quite often that students perceive the home task as an additional burden to all the load of the work to be undertaken throughout a course. And they cannot cope with their homework due to lack of time. It happens since the majority of students do not perform homework immediately when they come home. Of course, it is understandable since they have other activities except performing all academic tasks. But if you want to be a successful student and do your homework in time, never put off till tomorrow what you can do today!

Why is Homework Important?

Homework provides students with necessary practice in writing, thinking, reading, and problem-solving. Doing homework in time is very important since it will show your professor that you are a serious student who is interested in the subject. If you perform all your tasks on time, this will result in good grades. In case you will have bad test results, you can fail the class. Performing all assignments in time will help you to learn how to properly manage your time. Also you should note that doing your homework in time will help you to build a sense of responsibility and stay focused.

Do not ignore performing homework tasks since it gives your brain a chance to continue learning and find more interesting information that will help you during classes or even in your future career. Though students understand that they should perform their tasks in time, they may simply forget about one of them as they are overloaded with tons of different assignments. Sometimes, there are also such situations when students are really frustrated. It occurs when they have to do their homework as well as go to work or maybe they feel sick or have some family troubles. We are all humans and we don’t know what to expect from tomorrow, in what situation we may find ourselves. But please do not worry since there is a little surprise for you, whenever you are lost and don’t know how to perform your task in time, you can always find real help right here – qualitycustomessays.com.

This is a usual practice of the educational process to give homework to students on a day-to-day basis. Does this strategy give results? Here are some reasonable arguments about the importance of homework. In fact, there is something hidden in our nature that pushes us to homework. Not depending on the age or social status, we complete different assignments in order to polish some skills. Do not get deluded that only students ought to deal with home assignments. Even mature people, for example, singers or actors, need to do repetitious things to learn and develop in the professional sphere.

There is no surprise that tutees regularly get something to do at home. A teacher is in charge of finding the most appropriate pieces of work and deciding on the frequency of the practice. Here is controversy. The majority of undergraduates witness suffering from the great amount of material to be covered in time after classes. The others claim that they truly derive pleasure from completing homework and admit how advantageous it is for them. So, is homework an effective method for students’ development?

Why Homework is Good

Digging deeper.

First of all, we should clearly understand the essence of the collocation ‘daily homework’. It means a particular amount of work to be completed by a student on his or her own to deepen the knowledge of a topic.

Learning to be responsible

It is worth mentioning that homework is vital not only in terms of learning. It also gives a possibility to get mature by taking the responsibility. One of the features of homework that definitely works for this is the presence of deadlines, which means you should submit a paper within the given amount of time. If not, a student will be punished by various means, for example, by lower points, additional tasks, etc. That is why there is motivation to plan the work and accomplish it on time.

Getting skills on time management

What is more, we can also count to benefits of homework that it teaches to sort out priorities and, accordingly, devote time to the most crucial tasks. For sure, it never happens that you need to work on just one paper at a time; more often, you have a couple of deadlines, especially when the end of a semester is about to come. The best solution here will be to schedule your time and be attentive to the deadlines, so that you do not miss anything out.

Revising the information heard during lectures

Some people are so gifted that they grasp all the necessary information during a lecture, some even do not write any notes. But this is just the minority, most students forget what was discussed at a class the next day. The home task helps to recall and revise. There is research on the human perception that brings in the data that during listening we can memorize only up to twenty percent of the presented information. The rest eighty percent could be gained with the help of processing information on your own, due to the reading activity, exercising, etc.

Therefore, we come to a conclusion: homework takes its rightful place among the most helpful educational practices. It is oriented at encouraging awareness and understanding among learners. Refreshing something that you have heard in a class will serve for collective information to your long-term memory storage. Then, before an exam, there will be no need to cram everything in a night. This is a real chance to pass exams successfully not applying much effort.

More than Just a Practice

We can consider homework to be both practice and experience. Regarding an exact subject, let us say physics, a class program involves having a look at main formulas and concepts of problem-solving, whereas, at home, you employ them to resolve an appropriate exercise. The time limit at school doesn’t give a possibility to cover all the possible problems. Undertake more of them as a part of your home task. It will make you thrive from being well-rounded in a subject. There is enough work performed behind each skill you have. The more you practice, the more erudite you become! Change the way you view things and think of homework as of valuable practice, which you can have for free.

The Problematical Issue of Motivation

You can easily imagine what happens every evening in thousands of homes: a schoolchild and a list of tasks given by a teacher. The characters may vary, but the course of action remains to be unchanged. Parents usually try to help and to counsel their youngsters to cope with the tasks successfully. It can be performed quite differently, some couples find it acceptable to explain something from time to time, while others fall back upon such methods, as bribery, reasoning, and threats. The problem remains unsolved these days. How to make a child or a student be eager to complete homework?

There is a great number of children who feel stressed at school. Having spent more than a half of a day at this place, they still have something to accomplish at home. Many doubt whether it could ever be efficacious if it evokes such unpleasant emotions in kids. Let us specify the strong and weak sides of the practice of assigning home tasks.

Advantages of Homework

It helps students to reinforce what they have learned at school. Moreover, it may encourage a kid to do additional research on the subject that has lightened the sparkle of interest in him or her. Juniors who take charge of something feel more confident and independent; being in such a state helps them to grow up. The fact of having own role has a serious influence on the personality pushing to acknowledge one’s maturity and powers to move on. What is also beneficial is that being involved in exercising a kid is kept away from the TV and video games.

Disadvantages of Home Assignments

On the contrast, sometimes, children are so overloaded with homework, that they literally do not have time for anything else. Being chained to computer screen or books, students do not always devote time to have a breath of fresh air. Having no free time, how can a kid become acquainted with all the beauty of nature?

Homework may create an opposite effect when a child will be totally exhausted or will hate school and everything connected with it. There are so many children who wake up with a feeling of loathing because a school day is ahead.

Developing this type of attitude may have a negative impact on the performance and level of education. So, in the future you will notice how destroying school dislike may be. Playing games and having fun together with friends should be an integral component of childhood. It is vital not to let a kid be deprived of simple happiness to communicate with friends, playing tricks and discovering the World together.

Homework may be one of the reasons to prevent a person from developing social skills. Poring over books should not displace contacting and spending quality time with peers.

To sum up, despite all the positive sides of homework, we should keep in mind a couple of essential things. Some periods of a school term or academic year may be rather strained and burdensome. To avoid this, you should be very careful about planning your schedule and not put aside things that have been assigned to you recently. Prioritize the tasks according to their deadlines. Only being organized, you have a chance to ace. Perceive homework as your chance to polish skills, practice, focus on the concrete issues that are worth attention, learn how to deal with problems, and master your skills.

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Why Homework Is a Waste of Time

Why do we even need homework? To practice? We do that enough already.  Homework is a waste of time. It takes the enjoyment out of school and it takes up teacher time. Students need more free time for other activities such as sports, homework takes it away from spending time with family and friends.

     Is homework a waste of time ? The study of 18,000 schoolchildren finds no relationship between working hard at home and better grades. More  homework assignments  didn’t translate into better grades. Next time you hear a child complaining that their science and math homeworks are wastes of time they might have a point. Young children spend enough of their day at school. When they come home, they should be free to dump the school bag and get busy doing non academic stuff such as getting a job and starting on something to pursue their career.

        Students need more free time for other activities. Education isn’t the only important activity in everyone’s life. We all need some time to ourselves to prevent stress or blow off from some steam. It can damage family relationships and stresses parents out as well  as their children. School takes up a lot of time that children can be using to do something more productive.


Homework takes up teacher time. Teachers would have more time if they didn’t assign homework.  The teacher  needs to design the homework, explain it , mark each piece individually and tell everyone if they got it right or wrong. Teachers could as easily use the classwork to find out who knows what they are doing. We aren’t the only ones who take a lot of time on homework, our teachers do as well. Homework loses it’s value because we need to be told individually what our mistakes are.

It takes the enjoyment out of school. We would enjoy school more if we didn’t have any homework. When we only get homework occcassionally we will consider that piece more important. Especially if we get too much homework it can take the enjoyment out of learning. No matter how engaging the teacher is in class , homework will almost certainly  be stressful , boring and tiring. We know that there is no direct link between how much homework is set and grades.             

Some people believe that homework isn't a waste of time. You have to try your best to do the homework that's given to you. Millions of people work for themselves or work from home. The main aim of education is to prepare us for the rest of their lives. Homework is teaching us a key skill that we will need in the future . When we do homework we are learning on our own.                 Homework is a responsibility. We should expect to get a certain amount of homework per day. Homework aids class work by providing a space for those who haven't finished the work. Teachers will need to mark and go through work whether it's classwork or homework . Whether homework puts us off learning will always depend on what the homework we are given is.            

This paragraph presents that homework is a responsibility for high school kids and students. The importance of this argument is that homework takes away time from spending it with family and friends.  The reader should take homework away from this because it's it takes a long time to do and it's a waste of time.

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Why Can’t I Do My Homework? (10 Possible Reasons)

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There’s nothing worse than sitting in front of your computer, with an empty Word document blinding you with an all-white screen.

It’s almost as if the empty page is taunting your inability to get your homework done.

The blank screen serves as a reminder that you can’t do anything else until you get this assignment finished.

This is a common problem that will plague you throughout your entire educational career.

Why Can’t I Do My Homework?

Stressed student

There will be many things trying to leach your attention away from the project at hand.

Whether you’ve got friends messaging you about the latest game release or music that is impossible to not rock out to, you need to consider your environment.

Sometimes, the distraction isn’t coming from an outside force, but rather something that is going on inside you.

Lack of food and sleep can impair your ability to function more than you may realize at first.

Medical problems can be massive, inescapable issues.

Whether you’re in physical, mental, or emotional pain, it is easy to let these things consume your mind.

These are distractions that must be dealt with immediately.

When there is too much going on with your schedule or too much going on around you, it can cause your mind to run in circles.

The exhaustion that comes with a busy schedule is enough to wipe out any student’s focus.

Whatever is causing you to be distracted should be dealt with if at all possible.

During this period in your life, your education is the most important thing going on. Your education is the foundation for your future.

Don’t let distractions stop you from being able to get your work done.

Even if you’re worried that you may not be able to get your work done well, it is better to turn something in than nothing at all.

Late work may be acceptable in middle school and high school, but the majority of college professors won’t even look at your late work.

They won’t accept excuses like “I didn’t have the time” or “I couldn’t focus”.

That’s why it is so important to get into the habit of never having late work.

Late work won’t be allowed in your future career, either.

1. Lack Of Nutrition

Portrait of man with no appetite

One of the reasons that you may be feeling distracted is that your brain doesn’t have the proper nutrients it needs to function.

Doing your homework requires a lot of brainpower, so you need to feed your brain.

In order to support healthy brain function , you’re going to need protein, antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, dietary cholesterol, monounsaturated fats, water, and small amounts of caffeine.

Each nutrient serves your brain in a different way.

Protein is extremely important for your bones, muscles, and brain.

It helps your brain tell the rest of your body what to do and helps improve your mood.

You can find protein in foods like meat, eggs, fish, nuts, beans, dairy, and soy products.

Antioxidants are going to help stop your brain from aging and can help when you’re feeling mentally fatigued.

Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of antioxidants, with berries being especially packed with these superior nutrients.

Omega-3 fatty acids help your brain work even harder than normal and have been shown to slightly improve your mental health.

Chicken, eggs, beef, and oily fish are great sources of Omega-3.

Typically, you’re taught to avoid cholesterol, but not all cholesterol is bad.

Your brain needs dietary cholesterol in order to form the cells that it uses to communicate with the rest of your body.

You can find dietary cholesterol in egg yolks and dairy products.

Fats are another type of nutrient that is misunderstood.

Monounsaturated fats improve your memory, making it easier to recall information for your homework assignment.

Avocados and nuts are filled with monounsaturated fats.

Water is crucial to every single part of your life, including your education.

Your brain is 73% water, which means your body needs plenty of it to function.

Make sure to keep a glass of water with you while you are studying.

2. Too Little Sleep

Girl Sleeping Whilst Doing Homework

Nobody feels their best after a rough night of sleep, but a frequent lack of proper sleep has disastrous effects on your ability to think straight or function.

Although some may believe that sleep isn’t as necessary as doctors and teachers make it out to be, your doctors and teachers are right about this fact.

Sleep contributes to how well you can focus and how well you can remember things, which are the two things that you need to do to get your homework done.

Without sleep, students are prone to having a hard time creating thoughts, remembering details, and staying focused.

Your brain takes in information in three parts: acquisition, consolidation, and recall.

The acquisition of information is when it is introduced to you.

The consolidation of information is how well it holds in your mind once it has been taught.

Recall refers to how well you can remember the information that you learned.

Without proper sleep, you will not be able to take information as well, which affects the acquisition step.

Information that isn’t acquired efficiently won’t consolidate in your mind, which makes it nearly impossible to recall accurately.

If you notice that you’re having a hard time remembering things or having a hard time focusing, try going to sleep earlier than you normally do.

It can be difficult for students to go to sleep early because many students feel that after school is the only time they have available to do what they want to do.

However, you will need to give up at least a couple of extra hours during the school week in order to help you focus and remember things better.

If you’ve tried going to sleep earlier and find that you just lie awake instead, speak with your doctor.

3. Trying To Multitask

working with multiple devices in a park

Multitasking is a skill that everyone should learn, but that doesn’t mean that it needs to be used all of the time.

When doing mentally strenuous work, it is best to avoid doing any type of multitasking.

Other tasks will only be a distraction to you.

In the modern age, people are wired to constantly multitask, whether they know it or not.

Many people feel that they can’t get things done unless they’re multitasking.

In those situations, you may want to speak to a doctor about why you need as much stimulation as you do.

You may be multitasking without even noticing it.

Trying to keep up with group chats and working on homework assignments will divide your attention, making it harder to focus on one thing or another.

The more that you try to do at once, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

Watching a show and working on homework could cause you to cross the two things and write down something you didn’t mean to write.

When you multitask, you put more pressure on your brain to run more functions at once.

This can lead to you getting anxious.

An increase in anxiety means a decrease in emotional control.

Multitasking will cause your brain to tire itself faster than focusing on a single task.

You’ll also want to avoid trying to have conversations while working on your homework, even if you never have to look away from the screen.

Talking and listening to what the other person has to say is taking away from your brain’s ability to recall information it has learned in the past.

4. Mental Health

Mental health words on tablet screen

Mental health can have a greater effect on your life than many physical ailments.

Your brain is the organ that you use to perceive the world.

When your brain isn’t working right, you’re not going to be as effective or efficient.

It doesn’t take much time for your mental health to get the best of you.

As soon as you believe you may be having mental health problems, you will want to speak with a counselor, therapist, doctor, teacher, or another trustworthy adult in your life.

There are a few mental health problems that could be causing you to have a difficult time focusing.

Some of the most common mental health problems that cause people to have shorter attention spans are ADHD and depression.

ADHD is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder that can develop during early childhood.

If you notice that you are incredibly forgettable, lose things often, and are frequently daydreaming, you may have ADHD.

No one knows for certain what causes ADHD, but scientists are currently looking into potential causes such as brain injury, the use of alcohol or tobacco during pregnancy, premature births, and low birth weight.

Depression is more than a deep sadness or teenage blues.

It is a mental health disorder that can impair your attention span and your ability to recall information.

This is due to a low amount of serotonin or dopamine in your brain.

Depression also reduces your cognitive flexibility, which means you have a harder time with change.

It also damages your executive functioning which is responsible for guiding your brain through all the steps in a process, even if you’ve done it countless times before.

Don’t underestimate the ability of a mental health disorder to disrupt your ability to think and function.

5. No Passion About The Subject

Stressed Girl with school books

Passion can play a massive role in your ability to get things done.

You may notice that some subjects of homework are easier for you to get through than others.

This is because you may like one subject more than another.

Some students aren’t academics at heart, which often results in them having lower grades despite being just as bright as some of the top students in their class.

The key is to muster up enough passion or motivation to get yourself through your assignment.

You will want to take note of what you like and dislike about school, even if they’re small aspects of school like working outside or preferring quiet spaces.

This will help you find a career that you can be passionate about and help you avoid jobs that are everything you hate.

Unlike being able to choose what job you’re going to take, you can’t always choose the type of homework you have to do either.

That’s why you may want to evaluate the order in which you do your homework.

If you have homework in multiple subjects, start with the ones that you don’t like or have a harder time with.

This gives you more time to patiently go through your notes or figure out what you don’t understand.

By starting with the harder homework, you will breeze through the rest of your homework because it won’t be nearly as hard in comparison to what you were just doing.

6. Inability To Prioritize

Tired school girl doing homework grabbing her head

Being able to properly prioritize what you need to do in the short-term and long-term is a skill that takes many students until their final years of education to master, and some never do.

Students who are able to prioritize their duties will experience vastly less stress.

Prioritizing doesn’t mean being able to do everything that you want to do in a day, but rather, choosing the right activities to fill your day.

You may find that you have to put your education above your hobbies and occasional time with loved ones, but it’s what’s best for you and your future.

When you get better at prioritizing, you may find rare situations where you need to have a hobby or time with a loved one above your education.

These moments aren’t often, but they may be what you need when you feel like you’re running out of stream or self-care.

7. Poor Time Management Skills

Teenage girl doing homework at table

As you get better at prioritizing, you will learn the crucial lesson of the importance of time management skills.

The sooner you learn this lesson, the more likely you’ll get through your educational career without major mistakes.

When you don’t manage your time well, you might spend the hours that you had after school doing your homework mindlessly scrolling through social media instead.

After you’ve lost a couple of hours to your favorite platform, you may remember that you have a lot of homework to do.

This means that you have to rush through your homework, and the results will most likely be sloppy.

To avoid the lecture you’ll get for your sloppy work from your teacher, start doing your homework earlier to give yourself time to do better work.

The best time to do your homework is right after you get home because your brain will still be in learning mode.

The only thing you should do before your homework is have a light snack to help improve your brain function.

8. Physical Pain

Concentrated girl with headache sitting at desk

You may not need to move many muscles in order to do your homework, but there are many pains that you don’t even have to move to trigger.

The more pain you’re in, the harder it is to focus.

If you ever feel pain that is distracting you from being able to do daily tasks, like homework or chores, you should tell your doctor, parents, or legal guardian.

Pain that keeps you from being able to function isn’t normal.

It doesn’t take much pain to be distracting.

There are few things harder than trying to write an essay while you also have a headache.

Throbbing pain, like headaches or toothaches, can be especially distracting.

If your pain is so bad that you are having a difficult time getting your homework done, contact your teacher to see if they can give you additional time to get the work done.

You may need a doctor’s note, but many teachers understand that not every student can go to the doctor over every bump and bruise.

9. Overwhelmed

Stressed college student tired of hard learning in exams

When you’re trying to do a lot of homework and balance the rest of your life, it can be incredibly overwhelming.

The stress of trying to understand difficult concepts because you know you’re going to be graded on your ability to understand the topics is anxiety-inducing.

Students deal with a lot of things outside of school as well, such as trying to figure out what they want to do with their life, social development, family problems, and other life problems that many people go through.

Sometimes, all it takes is the wrong math question to send you into tears and almost have a total meltdown.

During these moments, try to remember not to let yourself get worked up.

It’s okay if you don’t understand a topic while you’re doing homework.

As long as you keep trying over a long time, you’ll eventually understand the topic enough to pass your class.

There is a lot of pressure to do the best and get perfect grades, but you also have to remember that you can’t be that good at everything.

10. Too Many Stimuli

Teenage girl stretches sitting at the table

Stimuli are anything that cause you to react, whether you notice the reaction or not.

Stimuli can include the temperature of a room, the texture of your clothes, flashing lights, or music playing in the background.

Your brain is picking up on each of these stimuli that your body is feeling.

To keep it focused on the task at hand, make yourself as comfortable as possible.

Put on some comfortable clothes, make sure you’re not too hot or too cold, and find somewhere to do your homework where there’s not a lot going on.

Don’t let your homework go unfinished just because you were distracted, and don’t fall into the habit of having unfinished work.

Your future depends on how well you are able to get things done, even if you don’t want to and would rather be doing something else.

Janet Jacobs

Reader Interactions

why do you need to do homework

October 17, 2021 at 7:07 am

I hate everything.

October 21, 2021 at 5:20 pm

October 29, 2021 at 1:15 am

November 2, 2021 at 4:56 pm

November 2, 2021 at 11:15 pm

November 6, 2021 at 11:15 pm

November 16, 2021 at 9:17 pm

January 13, 2022 at 1:39 pm

March 18, 2022 at 10:54 am

May 16, 2022 at 6:48 pm

June 26, 2022 at 12:24 pm

December 2, 2022 at 7:38 pm

September 8, 2022 at 7:46 pm

September 14, 2022 at 11:12 am

November 21, 2022 at 4:24 pm

November 30, 2022 at 7:08 pm

i feel the same

November 8, 2021 at 7:55 pm

I have so much homework and I’m back in online learning as of today. I freaking hate life right now.

November 14, 2021 at 11:28 am

November 22, 2021 at 10:39 pm

Please, and let me give you some extra advice and please listen to me. Do your homework daily and early! Also, it is best if you see your homework not as work but as something enjoyable, find something about school you really like and make that as something you need to chase for. Include your homeworks as a routine every single day you have to do 1-2 homeworks that’s it. Start off small, and don’t stress yourself. The more you do, you do less work so if you can’t finish 1-2 homeworks in that day then finish what you can and move on and keep on having a good mood, if you feel too stressed out then take a break and play something. I don’t recommend playing games or looking through social media, instead I recommend something productive like taking a walk, running, working out, or playing musical instruments is a good way to ease your brain from stress and you’ll forget all about it. Then when you feel good again, go back to doing homework and if you do feel stressed at least you got some work done and progress. It also doesn’t matter if you didn’t finish the work because what matters is the progress you’ve done during the time. Don’t force yourself to do homework but do it when you feel you want to do it, just don’t neglect it for days or even a week because that will stack up, and try listening to your classes because that will also make things a lot easier for you. Probably one of the things why you say homework is hard is because you do not listen at all. You do know if you just try and listen to your teacher, you can understand the situation a lot better because they explain it to you. Keep staying healthy with good mental health, that way you’d enjoy homework the same way as you enjoy your passions

January 1, 2022 at 3:33 pm

October 2, 2022 at 8:52 pm

Totally helpful. Another mother advice.

November 28, 2021 at 11:26 pm

January 13, 2022 at 1:37 pm

school brings me so much pain

February 6, 2022 at 11:08 pm

i keep telling myself i just need to do it and its not that hard but yall this AP calc class is kicking my buTT i feel so overwhelmed

February 22, 2022 at 10:26 pm

The work isn’t even that hard. It takes me forever to do any assignment and i just don’t car. I couldn’t care even if i wanted to.

December 5, 2022 at 8:25 am

March 13, 2022 at 8:21 pm

i cant start or do my work and everyone is yelling at me to get it done but i always seem to find somthing better to do like go on my phone,laptop,ps4 when i could be doing my work and constanly staying up late until 3:00 max and always overracting and when i finally get motivation to do my work i just do like 5 asiginments and then not do anymore assinments for a while and that time is used on my electronicts.

April 7, 2022 at 3:49 am

What do I do when I’m experiencing all of the above?

November 1, 2022 at 9:04 pm

idk why i feel the same but same.

September 8, 2022 at 7:47 pm

i feeel the same

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life is sad

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Why do you think teachers give homework to students? How important is it for students to have homework? Are there any other ways of revising school lessons? Perhaps homework should be abolished. Give your opinion about this.

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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Top 15 Reasons Why Students Should Have Homework

Homework is a must when students go back home after school. Many people argue that students should not have homework because it is unnecessary and tiring. 

Although they are tired after school, students need to do homework to understand the subject better and improve total grades at the end of the semester. Here are the top 15 reasons why students should have homework.

Table of Contents

1. Build Up Momentum for Learning

2. build responsibility and discipline, 3. learn how to solve problems, 4. learn hard work pays off, 5. help manage time wisely, 6. improve school performance, 7. improves study habits, 8. know how to set priorities, 9. make sure they’re learning at home, 10. more comfortable self-learning method, 11. can give teacher a valuable feedback, 12. build healthy competition among peers, 13. encourage communication between parents and child, 14. open a bridge of communication, 15. practise makes perfect.

Homework has a positive impact on student’s motivation to learn because it provides them with the opportunity to practice what they have learned in school. 

After doing their homework, students are able to review the information that they have studied in school and are motivated to study more because of the success gained from working hard on their homework.

Homework  could build up a habit of doing things independently. It is also a good chance for them to train themselves to be independent and responsible in future life.

Homework allows students to solve problems by finding workable solutions and solving them. If they can not, then they will keep trying and find a solution until they do. They will also feel more confident about themselves as students if they are able to understand what is being taught in school and how it applies to everyday life.

Homework makes students understand that they need to do more study to work out. This way, homework becomes a stepping stone for them as it provides them with opportunities to build up their knowledge and abilities. 

Doing homework makes them feel confident about themselves because they are able to do so much even though they are still children.

When students do their homework, they usually need to put lots of effort into it. This way, students will learn that hard work pays off and will be more motivated to try harder in school studies because they know that the effort is worth it.

Doing their homework makes them feel proud and confident about themselves because putting all effort into studying does not go to waste.

Homework helps students manage their time wisely because they have to complete the assigned tasks within a specific period of time after school. 

Therefore, homework prevents students from wasting valuable hours playing or watching television and encourages them to spend time studying instead. It also makes them more efficient as they have to learn from their mistakes and find a way to maximize their time.

Homework helps students understand concepts better and improves their school performance. If they are not able to do well for one subject, then they would have lower total grades at the end of the semester. This motivates them to work harder because they want to excel in all subjects.

Homework helps students form good study habits because they learn how to manage their time and follow instructions so that they would know how to set goals for themselves. This enables them to develop a strong work ethic and cooperate better with others through doing group assignments if there’s homework that needs to be done together with other students.

Homework allows students to learn how to set priorities and become more organized. They can divide their time between homework and playtime with friends in order to study in the most effective way. They’ll also learn which homework to do first and which to put off until another time.

Homework gives parents peace of mind because they know their children are using the time to study at home. At home, the child will be able to get help from them if needed and not waste time because they are studying when they could be doing other things like watching TV.

Homework gives students a more comfortable learning environment as they do not feel like the teacher is watching over them all the time. This enables students to learn how to study independently and manage their own time as well as follow instructions so that they could become better at studying.

Homework provides teachers with valuable feedback on how students are absorbing the knowledge taught in school. Teachers will find out if students have understood what they have learned by seeing their homework. If there are some things that students do not understand, then the teacher would be able to explain them more clearly during class lessons.

Meanwhile, homework helps teachers identify which students need additional help and support to understand the concepts taught in school. 

For instance, there might be a student who is struggling with completing his or her homework and receiving low scores for not understanding what was taught during class lessons. This allows the teacher to provide the necessary help and support that the student needs.

Homework encourages students to compete with each other because they need to do well in all subjects so that they can have good total grades at the end of the semester.  The competition motivates students to study hard because they are afraid of being beaten by other students.

Homework encourages communication between parents and their children as they can ask what homework their children have been given to do. 

Parents will know what their children are learning in school and their performance in homework. They can also find out if their child is having difficulties in school as well as get the awareness of the problems that they might be having.

Homework opens a bridge of communication between parents and teachers which allows them to know how school is going for their children. Parents will see if there are any problems that need to be solved by communicating directly with teachers.

Practicing what they have learned at school enables students to remember things better. This is because when they are doing homework, they are actually practicing using their knowledge rather than simply following the process shown in textbooks. 

They may make mistakes but in this way, they can learn from them and perfect themselves slowly over time.

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Why Homework Is So Important Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Education plays an important role in ensuring children are taught career, survival and intellectual skills that will enable them to live comfortably in the future. Learning institutions have been established to ensure everyone goes to school and gets the required knowledge essential for human survival.

These learning institutions have come up with various programs aimed at ensuring that students make good use of their time while attending schools and also when out of classes. Homework and holiday assignments are the most common tasks that students are given when they are not in school to enhance their learning.

However, the debate continues to rage on regarding the importance of homework to students. The discussion below outlines the significance of homework to the development of the learning process of a student. Every human being has a unique ability to grasp various ideas and information depending on their age, exposure to different environments and levels of interests.

This makes it very impossible for every student to grasp all concepts being taught in class by their teachers. Therefore, when students are given homework, they can take time and study the concepts they did not understand during normal class time, and this makes them be at the same level with other students (Bader 12). Homework plays an important role in ensuring that students can learn at the same pace.

The fact that students have different abilities to memorize what they were taught means that their levels of learning differences and when they are given the same homework slow learners can catch up with fast learners, and this ensures they all stand equal chances of competing effectively.

Also, ninety percent of students are in their active stages of life, and therefore they like playing very much. These plays make students forget what they were taught during the day as their minds are occupied with games and other entertainment activities. When these students are given homework, they have limited time to attend to other activities like games and sports.

It is well known that all children and young adults like playing very much and when left idle they can spend the whole day playing at the expense of their education. Homework plays an important role in ensuring they are kept very busy and indulge in games only after they have finished their work.

Furthermore, homework enables students to make their studies and identify areas they did not understand very well. Sometimes students tend to cheat in their examinations and other class assignments by coping from others, and this earns them false grades.

However, when they are given homework they are not able to copy from their friends and in fact, they make all efforts to ensure they put their brains at work to answer all questions assigned (Bader 134). Therefore, teachers can identify areas that their students did not understand well and go over them again by organizing remedial classes.

Students are also able to identify topics that were not understood and seek the necessary assistance from their teachers. Moreover, homework enables students to be busy during their free time and avoid indulging in bad behavior. The fact that an idle mind gives way to irrational thinking should sound an alarm bell to all parents and students who shy away from homework.

When students are kept busy with homework, they will be in a position to avoid indulgence in bad behavior like drug abuse and premarital sex. When students are given homework, they get prepared for future career obligations that involve assignments and duties out of office.

This offers them an opportunity to develop the flexibility to time schedules and roles assigned in the future when they are employed. Also, they will be in a position to schedule their work programs effectively to meet all the demands of their jobs.

Lastly, homework enables students to read widely regarding other topics to be covered by their teachers. Assignments that are designed to give students an insight into their forthcoming topics makes them mentally prepared for other “hard topics,” and this makes them understand the concepts of such topics with ease (Bader 134).

Some homework is meant to break down complicated topics into subtopics that are easily covered and understood by students within the shortest time possible. Therefore, homework enables teachers and students to take the shortest time possible to handle complicated topics.

However, despite the above benefits associated with homework, there are other factors that make them ineffective in performing their intended roles in students’ developments. The first reason that disqualifies the suitability of homework to access student’s intelligence is the fact that in most cases homework assigned to students is not done by them.

Students ask their elder siblings to do their assignments for them as they sit and chat while watching television. When the teachers mark the assignments, they are pleased to note the outstanding performance by their students. However, the same students register low grades when examinations and assignments are done within the school compound.

Therefore, homework does not help teachers in assessing students’ understanding of various concepts. Also, it does not offer reliable criteria to test the students’ ability to remember and present the ideas learned from teachers. Secondly, students are usually very tired after spending the whole day in class and require time to relax and think of other things that may distract their attention from books for a while.

Over concentration on books and academic materials exposes the students to risks like developing obesity due to their inactiveness. It is known the world over that too much work without play or exercise makes an individual very dull and thus ineffective. Most students are usually between the ages of five years and twenty-seven, and they are still growing and developing (Bader 134).

For them to develop their physical fitness, they need time to indulge in sports and games to ensure their bodies get enough exercise. Moreover, the mind needs some time to reflect on other things and enable the brain and the blood vessels to relax as the student reduces pressure from thinking about school assignments and tests.

It is estimated that homework and other assignments are responsible for a huge percentage of causes of stress and depressions in many youths. This is due to the pressure to finish their homework in time and deliver quality results that drive most students to concentrate on them and ignore meals and stay awake the whole night.

Human beings have varying degrees of learning and memorizing, and thus homework helps students to ensure they do not forget what they were taught. It enables students and teachers to identify the study areas that need more attention. However, it should not compromise the students’ time to indulge in other equally beneficial activities like sleeping and exercising.

Works Cited

Bader, John. Dean’s List: Eleven Habits of Highly Successful College Students. Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 14). Why Homework Is So Important. https://ivypanda.com/essays/homework-significance/

"Why Homework Is So Important." IvyPanda , 14 Mar. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/homework-significance/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Why Homework Is So Important'. 14 March.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Why Homework Is So Important." March 14, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/homework-significance/.

1. IvyPanda . "Why Homework Is So Important." March 14, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/homework-significance/.


IvyPanda . "Why Homework Is So Important." March 14, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/homework-significance/.

20 Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

20 Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

  • Post author By admin
  • September 19, 2022

Colleges and schools give a lot of homework to students. Students often do it incorrectly because they don’t have enough information and knowledge. Sometimes students get new and unknown tasks to complete. Even at home, students are unable to find anyone to assist.

These types of practices make things worse. Facts are overwhelming nowadays, which is one of the reasons why homework should be banned. Today’s parents are too busy with their responsibilities to run their families effectively. They are frequently unable to teach their students about the subjects.

These factors leave a student alone to gather knowledge and do homework. When these students return to school the next day, their teachers may punish or scold them for their poor presentation.

Table of Contents

Why Homework Should Be Banned

We can’t say that homework is not important, homework also has its importance , but that does not mean that it is too necessary. It creates many types of problems for students and their parents, which is why people demand to ban homework.

Homework help service

These are some of the reasons why homework should be banned -:

Homework Restricts A Student’s Freedom

  • No Time For Exercises
  • No Time To Play Outdoor Games

Often Breaks Students’ Confidence

Homework doing not an achievement, most homework creates bad habits, less time to spend with family members, conflict with parents, downtime at home, negative impact on tests, writing has different effects, extra challenges, homework causes depression, homework provides no real benefit, too much homework means not enough time for yourself, school is a full-time job, no real impact on performance, irrelevant content.

homework restricts a student's freedom

In most cases, children do not want to get up early in the morning. When they sleep for long periods and wake up late in the morning, they feel more relaxed and energetic. The best time for students to spend more time in bed is during the holidays. If kids are assigned homework during the holidays, it becomes a painful task. Students must finish assignments on time, regardless of the consequences. In any case, they must study every day. This is the first reason why homework should be banned.

No Time For Exercises 

no time for excercies

Exercises are suitable for people of all ages. Persons of any age group can do activities. Students go to school, spend hours there, and then return home. They don’t have a lot of time to become fresh and eat. Most students go to their rooms to rest before beginning to work on their homework. They are busy doing school homework at home during the week and on weekends. This is the second reason why homework should be banned.

No Time To Play Outdoor Games 

no time to play outdoor games

More students take part in home activities these days. Students do not have enough free time to participate in sports. They’re on their way out the door to finish their homework. Parents have been unable to discover a solution to this problem. They have all of these headaches and are exhausted. The clock runs its way, and by the time they’ve finished, it’s bedtime. This is the third reason why homework should be banned.

Often Breaks Students' Confidence

Homework cannot be achieved without the use of the tool. Nobody can judge a student’s ability just on their homework. Many students are unfamiliar with the topic and how to complete it correctly. If you provide incorrect information, you will be misusing the concepts you are familiar with. Facts are overpowering, which is why homework should be banned.

Suppose many students do it incorrectly and that several teachers make fun of them in class. Because of uncultured experts, it occurs in many schools. Such activities will break students’ confidence. Regardless, teachers should assist students in gaining a thorough comprehension of concepts and showing how to apply them to the subject. This is the fourth reason why homework should be banned.

Homework Doing Not An Achievement

Students who complete homework according to a teacher’s instructions will not succeed. If you spend all of your time studying and working hard on your lesson, you will not have enough time to do other tasks. It becomes boring for you. It has the potential to impact the causal relationship with others. Doing homework is not a learning process. Students treat homework as though it were a competition with their classmates. This is the fifth reason why homework should be banned.

why do you need to do homework

If a student continues to work on homework, additional study time for another topic will be added to the stack. You will be unable to study and read due to a lack of time. Many students treat homework as though it were a daily task. Homework rarely motivates students. They have no idea what the topic is and finish it without any motivation. This is why homework should be banned because it is discouraging. This is the sixth reason why homework should be banned.

Less Time To Spend With Family Members

A student’s hours are consumed by their homework load. For a child to grasp the relationships between different persons, family time is crucial when they are young. It reduces the amount of time that children must spend with their families. It helps form social bonds and teaches them how to live in society. This is the seventh reason why homework should be banned.

Conflict With Parents

Students frequently refuse to do homework or study. They are exhausted and wish to rest. This might lead to a disagreement between children and their parents. Parents never want to scold their children, but situations force them to do so. This is the eighth reason why homework should be banned.

Homework Can Encourage Cheating

work Can Encourage Cheating

When students have a large amount of work to complete in a short amount of time, they copy from other students. This attempt to duplicate leads to them learning how to cheat effectively such that teachers are unable to differentiate between the two works. If a teacher finds both works similar, they may punish both. With the availability of generative AI writing tools like ChatGPT that assist in making interactive brochures and other homework related tasks. This can get students into a lot of trouble with writing assignments being detected by an accurate AI content detector . This is why homework should be banned. This is the ninth reason why homework should be banned.

Also Read -: Best Homework Songs to Listen

Downtime At Home

After 8 hours in class, 2 hours of homework is a punishment. Professors should provide students with more unscheduled time. Going outside, hanging out with friends, joining hobby organizations, supporting parents, and, yes, watching TV and playing video games all make children feel like kids. This is the tenth reason why homework should be banned.

Negative Impact On Tests

One of the main reasons homework should be banned is that many teachers cannot provide all the information needed to finish the lesson during class. Parents also can’t help their children with all tasks. The friends of students lack the experience to assist them. Online assignment companies are the options for them. They only can help students with their homework of any level. This is the eleventh reason why homework should be banned.

Writing Has Different Effects

Even though students understand the subject, the lack of writing or research skills can cause them to fail the entire course, and many teachers do nothing to help them. This is the twelth reason why homework should be banned.

Extra Challenges

It is challenging for students who juggle their business schedules with activities after classes, internships, and part-time jobs to keep up. They are exhausted at the end of the day. This is the thirteen reason why homework should be banned.

Homework Causes Depression

Having too much homework can negatively affect students’ mental and physical health. Five-six per cent of students say their homework is the primary source of stress and exhaustion, according to a Stanford University study. Lack of sleep, headaches, and weight loss can result from too much homework. This is the fourteen reason why homework should be banned.

Homework Provides No Real Benefit

Many teachers believe that students will become better and remember more if they give them more homework. However, this is not always the case, as more homework results in students not learning. Students are being pushed into a corner of stress by homework instead of using it as a tool to encourage them to learn more.

A lot of homework negatively impacts academic performance. Although homework can contribute to higher grades, it mostly has diminishing returns. This is the fifteen reasons why homework should be banned.

Too Much Homework Means Not Enough Time For Yourself

Students who spend too much time on homework fail to develop their life skills and developmental needs. A student who has too much homework is more likely to avoid participating in activities outside of school, such as sports, music, etc.

Additionally, if students spend all their time doing homework, they may not develop essential life skills, such as independence, cooking skills, time management, or social skills.

Most students feel forced to prioritize their homework over discovering and developing other skills and talents. By not having homework, they could spend more time on their interests, such as dancing, video gaming, and painting, thus fitting into society as they grow older. This is the sixteen reason why homework should be banned.

School Is a Full-Time Job

For most kids in Taiwan, school begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. or later. Each day, kids put in about 9 hours of work into their education. Students do extracurricular activities to compete and survive in society, such as attending cram school, learning musical instruments, and participating in sports. They quickly spend more than 10 hours a day engaged in school-related activities. This is the seventeenth reason why homework should be banned.

No real impact on performance

In 4 hours of weekly home-taken assignments, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) discovered that spending more time on education has no effect on productivity. This is the eighteen reason why homework should be banned.

Irrelevant content

If homework has nothing to do with the topic or subject being studied, it should be banned. It’s unethical to assign homework that students haven’t completed in class and expect good grades. This is the nineteen reason why homework should be banned.

Also read : Is Homework Illegal AnyWhere?

20 Other Reasons about Why Homework Should be Banned

These are the 20 reasons because of why homework should be banned:

  • Waste time of Students
  • It affects the physical health of students
  • It affects the mental health of students
  • Homework does not provide practical knowledge
  • Homework creates the habit of Procrastination in children
  • Because of homework children starts hating study
  • It forces children to work like a robot
  • Homework is boring
  • Does not help that much in study
  • It creates the habit of memorizing concepts in the students
  • Children start thinking of their parents and teachers as a villain
  • Homework creates pressure on the students
  • No time left for students to learn something new
  • Homework repeats the already taught concepts of school
  • The teacher gives a lot of homework to students
  • It increases the daily tasks of the students
  • Another burden on the students
  • No family time left for the students
  • It makes students feel like a puppet
  • Students lose their confidence if they fail to do their homework.

List Of The Pros Of Banning Homework

list of the pros of banning homework, why homework should be banned

Homework Does Not Improve Student Academic Performance.

The reality of homework for modern students is that we don’t know if assigning an extra task outside of class is helpful. Each study contains several flaws, resulting in unreliable data & Students also search for someone to do their homework online. Some research suggests that students in secondary schools or higher can benefit from little homework; banning it for younger students may make sense for their learning experience.

Banning Homework Can Reduce Burnout Among Students.

Today, teachers are paying more attention to homework stress in the classroom. Over 25% of grade school professors say that they have seen students stressed out by homework. When students are dealing with the impact of homework, it can have a tremendous negative impact.

It Can Help You Spend More Time With Your Family.

 Homework creates a noticeable disruption to family connections. It not only cuts down on time spent with family, but it also reduces the opportunities for parents to teach their values and talents to their children. Over half of North American parents say they’ve had a significant disagreement with their children about schoolwork in the last month. Homework is identified as the leading source of trouble in one-third of families.

It Can Reduce The Negative Impact Of Homework On The Student’s Health.

When students fail to complete a homework assignment on time, they suffer mental distress. When the outcome occurs, assumptions are frequently made about the student’s time management skills, but the reasons are usually more complex. It may be too challenging, tedious, or uninteresting, or there may be insufficient time in the day to finish the task. When students fail in this area, it can lead to serious mental health problems. It can discourage a desire to learn in students. Some people believe they are intellectual failures who will never live a good life.

Why Homework is good

Here are a few reasons why homework is good .

  • Increase Memory Power.
  • Enhances Concentration.
  • Homework Strengthens Problem-Solving.
  • Helps in Developing Analytical Skills.
  • Discipline Skills.

Also read : Who Invented Homework And Why? Best Facts You Should Know

List Of The Cons Of Banning Homework

Homework can assist parents and educators in determining a child’s learning skills..

Many children develop a self-defense strategy that helps them fit in with the other students in their class. This procedure allows them to hide learning problems that may be hindering their academic achievement. Because children cannot hide their learning problems while working one-on-one with their parents on specific subjects, homework allows teachers and parents to uncover this problem. By banning homework, you’re removing half of the opportunity to spot possible issues right away.

It Teaches Students How To Manage Their Time Effectively.

As people get older, they recognize that time is a limited resource. To increase productivity, it is critical to managing time wisely. Homework is an excellent technique to encourage the development of abilities in children as early as school. The trick is to keep the time allocated for work to a minimum. Students should spend 10 minutes on schoolwork and plan their schedules accordingly. If a student is having trouble creating a program, the family should provide them with the opportunity to do so.

Homework Allows Parents To Participate In Their Children’s Education.

Parents must be aware of what their children are learning in school. Even when a parent inquires about their children’s learning, the response is more generic than precise. Parents will see and experience their children’s growth in what they are doing while they are at school throughout the day if work is sent home from the classroom. Parents can readily participate in the learning process to reinforce their children’s essential concepts every day.

Is Homework Good or Bad?

What are your thoughts on whether is homework good or bad ? It is essential to consult with students and their parents. Parents work hard to keep track of their children’s progress in every field. When it comes to family tours and celebrations, homework becomes a source of frustration. The majority of homework takes up a child’s spare time. To live, it’s not enough to breathe. More is required for a student to have a happy childhood and grow peacefully. It would help if you understood why homework should be banned.

Another point to consider is that homework is not an after-school activity. Parents provide tutors for their children who are having difficulty with their homework. This keeps a student occupied during their free time. Many parents choose to send their children to boarding schools. You should be aware of your child’s activities and achievements. It is a source of worry about whether homework is harmful or beneficial to students. It is something that parents and teachers should seriously consider.

Should We Get Rid of Homework?

Homework is a big topic, and some people wonder if we should get rid of it. Homework is when teachers give you work to do at home, like math problems, reading, or projects. Some people think it’s a good way to practice what you learned in school, but others say it’s not so great.

People who want to get rid of homework say it can be too much. It can take up a lot of your free time, leaving less time to play and relax. Some kids also feel stressed and worried about getting their homework done. They might even need help from their parents, and that can be tough if their parents are busy too.

But not everyone agrees. Some think homework helps you learn better. It can reinforce what you learn in class and make you more responsible. You can also get extra practice, which might make you better at things like math or reading.

In this blog, we have discussed why homework should be banned and the pros and cons of banning homework. I hope you have understood why homework should be banned easily. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are the negative effects of too much homework.

Overburdening students with homework can lead to stress, worry, despair, physical illnesses, and even lower exam scores.

How much homework is appropriate for high schoolers?

Students in high school are capable of handling additional schoolwork. According to the 10-minute rule per grade, freshmen should have no more than 90 minutes of homework, and seniors should have no more than 2 hours.

Why does homework exist?

Homework helps teachers determine how well the lessons are being understood by their students.

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